2021-06-21 MP2019-0004 SDP2021-0001 Review Comments
June 21, 2021
Mr. Garrett Simon
CM Wave Development LLC
2440 Junction Place, Suite 200
Boulder, CO 80301
Dear Mr. Simon,
We have completed the review of the Site Development Permit (SDP) referenced above, to allow
construction of the 16.6 acre wave basin within the Coral Mountain Resort project, and have the
following comments.
1. Cover page: Add the SDP, Specific Plan (SP) and Environmental Assessment (EA) Case
numbers. Remove “TTM No.” and “GPZMA No.”
2. Table of Contents & Project Description: The project description states that the winches
are in buildings. The plans show them as being behind fences. Please correct.
3. Throughout the submittal, the word “conceptual” must be removed. The SDP is the final
permit prior to the preparation of building plans and the associated plan checks. These
plans, when submitted must be consistent with SDP plan set, and the review and approval
of the SDP will be contingent on the dimensions, colors, materials and site plan approved.
4. The access from the wave basin to a public street must be clearly delineated, and
assumed to be the permanent access point for the wave basin. This includes a complete
landscaping plan, cross section(s) and proposed improvements. If the access is not
proposed to be the primary project access, a secondary access must be identified, cross-
sections provided, and it will be required to be improved, and landscaped. In addition, a
description of how this secondary access will be used, for how long, and when the wave
basin is proposed to be connected to the main access road must be provided.
5. All pages: Provide full dimensions, including basin length, width and depth, distances
between basin and edge of parcel, building and water tank dimensions, and distances
between buildings/structures, building heights, width and depth, etc.
6. All pages: The use of a calculated scale (1/8”=1’, ¼”=1’) does not translate correctly in
the drawings. For example, based on the scale shown on page 5, the light poles are about
55 feet high when the PDF is at 100%. Please convert to graphic scales or re-scale to
100% size on the 11x17 sheet sized PDFs.
7. Page 2:
a. All shapes on the site plan must be labeled. For example, there are 3 squares on
the north side of the basin that are unlabeled. What are they?
b. A 30’ roadway is proposed on the south side of the basin. A cross section of that
roadway must be provided. Also see No. 4, above.
c. The existing and proposed General Plan and Zoning designations are incorrect.
The SP is a permit, not a designation. Please see the SP for correct General Plan
and Zoning designations for the property.
8. Page 6 through 13: The drawings appear to be 24x36” in scale. They must be re-sized to
be 11x17” in scale, and fully legible at 100% size on the PDFs.
9. Page 6 through 13:
a. Fully dimension each elevation and building (including “Owner Furnished
Equipment”). Describe what “Owner Furnished Equipment” is – a building, a plug-
and-play storage container, etc. Its elevations, including dimensions and
materials, must be provided.
b. All materials and colors must be provided, numbered, and a corresponding number
applied where they occur on each building elevation. Add material and color for
shade sails.
c. 8 foot high fences are shown. The Specific Plan (and city standards) limit fencing
to 6 feet. Please reduce heigh of fences.
10. Page 6: A cross section diagram of eac h of the elevations should be added to identify
what is being shown. Distances between buildings must be provided.
11. Pages 24 through 28:
a. The number of tree species proposed (3) is extremely limited and will result in a
monotonous landscape on a 30 acre site. Please expand the tree list to include a
greater variety of trees. We would also recommend a hierarchy, including accents
and primary statement and specimen trees.
b. The species, location, number and size of all plants must be shown on each of the
landscape plans. This will be the governing document for the Final Landscape Plan,
and must accurately reflect plantings which will occur.
c. Boulders, gravel and groundcover must be included in the plans.
d. There appears to be no berming or other undulations proposed. This will not result
in an attractive landscape. Please add to the base of each sheet the proposed
grades, locations of berms, depressions or hillocks, etc.
12. As described above, the landscaping plans for the access point to the wave basin must
be added to the landscape plan set.
13. The preliminary grading plan for the entire SDP area must be added to the plan set.
Please feel free to contact me if you would like to review these corrections. When changes have
been made, please resubmit for second review.
Due to current State mandates, I am working remotely. If you have any questions regarding the
process, please contact me at ncriste@terranovaplanning.com, and/or at (760) 341-4800.
Nicole Sauviat Criste