2020-12-27 Review of VMT Analysis for Coral Mtn Specific PlanMemorandum
Willdan engineering was assigned by the City of La Quinta to conduct a peer review of the VMT
Traffic Impact Analysis prepared by Urban Crossroads dated October 27, 2020.
The proposed project is a mix use development in Coral Mountain Specific Plan in the
southwest corner of the City of La Quinta. The project will be constructed in three phases as
Phase I (2021)
1. 104-Multifamily attached dwelling (ITE Land Use 220)
2. 26 single family detached dwelling (ITE Land Use 210)
3. 12-acres of Wave Basin Facility (SANDAG Rate)
4. 150 rooms resort hotel (ITE Land Use 330)
1) 3k Bar
2) 2.6K restaurant
3) 4.2K kitchen
4) 4.2K Spa
5. 10K retail establishments (ITE Land Use 820)
6. 15K Wave Village commercial ancillary uses (ITE Land Use 861)
1) 0.9K Shape Studio
2) 1.6K Surf Shop
3) 3K Board Room
4) 1.8K Surf Lounge/Living Room
5) 0.8K Surf Classroom
6) 1.4K High Performance
7) 5.5K Beach Club
7. 16K The Farm Recreational Area/Clubhouse (ITE Land Use 495)
1) 2.1K Barn
2) 2.5K Greenhouse
3) 1.4K Equipment Barn
4) 0.3K Tool Shed
5) 1.2K Family Camp
6) 4.5K Gym
7) 2K Outfitter
8) 2K Locker Room
Phase 2 (2023)
1. 25K Retail (ITE Land Use 820)
TO: Cheri Flores, Planning Manager
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, CA 92253
FROM: Farhad Iranitalab, PE, TE
Willdan Engineering
DATE: December 27, 2020
SUBJECT: Review of VMT Analysis for Coral Mountain Specific Plan
Phase 3 (2026)
1. 470 single family detached dwelling (ITE Land Use 210)
2. 25K Retail (ITE Land Use 820)
General Comments
Traffic report project description and phasing should clearly describe the project construction for
each phase. Describe the kind of service the following provides; are they traffic generator?
A-16K The Farm Recreational Area/Clubhouse (ITE Land Use 495)
2.1K Barn (Traffic Generator?)
2.5K Greenhouse (Traffic Generator?)
1.4K Equipment Barn (Traffic Generator?)
0.3K Tool Shed (Traffic Generator?)
1.2K Family Camp (Traffic Generator?)
4.5K Gym (Traffic Generator?)
2K Outfitter (Traffic Generator?)
2K Locker Room (Traffic Generator?)
B-15K Wave Village commercial ancillary uses
0.9K Shape Studio
1.6K Surf Shop
3K Board Room
1.8K Surf Lounge/Living Room
0.8K Surf Classroom
1.4K High Performance Center
5.5K Beach Club
The above use is not included in the Trip Generation Table.
In general report lacks quantifiable information and sources, more clear references to the
source of information is needed.
The report should Include a map showing the City’s TAZs with corresponding RIVTAM
numbering (see City’s map on the next page).
The report should provide a summary description of RIVTAM and its relationship with SCAG,
CVAG, and WRCOG and its use.
Baseline methodology options included the regional SCAG model, the RIVTAM model,
and 2010-2012 California Household Travel Survey (CHTS). A key limitation of the two
models is that they exclude the VMT associated with internal to external and external to
internal trips. For the SCAG and RIVTAM models, the VMT methodology included
internal to internal trips for each of the following variable:
Total VMT (all vehicles and all trip purposes)
Home-based VMT per capita (automobile only)
Home-based work VMT per worker (automobile only)
The exception to this is the RIVTAM Total VMT (Regional), which included internal to
external and external to internal trips. The model limited all trip length calculations for
these trips to facilities within the SCAG region; therefore, the lengths of these trips are
not fully accounted for. The report should explain the limitation and how it was
The report follow the methodology described in La Quinta VMT guidelines.
Specific Comments
TPA Screening- The report provides a general definition taken from the LA Quinta Guidelines
and OPR. Report should expand and define the terms used in the guidelines (i.e. explain what
the major transit stop includes) see comments on the report. “Major Transit Stop” is a transit
transfer center that connect various transit services including Rail, buses and other mass transit.
Define inconsistencies with the applicable Sustainable Communities Strategy (as determined by
the lead agency, with input from the MPO). What does sustainable community mean? This
should be described since this report is stand-alone and it should have enough information for
the reader. (see comments on the report.)
Low VMT Area Screening- The report uses the verbiage from OPR Technical Report and City
of La Quinta to describe Low VMT. Report should tailor the description to the specific project at
hand. The report should quantify the low VMT for the City and indicate if there is any low VMT
TAZ in LA Quinta. Use the City TAZ Map to show the location of the project and a TAZ with low
VMT. See RIVTAM example on the page to follow.
Attachment B need to be explained in more detail as to what the terms and values mean and
measure. Provide pertinent information on the City’s TAZ map (see comments on attachment
Project Type Screening- See comments on the report.
Project VMT Assessment- The report should include an explanation of the limitation in
using RIVTAM. Since Riverside County is located at the edge of the SCAG model area, some
modifications to the models may be necessary to provide a full accounting of VMT effects as
recommended in the OPR Technical Advisory for SB 743 implementation. The specific
modifications would be to adjust the lengths of trips entering and exiting the model boundary
capture their full travel distance and not just the distance they travel inside the model area. See
comments on the report.
For the Baseline with Project Conditions the Production/Attraction (PA) Method and
Origin/Destination (OD) Method are considered the most appropriate method for calculating
project generated VMT”.
For the Cumulative with Project Conditions, the Boundary Method is considered the most
appropriate method for calculating “project effect on VMT”.
Project Residential VMT Calculation- Are all the residential units occupied by the owners or
there are rented during vacation times? Is the VMT calculation consider the patrons traveling
from outside of the region? The report should explain if this would make a difference on VMT
calculation or has no effect?
For the boundary Method, was there any adjustment since Riverside County is located at the
edge of the SCAG model area, some modifications to the models may be necessary to provide
a full accounting of VMT effects as recommended in the OPR Technical Advisory for SB 743
implementation. The specific modifications would be to adjust the lengths of trips entering and
exiting the model boundary area to capture their full travel distance and not just the distance
they travel inside the model area. See comments on the report.
What category is the Event traffic falls into and how did the study deal with it.
Project Employment Impact on VMT – See comments on the report
Project Design Features for VMT Reduction – The report should explain the 9 mitigation
measures reported by CPCOA and provide references to the values used in the report as to the
effectiveness of the measure that was used to reduce the VMT. Also see comments on the
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Farhad Iranitalab, PE, TE
Traffic Engineer