PM 2022-0002THIS AREA FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY RECORDING REQUESTED BY CITY OF LA QUINTA When recorded, return to: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK 78-495 CALLE TAM'PICO LA QUINTA, CA. 92253 DOC # 2022-0174587 04/13/2022 09:07 AM Fees: $98.00 Page 1 of 4 Recorded in Official Records County of Riverside Peter Aldana Assessor -County Clerk -Recorder "This document was electronically submitted to the County of Riverside for recording" Receipted by: KAREN #277 CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER NO. 2022-0002 RECORD OWNERS EXISTING PARCELS (Assessor Parcel Numbers) Virgil Macaluso 646-160-013 and 646-160-014 Patricia Macaluso LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF MERGED PARCELS See attached - Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B" SIGNATURE(S) OF RECORDED OWN52(S) (Must be Notarized) PdntNamelnu,: Virgil Macaluso, owner hi nature -- Print Namelydle: Signature: PrintName/Title: Patricia Macaluso , owner Si nat Print NameTde: Signature. This ertificate of Parcel Merger reflects Parcel Merger No. 2022 - 0002 as approved by the City of La Quinta. Date: ZV-ZZ EKarAcKinney, P.E., Ci ngineer, R.C.E. No. 49418 NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document, to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document Kkms STATE OF GAL-II-G-R-NIA COUNTY OF _! ► `1���1)r (t v�% ) On—` t 7AT / before me, P, /i� . (� L ���I ��1i no Notary Public, (Date) 1 J (Name arld Title of officer) �l cky' personally appeared II�C� I' i a V l +�uQkuyo (Name(s) of signer(s)) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the Sate of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WI NESS my hand and o iicial seal =:a' '�'_ BRANDY k,DMING 0/um� L" / llu N-114 JWUary 2%.2023 Notary Public DOC #2022-0174587 Page 2 of 4 A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document, to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document State of California County of Riverside On -MARCH 24, 2022 before me, LAURIE MCGINLEY , Notary Public, personally appeared BRYAN MCKINNEY who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signat:ur *my LAURIE MCGINLEY Notary Public - California Riverside County Commission X 2377907 Comm. Expires Oct It, 2025 (seal) DOCUMENT: CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER NO. 2022-00,02 re: APN 646-160-013 and 646-160-014 - owner(s): VIRGIL MACALUSO and PATRICIA MACALUSO DOC #2022-0174587 Page 3 of 4 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS' PARCEL MERGER 2022-00102 PARCEL A SHEET 1 OF 1 LOT 14 AND THE EASTERLY 50 FEET (MEASURED ON THE SOUTH LINE AND PARALLEL WITH THE EAST LINE) OF LOT 13, LA QUINTA GOLF ESTATES NUMBER 2, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE 1N BOOK 38, PAGES 26 AND 27 OF MAPS, IN THE OMCE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: 646-160-014 AND 646-160-013 CONTAINING 23,857 SQUARE FEET OR 0.548 ACRES MORE OR LESS EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF SUBJECT TO ALL COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS OF RECORD. } ZZ XERALO-t.(rS N OF: 3- 712 L.S. 7627 DATE LANa s\ Sl EVEN G,p z No. 7627 70 \� OF JOB# 259M-001 DOC #2022-0174587 Page 4 of 4 EXHIBIT s)B ss SHEET 1 OF 1 PARCEL MERGER 2022-0002 OWNERS EXISTING REF & A.P.N. NEW PARCEL REF Name: Virgil & Patricia Macaluso Address: 78223 San Timoteo Street Lot 14, La Quinta Golf Estates, No. 2, Per MB 38126-27 APN: 646-160-014 PARCEL A City,State,Zip:LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Name: Virgil & Patricia Macaluso Easterly j Lot 13, La Quinta Golf Estates, No. 2, Per MB 38126-27, APN: 646-160-013 I PARCEL A Address: 78223 Son Timoteo Street City, State,Zip: LA QUINTA, CA 92253 SAN JIMOTE0 STREET S89'58'00-W (BASIS OF BEARING) o A=13'15'02' R=88.00' N89'58'00 °E L=20.35' LA QUINTA GOLF ESTATES 28.48' / S76 ¢s'sa "E MB 38126-27 50 00' Vol 6�Z6,11 V 1 PROPERTY LINE (To BE OEUM) PARCEL "A" 23,857 sq. ft. OR 0.548 ACRES 50.00' 71.34' S89758'00 "W 121.34' NOTE. DATA SHOWN HEREON IS PER LA QUINTA GOLF ESTATES No. 2, M.B. 38126-27. JOB# 259M-001 LEGEND 160.01N — LOT LINE TO BE DELETED PER THIS PARCEL MERGER EXISTING LOT LINE TO REMAIN. SUPERVISION OF: �-/- L. S. 7627 LOT 15 rn \w 11, 0 V i J U L LANo S\ cos S1 EVEN oQ3�O l9ti = No. 7627 6; * * Q- 7 �TF O \FO��\ F CAL DATE 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. PETER'ALDANA Recorder P.O. Box 751 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE Riverside, CA 92502-0751 ASSESSOR -COUNTY CLERK -RECORDER (951) 486-7000 Website: www.riN,ersideacr.com DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX AFFIDAVIT WARNING ANY PERSON WHO J%UaS ANY MATERIAL MISREPRESENTATION OF FACT FOR THE PURPOSE OF AVOIDING ALL OR ANY PART OF THE DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX IS GUILTY OF A MISDEMEANOR UNDER SECTION 5 OF ORDINANCE 516 OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE AND IS SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION FOR SUCH OFFENSE. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 646 ._--JfQ_--014 and —01-1 declare that the documentary transfer tax for this Property Address: 78-923 San Timoten Street transaction is: $ 0 If this transaction is exempt from Documentary Transfer Tax;; the reason must be identified below. I CLAIM THAT T,FIIS TRANSACTIONIS EXEMPTFROMDOCUMENTARYTRANSFER TAXBECA USE.- (The Sections listed below are taken from the Revenue and Taxation Code with the exception of items 9 and 10 which are taken from Riverside County Ordinance 516). Please check one or explain in "Other': .Section 11911. The consideration or value of the property, exclusive of any liens and encumbrances is $100.00 or less and there is no additional consideration received by the grantor. Section 1191.1. The conveyance transfers to a revocable living trust by the grantor or from a revocable living trust to a beneficiary. Section 11921. The conveyance was given to secure a debt. Section 11922. The conveyance is to a governmental entity or political subdivision. Section 11925. The transfer is between individuals and a legal entity or partnership, or between legal entities and does not change the proportional interests held. Section 11926. The conveyance is to a grantee who is the foreclosing beneficiary and the consideration paid by the foreclosing beneficiary does not exceed the unpaid debt. Section 11927. The conveyance relates to a dissolution of marriage or legal separation. (A spouse must sign a written recital in order to claim this exemption. This form may be used for that purpose.) Section 11930. The conveyance is an inter vivos gift* or a transfer by death. '*Please be aware that information stated on this document may be given to and used by governmental agencies, including the Internal Revenue Service. Also, certain gifts in excess of the annual Federal gift tax exemption may trigger a Federal Gift Tax. In such cases, the Transferor (donor/grantor) may be required to file Form 709 (Federal Gift Tax Return) with the Internal Revenue Service. Section 8. The easement is Werpetual, permanent, or for life. Section 9. The document is a lease for a term of Ethan (35) years (including written options.) X Other (Include explanation and legal authority) merie!r of two lots into one lot I DECLARE UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THE FOREGOING IS TRUE AND CORRECT. xe ted this i� day , 20 22 __ at La CJuin, C:alif�rnia r City State Virgil and Patricia Maraluso ignatu of Afliant Printed Name of Affiant Name of Firm (if applicable) '1101 Terra Vista Drive, Independence, KS 67301 Address of Affiant (including City, State, and Zip Code) 6 0-330-1,SO Telephone Number of Afiiant (including area code) This form is subject to the California Public Records Act (Government Code 6250 et. seq.) For Recorder's Use: Affix PCOR Label Here ACR 521 (Rev. 11/2014) Available in Alternate Formats