05-5540 (CSCS) Geotechnical InvestigationCITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT, DATE kHK L E I N F E L D E R An employes owned compas y REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION ' PROPOSED COSTCO WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE SWC OF HWY 111 AND JEFFERSON STREET LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA May 23, 2005 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page i of iv May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inca 1 3 t' KLEINFELDER An employee owned company j June 22, 2005 Project No. 55403 Ms. Wendy Worthey HDR Engineering, Inc. 8690 Balboa Avenue, Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92123 v" oo�� 1\111 OEC Subject: Supplemental Geotechnical Investigation Proposed Costco Wholesale Warehouse SWC of Jefferson Street and Highway 111 La Quinta, California Dear. Ms. Worthey: CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. DATE -Ii (-== BY In accordance with your authorization, Kleinfelder has prepared this report to presenting the results of our supplemental geotechnical investigation for the proposed waterline alignment located at the subject site. Our services were performed in general accordance with our revised proposal dated May 20, 2005. 1 References 1. Revised Foundation Recommendations, Proposed Costco Wholesale, SWC of Jefferson Street and Highway 111, La Quinta, California, Prepared by Kleinfelder, Inc., dated June 9, 2005, Project No. 55403/GEO 2. Report of Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Costco Wholesale, SWC of Jefferson Street and } Highway 111, La Quinta, California, Prepared by Kleinfelder, Inc., dated May 23, 2005, Project No. I 55403/GEO. 1 3. Costco La Quinta, South of Intersection of Highway 111 and Depot Drive, and Northwest of La Quinta Evacuation Channel, La Quinta, California, Contract Amendment No. 2, Prepared by Kleinfelder, Inc., dated May 20, 2005, Project No. 55403/GEO. Scope of Work 1 Our authorized scope of work consisted of the following primary tasks; 1 J • Mark boring locations and contact Underground Service Alert; • Conducting a field exploration program to evaluate the onsite soil conditions; 1 • Laboratory testing to evaluate the strength parameters of the soils encountered; • Preparation of this report. I } A summary of our understanding of the project and our findings, conclusions, and recommendations are summarized in the following sections. I 55403-1/1)BA5R114 Page 1 of 3 June 22, 2005 Copyright 2005 Kleinfelder, Inc, KLEINFELDER 1370 Valley Vista Drive, Suite 150, Diamond Bar, CA 91765-3910 (909) 396-0335 (909) 396-1324 fax Project Background and Site Description On May 23, 2005, Kleinfelder provided a geotechnical investigation regarding the building pad, gas station, and adjacent parking areas for the subject site. Subsequent to the previous field investigation, an investigation was requested by HDR Engineering on May 11, 2005 to perform a supplemental investigation on a proposed waterline. Based on the information provided to Kleinfelder by Fuscoe Engineering, the additional waterline was proposed to be constructed on the eastern portion of the site. In order to extend the limits of our previous geotechnical investigation, four additional borings were completed to supplement our geotechnical investigation dated May 23, 2005. The waterline is proposed to extend east from the Costco property, across vacant property currently owned by the City of Indio. The waterline is proposed to cross the La Quinta Evacuation Channel and connect to existing utility lines in Jefferson j Street. J The proposed alignment is generally flat, with some small mounds and dunes .and slopes slightly from. north to south. The alignment is currently vacant although there is an existing Gas Station and Car Wash to the north and east. The existing ground surface consists of approximately 12 to 1,8 inches of loose and dry soils with weeds and scrub brush. Field Investigation A total of 4 borings were drilled along the proposed water pipe alignment at the site. Two soil borings were advanced, one on either side of the La Quinta Evacuation Channel. Two soil borings were also. performed along the alignment that is proposed to run in the east/west direction across the site. The borings were conducted using a truck mounted hollow -stem auger drill rig provided by CalPac Drilling of Calimesa, California. The borings were advanced to depths ranging from approximately 11.5 to 31.5 feet below the existing ground surface. The borings were backfilled using the soil cuttings. The approximate locations of the borings are presented on Plate 2, Plot Plan. A staff professional from Kleinfelder logged the borings and collected drive and bulk samples that were sealed and transported to our laboratory for further evaluation. The logs of the four borings are presented on Plates A-2 through A-5, Log of Borings. Laboratory Testing Laboratory testing was performed on representative samples to provide engineering characteristics of the subsurface soils. The testing included sieve analysis, collapse potential, direct shear, moisture content and unit weight determinations, and preliminary corrosivity testing. The results of the laboratory testing performed are presented on Tables 1 through 3 and Plates B-1 through B-3, attached. Subsurface Conditions Our borings were performed within the area of the proposed waterline. Based on the previous report, and the current field information obtained, it appears that existing fill/disturbed native soils are derived locally from the local soils observed elsewhere at the site. The soils generally consist of sands and silty sands with varying amounts of gravel. The density of the material derived from the blow counts is determined to be loose to dense. Groundwater was not encountered during our investigation. i 55403-1/DBA5R114 Page 2 of 3 copyright 2005 Kleinfelder, Inc. June 22, 2005 KLEINFELDER 1370 Valley Vista Drive, Suite 150, Diamond Bar, CA 91765-3910 (909) 396-0335 (909) 396-1324 fax Conclusions and Recommendations :t Based on the results of our field exploration and laboratory testing and our understanding of the design and construction, it is our professional opinion that the proposed water pipeline is geotechnically feasible. The conclusions and recommendations presented in our previous reports for the project (referenced above) remain valid and applicable to the proposed waterline project. I Limitations The findings, conclusions and recommendations presented in this report were prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practice. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. Our corrosion recommendations are preliminary, as Kleinfelder is not a corrosion engineering consultant. Specific recommendations for corrosion protection should be obtained from a 1 corrosion specialist. This report may be used only by the client and only for the purposes stated, within a reasonable time from its issuance. Land use, site conditions (both on site and off site) or other factors may change over time, and additional work may be required with the passage of time. Based on the intended use of this report and the nature of the new project, Kleinfelder may require that additional work be performed and that an updated report be issued. Non-compliance with any of these requirements by the client or anyone else will release Kleinfelder from any liability resulting from the use of this report by any unauthorized party. l We appreciate the opportunity of providing geotechnical engineering services to you on this project. If J you should have any questions or require additional information, please contact us. Respectfully submitted, KLEINFELDER, INC. �e=�' ' I ldp�� <�op �G 1 ' J Ro.2506 z .1 E.�2.OS•30o �- j Jeffery D. Waller Eric W. Noel, P.E., 9N Senior Professional Senior Geotechnical���F�` cc: Peter Clement, .Costco Wholesale Jeffery Wilson, MulvannyG2 Architecture 1 Attachments: Plate 1 — Site Vicinity Map Plate 2 — Plot Plan Plates A-1 a and A-1 b — Legend to Logs Plates A-2 through A-5 — Logs of Borings Plate B-1 —Grain Size Distribution Plate B-2 — Collapse Potential Test Plate B-3 — Direct Shear Test Table 1 — Moisture and Density Test Results Table 2 — Wash Sieve Test Results Table 3 — Corrosion Test Results 55403-1/DBA5R114 Copyright 2005 Kleinfelder, Inc. Page 3 of 3 June 22, 2005 KLEINFELDER 1370 Valley Vista Drive, Suite 150, Diamond Bar, CA 91765-3910 (909) 396-0335 (909) 396-1324 fax ��:2.`.u��i.Ci:•:t% �;[.`. 2'�n_'.�a�..� `, ��"t'xr; csil4-c�,iG��� � .��S.c�',::� �'��."` '�w��.'4'���t! 1 �� �.C9rai r• , � 1 0.7 0.5 1.8 0.4 2.5 Table 3 Corrosion Test Results T-1 June 22, 2005 'N' I AVENUE p 44• $ BM 33 Yr.,; ea- P -6yu S!phae:­:• ` Weil k {), ' AVENUE i 20 ! MILES v .:'::it'VENUE.1�-t 1.9 i I � i oln#"` Happy I j J i ry AVENUE .46 fed _ 3 �_-�P - .v �I a •. . �!� . � Q �� • _ � ® Maass=ss= Q41 � C tCkfL�4. 1 "' •• r'_�''-.•.� - !' �n :mesa If• •: ' '• �@6j • may; � . Z !� 72 Elm —28 iff -29 O'N 30 Park '� q:. NUE _ 48 We., - Well .. .__ Welt q � `i j 31 l�....AVENUE 33n Well 49 k i t� • @. �� Water {UE • 50 t n !34 A r' •50 SOURCE: U.S.G.S. 7.5' topogrophic series. Lo Ouinta• California 0 FEET 2.000 quadrangle dated 1959, photorevised 1980. C05TC0 LA QUINTA �TE Highway 111 West of Jefferson Street Lo Quints, California SITE LOCATION MAP KLEINFEL.DER Project: 55403 June 2005 PROPERTY BOUNDARY FFEET 150 EXPLANATION B-38 APPROXIMATE SOIL BORING LOCATION (JUNE 2005) 8-34 $ APPROXIMATE SOIL BORING LOCATION (MAY 2005) TP -4 APPROXIMATE TEST PIT LOCATION (MAY 2005) w Date Drilled 6/14/05 Water Depth: Not Encountered Drilled By: Cal-Pac Drilling Date Measured: 6/14/05 Drilling Method: Mobile B-61, 8" HSA Elevation: 55 feet (approx.) Logged By: J. Waller Datum: MSL X g q O [ GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION � OBD z o c a A AND CLASSIFICATION 3 a A3�U QE'��a --ISM Disturbed Native: Gs Silty Sand (SM): light brown, slightly moist, fine to -ism coar _ _ffained, with finegravel- — — — — — — — — — — — — — —i Native: Silty Sand (SM): brown, moist, fine to medium 505 2 grained. CP 16 ffj -- @ 5 feet: light brown, slightly moist, medium dense. 4s 10— 3wA 12 , ' sP ---------------------------------- Sand (SP): light brown, slightly moist, medium dense, fine to medium grained. 40 15— 4 25 as 2p 5 24 30 25 6 31 @ 25 feet: increase fine sand, decrease medium sand. — ' SM ---------------------------------- Silty Sand (SM): brown, moist, medium dense, fine to 25 30 7 18 medium grained. Total Depth: 31.5 feet. Groundwater not encountered. Boring backfilled with soil cuttings. K L E I N F E L D E R Costco La Quinta PLATE k La Quinta, California LOG OF BORING B-35 A-2 PROJECT NO. 55403 Legend to Logs on Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers maybe gradual i Date Drilled 6/14/05 Water Depth: Not Encountered Drilled By: Cal-Pac Drilling Date Measured: 6/14/05 Drilling Method: Mobile B-61, 8" HSA Elevation: 55 feet (approx.) Logged By: J. Waller Datum: MSL a $ 8 c GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION z H A AND 3 ��+� CLASSIl�KATION p W..A AO A Ca 8 QF�s slut Disturbed Native: slut Silty Sand (SM): brown, slightly moist, fine to kmedium Arrained, some coarse sand and fine gravel. Native: .: SP Silty Sand (SAI): brown, moist, fine to medium so 5— i ----------------- --------� DS 12 Sand (SP): brown, slighty moist, file to medium grained. -- @ 5 feet: medium dense, increase silt at bottom. 45 10- 2 18 -- @ 10 feet: disturbed. .. sm ---------------------------------- Silty Sand (SNI): light brown, slightly moist, medium dense, fine to medium grained. 40 15-3 it 3s 20 4 16 -- @ 20 feet: increase fine sand. 30 25 5 14. @ 25 feet: fine sand. is 3 6 14 Total Depth: 31.5 feet. Groundwater not encountered. Boring backfilled with soil cuttings. K L E I N F E L D E R Costco La Quinta PLATE k La Quinta, California LOG OF BORING B-36 A-3 PROJECT NO. 55403 Legend to Logs on Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types sbown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. Date Drilled 6/14/05 Water Depth: Not Encoutnered Drilled By: Cal-Pac Drilling Date Measured: 6/14/05 Drilling Method: Mobile B-61, 8" HSA Elevation: 55 feet (approx.) Logged By: J. Waller Datum: MSL w oa . � GEOTECE ICAL DESCRIPTION 3 s a s A AND CLASSIFICATION a \ a 3 � p v e w A m cfi n I d ¢Ha sm Silty Sand (SM: brown, moist, fine to medium 1 24 grained. -- @ 1 foot: medium dense. 2 SP Sand (SP): light brown, slightly moist, fine to medium So 5 3 11 grained. WA -- @ 5 feet: loose. HL Sandy Silt (Nffi): light brown, slightly moist, stiff, fine grained sand. 45 10 4 14 --@ 10 feet: medium dense, 6 inch silty sand layer. Total Depth: 11.5 feet. Groundwater not encountered. Boring backfilled with soil cuttings. k K L E I N F E L D E RCostco La Quinta La Quinta, California PLATE LOG OF BORING B-37 A-4 PROJECT NO. 55403 Legend to Logs on Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may he gradual Date Drilled 6/14/05 Water Depth: Not Encountered Drilled By: Cal-Pac Drilling Date Measured: 6/14/05 Drilling Method: Mobile B-61, 8" HSA Elevation: 55 feet (approx.) Logged By: J. Waller Datum: MSL g 23 .[ GEOTECBNICAL DESCRIPTION w a A v AND CLASSIFICATION 3 a a w A 0 ca on v" A3 d SM Silty Sand (SAI): light brown, moist, fine to medium 1 a34 grained, trace fine gravel. -- @ 1 foot: dense. so 5 2 28 - -13 -- @ 5 feet: medium dense. CHEM as 10 3 ' 18 ' ---------------------------------- Total Depth: 11.5 feet. Groundwater not encountered. Boring backfilled with soil cuttings. K L E I N F E L D E RCostco La Quinta PLATE k La Quinta, California LOG OF BORING B-38 A-5 PROJECT NO. 55403 Legend to Logs on Plate A-1 Note: The boon daries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. STANDARD 1 1 #60 #100 #200 It oil�III1��llt_ a'1 80 70 z 60 H N w 50 H z w w 40 a a H 30 20 a 10 0 l u 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE (mm) GRAVEL SAND SILT CLAY coarse I fine I coarse I medium fine Symbol Sampie Depth (ft) Description Classification • 6-35 0-5 Silty Sand SM K KLEINFELDER PROJECT NO. 56403 Costco La Quanta Highway 111 West of Jefferson Street La Quanta, California GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION WILIFU B-1 t•� q —L r r 0 r- 1 ^ 2 ck. z H i E9 3 L w a c� H H 4 a w 5 6 7 1 g 0.1 1 10 100 VERTICAL STRAIN ( ksf ) Sample B-35 Depth 1 5.0 Description Silty Sand Classification SM Initial Moisture Content: 0.7% 1 Collapse Potential 0.55 Initial Dry Density : 100 pcf Severity of Collapse Slight Final Moisture Content: % Costco La Quinta PLATE k1T K L E I N F E L D E R Highway 111 West of Jefferson Street La Quinta, California COLLAPSE POTENTIAL TEST B'2 PROJECT NO. 55403 4 I" rn x co 3 w H C4 F4 W 2 cox 1 0L 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 NORMAL STRESS - ksi Test type controlled - strain test Rate of shear - in/min 0.05 Normal Stress - psf 1000 2000 4000 Maximum Shear - psf 936 1404 ' 2436 Shear Strain - % - - - Initial Moisture Content : 0.9% Initial Dry Density : 98 pcf Final Moisture Content: 25.1% i. kF K L E I N F E L D E R PROJECT NO. 55403 Boring 36 Depth - ft 5.0 Friction Angle - deg 27 Cohesion - ksf 0.42 Description Sand Classification SI' Costco La Quinta PLATE Highway 111 West of Jefferson Street La Quinta, California DIRECT SHEAR TEST B-3 kn KLEINFELDER n An employee owned company ' r 'F May 23, 2005 Project No. 55403/GEO , Sw Ms. Wendy Worthey HDR Engineering, Inc. 8690 Balboa Avenue, Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92123 Subject: Report of Geotechnical Investigation Proposed Costco Wholesale Warehouse SWC of Jefferson Street and Highway 111 La Quinta, California Dear Ms. Worthey: Kleinfelder, Inc. is pleased to present this report summarizing our geotechnical investigation performed for the proposed Costco Wholesale Warehouse at the subject site. The site is -located at the southwest corner of Jefferson Street and Highway 111 in La Quinta, California. The results of our geotechnical investigation, and our conclusions and recommendations for geotechnical design of the project, are presented in the attached report. In summary, the building loads may be adequately supported on spread foundations founded on engineered fill. The upper soils appear to have a slight to moderate potential for collapse; therefore, we recommend that the soils be overexcavated prior to construction of the proposed site improvements. The conclusions and recommendations presented in this report are subject to the limitations presented in Section 6.' The final grading. plans were not available at the time this report was prepared. Therefore, our grading recommendations should be reviewed when final grading plans are complete. We appreciate the opportunity of providing geotechnical engineering services to you on this project. If you should have any questions or require additional information, please contact us. Respectfully submitted, KLEINFELDER, INC. .rroject r,ngmeer nor; ';- - W fyNo 2 of i m� t5 rn Eric W. Noel, P.E., 1 Senior Geotechnical 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page ii of iv May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. KLEINFELDER 1370 Valley Vista Drive, Suite 150, Diamond Bar, CA 91765-3910 '(909) 396-0335 (909) 396-1324 fax CM,M KLEINFELDER TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page EXECUTIVESUMMARY..............................................................................................ES-1 1 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................1 1.1 Purpose and Scope...................................................................................................1 1.2 Proposed Project......................................................................................................3 2 SITE AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS..........................................................................4 2.1 Site Description........................................................................................................4 2.2 Subsurface Soil Conditions......................................................................................4 2.2.1 General.........................................................................................................4 Seismic Design Considerations..............................................................................10 2.2.2 Soil Conditions.............................................................................................4 2.3 Surface Water Conditions........................................................................................5 2.4 ' Groundwater Conditions..........................................................................................5 3 GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS..................................................................................................6 3.1 Regional Geology....................................................................................................6 3.2 Geologic Hazards.....................................................................................................6 3.3 Faulting and Seismicity............................................................................................7 4 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS...............................................................10 4.1 General...................................................................................................................10 4.2 Seismic Design Considerations..............................................................................10 2.2.3 Ground Shaking.........................................................................................11 2.2.4 Liquefaction...............................................................................................11 2.2.5 Seismically -Induced Settlement.................................................................12 2.2.6 Other Seismic Considerations....................................................................12 4.3 Earthwork recommendations.................................................................................12 2.2.7 General....... .........:................................. ................12 2.2.8 Subgrade Preparation.................................................................................13 2.2.9 Excavation Conditions...............................................................................14 4.4 Temporary Excavations.........................................................................................14 2.2. 10 General.......................................................................................................14 2.2.11 Excavations and Slopes..............................................................................15 4.5 Engineered Fill.................................................................................................. 15 2.2.12 Materials....................................................................................................15 2.2.13 Compaction Criteria...................................................................................16 4.6 Trench Backfill......................................................................................................16 2.2.14 Materials....................................................................................................16 2.2.15 Compaction Criteria...................................................................................17 4.7 Drainage and Landscaping.....................................................................................17 4.8 Shallow Foundations..............................................................................................17 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page iii of iv May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. " KLEINFELDER 2.2.16 Allowable Bearing Pressures..................................................... 2.2.17 Estimated Settlements................................................................ 2.2.18 Lateral Resistance...................................................................... 2.2:19 Construction/Design Considerations ......................................... 4.9 Lateral Earth Pressures.......................................................................... 4.10 Concrete Slabs Supported -On -Grade ..................................................... 4.11 Preliminary Pavement Design................................................................ 2.2.20 Asphalt -Concrete Pavement Sections....... .................................. 2.2.21 Portland Cement Concrete Pavement ........................................ 4.12 Expansive Soils...................................................................................... 4.13 Corrosivity............................................................................................. ...............17 ...............18 ...............18 ...............19 ...............19 ...............20 ...............20 ...............20 ...............22 ...............22 ...............23 5 ADDITIONAL SERVICES..................................................................................................24 5.1 Plans and Specifications Review...........................................................................24 5.2 Construction Observation and Testing...................................................................24 6 LIMITATIONS .............................. 7 REFERENCES ...................................... PLATES Plate 1 — Site Location Map Plate 2 — Plot Plan APPENDICES Appendix A — Exploratory Borings and Test Pits Appendix B — Laboratory Testing ....................................................................2 5 ...............................................................26 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page iv of iv May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder,Inc. M� KLEINFELDER EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The proposed Costco Wholesale Warehouse is located at the southwest corner of Jefferson Street and Highway 111 in La Quinta, California (Plate 1). The total site is approximately 17 acres in area. We understand that the project will consist of the construction of an approximately 150,000 -square -foot Costco Wholesale Warehouse and a Costco gas station as shown on the site plan (Plate 2). The remainder of the site will be utilized for loading, parking and drive/access areas. The subsurface conditions encountered at the site generally consisted of silty sand and sand with occasional layers of sandy silt to the total depth explored. The coarse-grained material is generally loose to medium dense. Groundwater was not encountered within any of our borings during our field exploration and is reported to be deeper than 100 feet below the ground surface. Groundwater levels may fluctuate with climate, irrigation, and future construction influences that were not present at the time of our field exploration. Based on our review of the data collected during our investigation, it is our opinion that, from a geotechnical standpoint, the site is suitable for the proposed development. The following key items are conclusions developed from our investigation: • There are no mapped active or potentially active faults crossing the site, which would affect the proposed construction. • The site is located in the seismically active southern California area and the structure should be designed to tolerate seismic shaking in accordance with the Uniform Building Code. • The potential for liquefaction is considered to be remote. • Seismically -induced settlement (settlement of soils during seismic shaking without the presence of groundwater) is estimated to be less than 1 inch when incorporating the earthwork recommendations presented herein. We estimate the differential settlement due to seismic shaking to be less than 1/2 inch. 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page ES -1 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. KLEINFELDER • New fills constructed from the on-site materials can be used to support conventional shallow foundations and floor slabs with an allowable maximum bearing capacity of 3,000 pounds per square foot (psf), provided that the site preparation and grading is conducted in accordance with the recommendations presented in this report. lulu _ ►7 iA1�1017v-61111 y n m::.:>?::::.::<::::;:>:::< :::;Recommended Parameter:<°;::::: eference Re ort Pa e= :;.:: ,..... .Existin .Site Ctindition. .':< :,c.:':. `?: >:; No .::..... . Foundations: Footing Bearing Pressure (psf) 2,000 psf. The bearing pressure may be increased by 250 psf for each foot of additional width or 17 depth, to a maximum value of 3,000 psf. Foundation Overexcavation Minimum of 5 feet below footing 12 bottom Passive Lateral Resistance 300 psf per foot 18 Coefficient of Friction 0.35 18 Soil Expansion None 22 Pavements and Slabs: Asphalt Concrete Pavement Structural Sections 20 Parking Areas (TI = 5) 3.0" AC / 4.0" AB Access Lanes (TI = 7) 4.0" AC / 4.5" AB Portland Cement Concrete Pavement 6" PCCP/ 4" AB 22 Section Building Floor Slabs -on -Grade Bearing on a minimum of 5 feet of engineered fill 20 Pro'ect Site Conditions: Groundwater Depth >I 00 feet 5 Existing Underground Structures Unknown 4 Existing Aboveground Structures None 4 This is an executive summary of findings and should not be relied upon without consulting the attached report for a more detailed description of the geotechnical evaluation performed by Kleinfelder, Inc. for Costco Wholesale, Inc. It is subject to the limitations included in Section 6 of our report and the ASFE (the Association of Engineering Firms Practicing in the Geosciences) insert included following this summary. 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page ES -2 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. 1,24 KLEINFELDER 1 INTRODUCTION Kleinfelder, Inc. (Kleinfelder) was retained by HDR Engineering, Inc. (HDR) to conduct a geotechnical investigation for the proposed Costco Wholesale Warehouse and Costco Gasoline at the subject site. Our services were performed in general accordance to our proposal dated March 1, 2005. The site is located at the southwest corner of Jefferson Street and Highway 111 in La Quinta, California. The location of the site is shown on Plate 1, Site Location Map. 1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of this geotechnical exploration and analysis was to explore and evaluate the subsurface soil conditions at the proposed site and provide design -level geotechnical recommendations for the project. This investigation also addresses the anticipated seismic shaking at the site, groundwater levels and earthwork considerations. A description of the scope of work performed is presented below. Task 1 — Literature Review/Utility Clearance. We reviewed published and unpublished geologic literature in our files and the files of selected public agencies including publications prepared by the California Division of Mines and Geology and the U.S. Geological Survey. We reviewed available appropriate seismic and faulting information including designated earthquake fault zones and our in-house. database of faulting in the general site vicinity. We also reviewed reports previously prepared for the site by other consultants (refer to references). Each of our proposed boring locations was cleared for known existing utility lines and with the participating utility companies through Underground Service Alert (USA). Task 2 - Field Exploration. A total of 34 hollow -stem auger borings and 4 test pits were advanced within the area of the proposed project. The borings were advanced to depths of approximately 11'/2 to 511/2 feet below grade. The test pits were excavated to depths ranging from 5.5 to 8 feet below the existing ground surface. The locations of the borings and test pits are presented on Plate 2, Plot Plan. A Kleinfelder engineer supervised the field operations and logged the borings and test pits. Selected drive and bulk samples were retrieved, sealed and 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page 1 of 27 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. KLEINFELDER transported to our laboratory for further evaluation. Our typical sampling interval within the borings was approximately 5 feet. The number of blows necessary to drive both a Standard Penetration Test (SPT) sampler and a California -type sampler were recorded. A description of the field exploration and a Legend to the Logs of Borings is presented in Appendix A. Task 3 - Laboratory Testing. Laboratory testing was performed on representative bulk, relatively undisturbed and disturbed samples to substantiate field classifications and to provide engineering parameters for geotechnical design. Testing consisted of: • In situ moisture and density • Grain size distribution • Collapse Potential • Direct shear • Maximum Density/Optimum Moisture Content • R -value • Corrosion tests The results of our laboratory testing are presented in Appendix B. AP Engineering and Testing Inc. was retained to perform the corrosion testing. The corrosion test results are also presented in Appendix B. Task 4 - Geotechnical Analyses. Field and laboratory data were analyzed in conjunction with the site plan and estimated building loads. We evaluated potential foundation systems, lateral earth pressures, hydro -consolidation potential, pavement design and earthworks considerations. Potential geologic hazards were evaluated, such as ground shaking, liquefaction potential, fault rupture hazard and seismically -induced settlement. Design recommendations for use with standard UBC (1997) seismic design were considered. Task 5 - Report Preparation. This report was prepared presenting our findings, conclusions and recommendations for earthwork and foundation engineering. Recommendations for foundation type(s), allowable bearing pressure, estimated settlement, passive resistance, lateral 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page 2 of 27 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. k'q KLEINFELDER earth pressures for retaining structures and seismicity are presented. This report also contains a site map, logs of the borings and test pits and laboratory test results. 1.2 PROPOSED PROJECT Based on our review of the Concept Site Plan (DD1.1-04) dated January 7, 2005, we understand the approximately 16.77 -acre site, currently undeveloped, will be developed as an approximately 148,663 -square -foot COSTCO Wholesale Warehouse and an associated four island fuel facility. We anticipate that the building will be a single -story, steel -framed, and concrete -masonry -unit structure supported by conventional shallow foundations with concrete slabs on grade. The gas station will contain three 20,000 -gallon underground tanks, fueling stations, and a pre - manufactured metal canopy. The surrounding construction will consist mainly of parking with some landscape areas. We have assume maximum column loads to be 150. kips, perimeter and canopy column loads to be 50 kips, typical wall loads to be 3 to 4.5 kips per lineal foot, and total slab load to be 500 psf. 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page 3 of 27 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. EWM KLEINFELDER 2 SITE AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 2.1 SITE DESCRIPTION The site of the proposed development is located west of the Jefferson Street and on the south side of Highway 111 in La Quinta, California. The total site is approximately 17 acres in area. The site is bounded by Highway 111 on the north, vacant property to the east, an earthen channel on the south and existing residential property to the west. The site is generally flat, with some small mounds and dunes and slopes slightly from north to south. The site is currently vacant. The existing ground surface consists of approximately 12 to 18 inches of very loose and dry soils with weeds and scrub brush. 2.2 SUBSURFACE SOIL CONDITIONS 2.2.1 General The following paragraphs summarize the results of our field exploration. The boring logs and test pit logs (presented in Appendix A) should be reviewed for a more detailed description of the subsurface conditions at the locations explored. 2.2.2 Soil Conditions The site is generally underlain by interbedded layers of silty sand, sandy silt and sand to the maximum depth explored (51.5 feet). The soils were generally in a loose to medium dense condition and generally became more dense with depth. For coarse-grained soils, the SPT equivalent blow counts varied from 2 to 36 blows per foot, indicating very loose to dense consistencies. In-situ dry densities of the soils tested varied from approximately 88 to 102 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) at moisture contents varying between 0.3 and 6.9 percent. The near - surface soils have a slight to moderate potential for collapse when inundated with water. See Appendix A for a more detailed explanation of the field exploration. 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page 4 of 27 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Meinfelder, Inc. OEM KLEINFELDER 2.3 SURFACE WATER CONDITIONS Surface water drainage across the ungraded site is predominately towards the south following local topography via sheet flow. Portions of the site are currently situated within Zone X, a 500 -year flood hazard zone or 100 year flood hazard zone that is protected by levee improvements (FEMA, 2005). The 100 year zone is confined to the La Quinta Evacuation Channel located immediately adjacent to the . southeastern margin of the site. 2.4 GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS Groundwater was not encountered in any of the 34 borings and 4 test pits ranging from 6 feet to 51.5 feet below the ground surface (bgs) that were advanced for this investigation. The historical high groundwater level is reported to be greater than 100 feet below the surface of the site (CVWD, 2005). Fluctuations of the groundwater level, localized zones of perched water, and soil moisture content should be anticipated during and following the rainy season. Irrigation of landscaped areas on or immediately adjacent to the site can also cause a fluctuation of local groundwater levels. 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page 5 of 27 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. KLEINFELDER 3 GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS 3.1 REGIONAL GEOLOGY The site is located along the southwestern side of the Coachella Valley. Locally, the Coachella Valley represents the northern portion of the Salton Trough geomorphic province of California. Structurally, the Coachella Valley is bounded on the north by the Little San Bernardino Mountains, on the west by the Santa Rosa Mountains, and on the east by the Indio Mecca Hills. The Coachella Valley extends towards the south as the Salton Trough into the Gulf of California. The site is regionally geologically mapped to be underlain by alluvium consisting of gravel, sand, silt, and clay (CDMG, 1965). In our borings alluvial soils were encountered consisting of eolian sand and alluvial sands, silty sand, and silts. Underlying the alluvium at depth are crystalline basement complex of the area. 3.2 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS Since the site is located in a relatively flat lying valley floor area, we do not consider that landslides or other forms of natural slope instability to represent a significant hazard to the project. The elevated inland location of the site is not situated near any impounded bodies of water; therefore, tsunami and seiche are not considered potential hazards to the project. The site is not located within a State of California or Riverside County designated Seismic Hazard Zone for seismically induced slope instability, liquefaction potential, or Earthquake Fault Rupture Hazard Zone for active surface faulting (DMG, 1999; Hart and Bryant, 1997; Riverside County, 1997). The most significant geologic hazard to the project is the potential for moderate to strong ground shaking resulting from earthquakes generated on the faults within the vicinity of the site. In the vicinity of the site, approximately 29 known active faults have been mapped within a 62 -mile (100 -kilometer) radius of the site. 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page 6 of 27 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. �� KLEINFELDER 3.3 FAULTING AND SEISMICITY We consider the most significant geologic hazard to the project to be the potential for moderate to strong seismic shaking that is likely to occur during the design life of the proposed project. The project site is located in the highly seismic Southern California region within the influence of several fault systems that are considered to be active or potentially active. An active fault is defined by the State of California as a "sufficiently active and well defined fault" that has exhibited surface displacement within the Holocene time (about the last 11,000 years). A potentially active fault is defined by the State as a fault with a history of movement within Pleistocene time (between 11,000 and 1.6 million years ago). These active and potentially active faults are capable of producing potentially damaging seismic shaking at the site. It is anticipated that the project site will periodically experience ground acceleration as the result of moderate to large magnitude earthquakes. Other active faults without surface expression (blind faults) are also capable of generating an earthquake, or other potentially active seismic sources are not currently zoned and are known to be locally present under the region. Faults identified by the State as being either active or potentially active are not currently known to be present at the surface of the site. The site is not currently located within a State of California or Riverside County designated Earthquake Fault Rupture Hazard Zone for active surface faulting (Hart and Bryant, 1997; Riverside County, 1997). We have performed a computer-aided search of the known active and potentially active faults within a 62 -mile (100 -kilometer) radius of the site and researched available literature to assess the expected maximum magnitude earthquakes to be generated on each fault. Table 1 summarizes parameters for one of the 29 known active and potentially active faults within the searched radius of the site that in our opinion may have the greatest impact upon the site. Selection of this fault was based on its proximity to the site and their potential to generate moderate to strong ground motion on the site. Table 1 was generated using, in part, the EQFAULT computer program (Blake, 2000), as modified using the fault parameters from CGS Open File Report 96-08 revised June 2003, and the 1997 UBC fault maps (ICBO, 1998). This table does not identify the probability of reactivation or the onsite effects from earthquakes occurring on any of the other faults in the region. The approximate center of the site is located on the USGS 71-�', La Quinta, California 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page 7 of 27 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. f� KLEINFELDER Quadrangle, at Latitude 33.7060°N and Longitude 116.2737°W, between approximately the 50 - foot and 60 -foot elevations (MSL). Table 1 aignilicant rauns southern section 'As defined by the ICBO (1998) and CDMG (OFR 96-08). A number of moderate earthquakes have occurred in the vicinity of the project site in the past years. The parameters used by the EQSearch program (Blake, 2000) to define the limits of the historical earthquake search include geographical limits (within 100 km of the site), dates (1800 through 2004), and magnitude (magnitudes above M 4). A summary of the results of the historical search is presented below. Table 2 Historic seismicity Time period (1800 to 2004) 205 years Maximum Magnitude within 62.1 mi. (100 km) radius (6/28/1992) M 7.6 Approximate distance to nearest historical earthquake, > M4.0 3.3 miles Maximum Calculated Historic Site Acceleration during period 0.12 g Number of events exceeding magnitude 4 within the search area 724 Under the current understanding of regional seismo-tectonics, the largest maximum magnitude event to significantly impact the site may be generated by the San Andreas Fault (southern section) having a moment magnitude of M 7.2. The CGS (2005) indicates a 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years for an acceleration of 0.6g for alluvial sites within this area. The site is located in Seismic Zone 4 of the 1997 edition of the Uniform Building Code (UBC). Structures should be designed in accordance with the values and parameters given within the UBC. 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page 8 of 27 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. M KLEINFELDER Near -Source Seismic Zone In addition to the determination of fault activity, faults are also type classified as an A, B, or C for Near -Source Zone ground motion (Ca, Cv, Na and Nv) by both the State, and ICBO (in the UBC, Table 16-U), according to parameters of known slip rate, and maximum earthquake magnitude. This classification is as follows: • Type A: seismic source capable of generating an earthquake with a magnitude greater than or equal to 7.0 and slip rate greater than or equal to 5mm/yr. • Type B: seismic source capable of generating an earthquake with a magnitude greater than or equal to 7.0 with a slip rate <5mm/yr.; or magnitude <7.0 with a slip rate >2mrn/yr.; or a magnitude greater than or equal to 6.5 with a slip rate <2mm/yr. • Type C: seismic source capable of generating an earthquake with a magnitude M<6.5 and a slip rate less than or equal to 2mm/yr, or is un -rated under the current knowledge. The site is located approximately 8.3 km from the both the San Andreas Fault (Coachella / southern section), within the 5 to 10 km Active Fault Near -Source (Seismic) Zone . The San Andreas Fault (Coachella / southern section) is a Type A faults as designated by the ICBG. Please note that the fault distances presented in Table 1, Significant Faults, indicates the distance from the site to the nearest location where the fault trace is mapped at the ground surface. The Near Source Zone Map distances are based on the shortest distance from the site to the fault plane projection to the ground surface, from a depth of 10 -km. In some cases the Near Source Zone Map distance may differ from the map distance shown in Table 1, because the site may be closer to or further from the fault plane projection than the surface trace of the fault. 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page 9 of 27 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. 4 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 GENERAL " KLEINFELDER Based on our field exploration, laboratory testing and geotechnical analyses conducted for this study, it is our opinion that it is geotechnically feasible to construct the project as planned, provided the recommendations presented in this report are incorporated into project design and construction. There does not appear to be any significant onsite geotechnical constraints that cannot be overcome by proper planning, design and construction practices. The soils were generally in a loose to medium dense condition and generally became more dense with depth. In their current condition, the near surface soils are not considered suitable for the support of the proposed building loads. The results of our laboratory tests indicate a slight to moderate potential for collapse in the upper soils at the site. Therefore, we recommend that the upper soils be overexcavated to depths indicated in Section 4.3.2 of this report and replaced as engineered fill. We further recommend that planters and landscaping be kept outside a zone extending approximately 5 feet from the edge of the proposed buildings. Once the soils have been recompacted as discussed herein, it is our opinion that the structures may be founded on shallow spread continuous and pad foundations. Our recommendations regarding the geotechnical aspects of project design and construction are presented in the following sections. 4.2 SEISMIC DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS The site is located in a seismically active region and the proposed new structure can be expected to be subjected to moderate to strong seismic shaking during its design life. Potential seismic hazards include ground shaking, localized liquefaction, ground rupture due to faulting, and seismic settlement. The following sections discuss these potential seismic hazards with respect to this site. 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page 10 of 27 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. KLEINFELDER 2.2.3 Ground Shaking Because this site is located in the seismically active Southern California region, we recommend that, at a minimum, the proposed development be designed in accordance with the requirements of the latest edition of the Uniform Building Code (UBC) for Seismic Zone 4. We recommend that a soil profile factor of SD be used with the UBC design procedure (Table 16-J). Near source seismic coefficients for acceleration and velocity, Na, Nv, Ca, and Cv (UBC Tables 16-S and 16- T) should be used for calculating the design. The site is located at 8.3 km (within the 10 -km) Active Fault Near -Source (Seismic) Zone for the San Andreas Fault (Coachella / southern section) a Type A fault as designated by the UBC (ICBG, 1998). A summary of the seismic parameters is presented below. Design Fault The San Andreas Fault (Coachella / southern section) Fault Type A Seismic Zone 4 (z = 0.4) Soil Profile Factor (Table 16-) SD Near -Source Distance 8.3 km Na (Table 16-S) 1.07 Nv (Table 16-T) 1.34 Ca (Table 16-Q) 0.44 (Na) 0.47 Cv (Table 16-R) 0.64 (Nv) 0.85 2.2.4 Liquefaction Liquefaction may occur when loose, saturated sandy or silty soils are subjected to strong shaking typically resulting from earthquake motions. Under such conditions the sands may lose a portion or all of their shear strength and regain strength sometime after the shaking stops. Soil movements (both vertical and lateral) have been observed under these conditions due to consolidation of the liquefied soils and the reduced shear resistance of slopes. The project site is generally underlain by loose to medium dense coarse-grained soils, to the maximum depth explored. Groundwater or perched water was not encountered within our borings. As previously noted, the reported depth to groundwater is greater than 100 feet below ground surface of the site (CVWD, 2005). The site is not located within a State and County 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page 11 of 27 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. 4 KLEINFELDER designated Seismic Hazard Zone for liquefaction potential. Due to the reported historical high depth to first or perched groundwater, the liquefaction hazard at the site is considered to be remote. 2.2.5 Seismically -Induced Settlement Seismically -induced settlement is surface settlement caused by densification of non -saturated soils due to earthquake -induced ground shaking. Based on our field data and utilizing procedures proposed by Tokimatsu and Seed (1987), we estimated seismically -induced settlement due to the "Maximum Probable Earthquake" to be on the order of 3/4 to 1 inch when incorporating the recommended overexcavation and recompaction. Differential seismically induced settlement is anticipated to be on the order of % inch or less. 2.2.6 Other Seismic Considerations The site is not located within a State or County designated Seismic Hazard Zone for liquefaction potential seismically induced slope instability, or Earthquake Fault Rupture Hazard Zone for active surface faulting. Based on the materials encountered at this site during our field exploration, the existing topographic conditions, and the proposed site improvements, we do not expect seismic slope instability to be a concern. Additionally, the likelihood for ground surface rupture due to primary faulting from known faults is considered to be remote. Portions of the site are currently situated within a 500 -year flood hazard zone (FEMA, 2005). Due to the elevated inland location and proximity of the site from any large bodies of impounded water, tsunami and seiche do not appear to pose a potential hazard to the project. 4.3 EARTHWORK RECOMMENDATIONS 2.2.7 General Site preparation and earthwork operations should be performed in accordance with applicable codes. All references to maximum dry density are established in accordance with ASTM Standard Test Method D-1557-91. 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page 12 of 27 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. IME KLEINFELDER 2.2.8 Subgrade Preparation Surficial vegetation, organic, inert and oversized materials (greater than 6 inches in maximum dimension) should be stripped and isolated prior to removal of reusable soils. Areas to receive fill should be stripped of all existing fill (if encountered) and any loose or soft earth materials until a firm, unyielding native subgrade is exposed, as evaluated by the geotechnical engineer. Overexcavation and recompaction is recommended to reduce the potential for excessive settlement of the existing native soils. Care should be taken during overexcavation operations to maintain sidewall stability and personal safety. Please refer to Section 4.4 for temporary excavation recommendations. . Overexcavation recommendations are as follows: • Shallow Foundations: For the proposed structures, we recommend that the footings be placed on a minimum of 5 feet of engineered fill. The engineered fill should extend horizontally beyond the edges of all foundation elements a minimum of 5 feet. • Slab -on -Grade: For the proposed structure, we recommend the placement of a minimum of 5 feet of engineered fill below the bottom of slabs -on -grade. • Pavement Sub rg ade: We recommend that the proposed concrete or asphaltic concrete pavements be placed over a minimum of 24 inches of engineered fill. This engineered fill thickness is in addition to the concrete or asphalt concrete pavement and aggregation base layers presented in Section 4.11. G Miscellaneous Areas to Receive Fill: Areas to receive fill, which do not fall into one of the categories above (for example, sidewalks and other flatwork), should be placed on a minimum of 12 inches of engineered fill. The areas designated for landscaping do not require overexcavation. At the time of this report, site-specific development and grading plans have not been developed. Once these plans have been prepared, it may be possible to adjust these recommendations based on the proposed grading plans and site development. 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page 13 of 27 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. WN KLEIf�1FELDER Prior to the placement of engineered fill, after site preparation and overexcavation, processing of the approved excavation bottom should be performed by scarifying to a minimum depth of 8 inches, moisture conditioning or drying to within 2 percent of the optimum moisture content and compacting to a minimum of 90 percent of the maximum dry density. The removal and stripping operations must expose a firm, non -yielding subgrade that is free of significant voids and organics. The subgrade soils exposed at the bottom of each excavation should be observed by a geotechnical engineer or geologist from our office prior to the placement of any fill. Additional removals may be required as a result of observation and testing of the exposed subgrade soils. Soils that are significantly under or. over the optimum moisture content may be encountered during site grading. The grading contractor should anticipate that additional processing of the onsite soils will be necessary during site grading to obtain material which is capable of being placed as engineered fill, as described in Section 4.5. 2.2.9 Excavation Conditions The borings advanced at the site were advanced using a truck -mounted, hollow -stem auger drill rig. Drilling was completed with slight to moderate effort through the subsurface soils. Conventional earth moving equipment is expected to be capable of performing the excavations required for site development. Based on the material encountered within our borings and our knowledge of local geology, we do not anticipate the need for blasting. 4.4 TEMPORARY EXCAVATIONS 2.2. 10 General All excavations must comply with applicable local, state, and federal safety regulations including the current OSHA Excavation and Trench Safety Standards. Construction site safety generally is the sole responsibility of the Contractor, who shall also be solely responsible for the means, methods, and sequencing of construction operations. We are providing the information below solely as a service to our client. Under no circumstances should the information provided be interpreted to mean that Kleinfelder is assuming responsibility for construction site safety or the Contractor's activities; such responsibility is not being implied and should not be inferred. 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page 14 of 27 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. offirm KLEINFELDER 2.2.11 Excavations and Slopes The Contractor should be aware that slope height, slope inclination, or excavation depths (including utility trench excavations) should in no case exceed those specified in local, state, and/or federal safety regulations (e.g., OSHA Health and Safety Standards for Excavations, 29 CFR Part 1926, or successor regulations). Due to the potential for local trench wall instability, we recommend that temporary cut slopes with a maximum height of 15 feet needed to achieve the proposed subgrade elevations be constructed at inclinations no steeper than 1.5H:1 V in the existing soils. Heavy construction equipment, building materials, excavated soil, and vehicular traffic should not be allowed within 1/3 the slope height from the top of any excavation. Where the stability of adjoining buildings, walls, or other structures is endangered by excavation operations, support systems such as shoring, bracing, or underpinning may be required to provide structural stability and to protect personnel working within the excavation. Shoring, bracing, or underpinning required for the project (if any) should be designed by a professional geotechnical engineer registered in the State of California. During wet weather, earthen berms or other methods should be used to prevent runoff water from entering all excavations. All runoff water and/or groundwater encountered within excavations should be collected and disposed outside the construction limits. For new underground gas tanks, sloped excavations should be no steeper than 1%:l (H:V) in the site soils. The sloped excavations should be evaluated by a representative of Kleinfelder and modifications to the excavation gradient may be required if soils are encountered that do not have a satisfactory factor of safety for stability at the recommended inclination... . 4.5 ENGINEERED FILL 2.2.12 Materials . The on-site soils encountered during our investigation, excluding debris and/or other deleterious materials, are considered suitable for use as engineered fill. When adequately compacted at an appropriate moisture content, these materials can be expected to possess suitable bearing and settlement characteristics for the proposed construction. 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page 15 of 27 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, KJeinfelder, Inc. KLEINFELDER Import fill soils should be free of organic or other deleterious debris, essentially non -plastic, and comprised of particles less than 3 inches in maximum dimension. In general, well -graded mixtures of gravel, sand, non -plastic silt, and small quantities of cobbles, rock fragments, and/or clay are acceptable for use as engineered fill. Imported soils should be sampled, evaluated and approved by the project Geotechnical Engineer prior to being transported to the site. We recommend that the contractor be responsible to assure that all imported soil is free of environmentally regulated substances. 2.2.13 Compaction Criteria All fill soils, either native or imported, required to bring the site to final grade should be compacted as engineered fill. Engineered fill consisting of granular soils should be uniformly moisture -conditioned to within 2 percent of the optimum moisture content, placed in horizontal lifts less than 8 inches in loose thickness, and compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction. Additional fill lifts should not be placed if the previous lift did not meet the minimum required relative compaction or if soil conditions are not stable. 4.6 TRENCH BACKFILL 2.2.14 Materials Pipe zone backfill (i.e. material beneath and in the immediate vicinity of the pipe) should consist of imported soil less than 3/4 inch in maximum dimension. Trench zone backfill (i.e., material placed between the pipe zone backfill and finished subgrade) may consist of onsite soil or imported fill which meets the requirements for engineered fill provided above. . If imported material is used for pipe or trench zone backfill, we recommend it consist of fine-grained sand. In general, coarse-grained sand and/or gravel should not be used for pipe or trench zone backfill due to the potential for soil migration into the relatively large void spaces present in this type of material and water seepage along trenches backfilled with coarse-grained sand and/or gravel. Recommendations provided above for pipe zone backfill are minimum requirements only. More stringent material specifications may be required to fulfill local building requirements and/or bedding requirements for specific types of pipes. We recommend the project Civil Engineer 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page 16 of 27 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. KLEINFELDER develop these material specifications based on planned pipe types, bedding conditions, and other factors beyond the scope of this study. 2.2.15 Compaction Criteria Trench backfill should be placed and compacted in accordance with recommendations provided above for engineered fill. Mechanical compaction is recommended; ponding or jetting should be avoided, especially in areas supporting structural loads or beneath concrete slabs supported on grade, pavements, or other improvements. 4.7 DRAINAGE AND LANDSCAPING It is important that positive surface drainage be provided to prevent ponding and/or saturation of the soils in the vicinity of foundations, concrete slabs -on -grade, or pavements. We recommend that the site be graded to carry surface water away from the improvements and that positive measures be implemented to carry away roof runoff. Poor perimeter or surface drainage could allow migration of water beneath the building or pavement areas, which may result in distress to project improvements. Due to the collapse potential of the near surface soils, we recommend that planters and landscaping be kept outside a zone extending approximately 5 feet from the edge of the proposed buildings. In addition, we also recommended that areas next to buildings have a minimum of 5 percent positive fall away from building perimeters to a distance of at least 5 feet. Drain spouts should be extended to discharge a minimum of 5 feet from the building, or some other method should be utilized to prevent water from accumulating in planters. Landscaping after construction should not promote ponding of water adjacent to structures. 4.8 SHALLOW FOUNDATIONS 2.2.16 Allowable Bearing Pressures The proposed structures may be supported on shallow, reinforced concrete, spread footings founded entirely on engineered fill (refer to section 4.3.3 for overexcavation recommendations). Continuous and isolated spread footings should have minimum widths of 18 inches and be embedded at least 18 inches below the lowest final adjacent subgrade*. Footings so established may be designed using an allowable bearing pressure of 2,000 pounds per square foot (psf) for *Within this report, lowest adjacent grade refers to the finished exterior grade for perimeter footings and the finished pad grade for interior footings. 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page 17 of 27 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. �� KLEINFELDER dead plus sustained live loading. The bearing pressure may be increased by 250 psf for each foot of additional width or depth, to a maximum value of 3,000 psf. The allowable bearing pressure provided above is a net value; therefore, the weight of the foundation (which extends below grade) may be neglected when computing dead loads. The allowable bearing pressure may be increased by 1/3 for short-term loading due to wind or seismic forces. Footings may experience an overall loss in bearing capacity or an increased potential to settle where located in close proximity to existing or future utility trenches. Furthermore, stresses imposed by the footings on the utility lines may cause cracking, collapse and/or a loss of serviceability. To reduce this risk, footings should extend below a 1:1 plane projected upward from the closest bottom corner of the trench. 2.2.17 Estimated Settlements Total settlement of an individual foundation will vary depending on the plan dimensions of the foundation and the actual load supported. Based on anticipated foundation dimensions and loads, it is our opinion that provided the earthwork recommendations presented herein are implemented, anticipated structural loads will result in total and differential settlements between similarly loaded adjacent footings of less than 1 inch and '/z inch, respectively. Static settlement of all foundations is expected to be primarily elastic and should be essentially completed shortly after initial application of structural loads. 2.2.18 Lateral Resistance Resistance to lateral loads (including those due to wind or seismic forces) may be provided by frictional resistance between the bottom of concrete foundations and the underlying soil and by passive soil pressure against the sides of the foundations. A coefficient of friction of 0.35 may be used between cast -in-place concrete foundations and the underlying soil. Passive pressure available in engineered fill may be taken as equivalent to the pressure exerted by a fluid weighing 300 pounds per cubic foot (pcf). The passive resistance of the subgrade soils will diminish or be non-existent if trench sidewalls slough, cave or are overwidened during or following excavations. If this condition is encountered, our firm should be notified to review the condition and provide remedial recommendations, if necessary. 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page 18 of 27 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. 4 KLEINFELDER 2.2.19 Construction/Design Considerations Prior to placing steel or concrete, footing excavations should be cleaned of all debris, loose or soft soil, and water. Footing excavations should be observed by the project Geotechnical Engineer just prior to placing steel or concrete to verify the recommendations contained herein are implemented during construction. We recommend that all reinforcement be designed for the specific loading conditions by the project structural engineer. 4.9 LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES We recommend that soil pressure values for calculating active lateral earth pressures developed from horizontal backfills on dock -high walls that are free to rotate at least 0.1 percent of the wall height use an equivalent fluid pressure of 30 pounds per cubic foot (pcf). Walls which are restrained against movement or rotation at the top should be designed for an at -rest equivalent fluid pressure of 50 pcf. The recommended lateral earth pressures assume that drainage is provided behind the walls to prevent accumulation of hydrostatic pressures. Walls should be provided with backdrains to reduce the potential for the accumulation of hydrostatic pressures. Backdrains may consist of a 2 -foot wide zone of Caltrans Class 2 permeable material located immediately behind the wall, extending to within 1 foot of the ground surface. Weep holes should be provided or a perforated pipe (Schedule 40 PVC) should be installed at the base of the backdrain and sloped to discharge to a suitable collection facility. The recommended values do not include compaction or truck -induced wall pressures. Care must be taken during the compaction operations not to overstress the walls. Heavy construction equipment should be maintained a distance of at least 3 feet away from the walls while the backfill soils are being placed. Hand operated compaction equipment should be used to compact the backfill soils within a 3 -foot wide zone adjacent to the walls. Kleinfelder should be contacted when development plans are finalized so we can review wall and backfill conditions on a case-by-case basis. 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page 19 of 27 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. KLEINFELDER Additional loads on retaining walls may be imposed by surcharge. An additional horizontal wall load equal to 50 percent of the surcharge load should be applied uniformly over the entire height of the wall. This additional load should also be applied to loading dock walls for forklift loads. 4.10 CONCRETE SLABS SUPPORTED -ON -GRADE Concrete slab -on -grade floors may be used for the proposed buildings. The slab -on -grade should be placed on at least 5 feet of engineered fill, prepared as described in Section 4.5 of this report. We recommend that the floor slab be underlain by a minimum of 4 inches of crushed rock or aggregate base material to provided more uniform support of the slab and provided a capillary moisture break between the subgrade soils and the bottom of the floor.slab. All slabs should be designed for any specific loading conditions by the structural engineer. A modulus of subgrade reaction of 200 pounds per cubic inch may be used for design. All areas adjacent to buildings, including planters, should be designed to drain away from the structure to avoid accumulation of water beneath the slab or footings. 4.11 PRELIMINARY PAVEMENT DESIGN 2.2.20 Asphalt -Concrete Pavement Sections Based on a design R -value of 50 for the near -surface soils and using anticipated Traffic Index (TI) values of 5.0 and 7.0 for the parking areas and access lanes, we have developed the following preliminary recommendations for flexible pavement design. These recommendations are applicable for the entire site. Table 2 Recommended Asphalt Concrete Pavement Sections :. As haltic :'::";<: ;'' P : ; " Class 2 .A re ate Base.. gg In ex <: Concrete, ornches ` :.: �.....:.. 5.0 (Parking Areas) 3.0 4.0 7.0 (Access Lanes) 4.0 4.5 *CMB — Crushed Miscellaneous Base 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page 20 of 27 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Meinfelder, Inc. KLEINFELDER Pavement sections provided above are contingent on the following recommendations being implemented during construction. • The pavement sections recommended above, should be placed on a minimum of 24 inches of engineered fill. Prior to fill placement, the exposed subgrade should be scarified to a depth of 8 inches, uniformly moisture conditioned to within 2 percent of the optimum moisture content, and compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction. The upper six inches of the pavement subgrade should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent relative compaction. • Subgrade soils should be in a stable, non -pumping condition at the time aggregate base materials are placed and compacted. • Aggregate base materials should be compacted to at least 95 percent relative compaction. • Adequate drainage (both surface and subsurface) should be provided such that the subgrade soils and aggregate base materials are not allowed to become wet. • Aggregate base materials should meet current Caltrans specifications for Class 2 aggregate base. • Crushed miscellaneous base material should meet current requirements of the Standard Specification for Public Works Construction (Greenbook). • Asphalt paving materials and placement methods should meet current Caltrans specifications for asphalt concrete. Pavement sections provided above are based on the soil conditions encountered during our field investigation, our assumptions regarding final site grades, and limited laboratory testing. In the event actual pavement subgrade materials are significantly different than those tested for this study, we recommend representative subgrade samples be obtained and additional R -value tests performed. Should the results of these tests indicate a significant difference, the design pavement sections provided above may need to be revised. 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page 21 of 27 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. R KLEINFELDER 2.2.21 Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Concrete pavement may be desirable in loading docks and trash collection areas. For the existing on-site near -surface soils, we have assumed a design modulus of subgrade reaction of 200 pci. For an unlimited number of applications of 18 -kip single axle load, the concrete pavement should have a minimum thickness of 6 inches and a minimum 28 -day compressive strength of 3;500 pounds per square inch. Control joints should be spaced every 15 feet. Concrete pavements should be placed on 4 inches of aggregate base compacted to 95 percent relative compaction (ASTM D 1557-91). The pavement sections recommended above should be placed on a minimum of 24 inches of engineered fill. Prior to fill placement, the exposed subgrade should be scarified to a depth of 8 inches, uniformly moisture conditioned to within 2 percent of the optimum moisture content, and compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction. The upper six inches of the pavement subgrade should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent relative compaction. 4.12 EXPANSIVE SOILS Expansive soils are characterized by their ability to undergo significant volume change (shrink or swell) due to variations in moisture content. Changes in soil moisture content can result from rainfall, landscape irrigation, utility leakage, roof drainage, perched groundwater, drought, or other factors and may cause unacceptable settlement or heave of structures, concrete slabs supported -on -grade, or pavements supported over these materials. Depending on the extent and location below finished subgrade, these soils could have a detrimental effect on the proposed construction. The project site is underlain by granular soils which, based on soil classification, is not believed to have a significant expansion potential. Following grading of the site, we recommend that finish grade soils be tested at randomly selected locations to identify areas where additional steel reinforcement may be required in the foundations. 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page 22 of 27 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. " KLEINFELDER 4.13 CORROSIVITY Two samples of the on-site soils were tested for preliminary corrosion potential to concrete and reinforcing steel. Samples of the material were sent to AP Engineering and Testing, Inc. for testing of pH, resistivity, soluble sulfates and soluble chlorides. Samples were tested in general accordance with California Test Methods 643, 422, and 417 for pH and resistivity, soluble chlorides, and soluble sulfates, respectively. The test results are as follows: We have provided the above corrosion tests as requested by the client. These tests are only an indicator of soil corrosivity for the samples tested. Other soils found on site may be more, less, or of a similar corrosive nature. Although Meinfelder does not practice corrosion engineering, the corrosion values from the soil tested are normally considered to be slightly corrosive towards buried ferrous metals. The low concentrations indicate that on-site soils of similar composition should not be overly aggressive toward concrete elements. Based on guidelines provided in the UBC, Table 19-A-4, cement types or maximum water -cement ratios are not specified for these concentrations. The proposed concrete mix design should be submitted to a qualified materials engineer for approval. We recommend that a competent corrosion engineer be retained to evaluate the corrosion potential of the site to proposed improvements, to recommend further testing as required, and to provide specific corrosion mitigation methods appropriate for the project. 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page 23 of 27 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. KLEINFELDER 5.1 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS REVIEW We recommend that Kleinfelder conduct a general review of final plans and specifications to evaluate that our earthwork and foundation recommendations have been properly interpreted and implemented during design. In the event Kleinfelder is not retained to perform this recommended review, we will assume no responsibility for misinterpretation of our recommendations. 5.2 CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION AND TESTING We recommend that all earthwork during construction be monitored by a representative from Kleinfelder, including site preparation, placement of all engineered fill and trench backfill, construction of slab and roadway subgrades, and all foundation excavations. The purpose of these services would be to provide Kleinfelder the opportunity to observe the soil conditions encountered during construction, evaluate the applicability of the recommendations presented in this report to the soil conditions encountered, and recommend appropriate changes in design or construction procedures if conditions differ from those described herein. 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page 24 of 27 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. KLEINFELDER ,6,,,,, LIMITATIONS This preliminary report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Costco Warehouse, Inc. and their agents for specific application to the proposed development in La Quinta, California. The findings, conclusions and recommendations presented in this report were prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practice. No other warranty, expressed or We should review the final location map and grading plans to verify that our implied, is made. borings were properly located, and to develop recommendations for additional exploration, if appropriate, and to provide additional information. The scope of our geotechnical services did not include any environmental site assessment for the presence or absence of hazardous/toxic materials in the soil, surface water, groundwater or atmosphere, or the presence of wetlands. The client has the responsibility to see that all parties to the project, including the designer, contractor, subcontractors, etc., are made aware of this report in its entirety. This report contains information, which may be useful in the preparation of contract specifications. However, the report is not designed as a specification document and may not contain sufficient information for this use without proper modification. This report may be used only by the client and only for the purposes stated, within a reasonable time from its issuance. Land use, site conditions (both on site and off site) or other factors may change over time, and additional work may be required with the passage of time. Based on the intended. use of, this report and the nature of the new project, Kleinfelder. may require that additional work be performed and that an updated report be issued. Non-compliance with any of these requirements by the client or anyone else will release Kleinfelder from any liability resulting from the use of this report by any unauthorized party. 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page 25 of 27 May/23,2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. KLEINFELDER 7 REFERENCES Blake, Thomas F., 2000, EQFAULT and EQSEARCH, v 3.00, Computer Programs. California Division of Mines and Geology, 1965, Geologic Map of California, Santa Ana Sheet, Revised 1992. California Geologic Survey, (formerly California Division of Mines and Geology), 2000, Digital Images of Official Maps of Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zones of California, Southern Region, DMG CD 2000-003. Earth Systems Consultants Southwest, 2000, Geotechnical Engineering Report, La Quinta Commercial Park, SWC Highway 111 and Jefferson Street, La Quinta, California, dated July 27, 2000. ESRI/FEMA, 2005, Hazard Information and Awareness (web site). FEMA, 2005, Map Service Center (web site). Hart, Earl W., and Bryant, William A., 1997, Fault -Rupture Hazard Zones in California: Alquist- Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act with Index to Earthquake Fault Zones Maps, California Division of Mines and Geology, Special Publication 42, supplemented through 1999, in DMG CD 2000-03. International Conference of Building Officials, 1997, Uniform Building Code, Volume 2. International Conference of Building Officials, (ICBG) 1998, Maps of Known Active Fault Near -Source Zones in the State of California and Adjacent portions of Nevada — To be Used With the 1997 Uniform Building Code, prepared by California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology in Cooperation with Structural Engineers Association of California — Seismology Committee, February 1998. Jennings, Charles W., 1994, Fault Activity Map of California and Adjacent Areas, California Division of Mines and Geology, Geologic Data Map No. 6. 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page 26 of 27 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. KLEINFELDER Riverside County Transportation and Land Management Agency, 1997, Riverside County Environmental Hazards Map. Ziony, Joseph I., and Jones, Lucile M., 1989, Map Showing Late Quaternary Faults and 1978-84 Seismicity of the Los Angeles Region, California, U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map, MF -1964. 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page 27 of 27 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. PLATES x�, t . �.• g j� i. I ..... AVENUE' - 44. ' i !/� < �• -AVENUE e; `. l• . • .' G:O - _ _ _ C F!: z-`' v ..4r k6Lc� _....� .._.: .., •::. ;LJEJniUE.,,; f - vi; : � 3 s .lt• - , LcT`' 1." ...::r �� . ^�4&:cir a _ y It' �r — �, ' 1 g��:••,.�i c'..t�. " �'• � ��:7�'`" . �; � +E C-�.=�_=mac W' chi 72: ; „ ' . ,: 0 BM .61 r'.L::, ' '€ ;J :,;:�`;" �. i ., - _ i • �Traifer • i : � _ .---- Y,. _ ..� • ..' •. i� / •I. 7-1 Trai!et Pik •.� 6 ��=«=ate- __ ���:�;c �f~a��.�. .. f �7rzile. ?�r'k �• •,.0 R �� Well v if If 16 s rL `i`4 S4 t•: R' a iu ._,� is L ++r �.■ Tn iaQ": _„__.At!ENUE 33D. Wel49. si fit. # k. All . .y 1Nater _ •• :a%• iii $Q...�' If E AVENU c u .SQ 2 uisu it • . if _< SOURCE: U.S.G.S. 7.5' topographic series, Lo Quinto, California 0 FEET 2.000 quadrangle doted 1959, photorevised 1980. Of COSTCO LA QUINTA PLATE Highway 111 west of Jefferson Street SITE LOCATION MAP 1 La Quints, California KLEINFELDER project: 55403 May 2005 PROPERTY BOUNDARY 0 FEET 150 EXPLANATION B-34 # APPROXIMATE SOIL BORING LOCATION TP -4 sa APPROXIMATE TEST PIT LOCATION COSTCO LA QUINTA Highway 111 West of Jefferson Street Lo Quinto, California REFERENCE: BASE MAP PROVIDED BY MULVANNY.G2, DATED 01/07/05 KLEINFELDER project: 55403 May 2005 APPENDIX A EXPLORATORY BORINGS AND TEST PITS am 0 KLEINFELDER 0_2901►117 AM EXPLORATORY BORINGS AND TEST PITS The subsurface exploration program for the proposed project consisted of excavating and logging a total of 34 hollow -stem auger borings and 4 test pits. The borings were drilled with a 4 -wheel drive Mobile B-53 truck -mounted drill rig equipped with 8 -inch diameter hollow -stem augers, provided by Cal Pac Drilling of Calimesa, California. The test pits were excavated with a Case 580 Super L backhoe equipped with a 24 -inch bucket, provided by Staib Backhoe and Excavation. The approximate locations of the borings and test pits are shown on Plate 2. The logs of the borings and test pits are presented as Plates A-2 through A-35, Log of Borings and Plates A-36 through A-39, Log of Test Pits. An explanation to the logs is presented on Plate A-1. The logs of borings and test pits describe the earth materials encountered, samples obtained, and show field and laboratory tests performed. The logs also show the boring and test pit number, drilling date, boring elevation and the name of the logger and drilling subcontractor. The borings and test pits were logged by a Kleinfelder staff professional utilizing the Unified Soil Classification System. The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate because the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. Bulk and drive samples of representative earth materials were obtained from the borings at maximum intervals of approximately 5 feet. A California sampler was used to obtain relatively undisturbed drive samples of the soil encountered. This sampler consists of a 3 inch O.D., 2.4 inch I.D. split barrel shaft that is driven a total of 18 inches into the soil at the bottom of the boring. The soil was retained in six 1 -inch brass rings for laboratory testing. The sampler was driven using a 140 -pound automatic hammer falling 30 inches. The total number of hammer blows required to drive the sampler the final 12 inches is termed the blow count and is recorded on the Logs of Borings. Where the sample was driven less than 12 inches, the number of blows to drive the sample for each 6 inch segment, or portion thereof, is shown on the logs. 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page A -I May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. KLEINFELDER Samples were also obtained using a Standard Penetration Test Sampler (SPT). This sampler consists of a 2 -inch O.D., 1.4 -inch .I.D. split barrel shaft that is advanced into the soils at the bottom of the drill hole a total of 18 inches. The sampler was driven using a 140 pound automatic hammer falling 30 inches. The total number of hammer blows required to drive the sampler the final 12 inches is termed the blow count (N -value) and is recorded on the Logs of Borings. Where the sample was driven less than 12 inches, the number of blows to drive the sample for each 6 inch segment, or portion thereof, is shown on the logs. The procedures we employed in the field are generally consistent with those described in ASTM Standard Test Method D-1586-84. Soil samples obtained by the SPT were stored in plastic bags. Bulk samples of the sub -surface soils were directly retrieved from the soil cuttings produced by the auger blades. T 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page A-2 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. Date Drilled: Water Depth: Drilled By: Date Measured: Drilling Method: Reference Elevation: Logged By: Datum: 5 IN PV 2 12 GS PF (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (6) (7) I ' ' ' I NOTES ON FIELD INVESTIGATION 1. SAMPLE - Graphical representation of somple type as shown below. Split Spoon - Standard Penetration Test Sample (SPT) D Drive Sample - California Sample (Col) Bulk Sample - Obtained by collecting cuttings in o plastic bog Tube Somple - Shelby/Pilcher Tube Sample 2. SAMPLE NO. - Sample Number 3. BLOWS/FT - Number of blows required to advance sampler 1 foot (unless a lesser distance is specified). Samplers in general were driven into the soil at the bottom of the hole with o standard (140 Ib) hommer dropping o standard 30 inches. Drive samples collected in bucket ouoer borings may be obtained by dropping non-stondord weight from variable heights. When a SPT sampler is used the blow count conforms to ASTM D-1586. SCR/ROD - Sample Core Recovery (SCR) in percent (%) and Rock Ouclity Designation (ROD) in percent (%). ROD is defined as the percentage of core in each run which the spacing between natural fractures is greater than 4 inches. Mechanical breaks of the core are not considered. 4. GRAPHIC LOG - Standard symbols for soil and rock types, as shown on plate B -1b. 5. GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Soil - Soil classifications ore based on the Unified Soil Classification System per ASTM D-2487, and designations include consistency, moisture, color and other modifiers. Field descriptions hove been modified to reflect results of laboratory analyses where deemed appropriate. Rock - Rock classifications generally include o rock type, color, moisture, mineral constituents, degree of weathering, alteration, and the mechanical properties of the rock. Fabric, lineations, bedding spacing, foliations, and degree of cementation ore also presented where appropriate. Description of soil origin or rock formation is placed in brackets at the beginning of the description where applicable, for example, Residual Soil. 6. DRY DENSITY, MOISTURE CONTENT: As estimoted by laboratory or field testing. 7: ADDITIONAL TESTS - (Indicates somple tested for properties other thon the above): MAX - Maximum Dry Density SG - Specific Gravity PP - Pocket Penetrometer GS - Groin Size Distribution HA - Hydrometer Analysis WA - Wash Analysis SE - Sand Equivalent AL - Atlerberg Limits DS - Direct Shear EI - Expansion Index RV - R-Volue CP - Collapse Potential CHEM - Sulfate and Chloride Content, pH, Resistivity CN - Consolidation UC - Unconfined Compression PM - Permeability CU - Consolidation Undrained Trioxiol T - Torvone UU - Unconsolidated Undroined Trioxial CD - Consolidated Drained Trioxiol B. ATTITUDES - Orientation of rock discontinuity observed in bucket ouger boring or rock core, expressed in strike/dip and dip ongle, respectively, preceeded by o one -letter symbol denoting nature of discontinuity as shown below. B: Bedding Plane J: Jointing C: Contact F: Fault S: Shear PLATE KLElNEELDER EXPLANATION OF LOGS A_1a o �.. o o� GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 0 0 - U) AND °' ° ° c o �-8 E �i m o E o 3 o a CLASSIFICATION CD ..9 c ` rn vin a�aai (n In °oD m� ° (.� an �� 00 U Q 1 6 108 10 DS, SE 5 IN PV 2 12 GS PF (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (6) (7) I ' ' ' I NOTES ON FIELD INVESTIGATION 1. SAMPLE - Graphical representation of somple type as shown below. Split Spoon - Standard Penetration Test Sample (SPT) D Drive Sample - California Sample (Col) Bulk Sample - Obtained by collecting cuttings in o plastic bog Tube Somple - Shelby/Pilcher Tube Sample 2. SAMPLE NO. - Sample Number 3. BLOWS/FT - Number of blows required to advance sampler 1 foot (unless a lesser distance is specified). Samplers in general were driven into the soil at the bottom of the hole with o standard (140 Ib) hommer dropping o standard 30 inches. Drive samples collected in bucket ouoer borings may be obtained by dropping non-stondord weight from variable heights. When a SPT sampler is used the blow count conforms to ASTM D-1586. SCR/ROD - Sample Core Recovery (SCR) in percent (%) and Rock Ouclity Designation (ROD) in percent (%). ROD is defined as the percentage of core in each run which the spacing between natural fractures is greater than 4 inches. Mechanical breaks of the core are not considered. 4. GRAPHIC LOG - Standard symbols for soil and rock types, as shown on plate B -1b. 5. GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Soil - Soil classifications ore based on the Unified Soil Classification System per ASTM D-2487, and designations include consistency, moisture, color and other modifiers. Field descriptions hove been modified to reflect results of laboratory analyses where deemed appropriate. Rock - Rock classifications generally include o rock type, color, moisture, mineral constituents, degree of weathering, alteration, and the mechanical properties of the rock. Fabric, lineations, bedding spacing, foliations, and degree of cementation ore also presented where appropriate. Description of soil origin or rock formation is placed in brackets at the beginning of the description where applicable, for example, Residual Soil. 6. DRY DENSITY, MOISTURE CONTENT: As estimoted by laboratory or field testing. 7: ADDITIONAL TESTS - (Indicates somple tested for properties other thon the above): MAX - Maximum Dry Density SG - Specific Gravity PP - Pocket Penetrometer GS - Groin Size Distribution HA - Hydrometer Analysis WA - Wash Analysis SE - Sand Equivalent AL - Atlerberg Limits DS - Direct Shear EI - Expansion Index RV - R-Volue CP - Collapse Potential CHEM - Sulfate and Chloride Content, pH, Resistivity CN - Consolidation UC - Unconfined Compression PM - Permeability CU - Consolidation Undrained Trioxiol T - Torvone UU - Unconsolidated Undroined Trioxial CD - Consolidated Drained Trioxiol B. ATTITUDES - Orientation of rock discontinuity observed in bucket ouger boring or rock core, expressed in strike/dip and dip ongle, respectively, preceeded by o one -letter symbol denoting nature of discontinuity as shown below. B: Bedding Plane J: Jointing C: Contact F: Fault S: Shear PLATE KLElNEELDER EXPLANATION OF LOGS A_1a ry OS p v p O Z < v � C, o ry Q 3 � � V 7 n 3 Q N Z ro O �. O O r uta E o 3 Zm 0 0 re o O N c c N � � o o 0 S r `C ry UCI A O c N p � = I n m V, I 1 N 0 m 0 re N . 0 0 o O v t 0 0 U o n N ro Nm 7 0 N C p N A N 00 U FINE-GRAINED SOILS COARSE-GRAINED SOILS TYPICAL FORMATIONAL MORE THAN HALF OF MORE THAN HALF OF >o MATERIALS MATERIALS 15 SMALLER THAN MATERIALS IS LARGER THAN r, #200 SIEVE SIZE 5200 SIEVE SIZE S 9 Z _LO v m X t' SANDS GRAVELS O = SILTS AND SILTS AND MORE THAN MORE THAN N CLAYS CLAYS HALF OF COARSE HALF OF COARSE z rn p x FRACTION IS FRACTION I$ C SMALLER THAN LARGER THAN N �' vr' N �4 SIEVE kd SIEVE N Z ZA o o p LIOVID LIOVID �A D n m m m m Z LIMIT LIMIT Frl 11 m O tn (A N In IS IS O 0 Z o GREATER LESS V Vmi 0 C'1 .V V1 Oy n =� In r ar Z 00 N THAN 50 THAN 50 tn Z =jzr Dz r Z F V+ ern (n VfxN m�oz fix- m�rZ _O v Z Nv Nv F- --1 F'1 rn X X tn r 0 V7 Vt v O 0 S O f'f S N 0 N Ut C'1 O 0 t7 �+� ii r W V, x u, x x x r r s v f n s v f y m < p m Z �% W TI ry n rD z I N x .� _N C N .2 N A Fri v' _ 3 0 0 "' z czi %t7 Will �Itltl \ �\ - • �' • o� O DO > 09 y O Op Z cn 0D A N o r N S' zo o A Z 0 S o 5 0 7p N A D A rtI A -C ��n Z O I I I I N N y 0 s A Z_ m Z_ 8 0 Z_ j Z_ 1�n D >D A A N D oW N 00 A nr N^ v, Sr' zr' D o z v v D v D >o a v f'1 O x D fr9 �V7 F NO mN z In DO N v m0 V1 Z Z D V, 1% N V15 DIj N O N O L7 O O O v 0 r Z r-� Z• N Z Z O O D o c o '+ o +s v �o V,< z v �' v �+ D Z O LP w A Z N p 0 ''l -a +, In p I z VI Civ < a rr 1 I I poi D Frl m m x A 0 r 0 N 1 x W- D v r„ C� S O ,, U p Z Z F� C D f S O D I O O LA O O 'IOj, u� v C'> �5p ICn A m S x O m Z 0 Arn n o N A S Z A D �/j1 In DO1 �jI/n1 0 0 m v � z0 O C N m b n -r �. D Z tn r) 31O O 0 v I 0- In >0 r O Fr1 N O N A v z z -� y x D S >o In ( S x r p D N 0 Z v o o in v o z o A R N y '^ � i x Z r X c X 00 A N x r•, •Zn O mi N -� �n., O (n v C rAi o C �l V O A N 0 ^ yNj m r�i , O n rf O m f7 r . rri N S A —'� O O O u, A mo m• N N r0 C r 0 ut N O O w f a A rCn O Z A m p N m z m � z • Z In �j O O P r Vl D -_� m A •.� r m mAO �COjZ rvia ��ODv �C 0 Z O ^ Z 0 N F U7 � A O Vm, AzO�Z vo mi5�\�Z AO � O 0 v m O >DmN �rA.,m D�OOz OOA Vf 7D m m OApxoE 2'r ; m4v ut In =1 rm r. om pW>D rzjD00� Z rr" Zm0 ZO'mx C O N D ao r_V)V) Wnv roc vz;�nrn, V,, r � � vv xNs'n vA o a I� o � o CL � O � f o v N n � O Z � ro ry v n o A 3 Z p 7 O O r uta 3 0' � Zm re o O N r0 E A o A S m O O A � c N p I /� p � V, I 1 N A m O re N . ry 0 o O v n 0 N U N N O Nm � N C p N A N 00 U U n FINE-GRAINED SOILS COARSE-GRAINED SOILS TYPICAL FORMATIONAL MORE THAN HALF OF MORE THAN HALF OF >o MATERIALS MATERIALS 15 SMALLER THAN MATERIALS IS LARGER THAN r, #200 SIEVE SIZE 5200 SIEVE SIZE S 9 Z _LO v m X t' SANDS GRAVELS O = SILTS AND SILTS AND MORE THAN MORE THAN N CLAYS CLAYS HALF OF COARSE HALF OF COARSE z rn p x FRACTION IS FRACTION I$ C SMALLER THAN LARGER THAN N �' vr' N �4 SIEVE kd SIEVE N Z ZA o o p LIOVID LIOVID �A D n m m m m Z LIMIT LIMIT Frl 11 m O tn (A N In IS IS O 0 Z o GREATER LESS V Vmi 0 C'1 .V V1 Oy n =� In r ar Z 00 N THAN 50 THAN 50 tn Z =jzr Dz r Z F V+ ern (n VfxN m�oz fix- m�rZ _O v Z Nv Nv F- --1 F'1 rn X X tn r 0 V7 Vt v O 0 S O f'f S N 0 N Ut C'1 O 0 t7 �+� ii r W V, x u, x x x r r s v f n s v f y m < p m Z �% W TI ry n rD z I N x .� _N C N .2 N A Fri v' _ 3 0 0 "' z czi %t7 Will �Itltl \ �\ - • �' • o� O DO > 09 y O Op Z cn 0D A N o r N S' zo o A Z 0 S o 5 0 7p N A D A rtI A -C ��n Z O I I I I N N y 0 s A Z_ m Z_ 8 0 Z_ j Z_ 1�n D >D A A N D oW N 00 A nr N^ v, Sr' zr' D o z v v D v D >o a v f'1 O x D fr9 �V7 F NO mN z In DO N v m0 V1 Z Z D V, 1% N V15 DIj N O N O L7 O O O v 0 r Z r-� Z• N Z Z O O D o c o '+ o +s v �o V,< z v �' v �+ D Z O LP w A Z N p 0 ''l -a +, In p I z VI Civ < a rr 1 I I poi D Frl m m x A 0 r 0 N 1 x W- D v r„ C� S O ,, U p Z Z F� C D f S O D I O O LA O O 'IOj, u� v C'> �5p ICn A m S x O m Z 0 Arn n o N A S Z A D �/j1 In DO1 �jI/n1 0 0 m v � z0 O C N m b n -r �. D Z tn r) 31O O 0 v I 0- In >0 r O Fr1 N O N A v z z -� y x D S >o In ( S x r p D N 0 Z v o o in v o z o A R N y '^ � i x Z r X c X 00 A N x r•, •Zn O mi N -� �n., O (n v C rAi o C �l V O A N 0 ^ yNj m r�i , O n rf O m f7 r . rri N S A —'� O O O u, A mo m• N N r0 C r 0 ut N O O w f a A rCn O Z A m p N m z m � z • Z In �j O O P r Vl D -_� m A •.� r m mAO �COjZ rvia ��ODv �C 0 Z O ^ Z 0 N F U7 � A O Vm, AzO�Z vo mi5�\�Z AO � O 0 v m O >DmN �rA.,m D�OOz OOA Vf 7D m m OApxoE 2'r ; m4v ut In =1 rm r. om pW>D rzjD00� Z rr" Zm0 ZO'mx C O N D ao r_V)V) Wnv roc vz;�nrn, V,, r � � vv xNs'n vA o a I� o � o CL � O � f o v N n � O Z v c o � O O C 3 0' � re o F E f o A S m v � v7i p a n � m j � N v_ o re N ry n rn v 3 � N C p N A N c n z 0 N N Elevation (approx.) Depth 0 �. �• � v, a w n� r Sample Number � CD p;. CD zx N a w N a Blows per Foot uq CD S CD a d tz o r Sample Type `C u a -------- - - _d d IJ 1-1_. - --- - - - - -- - - - - - -- _ 1.1 - H 1-1.. - - ._ - --- -IJ --- d d 1.1Graphic Log O G. Uj Z USCS Description IT r r r 7 I I CD o r I y�1CD �� (::ro CD , CD ... CD CD v, I CD D I CD D d � CD R. VW •- 0 I 02 �,; ,� 0 CD CD CL En y x CD D Y I in I I GQ ►t �I aa. � 0 yj y a' Gq i 0 Y d to d O I `"< (7) r I o va a -1I D Cn.0 �s . CD CD O tO� I CD o CD P CD a� c I I G CD z CD 0 A I CCD CD I CD ►--► I I r c�'D� CD r* 0 N Dry Unit Weight r" o (pcf) O 0 0 a Moisture 9 V. LA LA -- Content (%) bCD O CD Additional X 0 b Tests y & md Remarks a o .0 GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Uo . , e 7-o w„ .a Q AND 3 a a n CLASSIFICATION_ o E y w ..0 Continued From Previous Pae ca a :� U v ¢ H x 8 32 Sandy Silt to Silt with Sand: Light gray, damp to slightly moist, hard, fine grained sand, non -plastic, very slightly cemented (continued) 15 40 9 16 -very stiff, no cementation ML Sandy Silt (ML): light gray, slightly moist, stiff, fine 10 45 grained sand. 10 15 -slightly moist----------------------------------- �s sM Silty Sand: Light brown, slightly moist, medium dense, 5 50 11 19 fine grained sand, slightly silty Boring terminated at approximately 51-1/2 feet No refusal No bedrock No groundwater observed i Hole backfilled with cuttings i t , K L E I N F E L D E R Costco La Quinta PLATE k04 La Quinta, California LOG OF BORING B-1 A -2b PROJECT NO. 55403 Legend to Logs on Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. Date Drilled 4/11/05 Water Depth: Not Encountered Drilled By: Cal-Pac Drilling Date Measured: 4/11/05 Drilling Method: Mobile B-53, 8" HSA Elevation: 56 feet (approx.) Logged By: KLP Datum: MSL ao 0 n GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION �d0 o = °' to A AND c 3 n Q v CLASSIFICATION til Q pa o � QM:2U Qi= 55 sM Silty Sand: Light gray, dry to damp, loose, fine grained M. sand, non -cohesive (dune sand) so 5 1 6 0.6 45 1 Z 14 -medium dense, increase in silt content 40 15 3 14 1 20-4 s5 15 Boring terminated at approximately 21-1/2 feet No refusal No bedrock No groundwater observed s Hole backfilled with cuttings 7 5 i S KLEINFELDER Costco La Quinta PLATE u k4 La Quinta, California LOG OF BORING B-2 A-3 PROJECT NO. 55403 Legend to Logs on Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. z A 0 F o to �CD A AD o m A ^* m� 3� mo y f mfb y o r+ 0 Q A x _ 0 3 QPOTFCH TFMFC111 A .5.5403 I A OHINTA COSTCO. GP.I KA RDLND_GDT 5/23/05 '-d Elevation (approx.) o (feet) "' Depth Sample Number UOQ z ., �;, �, c o, Blows per Foot A CD p cD d r Type `C u Sample �^ 11 Graphic Log I 0 0 - - zC) w USCS Description ITI xzzz 0 n r 0 0 0 0 0 �' b i . CD Cry Cr O a v� CD n a lJ� 0 �3 0 �3 d 0 i c'•' w ' r00 p, CO � o = vo CrCD CD a CD sn r P a CD CD CD Cn o CD oCA -D n C CD 0 d CrA0 En 10 bd O N o CD 10 CD z C p' as CD. o 0 Cn r CD Dry Unit Weight r* to (PCO Moisture 'L7 G r ^' Content (%) CD Additional 0 CD a a a Tests I & '� Remarks Date Drilled 4/11/05 Water Depth: Not Encountered Drilled By: Cal-Pac Drilling Date Measured: 4/11/05 Drilling Method: Mobile B-53, 8" HSA Elevation: 51 feet (approx.) Logged By: KLP Datum: MSL a a GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Eo z H AND a s 3 a Q Q CLASSIFICATION y C SM Silty Sand: Light gray, dry to damp, loose, fine grained so 13 sand, non -cohesive (dune sand) 1 q -slightly moist 4.4 CHEM 5 ' 45 i 2 7 -damp 10 3 17 -medium dense, increase in silt content 40 15 4 a5 13 20-5 30 13 Boring terminated at approximately 21-1/2 feet No refusal No bedrock No groundwater observed Hole backfilled with cuttings Costco La Quinta PLATE PqKLEINFELDER k La Quinta, California LOG OF BORING B-4 A-5 PROJECT NO. 55403 Legend to Logs on Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. Date Drilled 4/11/05 Water Depth: Not Encountered Drilled By: Cal-Pac Drilling Date Measured: 4/11/05 Drilling Method: Mobile B-53, 8" HSA Elevation: 53 feet (approx.) Logged By: KLP Datum: MSL ao a GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION •� CL a E z Oco H t'o sir Q AND 3 /\ C a 3 R. a CLASSIFICATION n Z' v �y 2 O O '_ y � N N w W A Z [q n C7 to A A aJ U Q H u: SM Silty Sand: Light brown, dry to damp, loose, fine grained sand, non -cohesive (dune sand) 50 5- 2 8 AI I1 0.6 a5 10- 3 14 RJ -medium dense 40 ML ----------------------------------- Silt with Sand: Light gray, damp, very stiff, fine 15 4 31 grained sand 35 --sm ------------------------------------- Silty Sand: Light brown, damp, medium dense, fine grained sand, slightly silty 20- 5 29 Boring terminated at approximately 21-1/2 feet No refusal No bedrock No groundwater observed i - Hole backfilled with cuttings s i 5 s S L E I N F E L D E R Costco La Quinta PLATE o k4K La Quinta, California LOG OF BORING B-5 A-6 PROJECT NO. 55403 Legend to Logs on Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. Date Drilled 4/11/05 Water Depth: Not Encountered Drilled By: Cal-Pac Drilling Date Measured: 4/11/05 Drilling Method: Mobile B-53,8" HSA Elevation: 54 feet (approx.) Logged By: KLP Datum: MSL a o ° a .` GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Ca E Z' �; to .� A AND 3 s ami n o o a CLASSIFICATION o CQ tUn a A .° � U Q SM Silty Sand: Light brown, dry to damp, loose, fine grained sand, non-cohesive (dune sand) s0 5 1 6 1.0 as ML -- --- --- -- Sandy Silt: Light gray-brown, damp, stiff, fine grained 10 2 11 sand, highly voided (pin sized), very slightly cemented M Silty Sand to Sandy Silt: Light gray, damp to slightly ML moist, medium dense (stiff), fine grained sand ao 15 3 12 ss 20 4 13 Boring terminated at approximately 21-1/2 feet No refusal No bedrock No groundwater observed Hole backfilled with cuttings s s r S I S K L E I N F E L D E R Costco La Quinta PLATE — La Quinta, California LOG OF BORING B-6 A-7 PROJECT NO. 55403 Legend to Logs on Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. Date Drilled 4/11/05 Water Depth: Not Encountered Drilled By: Cal-Pac Drilling Date Measured: 4/11/05 Drilling Method: Mobile B-53, 8" HSA Elevation: 54 feet (approx.) Logged By: KLP Datum: MSL o a GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION SP v0 C E z O N 3 A AND 3 q y a y a s CLASSIFICATION W-0 to M rn cl a U j SM Silty Sand: Light gray, dry to damp, loose, fine grained sand, non -cohesive (dune sand) so 5 1 8 -with abundant iron pyrite flecks 0.7 SP- Poorly Graded Sand with Silt (SP -SND: light gray, 45 --Ism moist, medium dense, fine to coarse grained 10-2 Iz -increase in silt content Gs --------------------------------------- SM Silty Sand: Light gray, dry to damp, medium dense, 4o fine grained sand, non -cohesive (dune sand) 15- 3 13 ED -decrease in iron pyrite flecks 35 20 4 10 Boring terminated at approximately 21-1/2 feet No refusal No bedrock No groundwater observed Hole backfilled with cuttings s s t 7 S n S K L E I N F E L D E R Costco La Quinta PLATE U �� La Quinta, California ` u LOG OF BORING B-7 A-8 PROJECT NO. 55403 Legend to Logs on Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. Date Drilled 4/11/05 Water Depth: Not Encountered Drilled By: Cal-Pac Drilling Date Measured: 4/11/05 Drilling Method: Mobile B-53, 8" HSA Elevation: 54 feet (approx.) Logged By: KLP Datum: MSL � o aco o N C a GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION o za V AND 3 a,Sq a s 3 n g.v CLASSIFICATION y ua�ca oa c7 rn A3 U SM Silty Sand: Light gray, dry to damp, loose, fine grained sand, non -cohesive (dune sand) 50 5 11 0.3 45 10 2 24 -medium dense 40 15 3 i 24 M Silty Sand to Sandy Silt: Light gray, damp, fine 35 ML grained sand 20- 4 Boring terminated at approximately 21-1/2 feet No refusal No bedrock No groundwater observed Hole backfilled with cuttings j K L E I N F E L D E R Costco La Quinta PLATE k" La Quinta, California LOG OF BORING B-8 A-9 j PROJECT NO. 55403 Legend to Logs on Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. Date Drilled 4/11/05 Water Depth: Not Encountered Drilled By: Cal-Pac Drilling Date Measured: 4/11/05 Drilling Method: Mobile B-53, 8" HSA Elevation: 55 feet (approx.) Logged By: KLP Datum: MSL M 2 o 0 GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Ca [ z' 0'0. a A AND 3 �, a 3a a co CLASSIFICATION W_Q to Ca rn 0 A A3�5U QF c5' Sm Silty Sand: Gray -brown, damp, loose, fine grained sand, non -cohesive (dune sand), with some iron pyrite flecks 1 6 0.7 50 5 'h 2 19 ' ' ' -medium dense a5 10- 3 11 ' -no recovery 40 15 4 ' ' ' 23 ' 35 20- 5 13 ' -increase in silt content Boring terminated at approximately 21-1/2 feet No refusal No bedrock No groundwater observed Hole backfilled with cuttings s S r S KLEINFELDER Costco La Quinta La Quinta, CaliforniaL4 PLATE LOG OF BORING B-9 A-10 PROJECT NO. 55403 Legend to Logs on Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. C m AT Y a a 11 A SCAM LA nl IINTA COSTCO CP 1 KA {7n1 Nn QnT 5/93/n5 ►t� Elevation (approx.) C> o `" Depth d d d Sample Number 0 � ,� Blows per Foot U4 C, Q4 CD Q. d r Sample Type Q- LA C� - - - - - - - k.Ah.y - Graphic Log O � - - a o w r USCS Description OO O I O (-) P � O O En� CD " V CD co �:S CL o CsJ a, o LA d o a. CDr I CD � r' GQ °O v En. oCD x Cr �O CD qq CD CD C1, GQ z _°I a'Q. ydd dt�t7� I CD O O C -D V ITI O O �y '� N 51. CD CLI CD Z o o• rn I � a. a v, o I � o ri � C* n Dry Unit Weight (pcf) O P Moisture 'O �3 Content (%) Additional X CD A y C) Tests Remarks Date Drilled 4/11/05 Water Depth: Not Encountered Drilled By: Cal-Pac Drilling Date Measured: 4/11/05 Drilling Method: Mobile B-53, 8" HSA Elevation: 55 feet (approx.) Logged By: KLP Datum: MSL n p oa o at GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION SOD z 3 A AND a 3 a CLASSIFICATION C_ o E W o co 0 �D 0 a U sM Silty Sand: Light gray, dry to damp, loose, fine grained sand, non -cohesive (dune sand) so 5 1 9 , 0.8 Silty Sand to Sandy Silt: Light gray, damp, medium 45 10sw 218 ML dense (very stiff), fine grained sand -Ism Silty Sand: Light gray, damp, medium dense, fine grained sand ao 15 3 111 12 , M ---------------------------------- Silty Sand to Sandy Silt: Light gray, damp, medium ML dense (stiff), fine grained sand as 20- 4 12 Boring terminated at approximately 21-1/2 feet No refusal No bedrock No groundwater observed Hole backfilled with cuttings fC C L 7 0 S 7 n x n 3 K L E I N F E L D E R Costco La Quinta PLATE k4 La Quinta, California LOG OF BORING B-11 A-12 fl LUL PROJECT NO. 55403 Legend to Logs on Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. Date Drilled 4/11/05 Water Depth: Not Encountered Drilled By: Cal-Pac Drilling Date Measured: 4/11/05 Drilling Method: Mobile B-53, 8" HSA Elevation: 57 feet (approx.) Logged By: KLP Datum: MSL `Qa w 0a GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION o z a A AND .. -'sy ami n. o a Cn U CLASSIFICATION a C. ❑ ° v E w�L co cn C7 A3 U ¢F'�'�a4 SM Silty Sand: Light gray, dry to damp, loose to medium dense, fine grained sand, non -cohesive (dune sand) 55 $ 1 14 ED 0.5 50 10- 2 17 1-7 -medium dense 45 i M — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Silty Sand to Sandy Silt: Light gray -brown, damp, 15 3 23 ML medium dense (stiff), fine grained sand 40 20-4 20 Boring terminated at approximately 21-1/2 feet No refusal No bedrock. No groundwater observed i Hole backfilled with cuttings Costco La Quinta PLATE k"KLEINFELDER i La Quinta, California LOG OF BORING B-12 A-13 PROJECT NO. 55403 Legend to Logs on Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. Date Drilled 4/11/05 Water Depth: Not Encountered Drilled By: Cal-Pac Drilling Date Measured: 4/11/05 Drilling Method: Mobile B-53, 8" HSA Elevation: 55 feet (approx.) Logged By: KLP Datum: MSL a 8 GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION C z wa 8. A AND ^ L 4 ;, o a W 3 n. G, fn CLASSIFICATION H � '�D y W..A � Oa rn C7 a A3�U OC QF � -ism Silty Sand: Light gray, dry to damp, loose to medium dense, fine grained sand, non -cohesive (dune sand) CHEM so 5 1 12 F 111 -medium dense 0.7 4s 10- 2 12 M Silty Sand to Sandy Silt: Light gray -brown, damp, ML medium dense (stiff), fine grained sand 40 15 3 ' 11 3s 20 4 14 Boring terminated at approximately 21-1/2 feet No refusal No bedrock No groundwater observed i Hole backfilled with cuttings Costco La Quinta PLATE K4KLEINFELDERLa Quinta, California LOG OF BORING B-13 A-14 PROJECT NO. 55403 Legend to Logs on Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. z e m e - A A a _ 0 9 w n .-1 — nl ..— rneTrn CD I ICA Gnl Mn nnT '/9 Inr Elevation (approx.) 7y 4C) w Iv IQ o -- o "' ( feet) Depth0P I I I I I I I — r - Sample Number 0 CD Blows per Foot a CL d `C 0 Sample Type i a' - - - - - - - - - - �.y - ... Graphic Log O z_ USCS Description pr r En b�roo OCD tv CDCD I CD CD t.A l�J CD a En tn. C r °O do 0 0 CD I °�; � W 0 r a CD I (D c CL �. o- r n Irl C ^0 CD�- rA O n O O P r En •� I z A- m ,Q I Z o p a l 00 rD (� a W o I .'3 I CD / cn O �+ N Dry Unit Weight �* n o (pcf) O Moisture ' Content n Additional O a' b� Tests Un P m b Remarks 0. O GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION IT v z w 3 U AND o C 6 -- s o a a Q A CLASSIFICATION > 8 n W t A� ocoUo ca on o Continued From Previous Pae A s� c U b ¢ H a 8 24 SM Silty Sand: Light gray -brown, damp, medium dense, 15 40M 9 fine grained sand, non -cohesive 23 10 45 10 36 -dense s 50 11 36 Boring terminated at approximately 51-1/2 feet No refusal No bedrock No groundwater observed Hole backfilled with cuttings i s S 5 K L E I N F E L D E R Costco La Quinta PLATE k4 La Quinta, California LOG OF BORING B-14 A -15b PROJECT NO. 55403 Legend to Logs on Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. Date Drilled 4/12/05 Water Depth: Not Encountered Drilled By: Cal-Pac Drilling Date Measured: 4/12/05 Drilling Method: Mobile B-53, 8" HSA Elevation: 54 feet (approx.) Logged By: KLP Datum: MSL ao o GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION °p 0 e 0 P. .; 00 AND 3 ; CLASSIFICATION 0w0 2 Uo E Sm Silty Sand: Light gray -brown, dry to damp, loose, fine grained sand, non -cohesive (dune sand) 50 5 1 g 45 10- 2 13 -medium dense, no recovery 40 15— 3 11 2. -with an interbedded silt layer to 1 " thick 35 20 4 15 , Boring terminated at approximately 21-1/2 feet No refusal No bedrock No groundwater observed Hole backfilled with cuttings s s 3 n n K L E I N F E L D E R Costco La Quinta PLATE k4 La Quinta, California u LOG OF BORING B-15 A-16 PROJECT NO. 55403 Legend to Logs on Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. Date Drilled 4/12/05 Water Depth: Not Encountered Drilled By: Cal-Pac Drilling Date Measured: 4/12/05 Drilling Method: Mobile B-53, 8" HSA Elevation: 55 feet (approx.) Logged By: KLP Datum: MSL X a o C a GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Coto c o z �" ° A AND 3 .. 0 °" w a o a CLASSIFICATION o=N E w .,A m C� a A" U 11 x SM Silty Sand: Light gray -brown, slightly moist, loose, fine grained sand, non -cohesive (dune sand) 50 5 1 13 102.0 1.0 DS, CP 45 10 2 12 93.0 1.3 M ---------------------------------- Silty Sand to Sandy Silt: Light gray, damp, medium ao ML dense (stiff), fine grained sand 15 3 14 35 20 4 13 Boring terminated at approximately 21-1/2 feet No refusal No bedrock No groundwater observed Hole backfilled with cuttings t ' K L E I N F E L D E R Costco La Quints PLATE k4 La Quinta, California LOG OF BORING B-16 A-17 PROJECT NO. 55403 Legend to Logs on Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. Date Drilled 4/12/05 Water Depth: Not Encountered Drilled By: Cal-Pac Drilling Date Measured: 4/12/05 Drilling Method: Mobile B-53, 8" HSA Elevation: 56 feet (approx.) Logged By: KLP Datum: MSL a o a GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION .. w o N AND 3 ° N w qa o pa A CLASSIFICATION o G .2 N ta aU Q[=� 55 -ism Silty Sand: Light gray-brown, dry to damp, loose, fine- grained sand, non-cohesive (dune sand) 1 3 -slightly moist 4.7 Gs z ,. so 5 3 3 45 10 4 8 -increase in silt content M ---------------------------------- Silty Sand to Sandy Silt: Light gray, damp, medium ML dense (stiff), fine grained sand 40 15 5 15 35 20-6 19 -(very stiff) Boring terminated at approximately 21-1/2 feet No refusal No bedrock No groundwater observed Hole backfilled with cuttings s s s S K L E I N F E L D E R k4 Costco La Quinta La Quinta, California PLATE LOG OF BORING B-17 A-18 PROJECT NO. 55403 Legend to Logs on Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. n ccim Le n was rncTrn nm 1 kA Rn un rnT 603ln5 b o o Elevation (approx.) C Depth r d d d a w to -- Sample Number z up p d Blows per Foot r bd `< C Sample Type CD U 117 in 0 in 0 11 11 Ij 9-j U 1-1 11 1-1 U LI -U LiGraphic Log �.yI.., O Q. w Z USCS DescriptionPI I 4 r) A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0CD 0 0 GI O cr N CD M Cr 0 CD I CD 0 CrJ m o o �• � ° to CD P , ,t O I p- r ' N t7a O 00 = Oq O p, CD :3 C' C.I D Cyr1 n n CDP I Q C" n CD lizi O �I CD Z CA � ° o. CD r a� aa. y d d to d C, •, I O n � w o P ?o CD O NIEnO co m ,O r? C I Z o C3CD I a I CD o I r C"DCD N U Dry Unit Weight n o (PCO O Moisture`d9�s. Content (%) ' t CD Additional O CCD a' n Tests y & Remarks 0 m A 0 3 VCV ICVn O n O N Elevation (approx.) ( feet) Depth Number Or 0 t Sample UQ , CD z1� c c Blows per Foot - A. d or u Sample Type CD � a _ - - - - LA �..,� - - Graphic Log O AY Y ij ij ij- Q- Uj USCS Description OOO OII CL COO C r O 'I. =O V) ro' N oCD ll C.1 CO p I CD n Vi O. d CCD W C0. =ori CDDCD �� a CD (lq a O A010 CO r -r I CD a=i s . aCL 0 r o t ri a� I O w ^D CD 0 n CD CD o CD o 01 C z CO n CD � I CD o y R. CLI I CD ;° p m I s✓ Naz CD O �p r CD N lT1 c Dry Unit Weight Ln n (pcf .-. O Moisture ' 3 �3 Content (%) CO Additional X CD a t' Tests Iv & C) m Remarks Date Drilled 4/12/05 Water Depth: Not Encountered Drilled By: Cal-Pac Drilling Date Measured: 4/12/05 Drilling Method: Mobile B-53, 8" HSA Elevation: 56 feet (approx.) Logged By: KLP Datum: MSL � a C a GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION m o z c 8.H N a AND 3 0 e -- - Y a �Q a 3 a s co CLASSIFICATION or y N W CO 0 D 0 2U QF�� s5 SM Silty Sand: Light gray, dry to damp, loose to medium dense, fine grained sand, non -cohesive (dune sand) 1 15 98.0 0.5 5 so smi Silty Sand to Sandy Silt: Light gray, damp, medium 212 ML dense (stiff), fine grained sand 1 4s0 ao 15 3 i l ss 20 4 12 Boring terminated at approximately 21-1/2 feet No refusal No bedrock No groundwater observed i Hole backfilled with cuttings S S S Costco La Quinta PLATE k4KLEINFELDERLa Quinta, California LOG OF BORING B-20 A-21 PROJECT NO. 55403 Legend to Logs on Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. 0 A e 0 GEUTEGH TEME(;ULA btAU3 LA UUIN I A GUS I GU.UI'J KA HULNUA L) I W[JND Elevation (approx.) 0 o v, o v, Depth d d d 0 Sample Number A a d Ln J N Blows per Foot o r bd �' co Sample TypeCD Graphic Log O a C) USCS Description t xzzz� r' 0 0 0 0 0 1 -I� o N CD CCD N �:s cD i CD O 1•12i o ad d CD ° �, ° I r' ... = CD 0 a `�° = I y I Co CAI CD c�a ami o nC C" �71ICD Cn O CD , CD c aI Oren 'C3 tz O�,, o N I ; D O z CD F. , �, pCD ICD I Cu tz CD Z NI COO LA C t i 0 CD o. r� Dry Unit Weight n (Pco Moisture Content (%) Additional O X .. CD ¢' y r Tests tv C & lv Remarks Date Drilled 4/12/05 Water Depth: Not Encountered Drilled By: Cal-Pac Drilling Date Measured: 4/12/05 Drilling Method: Mobile B-53, 8" HSA Elevation: 55 feet (approx.) Logged By: KLP Datum: MSL ag o a GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTIONCo ' to 3 U AND 3 e �_ oa A CLASSIFICATION o SM Silty Sand: Light gray -brown, dry to damp, loose to medium dense, fine grained sand, non -cohesive (dune sand) 50 5 1 17 D -medium dense 0.6 45 10 2 12 t -loose, no recovery 40 15 3 18 C -medium dense M Silty Sand to Sandy Silt: Light gray, damp, medium ML dense (stiff), fine grained sand 3s 20 4 19 Boring terminated at approximately 21-1/2 feet No refusal No bedrock No groundwater observed ' Hole backfilled with cuttings s 7 t n Costco La Quinta PLATE uKLEINFELDER La Quinta, California r u LOG OF BORING B-22 A-23 11 PROJECT NO. 55403 Legend to Logs on Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. Date Drilled 4/12/05 Water Depth: Not Encountered Drilled By: Cal-Pac Drilling Date Measured: 4/12/05 Drilling Method: Mobile B-53, 8" HSA Elevation: 55 feet (approx.) Logged By: KLP Datum: MSL a E oa o N o4 0 •� GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION o = A AND 37aN a a o a CLASSIFICATION C c wtA 5 M c7 c) a U Q[�' 0G sM Silty Sand: Light gray, dry to damp, loose to medium dense, fine grained sand, non -cohesive (dune sand) 50 5 1 10 0.6 45 10 2 14 40 15 3 i 12 M ---------------------------------- Silty Sand to Sandy Silt: Light gray, damp, medium ML dense (stiff), fine grained sand 35 20 4 12 Boring terminated at approximately 21-1/2 feet No refusal No bedrock No groundwater observed Hole backfilled with cuttings S S S K L E I N F E L D E R L�i� Costco La Quinta PLATE La Quinta, California LOG OF BORING B-23 A-24 PROJECT NO. 55403 Legend to Logs on Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. C C a a t� C Date Drilled 4/12/05 Water Depth: Not Encountered Drilled By: Cal-Pac Drilling Date Measured: 4/12/05 Drilling Method: Mobile B-53, 8" HSA Elevation: 55'feet (approx.) Logged By: KLP Datum: MSL X a g L GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION .9 o z a _:lla AND 3 ^ [ N Q a Z o 4CLASSIFICATION IO N E �� wto M 0 � A3�U QF SM Silty Sand: Light gray, dry to damp, loose, fine grained sand, non -cohesive (dune sand) 1 4 -damp to slightly moist 3.7 50 5 2 6 -increase in silt content ML ---------------------------------- Sandy Silt: Light gray -brown, damp, stiff, fine grained 45 sand, slightly plastic to non -plastic 10 3 12 SM Silty Sand: Light gray -brown, damp, medium dense, fine grained sand 40 15 35 20- 4 12 Boring terminated at approximately 21-1/2 feet No refusal No bedrock No groundwater observed Hole backfilled with cuttings K L E I N F E L D E R Costco La Quinta PLATE k La Quinta, California LOG OF BORING B-24 A-25 PROJECT NO. 55403 Legend to Logs on Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. Date Drilled 4/13/05 Water Depth: Not Encountered Drilled By: Cal-Pac Drilling Date Measured: 4/13/05 Drilling Method: Mobile B-53, 8" HSA Elevation: 61 feet (approx.) Logged By: KLP Datum: MSL X s o a GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 90 z H o a N A AND 3 .. C Y s > a a ° U CLASSIFICATION ua.,A vs m vs A U SM Silty Sand: Light gray, dry to damp, loose, fine grained 60 sand, non -cohesive (dune sand) 1 5 -slightly moist 3.5 cs 5 2 6 1.7 ss 3 7 10- 4 s0 8 15 5 11 ; -medium dense, increase in silt content 4s M ---------------------------------- Silty Sand to Sandy Silt: Light gray -brown, damp, 20 6 16 ML medium dense (very stiff), fine grained sand 40 Boring terminated at approximately 21-1/2 feet No refusal No bedrock No groundwater observed Hole backfilled with cuttings s s s 5 K L E I N F E L D E R Costco La Quinta PLATE u �� La Quinta, California LOG OF BORING B-25 A-26 D PROJECT NO. 55403. Legend to Logs on Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. o - m 0 a 0 m I n" IK -A r CTrn r -D I VA oni Kin RnT b Elevation (approx.) 0 0 (feet) u, o `^ Depth r O0 (7 C% L a w N — Sample Number l .. C .-• ?' CD z A � �;, �;, o Blows per Foot CD Q. d o Sample Type `< CD N- a - ---- - -- �..� Graphic Log ° oa w Z 4 COD USCS Description r. O O O O Ej G � O C" O CDD I i C A-� �d W CD ov 0-0 Cr 'I a,� .� w o CrJ 0�:S0P ;171 apl q BMs d CD `CD �300 tn, O av `A- CCD o 0.. .. �. p G t=i CD i CD r Y aP CD Irl r d 0 a.v4�OL. .t O I a.�l CD r� bd ; N 01 o N '3 r (ND Z CD D aCD i a I � w 00 Dry Unit Weight 0 0 (pcf) c .. Moisture p ' o Content (%) Additional 0 cD A y r Tests a N& J Remarks Date Drilled 4/13/05 Water Depth: Not Encountered Drilled By: Cal-Pac Drilling Date Measured: 4/13/05 Drilling Method: Mobile B-53, 8" HSA Elevation: 65 feet (approx.) Logged By: KLP Datum: MSL E 0 0 � c GEOTECHNICAL ECHNICAL DESCRIPTION C z y a U la AND 3 o ^ > d o a 3 a n U CLASSIFICATION u7twE A CA C7 U Q nU QE��� SM Silty Sand: Light gray, dry to damp, very loose to loose, fine grained sand, non -cohesive (dune sand) so 5 1 a -slightly moist, loose 6.9 m ---------------------------------- Silty Sand to Sandy Silt: Light gray -brown, damp, 55 10 2' 9 ML loose (stiff), fine grained sand, very slightly cemented so 15 3 la -medium dense as 20 a 17 J -(very stiff), decrease in silt content ao 25 5 13 -(stiff) Boring terminated at approximately 26-1/2 feet No refusal No bedrock No groundwater observed Hole backfilled with cuttings La Quinta PLATE kCostcoKLEINFELDER 4 La Quinta, California LOG OF BORING B-27 A-28 PROJECT NO. 55403 Legend to Logs on Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. Date Drilled 4/13/05 Water Depth: Not Encountered Drilled By: Cal-Pac Drilling Date Measured: 4/13/05 Drilling Method: Mobile B-53, 8" HSA Elevation: 59 feet (approx.) Logged By: KLP Datum: MSL � a z g m C a GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION AND 3 o v N a s c a Q CLASSIFICATION w A� ca n a A —KI U '<Og : , sM Silty Sand: Light gray, dry to damp, loose, fine grained sand, non -cohesive (dune sand) 55 5 1 g -slightly moist 94.0 50 10 2 12 96.0 M Silty Sand to Sandy Silt: Light gray -brown, damp, ML medium dense (stiff), fine grained sand 45 15 3 13 40 20 4 16 -(very stiff) 35 25- 5 15 -slight decrease in silt content Boring terminated at approximately 26-1/2 feet No refusal No bedrock N6 groundwater observed Hole backfilled with cuttings I N F E L DER Costco La Quinta PLATE k"'KLE La Quinta, California LOG OF BORING B-28 A-29 PROJECT NO. 55403 Legend to Logs on Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. Date Drilled 4/13/05 Water Depth: Not Encountered Drilled By: Cal-Pac Drilling Date Measured: 4/13/05 Drilling Method: Mobile B-53, 8" HSA Elevation: 63 feet (approx.) Logged By: KLP Datum: MSL a g a GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION � A AND 3 ami a c � CLASSIFICATION y� a .o o �v °� 'Uo W..A W C7 A A n U aY"i ani sM Silty Sand: Light gray brown, dry to damp, very loose to loose, fine grained sand, non -cohesive (dune sand) 60 5 2 2 ' -very loose, slightly moist 2.7 55 10- 3 g -loose 50 15 4 Cl 6 45 ML Silt with Sand: Brown, slightly moist, stiff, fine 20 5 9 grained sand, slightly plastic Boring terminated at approximately 21-1/2 feet No refusal No bedrock No groundwater observed Hole backfilled with cuttings s 7 S S S k4KLEINFELDERLa Costco La Quinta Quinta, California PLATE LOG OF BORING B-29 A-30 PROJECT NO. 55403 Legend to Logs on Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. Date Drilled 4/13/05 Water Depth: Not Encountered Drilled By: Cal-Pac Drilling Date Measured: 4/13/05 Drilling Method: Mobile B-53, 8" HSA Elevation: 59 feet (approx.) Logged By: KLP Datum: MSL a a g 0 a GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION coan �- E w U N3 AND a & N a s A CnI CLASSIFICATION w ..IM as to 0 A e� o U E Sm Silty Sand: Light gray, dry to damp, very loose to loose, fine grained sand, non -cohesive (dune sand) 1 4 M -loose 2.3 SS 5 2 6 -increase in silt content, with an interbedded silt layer to 1" thick 3 8 50 10 M — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Silty Sand to Sandy Silt: Gray -brown, damp, medium 45 ML dense (stiff), fine grained sand 15 4 11 40 20 s 12 -decrease in silt content Boring terminated at approximately 21-1/2 feet No refusal No bedrock No groundwater observed Hole backfilled with cuttings s s S r n n u Costco La Quinta PLATEKLEINFELDER La Quinta, California�� C LOG OF BORING B-30 A-31 L PROJECT NO. 55403 Legend to Logs on Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. Date Drilled 4/13/05 Water Depth: Not Encountered Drilled By: Cal-Pac Drilling Date Measured: 4/13/05 Drilling Method: Mobile B-53, 8" HSA Elevation: 57 feet (approx.) Logged By: KLP Datum: MSL a g b40 Q GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION CISw L'1 I~ I � I 3 0 Iii Ln s ��� ao= o A � CLASSIFICATION ��'o0 Y ���E W-0 cn W 0 A ism Silty Sand: Light gray, dry to damp, loose, fine grained 55 , sand, non -cohesive (dune sand) ML ---------------------------------- Sandy Silt: Light gray -brown, damp, stiff, fine grained sand, slightly plastic 5— 1 10 3.0 Gs so sM Silty Sand: Light gray -brown, damp, loose, fine 10 z s grained sand 45 ' 15- 3 12 -increase in silt content 40 M Silty Sand to Sandy Silt: Light gray -brown, damp, ML loose (stiff), fine grained sand 20 4 s 35 Boring terminated at approximately 211-1/2 feet No refusal No bedrock No groundwater observed Hole backfilled with cuttings z 0 aY fC - 1 L) N D U H Z D O n N S W K4 K L E I N F E L D E R Costco La Quinta La Quinta, California PLATE W LOG OF BORING B-31 A-32 _ W1 PROJECT NO. 55403 Legend to Logs on Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. Date Drilled 4/13/05 Water Depth: Not Encountered Drilled By: Cal-Pac Drilling Date Measured: 4/13/05 Drilling Method: Mobile B-53, 8" HSA Elevation: 56 feet (approx.) Logged By: KLP Datum: MSL a g GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION z H 3 AND 3 �^y N N a o OU o co A CLASSIFICATION O N w�Q m C7 A� U 55 m sM Silty Sand: Brown to dark brown, damp, loose, fine grained sand, very silty 1 RV so 5 Z= 5 decrease in silt content 1.0 M — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Silty Sand to Sandy Silt: Light gray -brown, damp, 10 45 3 16 medium dense (very stiff), fine grained sand -ISM Silty Sand: Light gray -brown, damp, loose, fine ML grained sand ao 15 4 11 35 20 5 -increase in silt content Boring terminated at approximately 21-1/2 feet No refusal No bedrock No groundwater observed Hole backfilled with cuttings r fC C L 7 7 7 7 n 3 L E I N F E L D E R Costco La Quinta PLATE k4K La Quinta, California r L LOG OF BORING B-32 A-33 D PROJECT NO. 55403 Legend to Logs on Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. Date Drilled 4/13/05 Water Depth: Not Encountered Drilled By: Cal-Pac Drilling Date Measured: 4/13/05 Drilling Method: Mobile B-53, 8" HSA Elevation: 55 feet (approx.) Logged By: KLP Datum: MSL iG a n g CO L GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION C z b A AND 3 , a c y, n Q Cn CLASSIFICATION .��, 44 e w`•:A A3'7U 04 SM sM Silty Sand: Light gray, dry to damp, loose, fine grained sand, non -cohesive (dune sand) i 8 1.0 50 5 ML ---------------------------------- Sandy Silt: Light gray, damp, stiff, fine grained sand, slightly plastic 45 10 2 2.5 8 smi Silty Sand to Sandy Silt: Light gray -brown, damp, 40 ML loose (stiff), fine grained sand 15 3 9 as 20 4 9 Boring terminated at approximately 21-1/2 feet No refusal No bedrock No groundwater observed Hole backfilled with cuttings Cf C L 7 q 7 1 Z: 7 7 n R n 5 K L E I N F E L D E R Costco La Quinta PLATE U k4 L La Quinta, California LOG OF BORING B-33 A-34 L PROJECT NO. 55403 Legend to Logs on Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. Date Drilled 4/13/05 Water Depth: Not Encountered Drilled By: Cal-Pac Drilling Date Measured: 4/13/05 Drilling Method: Mobile B-53, 8" HSA Elevation: 55 feet (approx.) Logged By: KLP Datum: MSL aw GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION C 0 l� c .a AND 3 o C N o Y s N N a ��' N ���' a a Q CLASSIFICATION �' U O p b y y ua..ca ca a ca3 U ¢H x sM Silty Sand: Light gray, dry to damp, loose, fine grained sand, non -cohesive (dune sand), very silty 1 2 9 X Mb 0.6 s0 5 3 11 -medium dense 13 45 10- 4 12 40 15 i 35 i M — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Silty Sand to Sandy Silt: Light gray -brown, damp, 20 s ML medium dense (stiff), fine grained sand 13 3 h v n Z 7 YQ Y CL L7 U U N U U H Z 7 O g 0 N 5 W K L E I N F E L D E R Costco La Quinta PLATE i �� La Quinta, California W LOG OF BORING B-34 A-35 W PROJECT NO. 55403 Legend to Logs on Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. Date Excavated: 4/11/05 Equipment: Backhoe Excavated By: Staib Backhoe. Bucket Size: 24 inch Elevation: 55 feet Logged By: J. Waller Datum: MSL SOIL DESCRIPTION H z AND y C CL a. CLASSIFICATION a�U QF Silty Sand (SNI): light brown, dry, fine grained sand, some medium sand 1 -some roots -slightly moist 50 5 Test pit terminated at 6 feet No refusal No bedrock No groundwater observed Excavation backfilled with soil cuttings Z Z P. V O F O V Q H 7 o Costco La Quinta PLATE k"KLEINFELDER La Quinta, California m 0 A-36 LOG OF TEST PIT TP -1 PROJECT NO. 55403 01 )rafted By: Reviewed By: Legend To Logs On Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. Date Excavated: 4/11/05 Equipment: Backhoe Excavated By: Staib Backhoe Bucket Size: 24 inch Elevation: 55 feet .Logged By: J. Waller Datum: MSL L SOIL DESCRIPTION H z a AND Sq a CLASSIFICATION A cn 66 N 1 SIlty Sand (SM): light brown, dry, fine grained sand, some medium sand -slightly moist 50 5 Test pit terminated at 6 feet No refusal No bedrock No groundwater observed Excavation backfilled with soil cuttings i s z Costco La Quinta PLATE k4 K L E I N F E L D E R La Quinta, California n LOG OF TEST PIT TP-2 A-37 PROJECT NO. 55403 )rafted By: Reviewed By: Legend To Logs On Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. Date Excavated: 4/11/05 Equipment: Backhoe Excavated By: Staib Backhoe Bucket Size: 24 inch Elevation: 54 feet Logged By: J. Waller Datum: MSL A SOIL DESCRIPTION g AND �' o > y o o CLASSIFICATION �C_ o p y w W-0 En v) 0 0_52U ¢H SIlty Sand (Sn: light brown, dry, fine grained sand, some medium sand -slightly moist 3 50 5 -moist, appears medium dense -fine to medium grained sand Test pit terminated at 8 feet No refusal No bedrock No groundwater observed Test pit backfilled with excavated soil 3 S i t i L Costco La Quinta PLATE K L E I N F E L D E R k4 La Quinta, California LOG OF TEST PIT TP -3 A-38 PROJECT NO. 55403 )rafted By: Reviewed By: Legend To Logs On Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. Date Excavated: 4/11/05 Equipment: Backhoe Excavated By: Staib Backhoe Bucket Size: 24 inch Elevation: 57 feet Logged By: J. Waller Datum: MSL SOIL DESCRIPTION 51L C H Z Z AND G o o = a CLASSIFICATION A [ ° N c wto 1/5 n 0 A O > -U Q(~ 4 Silty Sand (SM): light brown, dry, fine grained sand, some medium sand 55 -slightly moist, trace roots. -moist, medium dense. 5 1 T -fine to medium grained. Test pit terminated at 6 feet No refusal No bedrock No groundwater observed Test pit backfilled with excavated soil 3 J 7 L L 7 n J C 7 Costco La Quinta PLATE k4 KLEINFELDER La Quinta, California n LOG OF TEST PIT TP -4 A-39 PROJECT NO. 55403 )rafted By: Reviewed By: Legend To Logs On Plate A-1 Note: The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate as the transition between different soil layers may be gradual. APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING k'q KLEINFELDER APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING Laboratory tests were performed on representative intact and bulk soil samples to estimate engineering characteristics of the various earth materials encountered. Testing was performed in accordance with one of the following references: 1) Lambe, T. William, Soil Testing for Engineers, Wiley, New York, 1951 2) Laboratory Soils Testing, U.S. Army, Office of the Chief of Engineers, Engineering Manual No. 1110-2-1906, November 30, 1970 3) ASTM Standards for Soil Testing, latest revisions 4) State of California Department of Transportation, Standard Test Methods, latest revisions. LABORATORY MOISTURE AND DENSITY DETERMINATIONS Natural moisture content and dry density tests were performed on selected intact samples collected. Moisture content was evaluated in general accordance with ASTM Test Method D 2216; dry unit weight was evaluated using procedures similar to ASTM Test Method D 2937. The results are presented on the Logs of Borings and are summarized in Table B-1, Moisture and Density Test Results. SIEVE ANALYSIS Sieve analyses were performed on eight samples of the materials encountered at the site to evaluate the grain size distribution characteristics of the soils and to aid in their classification. The tests were performed in general accordance with ASTM Test Method D 422. The test results are presented as Plates B-1 and B-2, Grain Size Distribution. 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page B-1 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. M KLEINFELDER DIRECT SHEAR Direct shear testing was performed on one relatively undisturbed sample. The test was conducted to evaluate the soil shear strength parameters in general accordance with ASTM Standard Test Method D 3080. The soil sample was soaked to near saturation prior to testing. The result is presented as Plate B-3, Direct Shear Test. REMOLDED DIRECT SHEAR One selected sample, remolded to 90 perecent relative compaction, was subjected to direct shear testing for shear strength and cohesion values of the in situ soils in accordance with ASTM Standard Test Method D 3080. The results are presented as Plate B-4, Direct Shear Test. COLLAPSE POTENTIAL TEST Collapse Potential testing was performed on four selected relatively undisturbed samples in accordance with ASTM Standard Test Method D-5333. The test results are presented as Plates B-5 through B-8, Collapse Potential Test, and may be compared to the table presented below to qualitatively evaluate the collapse potential of the near -surface site soils. Degree of Specimen Collapse Collapse Index Ip, % None 0 Slight 0.1-2.0 Moderate 2.1-6.0 Moderately Severe 6.1-10.0 Severe > 10 MAXIMUM UNIT WEIGHT/OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT Maximum unit weight/optimum moisture tests was performed on one selected bulk sample of the on-site soils to determine compaction characteristics. The test was performed in accordance with ASTM Standard Test Method D-1557. The test result is presented in Table B-2, Maximum Dry Unit Weight and Optimum Moisture Content. 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page B-2 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. W" KLEINFELDER R -VALUE TESTS R -value testing was performed on two samples of the near -surface soils encountered at the site. The tests were performed in general accordance with Caltrans Standard Test Method 301. The test results are presented in Table B-3, R -Value Test Results. CORROSIVITY TEST A series of chemical tests were performed on four selected samples of the near -surface soils to estimate pH, resistivity, sulfate and chloride contents. Test results may be used by a qualified corrosion engineer to evaluate the general corrosion potential with respect to construction materials. The results are presented in Table B-4, Corrosion Test Results, and may be compared to the table presented below to qualitatively evaluate the corrosivity of the near -surface site soils. Soil Resistivity In ohm -centimeters 0 to 1,000 1,000 to 2,000 2,000 to 10,000 Over 10,000 Corrosivitv Cateizory Severely corrosive Corrosive Moderately corrosive Mildly corrosive 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page B-3 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. " KLEINFELDER Table B-1 Moisture and Densitv Test Results .d vhV2.Y i}= a: am, -' Borm fi D�epfb ; 1�r, ensrty s"',C5• .. a o�sture t B-1 5 -- 0.5 B-1 10 -- 0.5 B-1 15 88 1.6 B-2 5 -- 0.6 B-3 3 - 1.2 B4 3 -- 4.4 B-5 5 95 0.6 B-6 5 -- 1.0 B-7 5 -- 0.7 B-8 5 -- 0.3 B-9 3 -- 0.7 B-10 5 -- 0.5 B-11 5 -- 0.8 B-12 5 -- 0.5 B-13 5 - 0.7 B-14 5 92 1.7 B-16 5 102 1.0 B-16 10 93 1.3 B-17 3 -- 4.7 B-18 5 95 1.1 B-19 5 -- 0.6 B-20 3 98 0.5 B-21 3 -- 1.0 B-22 5 -- 0.6 B-23 5 -- 0.6 B-24 3 -- 3.7 B-24 5 -- 0.7 B-25 3 -- 3.5 B-25 5 -- 1.7 B-26 3 89 1.0 B-26 7 96 0.7 B-27 5 -- 6.9 B-28 5 94 1.0 B-28 10 96 0.5 B-29 5 -- 2.7 B-30 3 -- 2.3 B-30 5 -- 3.2 B-31 5 -- 3.0 it B-32 5 -- 1.0 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page B-4 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. k'q-KLE IN F E L D E R Table B-1 (continued) Moisture and Densitv Test Results - wi. In 5 HE 4p; B-33 3 1.0 B-33 10 2.5 B-34 3 0.6 34 7 13��j Table B-1 Maximum Unit Weight and Optimum Moisture Content SAIA 4 4p; �w7mkjdffiurn Density V um oisture. IN 6,11-11, B-1 2-7 113.5 13.5 Table B-3 R -Value Test Results Y ar m ME w '�'+ ' (.,[^` Y' 1�tK'E J' is w �'•`3 ON f ONRauexx�:.s B-21 2-7 76 B-32 2-7 68 Table B-4 Corrosion Test Results SENSE,,,- �nfrPH� pawsm , :Z WR 5-13 —rSc "-I wa t b � (PP res-!, 71s Eyi m B-4 3 9.19 4 62 6200 B-13 3-8 8.78 .4 151 3000 55403/GEO/DBA5R079 Page B-5 May 23, 2005 Copyright 2005, Kleinfelder, Inc. SIEVE ANALYSIS f HYDROMETER U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES 3" 1.5" 3/4" 3/8" #4 #10 #16 #30 #60 #100 #200 100 rn i i i 1 i n'iTri 1 0 C� 70 z 60 H M w 50 H z w U w 40 a a 0 30 10 i 1 0.1 GRAIN SIZE (mm) E m 0.01 0.001 GRAVEL SAND coarse fine coarse medium fine SILT CLAY Symbol Sample Depth (ft) Description Classification • 1 20.0 Silty Sand SM M 1 45.0 Sandy Silt ML 7 10.0 Poorly Graded Sand with Silt SP -SM * 10 10.0 Sandy Silt ML XT KLEIN FELDER PROJECT NO. 55403 Costco La Quinta Highway 111 West of Jefferson Street La Quinta, California GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION PLATE Q w z H a H W C4 H z w U x w a a H 0 H GRAVEL SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES 3" 1.5" 3/4" 3/8" #4 #10 #16 #30 #60 #100 #200 0 100 14 30.0 Silty Sand SM m 17 3.0 Silty Sand SM A 25 3.0 Silty Sand SM �r 31 5.0 Sandy Silt ML 90 10 80 20 70 30 z 60 0 z H H w 50 H 50 a H 2 W H Z U 40 W U 60 w a a a a 030 E, 70 0 20 80 10 ffl 90 0 L I I 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE (mm) Costco La Quinta PLATE X K L E I N F E L D E R Highway 111 West of Jefferson Street La Quinta, California GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION B-2 PROJECT NO. 55403 GRAVEL SAND SILT CLAY coarse fine coarse medium fine Symbol Sample Depth (ft) Description Classification • 14 30.0 Silty Sand SM m 17 3.0 Silty Sand SM A 25 3.0 Silty Sand SM �r 31 5.0 Sandy Silt ML 6 controlled -strain test Rate of shear - in/min 0.02 Normal Stress -psf 5 2329 4658 Maximum Shear -psf 884 4 3598 Shear Strain - % w x 3 W V) w x E U) a x 2 U) 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 NORMAL STRESS - ksf Initial Moisture Content: 1.0% Initial Dry Density : 102 pcf Final Moisture Content: 21.8% Costco La Quinta PLATE X KLEIN F E L D E R Highway 111 West of Jefferson Street La Quinta, California DIRECT SHEAR TEST B-3 PROJECT NO. 55403 Test type controlled -strain test Rate of shear - in/min 0.02 Normal Stress -psf 1216 2329 4658 Maximum Shear -psf 884 1862 3598 Shear Strain - % Boring 16 Depth - ft 5.0 Friction Angle -deg 38 Cohesion -ksf 0.00 Description Silty Sand Classification SM 6 controlled -strain test Rate of shear - in/min 0.02 Normal Stress -psf 5 2329 4658 Maximum Shear -psf 852 4 3251 Shear Strain - % - - w m A4 1 3 U) U) w x H U) x w 2 M; U) 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 NORMAL STRESS - ksf Initial Moisture Content: 14.1% Note: Sample Remolded to 90% of Maximum Dry Density Initial Dry Density: 103 pcf Final Moisture Content: 21.3% Costco La Quinta PLATE XTK L E I N F E L D E R Highway 111 West of Jefferson Street La Quinta, California DIRECT SHEAR TEST B-4 PROJECT NO. 55403 Test type controlled -strain test Rate of shear - in/min 0.02 Normal Stress -psf 1216 2329 4658 Maximum Shear -psf 852 1704 3251 Shear Strain - % - - - Boring 1 Depth - ft 2.0 Friction Angle -deg 35 Cohesion -ksf 0.04 Description Silty Sand Classification SM 0 U W� U.1 PRESSURE - Ksf Boring 1 Depth (m) 15 Moisture Content (%) 1.6 Dry Density (pcf) 88 Description Silty Sand Classification SM Collapse Potential (%) 4.8 Severity of Problem Moderate k4 KLEINFELDER PROJECT NO. 55403 Costco La Quinta Highway 111 West of Jefferson Street La Quinta, California COLLAPSE POTENTIAL TEST 10 PLATE 0 U W U.1 1 W,i�.�. lYl 41 WIM Boring 14 Depth (m) g Moisture Content (%) 1.7 Dry Density (PC') 92 Description Silty Sand Classification SM Collapse Potential (%) 1.4 Severity of Problem Slight Ik KLEINFELDER PROJECT NO. 55403 Costco La Quinta Highway 111 West of Jefferson Street La Quinta, California COLLAPSE POTENTIAL TEST 10 PLATE F aro Q U Wp U.1 1 PRESSURE - Ksf Boring 16 Depth (m) 10 Moisture Content (%) 1.3 Dry Density (pcf) 93 Description Silty Sand Classification SM Collapse Potential (%) 0.9 Severity of Problem Slight �I�.t KLEINFELDER PROJECT NO. 55403 Costco La Quinta Highway 111 West of Jefferson Street La Quinta, California COLLAPSE POTENTIAL TEST 10 PLATE m. oil Density (pcf) 95 Description Silty Sand Classification SM Collapse Potential (%) 0.9 Severity of Problem Slight 1 2 3 0 4 U 5 W� 6 7 8 9 0.1 1 10 PRESSURE - Ksf Boring lg 0 Depth (m) 5 a n Moisture Content (%) 1.1 F Dry a V U F U 6 0 1 k� K L E I N F E L D E R Costco La Quinta Highway 111 West of Jefferson Street PLATE N La Quinta, California COLLAPSE POTENTIAL TEST B-8 o PROJECT NO. 55403 Density (pcf) 95 Description Silty Sand Classification SM Collapse Potential (%) 0.9 Severity of Problem Slight