2022 03 28 CC Minutes - B-C Annual Special Joint Mtg MINUTES Page 1 of 9 MARCH 28, 2022 COUNCIL, BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES SPECIAL JOINT MEETING SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES MINUTES MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2022 CALL TO ORDER A special joint meeting of the La Quinta City Council, Boards, Commissions, and Committees was called to order at 5:01 p.m. by Mayor Evans. This meeting provided teleconferencing accessibility pursuant to Executive Orders N-60-20 and N-08-21 executed by the Governor of California, and subsequently Assembly Bill 361 (AB 361, 2021), enacted in response to the state of emergency relating to novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions in the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.). ROLL CALL COUNCIL: Present: Councilmembers Fitzpatrick, Peña, Radi, Sanchez, and Mayor Evans Absent: None ROLL CALL FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION (FAC): Present: Commissioners Anderson, Campbell, Dorsey, Mast, Mills, and Chairperson Batavick Absent: Commissioner Way ROLL CALL PLANNING COMMISSION (PC): Present: Commissioners Caldwell, Currie, Hassett, McCune, Proctor, Tyerman, and Chairperson Nieto Absent: None ROLL CALL HOUSING COMMISSION (HC): Present: Commissioners Pacheco, and Chairperson Gaeta-Mejia Absent: Commissioners Casto and Davidson Vacancy: One (former Commissioner Schuknecht) ROLL CALL COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION (CSC): Present: Commissioners Gordon, La Greca, Shelton, and Vice-Chair Blakeley Absent: Chairperson Biondi ROLL CALL CONSTRUCTION APPEALS BOARD (CAB): Present: Board Members Edwards and Venuti Absent: Board Members Leonhard, Morris, and Wolff MINUTES Page 2 of 9 MARCH 28, 2022 COUNCIL, BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES SPECIAL JOINT MEETING ROLL CALL COACHELLA VALLEY MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT (CVMVCD) BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Present: Trustee Peña Absent: None ROLL CALL PALM SPRINGS AIRPORT COMMISSION (PSAC): Present: Commissioner Hughes Absent: None ROLL CALL IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT (IID) ENERGY CONSUMERS’ ADVISORY COMMITTEE (ECAC): Present: Committee Member Peña Absent: Committee Member Osborne ROLL CALL IID COACHELLA VALLEY ENERGY COMMISSION (CVEC): Present: Commissioner Evans Absent: None ROLL CALL COACHELLA VALLY CONSERVATION COMMISSION – TRAILS MANAGEMENT SUBCOMMITTEE (CVCC TMS): Present: Committee Member Smith (via Zoom teleconference) Absent: Committee Member Novak STAFF PRESENT: City Manager McMillen, City Attorney Ihrke (via Zoom teleconference), City Clerk Radeva, Acting Deputy City Clerk McGinley, Director of Business Unit and Housing Development Villalpando, Community Resources Director Escobedo, Finance Director Martinez, Public Works Director/City Engineer McKinney, Design and Development Director Castro, Planning Manager Flores, Management Specialist Thompson, Management Analyst Kinley, Management Specialist Griffin, and Management Assistant Camarena PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Pro Tem Fitzpatrick led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA – Confirmed PUBLIC COMMENTS ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA PUBLIC SPEAKER IN-PERSON: Alena Callimanis, La Quinta – expressed her gratitude for the many opportunities the public has to speak and address the City’s legislative and appointed bodies; and read from a Desert Sun article about “California leaders get a ‘D’ grade for inaction on the climate change.” MINUTES Page 3 of 9 MARCH 28, 2022 COUNCIL, BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES SPECIAL JOINT MEETING PUBLIC SPEAKER IN-PERSON: Philip Bettencourt, La Quinta – said he serves on the IID CVEC as the At-Large Commissioner for Cities; the Commission’s objective is to develop a long-term strategic plan to continue energy services for the Coachella Valley following the 2033 expiration of the 99-year lease between IID and the Coachella Valley Water District; commended Mayor Evans serving on the IID CVEC, Councilmember/Committee Member Peña and Committee Member Osborne for serving on the IID ECAC, and Councilmember Sanchez for serving on the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO); noted he supports the independent study of electrical energy service alternatives for certain areas of the Coachella Valley; LAFCOs for the Counties of Riverside and Imperial have selected a consultant to conduct the study, however even though California Governor Newsom sponsored a bill to provide funding for this study, the funds are not yet available; and noted the importance of finding a way to fund this critical study. STUDY SESSION 1. UPDATES ON CITY PROJECTS AND DISCUSSION ON CITY-RELATED MATTERS OF MUTUAL INTEREST Mayor Evans welcomed all participants to the annual special joint meeting, explained the purpose and format of the meeting, and thanked all Board, Commission, and Committee Members for their service and contribution. City Manager McMillen provided an overview of the 2022 Annual Community Workshop, held on March 12, 2022, and noted the projects listed below were identified by the community as priorities, listed based on ranking order: 1. Undergrounding Utilities 2. La Quinta Park Upgrades 3. Public Safety Camera System Phase II 4. Additional Concerts in the Park 5. Coral Mountain Park – Cahuilla History Incorporation* *Note: this property is not within La Quinta’s city boundaries; staff will discuss available options for this item with Desert Recreation District who manages and maintains the park, which is owned in fee by the Bureau of Reclamation 6.1 Shade Shelters at Parks & Bus Stops 6.2 Affordable Housing Finance Director Martinez presented an overview of fiscal year 2021/22 Finance Department major accomplishments:  Fiscal Year 2021/22 Budget  10-Year Financial Projections Update  Measure G Annual Report MINUTES Page 4 of 9 MARCH 28, 2022 COUNCIL, BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES SPECIAL JOINT MEETING  Monitored fiscal impacts and federally reimbursable expenses related to COVID-19 including coordination with City Manager’s office to execute Small Business Emergency Economic Relief Programs Ms. Martinez listed the department’s upcoming projects:  Fiscal Year 2022/23 Budget  Pension Liability Study  Evaluate long-term Highway 111 economic development and maintenance funding options  Financial Policies Update, including the Reserve Policy FAC Chairperson Batavick introduced the FAC Members present, provided an overview of the FAC’s meeting schedule, current membership, roles and responsibilities, and upcoming work items. City Clerk Radeva presented an overview of the department’s upcoming projects:  Comprehensive Fee Study Annual Update  Boards, Commissions, and Committees Annual Recruitments  Insurance Programs Annual Renewals  Elections 2022 Ms. Radeva provided a brief update on the Short-Term Vacation Rental (STVR) Program from January 2021 through February 2022, including characteristics; compliance status; taxes, fees, and STVR Program costs; and citizens’ initiative petition status and related impact analysis report currently underway; a hand- out of the STVR areas map was made publicly available, and incorporated into the public record and agenda packet of this meeting. Design and Development Director Castro provided an overview of the PC’s meeting schedule, current membership, and roles and responsibilities. PC Commissioners present introduced themselves. Chairperson Nieto provided an overview of current and future project:  Pavilion Palms  Panera Restaurant with Drive-thru  The Peak Mixed-Use  Residential Tract Developments: – Griffin Ranch Estates – Signature at PGA West – Talus Residential – Andalusia – Piazza Serena  2022-2029 Housing Element Update MINUTES Page 5 of 9 MARCH 28, 2022 COUNCIL, BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES SPECIAL JOINT MEETING  Caleo Bay Park Commercial Building  Coral Mountain Resort Project  Highway 111 Corridor Specific Plan  Historic Resources Inventory Update  Centralized parking in the Village District  Zoning Updates Public Works Director/City Engineer McKinney provided an overview of completed, current, and future projects. Completed Projects:  SilverRock Event Site  SilverRock Way Construction  Washington Street and Fred Warring Drive Tripple Left Lane  Public Safety Camera System Phase I  Fritz Burns Pool Improvements  Median Landscaping Improvements – various locations citywide  Pavement Rehabilitation of Monroe Street at Avenues 52 and 61  Fire Station 73 Upgrades Current Projects:  Highway 111 Corridor (in collaboration with the Planning Division)  La Quinta Cultural Campus  Fritz Burns Park Improvements  Dune Palms Pavement Rehabilitation  X-Park Landscape  Dune Palms Road Bridge  Avenue 53 at Jefferson Street Roundabout  La Quinta Landscape Renovation – Topaz – Desert Pride – Sierra Del Rey – Marbella Future Projects:  Undergrounding Utility Poles in Village Area – Conduct Feasibility Study  Identify Cost  Phases  Funding  La Quinta Park Upgrades – Splash Pad Improvements – Playground Equipment Upgrades – Change in amenity of existing skate park area  Urban Soccer Park MINUTES Page 6 of 9 MARCH 28, 2022 COUNCIL, BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES SPECIAL JOINT MEETING  Pickleball  Human Foosball  Lighted Sand Volleyball Court  Centralized Parking Options in La Quinta Village Area – Parking Needs – Additional Parking Lots  Use of Space – Parking Structures  High Cost – Informational Kiosk Maps  Public Safety Camera System Phase II – Add new cameras:  4 intersections  La Quinta X-Park  Cove Oasis and trail head parking lots  Velasco and Colima Parks – Add Fiber Connections:  Cove cameras  Museum  Lumber yard  3 roundabouts – Additional cameras:  Corporate yard to cover vulnerable locations  La Quinta Park to cover vulnerable areas  Adams Park – Automatic License Plate Reading Cameras at entrance and exit points of the City General discussion followed regarding the benefits of the Public Safety Camera System for public safety; improving traffic patterns in real time, particularly during large events, such as Ironman 70.3 Triathlon and BNP Paribas Tennis Tournament, to mitigate traffic congestions; traffic accidents; difference between ‘reading’ and ‘seeing’ license plates; pedestrian mobility, path of travel, and midblock connections within the La Quinta Village; potential youth sports facilities/complex options; former efforts to purchase land for a contemplated regional sports complex facility, unfortunately no land was available; Dune Palms Bridge project and funding; the high use of the new X-Park; the City’s 5-year Pavement Management Plan; Fritz Burns Park tennis courts resurfacing; Jefferson Street and Highway 111 intersection upcoming repaving improvements in collaboration with the City of Indio; and Highway 111 entry monuments improvements. Community Services Director Escobedo provided an overview of the upcoming major work items:  Expanded Events & Community Programs MINUTES Page 7 of 9 MARCH 28, 2022 COUNCIL, BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES SPECIAL JOINT MEETING  Police Services Study with City of Palm Desert  Added park programming and amenities CSC Vice-Chair Blakeley introduced the CSC Members present, meeting schedule, current membership, roles and responsibilities, and recent and upcoming work items. General discussion followed regarding the art work purchased from the La Quinta Art Celebration to be placed at the new X-Park; possibly rotating existing art around the city; and updating the art locations map. Director of Business Unit and Housing Development Villalpando said the Business Unit encompasses the areas listed below and provided a brief update on the efforts underway for each area:  Economic Development  Marketing  Information Technology  Affordable Housing  Housing Commission  Waste and Recycling  Legislations  Cannabis  Grant Research General discussion followed that the only cannabis allowances in La Quinta are pursuant to California state laws which include medical cannabis delivery permits and growing up to a maximum of six cannabis plants for personal use; and the requirements for organic waste management and recycling under SB 1383, outreach and education efforts. HC Chairperson Gaeta-Mejia provided an overview of the HC’s current and future projects. General discussion followed regarding the state’s mandate on affordable housing units; high costs for building affordable housing; quality of La Quinta’s affordable housing developments; qualifying requirements to purchase or rent affordable housing units and annual verification process; potential Dune Palm Mobile Home future improvements and development; and available vacant land that could be used to build affordable housing. Councilmember/Trustee Peña and CS Commissioner Gordon, serving as the Public Information Officer for the CVMVCD, provided an update on the CVMVCD efforts to monitor and prevent the spread of mosquitos in the Coachella Valley; and noted the importance to ensure there is no standing water in people’s yards which could yield mosquito breeding. MINUTES Page 8 of 9 MARCH 28, 2022 COUNCIL, BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES SPECIAL JOINT MEETING Councilmember/Committee Member Peña on the IID ECAC said the Committee’s focus is ongoing infrastructure maintenance and energy transmission load issues; rates are likely to increase; there is an increased demand for electricity; and importance to have representation of the Coachella Valley on the Committee to bring up critical items, along with the IID CVEC. Mayor/Commissioner Evans said ECAC was created in the mid-1990s to provide representation of the Coachella Valley to the IID Board; the IID CVEC was created in 2021 as a response to proposed legislation from Assembly Member Mayes, in order to provide representation for all affected entities and to focus on the development of a long-term strategic plan for continued energy service to the Coachella Valley following the expiration of the current 99-year lease agreement in 3033; Mr. Mayes legislation allocated funding for an independent study of electrical energy service alternatives; IID’s energy services for La Quinta do not have capacity to grow and support new development and there are transmission load issues. General discussion followed regarding the options and alternatives being explored as viable options to provide adequate infrastructure and energy service for the Coachella Valley in the future. Commissioner Hughes said she is one of 19 Commissioners on the PSAC, representing La Quinta; PSAC’s primary focus is to generate more flights out of the Palm Springs airport, which is difficult to achieve because there is no guarantee that flights in and out will be full year around; currently there are only 15 flights that are year around, and the rest are seasonal, generally dropping off in April; the airport building is a historic building and it is challenging to expand it and provide additional counterspace and baggage claims which are needed to bring in additional airlines; car rentals are the 2nd highest revenue stream, they have been moved out of the airport building and will be relocated at a new facility currently underway; challenges with lifts during COVID-19; limited parking capacity; and plans to expand food and dining experiences, as well as souvenir shops. General discussion followed regarding flight patterns over the Cove; importance to have representation on the PSAC; possible shorter flight connections; staffing challenges; and lift challenges. Mayor Evans said the CVCC TMS mainly works on signage, maintenance, and events on the trails, amongst other things. Mayor Evans said the CVCC’s focus is on the environmental aspects; provided an update on the Bighorn Sheet fence under discussion for quite some time; water; Salton Sea; renewables; multi-species habitat; protecting the balance of MINUTES Page 9 of 9 MARCH 28, 2022 COUNCIL, BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES SPECIAL JOINT MEETING the natural environment and ensuring that growth and economic components are not disruptive and can coexist. COUNCIL, BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES MEMBERS’ ITEMS Mayor Evans said the Greater Coachella Valley Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the City of La Quinta, will hold a Spring Business Update event on Wednesday, April 6, 2022, from 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., at the SilverRock event site. Mayor Evans said the City’s 40th Birthday Celebration and Picnic will be held on Saturday, April 30, 2022, form 9 a.m. to 12 noon, at the Civic Center Campus Closing Comments Mayor Evans and Councilmembers thanked the Board, Commission, and Committee Members for their time and commitment to La Quinta, and noted the importance of each Member’s service and involvement. Council and Board, Commission, and Committee Members thanked City staff for their dedication and services to the community. Board, Commission, and Committee Members expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to serve, contribute, and collaborate. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/ Fitzpatrick to adjourn at 7:22 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California