07-1841 (RC) Operator's Manualua�to� ilk DF Ckurtm� Li -,r � 1 OPERATOR'S MANUAL for'fhe E-tr-a...0on#rol._.System _(ECS) • b o AUG 2 1 2007 D Y- L"d L OF LA QUANTA G & SAFETY DEPT. �, Page 1 of 15 y /1/` U*7" -9>40k— TrdCZ: W LO 90 find Part T -_TM Operating System 3 Description of the System Operation Entering Into the Financial Institution A -DA* Compliance 'Exiting From the Financial Institution Part 2 — System Components CEIA Metal Detector Securitron Magnetic Door Locks botei"Presence Detecfors 'Gperator'.s C.ons-o le Wireless Remote Release Switch Allen-Bradley Programmable Logic Controller Other 'System Features and 'Options 1P_6rt,3':=-The"System'and Your-CustoTneTs, `Pad-4—Mustrations a 3 3 4 6 6 -7 7 7 7 7 Paget Of'l5 Z,d dCZ:LO LO 90 6nV PART -'I THE OPERATINGSYSTEM DESCRIPTION OF THE SYSTEM: The Entrance Control System (ECS) is designed, engineered, and marrofactured in-fairfleld,- Ohio -byt#e #amJ ton-Sa#e Company. Unlike all competing units on the market, the Hamilton Safe ECS is made entirely of stainless steel-w-fth 'aluminum doors, thus ensuring-an-extremety-strong-and.durable system. It consists of two separate chambers, or portals, each fitted with two doors. One chamber, or portal, is' used for entering -the -hank, while the other chamberis-used for exiting the bank. -The passageways in a typical installation join each other, side to side, to form a "Cabin". The portals operate independently of each other; however-, and can be installed in different parts of the bank depending on the site layout. The Cabin, which meets all of the .requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act- (ADA)- and `California Title 24, is constructed of bullet resistant glazing and stainless steel framing. Special circuitry and software controls the cabin. Door push bars, magnetic locking �leviises, -a-metal.-detector,. and .sensors make ..up the hardware components. An Operator's Console maintains status of the cabin and allows override of all of the devices, and provides -*Av -war. with to.the-Cabin. Illustration S in Part 4 of this manual (the last page) shows the location of the various system components and provides -part members for -refereme -purposes. -Refer 4o --this - Mustration..as ..you _ read through the remainder of the manual. OPERATION: The Hamilton Safe ECS is designed • to control access to the financial insfWtion in several stages: 1. C3t�e-personas41owed toanter the. entrance chamber at a time. 2:. teach --person --entering the -bank -is--fequired -to.-walk through -a. weapons (metal) detector before a second inner door is unlocked. 3. The doors of the exit chamber may be opened only one at a time and will only permit traffic low in the exit direction.-However,Tnore-tfm-one -person may enter and leave the exit chamber at the same time. 4. The system unlocks all doors on receipt of a fire alarm signal. The system comes with a 15 minute'Uninternjpfible-Power-Supply'(UPS)-as standard. -If the UPS drains its batteries, the system loses power, and the doors are released. 5. Refer to the Hamilton Safe ECS Operators Console Manual for details on day -to=day operation of'the system. Page 3 of 15 £-d - dEZ: 60 LO 90 6ny tMMTO Tt#E -FMANCIAL iNSTii UTION CONDITION: The system is in a ready state waifing'for a person to enter -the system. STATUS:' Door D1 and Door D3 are unlocked. Door D-2 and Door -134 are -locked. ,the -person enters {3oor -D 1 andis--deteeted -by.-P-Feseace .OetecW---M I .... This detection causes Door D1 to lock behind the customer as soon as it closes. The person then proceeds through -the Weapons fletector-whem Pfesence Detector -M2 is- activated.. If the person passes the weapons test, and a second person is not detected in the chamber; DO6r.l.f2 is -unlocked and the individual is attawed-to ersterthe bank.. A -Stop- Go (Red -Green) signaling light indicates to the person if they can enter the bank. Should this person instead decide not to enter the bank, they are free to leave the bank thedUgh Door D1 'by retracing -their _steps -and -pushing--tm- the flush -Bar Pl: A -is important to note that a person is always free to exit the entrance portal at any time, regardless of the coridii3ori -of the unr-t;-aslong as Door D2 is closed -and -Push -Bar P1 is pushed. If the Weapons Detector senses a mass in excess of its programmed -Omits, an alarm is sent -t6 the Control Console, a tight is ittarninated -on-the Ct�1-Console---the Stop -Go Signaling Light turns red, and Door D2 will not unlock. The Control Console Alarm Light will iernain on; and Door D2 will remain -locked, until the reset button is pushed by an operator at the Control Console or a Wireless Remote Release Switch is pressed. If Presence Detectors M1 and M2 sense two or more individuals in the entrance portal, an alarm is sent to the Control Console, a light is illuminated on the Control Console, lie-Stop--Go--Signa" -L1g-ht 4ufns fed; -and -Dear--D2--will -riot--unlock. The Control Console Alarm Light will remain on, and Door D2 will remain locked, until the reset 16=0n -is pushed ty -an vpm ato,-at-the control -Conssole-or a AAAFefess- Remote Release Switch is pressed. Both types of alarms, weapons detector and multiple persons, can occur independently of or simultaneously with -each other: -The system reacts -the same wayTegardtess. brace an -alarm is activated, a-decisioninu t-be-made-whether--or-flet- he-peFson in- the entrance chamber should be allowed into the bank. This decision is based on a risk criteria estabiishea-by the -bank. Actions to be -taken -by -bank--persunnel-should be established by a Standing Operating Procedure (SOP). Your installingiservicing dealer can assist you in setting this up. Page 4 01 13 t, -d dj7Z: LO LO 90 find � h6 'Hamilton -Entrance Control System -is -equipped --with an-AMcall.button. The button is positioned between the two outer doors. This calls the teller console when pressed.'-ThIs will alert tellers that assistance is -mqtjif;ed. T4+-- .-system -complies-with American witli Disabilities Act (ADA) and California Title 24, but if the customer needs assistance, the button can'be used to cafl-the teller. dajj'EjU'tt6n­6fi OUWde of Unit Pagd-5 of 15 9-d dt7Z: LO LO 90 find A ADAZ-ompliance .-Confinuud L r o I Page 6 of 15 m O Zn I nd 12 G 1 05 uj uj CO CWI ion 'Z 0 6 J. 0 _j uj m Ir. 0 ul as tu CS 0 W t: u 0 C, LL� is %) Z W 0 dr ! 42 -3 O Page 6 of 15 m dt?Z: LO LO 90 bnV O Zn I Ifix (A CO CWI ion 'Z 0 6 J. 0 _j C3 WU m Ir. ul as CS W t: 0 C, LL� is %) Z W 0 dr ! 42 -3 C 0 L) C: -L.0 I N 0 dt?Z: LO LO 90 bnV CWI ion 0 Ir. ul as 0 C, %) Z W 0 -3 dt?Z: LO LO 90 bnV a ADA -Compliance '-- Continued C Page 7cif 15 L -d dt7Z: LO LO 90 6nV 1:l d CD 00 O Door 4 t LD3 1 Ex T 1_ \ FLOV \ Exterior ENTRYTHE LNiRANCE ONTRIIL UNIT 1S DESIGNED TO BE SURFACE HO TED ._ON THE:E%ISTI BUILDING FLUPR. THE FLODR SHOULD+AC PREPARED AI DOOt I A . IN A[CISftDANCE: CALIFtlRHA ACCESS COMPLIANCE REfERENtt HAPIUAL DIVISION Of THE STATE ARCHITECT - 113382.4.1 floor (eel of doors. 96k' PLAN - ROOF. PANEL REMOVED $EE DRAWING TO RIGHT FOR SECTION DETAILSVC4pd`s ' t>trcerw ENTRY FLDV FRONT tLEVATION INSIDE FINISHED FLDOR LEvEL SANE THRUM OUT THE UNIT SECTION 'A - Ax ' 11338.3.4.1 Flooi tWel at 6eer9. (Refaience : C61omi0 aaeotc cemptlanee mfofoaw mdnnual • DivWon of the slate wclitad ) (Ohapler 11 B • Part 2 • TWe 24 CaOMMIA Code of RegWadons j . � HAMILTON SAFE Note: tntranbe Control does not have latches : ENTRANCE CONTROL SYSTEM TITLt 24 REFERENCE DRAWIPG W/CQIACS ACCESSIBILITY STBS Page + 3 of 3 Drovrnq Nvn6er +95-916 Uute +6/20/05 D a q. 3' 136.1 3: 6' GmT b KY ENTHANCE 7v n 7''1 FRONT tLEVATION INSIDE FINISHED FLDOR LEvEL SANE THRUM OUT THE UNIT SECTION 'A - Ax ' 11338.3.4.1 Flooi tWel at 6eer9. (Refaience : C61omi0 aaeotc cemptlanee mfofoaw mdnnual • DivWon of the slate wclitad ) (Ohapler 11 B • Part 2 • TWe 24 CaOMMIA Code of RegWadons j . � HAMILTON SAFE Note: tntranbe Control does not have latches : ENTRANCE CONTROL SYSTEM TITLt 24 REFERENCE DRAWIPG W/CQIACS ACCESSIBILITY STBS Page + 3 of 3 Drovrnq Nvn6er +95-916 Uute +6/20/05 D a 'MitNG TROM THE L MSTf-TUTION tOMMTJO.N.--Thesysterxm is..ina_ra�state waiting for.a.person to exit. STATUS: Door D3 is unlocked, and Door D4 is locked. Door D3 remains unlocked waiting for a customer to exit. When one or more ,customers enter the exit'chamber they are detected by Presence Detector M3 which iWfl lack Door-{33-then *comes -behind ffem: �l#�en -Door D3-closes, -Door.. D4 ma r be opened by pushing on Push Bar P4. Door D3 will remain locked as long as customers are detected in the exitvhamber. C a Should someone attempt #o ' enter the exit cbamber-fr m -the- -street -side -when it--is unoccupied, Door D4 will be locked. Should someone enter the Exit .Chamber from the Street (through exit door -D4) While customers are exiting the batik they will be--sensed ' 'by.PresenceDEtector(s).M3,.and. Door D3 will remain locked. i 3 v Page 9 of 15 6-d dgZ: LO LO g0 6ny PART 2 SYSTEM COMPONENTS CEIA MAL -DETECTOR The heart of the Hamilton Safe ECS.is,the Weapons (Metal) Detector. The Weapons Detector is characterized by the -following items: a. • A high" Uriifoimity 'bf field and' the provision for separate- analysis of tha- upper -and lower passage zones. b:.3 Wide programmability in the selection of magnetic and non-magnetic metals, and the ability -to deter - nodEm-weapons-of-mixed alloys. c: "A'hijh level'discriruination between weapons andpeTsonatmetal objects:­Timaugh 'use of an exclusive sampling system and digital signal processing, this dis- crimination reduces the number -of false -alarms. d.- Constant -sensitivity -regardless--of.-variations .in.. movement by individuals passing through the detector. There is constant sensitivity with either very fast or very slow e° --Support afiowrateof 15 -people -per -minute. f. • -High* *immunity- -to -extemat ii ite, fete, it; - --due- -to-- -the--avaailaWity - of. • numerous transmission, channels and circuit design. g. Harmless to all pacemakers, electronic media (floppy disks, audio and video tape, etc:), pregnant women,'ghd the elderly. h: -Detectors control panel is- not -located' inside the ei iti at ica portal; thus- enhancing security of the entire system. i. Remote programming and control of unit available through built-in RS -232 port and external modem. j. -Detector compfised of two components: • Detection Gates - Includes two panel transducers sealed in fiberglass. • Electronic Control Unit - Controls the operation of the detector, and allows programming of the system. Emergency power is provided by the main system. Page 10 of 15 OL'd d9Z:LO LO 90 find SECURITRON MAGNETIC DOOR LOCKS 'The-ECS-inctudes-focr Model f2 Series -idhagloc*s: a"+,ese Jocks -repfe PA .state-of=Vie- ,.art electronic locking. The lock consists of two main parts: the electronic magnet itself and -a strike, (armature) -plate:- -Each eie-ctrcnic--magnet--mounts- on. Vie -frame of -the .ECS, and each strike mounts to a door. 1200 lbs. (550Kg) of magnetic force secures the door. -This force. is stronger -than most commercial chars and frames;- so- the Maglock can be,considered a security device. The maglocks are of a fail-safe design; in other words, when power is cut, they urilock MlovVing the door to swingfreelly. OPTEX PRESENCE DETECTORS bptex- Model- OA--50C--and OA -60C 14otion Active -n€faFed- Pfesence.-Sensors are utilized in the ECS. They operate on the Near Infrared Reflection Method with a detection range of ­8.9, -feet -(heW);-and -a I)etection- Area--appreximatefy-9:9- feet in 'depth. Using these well -proven detectors eliminates the environmental problems (Snow, Water, andlce) and wear issues -of -floor*m-ats*. Aiddition-ally;the-bank isiree-to `sboose the -type of flooring inside the ECS. ` IRERATOR'S .CONSOLE The Operator's Console provides two-way communication with the entrance portal, indicates alarrri'coriditions, provides the status of each door -through-a-series -of -tkhts, and allows the maglocks to be disabled for manual locking of the ECS. The Console also contains the reset button to allow override of an alarm condition. WIRELESS REMOTE RELEASE SWITCH Qois wireless pendant performs the same function as the reset button on the Operator's nsole exceptih-at itis -nut physicallyiocated-vn-the xwsofe.-It-can-be-operated-from anywhere inside the branch. The ECS comes with one switch as standard; up to four can be used with each ECS. ALLEN -BRADLEY PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER The Allen-Bradley MicroLogix 1000 Controller controls the operation of the Entrance I Control- System: Through -a -series �f cabtes; -each ical- --part.. of -the system is connected to the controller. The MicroLogix 1000 is what is known as a Progtammable logic -Controller-(PLC). The main attribute -of -this-type -of Conti I is its microprocessor. The PLC can be reprogrammed at any time by your installing/servicing -dealer to take advantage of systerrii irnproveriiehts that may arise from experience at fats a irts#allatic s: -The.PLIC -can -also -be -pro rarxln�.-to .meet custom -operational requirements that may be imposed upon a site due to local or state inspectors. This allows- improvement -in -system--perfermanoe -bases# on unique-faoW--s-at -each installation. This is not easily available without a PLC -based system. The PLC also allows for system- upgrades -as-technubgy improves -the various -components --of the entrance control system. Without the use of a PLC, such component changes would almost-certainly-requrrelrriajor (expensive) to wiring Finally; the durability and longevity Page -1.1 of .15 LA L l' d9Z: 1,0 LO 90 find A of the Allen-Bradley PLC is renown throughout the industry and is a major reason for its inclusion as a key pair of the Harniltbri Safe ECS. OTHER SYSTEM FEATURES AND OPTIONS a.. Each door is fitted with a key lock (two cylinders per door (inside and outside)) for manual foddng-vfthezfoors after-hours. b." � A"Handicap-Call Button is-toczited-ctase-to-the-puil-trandte-of Entry Door D1. c. Appibpnate entry; 'eidt; and warning signs are included. ; t d. 'The ECS will operate without'interference to 1Cl flye* Packs -and- ICI 'iTansmitters. e. The, €CS -complies with -FCC--Standardt for immunity -to. -Radio--Frequency--(RF) interference. A 5 Watt Radio Transmitter operating close to the Weapons Detector W411 riot interfere With the operationof'the ECS. ; f. -All doors use cbntinuous'hinges for'improveid dura-bility and longevity ofoperation. g. With the exception of the Weapons Detector control head and 'ECS power raRsferrxier,. alt.. -other.. system .components are easily reachable .by service technicians without ladders to aid in troubleshooting and repair. h. Doors are available in either a brushed aluminum or bronzed aluminum finish. is •\The unit comes standard with H.Q. White Labs Level 1 Bullet Resistant (BR) Glass thr+oaghout. Level - 2- -Glass--is available --for nigher seccurity. areas: -Also; -standard tempered glass is available as a cost savings measure for those applications not requiring BRfeatures. k. Various Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) options are available for both within and outside the ECS. I. * -Optional photocells * in the Weapons Detector provide automatic togging of every customer, whether or not an alarm was triggered, and calculation of a resultant ring rate to ensure optimum setting of the Detector throughout its operational life. 4 Page 12 of 15 v ZL,d d9Z:10 LO 90 6ny PART -3 THE SYSTEM AND YOUR CUSTONfERS `Exit pdls- of customers Jeaving-banks after.using the ,Hamilton Safe ECS shave indicated their wide acceptance of the system. Surprisingly, many tastomers stated that wAnstat#atim-of 4he system -should -have been, Awen wider publicity, and that they had no knowledge that the system was being in-Statted -until--the- tim -of-- first -tise= Several -sugges#tons that --ll better publicize installation of the system are offered below: 'a. ,Prepare information cards to be passed -out to your customers as they enter or'leave the bank several weeks"priorto-the scheinstaffation time frame. b. Use envelope -sized notification cards as "stuffers" for customer mailings, such as bank statements and the like. c. Use lobby acid'Wihdodwi c5splaysto announce the*planned instailation-of the system. f d. Notify local newspapers of the opening date of the system. 'Should any customers express concerns or reservations about the system, remember t61611 them the following items: ,.a ,.. The -ECS is -there-for-the-safety-of -not-onty barrkpersonnet bit also4he -customers' safety. No other system, such as BR Glass or armed guards, provides anywhere near'1he1eve1 of protection and -security -as -an ECS. b. a EGS is.corppletely harmless to a1l.pacemakers, electronic media (floppy disks, audio and video tape, etc.), pregnant women, and the c. In the event of a fire, all doors are automatically opened, thus ensuring no one will be trapped inside the branch. r1. if -they stAlpersistin lbeirlaesttoning,-ask 4hem-ifthey bave- ever Aown. Since the majority of people have, ask them if they had to walk through a rfflAa1 detector.--MeTrthey answer yes, ask themwhyit-vwasn't a problem then. Of course, they may answer that they don't want the plane to blow up " 1:bd hgait* - .7hat's when you tellthem you don`twentZfie-bankto be robbed, especially by a,group of robbers wielding large weapons. This usually deflates'any 6dsting objections to'tre system. If-itdoes-not, however,.give them the name and phone number of your security officer. Page -13 of 15 d E L' d9Z: l0 LO 90 find Paf 4 Illustration A 0 Page -14 df T5 b L'd LC dLZ: LO LO 90 6ny P H Q N W O W O y w J u Z a Z 0 Page -14 df T5 b L'd LC dLZ: LO LO 90 6ny Illustration B Building Interior Building Eic%rior b1 = -Outside Entrance -Door P-1- Push -bar on floor 1 132= A aside F-ntrance Door P4= -Push bar on.Door 4 D3= Inside Exit Door L1= Magnetic Lock on Door 1 ' D4='Outside-Exit�oor t-2='Magnetic tock ory-Door 2 UI-- P-resence- Detector on . ..-L3=-Magnetic-Lock on Door 3 Entrance to weapons detector L4= Magnetic Lock on Door 4 AIPL='Presence-Detector on"'Exit Weapons -Detector frem weapons. detector 1M3= Presence Detectors in Exit Porta1(Quantity-2) Page BVI5 9 LA dLZ: LO LO g0 6ny