2022-23 RCTC Measure A Submittal & CertificationDATE: February 2, 2022 TO: All Measure A Local Streets and Roads Fund Recipients City Managers, Finance Directors, and Public Works Directors/City Engineers FROM: Martha Masters, Senior Management Analyst Jenny Chan, Planning and Programming Manager Jillian Guizado, Planning and Programming Director Michele Cisneros, Deputy Director of Finance SUBJECT: Measure A Local Streets and Roads Capital Improvement Plans for FY 2022/23 – FY 2026/27 The Measure A voter-approved half-cent sales tax program provides local agencies with Local Streets and Roads funding for street maintenance and operations, street repairs, street improvements, and new infrastructure of its local streets and roads systems. The requirements for receipt of Measure A Local Streets and Roads funding are: 1) Submittal of the local agency Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP); 2) Project Status Report for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021/22 CIP projects; 3) Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Certification; and 4) Participation in the Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) and Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) programs, as applicable. The Five-Year CIP should be developed using the Measure A revenue projections (Attachment A). The MOE certification is based on the 2009 Measure A MOE base year amount, which is identified in the MOE certification statement included in this packet (Attachment C). Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) staff will contact Western Riverside Council of Governments, Coachella Valley Association of Governments, and Western Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority for verification of local agency participation in the applicable MSHCP and TUMF programs. FY 2022/23 – FY 2026/27 Measure A Five-Year CIP x The Five-Year CIP is a list of proposed uses for the Measure A Local Streets and Roads funds and must be based on the attached revenue projections (Attachment A). The CIP projects must be listed per fiscal year using the format provided in Attachment B. x The project descriptions should be specific enough to ensure that recipients are properly planning capital expenditures and reporting such plans to the Commission. Accordingly, some projects will require more specific descriptions (e.g., Main Street and 1st Street intersection improvements, drainage improvements, or new traffic signal) while other projects may only require general descriptions (e.g., city-wide street slurry seal/crack program). x If overhead or indirect costs, not attributable to a specific CIP project, are expected to be charged to Measure A Local Streets and Roads funds, the overhead/indirect costs must be included as a separate CIP item to be an eligible cost. The RCTC policy states that such overhead/indirect costs not attributable to a specific CIP project are limited to the lower of the jurisdiction’s calculated rate or 8% of the annual Measure A Local Streets and Roads funds . Additionally, such overhead costs must be based on actual costs for that fiscal year and are subject to specific audit review. x Any projects listed on prior year plans, which are active (not completed - Measure A Local Streets and Roads funds not fully expended), should be included in the current five-year CIP (carried over), along with the associated funding anticipated to be expended in the current five-year CIP. Page 2 of 2 Measure A CIP/MOE Notification FY 2022/23 – FY 2026/27 FY 2022/23 MOE Certification Statement The Measure A Ordinance No. 02-001 requires annual certification that discretionary General Fund expenditures for transportation-related construction and maintenance activities for FY 2022/23 will meet or exceed the MOE Base Year amount. Funds withheld from a local agency for failure to meet its MOE Base Year requirement will be redistributed in accordance with Measure A Ordinance No. 02-001 within the Measure A apportionment area in which the agency is located (i.e., Western County, Coachella Valley, or Palo Verde Valley). However, if a local agency has excess MOE balance from exceeding prior year’s MOE, some of the excess MOE balance can be utilized to make up the deficiency in the current year MOE (refer to your agency’s Measure A FY 2020/21 Independent Accountant’s Report on Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures for MOE balance, Attachment D). The MOE Certification Statement is part of the MOE process. RCTC’s auditor will perform agreed-upon procedures related to Measure A Local Streets and Roads following the end of the fiscal year. At that time, the fiscal year’s actual MOE expenditures will be compared to the MOE base year, and the local agency will be required to provide a summary of that fiscal year’s MOE expenditures in a format consistent with the MOE base- year format. Project Status Report RCTC must also receive a Project Status Report (template included in Attachment B – 6th tab) on the FY 2021/22 CIP projects. The purpose of this report is to document progress to date on engineering, right-of-way acquisition, and construction; problems encountered (if any); and completion date and/or anticipated completion date. Projects that are not completed as previously anticipated in FY 2021/22 should be carried over to the following fiscal year(s) Measure A CIPs if Measure A Local Streets and Roads funds will continue to be utilized to complete the project. Submittal Deadlines The timeline for approval of the Five-Year CIP is as follows: •Monday, May 2, 2022 – Submit the following by email to Martha Masters, mmasters@rctc.org: 1. Transmittal letter on Agency letterhead, Attention: Martha Masters 2. Five-Year CIP for FY 2022/23 – FY 2026/27 and Project Status Report for FY 2021/22 (Excel file) 3. Agency MOE Certification Statement (signed PDF) •June/July 2022 – Committee/Commission review and approval of Five-Year CIPs •September 2022 – First disbursement of FY 2022/23 Measure A Local Streets and Roads funds to eligible local agencies. No Measure A Local Streets and Roads disbursements can be made for the fiscal year until RCTC has received and approved a Five-Year CIP, MOE certification, and confirmation of TUMF and MSHCP participation. If you need assistance or have any questions, please contact Martha Masters at mmasters@rctc.org or (951) 778- 1095. Enclosures: Attachment A – FY 2022/23 – FY 2026/27 Measure A Local Streets and Roads Revenue Projections Attachment B – Measure A Local Streets and Roads Five-Year CIP and Project Status Report Attachment C – FY 2022/23 Agency MOE Certification Statement Attachment D – Agency FY 2020/21 Measure A Independent Accountant’s Report LQGUDIW FY 2022/23 MAINTENANCE OF EFFORT CERTIFICATION STATEMENT The undersigned agrees and certifies for the city of La Quinta (the “Agency”) that sales tax transportation funds received pursuant to Ordinance No. 02-001 of the Riverside County Transportation Commission (“Measure A”) shall be used in compliance with the Commission’s Maintenance of Effort Guidelines and a base year amount of $937,007, approved by the Commission at its June 12, 2013 meeting, and that the Agency shall not use such funds to replace discretionary local funds previously expended by the Agency for local transportation purposes. The Agency hereby acknowledges that the failure of the Agency to continue such local expenditure shall result in a reduction or loss of Measure A funds. Additionally, the Agency commits to expending Measure A Local Streets and Roads funds for projects listed in the Five Year Capital Improvement Plan as approved by Riverside County Transportation Commission. Dated: ___________________, 202 _________________________________ Jon McMillen, City Manager ATTEST: _________________________________ Monika Radeva, &ity Clerk April 29, Monikakakkkkkkkkkkakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkakkkkkkakkkkkkkkkkkkaa Ra ________________________________________________________________________  9;25   *;=1**<=.;< $.728;*7*0.6.7=7*5B<= !;80;*66270*7-!5*77270 #2?.;<2-.8>7=B%;*7<98;=*=2878662<<287 ! 8A  #2?.;<2-.    $>+3.,= 2=B8/*">27=*2<,*5).*;    C     .*<>;.2?.).*;*92=*5 69;8?.6.7=!5*7*7-*27=.7*7,.8///8;=.;=2/2,*=287 .*;<*<=.;< %1.2=B8/*">27=*;.<9.,=/>55B<>+62=<2=<.*<>;.*92=*569;8?.6.7=!5*7!;83.,=$=*=><#.98;=*7- *27=.7*7,.8///8;=.;=2/2,*=287/8;=1. 8662<<287D<;.?2.@*7-*99;8?*5%1.2=B8/*">27=*2<*/>55 9*;=2,29*7=27=1.8*,1.55*'*55.B>5=2$9.,2.<*+2=*=87<.;?*=287!5*7$!*7-=1.%;*7<98;=*=287 &72/8;62=20*=287..%&!;80;*6< !5.*<.-878=1.<2=*=.=8,87=*,=;B*7,277.B!!>+52,(8;4<2;.,=8;2=B7027..;*=  8;>52.207807* *7*0.6.7=7*5B<=*= 2/B8>1*?.:>.<=287<8;;.:>2;.*--2=287*5 27/8;6*=287 $27,.;.5B   2=B*7*0.; 7,58<>;.<   .*<>;.!   =1;8>01    *7-$=*=><#.98;=   " .;=2/2,*=287