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5250 Lankershim Blvd., #500 North Hollywood, CA 91601 louis@government.media 833.981.2816 Date REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL PROPOSAL NAME CLIENT NAME OR LOGO 5161 Lankershim Blvd. #250 North Hollywood, CA 91601 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS 1/3/22louis@government.media Louis Easton | 833.981.2816 20+3 Yrs.100%On schedule video work Similar public agency clients Contract term average Signature of the individual authorized / obligated to commit Goodsides to this project: PROPOSAL FOR MARKETING, BRANDING, CAMPAIGN DEVELOPMENT & DIGITAL MARKETING SERVICES VIDEO | AUDIO | MULTIMEDIA | GRAPHICS | RECOMMENDATIONS | CONSULTATION CITY OF LA QUINTA TABLE OF CONTENTS 01 Cover Letter 1 02 Background on the Agency 2 03 Our Client References 16 05 Work Plan and Work Schedule 19 06 Fees / Pricing Structure 22 07 Sections D Thru G 23 08 Appendix A 24 City of La Quinta January 1st, 2022 RFP “Marketing, Branding, Campaign Development & Digital Marketing Services” Dear Marcie Graham, Marketing Manager, Goodsides LLC (“Goodsides”) acknowledges City and the active procurement for high-quality media to promote more strategic reach. Please consider the following compliant submission for this important future-forward SOW, which will serve to set the stage for greater engagement with resources by the community. Goodsides is solely media campaign enhancement for public-facing institutions, setting us apart from others in the space. We are immediately native to your concerns and issues and have seemingly endless compatibility, versus coming from a commercial or for-profit, B2B world first. Our competition is asking: How did we do it? Goodsides is uniquely suited for this project, and major highlights include: A Dedicated, Energetic Team. Decades of work from within the Industry. People/Creative Resources. Media teams spread out across CA with years of experience serving government agencies and thinking through regional complexities. A Certified MBE with Good Hearts. Goodsides is active with those small but impactful productions other media houses turn down because of “threats to their margin.” Our prime directive is to serve where the team is most needed. Actual Gov Partnerships. These include 100+ cities under MTC’s administrative purview, 13 counties in Texas, Rethink Waste, Riverside Transit Agency, City of Sacramento, LA Public Library, City of Santa Monica, and City of Beverly Hills. Pricing that Makes Sense to Purchasers. No miscellaneous fees, travel expenses, etc. Statement of Validity Goodsides certifies that all information and pricing provided is valid for ninety (90) days. Our GOVsides Value After reviewing City media online, there is ample opportunity to portray human-centered stories without teleprompters, greenscreens, and blown-out areas caused by harsh sun. We want your video stories to feel more local, relevant, and targeted. Commitment and Partnership Building Goodsides spent considerable time researching, reaching out, and following up with community groups nearby that we identified as potential allies. We plan on seriously investing in areas within the boundaries of the Coachella Valley, both in terms of employment of nearby residents and purchasing/leasing space for production. We look forward to demonstrating the value and durability our partnership will provide. Louis Easton Co-Founder and CEO at Goodsides LLC Phone: 833.981.2816 | Email: louis@government.media HQ + Contract Office: 5161 Lankershim Blvd. #250, North Hollywood, CA 91601 Video link: https://youtu.be/wz75YPS-a-M Video link: https://youtu.be/1WFnW3D12y8 b. Legal Name and Addresses Goodsides LLC | Main Line: 833-981-2816 5161 Lankershim Blvd., #250, North Hollywood, CA 91601 Incorporation and Brief Description Since our California Incorporation in 2020, Goodsides has become the answer for public agencies struggling to fill media needs while other videographers and marketing professionals ceased work or sat on budgets. MBE CERT: CCA File No. 13196 Our Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) certification was approved by the City of Los Angeles on January 21st, 2021. FEIN (Tax ID) #85-2788405 100% Owned Between the Members Goodsides is not a subsidiary, and retains all rights and ownership privileges between its two owners. Authorized Contact for Goodsides Louis Easton, Co-Founder and CEO 5161 Lankershim Blvd. #250, North Hollywood, CA Phone: 833-981-2816 (SMS or call) Email: louis@government.media Permit Requests We can handle any license or permit requirements internally, and have excellent ties with the various IE film commissions. For permits, please get in touch at: permits@government.media. Goodsides Exceeds the RFP Minimums Goodsides has 40+ years’ experience combined. Strict Adherence to the RFP Provisions Goodsides guarantees strict adherence. Insurance Coverage Goodsides has the following coverages (see below). If your agency requires higher minimums, get in touch with the details and an accommodation will be made. • GL Per Occurrence: $2M • GL Aggregate: $4M • Automobile: $2M • Workers Comp: $1M • Professional Liability: $1M Per Occurrence, $2M Aggregate Miscellaneous Goodsides notifies employees of time provided for jury service and voting. Fact sheets are also distributed for any contract work within the State. No Contract Terminations or Litigation In addition to a clean record of past performance, we have a Compliance Officer on staff who handles everything related to pre-contract obligations, kickoff, onboarding, and implementation. Subcontractors No subcontracted labor shall be used under the current SOW; we may revisit this if the video scope items change in the future. City will receive written notice (in advance) if we alter subcontracts pertaining to this bid. Detailed Administrative Overview City of La Quinta | Proposal for Video Services 2 BACKGROUND ON THE AGENCY At Home with Ambitious Cities After working with Sacramento, Riverside Transit, and hearing from WRCOG and City of Palm Springs’ designees about their environmental opportunities/ challenges, Goodsides is fired up for 2022! We strive to only work with those cities that are just as excited about the power of video, attracting new audiences, and competing at the same level (for attention) as major corporate brands with impressive budgets. With the right concept, script, CTA, and editing, anything is possible in the digital arena. Working toward solving complex societal issues and/ or targeting sub-sets of your residents in a smart way is done through our brand of video; we welcome the challenges and ambitions of La Quinta, especially those outlined in the City’s 2035 General Plan. Team Capacity Goodsides is now MTC-approved to assist in ambitiously tackling long-range planning goals that will impact nine (of some of the most populous) counties in California. Plans include building one million permanently affordable dwellings, comparable to all of Riverside County, and reducing the unequal impact of sea level rise. These ambitions related to housing and the environment will now be supported by future-forward media that actually changes behavior, closes the gap between resident and local council, and ensures we urgently cross all MTC finish lines. We see an overlapping set of missions between MTC and the La Quinta Community with the issuance of this RFP, as well as opportunities to tell Coachella Valley and desert-inspired stories, sparking new action, investment, and unfettered discovery. An Organizational Overview City of La Quinta | Proposal for Video Services 3 At Least 10 Years of experience developing public engagement/ media. 100% of this experience relates to the SOW. No Conflicts of Interest or potential conflicts exist between us. Plus, there are no working relationships that could be perceived as a conflict. Map of La Quinta: The City will be understood by air, land, car, train, and ATV. In our early concepts, solely prepared for this future project, perspective is changed by the activity and the activity changes one’s perspective in La Quinta. It truely is a magical place full of possibility. Above: Palm Springs Life Magazine, Vision Article. This important document has already been worked into our approach and video needs have been pre-planned. BACKGROUND ON THE AGENCY #1 Team Capacity, Continued Our organization is made extremely stable and fit given our far-reaching web of partnerships, diversity, office space access, and the daily energy expended on building a next-gen media-for-governments ecosystem. A People and Culture Manager position (filled by Christian Amaraut) has virtually morphed our company from one where people with passions congregate, to an environment worth celebrating. This has made ‘The Great Resignation’ an outside phenomenon, one not significantly impacting our retention, hiring, or talent development. We cover nearly every spectrum, from the LGBTQ+ community, to the Hispanic/LatinX and black community. All subcontractors and partnering firms are urged to maintain diversity policies that mirror the spirit of our internal directives. This is a prerequisite to working together on future projects, which is quite different from primes who merely gather insurance information to prove compliance. City of La Quinta | Proposal for Video Services 4 #1 For CA agencies + Retargeting, Extras We will revisit view counts and strategize with your social media / MARCOM teams to ensure the most viewership possible. + Cultural Competency A values reflection kickstarts our work, and all pre-production activities pave the way for maximum awareness. Goodsides’ Org. Chart Scan the QR or click the link above to download a full-size PDF of our organizational structure. #1 In CA city coverage #1 Fastest growing ~30 Partners locked in Our Cultural DNA We were founded by two practitioners who come from two very different cultural backgrounds; crossing cultural divides is built into our DNA. Rather than merely highlight the diversity or ethnic makeup of our organization though, we think it is better to highlight the workspace that allows participants/workers/creatives to really use their unique voices and produce impactful media from their experiences. Experience Serving High Risk and Hard-to-Reach Populations Goodsides has moved away from identifying subpopulations as “hard-to-reach”, in favor of putting the burden on strategic communications - and communicators - to create a better (or more appropriate) strategy for connecting versus alienating. We think the method used should be under the spotlight. Other common scenarios we see in our industry: • Some people are uncomfortable with lengthy written materials that use large or unfamiliar words, or long sentences, but are nonetheless considered “hard-to-reach” • A service provider (sender of media) has a lack of time, lack of funding, or unchecked preconceptions but still operates with the assumption that their failure to reach subpopulations is due to the characteristics of their audience: prenatal mothers living in rural areas, aging senior citizens without broadband, community college students with disabilities, etc. As we see above, having five different ways of cooking a chicken does not address the needs of people who may just need the chicken (for example). Importantly, video production has a highly-prized and trial-tested place in this conversation. Studies done by the CDC, Department of Education, and Government of Ontario all point to the value of using video to highlight the progress that has been made while working in at-risk, marginalized, or under-funded communities - celebrating small victories and local heroes. With the above in mind, Goodsides has positioned itself as a maker of both mainstream and at-risk media. The two can operate side-by-side using a lengthier pre-production phase for group tests of language (for instance; not everyone has the same language/literacy skills). We also ask these WHO-sponsored questions during this critical planning phase: 1) Which channels do our target populations have access to? 2) Which channels do they prefer? and 3) Which channels provide the greatest opportunity for exposure and for ensuring sufficient message frequency (repetition)? City of La Quinta | Proposal for Video Services 5 6.3 Million Californians Or 16.4% lacked enough resources to meet basic needs in 2019. More Than a Third Or 34% of Californians lived fairly close to the poverty line (near poor). Yolo and Los Angeles Counties had the highest poverty rates (20.9% and 20.8% respectfully) and inland areas saw the greatest benefit from safety nets and programs. Children, Seniors, Latinos, and Less-Educated Adults Experience the greatest rates of poverty across the State. Speaking to That 10-21% Goodsides productions factor in a margin that has been shown to favor shorter vignettes/personal stories, television, and word-of-mouth. Poorer Areas Have Higher Rates of COVID-19 Which makes it ever more challenging to reach people in-person while distributing critical messaging. Source (Click to Read) BACKGROUND ON THE AGENCY A Case Study on Our Purpose-Driven Ethos: Our Partnership with MJ Designs. We invested months of our time, concepts, and 50+ consultation hours exploring a project to empower women and minorities with small business tools/resources. The Power of Video No other medium can inspire and shape websites, web copy, and strategies quite like video. Video moves fast and communicates complexity in seconds; this is why using Goodsides to elevate narratives and usher in another prosperous 40 years is key. We get what’s at stake and see the potential in each moving frame. Commitment to Purpose Media should improve people’s lives and bring more goodness into the world. Our company was formed to educate, bridge resources from agency to taxpayer, and contribute something meaningful to the extremely competitive attention economy. “Resiliency Video” Spotlighting tough, resilient communities paves the way for social mirroring. It also allows for special stories of superhuman strength to shine through the common noise of the everyday. These video narratives are essential for the next role model origin story. Above: Script, storyboard, and footage City of La Quinta | Proposal for Video Services 6 BACKGROUND ON THE AGENCY Philosophy Media this important should have all the tools to seriously participate in the attention economy. Strengths 1. Elevating and building off already ambitious plans for outreach or community betterment. 2. Facilitating real behavioral shifts from our media. Equal Opportunity & DEI Commitment Goodsides is a certified Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), and actively works to incorporate a diversity of voices, faces/bodies, perspectives, orientations, and communities into our final video deliverables. Even when our .GOV clients suggest names and/or places for interviewing, we spend time vetting these during the pre-production phase. Further, scripts and on-screen content pass through multiple checkpoints to ensure accuracy and cultural appropriateness. We are advocates for telling stories that require a little more nuance, sensitivity, or comfortability, which we handle in a variety of ways. Most of the time, it merely takes asking the right questions or spending that extra hour with the interviewee to get the best, most ground-shaking sizzle, and these have power behind them. We aim to grow a video-for-governments ecosystem that only supports organizations with loud and bold equity-first policies. When accepting subconsultants or working with suppliers, Goodsides only engages with these types of committed third parties. Moreover, our CEO makes sure that a balanced representation is maintained in the company, even as people join or become associated with our video product. A Goodsides production is a public statement that social equity has been prioritized. This is further exemplified by our website footer, which reads that Goodsides is an “Advocate for Social Equity.” If the subject matter relates to an “erasure” of X monument, movement, or congregation (just to name a few examples), we are sensitive to the perception of this information. And if the erasure event was really just displacement, we want to showcase that as well. Minority and Female Recruitment Anti-bias refresher training occurs once per year. Similarly, recruitment and/or vetting a contractor, partner, etc. starts with examining their holistic backgrounds and experiences. If we are working with a partner/subconsultant firm on a project, Goodsides routinely audits their diversity policies and employment counts. Another thing that we are proud to promote: Minorities and women receive priority whenever mentorship opportunities are offered to the communities we serve. Our internal mandate promotes multiple good deeds each year (like mentorship to aspiring directors, etc.). In this vein, we are actively nurturing/developing skills to then promote our employees who identify as women. Coalition Building and Collaboration We welcome the different arrangements and eclectic working styles of our colleagues in the MARCOM world, nonprofit world, etc. We are determined to only work with those trusted and reputable partners that have general liability insurance, valuable and/ or noteworthy contributions to add, and where coalitions are a clear win-win-win for all stakeholders involved. If we are showcasing a residence, we come prepared with a bilingual English/Spanish pamphlet addressing who we are, why we are there, and provide points of contact for questions. This has been shown to support our coalition efforts more broadly. We always follow up with gratitude and provide ‘Thank you’ videos when possible. City of La Quinta | Proposal for Video Services 7 BACKGROUND ON THE AGENCY Every .Gov Agency Type Work Samples MTC | Public Engagement Proposal from Goodsides 8 Dell Children’s Medical Center Affiliated with the UT Austin Dell Medical School, Dell Children’s Medical Center or DCMC received several video deliverables from our main contractor in the region. These include patient vignettes, celebration videos, milestone achievement videos, and more. Specifically, the information communicated through the quality of the shots, the preparation, etc. drove better audience engagement with the materials. Social retargeting and turning longer videos into more digestible sizzles was a boon for increased connectivity. Video link: https://vimeo.com/557688880/b16f76a90d Sacramento Preservation Office The Office of Historic Preservation, managed by the City of Sacramento, hired Goodsides to produce a complete rebrand using informational video and digital postcards, recommendations, etc. This was a first-ever video production project for the City and was designed to protect the social benefits of older buildings full of character. We created 24+ minutes of myth busting, engaging video ready for their audiences, as well as media for their forthcoming website redesign. Videos incor- porate archival footage, speeches, and pay homage to native populations as well. Video link: https://youtu.be/g-IlMUwofGQ Artist and Mural Showcases Beverly Hills and Oak Park (Sacramento) were both featured in an artist showcase produced by Goodsides. You can view the videos here: https://youtu.be/uX4MQ0So_Zg (Beverly HIlls) https://youtu.be/cpByw2a78FY (Oak Park) BACKGROUND ON THE AGENCY CA Campaign Work Reel “Engaging Audiences in 2022” (~1 Min.) We take the position that public agencies can have top-tier video quality without selecting a commercial-only vendor with the highest price. There is a gov-first option with the highest standard for video quality too. Our 2022 reel features visual assets created for City of Sacramento, City of Beverly Hills, Beverly Hills Police Department, City of Santa Monica, LA Metro, LA Department of Public Works, and more. Vimeo Link: https://vimeo.com/657149581 This video is roughly 1:20 minutes in duration, though we do have a five-minute 2021 reel available as well. As said in the description: No plan is too ambitious or too regional to get nationwide attention and spur new conversations. Further links and video examples can be provided upon request. City of La Quinta | Proposal for Video Services 9 Shoot at WAL went very well I thought... Kudos to you and your team! - Mike Malinowski, President of Applied Architecture to City of Sacramento Video link: https://youtu.be/TMXATXfz1W0 BACKGROUND ON THE AGENCY PREPARED FOR THE ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH (IDPH) BY The Building Resilience Against Climate Effects in Illinois (BRACE-Illinois) project of the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health, Division of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences with funding from THE U.S. CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION Climate and Health inILLINOIS City of La Quinta | Proposal for Video Services 10 BACKGROUND ON THE AGENCY City of La Quinta | Proposal for Video Services 11 Above: Our partnership with Nuvo360 and Twin Moons LLC (based in Los Angeles) enables simultaneous 360 video projects with 2D video contextual pieces that add to the experience. Clicking on the environmental triggers (the red/blue dots) activate deeper high-quality video explorations. Above: A sampling of our Analytics Reporting: We have in-house resources for understanding and visualizing data critical to a particular production or project. BACKGROUND ON THE AGENCY Our Track Record Providing to Similar Government Entities Our work with the City of Sacramento showcased the importance of historical preservation, and renewed a once buried topic, by interviewing real estate experts and teachers. This produced two (roughly) 12-minute videos and was satisfied within four days of shooting. We also worked on an agricultural-based video, showcasing the power of gardening, and promoting healthy eating habits along the way. We also reach outside of the typical video production team format of producer, director, editor, etc. In doing so, we orient the people-power that Goodsides brings towards completing the project and ensuring follow-through. Being “of service” and helping out in set-up or teardown, regardless of title, is a major component of our image. Much of our track record is evident in our reel quality, the types of officials we have been able to capture over the years (e.g. Beverly Hills officials and PD), and the testimonials received. It helps that RTA has recently requested work based on this perceived track record. We have also made progress with getting to know other attention markets away from the coast, such as Palm Springs and Butte County. These are environmentally-conscious stakeholders with a renewed concern for public land use, sustain- ability of production using local resources, and pollution control/air quality. Current and past work includes partnership with: Our Track Record of Success on Media- Rich SOWs A decade in the making, Goodsides was officially born from the COVID-19 pandemic by two entre- preneurs seeking to reimagine how government agencies source video production. We also think goodness should be built into the brick and mortar of a new company, which is why charitable acts, pro bono work, and other donated time is given space here, and at this time—not when we have scaled and waited over ten years like others in the market. Goodsides is a Participating Member of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) and California Water Environmental Association (CWEA). Goodsides’ leadership is also a regular authority on water conservation and other issues throughout California. After several dozen highly-attended workshops and tutorials (see our LA Library experience), executives have a real stake in the vitality of our plant life, main streets, ecosystem health, and accessibility of life-giving resources. Each representative goes through a mandated vetting process where we confirm at least 10 years’ experience in video production. We also refuse to subcontract any portion of a video deliverable; only generic marketing elements and PR components are given to partner firms. This controls our quality, output, and reinforces the brand’s image. An example of assisting through the ‘Power of Video’ includes using 4K still frames to compile successful mock ups of digital postcards using Adobe InDesign. Alongside this SOW element, we supplied a Dropbox link with curated behind-the-scene (BTS) photos that Sacramento could use on various social media sizzles. This replaced the need of hiring a separate graphics firm and separate photography firm. City of La Quinta | Proposal for Video Services 12 Qualification and Experience BACKGROUND ON THE AGENCY The 10-Year Experience Mandate (Our Internal Rule) While our subconsultants may have a different policy in place, we institute that all key personnel have at least 10 years’ experience - especially video experience mirroring multi-location and multi- format production at a high level. This is a mandate for all roles while working under our banner. Scattered, unvetted, or unchallenging roles with little growth do not fall under our mandate. Descriptions of Key Staff The Goodsides Team brings an impressive balance of pre-incorporation experience and (strong) recent performance. While others merely showcase their longevity, Goodsides has the current anchor points, the testimonials, and the agency-specific work experience. We have an energetic take on capturing the attention of 39.5 million Californians, using the pixel as our canvas, and the State’s nearly 900 miles of natural coastline as our frame. And importantly, we are safely working during the COVID-19 pandemic to reach even more people. The qualifications of the Executive Team mirror the singular mission of Goodsides: Meeting audiences where they go, with the platforms they will be using in the future with attention- grabbing relevance and quality. Our knowledge of managing market research and media buying comes from other corners of our professional resumes. We also reach outside of the typical video production team format of producer, director, editor, etc., as you will notice with our titles and organizational chart. In doing so, we orient the people-power that Goodsides brings towards completing the project and ensuring follow-through. While others commit to “on-call” help, our Executive Team commits to La Quinta-integration and genuine cultural/social understanding for the full contract duration, with high levels of community involvement. We want each volunteer, paid administrator, and public official tied to this project to feel connected to the creative potential of video, excited about new levels of engagement, etc. Names of Key Personnel from Goodsides All personnel from Goodsides are located in Los Angeles, but travel frequently: Louis Easton, Joseph Letke, Uri Ruffin, Josh Hernandez, and Bre Flores. Every member has been briefed on this scope of work and has verified their availability, commitment, and understanding. Please see the attached biosketches for more detail. Personnel Reaching Out and Forming Alliances Goodsides personnel energetically form alliances prior to productions, and always appear onsite and ready to scout locations when entering a new municipality. We have already reached out to organizations and local film commissions in preparation for 2022; the goal here is to hit the ground running, not sit on budgets or wait for local departments to need concepts. Further, when leaving a jurisdiction after a shoot, we end up driving home with new alliances and new generative relationships for future shoots. This occurred in Sacramento, and this pattern follows our production team across California. City of La Quinta | Proposal for Video Services 13 ✓Bilingual Support ✓CA-Based Experience ✓Fresh Strategies ✓Quick Execution BACKGROUND ON THE AGENCY Joseph Letke has over 14 years of experience engaging with government purchasers and agencies. He is a strategic planner that ensures contract compliance from agreement execution to close out. Joseph has developed multiple pilots for housing and port authorities, provided consulting on the Safety Act Designation, and founded a Quality Assurance Team to monitor the performance of over 200+ contracts. He regularly liaises with government agencies, community organizations, and prime partners. He is an accomplished engagement facilitator connecting several emerging technology advisories with local/state agencies. In addition, Joseph and Louis are together building a video-for-governments ecosystem to improve our industry and make governments better with grants and knowledge. EDUCATION Calarts, MA in Aesthetics and Politics UIC, BA in Sociology EXPERIENCE Brokered dozens of prime/sub relationships for Goodsides and others that drove better media deliverables and palpable cost savings. Connected Fitzner Blockchain Consulting with Washoe County, Nevada, which led to several revisions on their .GOV website reflecting the changing nature of digital assets. Pitched and successfully lobbied SOW alternatives to the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency (SHRA) and the City’s Preservation Office. Joseph Letke III, MA CO-FOUNDER & GOV PARTNERSHIPS Louis Easton, a public outreach specialist and outspoken advocate for CA issues, has over 15 years’ experience producing media. A familiar face in the halls and offices of a number of water agencies, libraries, and cities in Southern California, Louis marks his life with video milestones. Building on his grassroots experiences, Louis honed his ability to engage and connect with people of different backgrounds and cultures, which grounds his work as a facilitator who can foster collaboration and inclusive engagement. EDUCATION CSULA, BA in Television, Film, & Media Studies EXPERIENCE Led a first-ever video project for the City of Sacramento’s Preservation Office. Created video stream for the Los Angeles Public Library to beautify interior spaces during the pandemic. Created an outreach program for over 100,000 residents for multiple water agency contracts. Promoted energy efficiency and rebate programs from Cash for Kitchens / WRD in Culver City, Malibu, West Hollywood, South Central, and Downtown Los Angeles. Santa Monica PSA; directing crew, script writing, commissioning, vision implementation, and permit compliance with City and Metro. Green Media Creations TV. Specializing in Green Spaces events, education, etc. Louis Easton CEO & EXECUTIVE PROJECT MANAGER City of La Quinta | Proposal for Video Services 14 BACKGROUND ON THE AGENCY: RESUMES Uri Ruffin has over 20 years’ experience as a cinematographer. Uri realizes that there are many different kinds of projects with unique goals and requirements specific to the production. He believes a good cinematographer needs to adapt to whatever the working environment may be and stay on the same page with the production team. His lighting and camera technique is imperative to defining the story clients wish to tell. Uri Ruffin DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY & CINEMATOGRAPHER With over 15 years’ experience, Josh has worked on hundreds of projects across the country. Using a mix of both imaginative innovation and collaboration, he is able to effectively craft powerful narratives that bring his client’s stories to life. While many editors wait for raw video files to be sent to them, Josh comes on our sets and appears on shooting days for better finished media products. Josh Hernandez HEAD OF POST PRODUCTION Yari is considered an expert in engaging faculty and students with creative video concepts. She has worked with Cal State LA for 12 years, where she also obtained her BA and MA in Media Studies. Yari is bilingual and uses this for motion graphics in various capacities. EXPERTISE Educational Media Motion Graphics Backup Editing Yari Rodas MULTIMEDIA SPECIALIST EXPERTISE Cinematography Camera Operation Lighting/Sound EXPERTISE Content Creation & Storyboarding Point-of-Pride Editing Asset Management Bre is a creative director and ex-publicist for Warner Records, where she secured releases, booked tours, and tracked media coverage for top artists. She is also a founding member of Society for Women in Law, and actively works to spotlight local artists under her passion project, Rooted Los Angeles. She loves Goodsides for its community and quality focus. EXPERTISE Planning Scheduling Recommendations Breanne (Bre) Flores CREATIVE COORDINATOR City of La Quinta | Proposal for Video Services 15 BACKGROUND ON THE AGENCY: RESUMES Because Goodsides is a new enterprise, we are supplying client references from outside the Goodsides name and brand. We ask that purchasers ask for Louis Easton or Uri Ruffin when making inquiries. Plants 4 the People Jake Fry, President and Executive Director 626.733.7749 jacobfry@plants4thepeople.org Green Media Creations Armando Salas, CEO and Director Silvia Guiterrez, Office Supervisor 747.241.8556 sguiterrez@greenmediacreations.com asalas@greenmediacreations.com Los Angeles Public Library Diane Olivo-Posner, Librarian 213.228.7481 dposner@lapl.org The following city references pertain to Uri Ruffin’s background and past performance (where Goodsides associates also played a critical role prior to official incorporation). Mr. Ruffin co-represents Goodsides and its video deliverable, alongside Louis Easton. When asking for a reference from the City of Beverly Hills or the City of Santa Monica, please reference Uri. City of Beverly Hills, Beverly Hills Television Jonathan Herndon, Multimedia Services Manager 310.288.2831 jherndon@beverlyhills.org City of Santa Monica, Office of Communications Aracely Zuniga, Production Coordinator 310.458.8590 x8593 aracely.zuniga@smgov.net LAChannel36 Carla Carlini, General Manager 213.346.3864 ccarlini@lachannel36.com Our Client References City of La Quinta | Proposal for Video Services 16 c. Project Descriptions Plants 4 the People Early 2020, Goodsides donated a video to the non-profit organization Plants 4 the People. The organization is founded on the idea that food has the power to heal, educate, and connect people. The video features an educational program that promotes a new way of learning about edible gardening. Louis directed, starred, produced, and brought further edits and vision to make it all happen. He worked closely with Jake, who founded Plants 4 the People, documenting the process and conducting interviews to explore and illuminate the relationship between edible gardening and education. Plant lingo merging with people lingo. Video link: https://youtu.be/dLH4WQpFHuQ LA Public Library (During Lockdown) Under lockdown, while no other video production firms were engaged with the public, Louis worked with the Los Angeles Public Library to educate viewers and provide interactive education on plants and home beautification benefits. The LA Public Library video “How to Prepare a Terrarium” is one of the most commented videos on the Library’s YouTube channel from 2020. Louis managed the video stream, prepared the step-by-step instruction, and incorporated Library insights into its audience’s overall content/presentation. This was not a webinar, to be clear, but a chance to work with a video format while locked inside last year during peak COVID-19. Video link: https://youtu.be/aScKOlja6Io Glendora Unified School District Late 2020, Goodsides put together a presentation for Sandburg Middle School’s USDA grant project. We were able to present a grant proposal that dramatically raised the District’s request for funds, increasing their ask from $20,000 to $90,000 for garden construction. In the end, they secured the grant. They’re now looking to educate and promote gardening—fostering healthy and active integrated services to be adopted by other schools and churches. More video production requests are on the horizon for 2022. OUR CLIENT REFERENCES: DESCRIPTIONS City of La Quinta | Proposal for Video Services 17 Green Media While creating government media for Green Media, our Co-Founder and CEO completed several high-profile video projects, including PSAs for City of Santa Monica, among others. Louis continually worked with the City to foster collaboration and provide media. He was given a prominent role in Green Media Creations TV, watched mostly by public purchasers and other government entities. Current City of Sacramento Work Goodsides was contracted by the City of Sacramento in a first-ever effort to showcase multiple diverse groups and their ties to preservation efforts happening in the City. While this is ongoing, we have already partnered with several local SMEs and community members, and have gone the extra mile with our deliverables. Motion Graphics / Animations Yari has been producing motion graphics and various animated designs for educational intros, transitions, subject identifiers, and more. You can view links to example motions graphics here: https://youtu.be/dYW81nFB10c https://youtu.be/nMaSEWxErsU https://youtu.be/UJkTEwA21LQ https://youtu.be/rt4ioqTK9B0 OUR CLIENT REFERENCES: DESCRIPTIONS City of La Quinta | Proposal for Video Services 18 Summary Our approach is always customized and tailored to the individual client, community, and project. We will work on making our strat- egies appropriate to those on the margin starting on Day One. We promise high amounts of engagement, with a focus on distribution strategy, taking full advantage of pre-shot b-roll, archived still frames, archived historical assets (visual, auditory, etc.), and volunteer/fellow knowledge, past statewide contracts, and more. We will work closely with your in-house team(s) to provide support towards this effort, while reserving time to understand the key motivators involved with Youth Program registrations. Smarter video will become the “content glue” to pull stories together and the fuel to launch CTAs. There will be zero dependence on unoriginal or externally sourced content that could visually “upset” the media/graphical flow. We are delivering a fully customized end product every time. And with the help of subs, content visibility will be calculated and data-driven. The Goodsides Production Team will faithfully deliver on our communication promise: Creating a reverence for those affected by the subject matter or theme(s), and ADA compliance (this includes Section 508 and WCAG). Meeting Goals by Meeting People Organizations and facilities we will enliven/spark conversations between include: child care and affordable housing advocacy groups, local chariable businesses, main street organizations, events and rental companies with a real stake in the community, Nextdoor groups, churches, and libraries. Project/Team Management Plan Geographically, The Team and our partners are dispersed with footprints in the top three CA metropolitan areas in terms of population density. The plan is to leverage local knowledge of these three distinct regions and “attention markets” in a productive capacity. Attending an event, regardless of zip code, would be nominal in terms of cost and energy, allowing us to stack more engagements. Major Highlights • Cost controls to reduce escalations or budget revisitations; what you agree to be liable for (the NTE) is what you pay. • A firm grasp on local issues, civic entry points, planned activities, and donation-generating opportunities. • A nuanced take on targeting multi- cultural subsets of the Inland Empire. • A nuanced take on resiliency, spotlighting local stories, and gathering b-roll that resonates within City boundaries. • Strategies influenced by various outreach efforts spanning decades. • Help with video and microsite recommendations that take the viewer to your new video library. • 24/7 availability and a fresh set of KPIs, finalized after our first meeting. Work Plan and Work Schedule City of La Quinta | Proposal for Video Services 19 Above: A sample mock-up of a possible landing page for online visitors to see your new video library. Our Approach to Video Development It is Goodsides’ intent to produce a final product that meets the objectives of City. To assure achievement of this goal, adjustments to this approach can be made. Services will include the following: PHASE 1 - PRE-PRODUCTION Laying the right groundwork is essential for developing a great video. Pre-production is where we strategize the game plan tailored to your project. In collaboration with City, we establish the video concept, the look/feel, and style. We write the script (or receive it from City personnel), cast our talent, decide on the location and set design, and lock down all of the other details involved. Activities include: Research, Consultation/Kickoff Meeting Creative Approach Conceptualization, Scripting Crew, Cast, Location, Equipment PHASE 2 - PRODUCTION Now that the roadmap has been developed, it’s time to put it all together in front of the cameras. This is where our professional crew of directors of photography, camera operators, sound engineers, and lighting technicians do what they do best - film a great video. Activities include: Video Shooting PHASE 3 - POST PRODUCTION The editorial team shapes the story, making sure that the video is on track with City conceptual plan/ vision. Goodsides is currently forming partnerships with translation third parties and involving them in the quote-making process. The lowest price will not automatically mean selection but will be considered alongside applicability to our contracts, location, and strength connecting with resident audiences. Options for other languages outside of the scope will be available at a customized rate. At this stage, City will see their first cut. Activities include: First Edit/Rough Cut Second Edit Voice Over, Subtitling, Translation, Transcription, ASL Picture Lock Sound Mix, Color Correction, Graphic Design PHASE 4 - FINAL REVISIONS Once City has reviewed the first cut(s), stakeholders will have ample time to share their thoughts with us. Revisions are carefully managed using collaborative tools, and revision histories are visible throughout this phase. PHASE 5 - DELIVERY Following sign-off and approval, we then create high-quality files of your video(s) that can be used for various formats. We provide various platform-specific dimensions and durations, as needed, without being prompted for these custom specifics. Deliverables include: Closed-Captioning, ADA Compliance, etc. Final Video Submission in All Formats Requested Project Commissioning Social Media Integrations and hand-off with digital workflow notes City of La Quinta | Proposal for Video Services 20 WORK PLAN AND WORK SCHEDULE City of La Quinta | Proposal for Video Services 21 Sample Video Production Schedule - One Task Order for Video Goodsides is adaptable to multiple contingencies and sees the value in overlapping tasks to gain peak efficiency. Further, we take our time with the pre-production process to ensure a high level of compliance throughout the project. Interviews, core concept agreement and approval, and background information are all incorporated and completed as early as feasible once the contract has been negotiated. Edited versions of the deliverable(s) are submitted in advance (via Hightail, Dropbox, etc.) and ahead of schedule to account for rare incidents. Q2 Q3 Q4 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Est. Agreement AdministrationEst. Agreement AdministrationEst. Agreement Administration Kickoff Call and Vision DocumentKickoff Call and Vision DocumentKickoff Call and Vision Document Pre-Production PlanningPre-Production PlanningPre-Production Planning Scheduling, Locations, PermitsScheduling, Locations, PermitsScheduling, Locations, Permits Scripting and StoryboardsScripting and StoryboardsScripting and Storyboards Pre-Production Sign-OffPre-Production Sign-OffPre-Production Sign-Off Est. ScoutingEst. ScoutingEst. Scouting Est. Shooting DatesEst. Shooting DatesEst. Shooting Dates Est. Post Production Milestone #1Est. Post Production Milestone #1Est. Post Production Milestone #1 Est. Post Production Milestone #2Est. Post Production Milestone #2Est. Post Production Milestone #2 Video Finalization and DeliveryVideo Finalization and DeliveryVideo Finalization and Delivery Est. Agreement Administration Kickoff Call and Vision Docum… Pre-Production Planning Scheduling, Locations, Permits Scripting and Storyboards Pre-Production Sign-Off Est. Scouting Est. Shooting Dates Est. Post Production Mileston… Est. Post Production Mileston… Video Finalization and Delivery Phase-In 2 1/10/2022 1 1/18/2022 1 Pre-Production 4 2/1/2022 1 2/7/2022 1 2/21/2022 1 3/7/2022 1 Production 2 3/20/2022 1 3/21/2022 1 Post Production 3 3/30/2022 1 5/1/2022 1 6/1/2022 1 WORK PLAN AND WORK SCHEDULE Fees / Pricing Structure SCOPE OF WORK UNITS HALF DAY?TOTAL State-of-the-Art Video Equipment Blended into quote Production for Video Creation and Finalization with $550,000 4 Production Days Per Year N/A $39,760 per year (or 7.2%) Production for Video Creation and Finalization with $750,000 5 Production Days Per Year N/A $49,700 per year (or 6.6%) Production for Video Creation and Finalization with $900,000 6 Production Days Per Year (Recommended) N/A $59,640 per year (or 6.6%) Video Requests or Task Orders Beyond 7.2% of the Budget TBD N/A Custom per the project; discounts may be available Multi-Year Hourly Rate, all production phases and scope elements (includes live streaming) 60 minutes / 1 hour N/A $140 per hour, blended for all positions Multi-Year Day Rate for Production, which creates 3 sizzles/digital spots 10 hours / 1 day No $9,940 per day, all inclusive 01. CRITICAL COST FACTORS A production day with shooting, especially when we manage the pre-production and planning, can create three digital spots. Additionally, one celebratory/historical event where video is needed to capture the full scale of the day can take ~71 hours total using the following assumptions: • 10 hours for pre-production, 7 hours for the shoot (using 3 people equals 21), and 40 hours for post production and finalization. The hourly bill rate already factors in travel, any rentals needed, per diem, and incentives for the volunteers and/or actors. For photographic deliverables or for social posts requiring graphics, we pull from our video footage. This reduces the need for separate productions or shoots, and saves valuable time/funds. 02. ADD-ONS AND OTHER SERVICES Add-ons and other services include: still frame archive development, consultations and cuts for social media sizzles, virtual tours, and digital postcards from 4K footage. We can also recommend which messages/CTAs drive down costs when broadcasting on regional radio or streaming platforms. 03. COST CONTROL The Team is committing to implementing cost controls herein under budget. We will not invoice or track time outside of approved productions/ allocations. City of La Quinta | Proposal for Video Services 22 Sections D Thru G D. Requested Disclosures (N/A) Goodsides attests to no contract failures, litigation, or liability (past or pending). There are simply no disclosures to make that would apply to our company. E. Description of the Proposer’s Warranty/ Guarantee of Work Product Using standards that exceed our industry, Goodsides will deliver fully-realized and final video deliverables ready for distribution, every time. By using our CEO as your Executive Project Manager, you have a direct line to quality assurance and contract-specific needs. Nothing will pass through our office doors without language checks, multiple cut and timing checks, and final reviews. F. Subcontracting Because we are only bidding on the video portion of the scope of work, no subcontracting will be necessary. All equipment and labor is available in-house and will be supplied as needed from underneath our brand, insurance, and guarantees. G. Insurance Minimum We will provide all insurance coverage documentation upon receiving the notice of award, as well as maintain compliant coverage minimums per the City’s directive. City of La Quinta | Proposal for Video Services 23 Our Environment, Our People Goodsides is Sustainable! We were happy to learn more about City’s green policy, biodiversity priorities, and resources via its website and front desk support. We will collectively raise the bar with City officials to make this a high priority. If any of the efforts below need revision to meet new goals (as we continue our partnership), the executive team at Goodsides is happy to make changes or new investments. Goodsides has plastic-free shoots, hybrid transit, and paperless pre-production phases. We use lighting when it’s absolutely necessary, and turn off unused equipment in-between shoots. Importantly, when visiting a new location, we try to drastically improve the optics of the land by picking up litter or wiping off/clearing old signage, which makes people more prideful of their neighborhoods. We hope these actions inspire others in our industry to take similar sustainable action. We are always looking for ways to improve and become more sustainable, especially when entering a new market. Therefore, Goodsides is committed to reaching out and coordinating with local organizations statewide to find out how we can help beyond the expectation. Giving Back and Fair Compensation Pending conversations with your stakeholders, we are open to a robust and consistent commitment of one mentorship-related activity once per quarter until the contract term has expired. Thus, the compounding potential of a long-term contract cannot go unstated. Activities will include virtual Q&As over Zoom or “live” social media channels, video workshops, and narrative feedback on current video projects. Unfortunately, this industry takes advantage of passion and hard work because of the sheer amount of aspiring directors and editors out there. Goodsides has an internal policy against hiring intern labor and will never pay below a certain standard. Employees and/or subcontractors are compensated above the Goodsides-mandated minimum of $25 dollars per hour, which is our floor for new specialists and consultants. That said, everyone earns more and has performance incentives built in. Talented people within our orbit also receive flex schedules, autonomy in creative decision making, professional development opportunities, and free office space to pursue individual passion projects. City of La Quinta | Proposal for Video Services 24 Appendix A. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) 08/31/2021 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATIONIS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER BIN INSURANCE HOLDINGS LLC/PHS 46505500 The Hartford Business Service Center 3600 Wiseman Blvd San Antonio, TX 78251 CONTACT NAME: PHONE (A/C, No, Ext): (866) 467-8730 FAX (A/C, No): (888) 443-6112 E-MAIL ADDRESS: INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURED Goodsides LLC 5250 LANKERSHIM BLVD STE 500 NORTH HOLLYWOOD CA 91601-3187 INSURER A : Sentinel Insurance Company Ltd.11000 INSURER B : INSURER C : INSURER D : INSURER E : INSURER F : COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED.NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL INSR SUBR WVD POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF (MM/DD/YYYY) POLICY EXP (MM/DD/Y YYY)LIMITS A COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY X 46 SBM AE6226 01/21/2021 01/21/2022 EACH OCCURRENCE $2,000,000 CLAIMS-MADE X OCCUR DAMAGE TO RENTED PREMISES (Ea occurrence)$1,000,000 X General Liability MED EXP (Any one person)$10,000 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER:GENERAL AGGREGATE $4,000,000 POLICY PRO- JECT X LOC PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $4,000,000 OTHER: A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY X 46 SBM AE6226 01/21/2021 01/21/2022 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident)$2,000,000 ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY (Per person) ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS BODILY INJURY (Per accident) X HIRED AUTOS X NON-OWNED AUTOS PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident) UMBRELLA LIAB EXCESS LIAB OCCUR CLAIMS- MADE EACH OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE DED RETENTION $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in NH) If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below N/ A PER STATUTE OTH- ER Y/N E.L. EACH ACCIDENT E.L. DISEASE -EA EMPLOYEE E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE © 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2016/03)The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) 10/05/2021 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND,EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW.THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT:If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must be endorsed.If SUBROGATIONIS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement.A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER AP INTEGO INSURANCE GROUP LLC 76251017 375 WOODCLIFF DRIVE STE 103 FAIRPORT NY 14450 CONTACT NAME: PHONE (A/C, No, Ext): (888) 289-2939 FAX (A/C, No): (888) 289-2988 E-MAIL ADDRESS: INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURER A : Twin City Fire Insurance Company 29459 INSURED GOODSIDES LLC 5161 LANKERSHIM BLVD STE 250 NORTH HOLLYWOOD CA 91601-4963 INSURER B : INSURER C : INSURER D : INSURER E : INSURER F : COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED.NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL INSR SUBR WVD POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF (MM/DD/YYYY) POLICY EXP (MM/DD/Y YYY) LIMITS COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE CLAIMS-MADE OCCUR DAMAGE TO RENTED PREMISES (Ea occurrence) MED EXP (Any one person) PERSONAL & ADV INJURY GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER:GENERAL AGGREGATE POLICY PRO- JECT LOC PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG OTHER: AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident) ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY (Per person) ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS BODILY INJURY (Per accident) HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident) UMBRELLA LIAB EXCESS LIAB OCCUR CLAIMS- MADE EACH OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE DED RETENTION $ A WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in NH) If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below N/ A 76 WEG AJ9X10 01/11/2021 01/11/2022 X PER STATUTE OTH- ER Y/N E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $1,000,000 E.L. DISEASE -EA EMPLOYEE $1,000,000 E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) Those usual to the Insured's Operations. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION For Informational Purposes Wichita Falls ISD 5161 LANKERSHIM BLVD STE 250 NORTH HOLLYWOOD CA 91601-4963 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF,NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE © 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2016/03)The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD