2020-06-05 CV Link & Wave Coral Mtn_Redacted1 Nichole Romane From:Kathleen Fitzpatrick Sent:Friday, June 5, 2020 4:17 PM To: Subject:Re: The CV LInk and Me, Coral Mountain Ok got it.A private citizen can ask. Have a good windy weekend Sent from my iPhone On Jun 5,2020,at 4:03 PM,Steve Cherry wrote: EXTERNAL:This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta.Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments,clicking links or responding to requests for information. No,stop crying was for me.I am wanting to have things go a bit faster.I can see that it makes sense not to get ahead of the developer's plans.Would it be OK if I as a private citizen approached the Hanford Sentinel or my son)and asked them to observe the noise and traffic conditions at the next major event in Lemoore.If not ok I will stop trying to get things moving.Your call. Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android On Fri, Jun 5, 2020 at 3:43 PM, Kathleen Fitzpatrick kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov> wrote: Steve,The Council cannot act in any way prior to the project coming before us.If we do it appears we have taken an action and we would have to recuse from voting. What do you mean by stop crying?I wasn’t of the opinion that I was complaining about anything.Did I say something? Kathleen Sent from my iPhone On Jun 5,2020,at 2:34 PM,Steve Cherry wrote: EXTERNAL:This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta.Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments,clicking links or responding to requests for information. There is something the council could do re: Coral Mountain. A nice letter from the city council to the editor of the Hanford Sentinel to have them do some unscientific monitoring of the next wave pool event in Lemoore would be of great importance. Noise and traffic conditions would be useful in assessing what the developer has to do to gain the city's approvals. 2 Stop crying - things will work out - eventually! Steve Cherry La Quinta, CA On Friday, June 5, 2020, 01:39:31 PM PDT, Kathleen Fitzpatrick kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov> wrote: Steve, I believe Linda answered your questions on the design for CVLink. If not let me know. CVAG has all the design work in their shop and the underpasses at the bridges are part of the plans. The Coral Mountain project is still in the developers hands. We will not take any action on the Council level, until all the pertinent documents (including environmental) have been submitted for review to the Planning Department and subsequently reviewed by Planning Commission. Staff is aware of your interest in the project and will keep you informed when documents are available for review or opportunities for public input present themselves. Let me know if you have any further questions. Sorry it took me a minute to get back to you it has been a busy week. Best, Kathleen Kathleen Fitzpatrick Councilmember City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta,CA 92253 Ph.760.777.7030 E:kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov www.laquintaca.gov www.playinlaquinta.com On Jun 3, 2020, at 9:28 AM, Steve Cherry wrote: EXTERNAL:This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta.Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments,clicking links or responding to requests for information. It was obvious that I was not aware of all the factors behind the CV Link in La Quinta. Your rundown on who is doing what was too fast for my to copy. I wonder if you could point me to a source that goes into these details so I don't make this mistakes again. I have kept up on the city council agendas and I don't recall seeing a detailed presentation on this subject - perhaps it was contained in a council member presentation - or not. The subject of the Coral Mountain wave pond/traffic is of prime interest to me due to its nearness. Does the city council have a schedule on the 3 next open presentation by the developer? If so, will it be structured to allow for a Q/A audience session? Thanks for your interest in my interest. Steve Cherry La Quinta, CA Aid in Future COVID-19 Relief Funding and Get Your Community Counted! Take the 2020 Census Online Here: https://my2020census.gov/, Everyone Counts! Aid in Future COVID 19 Relief Funding and Get Your Community Counted!Take the 2020 Census Online Here:https://my2020census.gov/,Everyone Counts!