2021-11-02 Prop 68 Grant Funding - Staff ReportCity of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: November 2, 2021 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: ADOPT RESOLUTION TO APPLY FOR AND RECEIVE FUNDS FROM STATE OF CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 68 PER CAPITA GRANT PROGRAM IN THE AMOUNT OF $203,321.54 AND DESIGNATE THE FUNDS TO DEVELOP A PARKLET TO ACCESS A REGIONAL TRAIL SYSTEM RECOMMENDATION Adopt resolution to apply for and receive funds from the State of California Proposition 68 per capita grant program in the amount of $203,321.54 and designate the funds to develop a parklet for regional trail access. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •In June 2018, Proposition 68 was approved by California voters authorizing funding for local park rehabilitation, creation, improvement, and development. •Eligible projects must be capital outlay for recreational purposes, either acquisition or development. •Grant recipients must pass a resolution approving the filing of application packets in order to receive funding. •The City will request $203,321.54 in grant funding to acquire and develop a parcel of land (Attachment 1) to integrate a regional trail system. FISCAL IMPACT The total acquisition cost of the parcel is $600,000. Funds from Prop 68 in the amount of $203,321.54 will offset the cost, and the remaining amount including escrow fees will be paid using the City’s Land Acquisition account 101-1007-74010. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 5 51 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The Per Capita Program was placed on the ballot via Senate Bill 5 and approved on June 5, 2018. The Bill includes the General Capita Program and the Urban County Per Capita Program, which represent a combined total of over $198 million in funding. Allocations for each program are determined based on population of the cities, counties, or other eligible districts. Funds from the Per Capita Program may also be used for acquisition. Acquisitions must be open to the public for recreational purposes within three years from the date the final payment is issued by the State Controller’s Office and grants over $100,000 require at least thirty years of land tenure. Funds acquired from the grant will be used to purchase land for the development of a parklet with access to a regional trail system. The purchase and sale agreement for the land acquisition is also on the agenda for Council consideration. ALTERNATIVES Council may elect not to approve the grant application and instruct staff to explore other opportunities for funding the project. Prepared by: Michael Calderon, Community Resources Analyst Approved by: Chris Escobedo, Community Resources Director Attachment: 1. Land Acquisition Parcel Map 52 HWY 111 WASHINGTON ST. 604050067 LAND ACQUISITION PARCEL MAP ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT 1LAND ACQUISITION PARCEL MAP5757