2021-09-27 Strijdveen - In Support_RedactedCoral Mountain Wave Project - Letter of Support
Marc Strijdveen
Mon 9/27/2021 9:34 PM
To:Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>;Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>;Kathleen Fitzpatrick
<kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>;John Pena <jpena@laquintaca.gov>;Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>;Jon
McMillen <jmcmillen@laquintaca.gov>;Consulting Planner <ConsultingPlanner@laquintaca.gov>;Danny Castro
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Dear City Council members
I’m a new home-owner at Santa Rosa Cove in La Quinta and a member of HOA.
We have been visiting the La Quinta area since 2007, and we've spent significant time in the
area, visiting from Santa Monica. We are an active family (our kids are now 17 and 19), and we
have recognized over time that more amenities in active experiences would make this an even
more desirable neighborhood.
Following and based on all the exciting developments in the area, we decided early this year to
buy a property in the SRC. We are excited and very pleased to realize that with the CMWP,
more corner retail and other resort amenities will be built via this project to service the area.
The development will bring great energy and a new form of active excitement. My family views
this as a high-quality development and we give our full support.
Below my contact information in case you'd like to discuss further.
Marcus Strijdveen
Firefox https://outlook.office.com/mail/AAMkAGJiMWY1OTY1LTBhY2EtN...
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