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0206-215 (RC) Title 24
TITLE 24 Energy Conservatio Standards Compliance v (Revised Glazing Calcula ' POINT HAPPY HIGHWAY 111 �_� yI N k.. V b Number: 20120B a'P ed For: T ARCHITECTS, INC. r 0 SSANDRO SUITE C P ESERT, CA 92260 760-779-5393 ort CITY OF LA QUI A BUILDING & SAF EPT. APPRO D Air 0 FOR CONST CTI 9 �� Madlin s 1 °�1w 11enterpnses v®V®®®® 7catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst Post Office Box 1443 o Palm Springs, CA 92263 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) E-mail: CMadlin@aol.com Madlin s enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst . 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) . e V ®®® Title 24 Energy Conservation Standards Compliance Report This proposed project has been reviewed for compliance with the 2001 State of California Energy Conservation Standards, Title 24, by Madlin's Enterprises. The building design described in this compliance portfolio is in conformance with the standards as outlined in the attached compliance forms and documentation. Date: December 14, 2001 Job Number: 20120B Prepared For: PR -EST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS, INC. Project Name: POINT HAPPY BUILDING 2 Project Location: HIGHWAY 111 & WASHINGTON, LA QUINTA Method of Compliance: ENERGYPRO CERTIFIED COMPUTER PROGRAM Certified Energy Analyst Catherine M. Madlin NR 98-90-544 r r R 98-90-144 'California Association of Building Energy Consultants v Post Office Box 1443 v Palm Springs, Ca 92263 v Madlin enteipfises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst . 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) ®®®®®® Note To Plan Checker 1.0 �J Date: December 14, 2001 Job Number: 20120B Prepared For: PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS, INC. Project Name: POINT HAPPY BUILDING 2 The attached revised compliance calculations reflects glazing area changes; no other changes were made. Please contact me if you have any questions. Cathy Madlin r v Post Office Box 1443 v Palm Springs, Ca 92263 0 r TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents 1 y Form ENV -1 Certificate of Compliance 2 Form ENV -2 Overall Envelope Method 5 Form ENV -MM Envelope Mandatory Measures 11 -EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft Job Number: 20120B User Number: 1069 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Part 1 of 2 ENV -1 PROJECT NAME DATE - Point Happy Buildings 2 12/14/01 PROJECT ADDRESS Highway 111 at Washington St. La Quinta PRINCIPAL DESIGNER - ENVELOPE _TELEPHONE Building Permit # Prest Vuksic Architects 760-779-5393 DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR Madlin's Enterprises TELEPHONE (760) 322-5004 Checked by/Date Enforcement A enc use GENERAL INFORMATION DATE OF PLANS (BUILDING CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA CLIMATE ZONE 4,975 Sy Ft 15 BUILDING TYPE NONRESIDENTIAL HIGH RISE RESIDENTIAL HOTEL/MOTEL GUEST ROOM PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION NEW CONSTRUCTION E] ADDITION 0 ALTERATION EXISTING + ADDITION METHOD OF ENVELOPE COMPONENT rX OVERALL ENVELOPE F-] PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE This Certificate of Compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations. This certificate applies only to building envelope requirements. The documentation preparer hereby certifies that the document is accurate and complete. DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR SIGN E TE DATE Catherine M. Madlin -/4 •o! The Principal Envelope Designer hereby certifies that the proposed building design represented in this set of construction documents is consistent with the other compliance forms and worksheets, with the specifications, and with any other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the envelope requirements contained in Sections 110, 116 through 118, and 140, 142, 143 or 149 of Title 24, Part 6. Please check one: I hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am licensed in the state of California as a civil engineer or mechanical engineer, or I am a licensed architect. ❑ I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section 5537.2 or 6737.3 to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a licensed contractor performing this work. I affirm that I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document because it pertains to a structure or type of work described as exempt pursuant to Business and Professions Code Sections 5537, 5538, and 6737.1. PRINCIPAL ENVELOPE DESIGNER - NAME SIGNATURE DATE LIC. # Prest Vuksic Architects ENVELOPE MANDATORY MEASURES Indicate location on plans of Note Block for Mandatory Measures f INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT For detailed instructions on the use of this and all Energy Efficiency Standards compliance forms, please refer to the Nonresidential Manual published by the California Energy Commission. ENV -1: Required on plans for all submittals. Part 2 may be incorporated in schedules on plans. ENV -2: Used for all submittals; choose appropriate version depending on method of envelope compliance. ENV -3: Optional. Use if default U -values are not used. Choose appropriate version for assembly U -value to be calculated. EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1069 Job Number: 20120B Page:2 of 11 [ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY Part 2 of 2 ENV -1 PROJECT NAME Point Hapov Buildi DATE 12/14/01 OPAQUE SURFACES i f i Surface ' Framing i 1 Act. #Type j Type `Area U -Fac.; Azm. Ft I i ! Tilt Solar Gains y/N Form 3 Reference I ! Location /Comments Wall Wood 737 j_0.06T0 i 90 X Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs R-19 Wall (W.19.2x6.16) Retail j 2�Wall !_Wall _:Wood ;1,038 i 0.065 90 90 X 0 R-19 Wall (W.19.2x6.16) Retail ! :Wood; 792 1 0.065 1 180 90 X 74 0.660 R-19 Wall (W.19.2x6.16) Retail !� 4 lWall ;Roof ;Wood l 742 j 0.065 ; ;Wood '4,975 ! 0.028 270 0 [ 90X ; 0 X 4 R-19 Wall (W.19.2x6.16) R 38 Roof (R.38.2x14.16) Retail Retail 90 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs Retail 5 Window 60 0.660 90 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs lRetail 6 Window 60 0.660 90 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs Retail _7 (Window 5 0.660 90 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs Retail 8 (Window 9Window 60 1 0.660 38 1 0.660 ! ! I _ 0.52 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs Retail Retail _ _ I Window 28 0.660 270 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs Retail _ 11 Window 16 0.660 270 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs Retail _ 12 Window 48 0.760 270 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs iRetail _ 13 Window 16 0.660 270 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs Retail 14 ! { i 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs lRetail 15 Window 48 0.760 270 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & DrsRetail i EXTERIOR SHADING ir LI`ICJ I nm I Kill OUnrNliCO -I Site Assembled Glazing Check box If Building Is >= 100,000 sqft of CFF, and >= 10,000 sqft vertical glazing then NFRC Certification is required. Fnllnw NFRC 1nn_CR Prnrwrlivcc Ana �:.ti..,�� niror i .. ti,.n....:r.,...._ r__� # Type Area U -Fac. Act. Azm. SHGC Glazing Type Location / Comments 1 Window 30 0.660 0 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs Retail 2 Window 30 0.660 0 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs Retail _ 3 Window 74 0.660 0 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs Retail 4 Window 88 0.660 90 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs Retail 5 Window 60 0.660 90 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs lRetail 6 Window 60 0.660 90 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs Retail _7 (Window 5 0.660 90 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs Retail 8 (Window 9Window 60 1 0.660 38 1 0.660 180 270 _ 0.52 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs Retail Retail _ _ 10 Window 28 0.660 270 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs Retail _ 11 Window 16 0.660 270 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs Retail _ 12 Window 48 0.760 270 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs iRetail _ 13 Window 16 0.660 270 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs Retail 14 Window 38 0.660 270 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs lRetail 15 Window 48 0.760 270 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & DrsRetail EXTERIOR SHADING # 1 Exterior Shade Type None SHGC 0.76 Window Hgt. Wd. 7.0 4.3 Overhang Len. Hgt. LExt.RExt. 1.0 0.1 0.5 0.5 Left Fin Right Fin Dist. Len. Hgt. 0.5 1.0 0 Dist. Len. Hgt. 0.5 1.0 0 2 None 0.76 7.0 4.3 1.0 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 0 0.5 1.0 0 3 None 0.76 8.2 9.0 1.0 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 0 0.5 1.0 0 4 None 0.76 8.5 109.0 1.5 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.5 0 0.5 1.5 0 5 6 7 8 9 None None None None None 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 7.5 7.5 1.2 8.2 7.5 8.0 8.0 3.0 7.2 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.1 1.0 0 1.0 0 1.0 0 1.0 0 1.0 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.1 1.0 0 1.0 0 1.0 0 1.0 0 1.0 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 None None None None None None 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 3.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 7.5 8.0 10.0 2.0 6.0 2.0 5.0 6.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 2.0 0.1 0.1 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 2.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 2.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.5 0 1.5 0 1.5 0 1.5 0 1.0 0 1.0 0 0.1 0.1 2.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.5 0 1.5 0 1.5 0 1.5 0 1.0 0 1.0 0 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1069 Job Number: 20120B Page:3 of 11 j ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY Part 2 of 2 ENV -1 PROJECT NAME DATE Point Happy Buildings 2 12/14/01 OPAQUE SURFACES Solar 1 I Surface Framing! i Act. Gains j # Type Type ;Area ;U -Fac.; Azm. ;Tilt y/N Form 3 Reference Location /Comments SHGC GlazingType Location / Comments 16 Window 12 0.660 1 270 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs Retail 17 Window i j j I 1 270 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs Retail I I 18 Window 66 0.660 ; ; I I 19 Window 21 0.660 I i I I i 0.52 I I i i 1 i 20 Window Site Assembled Glazing Check box if Building is >= 100,000 sqft of CFA and >= 10,000 sqft vertical glazing then NFRC Certification is required. Fnunw NFRr: 1M_CR -.,a n;rorr, I ..ti -I n...,:c_..._ I- - # Type Area U -Fac. Act. Azm. SHGC GlazingType Location / Comments 16 Window 12 0.660 1 270 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs Retail 17 Window 66 0.660 1 270 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs Retail 18 Window 66 0.660 270 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs Retail 19 Window 21 0.660 1 270 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs Retail 20 Window 13 0.660 270 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs Retail 21 Window 48 0.760 270 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs Retail 22 Window 13 270 0.52 Double Mtl LowE Fixed & Drs ',Retail 1I0.660 -i EXTERIOR SHADING # 16 Exterior Shade Type 1 None SHGC 0.76 Window Hgt. Wd. 2.0 6.0 Overhang Left Fin Right Fin Len. Hgt. LULRExt. 1.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 Dist. Len. Hgt. 0.1 1.0 0 Dist. Len. Hgt. 0.1 1.0 0 17 None 0.76 9.5 7.0 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.5 0 _ 0.1 0.5 0 18 None 0.76 9.5 7.0 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.5 0 0.1 0.5 0 19 None 0.76 1.9 9.5 1.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0 0 0.1 1.0 0 20 None 0.76 8.0 1.8 1.0 1.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 1.0 0 0.1 0.0 0 21 None 0.76 8.0 6.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 0 2.0 1.0 0 22 None 0.76 8.0 1.8 1.0 1.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 1.0 0 0.1 0.0 0 I oI-yyrw u.1 Dy oia;yyaun user nrvumoer. wtiy Job Number: 201208 Paoe:4 of 11 1 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD Part 1 of 6 ENV -2 )ROJECT NAME DATE Point Happy Buildings 2 12/14/01 WINDOW AREA TEST A. DISPLAY PERIMETER I-- 0 ft X 6 = I sf DISPLAY AREA B. GROSS EXTERIOR WALL AREA I-- 4� 1 87 sf X 0.40.675, sf 40% AREA C. GROSS EXTERIOR WALL AREA 4,1 87 Sf X0.10 = 41 g sf MINIMUM STND. AREA D. ENTER LARGER OF A or B1 —� F X 675 sf MAXIMUM STND: AREA E. ENTER PROPOSED WINDOW AREA STANDARD %GROSS 878 sf PROPOSED AREA F. WINDOW WALL RATIO = Proposed Window Area Divided by Gross Exterior Wall Area = ZO.98% IF E IS GREATER THAN D OR LESS THAN C, PROCEED TO THE NEXT CALCULATION FOR THE WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT. IF NOT, GO TO PART 2 OF 6. PROPOSED 1. IF E GREATER THAN D: IF THE PROPOSED SKYLIGHT AREA IS GREATER THAN THE STANDARD SKYLIGHT AREA, PROCEED MAXIMUM PROPOSED WINDOW STANDARD AREA WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT FACTOR F_ GO TO PART 6 TO CALCULATE ADJUSTED AREAS. 2. IF LESS THAN C: MINIMUM PROPOSED WINDOW STANDARD AREA AREA ADJUSTMENT FACTOR ` GO TO PART 6 TO CALCULATE ADJUSTED AREAS. SKYLIGHT AREA TEST ATRIUM HEIGHT � 1 Z FT --- IF <= 55 FT IF > 55 FT 0.10 X _ —� F X =1 0.05 4 975 2491— 49STANDARD% STANDARD %GROSS STANDARD ROOF AREA SKYLIGHT AREA 0� PROPOSED SKYLIGHT AREA IF THE PROPOSED SKYLIGHT AREA IS GREATER THAN THE STANDARD SKYLIGHT AREA, PROCEED TO THE NEXT CALCULATION FOR THE SKYLIGHT AREA ADJUSTMENT. IF NOT, GO TO PART 2 OF 6. 1. IF PROPOSED SKYLIGHT AREA >= STANDARD SKYLIGHT AREA: SKYLIGHT STANDARD SKYLIGHT AREA PROPOSED SKYLIGHT AREA ADJUSTMENT FACTOR GO TO PART 6 TO CALCULATE ADJUSTED AREAS. EnergyPro 3.1 By'EnergySoft User Number: 1069 Job Number: 20120B Page:5 of 11 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD Part 2 of 6 ENV -2 PROJECT NAME Point Ha Buildin s 2 DATE 12/14/01 VERALL HEAT LOSS [E:]i u PROPOSED STANDARD AREA HEAT CAPACITY U- FACTOR TABLE VALUES UA (B X D) AREA* (Adjusted) U -FACTOR UA (F X G) ASSEMBLY NAME (e.g. Wall -1, Floor -1) Y N Wall - N 737 3.23 0.065 I� ❑ 48.2 737 0.084 61.9 Window - 30 30 0.660 ❑ 19.8 301 0.490 14.7 Window - 30 30 0.660 ❑ I] 19.8 30 0.490 14.7 Window - 74 74 0.660 ❑ 48.8 74 0.490 36.3 Wall - E 1,038 3.23 0.065 67.9 1,038 0.084 87.2 Window - 87.5 88 0.660 [:1 y❑�� L'_1 57.8 88 0.490 42.9 Window - 60 60 0.660 ❑ 39.6 60 0.490 29.4 Window - 60 60 0.660 ❑ L'J 39.61 60 0.490 29.4 Window - Clerestory - 4.75 5 0.660 ❑ 3.1 51 0.490 2.3 Wall - S 792 3.23 0.065 ❑ 51.8 792 0.084 66.5 Window - 60.5 60 0.660 ❑ 0 39.9 60 0.490 29.6 Wall - W 742 3.23 0.065 a ❑ 48.61 742 0.084 62.4 Window - 37.5 38 0.660 ❑ a 24.8 38 0.490 18.4 Window - 27.7 28 0.660 ❑ a 18.3 28 0.490 13.6 Window - 16 16 0.660 ❑ ❑X 10.6 16 _ 0.490 7.81 Window - Drs - 48 48 0.760 E]X 36.5 48 0.490 23.5 Window - 16 16 0.660 ❑ X I 10.6 16 0.490 7.8 Window - 37.5 38 0.660 ❑ 0 24.8 38 0.490 18.4 Window - Drs - 48 48 0.760 ❑ a 36.51 48 0.490 23.5 Window - 12.2 12 1 0.660 ❑ a 8.1 12 0.490 6.0 Window - 66.5 66 0.660 ❑ 43.9 66 0.490 ` 32.6 Window - 66.5 66 0.660 ❑ �❑ 43.9 66 0.490 32.6 Window - Clerestory - 21.2 21 0.660 ❑ IN 14.0 21 0.490 10.4 Window - Sidelite - 13.3 13 0.660 ❑ IN 8.8 13 0.490 6.5 Window - Drs - 48 48 _ 0.760 ❑ IN 36.51 48 0.490 23.5 Window - Sidelite - 13.3 13 0.660 ❑ 8.8 13 0.490 6.5 Roof 4,975 3.00 0.028 ❑ 141.1 4,975 0.057 283.6 ❑ ❑ Column E sti-aFlo�e 952 This Page Total no greater than Column H s52 Building Total 992 * If Window and/or Skylight Area Adjustment is Required, use Adjusted Areas from Part 6 of 6. ss2 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1069 Job Number: 20120B Page:6 of 11 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD Part 3 of 6 ENV -2 PROJECT NAME_ DATE Point Ha Buildings 2 12/14/01 Fo-VERALL HEAT GA�IN� FROM CONDUCTION [:C] [D] � � � � LG PROPOSED STANDARD _ TABLE HEAT HEAT ASSEMBLY NAME HEAT U- VALUES GQN AREA* U- GAIN (e.g. Wall -1, Floor -1) AREA TF CAPACITY FACTOR Y N (BxCxE) (Adjusted) FACTOR TF (GxHxl) Nall - N 737 55 3.23 0.065 ❑ 2,653 737 0.084 55 3,405 Window - 30 30 55 0.660 ❑ 1,089 30 0.490 55 808 Window - 30 30 55 0.660 ❑ 1,089 30 0.490 55 808 Window - 74 74 55 0.660 ❑ 2,686 74 0.490 55 1,994 Wall - E 1,038 55 3.23 0.065 0 ❑ 3,736 1,038 0.084 55 4,794 Window - 87.5 88 55 0.660 ❑ u 3,176 88 0.490 55 2,358 Window - 60 60 55 0.660 0 2,178 60 0.490 55 1,617 Window - 60 60 55 0.660 ❑ 2,178 60 0.490 55 1,617 Window - Clerestory - 4.75 5 55 0.660 ❑ 172 5 0.490 55 128 Nall - S 792 55 3.23 0.065 i� ❑ 2,849 792 0.084 55 3,657 Window - 60.5 60 55 0.660 ❑ 2,196 60 0.490 55 1,630 Nall - W 742 55 3.23 0.065 X❑ ❑ 2,672 742 0.084 55 3,429 Window - 37.5 38 55 0.660 ❑ [X] 1,361 38 0.490 55 1,011 Window - 27.7 28 55 0.660 0 n 1,006 28 0.490 55 747 Window - 16 16 55 0.660 ❑ X 581 16 0.490 55 I 431 Window - Drs - 48 48 55 0.760 ❑ a 2,006 48 0.490 55 1,294 Window - 16 16 55 0.660 1:1 a 581 16 0.490 55 431 Window - 37.5 _ 38 55 0.660 ❑ a 1,361 38 0.490 55 1,011 Window - Drs - 48 48 55 0.760 ❑ X 2,006 48 0.490 55 1,294 Window - 12.2 12 55 0.660 0 443 12 0.490 55 329 Window - 66.5 66 55 0.660 ❑ X❑ 2,414 66 0.490 55 1,792 Window - 66.5 66 55 0.660 ❑ X 2,414 66 0.490 55 1,792 Window - Clerestory - 21.2 21 55 0.660 ❑ 770 21 0.490 55 571 Window - Sidelite - 13.3 13 55 0.660 ❑ © 483 13 0.490 55 358 Window - Drs - 48 48 55 0.760 ❑ 0 2,006 _ 48 0.490 55 1,294 Window - Sidelite - 13.3 13 55 0.660 ❑ 0 483 13 0.490 55 358 oof 4,975 55 3.00 0.028 X❑ ❑ 7,758 4,975 0.057 55 15,597 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 52,348 54,556 Subtotal Subtotal * If Window and/or Skylight Area Adjustment is Required, use Adjusted Areas from Part 6 of 6. EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1069 Job Number: 20120B Page:7 of 11 DVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD Part 4 of 6 ENV -2 PROJECT NAME Point Happy Buildings 2 DATE 12/14/01 OVERALL HEAT GAIN FROM RADIATION OPAQUE SURFACES EA [:B] u u a O PROPOSED STANDARD tSSEMBLY NAME g. Roof -1) AREA . SF WEIGHTING FACTOR U- FACTOR Absorp HEAT GAIN (BxCxDxExF) AREA= (ADJUSTED) U -Factor Absorp HEAT GAIN (C%DXHxlxJ) Roof 4,975 123 0.92 0.028 0.70 11,173 4,975 0.057 0.70 22.463 11,173 22,463 SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergyPro User Number: 1069 Job Number 201208 Page:8 of 11 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD Part 5 of 6 ENV -2 (PROJECT NAME DATE Point Happy _Buildings 2 - _ 12/14/01l OVERALL HE,AI� T GAIN FROM R��ARRDIATIO,rN�I ��F��ENESTRA�TIIO�N SURFACES � � FL -1 D U U I_J [T] I" [ K I F1 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1069 Job Number: 20120B Page 9 of 11 PROPOSED STANDARD WINDOW/SKYLIGHT NAME WEIGHTING HEAT GAIN _OVERHANG AREA* RSHG HEAT GAIN (e.g. Wind -1, Sky -1) ORIENT. FACTOR AREA SF SHGC _ H V H/V OHF (BxCxDxExH) (ADJUSTED) (Or SHGC**) $F (BxJxKxL) Window -30 N 0.61 3 123 0.52 1.0 7.1 0.14 0.97 1,138 30 0.47 123 1,058 Window - 30 N _ 0.61 30 123 0.52 1.0 7.1 0.14 0.97 1 138 30 0.47 123 _ 1,058 Window - 74 N 0.61 74 123 0.52 1.0 8.4 0.12 0.98 2,818 74 0.47 123 2,610 Window - 87.5 E 1.07 88 123 0.52 1.5 8.6 0.17 0.95 5 675 88 0.36 123 4,146 Window - 60 E 1.07 6 , 123 0.52 1.0 7.6 0.13 0.94 _ 3,864 60 0.36 123 2,843 Window - 60 E 1.07 60011 123 0.52 1.0 7.6 0.13 0.94 3.864 60 0.36 123 2,843 Window - Clerestory - 4.75 E 1.07 51 123 0.52 1.0 1.4 0.74 0.71 230 5 0.36 123 225 Window - 60.5 S 1.27 6 123 0.52 1.0 8.4 0.12 0.93 4,567 60 0.36 123 3,402 Window - 37.5 W 1.05 3 123 0.52 1.0 7.6 0.13 0.99 _ 2,488 38 0.36 123 1,744 Window - 27.7 W 1.05 2, 123 0.52 1.5 3.1 0.48 0.97 1,806 28 0.36 123 1,288 Window - 16 W 1.05 16; 123 0.52 1.5 10.0 0.15 0.99 1,065 16 0.36 123 _744 Window - Drs - 48 W 1.05 48 123 0.52 1.5 11.0 0.14 0.43 1,386 48 _ 0.36 123 _2.2321 Window - 16 W 1.05 16' 123 0.52 1.5 10.0 0.15 0.99 1,065 16 0.36 123 744 Window - 37.5 W _ 1.05 38 123 0.52 1.0 7.6 0.13 0.99 2,488 38 0.36 123 1,744 Window - Drs - 48 W 1.05 48 123 0.52 1.0 10.0 0.10 0.99 3 194 48 0.36 123 2,232 Window - 12.2 W 1.05 12 123 0.52 1.0 2.1 0.48 0.96 784 12 0.36 123 567 Window - 66.5 W 1.05 66 123 0.52 0.5 9.6 0.05 0.95 4,256 66 0.36 123 3.092 -ftndo�v=685 _ W 1.05 66 1_23 0.52 0.5 9.6 0.05 0.95 _ 4,256 _ 66 0.36 123 3,092 Window - Cleresto =21.2 W 1.05 21 123 0.52 1.0 2.0 0.51 0.95 1,359 21 0.36 123 9861 Window - Sidelite - 13.3 W 1.05 13 123 0,52L1 0 _9_0_ 0 1,00 893 13 --0.36 123 618 Window - Drs - 48 W 1.05 48 123 0.52 1.0 10.0 0.10 0.91 _ 2,938 48 0.36 123 2,2321 Window - Sidelite - 13.3 W 1.05 13 123 0.52 1.0 9.0 0.11 1.00 893 13 0.36 123 618 ** Only SHGC is used for Skylights Part 3 Subtotal 52,348 Part 3 Subtotal 54,556 Part 4 Subtotal 11,173 Part 4 Subtotal 22,463 *If Window and/or Skylight Area Column I must be Adjustment is Required, use less than column M Part 5 Subtotal 52,165 Part 5 Subtotal Adjusted Areas from Part 6 of 6. 115,686 Total Heat Gain 117,134 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1069 Job Number: 20120B Page 9 of 11 PROPOSED STANDARD WINDOW/SKYLIGHT NAME WEIGHTING HEAT GAIN _OVERHANG AREA* RSHG HEAT GAIN (e.g. Wind -1, Sky -1) ORIENT. FACTOR AREA SF SHGC _ H V H/V OHF (BxCxDxExH) (ADJUSTED) (Or SHGC**) $F (BxJxKxL) Window -30 N 0.61 3 123 0.52 1.0 7.1 0.14 0.97 1,138 30 0.47 123 1,058 Window - 30 N _ 0.61 30 123 0.52 1.0 7.1 0.14 0.97 1 138 30 0.47 123 _ 1,058 Window - 74 N 0.61 74 123 0.52 1.0 8.4 0.12 0.98 2,818 74 0.47 123 2,610 Window - 87.5 E 1.07 88 123 0.52 1.5 8.6 0.17 0.95 5 675 88 0.36 123 4,146 Window - 60 E 1.07 6 , 123 0.52 1.0 7.6 0.13 0.94 _ 3,864 60 0.36 123 2,843 Window - 60 E 1.07 60011 123 0.52 1.0 7.6 0.13 0.94 3.864 60 0.36 123 2,843 Window - Clerestory - 4.75 E 1.07 51 123 0.52 1.0 1.4 0.74 0.71 230 5 0.36 123 225 Window - 60.5 S 1.27 6 123 0.52 1.0 8.4 0.12 0.93 4,567 60 0.36 123 3,402 Window - 37.5 W 1.05 3 123 0.52 1.0 7.6 0.13 0.99 _ 2,488 38 0.36 123 1,744 Window - 27.7 W 1.05 2, 123 0.52 1.5 3.1 0.48 0.97 1,806 28 0.36 123 1,288 Window - 16 W 1.05 16; 123 0.52 1.5 10.0 0.15 0.99 1,065 16 0.36 123 _744 Window - Drs - 48 W 1.05 48 123 0.52 1.5 11.0 0.14 0.43 1,386 48 _ 0.36 123 _2.2321 Window - 16 W 1.05 16' 123 0.52 1.5 10.0 0.15 0.99 1,065 16 0.36 123 744 Window - 37.5 W _ 1.05 38 123 0.52 1.0 7.6 0.13 0.99 2,488 38 0.36 123 1,744 Window - Drs - 48 W 1.05 48 123 0.52 1.0 10.0 0.10 0.99 3 194 48 0.36 123 2,232 Window - 12.2 W 1.05 12 123 0.52 1.0 2.1 0.48 0.96 784 12 0.36 123 567 Window - 66.5 W 1.05 66 123 0.52 0.5 9.6 0.05 0.95 4,256 66 0.36 123 3.092 -ftndo�v=685 _ W 1.05 66 1_23 0.52 0.5 9.6 0.05 0.95 _ 4,256 _ 66 0.36 123 3,092 Window - Cleresto =21.2 W 1.05 21 123 0.52 1.0 2.0 0.51 0.95 1,359 21 0.36 123 9861 Window - Sidelite - 13.3 W 1.05 13 123 0,52L1 0 _9_0_ 0 1,00 893 13 --0.36 123 618 Window - Drs - 48 W 1.05 48 123 0.52 1.0 10.0 0.10 0.91 _ 2,938 48 0.36 123 2,2321 Window - Sidelite - 13.3 W 1.05 13 123 0.52 1.0 9.0 0.11 1.00 893 13 0.36 123 618 ** Only SHGC is used for Skylights Part 3 Subtotal 52,348 Part 3 Subtotal 54,556 Part 4 Subtotal 11,173 Part 4 Subtotal 22,463 *If Window and/or Skylight Area Column I must be Adjustment is Required, use less than column M Part 5 Subtotal 52,165 Part 5 Subtotal Adjusted Areas from Part OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD Part 6 of 6 ENV -2 PROJECT NAME — Point Happy Buildings 2 DATE 12/14/01 WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS XI CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 1 of 6.) OR5ENATION �g GROSS AREA SKYLIGHT AREA u f F I CI WINDOW ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED WINDOW AREA (D X E) ADJUSTED WALL AREA B - (F + C) WALL NAME (e.g. Wall -1, Wall -2) GROSS AREA DOOR AREA WINDOW AREA N S W F-10 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ a❑❑❑ N/A - -- - --- - �. a CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 1 of 5.) FA] ROOF NAME (e.g. Roof -1, Roof -2) TOTALS EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number 1069 Job Number 201208 Page 10 of 11 n n n © SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED SKYLIGHT AREA (C X D) ADJUSTED ROOF AREA (B - E) GROSS AREA SKYLIGHT AREA N/A ENVELOPE MANDATORY MEASURES ENV -MM )ROJECT NAME DATE Point Happy Buildings 2 _ _J 12/14/01 DESCRIPTION _ __ Designer Enforcement 5 § 118(a) Installed Insulating Material shall have been certified by the manufacturer to comply with the California Quality Standards for insulating material, Title 20, Chapter 4, Article 3 § 118(c) All Insulating Materials shall be installed in compliance with the flame spread rating and smoke density requirements of Sections 2602 and 707 of Title 24, Part 2. D§ 117(a) All Exterior Joints and openings in the building that are observable sources of air leakage shall be caulked, gasketed, weatherstripped or otherwise sealed. a § 116(b) Site Constructed Doors, Windows and Skylights shall be caulked between the unit and the building, and shall be weatherstripped (except for unframed glass doors and fire doors). FX § 116(a)1 Manufactured Doors and Windows installed shall have air infiltration rates not exceeding those shown in Table Number 1-E. of the Standards. Manufactured fenestration products must be labeled for U -value according to NFRC procedures. IV I 1^1§ 118(e) Demising Walls in Nonresidential Buildings: The opaque portions of framed demising walls in nonresidential buildings shalf have insulation with an installed R -value of no less than R-11 between framing members. EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1069 Job Number: 20120B Page• 11 of 11