2021-02-10 2553 Coral Mtn Resort NOP1 From:Lee, Asia <alee@msaconsultinginc.com> Sent:Wednesday, February 10, 2021 5:34 PM To:Consulting Planner; Cheri Flores Cc:James Vaughn; Witherspoon, Michelle; Depalatis, Paul; Rowe, Mike; Garrett Simon gsimon@meriwetherco.com); Herrera-Cortes, Jesus Subject:2553 Coral Mountain Resort NOP [2553-MSA1.NRzf] Attachments:Attachments.html EXTERNAL:This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta.Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments,clicking links or responding to requests for information. Good Evening Nicole, Attached to this email for your review includes: NOP with track changes NOP clean version NOP in PDF format with exhibits NOC NOP publication for the Desert Sun SDP Wave Basin Access Points for your reference) Citrix Attachments Expires March 12,2021 02 10 2021 2553 Coral Mountain Resort N...an.docx 94.6 KB 02 10 2021 2553 Coral Mountain Resort N...ean.pdf 11 MB 02 10 2021 2553 Coral Mountain Resort N...es.docx 142.1 KB 02 10 2021 Coral Mountain Resort NOC.pdf 1.3 MB 02 10 2021 Coral Mountain Resort NOP for...42.docx 386.8 KB 2553 Wave Basin Access Points.pdf 281.4 KB Asia Lee uses Citrix Files to share documents securely. Thank you, Asia Lee Environmental Planner 2 Tohelpprotectyourprivacy, MicrosoftOfficepreventedautomaticdownloadofthispicturefromtheInternet.MSACONSULTING, INC. website map email Tohelpprotectyourprivacy, MicrosoftOffice prevented automatic downloadofthispicturefromtheInternet. Facebook Tohelpprotectyourprivacy, MicrosoftOffice prevented automatic downloadofthispicturefromtheInternet. Instagram Tohelpprotectyourprivacy, MicrosoftOffice prevented automatic downloadofthispicturefromtheInternet.LinkedIn