2020-06-02 Verbal Public Comment_Redacted1
Nichole Romane
From:Monika Radeva
Sent:Tuesday, June 2, 2020 12:54 PM
Cc:Nichole Romane;Tania Flores;Monika Radeva
Subject:RECEIVED: Verbal Comments Steve Cherry - CV Link & Coral Mountain Development
Attachments:The City Of La Quinta And The CV Link.doc; THE CORAL MOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT AND ME.doc
Follow Up Flag:Flag for follow up
Flag Status:Completed
Good afternoon Mr. Cherry,
The City has received your request to provide “verbal comments” during the June 2, 2020,
Council meeting.
You will be contacted around 4 pm at the phone number provided below, and will be queued in
to wait your turn to speak.
You can listen to the meeting live at https://laquinta.12milesout.com/video/live
Important: Please note that the live feed has a 45 second delay; when you are
contacted you will need to mute the live meeting and listen via the audio of the
Please contact me should you have any questions.
Thank you.
Monika Radeva, CMC | City Clerk
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253
Tel: (760) 777-7035
From:Steve Cherry
Sent:Monday,June 01,2020 9:28 AM
To:City Clerk Mail CityClerkMail@laquintaca.gov>;Monika Radeva mradeva@laquintaca.gov>
Subject:Verbal Comments
EXTERNAL:This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta.Please use proper judgement and caution when opening
attachments,clicking links or responding to requests for information.
See attached
Steve Cherry
La Quinta, CA
No specific agenda item, subject verbal comments
Please tell me how to use my phone to address meeting.
Steve Cherry - 2 June 2020
It started innocently enough when my son in Hanford mentioned a recent article
in the Hanford Sentinel about a wave park being planned for La Quinta. This seemed to
be a reprint of a LA Times story. Why would Hanford be interested in a wave park in La
Quinta? A quick look at Mapquest answered this question - there is a 8-9 mile distance
between Hanford and Lemoore - the latter being the site of the only other wave park in
the state. Thus, what happens in La Quinta doesn't necessarily stay in La Quinta.
I then contacted Chris Aguirre, the content editor of the Hanford Sentinel and
asked about any other articles written about the Lemoore wave park - there were three
which he was kind enough to send to me and I distributed to the city council. None of
these articles discussed any environmental impacts due to the Lemoore wave park -
which is situated far away from any residential/commercial development so that there
wouldn't be any significant environmental impact. This is not the case for the Coral
Mountain wave park in La Quinta.
I suggested to Mr. Aguirre that he assign several reporters to the next event at
the Lemoore wave park to obtain an unscientific assessment of any noise and traffic
impact directly attributed to the wave park. I made the same suggestion to Parker
Bowman, a Hanford Sentinel staff reporter who had been tasked by his editor. (Mr.
Bowman is now the Sentinel editor.)
Closer To Home
The Lemoore wave park, I've been told, is out in the middle of nowhere.
Therefore, there shouldn't be any noise/traffic downsides. However, such is not the
case for the wave park planned for the Coral Mountain development in La Quinta.
Indeed, a scaled drawing of the development indicated a 1-mile distance from the
middle of the wave park to the entrance to Trilogy on Avenue 60. From this point to my
humble abode is another 0.45 miles, thus, I am 1.45 miles from the center of the wave
park and noise levels, from the wave machinery and attendants, will be a major
What Should The City Of La Quinta Do?
In the best of all worlds the folks at the Hanford Sentinel could supply us with
unscientific data about noise and traffic problems at the Lemoore facility. Failing this,
the city of La Quinta could:
1. Require that the Coral Mountain development provide scientific measurements of
both the noise and traffic conditions at the next major event at the Lemoore facility.
2. Require that the Coral Mountain development develop mitigation schemes to solve
any potential noise and traffic problems at the La Quinta facility.
3. Require that the Coral Mountain development submit a full environmental impact
report covering all aspects of the development.
4. Do nothing and let the residents of Trilogy and Andalusia enlist the aid of Manny
Perez (Riverside County representative) to correct any overlooked problems.
So, La Quinta city council, what is your pleasure?
The City Of La Quinta And The CV Link
Steve Cherry - 2 June 2020
The Coachella Valley Association of Governments website shows that the CV Link in
Cathedral City has been completed. The map indicates that this 2.4 mile path is without
obstruction as there are no crossover structures joining both sides of the Whitewater
Such is not the case for the CV Link in La Quinta as 4 crossover bridges are in place at
Jefferson, Dune Palms, Adams and Washington. Thus, the pedestrian path is divided
into 3 separate, small sections - not the best arrangement. In addition, the 40 ft of
pathway (as envisaged in the Highway 111 Final report) will be difficult to obtain.
The question that the city has to answer is - how serious are we in proceeding with our
section of the CV Link given the chopped-up nature of the available land? Are we
serious enough to hire a firm to develop options as to how the city can actually build its
section of the link?
So, La Quinta City Counsel - how serious are you?