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Pavement Mgmt Plan 2021-2026
City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: February 16, 2021 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: DISCUSS PROPOSED 2021-2026 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE RECOMMENDATION Discuss the proposed 2021-2026 Pavement Management Plan update. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •Every five years, the City reviews street conditions and prioritizes its street maintenance and resurfacing efforts in order to create a five-year Pavement Management Plan (PMP). •Generally, the review shows the City is doing a good job maintaining its streets. However, there may need to be an increased investment and future increase in the level of street maintenance in order to maintain the City’s adopted 80 pavement condition index (PCI) rating. FISCAL IMPACT None for this action. Per previous City Council direction, $1 million per year is allocated annually from the General Fund for roadway resurfacing. Staff recommends continuing this funding level for the next five-year PMP and to include additional pavement rehabilitation, resurfacing, and citywide striping refresh projects in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) using additional funding sources. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS To preserve the investment in its roadways, every five years the City inventories street conditions and prioritizes maintenance efforts which becomes the five-year PMP. The Draft PMP Five-Year Plan 21/26 (Attachment 1)includes a current inventory (with condition and preservation requirements) and a five-year work plan that is annually incorporated in the Operation and Maintenance budget and in the CIP. Attachment 1 depicts the recommended annual roadway maintenance improvements. The complete draft PMP document is available for review in the Public Works Department. Highlights include: STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 131 The roadway pavement network has: •129.7 centerline miles; •29,702,050 square feet of pavement; •An estimated replacement value of $175.6 million; and, •An average Pavement Condition Index (PCI) of 80 out of 100, which is considered very good condition. The maintenance improvements recommended during the next five years include: •2021/22 – Crack sealing, slurry sealing and dig outs on Avenue 52 from Washington Street to Desert Club Drive, Desert Club Drive from Avenue 52 to Calle Tampico, Seasons Way, and within the Desert Pride development; •Crack sealing the east/west street segments within the Cove; •2022/23 – Grind and overlay of Avenue 47 between Washington Street and Adams Street; •Crack sealing, slurry sealing and dig outs on Avenida Herrera and Avenida Villa; •Crack sealing the north/south street segments within the Cove; •2023/24 – Crack sealing, slurry sealing and dig outs on Fred Waring Drive between Washington Street and Adams Street; •Crack and slurry seal selected segments of Avenida Carranza, Avenida Navarro and Avenida Velasco; •Crack sealing, slurry sealing and dig outs on segments of Avenida Montezuma and Avenida Ramirez; •2024/25 – Crack sealing and slurry sealing selected street segments in the Cove, Fred Waring Drive from Dune Palms Road to Jefferson Street, and additional various segments throughout the City; •Crack sealing, slurry sealing and dig outs on Summer View Way and Bottle Brush Drive; •2025/26 – Crack and slurry seal selected street segments in the Cove; •Crack sealing, slurry sealing and dig outs on Calle Sinaloa from Avenida Montezuma to Eisenhower Drive. Staff seeks direction on the above priorities and will incorporate them into the Capital Improvement Program. Prepared by: Julie Mignogna, Management Analyst Approved by: Bryan McKinney, Public Works Director/City Engineer Attachment: 1. City of La Quinta Draft Five-Year Plan 2021/26 132 La Quinta City of ENGINEERING Final Draft Report Pavement Management Update January 2021 Civil Engineering Design Construction Management Infrastructure Management GIS Mapping & Data Systems Inspection OMNIS INCORPORATED 981 W. Arrow Hwy #248 San Dimas, CA 91773 909-631-8335 Office www.omnis-inc.com ATTACHMENT 1 133 January 26, 2021 Mr. Bryan McKinney, P.E. City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92247-1504 Subject: Final Draft Report for Pavement Management Update and GIS Mapping Services Dear Mr. McKinney: As part of the development of the Pavement Management System and GIS Mapping for the City of La Quinta, OMNIS Inc. hereby submits this Final Report. The information contained in this report presents the findings from the development of the system data associated with the pavement condition survey of the City’s street network. The City is also provided with the information that was used to develop the recommended improvement program. The Final report will include the following categories: Introduction Methodologies Condition Distribution Report Pavement Condition Index (PCI) Projected Work It has been a pleasure working with the City on developing the City’s Pavement Management Program. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact us at (909)631-8335. Sincerely, Omnis Incorporated John Gabor Project Manager 134 City of La Quinta Citywide Pavement Management Program Final Report January 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary I. Introduction .................................................................................................... 2 II. Methodology ................................................................................................... 6 III. Condition Distribution Report .................................................................... 13 IV. Pavement Condition Index (PCI) Report ................................................ 18 A. MicroPAVER Zoning Map ..................................................................... 20 B. Alphabetically ......................................................................................... 21 C. PCI Ranges Map ..................................................................................... 40 D. PCI Descending Order ............................................................................ 41 V. Projected Work ............................................................................................ 61 A. $1 Million Annually (5 Year Plan) ......................................................... 62 B. $1 Million Annually (5 Year Plan) Map .................................................. 75 C. Unlimited Budget .................................................................................... 76 D. Unlimited Budget Map ............................................................................ 93 135 City of La Quinta Citywide Pavement Management Program Final Report January 2021 Executive Summary EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Pavement Management Program (PMP) for the City of La Quinta provides a current inventory, with condition and preservation requirement, for the roadways, and a forecasting of the budget needs. While the following recommendations have been generated by the Pavement Management Program, they are for planning purposes only and are not intended to replace sound engineering judgement. Final project recommendations should be weighed against the actual approach the City wishes to utilize in scheduling the workloads for contracting purposes. In addition, an engineering review of the pavement condition may indicate that a particular pavement section needs attention earlier than the other roads in its localized area. Replacement value & quantity of pavement The pavement network within the City of La Quinta has 129.7 centerline miles of paved surfaces. There is a total of over 29,702,050 square feet of pavement. The estimated replacement value of the pavement of the roadway network for all paved streets is $175.6 million. Condition of City’s pavement The overall condition of the City of La Quinta’s road network is Very Good, with an average “Pavement Condition Index” of 80, with 100 being a brand new street and 0 being a badly deteriorated street with virtually no remaining life. Recommended preservation program and costs. A strategy was developed to reduce the backlog of street preservation work over the next 5 years and increase the overall condition of the road network. This strategy involves using both slurry seal and pavement resurfacing as preservation components. Preventative maintenance on streets with better than average PCI ratings must be considered in combination with the more extensive rehabilitation of failing streets to realize the maximum net benefit and reduce the long term costs. The strategies herein were developed to provide alternatives for halting the deterioration of the existing pavement, reducing the backlog of street maintenance work over the next 5 years and improving the overall condition of the roadway network. These strategies generally involve the utilization of crack sealing, patching, slurry sealing, and major work typically consisting of pavement overlays, overlays with fabric, and reconstruction. Future roadway maintenance plans for the City of La Quinta should be based on the general maintenance strategies developed from this pavement system analysis in combination with the other major contributing factors as discussed previously in this executive summary. 1136 City of La Quinta Citywide Pavement Management Program Final Report January 2021 Section I SECTION I INTRODUCTION NEED FOR PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM A Citywide Pavement Management Program will assist City personnel by providing current technical data to maintain a desirable level of pavement performance, while optimizing the expenditure of limited fiscal resources. Specifically, the program provides administrators and maintenance personnel with: • A current inventory of all public roadways • The current pavement condition for all public roadways • A project listing of all pavement needing maintenance, rehabilitation, or replacement • A forecast of budget needs for maintenance, rehabilitation, or replacement of deficient sections of pavement for a 5 year Capital Improvement Program THE PAVEMENT NETWORK The entire pavement network within the City of La Quinta is comprised of 129.7 centerline miles of paved surface. To assist in planning maintenance needs, the City's road system was broken into classifications based upon their importance in the road network, i.e. functional class such as arterial, collector, and local. Current Projected in 5 Years CLASSIFICATION Square feet Cline miles Square feet Cline miles Local/Collector 16,238,950 83.5 18,825,394 97 Arterial 13,463,100 46.2 15,607,423 54 TOTALS 29,702,050 129.7 34,432,817 150 Projection calculated out 5.0 years at 3.00% annual growth. The entire pavement network represents a current replacement valuation of over $178.7 million broken down by classification as follows: CLASSIFICATION Square feet Unit Cost for Replacement Total Replacement Value Percent of Replacement Value Local/Collector 16,238,950 $5.00 $81,194,750 45% Arterial 13,463,100 $7.24 $97,472,844 55% TOTALS 29,702,050 $178,667,594 100% 2137 City of La Quinta Citywide Pavement Management Program Final Report January 2021 Section I CURRENT CONDITIONS As part of the development of the Pavement Management System for the City of Coachella, a visual survey of the pavement network was conducted to assess the existing surface condition of each individual pavement segment. The federal guidelines specified by the Army Corps of Engineers in their Pavement Distress Identification Guide for Asphalt-Surfaced Roads and Parking Lots, dated June 1997, were used as the basis of the visual survey. Upon completion of this survey, a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) was calculated for each segment to reflect overall pavement condition. The PCI system is a rating mechanism used to describe the condition of the City’s pavement and has been adopted as the nation’s standard rating system by AASHTO and ASTM. Ranging between "0" and "100," a PCI of "0" would correspond to a badly deteriorated pavement with virtually no remaining life, while a PCI of "100" would correspond to a pavement with proper engineering design and construction at the beginning of its life cycle. The table below relates PCI ranges to general pavement condition definitions. PCI RANGE 86 –100 71 - 85 56 - 70 41 - 55 26 - 40 11 - 25 0 - 10 CONDITION Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor Failed A. PCI Ranges* * These are the ranges recommended by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. The overall condition of the City of La Quinta’s road network based on current conditions is “Very Good” with an average PCI of 80. ANNUAL BUDGET PROJECTIONS Based on the results of the condition survey and input from the City, pavement preservation/rehabilitation strategies were developed. A standard agreement at the outset was to identify the City’s preservation and maintenance work program for the next 5 years, while reducing the preservation and maintenance backlog and increasing the overall condition of the network. A listing of the preservation and maintenance activities utilized in the strategy development is presented in Section 2. Each activity is representative of the types of work that have been programmed as part of the long term preservation and maintenance requirements of the City’s street network. The budgeting process was approached with the following in mind: generate a work program for the next 5 years based upon actual road pavement conditions in order to keep deferred maintenance constant and maintain the current high level overall condition. 3138 City of La Quinta Citywide Pavement Management Program Final Report January 2021 Section I The budget analysis at the Draft Report stage is to assist the City Staff in the creation of a proper plan that will suit the City’s current needs and standards. After discussions and meetings, OMNIS INC analyzed two scenarios for the Final Report. $1,000,000 ANNUAL BUDGET– This scenario will show the work recommended for all maintenance types with a $1,000,000 million annual budget, the PCI ratings do lower, and the deferred maintenance does increase. The budget was run for a five year period. After a five (5) year period, the resulting pavement network average PCI is 79.9. UNLIMITED BUDGET– This scenario will show the work recommended for all maintenance types for all roadways currently requiring maintenance. The Unlimited Budget represents the current backlog of $16.2 Million. These plans are a starting point to develop an understanding of how the system will assign streets and locations with budget dollars. The purpose is to create an accurate budget scenario for the City of La Quinta. The longer the system is maintained greater accuracy levels will be achieved. 4139 City of La Quinta Citywide Pavement Management Program Final Report January 2021 Section I RECOMMENDATIONS The actual workload requirements identified indicate that the street network is currently in good condition. To maintain this condition, it is critical that the preservation activities be funded at the levels identified in the recommended work program to maintain a high network PCI value. In order to meet these requirements, certain projects have been recommended within the context of this program. The funding requirements just presented are generated in the form of individual projects, as outlined in the Projected Work Reports (Section V). While the project listings outlined in Section V are the recommendations as generated by the PMS, they are for planning purposes only and are not intended to replace engineering judgement. Before construction has actually started on the pavement work, a field verification should be conducted to ascertain whether conditions still warrant the recommended treatment or whether they have worsened. Final project recommendations should be weighed against the actual approach the City wishes to utilize in scheduling the workloads for contracting purposes. Pavement condition may indicate that a particular pavement section needs attention earlier than the rest of the roads in its localized area. Because pavement deterioration is a never-ending phenomenon, OMNIS Inc. recommends that all Arterial routes be re-inspected over the course of the next two years. In addition, OMNIS Inc. recommends that all Local roads be re-inspected over the course of the next three years (approximately 33% of the streets each year). This recommended inspection cycle will fulfill the requirements for the TEA-21 funding program and GASB 34. The costs for the re-inspection should be included in the annual pavement management budget to assure that the PMS has updated, accurate information. 5140 City of La Quinta Citywide Pavement Management Program Final Report January 2021 Section II SECTION II METHODOLOGY The following section provides a description of the methodology and rationale utilized in determining the recommended actions identified in this report. Field Survey An inventory of street data for each public roadway within the City of La Quinta was completed. Data, including distress types and quantities, segment length and width, etc. was collected on all public streets. Using a combination of City street maps and field survey forms to collect field information, a field crew visually surveyed each street. Data was categorized by street and “maintenance” segment. Maintenance segment limits were identified by determining the “logical” maintenance practices that would apply to each street and may vary from street to street, i.e. intersection to intersection, change in pavement type, change in overall pavement condition, change in pavement width, drainage conditions, crown of the roadway, sufficient pavement project areas or quantities, etc. It was determined that sufficient pavement project area and/or length should be at least one mile in length whenever possible. All data collected was entered into the APWA MicroPAVER version 5.2 pavement management software. Segmentation limits are from the curb lip to curb lip. The following Exhibit demonstrates roadway segmentation: 6141 City of La Quinta Citywide Pavement Management Program Final Report January 2021 Section II The roadway Main Street is divided into two segments by 2nd Street. The first segment is from the w/s (west side) of 3rd Street to the w/s (west side) of 2nd Street. The area of the intersection of Main Street and 3rd Street is within this segment. Please note that segmentation begins at the lip of gutter of the crossing roadway. The second segment of Main Street would begin from the e/s (east side) of 2nd Street and end at the e/s (east side) of 1st Street. The area of the intersection of Main Street and 1st Street is within this segment. The area of the intersection of Main Street and 2nd Street would belong to a 2nd Street segment not to Main Street. The 2nd Street segment begins at the s/s (south side) of A Street and continues through the intersection of Main Street and 2nd Street and ends at the s/s of B Street. The area of the intersection of 2nd Street and B Street is within this segment. It is important to establish the start and stop of roadway segments and to establish intersection allocation to ensure the intersection areas are only quantified once. After the data entry procedures were completed, a resultant distress rating was calculated for each segment. The distress rating is calculated using an algorithm developed by the Army Corps of Engineers that is recommended by the American Public Works Association and incorporated within the MicroPAVER software. The algorithm begins by giving each pavement section a score of 100 then deducting point values based on the pavement distress found within the section weighted by the quantity of distress. The Army Corps has assigned deduct values based on severity (low, moderate, or high) and the density of each distress, as shown below in the case of alligator (fatigue) cracking. The following chart is an example of an algorithm for alligator cracking in asphalt pavement. The algorithm weighs the total deducts within a section and calculates a total distress rating between 0 (failed) and 100 (excellent). 0 20 40 60 80 100 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 % of Density Low Mod High Alligator (Fatigue) Cracking Deduct Curve 7142 City of La Quinta Citywide Pavement Management Program Final Report January 2021 Section II The summary of all road condition data and the representative PCI's are located in the Condition Data Report in Section IV. Once the PCI has been established for a pavement section, the analysis and workload predictions can be commenced. Predictions on future pavement performance are based on a pavement deterioration curve researched and developed by the Army Corps of Engineers. The deterioration curves below shows the expected deterioration rate for typical asphalt (AC). The gray line represent the outer limits of data allowed to be included in creating the curve. Data beyond these limits will be considered anomalies. The yellow lines represent the upper and lower levels of data collected for an area. The green lines represent the deterioration curve for asphalt. Taking the averages of yellow line data creates the green line. Standard Deterioration Curve for Asphalt Concrete (AC) Pavements Standard Deterioration Curve for Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) Pavements As a pavement ages, the system predicts the PCI of the pavement based on the deterioration curves. 8143 City of La Quinta Citywide Pavement Management Program Final Report January 2021 Section II The next step in the analysis is to determine at what point simple maintenance has become major rehabilitation. In the following chart it is suggested that after 75% of useful life renovation can take place for about $1.00 a square foot. If we wait 3 more years or 12% of life longer the cost is substantially higher at $4.00 a square foot. As you can see by the above graphic, by doing preventative maintenance on a pavement earlier in the pavements life, a substantial amount of money can be saved. For the City of La Quinta, it was determined that this critical point of work was as follows: AC Streets Critical Condition Principal Arterial 55 Minor Arterial 55 Collector 41 Residential 41 PCC Streets 10 9144 City of La Quinta Citywide Pavement Management Program Final Report January 2021 Section II MAINTENANCE STRATEGY ASSIGNMENTS The PCI is used by the system to schedule each pavement segment for maintenance activities. The MicroPAVER program recommends a specific maintenance activity based on the PCI and budget constraints. The MicroPAVER system generates work based on categories of maintenance, such as localized, global and major maintenance. Additionally, the City of La Quinta has implemented a crack sealing program to begin in the “Cove” area. The maintenance of “Mastic Crack Seal” is new to the program for wider than typical longitudinal and transverse cracking. Omnis encourages the City to maintain a crack seal program. Adjustments in unit costs and materials may be necessary. The engineering group has created the following unit costs that were reviewed and approved by the City of La Quinta staff and used for budget scenarios. Estimated Construction Costs Thin Overlay * Assumed sample segment 1,000 feet long x 50 feet wide Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Extended Assumptions Grind and Overlay SF 50,000 $1.80 $90,000 Full width Grind and Overlay Repair Areas (Dig-outs) SF 2,500 $4.00 $10,000 5 percent of pavement area Utility Cover Adjustment EACH 5 $800 $4,000 Average 1 utility cover per 200 lineal feet of roadway Traffic Striping and Markings LF 3,167 $1.50 $4,750 12-foot lane widths Traffic Control LS 1 $6,240 6 percent of construction cost Subtotal = $114,990 Contingency (20%) = $22,998 Total = $137,988 $/SF = $2.76 Slurry Seal/Dugouts * Assumed sample segment 1,000 feet long x 50 feet wide Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Extended Assumptions Repair Areas (Dig-outs minor) SF 2,500 $14 $35,000 5 percent of pavement area Slurry Seal and Crack Seal SF 50,000 $0.25 $12,500 Traffic Striping and Markings LF 3,167 $1.50 $4,750 12-foot lane widths Traffic Control LS 1 $2,850 6 percent of construction cost Subtotal = $55,100 Contingency (20%) = $11,020 Total = $66,120 $/SF = $1.32 Slurry Seal * Assumed sample segment 1,000 feet long x 50 feet wide Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Extended Assumptions Slurry Seal SF 50,000 $0.25 $12,500 Traffic Striping and Markings LF 3,167 $1.50 $4,750 12-foot lane widths Traffic Control LS 1 $375 3 percent of construction cost Subtotal = $17,625 Contingency (20%) = $3,525 Total = $21,150 $/SF = $0.42 Crack Seal Crack Seal LF $1.32 Mastic Crack Seal M&H Severity (Wide) LF $7.00 10145 City of La Quinta Citywide Pavement Management Program Final Report January 2021 Section II Slurry Seal Slurry Overlay Digouts Seal Construction $/SF $2.76 $1.32 $0.42 Design 10.00% $0.28 $0.13 $0.02 Inspection/Testing/Survey 10.00% $0.28 $0.13 $0.04 Project Management / Construction Management 7.75% $0.21 $0.10 $0.01 $3.53 $1.69 $0.49 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR DECISIONS Once the activities were chosen and unit costs were defined, budgets and work assignments were generated for each work program on an annual basis. Using the pavement deterioration curves for each type of pavement surface and class of road, both current year and future years work requirements for each pavement segment within the City were determined. The current PCI is reduced annually based on the deterioration curve, maintenance activities increase the PCI value as they are applied to the segment. The overall program is dynamic in that each strategy consists of a cyclic series of actions that simulates pavement's anticipated life cycle. 11146 City of La Quinta Citywide Pavement Management Program Final Report January 2021 Section II PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM REPORTS In addition to the annual budgets, this report contains a comprehensive assemblage of pavement management reports ranging from summary reports to annual maintenance and rehabilitation schedules. Collectively, as well as individually, the reports represent reasonable projections of pavement maintenance needs and performance based on visual condition assessments, unit cost estimates, and pavement deterioration models. It is important to note that pavement segment dimensions and surface area, along with the action and repair costs, as presented on the reports, are accurate within tolerable limits. This is noteworthy due to the "implied" accuracy of reporting length and width to the nearest foot, surface area to the nearest square foot, and action and repair unit costs and project estimates to the nearest penny and dollar, respectively. SYSTEM MAINTENANCE The City personnel need to maintain their commitment to the preventive maintenance system, while working toward reducing the City's present backlog of rehabilitation projects. In order to ensure that report outputs are accurate and credible, it is essential that the integrity of all data files be maintained. This will require performing all necessary updates when changes are made to scheduling scenarios, unit cost information, historical data, etc. In addition, the entire pavement network will have to be re-inventoried at regular intervals. This will not only allow work to be scheduled based on the most current condition data available, but will provide City personnel with a means to monitor actual rates of pavement deterioration so appropriate modifications can be made to the system curves. 12147 City of La Quinta Citywide Pavement Management Program Final Report January 2021 Section III SECTION III CONDITION DISTRIBUTION REPORT This report graphically depicts the distribution of the pavement condition throughout the street network by area. The condition ranges from “Failed” to “Excellent”, with an “Excellent” condition corresponding to a pavement at the beginning of its life cycle, and a “Failed” condition representing a badly deteriorated pavement with virtually no remaining life. The tables on the following pages show the general description for each pavement condition: Condition PCI Range Description Excellent 86 - 100 No significant distress. Very Good 71 - 85 Little distress, with the exception of utility patches in good condition, or slight hairline cracks; may be slightly weathered. Good 56 - 70 Slight to moderately weathered, slight distress, possibly patching. Fair 41 - 55 Severely weathered or slight to moderate levels of distress generally limited to patches and non-load-related cracking. Poor 26 - 40 Moderate to severe distresses including load-related types, such as alligator cracking. Very Poor 11 - 25 Severely distressed or large quantities of distortion or alligator cracking. Failed 0 - 10 Failure of the pavement, distress has surpassed tolerable rehabilitation limits. 13148 47.1%28.3%6,000,0008,000,00010,000,00012,000,00014,000,000(Square Feet)System Condition Distribution(All Streets)0% 0% 0%0.1%1.2%3.4%6.3%13.6%02,000,0004,000,000,,0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100Area (Condition14149 88%45.2%18.4%22.3%20000003,000,0004,000,0005,000,0006,000,000a (Square Feet)System Condition Distribution(Arterial Streets)0.0%0.0% 0.0%0.2%0.0%5.1%8.8%01,000,0002,000,0000-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100AreaCondition15150 13.2%20.6%41.7%24.6%100,000200,000300,000a (Square Feet)System Condition Distribution(Collector Streets)0.0%0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%0,0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100AreaCondition16151 49.8%36.4%3,000,0004,000,0005,000,0006,000,0007,000,0008,000,000a (Square Feet)System Condition Distribution(Residential Streets)0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%2.3%2.0%3.8%5.7%01,000,0002,000,0000-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100AreCondition17152 City of La Quinta Citywide Pavement Management Program Final Report January 2021 Section IV SECTION IV PAVEMENT CONDITION INDEX (PCI) REPORT OMNIS Inc submits two (2) PCI Reports alphabetically and by PCI rating. The alphabetically report is listed by street name, this report provides the City with a listing of pertinent inventory and pavement condition data for each pavement section within the City's pavement network. The Pavement Condition Index (PCI) Report notes the names, limits, classification, dimension, pavement class and PCI as of the last inspection for each pavement section. The PCI rating report is listed by condition rating descending and includes the same information that is within the alphabetical report. Detailed descriptions of the information appearing on this report are presented below: Branch Name - The name of each pavement section appears in this column. Generally, the pavement section name is taken directly from a street sign; however, where no street signs are posted, the name appearing on the network map is noted instead. Section Number - The street segmentation is numbered in this column. The length limitations are approximately 1300 linear feet for residentials and 2600 linear feet for arterials. From - A description of the beginning limit of each pavement section appears in this column. The limit will note the side of the boundary street from which the segment was taken (e.g., “N/S MAIN ST” refers to the north side of the intersection at Main St). If the beginning limit exists between intersections, then the beginning limit description may be an address, post mile marker, or a distance from a known point of reference (e.g., "500' N/O MAIN ST"). To - A description of the ending limit of each pavement section appears in this column. The description may consist of a street name, an address, or a distance from a known point of reference as described in the above section. Surface - A code was assigned to each pavement section to describe surface type. CODE DESCRIPTION AC Asphalt Concrete PCC Portland Cement Concrete Rank - The rank of each pavement section appears in this column. Typically, street segments are classified according to traffic volume or the agency’s circulation element. CODE DESCRIPTION A Primary Arterial B Secondary Arterial C Collector E Local/Residential 18153 City of La Quinta Citywide Pavement Management Program Final Report January 2021 Section IV Lanes – The number of lanes in the pavement section. Length – The length of the pavement section. Width – The width of the pavement section. Area – The area of the pavement section. Last Const. – The approximate date each pavement section last had construction work done. PCI - Pavement Condition Indexes were calculated for pavement sections based on severity and extent of distress manifestations observed within the pavement section. Ranging between 0 and 100, a PCI of "100" corresponds to a pavement at the beginning of its life cycle, while a PCI of "0" corresponds to a badly deteriorated pavement which is at or near the end of its life cycle. 19154 S H - 1 1 1 60TH AVE MONROE ST54TH AVE 50TH AVE 62ND AVE MILES AVE 52ND AVE I-10 JACKSON ST48TH AVE FRED WARING DR 49TH AVE WASHINGTON STLIGAAVENUE 52 CITRUS MADISON STDUNE PALMS RDAVENIDA BERMUDASAIRPORT BLVD PGA BLVD58TH AVEAVENIDA VALLEJOAVENIDA RUBIOWARNER TRLAVENIDA RAMIREZ61ST AVERIVIERAAVENIDA VELASCOJEFFERSON STAVENIDA CARRANZAOAK HIL LAVENIDA VILLAADAMS STBURR STINDIO BLVD AVENUE 58AVENIDA MARTINEZSHIELDS RDWINGED FOOT42ND AVE HERMITAGE DARBY RD HJORTH STMERION 51ST AVEEISENHOWER DRCALLE TAMPICO WESTWARD HO DR MANDARINA WEISKOPF 55TH AVECLINTON STVIA DONAROSS AVEDEL GATO DREL DORADO DRVIA SAVONAELKHORN TRLPINA VIA PAESSARO 47TH AVE 46TH AVE OASIS STAVENIDA MADEROPARK AVEHOVLEY LN LIMALIMA HALL RDVILLAGE DRBERMUDA DUNES DR CSILLA ST A V E N ID A M O N T E Z U M A CETRINO SOUTHERN HILLSGLASS DRPIRKER DR A N D AL U S I ACALEO BAYC O A C H ELLA D RAVENIDA F E R N A N D O MISSION DR ESTARLIGHT LN QUAI L RUN LNARACENA SPANISH BAY IROQUOIS DR TOM FAZIO LN N RI VI ERA AVETIBURON DR AVENIDA LA FONDASEELEY DRYOUNGS LNVIA CC TROON WAYVIA VALEROSAAVILA DRMI SSI ON DR WTOPAZ DRR O N D A MISSOURI DR FIRESTONEEMERALD DR ULRICH DRMOUNTAIN VIEWDELAWARE ST VI A DDPORT ROYAL AVE VIA SEVILLA CALLE HIDALGO BAFFIN AVE TOM FAZIO LN SVISTA ESTRELLAPOMELO ST VIA PISAP R IS M D RVIA CARMELTORINO DR MUIRFIELD VILLAGE VILLETA DR TORONJA BAYAJASPER PARK AVEPORT MARIA RDTEE ST CEREZATANGLEWOODPARK LNBALBOA PLPALM DRMONTICELLO AVETIGRIS AVE BELLERIVE POLO RD MARY LN FIESTA DR N U E V O D R V IA C A P R ISAND DRIOWA STJASMINE LN DEACON DR WV IA ME L ODIASUNBROOK LN53RD AVEDAKOTA TRLCORTE DEL OROBIG HORN DRALMONTEKENYA DRDESERT ROSE DRJEREZINTERLACHENYALE STDULCE DEL MAR PEBBLE BEACH DR AR A P AH O E ROCK ROSE DRMAGELLAN PLAVERY DR MARBELLA CTALYSHEBA DRYUCCA LNVIA SORRENTOC A L L E N O R TE VISTA LAGUNASHASTA PLVIA LUGOLA QUINTA DRN HERITAGE PALMS DRCAMEO PALM DRPEERLESS PLPECOS PLFREESIA PLCONTENTOSILVER ROCKDIANE DR VIA PORTOFINO TANGELO DRHAWKEYE DR SAGUARO RD ZENDA DR VIA BRAVA SPALDING DR VIA BELLAGIOTURNBERRY WAYMONTEGO BAY DR TUCSON CIR CEDAR CRESTARDENNAIS DRSOJOURN STLIBERTY STAVENIDA OBREGONSIENA DR SANDPIPER DR PEBBLE BEACHSIOUX DR QU A R R Y LN S VALLEY LNALI CTVIA SONATAVIA SOLANANAUTICAL DRST FRANCIS AVEN HARLAND DRDORAL STSIERRA VISTA SIENA CT VISTA FLORA VIDA BELLA DRRENEWAL STVILLANOVA STV IST A G R AN D E AVENIDA DIAZI-10 MOUNTAIN VIEW WASHINGTON STRIVIERAJEFFERSON ST51ST AVE 58TH AVEADAMS STADAMS STMADISON STADAMS STAIRPORT BLVD City of La Quinta PMS Zones 2021 Legend COLQCtrlines <all other values> GISID.ZONE zne1 zne2 zne3 zne4 zne5 ® 20155 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020AlphabeticalNameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCICalle Estado eb1 Desert Club Drive w/sAvenidas Bermudas e/s1615 30 18,450E C&G zne181Calle Estado wb1 Desert Club Drive w/sAvenida Bermudas e/s2615 30 18,450E C&G zne179Washington Street Frontal3 Highland Palm n/s Washington St w/s21,000 30 30,000C C&G zne266Washington Street Frontal2 Singing Palms n/sHighland Palms n/s21,800 30 54,000C C&G zne268Washington Street Frontal1 Washington Street w/sSinging Palms n/s1185 18 3,330C C&G zne282Adams Street1 Avenue 48 n/sHighway 111 s/s42,895 81 180,170E C&G zne278Adams Street8 Fred Warring Dr n/sDarby Rd s/s21,975 32 57,720B C&G zne476Adams Street4 Highway 111 n/sMiles Avenue s/s54,845 60 261,600B C&G zne471Adams Street6 Miles Ave n/sFred Waring Drive s/s52,575 60 146,775B C&G zne476Airport Boulevard1 Monroe Street w/sMadison Avenue e/s25,100 82 300,000B C&G zne383Alba Court1 Torino Dr n/sCDS2235 32 10,999E C&G zne482Alden Circle1 Seeley DriveEnd2580 36 20,880E C&G zne483Ambassador Circle1 Monticello Ave w/s CDS2250 32 11,479E C&G zne481America Court1 Hemings Way s/sCDS2295 32 12,919E C&G zne481Arbola Circle1 Fronterra DriveCDS2320 32 13,719E C&G zne484Arosa Way2 La Palma Drive s/sSanita Drive n/s2290 36 10,440E C&G zne475Arosa Way1 Villeta Dr s/sLa Palma Drive n/s2280 36 10,080E C&G zne482Ashley Place1 Carrie Ln e/sAshley Way e/s2800 36 28,800E C&G zne476Ashwood Court1 Bayberry Ave s/sCDS2150 34 8,559E C&G zne484Ashley Way1 Ashley Pl n/sDesert Stream Dr s/s2215 36 7,740E C&G zne479Auto Center Drive1 Adams St e/sLa Quinta Dr w/s21,005 50 50,250E C&G zne290Auto Center Way1 Hwy 111 s/sCircle2415 37 15,355E C&G zne288Avenida Alvarado8 Avenida Montezuma n/sCalle Yucatan s/s2400 32 12,800E C&G zne181Avenida Alvarado3 Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s21,985 32 63,520E C&G zne584Avenida Alvarado6 Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2620 32 19,840E C&G zne183Avenida Alvarado2 Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s21,935 32 61,920E C&G zne582Avenida Alvarado4 Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s21,280 32 40,960E C&G zne181Avenida Alvarado7 Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s2650 32 20,800E C&G zne176Avenida Alvarado5 Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2570 32 18,240E C&G zne180Avenida Alvarado1 Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s21,935 32 61,920E C&G zne581Avenida Carranza8 Avenida Montezuma n/sCDS2655 32 20,960E C&G zne174Avenida Carranza3 Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s21,980 32 63,360E C&G zne582Avenida Carranza6 Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2615 32 19,680E C&G zne17721156 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020AlphabeticalNameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCIAvenida Carranza2 Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s21,930 32 61,760E C&G zne581Avenida Carranza4 Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s21,280 32 40,960E C&G zne177Avenida Carranza7 Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s21,200 32 38,400E C&G zne172Avenida Carranza5 Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2570 32 18,240E C&G zne176Avenida Carranza1 Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s21,935 32 61,920E C&G zne579Avenida Cortez1 Avenida Montezuma e/sCalle Colima s/s21,960 32 62,720E C&G zne579Avenida Cortez3 Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2625 32 20,000E C&G zne179Avenida Cortez2 Calle Durango s/sCalle Sonora n/s2575 32 18,400E C&G zne182Avenida Diaz9 Avenida Montezuma n/sCalle Yucatan s/s2690 32 22,080E C&G zne174Avenida Diaz4 Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s21,980 32 63,360E C&G zne577Avenida Diaz7 Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2620 32 19,840E C&G zne173Avenida Diaz3 Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s21,940 32 62,080E C&G zne576Avenida Diaz5 Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s21,295 32 41,440E C&G zne182Avenida Diaz8 Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s2450 32 14,400E C&G zne179Avenida Diaz6 Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2575 32 18,400E C&G zne179Avenida Diaz1 Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s21,940 32 62,080B C&G zne575Avenue 471 Washington Street e/sAdams Street w/s22,515 43 108,145E C&G zne246Avenue 482 Dune Palms Rd w/sJefferson Ave w/s42,620 80 161,280B C&G zne286Avenue 481 Washington Street e/sDune Palms Rd w/s45,230 80 340,780E C&G zne287Avenue 501 Eisenhower Drive e/s Washington St w/s 43,965 66 232,990E C&G zne244Avenue 505 Jefferson Street e/s sharMadison Street w/s shared 25,190 30 155,700B C&G zne261Avenue 503 Park Avenue e/sJefferson Street w/s44,730 72 287,860B C&G zne291Avenue 502 Washington Street e/s Park Avenue w/s 43,140 72 181,080B C&G zne287Avenue 521 Avenida Bermudas e/sWashington St w/s42,735 82 178,280E C&G zne159Avenue 524 Jefferson Street e/sMadison Street e/s35,215 65 258,975B NON zne277Avenue 525 Madison Street e/s (eastbound) Monroe St w/s (eastbound) 25,275 32 124,800A C&G zne269Avenue 523 Silverrock Way e/sJefferson St w/s34,860 72 284,120B C&G zne297Avenue 522 Washington Street w/sSilverrock Way e/s43,520 82 216,640B C&G zne180Avenue 532 EndMonroe St w/s2815 50 40,750E NON zne381Avenue 542 Jefferson Street e/sMadison Street e/s35,070 56 226,320B C&G zne3100Avenue 541 Monroe Street w/sMadison Street e/s25,400 25 197,000B NON zne396Avenue 543 W/S Jefferson AveEnd22,500 50 125,000E C&G zne376Avenue 581 Jefferson Street e/sMadison Street w/s35,250 64 316,000B NON zne39422157 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020AlphabeticalNameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCIAvenue 582 Madison Street e/s Monroe St w/s55,270 68 343,360A C&G zne399Avenue 601 Madison St w/sMonroe St w/s35,300 57 252,100A C&G zne381Avenue 602 Monroe St e/s City Limits21,335 25 33,375A NON zne373Avenue 621 Monroe St w/sEnd23,680 26 95,680A NON zne382Avenida Bermudas7 Calle Chillon n/sCalle Tecate n/s23,195 41 130,995C C&G zne578Avenida Bermudas5 Calle Nogales n/sCalle Chillon n/s43,120 61 190,320C C&G zne581Avenida Bermudas9 Calle Tampico n/sEND2515 46 19,690E C&G zne183Avenida Bermudas1 Calle Tampico s/sCalle Sinaloa n/s31,205 46 50,005E C&G zne185Avenida Bermudas4 Calloe Sinaloa s/sCalle Nogales n/s42,565 61 156,465C C&G zne194Avenida La Fonda3 Calle Tamazula e/sCalle Rondo w/s11,255 50 62,750E C&G zne176Avenida La Fonda1 Desert Club Dr e/sWashington w/s21,990 32 63,680E C&G zne174Avenida La Fonda2 Desert Club Drive w/sAvenida Bermudas e/s1630 64 40,320E C&G zne179Avenida Herrera 8 Avenida Montezuma n/sCDS2625 32 21,536E C&G zne164Avenida Herrera 3 Calle Colima s/sCalle Nogales s/s22,000 32 64,000E C&G zne579Avenida Herrera 6 Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2620 32 19,840E C&G zne175Avenida Herrera 2 Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s21,930 32 61,760E C&G zne577Avenida Herrera 4 Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s21,295 32 41,440E C&G zne178Avenida Herrera 7 Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s21,275 32 40,800E C&G zne174Avenida Herrera 5 Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2555 32 17,760E C&G zne177Avenida Herrera 1 CDSCalle Madrid s/s21,855 32 61,376E C&G zne577Avenida Juarez9 Avenida Montezuma n/sCalle Yucatan s/s2740 32 23,680E C&G zne180Avenida Juarez4 Calle Colima n/sCalle Chihuahua s/s21,270 32 40,640E C&G zne577Avenida Juarez7 Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2620 32 19,840E C&G zne182Avenida Juarez3 Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s21,930 32 61,760E C&G zne574Avenida Juarez5 Calle Nogales s/sCalle Sonora s/s21,325 32 42,400E C&G zne186Avenida Juarez8 Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s2380 32 12,160E C&G zne179Avenida Juarez6 Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2565 32 18,080E C&G zne182Avenida Juarez1 Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s21,950 32 62,400E C&G zne575Avenida La Jarita1 Calle Quinto e/sCalle Rondo w/s2525 32 16,800E C&G zne182Avenida La Torres1 Calle Rondo w/sCalle Quinto e/s2665 32 21,280E C&G zne184Avenida Madero10 Avenida Montezuma e/sCalle Monterey n/s2350 33 11,550E C&G zne582Avenida Madero3 Calle Arroba n/sCalle Colima s/s2625 32 20,000E C&G zne577Avenida Madero4 Calle Colima n/sCalle Monterey s/s2635 32 20,320E C&G zne57823158 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020AlphabeticalNameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCIAvenida Madero8 Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2620 33 20,460E C&G zne180Avenida Madero2 Calle Madrid n/sCalle Arroba s/s21,290 32 41,280E C&G zne579Avenida Madero9 Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s2300 33 9,900E C&G zne180Avenida Madero7 Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2565 32 18,080E C&G zne183Avenida Madero1 Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s21,945 32 62,240E C&G zne579Avenida Madero6 CDSCalle Sonora s/s2880 32 31,639E C&G zne185Avenida Martinez1 Avenida Bermudas e/sCalle Madrid s/s2785 32 25,120E C&G zne574Avenida Martinez3 Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s21,990 32 63,680E C&G zne578Avenida Martinez6 Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2625 32 20,000E C&G zne184Avenida Martinez2 Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s21,940 32 62,080E C&G zne577Avenida Martinez4 Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s21,285 32 41,120E C&G zne172Avenida Martinez7 Calle Sinaloa n/sEisenhower Dr e/s21,185 32 37,920E C&G zne184Avenida Martinez5 Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2560 32 17,920E C&G zne177Avenida Martinez8 Eisenhower Dr e/sCalle Tampico s/s2500 36 18,000E C&G zne182Avenida Mendoza 8 Avenida Montezuma n/sCalle Tampico s/s2375 32 12,000E C&G zne168Avenida Mendoza 3 Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s 21,990 32 63,680E C&G zne580Avenida Mendoza 6 Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2620 32 19,840E C&G zne182Avenida Mendoza 2 Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s21,940 32 62,080E C&G zne579Avenida Mendoza 4 Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s21,285 32 41,120E C&G zne173Avenida Mendoza 7 Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s21,025 32 32,800E C&G zne184Avenida Mendoza 5 Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2570 32 18,240E C&G zne173Avenida Mendoza 1 CDSCalle Madrid s/s2125 32 6,016E C&G zne572Avenida Montezuma (Res.)1 Avenida Juarez w/sAvenida Alvarado w/s2950 32 30,400E C&G zne1100Avenida Montezuma4 Avenida Bermudas w/sEisenhower Dr e/s11,075 52 55,900E C&G zne180Avenida Montezuma3 Avenida Carranza w/sEisenhower Dr w/s21,275 37 47,175E C&G zne156Avenida Montezuma2 Calle Nogales n/sAvenida Carranza w/s23,295 32 105,440E C&G zne187Avenida Montezuma1 S End/Avenida MaderoCalle Nogales s/s25,405 32 172,960E C&G zne182Avenida Morales1 Avenida Montezuma s/sCalle Durango n/s2600 32 19,200E C&G zne177Avenida Naranja1 Calle Rondo w/sCalle Quinto e/s2510 32 16,320E C&G zne179Avenida Navarro7 Avenida Montezuma n/sCalle Tampico s/s 2615 32 19,680E C&G zne164Avenida Navarro1 Calle Chillon n/sCalle Colima s/s21,280 32 40,960E C&G zne576Avenida Navarro2 Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s21,990 32 63,680E C&G zne574Avenida Navarro5 Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2620 32 19,840E C&G zne18224159 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020AlphabeticalNameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCIAvenida Navarro3 Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s21,280 32 40,960E C&G zne177Avenida Navarro6 Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s21,230 32 39,360E C&G zne184Avenida Navarro4 Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2575 32 18,400E C&G zne172Avenida Nuestra2 Calle Kalima e/sCalle Guatemala w/s21,080 29 31,320E C&G zne181Avenida Nuestra1 Calle RondoCalle Tamazula21,260 32 40,320E C&G zne186Avenida Obregon9 Avenida Alvarado w/s CDS2625 32 18,763E C&G zne178Avenida Obregon8 Avenida Montezuma n/sAvenida Montezuma res s/s 290 32 2,880E C&G zne174Avenida Obregon3 Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s21,980 32 63,360E C&G zne580Avenida Obregon6 Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2620 32 19,840E C&G zne173Avenida Obregon2 Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s21,935 32 61,920E C&G zne581Avenida Obregon4 Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s21,285 32 41,120E C&G zne182Avenida Obregon7 Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s2875 32 28,000E C&G zne174Avenida Obregon5 Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2565 32 18,080E C&G zne179Avenida Obregon1 Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s21,935 32 61,920E C&G zne581Avenida Ramirez8 Avenida Montezuma n/sCDS2630 32 22,624E C&G zne169Avenida Ramirez3 Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s21,980 32 63,360E C&G zne582Avenida Ramirez6 Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2610 32 19,520E C&G zne178Avenida Ramirez2 Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s21,935 32 61,920E C&G zne582Avenida Ramirez4 Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s21,280 32 40,960E C&G zne180Avenida Ramirez7 Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s21,285 32 41,120E C&G zne176Avenida Ramirez5 Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2575 32 18,400E C&G zne180Avenida Ramirez1 Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s21,935 32 61,920E C&G zne577Avenida Rubio 8 Avenida Montezuma n/sCalle Yucatan s/s2615 32 19,680E C&G zne181Avenida Rubio 3 Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s21,980 32 63,360E C&G zne579Avenida Rubio 6 Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2615 32 19,680E C&G zne178Avenida Rubio 2 Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s21,940 32 62,080E C&G zne576Avenida Rubio 4 Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s21,280 32 40,960E C&G zne183Avenida Rubio 7 Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s2535 32 17,120E C&G zne180Avenida Rubio 5 Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2565 32 18,080E C&G zne183Avenida Rubio 1 Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s21,950 32 62,400E C&G zne575Avenida Tujunga2 Calle Quinto e/sCalle Rondo w/s2620 32 19,840E C&G zne177Avenida Tujunga1 EndCalle Quinto w/s2550 32 17,600E C&G zne183Avenida Ultimo1 W. EndCalle Rondo w/s21,170 32 37,440E C&G zne18225160 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020AlphabeticalNameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCIAvenida Vallejo8 Avenida Montezuma n/sCDS2635 33 24,340E C&G zne167Avenida Vallejo3 Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s21,980 32 63,360E C&G zne578Avenida Vallejo6 Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2625 33 20,625E C&G zne172Avenida Vallejo2 Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s21,930 32 61,760E C&G zne574Avenida Vallejo4 Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s21,280 32 40,960E C&G zne179Avenida Vallejo7 Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s21,295 33 42,735E C&G zne175Avenida Vallejo5 Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2570 32 18,240E C&G zne175Avenida Vallejo1 Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s21,930 32 61,760E C&G zne581Avenida Velasco8 Avenida Montezuma n/sCDS2630 32 23,549E C&G zne179Avenida Velasco3 Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s21,990 32 63,680E C&G zne579Avenida Velasco5 Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2630 32 20,160E C&G zne173Avenida Velasco2 Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s21,925 32 61,600E C&G zne576Avenida Velasco03a Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s21,300 32 41,600E C&G zne178Avenida Velasco6 Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s21,300 32 41,600E C&G zne172Avenida Velasco4 Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango n/s2580 32 18,560E C&G zne174Avenida Velasco1 CDSCalle Madrid s/s21,550 32 51,541E C&G zne573Avenida Villa 1 Avenida Bermudas e/sCalle Colima s/s21,700 32 54,400E C&G zne556Avenida Villa 7 Avenida Navarro w/sCalle Tampico s/s2535 32 17,120E C&G zne168Avenida Villa 2 Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s21,990 32 63,680E C&G zne580Avenida Villa 5 Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2620 32 19,840E C&G zne183Avenida Villa 3 Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s21,285 32 41,120E C&G zne175Avenida Villa 6 Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Navarro w/s21,180 32 37,760E C&G zne183Avenida Villa 4 Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2570 32 18,240E C&G zne176Bayberry Lane1 Coldbrook Ln e/sDeerbrook Ln w/s2850 36 30,600E C&G zne479Bayberry Lane2 Deerbrook Ln e/s Sunbrook Ln w/s2220 36 7,920E C&G zne473Bayberry Lane3 Sunbrook Ln e/sAdams St w/s2130 36 4,680E C&G zne476Birchcrest Circle1 Bayberry Ln n/sBayberry Ln n/s21,400 32 44,800E C&G zne483BLACKHAWK WAY1 Dune Palms Road w/sAdams Street e/s32,600 44 114,400B C&G zne279Blazing Star Trail1 Star Flower Trail n/sDune Palm Road e/s21,880 36 67,680E C&G zne482Bottlebrush Drive1 CDSDate Palm Avenue w\s21,260 32 41,939E C&G zne269Bradford Circle1 Seeley DriveEnd2640 36 23,040E C&G zne477Bridgette Way1 Desert Stream n/sMiles Avenue s/s21,500 36 54,000E C&G zne485Buttercup Lane2 Blazing Star Trail s/sMarigold Lane n/s2420 32 13,440E C&G zne48126161 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020AlphabeticalNameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCIButtercup Lane1 EndBlazing Star Trail n/s2450 32 14,400E C&G zne479Cahuilla Park Road1 Jefferson Ave w/sEnd22,185 30 65,550B NON zne176Calle Amigo1 Avenida Bermudas e/sDesert Club Drive w/s2645 24 15,480E C&G zne178Calle Arroba7 Avenida Alvarado e/sAvenida Obregon w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne582Calle Arroba9 Avenida Carranza e/sAvenida Ramirez w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne582Calle Arroba2 Avenida Cortez e/sAvenida Madero w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne583Calle Arroba5 Avenida Diaz e/s Avenida Rubio w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne582Calle Arroba12 Avenida Herrera e/sAvenida Velasco w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne581Calle Arroba4 Avenida Juarez e/sAvenida Diaz w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne582Calle Arroba3 Avenida Madero e/sAvenida Juarez w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne582Calle Arroba15 Avenida Martinez e/sAvenida Mendoza w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne583Calle Arroba16 Avenida Mendoza e/sAvenida Villa w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne581Calle Arroba1 Avenida Montezuma e/sAvenida Cortez w/s2255 32 8,160E C&G zne577Calle Arroba18 Avenida Navarro e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s2225 32 7,200E C&G zne581Calle Arroba8 Avenida Obregon e/sAvenida Carranza w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne582Calle Arroba10 Avenida Ramirez e/s Avenida Vallejo w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne580Calle Arroba6 Avenida Rubio e/sAvenida Alvarado w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne582Calle Arroba11 Avenida Vallejo e/sAvenida Herrera w/s 2220 32 7,040E C&G zne581Calle Arroba13 Avenida Velasco e/sEisenhower Dr w/s2225 32 7,200E C&G zne583Calle Arroba17 Avenida Villa e/sAvenida Navarro w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne581Calle Arroba14 Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Martinez w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne584Calle Barcelona1 Desert Club Drive w/s Avenida Bermudas e/s2645 24 15,480E ROL zne169Caleo Bay1 47th Ave48th Ave22,800 40 112,000E C&G zne286Calle Cadiz2 Calle Fortuna s/sCalle Guatemala w/s2225 32 7,200E ROL zne180Calle Cadiz1 Desert Club Drive e/sCalle Fortuna s/s2680 23 15,640E ROL zne183Calle Cadiz3 Desert Club w/sAvenida Bermudas e/s2640 25 16,000E ROL zne170Calle Chihuahua4 Avenida Alvarado e/sAvenida Obregon w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne579Calle Chihuahua6 Avenida Carranza e/s Avenida Ramirez w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne581Calle Chihuahua2 Avenida Diaz e/sAvenida Rubio w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne579Calle Chihuahua9 Avenida Herrera e/sAvenida Velasco w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne579Calle Chihuahua12 Avenida Martinez e/sAvenida Mendoza w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne577Calle Chihuahua13 Avenida Mendoza e/sAvenida Villa w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne579Calle Chihuahua1 Avenida Montezuma e/sAvenida Diaz w/s2310 32 9,920E C&G zne57927162 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020AlphabeticalNameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCICalle Chihuahua15 Avenida Navarro e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne578Calle Chihuahua5 Avenida Obregon e/s Avenida Carranza w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne577Calle Chihuahua7 Avenida Ramirez e/s Avenida Vallejo w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne581Calle Chihuahua3 Avenida Rubio e/s Avenida Alvarado w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne578Calle Chihuahua8 Avenida Vallejo e/sAvenida Herrera w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne579Calle Chihuahua10 Avenida Velasco e/s Eisenhower Dr w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne579Calle Chihuahua14 Avenida Villa e/sAvenida Navarro e/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne578Calle Chihuahua11 Eisenhower Dr e/s Avenida Martinez w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne579Calle Chillon7 Avenida Alvarado e/sAvenida Obregon w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne577Calle Chillon9 Avenida Carrenza e/sAvenida Ramirez w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne578Calle Chillon2 Avenida Cortez e/sAvenida Madero w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne579Calle Chillon5 Avenida Diaz e/sAvenida Rubio w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne579Calle Chillon12 Avenida Herrera e/sAvenida Velasco w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne577Calle Chillon4 Avenida Jaurez e/sAvenida Diaz w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne579Calle Chillon3 Avenida Madero e/sAvenida Juarez w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne581Calle Chillon15 Avenida Martinez e/sAvenida Mendoza w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne579Calle Chillon16 Avenida Mendoza e/sAvenida Villa w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne577Calle Chillon1 Avenida Montezuma e/sAvenida Cortez w/s2180 32 5,760E C&G zne581Calle Chillon8 Avenida Obregon e/sAvenida Carrenza w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne577Calle Chillon10 Avenida Ramirez e/sAvenida Vallejo w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne579Calle Chillon6 Avenida Rubio e/sAvenida Alvarado w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne577Calle Chillon11 Avenida Vallejo e/sAvenida Herrera w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne575Calle Chillon13 Avenida Velasco e/sEisenhower Dr w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne579Calle Chillon17 Avenida Villa e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s2320 32 10,240E C&G zne580Calle Chillon14 Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Martinez w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne579Calle Colima1 Avenida Montezuma e/sEisenhower Dr w/s23,260 32 104,320E C&G zne577Calle Colima2 Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s21,250 32 40,000E C&G zne577Calle Durango1 Avenida Montezuma e/sEisenhower Dr w/s23,460 32 110,720E C&G zne174Calle Durango2 Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s21,250 32 40,000E C&G zne178Calle Ensenada6 Avenida Alvarado e/sAvenida Obregon w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne185Calle Ensenada8 Avenida Carranza e/sAvenida Ramirez w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne178Calle Ensenada4 Avenida Diaz e/sAvenida Rubio w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne187Calle Ensenada11 Avenida Herrera e/sAvenida Velasco w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne18128163 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020AlphabeticalNameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCICalle Ensenada3 Avenida Juarez e/sAvenida Diaz w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne185Calle Ensenada2 Avenida Madero e/sAvenida Juarez w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne187Calle Ensenada14 Avenida Martinez e/sAvenida Mendoza w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne181Calle Ensenada15 Avenida Mendoza e/sAvenida Villa w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne180Calle Ensenada1 Avenida Montezuma e/sAvenida Madero w/s2200 32 6,400E C&G zne186Calle Ensenada17 Avenida Navarro e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne179Calle Ensenada7 Avenida Obregon e/sAvenida Carranza w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne181Calle Ensenada9 Avenida Ramirez e/sAvenida Vallejo w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne180Calle Ensenada5 Avenida Rubio e/s Avenida Alvarado w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne186Calle Ensenada10 Avenida Vallejo e/sAvenida Herrera w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne179Calle Ensenada12 Avenida Velasco e/sEisenhower Dr w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne180Calle Ensenada16 Avenida Villa e/sAvenida Navarro w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne181Calle Ensenada13 Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Martinez w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne179Calle Fortuna1 Desert Club Drive e/sCalle Cadiz n/s2695 25 17,375E ROL zne180Calle Guatemala1 Avenida Nuestra n/sAvenida La Fonda s/s2620 32 19,840E C&G zne178Calle Guaymas1 Avenida Tujunga s/sAvenida Naranja n/s2625 32 20,000E C&G zne174Calle Hidalgo2 Avenida Carranza e/sAvenida Ramirez w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne179Calle Hidalgo5 Avenida Herrera e/sAvenida Velasco w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne181Calle Hidalgo8 Avenida Martinez e/sAvenida Mendoza w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne184Calle Hidalgo9 Avenida Mendoza e/sAvenida Villa w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne184Calle Hidalgo11 Avenida Navarro e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne185Calle Hidalgo1 Avenida Obregon e/sAvenida Carranza w/s2225 32 7,200E C&G zne177Calle Hidalgo3 Avenida Ramirez e/sAvenida Vallejo w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne176Calle Hidalgo4 Avenida Vallejo e/sAvenida Herrera w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne181Calle Hidalgo6 Avenida Velasco e/sEisenhower Dr w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne183Calle Hidalgo10 Avenida Villa e/sAvenida Navarro w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne184Calle Hidalgo7 Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Martinez w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne183Calle Hueneme1 Avenida Nuestra n/sAvenida La Fonda s/s2620 32 19,840E C&G zne177Calico Circle1 Blazing Star Trail n/sCDS2490 32 19,159E C&G zne482Calle Jacumba 1 Avenida La Fonda s/sAvenida Nuestra n/s2620 32 19,840E C&G zne178Calle Kalima1 Avenida Nuestra n/sCDS2610 32 22,999E C&G zne180Calle Iloilo1 Avenida Nuestra n/sAvenida La Fonda s/s2620 32 19,840E C&G zne180Calle Madrid1 Avenida Cortez e/sEisenhower Dr w/s23,100 32 99,200E C&G zne57229164 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020AlphabeticalNameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCICalle Madrid2 Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s2600 32 19,200E C&G zne573Calle Monterey5 Avenida Alvarado e/sAvenida Obregon w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne579Calle Monterey7 Avenida Carranza e/sAvenida Ramirez w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne579Calle Monterey3 Avenida Diaz e/sAvenida Rubio w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne581Calle Monterey10 Avenida Herrera e/s Avenida Velasco w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne581Calle Monterey2 Avenida Madero e/sAvenida Diaz w/s2440 32 14,080E C&G zne579Calle Monterey13 Avenida Martinez e/sAvenida Mendoza w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne577Calle Monterey14 Avenida Mendoza e/sAvenida Villa w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne578Calle Monterey1 Avenida Montezuma e/sAvenida Madero w/s2235 32 7,520E C&G zne578Calle Monterey16 Avenida Navarro e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne577Calle Monterey6 Avenida Obregon e/sAvenida Carranza w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne589Calle Monterey8 Avenida Ramirez e/sAvenida Vallejo w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne579Calle Monterey4 Avenida Rubio e/sAvenida Alvarado w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne579Calle Monterey9 Avenida Vallajo e/sAvenida Herrera w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne589Calle Monterey11 Avenida Velasco e/s Eisenhower Dr w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne579Calle Monterey15 Avenida Villa e/sAvenida Navarro w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne578Calle Monterey12 Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Martinez w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne579Calle Nogales1 Avenida Juarez e/sEisenhower Dr w/s22,585 32 82,720E C&G zne579Calle Nogales2 Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s21,255 32 40,160E C&G zne576Calle Obispo2 Calle Tampico s/sEnd2345 32 11,040E C&G zne175Calle Obispo1 EndCalle Tampico n/s2340 32 10,880E C&G zne175Calle Palmeto1 Calle Santa Barbara w/sCalle Placido w/s21,020 32 32,640E C&G zne487Calle Paloma1 Avenida Tujunga s/sCalle Tampico n/s2980 32 31,360E C&G zne191Calle Paloma2 Calle Tampico s/sLa Fonda n/s2625 32 20,000E C&G zne178Calle Paloma3 La Fonda s/sAvenida Nuestra n/s2590 32 18,880E C&G zne187Calle Placido1 Calle Palmeto s/sNuevo Dr n/s2490 32 15,680E C&G zne485Calle Placido2 Nuevo Dr s/sCalle Sonrisa s/s2545 32 17,440E C&G zne485Calle Potrero5 Avenida Alvarado e/sAvenida Obregon w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne583Calle Potrero7 Avenida Carranza e/sAvenida Ramirez w/s 2220 32 7,040E C&G zne575Calle Potrero3 Avenida Diaz e/s Avenida Rubio w/s2225 32 7,200E C&G zne589Calle Potrero10 Avenida Herrera e/sAvenida Velasco e/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne575Calle Potrero2 Avenida Juarez e/sAvenida Diaz w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne584Calle Potrero1 Avenida Madero e/sAvenida Juarez w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne57530165 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020AlphabeticalNameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCICalle Potrero6 Avenida Obregon e/sAvendia Carranza w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne577Calle Potrero8 Avenida Ramirez e/sAvendia Vallejo w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne575Calle Potrero4 Avenida Rubio e/sAvenida Alvarado w/s2225 32 7,200E C&G zne584Calle Potrero9 Avenida Vallejo e/sAvendia Herrera w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne575Calle Potrero11 Avenida Velasco e/sAvenida Bernudas w/s2200 32 6,400E C&G zne580Calle Prospero1 Calle Palmeto s/sCDS2675 32 25,079E C&G zne485Calle Quinto1 Avenida Nuestra n/sLa Fonda s/s2600 32 19,200E C&G zne182Calle Quinto3 Calle Tampico n/sAvenida Ultimo s/s21,290 32 41,280E C&G zne187Calle Quinto2 La Fonda n/sCalle Tampico s/s2620 32 19,840E C&G zne182Calle Rondo2 Avenida Ultimo s/sCalle Tampico n/s21,275 32 40,800E C&G zne182Calle Rondo1 Call Tampico s/sAvenida Nuestra n/s21,275 32 40,800E C&G zne186Calle Santa Barbara1 Calle Sonrisa n/sNuevo Rd s/s2640 32 20,480E C&G zne484Calle Santa Barbara2 Nuevo Dr n/sCalle Palmeto n/s2400 32 12,800E C&G zne486Calle Serena1 Vista Grande s/sEnd2120 32 3,840E C&G zne489Calle Sinaloa1 Avenida Montezuma e/sEisenhower Dr w/s23,310 32 105,920E C&G zne166Calle Sinaloa2 Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s41,265 82 84,830E C&G zne195Calle Sonora1 Avenida Montezuma e/sEisenhower Dr w/s23,240 32 103,680E C&G zne183Calle Sonora2 Eisenhower Dr e/s Avenida Bermudas w/s21,250 32 40,000E C&G zne178Calle Sonrisa1 Calle Placido e/sCalle Santa Barbara e/s21,025 32 32,800E C&G zne485Calle Tamazula1 Avenida NuestraLa Fonda s/s2600 32 19,200E C&G zne173Calle Tampico1 Eisenhower Drive e/sWashington St w/s43,950 72 247,080E C&G zne1100Calle Tampico3 Washington Street e/sPark Avenue e/s22,670 36 96,120E C&G zne178Calle Tecate1 Avenida Bermudas e/sAvenida Madero w/s22,250 34 76,500E C&G zne588Calle Temecula5 Avenida Alvarado e/sAvenida Obregon w/s 2220 32 7,040E C&G zne574Calle Temecula7 Avenida Carranza e/sAvenida Ramirez w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne576Calle Temecula3 Avenida Diaz e/sAvenida Rubio w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne575Calle Temecula10 Avenida Herrera e/sAvenida Velasco w/s2215 32 6,880E C&G zne581Calle Temecula2 Avenida Juarez e/sAvenida Diaz w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne579Calle Temecula1 Avenida Madero e/sAvenida Juarez w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne573Calle Temecula6 Avenida Obregon e/sAvenida Carranza w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne575Calle Temecula8 Avenida Ramirez w/sAvenida Vallejo w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne573Calle Temecula4 Avenida Rubio e/sAvenida Alvarado w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne574Calle Temecula9 Avenida Vallejo e/sAvenida Herrera w/s2215 32 6,880E C&G zne57631166 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020AlphabeticalNameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCICalle Temecula11 Avenida Velasco e/sEisenhower Dr w/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne577Calle Temecula12 Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Martinez e/s2220 32 7,040E C&G zne575Calle Vista Verde1 Nuevo Rd s/sCDS2705 32 26,039E C&G zne487Calle Yucatan1 Avenida Alvarado w/sAvenida Juarez e/s2845 32 27,040E C&G zne172Camino Amarillo1 Octotillo Drive w/sCDS2380 32 15,639E C&G zne482Camino Azul1 CDSCamino Rosada n/s2980 36 33,230E C&G zne476Camino Del Oro1 Camino Lavanda w/sOctotillo Drive e/s2270 36 9,720E C&G zne482Camino Del Oro2 Octotillo Drive w/sCamino Azul e/s2600 36 21,600E C&G zne482Cameo Dunes Place1 Cameo Palms n/sCDS2185 28 7,079E C&G zne278Camino La Cresta1 Camino Del Oro n/sCDS2405 32 16,439E C&G zne480Camino Lavanda1 CDSCDS21,025 32 39,757E C&G zne477Cameo Palm Drive1 Singing Palms s/sHighland Palms n/s21,740 32 55,680E C&G zne277Camino Rosada1 Camino Azul w/sOctotillo Drive w/s2655 36 23,580E C&G zne479Canterra Circle1 Octotillo Drive e/sCDS2360 32 14,920E C&G zne486Canterra Drive1 Octotillo Drive w/sMilago Drive2640 32 20,480E C&G zne482Carmen Place1 Villeta Drive n/sCDS2265 32 12,525E C&G zne475Carnes Circle1 Seeley DriveCDS2600 33 19,800E C&G zne484Carrie Lane1 Victoria Drive s/sAshley Place s/s2525 36 18,900E C&G zne477Cindy Court1 Debbie Dr w/sCDS2350 32 14,679E C&G zne481Cloud View Way1 Summer View Way e/sDesert Fall Way s/s21,130 32 36,160E C&G zne173Coldbrook Lane1 Miles Avenue s/sSunbrook Ln n/s2150 36 5,400E C&G zne483Coldbrook Lane2 Sunbrook Ln s/s Woodberry Ln s/s22,870 36 103,320E C&G zne478Commerce Court1 Corporate Centre Dr s/sCDS2190 36 10,299E C&G zne479Como Court1 Genoa Dr w/sCDS2675 32 25,079E C&G zne485Corporate Centre Drive2 Adams St e/sCDS31,265 36 48,999E C&G zne480Corporate Centre Drive1 Dune Palm Rd w/sCDS3625 36 22,500E C&G zne478Cortez Ln2 Roadrunner Ln e/sCDS2190 26 7,940E ROL zne494Cortez Ln1 Roudel Ln w/sRoadrunner Ln e/s2590 28 19,304E C&G zne494Crestview Terrace1 Highland Palms s/sCameo Palms n/s2470 28 13,160E C&G zne277CROISETTE COURT1 Darby Rd s/sCDS2535 30 18,750E C&G zne485Cristol Place1 Villeta DriveCDS2190 32 10,125E C&G zne481Dalea Court1 Blazing Star TrailCDS2420 32 16,919E C&G zne484Dandelion Drive2 Monticello Ave w/sVerbena Dr e/s2910 32 29,120E C&G zne48232167 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020AlphabeticalNameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCIDandelion Drive1 Monticello Dr e/sLiberty Ave w/s2790 32 25,280E C&G zne475Dandelion Drive3 Verbena Dr w/sCDS2525 32 20,279E C&G zne482DARBY RD1 Royal Palm DrCity Limits2485 32 15,520E C&G zne487Date Palm Drive1 Sagebrush Avenue s/sSaguaro Drive n/s2520 32 16,640E C&G zne271Debbie Drive1 Victoria Dr n/sKristen Ct n/s21,120 36 40,320E C&G zne484Declaration Court1 Monticello Ave w/sCDS2450 32 17,879E C&G zne481Deerbrook Circle2 Bayberry St s/sStonebrook Ct w/s2920 32 29,440E C&G zne471Deerbrook Circle1 Stonebrook Ct e/s Bayberry Ln n/s2470 32 15,040E C&G zne471Desert Air Street1 Desert Stream n/sCDS21,325 32 43,279E C&G zne481Desert Club Drive1 Avenue 52 n/sCalle Tampico s/s21,865 35 65,275E C&G zne169Desert Club Drive2 Calle Tampico n/sCDS21,000 35 35,000E C&G zne178Desert Crest Drive1 Desert Air e/sDune Palms w/s21,140 37 42,180E C&G zne485Desert Eagle Ct1 Desert StreamCDS2640 32 20,480E C&G zne485Desert Fall Way1 Summer View Way w/sCloud View Way w\s2665 32 21,280E C&G zne173Desert Fox Drive2 Desert Crest n/sCDS2515 32 16,480E C&G zne485Desert Fox Drive1 Desert Stream n/sDesert Crest s/s2750 37 27,750E C&G zne485Desert Hills Court1 Desert Crest n/sCDS2520 32 16,640E C&G zne485Desert Rock Court1 Desert Fox w/sCDS2475 32 18,679E C&G zne486Desert Sand Court1 Desert Crest n/sCDS2515 32 16,480E C&G zne486Desert Stream Drive1 Dune Palms Road w/sCarrie Ln e/s22,455 37 90,835E C&G zne4100Desert View Court1 Desert Crest Dr n/sCDS2515 32 16,480E C&G zne485Desert Wind Court1 Desert Air e/sCDS2515 32 19,959E C&G zne487Diane Drive1 Bridgette Way w/sDebbie Dr e/s2615 37 22,755E C&G zne483Diane Drive2 Debbie Dr w/sCDS2350 32 11,200E C&G zne479Dune Palms Road1 Avenue 48Highway 111 s/s22,650 68 180,200E C&G zne272Dune Palms Road2 Highway 111 n/sWestward Ho Drive s/s32,560 51 130,560B C&G zne478Dune Palms Road4 Miles Avenue n/sFred Waring Dr s/s42,565 61 156,465B C&G zne452Dune Palms Road3 Westward Ho Drive s/sMiles Rd s/s32,735 60 159,300B C&G zne469Eisenhower Drive3 Avenida Fernando s/sAvenue 50 s/s41,845 71 111,675B C&G zne273Eisenhower Drive4 Avenue 50 s/sCalle Tampico n/s22,430 50 121,500B C&G zne277Eisenhower Drive05A Avenue 52 s/sCalle Nogales s/s42,600 72 187,200B C&G zne177Eisenhower Drive8 Calle Nogales s/sAvenida Bermudas n/s45,225 72 325,920B C&G zne573Eisenhower Drive5 Calle Tampico n/sCalle Nogales s/s42,045 72 107,160B C&G zne110033168 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020AlphabeticalNameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCIEisenhower Drive2 Coachella Dr n/sAvenida Fernando s/s31,100 53 46,420B C&G zne288Eisenhower Drive1 Washington Street w/sCoachella Dr n/s44,060 58 235,480E C&G zne289Estelo Court1 Villeta DriveCDS2155 32 8,910E C&G zne480Fiesta Drive1 Jefferson Street w/sRoadrunner Lane e/s21,480 25 37,000E C&G zne477Forbes Circle1 Seeley e/sVia Coronado E/S2830 36 29,880E C&G zne474Foxtail Circle1 Buttercup Lane s/sCDS2450 32 17,879E C&G zne477Frances Hack Ln1 Avenida Bermudas e/sCDS2770 28 34,005E C&G zne154Franklin Court1 Morris Ave s/sCDS2145 32 8,119E C&G zne481Fred Waring Drive4 Adams Street w/sVenice Dr w/s62,585 91 198,565B C&G zne473Fred Waring Drive3 Dunes Palms Rd w/sAdams Street e/s42,605 38 98,990B C&G zne484Fred Waring Drive1 Jefferson Street w/sDune Palms Road w/s32,650 70 185,500B C&G zne476Fred Waring Drive5 Palm Royal w/sWashington Street e/s61,525 105 150,125B C&G zne462Fred Waring Drive04a Venice Dr w/sPalm Royal w/s61,125 86 81,000B C&G zne465Fronterra Drive1 Octotillo Drive s/sLaderra Drive n/s2570 32 18,240E C&G zne484Genoa Drive1 Naples Dr n/aTorino Dr n/s2760 36 27,360E C&G zne484Goldenrod Circle1 Buttercup Lane n/sCDS2540 32 20,759E C&G zne477Golden Sands1 Cameo Palms DriveCDS2180 28 6,939E C&G zne279Hancock Court1 Liberty Ave w/sCDS2260 32 11,799E C&G zne482Hemmings Way1 Monticello Ave w/sAmerica Ct w/s2285 32 9,120E C&G zne480Highland Palms1 Washington Street w/sEnd21,210 32 38,720E C&G zne275Horseshoe Road1 Roadrunner Lane e/sCDS21,000 25 29,109E C&G zne490Hummingbird Ln1 Fiesta Dr s/sCDS2200 25 6,847E C&G zne4100Hwy 1112 Adams St w/sJefferson St w/s65,325 100 532,500A C&G zne257Hwy 1111 Washington St w/sAdams St w/s63,665 108 395,820A C&G zne264Independence Way2 Monticello Way e/sJefferson Ave w/s2745 32 23,840E C&G zne480Independence Way1 Monticello Way w/sCDS2370 32 15,319E C&G zne480Iris Court1 Blazing Star Trail w/sCDS2350 32 14,679E C&G zne479Irwin Circle1 North Harland DriveCDS2610 32 23,565E C&G zne484Jefferson Street5 Avenue 48 shared n/sCity Limit shared31,010 62 62,620B C&G zne280Jefferson Street4 Avenue 50 s/s sharedAvenue 48 s/s shared35,255 42 220,710B C&G zne275Jefferson Street3 Avenue 52 n/sAvenue 50 s/s65,120 95 407,840B C&G zne275Jefferson Street2 Avenue 54 n/sAvenue 52 s/s65,265 98 451,290E C&G zne375Jefferson Street10 Avenue 58 s/sS/S QUARRY LN21,680 28 47,040B NON zne36834169 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020AlphabeticalNameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCIJefferson Street1 City LimitsFred Waring Dr n/s33,285 46 151,110A C&G zne478Jefferson Street8 Fiesta Drive n/sWestward ho Drive s/s21,150 55 45,250B NON zne476Jefferson Street6 Highway 111 n/sVista Grande s/s6685 104 66,440B C&G zne469Jefferson Street9 Miles Avenue n/s sharedFred Waring Drive s/s sha32,565 42 107,730B NON zne478Jefferson Street7 Vista Grande s/sFiesta Drive n/s2765 62 47,430B NON zne479Jefferson Street08A Westward Ho Drive n/sMiles Ave s/s62,650 98 249,700A C&G zne480Kara Court1 Bridgette Way w/sCDS2400 32 12,800E C&G zne485Kaye Court1 Debbie Dr w/sCDS2350 32 14,679E C&G zne482Kristen Court1 Debbie Dr w/sCDS2350 32 14,679E C&G zne487Ladera Drive2 Fronterra Drive w/sEnd2510 36 18,360E C&G zne484Ladera Drive1 Los Manos Drive w/sFronterra Drive n/s2350 36 12,600E C&G zne482Lake La Quinta 1 Washington StCaleo Bay2260 46 9,560E C&G zne288La Palma Drive1 Adams Street w/sLas Vistas e/s21,600 36 57,600E C&G zne477La Palma Drive2 Camino Azul w/sAdams Street e/s3140 66 6,440E C&G zne484La Quinta Center1 Hwy 111 s/sAvenue 47 n/s21,370 40 54,800A C&G zne282La Quinta Drive1 Hwy 111 s/sEnd51,475 60 71,500C C&G zne285Las Vistas Drive1 Fred Waring Drive s/sVileta Dr n/s2425 36 28,690E C&G zne479Las Vistas Drive3 Sanita Dr s/sForbes Cir n/s285 36 10,260E C&G zne482Las Vistas Drive2 Vileta Dr s/sSanita Dr n/s615 36 22,140E C&G zne481Latigo Circle1 Los Manos Drive e/sCDS2280 32 12,439E C&G zne485Laurie Court1 w/s Bridgette DrCDS2395 32 16,119E C&G zne485Liberty Avenue1 Morris Ave s/sDandelion Dr s/s2935 32 29,920E C&G zne481Los Manos Drive1 Miles Avenue n/sOctotillo Drive e/s21,050 32 33,600E C&G zne481Lowe Drive1 Seeley Drive W/SNorth Harland Drive W/S2840 36 30,240E C&G zne482Madison Street5 Airport Boulevard s/sAvenue 58 n/s45,275 80 299,600B C&G zne3100Madison Street1 Avenue 50 s/s sharedVista Bonita s/s shared12,605 12 31,260B NON zne2100Madison Street4 Avenue 54 s/sAirport Bl s/s45,225 82 336,650B C&G zne3100Madison Street6 Avenue 58 s/sAvenue 60 n/s45,630 82 391,660B C&G zne383Madison Street03A N/S AVENUE 54S/S AVENUE 5245,365 80 364,820A C&G zne383Madison Street3 Vista Bonita s/s sharedAvenue 52 n/s shared12,550 12 30,600B NON zne2100Main Street1 Desert Club Dr e/sAvenida La Fonda n/s2900 32 28,800E ROL zne178Malia Circle1 Ladera DriveCDS2170 32 8,919E C&G zne483Marguerite Court1 Star Flower Trail n/sCDS2400 32 16,279E C&G zne48535170 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020AlphabeticalNameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCIMarigold Lane1 Blazing Star Trail s/sButtercup Lane s/s2975 32 31,200E C&G zne480Mariposa Court1 Blazing Star Trail n/sCDS2430 32 17,239E C&G zne474Memorial Place1 Monticello Ave e/sCDS2675 32 25,079E C&G zne483Messina Court1 Torino Dr n/sCDS2235 32 10,999E C&G zne483Milan Court1 Naples Dr n/sTorino Dr n/s2765 36 27,540E C&G zne481Milan Court2 Torino Dr n/sCDS2235 32 10,999E C&G zne483Milago Drive 1 Canterra Drive s/sOctotillo Drive n/s2350 32 11,200E C&G zne482Miles Avenue3 Dune Palms Road w/sWashington Street e/s56,170 82 505,940B C&G zne475Miles Avenue1 Jefferson Ave w/s (Westbound Only)Dune Palms Road w/s (Westbound)42,655 76 168,315B C&G zne482Monroe Street7 1985' n/o Airport Bl (southbound) Avenue 54 s/s (southbound) 13,265 13 64,045B C&G zne394Monroe Street5 2660' s/o Airport (southbound) Airport Blvd s/s (southbound) 32,660 41 109,060B C&G zne379Monroe Street6 Airport Blvd n/s (southbound)1985' n/o Airport Bl (southbound)21,985 32 63,520B C&G zne378Monroe Street4 Ave 58 n/s shared2660' s/o Airport (southbound) 22,650 32 84,800B NON zne372Monroe Street3 Ave 60 n/s (southbound)Ave 58 n/s (southbound)15,380 14 75,320A NON zne371Monroe Street2 Ave 61 n/sAve 60 n/s22,040 32 65,280A C&G zne371Monroe Street1 Ave 62 n/sAve 61 n/s23,300 26 85,800A NON zne377Monroe Street9 Avenue 53 n/s (southbound)Avenue 52 s/s (southbound) 12,560 13 33,280B NON zne334Monroe Street8 Avenue 54 s/s (southbound)Avenue 53 n/s (southbound) 12,700 13 35,100B NON zne372Monticello Avenue1 Miles Ave n/sFred Waring s/s22,710 32 86,720E C&G zne478Morning Glory Court1 Verbena Ave e/sCDS2595 32 22,519E C&G zne482Morning Glory Court2 Verbena Ave w/sCDS2525 32 20,279E C&G zne483Morris Avenue1 Monticello Ave e/sLiberty Ave e/s2525 32 16,800E C&G zne480Morris Avenue2 Monticello Ave w/s CDS2460 32 18,199E C&G zne481Naples Drive1 Milan Ct w/sGenoa Dr e/s21,945 36 70,020E C&G zne480Nolan Circle1 North Harland DriveCDS2585 33 22,694E C&G zne481North Harland Drive1 Miles Avenue n/sWest Harland Drive s/s21,000 36 36,000E C&G zne481Nuevo Drive1 Los Manos Drive e/sDune Palms Rd w/s21,530 36 55,080E C&G zne485Ocotillo Drive1 Adams Street e/sFronterra Drive w/s2575 36 20,700E C&G zne483Ocotillo Drive2 Fronterra DriveCDS21,760 36 61,680E C&G zne477Pala Circle1 Canterra Drive s/sCDS2130 32 7,639E C&G zne486Palermo Court1 Torino Dr n/sCDS2235 32 10,999E C&G zne484Palm Garden Place1 Cameo Palms n/sCDS2180 28 7,824E C&G zne282Paloma Court1 Calle Paloma w/sEnd2310 32 9,920E C&G zne27436171 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020AlphabeticalNameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCIPalm Royal2 Rome Dr. n/sFred Waring n/s2410 28 11,480E NON zne480Palm Royal1 Washington St e/sRome Dr. n/s32,715 53 143,495A C&G zne481Park Avenue1 Calle Tampico n/sAvenue 5022,730 40 109,200E C&G zne180Parkbrook Court1 Birchcrest Cir w/sCDS2230 32 11,405E C&G zne484Parma Court1 Torino Dr n/sCDS2235 32 10,999E C&G zne483Pompeii Court1 Venice Dr w/sCDS2685 32 25,399E C&G zne483Ramblewood Ct1 Sunbrook LnEnd2320 32 13,719E C&G zne480Randolph Court1 Monticello Ave w/sCDS2190 32 9,559E C&G zne482Roadrunner Lane1 Cortez Lane n/sWestward Ho Drive s/s21,200 25 30,000E C&G zne497Rockberry Court1 Coldbrook Ln w/sCDS2385 32 16,365E C&G zne476Rome Drive1 Milan Ct w/sPalm Royal e/s2180 28 5,040E NON zne489Roudel Ln1 Cortez Ln n/sEnd2600 25 15,000E C&G zne486Saffron Court1 Star Flower Trail n/sCDS2400 32 16,279E C&G zne482Sagebrush Avenue1 160' w/o Date Palm Drive Washington Street e/s21,350 32 43,200E C&G zne271Saguaro Drive1 CDSDATE PALM W/S21,260 32 41,940E C&G zne271Salerno Court1 Torino Dr n/sCDS2235 32 10,999E C&G zne485Sand Flower Place1 Cameo Plams n/sCDS2180 28 7,824E C&G zne282Sanita Drive1 Arosa Way s/sCDS21,720 36 65,039E C&G zne475San Marino Court1 Venice Dr w/sCDS2685 32 25,399E C&G zne479Seasons Way1 Calle Tampico n/sSpringtime Way s/s2450 36 16,200E C&G zne141Seeley Drive2 Bradford CircleMiles Avenue2470 73 29,570E C&G zne482Seeley Drive1 Forbes Circle s/sBradford Circle n/s2570 36 20,520E C&G zne482Shadwell Circle1 Monticello Ave w/sCDS2300 32 13,079E C&G zne478Siena Court1 Genoa Dr w/sCDS2675 32 25,079E C&G zne485Silver Rock2 Club HouseJefferson Ave w/s25,570 30 167,100E C&G zne2100Silver Rock1 S/S Avenue 52Club House23,000 35 105,000E C&G zne298Simon Drive1 Washington Street e/sHighway 111 s/s21,035 61 63,135E C&G zne295Singing Palms Drive2 Cameo Palms Drive CDS2200 32 8,299E C&G zne282Singing Palms Drive1 Washington Street w/sCameo Palm Drive w/s2250 32 8,000E C&G zne286Sonesta Way1 Villeta Drive n/sVilleta Drive n/s21,120 36 40,320E C&G zne472Springbrook Court1 Sunbrook Ln n/sCDS2135 32 7,799E C&G zne472Springtime Way1 Desert Club e/sCDS21,240 36 43,040E C&G zne164Star Flower Trail1 Dune Palms Road e/sCDS21,200 36 46,679E C&G zne47837172 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020AlphabeticalNameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCIStonebrook Court1 Deerbrook Cir n/sCDS2290 32 12,759E C&G zne468Summerbrook Court1 Coldbrook Ln w/sCDS2150 32 8,279E C&G zne464Summer View Way1 Springtime Way n/sDesert Fall Way n/s2480 32 15,360E C&G zne165Sunberry Court1 Birchcrest Circle n/sCDS2120 32 5,376E C&G zne484Sunbrook Ln1 Woodberry Ln s/sCDS22,600 36 96,720E C&G zne465Sweetbush Lane1 Buttercup Lane n/sCDS2545 32 20,919E C&G zne483Tiara Place1 Villeta Drive n/sCDS2260 32 11,799E C&G zne481Torino Drive1 Genoa Dr w/sMilan Ct e/s21,850 37 68,450E C&G zne483Tortola Circle1 Ladera DriveCDS2165 32 8,759E C&G zne485Venice Drive1 Fred Waring n/sNaples Rd s/s2125 47 3,875E C&G zne482Venice Drive2 Naples Rd n/sTorino Dr s/s2710 36 25,560E C&G zne485Verbena Drive2 Star Flower Trail n/sCDS2400 32 16,279E C&G zne478Verbena Drive1 Star Flower Trail s/sMiles Ave n/s2740 36 26,640E C&G zne480Verona Court1 Torino Dr n/sCDS2235 32 10,999E C&G zne484Via Caliente1 Via Del Monte e/sEnd2340 37 12,580E C&G zne481Via Coronado1 Forbes Circle s/sCDS2720 37 30,119E C&G zne482Via Del Monte1 Via Sevilla s/sVia Caliente s/s2315 37 11,655E C&G zne483Via Del Sol1 Via Sevilla n/sCDS2185 33 9,584E C&G zne486Via Sevilla1 Via Coronado w/sWashington St e/s22,185 37 80,845E C&G zne482Via Tranquillo1 Vista Grande s/sEnd2120 32 3,840E C&G zne488Victoria Drive1 Bridgette Way w/sAdams St e/s21,140 37 42,180E C&G zne486Villeta Drive1 Sanita Drive n/sSonesta Drive s/s23,600 36 129,600E C&G zne475Violet Court1 Bridgette Way w/sCDS2395 32 16,119E C&G zne486Vista Grande1 Jefferson Street e/sEnd2925 37 34,225E C&G zne488Wakefield Circle1 Coldbrook Ln s/sCold Brook Ln s/s21,950 32 62,400E C&G zne470Washington Street4 Avenida Montero n/sEisenhower Drive n/s71,890 112 211,680B C&G zne272Washington Street7 Avenue 47 n/sSimon Drive s/s51,780 86 153,080B C&G zne277Washington Street1 Avenue 52 s/sCalle Tampico n/s41,410 92 110,200B C&G zne197Washington Street2 Calle Tampico n/sAvenida Montero n/s64,435 92 369,300B C&G zne2100Washington Street5 Eisenhower Drive n/sAvenue 47 n/s64,440 92 360,780B C&G zne278Washington Street13 Fred Waring Drive n/sCity Limit62,955 82 212,435B C&G zne482Washington Street9 Highway 111 n/sMiles Avenue n/s62,845 86 217,830B C&G zne474Washington Street11 Miles Avenue n/sVia Sevilla n/s61,600 99 137,680B C&G zne47338173 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020AlphabeticalNameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCIWashington Street8 Simon Drive s/sHighway 111 s/s8965 99 80,885B C&G zne279Washington Street12 Via Sevilla n/sFred Waring Drive s/s61,670 88 128,900B C&G zne480West Harland Drive1 North Harland Drive e/sLas Vistas Drive e/s2835 36 30,060E C&G zne480Westward Ho Drive1 Jefferson St w/s (Eastbound Only) Dune Palms Rd e/s (Eastbound) 22,620 30 78,600E C&G zne479Willow Circle1 Blazing Star Trail s/sCDS2325 32 13,879E C&G zne485Williamstone Way1 Liberty Ave w/sMonticello Ave e/s2600 32 19,200E C&G zne482Winter Cove Court1 Summer View Way e/sCDS2420 32 13,440E C&G zne179Woodberry Ln1 Adams St w/sSunbrook Ln e/s2120 36 4,320E C&G zne483684,980 29,702,05080Total Length (LF)684,980LFTotal Area (SF)29,702,050SFTotal Centerline Miles129.7MilesAverage PCI80PCI39174 SH-111 60TH AVE MONROE ST54TH AVE 50TH AVE 62ND AVE MILES AVE 52ND AVE JACKSON ST48TH AVE FRED WARING DR 49TH AVE WASHINGTON STLIGAAVENUE 52 MADISON STCITRUSDUNE PALMS RDAIRPORT BLVD PGA BLVD58TH AVEAVENIDA VALLEJOAVENIDA RUBIO61ST AVERIVIERA JEFFERSON STOAK HILLAVENIDA VILLAADAMS STAVENUE 58AVENIDA MARTINEZSHIELDS RDWINGED FOOTHERMITAGE DARBY RD HJORTH STMER ION 51ST AVEEISENHOWER DRCALLE TAMPICO MANDARINA WEISKOPF 55TH AVEVIA DONAWARNER TRLROSS AVEBURR STDEL GATO DRVIA SAVONACALLE SINALOA VIA PAESSARO 47TH AVE 46TH AVE OASIS STAVENIDA MADEROPARK AVELIMA VILLAGE DR CSILLA ST CETRINO B O N IT A T R L PIRKER DR ANDALUSIACALEO BAYC O A C H ELL A D RQUAIL RUN LNARACENA SPANISH BAY TOM FAZIO LN NSEELEY DRYOUNGS LNMI SSI ON DR WTOPAZ DRR ON D AFIRESTONEEMERALD DR MOUNTAIN VIEW VIA DDCALLE HIDALGO TOM FAZIO LN SVISTA ESTRELLAVIA P A VIO N POMELO ST AVENIDA BERMUDASTORINO DR JASPER PARK AVE TEE ST PARK LNPALM DRPOLO RDCORTEZ PLFIESTA DR N U E VO D R V IA C A P R ISAND DR53RD AVEBORDEAUX DRAPPIAN WAYTANGELOYALE STPEBBLE BEACH DR VI A B O L E R OBRADSHAW TRLCALLE NORTE VIA LUGOLA QUINTA DRPECOS PL CONTENTOSILVER ROCKHAWKEYE DR ZENDA DR VIA BRAVA LUNDBERG LNARDENNAIS DRVICTORIA DR LIBERTY ST58TH AVEMADISON STADAMS STADAMS STADAMS ST51ST AVEJEFFERSON STAIRPORT BLVD ® Legend La Quinta Private Streets PCI Ranges Map 100-86 85-71 70-56 55-41 40-26 City of La Quinta PCI Ranges Map 2021 40175 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020 Descending PCINameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCIAvenida Montezuma (Res.)1 Avenida Juarez w/sAvenida Alvarado w/s2950 32 30,400EC&Gzne1100Avenue 542 Jefferson Street e/sMadison Street e/s35,070 56 226,320BC&Gzne3100Calle Tampico1 Eisenhower Drive e/sWashington St w/s43,950 72 247,080EC&Gzne1100Desert Stream Drive1 Dune Palms Road w/sCarrie Ln e/s22,455 37 90,835EC&Gzne4100Eisenhower Drive5 Calle Tampico n/sCalle Nogales s/s42,045 72 107,160BC&Gzne1100Hummingbird Ln1Fiesta Dr s/sCDS2200 25 6,847EC&Gzne4100Madison Street1 Avenue 50 s/s sharedVista Bonita s/s shared12,605 12 31,260BNONzne2100Madison Street3 Vista Bonita s/s sharedAvenue 52 n/s shared12,550 12 30,600BNONzne2100Madison Street4 Avenue 54 s/sAirport Bl s/s45,225 82 336,650BC&Gzne3100Madison Street5 Airport Boulevard s/sAvenue 58 n/s45,275 80 299,600BC&Gzne3100Silver Rock2 Club HouseJefferson Ave w/s25,570 30 167,100EC&Gzne2100Washington Street2 Calle Tampico n/sAvenida Montero n/s64,435 92 369,300BC&Gzne2100Avenue 582 Madison Street e/s Monroe St w/s55,270 68 343,360AC&Gzne399Silver Rock1 S/S Avenue 52Club House23,000 35 105,000EC&Gzne298Avenue 523 Silverrock Way e/sJefferson St w/s34,860 72 284,120BC&Gzne297Roadrunner Lane1 Cortez Lane n/sWestward Ho Drive s/s21,200 25 30,000EC&Gzne497Washington Street1 Avenue 52 s/sCalle Tampico n/s41,410 92 110,200BC&Gzne197Avenue 541 Monroe Street w/sMadison Street e/s25,400 25 197,000BNONzne396Calle Sinaloa2EisenhowerDre/sAvenida Bermudas w/s41,2658284,830EC&Gzne195Calle Sinaloa2Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s41,2658284,830EC&Gzne195Simon Drive1 Washington Street e/sHighway 111 s/s21,035 61 63,135EC&Gzne295Avenida Bermudas4 Calloe Sinaloa s/sCalle Nogales n/s42,565 61 156,465CC&Gzne194Avenue 581 Jefferson Street e/sMadison Street w/s35,250 64 316,000BNONzne394Cortez Ln1 Roudel Ln w/sRoadrunner Ln e/s2590 28 19,304EC&Gzne494Cortez Ln2 Roadrunner Ln e/sCDS2190 26 7,940EROLzne494Monroe Street7 1985' n/o Airport Bl (southbound) Avenue 54 s/s (southbound) 13,265 13 64,045BC&Gzne394Avenue 503 Park Avenue e/sJefferson Street w/s44,730 72 287,860BC&Gzne291Calle Paloma1 Avenida Tujunga s/sCalle Tampico n/s2980 32 31,360EC&Gzne191Auto Center Drive1 Adams St e/sLa Quinta Dr w/s21,005 50 50,250EC&Gzne290Horseshoe Road1 Roadrunner Lane e/sCDS21,000 25 29,109EC&Gzne490Calle Monterey6 Avenida Obregon e/sAvenida Carranza w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne589Calle Monterey9 Avenida Vallajo e/sAvenida Herrera w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne58941176 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020 Descending PCINameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCICalle Potrero3 Avenida Diaz e/s Avenida Rubio w/s2225 32 7,200EC&Gzne589Calle Serena1 Vista Grande s/sEnd2120 32 3,840EC&Gzne489Eisenhower Drive1 Washington Street w/sCoachella Dr n/s44,060 58 235,480EC&Gzne289Rome Drive1 Milan Ct w/sPalm Royal e/s2180 28 5,040ENONzne489Auto Center Way1 Hwy 111 s/sCircle2415 37 15,355EC&Gzne288Calle Tecate1 Avenida Bermudas e/sAvenida Madero w/s22,250 34 76,500EC&Gzne588Eisenhower Drive2 Coachella Dr n/sAvenida Fernando s/s31,100 53 46,420BC&Gzne288Lake La Quinta 1 Washington StCaleo Bay2260 46 9,560EC&Gzne288Via Tranquillo1 Vista Grande s/sEnd2120 32 3,840EC&Gzne488Vista Grande1 Jefferson Street e/sEnd2925 37 34,225EC&Gzne488Avenida Montezuma2 Calle Nogales n/sAvenida Carranza w/s23,295 32 105,440EC&Gzne187Avenue 481 Washington Street e/sDune Palms Rd w/s45,230 80 340,780EC&Gzne287Avenue 502 Washington Street e/s Park Avenue w/s 43,140 72 181,080BC&Gzne287Calle Ensenada2 Avenida Madero e/sAvenida Juarez w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne187Calle Ensenada4 Avenida Diaz e/sAvenida Rubio w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne187Calle Palmeto1 Calle Santa Barbara w/sCalle Placido w/s21,020 32 32,640EC&Gzne487Calle Paloma3 La Fonda s/sAvenida Nuestra n/s2590 32 18,880EC&Gzne187Calle Quinto3 Calle Tampico n/sAvenida Ultimo s/s21,290 32 41,280EC&Gzne187Calle Vista Verde1Nuevo Rd s/sCDS27053226,039EC&Gzne487Calle Vista Verde1Nuevo Rd s/sCDS27053226,039EC&Gzne487DARBY RD1 Royal Palm DrCity Limits2485 32 15,520EC&Gzne487Desert Wind Court1 Desert Air e/sCDS2515 32 19,959EC&Gzne487Kristen Court1 Debbie Dr w/sCDS2350 32 14,679EC&Gzne487Avenida Juarez5 Calle Nogales s/sCalle Sonora s/s21,325 32 42,400EC&Gzne186Avenida Nuestra1 Calle RondoCalle Tamazula21,260 32 40,320EC&Gzne186Avenue 482 Dune Palms Rd w/sJefferson Ave w/s42,620 80 161,280BC&Gzne286Caleo Bay1 47th Ave48th Ave22,800 40 112,000EC&Gzne286Calle Ensenada1 Avenida Montezuma e/sAvenida Madero w/s2200 32 6,400EC&Gzne186Calle Ensenada5 Avenida Rubio e/s Avenida Alvarado w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne186Calle Rondo1 Call Tampico s/sAvenida Nuestra n/s21,275 32 40,800EC&Gzne186Calle Santa Barbara2 Nuevo Dr n/sCalle Palmeto n/s2400 32 12,800EC&Gzne486Canterra Circle1 Octotillo Drive e/sCDS2360 32 14,920EC&Gzne48642177 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020 Descending PCINameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCIDesert Rock Court1 Desert Fox w/sCDS2475 32 18,679EC&Gzne486Desert Sand Court1 Desert Crest n/sCDS2515 32 16,480EC&Gzne486Pala Circle1 Canterra Drive s/sCDS2130 32 7,639EC&Gzne486Roudel Ln1 Cortez Ln n/sEnd2600 25 15,000EC&Gzne486Singing Palms Drive1 Washington Street w/sCameo Palm Drive w/s2250 32 8,000EC&Gzne286Via Del Sol1 Via Sevilla n/sCDS2185 33 9,584EC&Gzne486Victoria Drive1 Bridgette Way w/sAdams St e/s21,140 37 42,180EC&Gzne486Violet Court1 Bridgette Way w/sCDS2395 32 16,119EC&Gzne486Avenida Bermudas1 Calle Tampico s/sCalle Sinaloa n/s31,205 46 50,005EC&Gzne185Avenida Madero6 CDSCalle Sonora s/s2880 32 31,639EC&Gzne185Bridgette Way1 Desert Stream n/sMiles Avenue s/s 21,500 36 54,000EC&Gzne485Calle Ensenada3 Avenida Juarez e/sAvenida Diaz w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne185Calle Ensenada6 Avenida Alvarado e/sAvenida Obregon w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne185Calle Hidalgo11 Avenida Navarro e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne185Calle Placido1 Calle Palmeto s/sNuevo Dr n/s2490 32 15,680EC&Gzne485Calle Placido2 Nuevo Dr s/sCalle Sonrisa s/s2545 32 17,440EC&Gzne485Calle Prospero1 Calle Palmeto s/sCDS2675 32 25,079EC&Gzne485Calle Sonrisa1 Calle Placido e/sCalle Santa Barbara e/s21,025 32 32,800EC&Gzne485Como Court1Genoa Dr w/sCDS26753225,079EC&Gzne485Como Court1Genoa Dr w/sCDS26753225,079EC&Gzne485CROISETTE COURT1 Darby Rd s/sCDS2535 30 18,750EC&Gzne485Desert Crest Drive1 Desert Air e/sDune Palms w/s21,140 37 42,180EC&Gzne485Desert Eagle Ct1 Desert StreamCDS2640 32 20,480EC&Gzne485Desert Fox Drive1 Desert Stream n/sDesert Crest s/s2750 37 27,750EC&Gzne485Desert Fox Drive2 Desert Crest n/sCDS2515 32 16,480EC&Gzne485Desert Hills Court1 Desert Crest n/sCDS2520 32 16,640EC&Gzne485Desert View Court1 Desert Crest Dr n/sCDS2515 32 16,480EC&Gzne485Kara Court1 Bridgette Way w/sCDS2400 32 12,800EC&Gzne485La Quinta Drive1 Hwy 111 s/sEnd51,475 60 71,500CC&Gzne285Latigo Circle1 Los Manos Drive e/sCDS2280 32 12,439EC&Gzne485Laurie Court1 w/s Bridgette DrCDS2395 32 16,119EC&Gzne485Marguerite Court1 Star Flower Trail n/sCDS2400 32 16,279EC&Gzne48543178 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020 Descending PCINameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCINuevo Drive1 Los Manos Drive e/sDune Palms Rd w/s21,530 36 55,080EC&Gzne485Salerno Court1 Torino Dr n/sCDS2235 32 10,999EC&Gzne485Siena Court1Genoa Dr w/sCDS2675 32 25,079EC&Gzne485Tortola Circle1 Ladera DriveCDS2165 32 8,759EC&Gzne485Venice Drive2 Naples Rd n/sTorino Dr s/s2710 36 25,560EC&Gzne485Willow Circle1 Blazing Star Trail s/sCDS2325 32 13,879EC&Gzne485Arbola Circle1 Fronterra DriveCDS2320 32 13,719EC&Gzne484Ashwood Court1 Bayberry Ave s/sCDS2150 34 8,559EC&Gzne484Avenida Alvarado3 Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s21,985 32 63,520EC&Gzne584Avenida La Torres1 Calle Rondo w/sCalle Quinto e/s2665 32 21,280EC&Gzne184Avenida Martinez6 Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2625 32 20,000EC&Gzne184Avenida Martinez7 Calle Sinaloa n/sEisenhower Dr e/s21,185 32 37,920EC&Gzne184Avenida Mendoza 7 Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s21,025 32 32,800EC&Gzne184Avenida Navarro6 Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s21,230 32 39,360EC&Gzne184Calle Arroba14 Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Martinez w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne584Calle Hidalgo8 Avenida Martinez e/sAvenida Mendoza w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne184Calle Hidalgo9 Avenida Mendoza e/sAvenida Villa w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne184Calle Hidalgo10 Avenida Villa e/sAvenida Navarro w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne184Calle Potrero2Avenida Juarez e/sAvenida Diaz w/s2220327,040EC&Gzne584Calle Potrero2Avenida Juarez e/sAvenida Diaz w/s2220327,040EC&Gzne584Calle Potrero4 Avenida Rubio e/sAvenida Alvarado w/s2225 32 7,200EC&Gzne584Calle Santa Barbara1 Calle Sonrisa n/sNuevo Rd s/s2640 32 20,480EC&Gzne484Carnes Circle1 Seeley DriveCDS2600 33 19,800EC&Gzne484Dalea Court1 Blazing Star TrailCDS2420 32 16,919EC&Gzne484Debbie Drive1 Victoria Dr n/sKristen Ct n/s21,120 36 40,320EC&Gzne484Fred Waring Drive3 Dunes Palms Rd w/sAdams Street e/s42,605 38 98,990BC&Gzne484Fronterra Drive1 Octotillo Drive s/sLaderra Drive n/s2570 32 18,240EC&Gzne484Genoa Drive1 Naples Dr n/aTorino Dr n/s2760 36 27,360EC&Gzne484Irwin Circle1 North Harland DriveCDS2610 32 23,565EC&Gzne484La Palma Drive2 Camino Azul w/sAdams Street e/s3140 66 6,440EC&Gzne484Ladera Drive2 Fronterra Drive w/sEnd2510 36 18,360EC&Gzne484Palermo Court1 Torino Dr n/sCDS2235 32 10,999EC&Gzne48444179 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020 Descending PCINameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCIParkbrook Court1 Birchcrest Cir w/sCDS2230 32 11,405EC&Gzne484Sunberry Court1 Birchcrest Circle n/sCDS2120 32 5,376EC&Gzne484Verona Court1 Torino Dr n/sCDS2235 32 10,999EC&Gzne484Airport Boulevard1 Monroe Street w/sMadison Avenue e/s25,100 82 300,000BC&Gzne383Alden Circle1 Seeley DriveEnd2580 36 20,880EC&Gzne483Avenida Alvarado6 Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2620 32 19,840EC&Gzne183Avenida Bermudas9 Calle Tampico n/sEND2515 46 19,690EC&Gzne183Avenida Madero7 Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2565 32 18,080EC&Gzne183Avenida Rubio 4 Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s21,280 32 40,960EC&Gzne183Avenida Rubio 5 Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2565 32 18,080EC&Gzne183Avenida Tujunga1 EndCalle Quinto w/s2550 32 17,600EC&Gzne183Avenida Villa 5 Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2620 32 19,840EC&Gzne183Avenida Villa 6 Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Navarro w/s21,180 32 37,760EC&Gzne183Birchcrest Circle1 Bayberry Ln n/sBayberry Ln n/s21,400 32 44,800EC&Gzne483Calle Arroba2 Avenida Cortez e/sAvenida Madero w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne583Calle Arroba13 Avenida Velasco e/s Eisenhower Dr w/s 2225 32 7,200EC&Gzne583Calle Arroba15 Avenida Martinez e/sAvenida Mendoza w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne583Calle Cadiz1 Desert Club Drive e/sCalle Fortuna s/s2680 23 15,640EROLzne183Calle Hidalgo6Avenida Velasco e/sEisenhowerDrw/s2220327,040EC&Gzne183Calle Hidalgo6Avenida Velasco e/sEisenhower Dr w/s2220327,040EC&Gzne183Calle Hidalgo7 Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Martinez w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne183Calle Potrero5 Avenida Alvarado e/sAvenida Obregon w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne583Calle Sonora1 Avenida Montezuma e/sEisenhower Dr w/s23,240 32 103,680EC&Gzne183Coldbrook Lane1 Miles Avenue s/sSunbrook Ln n/s2150 36 5,400EC&Gzne483Diane Drive1 Bridgette Way w/sDebbie Dr e/s2615 37 22,755EC&Gzne483Madison Street6 Avenue 58 s/sAvenue 60 n/s45,630 82 391,660BC&Gzne383Madison Street03A N/S AVENUE 54S/S AVENUE 5245,365 80 364,820AC&Gzne383Malia Circle1 Ladera DriveCDS2170 32 8,919EC&Gzne483Memorial Place1 Monticello Ave e/sCDS2675 32 25,079EC&Gzne483Messina Court1 Torino Dr n/sCDS2235 32 10,999EC&Gzne483Milan Court2 Torino Dr n/sCDS2235 32 10,999EC&Gzne483Morning Glory Court2 Verbena Ave w/sCDS2525 32 20,279EC&Gzne48345180 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020 Descending PCINameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCIOcotillo Drive1 Adams Street e/sFronterra Drive w/s2575 36 20,700EC&Gzne483Parma Court1 Torino Dr n/sCDS2235 32 10,999EC&Gzne483Pompeii Court1 Venice Dr w/sCDS2685 32 25,399EC&Gzne483Sweetbush Lane1 Buttercup Lane n/sCDS2545 32 20,919EC&Gzne483Torino Drive1 Genoa Dr w/sMilan Ct e/s21,850 37 68,450EC&Gzne483Via Del Monte1 Via Sevilla s/sVia Caliente s/s2315 37 11,655EC&Gzne483Woodberry Ln1 Adams St w/sSunbrook Ln e/s2120 36 4,320EC&Gzne483Alba Court1 Torino Dr n/sCDS2235 32 10,999EC&Gzne482Arosa Way1 Villeta Dr s/sLa Palma Drive n/s2280 36 10,080EC&Gzne482Avenida Alvarado2 Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s21,935 32 61,920EC&Gzne582Avenida Carranza3 Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s21,980 32 63,360EC&Gzne582Avenida Cortez2 Calle Durango s/sCalle Sonora n/s2575 32 18,400EC&Gzne182Avenida Diaz5 Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s21,295 32 41,440EC&Gzne182Avenida Juarez6 Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2565 32 18,080EC&Gzne182Avenida Juarez7 Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2620 32 19,840EC&Gzne182Avenida La Jarita1 Calle Quinto e/sCalle Rondo w/s2525 32 16,800EC&Gzne182Avenida Madero10 Avenida Montezuma e/sCalle Monterey n/s2350 33 11,550EC&Gzne582Avenida Martinez8 Eisenhower Dr e/sCalle Tampico s/s2500 36 18,000EC&Gzne182Avenida Mendoza6Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s26203219,840EC&Gzne182Avenida Mendoza 6Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s26203219,840EC&Gzne182Avenida Montezuma1 S End/Avenida MaderoCalle Nogales s/s25,405 32 172,960EC&Gzne182Avenida Navarro5 Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2620 32 19,840EC&Gzne182Avenida Obregon4 Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s21,285 32 41,120EC&Gzne182Avenida Ramirez2 Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s21,935 32 61,920EC&Gzne582Avenida Ramirez3 Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s21,980 32 63,360EC&Gzne582Avenida Ultimo1 W. EndCalle Rondo w/s21,170 32 37,440EC&Gzne182Avenue 621Monroe St w/sEnd23,680 26 95,680ANONzne382Blazing Star Trail1 Star Flower Trail n/sDune Palm Road e/s21,880 36 67,680EC&Gzne482Calico Circle1 Blazing Star Trail n/sCDS2490 32 19,159EC&Gzne482Calle Arroba3 Avenida Madero e/sAvenida Juarez w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne582Calle Arroba4 Avenida Juarez e/sAvenida Diaz w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne582Calle Arroba5 Avenida Diaz e/s Avenida Rubio w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne58246181 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020 Descending PCINameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCICalle Arroba6 Avenida Rubio e/sAvenida Alvarado w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne582Calle Arroba7 Avenida Alvarado e/sAvenida Obregon w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne582Calle Arroba8 Avenida Obregon e/sAvenida Carranza w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne582Calle Arroba9 Avenida Carranza e/sAvenida Ramirez w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne582Calle Quinto1 Avenida Nuestra n/sLa Fonda s/s2600 32 19,200EC&Gzne182Calle Quinto2 La Fonda n/sCalle Tampico s/s2620 32 19,840EC&Gzne182Calle Rondo2 Avenida Ultimo s/sCalle Tampico n/s21,275 32 40,800EC&Gzne182Camino Amarillo1 Octotillo Drive w/sCDS2380 32 15,639EC&Gzne482Camino Del Oro1 Camino Lavanda w/sOctotillo Drive e/s 2270 36 9,720EC&Gzne482Camino Del Oro2 Octotillo Drive w/sCamino Azul e/s2600 36 21,600EC&Gzne482Canterra Drive1 Octotillo Drive w/sMilago Drive2640 32 20,480EC&Gzne482Dandelion Drive2 Monticello Ave w/sVerbena Dr e/s2910 32 29,120EC&Gzne482Dandelion Drive3 Verbena Dr w/sCDS2525 32 20,279EC&Gzne482Hancock Court1 Liberty Ave w/sCDS2260 32 11,799EC&Gzne482Kaye Court1 Debbie Dr w/sCDS2350 32 14,679EC&Gzne482La Quinta Center1 Hwy 111 s/sAvenue 47 n/s21,370 40 54,800AC&Gzne282Ladera Drive1 Los Manos Drive w/sFronterra Drive n/s2350 36 12,600EC&Gzne482Las Vistas Drive3 Sanita Dr s/sForbes Cir n/s285 36 10,260EC&Gzne482Lowe Drive1Seeley Drive W/SNorth Harland Drive W/S28403630,240EC&Gzne482Lowe Drive1Seeley Drive W/SNorth Harland Drive W/S28403630,240EC&Gzne482Milago Drive 1 Canterra Drive s/sOctotillo Drive n/s2350 32 11,200EC&Gzne482Miles Avenue1 Jefferson Ave w/s (Westbound Only)Dune Palms Road w/s (Westbound)42,655 76 168,315BC&Gzne482Morning Glory Court1 Verbena Ave e/sCDS2595 32 22,519EC&Gzne482Palm Garden Place1 Cameo Palms n/sCDS2180 28 7,824EC&Gzne282Randolph Court1 Monticello Ave w/sCDS2190 32 9,559EC&Gzne482Saffron Court1 Star Flower Trail n/sCDS2400 32 16,279EC&Gzne482Sand Flower Place1 Cameo Plams n/sCDS2180 28 7,824EC&Gzne282Seeley Drive1 Forbes Circle s/sBradford Circle n/s2570 36 20,520EC&Gzne482Seeley Drive2 Bradford CircleMiles Avenue2470 73 29,570EC&Gzne482Singing Palms Drive2 Cameo Palms Drive CDS2200 32 8,299EC&Gzne282Venice Drive1 Fred Waring n/sNaples Rd s/s2125 47 3,875EC&Gzne482Via Coronado1 Forbes Circle s/sCDS2720 37 30,119EC&Gzne48247182 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020 Descending PCINameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCIVia Sevilla1 Via Coronado w/sWashington St e/s22,185 37 80,845EC&Gzne482Washington Street13 Fred Waring Drive n/sCity Limit62,955 82 212,435BC&Gzne482Washington Street Frontal1 Washington Street w/s Singing Palms n/s 1185 18 3,330CC&Gzne282Williamstone Way1 Liberty Ave w/sMonticello Ave e/s2600 32 19,200EC&Gzne482Ambassador Circle1 Monticello Ave w/s CDS2250 32 11,479EC&Gzne481America Court1 Hemings Way s/sCDS2295 32 12,919EC&Gzne481Avenida Alvarado1 Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s21,935 32 61,920EC&Gzne581Avenida Alvarado4 Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s21,280 32 40,960EC&Gzne181Avenida Alvarado8 Avenida Montezuma n/sCalle Yucatan s/s2400 32 12,800EC&Gzne181Avenida Bermudas5 Calle Nogales n/sCalle Chillon n/s 43,120 61 190,320CC&Gzne581Avenida Carranza2 Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s21,930 32 61,760EC&Gzne581Avenida Nuestra2 Calle Kalima e/sCalle Guatemala w/s21,080 29 31,320EC&Gzne181Avenida Obregon1 Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s21,935 32 61,920EC&Gzne581Avenida Obregon2 Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s21,935 32 61,920EC&Gzne581Avenida Rubio 8 Avenida Montezuma n/sCalle Yucatan s/s2615 32 19,680EC&Gzne181Avenida Vallejo1 Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s21,930 32 61,760EC&Gzne581Avenue 532 EndMonroe St w/s2815 50 40,750ENONzne381Avenue 601 Madison St w/sMonroe St w/s35,300 57 252,100AC&Gzne381Buttercup Lane2Blazing Star Trail s/sMarigold Lane n/s24203213,440EC&Gzne481Buttercup Lane2Blazing Star Trail s/sMarigold Lane n/s24203213,440EC&Gzne481Calle Arroba11 Avenida Vallejo e/sAvenida Herrera w/s 2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne581Calle Arroba12 Avenida Herrera e/sAvenida Velasco w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne581Calle Arroba16 Avenida Mendoza e/sAvenida Villa w/s 2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne581Calle Arroba17 Avenida Villa e/sAvenida Navarro w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne581Calle Arroba18 Avenida Navarro e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s2225 32 7,200EC&Gzne581Calle Chihuahua6 Avenida Carranza e/s Avenida Ramirez w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne581Calle Chihuahua7 Avenida Ramirez e/s Avenida Vallejo w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne581Calle Chillon1 Avenida Montezuma e/sAvenida Cortez w/s2180 32 5,760EC&Gzne581Calle Chillon3 Avenida Madero e/sAvenida Juarez w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne581Calle Ensenada7 Avenida Obregon e/sAvenida Carranza w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne181Calle Ensenada11 Avenida Herrera e/sAvenida Velasco w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne181Calle Ensenada14 Avenida Martinez e/sAvenida Mendoza w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne18148183 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020 Descending PCINameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCICalle Ensenada16 Avenida Villa e/sAvenida Navarro w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne181Calle Estado eb1 Desert Club Drive w/sAvenidas Bermudas e/s1615 30 18,450EC&Gzne181Calle Hidalgo4 Avenida Vallejo e/sAvenida Herrera w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne181Calle Hidalgo5 Avenida Herrera e/sAvenida Velasco w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne181Calle Monterey3 Avenida Diaz e/sAvenida Rubio w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne581Calle Monterey10 Avenida Herrera e/s Avenida Velasco w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne581Calle Temecula10 Avenida Herrera e/sAvenida Velasco w/s2215 32 6,880EC&Gzne581Cindy Court1 Debbie Dr w/sCDS2350 32 14,679EC&Gzne481Cristol Place1 Villeta DriveCDS2190 32 10,125EC&Gzne481Declaration Court1 Monticello Ave w/sCDS2450 32 17,879EC&Gzne481Desert Air Street1 Desert Stream n/sCDS21,325 32 43,279EC&Gzne481Franklin Court1 Morris Ave s/sCDS2145 32 8,119EC&Gzne481Las Vistas Drive2 Vileta Dr s/sSanita Dr n/s615 36 22,140EC&Gzne481Liberty Avenue1 Morris Ave s/sDandelion Dr s/s2935 32 29,920EC&Gzne481Los Manos Drive1 Miles Avenue n/sOctotillo Drive e/s21,050 32 33,600EC&Gzne481Milan Court1 Naples Dr n/sTorino Dr n/s2765 36 27,540EC&Gzne481Morris Avenue2 Monticello Ave w/s CDS2460 32 18,199EC&Gzne481Nolan Circle1 North Harland DriveCDS2585 33 22,694EC&Gzne481North Harland Drive1Miles Avenue n/sWest Harland Drive s/s21,0003636,000EC&Gzne481North Harland Drive1Miles Avenue n/sWest Harland Drive s/s21,0003636,000EC&Gzne481Palm Royal1 Washington St e/sRome Dr. n/s32,715 53 143,495AC&Gzne481Tiara Place1 Villeta Drive n/sCDS2260 32 11,799EC&Gzne481Via Caliente1 Via Del Monte e/sEnd2340 37 12,580EC&Gzne481Avenida Alvarado5 Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2570 32 18,240EC&Gzne180Avenida Juarez9 Avenida Montezuma n/sCalle Yucatan s/s2740 32 23,680EC&Gzne180Avenida Madero8 Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2620 33 20,460EC&Gzne180Avenida Madero9 Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s2300 33 9,900EC&Gzne180Avenida Mendoza 3 Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s 21,990 32 63,680EC&Gzne580Avenida Montezuma4 Avenida Bermudas w/sEisenhower Dr e/s11,075 52 55,900EC&Gzne180Avenida Obregon3 Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s21,980 32 63,360EC&Gzne580Avenida Ramirez4 Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s21,280 32 40,960EC&Gzne180Avenida Ramirez5 Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2575 32 18,400EC&Gzne18049184 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020 Descending PCINameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCIAvenida Rubio 7 Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s2535 32 17,120EC&Gzne180Avenida Villa 2 Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s21,990 32 63,680EC&Gzne580Avenue 522 Washington Street w/sSilverrock Way e/s43,520 82 216,640BC&Gzne180Calle Arroba10 Avenida Ramirez e/s Avenida Vallejo w/s 2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne580Calle Cadiz2 Calle Fortuna s/sCalle Guatemala w/s2225 32 7,200EROLzne180Calle Chillon17 Avenida Villa e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s2320 32 10,240EC&Gzne580Calle Ensenada9 Avenida Ramirez e/sAvenida Vallejo w/s 2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne180Calle Ensenada12 Avenida Velasco e/s Eisenhower Dr w/s 2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne180Calle Ensenada15 Avenida Mendoza e/sAvenida Villa w/s 2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne180Calle Fortuna1 Desert Club Drive e/sCalle Cadiz n/s2695 25 17,375EROLzne180Calle Iloilo1 Avenida Nuestra n/sAvenida La Fonda s/s2620 32 19,840EC&Gzne180Calle Kalima1 Avenida Nuestra n/sCDS2610 32 22,999EC&Gzne180Calle Potrero11 Avenida Velasco e/sAvenida Bernudas w/s2200 32 6,400EC&Gzne580Camino La Cresta1 Camino Del Oro n/sCDS2405 32 16,439EC&Gzne480Corporate Centre Drive2Adams St e/sCDS31,265 36 48,999EC&Gzne480Estelo Court1 Villeta DriveCDS2155 32 8,910EC&Gzne480Hemmings Way1 Monticello Ave w/sAmerica Ct w/s2285 32 9,120EC&Gzne480Independence Way1 Monticello Way w/sCDS2370 32 15,319EC&Gzne480Independence Way2Monticello Way e/sJefferson Ave w/s27453223,840EC&Gzne480Independence Way2Monticello Way e/sJefferson Ave w/s27453223,840EC&Gzne480Jefferson Street5 Avenue 48 shared n/sCity Limit shared31,010 62 62,620BC&Gzne280Jefferson Street08A Westward Ho Drive n/sMiles Ave s/s62,650 98 249,700AC&Gzne480Marigold Lane1 Blazing Star Trail s/sButtercup Lane s/s2975 32 31,200EC&Gzne480Morris Avenue1 Monticello Ave e/sLiberty Ave e/s2525 32 16,800EC&Gzne480Naples Drive1 Milan Ct w/sGenoa Dr e/s21,945 36 70,020EC&Gzne480Palm Royal2 Rome Dr. n/sFred Waring n/s2410 28 11,480ENONzne480Park Avenue1 Calle Tampico n/sAvenue 5022,730 40 109,200EC&Gzne180Ramblewood Ct1 Sunbrook LnEnd2320 32 13,719EC&Gzne480Verbena Drive1 Star Flower Trail s/sMiles Ave n/s2740 36 26,640EC&Gzne480Washington Street12 Via Sevilla n/sFred Waring Drive s/s61,670 88 128,900BC&Gzne480West Harland Drive1 North Harland Drive e/sLas Vistas Drive e/s2835 36 30,060EC&Gzne480Ashley Way1 Ashley Pl n/sDesert Stream Dr s/s2215 36 7,740EC&Gzne47950185 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020 Descending PCINameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCIAvenida Carranza1 Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s21,935 32 61,920EC&Gzne579Avenida Cortez1 Avenida Montezuma e/sCalle Colima s/s21,960 32 62,720EC&Gzne579Avenida Cortez3 Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2625 32 20,000EC&Gzne179Avenida Diaz6 Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2575 32 18,400EC&Gzne179Avenida Diaz8 Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s2450 32 14,400EC&Gzne179Avenida Herrera 3 Calle Colima s/sCalle Nogales s/s22,000 32 64,000EC&Gzne579Avenida Juarez8 Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s2380 32 12,160EC&Gzne179Avenida La Fonda2 Desert Club Drive w/sAvenida Bermudas e/s1630 64 40,320EC&Gzne179Avenida Madero1 Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s21,945 32 62,240EC&Gzne579Avenida Madero2 Calle Madrid n/sCalle Arroba s/s21,290 32 41,280EC&Gzne579Avenida Mendoza 2 Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s21,940 32 62,080EC&Gzne579Avenida Naranja1 Calle Rondo w/sCalle Quinto e/s2510 32 16,320EC&Gzne179Avenida Obregon5 Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2565 32 18,080EC&Gzne179Avenida Rubio 3 Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s21,980 32 63,360EC&Gzne579Avenida Vallejo4 Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s21,280 32 40,960EC&Gzne179Avenida Velasco3 Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s21,990 32 63,680EC&Gzne579Avenida Velasco8 Avenida Montezuma n/sCDS2630 32 23,549EC&Gzne179Bayberry Lane1 Coldbrook Ln e/sDeerbrook Ln w/s2850 36 30,600EC&Gzne479BLACKHAWK WAY1Dune Palms Road w/sAdams Street e/s32,60044114,400BC&Gzne279BLACKHAWK WAY1Dune Palms Road w/sAdams Street e/s32,60044114,400BC&Gzne279Buttercup Lane1 EndBlazing Star Trail n/s2450 32 14,400EC&Gzne479Calle Chihuahua1 Avenida Montezuma e/sAvenida Diaz w/s2310 32 9,920EC&Gzne579Calle Chihuahua2 Avenida Diaz e/sAvenida Rubio w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne579Calle Chihuahua4 Avenida Alvarado e/sAvenida Obregon w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne579Calle Chihuahua8 Avenida Vallejo e/sAvenida Herrera w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne579Calle Chihuahua9 Avenida Herrera e/sAvenida Velasco w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne579Calle Chihuahua10 Avenida Velasco e/s Eisenhower Dr w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne579Calle Chihuahua11 Eisenhower Dr e/s Avenida Martinez w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne579Calle Chihuahua13 Avenida Mendoza e/sAvenida Villa w/s 2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne579Calle Chillon2 Avenida Cortez e/sAvenida Madero w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne579Calle Chillon4 Avenida Jaurez e/sAvenida Diaz w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne579Calle Chillon5 Avenida Diaz e/sAvenida Rubio w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne57951186 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020 Descending PCINameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCICalle Chillon10 Avenida Ramirez e/sAvenida Vallejo w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne579Calle Chillon13 Avenida Velasco e/s Eisenhower Dr w/s 2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne579Calle Chillon14 Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Martinez w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne579Calle Chillon15 Avenida Martinez e/sAvenida Mendoza w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne579Calle Ensenada10 Avenida Vallejo e/sAvenida Herrera w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne179Calle Ensenada13 Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Martinez w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne179Calle Ensenada17 Avenida Navarro e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne179Calle Estado wb1 Desert Club Drive w/sAvenida Bermudas e/s2615 30 18,450EC&Gzne179Calle Hidalgo2 Avenida Carranza e/sAvenida Ramirez w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne179Calle Monterey2 Avenida Madero e/sAvenida Diaz w/s2440 32 14,080EC&Gzne579Calle Monterey4 Avenida Rubio e/sAvenida Alvarado w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne579Calle Monterey5 Avenida Alvarado e/sAvenida Obregon w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne579Calle Monterey7 Avenida Carranza e/sAvenida Ramirez w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne579Calle Monterey8 Avenida Ramirez e/sAvenida Vallejo w/s 2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne579Calle Monterey11 Avenida Velasco e/s Eisenhower Dr w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne579Calle Monterey12 Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Martinez w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne579Calle Nogales1 Avenida Juarez e/sEisenhower Dr w/s22,585 32 82,720EC&Gzne579Calle Temecula2 Avenida Juarez e/sAvenida Diaz w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne579Camino Rosada1Camino Azul w/sOctotillo Drive w/s26553623,580EC&Gzne479Camino Rosada1Camino Azul w/sOctotillo Drive w/s26553623,580EC&Gzne479Commerce Court1 Corporate Centre Dr s/sCDS2190 36 10,299EC&Gzne479Diane Drive2 Debbie Dr w/sCDS2350 32 11,200EC&Gzne479Golden Sands1 Cameo Palms DriveCDS2180 28 6,939EC&Gzne279Iris Court1 Blazing Star Trail w/sCDS2350 32 14,679EC&Gzne479Jefferson Street7 Vista Grande s/sFiesta Drive n/s2765 62 47,430BNONzne479Las Vistas Drive1 Fred Waring Drive s/sVileta Dr n/s2425 36 28,690EC&Gzne479Monroe Street5 2660' s/o Airport (southbound) Airport Blvd s/s (southbound) 32,660 41 109,060BC&Gzne379San Marino Court1 Venice Dr w/sCDS2685 32 25,399EC&Gzne479Washington Street8 Simon Drive s/sHighway 111 s/s8965 99 80,885BC&Gzne279Westward Ho Drive1 Jefferson St w/s (Eastbound Only) Dune Palms Rd e/s (Eastbound)22,620 30 78,600EC&Gzne479Winter Cove Court1 Summer View Way e/sCDS2420 32 13,440EC&Gzne179Adams Street1 Avenue 48 n/sHighway 111 s/s42,895 81 180,170EC&Gzne27852187 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020 Descending PCINameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCIAvenida Bermudas7 Calle Chillon n/sCalle Tecate n/s23,195 41 130,995CC&Gzne578Avenida Herrera 4 Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s21,295 32 41,440EC&Gzne178Avenida Madero4 Calle Colima n/sCalle Monterey s/s2635 32 20,320EC&Gzne578Avenida Martinez3 Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s21,990 32 63,680EC&Gzne578Avenida Obregon9 Avenida Alvarado w/s CDS2625 32 18,763EC&Gzne178Avenida Ramirez6 Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2610 32 19,520EC&Gzne178Avenida Rubio 6 Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2615 32 19,680EC&Gzne178Avenida Vallejo3 Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s21,980 32 63,360EC&Gzne578Avenida Velasco03a Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s21,300 32 41,600EC&Gzne178Calle Amigo1 Avenida Bermudas e/sDesert Club Drive w/s2645 24 15,480EC&Gzne178Calle Chihuahua3 Avenida Rubio e/s Avenida Alvarado w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne578Calle Chihuahua14 Avenida Villa e/sAvenida Navarro e/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne578Calle Chihuahua15 Avenida Navarro e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne578Calle Chillon9 Avenida Carrenza e/sAvenida Ramirez w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne578Calle Durango2 Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s21,250 32 40,000EC&Gzne178Calle Ensenada8 Avenida Carranza e/sAvenida Ramirez w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne178Calle Guatemala1 Avenida Nuestra n/sAvenida La Fonda s/s2620 32 19,840EC&Gzne178Calle Jacumba 1 Avenida La Fonda s/sAvenida Nuestra n/s2620 32 19,840EC&Gzne178Calle Monterey1Avenida Montezuma e/sAvenida Madero w/s2235327,520EC&Gzne578Calle Monterey1Avenida Montezuma e/sAvenida Madero w/s2235327,520EC&Gzne578Calle Monterey14 Avenida Mendoza e/sAvenida Villa w/s 2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne578Calle Monterey15 Avenida Villa e/sAvenida Navarro w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne578Calle Paloma2 Calle Tampico s/sLa Fonda n/s2625 32 20,000EC&Gzne178Calle Sonora2 Eisenhower Dr e/s Avenida Bermudas w/s21,250 32 40,000EC&Gzne178Calle Tampico3 Washington Street e/sPark Avenue e/s22,670 36 96,120EC&Gzne178Cameo Dunes Place1 Cameo Palms n/sCDS2185 28 7,079EC&Gzne278Coldbrook Lane2 Sunbrook Ln s/s Woodberry Ln s/s22,870 36 103,320EC&Gzne478Corporate Centre Drive1 Dune Palm Rd w/sCDS3625 36 22,500EC&Gzne478Desert Club Drive2 Calle Tampico n/sCDS21,000 35 35,000EC&Gzne178Dune Palms Road2 Highway 111 n/sWestward Ho Drive s/s32,560 51 130,560BC&Gzne478Jefferson Street1 City LimitsFred Waring Dr n/s33,285 46 151,110AC&Gzne478Jefferson Street9 Miles Avenue n/s sharedFred Waring Drive s/s sha32,565 42 107,730BNONzne47853188 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020 Descending PCINameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCIMain Street1 Desert Club Dr e/sAvenida La Fonda n/s2900 32 28,800EROLzne178Monroe Street6 Airport Blvd n/s (southbound)1985' n/o Airport Bl (southbound)21,985 32 63,520BC&Gzne378Monticello Avenue1 Miles Ave n/sFred Waring s/s22,710 32 86,720EC&Gzne478Shadwell Circle1 Monticello Ave w/sCDS2300 32 13,079EC&Gzne478Star Flower Trail1 Dune Palms Road e/sCDS21,200 36 46,679EC&Gzne478Verbena Drive2 Star Flower Trail n/sCDS2400 32 16,279EC&Gzne478Washington Street5 Eisenhower Drive n/sAvenue 47 n/s64,440 92 360,780BC&Gzne278Avenida Carranza4 Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s21,280 32 40,960EC&Gzne177Avenida Carranza6 Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2615 32 19,680EC&Gzne177Avenida Diaz4 Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s21,980 32 63,360EC&Gzne577Avenida Herrera 1 CDSCalle Madrid s/s21,855 32 61,376EC&Gzne577Avenida Herrera 2 Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s21,930 32 61,760EC&Gzne577Avenida Herrera 5 Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2555 32 17,760EC&Gzne177Avenida Juarez4 Calle Colima n/sCalle Chihuahua s/s21,270 32 40,640EC&Gzne577Avenida Madero3 Calle Arroba n/sCalle Colima s/s2625 32 20,000EC&Gzne577Avenida Martinez2 Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s21,940 32 62,080EC&Gzne577Avenida Martinez5 Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2560 32 17,920EC&Gzne177Avenida Morales1 Avenida Montezuma s/sCalle Durango n/s2600 32 19,200EC&Gzne177Avenida Navarro3Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s21,2803240,960EC&Gzne177Avenida Navarro3Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s21,2803240,960EC&Gzne177Avenida Ramirez1 Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s21,935 32 61,920EC&Gzne577Avenida Tujunga2 Calle Quinto e/sCalle Rondo w/s2620 32 19,840EC&Gzne177Avenue 524 Jefferson Street e/sMadison Street e/s35,215 65 258,975BNONzne277Bradford Circle1 Seeley DriveEnd2640 36 23,040EC&Gzne477Calle Arroba1 Avenida Montezuma e/sAvenida Cortez w/s2255 32 8,160EC&Gzne577Calle Chihuahua5 Avenida Obregon e/s Avenida Carranza w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne577Calle Chihuahua12 Avenida Martinez e/sAvenida Mendoza w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne577Calle Chillon6 Avenida Rubio e/sAvenida Alvarado w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne577Calle Chillon7 Avenida Alvarado e/sAvenida Obregon w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne577Calle Chillon8 Avenida Obregon e/sAvenida Carrenza w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne577Calle Chillon12 Avenida Herrera e/sAvenida Velasco w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne577Calle Chillon16 Avenida Mendoza e/sAvenida Villa w/s 2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne57754189 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020 Descending PCINameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCICalle Colima1 Avenida Montezuma e/sEisenhower Dr w/s23,260 32 104,320EC&Gzne577Calle Colima2 Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s21,250 32 40,000EC&Gzne577Calle Hidalgo1 Avenida Obregon e/sAvenida Carranza w/s2225 32 7,200EC&Gzne177Calle Hueneme1 Avenida Nuestra n/sAvenida La Fonda s/s2620 32 19,840EC&Gzne177Calle Monterey13 Avenida Martinez e/sAvenida Mendoza w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne577Calle Monterey16 Avenida Navarro e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne577Calle Potrero6 Avenida Obregon e/sAvendia Carranza w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne577Calle Temecula11 Avenida Velasco e/s Eisenhower Dr w/s 2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne577Cameo Palm Drive1 Singing Palms s/sHighland Palms n/s21,740 32 55,680EC&Gzne277Camino Lavanda1CDSCDS21,025 32 39,757EC&Gzne477Carrie Lane1 Victoria Drive s/sAshley Place s/s2525 36 18,900EC&Gzne477Crestview Terrace1 Highland Palms s/sCameo Palms n/s2470 28 13,160EC&Gzne277Eisenhower Drive4 Avenue 50 s/sCalle Tampico n/s22,430 50 121,500BC&Gzne277Eisenhower Drive05A Avenue 52 s/sCalle Nogales s/s42,600 72 187,200BC&Gzne177Fiesta Drive1 Jefferson Street w/sRoadrunner Lane e/s21,480 25 37,000EC&Gzne477Foxtail Circle1 Buttercup Lane s/sCDS2450 32 17,879EC&Gzne477Goldenrod Circle1 Buttercup Lane n/sCDS2540 32 20,759EC&Gzne477La Palma Drive1 Adams Street w/sLas Vistas e/s21,600 36 57,600EC&Gzne477Monroe Street1Ave 62 n/sAve 61 n/s23,3002685,800ANONzne377Monroe Street1Ave 62 n/sAve 61 n/s23,3002685,800ANONzne377Ocotillo Drive2 Fronterra DriveCDS21,760 36 61,680EC&Gzne477Washington Street7 Avenue 47 n/sSimon Drive s/s51,780 86 153,080BC&Gzne277Adams Street6 Miles Ave n/sFred Waring Drive s/s52,575 60 146,775BC&Gzne476Adams Street8 Fred Warring Dr n/sDarby Rd s/s21,975 32 57,720BC&Gzne476Ashley Place1 Carrie Ln e/sAshley Way e/s2800 36 28,800EC&Gzne476Avenida Alvarado7 Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s2650 32 20,800EC&Gzne176Avenida Carranza5 Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2570 32 18,240EC&Gzne176Avenida Diaz3 Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s21,940 32 62,080EC&Gzne576Avenida La Fonda3 Calle Tamazula e/sCalle Rondo w/s11,255 50 62,750EC&Gzne176Avenida Navarro1 Calle Chillon n/sCalle Colima s/s21,280 32 40,960EC&Gzne576Avenida Ramirez7 Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s21,285 32 41,120EC&Gzne176Avenida Rubio 2 Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s21,940 32 62,080EC&Gzne57655190 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020 Descending PCINameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCIAvenida Velasco2 Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s21,925 32 61,600EC&Gzne576Avenida Villa 4 Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2570 32 18,240EC&Gzne176Avenue 543 W/S Jefferson AveEnd22,500 50 125,000EC&Gzne376Bayberry Lane3 Sunbrook Ln e/sAdams St w/s2130 36 4,680EC&Gzne476Cahuilla Park Road1 Jefferson Ave w/sEnd22,185 30 65,550BNONzne176Calle Hidalgo3 Avenida Ramirez e/sAvenida Vallejo w/s 2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne176Calle Nogales2 Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s21,255 32 40,160EC&Gzne576Calle Temecula7 Avenida Carranza e/sAvenida Ramirez w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne576Calle Temecula9 Avenida Vallejo e/sAvenida Herrera w/s2215 32 6,880EC&Gzne576Camino Azul1 CDSCamino Rosada n/s2980 36 33,230EC&Gzne476Fred Waring Drive1 Jefferson Street w/sDune Palms Road w/s32,650 70 185,500BC&Gzne476Jefferson Street8 Fiesta Drive n/sWestward ho Drive s/s21,150 55 45,250BNONzne476Rockberry Court1 Coldbrook Ln w/sCDS2385 32 16,365EC&Gzne476Arosa Way2 La Palma Drive s/sSanita Drive n/s2290 36 10,440EC&Gzne475Avenida Diaz1 Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s21,940 32 62,080BC&Gzne575Avenida Herrera 6 Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2620 32 19,840EC&Gzne175Avenida Juarez1 Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s21,950 32 62,400EC&Gzne575Avenida Rubio 1 Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s21,950 32 62,400EC&Gzne575Avenida Vallejo5Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s25703218,240EC&Gzne175Avenida Vallejo5Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s25703218,240EC&Gzne175Avenida Vallejo7 Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s21,295 33 42,735EC&Gzne175Avenida Villa 3 Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s21,285 32 41,120EC&Gzne175Calle Chillon11 Avenida Vallejo e/sAvenida Herrera w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne575Calle Obispo1 EndCalle Tampico n/s2340 32 10,880EC&Gzne175Calle Obispo2 Calle Tampico s/sEnd2345 32 11,040EC&Gzne175Calle Potrero1 Avenida Madero e/sAvenida Juarez w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne575Calle Potrero7 Avenida Carranza e/sAvenida Ramirez w/s 2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne575Calle Potrero8 Avenida Ramirez e/sAvendia Vallejo w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne575Calle Potrero9 Avenida Vallejo e/sAvendia Herrera w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne575Calle Potrero10 Avenida Herrera e/sAvenida Velasco e/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne575Calle Temecula3 Avenida Diaz e/sAvenida Rubio w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne575Calle Temecula6 Avenida Obregon e/sAvenida Carranza w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne57556191 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020 Descending PCINameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCICalle Temecula12 Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Martinez e/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne575Carmen Place1 Villeta Drive n/sCDS2265 32 12,525EC&Gzne475Dandelion Drive1 Monticello Dr e/sLiberty Ave w/s2790 32 25,280EC&Gzne475Highland Palms1 Washington Street w/sEnd21,210 32 38,720EC&Gzne275Jefferson Street2 Avenue 54 n/sAvenue 52 s/s65,265 98 451,290EC&Gzne375Jefferson Street3 Avenue 52 n/sAvenue 50 s/s65,120 95 407,840BC&Gzne275Jefferson Street4 Avenue 50 s/s sharedAvenue 48 s/s shared35,255 42 220,710BC&Gzne275Miles Avenue3 Dune Palms Road w/sWashington Street e/s56,170 82 505,940BC&Gzne475Sanita Drive1 Arosa Way s/sCDS21,720 36 65,039EC&Gzne475Villeta Drive1 Sanita Drive n/sSonesta Drive s/s23,600 36 129,600EC&Gzne475Avenida Carranza8 Avenida Montezuma n/sCDS2655 32 20,960EC&Gzne174Avenida Diaz9 Avenida Montezuma n/sCalle Yucatan s/s2690 32 22,080EC&Gzne174Avenida Herrera 7 Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s21,275 32 40,800EC&Gzne174Avenida Juarez3 Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s21,930 32 61,760EC&Gzne574Avenida La Fonda1 Desert Club Dr e/sWashington w/s21,990 32 63,680EC&Gzne174Avenida Martinez1 Avenida Bermudas e/sCalle Madrid s/s2785 32 25,120EC&Gzne574Avenida Navarro2 Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s21,990 32 63,680EC&Gzne574Avenida Obregon7 Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s2875 32 28,000EC&Gzne174Avenida Obregon8Avenida Montezuma n/sAvenida Montezuma res s/s290322,880EC&Gzne174Avenida Obregon8Avenida Montezuma n/sAvenida Montezuma res s/s290322,880EC&Gzne174Avenida Vallejo2 Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s21,930 32 61,760EC&Gzne574Avenida Velasco4 Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango n/s2580 32 18,560EC&Gzne174Calle Durango1 Avenida Montezuma e/sEisenhower Dr w/s23,460 32 110,720EC&Gzne174Calle Guaymas1 Avenida Tujunga s/sAvenida Naranja n/s2625 32 20,000EC&Gzne174Calle Temecula4 Avenida Rubio e/sAvenida Alvarado w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne574Calle Temecula5 Avenida Alvarado e/sAvenida Obregon w/s 2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne574Forbes Circle1 Seeley e/sVia Coronado E/S2830 36 29,880EC&Gzne474Mariposa Court1 Blazing Star Trail n/sCDS2430 32 17,239EC&Gzne474Paloma Court1 Calle Paloma w/sEnd2310 32 9,920EC&Gzne274Washington Street9 Highway 111 n/sMiles Avenue n/s62,845 86 217,830BC&Gzne474Avenida Diaz7 Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2620 32 19,840EC&Gzne173Avenida Mendoza 4 Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s21,285 32 41,120EC&Gzne17357192 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020 Descending PCINameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCIAvenida Mendoza 5 Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2570 32 18,240EC&Gzne173Avenida Obregon6 Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2620 32 19,840EC&Gzne173Avenida Velasco1 CDSCalle Madrid s/s21,550 32 51,541EC&Gzne573Avenida Velasco5 Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2630 32 20,160EC&Gzne173Avenue 602 Monroe St e/s City Limits21,335 25 33,375ANONzne373Bayberry Lane2 Deerbrook Ln e/s Sunbrook Ln w/s2220 36 7,920EC&Gzne473Calle Madrid2 Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s2600 32 19,200EC&Gzne573Calle Tamazula1 Avenida NuestraLa Fonda s/s2600 32 19,200EC&Gzne173Calle Temecula1 Avenida Madero e/sAvenida Juarez w/s2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne573Calle Temecula8 Avenida Ramirez w/sAvenida Vallejo w/s 2220 32 7,040EC&Gzne573Cloud View Way1 Summer View Way e/sDesert Fall Way s/s21,130 32 36,160EC&Gzne173Desert Fall Way1 Summer View Way w/sCloud View Way w\s2665 32 21,280EC&Gzne173Eisenhower Drive3 Avenida Fernando s/sAvenue 50 s/s41,845 71 111,675BC&Gzne273Eisenhower Drive8 Calle Nogales s/sAvenida Bermudas n/s45,225 72 325,920BC&Gzne573Fred Waring Drive4 Adams Street w/sVenice Dr w/s62,585 91 198,565BC&Gzne473Washington Street11 Miles Avenue n/sVia Sevilla n/s61,600 99 137,680BC&Gzne473Avenida Carranza7 Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s21,200 32 38,400EC&Gzne172Avenida Martinez4 Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s21,285 32 41,120EC&Gzne172Avenida Mendoza1CDSCalle Madrid s/s2125326,016EC&Gzne572Avenida Mendoza 1CDSCalle Madrid s/s2125326,016EC&Gzne572Avenida Navarro4 Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2575 32 18,400EC&Gzne172Avenida Vallejo6 Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2625 33 20,625EC&Gzne172Avenida Velasco6 Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s21,300 32 41,600EC&Gzne172Calle Madrid1 Avenida Cortez e/sEisenhower Dr w/s23,100 32 99,200EC&Gzne572Calle Yucatan1 Avenida Alvarado w/sAvenida Juarez e/s2845 32 27,040EC&Gzne172Dune Palms Road1 Avenue 48Highway 111 s/s22,650 68 180,200EC&Gzne272Monroe Street4 Ave 58 n/s shared2660' s/o Airport (southbound) 22,650 32 84,800BNONzne372Monroe Street8 Avenue 54 s/s (southbound)Avenue 53 n/s (southbound) 12,700 13 35,100BNONzne372Sonesta Way1 Villeta Drive n/sVilleta Drive n/s21,120 36 40,320EC&Gzne472Springbrook Court1 Sunbrook Ln n/sCDS2135 32 7,799EC&Gzne472Washington Street4 Avenida Montero n/sEisenhower Drive n/s71,890 112 211,680BC&Gzne272Adams Street4 Highway 111 n/sMiles Avenue s/s54,845 60 261,600BC&Gzne47158193 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020 Descending PCINameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCIDate Palm Drive1 Sagebrush Avenue s/sSaguaro Drive n/s2520 32 16,640EC&Gzne271Deerbrook Circle1 Stonebrook Ct e/s Bayberry Ln n/s2470 32 15,040EC&Gzne471Deerbrook Circle2 Bayberry St s/sStonebrook Ct w/s2920 32 29,440EC&Gzne471Monroe Street2 Ave 61 n/sAve 60 n/s22,040 32 65,280AC&Gzne371Monroe Street3 Ave 60 n/s (southbound)Ave 58 n/s (southbound)15,380 14 75,320ANONzne371Sagebrush Avenue1 160' w/o Date Palm Drive Washington Street e/s21,350 32 43,200EC&Gzne271Saguaro Drive1 CDSDATE PALM W/S21,260 32 41,940EC&Gzne271Calle Cadiz3 Desert Club w/sAvenida Bermudas e/s2640 25 16,000EROLzne170Wakefield Circle1 Coldbrook Ln s/sCold Brook Ln s/s21,950 32 62,400EC&Gzne470Avenida Ramirez8 Avenida Montezuma n/sCDS2630 32 22,624EC&Gzne169Avenue 525 Madison Street e/s (eastbound) Monroe St w/s (eastbound) 25,275 32 124,800AC&Gzne269Bottlebrush Drive1 CDSDate Palm Avenue w\s21,260 32 41,939EC&Gzne269Calle Barcelona1 Desert Club Drive w/s Avenida Bermudas e/s2645 24 15,480EROLzne169Desert Club Drive1 Avenue 52 n/sCalle Tampico s/s21,865 35 65,275EC&Gzne169Dune Palms Road3 Westward Ho Drive s/sMiles Rd s/s32,735 60 159,300BC&Gzne469Jefferson Street6 Highway 111 n/sVista Grande s/s6685 104 66,440BC&Gzne469Avenida Mendoza 8 Avenida Montezuma n/sCalle Tampico s/s2375 32 12,000EC&Gzne168Avenida Villa 7 Avenida Navarro w/sCalle Tampico s/s2535 32 17,120EC&Gzne168Jefferson Street10Avenue 58 s/sS/S QUARRY LN21,6802847,040BNONzne368Jefferson Street10Avenue 58 s/sS/S QUARRY LN21,6802847,040BNONzne368Stonebrook Court1 Deerbrook Cir n/sCDS2290 32 12,759EC&Gzne468Washington Street Frontal2 Singing Palms n/s Highland Palms n/s 21,800 30 54,000CC&Gzne268Avenida Vallejo8 Avenida Montezuma n/sCDS2635 33 24,340EC&Gzne167Calle Sinaloa1 Avenida Montezuma e/sEisenhower Dr w/s23,310 32 105,920EC&Gzne166Washington Street Frontal3 Highland Palm n/s Washington St w/s 21,000 30 30,000CC&Gzne266Fred Waring Drive04a Venice Dr w/sPalm Royal w/s61,125 86 81,000BC&Gzne465Summer View Way1 Springtime Way n/sDesert Fall Way n/s2480 32 15,360EC&Gzne165Sunbrook Ln1 Woodberry Ln s/sCDS22,600 36 96,720EC&Gzne465Avenida Herrera 8 Avenida Montezuma n/sCDS2625 32 21,536EC&Gzne164Avenida Navarro7 Avenida Montezuma n/sCalle Tampico s/s 2615 32 19,680EC&Gzne164Hwy 1111 Washington St w/sAdams St w/s63,665 108 395,820AC&Gzne264Springtime Way1 Desert Club e/sCDS21,240 36 43,040EC&Gzne16459194 City of La QuintaPCI Report 2020 Descending PCINameSectionFromToLnsLength Width True AreaRank Edge ZonePCISummerbrook Court1 Coldbrook Ln w/sCDS2150 32 8,279EC&Gzne464Fred Waring Drive5 Palm Royal w/sWashington Street e/s61,525 105 150,125BC&Gzne462Avenue 505 Jefferson Street e/s sharMadison Street w/s shared 25,190 30 155,700BC&Gzne261Avenue 521 Avenida Bermudas e/sWashington St w/s42,735 82 178,280EC&Gzne159Hwy 1112 Adams St w/sJefferson St w/s65,325 100 532,500AC&Gzne257Avenida Montezuma3 Avenida Carranza w/sEisenhower Dr w/s21,275 37 47,175EC&Gzne156Avenida Villa 1 Avenida Bermudas e/sCalle Colima s/s21,700 32 54,400EC&Gzne556Frances Hack Ln1 Avenida Bermudas e/sCDS2770 28 34,005EC&Gzne154Dune Palms Road4 Miles Avenue n/sFred Waring Dr s/s42,565 61 156,465BC&Gzne452Avenue 471 Washington Street e/sAdams Street w/s22,515 43 108,145EC&Gzne246Avenue 501 Eisenhower Drive e/s Washington St w/s 43,965 66 232,990EC&Gzne244Seasons Way1 Calle Tampico n/sSpringtime Way s/s2450 36 16,200EC&Gzne141Monroe Street9 Avenue 53 n/s (southbound)Avenue 52 s/s (southbound) 12,560 13 33,280BNONzne334684,980 29,702,050 80Total Length (LF) 684,980LFTotal Area (SF)29,702,050SFTotal Centerline Miles129.7MilesTotal Centerline Miles129.7MilesAverage PCI80PCI60195 City of La Quinta Citywide Pavement Management Program Final Report January 2021 Section V SECTION V PROJECTED WORK PROGRAMS In developing an annual expenditure level required to maintain the street network at its current average PCI level, two (2) budget scenarios were studied, as follows: $1,000,000 ANNUAL (CURRENT) BUDGET– This scenario will show the work recommended for all maintenance types with a $1 million annual budget, the PCI ratings do lower, and the deferred maintenance does increase. The budget was run for a five year period. UNLIMITED BUDGET– This scenario will show the work recommended for all maintenance types for all roadways currently requiring maintenance. The Unlimited Budget represents the current backlog of $16.2 Million. The work programs within this Draft Report are designed to assist the City Staff in developing a budget scenario that best suits the City’s maintenance needs, goals, and strategies. Sound engineering still needs to be applied to each maintenance segment. The maintenance codes are as follows: None – No maintenance recommended at this time. CS – Crack Sealing o Widths greater than 1” – Mastic Crack Sealing SS – Slurry Seal DO – Digouts GR – Grind (Edge or Full Width) OL – Overlay Varying maintenances are used at different PCI levels and are due to conditions / distresses found in the Inspection / Survey process. 61196 City of La Quinta$1 Million AnnualRecommended Budget$1 Million Budget 2021‐22NameSec FromToLength Width Area ZonePCI BeforeMaintenancePCI AfterTotalAshwood Court1Bayberry Ave s/sCDS150 34 8,559zne484 CS/SS 92 4,194$ Avenue 521Avenida Bermudas e/sWashington St w/s2,735 82 178,280zne159 DO/CS/SS 79 301,293$ Bayberry Lane1Coldbrook Ln e/sDeerbrook Ln w/s850 36 30,600zne479 CS/SS 87 14,994$ Bayberry Lane2Deerbrook Ln e/s Sunbrook Ln w/s220 36 7,920zne473 CS/SS 81 3,881$ Bayberry Lane3Sunbrook Ln e/sAdams St w/s130 36 4,680zne476 CS/SS 84 2,293$ Birchcrest Circle1Bayberry Ln n/sBayberry Ln n/s1,400 32 44,800zne483 CS/SS 91 21,952$ Calle Arroba1Avenida Montezuma e/sAvenida Cortez w/s255 32 8,160zne577 CS 77 3,998$ Calle Arroba2Avenida Cortez e/sAvenida Madero w/s220 32 7,040zne583 CS 83 550$ Calle Arroba3Avenida Madero e/sAvenida Juarez w/s220 32 7,040zne582 CS 82 462$ Calle Arroba4Avenida Juarez e/sAvenida Diaz w/s220 32 7,040zne582 CS 82 396$ Calle Arroba5Avenida Diaz e/s Avenida Rubio w/s220 32 7,040zne582 CS 82 396$ Calle Arroba6Avenida Rubio e/sAvenida Alvarado w/s220 32 7,040zne582 CS 82 396$ Calle Arroba7Avenida Alvarado e/sAvenida Obregon w/s220 32 7,040zne582 CS 82 462$ Calle Arroba8Avenida Obregon e/sAvenida Carranza w/s220 32 7,040zne582 CS 82 396$ Calle Arroba9Avenida Carranza e/sAvenida Ramirez w/s220 32 7,040zne582 CS 82 264$ Calle Arroba10Avenida Ramirez e/s Avenida Vallejo w/s220 32 7,040zne580 CS 80 528$ Calle Arroba11Avenida Vallejo e/sAvenida Herrera w/s 220 32 7,040zne581 CS 81 396$ Calle Arroba12Avenida Herrera e/sAvenida Velasco w/s220 32 7,040zne581 CS 81 462$ Calle Arroba13Avenida Velasco e/sEisenhower Dr w/s225 32 7,200zne583 CS 83 700$ Calle Arroba14Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Martinez w/s220 32 7,040zne584 CS 84 350$ Calle Arroba15Avenida Martinez e/sAvenida Mendoza w/s220 32 7,040zne583 CS 83 500$ Calle Arroba16Avenida Mendoza e/sAvenida Villa w/s220 32 7,040zne581 CS 81 462$ Calle Arroba17Avenida Villa e/sAvenida Navarro w/s220 32 7,040zne581 CS 81 150$ Calle Arroba18Avenida Navarro e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s225 32 7,200zne581 CS 81 150$ Calle Chihuahua1Avenida Montezuma e/sAvenida Diaz w/s310 32 9,920zne579 CS 79 600$ Calle Chihuahua2Avenida Diaz e/sAvenida Rubio w/s220 32 7,040zne579 CS 79 984$ Calle Chihuahua3Avenida Rubio e/s Avenida Alvarado w/s220 32 7,040zne578 CS 78 894$ Calle Chihuahua4Avenida Alvarado e/sAvenida Obregon w/s220 32 7,040zne579 CS 79 528$ Calle Chihuahua5Avenida Obregon e/s Avenida Carranza w/s220 32 7,040zne577 CS 77 940$ Calle Chihuahua6Avenida Carranza e/s Avenida Ramirez w/s220 32 7,040zne581 CS 81 150$ Calle Chihuahua7Avenida Ramirez e/s Avenida Vallejo w/s220 32 7,040zne581 CS 81 150$ Calle Chihuahua8Avenida Vallejo e/sAvenida Herrera w/s220 32 7,040zne579 CS 79 474$ 62197 City of La Quinta$1 Million AnnualRecommended Budget$1 Million Budget 2021‐22NameSec FromToLength Width Area ZonePCI BeforeMaintenancePCI AfterTotalCalle Chihuahua9Avenida Herrera e/sAvenida Velasco w/s220 32 7,040zne579 CS 79 552$ Calle Chihuahua10Avenida Velasco e/s Eisenhower Dr w/s220 32 7,040zne579 CS 79 474$ Calle Chihuahua11Eisenhower Dr e/s Avenida Martinez w/s220 32 7,040zne579 CS 79 684$ Calle Chihuahua12Avenida Martinez e/sAvenida Mendoza w/s220 32 7,040zne577 CS 77 996$ Calle Chihuahua13Avenida Mendoza e/sAvenida Villa w/s220 32 7,040zne579 CS 79 175$ Calle Chihuahua14Avenida Villa e/sAvenida Navarro e/s220 32 7,040zne578 CS 78 200$ Calle Chihuahua15Avenida Navarro e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s220 32 7,040zne578 CS 78 898$ Calle Chillon1Avenida Montezuma e/sAvenida Cortez w/s180 32 5,760zne581 CS 81 500$ Calle Chillon2Avenida Cortez e/sAvenida Madero w/s220 32 7,040zne579 CS 79 900$ Calle Chillon3Avenida Madero e/sAvenida Juarez w/s220 32 7,040zne581 CS 81 550$ Calle Chillon4Avenida Jaurez e/sAvenida Diaz w/s220 32 7,040zne579 CS 79 900$ Calle Chillon5Avenida Diaz e/sAvenida Rubio w/s220 32 7,040zne579 CS 79 900$ Calle Chillon6Avenida Rubio e/sAvenida Alvarado w/s220 32 7,040zne577 CS 77 1,300$ Calle Chillon7Avenida Alvarado e/sAvenida Obregon w/s220 32 7,040zne577 CS 77 1,300$ Calle Chillon8Avenida Obregon e/sAvenida Carrenza w/s220 32 7,040zne577 CS 77 1,300$ Calle Chillon9Avenida Carrenza e/sAvenida Ramirez w/s220 32 7,040zne578 CS 78 1,000$ Calle Chillon10Avenida Ramirez e/sAvenida Vallejo w/s220 32 7,040zne579 CS 79 900$ Calle Chillon11Avenida Vallejo e/sAvenida Herrera w/s220 32 7,040zne575 CS 75 1,332$ Calle Chillon12Avenida Herrera e/sAvenida Velasco w/s220 32 7,040zne577 CS 77 548$ Calle Chillon13Avenida Velasco e/sEisenhower Dr w/s220 32 7,040zne579 CS 79 850$ Calle Chillon14Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Martinez w/s220 32 7,040zne579 CS 79 900$ Calle Chillon15Avenida Martinez e/sAvenida Mendoza w/s220 32 7,040zne579 CS 79 700$ Calle Chillon16Avenida Mendoza e/sAvenida Villa w/s220 32 7,040zne577 CS 77 548$ Calle Chillon17Avenida Villa e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s320 32 10,240zne580 CS 80 1,200$ Calle Colima1Avenida Montezuma e/sEisenhower Dr w/s3,260 32 104,320zne577 CS 77 5,250$ Calle Colima2Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s1,250 32 40,000zne577 CS 77 3,520$ Calle Durango1Avenida Montezuma e/sEisenhower Dr w/s3,460 32 110,720zne174 CS 74 7,200$ Calle Durango2Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s1,250 32 40,000zne178 CS 78 2,948$ Calle Ensenada1Avenida Montezuma e/sAvenida Madero w/s200 32 6,400zne186 CS 86 100$ Calle Ensenada2Avenida Madero e/sAvenida Juarez w/s220 32 7,040zne187 CS 87 100$ Calle Ensenada3Avenida Juarez e/sAvenida Diaz w/s220 32 7,040zne185 CS 85 200$ Calle Ensenada4Avenida Diaz e/sAvenida Rubio w/s220 32 7,040zne187 CS 87 100$ 63198 City of La Quinta$1 Million AnnualRecommended Budget$1 Million Budget 2021‐22NameSec FromToLength Width Area ZonePCI BeforeMaintenancePCI AfterTotalCalle Ensenada5Avenida Rubio e/s Avenida Alvarado w/s220 32 7,040zne186 CS 86 100$ Calle Ensenada6Avenida Alvarado e/sAvenida Obregon w/s220 32 7,040zne185 CS 85 150$ Calle Ensenada7Avenida Obregon e/sAvenida Carranza w/s220 32 7,040zne181 CS 81 750$ Calle Ensenada8Avenida Carranza e/sAvenida Ramirez w/s220 32 7,040zne178 CS 78 1,200$ Calle Ensenada9Avenida Ramirez e/sAvenida Vallejo w/s220 32 7,040zne180 CS 80 900$ Calle Ensenada10Avenida Vallejo e/sAvenida Herrera w/s220 32 7,040zne179 CS 79 800$ Calle Ensenada11Avenida Herrera e/sAvenida Velasco w/s220 32 7,040zne181 CS 81 850$ Calle Ensenada12Avenida Velasco e/sEisenhower Dr w/s220 32 7,040zne180 CS 80 1,000$ Calle Ensenada13Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Martinez w/s220 32 7,040zne179 CS 79 1,050$ Calle Ensenada14Avenida Martinez e/sAvenida Mendoza w/s220 32 7,040zne181 CS 81 664$ Calle Ensenada15Avenida Mendoza e/sAvenida Villa w/s220 32 7,040zne180 CS 80 950$ Calle Ensenada16Avenida Villa e/sAvenida Navarro w/s220 32 7,040zne181 CS 81 800$ Calle Ensenada17Avenida Navarro e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s220 32 7,040zne179 CS 79 1,100$ Calle Hidalgo1Avenida Obregon e/sAvenida Carranza w/s225 32 7,200zne177 CS 77 1,200$ Calle Hidalgo2Avenida Carranza e/sAvenida Ramirez w/s220 32 7,040zne179 CS 79 800$ Calle Hidalgo3Avenida Ramirez e/sAvenida Vallejo w/s220 32 7,040zne176 CS 76 1,000$ Calle Hidalgo4Avenida Vallejo e/sAvenida Herrera w/s220 32 7,040zne181 CS 81 600$ Calle Hidalgo5Avenida Herrera e/sAvenida Velasco w/s220 32 7,040zne181 CS 81 500$ Calle Hidalgo6Avenida Velasco e/sEisenhower Dr w/s220 32 7,040zne183 CS 83 400$ Calle Hidalgo7Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Martinez w/s220 32 7,040zne183 CS 83 400$ Calle Hidalgo8Avenida Martinez e/sAvenida Mendoza w/s220 32 7,040zne184 CS 84 150$ Calle Hidalgo9Avenida Mendoza e/sAvenida Villa w/s220 32 7,040zne184 CS 84 300$ Calle Hidalgo10Avenida Villa e/sAvenida Navarro w/s220 32 7,040zne184 CS 84 200$ Calle Hidalgo11Avenida Navarro e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s220 32 7,040zne185 CS 85 150$ Calle Madrid1Avenida Cortez e/sEisenhower Dr w/s3,100 32 99,200zne572 CS 72 5,000$ Calle Madrid2Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s600 32 19,200zne573 CS 73 1,100$ Calle Monterey1Avenida Montezuma e/sAvenida Madero w/s235 32 7,520zne578 CS 78 800$ Calle Monterey2Avenida Madero e/sAvenida Diaz w/s440 32 14,080zne579 CS 79 1,000$ Calle Monterey3Avenida Diaz e/sAvenida Rubio w/s220 32 7,040zne581 CS 81 200$ Calle Monterey4Avenida Rubio e/sAvenida Alvarado w/s220 32 7,040zne579 CS 79 300$ Calle Monterey5Avenida Alvarado e/sAvenida Obregon w/s220 32 7,040zne579 CS 79 250$ Calle Monterey6Avenida Obregon e/sAvenida Carranza w/s220 32 7,040zne589 CS 89 200$ 64199 City of La Quinta$1 Million AnnualRecommended Budget$1 Million Budget 2021‐22NameSec FromToLength Width Area ZonePCI BeforeMaintenancePCI AfterTotalCalle Monterey7Avenida Carranza e/sAvenida Ramirez w/s220 32 7,040zne579 CS 79 500$ Calle Monterey8Avenida Ramirez e/sAvenida Vallejo w/s220 32 7,040zne579 CS 79 600$ Calle Monterey9Avenida Vallajo e/sAvenida Herrera w/s220 32 7,040zne589 CS 89 200$ Calle Monterey10Avenida Herrera e/s Avenida Velasco w/s220 32 7,040zne581 CS 81 175$ Calle Monterey11Avenida Velasco e/s Eisenhower Dr w/s220 32 7,040zne579 CS 79 250$ Calle Monterey12Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Martinez w/s220 32 7,040zne579 CS 79 500$ Calle Monterey13Avenida Martinez e/sAvenida Mendoza w/s220 32 7,040zne577 CS 77 800$ Calle Monterey14Avenida Mendoza e/sAvenida Villa w/s220 32 7,040zne578 CS 78 600$ Calle Monterey15Avenida Villa e/sAvenida Navarro w/s220 32 7,040zne578 CS 78 400$ Calle Monterey16Avenida Navarro e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s220 32 7,040zne577 CS 77 922$ Calle Nogales1Avenida Juarez e/sEisenhower Dr w/s2,585 32 82,720zne579 CS 79 2,300$ Calle Nogales2Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s1,255 32 40,160zne576 CS 76 1,400$ Calle Potrero1Avenida Madero e/sAvenida Juarez w/s220 32 7,040zne575 CS 75 350$ Calle Potrero2Avenida Juarez e/sAvenida Diaz w/s220 32 7,040zne584 CS 84 260$ Calle Potrero3Avenida Diaz e/s Avenida Rubio w/s225 32 7,200zne589 CS 89 262$ Calle Potrero4Avenida Rubio e/sAvenida Alvarado w/s225 32 7,200zne584 CS 84 195$ Calle Potrero5Avenida Alvarado e/sAvenida Obregon w/s220 32 7,040zne583 CS 83 190$ Calle Potrero6Avenida Obregon e/sAvendia Carranza w/s220 32 7,040zne577 CS 77 800$ Calle Potrero7Avenida Carranza e/sAvenida Ramirez w/s 220 32 7,040zne575 CS 75 600$ Calle Potrero8Avenida Ramirez e/sAvendia Vallejo w/s220 32 7,040zne575 CS 75 600$ Calle Potrero9Avenida Vallejo e/sAvendia Herrera w/s220 32 7,040zne575 CS 75 600$ Calle Potrero10Avenida Herrera e/sAvenida Velasco e/s220 32 7,040zne575 CS 75 1,800$ Calle Potrero11Avenida Velasco e/sAvenida Bernudas w/s200 32 6,400zne580 CS 80 550$ Calle Sinaloa1Avenida Montezuma e/sEisenhower Dr w/s3,310 32 105,920zne166 CS 66 2,500$ Calle Sinaloa2Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s1,265 82 84,830zne195 CS 95 150$ Calle Sonora1Avenida Montezuma e/sEisenhower Dr w/s3,240 32 103,680zne183 CS 83 1,500$ Calle Sonora2Eisenhower Dr e/s Avenida Bermudas w/s1,250 32 40,000zne178 CS 78 1,100$ Calle Tecate1Avenida Bermudas e/sAvenida Madero w/s2,250 34 76,500zne588 CS 88 1,600$ Calle Temecula1Avenida Madero e/sAvenida Juarez w/s220 32 7,040zne573 CS 73 1,200$ Calle Temecula2Avenida Juarez e/sAvenida Diaz w/s220 32 7,040zne579 CS 79 500$ Calle Temecula3Avenida Diaz e/sAvenida Rubio w/s220 32 7,040zne575 CS 75 750$ Calle Temecula4Avenida Rubio e/sAvenida Alvarado w/s220 32 7,040zne574 CS 74 900$ 65200 City of La Quinta$1 Million AnnualRecommended Budget$1 Million Budget 2021‐22NameSec FromToLength Width Area ZonePCI BeforeMaintenancePCI AfterTotalCalle Temecula5Avenida Alvarado e/sAvenida Obregon w/s 220 32 7,040zne574 CS 74 900$ Calle Temecula6Avenida Obregon e/sAvenida Carranza w/s220 32 7,040zne575 CS 75 800$ Calle Temecula7Avenida Carranza e/sAvenida Ramirez w/s220 32 7,040zne576 CS 76 600$ Calle Temecula8Avenida Ramirez w/sAvenida Vallejo w/s220 32 7,040zne573 CS 73 1,000$ Calle Temecula9Avenida Vallejo e/sAvenida Herrera w/s215 32 6,880zne576 CS 76 900$ Calle Temecula10Avenida Herrera e/sAvenida Velasco w/s215 32 6,880zne581 CS 81 750$ Calle Temecula11Avenida Velasco e/sEisenhower Dr w/s220 32 7,040zne577 CS 77 1,100$ Calle Temecula12Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Martinez e/s220 32 7,040zne575 CS 75 900$ Coldbrook Lane1Miles Avenue s/sSunbrook Ln n/s150 36 5,400zne483 CS/SS 91 2,800$ Coldbrook Lane2Sunbrook Ln s/s Woodberry Ln s/s2,870 36 103,320zne478 CS/SS 86 50,627$ Deerbrook Circle1Stonebrook Ct e/s Bayberry Ln n/s470 32 15,040zne471 CS/SS 79 7,370$ Deerbrook Circle2Bayberry St s/sStonebrook Ct w/s920 32 29,440zne471 CS/SS 79 14,426$ Desert Club Drive1Avenue 52 n/sCalle Tampico s/s1,865 35 65,275zne169 DO/CS/SS 89 110,315$ Desert Club Drive2Calle Tampico n/sCDS1,000 35 35,000zne178 CS/SS 86 17,150$ Parkbrook Court1Birchcrest Cir w/sCDS230 32 11,405zne484 CS/SS 92 5,588$ Ramblewood Ct1Sunbrook LnEnd320 32 13,719zne480 CS/SS 88 6,722$ Rockberry Court1Coldbrook Ln w/sCDS385 32 16,365zne476 CS/SS 84 8,019$ Springbrook Court1Sunbrook Ln n/sCDS135 32 7,799zne472 CS/SS 80 3,850$ Springtime Way1Desert Club e/sCDS1,240 36 43,040zne164 DO/CS/SS 84 72,750$ Stonebrook Court1Deerbrook Cir n/sCDS290 32 12,759zne468 DO/CS/SS 88 21,650$ Summerbrook Court1Coldbrook Ln w/sCDS150 32 8,279zne464 DO/CS/SS 84 13,992$ Sunberry Court1Birchcrest Circle n/sCDS120 32 5,376zne484 CS/SS 92 2,634$ Sunbrook Ln1Woodberry Ln s/sCDS2,600 36 96,720zne465 DO/CS/SS 85 163,457$ Wakefield Circle1Coldbrook Ln s/sCold Brook Ln s/s1,950 32 62,400zne470 CS/SS 78 30,576$ Woodberry Ln1Adams St w/sSunbrook Ln e/s120 36 4,320zne483 CS/SS 91 2,117$ 994,280$ 66201 City of La Quinta$1 Million AnnualRecommended Budget$1 Million Budget 2022‐23NameSec FromToLength Width Area ZonePCI BeforeMaintenancePCI AfterTotalAvenida Alvarado1Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s1,935 32 61,920zne581 CS 81 1,750$ Avenida Alvarado2Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s1,935 32 61,920zne582 CS 82 1,250$ Avenida Alvarado3Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s1,985 32 63,520zne584 CS 84 1,125$ Avenida Alvarado4Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s1,280 32 40,960zne181 CS 81 775$ Avenida Alvarado5Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s570 32 18,240zne180 CS 80 425$ Avenida Alvarado6Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s620 32 19,840zne183 CS 83 535$ Avenida Alvarado7Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s650 32 20,800zne176 CS 76 1,100$ Avenida Alvarado8Avenida Montezuma n/sCalle Yucatan s/s400 32 12,800zne181 CS 81 1,400$ Avenida Bermudas1Calle Tampico s/sCalle Sinaloa n/s1,205 46 50,005zne185 CS 85 807$ Avenida Bermudas4Calloe Sinaloa s/sCalle Nogales n/s2,565 61 156,465zne194 CS 94 705$ Avenida Bermudas5Calle Nogales n/sCalle Chillon n/s3,120 61 190,320zne581 CS 81 2,090$ Avenida Bermudas7Calle Chillon n/sCalle Tecate n/s3,195 41 130,995zne578 CS 78 2,341$ Avenida Bermudas9Calle Tampico n/sEND515 46 19,690zne183 CS 83 345$ Avenida Carranza1Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s1,935 32 61,920zne579 CS 79 1,750$ Avenida Carranza2Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s1,930 32 61,760zne581 CS 81 1,200$ Avenida Carranza3Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s1,980 32 63,360zne582 CS 82 1,275$ Avenida Cortez1Avenida Montezuma e/sCalle Colima s/s1,960 32 62,720zne579 CS 79 3,881$ Avenida Cortez2Calle Durango s/sCalle Sonora n/s575 32 18,400zne182 CS 82 759$ Avenida Cortez3Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s625 32 20,000zne179 CS 79 1,238$ Avenida Diaz1Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s1,940 32 62,080zne575 CS 75 2,125$ Avenida Diaz3Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s1,940 32 62,080zne576 CS 76 2,085$ Avenida Diaz4Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s1,980 32 63,360zne577 CS 77 1,510$ Avenida Diaz5Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s1,295 32 41,440zne182 CS 82 530$ Avenida Diaz6Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s575 32 18,400zne179 CS 79 1,060$ Avenida Diaz7Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s620 32 19,840zne173 CS 73 1,500$ Avenida Diaz8Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s450 32 14,400zne179 CS 79 1,100$ Avenida Diaz9Avenida Montezuma n/sCalle Yucatan s/s690 32 22,080zne174 CS 74 2,900$ Avenida Herrera 1CDSCalle Madrid s/s1,855 32 61,376zne577 CS/SS 85 30,074$ Avenida Herrera 2Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s1,930 32 61,760zne577 CS/SS 85 30,262$ Avenida Herrera 3Calle Colima s/sCalle Nogales s/s2,000 32 64,000zne579 CS/SS 87 31,360$ Avenida Herrera 4Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s1,295 32 41,440zne178 CS/SS 86 20,306$ Avenida Herrera 5Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s555 32 17,760zne177 CS/SS 85 8,702$ 67202 City of La Quinta$1 Million AnnualRecommended Budget$1 Million Budget 2022‐23NameSec FromToLength Width Area ZonePCI BeforeMaintenancePCI AfterTotalAvenida Herrera 6Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s620 32 19,840zne175 CS/SS 83 9,722$ Avenida Herrera 7Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s1,275 32 40,800zne174 CS/SS 82 19,992$ Avenida Herrera 8Avenida Montezuma n/sCDS625 32 21,536zne164 DO/CS/SS 84 36,396$ Avenida Juarez1Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s1,950 32 62,400zne575 CS 75 4,040$ Avenida Juarez3Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s1,930 32 61,760zne574 CS 74 3,563$ Avenida Juarez4Calle Colima n/sCalle Chihuahua s/s1,270 32 40,640zne577 CS 77 1,328$ Avenida Juarez5Calle Nogales s/sCalle Sonora s/s1,325 32 42,400zne186 CS 86 515$ Avenida Juarez6Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s565 32 18,080zne182 CS 82 195$ Avenida Juarez7Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s620 32 19,840zne182 CS 82 1,325$ Avenida Juarez8Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s380 32 12,160zne179 CS 79 964$ Avenida Juarez9Avenida Montezuma n/sCalle Yucatan s/s740 32 23,680zne180 CS 80 1,650$ Avenida Madero1Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s1,945 32 62,240zne579 CS 79 1,300$ Avenida Madero2Calle Madrid n/sCalle Arroba s/s1,290 32 41,280zne579 CS 79 1,035$ Avenida Madero3Calle Arroba n/sCalle Colima s/s625 32 20,000zne577 CS 77 845$ Avenida Madero4Calle Colima n/sCalle Monterey s/s635 32 20,320zne578 CS 78 755$ Avenida Madero6CDSCalle Sonora s/s880 32 31,639zne185 CS 85 275$ Avenida Madero7Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s565 32 18,080zne183 CS 83 185$ Avenida Madero8Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s620 33 20,460zne180 CS 80 1,100$ Avenida Madero9Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s300 33 9,900zne180 CS 80 822$ Avenida Madero10Avenida Montezuma e/sCalle Monterey n/s350 33 11,550zne582 CS 82 925$ Avenida Montezuma1S End/Avenida MaderoCalle Nogales s/s5,405 32 172,960zne182 CS 82 6,200$ Avenida Montezuma2Calle Nogales n/sAvenida Carranza w/s3,295 32 105,440zne187 CS 87 4,005$ Avenida Montezuma4Avenida Bermudas w/sEisenhower Dr e/s1,075 52 55,900zne180 CS 80 2,640$ Avenida Obregon1Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s1,935 32 61,920zne581 CS 81 1,250$ Avenida Obregon2Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s1,935 32 61,920zne581 CS 81 1,150$ Avenida Obregon3Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s1,980 32 63,360zne580 CS 80 1,925$ Avenida Obregon4Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s1,285 32 41,120zne182 CS 82 399$ Avenida Obregon5Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s565 32 18,080zne179 CS 79 185$ Avenida Obregon6Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s620 32 19,840zne173 CS 73 1,050$ Avenida Obregon7Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s875 32 28,000zne174 CS 74 2,420$ Avenida Obregon8Avenida Montezuma n/sAvenida Montezuma res s/s90 32 2,880zne174 CS 74 750$ Avenida Obregon9Avenida Alvarado w/s CDS625 32 18,763zne178 CS 78 975$ 68203 City of La Quinta$1 Million AnnualRecommended Budget$1 Million Budget 2022‐23NameSec FromToLength Width Area ZonePCI BeforeMaintenancePCI AfterTotalAvenida Ramirez1Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s1,935 32 61,920zne577 CS 77 2,100$ Avenida Ramirez2Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s1,935 32 61,920zne582 CS 82 1,625$ Avenida Ramirez3Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s1,980 32 63,360zne582 CS 82 1,425$ Avenida Ramirez4Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s1,280 32 40,960zne180 CS 80 1,070$ Avenida Ramirez5Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s575 32 18,400zne180 CS 80 850$ Avenida Rubio 1Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s1,950 32 62,400zne575 CS 75 3,040$ Avenida Rubio 2Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s1,940 32 62,080zne576 CS 76 2,600$ Avenida Rubio 3Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s1,980 32 63,360zne579 CS 79 1,660$ Avenida Rubio 4Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s1,280 32 40,960zne183 CS 83 295$ Avenida Rubio 5Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s565 32 18,080zne183 CS 83 490$ Avenida Rubio 6Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s615 32 19,680zne178 CS 78 1,475$ Avenida Rubio 7Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s535 32 17,120zne180 CS 80 1,150$ Avenida Rubio 8Avenida Montezuma n/sCalle Yucatan s/s615 32 19,680zne181 CS 81 975$ Avenida Vallejo1Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s1,930 32 61,760zne581 CS 81 1,350$ Avenida Vallejo2Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s1,930 32 61,760zne574 CS 74 3,500$ Avenida Vallejo3Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s1,980 32 63,360zne578 CS 78 1,850$ Avenida Vallejo4Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s1,280 32 40,960zne179 CS 79 1,150$ Avenida Villa 1Avenida Bermudas e/sCalle Colima s/s1,700 32 54,400zne556 DO/CS/SS 76 91,936$ Avenida Villa 2Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s1,990 32 63,680zne580 CS/SS 88 31,203$ Avenida Villa 3Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s1,285 32 41,120zne175 CS/SS 83 20,149$ Avenida Villa 4Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s570 32 18,240zne176 CS/SS 84 8,938$ Avenida Villa 5Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s620 32 19,840zne183 CS/SS 91 9,722$ Avenida Villa 6Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Navarro w/s1,180 32 37,760zne183 CS/SS 91 18,502$ Avenida Villa 7Avenida Navarro w/sCalle Tampico s/s535 32 17,120zne168 DO/CS/SS 88 28,933$ Avenue 471Washington Street e/sAdams Street w/s2,515 43 108,145zne246 GR/OL100 381,752$ Monroe Street1Ave 62 n/sAve 61 n/s3,300 26 85,800zne377 CS/SS 85 42,042$ Monroe Street2Ave 61 n/sAve 60 n/s2,040 32 65,280zne371 CS/SS 79 31,987$ Monroe Street3Ave 60 n/s (southbound)Ave 58 n/s (southbound)5,380 14 75,320zne371 CS/SS 79 36,907$ 996,821$ 69204 City of La Quinta$1 Million AnnualRecommended Budget$1 Million Budget 2023‐24NameSec FromToLength Width Area ZonePCI BeforeMaintenancePCI AfterTotalAvenida Carranza4Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s1,280 32 40,960zne177 CS/SS 85 20,070$ Avenida Carranza5Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s570 32 18,240zne176 CS/SS 84 8,938$ Avenida Carranza6Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s615 32 19,680zne177 CS/SS 85 9,643$ Avenida Carranza7Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s1,200 32 38,400zne172 CS/SS 80 18,816$ Avenida Carranza8Avenida Montezuma n/sCDS655 32 20,960zne174 CS/SS 82 10,270$ Avenida Montezuma3Avenida Carranza w/sEisenhower Dr w/s1,275 37 47,175zne156 DO/CS/SS 76 79,726$ Avenida Navarro1Calle Chillon n/sCalle Colima s/s1,280 32 40,960zne576 CS/SS 84 20,070$ Avenida Navarro2Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s1,990 32 63,680zne574 CS/SS 82 31,203$ Avenida Navarro3Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s1,280 32 40,960zne177 CS/SS 85 20,070$ Avenida Navarro4Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s575 32 18,400zne172 CS/SS 80 9,016$ Avenida Navarro5Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s620 32 19,840zne182 CS/SS 90 9,722$ Avenida Navarro6Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s1,230 32 39,360zne184 CS/SS 92 19,286$ Avenida Navarro7Avenida Montezuma n/sCalle Tampico s/s 615 32 19,680zne164 DO/CS/SS 84 33,259$ Avenida Ramirez6Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s610 32 19,520zne178 CS/SS 86 9,565$ Avenida Ramirez7Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s1,285 32 41,120zne176 CS/SS 84 20,149$ Avenida Ramirez8Avenida Montezuma n/sCDS630 32 22,624zne169 DO/CS/SS 89 38,235$ Avenida Velasco1CDSCalle Madrid s/s1,550 32 51,541zne573 CS/SS 81 25,255$ Avenida Velasco2Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s1,925 32 61,600zne576 CS/SS 84 30,184$ Avenida Velasco3Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s1,990 32 63,680zne579 CS/SS 87 31,203$ Avenida Velasco4Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango n/s580 32 18,560zne174 CS/SS 82 9,094$ Avenida Velasco5Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s630 32 20,160zne173 CS/SS 81 9,878$ Avenida Velasco6Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s1,300 32 41,600zne172 CS/SS 80 20,384$ Avenida Velasco8Avenida Montezuma n/sCDS630 32 23,549zne179 CS/SS 87 11,539$ Avenida Velasco03aCalle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s1,300 32 41,600zne178 CS/SS 86 20,384$ Fred Waring Drive4Adams Street w/sVenice Dr w/s2,585 91 198,565zne473 CS/SS 81 97,297$ Fred Waring Drive5Palm Royal w/sWashington Street e/s1,525 105 150,125zne462 DO/CS/SS 82 253,711$ Fred Waring Drive04aVenice Dr w/sPalm Royal w/s1,125 86 81,000zne465 DO/CS/SS 85 136,890$ 1,003,859$ 70205 City of La Quinta$1 Million AnnualRecommended Budget$1 Million Budget 2024‐25NameSec FromToLength Width Area ZonePCI BeforeMaintenancePCI AfterTotalArosa Way1Villeta Dr s/sLa Palma Drive n/s280 36 10,080zne482 CS/SS 90 4,939$ Arosa Way2La Palma Drive s/sSanita Drive n/s290 36 10,440zne475 CS/SS 83 5,116$ Avenida Diaz1Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s1,940 32 62,080zne575 CS/SS 83 30,419$ Avenida Diaz3Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s1,940 32 62,080zne576 CS/SS 84 30,419$ Avenida Diaz4Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s1,980 32 63,360zne577 CS/SS 85 31,046$ Avenida Diaz5Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s1,295 32 41,440zne182 CS/SS 90 20,306$ Avenida Diaz6Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s575 32 18,400zne179 CS/SS 87 9,016$ Avenida Diaz7Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s620 32 19,840zne173 CS/SS 81 9,722$ Avenida Diaz8Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s450 32 14,400zne179 CS/SS 87 7,056$ Avenida Diaz9Avenida Montezuma n/sCalle Yucatan s/s690 32 22,080zne174 CS/SS 82 10,819$ Avenida Juarez1Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s1,950 32 62,400zne575 CS/SS 83 30,576$ Avenida Juarez3Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s1,930 32 61,760zne574 CS/SS 82 30,262$ Avenida Juarez4Calle Colima n/sCalle Chihuahua s/s1,270 32 40,640zne577 CS/SS 85 19,914$ Avenida Martinez1Avenida Bermudas e/sCalle Madrid s/s785 32 25,120zne574 CS/SS 82 12,309$ Avenida Martinez2Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s1,940 32 62,080zne577 CS/SS 85 30,419$ Avenida Martinez3Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s1,990 32 63,680zne578 CS/SS 86 31,203$ Avenida Martinez4Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s1,285 32 41,120zne172 CS/SS 80 20,149$ Avenida Martinez5Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s560 32 17,920zne177 CS/SS 85 8,781$ Avenida Mendoza 1CDSCalle Madrid s/s125 32 6,016zne572 CS/SS 80 2,948$ Avenida Mendoza 2Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s1,940 32 62,080zne579 CS/SS 87 30,419$ Avenida Mendoza 3Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s 1,990 32 63,680zne580 CS/SS 88 31,203$ Avenida Mendoza 4Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s1,285 32 41,120zne173 CS/SS 81 20,149$ Avenida Mendoza 5Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s570 32 18,240zne173 CS/SS 81 8,938$ Avenida Obregon5Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s565 32 18,080zne179 CS/SS 87 8,859$ Avenida Obregon6Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s620 32 19,840zne173 CS/SS 81 9,722$ Avenida Obregon7Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s875 32 28,000zne174 CS/SS 82 13,720$ Avenida Obregon8Avenida Montezuma n/sAvenida Montezuma res s/s90 32 2,880zne174 CS/SS 82 1,411$ Avenida Obregon9Avenida Alvarado w/s CDS625 32 18,763zne178 CS/SS 86 9,194$ Bottlebrush Drive1CDSDate Palm Avenue w\s1,260 32 41,939zne269 DO/CS/SS 89 70,877$ Calle Cadiz1Desert Club Drive e/sCalle Fortuna s/s680 23 15,640zne183 CS/SS 91 7,664$ Calle Cadiz2Calle Fortuna s/sCalle Guatemala w/s225 32 7,200zne180 CS/SS 88 3,528$ Calle Cadiz3Desert Club w/sAvenida Bermudas e/s640 25 16,000zne170 CS/SS 78 7,840$ 71206 City of La Quinta$1 Million AnnualRecommended Budget$1 Million Budget 2024‐25NameSec FromToLength Width Area ZonePCI BeforeMaintenancePCI AfterTotalCalle Fortuna1Desert Club Drive e/sCalle Cadiz n/s695 25 17,375zne180 CS/SS 88 8,514$ Calle Madrid1Avenida Cortez e/sEisenhower Dr w/s3,100 32 99,200zne572 CS/SS 80 48,608$ Calle Madrid2Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s600 32 19,200zne573 CS/SS 81 9,408$ Calle Tamazula1Avenida NuestraLa Fonda s/s600 32 19,200zne173 CS/SS 81 9,408$ Calle Temecula1Avenida Madero e/sAvenida Juarez w/s220 32 7,040zne573 CS/SS 81 3,450$ Calle Temecula2Avenida Juarez e/sAvenida Diaz w/s220 32 7,040zne579 CS/SS 87 3,450$ Calle Temecula3Avenida Diaz e/sAvenida Rubio w/s220 32 7,040zne575 CS/SS 83 3,450$ Calle Temecula4Avenida Rubio e/sAvenida Alvarado w/s220 32 7,040zne574 CS/SS 82 3,450$ Calle Temecula5Avenida Alvarado e/sAvenida Obregon w/s 220 32 7,040zne574 CS/SS 82 3,450$ Calle Temecula6Avenida Obregon e/sAvenida Carranza w/s220 32 7,040zne575 CS/SS 83 3,450$ Calle Temecula7Avenida Carranza e/sAvenida Ramirez w/s220 32 7,040zne576 CS/SS 84 3,450$ Calle Temecula8Avenida Ramirez w/sAvenida Vallejo w/s220 32 7,040zne573 CS/SS 81 3,450$ Calle Temecula9Avenida Vallejo e/sAvenida Herrera w/s215 32 6,880zne576 CS/SS 84 3,371$ Calle Temecula10Avenida Herrera e/sAvenida Velasco w/s215 32 6,880zne581 CS/SS 89 3,371$ Calle Temecula11Avenida Velasco e/sEisenhower Dr w/s220 32 7,040zne577 CS/SS 85 3,450$ Calle Temecula12Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Martinez e/s220 32 7,040zne575 CS/SS 83 3,450$ Calle Yucatan1Avenida Alvarado w/sAvenida Juarez e/s845 32 27,040zne172 CS/SS 80 13,250$ Carmen Place1Villeta Drive n/sCDS265 32 12,525zne475 CS/SS 83 6,137$ Cloud View Way1Summer View Way e/sDesert Fall Way s/s1,130 32 36,160zne173 CS/SS 81 17,718$ Date Palm Drive1Sagebrush Avenue s/sSaguaro Drive n/s520 32 16,640zne271 CS/SS 79 8,154$ Desert Fall Way1Summer View Way w/sCloud View Way w\s665 32 21,280zne173 CS/SS 81 10,427$ Forbes Circle1Seeley e/sVia Coronado E/S830 36 29,880zne474 CS/SS 82 14,641$ Fred Waring Drive1Jefferson Street w/sDune Palms Road w/s2,650 70 185,500zne476 CS/SS 84 90,895$ Sagebrush Avenue1160' w/o Date Palm Drive Washington Street e/s1,350 32 43,200zne271 CS/SS 79 21,168$ Saguaro Drive1CDSDATE PALM W/S1,260 32 41,940zne271 CS/SS 79 20,551$ Sanita Drive1Arosa Way s/sCDS1,720 36 65,039zne475 CS/SS 83 31,869$ Sonesta Way1Villeta Drive n/sVilleta Drive n/s1,120 36 40,320zne472 CS/SS 80 19,757$ Summer View Way1Springtime Way n/sDesert Fall Way n/s480 32 15,360zne165 DO/CS/SS 85 25,958$ Villeta Drive1Sanita Drive n/sSonesta Drive s/s3,600 36 129,600zne475 CS/SS 83 63,504$ Winter Cove Court1Summer View Way e/sCDS420 32 13,440zne179 CS/SS 87 6,586$ 1,036,733$ 72207 City of La Quinta$1 Million AnnualRecommended Budget$1 Million Budget 2025‐26NameSec FromToLength Width Area ZonePCI BeforeMaintenancePCI AfterTotalAdams Street4Highway 111 n/sMiles Avenue s/s4,845 60 261,600zne471 CS/SS 79 135,300$ Adams Street6Miles Ave n/sFred Waring Drive s/s2,575 60 146,775zne476 CS/SS 84 73,920$ Adams Street8Fred Warring Dr n/sDarby Rd s/s1,975 32 57,720zne476 CS/SS 84 29,583$ Avenida Rubio 1Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s1,950 32 62,400zne575 CS/SS 83 33,476$ Avenida Rubio 2Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s1,940 32 62,080zne576 CS/SS 84 32,419$ Avenida Rubio 3Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s1,980 32 63,360zne579 CS/SS 87 31,046$ Avenida Vallejo1Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s1,930 32 61,760zne581 CS/SS 89 30,262$ Avenida Vallejo2Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s1,930 32 61,760zne574 CS/SS 82 35,262$ Avenida Vallejo3Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s1,980 32 63,360zne578 CS/SS 86 31,046$ Avenida Vallejo4Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s1,280 32 40,960zne179 CS/SS 87 20,070$ Avenida Vallejo5Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s570 32 18,240zne175 CS/SS 83 8,938$ Avenida Vallejo6Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s625 33 20,625zne172 CS/SS 80 10,106$ Avenida Vallejo7Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s1,295 33 42,735zne175 CS/SS 83 20,940$ Calle Chillon1Avenida Montezuma e/sAvenida Cortez w/s180 32 5,760zne581 CS/SS 89 2,822$ Calle Chillon2Avenida Cortez e/sAvenida Madero w/s220 32 7,040zne579 CS/SS 87 3,450$ Calle Chillon3Avenida Madero e/sAvenida Juarez w/s220 32 7,040zne581 CS/SS 89 3,450$ Calle Chillon4Avenida Jaurez e/sAvenida Diaz w/s220 32 7,040zne579 CS/SS 87 3,450$ Calle Chillon5Avenida Diaz e/sAvenida Rubio w/s220 32 7,040zne579 CS/SS 87 3,450$ Calle Chillon6Avenida Rubio e/sAvenida Alvarado w/s220 32 7,040zne577 CS/SS 85 3,450$ Calle Chillon7Avenida Alvarado e/sAvenida Obregon w/s220 32 7,040zne577 CS/SS 85 3,450$ Calle Chillon8Avenida Obregon e/sAvenida Carrenza w/s220 32 7,040zne577 CS/SS 85 3,450$ Calle Chillon9Avenida Carrenza e/sAvenida Ramirez w/s220 32 7,040zne578 CS/SS 86 3,450$ Calle Chillon10Avenida Ramirez e/sAvenida Vallejo w/s220 32 7,040zne579 CS/SS 87 3,450$ Calle Chillon11Avenida Vallejo e/sAvenida Herrera w/s220 32 7,040zne575 CS/SS 83 3,450$ Calle Chillon12Avenida Herrera e/sAvenida Velasco w/s220 32 7,040zne577 CS/SS 85 3,450$ Calle Chillon13Avenida Velasco e/sEisenhower Dr w/s220 32 7,040zne579 CS/SS 87 3,450$ Calle Chillon14Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Martinez w/s220 32 7,040zne579 CS/SS 87 3,450$ Calle Chillon15Avenida Martinez e/sAvenida Mendoza w/s220 32 7,040zne579 CS/SS 87 3,450$ Calle Chillon16Avenida Mendoza e/sAvenida Villa w/s220 32 7,040zne577 CS/SS 85 3,450$ Calle Chillon17Avenida Villa e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s320 32 10,240zne580 CS/SS 88 5,018$ Calle Durango1Avenida Montezuma e/sEisenhower Dr w/s3,460 32 110,720zne174 CS/SS 82 56,432$ Calle Durango2Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s1,250 32 40,000zne178 CS/SS 86 19,600$ 73208 City of La Quinta$1 Million AnnualRecommended Budget$1 Million Budget 2025‐26NameSec FromToLength Width Area ZonePCI BeforeMaintenancePCI AfterTotalCalle Potrero6Avenida Obregon e/sAvendia Carranza w/s220 32 7,040zne577 CS/SS 85 3,450$ Calle Potrero7Avenida Carranza e/sAvenida Ramirez w/s 220 32 7,040zne575 CS/SS 83 3,450$ Calle Potrero8Avenida Ramirez e/sAvendia Vallejo w/s220 32 7,040zne575 CS/SS 83 3,450$ Calle Potrero9Avenida Vallejo e/sAvendia Herrera w/s220 32 7,040zne575 CS/SS 83 3,450$ Calle Potrero10Avenida Herrera e/sAvenida Velasco e/s220 32 7,040zne575 CS/SS 83 3,450$ Calle Potrero11Avenida Velasco e/sAvenida Bernudas w/s200 32 6,400zne580 CS/SS 88 3,136$ Calle Sinaloa1Avenida Montezuma e/sEisenhower Dr w/s3,310 32 105,920zne166 DO/CS/SS 86 185,152$ Dandelion Drive1Monticello Dr e/sLiberty Ave w/s790 32 25,280zne475 CS/SS 83 12,387$ Dandelion Drive2Monticello Ave w/sVerbena Dr e/s910 32 29,120zne482 CS/SS 90 14,269$ Dandelion Drive3Verbena Dr w/sCDS525 32 20,279zne482 CS/SS 90 9,937$ Liberty Avenue1Morris Ave s/sDandelion Dr s/s935 32 29,920zne481 CS/SS 89 14,661$ Monticello Avenue1Miles Ave n/sFred Waring s/s2,710 32 86,720zne478 CS/SS 86 42,493$ 927,268$ 74209 SH-111 60TH AVE MONROE ST54TH AVE 50TH AVE 62ND AVE MILES AVE 52ND AVE 48TH AVE FRED WARING DR EISENHOWER DR49TH AVE WASHINGTON STLIGAAVENUE 52 MADISON STCITRUS DUNE PALMS RDAIRPORT BLVD PGA BLVD58TH AVEAVENIDA VALLEJOAVENIDA RUBIOAVENIDA RAMIREZAVENIDA HERRERARI VIE RAJEFFERSON STAVENIDA CARRANZAOAK HILLAVENIDA VILLAADAMS ST61ST AVE AVENUE 58AVENIDA ALVARADOAVENIDA MARTINEZSHIELDS RDWINGED FOOTHERMITAGEAVENIDA NAVARROHJORTH STMERION 51ST AVECALLE TAMPICO MANDARINA WEISKOPF 55TH AVECLINTON STVIA DONAROSS AVEDEL GATO DREL DORADO DRVIA SAVONAWARNER TRLINVERNESSPINA VIA PAESSARO 47TH AVE 46TH AVE OASIS STAVENIDA MADEROPARK AVEELKHORN TRLLIMA VILLAGE DRA V E N ID A M O N T E Z U M A CETRINO SOUTHERN HILLSBONITA TRLA N D A LU SI ACALEO BAYC O A C H ELLA D RAVENIDA F ERN ANDO MISSION DR EQUAI L RUN LNARACENA S P A N I S H B A Y IROQUOIS DR TOM FAZIO LN N RI VIE RA AVETIBURON DR AVENIDA LA FONDASEELEY DRYOUNGS LNVIA CC TROON WAYVIA VALEROSAAVILA DRMI SSI ON DR WTOPAZ DRR O N D AFIRESTONEEMERALD DR U LRIC H DRMOUNTAIN VIEWV ILLA G E C LU B D R VI A DDBURR STSTILLWATER DRVIA SEVILLA CSILLA ST BAFFIN AVEVISTA ESTRELLAPOMELO ST VIA PISAP R IS M D RAVENIDA BERMUDASDESERT CLUB DRCALLE MAZATLAN VI A C ARM E L TORINO DR MUIRFIELD VILLAGE VILLETA DR TORONJA BAYAJASPER PARK AVE TEE ST CEREZATANGLEWOODSANITA DR PARK LNBALBOA PLPALM DRMONTICELLO AVEG A L A X Y D R TIGRIS AVE BELLERIVE POLO RD MARY LN FIESTA DR N U E V O D R SAND DR59TH AVE JASMINE LN V I A MEL OD I A SUNBROOK LN53RD AVEDAKOTA TRLOCOTILLO DRCABRILLO PLALMONTEBIG CANYON STVIA PALACIOJEREZINTERLACHENNATIONAL D R M ANITO U DRYALE STBROWN DEER PARK DULCE DEL MAR AR A P A H O E ROUDEL LNROCK ROSE DRMAGELLAN PLAVERY DR JACK NICKLAUSMARBELLA CTALYSHEBA DRBRADSHAW TRLVIA SORRENTOVIA STRADACALLE NORTE PEAR STGREEN HILLS DR ROYAL BIR KDALE DR VIA ROSAVISTA LAGUNACLARET CVWASHINGTON ST FRONTAGELA QUINTA DRSAGEBRUSH AVE PEERLESS PLPECOS PL CONTENTOSILVER ROCKDIANE DR VIA PORTOFINO TANGELO DRVIA RITA SAGUARO RD ZENDA DR VIA BRAVA R O YA L DO RNO C H DR CEDAR CRESTARDENNAIS DRSTONEGATEBAY CLUB DRAVENIDA OBREGONPINDO DRSANDPIPER DR PEBBLE BEACHQU A R R Y LN SHADOW TRL S VALLEY LNALI CTT U L A R E L N RIO SECOVIA SOLANALAUREL VALLEYAVENIDA ULTIMO NAUTICAL DRST FRANCIS AVESTONEMONT DRV I A D I J ON VIA PALMILLASIERRA VISTA SIENA CT VIDA BELLA DR AMALFI DR VISTA PALOM INOVILLANOVA STV IST A G R A N D E ORCHID CTVIA ENCINITAS CA L LE BR I S A TRIBECCA ST HIGGINS CT VICTORIA LNARCHINE LNC A R B O N E R A SAVENIDA DIAZAVENIDA JUAREZWASHINGTON STMADISON STADAMS STJEFFERSON STMADISON ST51ST AVE ADAMS STMADISON ST55TH AVE 58TH AVEADAMS STAIRPORT BLVD ® Legend La Quinta $1 Million Recommended Streets 2021-22 Crack Sealing 2021-22 2022-23 Crack Sealing 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 City of La Quinta $1 Million Budget Map 2021-26 75210 City of La Quinta Unlimited Budget 2021NameSection FromToLns Length Width AreaPCI BeforeMaintenancePCI AfterTotalAdams Street1Avenue 48 n/sHighway 111 s/s4 2,895 81 180,17078 CS/SS 86 88,283$ Adams Street4Highway 111 n/sMiles Avenue s/s5 4,845 60 261,60071 CS/SS 79 128,184$ Adams Street6Miles Ave n/sFred Waring Drive s/s5 2,575 60 146,77576 CS/SS 84 71,920$ Adams Street8Fred Warring Dr n/sDarby Rd s/s2 1,975 32 57,72076 CS/SS 84 28,283$ Airport Boulevard1Monroe Street w/sMadison Avenue e/s2 5,100 82 300,00083 CS/SS 91 147,000$ Alba Court1Torino Dr n/sCDS2 235 32 10,99982 CS/SS 90 5,390$ Alden Circle1Seeley DriveEnd2 580 36 20,88083 CS/SS 91 10,231$ Ambassador Circle1Monticello Ave w/s CDS2 250 32 11,47981 CS/SS 89 5,625$ America Court1Hemings Way s/sCDS2 295 32 12,91981 CS/SS 89 6,330$ Arbola Circle1Fronterra DriveCDS2 320 32 13,71984 CS/SS 92 6,722$ Arosa Way1Villeta Dr s/sLa Palma Drive n/s2 280 36 10,08082 CS/SS 90 4,939$ Arosa Way2La Palma Drive s/sSanita Drive n/s2 290 36 10,44075 CS/SS 83 5,116$ Ashley Place1Carrie Ln e/sAshley Way e/s2 800 36 28,80076 CS/SS 84 14,112$ Ashley Way1Ashley Pl n/sDesert Stream Dr s/s2 215 36 7,74079 CS/SS 87 3,793$ Ashwood Court1Bayberry Ave s/sCDS2 150 34 8,55984 CS/SS 92 4,194$ Auto Center Drive1Adams St e/sLa Quinta Dr w/s2 1,005 50 50,25090 None 90‐$ Auto Center Way1Hwy 111 s/sCircle2 415 37 15,35588 None 88‐$ Avenida Alvarado1Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s2 1,935 32 61,92081 CS/SS 89 30,341$ Avenida Alvarado2Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s2 1,935 32 61,92082 CS/SS 90 30,341$ /,$Avenida Alvarado3Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s2 1,985 32 63,52084 CS/SS 92 31,125$ Avenida Alvarado4Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s2 1,280 32 40,96081 CS/SS 89 20,070$ Avenida Alvarado5Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2 570 32 18,24080 CS/SS 88 8,938$ Avenida Alvarado6Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2 620 32 19,84083 CS/SS 91 9,722$ Avenida Alvarado7Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s2 650 32 20,80076 CS/SS 84 10,192$ Avenida Alvarado8Avenida Montezuma n/sCalle Yucatan s/s2 400 32 12,80081 CS/SS 89 6,272$ Avenida Bermudas1Calle Tampico s/sCalle Sinaloa n/s3 1,205 46 50,00585 None 85‐$ Avenida Bermudas4Calloe Sinaloa s/sCalle Nogales n/s4 2,565 61 156,46594 None 94‐$ Avenida Bermudas5Calle Nogales n/sCalle Chillon n/s4 3,120 61 190,32081 CS/SS 89 93,257$ Avenida Bermudas7Calle Chillon n/sCalle Tecate n/s2 3,195 41 130,99578 CS/SS 86 64,188$ Avenida Bermudas9Calle Tampico n/sEND2 515 46 19,69083 CS/SS 91 9,648$ Avenida Carranza1Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s2 1,935 32 61,92079 CS/SS 87 30,341$ Avenida Carranza2Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s2 1,930 32 61,76081 CS/SS 89 30,262$ Avenida Carranza3Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s2 1,980 32 63,36082 CS/SS 90 31,046$ Avenida Carranza4Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s2 1,280 32 40,96077 CS/SS 85 20,070$ Avenida Carranza5Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2 570 32 18,24076 CS/SS 84 8,938$ Avenida Carranza6Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2 615 32 19,68077 CS/SS 85 9,643$ 76211 City of La Quinta Unlimited Budget 2021NameSection FromToLns Length Width AreaPCI BeforeMaintenancePCI AfterTotalAvenida Carranza7Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s2 1,200 32 38,40072 CS/SS 80 18,816$ Avenida Carranza8Avenida Montezuma n/sCDS2 655 32 20,96074 CS/SS 82 10,270$ Avenida Cortez1Avenida Montezuma e/sCalle Colima s/s2 1,960 32 62,72079 CS/SS 87 30,733$ Avenida Cortez2Calle Durango s/sCalle Sonora n/s2 575 32 18,40082 CS/SS 90 9,016$ Avenida Cortez3Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2 625 32 20,00079 CS/SS 87 9,800$ Avenida Diaz1Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s2 1,940 32 62,08075 CS/SS 83 30,419$ Avenida Diaz3Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s2 1,940 32 62,08076 CS/SS 84 30,419$ Avenida Diaz4Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s2 1,980 32 63,36077 CS/SS 85 31,046$ Avenida Diaz5Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s2 1,295 32 41,44082 CS/SS 90 20,306$ Avenida Diaz6Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2 575 32 18,40079 CS/SS 87 9,016$ Avenida Diaz7Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2 620 32 19,84073 CS/SS 81 9,722$ Avenida Diaz8Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s2 450 32 14,40079 CS/SS 87 7,056$ Avenida Diaz9Avenida Montezuma n/sCalle Yucatan s/s2 690 32 22,08074 CS/SS 82 10,819$ Avenida Herrera 1CDSCalle Madrid s/s2 1,855 32 61,37677 CS/SS 85 30,074$ Avenida Herrera 2Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s2 1,930 32 61,76077 CS/SS 85 30,262$ Avenida Herrera 3Calle Colima s/sCalle Nogales s/s2 2,000 32 64,00079 CS/SS 87 31,360$ Avenida Herrera 4Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s2 1,295 32 41,44078 CS/SS 86 20,306$ Avenida Herrera 5Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2 555 32 17,76077 CS/SS 85 8,702$ Avenida Herrera 6Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2 620 32 19,84075 CS/SS 83 9,722$ g/,$Avenida Herrera 7Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s2 1,275 32 40,80074 CS/SS 82 19,992$ Avenida Herrera 8Avenida Montezuma n/sCDS2 625 32 21,53664 DO/CS/SS 84 36,396$ Avenida Juarez1Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s2 1,950 32 62,40075 CS/SS 83 30,576$ Avenida Juarez3Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s2 1,930 32 61,76074 CS/SS 82 30,262$ Avenida Juarez4Calle Colima n/sCalle Chihuahua s/s2 1,270 32 40,64077 CS/SS 85 19,914$ Avenida Juarez5Calle Nogales s/sCalle Sonora s/s2 1,325 32 42,40086 None 86‐$ Avenida Juarez6Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2 565 32 18,08082 CS/SS 90 8,859$ Avenida Juarez7Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2 620 32 19,84082 CS/SS 90 9,722$ Avenida Juarez8Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s2 380 32 12,16079 CS/SS 87 5,958$ Avenida Juarez9Avenida Montezuma n/sCalle Yucatan s/s2 740 32 23,68080 CS/SS 88 11,603$ Avenida La Fonda1Desert Club Dr e/sWashington w/s2 1,990 32 63,68074 CS/SS 82 31,203$ Avenida La Fonda2Desert Club Drive w/sAvenida Bermudas e/s1 630 64 40,32079 CS/SS 87 19,757$ Avenida La Fonda3Calle Tamazula e/sCalle Rondo w/s1 1,255 50 62,75076 CS/SS 84 30,748$ Avenida La Jarita1Calle Quinto e/sCalle Rondo w/s2 525 32 16,80082 CS/SS 90 8,232$ Avenida La Torres1Calle Rondo w/sCalle Quinto e/s2 665 32 21,28084 CS/SS 92 10,427$ Avenida Madero1Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s2 1,945 32 62,24079 CS/SS 87 30,498$ Avenida Madero2Calle Madrid n/sCalle Arroba s/s2 1,290 32 41,28079 CS/SS 87 20,227$ 77212 City of La Quinta Unlimited Budget 2021NameSection FromToLns Length Width AreaPCI BeforeMaintenancePCI AfterTotalAvenida Madero3Calle Arroba n/sCalle Colima s/s2 625 32 20,00077 CS/SS 85 9,800$ Avenida Madero4Calle Colima n/sCalle Monterey s/s2 635 32 20,32078 CS/SS 86 9,957$ Avenida Madero6CDSCalle Sonora s/s2 880 32 31,63985 None 85‐$ Avenida Madero7Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2 565 32 18,08083 CS/SS 91 8,859$ Avenida Madero8Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2 620 33 20,46080 CS/SS 88 10,025$ Avenida Madero9Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s2 300 33 9,90080 CS/SS 88 4,851$ Avenida Madero10Avenida Montezuma e/sCalle Monterey n/s2 350 33 11,55082 CS/SS 90 5,660$ Avenida Martinez1Avenida Bermudas e/sCalle Madrid s/s2 785 32 25,12074 CS/SS 82 12,309$ Avenida Martinez2Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s2 1,940 32 62,08077 CS/SS 85 30,419$ Avenida Martinez3Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s2 1,990 32 63,68078 CS/SS 86 31,203$ Avenida Martinez4Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s2 1,285 32 41,12072 CS/SS 80 20,149$ Avenida Martinez5Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2 560 32 17,92077 CS/SS 85 8,781$ Avenida Martinez6Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2 625 32 20,00084 CS/SS 92 9,800$ Avenida Martinez7Calle Sinaloa n/sEisenhower Dr e/s2 1,185 32 37,92084 CS/SS 92 18,581$ Avenida Martinez8Eisenhower Dr e/sCalle Tampico s/s2 500 36 18,00082 CS/SS 90 8,820$ Avenida Mendoza 1CDSCalle Madrid s/s2 125 32 6,01672 CS/SS 80 2,948$ Avenida Mendoza 2Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s2 1,940 32 62,08079 CS/SS 87 30,419$ Avenida Mendoza 3Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s 2 1,990 32 63,68080 CS/SS 88 31,203$ Avenida Mendoza 4Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s2 1,285 32 41,12073 CS/SS 81 20,149$ g/,$Avenida Mendoza 5Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2 570 32 18,24073 CS/SS 81 8,938$ Avenida Mendoza 6Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2 620 32 19,84082 CS/SS 90 9,722$ Avenida Mendoza 7Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s2 1,025 32 32,80084 CS/SS 92 16,072$ Avenida Mendoza 8Avenida Montezuma n/sCalle Tampico s/s2 375 32 12,00068 DO/CS/SS 88 20,280$ Avenida Montezuma1S End/Avenida MaderoCalle Nogales s/s2 5,405 32 172,96082 CS/SS 90 84,750$ Avenida Montezuma2Calle Nogales n/sAvenida Carranza w/s2 3,295 32 105,44087 None 87‐$ Avenida Montezuma3Avenida Carranza w/sEisenhower Dr w/s2 1,275 37 47,17556 DO/CS/SS 76 79,726$ Avenida Montezuma4Avenida Bermudas w/sEisenhower Dr e/s1 1,075 52 55,90080 CS/SS 88 27,391$ Avenida Montezuma (Res.)1Avenida Juarez w/sAvenida Alvarado w/s2 950 32 30,400100 None 100‐$ Avenida Morales1Avenida Montezuma s/sCalle Durango n/s2 600 32 19,20077 CS/SS 85 9,408$ Avenida Naranja1Calle Rondo w/sCalle Quinto e/s2 510 32 16,32079 CS/SS 87 7,997$ Avenida Navarro1Calle Chillon n/sCalle Colima s/s2 1,280 32 40,96076 CS/SS 84 20,070$ Avenida Navarro2Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s2 1,990 32 63,68074 CS/SS 82 31,203$ Avenida Navarro3Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s2 1,280 32 40,96077 CS/SS 85 20,070$ Avenida Navarro4Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2 575 32 18,40072 CS/SS 80 9,016$ Avenida Navarro5Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2 620 32 19,84082 CS/SS 90 9,722$ Avenida Navarro6Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s2 1,230 32 39,36084 CS/SS 92 19,286$ 78213 City of La Quinta Unlimited Budget 2021NameSection FromToLns Length Width AreaPCI BeforeMaintenancePCI AfterTotalAvenida Navarro7Avenida Montezuma n/sCalle Tampico s/s 2 615 32 19,68064 DO/CS/SS 84 33,259$ Avenida Nuestra1Calle RondoCalle Tamazula2 1,260 32 40,32086 None 86‐$ Avenida Nuestra2Calle Kalima e/sCalle Guatemala w/s2 1,080 29 31,32081 CS/SS 89 15,347$ Avenida Obregon1Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s2 1,935 32 61,92081 CS/SS 89 30,341$ Avenida Obregon2Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s2 1,935 32 61,92081 CS/SS 89 30,341$ Avenida Obregon3Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s2 1,980 32 63,36080 CS/SS 88 31,046$ Avenida Obregon4Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s2 1,285 32 41,12082 CS/SS 90 20,149$ Avenida Obregon5Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2 565 32 18,08079 CS/SS 87 8,859$ Avenida Obregon6Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2 620 32 19,84073 CS/SS 81 9,722$ Avenida Obregon7Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s2 875 32 28,00074 CS/SS 82 13,720$ Avenida Obregon8Avenida Montezuma n/sAvenida Montezuma res s/s2 90 32 2,88074 CS/SS 82 1,411$ Avenida Obregon9Avenida Alvarado w/s CDS2 625 32 18,76378 CS/SS 86 9,194$ Avenida Ramirez1Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s2 1,935 32 61,92077 CS/SS 85 30,341$ Avenida Ramirez2Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s2 1,935 32 61,92082 CS/SS 90 30,341$ Avenida Ramirez3Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s2 1,980 32 63,36082 CS/SS 90 31,046$ Avenida Ramirez4Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s2 1,280 32 40,96080 CS/SS 88 20,070$ Avenida Ramirez5Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2 575 32 18,40080 CS/SS 88 9,016$ Avenida Ramirez6Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2 610 32 19,52078 CS/SS 86 9,565$ Avenida Ramirez7Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s2 1,285 32 41,12076 CS/SS 84 20,149$ /,$Avenida Ramirez8Avenida Montezuma n/sCDS2 630 32 22,62469 DO/CS/SS 89 38,235$ Avenida Rubio 1Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s2 1,950 32 62,40075 CS/SS 83 30,576$ Avenida Rubio 2Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s2 1,940 32 62,08076 CS/SS 84 30,419$ Avenida Rubio 3Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s2 1,980 32 63,36079 CS/SS 87 31,046$ Avenida Rubio 4Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s2 1,280 32 40,96083 CS/SS 91 20,070$ Avenida Rubio 5Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2 565 32 18,08083 CS/SS 91 8,859$ Avenida Rubio 6Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2 615 32 19,68078 CS/SS 86 9,643$ Avenida Rubio 7Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s2 535 32 17,12080 CS/SS 88 8,389$ Avenida Rubio 8Avenida Montezuma n/sCalle Yucatan s/s2 615 32 19,68081 CS/SS 89 9,643$ Avenida Tujunga1EndCalle Quinto w/s2 550 32 17,60083 CS/SS 91 8,624$ Avenida Tujunga2Calle Quinto e/sCalle Rondo w/s2 620 32 19,84077 CS/SS 85 9,722$ Avenida Ultimo1W. EndCalle Rondo w/s2 1,170 32 37,44082 CS/SS 90 18,346$ Avenida Vallejo1Calle Tecate n/sCalle Madrid s/s2 1,930 32 61,76081 CS/SS 89 30,262$ Avenida Vallejo2Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s2 1,930 32 61,76074 CS/SS 82 30,262$ Avenida Vallejo3Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s2 1,980 32 63,36078 CS/SS 86 31,046$ Avenida Vallejo4Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s2 1,280 32 40,96079 CS/SS 87 20,070$ Avenida Vallejo5Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2 570 32 18,24075 CS/SS 83 8,938$ 79214 City of La Quinta Unlimited Budget 2021NameSection FromToLns Length Width AreaPCI BeforeMaintenancePCI AfterTotalAvenida Vallejo6Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2 625 33 20,62572 CS/SS 80 10,106$ Avenida Vallejo7Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s2 1,295 33 42,73575 CS/SS 83 20,940$ Avenida Vallejo8Avenida Montezuma n/sCDS2 635 33 24,34067 DO/CS/SS 87 41,135$ Avenida Velasco1CDSCalle Madrid s/s2 1,550 32 51,54173 CS/SS 81 25,255$ Avenida Velasco2Calle Madrid n/sCalle Colima s/s2 1,925 32 61,60076 CS/SS 84 30,184$ Avenida Velasco3Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s2 1,990 32 63,68079 CS/SS 87 31,203$ Avenida Velasco4Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango n/s2 580 32 18,56074 CS/SS 82 9,094$ Avenida Velasco5Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2 630 32 20,16073 CS/SS 81 9,878$ Avenida Velasco6Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Montezuma s/s2 1,300 32 41,60072 CS/SS 80 20,384$ Avenida Velasco8Avenida Montezuma n/sCDS2 630 32 23,54979 CS/SS 87 11,539$ Avenida Velasco03aCalle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s2 1,300 32 41,60078 CS/SS 86 20,384$ Avenida Villa 1Avenida Bermudas e/sCalle Colima s/s2 1,700 32 54,40056 DO/CS/SS 76 91,936$ Avenida Villa 2Calle Colima n/sCalle Nogales s/s2 1,990 32 63,68080 CS/SS 88 31,203$ Avenida Villa 3Calle Nogales n/sCalle Sonora s/s2 1,285 32 41,12075 CS/SS 83 20,149$ Avenida Villa 4Calle Sonora n/sCalle Durango s/s2 570 32 18,24076 CS/SS 84 8,938$ Avenida Villa 5Calle Durango n/sCalle Sinaloa s/s2 620 32 19,84083 CS/SS 91 9,722$ Avenida Villa 6Calle Sinaloa n/sAvenida Navarro w/s2 1,180 32 37,76083 CS/SS 91 18,502$ Avenida Villa 7Avenida Navarro w/sCalle Tampico s/s2 535 32 17,12068 DO/CS/SS 88 28,933$ Avenue 471Washington Street e/sAdams Street w/s2 2,515 43 108,14546 GR/OL 100 381,752$ g/,$Avenue 481Washington Street e/sDune Palms Rd w/s4 5,230 80 340,78087 None 87‐$ Avenue 482Dune Palms Rd w/sJefferson Ave w/s4 2,620 80 161,28086 None 86‐$ Avenue 501Eisenhower Drive e/s Washington St w/s 4 3,965 66 232,99044 GR/OL 100 822,455$ Avenue 502Washington Street e/s Park Avenue w/s 4 3,140 72 181,08087 None 87‐$ Avenue 503Park Avenue e/sJefferson Street w/s4 4,730 72 287,86091 None 91‐$ Avenue 505Jefferson Street e/s sharMadison Street w/s shared2 5,190 30 155,70061 DO/CS/SS 81 263,133$ Avenue 521Avenida Bermudas e/sWashington St w/s4 2,735 82 178,28059 DO/CS/SS 79 301,293$ Avenue 522Washington Street w/sSilverrock Way e/s4 3,520 82 216,64080 CS/SS 88 106,154$ Avenue 523Silverrock Way e/sJefferson St w/s3 4,860 72 284,12097 None 97‐$ Avenue 524Jefferson Street e/sMadison Street e/s3 5,215 65 258,97577 CS/SS 85 126,898$ Avenue 525Madison Street e/s (eastbound) Monroe St w/s (eastbound) 2 5,275 32124,80069 DO/CS/SS 89 210,912$ Avenue 532EndMonroe St w/s2 815 50 40,75081 CS/SS 89 19,968$ Avenue 541Monroe Street w/sMadison Street e/s2 5,400 25 197,00096 None 96‐$ Avenue 542Jefferson Street e/sMadison Street e/s3 5,070 56 226,320100 None 100‐$ Avenue 543W/S Jefferson AveEnd2 2,500 50 125,00076 CS/SS 84 61,250$ Avenue 581Jefferson Street e/sMadison Street w/s3 5,250 64 316,00094 None 94‐$ Avenue 582Madison Street e/s Monroe St w/s5 5,270 68 343,36099 None 99‐$ 80215 City of La Quinta Unlimited Budget 2021NameSection FromToLns Length Width AreaPCI BeforeMaintenancePCI AfterTotalAvenue 601Madison St w/sMonroe St w/s3 5,300 57 252,10081 CS/SS 89 123,529$ Avenue 602Monroe St e/s City Limits2 1,335 25 33,37573 CS/SS 81 16,354$ Avenue 621Monroe St w/sEnd2 3,680 26 95,68082 CS/SS 90 46,883$ Bayberry Lane1Coldbrook Ln e/sDeerbrook Ln w/s2 850 36 30,60079 CS/SS 87 14,994$ Bayberry Lane2Deerbrook Ln e/s Sunbrook Ln w/s2 220 36 7,92073 CS/SS 81 3,881$ Bayberry Lane3Sunbrook Ln e/sAdams St w/s2 130 36 4,68076 CS/SS 84 2,293$ Birchcrest Circle1Bayberry Ln n/sBayberry Ln n/s2 1,400 32 44,80083 CS/SS 91 21,952$ BLACKHAWK WAY1Dune Palms Road w/sAdams Street e/s3 2,600 44 114,40079 CS/SS 87 56,056$ Blazing Star Trail1Star Flower Trail n/sDune Palm Road e/s2 1,880 36 67,68082 CS/SS 90 33,163$ Bottlebrush Drive1CDSDate Palm Avenue w\s2 1,260 32 41,93969 DO/CS/SS 89 70,877$ Bradford Circle1Seeley DriveEnd2 640 36 23,04077 CS/SS 85 11,290$ Bridgette Way1Desert Stream n/sMiles Avenue s/s2 1,500 36 54,00085 None 85‐$ Buttercup Lane1EndBlazing Star Trail n/s2 450 32 14,40079 CS/SS 87 7,056$ Buttercup Lane2Blazing Star Trail s/sMarigold Lane n/s2 420 32 13,44081 CS/SS 89 6,586$ Cahuilla Park Road1Jefferson Ave w/sEnd2 2,185 30 65,55076 CS/SS 84 32,120$ Caleo Bay147th Ave48th Ave2 2,800 40 112,00086 None 86‐$ Calico Circle1Blazing Star Trail n/sCDS2 490 32 19,15982 CS/SS 90 9,388$ Calle Amigo1Avenida Bermudas e/sDesert Club Drive w/s2 645 24 15,48078 CS/SS 86 7,585$ Calle Arroba1Avenida Montezuma e/sAvenida Cortez w/s2 255 32 8,16077 CS/SS 85 3,998$ /,$Calle Arroba2Avenida Cortez e/sAvenida Madero w/s2 220 32 7,04083 CS/SS 91 3,450$ Calle Arroba3Avenida Madero e/sAvenida Juarez w/s2 220 32 7,04082 CS/SS 90 3,450$ Calle Arroba4Avenida Juarez e/sAvenida Diaz w/s2 220 32 7,04082 CS/SS 90 3,450$ Calle Arroba5Avenida Diaz e/s Avenida Rubio w/s2 220 32 7,04082 CS/SS 90 3,450$ Calle Arroba6Avenida Rubio e/sAvenida Alvarado w/s2 220 32 7,04082 CS/SS 90 3,450$ Calle Arroba7Avenida Alvarado e/sAvenida Obregon w/s2 220 32 7,04082 CS/SS 90 3,450$ Calle Arroba8Avenida Obregon e/sAvenida Carranza w/s2 220 32 7,04082 CS/SS 90 3,450$ Calle Arroba9Avenida Carranza e/sAvenida Ramirez w/s2 220 32 7,04082 CS/SS 90 3,450$ Calle Arroba10Avenida Ramirez e/s Avenida Vallejo w/s2 220 32 7,04080 CS/SS 88 3,450$ Calle Arroba11Avenida Vallejo e/sAvenida Herrera w/s 2 220 32 7,04081 CS/SS 89 3,450$ Calle Arroba12Avenida Herrera e/sAvenida Velasco w/s2 220 32 7,04081 CS/SS 89 3,450$ Calle Arroba13Avenida Velasco e/sEisenhower Dr w/s2 225 32 7,20083 CS/SS 91 3,528$ Calle Arroba14Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Martinez w/s2 220 32 7,04084 CS/SS 92 3,450$ Calle Arroba15Avenida Martinez e/sAvenida Mendoza w/s2 220 32 7,04083 CS/SS 91 3,450$ Calle Arroba16Avenida Mendoza e/sAvenida Villa w/s2 220 32 7,04081 CS/SS 89 3,450$ Calle Arroba17Avenida Villa e/sAvenida Navarro w/s2 220 32 7,04081 CS/SS 89 3,450$ Calle Arroba18Avenida Navarro e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s2 225 32 7,20081 CS/SS 89 3,528$ 81216 City of La Quinta Unlimited Budget 2021NameSection FromToLns Length Width AreaPCI BeforeMaintenancePCI AfterTotalCalle Barcelona1Desert Club Drive w/s Avenida Bermudas e/s2 645 24 15,48069 DO/CS/SS 89 26,161$ Calle Cadiz1Desert Club Drive e/sCalle Fortuna s/s2 680 23 15,64083 CS/SS 91 7,664$ Calle Cadiz2Calle Fortuna s/sCalle Guatemala w/s2 225 32 7,20080 CS/SS 88 3,528$ Calle Cadiz3Desert Club w/sAvenida Bermudas e/s2 640 25 16,00070 CS/SS 78 7,840$ Calle Chihuahua1Avenida Montezuma e/sAvenida Diaz w/s2 310 32 9,92079 CS/SS 87 4,861$ Calle Chihuahua2Avenida Diaz e/sAvenida Rubio w/s2 220 32 7,04079 CS/SS 87 3,450$ Calle Chihuahua3Avenida Rubio e/s Avenida Alvarado w/s2 220 32 7,04078 CS/SS 86 3,450$ Calle Chihuahua4Avenida Alvarado e/sAvenida Obregon w/s2 220 32 7,04079 CS/SS 87 3,450$ Calle Chihuahua5Avenida Obregon e/s Avenida Carranza w/s2 220 32 7,04077 CS/SS 85 3,450$ Calle Chihuahua6Avenida Carranza e/s Avenida Ramirez w/s2 220 32 7,04081 CS/SS 89 3,450$ Calle Chihuahua7Avenida Ramirez e/s Avenida Vallejo w/s2 220 32 7,04081 CS/SS 89 3,450$ Calle Chihuahua8Avenida Vallejo e/sAvenida Herrera w/s2 220 32 7,04079 CS/SS 87 3,450$ Calle Chihuahua9Avenida Herrera e/sAvenida Velasco w/s2 220 32 7,04079 CS/SS 87 3,450$ Calle Chihuahua10Avenida Velasco e/s Eisenhower Dr w/s2 220 32 7,04079 CS/SS 87 3,450$ Calle Chihuahua11Eisenhower Dr e/s Avenida Martinez w/s2 220 32 7,04079 CS/SS 87 3,450$ Calle Chihuahua12Avenida Martinez e/sAvenida Mendoza w/s2 220 32 7,04077 CS/SS 85 3,450$ Calle Chihuahua13Avenida Mendoza e/sAvenida Villa w/s2 220 32 7,04079 CS/SS 87 3,450$ Calle Chihuahua14Avenida Villa e/sAvenida Navarro e/s2 220 32 7,04078 CS/SS 86 3,450$ Calle Chihuahua15Avenida Navarro e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s2 220 32 7,04078 CS/SS 86 3,450$ /,$Calle Chillon1Avenida Montezuma e/sAvenida Cortez w/s2 180 32 5,76081 CS/SS 89 2,822$ Calle Chillon2Avenida Cortez e/sAvenida Madero w/s2 220 32 7,04079 CS/SS 87 3,450$ Calle Chillon3Avenida Madero e/sAvenida Juarez w/s2 220 32 7,04081 CS/SS 89 3,450$ Calle Chillon4Avenida Jaurez e/sAvenida Diaz w/s2 220 32 7,04079 CS/SS 87 3,450$ Calle Chillon5Avenida Diaz e/sAvenida Rubio w/s2 220 32 7,04079 CS/SS 87 3,450$ Calle Chillon6Avenida Rubio e/sAvenida Alvarado w/s2 220 32 7,04077 CS/SS 85 3,450$ Calle Chillon7Avenida Alvarado e/sAvenida Obregon w/s2 220 32 7,04077 CS/SS 85 3,450$ Calle Chillon8Avenida Obregon e/sAvenida Carrenza w/s2 220 32 7,04077 CS/SS 85 3,450$ Calle Chillon9Avenida Carrenza e/sAvenida Ramirez w/s2 220 32 7,04078 CS/SS 86 3,450$ Calle Chillon10Avenida Ramirez e/sAvenida Vallejo w/s2 220 32 7,04079 CS/SS 87 3,450$ Calle Chillon11Avenida Vallejo e/sAvenida Herrera w/s2 220 32 7,04075 CS/SS 83 3,450$ Calle Chillon12Avenida Herrera e/sAvenida Velasco w/s2 220 32 7,04077 CS/SS 85 3,450$ Calle Chillon13Avenida Velasco e/sEisenhower Dr w/s2 220 32 7,04079 CS/SS 87 3,450$ Calle Chillon14Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Martinez w/s2 220 32 7,04079 CS/SS 87 3,450$ Calle Chillon15Avenida Martinez e/sAvenida Mendoza w/s2 220 32 7,04079 CS/SS 87 3,450$ Calle Chillon16Avenida Mendoza e/sAvenida Villa w/s2 220 32 7,04077 CS/SS 85 3,450$ Calle Chillon17Avenida Villa e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s2 320 32 10,24080 CS/SS 88 5,018$ 82217 City of La Quinta Unlimited Budget 2021NameSection FromToLns Length Width AreaPCI BeforeMaintenancePCI AfterTotalCalle Colima1Avenida Montezuma e/sEisenhower Dr w/s2 3,260 32 104,32077 CS/SS 85 51,117$ Calle Colima2Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s2 1,250 32 40,00077 CS/SS 85 19,600$ Calle Durango1Avenida Montezuma e/sEisenhower Dr w/s2 3,460 32 110,72074 CS/SS 82 54,253$ Calle Durango2Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s2 1,250 32 40,00078 CS/SS 86 19,600$ Calle Ensenada1Avenida Montezuma e/sAvenida Madero w/s2 200 32 6,40086 None 86‐$ Calle Ensenada2Avenida Madero e/sAvenida Juarez w/s2 220 32 7,04087 None 87‐$ Calle Ensenada3Avenida Juarez e/sAvenida Diaz w/s2 220 32 7,04085 None 85‐$ Calle Ensenada4Avenida Diaz e/sAvenida Rubio w/s2 220 32 7,04087 None 87‐$ Calle Ensenada5Avenida Rubio e/s Avenida Alvarado w/s2 220 32 7,04086 None 86‐$ Calle Ensenada6Avenida Alvarado e/sAvenida Obregon w/s2 220 32 7,04085 None 85‐$ Calle Ensenada7Avenida Obregon e/sAvenida Carranza w/s2 220 32 7,04081 CS/SS 89 3,450$ Calle Ensenada8Avenida Carranza e/sAvenida Ramirez w/s2 220 32 7,04078 CS/SS 86 3,450$ Calle Ensenada9Avenida Ramirez e/sAvenida Vallejo w/s2 220 32 7,04080 CS/SS 88 3,450$ Calle Ensenada10Avenida Vallejo e/sAvenida Herrera w/s2 220 32 7,04079 CS/SS 87 3,450$ Calle Ensenada11Avenida Herrera e/sAvenida Velasco w/s2 220 32 7,04081 CS/SS 89 3,450$ Calle Ensenada12Avenida Velasco e/sEisenhower Dr w/s2 220 32 7,04080 CS/SS 88 3,450$ Calle Ensenada13Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Martinez w/s2 220 32 7,04079 CS/SS 87 3,450$ Calle Ensenada14Avenida Martinez e/sAvenida Mendoza w/s2 220 32 7,04081 CS/SS 89 3,450$ Calle Ensenada15Avenida Mendoza e/sAvenida Villa w/s2 220 32 7,04080 CS/SS 88 3,450$ /,$Calle Ensenada16Avenida Villa e/sAvenida Navarro w/s2 220 32 7,04081 CS/SS 89 3,450$ Calle Ensenada17Avenida Navarro e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s2 220 32 7,04079 CS/SS 87 3,450$ Calle Estado eb1Desert Club Drive w/sAvenidas Bermudas e/s1 615 30 18,45081 CS/SS 89 9,041$ Calle Estado wb1Desert Club Drive w/sAvenida Bermudas e/s2 615 30 18,45079 CS/SS 87 9,041$ Calle Fortuna1Desert Club Drive e/sCalle Cadiz n/s2 695 25 17,37580 CS/SS 88 8,514$ Calle Guatemala1Avenida Nuestra n/sAvenida La Fonda s/s2 620 32 19,84078 CS/SS 86 9,722$ Calle Guaymas1Avenida Tujunga s/sAvenida Naranja n/s2 625 32 20,00074 CS/SS 82 9,800$ Calle Hidalgo1Avenida Obregon e/sAvenida Carranza w/s2 225 32 7,20077 CS/SS 85 3,528$ Calle Hidalgo2Avenida Carranza e/sAvenida Ramirez w/s2 220 32 7,04079 CS/SS 87 3,450$ Calle Hidalgo3Avenida Ramirez e/sAvenida Vallejo w/s2 220 32 7,04076 CS/SS 84 3,450$ Calle Hidalgo4Avenida Vallejo e/sAvenida Herrera w/s2 220 32 7,04081 CS/SS 89 3,450$ Calle Hidalgo5Avenida Herrera e/sAvenida Velasco w/s2 220 32 7,04081 CS/SS 89 3,450$ Calle Hidalgo6Avenida Velasco e/sEisenhower Dr w/s2 220 32 7,04083 CS/SS 91 3,450$ Calle Hidalgo7Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Martinez w/s2 220 32 7,04083 CS/SS 91 3,450$ Calle Hidalgo8Avenida Martinez e/sAvenida Mendoza w/s2 220 32 7,04084 CS/SS 92 3,450$ Calle Hidalgo9Avenida Mendoza e/sAvenida Villa w/s2 220 32 7,04084 CS/SS 92 3,450$ Calle Hidalgo10Avenida Villa e/sAvenida Navarro w/s2 220 32 7,04084 CS/SS 92 3,450$ 83218 City of La Quinta Unlimited Budget 2021NameSection FromToLns Length Width AreaPCI BeforeMaintenancePCI AfterTotalCalle Hidalgo11Avenida Navarro e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s2 220 32 7,04085 None 85‐$ Calle Hueneme1Avenida Nuestra n/sAvenida La Fonda s/s2 620 32 19,84077 CS/SS 85 9,722$ Calle Iloilo1Avenida Nuestra n/sAvenida La Fonda s/s2 620 32 19,84080 CS/SS 88 9,722$ Calle Jacumba 1Avenida La Fonda s/sAvenida Nuestra n/s2 620 32 19,84078 CS/SS 86 9,722$ Calle Kalima1Avenida Nuestra n/sCDS2 610 32 22,99980 CS/SS 88 11,270$ Calle Madrid1Avenida Cortez e/sEisenhower Dr w/s2 3,100 32 99,20072 CS/SS 80 48,608$ Calle Madrid2Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s2 600 32 19,20073 CS/SS 81 9,408$ Calle Monterey1Avenida Montezuma e/sAvenida Madero w/s2 235 32 7,52078 CS/SS 86 3,685$ Calle Monterey2Avenida Madero e/sAvenida Diaz w/s2 440 32 14,08079 CS/SS 87 6,899$ Calle Monterey3Avenida Diaz e/sAvenida Rubio w/s2 220 32 7,04081 CS/SS 89 3,450$ Calle Monterey4Avenida Rubio e/sAvenida Alvarado w/s2 220 32 7,04079 CS/SS 87 3,450$ Calle Monterey5Avenida Alvarado e/sAvenida Obregon w/s2 220 32 7,04079 CS/SS 87 3,450$ Calle Monterey6Avenida Obregon e/sAvenida Carranza w/s2 220 32 7,04089 None 89‐$ Calle Monterey7Avenida Carranza e/sAvenida Ramirez w/s2 220 32 7,04079 CS/SS 87 3,450$ Calle Monterey8Avenida Ramirez e/sAvenida Vallejo w/s2 220 32 7,04079 CS/SS 87 3,450$ Calle Monterey9Avenida Vallajo e/sAvenida Herrera w/s2 220 32 7,04089 None 89‐$ Calle Monterey10Avenida Herrera e/s Avenida Velasco w/s2 220 32 7,04081 CS/SS 89 3,450$ Calle Monterey11Avenida Velasco e/s Eisenhower Dr w/s2 220 32 7,04079 CS/SS 87 3,450$ Calle Monterey12Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Martinez w/s2 220 32 7,04079 CS/SS 87 3,450$ y/,$Calle Monterey13Avenida Martinez e/sAvenida Mendoza w/s2 220 32 7,04077 CS/SS 85 3,450$ Calle Monterey14Avenida Mendoza e/sAvenida Villa w/s2 220 32 7,04078 CS/SS 86 3,450$ Calle Monterey15Avenida Villa e/sAvenida Navarro w/s2 220 32 7,04078 CS/SS 86 3,450$ Calle Monterey16Avenida Navarro e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s2 220 32 7,04077 CS/SS 85 3,450$ Calle Nogales1Avenida Juarez e/sEisenhower Dr w/s2 2,585 32 82,72079 CS/SS 87 40,533$ Calle Nogales2Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s2 1,255 32 40,16076 CS/SS 84 19,678$ Calle Obispo1EndCalle Tampico n/s2 340 32 10,88075 CS/SS 83 5,331$ Calle Obispo2Calle Tampico s/sEnd2 345 32 11,04075 CS/SS 83 5,410$ Calle Palmeto1Calle Santa Barbara w/sCalle Placido w/s2 1,020 32 32,64087 None 87‐$ Calle Paloma1Avenida Tujunga s/sCalle Tampico n/s2 980 32 31,36091 None 91‐$ Calle Paloma2Calle Tampico s/sLa Fonda n/s2 625 32 20,00078 CS/SS 86 9,800$ Calle Paloma3La Fonda s/sAvenida Nuestra n/s2 590 32 18,88087 None 87‐$ Calle Placido1Calle Palmeto s/sNuevo Dr n/s2 490 32 15,68085 None 85‐$ Calle Placido2Nuevo Dr s/sCalle Sonrisa s/s2 545 32 17,44085 None 85‐$ Calle Potrero1Avenida Madero e/sAvenida Juarez w/s2 220 32 7,04075 CS/SS 83 3,450$ Calle Potrero2Avenida Juarez e/sAvenida Diaz w/s2 220 32 7,04084 CS/SS 92 3,450$ Calle Potrero3Avenida Diaz e/s Avenida Rubio w/s2 225 32 7,20089 None 89‐$ 84219 City of La Quinta Unlimited Budget 2021NameSection FromToLns Length Width AreaPCI BeforeMaintenancePCI AfterTotalCalle Potrero4Avenida Rubio e/sAvenida Alvarado w/s2 225 32 7,20084 CS/SS 92 3,528$ Calle Potrero5Avenida Alvarado e/sAvenida Obregon w/s2 220 32 7,04083 CS/SS 91 3,450$ Calle Potrero6Avenida Obregon e/sAvendia Carranza w/s2 220 32 7,04077 CS/SS 85 3,450$ Calle Potrero7Avenida Carranza e/sAvenida Ramirez w/s 2 220 32 7,04075 CS/SS 83 3,450$ Calle Potrero8Avenida Ramirez e/sAvendia Vallejo w/s2 220 32 7,04075 CS/SS 83 3,450$ Calle Potrero9Avenida Vallejo e/sAvendia Herrera w/s2 220 32 7,04075 CS/SS 83 3,450$ Calle Potrero10Avenida Herrera e/sAvenida Velasco e/s2 220 32 7,04075 CS/SS 83 3,450$ Calle Potrero11Avenida Velasco e/sAvenida Bernudas w/s2 200 32 6,40080 CS/SS 88 3,136$ Calle Prospero1Calle Palmeto s/sCDS2 675 32 25,07985 None 85‐$ Calle Quinto1Avenida Nuestra n/sLa Fonda s/s2 600 32 19,20082 CS/SS 90 9,408$ Calle Quinto2La Fonda n/sCalle Tampico s/s2 620 32 19,84082 CS/SS 90 9,722$ Calle Quinto3Calle Tampico n/sAvenida Ultimo s/s2 1,290 32 41,28087 None 87‐$ Calle Rondo1Call Tampico s/sAvenida Nuestra n/s2 1,275 32 40,80086 None 86‐$ Calle Rondo2Avenida Ultimo s/sCalle Tampico n/s2 1,275 32 40,80082 CS/SS 90 19,992$ Calle Santa Barbara1Calle Sonrisa n/sNuevo Rd s/s2 640 32 20,48084 CS/SS 92 10,035$ Calle Santa Barbara2Nuevo Dr n/sCalle Palmeto n/s2 400 32 12,80086 None 86‐$ Calle Serena1Vista Grande s/sEnd2 120 32 3,84089 None 89‐$ Calle Sinaloa1Avenida Montezuma e/sEisenhower Dr w/s2 3,310 32 105,92066 DO/CS/SS 86 179,005$ Calle Sinaloa2Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Bermudas w/s4 1,265 82 84,83095 None 95‐$ $Calle Sonora1Avenida Montezuma e/sEisenhower Dr w/s2 3,240 32 103,68083 CS/SS 91 50,803$ Calle Sonora2Eisenhower Dr e/s Avenida Bermudas w/s2 1,250 32 40,00078 CS/SS 86 19,600$ Calle Sonrisa1Calle Placido e/sCalle Santa Barbara e/s2 1,025 32 32,80085 None 85‐$ Calle Tamazula1Avenida NuestraLa Fonda s/s2 600 32 19,20073 CS/SS 81 9,408$ Calle Tampico1Eisenhower Drive e/sWashington St w/s4 3,950 72 247,080100 None 100‐$ Calle Tampico3Washington Street e/sPark Avenue e/s2 2,670 36 96,12078 CS/SS 86 47,099$ Calle Tecate1Avenida Bermudas e/sAvenida Madero w/s2 2,250 34 76,50088 None 88‐$ Calle Temecula1Avenida Madero e/sAvenida Juarez w/s2 220 32 7,04073 CS/SS 81 3,450$ Calle Temecula2Avenida Juarez e/sAvenida Diaz w/s2 220 32 7,04079 CS/SS 87 3,450$ Calle Temecula3Avenida Diaz e/sAvenida Rubio w/s2 220 32 7,04075 CS/SS 83 3,450$ Calle Temecula4Avenida Rubio e/sAvenida Alvarado w/s2 220 32 7,04074 CS/SS 82 3,450$ Calle Temecula5Avenida Alvarado e/sAvenida Obregon w/s 2 220 32 7,04074 CS/SS 82 3,450$ Calle Temecula6Avenida Obregon e/sAvenida Carranza w/s2 220 32 7,04075 CS/SS 83 3,450$ Calle Temecula7Avenida Carranza e/sAvenida Ramirez w/s2 220 32 7,04076 CS/SS 84 3,450$ Calle Temecula8Avenida Ramirez w/sAvenida Vallejo w/s2 220 32 7,04073 CS/SS 81 3,450$ Calle Temecula9Avenida Vallejo e/sAvenida Herrera w/s2 215 32 6,88076 CS/SS 84 3,371$ Calle Temecula10Avenida Herrera e/sAvenida Velasco w/s2 215 32 6,88081 CS/SS 89 3,371$ 85220 City of La Quinta Unlimited Budget 2021NameSection FromToLns Length Width AreaPCI BeforeMaintenancePCI AfterTotalCalle Temecula11Avenida Velasco e/sEisenhower Dr w/s2 220 32 7,04077 CS/SS 85 3,450$ Calle Temecula12Eisenhower Dr e/sAvenida Martinez e/s2 220 32 7,04075 CS/SS 83 3,450$ Calle Vista Verde1Nuevo Rd s/sCDS2 705 32 26,03987 None 87‐$ Calle Yucatan1Avenida Alvarado w/sAvenida Juarez e/s2 845 32 27,04072 CS/SS 80 13,250$ Cameo Dunes Place1Cameo Palms n/sCDS2 185 28 7,07978 CS/SS 86 3,469$ Cameo Palm Drive1Singing Palms s/sHighland Palms n/s2 1,740 32 55,68077 CS/SS 85 27,283$ Camino Amarillo1Octotillo Drive w/sCDS2 380 32 15,63982 CS/SS 90 7,663$ Camino Azul1CDSCamino Rosada n/s2 980 36 33,23076 CS/SS 84 16,283$ Camino Del Oro1Camino Lavanda w/sOctotillo Drive e/s2 270 36 9,72082 CS/SS 90 4,763$ Camino Del Oro2Octotillo Drive w/sCamino Azul e/s2 600 36 21,60082 CS/SS 90 10,584$ Camino La Cresta1Camino Del Oro n/sCDS2 405 32 16,43980 CS/SS 88 8,055$ Camino Lavanda1CDSCDS2 1,025 32 39,75777 CS/SS 85 19,481$ Camino Rosada1Camino Azul w/sOctotillo Drive w/s2 655 36 23,58079 CS/SS 87 11,554$ Canterra Circle1Octotillo Drive e/sCDS2 360 32 14,92086 None 86‐$ Canterra Drive1Octotillo Drive w/sMilago Drive2 640 32 20,48082 CS/SS 90 10,035$ Carmen Place1Villeta Drive n/sCDS2 265 32 12,52575 CS/SS 83 6,137$ Carnes Circle1Seeley DriveCDS2 600 33 19,80084 CS/SS 92 9,702$ Carrie Lane1Victoria Drive s/sAshley Place s/s2 525 36 18,90077 CS/SS 85 9,261$ Cindy Court1Debbie Dr w/sCDS2 350 32 14,67981 CS/SS 89 7,193$ y/,$Cloud View Way1Summer View Way e/sDesert Fall Way s/s2 1,130 32 36,16073 CS/SS 81 17,718$ Coldbrook Lane1Miles Avenue s/sSunbrook Ln n/s2 150 36 5,40083 CS/SS 91 2,646$ Coldbrook Lane2Sunbrook Ln s/s Woodberry Ln s/s2 2,870 36 103,32078 CS/SS 86 50,627$ Commerce Court1Corporate Centre Dr s/sCDS2 190 36 10,29979 CS/SS 87 5,047$ Como Court1Genoa Dr w/sCDS2 675 32 25,07985 None 85‐$ Corporate Centre Drive1Dune Palm Rd w/sCDS3 625 36 22,50078 CS/SS 86 11,025$ Corporate Centre Drive2Adams St e/sCDS3 1,265 36 48,99980 CS/SS 88 24,010$ Cortez Ln1Roudel Ln w/sRoadrunner Ln e/s2 590 28 19,30494 None 94‐$ Cortez Ln2Roadrunner Ln e/sCDS2 190 26 7,94094 None 94‐$ Crestview Terrace1Highland Palms s/sCameo Palms n/s2 470 28 13,16077 CS/SS 85 6,448$ Cristol Place1Villeta DriveCDS2 190 32 10,12581 CS/SS 89 4,961$ CROISETTE COURT1Darby Rd s/sCDS2 535 30 18,75085 None 85‐$ Dalea Court1Blazing Star TrailCDS2 420 32 16,91984 CS/SS 92 8,290$ Dandelion Drive1Monticello Dr e/sLiberty Ave w/s2 790 32 25,28075 CS/SS 83 12,387$ Dandelion Drive2Monticello Ave w/sVerbena Dr e/s2 910 32 29,12082 CS/SS 90 14,269$ Dandelion Drive3Verbena Dr w/sCDS2 525 32 20,27982 CS/SS 90 9,937$ DARBY RD1Royal Palm DrCity Limits2 485 32 15,52087 None 87‐$ 86221 City of La Quinta Unlimited Budget 2021NameSection FromToLns Length Width AreaPCI BeforeMaintenancePCI AfterTotalDate Palm Drive1Sagebrush Avenue s/sSaguaro Drive n/s2 520 32 16,64071 CS/SS 79 8,154$ Debbie Drive1Victoria Dr n/sKristen Ct n/s2 1,120 36 40,32084 CS/SS 92 19,757$ Declaration Court1Monticello Ave w/sCDS2 450 32 17,87981 CS/SS 89 8,761$ Deerbrook Circle1Stonebrook Ct e/s Bayberry Ln n/s2 470 32 15,04071 CS/SS 79 7,370$ Deerbrook Circle2Bayberry St s/sStonebrook Ct w/s2 920 32 29,44071 CS/SS 79 14,426$ Desert Air Street1Desert Stream n/sCDS2 1,325 32 43,27981 CS/SS 89 21,207$ Desert Club Drive1Avenue 52 n/sCalle Tampico s/s2 1,865 35 65,27569 DO/CS/SS 89 110,315$ Desert Club Drive2Calle Tampico n/sCDS2 1,000 35 35,00078 CS/SS 86 17,150$ Desert Crest Drive1Desert Air e/sDune Palms w/s2 1,140 37 42,18085 None 85‐$ Desert Eagle Ct1Desert StreamCDS2 640 32 20,48085 None 85‐$ Desert Fall Way1Summer View Way w/sCloud View Way w\s2 665 32 21,28073 CS/SS 81 10,427$ Desert Fox Drive1Desert Stream n/sDesert Crest s/s2 750 37 27,75085 None 85‐$ Desert Fox Drive2Desert Crest n/sCDS2 515 32 16,48085 None 85‐$ Desert Hills Court1Desert Crest n/sCDS2 520 32 16,64085 None 85‐$ Desert Rock Court1Desert Fox w/sCDS2 475 32 18,67986 None 86‐$ Desert Sand Court1Desert Crest n/sCDS2 515 32 16,48086 None 86‐$ Desert Stream Drive1Dune Palms Road w/sCarrie Ln e/s2 2,455 37 90,835100 None 100‐$ Desert View Court1Desert Crest Dr n/sCDS2 515 32 16,48085 None 85‐$ Desert Wind Court1Desert Air e/sCDS2 515 32 19,95987 None 87‐$ $Diane Drive1Bridgette Way w/sDebbie Dr e/s2 615 37 22,75583 CS/SS 91 11,150$ Diane Drive2Debbie Dr w/sCDS2 350 32 11,20079 CS/SS 87 5,488$ Dune Palms Road1Avenue 48Highway 111 s/s2 2,650 68 180,20072 CS/SS 80 88,298$ Dune Palms Road2Highway 111 n/sWestward Ho Drive s/s3 2,560 51 130,56078 CS/SS 86 63,974$ Dune Palms Road3Westward Ho Drive s/sMiles Rd s/s3 2,735 60 159,30069 DO/CS/SS 89 269,217$ Dune Palms Road4Miles Avenue n/sFred Waring Dr s/s4 2,565 61 156,46552 GR/OL 100 552,321$ Eisenhower Drive1Washington Street w/sCoachella Dr n/s4 4,060 58 235,48089 None 89‐$ Eisenhower Drive2Coachella Dr n/sAvenida Fernando s/s3 1,100 53 46,42088 None 88‐$ Eisenhower Drive3Avenida Fernando s/sAvenue 50 s/s4 1,845 71 111,67573 CS/SS 81 54,721$ Eisenhower Drive4Avenue 50 s/sCalle Tampico n/s2 2,430 50 121,50077 CS/SS 85 59,535$ Eisenhower Drive5Calle Tampico n/sCalle Nogales s/s4 2,045 72 107,160100 None 100‐$ Eisenhower Drive8Calle Nogales s/sAvenida Bermudas n/s4 5,225 72 325,92073 CS/SS 81 159,701$ Eisenhower Drive05AAvenue 52 s/sCalle Nogales s/s4 2,600 72 187,20077 CS/SS 85 91,728$ Estelo Court1Villeta DriveCDS2 155 32 8,91080 CS/SS 88 4,366$ Fiesta Drive1Jefferson Street w/sRoadrunner Lane e/s2 1,480 25 37,00077 CS/SS 85 18,130$ Forbes Circle1Seeley e/sVia Coronado E/S2 830 36 29,88074 CS/SS 82 14,641$ Foxtail Circle1Buttercup Lane s/sCDS2 450 32 17,87977 CS/SS 85 8,761$ 87222 City of La Quinta Unlimited Budget 2021NameSection FromToLns Length Width AreaPCI BeforeMaintenancePCI AfterTotalFrances Hack Ln1Avenida Bermudas e/sCDS2 770 28 34,00554 GR/OL 100 120,038$ Franklin Court1Morris Ave s/sCDS2 145 32 8,11981 CS/SS 89 3,978$ Fred Waring Drive1Jefferson Street w/sDune Palms Road w/s3 2,650 70 185,50076 CS/SS 84 90,895$ Fred Waring Drive3Dunes Palms Rd w/sAdams Street e/s4 2,605 38 98,99084 CS/SS 92 48,505$ Fred Waring Drive4Adams Street w/sVenice Dr w/s6 2,585 91 198,56573 CS/SS 81 97,297$ Fred Waring Drive5Palm Royal w/sWashington Street e/s6 1,525 105 150,12562 DO/CS/SS 82 253,711$ Fred Waring Drive04aVenice Dr w/sPalm Royal w/s6 1,125 86 81,00065 DO/CS/SS 85 136,890$ Fronterra Drive1Octotillo Drive s/sLaderra Drive n/s2 570 32 18,24084 CS/SS 92 8,938$ Genoa Drive1Naples Dr n/aTorino Dr n/s2 760 36 27,36084 CS/SS 92 13,406$ Golden Sands1Cameo Palms DriveCDS2 180 28 6,93979 CS/SS 87 3,400$ Goldenrod Circle1Buttercup Lane n/sCDS2 540 32 20,75977 CS/SS 85 10,172$ Hancock Court1Liberty Ave w/sCDS2 260 32 11,79982 CS/SS 90 5,782$ Hemmings Way1Monticello Ave w/sAmerica Ct w/s2 285 32 9,12080 CS/SS 88 4,469$ Highland Palms1Washington Street w/sEnd2 1,210 32 38,72075 CS/SS 83 18,973$ Horseshoe Road1Roadrunner Lane e/sCDS2 1,000 25 29,10990 None 90‐$ Hummingbird Ln1Fiesta Dr s/sCDS2 200 25 6,847100 None 100‐$ Hwy 1111Washington St w/sAdams St w/s6 3,665 108 395,82064 DO/CS/SS 84 668,936$ Hwy 1112Adams St w/sJefferson St w/s6 5,325 100 532,50057 DO/CS/SS 77 899,925$ Independence Way1Monticello Way w/sCDS2 370 32 15,31980 CS/SS 88 7,506$ pyy/,$Independence Way2Monticello Way e/sJefferson Ave w/s2 745 32 23,84080 CS/SS 88 11,682$ Iris Court1Blazing Star Trail w/sCDS2 350 32 14,67979 CS/SS 87 7,193$ Irwin Circle1North Harland DriveCDS2 610 32 23,56584 CS/SS 92 11,547$ Jefferson Street1City LimitsFred Waring Dr n/s3 3,285 46 151,11078 CS/SS 86 74,044$ Jefferson Street2Avenue 54 n/sAvenue 52 s/s6 5,265 98 451,29075 CS/SS 83 221,132$ Jefferson Street3Avenue 52 n/sAvenue 50 s/s6 5,120 95 407,84075 CS/SS 83 199,842$ Jefferson Street4Avenue 50 s/s sharedAvenue 48 s/s shared3 5,255 42 220,71075 CS/SS 83 108,148$ Jefferson Street5Avenue 48 shared n/sCity Limit shared3 1,010 62 62,62080 CS/SS 88 30,684$ Jefferson Street6Highway 111 n/sVista Grande s/s6 685 104 66,44069 DO/CS/SS 89 112,284$ Jefferson Street7Vista Grande s/sFiesta Drive n/s2 765 62 47,43079 CS/SS 87 23,241$ Jefferson Street8Fiesta Drive n/sWestward ho Drive s/s2 1,150 55 45,25076 CS/SS 84 22,173$ Jefferson Street9Miles Avenue n/s sharedFred Waring Drive s/s sha3 2,565 42 107,73078 CS/SS 86 52,788$ Jefferson Street10Avenue 58 s/sS/S QUARRY LN2 1,680 28 47,04068 DO/CS/SS 88 79,498$ Jefferson Street08AWestward Ho Drive n/sMiles Ave s/s6 2,650 98 249,70080 CS/SS 88 122,353$ Kara Court1Bridgette Way w/sCDS2 400 32 12,80085 None 85‐$ Kaye Court1Debbie Dr w/sCDS2 350 32 14,67982 CS/SS 90 7,193$ Kristen Court1Debbie Dr w/sCDS2 350 32 14,67987 None 87‐$ 88223 City of La Quinta Unlimited Budget 2021NameSection FromToLns Length Width AreaPCI BeforeMaintenancePCI AfterTotalLa Palma Drive1Adams Street w/sLas Vistas e/s2 1,600 36 57,60077 CS/SS 85 28,224$ La Palma Drive2Camino Azul w/sAdams Street e/s3 140 66 6,44084 CS/SS 92 3,156$ La Quinta Center1Hwy 111 s/sAvenue 47 n/s2 1,370 40 54,80082 CS/SS 90 26,852$ La Quinta Drive1Hwy 111 s/sEnd5 1,475 60 71,50085 None 85‐$ Ladera Drive1Los Manos Drive w/sFronterra Drive n/s2 350 36 12,60082 CS/SS 90 6,174$ Ladera Drive2Fronterra Drive w/sEnd2 510 36 18,36084 CS/SS 92 8,996$ Lake La Quinta 1Washington StCaleo Bay2 260 46 9,56088 None 88‐$ Las Vistas Drive1Fred Waring Drive s/sVileta Dr n/s2 425 36 28,69079 CS/SS 87 14,058$ Las Vistas Drive2Vileta Dr s/sSanita Dr n/s615 36 22,14081 CS/SS 89 10,849$ Las Vistas Drive3Sanita Dr s/sForbes Cir n/s285 36 10,26082 CS/SS 90 5,027$ Latigo Circle1Los Manos Drive e/sCDS2 280 32 12,43985 None 85‐$ Laurie Court1w/s Bridgette DrCDS2 395 32 16,11985 None 85‐$ Liberty Avenue1Morris Ave s/sDandelion Dr s/s2 935 32 29,92081 CS/SS 89 14,661$ Los Manos Drive1Miles Avenue n/sOctotillo Drive e/s2 1,050 32 33,60081 CS/SS 89 16,464$ Lowe Drive1Seeley Drive W/SNorth Harland Drive W/S2 840 36 30,24082 CS/SS 90 14,818$ Madison Street1Avenue 50 s/s sharedVista Bonita s/s shared1 2,605 12 31,260100 None 100‐$ Madison Street3Vista Bonita s/s sharedAvenue 52 n/s shared1 2,550 12 30,600100 None 100‐$ Madison Street4Avenue 54 s/sAirport Bl s/s4 5,225 82 336,650100 None 100‐$ Madison Street5Airport Boulevard s/sAvenue 58 n/s4 5,275 80 299,600100 None 100‐$ p$Madison Street6Avenue 58 s/sAvenue 60 n/s4 5,630 82 391,66083 CS/SS 91 191,913$ Madison Street03AN/S AVENUE 54S/S AVENUE 524 5,365 80 364,82083 CS/SS 91 178,762$ Main Street1Desert Club Dr e/sAvenida La Fonda n/s2 900 32 28,80078 CS/SS 86 14,112$ Malia Circle1Ladera DriveCDS2 170 32 8,91983 CS/SS 91 4,370$ Marguerite Court1Star Flower Trail n/sCDS2 400 32 16,27985 None 85‐$ Marigold Lane1Blazing Star Trail s/sButtercup Lane s/s2 975 32 31,20080 CS/SS 88 15,288$ Mariposa Court1Blazing Star Trail n/sCDS2 430 32 17,23974 CS/SS 82 8,447$ Memorial Place1Monticello Ave e/sCDS2 675 32 25,07983 CS/SS 91 12,289$ Messina Court1Torino Dr n/sCDS2 235 32 10,99983 CS/SS 91 5,390$ Milago Drive 1Canterra Drive s/sOctotillo Drive n/s2 350 32 11,20082 CS/SS 90 5,488$ Milan Court1Naples Dr n/sTorino Dr n/s2 765 36 27,54081 CS/SS 89 13,495$ Milan Court2Torino Dr n/sCDS2 235 32 10,99983 CS/SS 91 5,390$ Miles Avenue1Jefferson Ave w/s (Westbound Only)Dune Palms Road w/s (Westbound)4 2,655 76 168,31582 CS/SS 90 82,474$ Miles Avenue3Dune Palms Road w/sWashington Street e/s5 6,170 82 505,94075 CS/SS 83 247,911$ Monroe Street1Ave 62 n/sAve 61 n/s2 3,300 26 85,80077 CS/SS 85 42,042$ Monroe Street2Ave 61 n/sAve 60 n/s2 2,040 32 65,28071 CS/SS 79 31,987$ Monroe Street3Ave 60 n/s (southbound)Ave 58 n/s (southbound)1 5,380 14 75,32071 CS/SS 79 36,907$ 89224 City of La Quinta Unlimited Budget 2021NameSection FromToLns Length Width AreaPCI BeforeMaintenancePCI AfterTotalMonroe Street4Ave 58 n/s shared2660' s/o Airport (southbound) 2 2,650 32 84,80072 CS/SS 80 41,552$ Monroe Street52660' s/o Airport (southbound) Airport Blvd s/s (southbound) 3 2,660 41 109,06079 CS/SS 87 53,439$ Monroe Street6Airport Blvd n/s (southbound)1985' n/o Airport Bl (southbound)2 1,985 32 63,52078 CS/SS 86 31,125$ Monroe Street71985' n/o Airport Bl (southbound) Avenue 54 s/s (southbound) 1 3,265 13 64,04594 None 94‐$ Monroe Street8Avenue 54 s/s (southbound) Avenue 53 n/s (southbound) 1 2,700 13 35,10072 CS/SS 80 17,199$ Monroe Street9Avenue 53 n/s (southbound) Avenue 52 s/s (southbound) 1 2,560 13 33,28034 GR/OL 100 117,478$ Monticello Avenue1Miles Ave n/sFred Waring s/s2 2,710 32 86,72078 CS/SS 86 42,493$ Morning Glory Court1Verbena Ave e/sCDS2 595 32 22,51982 CS/SS 90 11,034$ Morning Glory Court2Verbena Ave w/sCDS2 525 32 20,27983 CS/SS 91 9,937$ Morris Avenue1Monticello Ave e/sLiberty Ave e/s2 525 32 16,80080 CS/SS 88 8,232$ Morris Avenue2Monticello Ave w/s CDS2 460 32 18,19981 CS/SS 89 8,918$ Naples Drive1Milan Ct w/sGenoa Dr e/s2 1,945 36 70,02080 CS/SS 88 34,310$ Nolan Circle1North Harland DriveCDS2 585 33 22,69481 CS/SS 89 11,120$ North Harland Drive1Miles Avenue n/sWest Harland Drive s/s2 1,000 36 36,00081 CS/SS 89 17,640$ Nuevo Drive1Los Manos Drive e/sDune Palms Rd w/s2 1,530 36 55,08085 None 85‐$ Ocotillo Drive1Adams Street e/sFronterra Drive w/s2 575 36 20,70083 CS/SS 91 10,143$ Ocotillo Drive2Fronterra DriveCDS2 1,760 36 61,68077 CS/SS 85 30,223$ Pala Circle1Canterra Drive s/sCDS2 130 32 7,63986 None 86‐$ Palermo Court1Torino Dr n/sCDS2 235 32 10,99984 CS/SS 92 5,390$ /,$Palm Garden Place1Cameo Palms n/sCDS2 180 28 7,82482 CS/SS 90 3,834$ Palm Royal1Washington St e/sRome Dr. n/s3 2,715 53 143,49581 CS/SS 89 70,313$ Palm Royal2Rome Dr. n/sFred Waring n/s2 410 28 11,48080 CS/SS 88 5,625$ Paloma Court1Calle Paloma w/sEnd2 310 32 9,92074 CS/SS 82 4,861$ Park Avenue1Calle Tampico n/sAvenue 502 2,730 40 109,20080 CS/SS 88 53,508$ Parkbrook Court1Birchcrest Cir w/sCDS2 230 32 11,40584 CS/SS 92 5,588$ Parma Court1Torino Dr n/sCDS2 235 32 10,99983 CS/SS 91 5,390$ Pompeii Court1Venice Dr w/sCDS2 685 32 25,39983 CS/SS 91 12,446$ Ramblewood Ct1Sunbrook LnEnd2 320 32 13,71980 CS/SS 88 6,722$ Randolph Court1Monticello Ave w/sCDS2 190 32 9,55982 CS/SS 90 4,684$ Roadrunner Lane1Cortez Lane n/sWestward Ho Drive s/s2 1,200 25 30,00097 None 97‐$ Rockberry Court1Coldbrook Ln w/sCDS2 385 32 16,36576 CS/SS 84 8,019$ Rome Drive1Milan Ct w/sPalm Royal e/s2 180 28 5,04089 None 89‐$ Roudel Ln1Cortez Ln n/sEnd2 600 25 15,00086 None 86‐$ Saffron Court1Star Flower Trail n/sCDS2 400 32 16,27982 CS/SS 90 7,977$ Sagebrush Avenue1160' w/o Date Palm Drive Washington Street e/s2 1,350 32 43,20071 CS/SS 79 21,168$ Saguaro Drive1CDSDATE PALM W/S2 1,260 32 41,94071 CS/SS 79 20,551$ 90225 City of La Quinta Unlimited Budget 2021NameSection FromToLns Length Width AreaPCI BeforeMaintenancePCI AfterTotalSalerno Court1Torino Dr n/sCDS2 235 32 10,99985 None 85‐$ San Marino Court1Venice Dr w/sCDS2 685 32 25,39979 CS/SS 87 12,446$ Sand Flower Place1Cameo Plams n/sCDS2 180 28 7,82482 CS/SS 90 3,834$ Sanita Drive1Arosa Way s/sCDS2 1,720 36 65,03975 CS/SS 83 31,869$ Seasons Way1Calle Tampico n/sSpringtime Way s/s2 450 36 16,20041 GR/OL 100 57,186$ Seeley Drive1Forbes Circle s/sBradford Circle n/s2 570 36 20,52082 CS/SS 90 10,055$ Seeley Drive2Bradford CircleMiles Avenue2 470 73 29,57082 CS/SS 90 14,489$ Shadwell Circle1Monticello Ave w/sCDS2 300 32 13,07978 CS/SS 86 6,409$ Siena Court1Genoa Dr w/sCDS2 675 32 25,07985 None 85‐$ Silver Rock1S/S Avenue 52Club House2 3,000 35 105,00098 None 98‐$ Silver Rock2Club HouseJefferson Ave w/s2 5,570 30 167,100100 None 100‐$ Simon Drive1Washington Street e/sHighway 111 s/s2 1,035 61 63,13595 None 95‐$ Singing Palms Drive1Washington Street w/sCameo Palm Drive w/s2 250 32 8,00086 None 86‐$ Singing Palms Drive2Cameo Palms Drive CDS2 200 32 8,29982 CS/SS 90 4,067$ Sonesta Way1Villeta Drive n/sVilleta Drive n/s2 1,120 36 40,32072 CS/SS 80 19,757$ Springbrook Court1Sunbrook Ln n/sCDS2 135 32 7,79972 CS/SS 80 3,822$ Springtime Way1Desert Club e/sCDS2 1,240 36 43,04064 DO/CS/SS 84 72,738$ Star Flower Trail1Dune Palms Road e/sCDS2 1,200 36 46,67978 CS/SS 86 22,873$ Stonebrook Court1Deerbrook Cir n/sCDS2 290 32 12,75968 DO/CS/SS 88 21,563$ //,$Summer View Way1Springtime Way n/sDesert Fall Way n/s2 480 32 15,36065 DO/CS/SS 85 25,958$ Summerbrook Court1Coldbrook Ln w/sCDS2 150 32 8,27964 DO/CS/SS 84 13,992$ Sunberry Court1Birchcrest Circle n/sCDS2 120 32 5,37684 CS/SS 92 2,634$ Sunbrook Ln1Woodberry Ln s/sCDS2 2,600 36 96,72065 DO/CS/SS 85 163,457$ Sweetbush Lane1Buttercup Lane n/sCDS2 545 32 20,91983 CS/SS 91 10,250$ Tiara Place1Villeta Drive n/sCDS2 260 32 11,79981 CS/SS 89 5,782$ Torino Drive1Genoa Dr w/sMilan Ct e/s2 1,850 37 68,45083 CS/SS 91 33,541$ Tortola Circle1Ladera DriveCDS2 165 32 8,75985 None 85‐$ Venice Drive1Fred Waring n/sNaples Rd s/s2 125 47 3,87582 CS/SS 90 1,899$ Venice Drive2Naples Rd n/sTorino Dr s/s2 710 36 25,56085 None 85‐$ Verbena Drive1Star Flower Trail s/sMiles Ave n/s2 740 36 26,64080 CS/SS 88 13,054$ Verbena Drive2Star Flower Trail n/sCDS2 400 32 16,27978 CS/SS 86 7,977$ Verona Court1Torino Dr n/sCDS2 235 32 10,99984 CS/SS 92 5,390$ Via Caliente1Via Del Monte e/sEnd2 340 37 12,58081 CS/SS 89 6,164$ Via Coronado1Forbes Circle s/sCDS2 720 37 30,11982 CS/SS 90 14,758$ Via Del Monte1Via Sevilla s/sVia Caliente s/s2 315 37 11,65583 CS/SS 91 5,711$ Via Del Sol1Via Sevilla n/sCDS2 185 33 9,58486 None 86‐$ 91226 City of La Quinta Unlimited Budget 2021NameSection FromToLns Length Width AreaPCI BeforeMaintenancePCI AfterTotalVia Sevilla1Via Coronado w/sWashington St e/s2 2,185 37 80,84582 CS/SS 90 39,614$ Via Tranquillo1Vista Grande s/sEnd2 120 32 3,84088 None 88‐$ Victoria Drive1Bridgette Way w/sAdams St e/s2 1,140 37 42,18086 None 86‐$ Villeta Drive1Sanita Drive n/sSonesta Drive s/s2 3,600 36 129,60075 CS/SS 83 63,504$ Violet Court1Bridgette Way w/sCDS2 395 32 16,11986 None 86‐$ Vista Grande1Jefferson Street e/sEnd2 925 37 34,22588 None 88‐$ Wakefield Circle1Coldbrook Ln s/sCold Brook Ln s/s2 1,950 32 62,40070 CS/SS 78 30,576$ Washington Street1Avenue 52 s/sCalle Tampico n/s4 1,410 92 110,20097 None 97‐$ Washington Street2Calle Tampico n/sAvenida Montero n/s6 4,435 92 369,300100 None 100‐$ Washington Street4Avenida Montero n/sEisenhower Drive n/s7 1,890 112 211,68072 CS/SS 80 103,723$ Washington Street5Eisenhower Drive n/sAvenue 47 n/s6 4,440 92 360,78078 CS/SS 86 176,782$ Washington Street7Avenue 47 n/sSimon Drive s/s5 1,780 86 153,08077 CS/SS 85 75,009$ Washington Street8Simon Drive s/sHighway 111 s/s8 965 99 80,88579 CS/SS 87 39,634$ Washington Street9Highway 111 n/sMiles Avenue n/s6 2,845 86 217,83074 CS/SS 82 106,737$ Washington Street11Miles Avenue n/sVia Sevilla n/s6 1,600 99 137,68073 CS/SS 81 67,463$ Washington Street12Via Sevilla n/sFred Waring Drive s/s6 1,670 88 128,90080 CS/SS 88 63,161$ Washington Street13Fred Waring Drive n/sCity Limit6 2,955 82 212,43582 CS/SS 90 104,093$ Washington Street Frontal1Washington Street w/sSinging Palms n/s1 185 18 3,33082 CS/SS 90 1,632$ Washington Street Frontal2Singing Palms n/sHighland Palms n/s2 1,800 30 54,00068 DO/CS/SS 88 91,260$ gggg//,$Washington Street Frontal3Highland Palm n/s Washington St w/s2 1,000 30 30,00066 DO/CS/SS 86 50,700$ West Harland Drive1North Harland Drive e/sLas Vistas Drive e/s2 835 36 30,06080 CS/SS 88 14,729$ Westward Ho Drive1Jefferson St w/s (Eastbound Only) Dune Palms Rd e/s (Eastbound) 22,620 30 78,60079 CS/SS 87 38,514$ Williamstone Way1Liberty Ave w/sMonticello Ave e/s2 600 32 19,20082 CS/SS 90 9,408$ Willow Circle1Blazing Star Trail s/sCDS2 325 32 13,87985 None 85‐$ Winter Cove Court1Summer View Way e/sCDS2 420 32 13,44079 CS/SS 87 6,586$ Woodberry Ln1Adams St w/sSunbrook Ln e/s2 120 36 4,32083 CS/SS 91 2,117$ 80 87 16,177,062$ 92227 228 SH-111 60TH AVE MONROE ST54TH AVE 50TH AVE 62ND AVE MILES AVE 52ND AVE JACKSON ST48TH AVE FRED WARING DR 49TH AVE WASHINGTON STLIGAAVENUE 52 MADISON STCITRUSDUNE PALMS RDAIRPORT BLVD PGA BLVD58TH AVEAVENIDA VALLEJOAVENIDA RUBIO61ST AVERIVIERA JEFFERSON STOAK HILLAVENIDA VILLAADAMS STAVENUE 58AVENIDA MARTINEZSHIELDS RDWINGED FOOTHERMITAGE DARBY RD HJORTH STMER ION 51ST AVEEISENHOWER DRCALLE TAMPICO MANDARINA WEISKOPF 55TH AVEVIA DONAWARNER TRLROSS AVEBURR STDEL GATO DRVIA SAVONACALLE SINALOA VIA PAESSARO 47TH AVE 46TH AVE OASIS STAVENIDA MADEROPARK AVELIMA VILLAGE DR CSILLA ST CETRINO B O N IT A T R L PIRKER DR ANDALUSIACALEO BAYC O A C H ELL A D RQUAIL RUN LNARACENA SPANISH BAY TOM FAZIO LN NSEELEY DRYOUNGS LNMI SSI ON DR WTOPAZ DRR ON D AFIRESTONEEMERALD DR MOUNTAIN VIEW VIA DDCALLE HIDALGO TOM FAZIO LN SVISTA ESTRELLAVIA P A VIO N POMELO ST AVENIDA BERMUDASTORINO DR JASPER PARK AVE TEE ST PARK LNPALM DRPOLO RDCORTEZ PLFIESTA DR N U E VO D R V IA C A P R ISAND DR53RD AVEBORDEAUX DRAPPIAN WAYTANGELOYALE STPEBBLE BEACH DR VI A B O L E R OBRADSHAW TRLCALLE NORTE VIA LUGOLA QUINTA DRPECOS PL CONTENTOSILVER ROCKHAWKEYE DR ZENDA DR VIA BRAVA LUNDBERG LNARDENNAIS DRVICTORIA DR LIBERTY ST58TH AVEMADISON STADAMS STADAMS STADAMS ST51ST AVEJEFFERSON STAIRPORT BLVD ® Legend La Quinta Private Streets Maintenance None CS/SS DO/CS/SS GR/OL City of La Quinta Unlimited Budget Map 2021 93229 230