2020-06-30 Resident Questions_RedactedSaturday, August 8, 2020 at 13:48:22 Pacific Daylight Time
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Subject:RE: The Wave/Surf Park/Coral Mountain Noise Study
Date:Tuesday, June 30, 2020 at 10:42:55 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From:Kathy Weiss
To:Nicole Criste
Dear MS Criste,
Thank you for your quick reply.
May we plan a call after July 4th?
9 am or after 4 pm are best for me as I am outside working on the Ranch during the day.
Mountain Time).
Cell service is iffy here in the Mountains.
Kathy Weiss
Kathy Weiss, Owner/Director
Crystal Springs West
66750 Calhoun St, Thermal, CA
Mailing Address:
1609 County Road 112
Carbondale, Co. 81623
From: Nicole Criste <ncriste@terranovaplanning.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2020 3:03 PM
To: Kathy Weiss <kathy@crystalspringsranch.co>
Subject: Re: The Wave/Surf Park/Coral Mountain Noise Study
Good AUernoon Ms. Weiss,
Thank you for submiWng your comments. I would be glad to talk to you about the applicaYon, the process
that is currently ongoing, and answer any quesYons that you may have. Would you like to schedule a call? As
City Hall is currently closed, I am working from my other office, and would be glad to set up a telephone call
or Zoom meeYng if you would like. Please let me know.
Nicole Sauviat Criste
Consulting Planner
City of La Quinta
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42635 Melanie Place, Ste 101
760) 341-4800
FAX#: 760-341-4455
E-Mail: ncriste@terranovaplanning.com
From: Kathy Weiss <kathy@crystalspringsranch.co>
Date: Monday, June 29, 2020 at 8:37 PM
To: "ConsulYngPlanner@laquintaca.gov" <ConsulYngPlanner@laquintaca.gov>
Cc: "Garrec Simon (gsimon@meriwetherco.com)" <gsimon@meriwetherco.com>,
Levans@laquintaca.gov" <Levans@laquintaca.gov>, "Rradi@laquintaca.gov"
Rradi@laquintaca.gov>, "kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov" <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>,
ssanchez@laquintaca.gov" <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>, John Pena <jpena@laquintaca.gov>,
Subject: The Wave/Surf Park/Coral Mountain Noise Study
Resent-From: <ConsulYngPlanner@laquintaca.gov>
Dear Ms. Criste,
Garrett Simon gave me your contact Infor.
The Quarry Homeowners and Members are concerned about The Meriweather Wave Project
planned for West Andalusia. I am all for well-managed, properly paced growth that will
positively compliment the surrounding area.
Garett Simon told me that the Coral Mountain project noise level has already been approved.
How did “La Quinta City Government” already conclude that the Noise and general
disturbance to be generated by the Coral Mt Project meets City requirements? It hasn’t even
broken ground!
As a concerned La Quinta taxpayer, Coral Mt. neighbor homeowner and part-time La Quinta
resident, I would like all information concerning the approval process that did confirm that
there is no noise violation of this project to be.
I am very confused as to how the noise decibel can be accurately measured before it is even
exists at this site? Please enlighten me.
I am aware of the pro-growth attitude of La Quinta Government. My concern is that in La
Quinta Government’s eagerness to “green-light” this enormous zoning change request from:
Low-Residential & Golf Course,” to a “Commercial /High Density project” will cause much
more impact on the surrounding neighborhood and natural and man-made resources that
could ever be imagined or reversed. The quiet and serene atmosphere currently at The
Quarry and surrounding areas, the native wildlife, the increase of traffic accompanied by the
increase in traffic accidents and crime rates, that accompany more growth ,will alter and
impact not only my neighborhood, but all neighborhoods in the vicinity of Madison Ave to
Jefferson Ave, between 52nd street to 62nd Street.
I understand every local government’s unquenchable thirst for more revenue, thinking more
revenue into the City coffers will create a more desirable locale for future growth. However,
history has shown that is not always the case. It is a proven statistic that mandated slow
growth policies create not only a better and more desirable community, but that real estate
values rise and flow over to the surrounding land.
Garret Simon lists his address as Boulder, Colorado. Boulder was one of the first cities in
Colorado , if not the U.S., to create a Green Belt and environmentally conscious slow-paced
growth. Boulder was aware of its incredible beauty and uniqueness and what attracts people
who want to call Boulder home.
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The Wave Park/Surf Park/ Coral Mountain guest or attendee project will not be coming to La
Quinta to buy property and live there. Afterall, who wants to live next door to a Theme Park ?
Yes, La Quinta will have an ultra-high-end amusement/sports themed park if this Project gets
My home in Colorado is not too far from The Winter X-Games, just outside City limits of
Aspen, Colorado. The city of Aspen, the County and its taxpayers pay a high price that comes
w/ the Notoriety and popularity of hosting the X-Games. An X-Game week requires months of
major construction before and after of temporary buildings for the TV, Cable, etc. News
coverage, the many thousands of spectators, the Participants, Family, and friends. The same
will happen during the Wave Park Special Events. The construction and temporary workers
are not locals, nor are the press and attendees. Most attendees stay in overcrowded hotel
rooms, condos, and hotel rooms (that still allow them) during the X Games. The attendees are
excited, high on adrenaline, drugs and alcohol. Plus, they are loud. They are attracted to
anything that involves speed and has a risk factor. Yes, they love to party. The pros love being
called a “Bad-Boy” a “Rogue, an “Outsider.” This is the extreme sport enthusiast profile.
I am asking La Quinta City Council to pause and ponder if La Quinta and the residents -that
would be affected by the proximity of Wave Project /Coral Mt. Park -want this to happen from
now on?
There are consequences for every action. Does the La Quinta City Government want more
traffic, congestion, noise, depletion of natural resources, irreversible disturbance of the land,
increase in crime and drug use that comes with growth?
I think it is extremely unfair and self -serving of Meriweather Co. and La Quinta City
government to expect The Quarry Residents and Club Members to endure most of the
consequences of this Project.
The Wave/Surf Park would easily fit into the Opportunity Zone area off Airport Blvd &
Harrison in Thermal, Ca. There is already a preponderance of loud noise coming from the
Jaquelyn Cochran Airport air traffic, The Racecar Speedway development, and the Desert
Horse Park. No one complains about the noise because The Airport pre-dates all the other
developments. Anyone who has chosen to live there, has done so fully aware of the
atmosphere. That is not the case for The Coral Mountain project. I bought at The Quarry 16
years ago knowing that the land next door was zoned for a low-density/golf course
The Wave/Coral Mt project, as planned, needing Commercial Use zoning, opens the door to
every house built there to be rented out daily, just like a hotel. This will not be a Residential
Community by any stretch of the imagination. . It will be an Amusement sports themed park
with housing for 1,000’s of different guests daily.
I am requesting La Quinta City government to not allow this land to be re-zoned into
Commercial use.
Kathy Weiss
Quarry Homeowner
Kathy Weiss, Owner/Director
Crystal Springs West
66750 Calhoun St, Thermal, CA
Mailing Address:
1609 County Road 112
Carbondale, Co. 81623
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