2021-09-22 Response to Callimanis_RedactedThank you: Expired IID "Amended Will Serve Letter" for Coral Mountain Resort
Alena Callimanis
Wed 9/22/2021 2:37 PM
To:Consulting Planner <ConsultingPlanner@laquintaca.gov>
Cc:Danny Castro <dcastro@laquintaca.gov>;Cheri Flores <clflores@laquintaca.gov>;BIhrke@rutan.com <BIhrke@rutan.com>;bauer@sbemp.com <bauer@sbemp.com>
** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and cau;on when opening a=achments, clicking links or responding to requests for informa;on. **
Ms. Criste, thank you very much. I am in receipt of your response.
Alena Callimanis
La Quinta, CA 92253
On Sep 22, 2021, at 8:16 AM, Consulting Planner <ConsultingPlanner@laquintaca.gov> wrote:
Ms. Callimanis,
Thank you for your le=er. You express concerns that the Will Serve le=er appended to the Coral Mountain Resort Environmental Impact Report (EIR) has lapsed, and that this lapse is
germane to the Imperial Irriga;on District’s (IID) ability to provide electric service to the project.
First, CEQA does not require, nor is it typical for an EIR to contain Will Serve le=ers. In this case, the Will Serve le=er was included because it provided informa;on important to the
1. The energy demands associated with the wave pool and its equipment are different and greater than that normally required for a commercial or residen;al project. As a result, the
applicant completed a preliminary analysis to aid in determining whether the facili;es available at IID’s current substa;on would be sufficient to accommodate the energy
demands of the project. This allowed for calcula;on of demand to be used to accurately represent energy use of the specialized components of the project.
2. This was necessary in order to iden;fy whether improvements were needed, because those improvements would cons;tute a project under CEQA. As a result of that consulta;on,
the EIR correctly disclosed that the project would require off-site improvements at the substa;on and within the public right of way, and analyzed the impacts of those
improvements in the EIR.
IID plans for future demand based, in part on the land uses defined in the City’s General Plan, and its own growth projec;ons. Therefore, IID is aware that the site of the
project is proposed for residen;al development, a neighborhood shopping center and a golf course, and will have factored those land uses into its long range planning. IID
is also aware, because the City has sent them the project plans for review and comment, of what is now proposed for the site.
The City relies on ongoing coordina;on with IID in its development process. The City received a comment le=er from IID, which includes descrip;ons of its requirements
to serve the project. The City will con;nue to coordinate this and other projects with IID as they are proposed.
Your le=er will be added to the comments received on the project and provided to the Planning Commission and City Council when they consider the project. Please feel
free to contact me if you have any ques;ons.
Nicole Sauviat Criste
Consul;ng Planner
City of La Quinta
From:Alena Callimanis
Sent:Sunday, September 19, 2021 10:41 PM
To:Danny Castro <dcastro@laquintaca.gov>; Cheri Flores <clflores@laquintaca.gov>; Consul;ng Planner <Consul;ngPlanner@laquintaca.gov>
Cc:BIhrke@rutan.com <BIhrke@rutan.com>;bauer@sbemp.com <bauer@sbemp.com>
Subject:Expired IID "Amended Will Serve Le=er" for Coral Mountain Resort
**EXTERNAL:This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and cau;on when opening a=achments, clicking links or responding to requests for informa;on.**
Dear Mr. Castro, Ms. Flores and Ms. Criste,
Please find attached a letter from the La Quinta Residents for Responsible Development.
You will also find attached two appendices, A and B, that are referred to in this letter as supporting documentation.
Please ensure that this letter and its atttachments are circulated to the Members of the Planning Commission at your earliest opportunity.
Our research has found that the Amended Will Serve Letter dated May 26, 2020 which was referenced in the DEIR has expired and is therefore no longer valid.
We invite you to provide your comments to our findings in writing.
Thank you for your assistance with this matter.
Kind regards,
Alena Callimanis
BS Physics Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Master Physics State University of NY Stony Brook
La Quinta, CA 92253
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