12-0536 (RER)-compressedRIEVISfONS 8 CVO- ~� 0 ..gip .�._ STOCXONAFTIN4 FCMM ND. 101-64 cepg r-, D rA--I V 4AT Er t .T0.0j,,. 1 1a� i3O INal t)escr1pfA4;n: 0-24 Acrews MA Iry fart M MO XVJ/007 rrr 316451- I Dathroom Gain Elev. Ma 5 Amp Fhoor Ian Notes � Flfewall between garage and dwelling she+I be one -hour rated and ekrall extBnd tram -4 Finn Dd �g€to 0- 1 g C r floor to roof alhoathing am all carrlmon evall43 and eA4g6, with a minlrnurn tons" type 'se - /} fir! w in9lylatlaH R&gUlrarnerrta: I dr+�wall reQulrnd, i� c All perimeter walla air conditioned 1iY]ng aevaa[: K-13 tiq- ba t• f - -iri SerrrnzJaflr Aft etahingn as oanditlemed 110riq armaw i2,a5 :.g. batty► fl#1, r•: , 11, , ,•� s�tr: Note 1l:haLanyand all foam plasticIrl9ula#sat` shall h14Vr3 a #lame apraad indrsx of f:lrebivcic ali Stud svaflsaetd )rartltfansatfloor, reilinsoffit g, eatand at rnid-height of ail rt na hot more thart'!r and a emoke-elemlope4 Ina`ad rif not more than 480, per M waH5 aver Ak feet in height, at 10' inte- 906 horJxontal and vertJral with solld woad bla&Iririg. FlrisMock at all intersections t2etween caancealed wail and horizontal apacete i � such sae soffit&, rpoia nr cstlirTgs, i"irabloak all �ae,tatratione of fire-rdeYlative wails, a hOvrsrenclosurearld ail glazing within le" offimish floor and swingine doors &hall be floor~cellinga and roof -ceilings ouch a9 plxetdings aroundveHta,plpe9, dldCte, Y, r temper" per CDG 2k001 All 916911 eri&Wetire.kaoro and paneie wlthlrl bathroom 0 ahall chImneya, trctwe&n attle artd ctlmrtey chaos, and aim Ilar place& at seising and floor fi at ire minlmuth 506" drink fully tom"red glaea. levsla, whlch shall be protected as rerluImd In CDC 5ectlam M. t Hat -mapped Mawar pare 6hdall be Inapeeted ufen compiation of hot -mapping and shall - '"' = +& .., ., r toe fTlicd with water for IH&peotion. f'rovida wata•-resletant, egypaprn board undertub A787 J?f�tl `a ?� and andwer imalasore matarlals to a height of70' mlri rmum above draln inlet �Lre is, All "ore ual subotltut:lvne must lee submit` &I tv,and a raved Float existing Cart enrage fi b � 1 pp Jry, phe city building ,,;;. offlalal rp lortoinstallatlonaftheItelh,- portion (.T-60+2rr 115 S.f.) level � 1►r(�. ,VA Ai RM Gofteactor ,hhal rnvida 1 ',lie floor $ >,. p ,�y�erltlCfr£5 Cvalus an raporlafpr all i>~prtTa to PC �7C`1Dr tG'�f'�t17if1� 1'1BW la���'1r�Of'il lI-' Jnia alled, u$lf IrrQ she proposed approvalntitar lm. Evaluaticn repor &are subleetto i. 4, with Qulktw Floor Rerurlcar_er, -_ the IoC.>#I building ofHclsl'd aecep'tahvo, aril ap}6val, of each spCclfia report, and arc �� '- u• .I � � .� ,� Subjwtto moat &W acuptance. _ Or adz approved egrQa 1, otri otly per 5aape oftlhia Work: the manufacturer'& Inetallatiorl : �'r • �... N.r ;r'r .. 1 lrrstsTJl�fon ea craw bathroonF ai;[th w :, fit : �,�ad c.t. Vicinity Map ti. . ro �- instruct#one (Miri. 2000 pr7i125 jjI 1 E i Mower In 8 pai•thvm of,�f� e�if�frr��afr,.'C8Fi 8n8�P.,.With T4 � ac �I + ►ice $ > r Or � �,�',4 rx-r days) � jc-1 modf#%aSlarrF iWtWN the eV9t1178 5tr&CtLrr 6 Tile Floor �°°'' .•. General Nolte& FIlaltlbing Mower Dulldirig Glade Pots Legend! lb ,- _-._._ 0coupaney 6roUp: 6rVVpRDly� ar,�f• Owap U f ��+�E�� Y � � 1%- ? % which p of tulr ltfl r dl.A Adjacent eni2r debris shall be confined no the € ti for Maximum fkture volumes avA Plow rate@, per Callfornla Yitla 24 6aectlaan 2.5134rf Occupancy 5epai-atlarr: 17Ay-, which perbtlt ie issued. Adjaacettt vacant praperti,a may not be utilized Water CIOsetatl 1.6 arlondsffruell � 9 'i �6eAtv�rrtrsrvra e�rrr�Ji`esf.�9raeej - „ far this purpose uniees wriman pmuIaslon of awner la on file with wile City. The public right-of-way shall bra malm"Ined In s 010ar candltlan at all 5howerheads: 2.5 gailoreslm[nute i18(t OF rucwurBS: prlr,�teGrveillrr�; Prfi�eta Gar�ga, r��iN . f�r�� .- *� 5E " � �� m ,end Lavatary Sink FAuruW: Z2 gallondimrnut4C Housu i The funeral Contra ctarandlor Owner-5uilder9hall provide A trash bin to AIJ f]ttlri & sh al l be marked with t}aese 14ow rates & certif+ad $ by t1;e Cstllfornla tnerw Corr,mlea`Ioti. TKa m[rrlrnuts water prae9um suppNed lathe moat remote CoGlstruastfare Type: �NR. o,Sprlrrklarcy One ------------ , r}' �^ - insure ro or ak n-u of ill bulidin nlatvdalir, A roved tem ora �, p P p 3 pP p �+ danlrary #etcVlFt]e9 {chers,ical "1406) shall tla on the comstructrori ells fixt�hras Khali lac net Ica@ than tfre r�ulreerlar7ts of the i6rture ail nos lass whoa lvlaxlmum Height: !$- abav�apprcyed p efevatlan T TabulatC�n�: - II , 113 peg whf06vef Is hlglte+ (60J9.1), *.O C prior to a request far Aldst Inspection. Lot Area: 0.24 rocs, 1046¢ io..f t[a- f. All contmatcra shall hav8a cu"pit valid Nty Kaineer 11cemse rlvrto P Ail pI1tmbMg fisrbuhaoshall be 116tad in cotafarmance with CPC Chapter 4. f9al�sxl�lt��•s�rrsenr, a`!Jl plumbing fbtlGuras etlall btar lAPMO certificatlan, 61do. Al ERR R-W-0-f s; permit iseuance. All G6n$ral Contractor aiVxrcflar Owner 13uiia#era must~ Caulk all jolnft where flbrtume c4 tact wail s or ficore}, � filimurn WouIR I017 Requirements- Y{ )4 l r 1E i#ubinlsCVtlfica" of W"mAWOCompahilpatlon IrtOurance cpveraea prior j-13411ai1aarvuna all oonc€iLkoneal *Fare I"L? to Iewwanc6 of twi!dJng permits. The General C:anxraetnr,sndior Owner- praln piping shall mope at two pser&errL or i& per €cot for all lrllaJng oases& ;l rr-sa %Ilia-g over erllpiortdltloneai space Buildere shall corn eats and submit a •ubcarrlrrartaa'e list ftrrm to the City, prior to a request for Anal Inapeotian. otherwise noted. Piping 4" a nil larger r+equlrJng 61a1ae of lease 1:ha h two percent - .-' th due to inotallatlon con:slltione shall be ndt M on tha piams and approve! revolved The Ge arsl Corrbt•avtar andfor Owner -Builders rhail be ret} onsibre for p froth the ad,1rl+TietrdtfrtraLltiiartLy per C1rC Section 510.7. Inetall a ale•a"Out I sv,riy104fes't In the bulldEng s6war In 9tY•sight run+ &rod fare.avh aggregate I+f) G 1 di11G j Plan R1:86 Carnet Fraor � q °. VuvrdirlR Ion of the works of all tsetse an the eJta- Dimiwsiiariar horistvntAl al[Mmge In dlreaMon excseding 1315 degree$ (719.1 dr 719,0}, ' Incondl sumc lad and errors 6hall be brought to the de6{tjrjee atteriticn CJazing &rod insulation shall conform to the State E:"rdy Irlaulatlan Standards. ana! aorrscted #aefarefnrmwork for 00hCret6 and layvulpffrantin,� walletfor PruvIde a &eparate vent foreach toast a branch line exceoding i5 feet in length { Mechanical a juipri emt 6hbl I bear VAFMO JIME GonforMity cer;Mcation. All HVAC R. ,ham (A) OC(Wre, The Oo neraf Cun'traetvr anchor OwnerDulidar ahali 000reliha#e (4316.3)• Waste vA" t•drrh4r1At10n shall b$ Mot lees than tarn feet Iateraetly+ from, '. a uarepe a o lm stallntlo n by notlamm I1y+ revalfthied standards qibhall b pProveal prior $ � the work of faundatlon, frnmirtg, plumbima, elactrltal amps mechanical or �L lead: three feet above, any air inlet yr venting &I�ylight, CPG �rscEion a r and evidenced by the listing and label of an apprabrad agency, per CMC 30Z1, All 9u bcaritraotvro prtar to the Start of the work, an,:i ehali vo Hfy an•ttite all gO6.p. Whore any 2" or larger vent runs horizontally through wall etude, the j rnecha+eics! a1luipmcrrF ahaVl ba sec>rrely fastened In place per UMG Sestina F 4. r#ir,lenaVons ate,# Jabslta oerrdltivnds- Rebrlelons and Addehdums to plans minlenurtr ErGUd dix� of a?x6 shank ha used for that plumbing wall, ' shall be subrnii"ted tc the f3tiildlAe Repartment prior toony field charlgce, T Frovidc baekdrxtft darhpsrt an all euhauat fans per IUMC 1005 i Title ? t BgulatVoers. and etaall have written conaurrens6 from the dener, pi g All lalumbingfixtures and 3d14er used shall be cert1i5erl Iead-frrn. corrlplying sr+lYkr I The Genera] Cantr&ctar Andlor owner-Dolldew 9ha[I plroulee safe and the pr0vlslon3 of the Federal Cwan Drink Ing }Pater Act and the Gallfdrnl9 �� t All <iugtwvrk shall be fully Insulated for•theriilaI canditlona anal Bound attenuatiOn. aeke. uat.e iarAVCO anal ConNEctlans to eu art the corn ❑neat ante of q T=p p p r$lumbing Cycle, latest audition and all amendmenta. Water "Otem &hall foe r Use pull ran a closure o coed -blade Inters Al torso air. 9 rp ' Y pp do cti1 - r � _S_ U !sR msl;erlale. flnldhee and �u�lityaF rrwrkmanshdp shill rnpr.�lr nr exoead asdFtho. Yladitar, doaris err! wbWowv, 46 urea, iittln�s, tVAWrru qnd paint color eh A match SAWMttg, un1*60 nosed esirarvAee. The GGneral Cor,trecter shill patch Brad rajmdr,411 trarwftbrks and addltlonv rci match esdeting puts WSmosfaryU iWiNd S urilfarrn nppearamce q iai a w#*er figs tcond[tlan Year 6,triery[ rontractar .lua srreu ra theihteerii;ypf Lhe roof essgrn bly yredl ADhl&C wa#artlght eondltlon, Fl"Wng, aaunter�Nashin�, e$p Fr "14, cevlklny and eealhsg take rs+'il Na utA[Wd ay h"MIMylro prcwer* radriNAUrdnf[4w lon. r_1a 14 I I � I AQ f7L FL P•L I V-S WA_ It. d the Structure untlI the structure Itsalf (Including th0 floor and roof stenlixed UaIM a thiorine ealutiaan, te9ted avail cert[flaatlon provlded from an i ? the eeaie har;dling ducts} and drail be A Ina&Cardanr g withraMf4CNA diaphragms) is aamptete+e Ough to aelequately oupport itself, The appravod testing faclllt;. All waatdf,9aii and natural sae pipits syeterms shall All sir plenums 6 MYhC �- be testrd In aocardanco with the a Usable fiectioms of,:hd California aWildir, ` laud Cc alredard6-Metal and Fic1d1b1e,19J*�5. Joln>r� ana# seam« of r - Cyeneral Contractor arrdlor �wl7er-f�uildeJ'e shall sae responrBlble far the Pp � `� dui $yg�m� and ypmh,orlerate sisals tact be nealad with sloth bads; rrsbber adhceive � methaai nrtd ea" of all Eaa+eerrTs Arad property coni inucu9ly during the Coale and Witneaeed by the local build'+ng authority and tilt Crvvne e ducttape9 unlesatapale Lined in aonJblraatlan with mastic and drew bands. Supply Wall Symbol Legend y perforhlanae o•F Jillit work, both dur]+ag :;rail after rvarfriltg hours. GeneraF reprae6rttawlve, .. ducts and pirrnume designed tc operate at static pr'sedsured between 1fR" t0 �" -. Contractor andiorOwner-SuIlAer shall amordse all naceseary precautions - T - 'fL Mount shower h6ad sternat above finish fiaor. Shower and tubfehower water colurrrn lrsested Ill lumaonaltloraed &pica and resum air plenums shall L et ales] t# protect livda, property n�i adjacent work or bu l ldfnge, s 3:4- r. contra) valves aleali be of the pryeesure balance andfor "armeetatie: rrelxlrtg typo. in acoariance with 9aai Glace C. Freseure 081naltive tape shall not 6e used a9 A1 PSC4 �JfruG>)5 { 10Q.G. WI 13 F.G.r5 Handle eJt iaf a data shall ba vleJ ci an these valve& one# shall be ad primary ateriant for ducts alask3ned a 1" ar greater water c o lu mn. 7Llate shall be +acid itive ?a rti al .006000 0 0000,080, It shah be N18 reeponsibltlltyr of the General Contractor andlor Owner- C p pro just" In6talled and insulated in caomphance whin 9ectiane 1 1004 and 1005 of tr•e ' cxG BtUds W 16' o.c. W1 R-19 F.1 , f3atte $ulldei't-o &amply arlth pail letglttiy inatalic�tlori ulrements, includirl hurt � deliver a rhaxlttlurn wateraetting of 12t#degrees (fj perawPC 5eotionrs}gp,0. �� 9� g UM C. islnsulativ70oto bo.Enstallad on aa_i exlO.N duet, It shell com with seatlan 'r � not Iirtrlted fret gas. water. slecGrlecil. talepkevn e. #elwEafan arfd sear. TUQS ai+'tI1B LJ#}r1G, - . - r, ____ Whom utiIMao er thelr appurtenances are lrmW led as a part oftheee PeOVlaie bulldfng pa par, metal lat4t, and piaster e-Cratch coat at all tub surround Facl6vttg �5a tl1t� c3lC tof�eCHaln coaltmct documeme. tfw (7etta Wl Contractor aridlor Owner -Dueler $hall wall& and shower walla per U13C Sectiart 61a(b), In preparation for the or @tame 7hEe Pro]ect shall Gpmpry with die #nhawirg eaete editlatls: comply with the utility corkiprl,%ts in&-i;aILrVon and equipmant finiah, or provide cement. vaArA A these areno Isar GE&C ectforT BO7,1,3. laak,la3rr and other aprning6 In th8 k7u91dlltg Btr ochre that are edt o IImitial t5vutc� of laair 0 CALIFL7RNIA f3uILVI1wG CODE •- (Title P-4. Faro 2) M1 raltuirements, and epecIficatlohs amd drawings,. Loe�*tiona cf F,m4 oil trS�Ia11 be eF5u iall eiivl aaretrippaor or otherwioe peaied t8 Mare ant' In enumian 2010 CALIFCVNIA MECHANICAL CORE - (Intl& 24, Part 4) transformers, vaults, pull bnxce, epllce boxes and &thaw appurtanahcas Pikim the irtariale to �e mffany# a itratdon. �ulldlnr� c6vlblas, support- plaDfDrrtts tor air handlers Arid pleraurnr3 UM raqu" far utiJlty servlcss aridlor meters any of which require the pp y p g p 20'10 GALIFr NIA PLEMIGA C ODE Mille 24, Pert 5 - Wafer 9u I � ih Far Section "TO1.Ol deflilad or ecnstruc#-ed witih riiatoa•iala atiterthan saafed sheet metal, c#uct scanty] or 2010 GgRlFpiehllA ELEGTI;IGAL CODE - (Title $4, Part °�) approval of the utlllty company havlieg juriedietlon, shall be located I Unater•Iround plping -AalI be copper type Y, coaxed and wrapped, wltt4aJt fexrblaer duct shall hat J79 u9" to Canvey conditioned air. All furno00;:latfarme 2010 CALIFORNIA ENERGY G+70f=- (Tlt1t 24, Part 6) All work •hafr corr>prq± with la"l City or County codes and ardln,encea. utlIlmd for raturrt air psasage t}#idll be lined with duct 6parci or saalad @bta eet mel. 0 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE'- (rftle'24. Part 9) Agenoy-approvvd plane shalbe l kept at thsjob elte anm&$d shall not be u aacardanr,G with Bald utEEVty aamparlpfe eLppr�oLrerl plane. Locations shown )alma below Carncrata slab ' on these plarl6 arc to be corisl4ared approximate only. Verify the exact Above ground plping shall ire copper T:y+pas'L' soft temper � ` f y. ?.0'10 CAUFORNIA GREEN BUILDING CODE T (CAID—n) by workmen. IN a work re to prceaed an tuhls elte unt11 ail parrnIta and Sefore a certiflcata of 0Coe "M4:;y I6 granted, the la"Wl wlth.the aversri 1SO7 UNIFORM HOUSING GOVE approvals have been O ahied, all easemetlts of raaovrd irltst`fS ldrng with the location of afi utlJltles prior tp t}es star•C ofany work, including '3ander with f3lrJ tirelarrtlhvoray solder, lead-free excaa+atlian. Sanitary Waste pipings r responsibfiity for corietruat lcn, pr the psreun(g) moponoible for tits inatonaron r.P wark are allmInat,ed, end all required dedlnatians MAClOr Tha Issuance of a uiat$d manufactured dtvicea shall oat. ad acent to the ermite I Dau4d, an All we, shell oorMpfy with the Galifarnla fdecI iris 5taruiards Code found in bulidkne porniit does not autharVxe the ImatalEatian of r"achan[cal, _ --- Schedule h0 P`JC, @lope per code, solvent welded fitting�v �. �9 P ) p llfom T a 24 as arnRnded end a d p by he G bi Isctrl k work tie .� --- Gleanoltt ibaatJcdls and t Inrlaslom aerGlficate for the rrisrtulraotured devisee JnetaRed, iliseN Inctuula, but f plum rtg, or s rat ax redufre4 a se orate rr7lix• Mate of iva Is tl *CIZ a led t l erf _ ypaa shall bt local c4d6 Clppraveal p � ItUd to heat f 1 t'I La u nta. - are not im : arty fag can ng or with r atlas unll, Ila�ftCing, nefrJger�stfan, _ piumbing#lttimg, Insulation ardoor anal window product, These cer,0cates shell �_7][ �7777j_­__.I�" idsntify all features rmiulrerd to verify compliance with the �Ifpllanee- utandardo," "'-" `" 'J Include a stateraorit IndldatVrtg that the I+lstallsd devices adnfarm to tha appliance stmggdards and the requirements for those deevlcea shown in t#ie plans4 and state the — - ---� r nunTber of the! building ptsrmit urkdetr which the G natruchioh or lnstallatlah WAID % MAY � � ���� +I• pexfarmed. If coneti,ut•tlam of any pertlan sukil tto Ole requIremertt is ImpoasJbia wa a — + { r to inspect Ereriause of subaa$quenit conistruction, tits indtallal:lan r;ertlflost6(s) chant l W posted upon C:Ornp pclara of that poftlafi. � By C,LpW. -- - .n Livon completion 00e Irtetaiiation of Insulation, n card-mify±inathaet the SF Iv1ecE1arlic l f ion yrlrlb l Legend - � Fk s rnoLiWtiorl has been inetalled in conformance WWI Lhe requirements of the Y 1 t regulations and oonoisumt with the plates and ep rftat:Ions for which the laultding pr - rh`,��•'-..���-r77ilNew selling suppiy air register, 3-wady permiw was i>dsu€.d @half be contplet6d and ereecLitcd bey the ihsulatkoll dtppkkcator and F'- .. Z13e builder, Thaa oesrt�. rllt a Il�Ibo ti a manu#astr.r,e s.and�+ rEaf ± - -- by - , .-- -A�, e�� New fullylnauiated Overhead supply air duct ldsntffJcatioh and tiie in lk to Rd vacua. This eompliamen card &#tall tW posted at a - - ' - -- - - --' 53WCUt 6KISti 110 Ca'll'� eairage 51a b consp 4wrd us location withitl tha bulleling, All foarra piastic Ineu3atlarr ehail have a � � _ . - . ' - Y flartle spread Inotm of not more 75 And a wracks -develop" lodex of not more Eaclsting fully-Itr9uJated Over4eB,3d supplysirdust and d�rly way eI b ae, required to � � than#b0, pot GK 1t316.3, .. �;r�4�• palace new salt li rerp utUdergroulid CITY 6F LA OUINTA lectrloal Plan 5ymlxol LegarTd BUILDING & SAFETY LJ r'� EPTr Y r � � _ W_ACKEt•Wt brrED 110V. #H-> MEWY FLLCMEACE47 LM-MNa Psi R15 VEOXATIVE -- 6R1d3OR GLh63,?3W, 411Ao LhbiPLltlp}7A*uNa (9fLEG7]Q7N�T �J - , f ji D - �- - �j 11 r i}a "UN SCENTpOWi•WHIfKTIJREWrA[9i.iLATiRN I FOR CONSTRUCTION CDNTA(7 TH91MAL F9ot5,UV0N AMP 6"Fp r:AN, s7eF'fed 1tAFFLE s FA NTEP TtM, - --- 28W, TYPE TTT UNO; HALO HP72C11'rw146) M T1 W 6*66,T Rauirr7 FCCtB O UOV. HI-EF€ICII:NCY FLJJ04E=NT DMMUGHT FCTT M WI INDIiLATrOk DATE ('1 -- CVKWT THEIRMhL F'K0T5G-F10at Arip 9GAL151) GAri, !)Mrw LOCATION TJUM,16w. 74pE TV s 1JNOt IdhL+'U1+S2'lrlG'AT�I'�F�i�7tM I �� *Wwcr-4 �`L 9QUIw1RE REG�aI5E6110Y. "I­�ENCY FLi10RE=OGEH-rdih86 510P 9' CEr11N& L1GMT041IE 44 I "� •��' - : Fl=XEWfTNERMAL PROTEC ION, AJRTAI_, (E)r3w. PrT UHR; twee#era r+allrG 7xrA+ �, I I 7L ..Ir r.-� i Rrir�ExkEGrrPTAGIE,iVARYGR04FNP;HSiYFEWL'APFR047r�ThMFER•iL><5l5tANT.fr}A *`l049 I -_ +JOWL �jr LJWO. l ri7VC'+ A*oF_4 7 Z0 I ;'_T t r p� DUPLEXRECEIIWLLIr AY&ROUNEIN07YFE.Ui-AJTROYEPTAMPIERAE56TAN �- 1T i� j� �� e+` wfGkGulN D FnUL7 PRDis:CreON ClRcaufltY: t:SA 110V. +42' U N0; iEl?T�Y cr,tr�o6�ftr�� ' - } Carols j 5 . - OJNI LU-PUE -MOOLE M WITCH, flOA 11OV,1 AXY, "0. L LIMT(N AEWPA � I Vr4wLE E O�CUFANIC r 5EN90RfRMER SWIX-, i WUH INTEGRAL M0110K p"FCrOkh . MA>iUhl aPFifAEJT4kAAifC OF INDOOR LDCJLT , 20A f DY. Wo, . , - s#'�51.1,d 1PPr�n74' U145 aTilI�l= 01410 1`0 QW11i .��"`y'•..`��-�!. �•- �--- -�� LOSN1+aLTJ+6E41tifCA,Ti#PE1iCOpE { _ --- - - -- REi M AUTOMAIM C, RWN Met OMPE AL+4RWPETEC OR PER GRC RS152, 6ATTERY P4wFRED, CEILING MOLJNTRG, hGRY C01'ER, EQ. oAffir . LafL. j, EXHAWT FAN, FLU21" CF11.1r16 MOUNTED, 110V., 50 CFM, 3.5 50NE5, Wr1 N Y N P PL ICT - BOO 1' + I- TO tluT91P� AIR1kITH CA? AND DA4A1' tr 91P 4N 070 qq•�•���..-- . �? �f VhY{�r': J'ItOaF Pi?rTLlit�, V!! IOC APPrdOVAL Aitiva Partial -- r E15TNG, =IPT1NCFLUKE TO ICEMAN Additive.7rtl i� New WAIT 1 " PIUMblMe Wa5te & VIOMt PRIM f Electrical & HVAC Pica - 4" } 4atoiy HVAC Syeteltl kequlremetlt5: e Lined Overhead Ductwork 'uct 616LARtlon astatle Expamminm VaIVED CZ1 tr] 6W yL S S!5 E C3 N 1 d o w ff L E LC) d) _J DATE 312012 SCALE Noted DRAWN CR& n J013 1eGof`B SHEET QF SHEETS �