2021-02-16 Coral Mountain NOP Notification1
From:Kimberly Cuza <kcuza@terranovaplanning.com>
Sent:Tuesday, February 16, 2021 4:05 PM
Cc:Cheri Flores; Consulting Planner
Subject:City of La Quinta - Coral Mountain Resort Notice of Preparation
Attachments:Coral Moutain Resort NOP 2.11.21.pdf; Coral Moutain Resort NOP 2.11.21 ad.pdf
EXTERNAL:This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta.Please use proper judgement and caution when opening
attachments,clicking links or responding to requests for information.
Good Afternoon,
Per your request to receive notifications for this project, attached please find the Notice of
Preparation for Coral Mountain Resort in the City of La Quinta, California.
The time period to submit comments will begin February 17, 2021 and will end March
19, 2021.
Comments and questions may be directed to: Nicole Sauviat Criste, Consulting Planner,
City of La Quinta, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253, or
consultingplanner@laquintaca.gov. Please include the name, phone number, and address
of your agency’s contact person in your response.
Kindest Regards,
Kimberly Cuza
Assistant to Nicole Sauviat Criste
42635 Melanie Place,Ste 101
Palm Desert,CA 92211
Phone:760)341 4800
Fax:760 341 4455
E Mail:kcuza@terranovaplanning.com