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06-1551 (RC) Title 24
03/15/2007 10:50 9513043.019 * • -03/0/2007 TUE 20:59 FAX BDP ENTERPRISES PAGE 01 002/017 TITLE 24 REPORT CDP f f1w Title 24 Report for: Jefferson Plaza - Bldg A 79-740 Highway 111 La Quinta, CA Project Designer: KKE Architects, Inc. 35 East Colorado Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91105 (626) 796-8230 Report Prepared By: Luis Lopez Integrated Mechanical Systems, Inc. 115 La Porte St. Arcadia, CA 91006 (626) 446-1854 525 • s Date: The Eno computer Program has been used t0 prm autherbed the ptaafatla" suMMrited in this a mprrance report Thos pmMm has by by the comhe Ctilitomla Cnergy Commission the! With both me Rcaidentfal and NonresidenW 2001 Buildf approval X10 is n9 Energy EftOrMy Standards. This Pmram devetoped by EnOWSaft. LLC (415) 897.640x. _ EnergyPro 3.1 DY Er1 _ ah -._ Jnb Number. 375 03/15/2007 10:50 9513043019 03%10/2007 TUE 20:59 F9 BDP ENTERPRISES PAGE 02 4003/017 TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Page 1 Table of Contents 2 Nonresidential Performance Titre 24 Forms 3 HVAC System Heating and Cooifng Loads Summary 11 Room Cooling PeaK loads 14 FJMrgyPro v BY EM6YSM JOb umber M User Numbs. "W 03/15/2007 10:53 9513043019 BDP ENTERPRISES PAGE 01 03/20/2007 TGF 20:59 FAX f�00�/Oli [PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Part 1 of 3 PERF -11 PROJECT NAME DATE OF PLANS DATE Jefferson Plaza - M2 A BLEEDING TYPE ] . NONRESmQdTIAL ❑ HIGH RISE RESIDENTIAL © H01'7;1,AWML GUEST ROOM 115!2005 PROJECT ADDRESS permlt application. The proposed building as designed meets the energy efficiency requirements of the State Budding Cade, Title 4, Part 5- 79-740 Highway 111 La Quinta ❑ ❑ ❑ 1.1 hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and ProfesMons Code to __ echanical engineer, eleWcal engineer or atthitect. ❑ ❑ "' I affirm that I am eligible under the pmvisions of Division 3 of the Business and Pnofesstons Code Section scltPir PWNCJPAL DESIGNER - ENVELOPE TMJZ12NONE KKE Architects, Ina. (626) 796-8230 DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR TELEPHONE Integrated Mechanical Systems, Inc. 626 446-1854 uEo' GENERAL INFORMATION DATE OF PLANS uILOING CONDITIONED MMR AREA�'�� CLIMATE 1 BLEEDING TYPE ] . NONRESmQdTIAL ❑ HIGH RISE RESIDENTIAL © H01'7;1,AWML GUEST ROOM PHASE OF COMSTRUCTION NEW CONSTRUCTION ❑ A10TION ❑ ALTERATION ❑ OUSTING - ADDITION S"r T'EMENT OF Q0 M P L IA_N G This Certificate of Compliance lists the building features and performances cations needed to campy with Title 24, Parts 1 and B, of the State Building Code. This Certificate applies only to a Building usin2Xa perfiormance compliance approach. DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR3IGWATU:5?5 M is L ez E Principal Designers hereby certify ttsat the proposed build g epreserrted In the construction documents a d modelle for the permit application are consistent with all other forms nets, spe�cificationzs, and other calculations submitted wiM this permlt application. The proposed building as designed meets the energy efficiency requirements of the State Budding Cade, Title 4, Part 5- rzw. LTG. MECH. ❑ ❑ ❑ 1.1 hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and ProfesMons Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am licensed as a dvil engineer, echanical engineer, eleWcal engineer or atthitect. ❑ ❑ "' I affirm that I am eligible under the pmvisions of Division 3 of the Business and Pnofesstons Code Section 5537.2 cr 67437.3 to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that t am a licensed contr for preparing documents for work that I have conbvcfed to perform. Q ❑ ❑ 3. 1 affirm that 1 am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document because It pertains to a structure or type of work described as exempt pusuant to Business and Professions Code Sections 5537, 5538, and 6737.1. (These sec0ons of the Business and Professions Code ae printed in full in the Nonresidential Manual.) ENIVELOPE COMPLIANCE Indicate location on plans of Mote Block for Mandatory Measures ENVA Required Forms PRINCIPAL ENVELOPE DES • NAME SIGNATURE C. NO- DATE KKE Architects Inc. L r.HTING COMPLIANCE Indicate location on plans of Not Block for Mandatory Measures Lhting Compliance Not In The Scope Of MT Required Forms RINCIPAL LIGHTING DESIGNER - NAME S10NA7uRE LIC. NO, DATE MECHANICAL COMPLIANCE Indicate location on plans of Note Block for Mandatory Measur Required >' MECH-1 M 2 CH -3 PRINCIPAL MECHANICAL D>:StGNt R -NAME 6:;?r— NO. DA Int rated Mechani (S stems Inc. _ i-- 03/15/2007 10:53 9513043019 03/20/2007 TEE 21:00 FAX BDP ENTERPRISES PAGE 02 � 0051017 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Part 2 of 3 PERF- 03/15/2007 10:53 9513043019 BDP ENTERPRISES PAGE 03 03/20/2007 TUE 21;00 FAX 8006/017 (PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Part 3 of 3 • PERF-1� Pi20JECT NAME Jefferson Plaza - Bldg A dgTE 1/5/2005 ZON9 INFORIUTAnON System Name Zone Name OccupanGYZYPa Floor 6rea lnBL LPD 1 W141 Port. LPD Suite 101 St111e 101 Retai ftholesaue Sales 1,722 'ZODO Sung 102 sults 102 RetaiwVholesale Sales 1722 '.00 Suite 103 Suite 103 RetaiWUhatesalo Sales 1,805 -ZOOO Notes: 1• Sea L1'C.i (Items marked with astadrk see LTG2 by others) 2. See LIM 3 3. Sag LTG4 hGits�D�re. tnr� 4pt3 t. tvotumei+�tfenc.. +•• u EXCEPTIONAL CONO ONS COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST ••p•.••_� ........... , vp.v�r�cN YNVIIN... W NlQ NG��L�i itiGG61G0 Ul L116Y GmaCK1l8[. MOM mum nMwra 5PQClaI vMftn JusNtic+tton and documentation, and SPOU l Wffl adOn to be used With the performance approacn. Ttte brat anforc@ment apgtwy determines the adegaaCy of the justrrication, and may reject a building or deslon that otherwise compiles based on 1t+e adequacy of the special iusdjfcatlon The exeePBonI featuros Iictpd in this performance approach appptation have specifically been reviewed. Adequate wrft"jusufleation and documentation for their use hnvo boon provided by me appIlcanL Autharlxed S18naturo or Stamp 37 ByEewgySoR UWNumber.5686 Job Numbar:923 of 16 03/15/2007 10:50 9513043019 U3/MHU7 HE X1.00 FAI BDP ENTERPRISES PAGE 03 9007/017 ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY Performance ENV-/ 03/20/2007 TOE 21:01 FIT CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE PROJECT NAME Jefferson Plaza - Bid A 5YSrSM FEATURES SYSTEM NAME Suite 101 Time CONTROL 8ETEACK CONTROL. ISOLATION ZONES HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? ELECTRIC MRAT7 PAN CONTROL VAV MW IMUM POSITION CONTROL? SIMULTANEOUS HEAT,fCOOL? REATING SUPPLY ET COOLING S PP -Y RFESET ff aT Rr=JVCMN CONT VENTILATION OUTDOOR DAMPER CONTROL ECONOMIZER TYPE DESIGN OA CFM ECI4-3 COLUMN HEATING I_OUIPMENT E HF -&TING EQUIPMENT EFFICIENCY COOLING EQUIPME TTYPE COOLING EQUIPMENT EFFICIENCY MAKE AND MODEL NUMBER PIPE INSULATION REQUIRED? PiPg&UCT INSULATION PROTECTED! HEATING DUCT LOCATION I R• AI -UE COOLING DUCT LOCATIO R -0111E FIEp SEAL D CT$ IN CEILINNI OOF SP Rogmmmable Switch Hmfin-q & CogAng REWr nla Ila n/a Constant Volume No No Constant Tem Constent rem . n/a Ar Balance Auto - 4.30 dM 024 Furn= 80 AFUE Psckaged DX 12.2 EER Ducts in Attic 1 42 No 8008/017 Performance MECH-1 DATE SUIte 102 Programmable Sv►§t�t1 _Fkafina & Qg4ing Regulr n/a n!a n/a Constant Volume NO No nt 7e Constant Tem nra Alr Balance >o Diff. Enth I 480 cffn Cas F•umace AFUE PaCka ed DX 11.0 >:ER V&0&OK Duct: In Attle 41 acts in Aft 4. NO Sult$ 108 ProMmmable Swltdt mezdna & Cmfna Re Ma n/a n/a Constant Votume No No r,ostaqtTeffo CortstantTem We Air Galwoe Awo EVA Ert41 in 401 din Cas Furnace APUE Pa DX 11.0Im F.2 Aide 4Alt o4 NO CODE TABLES: Enter coda from table below into COlumm 3110W HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? TIME WtLMOL SETRACK CTRL, ISOLATION WNEs FAN CONTROL S: Frog. Switch p: Occupancy H. Kaathv C: Coating Entar Nuenb®r OF Isolation Zones L• Inlet va"S P: Wriabls Pitch ELECTRIC H TZ V V MINIMUM pCSTitON CO OL? Sensor S: Both V: VF0 SIMULTANEOUS HgM I COOL? Y: Yes N: No HEAT AND COOL. $UPPLY RESET? M: MBnuel Timer 0: Othdr C: CWVQ VENTILATION OUTDOOR DAMPER ECONOMMER O.A. CFM HIGH IENCY? PIPE INSULATION REQUIRED? PIPWDUCT INSULATION PROTECTED? i SEALED DUCTS IN CMUNCa F SP B: Alr ealanc* C: Outside Air Cert. i{A: Out. Air Measure 0: Denmand Control N: Natural A: Auto a: Graft ! Air : Watar N., W ReWted C: Economfter control Seo Section 144(e)3 Enter Outdoor Air . Now: This Shall be no less than Col. H on MECH-3. RunjailWipp jjmg- 01/05/05 013:21:29 Run Ca , 110M455119 Energypro 3.1 _ By EnnAcft Cher Numbem,. 5088 Job NUROW. 525 Page:7 of 16 03/15/2007 10:50 9513043019 03/20/2007 TUE 21:01 FAX BDP ENTERPRISES PAGE 04 2009/017 rpm. . - .. -.. ��� e■rrrr ,,. �► =: �� rrrr. rrrr rrrr rrrr rrrr.. rrrr rrrr., rrrrrrrrrr rr�rrr�r �■rrrrrr r�r, �rrrrr�r ir■rr■r �rrrrrrrrr rirrr�r 03/15/2007 10:53 9513043019 03/2012007 TUE 21; 01 FAX BDP ENTERPRISES PAGE 04 @010/017 ..�.•uww��re� CAI IIPMEN r SUMMARY Part 2 of 2 NISCH-2 03/15/2007 10:53 9513043019 BDP ENTERPRISES PAGE 05 03/20/2007 TH 21:02 FAX 011/017 MECHANICAL 'VENTILATION MtCH-3 iPROJECT NAME DATE Jefferson Plaza - Bida A 1r5/2005 FMECHXNICAL KnON ® © a o 0 0© ® © o 0 rONMYSTEM wito 101 Suite 101 We 102 Suri 102 iulte 103 Suit 103 Mal) OA OF DOOR G1 DESIGN krit)DG AIR Cull FER AIR 430 430 430 430 40 40 1C Minimum Ventilation Rete per Secllon 121, Table 1-F. E B=ed on Expected Number of Occupants or at least 5096 of Chapter 101887 TIBC Occupant Densitlr- 1 Must be greater than or equal tD H. or use Tramfgr Alf. Design Outdoor Air includes ven51e4on from Supply Air system & Room Eftu�st Farts, K Must be greater than or equal to (N minus I), and, fix VAV, greater than or etival to (H -Z. Fnargfm3.1 BrEnerV$oR �t" Number.seas -- Jot) Nurnber:50 • '�iri�riM Y Mal) OA OF DOOR G1 DESIGN krit)DG AIR Cull FER AIR 430 430 430 430 40 40 1C Minimum Ventilation Rete per Secllon 121, Table 1-F. E B=ed on Expected Number of Occupants or at least 5096 of Chapter 101887 TIBC Occupant Densitlr- 1 Must be greater than or equal tD H. or use Tramfgr Alf. Design Outdoor Air includes ven51e4on from Supply Air system & Room Eftu�st Farts, K Must be greater than or equal to (N minus I), and, fix VAV, greater than or etival to (H -Z. Fnargfm3.1 BrEnerV$oR �t" Number.seas -- Jot) Nurnber:50 03/15/2007 10:53 9513043019 BDP ENTERPRISES PAGE 06 03/20/2007 TUE 21.02 FAX jO1Z/017 VAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY OJECT NAME Jefferson Plaza - B!d A Q1 E 1/612 STEM NAME Suite 101 FLOOR AREA 1 7; GINEERING CHECKS--- SYSTEM LOAD of TOta1 C Output TOW Output(Btuh) Tool Output (Tons) Tow Output (Stuhl Cjm Total Output (SgNTWQ Air -5vstem cFM nor systarn AIr11ow (rte Alrf)Ow (aWsgM AlMaw (chrk on) Outsido Alr (96) Outside Air (cWsgM NOW values above given at AW 30.0 OF � p Out .ido Air 430 cfm 68.6 of 07.2177.01: - ;I Outside Air 430 dm 78.9166.1 OF 3.1 Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Duct$ TOTAL SYSTIEM LOAD C COOLING COIL HTG. PEAK CFM Sensible Latent CFM Sens;htc 5,1 89.72 7,67 F121843 4,486 2,1 0 73,243 6,17 430 16,470 0 4,486 111 13, 2,769 6618$ 5,200 LENNOX LGA156H WIECONO. 11z9a 3.3,41 206.000 3.02 i8.3 Total AdjustedSystem Output112x848 33,41OdJL=g fa Feak umn Cordson) 208,000 I TIME OF SYSTEM PEAT( Jut 5 pm Jan 12 am rte 'RICS (Airstream Temperatures at Time of Heatlna Peale) 66.30F 103.313E iD33eF 1 Supply Air Ducts Haatlng dau Supply Fen 10.2.9 of 5WO di„ ROoms 70.0 09 - 61.1 / fi6 8oF 61.1159.7 OF 61.1 / 59,7 OF o. Cwfing Cog Supply F20 3200 Cfm Return Air Duras est Number, SM Job Number 525 iupply Air Ducts �r 61.9 60.0 IF SL7% R.H. ROAMS 78.0 / 65.8.OF I of 16 03/15/2007 10:53 9513043019 U,Wcu/ 4UU 1 WE Z,l . UC NAA BDP ENTERPRISES AC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY XT NAME Jefferson Plaza - Skin A DATE 1 Tom1 output per system Total Output (Bbuh) Tots! outpia (Tons) Total output (6tt,h/sgtU Total.output (sq% Ton) A.ir- System CFM per system �•—. Aknow (cen) Airtinyv(c*ntsgM rtipW Al(efi't/Ton) oabldo Air (%) O4usid9 Air Ows" NOW: vatuns 2b0vo 9WBn at ARJ 4EA71NG SYSTEM PSYCHE 30.0 uF outside Air 430 Cin 69.7 °F 90,000 7.5 1.74 L SFU Total Room Loads C Return Vented Lighting Return Air DuCtg Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts PAGE 07 9013/017 Sensible TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD 39 230 VAC EOUiPMENT SELECTWIN ENNOX T EA090H W/Er.ONO 64,514 � 104,Qp (=, System OUlput 64,51 21, Qasipn Condon 104.000 TIME: OF SYSTEM ppAK Jan t2 am 64.0 OF Otto OF wealing Coll $6-o� --> Supply A!r Quos Supply Fan 95.70E a000 can 70.0 OF Retum Air Ducts 110.017850E 83.1166.9oF 63.3/SI.SoF CUtSWO Alr t' 430 cfrn Cooling Cob Supply Fan 3000 ch 7$.6167.5 QF 1 sm Job 161.6 of ~� Supply A1r Ducts 63.916zo of MO% R.H RQQMS 78.01$7.4 OF 03/15/2007 10:53 9513043019 U3llo M7 TUE 2112 FAX HVAC SYSTEM HEATING A pROJECTNx-w Jefferson Plaza - Blda A SYSTEM NAME 104 00 Suite 903 Jan s2 kiGINEER! G 'NECKS Number of Systems Heating System OUI Wt Per Stern 704,000 TOW Output(BWh) 104000 Output (t wN8gf4 Cooling System Ouq�ut per s)rst� 90.000 Total Ootp�t(Btu») 90,000 'rota) Output (rone) 7.S TatHl OWput (BWh/agfq 56. Total Output (Sgftrronl) 2'14.0 Air S tem par System 3.000 w (Cita) 3.X0 w (CfnUsgtt) I 1.67 w (cdmrron) 400.0 doAir (%) 13.4 de Air (e9WlSgJq 025 Mote: values ahova gAren at ARI Conditim :Riinu 5 30.0 °F �0 -A Outside /lir 401 cfm 69.8 �- BDP ENTERPRISES PAGE 08 @014/017 ND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY 1/5/2005 FLOOR AREA CFM Total Room Loads zz R+ tUM Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation _40 Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL'S1(STEM LOAD Latent I I CFM 5914 10 97 43 74 LENNOX TGA.0908 W/ErCONO 64,4s7 21 Z iflq 0� Total Adjusted Output (AEjudvd far Peen 0eWgn Oestgn ft Coav4dane) �, 21 104 00 TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Jr� 2 pm Jan s2 64.3 of 96Z OF Hedling Cal 96.3 OF Supply Fan 3000 dm Return Air Ducts 1t0.0/78.S�F �2ElGAS .6OF 63.0/61.6 CF li3Orstt3 Outside Alr'� 401 dtn,, C4oun9 ow Supply Fan 3000 cfro 7&6/67.30F User Number. 5WS Return Air Ducts Job N -*W. 525 Air Ducts 86.0 OF ' OQ $ 70.0 OF WPPy Air Ducts 63.6161.8 OF 57.3% R.H. ROOMS 78,0 / 672 OF 03/15/2007 10:53 9513043019 BDP ENTERPRISES PAGE 09 03/20/2007 TUE 21:03 FAA Z015/017 M COOLING PEAK LOADS Tltlo Plaza (Name Area r Dry Bulb Temperature GornduCtion -19 wan ,192x6,16 - Ilcw Maw Door - Wall .19.28.16 'n le Clear Default NM -19W211 1928.1 me Ult r-30 RcoF -30,2x121 B M-8 400 x 0.0855 Suite 101 ITIme of Peak 1,712 1 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 789' Outdoor Wet Bulb TempeMture Area t. PeSign E44"10 ! TorrQMvLife Di ffMVJ pg (DM) RM" MOM with an asta"Sk (') 0cneto .Ufuww guovo w )nt¢fior arafpca to an d , ropm. solar Gain Jul 5 pm 10790 73 Ck I� mom10111111 Page Total 2A s1 WelghtlP9 (Factor Btu/hr X x 55 a AM x X - X X = P8N To sctled. ]gKing lntern�l Gain Frac. Area Had Gain FWe] Btwbr �ght1 0 X 1.722 x 2.0001 Watks/sgft X 5.41 Btutuwatt x 0.M Pants22�1. X 1.722 X 11,73$ 25S Buth/oee. / Sgft/o=. X , 1.00 731 de t.o x 1.722 x 0.50D Was/$gft x 341 BtuhlWatt x 1.00 "0f 1 x 1,722 x 0.000 Watls/sgft x 341 gtahMfatt x 1.a 4 U1i 0 Infiltration: x x 1 M x 10-00 x o.2s / soFc%wn AUSatisiq Area caning >Mpm ACN �tkSit Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain gtulyr tete nts 1'oa x 1 �� x zas Btuhlom / Sgftlocc. I M x 5456 x Wottslsgft x Btuhmatt E t'� X 1,rr2 X 0.000 Wattslsolft X 3.413 Btuh/WBtt Infiltration: x x x x 0 U Value DEM 1 Btu/hr X 0.0655 X 32. - me X 0.581~ X M-8 400 x 0.0855 X 31.0 X X 19.6 x .1.1a .0855 X 51. 249 X 1-190[1 x = x a x x x x x I� mom10111111 Page Total 2A s1 WelghtlP9 (Factor Btu/hr X x 55 a AM x X - X X = P8N To sctled. ]gKing lntern�l Gain Frac. Area Had Gain FWe] Btwbr �ght1 0 X 1.722 x 2.0001 Watks/sgft X 5.41 Btutuwatt x 0.M Pants22�1. X 1.722 X 11,73$ 25S Buth/oee. / Sgft/o=. X , 1.00 731 de t.o x 1.722 x 0.50D Was/$gft x 341 BtuhlWatt x 1.00 "0f 1 x 1,722 x 0.000 Watls/sgft x 341 gtahMfatt x 1.a 4 U1i 0 Infiltration: x x 1 M x 10-00 x o.2s / soFc%wn AUSatisiq Area caning >Mpm ACN �tkSit Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain gtulyr tete nts 1'oa x 1 �� x zas Btuhlom / Sgftlocc. I M x 5456 x Wottslsgft x Btuhmatt E t'� X 1,rr2 X 0.000 Wattslsolft X 3.413 Btuh/WBtt Infiltration: x x x x 0 03/15/2007 10:53 9513043019 BDP ENTERPRISES PAGE 10 03/26/200711 21; 03 FAX 9016/017 OM COOLING PEAK LOADS Mas Jefferson Plaza_- Blda A A INFORMATION T DESIGN ONDITIONS i Name Suite 102 Thns Of Peak Area 1.722 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature r Dry Bulb Temperature Mcg Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature Conduction Area 1. Deagn FALilvaknt Tamperatn D!}fem (DETE)) 1twns shown with on a;tadsk (') darom oonaucgan thimgh en [Mrfor 8wfane to f�lorlPt room. Solar Gain X X X X x x x x x U•Value 0.0655 X X X X X x x X x DETD g, _ 29.3 ¢ _ 1 = = = = - Pa9e Total 0.5811 h 1.1900 0.0347 O—x Orientation Area 0 x x x Y x X X X X SGiF x x x x x x x x x •X SC Weighting Factor O.M1 x 0.yas x x x X x X x x X = = = .. = w = = c h O—x Page Total Nav 3 pm go 9! 62 4k Btulhr 24 11 535 11 1 11 .7 Btu/hr 67 Scbed. to Internal Gain Frac. Area Weighting Heat Gale Factor Btulhr 1.0 x 1.722 x 2000 Watt:ds" X 3 41 BtuWWan x D - 11.735 °S 1. x 1 x 255 Btuhloce. 1 s4moce, x t.o0 = 7.318 wade 1. x 1.722 x 0.500 Watts/sgft x 341 stuhmatt x roce� Qtwugl' x 1�rz�2 x 0,000 WatWsgft x 3a1 8te,fhlWatt x aigtRtration: X ;&F4 s(yf� x art T x a ns if m. x Fraetlan Aa,T Sched. Latent Gain Frac_ Area ksmts 1100 x t2cle 1_0] x 1.00 xffl Inf7i tration;"�" x x eawo .w Heat Gain x 2z Btuh/occ. 160 sgfd cc. _ x Wattslsgft x Btuh/Watt X 0.�000—WffifslSgft X I 9.413 BtUhf Watt = x r�-�n.OaJ x 1 160] x _ Ama CNHne Ift-Issf ACH dW 03/15/2007 10:53 9513043019 "ON"NO07 TUE 21:03 FAX 4M COOLING PEAK LOADS BDP ENTERPRISES t Title -- Jefferson Plaza - Bld A A IN ORMATION t Name Suite 103 Area i,605 r Dry Bulb Temperature 78T- (;Onduction 19 Watt .19.2x6.16 Dw Metal Door "19W all .15)241 -19 W .19.2x6,16 it', n a c1marDefeuit Nm R F= Time of Peak Outdoor Dry Bulb Tempetatum Oubd00r Wet Bulb Temperature 1- 000 Qn EgWvercnt T1Mxraatte DHf ence (DEZD) . ttenil a+o- with 1 n oskuizc (7 denote cot+ductian thtough an Interior Sut&uA to atotlter roam. Solar Gain d. internal Gain Frac. Area bleat C7Elin i ht 1. X 1.605 X 2. 000 WoW ants 1. x 1 soy x � x 3•'0't BfuhMlatt cearada 1. x 1.606 x p 500vva=sqft / agftloCC. 1.0 x 9.805 x X 3.49 13tuh/Watt ) r 0.000 WatWsgft X 3A1 Stuhman Infiltration: I 100 x 1093 X 1 6pg x 90.00 x 02 � x �sF ,e4an �SanelMe Area CJ 6 Ceiling AG!! PAGE 11 1 2017/017 Jul 3 pm 110 'F 7B C� DM 1 U•Value xo.0655 x X 71 x x a• x x 0.0655 x x 1.1900 x x o 0347 X x x xx x x d. internal Gain Frac. Area bleat C7Elin i ht 1. X 1.605 X 2. 000 WoW ants 1. x 1 soy x � x 3•'0't BfuhMlatt cearada 1. x 1.606 x p 500vva=sqft / agftloCC. 1.0 x 9.805 x X 3.49 13tuh/Watt ) r 0.000 WatWsgft X 3A1 Stuhman Infiltration: I 100 x 1093 X 1 6pg x 90.00 x 02 � x �sF ,e4an �SanelMe Area CJ 6 Ceiling AG!! PAGE 11 1 2017/017 Jul 3 pm 110 'F 7B C� DM 1 19tu/hr 3a. = ase 31.3 3S2 30.7 c 3 35.6 = 850 3 4.470 Page Total 13 ars Weighting Factor Stulhr x = 1 x x x x = x c x = x - Page Total L ----:Cl Weighting Factor Btu/hr IdA a = Sched. GainFraXx Area Heat Gain ,,Latent EBtuh/ocC, ! bro sgftJOC6. = 19 �.QIl x x Watwsgf# x f5tuh/Watt fI�— 1 x 1.605 x 0.000 Watt /scift x 3.418 Btuh/Watt a IR�litldtiOn; II � nn! � � OAF Imo•'^– Q u1e x � X AJ 0II x t;eu Nai x AGA ! �� x ,•.,,. _ . .. _ .._ - - - �9 gee xw M �If