2020-02-11 Biological Study Ltr February 11, 2020 Mr. Garrett Simon CM Wave Development LLC 2440 Junction Place, Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301 SUBJECT: BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE STUDY COMMENTS GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2019-0002 ZONE CHANGE 2019-0004 SPECIFIC PLAN 2019-0003 (AMENDMENT 5 TO SP 03-067) TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2019-0005 (TTM 37815) MASTER PROJECT 2019-0004 Dear Mr. Simon, The City’s Planning staff has completed review of the project’s biological resources report, prepared by LSA, and has the following comments: 1. The Study is uneven in its description of non-listed sensitive species. Although specific mitigation for burrowing owl and bats is discussed, no discussion of the plants, reptiles or other birds’ likelihood of occurring on site is provided, nor is there any mitigation described. For all 10 species listed on page 7 or the study, an explanation of their likelihood to occur, and the reason why they do or do not require mitigation should be provided. For example, does the site provide appropriate nesting or foraging habitat for the raptors listed? The description of burrowing owl should also describe the requirements for the species under the CVMSHCP, what suitable habitat was identified, whether the species or its sign was identified on the site, etc. 2. The mitigation measure for bats appears incomplete. Although a relocation plan and consultation with CDFW is described, no performance standards are provided. These should be added, so that it can be demonstrated that the impact would be fully mitigated. 3. There should be a subsection, before the Cumulative Impact section, of Mitigation Measures, which lists all requirements in one location. If you have any questions please contact me at ncriste@terranovaplanning.com, and/or at (760) 777-7132 or (760) 341-4800. Sincerely, Nicole Sauviat Criste Consulting Planner