0103-049 (CSCS) Project Manual Building 4PROJECT MANUAL INCLUDING SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF "T04 - T. HAPPY -- - BUILDING -=4- NORTHWEST CORNER HIGHWAY 111 AND WASHINGTON ST. LA QUINTA, CA. CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVE® FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE '3 1`( BY . 6 � PREPARED BY: PREST - VUKSIC - ARCHITECTS 74020 ALESSANDRO, SUITE E PALM DESERT, CA. 92260 DATE OF ISSUE: COVER PAGE 00001-1 GaPY A .t SECTION 00005 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTORY PAGES 00001 Cover page 00005 Table of Contents DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS 01050 Field Engineering 01060 Regulatory Requirements DIVISION 02 - SITE WORK Refer to Soils Report for Earthwork Specifications DIVISION 03 CONCRETE Refer to Working Drawing sheet No. S-1 for Specifications. DIVISION 04 - MASONRY 04253 Simulated Stone Veneer, 04255 Adhered Masonry Veneer Refer to Working Drawing sheet No. S-1 for Specifications. DIVISION 05 - METALS Refer to Working Drawing sheet No. S-1 for Specifications. DIVISION 06 - WOOD AND PLASTICS Refer to Working Drawing sheet No. S-1 for Specifications. DIVISION 07 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE CONTROL 07210 Building Insulation 07322 Concrete Roof Tile 07521 Cap Sheet Roofing 07600 Flashing and Sheet Metal 07722 Roof Hatch 07900 Joint Sealers DIVISION 08 - DOORS AND WINDOWS 08110 Hollow Metal Work 08413 Aluminum Entrances and Storefronts 08800 Glazing TABLE OF CONTENTS 00005-1 Z. DIVISION 09 - FINISHES 09200 Lath and Plaster 09311 Ceramic Tile 09830 Elastomeric Coating 09900 Painting DIVISION 10 - SPECIALTIES Not used DIVISION 11 - EQUIPMENT Not used DIVISION 12 - FURNISHINGS Not used DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION Not used DIVISION 14 - CONVEYING SYSTEMS Not used END OF SECTION TABLE OF CONTENTS 00005-2 SECTION 01050 FIELD ENGINEERING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED: A. Provide such field engineering/land surveying services as are required for proper completion of the Work including, but not necessarily limited to: 1. Establishing and maintaining lines and levels as well as lines and levels for grading and drainage devices. 2. Structural design of shores, forms, and similar items provided by the Contractor as part of his means and methods of construction. 1.2 RELATED WORK: A. Related Work Specified in Other Documents: 1. Additional requirements for field engineering/land surveying also may be described in other Sections of these Specifications. 1.3 SUBMITTALS: A. Comply with pertinent provisions of Section 01340. B. Upon request of the Architect, submit: 1. Data demonstrating qualifications of persons proposed to be engaged for field engineering/land surveying services. 2. Documentation verifying accuracy of field engineering/land surveying work. 3. Certification, signed by the Contractor's retained civil engineer/licensed land surveyor, certifying that elevations and locations of improvements are in conformance or nonconformance with requirements of the Contract Documents. 1.4 PROCEDURES: A. In addition to procedures directed by the Contractor for proper performance of the Contracto"r's responsibilities: 1. Locate and protect control points before starting work on the site. FIELD ENGINEERING 01050-1 2. Preserve permanent reference points during progress of the Work. 3. Do not change or relocate reference points or items of the Work without specific approval from the Architect. 4. Promptly advise the Architect when a reference point is lost or destroyed, or requires relocation of other changes in the Work. a. Upon direction of the Architect, require the civil engineer/land surveyor to replace reference stakes or markers. b.- Locate such replacements according to the original survey control. C. Replace any or all stakes or markers removed by others or vandalized at no additional cost to the Owner. END OF SECTION FIELD ENGINEERING 01050-2 SECTION 01060 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED: A. This Section covers general requirements for codes and standards pertaining to the Work and is supplementary to the codes and standards mentioned or referenced elsewhere in the Contract Documents. 1.2 CODES AND STANDARDS: A. Requirements of Regulatory Agencies: Pertaining ordinances, laws, rules, codes, regulations, standards, and orders of public agencies having jurisdiction of the Work are intended wherever reference is made in either the singular or plural to Code or Building Code except as otherwise specified, including, but not limited to, those in the following listing. Contractor shall make available at the site such copies of the listed documents applicable to Work as Architect or Owner may request, including mentioned portions of the California Code of Regulations. F 1. California Building Code, 1998 Edition. 2. California Mechanical Code, 1998 Edition. 3. California Plumbing Code, 1998 Edition. 4. California Electric Code, 1998 Edition. 5. Uniform Fire Code. 1997 Edition. 6. Federal Laws and Regulations as applicable 7. Americans with Disabilities Act 8. State, County and City Codes, ordinances and regulations. 9. National Fire Protection Association. 10. State and Local Public Health Codes. 11. All other laws, regulations, rules, orders, codes, and ordinances specified in other Sections of these Specifications or bearing on the Work. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS 01060 - 1 B. Standard and Reference Type Specifications: 1. Specifying by reference to standard and reference type specification documents or to another portion of the Contract Documents shall be the same as if the referenced document or portion referred to were exactly repeated at the place where reference is made. 2. In case of conflict between the requirements of regulatory agencies and the referenced standard or reference type specification documents, the Contractor shall conform to the most restrictive requirement if such conformance is legal. 3. The standard or reference type specification documents shall be those of the current issue at the time the Construction Documents Phase, defined in general conditions, is completed, unless otherwise specified. Contractor shall make available at the site such copies of referenced standard or reference type specification documents as the Architect or Owner may request. C. Addenda and Change Orders: No changes to the Bid Documents or the Agreement shall be valid without the written approval of the Owner. END OF SECTION REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS 01060 - 2 SECTION 04253 SIMULATED STONE VENEER PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Provide light weight concrete simulated stone veneer where shown on the Drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Section 09200 - Lathing and Plastering 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Within 35 calendar days after the Contractor has received the Owner's Notice to Proceed, submit qualifications of the proposed subcontractor for review by the Architect. -1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and completely familiar with the specified requirements and methods needed for proper performance of the work of this Section. B. Use a subcontractor having not less than two years successful experience in installation of similar products, as approved by the Architect. C. Mock-ups: 1. Prior to other work of this Section, prepare a sample panel of the work of this Section at a location on the site where approved by the Architect. 2. Provide one mock-up panel for each combination of stone pattern, bond pattern, and mortar color. 3. Make each mock-up panel approximately .9 m x 1.2 m (3'-0" x 4'-011). 4. Show method of bedding, grouting, bond pattern, cleaning, and other aspects of the work of this Section to the quality specified. 5. Make necessary adjustments in the mock-up panels and secure the Architect's approval. 6. The mock-up panels, when approved by the Architect, will be used as datum points for comparison with the remainder of the installation for the purpose of acceptance or rejection. 7. Upon approval of the Architect, the mock-up panels may be actual portions of the finished work of this Section. SIMULATED STONE VENEER 04253-1 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Store the materials of this section off ground, and cover to protect from elements and adulterants. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Provide all materials comprising a complete system equal to,,but not necessarily limited to, the following as manufactured by El Dorado Stone Corporation, Carnation WA.. 1. Adhesive ... "Dual Purpose Thinset Cement"; 2. Simulated stone ..... "Tuscany Country Rubble"; 3. Sealer ..... "Innerseal"; 4. Grout ...... "Dual Purpose Grout" in color as directed by the Architect. 5. Cleaner: a. "Quick-Kleen"; b. Cleaning Pads"; 6. Dressing ... "Hilite." 7. ICBO Report .... ER -3568. B. Provide other materials, not specifically described but required for a complete and proper installation, as selected by the Contractor subject to the approval of the Architect. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 SURFACE CONDITIONS A. Examine the areas and conditions under which work of this Section will be performed. Correct conditions detrimental to timely and proper completion of the Work. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. B. Verify that stone units available for installation comply with the specified requirements and are whole, unchipped, and without visible defects. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Except as otherwise specifically established by the manufacture, the following installation recommendations apply should the Coronado products be selected for installation. In the event products of another manufacturer are approved, provide installation recommendations of that manufacturer for review and approval of the Architect. SIMULATED STONE VENEER 04253-2 B. Thoroughly clean the substrate free from debris, dust, and finishes which will not bond with the adhesive. 1. Remove sealers and other applied finishes by use of light sandblast or other means approved by the Architect. 2. Provide substrate with the ability to receive and bond with the adhesive. B. Spread the specified adhesive over the surface by use of a notched trowel, achieving a uniform setting bed of 3 mm (1/811) minimum thickness. C. After adhesive has been applied, slide the stone units into place, and press firmly. 1. Achieve full contact with the fresh adhesive, and allow full bedding. 2. Occasionally, lift and remove a stone to verify that full bedding has been achieved. 3. Permit adhesive to set up fully prior to start of the grout installation. 4. Take special care to not break the initial bond between stone and adhesive. D. Sealing: 1. When adhesive is fully set up, brush the surfaces clean and free from dust, dirt, and adhesive residue. 2. Using a short nap roller or spray device, apply a light coating of the approved sealer. 3. Allow the sealer to dry 30 to 60 minutes before start of grouting. 4. Verify that stone is fully sealed. a. Drop a small amount of water onto stone surface. b. If the water is absorbed into the stone, apply another light coat of the specified sealer to all stone surfaces. E. Grouting: 1. Using a spray bottle or clean damp sponge, apply a light film of water to the brick surface in a small area to facilitate removal of excess grout. 2. Using a trowel, apply a generous amount of the specified grout to the dampened brick surface. 3. Using a rubber float recommended by the manufacturer, spread the grout in a figure eight pattern to fill all joints. 4. Holding the edge of the float at an angle of about 45 degrees, sweep diagonally across the stone joints to squeegee excess grout from the surface, leaving only a light film. 5. If a heavy grout residue remains, dampen the surface and squeegee again. SIMULATED STONE VENEER 04253-3 F. Cleaning: 1. After the joints have taken their initial set, use the approved cleaning pads and cleaner to remove remaining grout film. 2.. As grout film is scrubbed away with the cleaning pad, remove the cleaning solution with the edge of the float and wipe the surface clean with a damp sponge. 3. Keep the sponge clean by rinsing it often in clean water. 4. On large areas, a special cleaning disc may be used when so approved by the Architect. 5. Remove all excess grout except that retained in small - "distressed" areas in the face of the stone. G. Final sealing: 1. After completion and drying of the cleaning operation, apply a light coat of the specified sealer by use of a short nap roller or spray device. 2. If final sealing results in "high and low" spots, apply an additional coat of the specified sealer and level out such areas. H. Dressing: 1. Allow the final sealing to thoroughly dry at least two weeks, and longer if so directed by the Architect. 2. When so approved by the Architect, apply a coat of the specified dressing to the entire surface, using equipment and rate of application recommended by the manufacturer. END OF SECTION SIMULATED STONE VENEER 04253-4 SECTION 04255 ADHERED MASONRY VENEER PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Provide adhered masonry veneer where shown on the Drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Section 09200 - Lath and Plastering. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Within 35 calendar days after the Contractor has received the Owner's Notice to Proceed, submit qualifications of the proposed subcontractor for review by the Architect. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and completely familiar with the specified requirements and methods needed for proper performance of the work of this Section. B. Use a subcontractor having not less than two years success- ful experience in installation of similar products, as ap- proved by the Architect. C. Mock-ups: 1. Prior to other work of this Section, prepare a sample panel of the work of this Section at a location on the site where approved by the Architect. 2. Provide one mock-up panel for each combination of brick pattern, bond pattern, and mortar color. 3. Make each mock-up panel approximately .9 m x 1.2 m (31- 0" x 4'-011). 4. Show method of bedding, grouting, bond pattern, clean- ing, and other aspects of the work of this Section to the quality specified. 5. Make necessary adjustments in the mock-up panels and secure the Architect's approval. 6. The mock-up panels, when approved by the Architect, will be used as datum points for comparison with the remain- der of the work of this Section for the purpose of acceptance or rejection. 7. Upon approval of the Architect, the mock-up panels may be actual portions of the finished work of this Section. ADHERED MASONRY VENEER 04255-1 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Store the materials of this section off ground, and cover to protect from elements and adulterants. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Veneer 1. Canterra Stone Tile "Adoquin Stone" (12"x12"x3/4"). B. Mortar: 1. Portland cement: Comply with ASTM C150, type I or II. 2. Sand: Comply with ASTM C144, or provide 30 -mesh or 40 - mesh dried and bagged sand approved in advance by the Architect. 3. Provide water that is fit for human consumption and is free from impurities which would be injurious to the construction. 4. Lime: a. Provide hydrated Time complying with ASTM C207, or quicklime complying with ASTM C5. b. When quicklime is used, slake and then screen through a 16 -mesh sieve. After slaking and screening, but before using, store and protect for not less than ten days. 2.2 OTHER MATERIALS A. Provide other materials, not specifically described but re- quired for a complete and proper installation, as selected by the Contractor subject to the approval of the Architect. 01 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 SURFACE CONDITIONS A. Examine the areas and conditions under which work of this Section will be performed. Correct conditions detrimental to timely and proper completion of the Work. Do not pro- ceed until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Thoroughly clean the substrate free from debris, dust, and finishes which will not bond with the mortar. 1. Remove sealers and other applied finishes by use of light sandblast or other means approved by the Archi- tect. 2. Provide substrate with the ability to receive and bond with the mortar. ADHERED MASONRY VENEER 04255-2 B. Setting bed:. 1. Mortar shall be applied as a full covering on the back of veneer. C. After mortar has been applied, slide the veneer into place, and press firmly. 1. Achieve full contact with the fresh mortar, and allow full bedding. 2. Occasionally, lift and remove a unit to verify that full bedding has been achieved. 3. Permit mortar to set up fully prior to start of the grout installation. 4. Take special care to not break the initial bond between unit and mortar. 5. Place veneer units level and true within a tolerance of one in 1000 horizontally and one in 100 vertically. D. Cleaning: 1. Promptly clean the veneer units as the work progresses, minimizing the need for final cleaning. 2. Remove all cement stains and all mortar stains from the face of the veneer units. 3. If other methods of cleaning do not produce a uniformly clean surface to the approval of the Architect, provide light sandblasting at no additional cost to the Owner. END OF SECTION ADHERED MASONRY VENEER 04255-3 SECTION 07210 BUILDING INSULATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION: A. Provide building thermal insulation where shown on the drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. 1.2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION: A. Definition: R -value designation is the thermal resistance of insulation only, not including alleged air spaces or other factors assumed to result in higher R -values. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. Regulatory Requirements: 1. Comply with applicable codes and regulations of governmental agencies having jurisdiction including those having jurisdiction over noise control and energy conservation. 2. Where requirements of applicable codes, regulations and standards conflict with the requirements of this Specification, comply with the more stringent provisions. 3. Maximum Flamespread = 25, Maximum Smoke Density = 50. B. Source Quality Control: 1. Tests: Materials for which physical characteristics have been stipulated shall have had such characteristics independently confirmed by laboratory tests employing industry -recognized procedures. Both the laboratory performing the tests and the test methods employed will be subject to the approval of the Architect. 1.4 SUBMITTALS: A. Certification: Upon completion of installation of building envelope insulation, a card certifying compliance with requirements of Title 24 for installation of insulation shall be completed, executed and delivered to local building officials, and one copy conspicuously posted at the site of the Work. BUILDING INSULATION 07210 - 1 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING: A. Protection: Use all means necessary to protect the materials of this Section before, during and after installation. 1. Deliver materials to project site in manufacturer, original packaging. 2. Clearly identify manufacturer, contents, brand name, applicable standard, and R -value. 3.- Store materials off ground. 4. Immediately remove damaged material from site. B. Replacements: In the event of damage, immediately make repairs and replacements necessary to the approval of the Architect and at no additional cost to the Owner. 1.6 SCHEDULING: A. Coordinate installation with other trades whose work may be affected. B. Do not install insulation until construction has progressed to the point that inclement weather will not damage or wet the insulation material. C. Install insulation after electric wiring, plumbing and other concealed work is in place. D. Insulation shall not be closed in until it has been inspected and approved. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS: A. Material shall conform to ASTM standard C665 federal specification HH -I -521F, Type and Class as listed below. 1. R-38 Kraft faced insulation: Type II, Class C betweem all roof framing members within the building envelope. 2. R-21 Kraft faced Fiberglass Insulation: Type II, Class C in all exterior walls. 2..2 OTHER MATERIALS: A. Other materials, not specifically described but required for a complete and proper installation of the Work of this Section, shall be new, first quality of their respective kinds, and subject to approval of the Architect. BUILDING INSULATION 07210 - 2 B. Where insulation is used in the attic areas between trusses, use #12 SAG wire minimum (3) wires per 48 inches. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSPECTION: A. Prior to commencing the Work of this Section, carefully inspect previously installed work and verify that such work is complete to the point where this installation may properly commence. B. Verify that Work of this Section may be installed in accordance with applicable codes, regulations and standards, the Contract Documents and the approved submittals. 3.2 PREPARATION: A. Remove or protect against projections in construction framing that may damage insulation or prevent proper installation. 3.3 INSTALLATION: A. General: 1. Fit insulation firmly between framing and directly against exterior sheathing. 2. Maintain integrity of insulation over entire area to be insulated for full height of wall and span of joists. Install insulation behind lighting switches, convenience outlet boxes and other devices. 3. Insulate small areas between closely spaced framing members. 4. Carefully cut and fit insulation around pipes, conduits, and other obstructions. 5. Where pipes or conduit are located in stud spaces, place insulation between exterior wall and pipe, compressing insulation where necessary. 6. Do not install insulation requiring compression in excess of 10 percent. 7. Install insulation to attain minimum R -value as indicated for finished assembly. 8. All insulation materials shall have a flamespread rating not to exceed 25 and a smoke density not to exceed 450 when tested in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 42-1. [CBC 1713 (b), (c)] END OF SECTION BUILDING INSULATION 07210 - 3 SECTION 07322 CONCRETE ROOFING TILES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Provide Class "A" concrete tile roofing system where shown on the Drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Section 07600 - Flashing and Sheet Metal. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Product data: Within 60 calendar days after the Contractor has received the Owner's Notice to Proceed, submit: 1. Materials list of items proposed to be provided under this Section, showing compliance with the specified requirements; 2. Manufacturer's recommended installation procedures which, when approved by the Architect, will become the basis for accepting or rejecting actual installation procedures used on the Work. B. Samples: Accompanying the product data -submittal, submit: 1. Two roofing tiles, one representing the darkest color proposed to be provided, and the other representing the lightest color proposed to be provided; 2. One Sample of thoroughly dry mortar, showing color proposed to be provided. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and completely familiar with the specified requirements and methods needed for proper performance of the work of this Section. 1.4 WARRANTY A. Upon completion of this portion of the Work, and as a condition of its acceptance, deliver to the Owner, two copies of the roofing tile manufacturer's standard 50 -year limited warranty. CONCRETE ROOFING TILES 07322-1 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 ROOFING TILE SYSTEM MATERIALS A. Provide a complete system of the following tiles and accessory units: 1. Manufacturer: Monier Toofing Tile Inc.. 2. Pattern: 112000 Collage'. 2. Color: "Bricks and Mortar." 3. ICBO Report: ER -2093. B. Mortar: Provide in conformance with recommendations of the manufacturer of the approved roofing tile, mixed with a pigment to produce a color matching the color of the approved roofing tiles. C. Batten boards: Provide 25 mm x 50 mm (1" x 211) (nominal) Redwood or treated moisture -resistant Douglas Fir. D. Nails and fasteners: Use only such fastening devices as are recommended by the manufacturer of the approved roofing tiles system and approved by all governmental agencies having jurisdiction. E. Underlayment: 1. Using Type 30 asphalt -saturated felt, provide underlayment in the arrangement shown on the Drawings. 2. At joints and laps, provide a cold -process roofing cement specifically recommended for the purpose by the manufacturer of the felts and approved by the Architect. 2.2' OTHER MATERIALS A. Provide all flashing associated with the work of this Section, using not lighter than 28 gage corrosion -resistant metal. B. Provide other materials, not specifically described but required for a complete and proper installation, as selected by the Contractor subject to the approval of the Architect. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 SURFACE CONDITIONS A. Examine the areas and conditions under which work of this Section will be performed. 1. Correct conditions detrimental to timely and proper completion of the Work. 2. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. CONCRETE ROOFING TILES 07322-2 B. Verify that surfaces under underlayment are clean and free from such irregularities as would contribute to its penetration. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Coordinate the schedule for installation of roofing tiles with schedule for installation of roof deck so lumber in the roof deck will have minimum practicable exposure to the weather. B. Install batten boards spaced to provide uniform headlap of the roofing tiles, adequately end -spaced to allow drainage. Take special care to prevent damage to the membrane. D. Install the roofing tiles -in strict compliance with the recommendations of the manufacturer as approved by the Architect. E. Finish the roofing tiles installation as a completely weatherproof and waterproof system requiring no further normal maintenance. END OF SECTION CONCRETE ROOFING TILES 07322-3 SECTION 07521 CAP SHEET ROOFING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Provide "Class All cap sheet roofing system where shown on the Drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Section 07600 - Flashing and Sheet Metal. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Product data: Within 35 calendar days after the Contractor has received the Owner's Notice to Proceed, submit: 1. Materials list of items proposed to be provided under this Section; 2. Manufacturer's specifications and other data needed to prove compliance with the specified requirements; 3. Manufacturer's recommended installation procedures which, when approved by the Architect, will become the basis for accepting or rejecting actual installation procedures used on the Work. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and completely familiar with the specified requirements and methods needed for proper performance of the work of this Section. B. Use a subcontractor currently approved in writing by the manufacturer of the approved roofing system. C. Arrange for, pay all costs for, and secure a minimum of four physical inspections: 1. Conducted during and after installation of the work of this Section; 2. Performed by a designated and properly qualified representative of the manufacturer of the approved roofing system; 3. Verifying that the materials and work of this Section meet the specified requirements. 4. Should the work and/or materials of this Section not comply with the specified requirements, promptly advise the Architect with recommended course of action. CAP SHEET ROOFING 07521-1 \\ 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Storage of materials: 1. Stand roll goods on end, and store on a clean floor to keep ends of rolls free from foreign matter. 2. Store roofing materials in a dry place, on raised platforms, and cover with waterproof tarpaulins, inside or in closed vans, protected from the sun and the weather. 3. Store cartons and drums of asphalt on raised level platforms, and protect them from weather with waterproof tarpaulins. 4. Store solvents, emulsions, and coatings in a cool, dry area. 5. Keep lids tightly sealed on all emulsions, cut back adhesives, and flashing cements. 1.5 GUARANTY A. Arrange for, pay all costs for, and secure and deliver to the Architect two copies of the Manville "Signature Series 10 NDL" (ten year no dollar limit) guaranty covering all work of this Section. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 CAP SHEET ROOFING SYSTEM A. Where cap sheet roofing system over plywood roof deck is called for on the Drawings, provide Manville specification 5 -GNC system consisting of the following per 30.48 sq m (100 sq ft) of roof area: 1. "GlasPly Premier" felts, 4 layers.............48 lbs 2. "G1asKap", 1 layer ............................72 lbs 3. Asphalt Type III, 4 layers .................. .92 lbs Approx. total weight......................212 lbs B. Where required for access to roof -mounted equipment, provide Manville "J -Walk" panels, spot cemented to the roofing surface. C. Cant strips: Provide Manville "F1ameTamer" perlite composition cant strips where indicated on the Drawings and at other locations where so recommended by the manufacturer. D. Asphalt: Provide asphalt complying with ASTM D312, type II, III, or IV as appropriate for the roof slope, and as approved in advance by the manufacturer of the approved roofing system. E. Fasteners: Use nails, fasteners, 25 mm (111) tin cap nails, and/or tape and staple system as appropriate to the deck and in the quantity and type approved by Factory Mutual. CAP SHEET ROOFING 07521-2 h 2.2 OTHER MATERIALS A. Provide other materials, not specifically described but re- quired for a complete and proper installation, as selected by the Contractor subject to the approval of the Architect. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 SURFACE CONDITIONS A. Examine the areas and conditions under which work of this Section will be performed. Correct conditions detrimental to timely and proper completion of the Work. Do not pro- ceed until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. r 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Except under adverse weather conditions, install not less than 1829 sq m (6,000 sq ft) of completed roofing per working day. B. Install the work of this Section in strict accordance with the procedures, and achieve the results as required by the roofing materials manufacturers, as required by pertinent regulations of governmental agencies having jurisdiction, as.required by the Specifications, and as agreed to in the pre -roofing meeting. END OF SECTION CAP SHEET ROOFING 07521-3 SECTION 07600 FLASHING AND SHEET METAL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION: A. Provide flashing and sheet metal work, as required, including roof flashing where shown on the drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. 1.2 RELATED WORK: A. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Section 07322 - Concrete Roof Tiles. 2. Section 07521 - Cap Sheet Roofing 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. Regulatory Requirements: 1. In addition to complying with applicable codes and regulations of governmental agencies having jurisdiction, comply with applicable requirements of the referenced publications of SMACNA. 2. Where provisions of applicable codes, regulations and standards conflict with the requirements of this Specification, comply with the more stringent provisions. 1.4 REFERENCES: A. Sheet Metal and Air Conditions Contractors National Association (SMACNA): 1. Architectural Sheet Metal Manual. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS: A. Sheet Metal: Except as otherwise required, provide sheet steel hot -dipped galvanized in accordance with ASTM A 525 for a G90 coating. 1. Except as otherwise permitted, or noted on the Drawings, minimum gauge of sheet metal provided shall be 24 gauge. B. Solder: ASTM B 32, Alloy Grade 58, 5'0 percent tin, 50 percent lead. C. Primer Coating: Dextor Corp. Metalgrip, or Tnemec Galv-Gard. FLASHING AND SHEET METAL 07600 - 1 D. Asphaltic Coating Compound: Approved alkali resistant bituminous paint. E. Underlayment: Asphalt saturated, unperforated roofing felt, ASTM D 226, 15 pound type. F. Mastic: FS SS -C-153, fibrated asphalt plastic cement. G. Standard Products: Counterflashing, reglets, gravel stops, copings and edging in stock patterns, conforming substantially to details and design shown, intended, or as required to provide continued watertightness, are acceptable. H. Slip Sheet: Building paper, FS UU-B-790, Type I, Grade A, Style 1B. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSPECTION: A. Verify that substrates are smooth and clean to extent needed for sheet metal work. B. Verify that reglet, nails, cants, and blocking, to receive sheet metal are installed and free of concrete and soil. C. Do not start sheet metal work until conditions are satisfactory. 3.2 PREPARATION: A. Before installing sheet metal verify shapes and dimensions of surface to be covered. 3.3 INSTALLATION: A. General: 1. Install work watertight, without waves, warps, buckles, fastening stresses or distortion, allowing for expansion and contraction. 2. Hem exposed edges. 3. Angle bottom edges of exposed vertical surfaces to form drips. 4. Use concealed clips and fastenings or as detailed on the drawings. 5. Provide expansion joints as required for good practice. 6. Shop prime flashing and leave ready for finish painting. FLASHING AND SHEET METAL 07600 - 2 B. Seams: 1. Flat Lock Seams: a. 3/4 inch finished width. b. Four -ply flat lock, malleted tight. C. Sweated full with solder. C. Cleats: 1. Spaced Cleats (concealed from view only): a. Two feet on -centers. b. Secure to substrate with fasteners and cover heads with cleat tabs. 2. Continuous Cleats (exposed to view): Secure to substrate with fasteners spaced one foot on - centers. D. Soldering: 1. Clean and flux metals prior to soldering. 2. Sweat solder completely through seam width. E. Bituminous Plastic Cement: Trowel 1/8 inch thick. F. Painting: 1. Apply 7-1/2 mil dry film thickness asphalt coating compound to each contacting metal face of dissimilar metals. All exposed metal shall be washed, primed and painted. Color as selected by the Architect. G. Roof Counterflashing: 1. Overlap base flashing four inches minimum. 2. Install bottom edge tight against base flashing. 3. Lap seam vertical joints three inches minimum, and apply sealant. 4. Miter, lap seam, and close corner joints with solder or sealant. H. Base Flashing: 1. Extend up vertical surface five inches minimum, and onto roofing four inches minimum. 2. Secure top edge of flashing by nailing to substrate. 3. Provide standard "Z" shape at bottom edge of stucco. I. Pitch Pockets: 1. Fabricate with at least one inch clearance from roof accessory support. 2. Collar Height: Three inches minimum. 3. Extend roof flange outward from collar four inches. 4. Solder -lap joints. 5. Provide sealant amount penetrations through flashing. FLASHING AND SHEET METAL 07600 - 3 J. Roof Penetration Flashing: 1. Base Flashing: a. Extend flange onto roof six inches minimum away from penetration. b. Extend flange upward around penetration to at least eight inches above roofing. C. Fold back upper and side roof flange edges 1/2 inches minimum. d. Solder -lap joints. 2. Counterflashing: a. Overlap base flashing one inch minimum with storm collar sloped away from penetration. b. Secure to penetration with draw band and sealant. K. Equipment Support Flashing: 1. Fully cap support. 2. Overlap base flashing four inches. 3. Solder -lap joint. 4. Provide sealant around penetration through flashing. 3.4 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING: A. As work progresses, neutralize excess flux with five to ten percent washing soda solution, and thoroughly rinse. B. Repair or replace damaged or dented work. C. Leave work clean and free of stains, scrap and debris. END OF SECTION FLASHING AND SHEET METAL 07600 - 4 SECTION 07722 ROOF HATCHES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED: A. Provide roof hatches and ladders where shown on the drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. 1.2 RELATED WORK: A. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Section 07521 - Cap Sheet Roofing. 3. Section 09900 - Painting: Finish painting of roof hatches and ladders. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. Regulatory Requirements: 1. Comply with applicable codes and regulations of governmental agencies having jurisdiction. 2. Where provisions of applicable codes, regulations and standards conflict with the requirements of this Specification, comply with the more stringent provisions. 1.4 SUBMITTALS: A. Product Data: Submit complete manufacturer's description literature and specifications. 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING: A. Protection: Use all means necessary to protect the materials of this Section before, during and after installation. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS: A. Design is based on the use of products manufactured by Bilco Company, P.O. Box 1203, New Haven, CT 06505. 2.2 ROOF HATCHES: A. Cover: 14 gage galvanized steel with three inch beaded flange, neatly welded. Insulation shall be one inch thick fiberglass, fully covered and protected by a 22 gauge prime painted galvanized steel cover liner. ROOF HATCHES 07722 - 1 B. Curb: 14 gage prime painted galvanized steel, 12 inches in height, formed with a 3-1/2 inch flange and holes provided for securing to the roof deck. Curb shall be equipped with an integral metal cap flashing of the same material as the curb, fully welded at the corners for absolute weathertightness. Insulation on the exterior of the curb shall be one inch rigid fiber board. C. Roof hatches shall be completely assembled with heavy pintle hinges, frame mounted telescopic tube enclosed torsion spring or pneumatic operators, positive snap latch with turn handles and padlock hasps inside, and neoprene weathertight seal. Cover shall be equipped with automatic hold -open arm with red vinyl grip handle to allow one hand release. Hardware shall be zinc or cadmium plated. D. Roof hatch ladders shall be industrial heavy duty. Rung shall be aluminum 3/4 inch diameter, maximum 12 inches o.c. Anchor plates shall be aluminum two inches x 1/4 inch bent plate at 48 inches o.c. maximum with 3/8 inch diameter lag bolts with minimum 1-1/2 inch penetration into studs or solid blocking. Two inches or three inches x 1-1/2 inch aluminum stringer shall be anchored to concrete slab with 1-1/2 inch x two inches or three inches x 1/8 inch slotted holes angle with 1/4 inch diameter bolts set into expansion shields. E. All roof hatch attachments shall be 3/8 inch diameter lag bolts or lag screwed at 24 inches o.c. into framing member or solid blocking with minimum 1-1/2 inch penetration. F. All roof hatches shall receive two coats of primer inside and outside with 666513 primer or as specified in the painting section. All hatches shall be painted. Color as selected by the Architect. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION: A. General: Install Work in strict accordance with the manufacturer's submittals, as approved. B. Secure roof hatches through deck to roof structure with lag screws, welds, or as detailed. C. Seal curb flange to roof deck to prevent roofing asphalt from running into roof opening. ROOF HATCHES 07722 - 2 3.2 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL: A. Secure roof hatches through deck to roof structure with lag screws, welds, or as detailed. B. Seal curb flange to roof deck to prevent roofing asphalt from running into roof opening. 3.4 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING: A. Adjust roof hatches for proper operation and ease of opening.. END OF SECTION ROOF HATCHES 07722 - 3 SECTION 07900 JOINT SEALERS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION: A. . Provide interior and exterior caulking and sealing where shown on the drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. 1.2 WORK INCLUDED: A. Work includes interior and exterior caulking and sealing, in not less than the following circumstances: 1. Wherever expansion and contraction occurs. 2. Between materials and products where infiltration of moisture, water, light or air blown particles may occur. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. Regulatory Requirements: 1. - Comply with applicable codes and regulations of governmental agencies having jurisdiction. 2. where provisions of applicable codes, regulations and standards conflict with the requirements of this Specification, comply with the more stringent provisions. 1.4 SUBMITTALS: A. Product Data: Submit complete manufacturer's description literature and specifications. 1. Materials List: Submit complete lists of materials proposed for use, giving the manufacturer's name, catalog number, and catalog cut for each item where applicable. 2. Manufacturer's Recommendations: Submit the manufacturer's current recommended methods of installation, including relevant limitations, and safety and environmental cautions. B. Samples: Submit samples of each color of sealant required. 1.5 GUARANTEE: A. Guarantee workmanship against leakage for two years. JOINT SEALERS 07900 - 1 M N• \ r PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SEALANT MATERIALS: A. Silcone: One -part, primerless, paintable and highly flexible, FS TT -S-001543. Equal to General Electric 1300 Series. 2.2 BACKER ROD: A. Material: Open or expended polyurethane, open or closed cell as recommended by sealant manufacturer, compatible with sealant. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSPECTION: A. Examine joints to be sealed for construction defects which would adversely affect execution of work. B. Ensure that concrete has cured 28 days minimum. C. Do not start work until conditions are satisfactory. 3.2 PREPARATION: A. Cleaning: Clean joint surfaces, using joint cleaner as necessary, to be free of dust, dirt, oil, grease, rust, lacquers, laitance, release agents, moisture, or other matter which might adversely affect adhesion of sealant. B. Masking: Mask areas adjacent to joints. 3.3 APPLICATION: A. Install backing material in joints using blunt instrument to avoid puncturing. Do not twist rod while installing. Install backing so that joint depth is 50 percent of joint width, but a minimum of 1/4 inch deep. B. Apply sealant in joints using pressure gun with nozzle cut to fit joint width. Make sure sealant is deposited in uniform, continuous beads without gaps or air pockets. Replace where gaps or air pockets occur. C. Tool joints to required configuration with ten minutes of sealant application. If masking materials are used, remove immediately after tooling. Use an approved method of removing excess sealant where applies or where asked to have excess sealant removed by the Architect and Resident Inspector. JOINT SEALERS 07900 - 2 3.4 CLEANING: A. Remove excess materials adjacent to joints by mechanical means or with xylol (xylene) or mineral spirits as work progresses to eliminate evidence of spillage or damage to adjacent surfaces. B. Leave finished work in neat, clean condition with no evidence of spill overs onto adjacent surfaces. C. All exposed sealants used shall be of a type that can receive any or all paints as specified. END OF SECTION JOINT SEALERS 07900 - 3 SECTION 08110 HOLLOW METAL WORK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION: A. Provide hollow metal doors and frames where shown on the drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. 1.2 RELATED WORK: A. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Section 09900 - Painting. B. Commercial grade hollow metal products to be furnished to the general contractor for installation as site construction progress permits. C. Lintels, sills, special fastening devices required for installation of hollow metal products are listed in their appropriate division and section as required for construction. D. Hardware and miscellaneous items related to hollow metal functions are listed in their respective section of this specification. 1.3 REFERENCES: A. Products supplied in this section must comply with standards established by: American National Standards Institute/Steel Door Institute (A.N.S.I./S.D.I.) standard #100 "Recommended Specifications for Standard Steel Doors and Frames." American Society for Testing Materials (A.S.T.M.): A.S.T.M. A366 Specifications for Steel, Carbon, Cold Rolled Sheet, Commercial Quality A.S.T.M. A568 Specifications for Steel, Carbon and High Strength Low Alloy Hot Rolled Strip, and Cold Rolled Sheet, General Requirements A.S.T.M. A525 Specifications for Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated (galvanized) by the Hot Dip Process, General Requirements A.S.T.M. A526 Specifications for Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated (galvanized) by the Hot Dip process, Commercial Quality HOLLOW METAL WORK 08110 - 1 1.4 DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING: A. Store doors and frames at building site under cover. Place units on minimum 4" high wood blocking. Avoid use of non -vented plastic or canvas shelters which could create a humidity chamber. If cardboard wrapper on doors becomes wet, remove carton immediately. Provide 1/4" spaces between stacked doors to promote air circulation. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS: A. Curries Company or manufacturers submitting compliance test data information certifying products as equal to Curries' performance standards. 2.2 STEEL REQUIREMENTS: A. All doors and frames to be manufactured of commercial quality, stretcher leveled flatness, cold rolled steel per A.S.T.M. A366 and A568 general requirements or galvanized steel sheet shall be as per A.S.T.M. A525 or A526 hot dip galvanized to A60 minimum coating weight standard. Internal reinforcing may be manufactured of hot rolled pickled and oiled steel per A.S.T.M. A569. 2.3 STEEL FRAMES: A. Comply with A.N.S.I./S.D.I. 100. Provide metal frames for doors of types and styles as shown in drawings and schedules. Conceal fastenings, unless otherwise indicated. Frame types, anchor requirements, and locations shall be detailed on plans. Frames shall comply with A.N.S.I./S.D.I. 119-1983, Level A, one million cycle swing test performance for a 4070 door frame. B. Frames shall be constructed with 16 gauge (min) steel. 2.4 STEEL DOORS: A. Comply with A.N.S.I./S.D.I. 100. Provide metal doors in 16 gauge steel as specified on plans in accordance with performance levels defined in A.N.S.I./S.D.I. 100 and A.N.S.I./S.D.I. A151.1-1987 Test Procedure and Acceptance Criteria for Physical Endurance. Door size cycle tested to be 4070 to minimum Level A performance for 18 gauge door. Door core material shall be a polystyrene slab (min. .24 U Factor), permanently bonded to the inside of each face sheet, providing rigidity, insulating and sound deadening properties to the door. Door lock edge reinforcing shall be one - HOLLOW METAL WORK 08110 - 2 piece, full height, 14 gauge channel. Door hinge edge reinforcing shall be one-piece full height, 14 gauge channel, formed and tapped for hinges. Both hinge and lock channels to be welded to each face sheet of the door. Top and bottom of doors shall be closed with a minimum 16 gauge steel channel, welded to the face sheets. Door edges (hinge and lock) may have an exposed seam, in the center, or shall be welded, filled and ground smooth the full height of the door (seamless) or continuous wire welded seam full height, filled and ground smooth (seamless). Door shall have a beveled (1/8" in 211) lock edge and square hinge edge. All doors shall be bonderized and finished as standard with one coat of baked -on prime paint. B. Reinforce face panels with internal welded steel 20 gauge stiffeners at 6" on center. 2.5 HARDWARE REINFORCING: A. Reinforce, drill and tap doors and frames to receive mortise hinges, locks, latches, flush bolts and concealed door closers as required. Preparations shall be in accordance with A.N.S.I. A115. Provide minimum gauge hardware reinforcing for mortise or surface applied hardware as follows: Hinges - 10 gauge or equivalent number of threads on doors. - 7 gauge on frames. Locks - 12 gauge or equivalent number of threads. Surface Closers - 12 gauge _Hold Open Arms - 12 gauge Panic Devices - 12 gauge Floor Check Hinges & Pivots - 7 gauge Field drilling and/or tapping for surface applied hardware is installation contractor's responsibility. Some anchor hinge and pivot type hardware must be drilled and tapped in the field by installer. Use S.D.I. publication #107 "Hardware on Steel Doors (Reinforcement Application)" as a guide for proper type of reinforcement and installation. 2.6 ANCHORS: A. Provide sufficient anchorage to attach to wall in accordance with A.N.S.I./S.D.I. 119 Test compliance Level A of one million cycles, or anchorage as detailed on plans to specific wall conditions. 2.7 FABRICATION: A. As detailed on plans, fabricated "knock -down" frame units to be delivered to job site. HOLLOW METAL WORK 08110 - 3 N PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Erection Installation: Install hollow metal units in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and final shop drawings. Fit doors to frames and floors with proper clearances and to achieve the maximum operational effectiveness and appearance of each unit. S.D.I. 105-87 "Recommended Erection Instructions for Steel Frames" or "The Installation of Commercial Steel Doors and Steel Frames, Insulated Steel Doors in Wood Frames, and Builders Hardware" as published by the D.H.I. are recommended guidelines. B. In general install doors and frames in accordance with SDI 100 and 105, respectively. C. Install frames for doors plum, rigid and in true alignment, and fastened so as to retain their position and clearance during construction of partitions and walls. D. Ensure dimensional tolerance and stability of frames for proper installation and operation of hardware and doors. E. Following installation, provide protection of frames until frames are to be finish painted. F. Touch up shop applied primer on doors and frames following installation and just prior to finish painting. 3.2 CLEAN UP A. After completion, clean up all debris resulting from this work and remove from the site. END OF SECTION HOLLOW METAL WORK 08110 - 4 SECTION 08410 ALUMINUM ENTRANCES AND STOREFRONTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Provide aluminum entrance doors and storefronts where shown on the Drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Section 08800: Glazing. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Product data: Within 30 calendar days after the Contractor has received the Owner's Notice to Proceed, submit: 1. Materials list of items proposed to be provided under this Section; 2. Manufacturer's specifications and other data needed to prove compliance with the specified requirements; 3. Shop Drawings in sufficient detail to show fabrication, installation, anchorage, and interface of the work of this Section with the work of adjacent trades; 4. Manufacturer's recommended installation procedures which, when approved by the Architect, will become the basis for accepting or rejecting actual installation procedures used on the Work. B. Samples: Accompanying the Shop Drawings, submit: 1. Sample of each exposed member. 2. Samples of finish, showing color proposed for use on this Work. Samples, when approved by the Architect, will be used to verify that finish actually furnished. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and completely familiar with the specified requirements and methods needed for proper performance of the work of this Section. PART 2 - , PRODUCTS 2.1 ALUMINUM ENTRANCES A. Provide aluminum entrances in the dimensions and arrangements shown on the Drawings. ALUMINUM ENTRANCES AND STOREFRONTS 08410-1 \ 1. Entrance doors: Kawneer 11350" Medium Stile. 2. Finish: a. Provide custom color as determined by the Architect. Comply with AAMA 605.2 for "high performance organic coatings on Architectural Extrusions and panels". Fluoropolymer paint finish is an approved option. B. Provide aluminum storefront members in the dimensions and arrangements shown on the Drawings. 1. Storefront system: Kawneer "TRIFAB II - 451" or equal product of another manufacturer approved in advance by the Architect. 2. Frame members to be designed specifically to flush glaze 1" insulating glass with elastometric gaskets inside and outside. 3. Finish shall match Aluminum Entrance doors. 2.2 FINISH HARDWARE A. Prepare for, receive, and install all finish hardware. B. Procedures: 1. Perform all fitting of finish hardware to doors and frames at the factory; except do not drill or tap for surface mounted items -until time of installation at the site. 2. Comply with finish hardware manufacturer's instructions and template requirements. 3. Use concealed fasteners to the maximum extent practicable. 2.3 FABRICATION A. Fabricate in strict accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and Shop Drawings as approved by the Archi- tect, prefabricating in the shop to the maximum extent practicable. B. Provide hairline fit at joints, with smooth continuity of line and accurate relation of planes and angles. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 SURFACE CONDITIONS A. Examine the areas and conditions under which work of this Section will be performed. Correct conditions detrimental to timely and proper completion of the Work. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. ALUMINUM ENTRANCES AND STOREFRONTS 08410-2 3.2 COORDINATION A. Coordinate as required with other trades to assure proper and adequate provision in the work of those trades for interface with the work of this Section. B. Make measurements as required in the field to assure proper fit.. 3.3 INSTALLATION A. Install the work of this Section in strict accordance with the original design, the approved Shop Drawings, pertinent requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction, and the manufacturer's recommended installation procedures as approved by the Architect, anchoring all components firmly into position for long life under hard use. B. Remove protective coating completely from exposed surfaces as soon as progress of the work will permit with safety. END OF SECTION ALUMINUM ENTRANCES AND STOREFRONTS 08410-3 SECTION 08800 GLAZING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Provide glazing and glazing accessories where shown on the Drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Section 08410 - Aluminum Entrances and Storefronts. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Product data: Within 60 calendar days after the Contractor has received the Owner's Notice to Proceed, submit: 1. Materials list of items proposed to be provided under this Section; 2. Manufacturers' specifications and other data needed to prove compliance with the specified requirements; 3. Manufacturers' recommended installation procedures which, when approved by the Architect, will become the basis for accepting or rejecting actual installation procedures used on the Work. B. Samples: Accompanying the above product data, submit: 1. Samples of each type of glass and glazing bead proposed to be used; 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE ,A. Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and completely familiar with the specified requirements and methods needed for proper performance of the work of this Section. B. In addition to complying with pertinent codes and regula- tions of governmental agencies having jurisdiction, comply with pertinent recommendations contained in: 1. Flat Glass Marketing Association: a. "Sealant Manual"; b. "Glazing Manual"; 2. ASTM publications pertaining to glazing. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 GLASS. A'. General: 1. For all glass, provide the type and thickness shown on GLAZING 08800 - 1 the Drawings or specified herein. B. Tempered or heat -strengthened clear glass: 1. Comply with ASTM C1-48-90 and ANSI Z97.1-84 for fully tempered or heat -strengthened glass where indicated on the Drawings, and elsewhere as required by governmental agencies having jurisdiction. 2. Glass for tempering: a. For float glass, clear, use Type I, Class 1, Quality q5; b. Prior to tempering or heat treating, seam glass on required sizes as determined by accurate measure- ments of the openings to be glazed, making allow- ances for required edge clearances and glass lap in accordance with industry standards. c. Clean cut edges in accordance with the glass manu- facturer's recommendations. d. Edge treatment in the field is not permitted. e. Except as otherwise approved in advance by the Architect, when tong marks are required locate at bottom edge of the lite and concealed by the glazing rabbet. f. Warpage greater than permitted by the referenced standards will not be approved. 2.2 OTHER MATERIALS A. Provide other materials, not specifically described but required for a complete and proper installation, as selected by the Contractor subject to the approval of the Architect. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 SURFACE CONDITIONS A. Examine the areas and conditions under which work of this Section will be performed. Correct conditions detrimental to timely and proper completion of the Work. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. B. Clean glazing channels, stops, and rabbets to receive the glazing materials, making free from obstructions and deleterious substances which might impair the work. 1. Remove protective coatings which might fail in adhesion or interfere with bond of sealants. 2. Comply with manufacturers' instructions for final wiping of surfaces immediately prior to application of primer and glazing compounds or tapes. 3. Prime surfaces to receive glazing compounds in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations. GLAZING 08800 - 2 \` 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Inspect each piece of glass immediately prior to start of installation. 1. Do not install items which are improperly sized, have damaged edges, or are scratched, abraded, or deficient in any other manner. 2. Where labels are provided by the glass supplier, do not remove such labels until so directed by the Architect. 3. Install glass so distortion waves, if present, run in the horizontal direction. B. Locate sill setting blocks of standard width and thickness at quarter points of all glass lites unless otherwise recommended by the glass manufacturer or supplier. 1. Use blocks of proper Durometer, size, and thickness to support the glass in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 2. Provide spacers for all glass sizes larger than 50 united inches, to separate glass from stops; except where continuous glazing gaskets or other resilient glazing materials are used. a. Locate spacers no more than 600 mm (2411) apart, and no closer to a corner than 300 mm (1211). b. Place spacers opposite one another. c. Provide glass lap and edge clearances as required by the governmental agencies having jurisdiction. C. Set glass in a manner which produces the greatest possible degree of uniformity in appearance, locating all "bugs" in lower right hand interior corner. 1. Do not use two different glazing materials in the same joint system unless the joint use is recommended by the manufacturer and approved in advance by the Architect. 2. If necessary, mask or otherwise protect surfaces adja- cent to installation of sealants. 3. Cut and seal the joints of glazing gaskets in accor- dance with the manufacturer's recommendations, to pro- vide watertight and airtight seal at corners and other locations where joints are required. 3.3 PROTECTION A. Where so directed, protect glass from breakage after in- stallation by promptly installing streamers or ribbons, suitably attached to the framing and held free from glass. END OF SECTION GLAZING 08800 - 3 SECTION 09200 LATH AND PLASTER PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION: A. Provide Lathing and Plastering where shown on the drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. 1.2 RELATED WORK: A. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Section 04253 - Simulated Stone Veneer 2. Section 04255 - Adhered Masonry Veneer r 3. Section 09311 - Ceramic Tile 4. Section 09830 - Elastomeric Coating 1.3 WORK INCLUDED: A. Work includes lath and cement plaster for: 1. Exterior surfaces and soffits. 2. Exterior base coats for wall surfaces indicated to receive simulated stone veneer, adhered masonry veneer and ceramic tile . 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. Regulatory Requirements: 1. Comply with applicable codes and regulations of governmental agencies having jurisdiction. 2. Where requirements of applicable codes, regulations and standards conflict with this specification, comply with the more stringent provisions. B. Source Quality Control: 1. Tests: Materials for which physical characteristics have been stipulated shall have had such characteristics independently confirmed by laboratory tests employing industry -recognized procedures. Both the laboratory performing the tests and the test methods employed will be subject to the approval of the Architect. 1.5 SUBMITTALS: A. Product Data: Submit complete manufacturer's descriptive literature and specifications. 1. Materials List: Submit complete lists of materials proposed for use, giving the manufacturer's name, catalog number, and catalog cut for each item where applicable. LATH AND PLASTER 09200 - 1 2. Manufacturer's Recommendations: Submit the manufacturer's current recommended methods of installation, including relevant limitations, safety and environmental cautions, and applications rates. B. Samples: The Plastering Contractor shall prepare 3 foot square sample of the plaster finish for approval of the Architect. C. Test Reports: When, and as directed by the Architect, submit certified laboratory test reports confirming physical characteristics of materials used in the performance of the work of this section. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING: A. Protection: Use all means necessary to protect the materials of this section before, during and after installation. 1. Deliver manufactured materials in original unopened packages or containers, with manufacturer's label intact and legible. B. Replacements: In the event of damage, immediately make repairs and replacements necessary to the approval of the Architect and at no additional cost to the Owner. 1.7 PROJECT CONDITIONS: A. Environmental Requirements: 1. Protect cement plaster from uneven and excessive evaporation during hot, dry weather., Protect adjacent surfaces from plastering material by masking to avoid unnecessary cleaning. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PLASTER MATERIALS: A. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type 1. B. Special Finishing Hydrated Lime: ASTM C 206, Type S. C. Aggregates: ASTM C 144 clean and well graded sand. D. Filler: AR Glass Fiber or 15 Denier polypropylene fibers. E. Water: Potable. F. Finish Coat: 1. Exterior: Light Sand, gun applied finish coat. LATH AND PLASTER 09200 - 2 2.2 LATH MATERIALS: A. Metal Lath: 1. Horizontal: Expanded diamond mesh weighing 3.4 pounds per square yard, fabricated from galvanized steel sheets. 2. Vertical: Aqua -K -Lath by Tree. Island Steel, Inc. B. Stucco Lath: 16 gage self -furring woven wire fabric mesh, two inch maximum openings, fabricated from zinc coated galvanized steel wire, Type I, Grade B. C. Fasteners: No. 12 gage cap nail. Provide furring nails and staples as required. At soffit provide 10d nails over lath held with 1-1/2 inch stronghold.staple, 22 inches on -center at every joist. Soffit nails use 9 gage roofing nails with 7/16 inch head or 9 gage zinc plated earthquake staple at six inches on center. D. Weatherproof Backing: Building paper conforming to FS UU-B-790, Style 2, Grade B. E. Tie and String Wire: 18 gage, galvanized. F. Screeds: 26 gage, galvanized, expansion screed with single point screed painted. G. Expanded Corner Bead: 2 5/8" flange with solid metal nose. H. Joints: Products of Milcor Division, Inryco, Inc.: 1. Control Joints: No. 15 narrow profile, galvanized or zinc alloy. 2. Expansion Joint: No. 40 as detailed, galvanized or zinc. I. Expanded flange Casing Bead: 24 gage square galvanized at doors, windows or other openings as required. Use when plaster terminates against dissimilar materials and paint where exposed. J. Foundation Weep Screeds: Superior SWS, painted. K. All exposed aluminum/metal molding shall be painted per paint section of this specification. 2.3 MIXES: A. General: Mix factory prepared cement plaster in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Use mechanical mixer free of hardened materials. LATH AND PLASTER 09200 - 3 B. Proportions: Conform to recommendation of the California Lathing and Plastering Contractors Association, Inc.-(CLPCA) for the first and second coats. Mix plaster proportions in accordance with Table 47-F of UBC. 1. Base Coats: a. One part portland cement. b. One twelfth part lime. C. Two to four parts sand. 2. Finish Coat: a. One part portland cement. b. One to two parts lime. C. Three parts sand. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 LATHING: A. Lap weatherproof backing not less than six inches at vertical joints and two inches at horizontal joints. Attachment of string wire and stucco mesh shall be of type, size and spacing as required by applicable Codes and Regulations. B. Metal Lath: Fasten tc horizontal surfaces with fasteners scheduled in U.B.C. Do not continue lath across control joints, but keep weather resistant building paper continuous. 1. Apply over weatherproof backing. 2. Provide metal beads at exterior corners and metal reinforcing..at interior corners. C. Protect expansion screeds and vent screeds with non- staining tape or other suitable material. Locate all expansion screeds per Drawings. D. Provide 1 by 2 wood screeds in stucco where attachment of other building elements is required. E. Pay particular attention to the alignment of grounds forming plaster details. Provide plaster details which are straight and true and uniformly formed. 3.2 APPLICATION: A. General: Provide three coat application, 7/8" thick. B. Wet base with fine fog spray to produce uniform moist conditions. Apply bonding agent in strict accordance with manufacturer's directions. LATH AND PLASTER 09200 - 4 END OF SECTION LATH AND PLASTER 09200 - 5 C. Machine apply base coats. Apply scratch and brown coats over metal lath only. Straighten all surfaces to true planes, free of imperfections. First coat thickness 3/8 inch thick. Second coat total thickness 3/4 inch. 1. Apply scratch and brown coat over waterproof membrane/mesh at simulated stone veneer and adhered masonry veneer in areas shown on the drawings. 2. Apply scratch coat over waterproof membrane/mesh as a backing for exterior ceramic tile in areas shown on the drawings. 3.3 CURING: A. Scratch coat: Keep moist 48 hours. B. Brown coat: Cure at least seven days. Keep moist 48 hours. '3.4 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING: A. Remove plaster and protective materials from adjacent surfaces. Cut out and patch defective plaster. B. Completely clean all expansion joint slots. END OF SECTION LATH AND PLASTER 09200 - 5 SECTION 09311 CERAMIC TILE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION: A. Provide Ceramic Tile where shown on the drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. 1.2 RELATED WORK: •A. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Section 09200 - Lath and Plaster: Portland cement scratch coat for vertical tile surfaces. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. Regulatory Requirements: 1. In addition to complying with applicable codes and regulations of governmental agencies having jurisdiction, comply with the applicable requirements of the referenced standards. 2. Where the requirements of applicable codes, regulations and standards conflict with this Specification, comply with the more stringent provisions. 3. Conform to ANSI / TCA A137.1 for tile. Conform to ANSI / TCA A108, 10 for installation of grout. B. Source Quality Control: 1. Certification: Furnish manufacturer's Master Grade Certificates for tile proposed to be installed. Certificates shall be on standard forms of the Tile Council of America (TCA) and shall certify type, grade and quality of tile. C. Qualifications: 1. Manufacturer: The manufacturer shall have a minimum five years experience. 2. Installer: The subcontractor shall specialize in applying ceramic tile with a minimum of five years experience. 1.4 SUBMITTALS: A. Product Data: Submit complete manufacturer's descriptive literature, and specifications. 1. Materials List: Submit complete lists of materials proposed for use, giving the manufacturer's name, catalog number, and catalog cut for each item where applicable. CERAMIC TILE 09311 - 1 2. Manufacturer's Recommendations: Submit the manufacturer's current recommended methods of installation. B. Samples: Submit samples of each type, class and color of tile required, not less than twenty-four inches square on plywood or hardboard backing and grouted as required. Architect review will be for color pattern and texture only. Compliance with all other requirements is the exclusive responsibility of the Contractor. 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING: A. Protection: Use all means necessary to protect the materials of this Section before, during and after installation. 1. Deliver manufactured materials in original sealed containers with manufacturer's name, brand and grade seals affixed or sealed within per ANSI/TCA A137.1. 2. Keep materials dry until used. 3. Store and protect products in dry, secure areas. B.. Replacements: In the event of damage, immediately make repairs and replacements necessary to the approval of the Architect and at no additional cost to the Owner. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS: A. Provide ceramic tile in locations as shown and indicated of the drawings. The determination and selection of all materials shall be determined by the Architect. 2.2 MORTAR AND GROUT MATERIALS: A. Portland Cement: ANSI / TCA A118.1 and A118.4. B. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C 207, Type S. C. Sand: ASTM C 144. D. Latex -Portland and Cement Mortar: Latex modified portland cement dry -set mortar, ANSI A118.4, equal to Dal -Tile DQ 800. E. Grout: Approved standard product factory mixed and packaged portland cement tile grout material containing waterproofing and curing admixtures. CERAMIC TILE 09311 - 2 2.3 OTHER MATERIALS: A. Other materials, not specifically described but required for a complete and proper installation of the work of this section, shall be new, first quality of their respective kinds, and subject to approval of the Architect. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSPECTION: A. Inspection: Carefully inspect all surfaces to receive tile. Do not apply materials until any necessary corrections are made. B.' Examine wall substrates, setting beds and accessories before tile installation begins to assure that substrates are plumb and in a true plane within 1/8 inch in 8 feet for dry set or latex portland cement mortar methods. 3.2 PREPARATION: A. Protect all surrounding work from damage or disfiguration. 3.3 MIXING: A. Mix Latex -Portland cement mortar in accordance with manufacturer's instructions . B. During use, remix mortar occasionally. Additional water or fresh materials shall not be added after initial mixing. The mortar shall not be used after initial set. 3.4 INSTALLATION: A. Thoroughly soak all non -vitreous tile at least one-half hour in clear water and drain off excess, leaving no free water on back of tile. Any tile left out of water for more than two hours shall be resoaked. B. ANSI Standards: Comply with applicable requirements of the following, except as otherwise indicated. 1. ANSI A108.1 for Glazed Wall Tile, Ceramic Mosaic Tile, Quarry Tile and Paver Tile installed with Portland Cement Mortar. C.. Mortar application: 1. Clean surface thoroughly. Dampen if very dry but do not saturate. 2. 'Apply mortar with flat side of trowel over an area CERAMIC TILE 09311 - 3 ti. no greater than can be covered with tile while mortar remains plastic. 3. Cover surface uniformly with no bare spots with sufficient mortar to ensure a minimum mortar thickness of 3/32 inch between tile and backing after tile has been beaten into place. Tile shall not be applied to skinned -over mortar. D. Application of Grout: 1. Mixing: Refer to grout mix and latex manufacturer's directions. 2. Dry blend contents of an entire container or grout prior to mixing with water or latex. 3. Use caution to prevent scratching or damaging of the surfaces. 4. Dampen dry joints prior to grouting. Do not leave puddles of water in joints before grouting. 5. Force a maximum amount into the joints. Cushion edge tile shall be finished evenly to the depth of the cushion. Square -edge tile shall be finished flush with the surface. 6. The finished joint shall be uniform in color, smooth and without pinholes, voids or low spots. E. Expansion Joints: Provide 1/4 inch wide expansion joints in all tile fields over 30 feet in any direction and at perimeter of all floor tile adjacent to tile base or other fixed vertical surface. Conform to appropriate TCA installation method EJ171-89. F. Setting: Layout work according to patterns detailed or approved. Lay out so that fields or patterns center exactly on the areas and on architectural features so that whenever possible no tile that is less than half size occurs. Align joints vertically and horizontally. No staggered joints will be permitted. Firmly imbed and beat tile into mortar with all finished surfaces brought to true and level planes. Fill joints full with grout, wipe excess grout from tile faces, and leave all joints finished at uniform depth. G. Grout shall be mixed and applied in accordance with the referenced standards. Force a maximum of grout into all joints. Before grout sets, strike or tool the joints cushion -edge tile to depth of cushion, filling gaps, and with square -edged tile, fill joints, flush with their surface. 3.5 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING: A. Finished Tile Work: Leave finished installation clean and free of cracked, chipped, broken, unbonded, or otherwise defective tile work. CERAMIC TILE 09311 - 4 B. Cleaning: Thoroughly clean tile of all stains and grout residue. Acid or acid cleaners shall not be used for the cleaning of glazed tile. 3.6 PROTECTION: A. Apply to clean, completed tile walls a protective coat of neutral cleaner solution, one part cleaner to one part water. B. Immediately prior to final acceptance of tile work, rinse protective coat of neutral cleaner from all tile surfaces. END OF SECTION CERAMIC TILE 09311 - 5 r SECTION, 09830 ELASTOMERIC COATINGS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Provide elastomeric as specified herein, proper installation. 1.2 RELATED WORK: coatings where shown on the Drawings, and as needed for a complete and A. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Section 09200 - Lath and Plaster. 2. Section 09900 - Painting 1.3 SUBMITTALS A..Product data: Within 60 calendar days after the Contractor has received the Owner's Notice to Proceed, submit: 1. Materials list of items proposed to be provided under this Section; 2. Manufacturer's specifications and other data needed to .prove compliance with the specified requirements; 3. Proof that the proposed subcontractor is currently approved for this purpose by the manufacturer of the approved materials; 4. Color chips or color samples showing colors and textures currently available in the proposed products; 5. Manufacturer's recommended installation procedures which, when approved by the Architect, will become the basis for accepting or rejecting actual installation procedures used on the Work. 1.4 DEFINITIONS A. Tensile strength is the amount of force expressed in pounds per square inch required to rupture a detached film of paint at the moment of rupture. For specimen comparison, film thickness must be the same. B. Elongation is the increase in length under tension of a detached film of paint expressed as a percentage of its original length. For specimen to specimen comparisons, film thickness must be the same. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and completely familiar with the specified requirements and methods needed ELASTOMERIC COATINGS 09830-1 I\ I for proper performance of the work of this Section. B. Use a subcontractor who is currently approved in writing by the manufacturer of the approved materials. 1.6 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Requirements: 1. Apply coating under environmental conditions no less stringent than those stipulated by the manufacturer. 2. Measure moisture content of surfaces using an electronic moisture meter. Do not apply material unles moisture contents are below: a. Plaster: 8 percent b. Concrete: 12 percent c. Masonry: 12 percent d. Wood: 15 percent PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 ELASTOMERIC COATINGS A. The design is based on products as manufactured by Dunn -Edwards Paints. Products listed by manufacturer's number will serve as the standard by which proposed materials will be evaluated for acceptance. B. Provide colors and textures selected by the Architect from standard colors and textures of the approved manufacturer. C. Project requires more than one color. Provide masking and protection of adjacent surfaces to protect existing colors, materials and surfaces as required. D. Materials shall consist of a 100 percent acrylic elastomeric wall finishing system designed for use -over exterior concrete, masonry and properly prepared wood consisting of the following: a. 1st Coat: Blocfil Smooth (W 305) b. 2nd Coat: Endurawall (W 370) c: 3rd Coat: Endurawall (W370) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 SURFACE CONDITIONS A. Examine the areas and conditions under which work of this Section will be performed. Correct conditions detrimental to timely and proper completion of the Work. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. B;. Surfaces must be clean, dry and free from grease and other contaminants. ELASTOMERIC COATINGS 09830-2 C. Repair all cracks with approved, appropriate filler. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Coordinate as required with other trades to assure proper and adequate provision in the work of those trades for interface with the work of this Section. B. Install the work of this Section in strict accordance with the original design, pertinent requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction, and the manufacturer's recommended installation procedures as approved by the Architect. C. Apply product utilizing airless spray equipment in accordance with manufacturers recommendations by an approved applicator experienced in applying the specified system. 1. Use equipment capable of pumping two gallons per minute or more. Tip size shall range be .025" through .031". 2. Dry film thickness after two coat application shall be 12 to 16 mils at a coverage of 50 square feet per gallon. D. Apply the product directly from the manufacturers container. Do not thin. 3.3PROTECTION A. Provide wet paint signs, barricades and other devices as required to protect newly finished surfaces. END OF SECTION ELASTOMERIC COATINGS 09830-3 SECTION 09900 PAINTING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION: A. Provide Finish Painting where shown on the drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. 1.2 RELATED WORK: A. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Section 09200 - Lath and Plaster. 2. Section 09830 - Elastomeric coating. 1.3 WORK INCLUDED: A. Surface preparation. B. Prime coat application. C. Intermediate coat application. D. Finish coat application. E. Upon completion of work under this contract, all surfaces within the contract limits and within vision, will have a painters finish on the exterior except excluded items defined herein. (Include all roof mounted mechanical and electrical equipment factory primed or factory finished and in full view.) 1.4 WORK NOT INCLUDED: A. Surfaces Not To Be Painted: 1. Prefinished wall, ceiling and floor coverings. 2. Items with factory -applied final finish (except roof -mounted equipment as defined above). 3. Concealed ducts, pipes and conduit. 4. Glass, plastic laminate, ceramic tile, anodized aluminum, stainless steel or chromium plating. 5. Surfaces specifically scheduled or noted on the drawings not to be painted. .6. Equipment identification, performance rating, name or nomenclature plates or code required labels. 1.5 SUBMITTALS: A. Submit three samples 8-1/2 inches by 11 inches in size illustrating range of colors and textures available for each surface finishing product scheduled for selection. PAINTING 09900 - 1 •N r, B. Manufacturer's application instructions. 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. Product Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing quality paint and finish products with ten years experience. B. Applicator: Company specializing in commercial painting and finishing with five years experience. C. Field Samples: 1. Provide sample under provisions of Section 01340. 2. Provide field sample panel, illustrating coating color, texture and finish for each color scheduled. 3. Locate as approved by Architect. 4. Approved sample may remain as part of the work. 5. Do not proceed with coating application until sample panel has been approved. 1.7 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS: A. Conform to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), California Air Resources Board (GARB) and South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) regulations. B. Comply with applicable codes and regulations of governmental agencies having jurisdiction including those having jurisdiction over airborne emissions and industrial waste disposal. Where those requirements conflict with this specification, comply with the more stringent provisions. 1.8 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING: A. Deliver products to site in sealed original containers. B. Container labeling to include manufacturer's name, type of paint, brand code, coverage, surface preparation, drying time, clean-up, color designation and instructions for mixing and reducing. C. Provide adequate storage facilities. Store paint materials at minimum ambient temperature of 45 degrees F and maximum of 90 degrees F, in well ventilated area unless required otherwise by manufacturer's instructions. D. Take precautionary measures to prevent fire hazards and spontaneous combustion. PAINTING 09900 - 2 1. E. Provide replacements, and make immediate repairs in the event of damage to the approval of the Architect and at no additional cost to the Owner. 1.9 PROJECT SITE CONDITIONS: A. Provide continuous ventilation and heating facilities to maintain surface and ambient temperatures above 45 degrees F for 24 hours before, during and 48 hours after application of finishes, unless required otherwise by manufacturer's instructions. B. Do not apply exterior coatings during rain, or when relative humidity is above 50 percent, unless required otherwise by manufacturer's instructions. C. Minimum Application Temperature for Latex Paints: 45 degrees F for interiors; 50 degrees F for exterior, unless required otherwise by manufacturer's instructions. D. Minimum Application Temperature for Varnish and Transparent Finishes: 65 degrees F for interior or ,exterior, unless required otherwise by manufacturer's instructions. E. Provide lighting levels sufficient to conduct painting operations. F. Measure moisture content of surface using an electronic moisture meter. Do not apply finishes unless moisture content of surfaces are below the following maximums: 1. Plaster and Gypsum Wallboard: 12 percent. 2. Masonry, Concrete and Concrete Unit Masonry: 12 percent. 3. Interior Located Wood: 15 percent, measured in accordance with ASTM D2016. 4. Exterior Located Wood: 19 percent, measured in accordance with ASTM D2016. G. Beginning of installation means acceptance of existing surfaces. 1.10 MAINTENANCE: A. Extra material to be not less than one full gallon of each color, type of paint, in new unopened containers. Label each container for identification. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS: A. Paint colors are based on the products manufactured by PAINTING 09900 - 3 ,` r N1 Dunn -Edwards Corporation, Los Angeles, CA (213) 771- 3330, Frazee Paint Company, Anaheim,' CA (714) 630- 8040, and B. Stain colors are based on the products manufactured by Ace Hardware Co.. 2.2 MATERIALS: A. Paints: provide ready -mixed, except field catalyzed coatings. Pigments shall be fully ground maintaining soft paste consistency, capable of being readily and uniformly dispersed to a complete homogeneous mixture. B. Paint Accessory Materials: Other materials not specified but required to achieve required finishes shall be,of high quality and approved by the manufacturer. C. Paints shall have good flowing and brushing properties and be capable of drying or curing free of streaks and sags. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION: A. Prior to commencing the work of this section, carefully inspect previously installed work and verify that such work is complete to the point where this installation may properly commence. B. Verify that work of this section may be installed in accordance with applicable codes, regulations and standards, the Contract Documents and the approved submittals. 3.2 PREPARATION: A. Protection: Protect previously installed work and materials which may be affected by work of this section. B. Surface Preparation: 1. Perform preparation and cleaning procedures in accordance with coating manufacturer's instructions for each substrate condition. 2. Concrete and masonry surfaces shall be cleaned free of all dirt, efflorescence and other foreign matter. Glazed surfaces on concrete shall be roughened to uniform texture. 3. Ferrous metal not provided with a shop prime shall be cleaned free of oil, grease and foreign matter. Scratched and abraded areas shall be touched up with a corrosion resistant primer. Shop primed PAINTING 09900 - 4 surfaces shall be reprimed then finished with appropriate intermediate and finish coats. 4. Galvanized metal shall be cleaned free of oil and pretreated with the manufacturer's recommended pretreatment. Cleaned and pretreated galvanizing metal shall be primed the same day that cleaning had been performed. 5. Remove hardware and accessories, machined surfaces, plates, lighting fixtures and similar items in place and not to be finish painted, or provide surface applied protection. Reinstall removed items. Mask all fire rating labels on doors before painting and remove when finished. 6. Seal wood required to be job -painted. Prime edges, ends, face underside and backsides of surfaces. Use spare varnish for backpriming where transparent finish is required. 7. Shellac and seal marks which may bleed through surface finishes. 8. Shop Primed Steel Surfaces: Sand and scrape to remove loose primer and rust. Feather edges to make touch-up patches inconspicuous. Clean surfaces with solvent. Prime bare steel surfaces. 3.3 MATERIAL PREPARATION: A. Mix, prepare and store painting and finishing materials in accordance with manufacturer's directions. 3.4 APPLICATION: A. Apply painting and finishing materials in accordance with the manufacturer's submittals, as approved. Use applicators and techniques best suited for the material and surfaces to which applied. B. The number of coats specified is the minimum that shall be applied. Apply additional coats when undercoats, stains or other conditions show through final paint coat, until paint film is of uniform finish, color and appearance. Second coat shall be tinted a different shade from the first and third coats. C. Paint surfaces behind movable equipment and furniture same as similar exposed surfaces. Paint surfaces behind permanently fixed equipment or furniture with prime coat only, wherever possible. D. Finish exterior doors on tops, bottoms and edges same as exterior faces, after fitting. E. Sand lightly and dust clean between succeeding coat. PAINTING 09900 - 5 F. Reprime shop primed metal surfaces. Apply prime coat to material which is required to be painted or finished and which is required to be painted or finished, and which has not been prime coated by others. G. Apply each material at not less than the manufacturer's recommended spreading rate to provide a total dry film thickness of not less than 5.0 mils for the entire coating system of prime and finish coats for 3 -coat work. H. Provide a total dry film thickness of not less than 3.5 mils for the entire coating system of prime and finish coat for 2 -coat work. I,. Prime back surfaces of interior and exterior wood work .with primer coat. 3.5 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING: A. ' Remove, finish or repaint work not in compliance with specified requirements. B. Keep premises free from unnecessary accumulation of tools, equipment, surplus materials and debris. C. Promptly remove paint where spilled, splashed, smeared and splattered. D. Upon completion of work, leave premises neat and clean to satisfaction of Owner. END OF SECTION PAINTING 09900 - 6