001360 (RC) Project ManualPROJECT MANUAL FOR IMMEDIATE CARE CENTER PLAZA LA QUINTA STATE HIGHWAY 111 & WASHINGTON STREET LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA FOR EISENHOWER MEDICAL CENTER ` 3900O.Bob Hope Drive RANCHO MIRAGE, CALIFORNIA 92270 PREPARED BY OREMEN ASSOCIATES ) 3633 CAMINO DEL RIO SOUTH, SUITE 101f SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92108 (619) 283-5541 March 11, 1985 +t { • TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 00 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS General Conditions of the Contract 00800 Supplementary Conditions IJ-VJS-TON_.Q1.. =_ GENER,�:L REQUIREMENTS DD1DD Instruction to Bidders 00300 ..Bid Forms 01005 Administrative Provisions 01152 Applications for Payment and Change Order Procedures 01300 Submittals 01500 Construction Facilities & Temporary Controls 01600 Materials & Equipment .01700 Contract Closeout DIVISION 02-- NOT USED DIVISION 03 - NOT USED DIVISION 04 - NOT USED • DIVISION 05 - NOT USED DIVISION 06 - WOOD 06100 Rough Carpentry 06200 Finish Carpentry 06300 Cabinet Work r1 LJ DIVISION 07 - NOT USED DIVISION 08.- DOORS AND WINDOWS AI 08100 Metal Doors and Frames 08210 Wood Doors -, 08710 Finish Hardware .08800 Glazing DIVISION 09 -` FINISHES 09250 Gypsum Wallboard` 09500 Acoustical Treatment 09650 Resilient Flooring 09682 Carpet 09900 Painting Immediate Care*Center Table of Contents Eisenhower Medical Center 1 Project #85-05 • I DIVISION 10 -.SPECIALTIES 10800 Building Accessories DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL 15410 Interior Plumbing 15600 Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning DIVISION 16 - Electrical 16100 Interior Electrical • Immediate Care Center • Eisenhower Medical Center Project #85-05 Table of Contents 2 GENERAL CONDITIONS "General Conditions of this contract for Construction", A.I.A. Document A-201, Thirteenth Edition dated 1976 is included by reference. A copy of this document may be obtained from Eisenhower Medical Center.. Immediate Care Center Eisenhower Medical Center Project #85-05 SECTION 00800 1. SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS. These "SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS" preceeding "GENERAL CONDITIONS OF A.I.A. Document A=201, Thirteenth through 14 inclusive. When any graph is modified or deleted by the unaltered provisions of such graph shall remain in effect. modify, delete or add to the THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION". Edition, dated 1976, Articles 1 article, paragraph or subpara- these SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS, Article, paragraph or subpara- The General Conditions shall be amended as follows: ARTICLE 1 - CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Paragraph 1.2 - Execution, Correlation and Intent: ADD the following to Subparagraph 1.2.4: ....It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to determine for himself the full extent of all work that will be required for a proper completion of the project. 'No responsibility, either direct or implied, will be assumed by either the Architect or Owner for omissions or duplications by the Contractor due to the arrangement'of matter in the Contract Documents. It shall be part of the General Contractor's responsibility to properly coordinate such matters. ADD Subparagraphs 1.2.5 through 1.2.8 as follows: 1.2.5 Specification sections are written in a modified brief style consistent with clarity. Where such words as "Perform", "provide", "install", "erect", "furnish", "connect", "test", or words of similar meaning are used, it shall be understood that such words include the meaning of the phrase "The Contractor shall". The requirements indicated and specified apply. to all work of the same kind, class and type, even though the word "all" is not stated. 1.2.6 Drawings are intended to show general arrangement, design and extent of work and are partly diagrammatic. As such, they are not intended to be scaled for measurements or to serve as shop drawings. 1.2.7 Should conflict occur between Drawings and Specifications or errors exist either in the Drawings or Specifications regard- ing materials, the situations shall be reported to the Architect who shall issue clarification. Immediate Care Center Eisenhower Medical Center Supplementary Conditions Project #85-05 00800-1 1.2.8 When reference is made in these Specifications and Draw- ings to standard or reference type specification documents or to another part of the Contract Documents it shall have the same force and effect as if the document. or portion referenced were exactly repeated in the place where reference is made. Standard or reference specifications such as ASTM, ASTE, ACI, NEC, NFPA, ASHRAE,•and other organizations, associations, government agen- cies, professional and technical societies, etc., either by full name or abbreviations, shall be as specified. Abbreviations used to indicate the specific standard and reference specification documents shall be interpreted according to their recognized and well-known technical or trade meaning. ARTICLE 3 - OWNER ADD subparagraph The following shall be paid by the Owner: I. -General building permit and sign permits. 2. Plan check fees. 3. Water service fees. 4. Sewer fees. • 5. Electrical utility fees such as customer service extension fees and relocation fees. 6. Gas utility fees such as customer service extension fees and relocation fees. 7. Telephone and communication utility fees. All other fees, licenses, bonds and permits shall be included by the Contractor -,in the contract amount. ARTICLE 4 - CONTRACTOR -Paragraph 4.2 - Review of Contract Documents: Add Subparagraphs 4.2.2 and 4.2.3 as follows: 4.2.2 Errors and omissions which are interpreted by the Archi- tect not to be within the intent and purpose of the Drawings and Specifications will be corrected as described under Article 12, "Changes in the Work". Immediate Care Center Eisenhower Medical Center Supplementary Conditions Project #85-05 00800-2 • Paragraph 4.4 - Labor.and Materials ADD Subparagraphs 4.4.3 through 4.4.5 as follows: 4.4.3 Within seven (7) calendar days after date of "Notice to proceed", the Contractor shallt�submit manu co the owner rcopies of all facturer or supoliers that invoice acknowledgements from all materials, products or equipment required under this Contract has been ordered. If, in the event any material, product or from equipment can not be obtained, submit Substituta letter snot begranted the manufacturer or. supple roducts or at a later date because of unavailable materials, p equipment, unless conditions are beyond the control of the con- tractor. 4.4.4 Substitutions within the time allowed will beonsidieren only when they are submitted within the requirements spec Section 01300, SUBMITTALS. Paragraph 4.11 - Documents and Samples at the Site: Subparagraph 4.11.1: Change the llo al pperiod in Subparagraph 4.11.1 to a comma and add the following: •a except as otherwise modified in the technical sections of the specifications. Paragraph 4.12 —Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples: MODIFY Subparagraph 4.12.6 by inserting the following as the second sentence of the subparagraph. Such written notice of said deviation roductshall data a samplesseparate or writing subg distinct from the shop drawing, p mittals under SubparagraP scribel said deviation andf the General theeffectOf shall specifically also de same, if any, in regard to the submittal accompanying same. ADD subparagraph 4.12.9 as follows: 4.12.9 Procedures for submittals are further delineated in Section 01300 SUBMITTALS. ARTICLE 5 - SUBCONTRACTS Paragraph 5.2 - Award of Subcontracts and Other Contracts for Portions o= the Work: ADD the following to Subparagraph 5.2.1:_ ..List of Subcontractors shall be submitted within forty-eight (48) hours after request by Owner. Immediate Care Center Eisenhower nedical Center Supplementary Conditions Project #85-05 00800-3 • ,ARTICLE 6 - WORK BY OWNER OR BY SEPARATE CONTRACTORS Para raph 6.1 - Owner's Right to Perform Work and to Award Sepa- rate Contracts: ADD Subparagraph 6.1.4 and its sub -subparagraphs as follows: to Completion of the 6.1.4 Owner's Right to Occupancy Prior Work: .1 The Owner reserves the right to take possgssion and use -any completed or partially completed portion of the work prito or does not interfere et completion providing ossessionwillbe based work. Such partial occupancy or takingp on the following: (1) Occupancy of any portion of the work will not con- stitute an acceptance of the work not performed in accordance with Contract Documents or relieve the Contract,Contractor but rnot completed at perform any work required by the the time of occupancy- immediately- ccupancy. (2) immediately•prior to any partial occupancy, Contract- or and Owner shall make a thorough joint r espu on othe condin of - portion of the work affected d estatus nofmtheally time of final . inspections • tions of occupancy All damage to for the conditions resultingme�ror his drepresentative before final the work effected by acceptance shall be the responsibility of the Owner. .7 MODIFY Subparagraph B.31.3 by eliminating therefrom the following statement at the end of the last full sentence thereof: "And not then unless such claim is reasonable". Immediate Care Center o y Conditions Eisenhower Medical Center Suppl�ary 00800-4 Project n85-05 • ARTICLE 9 - PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION Paragraph 9.2 - Schedule of Values: ADD Subparagraph 9.2.2. as follows: • 9.2.2 Schedule of Values shall be prepared with the various por- tions of Work broken down to correspond with respective sections of the specifications. (Plumbing and Electrical shall be broken down into categories). Each item in the schedule of values shall include its proper share of overhead and profit., General Con- tractor's overhead and profit and all costs in conjunction with the General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division 1, General Requirements, shall be included as one separate item. Paragraph 9.3 - Application for Payment: ADD the following to*Subparagraph'9.3.1: ....Application for payment shall be submitted on A.I.A. Document G-702 and G -702A and shall be submitted in five (5) copies. ADD Subparagraph 9.3.4 as follows: 9.3 .4 To insure proper performance of the Contract, the Owner shall retain ten (10%) percent of the amount of each estimate of work actually performed and ten (10%) percent of the amount of materials or equipment stored at the site until final completion and acceptance of all of the work and until thirty five (35) calendar days after the date of recording of a valid "Notice of Completion"_by the Owner. Retained percentages are held for the sole protection and benefit of the Owner, and no other person, firm or corporation shall have or assert any lien, claims, right or priority herein, or thereto, or be entitled to receive any part thereof. At the end of the thirty five (35) day period the retained funds will be released only if there are no Stop Notices, no Lien Claims, and no claims against any sureties on the project that have been filed as of said time and provided further, that all required releases under the contract documents have been filed and furnished with the appropriate party. Paragraph 9.8 - Substantial Completion: CLARIFY.Subparagraph 9.8.1 as follows: The Owner shall record in the Office of the County Recorder, 'a "Notice of Completion" within ten (10) days after completion of all Work in accordance with the Contract Documents and acceptance of the Work by the Owner. This "Notice of Completion" replaces the "Cer:.ificate of Substantial Completion". Immediate Care Center Eisenhower PZedical Center Supplementary Conditions Project #85-05 00800-5 • Paragraph 9.9 - Final Completion and Final Payment: ADD the following to Subparagraph 9.9.2: ..In addition to the above, the following requirements shall be fulfilled before final payment or payment of the retained per- centages is authorized and paid: Contractor shall deliver to the Owner, preferably in a single package, properly labeled item by item, to indicate all materials, equipment and documents con- tained therein the following: .1 Satisfactory completion. of construction work, including corrections of any defective work and approval of same. .2 "Contractor's Affidavit of Payment of Debts and Claims", A.I.A. Document G-706; and "Contractor's Affidavit of Release of Liens", A.I.A. Document G -706A. .3 Submission to the Owner of required Project Record Docu- ments as defined in division 1, General Requirements, Section 01700 titled Project Closeout. .4 Completion of instruction to the Owner on operation and maintenance of all. equipment and systems. • .5 Submission of all tools which are a permanent part of equipment installed in the Work. .6 Submission of all keys, construction and permanent, properly identified. .7 Satisfactory evidence of approval of the work by utility companies and all regulatory agencies, including but not limited to Building Inspection Department, City Engineer, etc. ARTICLE 10 - PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Paraoraph 10.2 - Safety of Persons and Property: ADD the following to Subparagraph 10.2.1: ....This requirement will apply continuously and not be limited to normal working hours. ARTICLE .11 - INSURANCE Paragraph 11.1.2 - Revise as follows: 11.1.2 Types of Insurance the Contractor is required to obtain and maintain for the full period of Contract shall be as required by Law and by Owner. Immediate Care Center Eisenhower Medical Center Supplementary Conditions Project #85-05 00800-6 • .1 Upon Owner's receipt, of written 30 day notice of shall avcancellation of insurance, Coninsrancor similar htoe the days,cancelled provide other police fails to comply policies and -acceptable insurace the owner Contractor may rsecure insurance insurance, and provide acceptable at the Contractor's expense. .2 The Contractor shall cause the Owner and the Architect to be named as additional insured 1Liability the Contractor Automobile Public Liability, Contractor's Protective Liability Insurance Policies. ARTICLE 12 - CHANGES IN THE WORK Paragraph 12.1 - Change Orders: CLARIFY Subparagraph 12.1.4 as follows: Reasonable allowance for overhead and profit f sign fe e n r and nced in paragraph 12.1.4 shall be negotiable at Contractor Agreement. . END OF SECTION • Immediate Care Center Eisenhower Medical Center. Suuplementary Conditions Project #85-05 00800-7 C7 SECTION 00100 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS PROJECT: IMMEDIATE'CARE CENTER EISENHOWER MEDICAL CENTER. RANCHO MIRAGE, CA 1.00 DEFINITIONS: 1.01 Bidding documents include: A. Instructions to Bidders. B. The Bid Form. C. Proposed Contract Documents including any Addenda Issued prior to receipt of bids. 2.00 BIDDERS REPRESENTATION: 2.01 Each -Bidder by making his bid, represents that he has read and understands the Bidding Documents. After, executing the Agreement, no consideration will be given to any claim of mis- understanding of the documents. 2.02 Each Bidder by making his bid, represents that he has visited the site and familiarized himself with the local con- ditions under which the work is to be performed. 3.00 BIDDING PROCEDURE: 3.01 All bids must be prepared, in duplicate on the forms 'provided and submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. 3.02 A bid is invalid if it has not been deposited at the designated location prior to the time and date for receipt of bids. 4.00 EXAMINATION OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS: Each bidder shall examine the Bidding Documents carefully and shall ask the Architect for interpretation. or correction of any ar,�biguity, inconsistency or error therein. which he may discover. Any interpretation or correction, will be issued as an addendum Immediate Care Center Eisenhower Medical Center Instructions to Bidders' Project #85-05 00100-1 • by the Architect. Only a written interpretation or correction by addendum shall be binding.. 5.00 SUBSTITUTIONS:. Each bidder represents that his bid is based upon the materials and equipment described in the Bidding Documents. 6.00 REJECTION OF BIDS: The bidder acknowledges the right of the Owner to reject any or all bids and to waive any informality or irregularity in any bid received. In addition, the bidder recognizes the right of the Owner to reject a bid if the bidder failed to furnish any re- quired bid security, or to submit the data required by the Bid- ding Documents, or if the bid is in any way incomplete or irregu- lar. 7.00 BONDS The Owner retains the option to re - 7.01 Quire a 100% Performance Bond, and 100% Labor and Mate- rials Bond.' (Latest Edition of A.I.A. Document A311.) with a Surety Company which is acceptable to the Owner. 8.00 SUBMISSION OF POST -BID INFORMATION: • 8.01 Successful Bidder will submit a detailed cost breakdown of his Bid and a list of Subcontractors to be used on the project. The list of Subcontractors and completed Cost Breakdown Form shall`be submitted within 48 hours of the Owner's request. 9.00 SUBMISSION OF BIDS: 9.01 Sealed Bids will be received at a date and time to be announced. 9.02. Proposals shall be delivered in a sealed envelope to: MDiffendal ENHOWER MEDICAL CENTER 39000 Bob Hope Drive Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 • END OF SECTION Immediate Care Center Eisenhower Medical Center Project #85-05 Instructions to -Bidders 00100-2 • • SECTION 00300 BID FORM TO: EISENHOWER MEDICAL CENTER 39000 Bob Hope Drive Rancho Mirage, California 92270 We, the undersigned,. having carefully examined the site of the work, the adjoining site conditions, the Drawings and Specifica- tions, Instructions to Bidders and the General Conditions for the Construction of _ her _ eby propose and agree to furnisn all re- quired tools, equipment services, facilities, transportation, materials and labor in conformance with the Drawings and. Speci fications and related contract documents, including all appli- cable taxes, permits and licenses. Base Bid: The undersigned agrees to construct this project for the lump.sum price ofd Dollars ($ (We, I) can furnish a surety bond for the full amount of the contract price for the amount of Dollars ($ )• We acknowledge receipt of the following addenda and have included their provisions in this proposal: Addendum No. Dated Addendum No. Dated Addendum No. Dated Addendum No. Dated 1. To hold this proposal open until thirty (30) calendar days after date for receipt of. bids. 2. To. commence work upon written notice to proceed by the Owner • and to provide substantial completion of the total project within 45 . consecutive calendar days from the start of construction. Immediate Care Center Eisenhower Medical Center Bid Form Project #85-05 00300-1 • 3. That the Owner shall be allowed the use' of such portions': of the construction, prior to completion, as may be required to install his fixtures, furnishings or equipment. The undersigned fully understands that a contract is, formed upon acceptance of this Proposal by the Owner, and the undersigned further agrees that he will promptly execute and deliver. the Agreement to the Owner, together with the required Insurance Certificates. DATE CONTRACTOR BY TITLE ADDRESS TELEPHONE LICENSE • SURETY - SEAL (If Corporation) • Immediate Care Center Eisenhower Psedical Center Project €85-05 . Bid Form 00300-2 • M • SECTION 01005 ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS PART 1 —GENERAL 1.01.' WORK COVERED BY CONTRACT DOCUMENTS A. Work of this Contract comprises general construction including mechanical and electrical for interior improvements in Space C, Building B, Plaza La Quinta, State Highway 111 and Washington Street, La Quinta, CA. 1.02 CONTRACT METHOD A.. Construct the Work under a single lump sum contract. 1.03 DESIGN -CONSTRUCT A. Plumbing and Electrical for shops shall be Contractor designed. Contractor shall secure and pay for.all required approvals and permits for these trades plus Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning. 1. Contractor shall prepare plans as necessary to secure permits. 1.04 CONTRACTOR USE OF PREMISES A. Limit use of premises for Work and for construction operations to avoid interference with operation of other businesses on the premises. 1.05 COORDINATION " A. Coordinate work of the various sections of Specifications to assure efficient and orderly sequence of installation of construction elements, with provisions for accommo- dating items installed later. B. Verify characteristics of elements of interrelated operating equipment are compatible; coordinate work of various sections having interdependent responsibilities for installing, connecting to, and placing in service, such equipment. • Immediate Care Center Administrative Provisior 01005= Eisenhower Medical Center Project #85-05 • C. Coordinate space requirements and installation of mechani- cal ,and electrical work which are indicated diagramati- cally on Drawings. Follow routing shown for pipes, ducts, and conduits, as closely as practicable; make runs paral- lel with lines of building. -Utilize spaces efficiently to maximize accessibility for other installations, for main- tenance, and for repairs. D. In finished areas, except 'as otherwise shown, conceal pipes, ducts, and wiring in the construction. Coordinate locations of fixtures and outlets with finish elements. 1.06 FIELD ENGINEERING A. Provide field engineering services; establish grades, lines, and levels, by use of recognized engineering survey practices.. B. Provide Owner with a letter of certification prepared by the Civil Engineer that all the horizontal and vertical controls have been prepared and that the foundations have been located in accordance with the contract documents. Form of certification is included following this section. 1.07 REFERENCE STANDARDS • A. For -Products specified by association or trade standards, comply with requirements of the standard, except when more rigid requirements are specified or are required by appli- cable codes. B. The date of the standard is that date in effect as of the Bid date, except when a specific date is specified. C. Obtain copies of standards when required by Contract Documents. Maintain copy at jobsite during progress of the specific work. 1.08 - EXISTING CONDITIONS A. Verify all dimensions in the field. prior to. beginning • work. END OF SECTION Immediate Care Center Administrative Provisions Eisenhower Aledical Center 01005-2 Project #85-05 • SECTION 01152 APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT AND CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 FORMAT AND DATA REQUIRED A. Submit itemized applications typed on AIA Document G702, Application and Certificate for Payment, and continuation sheets G702A. 1.02 PROGRESS PAYMENTS 1. Unless otherwise provided in the specifications, the Owner will make partial payments to the Contractor not later than the 15th day of each calendar month on the basis of said Certificate for Payment. The materials delivered on the site and preparatory work done shall be .taken into consideration in preparing application and Certificate for Payment.. 2. Based upon said Applications for Payment submitted to the • Architect by the Contractor, and Certificates for Payment issued by the Architect, the Owner shall make progress payment on account of the 'Contract Sum to the. Contractor as follows: • A. On or about the 15th day of each month, .90% of the proportion of the Contract Sum properly allottable to labor, materials, and equipment incorporated in the work, and 90% of the portion of the Contract Sum properly allottable to materials 'and equipment suit- ably stored at the site up to the first day of that month, less the aggregate of previous payments in each case; and upon substantial completion of the.entire work, a sum sufficient to increase the total .,payments to 90% of the Contract Sum, less such retainages as the Architect shall determine for all incomplete work and unsettled claims. 1.03 PREPARATION OF APPLICATION FOR EACH.PROGRESS PAYMENT A. Application Form: 1. Fill in required information, including that for Change Orders executed prior to the date of submittal of application Immediate Care Center Eisenhower Medical Center Application for Payment and Project #85-05 Change Order Procedures 01152-1 2. Fill in summary of dollar values to agree with the respective totals indicated on -the continuation sheets. 3. Execute certification with the signature of a respon- sible officer of the Contract firm. B. Continuation Sheets: of 1. Fill .in total .list of all scheduled comP ledndollarentevalue Work, with item number and t he for each item. Fill in the dollar value in each column for erformed a ch 2. o scheduled .line item when work has been p products stored. a. Round off values to nearest dollars. 3. List each Change Order executed prior to the date o.f submission, at the end of the continuation sheets. a. List by Change Order Number,, b tem of workand ,ription, as for an original component p,. r the Architectrequires When the Owner omit suitab einformation, with b a • data, Contractor shall su cover letter identifying: J.- Project. 2. Application number and date. 3. Detailed list of enclosures. 4. For stored products: a. Item number and identification as shown on appli- cation. b. Description of specific material. B. Submit one copy of data and cover letter for each copy of application. 1.04 PREPARATION OF APPLICATION FOR FINAL PAYMENT A. Fill in Application form as specified for progress pay- ments. B. Use continuation sheet for presenting the final statement of accounting as specified in Section 01700 - Contract • Closeout. Immediate•Care Center Application for Payment and Eisenhower nedical Center Change Order Procedures Project #85-05 01152-2 • 1 .05 A. B. C. 1.06 A. [7 • B. SUBMITTAL PROCEDURE Submit Applications for Payment to. Architect at' the times stipulated in the Agreement. Number: Three copies of each Application. When Architect finds the Application properly completed and correct, he will transmit a certificate for payment to Owner, with a copy to Contractor. CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES The Owner, without invalidating the Contract, and without notice to the sureties on the bond guaranteeing the per- formance of the Contract, reserve the right to order extra work or make changes by altering, adding to, or deducting from the work, the Contract sum being equitable adjusted accordingly. The cost or credit to the Owner resulting from a change in the work, shall be determined, by mutual acceptance of a lump sum. Each change in Contract Price shall be itemized and submitted for approval in the following format: 1. Materials (attached itemized quantity, unit cost) *2. Equipment **3.. Labor (attached itemized hours and rates 4.. Subtotal -- 5. Subcontractor overhead and profit at 15% 6. P.L., P.D., Compensation Insurance, Social Security, and Unemployed Taxes.( of Item 3) 7. Sales tax: B. Subtotal 9. General Contractor's Overhead and Profit per agreement 10. Subtotal Immediate Care Center Eisenhower Medical Center Application for Payment and Project #85-05 Change Order Procedures 01152-3 • 11. Bond Premium (not to exceed 1% of Item 10, where applicable) 12. Total * .Major equipment or .rentals only, small tools to be included in Item 5. ** Direct field labor only, general supervision to be included in Item 5. C. No Change Orders or modifications to this Agreement shall be made nor will be recognized, nor will any payment be made the Contractor on account of such Change Orders or modifications, unless they appear in writing over proper signatures as designated by the Owner in writing. END OF SECTION Immediate Care Center Eisenhower Piedical Center Project #85-05 Application for Payment and Change Order Procedures 01152-4 • PART 1,- GENERAL SECTION 01300 SUBMITTALS 1.01 PROCEDURES A. Deliver submittals to Architect at address listed on cover of Project Manual. B. Transmit each item under Architect -accepted form. Ident i - fy Project, Contractor, subcontractor, major supplier; identify pertinent Drawing sheet and detail number, and Specification section number, as appropriate. Identify deviations from Contract Documents. Provide space for Contractor and.Architect review stamps. C. Comply with progress schedule for submittals related to Work progress. Coordinate submittal of related items. D. After Architect review of submittal, revise and resubmit as required, identifying changes made since previous submittal. • E. Distribute copies of reviewed submittals to concerned persons. Instruct recipients to promptly report any inability to comply with provisions. 1.02 SHOP DRA14INGS A. Submit in the form of one reproducible transparency and one opaque reproduction. After review,. reproduce, and distribute in accordance with requirements in artice on Procedures, above. '1.03 PRODUCT DATA A. Mark each copy to identify applicable Products, models, options, and other data; supplement manufacturers' stand- ard data to provide information unique to the Work. Include manufacturers' installation instructions when required by the Specification section. B. Submit the number of copies which Contractor requires, plus two copies which will be retained by Architect. 1.04 SAMPLES A. Submit full range of manufacturers' standard colors, • textures, and patterns for Architect's selection. Immediate Care Center Eisenhower Medical Center Submittals Project #85-05 01300-1 • B. Submit Samples to illustrate functional characteristics of the Product, with integral parts and attachment devices. Coordinate submittal of different categories for interfac- ing work. C. Include identification on each Sample, giving full infor- mation. D. Submit the number specified in respective Specification section; one will be retained by Architect. Reviewed Samples which may be used in the Work are indicated in the Specification section. 1.05 MANUFACTURERS' CERTIFICATES A. Submit certificates,' in duplicate, in accordance with requirements of each Specification section. END OF SECTION Immediate Care Center Submittals Eisenhower Medical Center 01300-2 Project 7#85-05 SECTION 01500 CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 ELECTRICITY, LIGHTING A. Owner will provide power for construction. 1.02 HEAT, VENTILATION A. Provide as required to maintain specified conditions for construction operations, to protect materials and finishes from damage due to temperature or humidity. B. Prior to operation of permanent facilities for temporary purposes, verify that installation is approved for opera- tion, and that filters are in place. Provide and pay for • operation, maintenance, and utilities. C. Provide ventilation of enclosed areas to cure materials, to disperse humidity, and to prevent accumulations of dust, fumes, vapors, or gases. 1.04 WATER A. Water may be obtained at location designated by Owner. 1.05 SANITARY FACILITIES A. Provide and maintain required facilities and enclosures. Immediate Care Center Eisenhower Medical Center Construction Facilities Project #85-05 and Temporary Controls 01500-1 • 1.06 ENCLOSURES A. Provide temporary _weather -tight closures of openings in exterior surfaces to provide acceptable working.conditions and protection for materials, and to prevent entry of unauthorized persons. Provide doors with self-closing hardware and locks. 1.07 BARRIERS A. Provide as required to prevent public entry to construc- tion areas. 1.08 CLEANING DURING CONSTRUCTION A. Control accumulation of waste materials and rubbish; promptly dispose of off-site. B. Clean interior areas prior to start of finish work, main- tain areas free of. dust and other contaminants during finishing operations. 1.'09 STORAGE OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT i`. A. Limit storage, unloading, etc. to interior of space or other areas specifically approved by the Owner and acceptable • to Landlord. 1.10 REMOVAL A. Remove temporary materials, equpiment, services, and construction prior to Substantial Completion inspection. B. Clean and repair damage caused by installation or use of temporary facilities. END OF SECTION Immediate Care Center Eisenhower Medical Center Construction Facilities Project #85-05 and Temporary Controls 0'_500-2 �. SECTION 01600 MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 PRODUCTS A. Products include materials, equipment, and systems. B. Comply with Specifications and referenced• standards as minimum requirements. C. Components required to be supplied in quantity within a Specification section shall •be the same, and shall be interchangeable. 1.02 WORKMANSHIP A. Comply with industry standards except when more restric- tive tolerances or specified requirements indicate more rigid standards or more precise workmanship. B'. Perform work by persons qualified to product workmanship of specified quality. • C. Secure Products in place with positive anchorage devices designed and sized to withstand stresses, vibration, and racking. 1.03- MANUFACTURERS' INSTRUCTION A. When work is specified to comply with manufacturers' instructions, submit copies as specified in Section 01300, distribute copies to persons: involved, and maintain one set in field office. B. Perform work in accordance with details of instructions and specified requirements. Should a conflict exist between Specifications and instructions, consult with Architect. 1.04 TRANSPORTATION AND HANDLING A., Transport Products by methods to avoid product damage; deliver in undamaged condition in manufacturer's unopened container or packaging. B. Provide equipment -and personnel to handle Products by methods to prevent soiling or damage. Immediate Care Center Eisenhower medical Center Material and Equipment Project #85-05 01600-1 A. ureProducts Promptly inspect shipments to assure s • with requirements, quantities acorrect, are undamaged.. 1.05 STORAGE AND PROTECTION A. Store Products in accordance with manufacturer's instruc- tions, with seals and. labels intact. and legible. Store sensitive Products in weather -tight enclosures; maintain within temperature and humidity ranges required by manu- facturer's instructions. 4 - B. For exterior storage offabricated Products, place on sloped supports above -ground. Cover Products subject to provide deterioration.with impervious sheet covering; ventilation to avoid condensation. C. Arrange storage to provide access for inspection. Period- . ically inspect to assure Products are undamaged, and are maintained under required conditions.. E. After installation, •provide coverings to protect Products from damage from traffic and construction operations, remove when no longer needed. ' 1.06 PRODUCT OPTIONS A.- Within 7 days after date -of Contract, submit -complete list of. major Products proposed, with name of manufac- turer, trade name, and model. B. Options: 1. Products. specified only by reference standard: Any Product meeting that standard. 2. Products specified by naming several manufacturers: Products of any named manufacturer meeting Specifica- tions. 3. Products specified by naming one or more manufacturers and "or equal": Submit a request for substitution for any manufacturer not specifically named. 4. Products specified by naming only one manufacturer: No option. 1.07 SUBSTITUTIONS A. Only within 7. days after date of Contract will Architect consider requests from Contractor for substitutions. Immediate Care Center Eisenhower Medical Center Material and Equipment Project #85-05 01600-2 • Subsequently, substitutions will be considered only when a Product becomes unavailable due to no fault of Contractor. B. Document each request with complete data substantiating compliance of proposed substitution with Contract Docu- ments. C. Request constitutes a representation that Contractor: s 1. Has investigated proposed Product and determined that it meets or exceeds, in all respects, specified Prod- uct. 2. Will provide the same warranty for substitution as for specified product. 3. Will coordinate installation and make other changes which may be required for Work to be complete in all respects. 4. Waives claims for •additional costs which may subse- quently become apparent. D. Substitutions will not be considered when they are indi- cated or implied on Shop Drawing or Product Data submit- tals without separate written request, or when acceptance • will require substantial revision of Contract Documents. E. Architect will determine acceptability of proposed substi- tution, and will notify Contractor of acceptance or rejec- tion in writing within a reasonable time. END OF.SECTION Immediate Care Center Eisenhower Medical Center Project #85-05 Material and Equipment 01600-3 w • • t • SECTION 01700 CONTRACT CLOSEOUT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES A. When. Contractor considers Work has reached final comple- tion, notify Architect to perform final inspection. Give notice at least seven (7) days in advance of the time final inspection is to be performed. B. The Architect and/or Owner will be accompanied on the final inspection by the Contractor, as well as any sub- contractors that the Architect may request to be present. C. The Owner will accept the project and will file for the Notice of Completion provided the work has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents and no further measures are required. D. If the work has been substantially completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, and only minor corrective measures are required, the Architect will prepare a punch list of work to be corrected and the Owner will condi- tionally accept the Project and will file for the Notice of Completion based upon the Contractor's assurance that. the corrective measures will be completed within the shortest practicable time period. E.. The Owner will not accept the Project or file for the Notice of Completion if the work has not been substan- tially completed in accordance with the Contract. Docu- ments,• and several or .many corrective measures are re- quired. A punch list will be prepared, based on the information gathered from the final inspection, and the Contractor will be required to complete the work and then call for another final inspection. F. Contractor shall submit his request for the final and acceptance payment upon acceptnace of the Project by the Owner. Final payment will not be made by the Owner until thirty-five (35) days after filing for the Notice of Completion. G. In addition to submittals required by the conditions of the Contract, provide submittals required by governing authorities. Immediate Care Center Eisenhower Medical Center Project #85-05 Contract Closeout 01700-1 • • i 1.02 FINAL CLEANING A. Execute prior to final inspection. B. Clean interior and exterior surfaces exposed to view; remove temporary labels, stains and foreign substances,, polish transparent and glossy surfaces. Clean equipment and fixtures to a sanitary condition, clean or replace filters of mechanical equipment. Clean roofs, downspouts, and drainage systems. C. Clean and sweep paved areas, rake clean other surfaces. D. Remove waste and surplus materials, rubbish, and construc- tion facilities from the Project and from the site. 1.03 ' PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS A. Maintain at the site for the Owner one record copy of: 1. Drawings 2. Specifications 3. Addenda 4. Change Orders and other Modifications to the Contract. 5. Architect Field.Orders or written instructions. 6. Approved Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples. 7. Field Test records. B. Store documents and samples in Contractor's field office apart from documents used for construction. C. Label each document "PROJECT RECORD" in neat large printed letters. Do not conceal any work until required informa- tion is recorded. D. Record information concurrently with construction prog- ress. Do not conceal any work until required information is recorded. E. Drawings:. Legibly mark to record actual construction: 1. Horizontal and vertical locations of underground utilities and appurtenances, referenced to permanent surface improvements. 2. Location of internal utilities and appurtenances concealed in the construction, referenced to visible and accessible features of the structure. 3. Field changes of dimension and detail. Immediate Care Center Eisenhower P7edical Center Project #85-05 Contract Closeout 01700-2 • 4. Changes made by Field Order or by Change Order. 5.` Details not on original contract drawings. F. Making entries on Drawings: Using an erasable colored pencil (not ink or indelible pencil),•clearly describe the entry by note and by graphic line, as required. Date al -1 entries. Call attention to the entry by a "cloud" around the areas or areas affected. In -the event of overlapping changes, different colors may be used for each of the changes. G. Final record documents: At'a time near the completion of the Work secure from the Architect one complete set of sepia transparencies of' all Drawings included in the .Contract. Contractor shall pay for cost of the sepias. H. Transfer of data: Carefully transfer all change data shown on the -job set of Record Drawings to the correspond- ing sepias, coordinating the changes as required, and clearly indicating at each affected detail and drawing and full description of all changes made described in Para- graph 1.05.E above. Call attention to each entry. by drawing a "cloud" around the area or areas affected. Make all change entries on the sepias neatly, consistently, and • in ink or crisp black pencil. I. -Transfer of data to other Documents: If the Documents other than Drawings -have been kept, clean successfully during progress of the Work, and if entries have been sufficiently orderly thereon to the approval of the Archi- tect, the job set -of those Documents (other than Drawings) will be accepted by the Architect as final Record Docu- ments for those Documents. If any such Document is not so approved by the Architect, secure a new copy of ...that Document from the Architect at the Architect's usual charge for reproduction; carefully transfer the change data to the new copy and to the approval of the Architect. J. Specifications and Addenda; Legibly mark each section to record: 1. Manufacturer, trade name, catalog, number, and supplier of each product and item of equipment actually in- stalled. 2. Changes made by field order or by change order. K. At Contract closeout, submit documents with transmittal letter containing date, Project title, Contractor's name and address, list of documents, and a signature of Con- tractor. Immediate Care Center Eisenhower Medical Center Contract Closeout Project #85-65 01700-3 .• 0 1.04 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA A. 'Provide data for: 1. Mechanical equipment and controls - Division 15. 2. Electrical equipment and controls - Division 16. B. Submit two sets prior to final inspection, bound in 8-1/2 x 11 inch (216 x 279 mm) three-ring' side binders with durable plastic covers. C. Provide a separate volume for each system, with a table of contents and index -tabs for each volume.' 1. Part 1: Directory, listing names, addresses, and telephone numbers of: Architect and Contractor. 2. Part 2: Operation and maintenance instructions, arranged by Specification division or system. For each Specification division or system, give names, addresses, and telephone numbers of subcontractors and suppliers. List: a. Appropriate design criteria. • b. List of equipment. c. Parts list • d. Operating.instructions. e. Maintenance instructions, equipment. f. Maintenance instructions, finishes. g. Shop Drawings and Product Data., h. Warranties. 1.05 SYSTEMS DEMONSTRATION A. Prior to final inspection; demonstrate. operation of each system to�Owner. B. Instruct Owner's personnel in operation, adjustment, and maintenance of equipment and systems, using the operation and maintenance data as the basis of instruction. Immediate Care Center Eisenhower Medical Center Project #85-05 . - Contract Closeout 01700-4 1.06 WARRANTIES AND BONDS • A. Provide duplicate, notarized copies. Execute Contractor's submittals and assemble. documents executed by subcon- tractors, supplies, and manufacturers. Provide table of contents and assemble in binder with durable plastic cover.. B. Submit material prior to final application for payment. For equipment put into use with Owner's, permission during construction, submit within 10 days after first operation. For items of Work delayed materially beyond Notice of Completion, provide updated submittal within ten days after acceptance; listing date of acceptance as start of warranty period. END OF SECTION LM • Immediate Care Center Eisenhower Medical Center Project #85-05 Contract Closeout 01700-5 • GENERAL SECTION 06100 ROUGH CARPENTRY Standards: All lumber and plywood to be grade stamped in accor- dance with the following standards:. "Standard Grading and Dressing Rules No. 16M of the West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau. "Product Standard PS 1-74 for Construction and Industrial Plywood" published by the American Plywood Association. Storage and Protection: Pile and protect to insure proper pro- tection from weather. Codes: -execute-'all work per Uniform Building Code, 1979 Edition, Chapter 25. PRODUCTS Framing Lumber: Refer to Rough Carpentry, page 3. Plywood: Douglas Fir conforming to PS -1-74 with exterior glue except where permanently exposed use exterior grade. Rough Hardware: All rough hardware exposed on the exterior including bolts, lag screws, nails, etc., hot dipped galvanized. Metal Framing Anchors, Beam Seats, Etc.: Simpson, or equal. Sheathing Paper: Orange label Sisalkraft or equal. Sill Plates: Douglas Fir pressure treated, "Wolmanized" or approved equal: - EXECUTION Nails: Do not drive closer together than 1/2 of nail length, nor closer to edge than 1/4 of nail length, except as noted for ply - .wood. Pre -drill holes where necessary .to avoid splitting. Use ring -shank nails to nail floor sheathing. Immediate Care Center Eisenhower Medical Center Rough Carpentry Project #85-05 06100-1 • Bolts: Holes for bolts to be no more than 1/32" larger than bolt diameter. Nuts to be made tight at time of installation and again just before being enclosed or at completion of work. Lag Screws: To be screwed, not driven into place. Pre -drill lead holes as follows: Lead hole for shank -same diameter and depth as shank. Lead hold for threaded portion -same diameter as diameter of screw at root of thread and full depth of screw. Washers: All bolts and lag screws to be provided with cut steel washers under heads and nuts, unless noted otherwi5`e on drawings. Stud Walls and Partitions: Make all studs single length and unspliced. Blocking: All stud partitions or walls more than 8' but less than 16' in height to have blocking 2" in thickness and of same width as stud at mid -height of stud. Frame all corners and intersections with three or more studs and provide required bearing for wall finish. Stud partitions or walls containing plumbing, heating or other pipes to be framed to give proper clearance for piping. Where piping. requires cutting of plates or sills, install metal ties • not less than 1/8" thick and 1 1/2" wide across each side of opening with not less than four 16-d nails. Framing Around Openings: Install lintel construction at heads and minimum two studs at jambs. Cut one stud to receive lintel in bearing. Use other means of support when fully detailed on plans. Sill Plates: Bolt size and spacing per drawings. Where sills are bored or notched more than 1/3 of sill width, extra bolts will be required as given for ends of sill pieces. Nailing Blocks and Bucks: To be cut to dimensions indicated on drawings or as required to suit particular purpose. Secure firmly in precise positions as required with bolts, spikes or other anchorage as"detailed. Wood backing to -"receive plumbing fixtures, toilet accessories, etc., to be from 2 x 6 nailed between and flushed with face of studs. Attach securely to support load imposed thereon. Do all work required to, receive mechanical and electrical equip- ment, conceal ducts, and built-in items. Frame for vents, panel boards, and similar parts of work. • Fire Stops: Provide as necessary to cut off all concealed draft openings, both vertical and horizontal. Stops to be 1 1/2" thick Immediate Care Center Eisenhower Medical Center Rough Carpentry Project #85-05 06100-2 • in stud walls and furring midway 'between floor -and top of walls. Maximum spacing to be 8' - 0". Provide stops at all changes in ceiling level and in all furred spaces. Conditions not specifically shown to be executed in manner simi- lar to those shown. Framing Lumber: Douglas Fir/Larch, grade marked as follows: Sill Plates: Foundation Grade Redwood or Pressure Treated Douglas Fir #2 2 x 4 and 2 x 6 Studs - Stud Grade 2 x 4 and 2 x 6 Plates - 492 Joists and Rafters - #2 Beams', Headers, Purlins & Posts - #1 All other, unless otherwise noted - #2 r� U END:OF SECTION Immediate Care Center Eisenhower.idedical Center Project #85-05 Rough Carpentry 06100-3 • SECTION 06200 FINISH CARPENTRY GENERAL Material grades shall comply with the requiements of the Woodwork Institute of California (WIC) "Manual of Woodwork", 1978 Edition; or "Standard Grading and Dressing Rules No. 16" of the West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau. PRODUCTS Exterior Trim, Frames, and Miscellaneous Millwork: No. 1 grade of Douglas Fir. for transparent finish, kiln dried, C and better select, resawn where indicated. Interior Trim: WIC "Custom" Ponderosa Pine for opaque finish. Prefinished Paneling: harlite, gloss finish with matching trim. Color to be selected by Architect. • EXECUTION Nailing: Use only hot dipped galvanized or aluminum nails on exterior. Face nail all exterior members with casing nails driven flush. Secure interior finish work with finishing nails or screws and set for putty stopping. LJ Set door frames plumb 'and square and wedge, block, and secure properly. Fit hardware, remove for painting, and reset when 'paint has dried. Interior finish shall be in longest practicable lengths. Do not splice vertical trim members. END OF SECTION Immediate.Care Center Eisenhower Medical Center Finish Carpentry Project #85-05 06200-1 • SECTION 06300 CABINETWORK GENERAL Submit shop drawings for Architect's approval. Before delivery to the jobsite submit to the Architect a W.I.C. Certified Compliance Certificate indicating the products to be furnished for -this job and certifying that they will fully comply with all requirements of W.I.C. specifications. URCITITTrTS All millwork shall be manufactured in accordance with the standards established in the latest.edition of the Manual of Millwork of the Woodwork Institute of California for Custom Grade Millwork. Plastic laminate to be Formica, satin finish, solid color,'or equal. Color to be selected by Architect. • Cabinet hardware to be as specified on drawings.. Adjustable shelf hardware to be Grant or KV. All drawers to have metal side mounted shelves as -manufactured by Grant or KV. EXECUTION Job Measurements: The mill shall take such field measurements as may be required for their work and be responsible for same. Report any major discrepancy between plan and field dimensions to the Architect. Installation: All work to be plumb, level, square and in proper alignment. To be accurately anchored or fastened in place. Scribing: Where counter tops abut walls or other vertical surfaces, plastic Zaminate to be scribed to vertical surface. SUBMITTALS Submit shop drawings, samples of plastic laminate, and list of cabinet hardware to Architect for approval. • END OF SECTION Immediate Care Center Cabinetwork Eisenhower Medical Center 06300-1 Project #85-05 GENERAL Submit shop drawings in accordance with the provisions of Section 01300. PRODUCTS ' Frames: Sixteen gauge steel, reinforced to recieve hardware, Steelcraft Company, or equal. Miter and weld corners. Provide three rubber door silencers each frame, minimum of three anchors per jam and floor clips. Refer to Architectural drawings for information on lead lined frames. Doors: Eighteen gauge steel minimum, formed and welded, flush type, Steelcraft Company or equal. • Hardware: Refer to Architectural. drawings. EXECUTION Painting: Doors'and frames shall be painted on all surfaces, refer to Section 09900, PAINTING. END OF SECTION n U Immediate Care Center Eisenhower Medical Center Project #85-05 Metal Doors & Frames 08100-1 SECTION 082.10 WOOD DOORS GENERAL Refer to floor'plans and door schedules for locations and sizes. PRODUCTS Interior Flush Doors: Interior grade or solid core as shown on drawings, flush doors, paint grade birch conforming to T.M. Cobb Co., or equal. Lead -lined door: To have degree of shielding specified on drawings. Face to be paint grade birch. Furnish with appropriate c.er_tification from manufacturer. Glass Panels in Doors: -Factory installed, 1/4" thick tempered or wired glass. Finish Hardware: Provided on Architectural drawings, also refer.to Section 08710, Finish Hardware for execution. EXECUTION- Painting: Wood doors shall be painted on all surfaces, refer to Section.09900. END OF SECTION Immediate Care Center Eisenhower Medical Center Project #85-05 Wood Doors 08210-1 • SECTION 08710 FINISH HARDWARE GENERAL Hardware Not Listed: Items of hardware not deinitely specified herein and necessary for completion of the work shall be pro- vided. Such items shall be of type and quality suitable to the service required and comparable to adjacent hardware. Where size or shape of members is such as to prevent the use of types speci- fied, hardware shall be furnished of suitable types having as nearly as practicable the same operation and quality as the type specified. Submittals: Submit five (5) typewritten copies of the schedule of hardware. Hardware shall not be ordered for purchase until the schedule has been reviewed by the Architect and returned to the Contractor. Submit catalog cuts of each item specified. • Check door thicknesses, details of trim, clearance for hinges, strikes, closers, fastener requirements, and fire rating require- ments before preparing schedule. Review of . the schedule shall not be construed as certifying the schedule as being complete. Product Delivery, Storage and Handling: Deliver hardware to the jobsite or to a shop or mill as directed. Each item shall be packed separately, with all necessary screws, fittings, trim, etc., complete and ready for installation. Each package shall be tagged, itemizing the contents and indicating the location or opening upon which the hardware will be applied. Each package shall also be tagged with identifying reference to the Hardware Schedule Headings. Quality Assurance: While the following hardware list is intended to cover all doors and other movable parts of the building, and establish a type and standard of quality, it shall be the specif- ic duty and responsibility of the finish hardware supplier to examine the drawings and specifications and furnish proper hard- ware for all openings, whether listed or not. If there are any omissions in hardware gruops in regard to regular doors or open- ings, they shall be called to the attention of the Owner prior to bid opening. • No extra cost will be allowed because of changes or corrections necessary to facilitate the proper installation of any hardware. Immediate Care Center Eisenhower Medical Center Finish Hardware Project #85-05 08710-1 • Contractor shall be responsible for the proper fabrication of all work or material to receive the hardware. Contractor shall be responsible for arranging his work and secur- ing delivery of all hardware, etc., so that all work shall prog- ress without delay or interruption. All hardware shall comply with applicable life safety; fire, and building codes. No extra costs will be allowed for furnishing items required by authorities, irrespective of errors or ommis- sions herein. Locksets: All locks shall have box strikes and lips long enough to protect the trim. Key ing: Lock cylinders shall be masterkeyed, and keyed alike in groups as directed by Owner. Stamp keys and cylinder cores with matching symbols. Manufactures: Refer to Architectural drawings. Finishes: Refer to Architectural drawings. • Substitutions: Items by other manufacturers shall be strictly comparable As to level of quality, design, features, finish, and operation. Decision of the Architect is final in any matter of substitution. Miscellaneous 1. Furnish type of lock strike as required by 'frame manufacturer. 2. Furnish Silencers for steel frames, GJ64, as required. EXECUTION Installation: Installation of hardware, -except where otherwise specified is specified in other sections. Location of hardware shall be as follows unless otherwise indicated or directed. Door knobs, centered 40 5/16" inches above floor. Door pulls, centered 40 inches above floor. Push plates, centered 45 inches above floor. • Cylinder deadlocks, centered 52 inches above floor. Immediate Care Center Eisenhower Medical Center Finish Hardware Project #85-05 08710-2 • Inspection And Adjustments: At the completion of hardware installation,a thorough inspection shall be made of all hardware throughout the job by the hardware supplier, and all such adjustments and corrections made are necessary to insure that all hardware complies with Specification.requirements and is properly installed and functions correctly. • Immediate Care Center Eisenhower Medical Center Project #85-05 Finish Hardware. 08710-3 • SECTION 08800 GLAZING GENERAL All glass shall bear manufacturer's label.in accordance with U.S.. Government standards. PRODUCTS Glass: "Glazing" quality float glass or polished plate, Pitts- burgh Plate Glass, or equal. "Herculite V fully tempered glass where indicated or required by Code. Minimum glass thickness of EXECUTION All glazing work shall be performed in accordance with the stan- dards of the "Glazing Manual" 'and the "Glazing Sealing Systems Manual" of the Flat Glass Manufacturer's Association. At com- pletion of work replace broken imperfect glass, and 'glass which cannot be properly cleaned. END OF SECTION .• Inunediate Care Center Eisenhower "Iedical Center Project F85-05 Gazing 08800-1 . 1 L] SECTION 09250 GYPSUM WALLBOARD GENERAL Refer to plans for. location of gypsum board types and thick nesses. Install in accordance with Table 47G, Uniform Building Code, 1979 Edition. Lead -Laminated Gypsum Wallboard: As noted on drawings complete with minimum 2" wide closure strips, lead fastener discs, etc. PRODUCTS G sum Wallboard: U.S. Gypsum "Sheetrock" tapered edge, or equal. Lead -Laminated Gypsum Wallboard: As noted on drawings complete with minimum 2" wide closure strips, lead fastener discs, etc. All other walls and ceilings: 5/8 " thick. Water resistant where indicated on drawings. •' Fasteners: Nails or screws of type specifically recommended by gypsum wallboard manufacturer. Metal Trim: No. 200A and 200B, or equal. Joint Treatment: Joint tape and cement by same manufacturer of gypsum wallboard. Corner Reinforcement: "Dura -Bead", or equal. EXECUTION ` Install gypsum wallboard on framing according to the American Standard Association Specifications for Gypsum Wallboard Interi- or Finishes" and U.S. Gypsum "Drywall Construction Handbook", single layer application with double nailing, U.S. Gypsum "Perf- A-Tape" Joint System, and all necessary metal accessories. Metal trim to be full length without splicing where possible. Finish all joints, sanding each coat of joint compound. Texture all wallboard surfaces. Final finish to be of minimum texture and shall match approved sample. Install lead laminated gypsum wallboard in strict accordance with manugacturer's specifications. • END OF SECTION Immediate Care Center. Eisenhower medical Center Gypsum Wallboard Project n85-05 09250-1' SECTION 09500 ACOUSTICAL TREATMENT GENERAL Suspended ceiling grid system shall be UBC and Building Depart- ment approved. Flame spread shall be in accordance with the UBC, Chapter 42. PRODUCTS Suspension System: Exposed grid, standard white baked on enamel, Flangeklamp or equal. Existing Ceiling: Revise existing components where feasible. MOM suspension system and provide new lay -in panels at locations indicated on drawings. EXECUTION Install suspension system and acoustical units in accordance with manufacturer's direction and building code approvals. Coordinate • installation with all other trades. END OF SECTION r Immediate Care Center Eisenhower Medical Center Project #85-05 Acoustical Treatment 09500-1 SECTION 09650 RESILIENT FLOORING GENERAL Submit samples of resilient flooring for Architect's selection of color and pattern. PRODUCTS Vinyl -Asbestos Tile: "Imperial Excelon" 12" x 12"x 1/8" vinyl - asbestos tile by Armstrong Cork Co. or equal, color to be selec- ted by.Architect. Sheet Vinyl: "Brigantine" Corlon sheet vinyl flooring, by Arm- strong Cork Co., or equal. Color to be selected by Architect. Adhesive: As recommended by the manufacturer for type of materi- al .and installation. EXECUTION. Install sheet vinyl with integral cove base and in accordance with manufacturer's recommendation. Prior to installation, • inspect all surfaces and advise Contractor of any condition which might effect quality of resilient flooring installation. Sub - floor shall be clean, dry and smooth, and free of imperfections that will transfer through resilient flooring. Where resilient .flooring meets other material at door openings or terminates without abutting other material,...provide aluminum edge strip. " 0. Clean off excess adhesive and other marks as work progresses. Thoroughly clean and polish upon completion of installation. END OF, SECTION 1. 0 Immediate Care Center Resilient Flooring Eisenhower Pledical Center 09650-1 Project #85-05 SECTION 09682 CARPET GENERAL Submit 12 inch square samples in triplicate with manufacturer, ' series, and other appropriate information affixed. Samples shall be from stock actually intended for use on the project. PRODUCTS Field carpet (All areas except feature strip at waiting room): L8116-24.5 "Mauvegrain", Post Road series nylon carpet by Lees Carpets with Bioguard Protection. Accent Carpet: L8116-402 "Violet Stone", Post Road Series nylon carpet by Lees Carpets with Bioguard Protection. Adhesive: As recommended by the carpet manufacturer for glue -down installation over concrete slab. Submit written documentation that adhesive intended,.for use is approved for such an installation by the carpet manufacturer. Adhesive for carpet base shall be suitable for installation over • gypsum drywall. P.XPrTTTTnM • Thoroughly clear floor slab and install carpet in accordance with recommendations of the manufacturer(s) of carpet and adhesive. Advise Contractor of any conditions requiring correction and reinspect after all corrections have been .made. Do not proceed with installation of carpet until surfaces are satisfactory. Seams shall be avoided wherever possible. All seams shall be made in strict conformance with the recommendations of the carpet manufacturer. Take care to match pattern and color. Avoid high traffic areas where possible. Clean up excess adhesive and other marks as work progresses. Thoroughly clean and vacuum upon completion. END OF SECTION Immediate Care Center Carpet Eisenhower Medical Center 09682 Project #85-5 . SECTION 09900 • PAINTING GENERAL Work of this section consists of the preparation of and painting of all surfaces, interior and exterior, except for items of work specifically excluded. Color and finish samples: Architect will furnish Cpntractor with tentative schedule of colors. Contractor shall prepare 12" x 12" samples for Architect's approval and no painting shall be.started until such approval is given in writing. Wood used to.display natural finishes shall be same type and texture as wood on which finish is to be applied. Material List: Provide Architect with list of all painting materials and secure approval before starting work. At comple- tion of work, furnish a complete list of all paint and stain material used, indicating locations. " Guarantee: Provide written guarantee of all painting work for a period of one year. This warranty is in addition to General Contractor's warranty. • PRODUCTS Paint materials 'shall be manufactured by Sinclair Paints, Dunn - Edwards, -or Kelly -Moore, unless otherwise noted. Paint materials used for each type surface shall be the product of a single manufacturer Semi -transparent wood stain shall be Olympic, substitutions are not permitted unless written approval is obtained from the Architect. EXECUTION Surface preparation shall be in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. - Paint materials shall be applied in accordance with paint manu- facturer's recommendations. Semi -transparent Wood Stain: Apply at an average covering rate not exceeding manufac- turer's recommended coverage rate. Immediate Care Center Painting Eisenhower Medical Center 09900-1' Project #85-05 All doors, interior and exterior, shall,be'painted on all six • sides. SCHEDULE OF PAINT FINISHES EXTERIOR As required for patching New rear door and frame (assumes factory applied prime coat). i Two (2) coats exterior oil -base trim paint. INTERIOR Gypsum Wallboard -Enamel: 1 coat primer 1 coat gloss enamel, or as necessary for proper coverage Gypsum Wallboard -Flat: 1 coat flat wall paint, or as necessary for proper coverage Metal Surfaces Primed by Others: 1 coat rust inhibitive primer 2 coats. semi -gloss enamel Wood -Enamel: 1 coat enamel undercoat °1 coat gloss enamel, "or as necessary .for proper coverage Wood -Stained: 2 coats semi -transparent Stain Wood -Natural -Finish: (Cabinets not faced with plastic laminate) 2 coats matte finish varatrane. • ENL OF SECTION Immediate Care Center Painting Eisenhower Medical Center 09900-2 Project #85-05 • SECTION 10800 BUILDING ACCESSORIES GENERAL Refer to drawings for location of grab bars and toilet acces- sories. PRODUCTS Grab Bars: 1-1/4" diameter. Stainless steel, by Bobrick, Parker, or equal,.in lengths shown on drawings. Toilet Paper Holder: No. B-685 surface mounted toilet paper holder, Bobrick or equal. Mirror: -No. 5-165 2430 stainless steel framed mirror, Bobrick or equal. EXECUTION Install grab bars as shown on drawings and in - accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. END OF SECTION Immediate Care Center Eisenhower Medical Center Project.#85-05 Building Accessories 10800-1 • • • SECTION 15410 INTERIOR PLUMBING GENERAL . < Description: System shall be laid out by plumbing contractor as a design and install system. Provide all drawings necessary to secure plumbing and general building permits. Furnish all labor, material, equipment and transportation to complete the plumbing work as shown on the approved submittal, specified herein and/or implied the Contractor shall visit site and verify all conditions affecting the work of this section of the specifications. All work shall be done according to local codes and ordinances. Contractor shall obtain and, pay for. plumbing permit. Submittals: Comply with provisions of Section 01300. Six com- plete copies of each item to be furnished under this contract. Guarantee: Contractor shall .,deliver to the Owner a written one year guarantee against any and all defects in materials and workmanship on all plumbing items furnished and installed. Record drawings: Comply with provisions of Section 01700. PRODUCTS Materials: Soil and Waste Pipina: Standard weight cast iron soil pipe and fitting with joints as approved by Code. Immediate Care Center Eisenhower Medical Center Project #85-05 Interior Plumbing 15410-1 • Water Piping: Type "K" copper tubing, ,hard temper, cold drawn, with solder sweat wrought copper fittings for below floor. Type "L" copper tubing, hard drawn with solder seat wrought copper fittings for above floor. Uee silver solder, 1100 degrees F brazing alloy (Silfos) for below floor piping. 50-50 tin/antimony solder for above floor piping. Adaptors shall be used where copper tubing connect to I.P.S. piping or thread valves. Fixtures: Shall be American Standard or approved equal. All exposed trim to be chrome finish. Toilets: "Cadet" No. 2122.443, furnished complete with Church Toilet Seat No. 5330.022 and angle stop valve. Lavoratories: "Lucerne" No. 0351.072, wall hung, and No..2103.588 faucet with integral grid drain and chrome plated "P" -trap. Recessed Hose Bibbs: Acorn No. 8105-2 with loose key stop valve and vacuum breaker. Faucets and valves to'be brass of American manufacture. • EXECUTION Piping shall be concelaed in walls and partitions. Testing: All domestic water piping shall be flushed out, tested at 150 psi and shall be left under pressure of supply main or a minimum of 40 psi for the balance of the construction period. No air.test- ing allowed. Tests are to be applied for a minimum period of Immediate Care Center Interior Plumbing Eisenhower Medical Center 15410-2 Project #85-05 twenty-four (24) hours .and until tests are complete. Final pressure at the end of test period shall be no more nor less than that caused by expansion or contraction of the test medium due to temperature changes. Soil, waste, vent, condensate and rain _water leaders within the building shall be tested with a minimum of 10 foot -head at each joint for a minimum of three hours with no loss in head. Sterilization of Water Lines: -Sterilize in.accordance with local codes and/or AWWA Standard C-601 "Disinfection of Water Mains." END OF SECTION • Immediate Care Center Eisenhower Medical Center Project #85-05 Interior Plumbing 15410-3 Ll SECTION 15600 HEATING, VENTILATING, & AIR CONDITIONING GENERAL Description: Industry standards and manufacturer's recommendations, diagrams, or requirements shall be strictly adhered to for installation of materials and equipment. Required Licenses, Permits and Fees: Procure all licenses and per- mits, and. pay all fees, deposits, assessments and tax charges re- quired for air conditioning work. Work Included: Verify size of existing roof mounted equipment and duct work. Advise Architect -immediately of any discrepancies. Provide heat- ing, ventilating and air. conditioning distribution system connected to existing ductwork at second floor level. Provide required and desired general exhaust from toilets, janitors closets, etc. ® Provide all work including ducts, equipment, diffusers, insulation, and all work required for complete and operating systems. • Controls, and interlocking wiring, low voltage only. Submit list of proposed equipment, including diffusers, grilles, and controls. Any revisions to Title 24 forms required by Contractor's equipment selections. Additional systems required due to a tenant's specific requirements will be included under this contract, but will be priced when re- quirements become known. Work Not Included: Access doors and access panels in finished walls, floors and ceilings if required. Finish painting of exposed items and factory prime coated items. All line voltage wiring and conduit for line and low voltage. Immediate,Care Center HVAC Eisenhower.Medical Center 15600-1 Project No. 85-05 0 i Warranty: Provide complete warranty for systems installed by this Contractor for a period of one year form date of acceptance of systems by tenant including all labor, materials, parts, etc. PRODUCTS Controls: Honeywell, Johnson, Powers, or Barber -Coleman. Air Distribution: Tuttle & Bailey, Titus, Kreuger, or Metal -Aire. . EXECUTION Tests: Make all necessary control adjusments and balancing of.air flow and then operate entire system for a.period of not less than three working days for purposes of providing satisfactory performance. During this period, instruct such persons as Owner may designate in proper operation, care and maintenance of system. Should fur- ther adjustment prove necessary, tests shall be repeated until a satisfactory test is obtained. Adjust or replace fan sheaves where possible, register dampers, proportioning vanes, and directional devices to obtain uniform air distribution and air quantities of design quantities required and calculated. Submit record of measured air flows, fan RPM and static pressure. Painting: Touch-up or completely repaint marred, damaged or corroded sur- faces of items finished or prime coated at factory.. Use same paint type and color: Prime coat all black iron supports, hangers, etc. Instructions: Upon completion of work, provide Owners' personnel an instruction period in operation and maintenance of -material and equipment.- END quipment: END OF SECTION Immediate Care Center HVAC Eisenhower Medical Center 15600-2 Project No. 85-05 • SECTION 06100 INTERIOR ELECTRICAL GENERAL Description: Electrical system shall be Contractor designed, installed and guaranteed for one year. Provide drawings as necessary to include lighting and power, conduits, wires, outlets, telephone system and air conditioning as necessary to secure electrical and general building permits and for coordination with other trades. Prepare shop drawings for all fabricated equipment and submit to Architect for review. ' Contractor shall visit site to verify conditions. Design of electrical system shall be based on the following: Provide fluorescent energy.saver lighting fixtures for general illumination as shown. Furnish complete with conduit and wiring from panel. Provide separate circuits in shop panel for control of these lights. Provide flood lights under eave as shown on drawings for sign illumination. Verify location of floods with Owner or Architect prior to rough -in. -Obtain all..irequired permits and arrange for inspections, and where required, plan check approval. Contractor shall .be responsible for signing up and arranging for the installation of the meter(s). Owner.will pay for all power company fees. PRODUCTS Materials: All conductors #2 and smaller shall be copper type THWN insulation. All conducts #1 and larger shall be copper type THW insulation. Conduit used shall be intermediate metal, E.M.T., or PVC Schedule 40. PVC may only be used below grade. EMT may not be installed in exposed locations below 8'-0" above grade. Receptacles: Sierra, or equal, with ivory plastic plates., • Time Switch: Tork, or equal, with astronomic dial. Immediate Care Center Interior Electrical Eisenhower Medical Center 16100-1 Prniect *RS -OS • Fluorescent Fixtures: As shown on drawings, rapid start, with lamps. Match existing fixtures where required. EXECUTION All work shall conform to and be installed in accordance with the requirements of all local and state laws, rules and regulations, and authorities having jurisdiction. Compliance with California Administrative Code, Title 24, Division T20, article 2, "Energy Conservation Standards for New Nonresidential Buildings: is required, including a certificate of construction compliance prior to final inspection submitted to the building enforcement agency. Installation: Main Switchboards and Metering:` Contractor to verify electric service requirements and points of connection. Installation to be in accordance with all codes and governing authorities. All steel conduit in direct contact with earth shall be coated with 20 mil thick PVC. Provide conduit from HVAC unit control panel to thermostat outlet. Pull the wire, furnished by HVAC subcontractor, • for low voltage controls. HVAC subcontractor will make connection. Make connections to a ceiling exhaust fan in restroom. Connect fan to restroom light fixture. Provide telephone conduits as required,by telephone company. Terminate telephone outlets as directed by Architect. END OF SECTION • Immediate Care Center Interior Electrical Eisenhower Medical Center 16100-2 Project #85-05