04-6196 (AR) Structural CalcsBARRY LEVIN & ASSOCIATES, Inc. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Atlanta • Los Angeles • New York • Chicago Structural Calculations For The Home Depot , -P -j;, ,T '! h , — LA QUINTA, CA TOOL RENTAL CENTER k',;_ . -fs', �i �.�I} f".'• . �;} �;, }r 3f ti Newt I'Ma 1 OCTOBER 28, ��/il% APR i i Prepared for Greenberg -Farrow Architecture CITY OF LA QUIN it-, BUILDIVG & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED Fo sT-RUCTION )A o � eY � a o -II�] I 6-2 , I 41, Applicable Structural Code — California Building Code BLA Job No. 203118 GFA Job No. 20030278 F ESS/pAr �NRAD 00, s No. 4 517 'r-11 -,CV a� 3822 Campus Drive • Suite 211 • Newport 8eacli, Califumia 92660 !r r �_ Tel: '149'833.3970 Fa�49.833.3837 ci•>, •�r - arr}�I_e�•ii� ` ily 9-qvfflBARRY LEVIN & ASSOCIATES, Inc. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Atlanta i Los Angeles • New York • Chicago 18006 Skypark Circle - Suite 205 ■ Irvine, California 92614 Phone 770-457-2376 • Fax 770-457-0514 JOB NAME . 4 (TOI K)rA _ SUBJECT TkC pt. ; % PsF C'r t 20 PS F 04 < ZSD" C040 G M1"PAO W/2-zfsr' SHEET NO. JOB NO. 3 DATE COMPUTED BY C CHECKED BY U 6 If. S 16Z- 43 e 1 t`c" M ' 9d ox -0 t ao-A mT � u Z 4 tx> u - d-S . o j N, K NITC� S-iru 0� W 100 ?O MPA FXX? 'C PRa�s = 12,Cx 1.13x '20 z4 -A r's3 = d oo ag ��t v D�+w US6 (WS2t-6-43 e IL Pew, 2AI" LAT- zo PSF BARRY LEVIN & ASSOCIATES, Inc. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS �■�■'� Atlanta • Los Angeles • New York • Chicago SHEET NO. 3822 Campus Drive • Suite 211 • Newport Beach, California 92660 JOB NO._.'�431 1 S _ Phone 949.833.3970 • Fax 949.833.3837 • www.BarryLevin.com DATE s 's Ode JOB NAME LA QV ►w-rA COMPUTED BY. CD SUBJECT__ _ TOC _ CHECKED BY LATL�QAL� t 2 4 cam, ALLS V 2, o.�e-c I �I >< I, o V N CJZ% K 2- 1 o A 24 + 2 0.7 224(�- LU 0 1T U46 �o ► - 2z. 2 ��F LL— us (:�- wa is w / � 3i fcywo U,LLow' fCo euF ? 2ZPcr or 9WOf Cc0NN49;0WO K---> A)oF TSy-S �6-4t►2 jC2c5wS VC41Q P s �Cx28nx 1.33� 1��2�rc 1676 Pl,F C 166c PnK I :L- i BARRY LEVIN & ASSOCIATES, Inc. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Atlanta • Los Angeles • New York • Chicago 3822 Campus Drive • Suite 211 • Newport Beach, Califomia 92660 Phone 949.833.3970 • Fax 949.833.3837 • www.BarryLevin.com JOB NAME Look _ QQI ETA SUBJECT -rec S61 SM IC -7oN 6 N�, : �. l 2CAL sd rl �(oM P qL c z 4q x Zo It + I ZX1 I�7 PLF Zx�$ 7KY UNSPrD wJeLc- Af, 20t M, vc, MAOD'L qX 4,e4 - ia.4 to-K � P.xR�Ac�►aG CXMc V6W1- k"A t-G e mif oc. k-'- a-.O <S 1 SHEET NO JOB NO. r 0SI8 DATE 'a COMPUTED BY D CHECKED BY 0 Barry Levin & Assoc Sht No 4 Job No 203118 Job Name: LA OUINTA Date 8/5/2004 Subject: LINE 1 By C DOGIL Tilt -Up Concrete Wall: [UBC 1997, Sec 1914.8-Alternate Design Slender Walls] Panel Dimentions: Panel Properties: Pnl Thk = 7.25 in b = 48.00 in Conc Wt = 150 pcf Reveal = 0.50 in Ac = 324.00 inA2 fc = 4000 psi Net Thk = 6.75 in Ig = 1524.31 inA4 fy = 60000 psi dreinf = 3.38 in Pnl Wt = 90.63 psf fr = 316.2 psi Hpanel = 35.00 ft Opn'g W = 0.0 ft Ec = 3605 ksi Ldgr Ht = 21.00 Opn'g H = 0.0 ft n = 8 Panel Reinforcing: EF or CL = CL No Bars 4.00 - # 6 As = 1.76 inA2 p = 0.011 p max = 0.017 0.44 p min = 0.005 Applied Loads SEISMIC Ca = 0.44 *Na Na = 1.1 Fp1 = [ap*Cp*lp*(1+3*hx/hr)/Rp]*Wp = Fp2 = [ap*Cp*lp*(1+3*hx/hr)/Rp]*Wp = Fp = 44.59 psf WIND Ce = 1.19 P1 (roof DL) _ eccentricity = P2 (full SL) _ Governing Equation = Cq= 1.2 qs= 12.6 168.0 Ibs 7 in 0 Ibs [E=qEh+Ev] ap = 1.0 Rp = 3.0 Ev = 0.24 DL 0.645 Wp 0.161 Wp <= 0.339 Wp; 0.339 Wp governs 1 = 1 P = Ce*Cq*qs*l = 18 psf M add'I seis = 19.4 k-in P3 (wall dl)= 2220 lbs M add'I wind = 0 k-in 1.1 [ (1.2+ Ev)D + f2 S + 1.OEh ] Seismic Governs Check Strength and Serviceability Mcr = (fr Ig)/(t/2) = 33.24 k-in Delta cr = (5 Mcr hc^2)/(48 Ec Ig) = 0.16 in Ms = (w hc^2)/8 + (P1 + Psl)e/2 + (P1 + P2 + Psl)Delta s + Madd= 44.1 k-in Delta s28 = Delta cr +(Ms - Mcr)/(Mn - Mcr) (Delta n - Delta cr) = 1.26 in Mu = Wu*hc^2/8 + (Pu1 + PuSL)e/2 + (Pu1 + PuSL + Pu2)Delta u30 + Madd = 70.7 k-in Ase = (Pu+As Fy)/fy = 0.50 inA2 a = (Pu + As fy)/(0.85 fc b) = 0.74 in C = 0.87 in phi = (0.9-(2 Pu)/(fc Ac)) = 0.88 Mn = Ase fy (d-a/2) = 90.7 k in phi Mn = 79.66 k-in Mu = 70.7 k-in < phi Mn = 79.7 k-in Wall Design Summary fa = 43.5 psi < 0.04fc = 160.0 psi Axial Stress OK Mu = 70.7 k-in < phiMn = 79.7 k-in Strength OK Ms = 44.1 k-in > Mcr = 33.2 k-in Cracked Section The wall is OK. As = 1.26 in < U150 = 1.68 in Deflection OK Note: This is a comprehensive analysis using the Division VII-Unified Design Provisions of 1997 UBC Section 1927 The full cracked moment of inertia is conservatively used to calculate delta n. The program iterates 15 times to determine deflections. Moments are related to deflections thru P-delta, and deflections are computed from actual moments. P1 = floor/roof DL per foot of wall P2 = SL per foot of wall P3 = weight of wall above CL, if given door opening it also includes wt of wall above opening, divided by b. BARRY LEVIN & ASSOCIATES, Inc. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Atlanta • Los Angeles • New York • Chicago 3822 Campus Drive • Suite 211 • Newport Beach, California 92660 Phone 949.833.3970 • Fax 949.833.3837 • www.BarryLevin.com JOB NAME L Pf Q L) I w-A „ SUBJECT(A.)At.L- S9AQ N C., 19QAC-6 f0- (�yf COAX) r xg I x 2- c 4 s7 = 8o4 Ptf s�is��c ' • SHEET NO. '-:� JOBNO._ DATE - r� COMPUTED BY r n CHECKED BY 4-x gc - 3216 cas v IFZK, gs- = 38GG Lar 1,15 C� 3 - '144'6 TH9J 1301,TS e 3 v Z11 = 2630 u3i 1►66s,26Sow 1.33 I, 33+� 2� 3a,. ,�►u�4-s +9�b ��s'-q,� 153 I'c 3 - d 59 3 d3S 7 38r-c LBs ok ustg T3 3'/Zv S"Z PA9ur Q 3/4� Goir 2 3 K�S BARRY LEYIN & ASSOCIATES, Inc. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Atlanta • Los Angeles • New York • Chicago 3822 Campus Drive • Suite 211 • Newport Beach, California 92660 Phone 949.833.3970 • Fax 949.833.3837 • www.BarryLevin.com JOB NAME [A l3y i NTa _ SUBJECT C<m U/L�GL d ALL Setsm c Gov s W W �JWALA- = .1-71 x 7$ - 21.1 P& SHEET NO. JOB NO. 2. U S ; DATE — 2 � - 4 COMPUTED BY CHECKED BY i use 9`0m U L,J/*4& 2o, Vaer 9"eW,Drr f=Tr' Ste;' .OM ID C&C Barry Levin & Associates, Inc. Title: Job # Structural Engineers Dsgnr: Date: 3822 Campus Drive Suite 211 Description : / 1 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Scope: (949)833-3970 Rev W0100-- User KW-OWfWver5-5.Q•25-Sep-2WI Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design (c)16&32W1 ENERCALC Engineering Software Description STEM WALL BTWN PILASTERS Criteria i Retained Height = 1.00ft Wall height above soil = 3.33 ft Slope Behind Wall = 0.00 : 1 Height of Sal over Toe = 12.00 in Sal Density = 110.00 pcf Wind on Stem Soil Data AIIowSoil Bearing = 1,330.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure = 35.0 Toe Active Pressure = 0.0 Passive Pressure = 250.0 Water height over heel = 0.0 ft FootingIlSoil Friction 0.0 psf Soil height to ignore for passive pressure Lateral Load Applied to Stem Design Summa Total Bearing Load = 829 Ibs ...resultant eec. = 4.57 in Lateral Load = 0.300 = 0.00 in 21.1 #/ft Footing Strengths & Dimensions fc = 3,000 psi Fy = 60,000 psi Min. As % - 0.0014 Toe Width Heel Width Total Footing Width Footing Thickness Key Width Key Depth Key Distance from Toe Cover @ Top = 3.00 in ...Height to Top ...Height to Bottom Stem Construction Top Stem Design height ft= Stem OK 0.00 Wall Material Above "Ht" = Masonry Thickness = 8.00 Rebar Size = # 4 Rebar Spacing = 24.00 Rebar Placed at - Center Design Data - fb/FB + fa/Fa = 0.295 Total Force @ Section Ibs = 108.9 Moment.... Actual ft-#= 203.6 Moment..... Allowable = 689.8 Shear..... Actual psi = 2.6 Shear..... Allowable psi = 38.7 Sal Pressure @ Toe = 895 psf OK Sal Pressure @ Heel = 0 psf OK Allowable = 1,330 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe = 1,224 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 0 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 4.2 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 2.7 psi OK Allowable = 93.1 psi Wall Stability Ratios Overturning = 2.52 OK Sliding = 4.64 OK Sliding Calcs (Vertical Component Used) Lateral Sliding Force = 161.4 Ibs less 100% Passive Force = - 500.0 Ibs less 100% Friction Force = - 248.7 Ibs Added Force Req'd = 0.0 Ibs OK ....for 1.5 : 1 Stability = 0.0 Ibs OK Footing Design Results Toe Heel Factored Pressure = 1,224 0 psf Mu': Upward = 361 0 ft-# Mu': Downward = 126 147 ft-# Mu: Design = 235 147 ft-# Actual 1-Way Shear = 4.18 2.69 psi Allow 1-Way Shear = 93.11 93.11 psi Toe Reinforcing = None Spec'd Heel Reinforcing = None Spec'd Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd Bar Develop ABOVE Ht. in = 24.00 Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht. in = 6.00 Wall Weight = 84.0 Rebar Depth 'd' in = 3.81 Masonry Data - - fm psi= 1,500 Fs psi = 24,000 Solid Grouting = Yes Special Inspection = Yes Modular Ratio'n' = 25.78 Short Term Factor - 1.000 Equiv. Solid Thick. in = 7.60 Masonry Block Type = Normal Weight Concrete Data fc psi = Fy psi = Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: Not req'd, Mu < S' Fr Heel: Not req'd, Mu < S " Fr Key. No key defined 0.67 ft 1.33 2.00 12.00 in 0.00 in 0.00 in 0.00 ft @ Btm.= 3.00 in 4.33 ft 0.00 ft Barry Levin & Associates, Inc. Title: Structural Engineers Dsgnr: 3822 Campus Drive Suite 211 Description: Newport Beach, CA 92660 Scope: (949)833-3970 Rev 550100 Lhwr.KW43WINO, Ver550,2SSep-200, Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design (c)T9S3.2001 ENERGALC Engineering Software Description STEM WALL BTWN PILASTERS Job # Date: Summary of overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments J . r ...OVERTURNING..... .....RESISTING..... Force Distance Moment Force Distance Moment Item Ibs ft ft-# Ibs ft ft-t Heel Active Pressure = 70.0 0.67 46.7 Soil Over Heel = 73.0 1.67 121.5 Toe Active Pressure = Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = 91.4 3.17 289.2 Load @ Stem Above Sal = SeismicLoad = Total = 161.4 O.T.M. = 335.8 Resisting/Overturning Ratio = 2.52 Vertical Loads used for Sal Pressure = 829.1 Ibs Vertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure Sloped Soil Over Heel Surcharge Over Heel Adjacent Footing Load A)aal Dead Load on Stem = 0.00 Soil Over Toe = 73.4 0.33 24.5 Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) = 363.7 1.00 363.8 Earth @ Stem Transitions = Footing Weight = 299.5 1.00 299.1 Key Weight = Vert. Component = 19.5 2.00 39.0 Total = 829.1 Ibs R.M.= 847.9 BARRY LEVIN & ASSOCIATES, Inc. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Atlanta • Los Angeles • New York • Chicago 3822 Campus Drive • Suite 211 • Newport Beach, California 92660 Phone 949.833.3970 • Fax 949.833.3837 • www.BarryLevin.com JOB NAME Lk QUINVA SUBJECT CM U e&C—LOSUQG_ _ lc S- w S�isMic V 27 &Lf NfM wAa) � S4&A WALL C-3 CJZ- 62.67K ax 76)x,27I = I J b PLF � 2 ovbw S) 0 MPA 'c ' PRW 18.-7 Ps F caz = 2.VV 18,7+ gQL--x (I&W-+- _ ISS. PL,F SHEET NO. 9 JOB NO. '9,0311�'j DATE c - 2 3- 04- COMPUTED BY C D CHECKED BY FZ CW f C14�C C 1c MsljsMjr - 113xg,G7x 8.(,1 4- 2S2vt4.33��2 �t 13g l.gS t1wjN0 -s 9Wx 03 'ZZ -+ I t�g�c 8.67-/ 8-G*7 = 13752 Fr -OS 6--6oWWmj CM PI (Aff tA74)( K o pew 7tY d-11-7 eA We d= 12u MS - Ass j dL - 2.�,� 2��I.33x .$s� t x X,,- Sx,412k-SS71V,Uve1171Z = d6gFr-K)13,75'�'`r,�: 6x -f 7 CA cc� d P1 A,`MK Job Name LA QUINTA TRC Subject EMU PILASTERS Pad Footing Design Seismic or Wind condition? 0 Qsp = 1 1.00 ksf Increase Qsp by 1/3 or N ? Y F1 = 1.37 kips x1 = 8.67 ft F2 = 0.87 kips x2 = 2.17 ft P1 = 7.30 kips P2 = 0.01 kips Footing Information B = 6.50 ft t = 1.50 ft width = 4.00 ft P3 = 5.85 kips MOT = 17.13 k-ft MR = 42.77 k-ft .67Mr - MOT 1.66 > e = MOT = E(P1+P2+P3) Sht No. (0 Job No. 203118 Date 87/23/04 Computed By: CD Checked By: P1 F 1 F2 f— X1 P2 I` X2 ■ P3 t t B 1.0 OK 1.30 > B 6 gmax = 4*(P1+P2+P3)43*width*(B-2*e)] = 1.13 ksf gmax < gall - 1.33 ksf The footing is okay. BARRY LEYIN & ASSOCIATES, Inc. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Atlanta • Los Angeles • New York • Chicago 3822 Campus Drive • Suite 211 • Newport Beach, California 92660 Phone 949.833.3970 • Fax 949.833.3837 • www.BarryLevin.com JOB NAME _ I A L)I N Th SUBJECT CAL) Wa, i tour q� P ILA sIw — Touw Q U-)hu, Ww 10A % 18.7-1 L!,3 + IP--'A. 4x 2 = 4v R-f SHEET NO, 1 I JOB NO. ��� I Ill DATE �' 25,C4 COMPUTED BY X CHECKED BY 'wsg1?8><i,33 - S6 eLF 4C. avt?^5 �� L-IA � 15-4x 113'121Z = 732 u3 4 00278 j a57d- M 5, As Is,j ot 1. 33x .857d io z w 32, 8 PT I/ %> 4:73 F-f- k Ok Iti 1.33x.42-78574 k I4Kil- I Z' _ 23.(� ' f-T, K ->4-,'72 Fr, K use 27 gn FAc9 OF 16 Pt 0 CT6r BARRY LEVIN & ASSOCIATES, Inc. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Atlanta • Los Angeles • New York • Chicago 3822 Campus Drive • Suite 211 • Newport Beach, California 92660 Phone 949.833.3970 • Fax 949.833.3837 • www.BarryLevin.com JOB NAME LA 001 fit" SUBJECT 20 _ A Wko ",C&�> rR 4943 P SHEET NO. 12-- JOB NO. 20 3119 DATE 10 - COMPUTED BY Q0 CHECKED BY 5fu jovqi� / silo"U. DMA scp&,,s vae � 7-so k1.33 < 372 ups �✓/yzu� ,Amaio&s 'or* $ C 11� Vgoc�rs , 261 x 11-6T L63/ cd/t s �P[,F r� 3Ir �. _ gas/t►n�u�le 2 < 1 KJ � 6A+) 4� olt w •ut VR,641D % 1�'/2 I7tiI z 3% C(� V,¢�cor� �'� Z'� l,aS d �C avr-oF-PLAN 4i ��21�q'S 19tJ1,64p�S • @ `�Z oc OK F-of- -5tL fwlre BARRY LEVIN & ASSOCIATES, Inc. STR UCTURAL ENGINEERS Atlanta • Los Angeles • New York • Chicago 3822 Campus Drive • Suite 211 • Newport Beach, California 92660 Phone 949.833.3970 • Fax 949.833.3837 • www.BarryLevin.com JOB NAME,I-A ( 01WA SUBJECT _S1 LWG6ACK C 46* tt S S 91/s Ve pt SHEET NO. ..� JOB NO. �c7?J1 I DATE 1 t7— 2.6 - COMPUTED BY CD CHECKED BY 1` r&g- Spr 4 0. q'4 2 V� - W 2vjs ' L(O.4nei l x ►v.11t, 4 , 32o Ptf C 616C4-- A SS $>- 8 ROOL i S'f'RDA�6a�c.K 1 44- OK S cbrk p cAtc W = P6(J, C&F 3PA0009L- fe�V��T J0,W , SPANS 0RA;4! fgMPsS - GIS(� Il)bM(A/AC. 6V-91 : SQL fL4F F6 1'33 — �60�1-� sits (10^( CALCS Barry Levin & Associates, Inc. Title: Job # Structural Engineers Dsgnr: Date: 3822 Campus Drive Suite 211 Description Newport Beach, CA 92660 Scope: (949)833-3970 Rev 550100 User KW-OW1960, Ver5.5.0,25-SM2001 Steel Beam Design (c)1983-2001 ENERCALCEngineenng Software Description VERTICAL STRONGBACK General Information Calculations are designed to AISC 9th Edition ASD and 1997 UBC Requirements Steel Section: TS8X8X1/4 Fy 46.00ksi Pinned -Pinned Load Duration Factor 1.33 Center Span 27.00 ft Bm Wt. Added to Loads Elastic Modulus 29,000.Oksi Left Cant. 0.00 ft LL & ST Act Together Right Cant 0.00 ft Lu : Unbraced Length 3.00 ft Trapezoidal Loads #1 DL @ Left LL @ Left ST @ Left 0.128 k/ft Start ft DL @ Right LL @ Right ST @ Right 0.128 k/ft End 10.000 ft #2 DL @ Left LL @ Left ST @ Left 0.320 k/ft Start 10.000 ft DL @ Right LL @ Right ST @ Right 0.320 k/ft End 27.000 ft I Summary 1 Using: TS8X8X1 /4 section, Span = 27.00ft, Fy = 46.0ksi End Fixity = Pinned -Pinned, Lu = 3.00ft, OF = 1.330 Actual Allairable Moment 26.891 k-ft 63.176 k-ft fb : Bending Stress 17.188 ksi 40.379 ksi fb I Fb 0.426 : 1 Shear 4.312 k 48.944 k fv : Shear Stress 1.078 ksi 24.472 ksi fv / Fv 0.044 : 1 Beam OK Short Term Load Case Governs Stress Max. Deflection -1.584 in LengthlDL Deft 2,289.1 : 1 Length/(DL+LL Defl) 204.5 : 1 Force & Stress Summary «- These columns are Dead + Live Load placed as noted -» DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST Ma)dmum Only C& Center Center 0 Cants Cants Max M + 26.89 k-ft 2.35 26.89 k-ft Max M - -0.00 k-ft Max M @ Left k-ft Max M @ Right k-ft Shear @ Left 3.10 k 0.35 3.10 k Shear @ Right 4.31 k 0.35 4.31 k Center Defl. -1.584 in -0.142 0.000 -1.584 0.000 0.000 in Left Cant Dell 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Right Cant Defl 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in ...Query Deft @ 0.000 ft 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reaction @ Left 3.10 0.35 3.10 k Reaction @ Rt 4.31 0.35 4.31 k Fa calc'd per 1.5-1, K'Ur < Cc Section Properties TS8X8X1/4 Depth 3.000 in Weight 25.78 #/ft r-roc 3.146 in Width 8.000in I-xx 75.10 in4 r-yy 3.146 in Thickness 0.250 in I-yy 75.10 in4 S-xx 18.775 in3 Area 7.59 in2 S-yy 18.775 in3 Barry Levin & Associates, Inc. Structural Engineers 3822 Campus Drive Suite 211 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949)833-3970 Title: Dsgnr: Description Scope: KW ;*UjW User. KW4)6019W. Ver5.50, 25•Sep-2001 Steel Beam Design M1983-2001 ENERCALC Enain"rinp Softvrare Description HORIZONTAL STRONGBACK Job # Date: 1 S General Information Calculations are designed to AISC 9th Edition Aso and 1997 UBC Requirements Steel Section : TS8X8X1/4 Fy 46.00ksi Pinned -Pinned Load Duration Factor 1.00 Center Span 15.00 ft Bm Wt. Added to Loads Elastic Modulus 29,000.0 ksi Left Cant. 0.00 ft LL & ST Act Together Right Cant 0.00 ft Lu : Unbraced Length 2.00 ft Trapezoidal Loads #1 DL @ Left LL @ Left ST @ Left 0.546 k/ft Start ft DL @ Right LL @ Right ST @ Right 0.546 k/ft End 15.000 ft Using, TS8X8X114 section, Span = 15.00ft, Fy = 46.0ksi End Fixity = Pinned -Pinned, Lu = 2.ODk LDF = 1.000 Actual Allowable Moment 16.081 k-ft 47.501 k-ft fb : Bending Stress 10.278 ksi 30.360 ksi fb I Fb 0.339 : 1 Shear 4.288 k 36.800 k fv : Shear Stress 1.072 ksi 18.400 ksi fv / Fv 0.058 : 1 Beam OK Short Term Load Case Governs Stress Max. Deflection -0.299 in Length/DL DO 13,349.8 : 1 Length/(DL+LL Defl) 601.9 : 1 Force 8r Stress Summary <<- These columns are Dead + Live Load placed as noted -» DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST Mabmum Only Center Center 00 Cants Cants Max M + 16.08 k-ft 0.73 16.08 k-ft Max M_ k-ft Max. M @ Left k-ft Max M @ Right k-ft Shear @ Left 4.29 k 0.19 4.29 k Shear @ Right 4.29 k 0.19 4.29 k Center Defl. -0.299 in -0.013 0.000 -0.299 0.000 0.000 in Left Cant Defl 0.000in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Right Cant Defl 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in ...Query Deft @ 0.000 ft 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reaction Left 4.29 0.19 4.29 k Reaction 41 Rt 4.29 0.19 4.29 k Fa calc'd per 1.5-1, K*L/r < Cc Section Properties TS8X8X1/4 Depth 8.000 in Weight 25.78 #1ft r-nor 3.146 in Width 8.000in I -nor 75.10 in4 r-yy &W in Thickness 0.250 in I-yy 75.10 in4 S-xx 18.775 in3 Area 7.59 in2 S-yy 18.775 in3 Barry Levin & Associates, Inc. Structural Engineers 3822 Campus Drive Suite 211 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949)833-3970 Rev: 5N)1no User, KW4601g80, Ver 5 5 0, 25-Sep_2001 (c)19832001 ENERCALC Engineering Software Title: Job # Dsgnr: Date: Description : I z Scope: Steel Beam Design Description HORIZONTAL STRONGBACK General information Calculations are designed to AISC 9th Edition ASD and 1997 UBC Requlremerrts Steel Section : TS8X8X1/4 Fy 46.00ksi Pinned -Pinned Load Duration Factor 1.33 Center Span 15.00 ft Bm Wt. Added to Loads Elastic Modulus 29,000.0 ksi Left Cant. 0.00 ft LL & ST Act Together Right Cant 0.00 ft Lu : Unbraced Length 2.00 ft Trapezoidal Loads #1 DL @ Left LL @ Left ST @ Left 0.180 klft Start ft DL @ Right LL @ Right ST @ Right 0.180 kfft End 15.000 ft Using: TS8X8X1 /4 section, Span = 15 00R, Fy = 45 4ksi End Fixity = Pinned -Pinned, Lu = 2 Coft, LDF = 1 330 Actual Allowable Moment 5.788 k-ft 63.176 k-ft fb : Bending Stress 3.699 ksi 40.379 ksi fb / Fb 0.092 : 1 Shear 1.543 k 48.944 k fv : Shear Stress 0.386 ksi 24.472 ksi tv / Fv 0.016 : 1 Beam OK Short Term Load Case Governs Stress Max Deflection -0.108 in Length/DL Defl 13,349.8 : 1 Lengthl(DL+LL Defl) 1,672.5 : 1 Force & Stress Summary «- These columns are Dead + Live Load placed as noted -» DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST Maximum Only Center Q Center 01 Cants Cants Max. M + 5.79 k-ft 0.73 5.79 k-ft Max M - k-ft Max M @ Left k-ft k-ft Max M @ Right Shear @ Left 1.54 k 0.19 1.54 k Shear @ Right 1.54 k 0.19 1.54 k Center Defl. -0.108 in -0.013 0.000 -0.108 0.000 0.000 in Left Cant Defl 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Right Cant Defl 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in ...Query DO @ 0.000 ft 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reaction 0 Left 1.54 0.19 1.54 k Reaction Rt 1.54 0.19 1.54 k Fa calc'd per 1.5-1, K"Ur < Cc Section Properties TS8X8X1/4 Depth 8.000 in Weight 25.78 Xft r-xx 3.146 in Width 8.000in I-xx 75.10 in4 r yy 3.146 in Thickness 0.250 in I-yy 75.10 in4 S-xx 18.775 in3 Area 7.59 in2 S-yy 18.775 in3 "­N ER-5193 ES REPORT"" Reissued September 1, 2002 ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc. - 5360 Workman Mill Road, W hittier, California 90601 - www.icboes.org Filing Category: FASTENERS —Concrete and Masonry Anchors HILTI HIT HY-150 ADHESIVE ANCHOR SYSTEMS HILT], INC. 5400 SOUTH 122 EAST AVENUE TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74146 1.0 SUBJECT Hilt! Hit HY-150 Adhesive Anchor Systems. 2.0 DESCRIPTION 2.1 General The Hilti HIT HY-150 Adhesive Anchor Systems consist of HY-150 hybrid adhesive mortar used in conjunction with threaded steel rod or deformed steel reinforcement bars. This evaluation report recognizes the use of HIT HY 150 in normal -weight concrete, lightweight concrete and fully grouted, concrete masonry construction. Table 1 provides general application descriptions for use of the Hitti HY-150 adhesive. The anchor system Is an alternative to cast -in - place anchors described in Sections 1923.1 and 2107.1.5 of the 1997 Uniform Building CodeTM (UBC), and Sections 1912 and 2107 of the 2000 Intemational Building Code°D (IBC). The anchor systems may also be used where an engineered design is submitted in accordance w ith Section R301.1.2 of the 2000International Residential Code (I RC). 2.2 Materials: 2.2.1 HIM HIT HY-150 Adhesive: HIM HIT HY-150 adhesive is a hybrid adhesive mortar combining urethane methacrylate resin, hardener, portland cement, and water. The resin and cement are kept separate from the hardener and water by means of a dual cartridge that allows for multiple uses. An injection nozzle, equipped with an internal helical mixing element, is attached to the manifold, and the adhesive components are dispensed through the injection nozzle to ensure proper mixing of the separate adhesive components. The injection nozzle may be replaced to permit multiple uses of the refill cartridges. The shelf life of the adhesive is at least nine months when it is stored in a dry, dark environment. Each cartridge is stamped with an adhesive expiration date. Temperatures during short-term (less than 48 hours) storage of the adhesive must be between 23°F and 95°F (-5°C and 35°C). Temperatures during long-term storage of the adhesive must be between 41"F and 70°F (5°C and 25°C). H ifti, Inc., should be contacted regarding suitability of adhesive for which the storage history is unknown. 2.2.2 Threaded Steel Rods: Threaded rods must be manufactured from steel that complies with the mechanical property requirements of ASTM A 36; ASTM A 193, Grade B7; AISI 304-SS, Group 1 CW; or ISO 898-1, Class 5.8, as shown in Table 2. Specification and installation parameters for threaded rods are noted in Table 3. 2.2.3 Reinforcement Bars: Deformed reinforcement bars (rebars) range in sizefrom No. 3through No. 11. The bars are manufactured from steel conforming to ASTM A 615, A 616, A 617, or A 706; minimum Grade 60. 2.2.4 Normal -weight Concrete: Normal -weight concrete must be normal -weight, stone -aggregate concrete having a minimum 2,000 psi (13.79 MPa) compressive strength at the time of anchor installation. 2.2.5 Structural Lightweight Concrete: Structural lightweight concrete must have a minimum 3,000 psi (19 17 MPa) compressive strength at the time of anchor installation. 2.2.6 Grouted Concrete Masonry Units: Concrete masonry construction must be fully grouted and have a minimum prism strength of 1,500 psi (9.58 MPa) atthe time of anchor installation. Concrete masonry units must be Grade N, Type 1, in accordance with UBC Standard 21-4 or ASTM C 90-99 (IBC or IRC). Mortar must be Type N (minimum) in accordancewith Section 2103.3 of the UBC, Section 2103.7 of the IBC, or Section R607 of the IRC. Grout shall comply with Section 2103.4 ofthe UBC, Section 2103.10 of the IBC, or Section R609.1.1 of the IRC. 2.3 Design: 2.3.1 General: HIM HIT HY-150, in conjunction with threaded steel rod or rebar, is permitted to resist dead 'loads, live loads, and short-term loads, such as those resulting from wind or earthquake. The allowable tension and shear loads forthreaded rod and rebar in concrete and masonry are given in Tables 6 through 13. The allowable bond or concrete tension and shearvalues in this report must be adjusted in accordance with Figure 1 for in-service base material temperatures in excess of 110-F (43-C). Allowable loads for anchors subjected to combined shear and tension forces are determined bythe following formula: (P, IP,) + W. IV,) s 1 where: P, = Applied service tension load. P, = Allowable service tension load. V, = Applied service shear load. V, = Allowable service shear bad. For anchors installed at edge distances less than cc„ or anchor spacing less than sr„ or both, the allowable load of Rcr`omv' are• not b he ronst-rd a representuig aesthetics or ape odrr, at&ihnha nor rprcr/irallt• add, a rsed, nor are thin, e, heconstrued ins an redo, cement at the suhiert of the sport or a secs mmrndntina to? ifs use There is net warranh, hi- R'BO 8rn(renfunr Service, Ere , e•.apress or unplitd, m fo ant'hndmR or other ,utter in this rey,art, or as to anpprodncf nn•ered hr the report. Copyright® 2002 lzzv Page 1 of 10 2of10 ER-5193 the anchor based on the bond/concrete strength must be reduced in accordance with reduction factors found in Table 4 of this report. 2.3.2 Short-term Loading: The allowable seismic shear bad with threaded rod is the lower of the steel shear strength calculated in Section or the bond or concrete/masonry shear strength given in Tables 7 through 9, 12 and 13, and may be increased in accordance with Section 1612.3.2 of the UBC or Section 1605.3.2 of the IBC, for wind or earthquake loading conditions. The allowable seismic tension load with threaded rod (Tables 6, 8, 9, 12 and 13) and the allowable seismic tension and shear load with rebar (Tables 10 and 11) is the lower of the tabulated steel or bond or concrete strength given in the tables, and may be increased by 33'/3 percent In accordance with Section 1612.3.2 of the UBC or Section 1605.3.2 of the IBC, for short-term loading conditions. As an alternative, the applied loads may be reduced in accordance with Section 1612.3.1 of the UBC or Section 1605.3.1.1 of the IBC, for wind or earthquake loading. Seismic Shear Based on Steel Strength: Allowable short-term shear capacities may be based on steel strength and must be calculated as follows and then compared to the corresponding concrete/masonryor bond value as described in Section 2.3.2 • For normal -weight concrete: At less than standard embedment, the allowable steel strength is limited to A 36 threaded rod values, regardless of the actual type of steel used. At standard embedment and deeper, the allowable steel shear strengths, given in Table 6, must be reduced as follows: • ASTM A 36 rods —No reduction from A 36 rod value. • ISO 898 Class 5.8 rods —Allowable load based on steel strength is limited to A 36 threaded rod values. • ASTM A 193 137 rods —Allowable load based on steel strength is 0.71 times the A 193 67 rod values. • AISI 304/316 SS CW rods —Allowable load based on steel strength is 0.79 times the AISI 304/316 stainless steel rod values. • Structural lightweight concrete and grouted concrete masonry units: — The allowable steel shear strength is limited to A 36 threaded rod values, regardless of the actual type of steel used. 2.4 Installation: Installation of the Hilti HIT HY-150 System must conform to the manufacturer's published installation instructions included in each unit package, and the requirements of this evaluation report. Installation parameters are summarized further in Tables 3, 4, and 5, and the corresponding load data tables. Holes for installation of the threaded rod or reinforcement bar must be drilled using a drill that is set in roto-hammer mode and that has a carbide -tipped bit that complies with ANSIB212.15-1994. Holes must be cleaned of dust and debris, using a wire brush and compressed air as required to remove particulate debris and to achieve a relatively dust -free surface. Holes are permitted to be damp, but all standing water must be removed in accordance with Section 4.12 of this evaluation report. The dual cartridge Is self -opening, and the adhesive is dispensed through an injection nozzle equipped with an internal helical mixing element that is attached to the cartridge manifold to ensure proper mixing of the components. Material from the first two "trigger pulls" must be discarded to ensure that only property mixed product is used. The injection nozzle may be replaced to permit multiple uses of the cartridge. The injection nozzle must always be equipped with the internal helical mixing element. The injection nozzle must be as manufactured by Hilti for the HIT HY-150 Adhesive Anchor System Holes are filled approximately two-thirds full with the mixed adhesive, injecting from the bottom of the hole towards the top. The threaded rod or deformed bar is twisted as it is inserted into the hole to the required embedment depth The anchor positron may be adjusted only during the gel time shown in Table 5. Anchors are permitted to be loaded to the design load only after the cure time shown in Table 5 has passed. See Section 4.13 of this evaluation report for limitations on base -material temperature during installation. 2.5 Special Inspection: Adhesive anchor installations require special inspection in accordance with Section 1701 of the UBC or Section 1704 of the IBC. The special inspector must record product description (including product name), adhesive expiration date, concrete or masonry type and strength, anchor diameter and steel grade, compliance of the drill bit with this report, hole diameter and location, cleanliness of hole and anchor, adhesive application, and anchor embedment. Additionally, the special inspector must state in the report supplied to the building official whether the anchor installation is in accordance with the manufacturer's published instructions and this evaluation report. 2.6 Identification: The Hilti HY-150 adhesive is identified by labels on or in the packaging that include the manufacturer's name (Hilti), product name, lot number, expiration date, evaluation report number (ICBO ES ER-5193), and installation instructions. 3.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Data in accordance with the ICBO ES Acceptance Criteria for Adhesive Anchors in Concrete and Masonry Elements (AC58), dated November 2001, including test reports for the following optional tests: axial tension testing of single anchors, establishing minimum edge distance, c = c,,,N, (AC58 Test Series 5); axial tension testing of a grou p of two anchors, establishing minimum spacing distance, s = s,,, (AC58 Test Series 9); shear testing of single anchors, establishing critical edge distance, c = c, (AC58 Test Series 13); shear testing of single anchors, establishing minimum edge distance, c = c,, (AC58 Test Series 14); creep testing (AC58 Test Series 17); dampness testing (AC58 Test Series 19); freezing and thaw testing (AC58 Test Series 20); and seismic shear and tension testing of threaded rods and rebar (AC58 Test Series 21) 4.0 FINDINGS That the HIM HY-150 Adhesive Anchor Systems described in this report comply with the 1997 Uniform Building Codeym (UBC), the 20001nternational B ullding 3of10 ER-5193 Code' (IBC), and the 2000 International Residential Code• (IRC), subject to the following conditions: 4.1 The HIT HY-150 Adhesive Anchor Systems with threaded rod are permitted to be used to resist dead loads, live loads and short-term loads, such as those resulting from wind or earthquake forces. 4.2 When anchors are usedto resist short-term loads, such as wind or seismic, allowable loads must be calculated in accordance with Section 2.3.2 of this report. 4.3 The anchors are installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and this report. 4.4 The HIT HY-150 Adhesive Anchor Systems are Installed in holes predrilled using a carbide -tipped masonry drill bit manufactured within the range of the maximum and minimum dimensions of ANSI B212.15.1994. 4.5 Special inspection in accordance with Section 2.5 of this report is provided for all anchor Installations. 4.6 Calculations and details demonstrating compliance with this report must be submitted to the building official for approval. 4.7 Anchors are not permitted for use in conjunction with fire -resistive construction. Exceptions are: • Anchors resist wind or seismic loading only. • For other than wind or seismic loading, special consideration is given to fire exposure conditions. 4.8 Adhesive anchors may be used to resist tension and shearforces in overhead orwall installations only if consideration is given to the effects of elevated temperature conditions on anchor performance. Figure 1 describes load reduction factors for elevated temperatures. 4.9 Since an ICBO ES acceptance criteria for evaluating data to determine the performance of adhesive anchors subjected to fatigue or shock loading is unavailable at this time, the use of these anchors under these conditions is beyond the scope of this report. 4.10 Since an ICBO ES acceptance criteria for evaluatingthe performance of anchors in cracked concrete or masonry is unavailable at this time, the use of anchors Is limited to installation in uncrackedconcreteormasonry. Crackingoccurs when f, > f, due to service loads or deformations. 4.11 Use of the HIT HY-1 50 Adhesive AnchorSystem in conjunction with unprotected carbon steel threaded rods and/or reinforcing bars shall be I im itedto interior exposure. Installations exposed to severe, moderate or negligible exterior weathering conditions, as defined in Figure 21-1-1 of UBC Standard 21.1 (Table 1 of ASTM C 62-97a), are permitted where stainless steel (AISI 304 or 316 SS) threaded rod anchors are used. 4.12 Standing water must be removed from drilled holes. In applications where the concrete has been exposed to water for extended periods, drilled holes must be blown dry with oil -free compressed air for a minimum of one minute, or otherwise prepared to achieve an equivalent damp surface condition prior to anchor installation. 4.13 HIT HY-150 maybe used in base materials having interior temperatures between 23°F (-5°C) and 110°F (43°C) at the time of installation. Installation of HIT HY-150 in base materials having i nterio rtem pe ratu res outside this range is beyon d the scope of this report. The temperature of the HY-150 adhesive must be between 41°F (5•C) and 95°F (35°C) at the time of installation. 4.14 When anchors are located where the interior base -material temperature may exceed 110•F (430C), allowable tension and shear loads in this report must be adjusted for in-service temperatures in accordance with Figure 1. The use of HIT HY-150 in base materials having interior temperatures exceeding 248°F (120•C) during their service life is beyond the scope of this report 4.15 The HIT HY-150 adhesive is manufactured byHilti GmbH at their facilities in Kaufering, Germany, with quality control inspection by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (AA-668). This report is subjection to re-examination in two years. 4of10 ER-5193 TABLE 1—APPLICATION DESCRIPTIONS ADHESIVE ANCHOR BASE MATERIAL PRODUCT INSERT SPECIFICATION DATA LOAD DATA Threaded rod Tables 3, 4, 5 Tables 6, 7, and 12 Normal -weight concrete HIT HY-150 Reinforcing bar Tables 4, 5, 10 and 11 Table 10 and 11 Structural lightweight concrete con HIT HY-150 Threaded and Tables 3, 4, 5 Table 8 Grouted block masonry HIT HY-150 Threaded and Tables 3 and 5 1 Tables 9 and 13 TABLE 2---STEEL SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROD, NUT AND WASHER ALL THREAD ROD NUT SPECIFICATION WASHER SPECIFICATION Description Specification f, (kel) f, (ksl) Standard HAS Rod ASTM A 36 36.0 58.0 ASTM A 563, Grade A ANSI B18.22.1, Type A, pain Standard HAS-E Rod ISO B98, Class 5.8 58.0 72.5 ASTM A 563, Grade DH ASTM F 436 Super HAS Rod ASTM A 193 B7 105.0 125.0 ASTM A 563, Grade DH ASTM F 436 3041316 Stainless HAS Rod ('I.- -'/.") ASTM F 593, CW 65.0 100.0 ASTM F 594, AIIoy Group 1 ANSI B18.22.1, Type A, pain 304/316 Stainless HAS Rod ('/ ' - 1'/ ") 45.0 85.0 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 psi = 6.894 kPa. TABLE 3—SPECIFICATIONS FOR INSTALLATION OF THREADED RODS IN CONCRETE USING HILTI HIT HY-150 ADHESIVE PROPERTY THREADED ROD DIAMETER 1. Inch t 7. Inch I. Inch 'I, Inch 'I. Inch 1 Inch Inches A,,,, = Nominal area of threaded rod (inch') 0.1105 0.1963 0.3068 0.4418 0.6013 0.7854 1 2272 BD = Nominal bit diameter (inches) '/,. '/„ "/,a "/„ "/,. 1'/,. 1'/, T= Maximum torque (ft. bf? Embedment s Standard 15 20 50 105 125 165 280 Embedment > Standard 18 30 75 150 175 1235 400 Standard embedment depth (inches) T/ 4'/ 5 6'/ For SI: 1 inch = 25A mm, 1 ft.4b. = 1.4 N-m, 1 inch' = 645 mm'. TABLE 4—REDUCTION FACTORS FOR REDUCED SPACING AND EDGE DISTANCE IN NORMAL -WEIGHT AND STRUCTURAL LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE SPACING (s) AND EDGE DISTANCE (c) TENSION CAPACITY SHEAR CAPACITY Tension Reduction Factor (f„ ) Direction of Load Shear Reduction Factor (f,) s-, = 0.25s,. 0.7 Toward edge 0.7 Not toward edge c-„ = 0.33c. 0.6 Toward edge 0.2 Not toward edge 0.6 TABLE 5—HILTI, INC.'S, RECOMMENDED GEL AND CURE TIMES FOR HILTI HIT HY 150 ADHESIVE MINIMUM BASE -MATERIAL TEMPERATURE GELTIME CURE TIME 23'F 25 minutes 6 hours 32"F 18 minutes 3 hours 41"F 13 minutes 90 minutes 68'F 5 minutes 50 minutes 86`F 4 minutes 40 minutes 104'F 2 minutes 30 minutes For SI. VC = (t'F - 32)/1.8. 5of10 ER-5193 TABLE 6-,ALLOWABLE TENSION LOADS FOR THREADED RODS INSTALLED IN 2,000 psl AND 4,000 psi NORMAL -WEIGHT CONCRETE, USING HILTI HY-15D ADHESIVE '•2 'A I ANCHOR DIAMETER (Inches) EMBEDMENT DEPTH (Inches) CRITICAL EDGE DISTANCE, C (Inches) CRITICAL SPACING, S (Inches) ALLOWABLE TENSION LOAD BASED ON BOND OR CONCRETE CAPACITY (pounds) ALLOWABLE TENSION LOAD BASED ON STEEL STRENGTH (pounds) f. = 2,000 psi f, = 4,000 psl ASTM A 38 180 898 CIO at 5.8 ASTM A 183 Grade B7 A181 3041316 as 1'!, 2'/ 3'/, 675 1,185 2,115 2,640 4,555 3,645 3'/, 5'/, 7 1,780 2,540 5'/, 8 10'/, 2,470 2,625 27. 3'/, 41/, 1,145 1,475 3,775 4,700 8,100 6,480 4'/, 6'/, 8'/, 2,555 3,690 6% 9'/2 12'1, 4,035 4,965 `/. 2'/, 3"/, 5 1,520 1,865 5,870 7,340 12,655 10,125 5 7'/, 10 4,120 4,920 77, 11'/4 15 5,645 7,715 '/. 3% 5 6'/, 2,215 3,680 8,455 10,570 18,225 12,390 6% 10 137, 4,365 8,330 10 15 20 8,920 11,380 '/. 3'1, 5'/, T/, 2,890 4,560 11,510 14,385 24,805 16,865 7'/, 11'/, 15 7,355 10,250 11'/, 17 22% 12,495 15,605 1 0. 6'/4 81/1 3,230 4,560 15,030 18,790 32,400 22,030 8'/4 12'/, 16'/, 7,810 10,910 12% 18% 24% 14,570 18,305 1'/, 6 9 12 4,355 6,565 23,490 29,360 50,620 34,425 12 18 24 14,520 19,475 15 22'/, 30 18,010 25,140 " a: i un:n - CD.4 mm, 4 JQ1 = 4.4D N, "1 PSI = DASU KYa. 'Allowable load shall be the lesser of tabulated bond or concrete and steel values. Load -reduction factors given in Table 4 for reduced edge distance (c) and anchor spacing (s) shall be applied to values in the bond or concrete capacity column. Linear interpolation may be used for intermediate spacings, edge distances, embedments and concrete strengths. Load -reduction factors are cumulative for anchors with multiple anchorspacings or base -material edge distances. 'The tabulated values are for anchors installed in concrete complying with Section 2.2.4 and having the designated compressive strength (f%) or higher at the time of installation. 'Allowable loads based on bond or concrete strength have been calculated using a safety factor of 4.0. 'Concrete thickness must be equal to or greater than 1.5 times the anchor embedment depth. 'When anchors are used to resist short-term loads, allowable loads must be calculated in accordance with Section 2.3.2 of this report. s Of 10 ER-5193 TABLE 7-ALLOWABLE SHEAR LOADS FOR THREADED RODS INSTALLED IN NORMAL -WEIGHT CONCRETE USING HILTI HY-150 ADHESIVE (pounds)'•'•"•' ANCHOR DIAMETER (Inches) EMBEDMENT DEPTH (Inches) CRITICAL EDGE DISTANCE, C„ (Inches) CRITICAL SPACING, S (Inches) ALLOWABLE SHEAR LOAD BASED ON BOND OR CONCRETE CAPACITY (pounds) ALLOWABLE SHEAR LOAD BASED ON STEEL STRENGTH (pounds) f, = 2,000 psi f . = 4,000 psi ASTM A 38 190 888 Claus 5.8 ASTM A 193 Grade 07 A181 3041315 Be '/. 2'/, 3% 1,010 1,010 1,090 1,360 2,345 1,875 3'/, 5'/, 7 1,675 2,365 5'/, 8 10'1, 3,335 4,715 2'l. 3'1, 4'l, 1,900 1.900 1,935 2,420 4,170 3,335 411, 61!, 81/, 2,540 3,590 6% 9'/, 12'/, 5,060 7,150 '!. 211, 3'`!, 5 2,985 2,985 3,025 3,780 6,520 5,215 5 7'/, 10 3,575 5,060 71/, 11'!, 15 7,125 10,080 3/, 3% 5 6'1, 4,380 4,380 4,355 5,445 9,390 6,385 6% 10 131, 6,095 8,620 10 15 20 12,275 17,360 3'/, 5'/, 7% 5,700 5,700 5,930 7,410 12,780 8,690 11'/, 15 7,885 11,150 11'!, 17 22'/, 15,705 22,215 1 47. 6'/, 8'/, 7,005 7,005 7745 9,680 16,690 11,350 8'/, 12% 16'/, 9,650 13,645 12% 18'!, 24'J4 19,225 27,190 6 9 12 11,790 11,790 12,10 15,125 26,080 17,735 12 18 24 19,510 27,590 15 22'/, 30 28,510 40,315 u a!: r Uturi = [a.q mm, 1 IDT = AAN. 1 psi = i?.mo KF'a. 'AJlowable load shall be the lesser of tabulated bond or concrete and steel values. Load-reduclion factors given in Table 4 for reduced edge distance (c) and anchor spacing (s) shall be applied tovalues in the concrete capacity column. Linear interpolation may be used for intermediate spacings, edge distances, embedments and concretestrengths. Load -reduction factors are cumulative for anchors with multiple anchor spacings or base material edge distances. 'The tabulated values are for anchors installed in concrete complying with Section 2.2A and having the designated compressive strength (f',) or higher at the time of installation. 'AJlowable loads based on bond or concrete strength have been calculated using a safety factor of 4.0. 'Concrete thickness must be equal to or greater than 1.5 times the anchor embedment depth. 'When anchors resist short-term loads, allowable shear loads must be calculated in accordance with Section 2.3.2 of this report Pagse 7 of 10 ER-5193 ANCHOR DIAMETER (Inch) '/, f '/ TABLE 8—ALLOWABLE TENSION AND SHEAR VALUES FOR THREADED ROD INSTALLED USING HILTI HIT HY-150 ADHESIVE IN 3,000 psi STRUCTURAL LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE'."" EMBEDMENT DEPTH EDGE DISTANCE, C„ ANCHOR SPACING, S„ ALLOWABLE LOADS BASED ON BOND OR CONCRETE CAPACITY (pounds) (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) Tension Shear' 4 31/, 745 1,285 3'/, s 7 1,000 1,580 2'/, 47, 04 975 2,130 41/, 9'/, 8'/, 1,210 2,910 2'/, 5'/, 5 1,200 2,480 31/, 71/ 6'/, 1,760 3,995 For Si: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 Ibf = 4.45 N, 1 psi = 6.89 kPa. 'Load-reduclon factors given in Table 4for reduced edge distance (c) and anchor spacing (s) shall be applied to values in the bond or concrete capacity column. Linear interpolation may be used for intermediate spacings, edge distances, and embedments. Load -reduction factors are cumulative for anchors with multiple anchor spacings and/or base material edge distances. 'The tabulated values are for anchors installed in structural lightweight concrete complying with Section 2.2 5 and having the designated compressive strength (f',) or higher at the time of installation. 'Aiiowableloads based on bond or concrete strength have been calculated using a safety factor of 4.0, 'Concrete INclmess must be equal to or greaterthan 1.5 times the anchor embedment depth. 'When anchors are used to resist short-term loads, allowable loads must be calculated in accordance with Section 2.3.2 of this report 'Allowable shear loads shall be the lesser of adjusted bond/concrete values above and the steel values give in Table 7. TABLE 9—ALLOWABLE TENSION AND SHEAR VALUES FOR THREADED ROD INSTALLED USING HILTI HIT HY-150 ADHESIVE IN GROUT -FILLED CONCRETE MASONRY CONSTRUCTION (pounds)'-"-' PARAMETER VALUES Anchor diameter (inches) '/'/, ,/ Embedment (inchesy 3'/, 4'/, 5 6% Minimum anchor spacing, s,,,,, (inches) 7 8'/, 10 137, Load direction Tension Shear' Tension Shear' Tension Shear' TensionE1, 4-inch edge distance, c,,,,° 1,610 1,610 1,610 Ed distance z 12 inches' 1,240 1,430 1,810 2,995 9e 1,875 3,335 4,495 4,495 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 Ibf = 4.48 N. 'Anchors are Imited to one per masonry cell. 'Anchors may be installed at any location in the face of The masonry wan (cell, web, head joint, bed joint, etc.). 'Allowable load values are for use in any masonry construction complying with Section 2.2.6 of this report. 'When anchors are used to resist short-term loads, allowable loads must be calculated in accordance with Section 2.3.2 of this report. 'Embedment depth is measured from the outside face of the masonry. 'Edge distances of less than 4 inches arebeyond the scope of this report. Linear interpolation for edge distances between inches and 12 inches is allowed. 'Allowable shear loads should be the lesser of the adjusted masonry or bond tabulated values and the sllwl values given in Table 7. 'The tabulated allowable loads have been calculated based on safety factor of 5.0. These values maybe increased by 25% (safety factor of 4) under the UBC only. 'Masonry thickness must be equal to or greater than I.5fimes the anchor embedment depth. EXCEPTION: The'/,-inch-diameteranchors maybe installed in minimum nominal 8-inch-thick masonry 8of10 ER-5193 TABLE 10--ALLOWABLE TENSION LOADS FOR GRADE 60 REINFORCING BAR INSTALLED USING HILTI HIT HY-150 ADHESIVE IN NORMAL -WEIGHT CONCRETE (pounds)'•"Age REBAR SIZE DRILL BIT DIAMETER (Inches) EMBEDMENT DEPTH (Inches) CRITICAL EDGE DISTANCE, c„ (Inches) CRITICAL SPACING, s„ (Inches) ALLOWABLE TENSION LOAD BASED ON BOND OR CONCRETE STRENGTH (pounds) ALLOWABLE TENSION LOAD BASED ON STEEL STRENGTH (pounds) r, = 2,000 PSI r, = 4,000 psl Grade 60 No.3 '/, 1'/, 2'/, 3 625 960 2,650 31/, 5'/, 7 1,735 2,040 7 10'/, 14 3,900 3,860 2 3 4 1,070 1,500 No.4 5/, 4 6 8 2,375 3,950 4,710 8 12 16 4,510 4,810 21/, 31/, 5 1,405 1,735 No.5 '/, 5 71/, 10 3,115 5,210 7,365 10 15 20 8,085 9,770 3'/, 5'/, 7 2,550 3,200 No.6 /, 7 10'/, 14 5,305 9,120 10,605 14 21 28 12,575 13,515 3'l, 5'l, 7'l, 2,690 3,955 No.7 1 T/, 11'/, 15 6,610 8,570 14,430 13'/, 20 261, 17,655 16,955 No.8 1'/. 4 6 8 3,520 4,525 18,850 8 12 16 8,985 11,330 16 24 32 15,440 22,000 No.9 1'/. 5 7'/, 10 4,190 6,565 23,850 10 15 20 12,180 15,880 18 27 36 25,315 21,345 No.10 11/, 6 9 12 5,820 8,105 29,450 12 18 24 13,180 20,375 20 30 40 29,290 31,540 No.11 1'/, 7 101/, 14 8,010 10,335 35,635 14 21 28 22,910 24,660 20 30 40 29,290 35,260 " m. llu 1 - -,.4 nuu, I -u- _ •f.-m rv, I ps- = D.Ml Kva. 'Load -reduction factors given in Table 4 tit reduced edge distance (c) and anchor spacing (s) shall be applied tDvalues in the band or concrete capacity column. Linear irderpoiation maybe used for intermediate spacings, edgedistances, embedments, or concrete strengths. Load redaction factors are cumulative for anchors vwih multiple anchor spacings or base -material edge distances. 'The allowable tension load must be the lesser of the tabulated concrete or bond strength and the allowable steel tension strength. Tabulated steel tension strengths are for Grade 60 only. For Grade 40 or 50, the allovmble steel strength is computed as the product of the nominal cross - sectional area of the rebar times the tensile stress described in Section 1926.3.2 of the UBC or Section A3.2 of ACI 318-99 (IBC). 'Allowable loads based an bond or concrete strength have been calculated using a safety factor of 4.0. 'Concrete thickness must be equal to or greater than 1.5 times lheanchor embedment depth. `Thetabuilated values are for anchors installed in concrete complying with Section 2.2.4 having the designated compressive strength (f,) at tine of installation - 'When anchors are used to resist short-term loads, allowable tension loads should be calculated in accordance with Section 2.3.2 of this report. Page 9 of 10 ER-5193 TABLE 11--ALLOWABLE SHEAR LOADS FOR GRADE 60 REINFORCING BAR INSTALLED USING HILTI HIT HY-150 ADHESIVE IN z 2,000 psi NORMAL -WEIGHT CONCRETE (pounds)"'"" REBAR SIZE DRILL BIT EMBEDMENT CRITICAL CRITICAL ALLOWABLE ALLOWABLE DIAMETER DEPTH EDGE SPACING, s„ SHEAR LOAD SHEAR LOAD (Inches) (Inches) DISTANCE, c„ (Inches) BASED ON BASED ON (Inches) BOND OR STEEL CONCRETE STRENGTH CAPACITY GRADE 60 (pounds) (pounds) f o z 2,000 psi ASTM A 615 Grade 60 No.3 '/, 3'/, 5'/, 7 1,560 1,680 No.4 '/, 4 6 8 2,615 3,060 No.5 '/, 5 T/, 10 4,125 4,740 No.6 '/, 7 10% 14 6,200 6,730 No.7 1 7'1, 11'/, 15 8,260 9,180 No.8 1'/, 8 12 16 8,375 12,085 No. 9 1'/, 10 15 20 11,855 15,300 No. 10 1'/ 12 18 24 17.430 19,430 For St: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 lbf = 4.45 N, 1 psi = 6.89 kPa. 'load -reduction factors given in Table 3 for reduced edge (c) and anchor spacing (s) shall be applied 10 values in the bond or concrete capacity cot umn. Linear inferpolabon maybe used forinfermediafe spacings, edge distances, ambed ments, or concrete strengths. Load red uclionfaciors are cumulative for anchors with multipie anchor spacings or basam aterial edge distances. 'Th a allowabie shear load must be the lesser offhe tabulated bond or concrete strength and the at Iowa blesleel strengih, Tabulated steel shear strengths are for Grade 60 only. For Grade 40or 50, allowable steel strengths is obtained using the toll owing formula: 0.17 x F, x norninat area. 'Allowable loads based on bond or concrete strength have been calculated using a safety factor of 4D, 'Concrete thick pass must be equal to or greater than 1.5 times the anchor embed men tdepth. 'The tabulated values are for anchors installed in concrete corn plying wilh Section 2.2.4 having the designated compressive strenglh (f _ } of the time of installation, 'When anchors are used to resist short-term loads, allowable shear loads should be calculated in accordance with Section 2.32 of this report. TABLE 12—ALLOWABLE TENSION AND SHEAR LOADS FOR SILL PLATES AND OTHER ATTACHMENTS TO MINIMUM 2,000 psi NORMAL -WEIGHT CONCRETE AT MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCES AND USING HILTI HY-150 ADHESIVE (pounds)' ""'' ANCHOR DIAMETER (Inch) EMBEDMENT EDGE DISTANCE TENSION SHEAR (pounds) DEPTH (Inches) (pounds) ) Load Applied Load Applied (Inches) Perpendicular to Parallel to Edge Edge 0, 1'/, 1,200 400 1,445 21/, 1,890 775 2,130 5 1 % 1,610 400 1,445 21, 2,550 1,010 2.445 10 11/4 4,680 — 15 1% 8,190 — — For A: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 Ibf = 4.45 N, 1 psi = 6.89 kPa. 'Loads in this table are forthreaded and complying with Section 2.2.2 and installed in the concrete at the edge distance listed in this table. No reductions for edge distance are required when anchors are installed with the minimum edge distance specified in the table. Capacity of attached sill plate or other material I resist loads in this table must comply with the applicable code. 'Edge distances are given in this table. Anchor spacing shall conform to the dimensions given in Tables 6 and 7. 'When anchors are used to resist short-term loads, allomable loads should be calculated in accordance with Section 2.3.2 of this report. 'Allowable loads have been calculaled using a safety factor of 4.0. 'Concrete thickness must be equal to or greater than 1.5 times the anchor embedment depth. 'The tabulated values are for anchors inslallod in concrete complying with Section 2 2.4 and having the designated compressive strength (P,) at the time of installation. 10of10 E R -5193 TABLE 13--ALLOWABLE LOADS FOR SILL PLATES AND OTHER ITEMS ATTACHED TO TOPS OF GROUT -FILLED MASONRY WALLS AT MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCES AND USING HILTI HY 150 ADHESIVE"' ANCHOR DEPTHSION DIAMETER (Inch) (Inches)(inches)nds) EMBEDMENlniL- SHEAR (pounds) Load Applied Perpendicular to Load Applied Edge Parallel to Edge !: 4'!,395 560 1,425 795 1,110 2,085 84 5840 705 1.800 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mrn, 1 Ibf = 4.45 N, 1 psi = 6.89 kPa. 035 1,110 3,070 'Loads in this table are tar threaded rod complying with Section 2.2.2 installed In 1he masonry at the edge distanca listed in this IaNe. No reduciionstor edge disianceare required when anchors areinstalled with the minimum edge distance specified in the fable. Capacity rA atf ached sill plate orother rnatenaj to resist toads in this table must comply with the applicable code 'Edge distances are given in this table- Anchor spacing shall conform to the dimensions given in Table 9. 'When anchors are used to resist short -tarn loads, allowable loads should be calculated in accordance with Section 2.3 2 of this report. 'Masonry thickness must be equal to or greater than 1.511mes the embedment depth. 'The tabulated values are for anchors installed in any masonry complying with Section 2.2.6 of this report. 110 I 100 0 90 80 J 70 a 60 l 50 a a o 0 30 j 20 CL 10 I 0 0 I __ For SI: t'C = (t'F - 32)l1.8. (100°F, 100%) For base material ternperatttres greater Char: 100� -- %allowable = 13� — 0. (T) (212-F, 64%) 40 80 120 160 Temperature (°F) 200 240 FIGURE 1-4NFLUENCE OF BASE -MATERIAL TEMPERATURE ON THE TENSION OR SHEAR BOND CAPACITY OF THE HILTI HY-150 ADHESIVE ANCHOR FOR INSTALLATIONS IN BASE MATERIAL AT 23°F OR GREATER --� 399 E R -4144 ES REPORT"m r xor Reissued January 1, 2003 ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc. 5360 Workma.rt Mill Road, Whittier -California 90601 • www.icboes.org Filing Category: ROOF, WALL AND FLOOR PANELS -Wood ET & F PNEUMATIC FASTENERS ET & F FASTENING SYSTEMS, INC. 29019 SOLON ROAD SOLON, OHIO 44139 1.0 SUBJECT ET & F Pneumatic Fasteners. 2.0 DESCRIPTION 2.1 General: This evaluation report recognizes horizontal diaphragms and shear walls consisting of plywood attached to steel framing with ET & F pneumatic fasteners. The fasteners are also recognized forthe attachment of wood and plywood to steel framing members. The fasteners are manufactured from AISI 1060 or AISI 1566 steel that is heat treated to a hardness Re of 52 to 54. The fasteners have a smooth, knurled or step-down shank and are either electrozinc plated with a chromate finish, mechanical zinc -plated, or coated with an Aericote 1000Tm polymer finish. They are produced with part numbers 190,144, and 100 [0.190-inch, 0.140-inch and 0.100-inch (4.83, 3.55, and 2.54 mm) diameters] which have % inch-, '/16 inch- and '/; inch - diameter (9.5, 7.9 and 6.4 mm) heads. The 0.100-inch- diameter (2.54 mm) fasteners are produced with either a '/,,-inch (7.9 mm) head (designation AGS) or '14-inch (6.4 mm) head (designation AKN). Steel framing members noted as gages in this report refer to the following base metal thicknesses: No. 14 gage: 0.071 inch (1.80 mm) No. 16 gage: 0.0553 inch (1.40 mm) No 18 gage: 0.0428 inch (1.09 mm) No. 20 gage: 0.0333 inch (0.84 mm) No. 22 gage: 0.0275 inch (0.70 mm) 2.2 Plywood Deck Diaphragms: ET & F pneumatic fasteners are permitted to be used to fasten code -complying plywood decks to steel framing members. Allowable shear for plywood diaphragms attached with the 0. 1 44-in ch-d ia meter (3.66 mm) fasteners is shown in Table 1. Allowable shear for plywood diaphragms attached with 0.100anch-diameter (2.54 mm) fasteners is indicated in Tables 12 and 13. Panels noted in Tables 1, 12 and 13 must be capable of supporting vertical loads based on the panel span ratings indicated in Table 23-II-E-1 of the 1997 Uniform Building Code'"' (UBC). If diaphragm blocking is required, it must be provided as indicated in the code. The maximum diaphragm span -to - width ratio is 4:1. Diaphragm deflections must be computed using the equation in Section 23.222 of UBC Standard 23-2. For determination of en in that equation, see Table 14. 2.3 Plywood Deck Horizontal Diaphragms with Steel Ledgers and Wood Framing: For horizontal diaphragms consisting of plywood sheathing, wood framing and steeldiaphragm boundary members, the ET& F minimum 0.144-inch-diameter fasteners, described in Section 2.1, are permitted to be used to fasten the plywood to the steel ledgers and other steel roof members of the diaphragm. The plywood shall have a minimum thickness offs/32 inch (11.9 mm) and be attached to the wood framing members with 10d common nails. The steel members must be minimum No. 14 gage [0.071 inch (1.80 mm) base -metal thickness] steel. The diaphragm design, including fastener spacing and diaphragm capacity, shall be based on UBC Table 23-II-H but with the ET & F fasteners attaching the plywood to the steel members substituted at diaphragm perimeters for the 10d common nails. Where required, diaphragm blocking must be provided as indicated in the code. The maximum diaphragm span -to -width ratio is 4:1. Diaphragm deflection must be computed by using the equation in Section 23.222 of UBC Standard 23-2 and a nail slip factor (en) of 0.034 for the 10d common nails and ET & F fasteners. 2.4 Plywood Shear Walls: ET & F fasteners are permitted to be used to fasten plywood panels to steel framing members. The allowable shear and pertinent construction requirements are indicated in Table 2 and Tables 8 through 11. The maximum shear wall height -to -width ratio is 3'/2:1. Shear wall deflections must be computed using the equation in Section 23.223 of UBC Standard 23-2. For determination of ea in that equation, see Table 14. 2.5 Wood and Plywood Attached to Steel: ET & F fasteners are also permitted to be used to fasten wood and plywood to steel framing members. Fastener information, attachment dimensions, required penetrations, and allowable loads are set forth in Tables 3 through 7. 2.6 Identification: The fasteners are identified by the ET & F Fastening Systems, Inc., name, evaluation report number (ICBO ES ER-4144), lot number and catalog number on the cartons, and the following symbol on the head of each fastener: ]INFI 111T$" are not to be construed as representng aesthetics or any niher attributes not spec�rically addressed, nor are they m be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for of use. There is no warranty by lClIO Evaluation Service, Inc, express or implied, as in any finding or other matter in this report, or as to any product covered by the report. uopyngnt ® 2003 M Page 1 of 6 Page 2 of 6 ER-4144 3.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Reports of full-scale horizontal diaphragm and shear wall load tests, small-scale fastener tests, descriptive details and structural calculations. 4.0 FINDINGS That the ET & F Pneumatic Fasteners described in this report comply with the 1997 Uniform Building Codq-, subject to the following conditions: 4.2 Individual fastener attachment allowable values set forth in Tables 3 through 7 exceed the design loads. 4.3 Limitations based on deflections of horizontal diaphragms and shear walls must be considered in design. 4.4 Shear walls are limited to use to resist wind forces. 4.1 The allowable shear values for the plywood This report is subject to re-examination in two years. horizontal diaphragms and plywood shear walls noted in Tables 1, 2, and 8 through 13 exceed the design loads. TABLE 1—ALLOWABLE SHEAR VALUES IN POUNDS PER FOOT FOR HORIZONTAL PLYWOOD DIAPHRAGMS WITH STEEL FRAMING AND ET&F 0.1441NCH-DIAMETER FASTENERS1.2,7,6 PANEL MINIMUM PANEL FRAMING WIDTHS THICKNESS (inches) (inches) BLOCKED DIAPHRAGMS —FASTENER SPACINGS UNBLOCKED DIAPHRAGMSSA 6 4 2112 2 Case 2-6 6 6 4 3 STRUCTURALI 3/8 11/2 2 /2 315 355 420 470 630 710 840 945 280 315 210 235 265 295 Is /32 1t /2 21/2 395 445 525 590 790 890 1,055 1,185 350 395 RATED SHEATHING 3 /8 1t/2 21/2 285 320 380 425 565 635 755 845 250 285 190 210 15 /32 11/2 21/2 355 400 475 535 710 800 905 905 315 355 235 265 19/32 1 �/2 2 /2 385 435 515 580 775 870 970 970 345 385 260 290 23/32 1 i/2 2 /2 385 J 435 515 580 775 870 1,030 1,160 345 385 260 290 23/324 1 1/2 2 /2 400 450 530 600 800 895 1,065 1,195 355 400 265 300 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 lbf/ft = 14.6 N/m. [These values are for short -time loads due to wind or earthquake and must be reduced 25 percent for normal loading. 2The pin must be Iong enough to penetrate through the thickness of the support a minimum of 114 inch. 3All framing is minimum No. 14 gage steel, except as noted in Footnote 4. 4Thesc values are For diaphragms with minimum No. 11 gage framing. 5For fastener sparing and case description we UBC Table 23-II-H. 6Maximum fastener spacing at 6 inches on center. Spacing of fasteners along intermediate framing members is 12 inches on center. sThe minimum panel edge distance is 3/8 inch. OR Page 3 of 6 ER-4144 TABLE 2—ALLOWABLE SHEAR VALUES FOR WIND FORCES IN POUNDS PER FOOT FOR PLYWOOD SHEAR WALLS WITH STEEL FRAMING AND ET&F 0.144-INCH-DIAMETER FASTENERS1,2,3,4,5 MINIMUM PANEL THICKNESS FRAMING SPACING PANEL Inches (Inches on center) -- — 24 3/R6 31s 16 7/m 24 APA STRUCTURAL 1 16 15131 16 or 24 1/2 16 or 24 3/R6 24 318 16 APA-RATED SHEATHING 7/i6 �/16 24 AND SIDING 15132 16 16 or 24 tl± 16 or 24 91r 16 or 24 For SI: I inch = 25.4 mm, I Ibf/ft = 14.6 N/m. FASTENER SPACING (Inches on center) 6 4 3 2 230 345 460 585 280 420 560 715 300 445 595 760 330 490 655 835 350 525 705 895 375 560 745 950 205 310 415 525 250 380 505 645 270 400 535 685 295 440 590 750 315 475 630 905 335 505 670 855 345 515 690 875 IThese values are for short -time loads due to wind and must be reduced 25 percent for normal loading. 2The pin must be long enough to penetrate through the thickness of the support a minimum of I/4 inch. 3Steel flaming must be minimum No. 14 gage with minimum flange width of 1 I/2 inches 4Spacing of fasteners along intermediate framing members is 12 inches on center. 5The minimum panel edge distance is 3/8 inch. 6Spacing of these fasteners along intermediate framing members is 6 inches on center. TABLE 3—ALLOWABLE LATERAL VALUES IN POUNDS PER FASTENER DUE TO WIND OR SEISMIC LOADS FOR WOOD1 OR PLYWOOD SHEATHING2.4 ATTACHED TO STEEL FRAMING WITH ETBF FASTENERS3 CATALOG NUMBER SHANK TYPE SHANK DIAMETER MINIMUM STEEL THICKNESS MINIMUM THICKNESS OF LUMBER AND/OR STRUCTURAL PANELS 3/a" 7/16' IN,. 19/32' 2313f — V Iris" AKN Knurled 0.144 14 gage 155 185 195 215 215 _ 215 215 ASM Smooth 0144 11 gage 155 185 195 215 220 220 220 ASM Smooth 0.144 3116" 155 185 195 215 220 240 240 ASM Smooth 0.144 1le" 155 185 195 215 220 245 245 ASD Step Down 0.190 3116" 260 330 375 390 390 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, I lbf/ft = 14.6 N/m. I Wood must have specific gravity of 0.51 or greater. 2Plywood sheathing must be Structural I -rated sheathing; for rated sheathing values must be reduced 10 percent. L 3These values are for loads due to wind or earthquake and must be reduced by 25 percent for other applications. W 4Minimum panel edge distance is 3/8 inch. TABLE 4—ALLOWABLE LATERAL VALUES IN POUNDS PER FASTENER DUE TO WIND OR SEISMIC LOADS FOR WOODI OR PLYWOOD SHEATHING2.4 ATTACHED TO STEEL FRAMING WITH ETBF FASTENERS3 CATALOG NUMBER SHANK TYPE SHANK DIAMETER MINIMUM STEEL THICKNESS MINIMUM THICKNESS OF LUMBER AND/OR STRUCTURAL PANELS 3/e" 7/1E' 15/3f 19/3f 23132" I" AKN Knurled 0.144 14 gage 110 130 135 175 185 185 185 ASM Smooth 0.144 11 gage 110 130 135 175 185 190 190 ASM Smooth 0.144 31,e, 110 130 135 175 185 190 195 ASD Step Down 0.190 3/16- -- — 180 230 280 320 320 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, I Ibf = 4.45 N. 'Values in this table are limited to lumber with specific gravity in the range of 0.42 and 0.50. 2Plywood sheathing must he StructuralI-sheathing; for rated sheathing values must be reduced 10 percent. 3These values are for loads due to wind or earthquake and must be reduced by 25 percent for other applications. 4Minimum panel edge distance is 3/8 inch. V kPage 4 of 6 ER-4144 TABLE 5—ALLOWABLE WITHDRAWAL VALUES IN POUNDS PER FASTENER DUE TO WIND OR SEISMIC LOADS1 CATALOG NUMBER 1 SHANKTYPE SHANK DIAMETER MINIMUM STEEL THICKNESS MINIMUM THICKNESS OF LUMBEIie ANOx7R STRUCTURAL PARE r 3/e" 7/1e" 151az" 19/"" 23/3i, 1t/s^ tt/z^ 2/ 4 .t2 x 4 AKN Knurled 0.1443 14 gage 55 85 90 95 100 120 — ASM ASD ASD ASD Smooth Step Down Step Down Step Down 0.1443 0.1904 0.1904 0.1905 11 gage 14 gage 11 gage 31,e, 55 — — — 85 — — — 90 — — — 95 100 — — — 120 140 195 230 140 195 250 140 140 195 195 285 310 ror Ar: 1 men = L3.4 mm, 1 101 = 4.45 N. 'These values are for loads due to wind or earthquake and must be reduced by 25 percent for other applications. 2Values are for Structural I panels; for rated sheathing panels, reduce loads 10 percent. 3Fastcner loads are governed by the lumber and/or panel thickness. 417astener loads are governed by the metal framing thickness. 5Fasiener leads are governed by the lumber and/or panel thickness. 6Specific gravily of lumber must be greater than 0-51, 7Minimum panel edge distance is 3/6 inch, TABLE 6—ALLOWABLE WITHDRAWAL VALUES FOR STRUCTURAL I PLYWOOD ATTACHED TO STEEL FRAMING IN POUNDS PER FASTENER DUE TO WIND OR SEISMIC LOADSm.2,3 - FASTENER j MINIMUM THICKNESS OF STRUCTURAL PANEL Itnehss) Catalogue Number Shank SShank Diamatar MINIMUM STEEL TYPa — (Inchheses))FRAMING THICKNESS 3/e T/tg 15/32 16 ga 70 90 95 AKN or AGS Knurled 0.100 18 ga 65 65 65 20 ga 35 35 35 22 ga 20 20 20 For SI: I inch = 25.4 mm, I lbf = 4.45 N. 'Values arc For loads imposed by wind or earthquake and must be reduced by 25 percent for normal loading. 217or rated sheathing panels, loads must be reduced by 10 percent. 3The minimum panel edge distance is 3/s inch. TABLE 7—ALLOWABLE LATERAL VALUES IN POUNDS PER FASTENER FOR STRUCTURAL I PLYWOOD ATTACHED TO STEEL FRAMING1,2,3 FASTENER MINIMUM THICKNESS OF STRUCTURAL PANELS {inch) Shank Diameter MINIMUM STEEL Catalogue Number Typo (Inches) FRAMING THICKNESS 3/e r/ta Its/ 32 1/2 19132 16 ga 110 130 135 145 165 AKN or AGS Knurled 0.100 18 ga 110 130 135 (35 135 20 ga 100 100 100 100 100 22 ga 85 85 85 85 85 For S1: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 Ibf = 4.45 N. 1 Values must be reduced 10 percent for rated sheathing. 2Values are for loads imposed by wind or earthquake and must be reduced by 25 percent for normal loading. 3The minimum panel edge distance is 3/8 inch. TABLE 8—ALLOWABLE SHEAR VALUES FOR WIND FORCES IN POUNDS PER FOOT FOR PLYWOOD SHEAR WALLS WITH MINIMUM NO. 16 GAGE STEEL FRAMING AND ET$F AKN OR AGS 0.100-INCH-DIAMETER FASTENERSI,2,3,4 MINIMUM PANEL FRAMING SPACING _ FASTENER SPACING {Inches on caner) — PANEL THICKNESS (inch) (inches on center) 6 4 3 2 ?!x5 24 160 240 320 314 405 16 195 290 390 �/165 495 STRUCTURAL I 24 205 310 415 7/16 16 530 230 340 455 1s/32 16 or 24 1 240 365 485 580 615 112 16 or 24 260 390 515 660 3185 24 145 215 285 318 365 16 175 265 350 RATED SHEATHING 7/le 24 185 280 375 445 475 AND SIDING 7/IS 16 205 310 410 t-5/32 16 24 525 or 220 325 435 1/2 16 555 or 24 235 350 465 9132 16 or 24 265 400 535 595 680 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 lbf/fl = 14.6 N/m. 'Values are for loads imposed by wind and must be reduced 25 percent for normal loading. 2The pin must be long enough to penetrate through the metal framing a minimum of 1/4 inch. 3The minimum panel edge distance is 3/s inch. °Spacing of fasteners along intermediate flaming members is 12 inches on center except as noted. 5Spacing of fasteners along intermediate framing members is 6 inches on center. &IM Page 5 of 6 ER-4144 TABLE 9—ALLOWABLE SHEAR VALUES FOR WIND FORCES IN POUNDS PER FOOT FOR PLYWOOD SHEAR WALLS WITH MINIMUM NO. 18 GAGE STEEL FRAMING AND ETBF AKN OR AGS 0.100-INCH-DIAMETER FASTENERS1.2 3.4 MINIMUM PANEL PANEL THICKNESS (Inch) FASTENER SPACING (Inches on center) FRAMING SPACING (Inches on center) 6 1 4 3 2 y5 24 160 240 320 405 'IK . { 16 195 290 390 495 1 STRUCTURAL 1 7/165 24 205 310 415 530 T/16 IS/32 16 230 340 455 580 16 or 24 235 355 475 605 145 3/85 24 215 285 365 RATED SHEATHING 3/8 71165 16 24 175 185 265 280 350 445 AND SIDING 7116 16 205 310 375 475 15/12 16 or 24 215 320 410 425 525 1 545 For Si: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 Ibf/ft = 14.6 N/m. I Values are for loads imposed by wind and must be reduced 25 percent for normal loading. 2The pin must be long enough to penetrate through the metal framing a minimum of 1/4 inch. 3The minimum panel edge distance is 3/8 inch. 4Spacing of fasteners along intermediate framing members is 12 inches on center except as noted. 5Spacing of fasteners along intermediate framing members is 6 inches on center. TABLE 10—ALLOWABLE SHEAR VALUES FOR WIND FORCES IN POUNDS PER FOOT FOR PLYWOOD SHEAR WALLS WITH MINIMUM NO. 20 GAGE STEEL FRAMING AND ETBF AKN OR AGS 0.1004NCH-DIAMETER FASTENERS1.2.3.4 PANEL MINIMUM PANEL THICKNESS Inch FASTENER SPACING (Inches on center) FRAMING SPACING 6 4 3 2 (inches on center) 3135 24 145 220 290 370 STRUCTURAL I 31a Tt145 16 180 24 160 265 245 355 455 7116 16 180 265 325 355 415 455 24 130 3185 195 265 335 RATED SHEATHING -N 16 160 240 320 410 AND SIDING �1165 7116 24 145 1 16 160 220 1240 290 1320 370 410 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 Ibf/ft = 14.6 N/m. I Values are for loads imposed by wind and must be reduced 25 percent for normal loading. 2The pin must be long enough to penetrate through the metal framing a minimum of 1/4 inch. 3The minimum panel edge distance is 3/8 inch. 4Spacing of fasteners along intermediate framing members is 12 inches on center except as noted. 5Spacing of fasteners along intermediate framing members is 6 inches on center. TABLE 11—ALLOWABLE SHEAR VALUES FOR WIND FORCES IN POUNDS PER FOOT FOR PLYWOOD SHEAR WALLS WITH MINIMUM NO. 22 GAGE STEEL FRAMING AND ETBF AKN OR AGS 0.1004NCH-DIAMETER FASTENERSI.2,3.4 MINIMUM PANEL FRAMING SPACINGFASTENER SPACING (Inches on center) a 4 3 2 PANEL THICKNESS (inch) (inches on center) 3185 24 125 185 245 315 STRUCTURAL i 31s �1165 16 24 150 225 300 380 7/1.6 135 205 270 345 16 150 225 300 380 3x•1 24 110 165 220 280 RATED SHEATHING Is 16 135 200 270 345 AND SIDING 24 120 185 245 310 '11r. 16 135 200 270 345 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 Ibf/ft = 14.6 N/m. (Values are for loads imposed by wind and must be reduced 25 percent for normal loading. 2The pin must be long enough to penetrate through the metal framing a minimum of 1/4 inch. 3The minimum panel edge distance is 3/8 inch. 4Spacing of fasteners along intermediate flaming members is 12 inches on center except as noted. 5Spacing of fasteners along intermediate framing members is 6 inches on center. V Page 6 of 6 ER-4144 TABLE 12—ALLOWABLE SHEAR VALUES IN POUNDS PER FOOT FOR HORIZONTAL PLYWOOD DIAPHRAGMS WITH NO. 16 GAGE OR NO. 18 GAGE STEEL FRAMING AND ET&F AKN OR AGS 0.1004NCH-DIAMETER FASTENERS1,2,3 BLOCKED DIAPHRAGMS FASTENER SPACING4,5 UNBLOCKED DIAPHRAGM84 5 MINIMUM PANEL 6 4 n 2 PANEL _ THICKNESS (inch) FRAMING WIDTH (inches) 6 6 4 1 3 Casa 1 Case 2-6 3/ s 1t/2 220 290 440 585 195 145 2t/2 245 330 490 655 220 165 7/16 1 /2 2 /2 255 340 515 685 230 170 290 385 575 770 255 190 STRUCTURAL I ts/ 32 It/z 21/2 265 355 535 710 235 180 300 400 600 800 265 200 15/ 6 32 11/2 270 365 545 725 240 180 21/2 305 410 610 815 270 205 19/326 I1/z 335 445 670 890 295 225 21/2 375 500 750 1000 335 250 3/ a 11 /2 21/2 195 265 395 525 1 55 130 220 295 445 590 195 150 /16 I1/2 21/2 230 310 460 615 205 155 260 345 520 690 230 175 RATED SHEATHING 15/32 11/2 2 /2 240 320 480 640 215 160 270 360 540 720 240 180 15/326 It/2 245 325 490 655 220 165 2 /2 275 365 550 735 245 185 19/326 1122 300 2 /2 340 400 600 800 265 200 1 450 675 900 300 225 for SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, I Ibf/ft = 14.6 N/m. 'Values are Far loads imposed by wind or earthquake and must be reduced 25 percent for normal loading. 2The pin must be long enough to penetrate through the metal framing a minimum Of 1/q inch. 3The minimum panel edge distance is 3/8 inch. 4For fastener spacing and case description see UBC Table 23-II-H. SSpacing of fasteners along intermediate framing members is 12 inches on center. aT'o obtain the allowable shear values for these thicknesses requires a minimum No. 16 gage framing member. TABLE 13—ALLOWABLE SHEAR VALUES IN POUNDS PER FOOT FOR HORIZONTAL PLYWOOD DIAPHRAGMS WITH MINIMUM NO. 22 OR 22 GAGE STEEL FRAMING AND ET & F AKN OR AGS 0,100-INCH-DIAMETER PINS1.2.3,6 Mt111MUM PANEL THICKNES ,Structural 1 3/8 Rated 3/ Sheathing s " FRAMING BLOCKED DIAPHRAGM FASTENER SPACING UNBLOCKED4 UNBLOCK Width 6 4 212 2 6 6 4 3 Gage (inches) Cass 1 Cases 2.6 22 1 1/2 165 225 335 445 150 110 21/2 190 250 375 500 165 125 20 11 /2 200 270 400 535 180 135 21/2 225 300 450 600 200 150 22 11 /2 150 200 300 400 135 100 21/2 170 225 340 450 150 115 20 i /2 180 240 360 480 160 120 21/2 205 270 405 540 180 135 For SI: I inch = 25.4 mm, I Ibf/ft = 14.6 N/m. 'Values are for short -duration loads due to wind or earthquake, and must be reduced 25 percent for normal duration loading. 2The pin must be long enough to penetrate through the metal framing a minimum of 1/4 inch. 3The minimum panel edge distance is 3/x inch. 4For fastener spacing and case descriptions, see UBC Table 23-11-H. 5Spacing Of fasteners along intermediate framing members is 12 inches on center. r'Shcar capacities in this sable are limited by steel thickness. Use of thicker panels does not increase the allowable shear values. TABLE 14—K VALUES FOR an, DETERMINATIONI,2 OF STUD STUD THICKNESS (inch) MAXIMUM LOAD (pounds per fastener)3A 145 0.0710 215 16 0.0553 165 18 0.0428 135 20 0.0333 22 0.0275 100 85 730 525 430 310 203 For SI: I inch = 25.4 mm, I Ibf = 4.45 N. 1K values for use in formula: rLoad per fastener �1 e li h For application ofe„ see Sections 23,222 and 23.223 of UBC Standard 23-2. 2AII values arc based on 0.100-inch-dism eter fastener except as noted for No. 14 gage stud. 3Maximum loads per fastener must not be exceeded. Lower loads may be used uith the K values noted above. 4Faslener loads already include short term Ioad increases. Values for fastener are determined from tables in this report by dividing the loads per foot by fastener spacing. 5K value for No. 14 gage stud is valid only i rET&F 0.I44-inch-diameter Fasteners are used. No K value for this gage is available for the 0.100-inch-diameter fasteners. BARRY LEVIN & ASSOCIATES, Inc. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS mWilwem Atlanta • Los Angeles • New York • Chicago 3822 Campus Drive • Suite 211 • Newport Beach, California 92660 Phone 949.833.3970 • Fax 949.833.3837 • www.BarryLevin.com JOB NAME K)TA SUBJECT 1 Xt S -r CAA Ce F = z I c.es L 1cN �j N AIVG,60 . 014, XI'L S36 1w K SCmIr ` -09 $1-1 S J. s J. (•9n)4-- og $ I -7S _qz� .0279 1413 = _01,9087 C�4-asa) ,0128 �lu`� v 1d•,�(5x1�)J �SxZ9f/D �-,012e SHEET NO. 1 JOB NO. 910311� DATE COMPUTED BY C O CHECKED BY Q QQ,pf ESSIpN A _.a AD 1)n NO. 44D I I rn :XP- * cs? ClVIl.�. < .6 = .�r�35- 21,0k9i OK CITY OF LA QUANTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. DATE o, 6 9 S " 4> '452 ok K01-3 �NAINQ 6MT 71411+ emr 06R 1 :i Ul�ISTic�t ^r0 Fog sw eo r of �(�HGrlr oF-rgQrF,q� 7cFlP to,�' as �'/Z= 7csf a Ok L( 6(4T or( (o` 0"SpAw) �r <r c/ AGENTS WEST AL I LIED A, 5 EMT LIALITYm EAUY48-INSTALL ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING - MANUFACTURED FOR LONG LIFE Allied EMT is precision manufactured from the highest grade mild strip steel for exceptional durability and long- lastJng life. ,flied EMT is hot galvanized using Allied's Patented in -line Fla-Cbatg process. This process combines zing, chromate, and a clear organic polymer top -coat to form a triple layer of protection against corrosion and abrasion. Allied EMT provides radiation protection and magnetie shielding, while its uniform wail thickness provides resistance to physical damage from impact or crushing. INSTALLS QUICKLY AND EASILY Allied EMTs quality steel combines damage resistant strength with ductility to provide easy bending, cutting and Joining to prevent waste of time and material. it resists llattening, kinking orsplitting, resutting in faster and easier installations, Allied EMT provides smooth Pulling. The Interior wall of Allied EMT is protected With a specially formulated corrosion resistant lubricating coating for easier fishing and wim-pulling. No need to worry about damage tv the conduit system ever, when pulling through multiple 9017 bends, FULL CODES AND STANDARDS COMPLIANCE Allied EMT is U_L listed and recognized by the National Electrical Code, It meets Underwriters Laboratories' Standards for EMT, U,L. 797. Allied EMT is also manufactured to meet the requirements of ANSI C80.3 and Federal Specifications. Federal Specifications now use U_L 797 in lieu of MC 5s3, Recogn:zed as an equipment grounding conductor (NEC Article 250-91b), Installation of EMT shall be in accordance with the National Electrical Code and U.L General Information Card #FJMX_ Master bundles conform to NEMA standard RN2-1987, SPECIFICATION DATA To specify Allied EMT, include the following: Electrical Metallic Tubing shall be eqqual to that manufactured by Allled Tubs & Conduit Corporation. EMT shall be hot galvanized steel 0.0. with an organic corrosion resistant I.D. coating and shall be Produced in accordance with U. L Safety Standard 4797 and ANSI Ca0.3 and shalt be listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory with fallow -up service. Where Kwik-Ft 9lid-r Is used it Shall also meet U.L. Safety Standard #514- B, It is npted that these U.L. standards have been adopted by the federal government and separate military specifeatlorts no longer exist. KWIK-FIT EMT- A NEW INNOVATION FROM THE CONDUIT LEADER Allied's Kwik-Fit EMT has an integral steel set -screw coupling formed on one end of each length of EMT. Specifying U.L. listed Kwik-Ft EMT ensures an all steel system -both c4anduit and coupling -far excellent strength and ground return, as well as economy. Contact Allied for detailed specifications on Kwik-Fit EMT. Available in 21h"-4" sizes. continuous raceways for fast wire. WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS FOR ELEC T RICAL METALLIC TU131NO Trade Site, AAPro,L WL Hon'llrtat per 11 tt outside Nominal Wall Length of Finished Quantity etuarhttty Approx. WI. Volume Inches (30Sm) Dfat Thickness Conduits In Primary Blmdle In Master I Bundle of Molter Bundle of Master Bundle lb, kg irk. mm in. mm ft. m fl. M It. m lb. kg cu ft. cum '12 29 - 13,15 0,706 17.9 0.042 1.067 1 10 3.05 100 * 30.48 7000 2134 2037 924 28.7 0.81 '/� 45 20,41 0.922 23,4 0.049 1.2451 10 3.05 100 30.48 5000 1524 2176 987 35.6 1.01 65 29.48, 1.163 29,5 0,057 1.448 10 3,p5 60 -'15.24 3000 914 1905 864 33,7 0.95 1 V. 96 43,55 1.510 38.4 0.065 1.651 70 3.05 50 1'5.24 2000 610 1894 859 350 099 t1fr 111 50.35 1.740 442 0.065 1.651 10 3.05 50 15.24 1500 457 1592 767 f 34.2 0.97 2 141 63.95J 2.197 55.8 0.085 1,651 10 3,05 - - 1200 366 1693 T613 46.7 1.32 - 21,A 215 9742 2.875 73.0 0.072 1.829 10 3.05 - 610 186 1412 6411 41.5 1,18 3 260 117.94 3.500 88.9 0.072 .1,829 10 3.05 - - 610 155 1429 W 48.9 1.38 325 147.42 4.000 101.fi 0.083 2,108 10 3.05 - - 370 113 1248 566 48.5 1.38 4 M 1-7-6.901 4.500 114-3 1 O.083 2,108 10 3,05 - 300 91 1134 514 48.3 1.37 'outside Clarneter [olerancas- +/- 445 in { 1 ' .. r tra a s zes da Size h (;W�� .010 in, (,25mm) for trope Sizo 2Y5", +7- ,OT5 in. (.38mm) for trade size 3". +I- n20 in- 151 mm i for trade sizes 3'h" and 4", = Lersgth tolerances }/-25" =6 35mrny.� TUBE d CONDuff �j ��CS t ELECTRICAL_ 161 rn S" "11109 AV"- CAllied Tune & Conduit 1/92 Printed in the U.S.A. ATC-L-1127-3 HIM, INWIO CO42G Grihsireli�nP.. TOTAL P r� L17A' &7J IA LIGJ'fr/IVG- FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE Irn"dad for use in reiail scores, warehouses and manufacturing applica- bans wharf high lumen package In a compact fixture is raquired- ATTRIBUT'ES Product is specifically, designed for operation with TSHC lamps. CONS9TRUCnON Channel and louvers are formed from cold -rolled, 20-gauge steer, No as- bestos is used in this product. End caps inclvdo knockouts for through wiring and ftxtura atuchmsnt in row mounting applications. Compact sockets feature rotating collars and enclosed zontacts. Designed for simple servicing, f--uvcr assembly hinges remain attached and hinge dawn providing easy a.:cssa into rho optical system, FIMISH High -gloss, baked white enamel finish. Five -stage Iron -phosphate pretreat - men[ ensures superior paint adhesion and rust resistance, OPTICAL SYSTEM The Narrow Distribudon (Np) incluries a Miro4T"' parabull a rat ecIar system to provide high vortical and good horizontal Illumination for aisle or rack lighting. The Wida Distribution JWIJ is ideal for goneral area lighting at higher mounting heighls or whore widespread distribution Is preferred, Both distribu0one are avellab)a with white stralght blade louver for adds- Tinnal shielding and brightness control. Uptight component sAans telling appearance to reduce the 'cavern effect'. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Thermally prate cted, resWng, Class P, HPF, At sound rated electronic baI. last AWM TFM or THHN wiry used throughout rated tar requlred tempera- tures. All ballasts ate available for u3e in standard ambient tamparatures. Con sultIactary torofevatea ambianttemperawra applicationa INSTALLATION A variety or mounting arrangements is availabe including tong hangers, aircraft cables and stems. Suitable for mounting in continuous rnw or indl. tridual mounting. End caps include knockouts forthroug'hwiring and fixture "Zia chmont In raw moun6np applications. LISTING UL listed. CSA optional-, (consultfactoryl WARRANTY Guaranteed for one year against mechanical defects In manufacturing. ORDERING INFORMATION 7�1sSN6 Series MSSHB T3 low profile direct/ indirect MSSHBST TS low -profile solid top' For tandem double - length unit, add prefix T. Exam 1 1 TMS911 3 Catalog hlurnbpr TMS.Sp� 3 S y-I'SNo SBL NO P '71 Note /7'� /1Z +CN.0 .0C rL Trpa T L�PPyf I k J• T5 Fluoreseent!High Bay - Lnuver MS5HPI' 4' or 8' Lengths 2, 3 Lamps .I Speaifcations Length: 46.1/1fi (117al 82-1/8' (2340) D Width: 8.3/4' (248) (1081 ��1la s q W All dimensions ors inches (mirlimerersl- Sf Spacificarlons sub/ear to chaneo without notice, Exempla: TMS5HB 3 SMHO'iSBL NO MVDLT GESIDI'Sl SBL LartroL Configuration Distribution Voltages Z9T5 Zew Ts (46-) SBL Wn to straight NO Narrow MVDLTt 54TSHo 54W TSHO 146") blade lower WO Wide 947 assembly 4904 Number of lamps Accessorlasi OHtinns 1/3 One 3-lamp ballast' '1/4 One 4-lamp ballast) GEBIOPS Electronic prograrA rapid start balkist <10% THU GLR Internal lest -blow Pe' B 2'3 Order asseperatecatalognumber. fuse MSHBAC_ Not included Adjustable aircraft cable au I pPort (Tian -feed), (specify GMF Internal slow -blow furs' Wirth as 36, 72 or l2D inchesi. MSHSACF Aircraft cahle food and support, (spoclfy length as 36, EL55 Emergency bt,r,nr Notes 72 or 12D Inchpal. peck Inominal 39i'r- 4voilable in 2 temp only. THMS511B Tong hangar, 700 lumers)' ! 2 MVOLT (12a-277 volt). SIB, Swivel stem henger (specify length in 2' Increments CSA CSA Cerzlfleri 3 1`54TSHO ante. NC36 Chain hangar • 3T. A Spoolh' "hag*. WGMS6HBZ 4' wire guard, zinc coated. Firrorescent Shoat #: MS5HB-LV wRAP,3F3 %' 9806 ON ShVIDOSSd WiHI1 WdlO ti ti00Z C 04'/15/05 13:04 FAX 949 833 3837 BARRY LEVIN & ASSOCIATES �1!—AI JBARRY LEVIN & ASSOCIATES, Inc. STRU(,TURAL ENGINEERS Ailanra • Los Angles • New York • Chicago December 8, 2004 Greenberg Farrow Architecture, Inc. 15101 Red Hill Avenue, Suite 200 Tustin, California 92780-5170 ATTN: Mr. Reggie Hunter RE: Home Depot — La Quinta (TRC) La Quinta CA BLA Project No. 203118, Phase No. 01 GFA .Project No. 20030278 SUBJECT: Plan Check Response Dear Reggie: CITY OF LA C UINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR 2N STR )nTr Y_= Our office has reviewed the plan check comments from the City of La Quinta (Plan Check No. 04-6196, dated December 2, 2004). The following is a response to the Structural Comments: Structural Comments Item Response East -west lateral loading is tied to the building wall at 16 inches on center. Wall braces per S l .1-07 take lateral loading to the building roof. No diaphragm is required in this direction and no transfer of loading to the front and back walls of the tool center is necessarily required or desired if an alternate load path is provided. Note: If the tool center had dimensions of four feet by one hundred and one feet long, would a diaphragm still be required? The approach used for east -west lateral stability is OK as specified in the drawings. See calculation sheet 2 for lateral load capacity of sheathed walls (same for all three framed walls). The front and rear walls have only their self -weight for in -plane loading (no lateral from the roof— see item 1). The260 PLF shear capacity is very much more than required for this loading. See detail S1.2-04. Everything is on this detail for pilaster/footing construction. 3S2Z C=pue Drive Suite Zll • Newpart Reach, California 9Z660 Tel.049.833.3970 Fax:949.833.1837 • www.Rarryl_cvin.cnni 0 'W15/05 13:04 FAX 949 833 3837 BARRY LEVIN & ASSOCIATES U 003 Page Two Mr. Reggie hunter December 8, 2004 If there are any questions, please call. Sincerely, cel_� 21-'11tx Mr. Conrad Dogil, P.E. Project Manager Barry Levin and Associate, Inc. Cc: Mr. Barry Levin CD/cd 203118.01 B