07-0819 (CSCS) Revisions09/17/2007 10:21 16192949534 SGPA SAN DIEGO PAGE 01/04 SGPA AR011TECTURE ■ PLANNING SAN DIEGO ■ SAN FRANGSCo Soo -do FAX TRANSMITTAL COVER SHEET DATE: 7,if 7 VIA: Fax TO: Kelly McCall/The Bergman Companies (909) 627-5425 Steve Kurtz/The Bergman Companies (760) 863-0780 C Clint Knox/Komar Investments, LLC 4Zaven (949) 718-4845 Hanessian/Komar Investments, LLC (909) 517-9042 0 RE: Komar Desert Center— Site, Shops & Building A SGPA Project No. 20612-A-01 /D-01 /1i-01 FROM: �( Mike Ashor O Mike Robnett ❑ Neil Dixon Transmitting herewith please find, for your use and distribution, the response(s) to: I CONCR C. MiX pc-51415 r—aA ar Thank you, C: * File Ej No. of pages:` (including this sheet) If you do not receive all the pages, please call the sender as soon as possible at (619) 297-0131 F:\2000\20013-CCD-60\Co\Rfri c\1Comar.RR.m*.doc 1545 Hotel Gale SmAh, Studio 200, San D69o, California 921 O8 . oa.id R•kvker, uw . Pre%idcrn . 619.297.0131 (P) 619.294.9534 M . wwwAgpa.com 09/17/2007 10:21 16192949534 SGPA SAN DIEGO PAGE 04/04 SEP 17 2007 10:03RM )RLEK ENGINEERS I14C. 4' -7445 p.4 09/14/2967 09:39 16292949534 SGPA SAN DIEGO PAGE 04104 Sep 14 07 09.06s p,1 FhMPcb~ "I-M-14N Uat o.icsns►lm 7S— *410 PM ►W4014 Aoz . FA)BMTWI�&T-ra em + SMID • M Wows MADY M rGAWROE Beptmber 13, 2AW 7qE• LTi_ -AtleWow JW RE: SW TOME AGNMOATE N SOUTHERNCAUFORNIA Dept Jeff: Rd*rb0Ws loss mt msnt ASTM C-39 dmW aggregate (314") iarerae` b eorwft mlx d4WWN . Sbm #U rqp sgeb thr use In o mxwMe is germ* ri of awkble in bw S*Ahem Cwmft irs# Miry. AN 296nga* rrrsnuMck"d by FLobwtwn)B Ls SPKKmd undsr'Ihe BW dit Spufficakmfor Public Works. Mm" ". Sactbn 2M, of the Caiifewrrrb Depwbnnt of Treaigaiailian (C'+aRrans) SfarllW 6psdfknu a $edbn ge, Both 4p8e ffj'riftrm &d for a in tap dma am mame (Sze #57 Per ASTM C-3, TaAla 2 'Grading Regulramnts for Cows Aggm 0tes') In Ilesr of 1hagm 07 (S x No. 4). If you hrm er yquewa wa, pWam Heel fM6 to wMaat ms Sihcsrefy, ROBERTSON'S r *� amiov t:O*cl 09/17/2007 10:21 16192949534 SGPA SAN DIEGO SEP 17 2007 10:03RM :RLEK ENGINEERS INC. 019/14/2007 09:39 16192949534 S6PA SAW DIEGO Sep 14 07 W00a P=RobmftaWa M-3WM To:JeR 9",o11a1 w Tbwp3:a1-ftPM PAGE 02/04 -7445 P,2 PAGE 02104 p,3 OCa&riN4 s ROBERTSON'S ROCK " &MD " BASE MATERIALS READY MIX CONCRETE t � 3Gp` cam.: 9tf fma7 qx>s 1?/31J@7 Car�c�e mft D #� lam ClV�t PmJect. 0785 Tteaerr Pb" - kWo r w"owei 3OW p* i"w hah i sftr fh ow: 300o psi 0L97 SWFW 3.3 " SwkOvirlw 136 irk Max Size cfAgg.: 1 " Gaiw: S42 pwr fypw Bmmpzrw UR M. 147.5 1f fR11iPICTe ra WYIGs �aaA asa luF1/ri Jlf tMJ'J7i1tYY�>K 1MYV I! lY �` lY ela SM Md ftma MrAf ba G�,vloi�omw NMnDoWm Tots mbf 44l w D em ffm 6akh wt . tsY V nt+oil 422 Qa S 15 215 Cts� (ASTM C-1601 Fly Aa&C mF(A3TVC•618) 75 is 1 f 233 OLD send 13U • 41 ! 2.62 7.90 0.41ml—wllm -..- §. Er trappodAir 1.26 % -.0 A qGT } �04 Q3; M!m 398d i VOL 27.00 At3l4ft]f1' REs WIMA 6s (ASTM C 4" 3.0 aAar. 14.9 or. Sias X Y 1 107 is 214E 1/' -Ul M 4 No 8 M 16 E tJC! M No W N0 10WO N8 2 f fed° 0 10o 95 33 T 1 3 ! 0 Q o 0 0 0 0 f 47 too Im H • 140 36 12 i 1 a 0 0 0 0 ,W f2 100-1 160 100 fo 900 1 06 f8 2 f 1 .0 0 0 WCS 41 1 fo0 i lao 1w fo0 Too f00. 9B 80 ego 9s ie 6 2 oc,nbrw� 100 100 f00 9B W 71 U 43 33 25 1& 7 1 2 i t sand Srxr�oe : Robwtson 1s Cabazan - Ro *sa m : Rrakvbw'q Cabaxgq �f AUM C,33 Cement: tkutiand Caneni Type iw t= A M : Coss F f18@a22� art O R O. SwMW amoom CA 92M Far {95f3 49�s B4�s MALEK � M+IC JJoo ia�NPWW taa MINM W �a W I vftaku»a� �!r�a�s�wrn�t�w�wx, ammt rew cpmmoomm m mm. WEf a �, 09/17/2007 10:21 16192949534 SGPA SAN DIEGO PAGE 03/04 SEP 17 2007 10:02RK ^IRLEK ENGINEERS INC. 4'"��7445 p.3 09/14/2007 09:39 16192949534 SGPA SAN DIEGO PAGE 83/04 %p 14 07 09D53 p2 rYOAl:ftobffbcc 251-7e1314M Te: JBW Dift Of IUM7 Twc 14WW FM It ROBERTSON'S ROCK " SAND' BASE MATERIALS READY NIX CONCRETE i pkl 81'1C 00T woomaftEM, 192121A pA*Cr 1NTi3 haler Place -1n*v Co► rWIlw-_ TkLv a Coolrele Ccow Dsscllpdon- 4609pW 1-MM/place Sfr+e"ffw: 4= pd Slump: 3.3 " Alex she CIAW: f ' " w Door» porn* CwI:1ift: err" (AMC-150 RfAaH-cim F (AS v C419) Sefld f-11Yx bw 1'x#i "Wo V&W &WapWAll MW 44 (ASW C-4K L2U="" im 3155 W. 1.0 % WE 30 oww Uw WAwthl 1. U. Rammed I fOd I 1M 1 100 1 90 1 8? 9w aolm. Aober W'a Cobom Rix* Scums: PAbwtmleCObow Cement : PWRIK d t3,WW Type Y F As s F b.0=kkvwd w f00 0 1335 334 ,2W7 30A2 20.0 Cz e3 i9 45 0 44 11 snob mmi" Seth Liu, pow. era wr. 7 a 1 0 n 12 1 C u 96 on 3 1 roo 0 80 Ell V 47 3E 3' (a51; OB5-2: Da>i = P.o Wx3M Canape, CA QZM MAM BWE!Hqs, {ma 1EL�IQ11101� Al11CW$ PQICDIIfS�iE Mx GO�IABlI�11BA Apo�hreueaeAi�r 1HE CFeC1p1l�tLY 1�Etl�i 1318iillR1r118rOY 11603S+Dq � NE111� rralYEi�1, rt�411'llel�[�6M. pJOE 91171477 w p $440 - 44- 4"ar &44 &o& SIf e0.68 14? 5 11s lw 2M aeO 2.0? e-= 2A7 ace 265 5.07 2AS 2.02 474 0.34 DE - 27.00 ) 5o !Va oT Fax 09/13/2007 15:35 16192949534 SGPA SAN DIEGO PAGE 03/04 TIDW-1; -i• K �,Xtj ROBERTSON'$ V%PWV mvx� 56= 44, Mo,.• S it ALL Curicne-iff A 4020 00 ON AMM Pr=CCrj0AMW WtW ANAWC-W 4; a all IM a.m. ox #4. f4m .0, A66 8.85 aw's.80 W2 -12 291 M&W A* 2700 z ,S .w wr= 09/13/2007 15:35 16192949534 SGPA SAN DIEGO PAGE 01/04 SGPA ARCHREMRE ■ PLANNING SAN DIEGO ■ SAN FRANCISCO FAX TRANSMITTAL COVER SHEET DATE: 41',d -7 VIA: Fax TO: Kelly McCall/The Bergman Companies (909) 627-5425 Steve Kurtz/The Bergman Companies (760) 863-0780 C Clint Knox/Komar Investments, LLC (949) 718-4845 C Zoven Hanessian/Komar Investments, LLC (909) 517-9042 O RE: Komar Desert Center — Site, Shops & Building A SGPA Project No. 20612-A-01/D-01/H-01 FROM: )( Mike Ashor O Mike Robnett D Neil Dixon aura c..e Transmitting herewith please find, for your use and distribution, the response(s) to: Thank you. C: W File 0 No. of pages: (including this sheet) If you do not receive all the pages, please call the sender as soon as possible of (619; 74?7-0131 FA2000\20013-CCD-60\Ca\RFi s\Komar.RFl.xm1.doc 1545 Hotel Circle Sooh, Studio 200, Son Diego, CoWrrie 92108 Dovid Reinlmr, AIA . Prosidert 6T 9297-0131 (p) 619.294.9534 (P , wwvr,sgpo.com :3i 1/2P,Ei r'" 11: 14 1 04/12/90E7 10;14 V9 12J' �8��7�7868 I TIDWELL CONCRETE CON it 1_1 T. - � 1 FACE 06/06 DAr-C Gs: is PAGE 01 i I r A O a U I I "d 606.ON m0Ll �0 OD 4 w w Cf a JNIddIMS S3'%G VDWI WIM!47 aBE'T;ACM N Lp A Q GA 09/12/2007 11:14 1 09/1Z/200I 10;3B I7E-----��9237 09/12/2807 09:46 999d779988 e-a'-0T:1:D$nM;CS�iM Hegp TIDWELL CONCRETE CON NUB INDIO WEYERHAEUSER t AQPA3daZ2+ PAGE 05/06 PAGE 05/06 PAGE P..2 !, zi z ■ w a row rr � o � A 9 3 , m f d� ro m O D N u , M r� Al IJ r rt$�3 r a dP c 6n Cri �H 7p ((.�VJ1 `r N 7t V M"4 NI { r'� tU N to q 1 [{ I-.. Ir � Ta I f T I r 09/12/2007 11:14 1 09/:l' IMV 10: 38 0911.2/2007 09:dH 17E," .9237 9b ..,179809 TIDWELL CONCRETE CON HUB INDIO WEYERHAEUSER PAGE 04/06 PAGE 04/06 p4GE 03 a 9/ E n c m P3 1 1119 $w� Po' PH w4� wul in OF a N 09/12/2007 11:14 1 TIDWELL CONCRETE CON PAGE 03/06 R9/12/2007 10:3® 176r 13"27 HUB 1NL1IQ PAGE 63/06 09/12J2007 09!50 %4-099AG PAGC @1 r d p VIm Nb� rree w N yam w 00 �q V. Y i . R S@ �o �P P. ti � Q1 SIN JL 4 I a f ]wA � o d 1 o m � � V W r m i� z/e Bed j : 60= ZT �DDZ�18-Fi 09/12/2007 11:14 1 09/12/2007 10:30 176' ',9297 09/12/2007 09:80 90918779608 8-60PM•*!kjtMi Coles PAGE 02/06 PAGE 02/06 TIDWELL CONCRETE CON HUB INDIO - 1 WEYERHAEUSER 09/12/2007 11:14 1 TIDWELL CONCRETE CON PAGE 01/06 YI,, S � �.`,�J. a '.+va-^�-F r•r -5: 81785 TraderPface. Suite A - Indio, CA 92201 • PH: (760) 342-8300 - Fax: (760) 342-8341 To: Fax: Phonc: Steve From: Jay Moritz, Controller 7 pages: am Re: CC: ❑ Lfrgcnt ❑ For Review ❑ Neese Commm ❑ Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle ` Cer%Nfor reba r' i• Jay From: Robertson's 951-280-1430 To: Jeff Date: 9/1312007 Time: 3:42:58 PM Page 2 of 4 ROBERTSON'S ROCK * SAND * BASE MATERIALS �p,OFE5S10 y� R A I G READY MIX CONCRETE =3 G2.423. � xP 12/3�ia7 .� Date: 8/15/2007 C10. `Q Concrete Mix Design #: 62121A A OF GA��Fp�N Project 81785 Trader Place - Indio Contractor., Tidwell Concrete Const Description: 4500 psi 1 " pump / place Slab Strength (t'c): 4500 psi WIC ratio: 0.44 Slump: 3.5 " Sack Content: 0.44 sk. Max. Size ofAgg.: 1 Gal/sk.: 80.68 Pump Type: Boom pump Un. Wt: 147.5 ALL CONCRETE IS MIXED AND DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C-94 Aggregate Weights are SSD: Moisture in Aggregates Must be Considered When Determining Total Mix Water MIX DESIGN PROPORTION Batch Wt. %used Sp. Gr. Volume Contents: 567 85 3.15 2.88 Cement (ASTM C-150) Fly Ash -Class F (ASTM C-618) 100 15 2.33 0.69 Sand 1350 45 2.62 8.26 1-1/2"x 3/4" 0 0 2.67 0.00 1"x #4 1335 44 2.65 8.07 3/8"x #6 334 11 2.65 2.02 Water 35.5 gal. 295.7 4.74 Entrapped Air 1.25 % 0.34 Wt. = 3982 Vol. = 27.00 ADMIXTURES: WRDA 64 (ASTM C-494) 3.0 ovcwt 20.0 oz. Remark: The pro ect engineer should review this mix to ensure compliance to the project specifications AGGREGATE GRADATIONS Size % 2" 1 12" 1' 314" 12" 3/8" No 4 No 8 No 16 No 30 No 50 No 100 No 200 112" 0 100 95 33 7 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1" 44 100 100 95 70 38 12 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 318" 11 100 100 100 100 100 96 18 2 1 1 0 0 0 WCS 45 100 100 100 100 100 100 98 80 60 39 18 6 2 combined 100 100 100 98 87 1 73 61 47 36 27 18 8 3 1 Sand Source Robertson's Cabazon Rock Source Robertson's Cabazon Aggregates meet ASTM C-33 Cement: Portland Cement Type 11 Fly Ash: Class F (951) 685-2200 ext 360 P.O. Box 3600 Corona, CA 92878 Fax (951) 493-6446 From: Robertson's 951-280-1430 To: Jeff Date: 9/13/2007 Time: 3:42:58 PM Page 3 of 4 ROBERTSON'S eROFEssI�,y�� ROCK * SAND * BASE MATERIALS ';��� RAC O 10 nrnnv 11A1\/ t�I'\K1rlP')CTC `r Z V\Cl1LJ 1 IVII/\ %a IVVI\L 1 L C "l rCl LU C24231 Date., 911112007 XP 12131/07 Concrete Mix Design #: Project: 81785 Trader Place - Indio 1085A C1V1\- OF CAl.W Contractor., Tidwell Concrete Const Description: 3000 psi 1 " w/ash Strength (fc): 3000 psi WIC ratio: 0.57 Slump: 3.5 If Sack Content: 5.30 sk. Max. Size of Agg.: 1 " Gal/sk.: 6.42 Pump Type: Boom pump Un. Wt.: 147.5 ALL CONCRETE IS MIXED AND DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C-94 Aggregate Weights are SSD, Moisture in Aggregates Must be Considered When Determining Total Mix Water MIX DESIGN PROPORTION Batch Wt. %used Sp. Gr. Volume Contents: Cement (ASTM C-150) 423 85 3.15 2.15 Fly Ash -Class F (ASTM C-616) 75 15 2.33 0.52 Sand 1304 41 2.62 7.98 Entrapped Air 1.25 % 0.34 Wt. = 3984 Vol. = 27.00 ADMIXTURES: WRDA 64 (ASTM C-494) 3.0 ozJcwt. 14.9 oz. Remark: The project engineer should review this mix to ensure compliance to the project specifications AGGREGATE GRADATIONS Size % 2" 1 12" 1 " 314" 12" 318" No 4 No 8 No 16 No 30 No 50 No 100 No 200 112" 0 100 95 33 7 3 1 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 1" 47 100 100 95 70 38 12 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 318" 12 100 100 100 100 100 96 18 2 1 1 0 0 0 WCS 41 100 100 100 100 100 100 98 80 60 39 18 6 2 Combined 100 100 100 98 1 86 71 58 43 33 1 25 16 7 2 1 Sand Source: Robertson's Cabazon Rock Source Robertson's Cabazon Aggregates meet ASTM C-33 Cement: Portland Cement Type 1W Fly Ash : Class F (951) 685-2200 ext 360 P.O. Box 3600 Corona, CA 92872 t-ax (,vo7) 4,vj-o44o From: Robertson's 951-280-1430 To: Jeff Date: 9/13/2007 Time: 3:42:58 PM Page 4 of 4 RO)WRTISON'S September 13, 2007 Tidwell Concrete Attention: Jeff RE: 3/4" TOPSIZE AGGREGATE IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Dear Jeff: Robertson's does not manufacture ASTM C-33 size #67 aggregate (3/4") for use in concrete mix designs. Size #67 aggregate for use in concrete is generally not available in the Southern California industry. All aggregate manufactured by Robertson's is specified under the Standard Specification for Public Works (Green Book), Section 200, or the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Standard Specifications Section 90. Both specifications call for a 1" top size aggregate (Size #57 per ASTM C-33, Table 2 "Grading Requirements for Coarse Aggregates") in lieu of the size #67 (3/4" x No. 4). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, ROBERTSON'S Monica Parada Quality Control From: Robertson's 951-280-1430 To: Jeff Date: 9/13/2007 Time: 3:42:58 PM Page 4 of 4 RONEdRTSON'S September 13, 2007 Tidwell Concrete Attention: Jeff RE: 3/4" TOPSIZE AGGREGATE IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Dear Jeff: Robertson's does not manufacture ASTM C-33 size #67 aggregate (3/4") for use in concrete mix designs. Size #67 aggregate for use in concrete is generally not available in the Southern California industry. All aggregate manufactured by Robertson's is specified under the Standard Specification for Public Works (Green Book), Section 200, or the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Standard Specifications Section 90. Both specifications call for a 1" top size aggregate (Size #57 per ASTM C-33, Table 2 "Grading Requirements for Coarse Aggregates") in lieu of the size #67 (3/4" x No. 4). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me: Sincerely, ROBERTSON'S Monica Parada Quality Control From: Robertson's 951-280-1430 To: Jeff Date: 9/13/2007 Time: 3:42:58 PM Page 2 of 4 ROBERTSON'S ROCK " SAND " BASE MATERIALS \kpFES514 READY MIX CONCRETE XP 12/31/07 Date: 811512007 C1Vlt Concrete Mix Desi n #: 62121A ATE CF Project. 81785 Trader Place - Indio Cp"_W Contractor., Tidwell Concrete Const Description: 4500 psi 1 " pump / place Slab Strength (f c): 4500 psi WIC ratio: 0.44 Slump: 3.5 " Sack Content: 0.44 sk. Max. Size of Agg.: 1 " Gal/sk.: 80.68 Pump Type: Boom pump Un. Wt.: 147.5 ALL CONCRETE IS MIXED AND DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C-94 Aggregate Weights are SSD: Moisture in Aggregates Must be Considered When Determining Total Mix Water MIX DESIGN PROPORTION Batch Wt. %used Sp. Gr. Volume Contents: Cement (ASTM C-150) 567 85 3.15 2.88 Fly Ash -Class F (ASTM C-618) 100 15 2.33 0.69 Sand 1350 45 2.62 8.26 1-1/2"x 314" 0 0 2.67 0.00 1"x#4 1335 44 2.65 8.07 3/8" x #8 334 11 2.65 2.02 Water 35.5 gal. 295.7 4.74 Entrapped Air 1.25 % 0.34 Wt = 3982 VOL = 27.00 ADMIXTURES: WRDA 64 (ASTM C-494) 3.0 ozlcwt 20.0 oz. Remark: The project engineer should review this mix to ensure compliance to the project specifications AGGREGATE GRADATIONS Size % 1 2" 1 1/1" 1 " 314" 1/2" 318" No 4 No 8 No 16 No 30 No 50 No 100 No 200 1112" 0 100 95 33 7 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1" 44 100 100 95 70 38 12 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 318" 11 100 100 100 100 100 96 18 2 1 1 0 0 0 WCS 45 100 100 100 100 100 100 98 80 60 39 18 6 2 Combined 1 100 1 100 100 98 J 87 1 73 61 47 36 1 27 18 8 3 1 Sand Source: Robertson's Cabazon Rock Source . Robertson's Cabazon Aggregates meet ASTM C-33 Cement.- Portland Cement Type 11 Fl Ash Class F (951) 685-2200 ext 360 P.O. Box 3600 Corona, CA 92878 Fax (951) 493-6446 From: Robertson's 951-280-1430 To: Jeff Date: 9/13/2007 Time: 3:42:58P Page 3 of 4 R 0 B E R T S 0 N'Sp,,Esslo v, ROCK * SAND * BASE MATERIALS PpAnv AAIX rC)NrRFTF - < ? C24231 Date., 911112007 XP 12/31/07 Project.• Concrete Mix Design #: 81785 Trader Place - Indio 1085A C10- tiP '1TF OF C1�O Contractor., Tidwell Concrete Const Description: 3000 psi 1"Wash Strength ft): 3000 psi WIC ratio: 0.57 Slump: 3.5 " Sack Content, 5.30 sk. Max. Size of Agg.: 1 If GaUsk.: 6.42 Pump Type. Boom pump Un. Wt.: 147.5 ALL CONCRETE IS MIXED AND DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C-94 Aggregate Weights are SSQ Moisture in Aggregates Must be Considered When Determining Total Mix Water MIX DESIGN PROPORTION Batch Wt. %used Sp. Gr. Volume Contents: Cement (ASTM C-150) 423 85 3.15 2.15 Fly Ash -Class F (ASTM C-618) 75 15 2.33 0.52 Sand 1304 41 2.62 7.98 .4. 110!1 .. 7/.1 if .. ___.� A 7 C7 A.W Entrapped Air 1.25 % 0.34 Wt. = 3984 VOL = 27.00 ADMIXTURES: WRDA 64 (ASTM C-494) 3.0 oz✓cwt. 14.9 oz. Remark: The project engineer should review this mix to ensure compliance to the project specifications AGGREGATE GRADATIONS Size % 1 2" 1 1/2" 1" 314" 112" 318" No 4 No 8 No 16 No 30 No 50 No 100 No 200 11/2" 0 100 95 33 7 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1" 47 100 100 95 70 38 12 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 318" 12 100 100 100 100 100 96 18 2 1 1 0 0 0 WCS 41 100 100 100 100 100 100 98 80 60 39 18 6 2 Combined 100 1 100 100 98 86 71 58 43 33 25 16 1 7 2 1 Sand Source Robertson's Cabazon Rock Source: Robertson's Cabazon Aggregates meet ASTM C-33 Cement: Portland Cement Type IW Fly Ash Class F (951) 685-2200 ext 360 P.O. Box 3600 Corona, CA 92872 Fax (951) 493-6446 From:FUSCOE ENGINEERING To:17608630780 08/30/2007 10:37 #143 P.001/003 08/29/2007 15:30 1b192`_ /434 SGPA SAN DIEG'L� PAGE 01/03 BOA ARCHiiSOTURE AND PLANNING SAN 01 00.8AN FnAMMI1100 1545 HorEL cmicLE s. Smwo zoo s N olEeo, CA A21o8 P.61Y.297.0131 F. 619.294.116U WWW.SQFxCDM DATE All "29, 2007 TRANSMITTAL TO Bob Strong Ste.- a Fus-cos Engineering 07 b 16795 Von Karmen A►renue, SuRe 100 7649 o u Irvine, California D29DB , FROM MilwAahor COPY TO File VIA Fax: 949 474-1305 (3 pagea) e f PROJECT Komar Desert Center Site Development RETAIL PRO-ONCT NO. 20812A-01 MI1rED-1.15E HOSPrrALnY RE SubmlttN _.._ EDUCATION Att dmd is om copy -of the following 3ubmlt b: Submittal #04220.7 tided TMU Wall Footing Conc nia Mix Design' and Submittal 004220.9 titled "CMU Wall. Grout Mix Design" for your review and comment Bob, please make fire additional copies and n tum with previously sent CMU Subm ttal. Please return by September 5, 2007. FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. SHOP DRAWING REVIEW Pro). NO. Shop D+iYg. DWO 3O d By XNO E CEPTIDNS TAKEN E RECTIQNB NOTED 13 SWAM SPECIFIED ITEM O REVISE AND RESUBMIT ❑ REJECTED Review Is onlyw general mnformenre with the design concept ofthe projectartd general eomplianeer with the Information induced in the Contract Decurnerim Any action shown Is subject to the requirements of the drawings and spoclficattons. Contractor is responsible for: carrela&ng and conloming dimensions on the Job site; techniques of construction; caordinofcn of his work with that of other trades and performing the work in a cafe and salislectory manner. Pi1f>D#!Cs'filg1111Do8 +�1S9cbs14elsN7p.tfls I From:FUSCOE ENGINEERING To:1780BS30780 08/30/2007 10:37 08/29/2007 15:30 16192. .i34 SGPA SAN DIEGL Aug 29117 Ol Sp OS/UM MW 10,40 PAZ 90o2e17309 alrr ROBERTSON'S ROCK i SAND * RASE MATERIALS READY MIX CONCRETE DE 07 Cnwr- C1V1� mk * ilk 9143 P.002/003 pRrjrect; ffmu&rDQrr C WW 410W =11 M 10 Jfflmsan AHa - RR comftddr. RbbwtOfpld ekl Ca bxlc#kIA ommdp� =a pall se" Cta+ s^baRgib ffe); 2m psi vo c 0.71 skN,rp< Al - sock Co~ 6.00 sit. Eke ofAgw • aaftk: 8.00 Philip 7yp�c p�a►e km 2" puW Um W L 131.4 ara ahereor�rrlR �� �e � �wlaae�ol ilk A�■IYr�E wrr�r ■m eat PAGE 02/03 p.2 CFI �1rx- . �� m SSD ItiAa wv ih be CwmWwW **m edlogft TOW tape VAftr oar ew1da we a Uww S ft VDAMN canmm: 664 D 100 o aIs Z» 2-87 0.00 CeArmnt (ASTR 1rl00) FWyAa r Ckm F(AS77N aata) sand 1935 70 Z02 11.94 7-1/2"x arf• 0 0 Le? 1000 J"x 04 0 0 2.63 0.00 S111" x *B $39 90 zed 107 vvmw 448.0 pal. 399La 141 EftappedAk as 0.81 1�41t= 3T38 Ihal = P7.00 AGJiI[X'i+XIRZS WRGA 64 (AeTM C.-04) 10 GrAme 10.9 ax R� 1Ciwt etavi�w L iyn�e ter I� + Sias i 1 r i, 340 /my�l 7!i +.■mr ■�� 3 M 4 Ab r+ y� `y. ��y Abf V Ab SO Imo/ SO /�yf 10 ir1• 0 T00 95 99 1 7, 3 i o 0 0 0 0 0 0 to 100 100 90 TO 12 1 G g OF-- 100 too— 100 is i t 0 0 70 100 100 100 100 FOD i00 i* 80 60 32 - i8 6 2 100 i i00 TOO L i00 A 100 1 10D 90 7� 1 sand sow pa ; RoBarWRIS OWSMM fW(Samm : fh~m=% <-~ Corn"; PWMW cart ryes Nv Flv AimA .- Chmir F SHOP DRAWING REVIEW Lam" . earl m0 P.O. Box -MW Cnlarm, VA 060VOW TAKEN 0MAdfdffiWdWFxm - 8UBMrT WE0FlED rrEM G REWSE AND ANUBW 0 REJECTED FledletrieonylorganrdoarftmrtosWNhihedesigmaeptalftpro! ' rid Qa WW eanplWres rf2h Ilia lnlormatloe Included In the Comract RoarmaM& ► ny action shown Is suhjaa to the requhamanis of tha drawings and apec4lfaad mw Contrataur is lwapum bie for, aorrmlalTng and COnilmdng dlmermloms an the Job IPWt 6echrJquss of aanatracllon; caardinallnn of his work with utat of afhar 6radas and pwfoneWrQ thm walk M a ode and satiatnL7ary morose From:FUSCOE ENGINEERING To:17608630780 08/30/2007 10:38 08/29/2007 15:30 161925-..534 SGPA SAN DIM Aug 29 07 01 Mp ROBERTSON'S -mXX • SMM 11 SASE MATERIALS REAflY WX CONCRETE no ? S009- avra - No ?wMP qfv mw SIR• Balm #143 P.003/003 pxffict Karnir O�+E L't�t1r �riea1l 1lwj► �y4 i n Aar !ttrl C=900w. Ifthme.sgllrab!►wCaftsiruceen GIMPON A; Soda pa IN � rN� SG00 psi Il1mC fisdl7re a70 S&L. 4 - Ssch CoN[ISAC 436 Oft Afsx. Sit of AW I ' QayhR : 7.01 PAGE 03/03 p.3 .- Min" c- can WL r lCc�t rASWQ-150) 38 1115 aim 1.7r ft Am&CJ=z F jA5 M C 811) aZ 1s 2.sS O.43 swd 1568 40 am 9:158 1-141x 3w 0 a W 0160 1"x14 1747 52 LEE 1a33 yoe K a 0 o 296 aao IM I r 349 got 587.4 4167 Enid A!r 1.25 % L14 NlL R SN2 VOL in 27.00 Nll'IfQ�I 9� (ASM C-J AO mtmbo Its tag lRlldfi The FAIN! d "Ma M a 5 ereisssw rr..rrvrr rra WIND r s;. Ip 1 !AN' 1' 111" ✓1 ftt ffiLLff, M&N NOW 0 fib 1 i4r o m 7 s t o a 0 0 o a o �• S2 1W 1W S6 ilo 36 17 1 Q a a 0 0 3M .0 1 1G0 100 1m FDD �i 18 1 1 0 D W[:S a T00 1W 1W 1� i�Og im 0a 6Q 38 a 10D >00 100 Br d+l IFd r.Af �t '.la 2A ?9 ri 9 i Mild stm.r RobwamirCjhmm FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. am* $=" : AabdMait Ou - "' /7h NO !KbEPTIONS TAKEN OWOORFIECIIpNb WYM O SUBMIT SPECIFIED ITEM O REVIBE AND REBUOMIi 0 REJECTED %avlew is only Tor generel ca ton. =Am with the dulpn aer►uetpi W d Rre pWro 0 gem raI ;ampilance with the Info mallan Included In the Canfrt� DoaW Its. ky action shown is subject to the requiramerft of fhe drawkips and epealflaftbM C.onlractor Is responslbie for carreluting and cardFrrn" dimanalons on the job ehsg techniques of eanstrucltorr, eoordineUon of his work ►wm that qt a&w tbdm ssd performing ft wwk in a soft sad eetisfeefory manner. 08/15/2007 16:36 1 TIDWELL CONCRETE CON PAGE 01/10 Tidwell Concreo Construction, Inc. 81785 Trader Place Indio, CA 92201 Phone (760) 342-8300 Fax: (760) 342-8341 To: From: V-cs t 2 , f,� Fax: L -1 � _vio Pages: Phone: Date: r Re: CC. 08/15/2007 16:36 1 TIDWELL CONCRETE CAN PAGE 06/10 Grace Conslnwdon Products 4/24/2007 Todd Dragna Robertson's Ready Mix 200 S Main St. Corona, California 92882 Project Name: Various Locations Product Selected: WRDAO 64 W.R. orm R COL - Cann, r RS-443-9700 292 Wr%ft 9m t mAvewo Lkvm . CA 94M www.gmcecmMUutmn com This is to certify that the WRDA® 64, a(n) Water Reducer, as manufactured and supplied by Grace Construction Products, W.R. Grace & Co. - Conn., is formulated to comply with the Specifications for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete, ASTM: C494, Type A, D AASHTO: M194, Type A, D. WRDA@ 64 does not contain calcium chloride or chloride containing compounds as a functional ingredient. Chloride ions may be present in trace amounts contributed from the process water used in manufacturing. The foregoing is in addition to and not in substitution for our standard Conditions of Sale attached. Mike Gardner Western Region Technical Services Manager 08/15/2007 16:36 1 TIMLL CONCRETE CON PAGE 05/10 HE DWATERS REMOU"Ces Addkig Vang go t nergy ry- ASTM C6.16-0. / AASHTO K 29-5-00 Testing of 1Potnona Fly Ash 1M of sam le: 3200 tan Report Date: Mov 24 2007 WteofSample: 2/27 =3/l/07 NfMI.D. 489PT Sample Libel 20-07 ASTM / AASVTO )Limits ASTM Test Chemical Analysis _ Class F Class C Method Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) 60.49 Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3) 18.74 yr, Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) 4.99 % Sum of Constituents $4.22 % 70.0% min 50.0% min D4326 Sulfur Trioxide (SOO 0.77 % 5.0% max 5.0 % max D4326 Calcium Oxide (CaO) 8.28 % D4326 Moisture Content 0.16 % 3.0% max 3.0% max C311 Loss on Ignition 2.36 % 6.0% mat 6.0% max C311 (AASHTO M 295-00 req.) 5.0% max 5.019 mat Available Alkalies, as Na2O •* 0,96 % C311 (AASHTO M 295-00 rcq.) 1.5% max 1.5% max p1wSical Anal . u Fineness, % retained on #325 23.72 % 34% max 34% max C311, C430 Strength Activity Index — 7 or 28 day requirement C311, C109 7 day, % of control 95 % 75% min 75% min 28 day, % of control 101 "A 75% min 75% min Watcr Requirement, % control 95 % 105% max 105% max Autoclave Soundnew 0.07 % 0.8% max 0.8% max C311. C 151 True Particle Density 2.35 ** Supplementary Optional Chemical Requirement (Available Alloli) was removed by A.57V C618-01 Keadwate w Resources certifies that. to the best of its knowledge; the test d ua listed herein was generated by applicable A.STM methods and meets the requirements of ASTM C618-05for Class F fly ash. Bobby *rgw2n MTRFNbmW AkIlk ��@NTD R17 Materials Testing & Research Facility 2650 Highway 113 S.W. TaylorrAlle. Georgla 30178 P: 770.684.0102 F: 770.684.5114 www.hoodwaters.com 08/15/2007 16:36 1 TIDWELL CONCRETE CON PACE 04/10 in MITSUBISHI CEMENT CORPORATION 1803 State Hwy 18 Lucerne Va)ley, CA 92356 CERTIFICATE OF TEST Source. Cushenbury Plant Date: Jul 31, 2007 ,ASTM designation: C150 Type II & V low alkali - sulfnte resistance CALTRANS Specification : Section 90 - 2.0) for Type 11 modified a NDOT Specification: Section 701 - 3.01 for Type If and V. Chemical Composition: Silicon Dioxide (Si02) Aluminum Oxide (AL203) Ferric Oxide (Fe203) Calcium Oxide (CaO) Magnesium Oxide (MSO) Sulfur Trioxide (SO3) .Loss on Ignition Insoluble Residue Total Alkali (%Ndp + 0.658 ; K20) Tricakiam Sfilkate (C3S) Tricalcium Alumiunte (C3A) C4AF + 2*C3A PHYSICAL RESULTS: cement. Production Period V. From: 7/1/2007 To • 7/30/2007 ASTM C-150 Limits Type lI Type V 20.0 - Min. 6.0 ---- Max. 6.0 -- Max. 6.0 6.0 Max. 3.0 2.3 Max. 3.0 3.0 MM 0.75 0.75 Max. 0.60 0.60 Max. 8 5 Max. - 25 Max. Test Results 2l1 3.9 3.9 63.3 2.7 Z.0 0.9 0.10 0.46 58 3.7 19.Z Blaine Fineness (meters squared per Fig) 280 280 Min. 359 Autoclave Expansion (Percent) 0.80 0.80 Max. 0.02 Time of Set Initial Vicat (rains) 45 / 375 451375 Min. / Mnx. .1.35 Air Entrainment (Percent by Volume) 12 12 Max. 6.3 Compressive Strength Test: Mpg psi Mrs psi Mpg PST 1 Day --- ^-- --- -- - 11.5 1664 3 Day 10.0 1450 8.0 1160 Min. 7-15 3414 7 Day 17.0 2470 15.0 2180 Min. 33.4 4845 z8 Day Jun-2007 --- --- 21.0 3050 Min, 47.5 6890 This cement has been sampled and tested in accordance with ASTM standard methods and procedures. All test results are certified to comply with the type specification desip2ted above. No other warranty in made or implied. We are not responsible for improper use or workmansbip. MITSUBISHI CEMENT CORPORATION Cusbenbury plant Tom Gcpford Chiet Chemist 08/15/2007 16:36 1 TIDWELL CONCRETE CON PAGE 03/10 ROBERTSON`S - Compressive Strength Results Mix # 62121A Project 81785 Trader Place - Indio Date: 8/15/2007 Subject Stren. History MSA, in.; 1 Source of Aggregate: Robertson's Cabazon EgSack; 7.1 Cement: Mitsubishi Mineral Admixture: Flyash Chemical Admixture: WRDA-64 '- Set # Cast Date 28 day 1 28 day 28 Day Range In Cum Avg Cum Std Cum Cover Moving Three 2 A Co Var Dev 3) 1 05/08/01 5640 5670 5655 30 5655 2 05/11101 5210 5110 5160 100 5408 350.0 6.5 3 05/11/01 5130 5110 5120 20 5312 298.0 5.6 5312 4 05/11/01 5730 59M 5815 170 5438 350.1 6.4 5365 5 05/11/01 5340 5300 5320 40 5414 307.7 5.7 5418 6 05/11/01 5250 5350 5300 100 5395 279.1 5.2 5478 7 05/15/01 5230 5320 5275 90 5378 258.8 4.8 5298 8 05/15/01 5750 5450 5600 300 5406 252.1 4.7 5392 9 05/15/01 6010 6200 6105 190 5483 331.6 6.0 5660 10 05/15/01 5580 5330 5455 250 5481 312.8 5.7 5720 11 05/16/01 6120 5900 6010 220 5529 337.0 6.1 5857 12 05/16/01 5070 5300 5185 230 5500 336.2 6.1 5550 13 05/16/01 5640 5430 5535 210 5503 322.1 5.9 5577 14 05/17/01 4860 4870 4865 10 5457 353.3 6.5 5195 15 05/17/01 4920 4900 4910 20 5421 368.6 6.8 5103 16 05/17/01 5200 5250 5225 50 5400 359.4 6.6 5000 17 05/10/01 5190 5030 5110 100 5391 355.4 6.6 5082 18 05/23/01 5200 5210 5205 10 5381 347.6 6.5 5180 19 05/23/01 4980 5040 5010 60 5361 348.3 6.5 5108 20 05/233/01 4950 4950 4950 0 5341 351.3 6.6 5055 21 05/24/01 5050 4950 50M 100 5324 350.4 6.6 4987 22 06/01/01 4820 4850 4835 30 5302 357.5 6.7 4928 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Spedd rc = 4500 psi 0_ 28 days Number of tests 22 Reg'd Pcr = 4979 psi, the larger of [11 or[2] Below Modification Factor (K) 1 Maximum 6105 Minimum 4635 Standard Deviation (s) 357.5 Coefficient of variation 6.7 Ill Pcr = fc +1.34ks = 45M + (1.34 ' 1 ' 357.5) 4979 [21 ror = fc +Z33 ks - 500 = 4500 + (2.33 ` 1 ' 357.5) - 500 4833 08/15/2007 16:36 1 TIDWELL CONCRETE CON PAGE 02/10 ROBERTSON'S ROCK * SAND * BASE MATERIALS READY MIX CONCRETE Date: 8/1502007 Concrete Mix Design #: 62121A Protect: 81785 Trader Place - Indio Contractor. Tidwell Concrete Cons= - �oF�ssroy� wF r�*ti , qXP 12/31/07 %* KQ- � OF CAL1F Description: 4500 psi 1 " pump.' place Stab Strength (rc): 4500 psi WIC ratio.- 0.44 Slump: 4 " Sack Content. • 7.10 sk. Max. Size of Agg.: 1 Gal/sk,: 5.00 Pump Type: Boom pump Un. Wt.: 147.5 ALL CO3NCRErE IS MDMD AND DELNEREO 1NACCORDANCE WITH ASTM c-e4 Aggmuafe Weights are SSO. Moisture /n Aaarecates Must be Considered When Deferminino Tole! Mix Waha• Contents: MIX DESIGN PROPORTION Batch Wt. %U.5ed Sp . Gr. VolurrK Cement (ASTM C-150) 567 85 3.15 2.88 Fly Ash -Class F (ASTM C-618) 100 15 Z33 0.69 Sand 1350 45 2.62 8.26 1-1/2"x 3/4" 0 0 2.67 0.00 1"x #4 1335 44 Z65 8.07 3/8" x 08 334 11 2.65 2.02 Water 35, 5 gat, 295, 7 4.74 Entrapped Air 1.25 % 0.34 Wt: = 3982 Vol. = 27.00 ADMIXTURES: WRDA 64 (ASTM C-494) 3,0 apt 20.0 oz Rnmgrk: The nraiert ennineer should review this mix to ensure cnmoliance to the nrelQct snecifieations Size %1 AGGREGATE 2° 1 12" 1- 3/4- 12" 3/8" No 4 No 8 No 16 No 30 No 50 No 100 No 200 1112" 0 100 95 33 7 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1" 44 100 100 95 70 38 12 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/8" 11 100 100 100 100 100 96 16 2 1 1 0 0 0 WCS 48 100 100 100 100 100 100 98 80 60 39 16 6 2 Combined 1 100 1 100 L 100 1 98 1 87 1 73 1 61 47 36 27 18 8 3 1 Sand Smffra . Robertson's Caba2on Rock Source . Robedson s Cabezon Cement Pariland Cement Type It Fly Ash : Class F (95+) GS5 ?_200 ext 360 A97Rptes meet ASTM C-33 CA 02878 Fax (951) 493.6446 08/15/2007 16:41 1 TIDWELL CONCRETE CON PAGE 01/05 Client. Robertson's Plant: Banning/Cabazon Plan V�o Page No. 3 Job No. 07110-7 5. L ABORATQ9Y EQU PMENT a. Sample Splitter - Mariufacturcd by Soiltest b. Aggregate Sample Splitter - Manufactured by Gilson Company c. Fine Aggregate Shaker - Manufactured by Soiltest d. Coarse Aggregate Shaker - Manufactured by Gilson Company c. Fine Aggregate Sieves - U.S. Standard Sieves Manufactured by Gilson Company f Coarse Aggregate Sieves - U.S. Standard Screens Manufactured by Gilson Company g. Los Angeles Abrasion Madune - Manufactured by Soi Itc. st h. Drying Oven - industrial Oven Model 333 Manufactured by Grieve Oven Corporation i. Scale - 120 pounds, Model No. HV-60KA2 - Manufactured by AND Corporation j. Scale - 30 pounds, Model No. HW-I5KA2 - Manufactured by AND Corporation k. Scale - 25 pounds, Model No. GP- I2K - Manufactured by AND Corporation 1. Digital Scales - 6100 grans capacity - Manufactured by AND Corporation 6. SAMPLING The concrete aggregates were sampled by a representative of C.H.J., Incorporated at the Robertson's Banning/Cobazon Plant on February 8, 2007. 08/15/2007 16:41 1 TIDWELL CONCRETE CON PAGE 02/05 Client: Robertson's Plant: Ban.ninglCsb�u-on Plant 7. TEST RESULTS FDA FINE AGGREGATE Washed Concrew, Sand a. Grading - Sieve Analysis (Standard U.S. Sieves) - (ASTM C 136) Sieve Size ear.E rtt .Passin 3/3" (9.5 mm) 100 No. 4 (4.75 mm) 99 No. 8 (2.36 mm) 77 No. 16 (1.18 mm) 53 No. 30 (600 µw) 32 No. 50 (300 µm) 16 No. 100 (150 µm) 8 Fineness Modulus 3.15 b. Deleterious Substances Material Finer Than No. 200 Sieve 3.7 percent (75 µtn sieve) (ASTM C 117) Organic Impurities (ASTM C 40) Lighter than Standard (Satisfactory) Clay Lumps and Friable Particles (ASTM C 142) 0.5 percent Coal and Lignite (ASTM C 123) 0.0 percent c. Soundness (ASTM C 88) Sodium Sulfatc Soundness 3.98 percent (Loss After 5 Cycles) d. Potential Reactivity (ASTM C 289) Chemical Method: Considered Innocuous Rc= 115 mm/L Sc = 24.0 mm/1_ e Bulk Specific Gravity and Absorption SSD (.ASTM C 128) Specific Gravity 2.70 Absorption 1.70 percent wis'a Page No, 4 Job No. 07110-7 08/15/2007 16:41 1 TIDWELL CONCRETE CON PAGE 03/05 Client: Robertson's .Plant: Bail ningtCabazon Plant 8. TEST RESLLTJS FOR COARNE A,GGREG TIES 1/8- Inch Maximum Aggregate (9.5 mm) SSPWC Size No. 4 a. Grading - Sieve Analysis (Standard U.S. Sieves) - (ASTM C 136 ) Sieve Size Percent Pauin 1 /2" (12.5 rmn) 100 3/8" (9.5 mm) 90 No. 4 (4.75 mm) 3 No. 8 (2.36 mm) 0 No. 16 (1.18 mm) 0 b. Deleterious Substances Material Finer Than No. 200 Sieve 0.3 percent (75 µm sieve) (ASTM C 117) Clay Lumps and Friable Particles (ASTM C 142) 0.48 percent Coal and Lignite (ASTM C 123) 0.0 percent Abrasion (C Grading): (ASTM C 131) Loss After 100 Revolutions 7.1 percent Loss Auer 500 Revolutions 28.0 percent c. Soundness (ASTM C 88) (Combined Coarse Sample) Sodittm Sulfate Soundness 0.90 percent (Loss After 5 cycles) d. Potential Reactivity (ASTM C 299) Composite Coarse Sample Chemical Method: Considered Innocuous Re = 75.0 mm/L Se = 32.0 min/L e. Bulk Specific Gravity and Absotption SSD (ASTM C 127) Specific Gravity 2.74 Absorption Ul percent 0 Page Nc,. 5 Job No. 07110-7 08/15/2007 16:41 1 TIDWELL CONCRETE CON PAGE 04/05 Client, Robertson's Plant: Banning/Cabazon Plant 9. TEST RESULTS FOR COARSE AGGR G TES 1-Inch Maximum Aggregate (25 mm) SSPWC Size No. 3 a_ Grading - Sieve Analysis (Standard U.S. Sieves) - (ASTM C 136) Sieve Size Percent Passing 1 1/2" (37.5 nnn) 100 1 " (25 mm) 92 3/4" (19 muxa) 71 1 /2" 0 2.5 men) 35 3/8" (9.5 Aran) 14 No. 4 (4.75 warn) 3 b. Deleterious Subslartces Material Finer Than No. 200 Sieve 0.5 percent (75 µm sieve) (ASTM C 1 l 7) Clay Lumps and Friable Particles (ASTM C 142) 0.83 percent Coal and Lignite (ASTM C 123) 0.0 percent Abrasion (B Grading): (ASTU C 131) .Loss After 100.Revolutions 9.1 percent Loss After 500 Revolutions 38.1 percent c. Soundness (ASTM C 88) (Combined Coarse Sample) Sodium Sulfate Soundness 0.90 percent (Loss After 5 cycles) d. Potential Reactivity (ASTM C 289) Composite Coarse Sample Chemical Method: Considered Innocuous RC = 75.0 rnni/L Sc 32.0 mrn/L e. Bulk Specific Gravity and Absorption SSD (ASTM C 12 7) Specific Gravity 1.69 Absorption 1.0 percem Page No. ti Job No. 07110.7 08/15/2007 16:41 1 TIDWELL CONCRETE CON PAGE 05/05 Client; Robertson's PPage Na. 7Plant: Banning/Cabazon Plant Job No. 07110-7 10. T RES TS FG�CpARSh AGGREGATES i 1/2-Incb Maximum Aggregate (37,5 mm) SSPWC Size No. 2 a. Grading - Sieve Analysis (Standard U.S_ Sieves) - (ASTM C 136) -Sieve Sim crce Passi 2" (50 mrn) 100 l 1/2" (37.5 inn) 94 1" (25 mm) 34 3/4" 0 9 mm) 9 1/2" 02.5 miry) 3 3/8" (9.5 true) 2 b. Deleterious Substances Material Finer Than No. 200 Sieve 0.3 percent (75 µrn sieve) Clay Lumps and Friable Particles 0.15 percent Coal and Lignite 0.0 percent Abrasion (13 Grading): Lass After 100 Revolutions 8.0 percent Loss After 500 Revolutions 31.0 percent c. Sounduess(Combined Coarsc Sample) Sodium Sulfate Soundness 0.90 percent (Loss After 5 cycles) d. Potential Reactivity (ASTM C 289) Composite Coarse Sample Chemical Method: Considered Mrrocuous Rc = 75.0 tnm/L. Sc 32.0 min/L e. Bulk Specific Cn-avity and Absorption SSD (ASTM C: 12 7) Specific Gravity 2.70 Absorption 1.0 percent 08/15/2007 16:36 1 TIDWELL CONCRETE CON PAGE 10/10 Client: Robertson's Pag Plant: Banning/Cabazon Plae Na. 2 Plant Page No. 1 2 1. OBJECT To ascertain the conformance of Robertson's Barming/C:ahazon Plant, Concrete Aggregates with the requirements of ASTM C 33-03 "Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates". .2 -C-M The properties of the concrete aggregates including grading and quality of fine and coarse aggregate are compared to specified requirements to determine the compliance of the aggregates. 3. LABORATORY The tests were performed by C_H.J., Incorporated, Colton, Cali fotnia. The laboratory is qualified to test concrete aggregates and is in compliance with ASTM E 329-03 "Standard Specification for Agencies Engaged in the Testing and/or inspection of Materials Used in Construction" and was examined by the Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory of the National Institute of Standards and Technology in September 2005. 4. REFEREN E QCUME S ASTM STANDARD (Current 2006 Edition) C 33 Standard Specifications for Concrete Aggregates C 40 Standard Test Method for Organic Impurities in Fine Aggregates for Concrete C 88 Standard Test Method for Soundness of Aggregates by Use of Sodium Sulfate or. Magnesium Sulfate C 117 Standard Test Method for Materials Finer than 75-um (No. 200) Sieve in Mineral Aggregates by Washing C 123 Standard Test Method for Lightweight Particles in Aggregate C 127 Standard Test Metlmd for Density. Relative Density (Specific Gravity), and Absorption of Coarse Aggrcgatc C 128 Standard Test Method for Density, Relative Density (Specific Gravity), and Absorption of Nine Aggregate C 131 Standard Test NMediod for Resistance to Degradation ofSArall-Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and lxnpact in [hc Los Angeles Machine C 136 Standard Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Concrete Aggregates C 142 Standard Test Method for Clay Lumps and Friable Particles in Aggregates C 289 Standard Test Method for Potential Alkali -Silica Reactivity of Aggregates (Chemical Method) D 75 Practice for Sampling Aggregates 08/15/2007 16:36 1 TIDWELL CONCRETE CON PAGE 09/10 1VMATER)AL TEST REPORT ON CONCRETE AGGREGATES CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM C 33-03 FOR ROBERTSON'S )BANNING/CABAZON PLANT BANNING, CAUIFORNIA TESTED BY C. FI. J., INCORPORATED COLTON, CALIFORNIA JOB NO. 07I 10-7 08/15/2007 16:36 1 TIDWELL CONCRETE CON PAGE 08/10 Addition Rate The addition rate range of VMDA 64 is 1.95 to 390 mIJ100 kg (3 to 6 fl WIN 1b) of cement. Pretesting is required to determine the appropriate addition rate for Type A and Type D perfornnance, Optimum addition depends on the other concrete mixture com- ponents, job conditions, and desired performance ch aracter. i,sties. @lispensing Equipment A complete Une of accurate, auto- matic dispensing equipment is available, WRDA 64 may be introduced to the mix on the sand or in the water. Compatibility with Other Admixtures WRDA 64 is compatible in con- crete with all air -entraining admixtures such as Darer' 11 AEA and Daravair'. Due to the slight air -entraining properties of. WRDA 64, itself, the addition rate of air -entraining admixture may be reduced by about 25%. EACH ADMIXTURE SHOULD BE ADDED 5FPARATELY. While WRDA 64 contains no calcium chloride, it is compatible with cal- cium chloride in concrete mixes. Again, each should be added sep- arately. Packaging WRDA 64 is available in bulk, delivered by metered tank trucks, and in 210 L (55 gal) drums. It will .freeze at about -2'C (28'F), but will return to full strength after thawing and thorough agitation. Architects' Specification for Concrete WateaReducing Adrnixfure Concrete shall be designed in accordance with ACI Standard Recommended Practice for Selecting Proportions for. Concrete, ACI 211. The water -reducing (or water.- reducing and retarding) admix- ru.re shall be WRT)A 64, as manufactured by Grace Construction Products, or. equal. The admixture shall not contain calcium chloride. It shall be used in strict accordance with the man- ufacturer's teconimendations. The admixture shall comply with ASTM Designation C 494, Type A water -reducing (or Type D water -reducing and reta.tdi-ng,) admixtures. Certification of com- pliance shall be made available on request. The admixture shall be considered part of the total water The admixture shall be delivered as a ready -to -use liquid product and shall require no mixing at the batching plant or job site. 11► Vlslt our web sHe at www.graeeeonsfructlon.eom tI primed an recycled paper W, R. (:CRcc & Crr -Conn. 62 Whittemore Avenue C:rnibridgc, MA 02140 WRnn•nMtlnrArlNmrirmernnoal[..r...a.••rrv.R.l .-14C.r . we h Me Mr irkxah.r:m 1— mil 6e I.W.L Ir:. k ml [r rh[a arl k[wwL.d 6r iu.rcre• nue an)xx5nrr�M a ryFivrA urrFr.rx�' in.�d�i„kn 61 ;Wi. a I wriEeniim. hw .M •krur ...ran. rabz m Ik n1 pN. m •nd J' " [awnu.�MW��.. y,..�rr:�..: ,w '..N� •.erewfi.l[...,r.,k hlrh a�,ay m .11 F.•-.J+ i[p�.yylin� y .n. �+• .rrw,ruwhh Mwn .r .�y�[Lan i. invr�d•d Av a..• [w whl;i w.elp infra ury pa[ru +!r 1+,[In_ W. R. Crn¢e N iJ. Linn- ES Wi�1,nM.rc Awxw. G[wAr..yv NA r%llaR. in l5ruh, G•.R L'aA•1,1F 4x» i77 L�epfeM• A41d Mdl. RMY, 9n[nur. CrrrrL I.I. �. JC I,w� r ndra mar �r onv� by rAwj r us.A. !Apz rArcaa w GRACE Construction Products 08/15/2007 16:43 1 TIDWELL CONCRETE CON PAGE 01/07 Client: Robertson's Plant: BanninglCabazon Plant Paste No. 8 Job No. 07110-7 11. EVALUATION OF TEST RESULTS a. amine Aggreate - Wimd.trorcretc Sand Grading- ieve Analysis ASTM C 33-03 (1) SSPWC 2006 Reguirements _ Re uirenicnts Test Results u.S. Standard Sieves Percent P_assino 3/8" (9.5 mm) 100 100 100 No. 4 (4.75 mm) 95-100 95-100 99 No. 8 (2.36 mm) 80-100 75-90 77 No. 16 (1.18 mm) 50-85 55-75 53 No. 30 (600 µm) 25-60 30-50 32 No. 50 (300 µm) 5-30 10-25 16 No. 100(150 µm) 0-10 2-10 8 Fineness Modulus 2.3-3.1 3.15 (1) Concrete aggregates produced in Southern California are generally produced to meet the graditrg requirements afthe Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction or other local or state requirements. Deleterious ASTM C 33-03 Substanc-gs Requirements _ Tew Results Material )Finer Than No. 200 Sieve (75 µm sieve) 5.0 percent rnaximurn* 3.7 Percent Organic Impurities Must be lighter than standard Lighter than Standard Clay Ltuatps and Friable Particles 3.0 percent maximum 0.5 percent Coal and Lignite L.0 percent maximum``* 0.0 percent * Concrete subject to abrasion shall have a Maximum of 3.0 percent materials finer than the No. 200 sieve (75 µnu sieve). ** Concrete where surface appearance is important shall have a maximum of 0.5 percent 08/15/2007 16:43 1 TIDWELL CONCRETE CON PAGE 02/07 Client' Robertson's Plant: Banning/Cabazon Plant a. Fine A egate - Wasb_e_d_C Pete Sand Cont'd parameter Soundness Sodium Sulfate (Loss After 5 Cycles) Potential Reactivity (ASTM C 289) Chemical Method ASTM C 33-03 Requirements 10 percent maximum Must not be considered as potentially reactive 1;'S� Page No. 9 Job No. 07110-7 Te_st_Resuits 3.98 percent Considered Innocuous Re = 115 mm/L Sc = 24.0 nurn/L b. Goarse Aggregate — 31_8-1nc13 Maximum &ygmawe (9,5 mrrt) 5SPWC Sipe-i 4 Cra ing - &1eve Anal ASTM C 33-03 (1) SSPWC 2006 Size No. 8 Size No. 4 �Reguisrcments Bt Qui Test Result U.fi. Standard Sieved Percent Passing 1/2 " 0 2.5 mm) 100 100 100 3/8" (9.5 mm) 85-100 85-100 90 No. 4 (4.75 min) 10-30 0-30 3 No. 8 (2.36 mm) 0-10 0-10 0 No. 16 (1.18 nun) 0-5 0-2 0 (1) Concrete ag-regate:s produced in Southern California are generallyproduced to ine:ct the giading requirements ofthe Standard Specifications for Pubiic Works Construction or other local or state requirements. 08/15/2007 16:43 1 TIDWELL CONCRETE CtNd PAGE 03/07 Client: Robertson's Plant: Banning/Cabazon Plant 40 Page No. 10 .lob No. 07110-7 b. Qoarse Aggregate - 313--JncjiAggre ate (U_jurki). S5PWC Siac Na. 4 Cont'd Deleterious ASTM C 33.03 Substances Re uirements Test, &5LI is Material Finer Than No. 200 Sieve (75 µm sieve) 1.0 percent maximum 0.3 percent Clay Lumps and Friable Particles 2.0 to 10 percent maximum 0.48 percent Coal and Lignite 0.5 to 1.0 percent maximum'° 0.0 percent Abrasion Loss After 500 Revolutions 50 percent maximum 28.0 percent * Concrete where surface appearance is important shall have a maximum of 0.5 percent Parametcr SoLmdness Sodium Sulfate (Loss After 5 Cycles) Potential Reactivity (ASTM C 289) Chemical Method ASTM C 33-03 Requirements 12 percent maximum Must not be considered as potentially reactive Test Results 0.90 percent Considered Innocuous Rc = 75.0 mm/L Sc = 32.0 mna/L e8/15/2007 16:43 1 TIDWELL CONCRETE CON PAGE 04/07 Client: Roberson's ,Plant: Banning/Cabazon Plant ;—S,� Page No. 11 .fob No. 07110-7 C. Coarsr At*rekate_- l-inch_�NaYi�utn_A�regate (Z5 �x�rrtl SSPW�e 1Vo._3 Gr din - Sieve Analysis ASTM C 33-03 (1) SSPWC 2006 Size No. 56 Size No. 3 Reauimments, Requirements TestResults J].S. Standard Sieves Percent Passing, 1 1 /2" (37.5 mm) 100 100 100 1" (25 mm) 90-100 90-100 92 3/4" (19 nun) 40-85 55-85 71 1 /2" (12.5 mm) 10-40 35 3/8" (9.5 mm) 0-15 8-20 14 No_ 4 (4.75 mm) 0-5 0-5 3 (1) Concrete aggregates produced in Southem California are generally produced to meet the grading requirements of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction or other local or state requirements. Deleterious Sub to ce Material Finer Than No. 200 Sieve (75 µin sieve) Clay IYumps and Friable Particles Coal and Li gpi to Abrasion Loss After 500 Revolutions ASTM C 33-03 Requirgpents Test Results 1.0 percent maximum 0.5 percent 2.0 to 10 penveit maxintu"n 0.83 percenl 1.0 percent maximum* 0.0 percent 50 percent maximum 38.1 percent * Concrete where surface appearance is important shall have a maximum of 0.5 perccrtt 0B/15/2007 16:43 1 TIDWELL CONCRETE CON PAGE 05/07 Client: Robertson's Plant: Banning/Cabazon Plant 4�1k� Page No. 12 .lob No. 07110-7 c. Coarse Aggregate, I-bicb �Jaxirnum Aggregate (25 nim) SSPWC Size No. 3 Conl'd Parameter Soundness Sodium Sulfate (Loss A fter 5 Cycles) Potential Reactivity (ASTM C 299) Chemical Method ASTM C 33-03 Requirements 12 percent maximum Must not be considered as potentially reactive Test Results 0.90 percent Considered Innocuous Rc = 75.0 mm/L Sc = 32.0 mm/L d. Curse Ag %gate I )J2-Inch Maximum Aggmgate (37.5 mm) SSEWC Size No. 2 Grading-- Sieve Analysis ASTM C 33-03 (1) SSPWC 2006 Size No. 4 Size No. 2 Re uirements Re uirements Sept Result U.S- Standard Sieves Perce_ntPassinn - 2" (50 nmi) 100 100 100 1 1 /2" (37.5 mm) 90-100 90-100 94 1" (25 min) 20-55 5.40 34 3/4" (19 mm) 0-15 0-15 9 112" (12.5 mtn) 3 3/8" (9.5 mm) 0-5 0-5 2 (1) Concrete aS;gregatcs produced in Southem Cali fomia are generally produced to meet theD-ading requirements ofthe Standard Speeifiicaiiorts forPtlhliC Works Construction or other local or state requirements. 08/15/2007 16:43 1 TIDWELL CONCRETE CON PAGE 06/07 Client: Robertson's Plant: Banding/Cabazon .Plant Pagc No. 13 Job No. 07110- i d. Coarse Agarguale - 1 1/2-InclifAaxinium Agg=ate 37.5 n3in SSPWdQ 5ir_e moo. 2 Cont'd Deleterious ASTM C 33-03 Substances Rmuirem nts Test Results Material Finer Than No. 200 Sieve (75 µrn sieve) 1.0 percent maxunum 0.3 percent Clay Lumps and Friable Particles 1.0 to.10 percent maximum 0.15 percent Coal and Lignite 1.0 percent maximum* 0.0 percent Abrasion Loss Alter 500 Revolutions 50 percent maximum 1.0 percent * Concrete where surface appearance is important sball have a maximum of 0.5 percent Parameter Soundness Sodium Sulfate ('Loss Alter 5 Cycles) Potential Reactivity (ASTM C 289) Chemical Method ASTM C 33-03 Reguire711Cllts 12 parent maximum Must not be considered as potentially reactive Test Results 0.90 percent Considered Innocuous Re ^ 75.0 mm/1. Sc = 32.0 min/L 08/15/2007 16:43 1 TIDWELL CONCRETE CON PAGE 07/07 Client: Robertson's Plant- Banning/Cabazon Plant 44; �0 Page No. 14 Jolt No. 07110-7 CCINCL-UMQN S The Washed Concrete Sand, 3/8-hich (9.5 mm) Maximum (SSPWC No. 4). I -Inch (25 mm) Maxilnum (SSPWC No. 3), and 11/2-Inch Maximum (SSPWC No. 2) Aggregates from the Robertson's Banning/Cabazon plant meet the quality requirements of ASTM C 33-03, "Standard Specifications for Concrete Aggregates" and the size grading requirement of ASTM C 33-03 and/or the 2006 Standard Specification for Public Works Consirtiction. Q�,pF�S�r�N Na. MOM &p. 9-30.07 � Date: March 28, 2007 HGN/GB:rc Distribution: Robertson's (4) Respectfully submitted, C_ H- L, INCORPORATED k Aw George Battey III Registered Civil Engineer No. 34323 Registration Expires 09/30/2007