CC&Rs - PGA West Fairways 2021 - Amendment - recordedMonika Radeva From: Ken Kuperstein <ken.kuperstein@managementtrust.com> Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2022 8:31 AM To: Monika Radeva Cc: Lori Lorett; Michelle Reese Subject: RE: Follow Up: La Quinta - Signature STVR Regulations Attachments: 4456451_1_2021-Amendment-to-Amended-and-Restated-CCRs-re-STRs-2021-0166705.pdf; HOA Letter - Fairways Association.pdf; Fairways STVR Permit Response 5 copy.pdf; PGA West Fairways Association Request Letter 2021.pdf Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Hi Monika, Nice to speak to you as well. I am in receipt of your email. PGA WEST Fairways Association has had previous communication with you and the City representatives regarding short- term vacation (STVR). A little history regarding the Signature development. The original developer of the Signature community built two distinct products: the free-standing Haciendas -Estates units as a Special Benefit Area ("SBA") and the fourteen (14) condominium units identified as Villas SBA. It is our understanding that after the Department of Real Estate ("DRE") review process for Villas SBA, the developer's lender imposed a minimum rental requirement resulting in the recording of an Amendment to the Supplementary Declaration of Annexation. The Amendment was subsequently submitted to and approved by the DRE. We understand the Signature development area is zoned for Tourist Commercial and STVR. The rental restriction on Villas owners was not initiated by the Association. It's important to note the Association did not have any authority regarding Villas during the DRE process. Authority of the Association commences as to a phase of development when that phase has its first close of escrow subject to the covenants and restrictions of record. The amendment to the Villas Supplementary Declaration, restricting the fourteen (14) units to a minimum rental term, may be modified only by a majority vote of the current Villas owners. As we have previously discussed, by a majority vote of the Association's membership, the 2021 Amendment to the 2016 Amended and Restated Declaration of Restrictions for PGA WEST Fairways was approved and recorded on March 16, 2021. This amendment allows owners of record as of March 16, 2021 to be grandfathered in to rent short term. After the recording date, STVR's are not permitted for new owners. I have attached the recorded document for your reference along with correspondence with you and Mr. Castro. We want to make sure you understand the process and guidelines that we, the Association, are following based on the governing documents currently of record. Unless and until the homeowners within Villas SBA choose to undertake the expensive amendment process to remove the rental restriction language from their Supplemental Declaration, the Association must follow the current CC&Rs applicable to Villas SBA. If you need more information or clarification, please let me know. Sincerely, 1 Ken Ken Kuperstein, PGA WEST Fairways I General Manager The Management Trust 80-265 Signature Way, La Quinta, Ca. 92253 P: (760) 776-5100 x6335 I F: 760-776-5111 HOW DID WE DO? My goal as an employee -owner is to create a wonderful customer experience. Please let me know how 1 am doing by taking this brief survey. If 1 exceeded your expectations, or you have other feedback about your experience, please let my supervisor Cassie Gertz know at (760) 776-5100 x6337 or by email at cassie.gertz@managementtrust.com From: Monika Radeva <mradeva@laquintaca.gov> Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2022 6:58 PM To: Ken.Kuperstein@managementtrust.com Cc: Lori Lorett <Ilorett@laquintaca.gov>; Monika Radeva <mradeva@laquintaca.gov> Subject: La Quinta - Signature STVR Regulations Hi Ken, Thank you for taking the time to speak with me. As we verbally discussed, I'd like to make sure the City understands and has copies of the paperwork that identifies the allowed uses for the properties within the Signature at PGA West. Pursuant to the City's records, Tract Map 36537 is zoned Tourist Commercial and as such short-term vacation rental (STVR) uses are allowed in accordance with the La Quinta Municipal Code; and thus, the City is issuing STVR permits. On 3/23/22 the City was made aware that the Fairways Association has adopted restrictions that prohibit the use STVRs in certain sections of the Signature development - as noted below. * First Amendment to the Supplementary Declaration (Villas, Phase 1) ART! RESTRICTION TO THE SUPPLEMENTARY DECLARATION, Section .] withstanding the terms of Section 10.17 of the Fairways Declaration, no Own( Dwelling for an initial term of less than thirty (30) days, or for hotel, motel or transi any other purpose inconsistent with the provisions of the Supplementary Declaratio Declaration or applicable law. This email correspondence aims to obtain the recorded regulatory documents that identify the allowed uses for the Signature at PGA West per the HOA. Please let me know if you wish to discuss further or if you are able to provide what is being requested. Thank you. 2 e.1v.r.a1Kr Monika Radeva, CMC I City Clerk City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 Tel: (760) 777-7035 MRadeva@laquintaca.gov 3 September 17, 2021 PGA WEST FAIRWAYS ASSOCIATION City of La Quinta Code Compliance Division 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: Recorded 2021 Amendment to the 2016 Amended and Restated Declaration of Restrictions for PGA WEST Fairways (restricting short-term rentals within community) Dear City of La Quinta: I am writing at the request of the Board of Directors ("Board") of the PGA WEST Fairways Association ("Association"). The Association views the City of La Quinta ("City") as an important community partner, with the shared goal of preserving the quality of life for residents within PGA WEST Fairways and the City of La Quinta, on a broader scale. The purpose of this letter is to inform the City that through a valid vote of the membership, the Association approved the 2021 Amendment to the 2016 Amended and Restated Declaration of Restrictions for PGA WEST Fairways ("2021 Amendment") which was recorded on March 16, 2021 in the Riverside County Recorder's Office as Document Number 2021-0166705. This 2021 Amendment provides that no lease or rental within the Association shall be for a period of less than 28 days, with certain exceptions. Please note that one of the exceptions includes The Signature development at PGA WEST Fairways, which the Association understands is currently listed as one of the City's designated residential projects qualifying for an exemption to the City's general moratorium on new short-term vacation rental ("STVR") permits. Attached to this letter is a copy of the 2021 Amendment, for the City's records. The Association respectfully requests as a courtesy, that Code Compliance would please contact Ken Kuperstein, General Manager of the Association, by email at Ken.KupersteinAmanagementtrust.cam, if the City of La Quinta receives an application for a STVR permit from an owner of a residence located within the Association; or if the City receives a complaint related to a property located within the Association that is unlawfully conducting a STVR business, in violation of the City's Municipal Code section 3.25. The Association will thereafter perform its own due diligence to determine whether the PGA WEST Fairways member is in compliance with the Association's governing documents and whether the owner is eligible to rent the residence on a short-term basis. Should you have further questions or considerations related to this letter, please feel free to contact General Manager Ken Kuperstein by phone at (760) 862-6335 or by email at the address provided above. Sincerely, Ken Kuperstein, General Manager On behalf of The PGA WEST Fairways Board of Directors 4569194v1 Recording Requested By: PGA WEST Fairways Association When Recorded, Return To: EPSTEN, APC 74830 Highway 111, Suite 100 Indian Wells, CA 92210 2021-0166705 03/16/2021 02:22 PM Fee $ 291.00 Page 1 of 15 Recorded in Official Records County of Riverside Peter Aldana Assessor -County Clerk -Recorder For Recorder's Use 2021 AMENDMENT TO THE 2016 AMENDED AND RESTATED DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS FOR PGA WEST FAIRWAYS NOTICE (Gov. Code §12956.1) If this document contains any restriction based on race, color, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status, disability, veteran or military status, genetic information, national origin, source of income as defined in subdivision (p) of section 12955, or ancestry, that restriction violates state and federal fair housing laws and is void, and may be removed pursuant to section 12956.2 of the Government Code. Lawful restrictions under state and federal law on the age of occupants in senior housing or housing for older persons shall not be construed as restrictions based on familial status. 2021 AMENDMENT TO THE 2016 AMENDED AND RESTATED DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS FOR PGA WEST FAIRWAYS THIS AMENDMENT is made by PGA WEST Fairways Association, a California nonprofit mutual benefit corporation ("Association"), with reference to the following: RECITALS A. Association is a corporation whose Members are the Owners ("Owners") of the residential Lots or Condominiums within the real property in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California known as PGA West Fairways ("Community"), described more particularly in Exhibit "A," attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. B. The Community was developed as a master planned community containing residential Lots and Condominium Units. The Community is currently subject to the covenants, conditions, restrictions, rights, reservations, easements, equitable servitudes, liens and charges set forth in the 2016 Amended and Restated Declaration of Restrictions for PGA West Fairway recorded on May 8, 2017, as Document No. 2017-0182428 and all other amendments, Notices of Additional Territory, Supplementary Declarations, annexations or similar documents containing restrictions applicable to the Community that appear of record in the Official Records of the County Recorder of Riverside County. (collectively, "Declaration"). C. Additional property was annexed into the Community by the recordation of Supplementary Declarations and the creation of special benefit areas since the recordation of the Declaration and further additional property may be annexed into the Community by the recordation of Supplementary Declarations. D. The Association now desires to amend the Declaration as set forth in this 2021 Amendment establishing a minimum rental period for the Community, with the exceptions, terms and conditions set forth in the 2021 Amendment. E. Article 15, Section 15.1.1(a) of the Declaration provides that the Declaration may be amended by the approval of a majority of the Voting Power of the Class B membership for as Tong as the Class B membership continues to exist, as well as the approval of a majority of the Class A Voting Power casting ballots. The undersigned President and Secretary of the Association certify that, to the best of their knowledge, the affirmative vote or written consent of at least the required percentage of Class A and Class B Members has been obtained. 4440869v1 2021 AMENDMENT TO DECLARAI ION - PGA WEST FAIRWAYS (1) F. Under California Civil Code section 4270 and Article 15, Section 15.1.2 of the Declaration, an amendment is effective after (1) approval of the percentage of Owners required by the Governing Documents has been given, (2) that fact has been certified in a writing executed and acknowledged by the Association President if no Officer has been designated in the Declaration for such purpose, and (3) the writing has been recorded in the County in which the Community is located. NOW, THEREFORE, the Association hereby declares that all of the Community is and shall continue to be held, conveyed, hypothecated, encumbered, leased, rented used, occupied, and improved subject to the declarations, limitations, covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, rights, and easements set forth in the Declaration as amended by this Amendment and as it may be further amended from time to time, all of which are declared and agreed to be in furtherance of a plan established for the purpose of enhancing and perfecting the value, desirability, and attractiveness of the Community. All provisions of this Amendment to Declaration shall constitute covenants running with the land and enforceable equitable servitudes upon the Community, and shall be binding on and for the benefit of all of the Community and all parties having or acquiring any right, title, or interest in all or any part of the Community, including the heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns of these parties and all subsequent owners and lessees of all or any part of any Separate Interest. NOW THEREFORE, the Declaration is hereby amended as follows: 1. Article 6, Section 6.16.1 of the Declaration shall be amended to read as follows: 6.16.1 Renting and leasing must comply with the Governing Documents and any Applicable Laws. No lease or rental shall be for a period of less than twenty- eight (28) days. Notwithstanding the adoption of this Amendment to limit rentals to twenty-eight (28) days, Owners on the date that this Amendment is recorded, or were in escrow to purchase their Lots on this date, may lease their Lots to tenants for less than twenty-eight (28) days as long as they continue to own their Lots. Any change in title that meets the requirements of Section 62 or 480.3 of the Revenue and Taxation Code for exemption from reassessment or pursuant to subdivision (b) of, solely with respect to probate transfers, or subdivision (e), (f), or (g) of, Section 1102.2, the transfer is exempt from the requirements to prepare and deliver a Real Estate Transfer Disclosure Statement, as set forth in Civil Code Section 1102.6 as these code sections may be amended from time to time shall not be considered a transfer of title for purposes of this minimum rental period. All costs and expenses related to the monitoring and enforcement of this rental term limitation shall be an Association experse. Any short-term rentals allowed pursuant to the exceptions above must comply with Applicable Laws, including the municipal code and including payment of any transient occupancy tax. 4440869v1 2021 AMENDMENT TO DECLARATION - PGA WEST FAIRWAYS (2) This Amendment shall not apply to any SBA with a sub association and any new SBAs still within the development period with the California Department of Real Estate. These exceptions at the time of the recordation of this Amendment include The Residence Club, Peninsula Park and The Signature at PGA WEST (Haciendas -Estates SBA & Villas SBA). Except as expressly amended herein, the Declaration shall remain in full force and effect. This Amendment is executed on (' 40, rc 1 , 2021, by the undersigned Directors of PGA West Fairways Association. Date: /14/<7e/7 /ai 2022/ Date: ( it, ,,L Signature 'rn?/ :s 4-e,C 41/y Print Name 1-4//Zi)/ ys 'Issoci4r/or( President Print Name Secretary 4440869v1 2021 AMENDMENT TO DECLARATION - PGA WEST FAIRWAYS (3) CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT CIVIL CODE § 1189 A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of Californi County of ( 1N.) ('S 1(1. On mar( ILAO U Before me, Ull ___ a t 11 011)1 C, Name a d itle of O cer Date Here Inser t Personally appeared (harU S ECG-rn(+p Ck}[A D %Gth i7t' 1 Name(s) of Signer(s) Who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person) whose name® i . subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that t*/s'Oe.03 executed the same in I s/Ikerithee authorized capacit les on the instrument the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the perso s acted, executed the instrument. J. VALENZUELA LOPEZ COMM. # 2246715 ►m NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA VJ RIVERSIDE COUNTY MY Comm. Exp. Jim 18, 2022" Place Notary Seal Above I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and -offii .1 seal. Signature Si e of Notary Public OPTIONAL Though this section is optional, completing this information can deter alteration of the document of fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: 2f2-1 r+f(lQrdair4r4- ki I(1AYCh \i 2 21 Number of Pages:19 Signer(s) Other Document Date: Than Named -MI_ Above: and 0*.k44d tcVidal-Ion b� Citsi-rOiors Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) ,JY VC.' A ' Si- VW fwp s Signer's Name: Corporate Officer -Titles): Partner I Limited Individual Trustee General Attorney in Fact Guardian or IT Conservator Other: S gner is Representing: Signer's Name: Corporate Officer -Titles): Partner _I Limited Individual Trustee Other: S gner is Representing: General Attorney in Fact Guardian or Conservator ftS i ctm.*- ©20'4 Nationah Notary Association www.NationalNotary.orq 1-800-US-NOTARY (1-800-876-6827) Item #5907 (4) 4440869v1 EXHIBIT "A" - COMMUNITY LEGAL DESCRIPTION AS OF THE DATE OF RECORDATION OF THIS DECLARATION All that real property located in the Riverside County, California, described as follows: EAGLE BEND: Supplemental Declaration of Restrictions: 2002-404039 (Phase 1); 2003-037487 / 2002-720252 (Phase 2); 2003-092633 / 2002-720252 (Phase 3); 2003-401730 / 2002-720252 (Phase 4); 2003-401731 / 2002-720252 (Phase 5); 2003-401732 / 2002-720252 (Phase 6) Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 775-290-002 through 775-290-011; 775-290-017; 775-300-001 through 775-300-014; 775-300-016; 775-300-020; 775-350-001 through 775-350-021; 775-350-023; 775-350-025; 775-360-001 through 775-360-029 Lots 2 to 22, inclusive, Letter Lots A through C, inclusive of Tract No. 28738 filed in Book 276, Pages 50 to 53, inclusive, of Maps, records of said Courty. Parcel 1 as shown on Lot Line Adjustment No. 99-315, recorded on April 21, 2000, as Document No. 2000-149519 of the Official Records of said County. Parcel B as shown on Lot Line Adjustment No. 2000-338 recorded on August 24, 2000 as Document No. 2000-3313712 of the Official Records of said County. Lots 1 to 48, inclusive, Letter Lots A through G, inclusive of Tract No 28961 filed in Book 289, Pages 47 to 52, inclusive, of Maps, records of said County. HERITAGE COLLECTION: Supplemental Declaration of Restrictions: 1999-061655 (Phase 1); 1999-225002 (Phase 2); 1999-0251203 / 1999-0251204 (Phase 3); 1999-349882 / 1999-349883 (Phase 4); 2012-0237336 Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 775-280-001 through 775-280-017; 775-280-043. 775-280-044; 775-280-046 through 775-280-065 Lots 1 to 17, inclusive, and Letter Lots A and B of Tract No. 28341-2 filed for record in Book 269, Pages 45 to 48, inclusive, of Maps, records of said County. Lots 1 to 19, inclusive, and Letter Lot A of Tract No. 29003 filed for record in Book 275, Pages 37 to 40, inclusive, of Maps, records of said County. Letter Lot A-1 of Tract No. 25500-3 filed for record in Book 231, Pages 69 to 72, inclusive, of Maps, records of said County. 202' AMENDMENT TO DECLARATION - PGA WEST FAIRWAYS 5 HERMITAGE: Supplemental Declaration of Restrictions: 2000-020736 (Phase 1); 2000-057347 (Phase 2); 2000-402499 / 2000-402502 (Phase 3); 2001-077879 / 2001-077880 (Phase 4); 2012-0237335 Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 762-210-004 through 762-210-016; 762-210-019 through 762-210-039; 762-220-001 through 762-220-023 Lots 1 to 52, inclusive, and Letter Lots A to I, inclusive of Tract No. 28603-1 filed for record in Book 279, Pages 77 to 83 inclusive, of Maps, records of said County. LA CALA: Supplemental Declaration of Restrictions: 2003-229322 (Phase 5); 2002-065259 / 2000-483321 (Phase 6); 2002-399183 (Phase 8); 2012-0237334 Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 762-280-017 through 762-280-020; 762-280-039, 762-280-040; 762-310-001 through 762-310-003; 762-390-001 through 762-390-008; 762-390-011 through 762-390-017; 762-390-020 through 762-390-024; 762-390-026 through 762-390-036; 762-400-001 through 762-400-014; 762-400-016; 762-400-017; 762-420-024; Lots 22, 23 and 24, Lots 54 through 57, inclusive, and Lots 76 and 77 of Amended Tract No. 28838-1 filed ir Book 285, Pages 51 to 57, inclusive, of Maps, records of said County. Lot 24 of Tract No. 28838-4 filed ir. Book 297, Pages 27 to 31, inclusive, of Maps, records of said County. Lots 1 through 35, inclusive, 37 through 42 inclusive and Letter Lots A, B, C, E and G of Tract No. 28838-2 filed in Book 293, Pages 50 to 55, inclusive of Maps, Official Records of said County; and Lot A of that certain Lot Line Adjustment #2001-351 recorded March 8, 2001 as Instrument No. 094170 in the Official Records of Riverside County, described as follows: Lot 36 of Tract No. 28838-2 as filed in book 293, at Pages 50 through 55, inclusive of Maps, Records of Riverside County, California; together with that portion of Parcel P of Lot Line Adjustment no. 2000-325, recorded March 14, 2000 as instrument no. 2000-093304 of Official Records of Riverside County. LEGENDS: Supplemental Declaration of Restrictions: 1999-403007 / 1999-403008 (Phase 1); 2000-108564 (Phase 2); 2000-108562 (Phase 3); 2001-055910 (Phase 4); 2002-081124 (Phase 7); 2012-0237330 Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 762-280-002 through 762-280-016; 762-280-021 through 762-280-038; 762-280-045; 762-280-047 through 762-280-049; 762-300-0C2 through 2021 AMENDMENT TO DECIARATION - PGA WEST FAIRWAYS 6 762-300-009; 762-300-011; 762-300-013 through 762-300-023; 762-300-025; 762-300-030 through 762-300-034; 762-310-004; 762-310-008; 762-310-009; 762-310-016 through 762-310-022; 762-400-015. 762-400-016 Lots 1 through 21, inclusive, 31 through 53, inclusive, and 58 through 75, inclusive, and Letter Lot C of Tract No. 28838-1 filed in Book 285 Pages 51 to 57, inclusive, of Maps, records of said County, as said Lot 38 was amended by that certain Lot Line Adjustment No. 2000-326 recorded March 10, 2000 as Instrument No. 2000-089786. Lots 25 through 30, inclusive, A, H and K of Amended Tract Map No. 28838-1 as per Map filed for record in Book 285, Pages 51 to 57, inclusive, of Maps, records of the Riverside County, as said Lots 26 through 29, inclusive, were amended by that certain Lot Line Adjustment #2000-325 recorded March 14, 2000 as Instrument No. 2000-093304, and as said lots A, H and K were amended by that certain Lot Line Adjustment No. 2000-340 recorded August 28, 2000 as Instrument No. 2000-336419 in the official records of said County. Letter Lots D, E, F, G, I, J, L and M of Amended Tract Map No. 28838-1 as per Map filed for record in Book 285, Pages 51 to 57, inclusive, of Maps, records of Riverside County, and Letter Lots D, G, I and J of said Amended Tract Map No. 28838-1 as said Tots were amended by that certain Lot Line Adjustment No. 2000-340 recorded August 28, 2000 as instrument No. 2000-336419. Parcels B and C of that certain Lot Line Adjustment #2000-340 recorded August 28, 2000 as Instrument No. 2000-336919 in the Official Records of Riverside County. MASTERS: Supplemental Declaration of Restrictions: 1999-190846 / 1999-190847 (Phase 1); 1999-190848 / 1999-190849 (Phase 2); 1999-190850 / 1999-190851 (Phase 3); 1999-368460 / 1999-368461 (Phase 4); 1999-368462 / 1999-368463 (Phase 5); 1999-532931 / 1999-532932 (Phase 6); 2000-0432496 / 2000-432497 (Phase 7). 2000-434042 (Phase 8); 2012-0237333 Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 762-090-006 through 762-090-018; 762-090-020; 762-100-001 through 762-100-018; 762-160-001 through 762-160-021. 762-170-001 through 762-170-017; 762-170-020; 762-170-022; 762-170-023; 762-170-025; 762-170-026; 762-170-029 through 762-170-034; 762-170-036; 762-170-037 Lots 1 to 69, inclusive, and Lots E, J, 0, M, N, P, T U and V of Tract No. 28444 filed in Book 271, Pages 57 to 62, inclusive, of Maps, records of said County. Lots A, B, C, Q, R and S as shown on Lot Line Adjustment No. 99-302 recorded on January 26, 2000, as Instrument No. 2000-28598 of the Official Records of said County. Lot E as shown on Lot Line Adjustment No. 2000-338 recorded on August 24, 2000, as Instrument No. 2000-331371 of the Official Records of said County. 2021 AMENDMENT To DECLARATION - PGA WES FAIRWAYS 7 MONTERRA: Annexation Agreement: 2014-378692; 2016-395909; 2016-281052 (Phase 1); 2017-220378 / 2017-245246 (Phase 2); 2017-537811 / 2018-223224 (Phase 3); 2019-45347 (Phase 4); 2019-215613 (Phase 5) Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 780-190-001 through 780-190-044 Lots 1 through 40, inclusive, Lots A through G, inclusive, and Lots I, J and K, inclusive, of Tract No. 32742, in the City of La Quinta, as shown by Map on file in Book 444, Pages 88 through 90, inclusive of Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, California. MUIRFIELD: Supplemental Declaration of Restrictions: 2003-585678 (Phase 1); 2003-891595 (Phase 2); 2003-955923 (Phase 3); 2004-0372402 (Phase 4); 2004-0372403 (Phase 5); 2004-0372404 (Phase 6); 2005-0345151 (Phase 7); 2005-0345152 (Phase 8); 2005-0463074 (Phase 9) Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 762-410-001 through 762-410-004; 762-410-007 through 762-410-042; 762-410-044; 762-410-051; 762-410-52; 762-420-001 through 762-420-020; 762-420-029 through 762-420-040; 762-420-043; 762-420-044; 762-310-10 through 762-310-015 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 through 41, inclusive, Letter Lots A, B, C and E of Tract No. 28838-3, in the City of La Quinta, as shown by Map on file in Book 297, Pages 22 to 26, inclusive of Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, California. Lot 5 and a portion of Lot I of Tract No. 28838-3, in the City of La Quinta, as shown by Map on file in Book 297, Pages 22 to 26 inclusive of Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, California, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Lot 5; thence along the Northerly line of said Lots 5 and I, North 89° 13' 22" East, 97.00 feet; thence leaving said Northerly line South 0° 46' 38" East, 143.00 feet to the Southerly line of said Lot I; thence along the Southerly line of said Lots I and 5, South 89° 13' 22" West, 97.00 feet to the Southwest comer of said Lot 5; thence along the Westerly line of said lot, North 0° 46' 38" West, 143.00 feet to the point of beginning. As per Lot Line Adjustment No. 2001-358, as approved by the City of La Quinta. Lot 6 and a portion of Lot I shown as Lot "B" of Lot Line Adjustment 2001-358 of Tract No. 28838-3, in the City of La Quinta, as shown by Map on file in Book 297, Pages 22 to 26, inclusive of Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, California, described as follows: 2021 AMENDMENT TO DECLARATION - PGA WEST FAIRWAYS 8 Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Lot 6; thence along the Easterly line of said lot, South 0° 46' 38" East. 143.00 feet to the Southeast corner of said lot; thence along the Southerly line of said Lots 6 and B, South 89° 13' 22" West, 93.00 feet to the Southwest comer of said Lot B; thence along the Westerly line of said Lot B, North 0° 46' 38" West, 143.00 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot B; thence along the Northerly line of said Lots B and 6, North 89° 13' 22" East, 93.00 feet to the point of beginning. As per Parcel Merger No. 2001-382, as approved by the City of La Quinta. Lots 1 through 23, inclusive and 25 through 40, inclusive, Letter Lots A through F, inclusive of Tract No. 28838-4, as shown by map on file in Book 297, Pages 27 to 31 of Maps, records of Riverside County, California. NORMAN ESTATES: Supplemental Declaration of Restrictions: 2000-347430 (Phase 1); 2000-347432 (Phase 2); 2000-347434 / 2000-347435 (Phase 3); 2003-562804 / 2003-562805 (Phase 4); 2003-562806 2003-562807 (Phase 5); 2003-562808 / 2003-562809 (Phase 6); 2003-562810 / 2003-562811 (Phase 7); 2004-380516 (Phase 8): 2004-380517 (Phase 9); 2004-380518 (Phase 10) Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 767-500-001through 767-500-025; 767-510-001 through 767-510-020; 767-570-001 through 767-570-010; 767-570-012 through 767-570-015; 747-580-007; 767-580-008; 767-580-020; 767-580-022; 767-600-001 through 767-600-003; 767-600-009; 767-600-0' 0 Lots 1 through 50, inclusive, Lots 53 through 57, inclusive, and Letter Lots A, B, C, D, E and F of Tract Map No. 29657, filed in Book 292, Pages 60 to 65, inclusive, of Maps, records of said County. Lots 1, 3 and 4, and Letter Lots A and B of Tract No. 29800, as per map filed in Book 299, Pages 15 to 21, inclusive, of Maps of Records of said County. Lot 28 of Tract Map. No. 29136 as per map filed in Book 285, Pages 4 to 16, inclusive, of Maps of Records of said County. PASADERA: Supplemental Declaration of Restrictions: 2002-099514 (Phase 1); 2002-139040 (Phase 2); 2003-46453 (Phase 3); 2003-942918 (Phase 4); 2003-1002411 (Phase 5) Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 762-320-002 through 762-320-017; 762-350-003 through 762-350-030; 762-350-032 through 762-350-037; 762-350-040 through 762-350-045; 762-370-020 through 762-370-033; 762-370-035; 762-370-038; 762-380-001 through 762-380-031; 762-380-036 through 762-380-039; 362-380-041; 762-380-042; Lots 1 to 92, inclusive, and Letter Lots A through H, inclusive, K, L, M, N, and P through T, inclusive of Tract No. 29147-2 as shown on a map filed for record in Book 287, Pages 12 to 19, inclusive, of Maps, records of said County. 2021 AMENDMENT TO DECLARATION - PGA WEST FAIRWAYS 9 PENINSULA PARK: Original Declaration of Restrictions: 1999-073557, 2002-721101, 2004-467704 Supplemental Declaration of Restrictions: 1999-073558 / 1999-073559 Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 762-150-004; 762-150-005; 762-150-008 through 762-150-017; 762-150-021 through 762-150-025; 762-150-036 through 762-150-044 Lots 1 to 18, inclusive, Lots A to H, inclusive, and Lots K and L of Tract No. 28522 filed for record in Book 274, Pages 42 to 44; inclusive, of Maps, records of said County. RESIDENCE CLUB: Original Declaration of Restrictions: 2005-672833 / 2005-0672834 Supplemental Declaration of Restrictions: 2005-735267 / 2006-0811253 Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 775-380-058 through 775-380-086; 775-380-088 through 775-380-093; 775-390-025; 775-390-031 through 775-390-052 Lots 1 through 33, inclusive, and Lettered Lots A through X, inclusive, all of amended Tract 31627, on file in Book 392, Pages 48 through 57, inclusive, of Maps, Records of Riverside County, California. SPANISH BAY (Columbine): Supplemental Declaration of Restrictions: 1999-464518 (Phase 1); 1999-534882 / 1999-534883 (Phase 2); 2000-349377 / 2000-349378 (Phase 3); 2000-349379 / 2000-349380 (Phase 4); 2001-013047 / 2001-013048 (Phase 5); 2001-016367 / 2001-016368 (Phase 6); 2001-227872 / 2001-227873 (Phase 7); 2012-0237332 Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 775-310-001 through 775-310-025; 775-310-030 through 775-310-040; 775-310-042; 775-310-044 through 775-310-048; 775-320-001 through 775-320-011 through 775-320-038 Lots 1 to 75, inclusive, Letter Lots A through G, inclusive of Tract No. 28960 as per map filed for record in Book 279, Pages 87 to 93, inclusive, of Maps, records of said County. SUMMIT: Supplemental Declaration of Restrictions: 2001-046021 (Phase 1); 2001-046022 (Phase 2); 2001-046023 (Phase 3); 2003-414664 / 2003-414663 (Phase 4); 2004-227869 / 2003-414663 (Phase 5); 2004-227870 / 2003-414663 (Phase 6); 2004-0227871 / 2003-414663 (Phase 7); 2004-227872 / 2003-414663 (Phase 8) 2021 AMENDMENT TO DECLARATION - PGA WEST FAIRWAYS 10 Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 762-330-001 through 762-330-015; 762-330-018' 762-330-020; 762-330-021; 762-330-023; 762-330-025' 762-340-001 through 762-340-016; 762-340-021 through 762-340-024; 762-340-026; 762-360-001 through 762-360-017; 762-360-019; 762-360-020; 762-360-023; 762-360-025; 762-360-026; 762-360-027; 762-370-001 through 762-370-008; 762-370-010 through 762-370-013; 762-370-017, 762-370-018; 762-370-039; 762-370-040 Lots 1 through 59; and lettered Lots B, C, D, F, G, H, I, J, K, L; N; 0; Q; R, T, U, W, X, Y, AA; BB; CC; and DD of Tract No. 29147-1 recorded in Book 287, Pages 4 to 11, inclusive of Maps, in the County of Riverside, State of California. Parcel A of Lot Line Adjustment No. LLA 2000-342 recorded January 4, 2001, as Instrument No. 004052, in the Official Records, Riverside County, State of California. Parcel A as reflected by Lot Line Adjustment No. 2001-368, as approved by the City of La Quinta, and implemented by Grant Deed recorded on February 21, 2002, as Instrument No. 2002-090883, in the County of Riverside, State of California. Lot 60 together with a portion of Lettered Lot "W" of Tract No. 29147-1, 'n the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California, as shown by map on file in Book 287, Pages 4 through 11, inclusive of maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, shown as Parcel "A" on Lot Line Adjustment 2001-368. TIBURON BY MARVIN HOMES: Supplemental Declaration of Restrictions: 2000-292750; 2000-292751 (Phase 1); 2000-292752; 2000-292753 (Phase 2) Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 767-521-002 through 767-521-004; 767-521-006; 767-522-001 through 767-522-005; 767-523-011; 767-524-001 through 767-524-010; 767-580-002 Lots 1 through 9, inclusive and 11 through 19, inclusive of Tract 29348-1 as shown on a map filed for record in Book 285, Pages 65-66, of Maps, records of Riverside County, as said Lot 11 was amended by Lot Line Adjustment 2000-344 recorded November 2, 2000 as Instrument No. 2000-437000; and Lot 10 of Tract Map No.29800 as per Book 299 Pages 15 to 21, inclusive, of Maps, records of said County. Lot K of Tract 29136 filed in Book 285, Pages 4 to 16, inclusive, of Maps, records of said County. 2021 AMENDMENT TO DEcLaRATIoN - PGA WEST FAIRWAYS 11 TOLL BROTHERS: Supplemental Declaration of Restrictions: 2000-393596 (Phase 1); 2000-500219 (Phase 2); 2000-500221 (Phase 3); 2001-264899 (Phase 4); 2001-264897 (Phase 5); 2001-425927 (Phase 6); 2001-425929 (Phase 7) Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 767-490-001 through 767-490-034; 767-522-007; 767-522-008; 767-522-009; 767-523-001 through 767-523-004; 767-531-001 through 767-531-008; 767-531-010 through 767-531-016; 767-532-001 through 767-532-015; 767-580-001 767-580-003 Lots 1 to 34, inclusive, of Tract No. 29349-1 as shown on a map filed for record in Book 285, Pages 69 and 70, of Maps, records of said County. and Lots 1 to 37 inclusive, of Tract No. 29348-2 as shown on a map filed for record in Book 285, Pages 67 and 68, of Maps, records of said County Letter Lots D and F of Tract No. 29136 as shown on a map filed for record in Book 285, Pages 4 to 16, inclusive, of Maps, records of said County. TURNBERRY: Supplemental Declaration of Restrictions: 2001-046473 / 2002-486440 (Phase 1); 2001-193155 / 2002-486441 (Phase 2); 2001-228479 / 2002-486442 (Phase 3); 2001-600650 (Phase 4); 2012-0237331 Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 767-540-001 through 767-540-014; 767-540-017 through 767-540-020; 767-550-002 through 767-550-019; 767-560-001 through 767-560-005; 767-580-001; 767-580-029 Lots 1 to 39, inclusive, and Letter Lots C and D of Tract No. 29347 as per map filed for record in Book 285, Pages 60 to 64, inclusive, of Maps, records of said County. Lot 31 and Lot M of Tract No. 29136 as per map recorded in Book 285, Pages 4 to 16, inclusive, of Maps, records of said County. SIGNATURE - VILLAS: Supplemental Declaration of Restrictions: 2015-402599 / 2015-407579 / 2015-536660 (Phase 1); 2015-538582 / 2015-540949 (Phase 2); 2015-538585 / 2045-540950 (Phase 3) Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 775-400-063, 775-410-033 Phase 1 as designated on the Condominium Plan — Signature at PGA WEST (Villas) Phase 1, recorded on September 9, 2015 in the Official Records of Riverside County, California, as Document No. 2015-0402600, consisting of Units 48 through 57, inclusive, of Lots 95 and 96 of Tract No. 36537-1, filed in 2021 AME JDMENT TO DEciARP-ION - PGA WEST FAIRWAYS 12 Book 442, Pages 55 through 63, inclusive, of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said County. Phase 2 as designated on the Amended and Restated Condominium Plan — Signature at PGA WEST (Villas) Phase 2, recorded on April 25, 2018 in the Official Records of Riverside County, California, as Document No. 2018-159155, consisting of Units 92 through 95, inclusive, of Lot 94 of Tract No. 36537-1, filed in Book 442, Pages 55 through 63, inclusive, of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said County. Phase 3 as designated on the Condominium Plan — Signature at PGA WEST (Villas) Phase 3, recorded on December 11, 2015 in the Official Records of Riverside County, Califorria, as Document No. 2015-538583, consisting of Units 36 through 43, inclusive, of Lot 96 of Tract No. 36537-1, filed in Book 442, Pages 55 through 63, inclusive, of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said County. SIGNATURE — HACIENDAS -ESTATES: SIGNATURE — HACIENDAS: Supplemental Declaration of Restrictions: 2015-500338 / 2015-065232 / 2015-407586 (Phase 1); 2015-0532587 / 2015-0532588 (Phase 2); 2015-532591 / 2015-532592 / 2018-0163320 (Phase 3) Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 775-400-027 through 775-400-043 Lots 27 through 43, inclusive, Lots 58 and 59, inclusive, and Lots C and J, inclusive, of Tract No. 36537-1 as per map filed in Book 442 of Maps, Pages 55 through 63, inclusive, official records of Riverside County, California SIGNATURE — ESTATES: Supplemental Declaration of Restrictions: 2015-0407582 / 2015-407585 (Phase 1); 2015-0532888 / 2015-0532889 (Phase 2); 2015-0532892 / 2015-0532893 (Phase 3); 2017-0015581, 2017-0015582 (Phase 4); 2017-0021126 / 2017-0021127 (Phase 5); 2017-0015584 / 2017-0015585 (Phase 6) Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 775-410-01 through 775-410-32; 775-410-37; 775-420-16 through 775-420-18; 775-420-45 Lots 62 through 92, inclusive, of Tract No. 36537-1 as per Map filed in Book 442 of Maps, Pages 55 through 63, inclusive, official records of Riverside County, California; and Lots 16 through 18, inclusive, of Tract No. 36537-2 as per Map filed in Book 443 of Maps, Pages 38 through 43, inclusive, official records of Riverside County, California; and Lot X of Tract 36537-1 and Lot F of Tract 36537-2 2021 AMENDMENT To DECLARATION - PGA WEST FAIRWAYS 13 The Signature SBAs are in the process of being developed, and as the properties and different phases get developed and annexed into PGA West Fairways Association those properties and their owners will be subject to the Amended and Restated CC&Rs. [NOTE: While PGA West Fairways Association has attempted to set forth the above legal description accurately, it is possible that some parcels were inadvertently included or excluded from the legal description above due to the large number of parcels of property currently encompassed by the development, the number of Phases annexed, the number of annexations, lot line adjustments and other recorded documents affecting the development, and the general complexity of the development. Thus, in the event an error in the above legal description is discovered, the Board reserves the right, at any time in the future, to record an amendment, without an owner vote, to correct any such error. Should any references to any lots be inadvertently omitted and/or later included as a part of PGA West Fairways Association as a result of re subdivision of those lots, those lots are considered referenced herein in full as though set forth herein.] End of Legal Description 2021 AMENDMENT TO DECLARATION - PGA WEST FAIRWAYS 14