2021-01-22 Coral Mountain SF Detail1
From:Garrett Simon <gsimon@meriwetherco.com>
Sent:Friday, January 22, 2021 7:50 AM
To:Nicole Criste (Contract Planner)
Cc:Cheri Flores; Paul Depalatis
Subject:Coral Mountain SF Detail
Attachments:19016_2020_08_17_Program for SP Water Use.xlsx
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Attached is the breakdown of the 57,000sf we discussed on our last call,and was used to update the CVWD information
when requested last year.While these are still conceptual numbers,hopefully this helps to show how much of this is
ancillary to the hotel.Look forward to your thoughts after you have a chance to review,and happy to jump on a quick
Please Add Good,
Garrett Simon
Coral Mountain Program Update
Conditioned Space
August 17, 2020
Program Element
Hotel Bar 1,850
Hotel Restaurant 1,350
Hotel Kitchen 4,150
Hotel 2nd Floor Bar 1,100
Hotel Pool Bar / Grill 1,200
Spa 4,200
Surf Village
Shape Studio 850
Surf Shop 1,600
Board Room 3,000
Surf Lounge / Living Room 1,600
Surf Classroom 800
Fitness Pavilion 2,000
High Performance Center 1,400
Sub-Total 11,250
Beach Club 5,500
The Farm
Barn 2,050
Greenhouse 2,400
Equipment Barn 1,400
Tool Shed 250
Family Camp 1,200
Gym 4,400
Outfitters 2,000
Locker Rooms 1,800
Sub-Total 15,500 -
Back of House Complex
Resort Operations 9,400
Wave Operations 1,500
Sub-Total 10,900
TOTAL 57,000 -