9610-007 (SIGN) Plansae'-0Ir FLOOR EXTERIOR FINISHES EXTERIOR PLASTER (DOORS & ACCESS. LADDER): FRAZEE NO. CZ-5680 W. DURATI<C FLAT 2 EXTERIOR PLASTER: FRAZEE NO. 4352 fit_ SOMBRERO 3 T1LE BASE. ADOQUIN CANYON FINISH 1 } STORE I'I ONT. FRAZEE NO. 4905 A. HEL GERRO [ 5 LJGH7 FIXTURE: FRAZEE NO. 48a4 D. TURQUOISE WOOD TRELLIS: OLYMPIC STAIN 1911 SEMI TRANSPAfRENT [ 7 CORNICE: FRAZEE NO. CZ—G-285 DURATEC FLAT CLAY TILE ROOF: DELEO CI. AY TILE, 3 COLOR BLEND ICBO #3416 +c 3362. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS DIAMOND PATTER?I FOAM- FRAZEE NO. C2—G-288 ❑URATEC FLAT ET. FINISHES I:�GEff F�CTU1iE - 00•-illy, I'FIN, FLOOR _Q�14'-0' A.F.F. a'-C' A.r.;7. W-011' FIN. FLU- .� fAn I �'___1/ . 23'-dr A.F.F_ %. EAST ELEVATION- _o1, 4 NORTH ELEVATION � �H�i,���, wA #23'—Cr A.F.F. D 1 7 14'--Cr A.F.F. - - t - e EISE H I M jD•I. T 4 0.-CAR;E. ..,;.E TER EDIT FXnM -4- 3 ZZ Ll JI I I Lu 1 I I WEST ELEVATION i �y _ i,���� 2 23'-fY A.F.F,.-. 3 1 AP.RRUVED BY PLAWNING 6 D£ M I GY DATE EXHIBIT CASE ND. 0 EiSENHOWE's APO, 10 1 "ILI 1 0 CARE CENT: i LA 14, < LILI 1 {-� 9 McCieKon Cruz Gaylord &Associates 18201 Von Korman Ave. Suite 250 Irvine, California 92715-1078 (714) 553-1117 FAX: (714) 474-7056 I� I� F f� r� r� r Lij i 11 22 f 94 CLIENT 1 V f P.G.. CORR. rim � ' T Q Sheet I e }- 1 EIV ELEVATIONS Project No.: 89.1 56.60 Drawn By: KVD WSG Creaked By: Issued for Bid-.r� ' Da 1 ie. 1 0-25— �y� 4 19'-4" 16'-7' SENHOWER IMMEDIATETo-Lio- k. ARE CENTER APPROVED '-- LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION BY �G+f11J11 �. DATE p!G -eor , EMC-WALL..CDR 4530 Mission Gorge PI. San Diego, CA 92120 Phone: (619) 283-2191 CALIFORNIA NEON PRODUCTS Fax: (619) 283-9503 PROJECT _ EMC IMMEDIATE CARE CENTER - This design, created In connection with a project being planned for you, is the exclusive property of California Neon Products, and cannot be copied, exhibited, reproduced, or shown to anyone outside of your organization without the authorized written consent ofCalifornia Neon Product& SALESPERSON RICK MC CARTER DWG. # CNP -11376 LC DATE 8-18-95 CUSTOMER APPROVAL "11 11 SCALE CD f � Cl - ILLS � CAP 1" 3 Ei 19'-4" 16'-7' SENHOWER IMMEDIATETo-Lio- k. ARE CENTER APPROVED '-- LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION BY �G+f11J11 �. DATE p!G -eor , EMC-WALL..CDR 4530 Mission Gorge PI. San Diego, CA 92120 Phone: (619) 283-2191 CALIFORNIA NEON PRODUCTS Fax: (619) 283-9503 PROJECT _ EMC IMMEDIATE CARE CENTER - This design, created In connection with a project being planned for you, is the exclusive property of California Neon Products, and cannot be copied, exhibited, reproduced, or shown to anyone outside of your organization without the authorized written consent ofCalifornia Neon Product& SALESPERSON RICK MC CARTER DWG. # CNP -11376 DESIGNER beebe DATE 8-18-95 CUSTOMER APPROVAL "11 11 SCALE 2'-4' EISENHOWER IMMEDIATE CARE CENTER C � � 4530 Mission Gorge PI. San Diego, CA 92120 Phone: (619) 283-2191 CALIFORNIA NEON PRODUCTS Fax: (619) 283-9503 PROJECT • EMC IMMEDIATE CARE CENTER o P�oleci tieing panned r« Yoe. the e�0i l:d, eproduced. « ahavn to oiryone outside of your «gaNzation �thout the outtwAzed written consent of Cdltorrga Neon Products. SALESPERSON RICK MC CARTER DWG. # CNP -11376 DESIGNER beebe DATE 8-18-95 CUSTOMER APPROVAL SCALE 3�°=1I�-O° 4 - Listed sign section (consists of channel letter, plastic face, tube supports, and glass cup or insulating boot, if provided) I Depth suitable for outdoor location unless -->. [— marked for indoor only. varies Recognized component Plastic face provided with sign Tube support per NEC 600-33(b). Neon tube. —� Spacings maintained per spacing table. Mechanical connection (twisted Letter OK, see dwg C2 for assembly ,height instructions). 1-1/2 in. minimum varies clearance through air or across surface to tube connection. NEC 600734(b) or glass cup or insulating boot (glass cup shown, no required spacing). See dwg C3 for assembly instructions. Drain holes if used outdoors. Listing marks: Listing mark sign section -label shall be on each letter and transformer enclosure. The first blank space identifies the number of each sign section. The second blank space indicates the total number of sign sections. Fasteners as required by the local jurisdiction. Primary electrical source (1/2 in. minimum conduit, metal shown) NEC 600-6 & 600-21. SPACING TABLE A. Between primarywiring and insulated high voltage wiring. B. Between insulated high voltage wiring and dead metal where wiring parallels dead metal for more than 1' within sign sections. C. Between neon tube (if over 7500volt circuit) and nearest surface. D. Between uninsulated high voltage conductors or components. (Mid- point -grounded transformer) and dead metal (ground), low voltage circuit conductors and high voltage conductors of opposite polarity. . Listed disconnect switch in primary to ' i - - - i and enclosure) suitable for outdoor locations unless marked for indoor only. Accessible. NEC 600-32(e). r i i Grounded enclosure. be within sight (maximum 50 ft.) of sign. Voltage A B C D (Many interpret transformer enclosure 1001 to 5000 12 inch 12 inch none 3/4 in to be part of sign.) _ NEC 110 3(b), 600-2, 600-4 5001 to 10000 3/4 inch 3/4 inch 1/4 inch if 1-1 /8 in 3/8 in. minimum listed flex (metal 10001 to 15000 1 inch 1 inch 7500V+ 1-12 in shown) and listed GTO cable (secondary side only and to the next section letter). NEC 110-3(b) & 600-31. Spacings maintained per spacing table. Listed sign section (consists of transformer Fasteners as required by local jurisdiction. Bonding jumpers (minimum No. 14 copper) required if; (1) flexible metal conduit in ground return path exceeds 6 H. (NEC 350-5 Exc. No. 2), Wall varies in ::° �► (2) conduit is nonmetallic, and/or (3) electrode receptacle uses gaskets thickness and that will impair ground return path or direct metal -to -metal contact. material ' NEC -110-14(a), 2,5043(g),- 250,79(f), 250-97, 250-113 & 600-5: LISTED b qualified electrical Y 9 All rights reserved. No part of this work covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, or testing laboratory mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or informalion storage ELECTRIC SIGN SECTION and retrieval systems - without written permission of the publisher, except that single copies of individual pages may be made by a bona fide electrical NO. XX -123456 Of sign installation firm for the sole pupose of providing guidance on the installation of electrical signs of outline lighting, without the permission of the publisher. Installation of signs listed per UL48 Note: Installation requirements only. Manufacturing requirements contained in UL48. CITY OF LAUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT CONDITIONA Y ACCEPTED FOR COM,�-T`pC`I�IR� SUBJECT TO INSTALLF,TIO � AS P B AND ALL APPLICABLE CODES DATE BY co9 A.OitlB NO T o iyn � li d } i NE° tl i 00 c_ O �V� u N�w � e �" ��31Mi3d1' a711 i861 �] V1NUO1g1,1V3 `ivil lirlb V'I SIN,qo VL��� NI(ib V-1 TIT w HRAt 1jmasj,i L33raad 40 1 o- � ry i m • ` �a#irri Wir 6 Q L a 4 u —.IQ 4 � 1 U� J F;- L.AJ 1— IRMMME ti 1 V �. Q � `F V U L �� ~ y ■ � ys4 i �i LL.J: rY Jin IY ry pp x 3 I Le r 1 ' . g , In ' r CIF'-tr +J,R T I f 1 7 ii arc I . F V+tid t wRJ. ' I a AMCHFrWnM ftANKm,c baftK 5 r f ' � - r MCC It1I17 D Xl,ul%GQVl0'd &Asaac-atCs • 1} Ir+jfli we- Berme# A,+. 917 5r*78 6 irt4lr, Cepra—m urart r�mrVl!' I . ss}-'617 r": (,, -r85a - 1.4Hr rWKrFS I i 3 3 ii � r-ti EAST ELEVATION � ��;-_�•—�— � r - ar•.� i 1 h 7. EInmiO tiEFt IMMEDIATE �+ �•� CARE 'TER_ ..; 1� ir. - - - NORTH ELEVATION �/��=i•-o° � � � �' � A + �` ❑ f ti EXTERIDR Ffhi1SHES 1 FITERIDRPkAsTCR 4DDOR5 & Nmum r.-+D3;R); PRaLE MD Cl-WO W. DURATEC FLrl <�2 ? EXTER4DR PUZTtR: FRA2EE h0. 4352 LA SOMBRERO ' 3 s 71U RM- AMOutN CAN-GN FlNISM 4 �• STORE FRONT: MA,7EE MO. 4905 A- HE4:ERRQw • tS LIGHT FIXTURE- FRAM N*. ■054 U. TuRDLOSE 5 . WOOD TWELU3- DL, WPIC ';TAM JG, 7 5EL1I TIMP 5RAREMY 7 OMNICE ►WEE NO. FZ-c-28a ❑��-&rfC R,AT CLAY r f R;74F. DELE6 Gur t1I..E, a CC%OR DU-cl ICOO j3+16 k 3]62- P--V-£R M 5KClrlCAT&d!G 9. DuwaRG 9.;MJ41, Fakv. 4TRAZEE %* Li-C-3H ' MRA1LC FLAT �P I irbi fit'•-:�.�•� . ~ -- - I , : I I Ion nlrrlfle r P i I I 77' I j I ;, —ja I IT-L, — 7 [ IIII - i 71 EST. FINISHES I M.Ts, 5 _ WEST ELEVATION :�4��•-�; 4 ' 1 _ err -a u.� • 9 7 7 rLj n. [ EISRENJ MVE I�+' MEDIATE ! -' � i '1'4;IA'\i _.f 0 �',�' • ICI'" l�r� I I 1 ;y CARE CENT R II I sc.rl #g111,R� � I� 1 -- - � -1-• { - _ 1. it '' II I� -_ j I �P � I k -- —I � ---- r-- � Malt - .- I f --•-- -- 1 ��__..._ � -^--•- L---_ ,� -._ _ -- 5 I• +r f r I� 1 SOUTH ELEVATION ���•=a�-� ' I sheel 1.1110 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS. Checked By; [l61Jed }4r Md: Dote: A