Crosstown Electrical & Data, Inc. Proposal(A) Legal Business Name (B) Official Website (B) Official Website (C) U.S. State or Country Where Business is Incorporated or Created (C) U.S. State or Country Where Business is Incorporated or Created (D) Indicate Months or Years Business Has Been in Existence (D) Indicate Months or Years Business Has Been in Existence TrafficCast International, Inc. TrafficCast International, Inc. http://www.trafficcast.com http://www.trafficcast.com Wisconsin, USA Wisconsin, USA 19 years old, Founded in 1998, Incorporated in 2006. 19 years old, Founded in 1998, Incorporated in 2006. Medium: 51-200 Employees Medium: 51-200 Employees (F) Business/Entity Type - Check all that apply below: (F) Business/Entity Type - Check all that apply below:  Private  Construction  Consulting  International  Manufacturer  System/Application Integration  State University or College  Non-Manufacturer  Software Developer  Academia  Service  Other - Specify:  Non-Profit (Title 26 of the United  Research States Code Section 501.c.3)  Private  Construction  Consulting  International  Manufacturer  System/Application Integration  State University or College  Non-Manufacturer  Software Developer  Academia  Service  Other - Specify:  Non-Profit (Title 26 of the United  Research States Code Section 501.c.3) (G) Mode Specialty Type - Check all that apply below: (G) Mode Specialty Type - Check all that apply below:  Transit  Bicycle  Freight  Passenger Vehicle  Pedestrian  Other - Specify:  Transit  Bicycle  Freight  Passenger Vehicle  Pedestrian  Other - Specify: (H) Technology Specialty Type - Check all that apply below: (H) Technology Specialty Type - Check all that apply below:  Connected Vehicles and Infrastructure (V2V, V2I)  Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)  Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X)  Traffic Engineering/Analysis  Automated/Autonomous Vehicles  Traffic Signals  Shared Mobility  Internet of Things (IoT)  Software/Application Development  Communications  Advanced Transportation Modeling  Parking Technologies  Smart Cities  Electronic Payment Systems Big Data  Other: Bluetooth Travel Time Systems  Advanced Data Analytics  Connected Vehicles and Infrastructure (V2V, V2I)  Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)  Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X)  Traffic Engineering/Analysis  Automated/Autonomous Vehicles  Traffic Signals REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS/ QUALIFICATIONS TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT CENTER DESIGN BUILD IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 2021-09 DUE: MAY 11, 2022 AT 5:00 PM Submitted to: The City of La Quinta Submitted by: Crosstown Electrical & Data, Inc. 5454 Diaz Street Irwindale, CA 91706 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT CENTER DESIGN BUILD IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, NO. 2021-09 City of La Quinta – Request for Proposal, May 11, 2022 CROSSTOWN ELECTRICAL & DATA, INC., 5454 DIAZ STREET, IRWINDALE, CA 91706 1 Table of Contents Section 1: Letter of Introduction ............................................................................................................................2 PART A – QUALIFICATION SECTION .....................................................................................................................3 Section 2: Firms Background, Qualifications, and Experience ..........................................................................3 Section 3: References of California Government Agencies ...............................................................................4 Section 4: List of Optional Services Offered by Proposer with Corresponding Prices ....................................7 Section 5: Disclosures ............................................................................................................................................7 Section 6: Acknowledgement of Insurance Requirements (Attachment 2).......................................................7 Section 7: Non-Collusion Affidavit (Attachment 3) ..............................................................................................7 Section 8: Acknowledgment of Addenda (Attachment 4) ...................................................................................7 PART B – TECHNICAL SECTION ............................................................................................................................7 Section 9: Proposed Staffing and Designated Subcontractors ..........................................................................7 Section 10: Scope of Work and Project Schedule ...............................................................................................9 PART C – COST PROPOSAL ................................................................................................................................ 12 Section 11: Cost Proposal ................................................................................................................................... 12 ATTACHEMENTS: .................................................................................................................................................. 12 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT CENTER DESIGN BUILD IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, NO. 2021-09 City of La Quinta – Request for Proposal, May 11, 2022 CROSSTOWN ELECTRICAL & DATA, INC., 5454 DIAZ STREET, IRWINDALE, CA 91706 3 PART A – QUALIFICATION SECTION Section 2: Firms Background, Qualifications, and Experience Crosstown Electrical & Data, Inc. was incorporated in 1998 and has been providing Electrical, ITS and traffic signal services successfully for the past 24 years. Crosstown is 100% owned and operated by Mr. David Heermance. We currently have 135 employees with the qualified staff necessary to perform the tasks and services required of this request for proposal. Crosstown has years of experience working in Traffic Management Centers and has completed multiple TMC renovations throughout Southern California, such as the cities of Pasadena, Orange, Santa Clarita, and Bakersfield. We are also currently the prime contractor on the Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Project which will involve TMC renovations for 8 different TMC’s throughout the Coachella Valley. See reference section for additional projects and details. Crosstown maintains a Class “A” General Construction license and a class “C-10” Electrical license, No. 756309, Expires 11/30/22. We are registered with the Department of Industrial Relations, DIR # 100000155. Crosstown has developed a strong team to Design and Construct the TMC for the City of La Quinta, which includes Advantec Consulting, Inc., Archetype International, and D.E. Hylton & Associates. Crosstown has worked with each of these subcontractors in the past and we have an excellent working relationship with each of them. ADVANTEC has extensive experience working with the City La Quinta on previous and current projects including the City of La Quinta's HSIP Interconnect Improvements project (Citywide Fiber Optic Improvements), CVAG Phase I - CVSync Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Project/Smart Region Program, and CVAG Phase II - CVSync Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Project/Smart Region Program. These projects are the building blocks of the City's current systems, build-out conditions, and provides the platform to be ready for the next generation technologies. The work under these projects includes, but not limited to, upgrading their traffic management system, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), citywide fiber optic communication network, and providing connectivity and hardware/software improvements at City Hall's computer room and the City's current Traffic Operations Center located inside the City's Traffic Office Room. Through the CVAG Phase I and Phase II projects, the City of La Quinta has been a champion and participant in the selection of traffic signal management, ITS, and communications systems. In addition, the City of La Quinta is designated as the region's back-up TMC if the Regional TMC goes down. ADVANTEC has worked with CVAG and the City staff (Kris Gunterson) throughout the development, design, and implementation of these projects and understands the improvements required for the City's new Traffic Management Center within La Quinta City Hall. Under this project, ADVANTEC will be responsible for the assisting the Contractor and the Architect with the TMC design task including preparation of plans, specifications, and quantities, as well as assistance with the procurement of equipment and support throughout construction. The follow summarizes our scope of services. TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT CENTER DESIGN BUILD IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, NO. 2021-09 City of La Quinta – Request for Proposal, May 11, 2022 CROSSTOWN ELECTRICAL & DATA, INC., 5454 DIAZ STREET, IRWINDALE, CA 91706 4 Additional Company Information: Company Name: Legal Form of Company: License no.: Federal Employer ID #: DIR #: Crosstown Electrical & Data, Inc. Corporation, State of California 756309 22-3611877 1000000155 Project Contact: Joseph P. Meidl: Overall Project Manager Telephone Number: Cell Phone: (626) 813-6693 (626) 484-0283 Email: Corporate Office: joseph.m@crosstowndata.com 5454 Diaz Street Irwindale, CA. 91706 (626) 813-6693 Section 3: References of California Government Agencies Crosstown has developed an in-house team who is highly proficient in the implementation, installation, integration and maintenance of electrical and ITS Infrastructure, fiber optic, video, wireless, and data communications systems and have established themselves as premier integrators and installers of Traffic, Transportation, Rail, and Public Works related electrical infrastructure and systems in Southern California. The projects reference below are indicative of Cities that Crosstown has performed TMC upgrades and/or new construction: TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT CENTER DESIGN BUILD IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, NO. 2021-09 City of La Quinta – Request for Proposal, May 11, 2022 CROSSTOWN ELECTRICAL & DATA, INC., 5454 DIAZ STREET, IRWINDALE, CA 91706 5 CITY OF ORANGE TMC AND VIDEO WALL: Client Name, Project Manager, Telephone Number, Email Address Project Description Project Start Date/ End Date Saff Assigned to each project by Firm Summary of Final Outcome City of Orange, Jimmy Rocha, 714-532-6477, jrocha@cityoforange.org Perform TMC updates and install new Video Wall. 4/2015 to 6/2015 Alex Zepeda, Crosstown Video Wall and TMC construction completed successfully. City of Pasadena, Richard Yee, 626-722-7181, ryee@cityofpasadena.net Pasadena Trafffic Management Center - Perform removals of existing structures, Furnish and install new doors, windows, carpentry, thermal/moisture control, window shades, heating/air conditioning, furnishings, electrical work, and furnish/install/and integrate a new video wall management system with server, IP video management system and all associated hardware. 4/28/21 to 2/1/22 Alex Zepeda, Crosstown New TMC and Video Wall was installed and is functioning great. City of Garden Grove, Ken Vu, 714-741-5977, kenv@ggcity.org Performed removal of existing video wall and framed out wall to install a new recessed video wall. 3/1/2021 to 5/1/2021 Alex Zepeda, Crosstown Video Wall and TMC construction completed successfully. City of Santa Clarita, Cesar Romo, 661-286-4002, cromo@santa-clarita.com Converted a room at city maintenance yard to a back-up TMC, installed new video wall and equipment 6/2017 to 8/2017 Alex Zepeda, Crosstown Video Wall and TMC construction completed successfully. City of Bakersfield, Mike DelaCruz, 661-304-2950, mdelacru@bakersfieldcity.us Remodeled entire TMC, including carpet, lighting, built custom video wall and provided furniture 3/2015 to 6/2015 Alex Zepeda, Crosstown Video Wall and TMC construction completed successfully. Crosstown References for TMC Projects TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT CENTER DESIGN BUILD IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, NO. 2021-09 City of La Quinta – Request for Proposal, May 11, 2022 CROSSTOWN ELECTRICAL & DATA, INC., 5454 DIAZ STREET, IRWINDALE, CA 91706 6 CITY OF GARDEN GROVE TMC AND VIDEO WALL: CITY OF PASADENA TMC AND VIDEO WALL: TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT CENTER DESIGN BUILD IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, NO. 2021-09 City of La Quinta – Request for Proposal, May 11, 2022 CROSSTOWN ELECTRICAL & DATA, INC., 5454 DIAZ STREET, IRWINDALE, CA 91706 7 Section 4: List of Optional Services Offered by Proposer with Corresponding Prices Crosstown has the ability to perform all types of construction and communication work and is happy to offer our services as needed. Crosstown can provide costs on a task order basis once a scope of work is identified. Section 5: Disclosures Crosstown does not have any alleged significant prior or ongoing agreement failures, civil or criminal litigation or investigation pending, which involved the proposer or in which Crosstown has been judged guilty or liable within the last five (5) years. Section 6: Acknowledgement of Insurance Requirements (Attachment 2) If selected, Crosstown will provide the minimum insurance coverage and indemnification noted in Exhibits E and F of the City’s professional Service Agreement included as Attachment 1. Please see attached the signed acknowledgment of insurance requirements. Section 7: Non-Collusion Affidavit (Attachment 3) See attached signed Non-Collusion. Section 8: Acknowledgment of Addenda (Attachment 4) Addendum #1 is Acknowledged. See attached signed Addenda Acknowledgment. PART B – TECHNICAL SECTION Section 9: Proposed Staffing and Designated Subcontractors Our team is composed of highly qualified personnel with extensive history in ITS and TMC projects. Each of our team members brings expertise that will make this project a success. Crosstown will maintain adequate level of labor resources as required by the Scope of Work. Our Project Manager, Joseph Meidl, will have full involvement of the work effort. The following key personnel and support team / Subcontractors will be associated with the fulfillment of this Scope of Work and performance of specified tasks. TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT CENTER DESIGN BUILD IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, NO. 2021-09 City of La Quinta – Request for Proposal, May 11, 2022 CROSSTOWN ELECTRICAL & DATA, INC., 5454 DIAZ STREET, IRWINDALE, CA 91706 8 Name Proposed Role Years of Experience Availability Joseph Meidel Overal Project manager 40 60% Carlos Ortiz Design Project Director 32 80% John Dorado Design Manager 22 50% David P. Heermance General Superintendent 40 40% Alex Zepeda Superintendent 22 60% John D. Secor Architect of Record 35 40% John Cox Design Architect 23 60% Joseph Meidel Quality Control Manager 40 80% Ben Heermance Safety Manager 5 80% Donald E. Hylton General Contractor/ Subcontractor 20 60% Key Team Personnel Subcontractor Name/Contact Address Phone No. License No./DIR #, if applicable Scope of Work D.E. Hylton & Associates, Inc., Donald Hylton 1050 Lakes Drive, Suite 225, West Covina, CA 91790 626-938-0385 1059091, Class B, DIR #1000811214 Building Construction Advantec Consulting Engineers, Inc., Carlos Ortiz 1200 Roosevelt, Irvine, CA 92620 949-861-4999 N/A Design/Consulting Archetype International, John D. Secor 14181 Yorba St., Ste #202, Tustin, CA 92780 714-564-0065 Principal Architect CA 014947 Architect Miller Carpets, Candice Spencer 75-160 Saint Charles Place #8, Palm Desert, CA 92211 760-568-3633 N/A Carpet Installation California Window & Door, Inc., Haley Schieffer 75100 Saint Charles Pl., Palm Desert, CA 92211 760-773-1053 N/A Door Installation Demolition X, Jose Alonso 620 Realitos Dr., La Verne, CA 91750 323-508-7598 1041038 Demolition (Sub to D.E. Hylton) Subcontractor Listing TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT CENTER DESIGN BUILD IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, NO. 2021-09 City of La Quinta – Request for Proposal, May 11, 2022 CROSSTOWN ELECTRICAL & DATA, INC., 5454 DIAZ STREET, IRWINDALE, CA 91706 9 Section 10: Scope of Work and Project Schedule It is understood that this Design-build project shall be a turnkey design and construction project and it will be in compliance with all applicable codes, rules/regulations and laws. Crosstown will procure the necessary performance bonds to be executed by our surety. Our design and construction will be per all requirements set forth in the Request for Proposals. It is understood that Warranty maintenance services will be provided for all newly installed components. Crosstown understands that the contract time is 30 working days from the Notice of Award. Crosstown intends to complete all project phases of proposed scope of work below within the 30 day time frame. Please see attached schedule for additional information. Task 1 TMC Design The City of La Quinta is undergoing a major task for the design-build of a new Traffic Management Center (TMC) located at City Hall. Proposed upgrades will include, but not limited to, new technical furniture, video wall upgrade, new server rack & equipment, and new workstations. ADVANTEC will work with the Contractor and the Architect, and provide plans that show cable routing, location of servers, Ethernet switches, communications equipment/equipment racks, and connectivity diagrams that illustrates the cut-over and possible relocation of existing equipment to the City's new Traffic Management Center (TMC). Based on our understanding and experience of TMC improvements and the project elements, the ADVANTEC will prepare 4 plan sheets. The following summarizes a description of each plan sheet. Plan Sheet: Cable Routing Through City Hall ADVANTEC will prepare the City Hall layout, which shows a high level layout of the communication cables entering the building, and connectivity between the City's server room, the current traffic office and, new TMC. To the right illustrates the City of La Quinta current cable routing. We will modify this layout as needed for the new TMC. TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT CENTER DESIGN BUILD IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, NO. 2021-09 City of La Quinta – Request for Proposal, May 11, 2022 CROSSTOWN ELECTRICAL & DATA, INC., 5454 DIAZ STREET, IRWINDALE, CA 91706 10 Plan Sheet: TMC Room Layout ADVANTEC will prepare the TMC room layout, which illustrates the TMC room and communication equipment room improvements including the primary TMC component. This includes, but not limited to the video wall/monitors locations; TMC operator workstations, desks and chairs; TMC operator line of sight, viewing angles, and distance between the video wall/monitors; plan review table and chair; conference table and chairs; bookshelves; cabinets for as-built plans; storage cabinets, equipment racks, cable raceways; and other TMC equipment control hardware requirements. An example layout is shown to the right. Plan Sheet: Communication Equipment Room ADVANTEC will prepare the Communication Equipment room layout, which illustrates the location of the existing/proposed equipment racks, storage cabinets, cable management trays, cable routing, and distances between the walls and equipment racks. It will also show system servers, Ethernet switches, KVM, workstation, storage, fiber distribution units (FDU), splice trays, power strips, and uninterruptable power supply (UPS) units. The purpose of this plan is to clearly define the layout of the proposed equipment, racks, cabinets, cables, and provide clearances for ADA compliance, and operations and maintenance of the hardware. To the right illustrates the City of La Quinta's current communication equipment room. We will modify this layout as needed for the new TMC. Plan Sheet: TMC System Architecture/Communication Schematic Plan ADVANTEC will prepare TMC System Architecture/ Communication Schematic Plan in order to illustrate the connectivity between to the TMC video wall, system servers, Ethernet switches, communications equipment, firewall, and workstations within the TMC, and links to other offices such as the Public Works Director/City Engineer, Traffic Office, and other. An example TMC System Architecture/Communication Schematic Plan and connectivity and upgrade plan at other offices is provided to the right. Technical Specifications - ADVANTEC will prepare the project Technical Specifications based on the project design plans and the associated improvements that we are responsible for per the City of La Quinta requirements and the latest Caltrans Standard Plans and Specifications; CAMUTCD, and the Greenbook. TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT CENTER DESIGN BUILD IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, NO. 2021-09 City of La Quinta – Request for Proposal, May 11, 2022 CROSSTOWN ELECTRICAL & DATA, INC., 5454 DIAZ STREET, IRWINDALE, CA 91706 11 Construction Quantities and Estimates for Procurement - ADVANTEC will prepare construction quantity take-offs and estimates for procurement the new TMC improvements that we are responsible for. The unit costs will be based on current cost data and historical cost data associated with the identified bid items. This will be used for procurement of equipment by the Contractor. Deliverables: TMC design (up to 4 sheets), Technical Specifications, and Construction Quantities/Estimates for Procurement. Submittals will be provided at 70% and final including TMC equipment specifications. Up three (3) PDT meetings. Construction: Once Advantec has completed their Design, Crosstown along with their construction subcontractors will complete the scope of work as designed in an organized and precise fashion to include, but may not be limited to the following scope of work: Base Scope 1. Demolition of six half walls or cubicles. To include removal of desktops and drywall partitions. 2. Removal of existing carpet flooring. 3. Construction of new re-enforced video display wall. Materials to include metal tubular beam, metal studs, drywall, and plywood. 4. Finishing of drywall where cubicle demolition took place. 5. Closing of opening in south wall 6. Refinishing or repair of walls where necessary. Texturing to match. 7. Painting of three walls. 8. Install new carpet squares per specifications. 9. Install electrical outlets on north and south walls. Three on each wall, with one additional recessed outlet on south wall for monitor. 10. Install recessed electrical outlets on new video wall for eight displays. 11. Install two outlets on video wall below displays. 12. Installation of EMT conduit between electrical outlets and panel. 13. Install two flexible conduits from center of video wall to lower left of video wall. Conduit shall be large enough for DP display port cable plugs. Wall plates shall also be installed. Cable to be placed under CVAG contract. 14. Install three outlets. One recessed outlet upper right of displays and two below displays. 15. Electrical wiring from distribution (circuit breaker) panel to outlets on the three walls. One separate circuit for eight video display outlets. 16. Install data Ethernet outlets on north and south walls. Three on each wall, with one additional on south wall for video display. Each outlet will have four RJ-45 ports. Install two CAT-6 plenum cables from each outlet to server room patch panel. Install one CAT-6 plenum cable from each outlet to video wall lower left outlet. 17. Install two data Ethernet outlets with two RJ-45 ports on new video wall behind the eight displays. Place one CAT-6 plenum cable from each outlet to server room patch panel. Place a second CAT-6 plenum cable from each outlet to lower left video wall outlet. TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT CENTER DESIGN BUILD IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, NO. 2021-09 City of La Quinta – Request for Proposal, May 11, 2022 CROSSTOWN ELECTRICAL & DATA, INC., 5454 DIAZ STREET, IRWINDALE, CA 91706 12 PART C – COST PROPOSAL Section 11: Cost Proposal Please see a detailed cost proposal included in a separate sealed envelope and also transmitted as a .pdf electronic copy as requested in the RFP. ATTACHMENTS: • Signed Documentation, Attachments 2, 3, & 4 • Project Schedule • Resumes o Joseph Meidl o Alex Zepeda • Company Bios o Advantec with Bios for: ▪ Carlos Ortiz ▪ John Cox ▪ John Dorado o D.H. Hylton o Demolition X o Archetype International – TMC Sample • Data Sheets for Sample Material o Recessed Floor Boxes o Carpet o Door Samples Contractor’s License Number 756309 DIR Registration No. 1000000155 5454 Diaz Street, Irwindale, CA 91706 Phone: (626) 813-6693 Fax (626) 869-0192 COST FILE May 11, 2022 Ms. Julie Mignogna Management Analyst 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Ms. Mignogna: Crosstown Electrical & Data Inc. is pleased to present a cost proposal for the Traffic Management Center Design Build Improvement Project in the city of La Quinta, per Scope of work shown on Attachment #5: Pricing: Item No.BASE SCOPE UM Qty Unit Price Ext Amt 1 BASE SCOPE, INCLUDING ITEMS A-H, PER ATTACHMENT 5 LS 1 $ 156,300.00 156,300.00$ TOTAL 156,300.00$ Item No.OPTIONAL SCOPE UM Qty Unit Price Ext Amt A CONSTRUCT FRAMING TO CREATE RECESSED SPACE FOR MONITORS LS 1 $ 2,350.00 2,350.00$ B CONSTRUCT DOOR FRAME AND DOOR WITH LOCKING HANDLE LS 1 $ 2,800.00 2,800.00$ C CONSTRUCT STORE FRONT WITH SINGLE DOOR AND LOCKING HANDLE LS 1 $ 98,410.00 98,410.00$ Ca. ALUMINUM BASE AND FRAME GLASS MOUNTED IN FRAME LS 1 $ 104,950.00 104,950.00$ Cb. OPTION TO INCLUDE SWITCHABLE PRIVACY GLASS TECHNOLOGY NO BID D SAWCUT REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB TO INSTALL NEW UNDERGROUND CONDUIT AND WIREING AND POUR CONCRETE PATCH LS 1 $ 4,000.00 4,000.00$ E INSTALL FOUR IN GROIUND DATA PORTS AND FOUR IN-GROUND ELECTRICAL OUTLETS WITH DATA PORTS WIRED TO SERVER LOCATION AT THE MONITOR WALL LS 1 $ 4,000.00 4,000.00$ TOTAL 216,510.00$ Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this proposal. Sincerely, Joseph Meidl Joseph Meidl BA Contract No.: Date Submitted: 05/11/22Project Name:City of La Quinta TMC BuildCrosstown Job No: Work Location: Submitted To: Start Finish Duration6/6 6/13 6/20 6/27 7/4 7/11 7/18 7/25 8/1 8/8 8/15 8/22 8/291 206/08/22 06/08/22 306/20/22 07/20/22 407/20/22 506/13/22 06/17/22 6 Signed 100% Plans Provided07/04/22 07/08/22 706/20/22 06/24/22 806/20/22 06/24/22 906/20/22 06/24/22 1006/20/22 06/24/22 11 Survey06/13/22 06/17/221206/20/22 06/24/221306/27/22 07/01/221407/04/22 07/08/221507/11/22 07/15/221607/04/22 07/08/221707/11/22 07/15/221807/18/22 07/22/221906/27/22 07/01/222007/04/22 07/08/22212206/27/22 07/01/222307/04/22 07/08/222407/04/22 07/08/222506/27/22 07/15/222606/20/22 06/24/222707/04/22 07/08/222807/18/22 07/22/22293031323334 ItemACTIVITYPlan Sheet No.Proposed Estimated Baseline ScheduleContract ExecutionNotice To ProceedContract DurationContract CompletionVideo Wall Construction - PaintingVideo Wall Construction - FramingVideo Wall Construction - Drywall and PlywoodPre-Construction MeetingDemolitionProcurement - SubmittalsConstruction Survey and LayoutProcurement - Order and Receive MaterialsMobilizationOption 4 Glass Wall - FramingOption 4 Glass Wall - Glass Panels Option 1 Recessed in Floor Outlets - Saw Cut Option 2 Door in Video Wall Option 3 Recessed Pocket WallExisting Walls - PaintingElectrical and Data Install in Video WallOption 4 Glass Wall - Demolition of Counters and Column FacadesOption 1 Recessed in Floor Outlets - Conduit and BoxExisting Walls - FinishingFlooringElectrical and Data Install in Existing North and South Walls JOSEPH P. MEIDL 12677 Ridgecrest Drive • Rancho Cucamonga, California 91739 USA 626-484-0283 • jpmeidl@msn.com SR. PROJECT MANAGER To Whom It May Concern: Delivering excellence has been the hallmark of my career in results-centered project management for US and global assignments, supervising multi-national teams of 100+ and spearheading $28 million+ private and government initiatives. You will find that my track record in developing from the ground up efficient traffic signal, outdoor lighting, automated traffic management systems, lightwave/gigabit/ethernet networks, fiber optics installation and various telecommunications systems would bring great value to your organization. Throughout the course of my career, I’ve enjoyed ample opportunities to hone tactical leadership, strategic planning, building cross-functional team morale and productivity while earning a reputation for completing projects on schedule, within scope and budget — talents I’m confident will contribute greatly to the continued success of your company. Select highlights of my career contributions and achievements thus far include: · Direct oversight of a 22 million dollar project in the Coachella Valley incorporating the latest technologies in the ITS environment. · Oversight of project management for the business unit with an annual revenue of 50 million dollars. · Onsite management of electrical and communications infrastructure construction including intelligent systems for the widening of major corridors or freeway segments in Riverside County (SR-91) and Alameda County (I-880) for Toll Road adaption. · Responsible for electrical, communication and traffic signal construction elements on one the Country’s largest bus rapid transit projects. · Supervised and directed a multi-national crew of 120 employees representing a dozen different countries tasked with assisting in the expanding of the core business of micro-tunneling and developing new business in the telecommunications and traffic signal industry within the Gulf region. · Headed up the installation of light wave and transportation systems, copper cable / fiber optic cable plant placement, and conduit infrastructure and raceway. · Conducted the search for new business, estimated, and initiated projects consisting of fiber optic based systems and networks including large scale CCTV / ITS / ATMS projects throughout California and in Salt Lake City. · Engineered, implemented communications systems and networks for a variety of businesses, planning for material and labor requirements, estimating costs and hiring staff. · Selected to serve as Lead Test Engineer of a joint U.S.- European telephone system redesign at GTE ATEA’s facility in Belgium. · Completed several Homeland Security funded projects in the San Francisco area for Caltrain. For a more detailed illustration of my skills and experience, please see the enclosed résumé and feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience so we may further discuss how my abilities align with your current needs. Sincerely, Joseph P. Meidl JOSEPH P. MEIDL 12677 Ridgecrest Drive • Rancho Cucamonga, California 91739 USA 626-484-0283 • jpmeidl@msn.com OPERATIONS MANAGER / PROJECT MANAGER Customer-focused project manager of global system integration applications, experienced working in both large and independent business environments and at handling individual projects more than $28 million. Dedicated supervisor possessing the technical skills and knowledge needed to provide hands-on support to technicians. Confident professional known for cultivating trust among internal and external customers. Able to monitor all facets of multiple field installations, track work progress and keep projects on schedule and under budget. Proven leader with strong record of building performance-driven teams. Held California Contractor’s License C-7 Low Voltage Systems. Areas of expertise: Resource Management • Cost Accounting • Training & Development • Policy & Procedures • Leadership • Workplace Safety • Toll Road • Intelligent Transportation Systems • Automated Traffic Management Systems • Traffic Control & Monitoring • Audible Signs • CCTV • Telephone Systems • VoIP Systems • C-V2X Wi-Fi • Infrastructure • Lightwave and Gigabit / Ethernet Networks • Fiber Optic Cable • Network Design • Technical Support PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE CROSSTOWN ELECTRICAL & DATA, INC. Irwindale, California Sr. Project Manager, 2021-Present Managing several projects, highlighting the in-progress CVAG Coachella Valley Association of Governments Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization (TSS) Project, encompassing the implementation of a fiber optic and wireless backbone integrating cities from Palm Springs to Coachella, and Desert Hot Springs. Element deployment included VDS, CCTV, Wireless Ethernet, C-V2X Wi-Fi. Eleven Traffic operations Centers were constructed or updated. The system will be operational in late 2022. STURGEON ELECTRIC CALIFORNIA, LLC, an MYR Group Company Chino, California Operations Manager, 2019-2021 Sr. Project Manager, 2016-2019 Working with the Business Unit’s Vice President, I was co-responsible for planning and executing the unit’s business plan (budget). I Provided operational and administrative leadership to the project managers and field management. Actively participated in the development of project management. Facilitated the teamwork concept at management meetings, project-planning meetings, project execution, and project closure meetings. I conducted monthly WIP/CTC work in progress/cost to complete reviews with project management. Worked with corporate (MYR Group) management in the monitoring of project performance and managing of profit and loss. Managed the construction of electrical and communications infrastructure for numerous public works projects such as the BAIFA I-880 Toll Road, and other installations incorporating city traffic signal and lighting, freeway lighting, communications systems and structures, traffic management / intelligent transportation substructure and components. Responsibilities include business development, estimating, budgeting, planning and execution. Typical management competencies applied. Emphasis placed on organizational skills and execution to maximize quality and profitability. SELECT ELECTRIC, INC., Poway, California Sr. Project Manager, 2015-2016 Managed the construction of electrical and communications infrastructure for the SR-91 Corridor Improvement Project (Toll Road). Elements include City traffic signal and lighting, freeway lighting, tollway communications and structures, traffic management / intelligent transportation substructure and components over an eight mile section of freeway. Overseeing a budget of 23 million dollars, averaging 40 personnel, subcontractors, and other resources. COMET ELECTRIC, INC., Canoga Park, California Project Manager, 2011-2015 Managed multiple exterior electrical construction projects which includes transportation systems, traffic signal, street lighting, conduit duct bank and outdoor lighting. Direct management of the third largest bus rapid transit project in the U.S.: Omnitrans sbX E Street Corridor BRT Project in San Bernardino, CA. Utilized existing and created new management tools to perform the tasks involved with the overseeing of the various construction activities. Responsible for all budgeting, planning, procurement, and direction of the 2 year 30 million dollar project. Project scope included upgrade of 50 intersections, build of a WLAN TPS, electrical construction of 23 platforms and communications/video systems at each platform and Central Control Facility. Participate and work with company management on other projects in the planning stage and actively under construction. VADNAIS MICROTUNNELING, LLC., Muscat, Oman Assistance General Manager, 2010-2011 Supervised and directed a multi-national crew of 120 employees representing a dozen different countries. Assisted in expanding the micro-tunneling business; initiated the development of new traffic signal and telecommunications business within the Gulf region. Implemented new management methods and procedures for the core business of micro-tunneling and pipe thrusting. Played an integral role in constructing roughly 15 kilometers of pipeline. Authorized company expenditures and oversaw budgeting, cost accounting and resource management for a 14 million dollar budget. Fostered cross-cultural communication and respect, building a strong, cohesive team that outperformed expectations. Pursued and set the groundwork to secure new fiber optic / traffic systems business opportunities within the Gulf region. MANUEL BROS., INC., a Quanta Services Company, Grass Valley, California Division / Project Manager, 1999-2010 Oversaw multiple projects from initial estimates, staffing and resource management through budgeting and cost accounting. Managed six staff members and a 60 person field crew closely, nurturing professional development and job performance of all direct employees. Headed up the installation of light wave and transportation systems, copper cable and fiber optic cable plant placement. Formed strategic partnerships with subcontractors and suppliers. Sought and secured opportunities to quote and bid on new projects. Assumed full product and loss responsibility. Conducted proposal reviews and estimates of fiber optic based systems and networks including large scale CCTV / ITS / ATMS projects throughout the western US (California, Nevada, Utah, Montana), initiating projects and providing proactive oversight from start to finish. Oversaw an $8.5M project to install adaptive traffic control signals and CCTV along the Pacific Coast Highway. Spearheaded a key infrastructure upgrade, placing long-haul fiber optic cable from Point Arena to San Jose, California, spanning roughly 175 miles. Completed a three-year Homeland Security-funded Caltrain project in five locations throughout the San Francisco area, encompassing CCTV, audible messaging, and video display. Established a new ITS division, raising annual revenue from zero to $14 million. Implemented new reporting methods and cash control systems, improving ease of use and increasing overall accuracy. PRIOR EXPERIENCE PACIFIC TELEOPTICS, INC., Rancho Cucamonga, California General Manager · Performed or executed complete business management responsibilities. · Managed complex installations of electronic voice / data / video systems, copper cable and fiber optic cable. · Formed a new ITS division, performing some of the country’s first ITS / ATMS installations. CTIE, INC., Rancho Cucamonga, California Project Manager · Engineered, designed, and implemented communications systems and networks for a variety of businesses, planning for material and labor requirements, estimating costs and hiring staff. · Pioneered early fiber optic cable / network works for government agency and defense contractors in the United States. GTE AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC, INC., Northlake, Illinois Test Engineer · Selected from a field of 200+ candidates to serve as Lead Test Engineer of a joint U.S.- European team in the redesign of GTE’s GTD-4600 Telephone system at GTE ATEA’s facility in Belgium. · Oversaw testing activity of telephone system installations globally in Belgium, England, Ireland, Argentina, and Puerto Rico, managing up to 30 people. EDUCATION CONTROL DATA INSTITUTE, Technical College, Minneapolis, Minnesota Certificate in Computer Technology Various On-line College Courses PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CORE: Project Management and Leadership Development MAP: Management Action Program Accubid: Electrical Estimating Training SDC & Associates: Change Orders and Claims Training Career Track: Project Management OSHA: 10-Hour Construction Safety Corning Cable Systems: S LAN 200-CS Results in Learning: Leadership Skills Training NKF Optelecom: Product Training Hitachi America: DX Installation and Maintenance Center for Telecommunications Information: Telephone Basics GTE Automatic Electric: 2B Processor Field Testing; GTD 4600 Field Testing; No. 3EAX Field Testing Eagle Scout Boy Scouts of America Alex Zepeda Communications Superintendent Crosstown Electrical & Data, Inc. Mr. Zepeda has over twenty years of experience working on Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) projects including the communication and integration of complex systems. He specializes in CCTV camera installation and integration and is an IMSA Level 2 traffic signal technician. He has experience in all types of wireless communication systems and integration and has an excellent understanding of communications media such as copper and fiber technologies. Mr. Zepeda has worked on and managed hundreds of communication projects and excels at bringing projects in on time and with satisfied customers. Additional ITS experience includes all systems and components to control, monitor, and communicate with pedestrian or vehicular traffic including the installation or modification of, microwave vehicle detection systems, solar powered systems, smart city systems, video detection systems, and Highway advisory radio systems. Mr. Zepeda has recently completed a project to furnish and install a District wide IP Video Distribution System (IPVDS) per Caltrans District 7 specifications. This system replaced and vastly improved the District’s analog switch and video distribution system. Under the same contract, the Crosstown team built a pilot project at communication Hubs, LARTMC , IP Nodes, and multiple field ITS nodes ( CCTV, CMS, RMS, and TMS) to demonstrate the viability of a new generation of better and faster Ethernet switches. Public Works Caltrans Contract No. 11-415504, Upgrade of Traffic Management System Field Elements (San Diego, CA) – Alex managed the technical portion of this project to include the installation of fiber cable, Ethernet switches and upgrades to the TMC. He managed a crew of 6-8 people who performed the installation, configuration, integration and testing of Ethernet and communication equipment. Alex attended all meetings and was involved with all aspects of ensuring the communication system was successfully upgraded and fully functioning at completion. Traffic Signal Network Re-Design Implementation (Pasadena, CA) – As the Technical Supervisor for this project, Alex worked in the field to manage all aspects of this project and ensured the support staff completed the tasks for this project in a timely manner. This project involved a very systematic and coordinated approach to replacing an existing system with new pre-configured switches. Through careful Registration: State Certified Electrician IMSA Certified Traffic Signal Field Technician Level II Years of Experience: 21 Years with Firm: 16 Education: AS, Science of Electronic Engineering, ITT Technical Institute, 2002 Professional Affiliations: International Municipal Signal Association (IMSA) planning and management the Crosstown team was able to perform a successful migration and cutover. The project objectives were reached and this project was installed per the City of Pasadena plans. In addition to installing new Ethernet switches, Crosstown was able to develop a parallel fiber optic network between the fiber hubs and the TMC using existing fiber optic cable and patch panels by patching spare strands and allowing the new network to be developed and tested while the current system was still in operation. SR-91 Corridor Improvement Project (Anaheim, CA) – Alex Zepeda was the Technical Systems manager and he ensured all of the communications and fiber work was performed in a timely manner was performed as specified and approved. Alex supported the project with his technical knowledge to complete the installation of over 90,000 feet of 72 SM fiber and 20,000 feet of 48 SM fiber being installed, the installation of (46) Layer 2 switches and (10) Layer 3 switches as well as (16) toll equipment support substructures installed on existing gantries. Design Build Patsaouras Plaza (Los Angeles, CA) – Alex Zepeda was the superintendent on this challenging design build project that involved many aspects of electrical and communication work in addition to coordinating with multiple agencies including Los Angeles Metro. Intelligent Transportation System, Phase 1, Traffic Management Center (Pasadena, CA) – This recently completed project was led by Mr. Zepeda and involved the construction and rebuilding of a video wall for the Traffic Management Center in Pasadena. Alex successfully planned, organized and executed this project and was able to overcome any obstacles that were presented. This project involved removal of existing infrastructure such as walls, ceilings, flooring, etc. and the installation and fabrication of a new Traffic Management Center including all heating/air conditioning, walls, new flooring, electrical for lights/power, furnishings, and finally the installation and integration of a new video wall management system with flat screen video monitors, server, and IP video management system. Qualifications and Experience| 1 1.0 ADVANTEC QUALIFICATIONS 1.0 Our Firm ADVANTEC Consulting Engineers Inc. (ADVANTEC), a California Corporation, is pleased to submit our qualifications for the for City of La Quinta Traffic Management Center Design. The City’s objectives for this contract are clearly defined in the Request for Proposal (RFP). ADVANTEC is a professional Certified Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), and Small Business (SBE) consulting firm specializing in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Smart Mobility, Traffic Engineering, Traffic Signal Timing, Coordination and Operations, Active Transportation, Complete Streets, Public Works, Smart Cities, Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAV) Technologies. ADVANTEC’s mission is to provide quality planning and engineering to the community that would result in perceptible improvements towards the quality of life, safety, and efficiency of transportation. Founded in 1998, our name espouses our focus to capture ADVANCEMENTS in TECHNOLOGY for the benefits of our clients, thus providing innovative and smart mobility solutions that meet the needs of our clients and the public they serve. This year marks the 24th Anniversary of ADVANTEC, and we have earned a reputation for responsiveness to the clients’ needs. We maintain our reputation by upholding our firm’s high standards of quality, client service, and professional integrity. We bring an experienced Project Team with clear roles as shown on our organization chart. 1.1 Our Experience and Technical Competence ADVANTEC has structured a team that brings unparalleled intelligent transportation systems, connected and automated vehicles, smart cities transportation technologies, traffic signal, signal timing, coordination and implementation, and transportation/transit technology expertise for the City of La Quinta Traffic Management Center Design. The ADVANTEC Team has worked with many agencies for over thirty years planning, designing, and deploying intersection, roadway, citywide, and regionwide ITS technologies, including: ▪ Regionwide/Citywide/Corridor Signal Communication Systems (Hardwired, Fiber Optic and Wireless) ADVANTEC Firm Profile Legal Name: ADVANTEC Consulting Engineers, Inc. Services Offered: Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Smart Mobility Solutions, Connected and Automated Vehicles, Smart Cities, Transit, Transportation Planning and Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Community Outreach Year Founded: 1998 Headquarters: 1200 Roosevelt, Irvine, CA 92620 Other Offices: Coachella Valley; Diamond Bar Los Angeles; Ontario; Palmdale Total No. of Employees: 42 Primary Contact: Mr. Carlos Ortiz, PE, TE, PTOE Project Director/Chief Operating Officer cortiz@advantec-usa.com Mobile No.: 949-636-0646 Qualifications and Experience| 2 ▪ Secured Transportation Ethernet Communication Systems ▪ Transportation ITS Networks ▪ Advanced Traffic Signal Controllers (ATC) ▪ Adaptive Control Systems ▪ Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS) ▪ Smart Transportation Management Systems (STMP) ▪ Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Systems ▪ Changeable/Dynamic Message Signs (CMS/DMS) ▪ Wi Fi/Bluetooth Arterial Management Systems ▪ Vehicle detection systems (loops, video, and radar) ▪ Transit Signal Priority Systems ▪ Emergency Signal Priority Systems ▪ Pedestrian and Bicyclist Detection Systems ▪ Performance Measurements ▪ Connected/Automated Vehicles ▪ Smart Cities Transportation Technologies ▪ Asset Management Systems ▪ Data Management ▪ Cloud Transportation Services ▪ Traffic Management Centers (TMC) ▪ Signal Timing/Synchronization ▪ Signal Operations Maintenance Our Traffic Management Centers (TMC) Design Experience, includes: ▪ CVAG Regional TMC ▪ City of Garden Grove TMC ▪ City of Seal Beach TMC ▪ City of Orange TMC ▪ Caltrans District 12 TMC 1.4 Project Organization and Key Personnel The ADVANTEC Team brings a group of highly specialized personnel with a defined work history providing similar ITS and TMC Design Services. ADVANTEC has been committed to our clients’ success for many years, and our expert team will provide the appropriate project management and technical expertise as required for this project. ADVANTEC’s proposed project team is committed to providing responsive services to the City of La Quinta. Table 1-1 summarizes key team members including their education, certifications, role and responsibilities, firm, relevant experience, and availability. Our Key Personnel are commitment to serve the City of La Quinta for the entire duration of this contract. TABLE 1-1: Identification and Responsibilities of Key Personnel PROJECT DIRECTOR: Carlos Ortiz, PE, TE, PTOE - The ADVANTEC Team recognizes that successful delivery of the high quality As-Needed ITS Consulting Services Contract will rely heavily on the leadership of our Project Manager. Mr. Carlos Ortiz, PE, TE, PTOE will serve as Project Director and possesses superior technical, management, and leadership skills. Further, his enthusiasm for advancing the application of ITS technologies genuinely supports the City’s project goals and objectives. Carlos has spent the better part of two decades successfully delivering ITS and Traffic Engineering projects for various agencies throughout southern California, including but not limited to SANDAG, CVAG, OCTA, LA Metro, Port of Long Beach, Los Angeles County, Caltrans Districts 7, 8, 11 and 12, and over 30 other cities and agencies. As demonstrated Qualifications and Experience| 3 below, Carlos has personally managed over 50 ITS projects in southern California. He has developed an in-depth understanding of the transportation infrastructure needs and improvement goals of these agencies, as well as established long-term relationships with agency staff. In addition to his “hands on” management style, Carlos has an exceptional ability to anticipate, evaluate, and quickly resolve challenges that may arise throughout the course of a project. His thoughtful attention to detail and technical capabilities are derived from his 31 years of experience exclusively in the field of ITS and traffic engineering. Carlos brings great benefits to the City of La Quinta in terms of the flexibility and authority to readily commit whatever resources are needed, at any time. His relationships and trust built within the firm at all l evels affords him great flexibility to draw on those relationships when needed if changing situations or priorities demand a need to adapt quickly. This point also applies to the long-standing working relationships that Carlos has developed with many of the key individuals from ADVANTEC’s Subconsultant Team, which provides the ability to maneuver through issue resolution, staffing, and scheduling matters more readily. More specifically, Carlos’ professional experience includes planning, design, operations, maintenance, and management of intelligent transportation systems. Through his current projects, Mr. Ortiz is assisting agencies to understand the Connected Vehicles and Automated Vehicles, and Smart Cities infrastructure. Carlos has been an active member of ITS California and the Institute for Transportation Engineers (ITE) for over twenty-five years and he sits on the International and Western District Board of Direction and he is the Past-President of ITE Western District (representing 13 states along the west coast, including California). Carlos is a member of the Board of Directors at Intelligent Transportation Society (ITS) California, where he serves as the Partnership Committee Chair and Southern California Chair. These positions also offer him access to information regarding funding for advanced ITS, Connected/Automated Vehicles, and Smart Cities related projects. Carlos’ proven leadership continuity on projects directly translates into ADVANTEC’s ability to be responsive and to deliver a high-quality design. Quite simply, Carlos has finished every project he has initiated. It also means maintaining project momentum, quality of work product, continuity of decision-making and maintaining institutional knowledge of the project delivery process as it moves from planning inception, to final design, to construction.. PROJECT DIRECTOR & QA/QC ADVANTEC CONSULTING LEVEL OF COMMITTTMENT: 80% ITS EXPERIENCE: ➢ ITS Standards ➢ Traffic signal systems ➢ Traffic signal communication systems ➢ Advanced Traffic Control (ATC) ➢ Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS) ➢ Video distribution management systems (VDS) ➢ Smart Transportation Management System (STMP) ➢ Dynamic message sign systems ➢ Closed circuit television (CCTV) systems ➢ Arterial travel management systems ➢ Traffic management centers ➢ Inter-agency signal synchronization ➢ Hardwired/ Fiber Optic/Wireless Communication Systems ➢ Communication network/topology ➢ Cyber Security ➢ Connected/Automated Vehicles ➢ Smart Cities ➢ Cooperative/Partnering Agreements ➢ Community Outreach RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE – SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA REGION • Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program – Phases I and II (Coachella Valley, Riverside County) • Intelligent Transportation Master Plan, Industry • Southern California Regional Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Architecture Update, SCAG • Los Angeles County Regional Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Architecture Update, LA METRO • Citywide Traffic Signal Upgrades (HSIP Cycle 9), Oceanside • Traffic Monitoring CCTV System Gap Closure Project, Culver City • Upgrade of Audio-Video (AV) System and Video Wall in the Transportation Management Center, Caltrans D12 • Upgrade Analog Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Cameras to High Definition (HD) CCTV Cameras, Internet Protocol (IP) Communications Upgrade, and Install Fiber Optic Cables, on I-405 from I-5 to SR-55, Caltrans D12 • County-Wide Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) Interoperability, Caltrans D12 Years of Experience: 32 Registration: Civil Engineer, CA, C057535 Traffic Engineer, CA, 2025 Civil Engineer, AZ, 34333 Professional Traffic Operations Engineer, US, 426 Education: B.S., Civil Engineering, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Professional Affiliations: Board Member, ITE International Board Member, ITE Western District TSMO Council Member, ITE International Board Member, ITS California Partnership Chair, Southern Section Chair, ITS California Qualifications and Experience| 4 JOHN DORADO, PE PROJECT MANAGER ADVANTEC CONSULTING LEVEL OF COMMITTTMENT: 80% ITS EXPERIENCE: ➢ Traffic signal systems ➢ Traffic signal communication systems ➢ Advanced Traffic Control (ATC) ➢ Advanced Traffic Management Systems ➢ Video distribution management systems ➢ Smart Transportation Management System ➢ Dynamic message sign systems ➢ Closed circuit television (CCTV) systems ➢ Arterial travel management systems ➢ Traffic management centers ➢ Inter-agency signal synchronization ➢ Hardwired/Fiber Optic/Wireless Communication Systems ➢ Communication network/topology ➢ Cyber Security RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE Mr. Dorado is a dedicated and technically skilled business professional with over 20 years of experience in the field of Inte lligent Transportation Systems (ITS) engineering, planning and design, traffic engineering, and transportation planning. He provides a balanced understanding of projects within the public and private sectors and skillfully meets challenges and creates positive change. He is creative and detail-oriented with a record of success in project management, on-time and on-budget project delivery, and has a proven ability to foster strong positive client relations. Mr. Dorado’s professional expertise ranges from traffic engineering PS&E to traffic and transportation studies including assisting cities with plan and study review services, and addressing citizen requests. Mr. Dorado also has a wide range of knowledge of various traffic control systems (TCS), adaptive control systems, Ethernet communication systems, and ITS elements. He has been involved with upgrading various citywide traffic signal systems, controllers, communication systems, and traffic management centers. John has also assisted with fine-tuning of adaptive systems such as: SCATS and ADCSS; upgrading TCS such as TransSuite, Centracs, Intelight and QuicNet, upgrading controller hardware and firmware such as OmniEx, D4, LACO IV, ASC/2 and ASC/3 NTCIP. • Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program – Phases I and II (Coachella Valley, Riverside County, CA) • Southern California Regional Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Architecture Update, SCAG • Los Angeles County Regional Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Architecture Update, LA METRO • Citywide Traffic Signal Upgrades (HSIP Cycle 9), Oceanside • Traffic Signal Upgrades (HSIP Cycle 9), Cathedral City • Countywide Communication Study, OCTA – Orange County • Traffic Signals Improvements (HSIP Cycle 8) Project, Palm Springs • Citywide HSIP Signal Interconnect Improvements Project, La Quinta • Imperial Highway Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Project, Norwalk JOHN COX SYSTEM ENGINEERING ADVANTEC CONSULTING LEVEL OF COMMITTTMENT: 80% ITS EXPERIENCE: ➢ Traffic signal systems ➢ Traffic signal communication systems ➢ Advanced Traffic Control (ATC) ➢ Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS) ➢ Video distribution management systems (VDS) ➢ Smart Transportation Management System ➢ Dynamic message sign systems ➢ Closed circuit television (CCTV) systems ➢ Arterial travel management systems ➢ Traffic management centers ➢ Hardwired/Fiber Optic/Wireless Communication Systems ➢ Communication network/topology ➢ Cyber Security RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE Mr. John Cox is a Systems Engineer for ADVANTEC and specializes in Intelligent Transportation Systems, Communications, Fiber Optic technologies, Closed Circuit Television, Changeable Message Signs, Wireless Broadband Ethernet, Traffic Management Center sys tems integration and various Advanced Traffic Management System hardware/software suites. Over nineteen years of experience in the transportation industry, John has been involved in dozens of transportation and traffic engineering projects that include both design and execution of Traffic Signal, ITS, CCTV, CMS, TMS and Fiber Optic Communications having integrated and maintained such systems in support of centralized signal control deployments. Mr. Cox designed and maintained the Traffic Management Center f or the City of Costa Mesa for over 10 years. • Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program – Phases I and II (Coachella Valley, Riverside County, CA) • Citywide HSIP Signal Interconnect Improvements Project, La Quinta • Imperial Highway Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Project, Norwalk Years of Experience: 21 Registration: Civil Engineer, CA, 74405 IMSA Certified Level I and Level II Education: B.S., Civil Engineering, California State University, Fullerton Professional Affiliations: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Member ITS California, Member Years of Experience: 21 Registration: IMSA Level II Technician IMSA Work Zone Certified Education: Engineering Technology Project Management Professional Affiliations: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Member ITS California, Member COMPANY PROFILE D.E. HYLTON INC. 1050 Lakes Drive, Ste. 225 West Covina, CA 91790 D.E. Hylton Inc. • 1050 Lakes Dr., Ste. #225 • West Covina, CA 91790 • T: 626.938.0385 May 9, 2022 COMPANY BIO D.E. HYLTON INC. is a Design-Build firm with over 20 years of experience in the construction industry. Our main focus is on promoting the integration of design with construction. Creating a seamless process from concept to reality. With professional designers and contractors on staff and associated, we provide our clients with the convenience of a single point of contact throughout their project. We are a California Licensed General Building Contractor: CSLB #1059091 We are United States Green Building Council (USGBC), Certified in Building Design and Construction: ID #10777078-AP-BD+C CURRENT STAFF Donald E. Hylton, RMO, LEED AP BD+C: General Contractor / Designer Years of experience: 17+ in Design and Project Management / 10+ in Field Construction Bradley J. Willis: Superintendent / Electrician Years of experience: 20+ in Field Construction REFERENCES Commercial Tenant Improvement: City of Palm Desert Traffic Management Center – Under Construction Commercial Tenant Improvement: City of Inglewood Traffic Management Center – Under Construction www.deha-db.com DEMOLITION X CONTACT 620 Realitos Dr La Verne, CA 91750 (323) 508-7598 Demolitonx@outlook.com Jose Alonso President (323) 253-1256 Tala Loya Office Manager Demoliton.x26@gmail.com Website: www.Demolition-x.com CSLB: 1041038 Jose Alonso, President of Demolition X, has over 30 years of experience in the demolition and abatement industry. He started out as a laborer in the field making his way up the ladder to a supervisor position. Throughout the years his expertise landed him a Regional Manager position. He has worked on everything from the smallest of jobs to the large- scale projects. No matter the size of the job. We always work hard to ensure our clients are completely satisfied with our work and his employees are safe on the job. Experience Summary § Hotel and Casino Demolition § Structural Demolition - Implosions and LRD § Hazardous Material Abatement § Hazardous Waste Management § Storage Tanks § Erosion Control and SWPP § Debris Recycling § Asset recovery Education, Licenses, Registrations and Training § OSHA 30‐Hour Construction Safety and Health Training § AEPA HERA Contractors/Supervisors Certificate § Basic First Aid/CPR‐MEDIC First Aid Training Program Located within the Public Works administrative office area at City Hall, Space for the TMC, was recaptured within the Public Works department at City Hall. Space was reconfigured to suit the new work flow processes for the Public Works department. The project included two separate phases; the design of the new Traffic Management Center (TMC) and the remodel of the offices for the Traffic Division of Public Works to accommodate the new center. The project included interior architecture, interior design, preparation of bid packages for furniture and interior improvements and project management for the Traffic Center and adjacent Public Works offices. The TMC features a 9' wide video wall comprised of six, 50" LED cubed screens. It is located behind an 11 foot wide glass pane which can be changed from opaque to clear. Electric Privacy Glass - Opaque Electric Privacy Glass - Clear Nine Foot Wide Video Wall Cංඍඒ ඈൿ Gൺඋൽൾඇ Gඋඈඏൾ Tඋൺൿൿංർ Mൺඇൺ඀ൾආൾඇඍ Cൾඇඍൾඋ PROJECT LOCATION: GARDEN GROVE, CA PROJECT SIZE: 5,000 S.F. PROJECT BUDGET: $1.8M ARCHETYPE INTERNATIONAL www.archetype-intl.com PROJECT SCOPE Programming Space Planning Interior Architecture Interior Design Construction Documents Construction Administration Relocation Management Consultant Coordination F. F. & E. Specifications and Bid Documents DESCRIPTION from the Leader in Delivery Systems Wiring Systems ®HUBBELL SystemOne Recessed Floor Boxes 2 www.hubbell-wiring.com Wiring Systems ® Hubbell Delivery Systems are a family of products that work together to provide commercial buildings with access to power, data, and AV. From floor boxes to ceiling enclosures – and everything in between – Hubbell can deliver power, data, and AV to wherever it’s needed. The Delivery Systems line keeps schools, hotels, hospitals, retail facilities, and office buildings all reliably, conveniently, and safely connected. No matter the project, Hubbell Delivery Systems has a flexible, easy-to-access, aesthetically pleasing solution. What Are Delivery Systems? SystemOne – part of Hubbell’s Delivery Systems line – was born from a desire to create a common look for fire-rated poke-throughs and floor boxes. This innovative system allows you to create custom solutions for multi-service applications that require both flush in-floor boxes and fire-rated poke-throughs. Regardless of capacity or installation, this simple concept allows engineers, architects, and contractors to select just one product line that will provide a uniform look throughout an entire building – whether the power, data, and AV are being delivered in the floor or through the floor. Hubbell’s first SystemOne devices included a 4-inch flush fire-rated poke-through and floor boxes that shared a common cover assembly. With the introduction of 4, 6 and 8-inch recessed fire-rated poke-throughs, commercial buildings were provided with even more capacity options without having to sacrifice matching high-end finishes. The most recent addition to SystemOne is a full line of recessed floor boxes for concrete and raised access floor applications. These recessed floor boxes guarantee a similar look for all capacities and installations. They offer a traditional rectangular cover and installation, as well as the option to use high-end round covers to match the recessed poke-through line. Hubbell SystemOne - One Look for Any Capacity Hubbell Delivers 2 Wiring Systems ® www.hubbell-wiring.com 3 1 Screw 3 Fasteners Pre-wired duplex or Style Line® receptacles with 8 in. stranded leads are installed into plates to allow for even more labor savings.Easy Mount Device Plates The Easy Mount device plates allow for a device to be mounted to the plate and wired outside of the floor box. The device and plate assembly are then easily installed and secured with one stud that locates the plate and one screw to secure it. This patent pending device fastening method maximizes efficiency while reducing install time and comes standard with all device plates for 2, 4 and 6-Gang boxes. The Family Look Hubbell SystemOne Recessed Floor Box line offers a common look regardless of capacity or installation. This simple concept ensures a consistent look throughout a building with rectangular or round covers. Round covers lend themselves to multi-story buildings, also using Fire-Rated Poke-Through devices. Covers All SystemOne covers are ADA compliant. The doors open to 180° for maximum access. Cables and plugs are protected by recessed connections. Hubbell SystemOne Recessed Floor Boxes 1 1 2 3 3 4 www.hubbell-wiring.com Wiring Systems ®Hubbell SystemOne Recessed Floor Boxes for Concrete Applications Selecting a Concrete Floor BoxTable of Contents To assist with the floor box selection process, please have the following information available: Electrical requirements:Application:Cover style: Power (each electrical device requires one gang) Data/AV (consult manufacturers’ specification for size/volume requirements), number required. Add up total number to determine needed capacity. If necessary capacity is not shown round up to next size. Example: 9-Gang rounds up to a 10-Gang floor box On-grade (OG) Above-grade (AG) Minimum concrete pour depth Round Rectangular Once this information is gathered start on the capacity column: 1 Capacity: Select necessary box. 2 Application: Select the concrete pour depth and on-grade or above-grade application. 3 Cover style: Select round or rectangular cover. 4 Locate interconnecting point of all three categories and move to right to select correct catalog number. Application - Minimum Pour Depth 2 2 ½ in.3 in.3 ¼ in.3 ¾ in.5 ½ in.6 ¼ in. AG OG AG OG AG OG AG OG AG OG AG OG Electrical Requirements - Capacity 12-Gang •CFB2G25 Select Correct Catalog Number 4• CFB2G25CR • CFB2G30 • CFB2G30CR • CFB2G25R • CFB2G25RCR • CFB2G30R • CFB2G30RCR 4-Gang • CFB4G25 • CFB4G25CR • CFB4G30 • CFB4G30CR • CFB4G25R • CFB4G25RCR • CFB4G30R • CFB4G30RCR • CFB4G30CI • CFB4G30RCI 6-Gang • CFB6G30 • CFB6G30CR • CFB6G30R • CFB6G30RCR 10-Gang • CFB10G55 • CFB10G55CR • CFB10G55R • CFB10G55RCR Rectangular Rectangular Round Round Rectangular Round Cover Style 3 Floor Boxes for Concrete Floors Features .........................4-5 2-Gang ..........................6-9 4-Gang ..........................10-13 6-Gang ..........................14-17 10-Gang ........................18-21 Floor Boxes for Raised Access and Wood Floors Features .........................22-23 2-Gang ..........................24-25 4-Gang ..........................26-27 4-Gang Round ...............28-29 10-Gang ........................30-31 Wiring Systems ® www.hubbell-wiring.com 5 Hubbell SystemOne Recessed Floor Boxes for Concrete Applications Safety • Flush flange available for tile, finished concrete or Terrazzo • Surface flange available for carpeted floors with 0.15 in. rise meets ADA requirements • Hideaway egress doors fold under cover while in use • 180° opening of main door Functionality • Cables and connections are protected by recessed functionality • Open architecture sub-plate design • Common door layout regardless of flange for harmonized look • Meets UL 514A scrub water requirements with ScrubShield® technology • Easy selection with common look for all floor types Value • Enhance building décor with numerous finishes • Increase durability and longevity with cast aluminum covers Online Resources • BIM models, customer drawings and technical specifications are available on www.hubbell-wiring.com Corrosion Resistant Epoxy Paint Intended for on-grade use, the CR version is coated with fusion-bonded epoxy paint to help prevent corrosion. 2 Inch Conduit Ready To meet expanding AV and data needs, the Hubbell SystemOne Recessed Floor Box line readily accepts 2 inch conduits with the use of a 2 inch threaded conduit hub. The offset design allows for less conduit lifting while threading and the hub mounting holes are asymmetrical for installation efficiency. Concrete Pour Pocket Cap In concrete applications, all SystemOne Recessed floor boxes include a yellow pour pocket cap. This factory-installed, field-removable pour pocket cap provides a pocket in the final floor to accept the covers intended for terrazzo, tile, or finished concrete floor. The cap may not be used for carpet, wood or engineered floors. Benefits and Enhancements Wiring Systems ® 10 www.hubbell-wiring.com Cover • 180° cover opening • Two large cable egress doors • Listed to UL 514A and UL scrub water compliant • Die cast aluminum cover construction • Available with round or rectangular covers • All covers are ADA compliant • Post pour adjustment Box • Minimum pour depths of 2 ½ in. to 3 ¾ in. • 16 gauge galvanized sheet metal and cast iron construction • Optional fusion-bonded, green epoxy paint for on-grade use • 6 in. solid conductor ground pigtail in each gang • 3 in. deep version accepts adapter (CFBHUB2) for 2 in. conduit • Pre pour adjustment • Meets UL 514A requirements and are scrub water compliant • Patent pending, labor saving, easy mount device plates CR version is coated with fusion-bonded epoxy paint to help prevent corrosion and intended for on-grade use. Similar to the 2-Gang Recessed Concrete Floor Box, Hubbell’s SystemOne 4-Gang Recessed Concrete Floor Box is available with rectangular or round covers. Ten different styles make it possible to meet the electrical requirements of most commercial projects - new construction or renovation. The parallel device layout maximizes functionality which can be limited when devices are mounted 90° from one another. Hubbell SystemOne 4-Gang Recessed Concrete Floor Box SystemOne for Concrete Floors Wiring Systems ® 11www.hubbell-wiring.com * 2 in. conduits requiire the use of CFBHUB2 (purchased separately). See page 13. SystemOne for Concrete Floors CFB4G30 Series – Rectangular Covers for 3 in. Minimum Pour • Designed for applications requiring up to 2 in. conduits (with use of CFBHUB2) and a rectangular cover • When a 3 in. concrete pour is required the insert is removed and requires the finished floor type to be carpet or another engineered floor type Includes: • Four removable knock-out plates (1 per gang) can be replaced with 2 in. zinc conduit hub (CFBHUB2) when needed • A ½ in. plastic cover insert is included and allows for easy use in tile, finished concrete or other mediums Catalog Number Box Type Min.Pour Depth Plate Depth Device Volume Cover Series Knockouts CFB4G30 CFB4G30CR Standard On-grade 3 in.2 ½ in.32.5 cu. in.24G ½ in. to 2 in.* CFB4G30CI Cast Iron 3 ¾ in.2 ½ in.32.5 cu. in.24G ¾ in. to 1½ in. CFB4G25 Series – Rectangular Covers for 2 ½ in. Minimum Pour • Designed for applications requiring up to 1 in. conduits and a rectangular cover • When a 2 ½ in. concrete pour is required the insert is removed and requires the finished floor type to be carpet or another engineered floor type Includes: • A ½ in. plastic cover insert is included and allows for easy use in tile, finished concrete or other mediums Catalog Number Box Type Min.Pour Depth Plate Depth Device Volume Cover Series Knockouts CFB4G25 CFB4G25CR Standard On-grade 2 ½ in.2 ½ in.26.5 cu. in.24G ½ in. to 1 in. CFB4G30R Series – Round Covers for 3 ¾ in. Minimum Pour • Designed for applications requiring up to 2 in. conduits (with use of CFBHUB2) and a round cover • Minimum concrete pour of 3 ¾ in. and includes a collar for post pour adjustment of ¼ in. • Suitable for all floor finish types Includes: • Four removable knock-out plates (1 per gang) can be replaced with 2 in. zinc conduit hub (CFBHUB2) when needed Catalog Number Box Type Min.Pour Depth Plate Depth Device Volume Cover Series Knockouts CFB4G30R CFB4G30RCR Standard On-grade 3 ¾ in.2 ½ in.32.5 cu. in.CFBS1R8 ½ in. to 2 in.* CFB4G30RCI Cast Iron 4 in.2 ½ in.32.5 cu. in.CFBS1R8 ¾ in. to 1½ in. CFB4G25R Series – Round Covers for 3 ¼ in. Minimum Pour • Designed for applications requiring up to 1 in. conduits and a round cover • Minimum concrete pour of 3 ¼ in. and includes a collar for post pour adjustment of ¼ in. • Suitable for all floor finish types Catalog Number Box Type Min.Pour Depth Plate Depth Device Volume Cover Series Knockouts CFB4G25R CFB4G25RCR Standard On-grade 3 ¼ in.2 ½ in.26.5 cu. in.CFBS1R8 ½ in. to 1 in. Hubbell SystemOne 4-Gang Floor Boxes • UL 514A Listed 12 www.hubbell-wiring.com Wiring Systems ® Surface Style Rectangular Covers (for use with carpet, tile, VCT and other engineered floors) • Compatible with CFB4G25, CFB2G25CR, CFB4G30, CFB4G30CR and CFB4G30CI • Cover dimensions 11 11/16 in. x 7 3/16 in. and two large cable egress doors and access 180° opening • Maximum static load of 800 lbs. with 2x safety factor* Finish Flush Surface With Insert Aluminum Powder Coated Black Powder Coated Brass Powder Coated Bronze Powder Coated Satin Nickel Powder Coated 24GCCVRALU 24GCCVRBK 24GCCVRBRS 24GCCVRBRZ 24GCCVRNK 24GCCVRALUC 24GCCVRBKC 24GCCVRBRSC 24GCCVRBRZC 24GCCVRNKC Flush Style Rectangular Covers (for use with tile, finished concrete and Terrazzo floors) • Compatible with CFB4G25, CFB2G25CR, CFB4G30, CFB4G30CR and CFB4G30CI • Cover dimensions 10 11/16 in. x 6 3/16 in. and two large cable egress doors and access 180° opening • Maximum static load of 800 lbs. with 2x safety factor* Finish Flush Surface With Insert Aluminum Powder Coated Black Powder Coated Brass Powder Coated Bronze Powder Coated Satin Nickel Powder Coated 24GTCVRALU 24GTCVRBK 24GTCVRBRS 24GTCVRBRZ 24GTCVRNK 24GTCVRALUC 24GTCVRBKC 24GTCVRBRSC 24GTCVRBRZC 24GTCVRNKC Round Covers (for use with all floor types) • Compatible with CFB4G25R, CFB4G25RCR, CFB4G30R, CFB4G30RCR and CFB4G30RCI • Cover has a 9 ½ in. outer diameter and two large cable egress doors and access 180° opening • Maximum static load of 1000 lbs. with 2x safety factor* Finish Flush Surface Brushed Aluminum Black Powder Coated Brass Plated Bronze Plated Satin Nickel Plated CFBS1R8CVRALU CFBS1R8CVRBLK CFBS1R8CVRBRS CFBS1R8CVRBRZ CFBS1R8CVRNKL Hubbell SystemOne 4-Gang Covers SystemOne for Concrete Floors * Load applied through a 3 in. (76mm) mandrel in center of the cover. Wiring Systems ® Plates for use in 2-, 4- and 6-Gang Floor Boxes • UL 514A listed Plate Style (1) Decorator Opening (1) Duplex Opening (2) Extron® MAAP Openings (2) Extron® Openings Cat. No.FBMPREC FBMPDUP FBMPMAAP FBMPAAP Plate Style (2) 1U Hubbell iStation Openings (1) 1.5U Hubbell iStation Opening (1) Simplex Opening 1.40 in. Diameter (1) Twist-Lock® Opening 1.60 in. Diameter Cat. No.FBMP2IM FBMP15IM FBMP139 FBMP156 Plate Style 1-Gang Blank Cable Feed Through with Bushing (1) Opening for TracJack® or Series II® (1) Opening with Hubbell ISF6 Frame for Keystone Jacks Cat. No.FBMPBNK FBMPFT FBMPTRAC FBMP6KS Pre-Wired Device Plates • Reduces wiring and installation times • 8 in. stranded leads mounted to the face plate Description Type 15A 20A Duplex, Gray Standard Tamper-Resistant PWFBMPCR15GRY PWFBMPCR15GRYTR PWFBMPCR20GRY PWFBMPCR20GRYTR Decorator, Gray Standard Tamper-Resistant PWFBMPDR15GRY PWFBMPDR15GRYTR PWFBMPDR20GRY PWFBMPDR20GRYTR 13www.hubbell-wiring.com Accessories Description Catalog Number 2 in. threaded zinc hub for use with CFB2G30, CFB4G30 and CFB6G30 series floor boxes; replaces CFBKOPLATE CFBHUB2 Replacement knock-out plate Standard Epoxy Coating CFBKOPLATE CFBKOPLATECR Replacement wire-way, used to pass wires from one compartment to the other, for use in rectangular boxes CFB4G30/CR CFB4G25/CR CFB46WW CFB4WW Stackable ring to increase box height and concrete pour depth by ¾ in. increments above top plane of floor box. One ring per ¾ in. depth increase. Must be installed before concrete pour. CFB8RCVRR075 Finished floor height adjustment ring - increase post pour adjustment; use with CFBS1R8 cover series 0 - ¼ in. ¼ in. - ½ in. ½ in. - ¾ in. CFB8RCVRR1* CFB8RCVRR2 CFB8RCVRR3 Replacement low voltage divider CFB46DIV *Included with standard CFB4G30R and CFB4G25R series. SystemOne for Concrete Floors Hubbell SystemOne 4-Gang Plates and Accessories Extron® is a registered trademark of Extron Electronics. Crestron® is a registered trademark of Crestron Electronics, Inc. FSR® is a registered trademark of FSR Inc. TracJack®, Series II® and Ortronics® are registered trademarks of Ortronics/Legrand. Sky T ile Recommended Installation Method Q u arter Tu rn Ran dom Mon o lith ic B rick A sh lar Coordinating Products Product Type Carp et Tile C olle ction Places Style N umber 5T174 C onstruction Mu lti-L ev el Pattern L oop Fiber Ecoso lu tio n Q ® Nylo n D ye Method 100% Solu tion Dyed Primary Bac k ing Syn th etic Secondary Bac k ing Ecoworx® T ile Prote c tive Tre atme nts SSP® Sh aw So il Pro tectio n Recomme nded Adhe sive L okWorx+ Carp et Tile A dh esiv e, Sh aw 5100, Sh aw 4151, L okDo ts, L o kWorx, Sh aw 3800 o r Sh aw 5036 u.s.metric Product Size 24 in x 24 in 61 cm x 61 cm Are a per Ca rton 48 ft²4.46 m ² Pie ces pe r Carton 12 pcs Gauge 1/12 in 47.2 per 10 cm Stitche s 9.0 p er in 36.0 per 10 cm Finishe d Pile Thick ness 0.089 in 2.26 m m Average D e nsity 6876 o z /y d ³0.254 g /cm³ Kilotex 9.61 Total Thick ne ss 0.224 in 5.69 m m Tufte d We ight 17 oz/yd²576.4 g /m² Product permits installation with various dye lots. C arpet Tile: Sea Tile, Sea Ed g e T ile, City Cen tral T ile, Cen tral L in e Tile Broadloom: Su mmit, Gro ve, B irch Performance + Testing Test Reports may be included or listed by the m anufacturing/inventory style number as opposed to the noted selling style number. Antimicrobial Assessme nt Passes (A AT CC-174) (Wh en in stalled u sin g Sh aw 5036 ad h esive) Pill Test Pass Radiant Pane l Class I N BS Smok e L ess T h an 450 E le ctrosta tic Prope nsity L ess T h an 3.5 kv C RI Green La bel Plus (GLP)USA GL P9968 | Ch in a GL P1263 AD A C omplia nce >0.6, meets th e reco mmen d ed static coef ficien t of frictio n fo r A DA walkin g su rfaces an d accessible rou tes*** Corporate Headquarters +1 800 257 7429 | +1 706 532 7984 | Atlanta +1 404 853 7429 | Bengaluru +91 80 6773 0202 | Beijing +86 10 6568 588 | Chicago +1 312 467 1331 | Dubai +971 4 584 6956 | Hong Kong +852 2623 0371 | Latin America (Miami) +1 305 827 5912 | London +44 207 961 4120 | Los Angeles +1 800 233 1614 | Melbourne +61 3 9939 8543 | Mexico City +55 5010 7600 | Mumbai +91 22 6284 5050 | Nantong +86 400 800 7429 | New York +1 212 953 7429 | Paris +33 (0) 1 81 22 44 39 | San Francisco +1 415 955 1920 | Santiago +562 2431 5000 x 550 | São Paulo +55 11 3071 1702 | Shanghai +86 21 3338 4000 | Singapore +65 6733 1811 | Sydney +1 800 556 302 © 2022 Shaw I ndustries Group, Inc., a Berkshire Hathaway Company May 11, 2022 1 of 3 For reference purposes only if printed or downloaded. Sky T ile Warranties Product Transparency Shaw Contract is de dicated to providing clie nts with a building che mistry that's safe a nd depe nda ble . Work ing together, we will he lp you me et your goals as they pe rtain to materia l he alth. E coWorx® produc ts with E co Solution Q® Nylon a re Cradle to C radle Ce rtified® Silver a nd assessed for impacts on human he alth and the e nvironment. This product can be recycled. Whe n it's time to replac e , we can c olle c t and rec ycle it through our E nvironmenta l Guarantee.* Attributes + Certifications LEED Contribution Credit Life time C ommerc ia l Limite d Wa rranty C ra dle to Cra dle C ertifie d®Silver L evel (Version 4.0) H ealth Product D e clara tion (HPD )1,000 p p m Disclosu re E nvironmenta l Produc t D eclaration (E PD )3rd Party Certified in A ccord an ce with ISO 14044, ISO 14025 & EN15804 Living Building Challenge (LBC )F ree of Red L ist Ch emicals D eclare L B C Complian t USA | Ch in a N SF 140 Go ld C RI Green La bel Plus (GLP)USA GL P9968 | Ch in a GL P1263 Building Rese arc h E stablishme nt (BRE )Certif ied  USA Good E nvironme ntal Choic e Australia (GE CA)Certif ied Singapore Green La bel Certif ied C E Ma rk ing (E N 14041)3rd Party Certified E nvironmenta l Guarantee *Sh aw Pled g es to Tran sp o rt A n d Recy cle A n y Ecoworx T ile o r Broadloom Carp et With in Th e Un ited States A n d Can ad a A t No Co st to T h e Cu sto mer. Total Recyc le d C ontent 38% (Pre-Con su mer 38% | Post-Co n su mer 0%) Product Pack a ging 100% Recyclable C ountry of Origin**USA & Ch in a MR Credit: Building Produc t D isclosure a nd Optimiza tion E nvironmenta l Produc t D eclarations - Option 1: E nvironmental Produc t D eclaration (E PD ) 3rd Party Certified in A ccord an ce with ISO 14044, ISO 14025 & EN15804 MR Credit: Building Produc t D isclosure a nd Optimiza tion Ma te rial Ingre dients - Option 1: Material Ingredie nt Re porting C2C Silv er L ev el (Version 4.0) MR Credit: Building Produc t D isclosure a nd Optimiza tion Ma te rial Ingre dients - Option 2: Material Ingredie nt Optimization 3rd Party Certified in A ccord an ce with ISO 14044, ISO 14025 & EN15804 MR Credit: Building Produc t D isclosure a nd Optimiza tion Sourcing of Raw Ma te rials - Option 2: Le ade rship E xtrac tion Practices En v iron men tal Gu aran tee: Sh aw Pledges to Tran sport A n d Recycle A n y Eco wo rx Tile o r B road lo o m Carp et With in T h e Un ited States A n d Can ada A t No Cost to T h e Cu sto mer. E Q C redit: Low E mitting Materia ls Option 1: Produc t Category Calcula tions Green L ab el Plu s Certificatio n : GL P9968 MR Credit: Interiors Life-C ycle Impact Re duc tion Option 3: D esign for Fle xibility Eco wo rx Tile with L o kd ots In stallatio n System Corporate Headquarters +1 800 257 7429 | +1 706 532 7984 | Atlanta +1 404 853 7429 | Bengaluru +91 80 6773 0202 | Beijing +86 10 6568 588 | Chicago +1 312 467 1331 | Dubai +971 4 584 6956 | Hong Kong +852 2623 0371 | Latin America (Miami) +1 305 827 5912 | London +44 207 961 4120 | Los Angeles +1 800 233 1614 | Melbourne +61 3 9939 8543 | Mexico City +55 5010 7600 | Mumbai +91 22 6284 5050 | Nantong +86 400 800 7429 | New York +1 212 953 7429 | Paris +33 (0) 1 81 22 44 39 | San Francisco +1 415 955 1920 | Santiago +562 2431 5000 x 550 | São Paulo +55 11 3071 1702 | Shanghai +86 21 3338 4000 | Singapore +65 6733 1811 | Sydney +1 800 556 302 © 2022 Shaw I ndustries Group, Inc., a Berkshire Hathaway Company May 11, 2022 2 of 3 For reference purposes only if printed or downloaded. Sky T ile Additional Information * To learn more a bout the rec yclability of our products and our E nvironmental Guara ntee, ple ase visit sha wc ontra ct.c om/sustainability. **Me ets or excee ds all loca l and national regula tions in c ountry of manufa c ture . ***This c arpet is manufa c ture d to be AD A compliant, but to be fully AD A compliant, the e nd-user must e nsure the carpet is a dhered to the floor a nd installe d a s outlined in the AD A standards. Installa tion Guide line s Ma inte nanc e Guidelines Specifications are subject to nom inal m anufacturing variance. M aterial supply and/or manufacturing processes may necessitate changes without notice. This product is an exclusive design and may not be duplicated in any m anner. Use of this design in the creation of another product design is also strictly prohibited. Visit shawcontract.com/testing for more information. Corporate Headquarters +1 800 257 7429 | +1 706 532 7984 | Atlanta +1 404 853 7429 | Bengaluru +91 80 6773 0202 | Beijing +86 10 6568 588 | Chicago +1 312 467 1331 | Dubai +971 4 584 6956 | Hong Kong +852 2623 0371 | Latin America (Miami) +1 305 827 5912 | London +44 207 961 4120 | Los Angeles +1 800 233 1614 | Melbourne +61 3 9939 8543 | Mexico City +55 5010 7600 | Mumbai +91 22 6284 5050 | Nantong +86 400 800 7429 | New York +1 212 953 7429 | Paris +33 (0) 1 81 22 44 39 | San Francisco +1 415 955 1920 | Santiago +562 2431 5000 x 550 | São Paulo +55 11 3071 1702 | Shanghai +86 21 3338 4000 | Singapore +65 6733 1811 | Sydney +1 800 556 302 © 2022 Shaw I ndustries Group, Inc., a Berkshire Hathaway Company May 11, 2022 3 of 3 For reference purposes only if printed or downloaded.