BRES2017-0055 Revision 24/24/18 Job# 20663CONSERVATION FOR THE CALIFORNIA LIFESTYLE d a 0 d w Charles Frase Quarry Properties, LLC PO Box 1573 Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 760-835-0926 CBECC v2.1 Re: Lot 8 @ La Quinta, CA Orientation Photovoltaic Plan (1-Coat Stucco Finish) File Name Square Footage % Above Code % Cooling Improvement Number of Stories Glazing Percentage Roofing Material Reflectance/Emissivity Vault Ceiling** Above Deck Radiant Barrier Wall 2x4 Wall 2x6 Knee Wall Floor @ 2"d Floor Overhang Sub Floor/Slab Minimum SEER/EER Value V Minimum AFUE/HSPF Q Duct Insulation/Location > Bypass Ducts = Central Fan Integrated (CFI c Fan Wattage R of Airflow (CFM) M = Duct Testing Required 2 Indoor Air Quality (CFM) Refrigerant Charge SEER Verification a EER Verification o = Infiltration (CFM) o = Ducts in Conditioned Space a Low Leakage Air Handler Buried Ducts Surface Area Insulation Inspection** Pipe Insulation Credit 0 Energy Factor (Tank Size) = Distribution -� A- C L&E nl A Division of William Lilly & Associates Title 24 Compliance-Residential/Non-Residential f ; 3015 Dale Court Ceres, CA 95307 Ph: 209-538-2879 Fx: 209-538-2885 Climate Zone 15 2016 Code Compliance West Facing Guest House QP524L8G2 524 0.1 % -1.7% 1 58.4% TPO 0.66/0.74 R-38 R-10 R-21 +R-4 Slab 16.0/13.0 0.96 R-8.0/Attic 12� v1 s t and #Z Yes Yes(350) Yes (5.0%) Yes (64.00) Balanced T Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.96(0) Standard OF-r-lC E G o pK CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE 3 Lz 8 $�SZoI ?—ooC$ RECEIVED klim 0 2, 2018 CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Windows U-Value SHGC Fixed 0.44 0.32 Sliding Glass Door 0.36 0.23 Multi Slide 0.43 0.24 French Door 0.31 0.22 Date of Plans: 6/13/17 NOTE TO BUILDERS: A HERS certified Rater is required to perform all tests 8 inspections Section 106 3 5 of the California Building Code (2nd paragraph) says, "The special inspector shall be employed by the owner, the engineer or architect of record, or an agent of the owner, but not the contractor or any other person responsible forth@ work" None of these requirements are waived for any contractor or rater Due to the stdngencies of the California Energy Commission for approved methods of quality insulation inspection California Living 8 Energy recommends to = install batt-insulation in the attic and ceiling areas due to the risk of not meeting the quality insulation inspection requwamenls "Builders are strongly encouraged to enforce strict Title 24 compliance with all subcontractor scope@ of work Modifications to Title 24 specifications during construction may result in complications including but not limited to sampling protocol, CF- 311closing delays, state registry errors, andlor loss of rebates plus no CFJR at final Z:\Projects\Quarry Properties, LLC\Lot 8\T-24\Data Sheets\2018-4-24 Lot 8 - Datasheet.doc 15;