04-6196 (AR) Supplemental ICBO SubmittalSSMA WWW.SSMA.COM SUPPLEMENTAL ICBO SUBMITTAL ICBO EIS-4943P SUPPLEMENTAL PRODUCT TECHNICAL INFORMATION CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR C STRUM N OA �7I H�Yt3 It orrl May 2001 Thickness — Steel Components Minimum Inside Thickness 1 Design Corner Reference Only {mfli Thickness (In) Radll (In) Gauge No. 118 0.1242 0.1863 10 Design Stiffening Lip Length Design Waning Section Flange Length tip Length (in) S300 3" 0.625 S350 3 1/2" 1.000 Minimum Thickness represents 95% of the design thickness and is the minimum acceptable thickness delivered to the job site based on Section A3.4 of the 1996 AISI Specification. General Notes for all Tables 1. The strength increase due to cold work of forming was incorporated for flexural strength as applicable per AISI A7.2. 2. The moment of inertia for deflection is calculated at a stress which results in an effective section modulus such that the stress times that section modulus is equal to the allowable moment. This follows procedure 1 of the AISI Specification. 3. The yield stress (33 ksi or 50 ksi) used to calculate the tabulated values are indicated in the tables. 4. When provided, factory punchouts will be located along the centerline of the webs of the members and will have a minimum center -to -center spacing of 24". Punchouts will have a maximum width = half the member depth (d/2) or 2 t/2", whichever is less, and a maximum length 4 1/2". The minimum distance between the end of the member and the near edge of the web punchout = 10". 5. For those steels that have both 33 and 50 ksi listings, if the design is based upon 50 ksi, the 50 ksi steel needs to be specified by the contractor/purchaser. (i.e., 3625137-54 (50 ksi)) Section Properties Table Notes 1. The centerline bend radius is the greater of 2 times the design thickness or 3/32". 2. Web depth for track sections is equal to the nominal height plus 2 times the design thickness plus the bend radius. 3. Hems on non-structural track sections are ignored. 4. Effective properties incorporate the strength increase from the cold work of forming as appli- cable per AISI A7.2. 5. Tabulated gross properties are based on the full-unreduced cross section of the studs, away from punchouts. 6. For deflection calculations, use the effective moment of inertia. 7. For those steels that have both 33 and 50 ksi listings, if the design is based upon 50 ksi, the 50 ksi steel needs to be specified. (i.e., 3625137-54 (50 ksi)) Web Crippling Load Table Notes 1. Only members with stiffened flanges are considered. 2. For multiple members, multiply the listed capacity of a single member by the number of members in the assembly. 3. For back-to-back members, the distance between the web connectors and the flange shall be kept to a minimum. 4. Values are for unpunched members and for punched members where the clear distance between the edge of bearing and the edge of the punchout is at least two times the depth of the web. Page 1 Supplemental (S) Stud Section Properties Section Design Tti (mess Area Gn2) Weight (IhMt) Ixx (in4) Gross Sxx On3) Rx (in) lyy (n4) Ry (in) Ixx (nl) Iasi Effective So Ma Va oo N14d Oh) Ycg (in) Ixx Onq SO ksi Effective S_ Mn Va Gn3) N iM (1b) Ycg On) J Ono) Cw (in5) Torsional X0 (in) Ro (in) It 152S125-43 0.0451 0.188 0.64 0-0B5 4105 0.675 U 5 0.435 OAKS 0,100 1,97 a29 Q.w 0.127 0,019 -1.029 1.305 0.37E 162S125-54 0.0566 0.231 0.79 0,103 0.127 0-668 0.042 0.427 0,103 0,125 285 1003 0,820 0,102 0,116 148 1519 0.842 0.247 0.022 -1,021 1.293 0.376 162S12568 0,0713 0.283 0.96 0023 0.152 0.660 0.049 0.416 0, 123 0.151 3.57 1194 0.814 0.123 0.147 4.41 1809 0,022 0.480 0.026 -1.013 1.27E 0.372 25OS20433 0.0346 0.250 Q88 0.279 0.223 1,040 0.154 0.773 0.276 0196 3,87 1040 1.317 0.103 4299 •1.960 2,350 0304 250S200-43 0.0451 0,334 1.14 0.358 0.287 1.036 0.198 0.769 0.358 0.278 5.49 1350 1.266 0.227 4379 -1.948 2.336 0.305 250S200-54 00%6 Q415 1.41 0.440 0.352 1.030 0241 0.763 0.440 0352 7.65 1656 1.250 0.440 0.315 9.43 2510 1.312 0.443 0,459 -1.942 2326 0303 25OS200-68 00713 0.515 1.75 0.537 0.430 1.022 Q293 0.754 0.537 0.430 9.57 2017 1.250 0.537 4417 13.84 3057 1.271 0.872 0.554 -1.935 2.315 0301 25OS250.43 0.0451 0.379 1.29 4426 0.341 1.060 0.336 0.941 0.426 0297 5.87 1350 1.325 0.257 0,634 -2.439 2.821 0253 250S250.54 0.0566 0.471 1.60 0.524 0.419 1.055 0.412 4935 0.524 0.379 7.49 1656 1.309 0.521 0.341 10.22 2510 1.364 0.503 4771 -2433 2812 0251 25OS250.68 0.0713 0.585 1.99 0643 0.514 1.047 0.503 0.926 0.643 0500 988 2017 1269 0.643 0.427 12.80 3057 1.353 0.993 0934 -2.427 2,800 0.249 350S137-33 0.0346 0.232 0.79 0.441 0.252 1.380 0.059 0.503 0.441 0.243 4.79 1046 1.779 0093 4150 .1.040 1.800 0666 350SI37-43 0.0451 Q300 1.02 0568 0.324 1.375 R075 0,498 0.568 0319 7.04 1777 1.763 0,204 0.189 -1.029 1.788 0669 350S137-54 00566 0.372 1.27 0696 0.398 1.367 0.090 0,492 0.696 0398 9.00 2403 1.750 0.696 0.381 12.85 3446 1.781 0.39E 0.228 -1.020 1.775 0.670 350SI37.68 00713 0,461 1.57 0-849 OA85 1.357 0.107 4482 0,849 0.405 11.31 2959 1.750 0.849 0.484 16.74 4483 1.752 0.782 0.272 -1,010 1.759 0670 350S162-97 0,1017 0.711 2.42 1.320 0.754 1.362 0,238 0.578 1.320 0.754 18.11, 4016 1.750 1.320 0.754 26,76 6085 1.750 2,452 0.650 -1.303 1.972 0.564 35OS20433 0.0346 0.292 0.99 Q598 Q342 1,431 0,175 0.773 0.593 0-304 G00 1046 1.834 0.117 0.535 .1.789 2.418 0452 35OS200-43 0.0451 4379 1.29 0.771 0.441 1.426 0,224 0.768 R771 Q428 M6 1777 1.771 0.257 Q679 -1,777 2,405 0.454 350S200.54 0.0566 0,471 1.60 0950 0.543 1.420 0.274 0.762 0.950 0.543 11.81 2403 1.750 0.950 0,487 14.57 3446 1.833 0.503 0.827 •1.769 2.393 0.453 35OS200-68 0.0713 0.586 1.99 1.167 0.667 1.411 0.333 11754 1.167 4667 14.84 2959 1-750 1.167 Q643 21.35 4483 1.780 0.993 1.001 .1.761 2.379 0.452 350S200-97 0.1017 0.813 277 1.576 0,901 1,393 Q440 0.736 1.576 R901 20.95 4076 1.750 1576 0.901 31.08 6085 1.750 2.803 1,313 -1,744 2,350 0449 350S250-43 0,0451 0.424 1,44 0.906 0.518 1.461 0J80 0.946 0.906 OA54 8.98 1777 1.846 0.208 1.141 -2,251 2.846 0.374 35OS250-54 40%6 0.528 1.80 1.118 0.639 1455 0.467 0.940 1.118 0.577 11.40 2403 1,829 1,107 0,524 15.68 3446 1.899 0-564 1.394 -2,243 2.834 0.374 35OS250-60 110713 0,657 2.24 1.376 0.707 1.447 0.570 0.931 1.376 0.761 15-04 2959 1.778 1.376 0.657 19.67 4483 1.885 1,114 1.695 -2235 2.820 0.372 35OS250-97 Q1017 0.915 I11 1.870 1.069 1.430 0.762 0.913 1.870 1.066 24.09 4016 1,752 1.070 1,019 34.27 6085 1.790 3.154 2.245 -2.218 2.793 0.369 3625137-97 0.1017 0.64E 220 1.229 0678 1.377 0.137 0460 1.229 0.676 16.75 4184 1.813 1.229 0.678 24.67 6339 1.813 2.233 0.375 -0.975 1.749 Q609 362S162-97 0.1017 0,724 246 1.435 0.792 1.40E 0.241 0.577 1.435 0.792 19.00 4184 L813 1.435 0.792 28.00 6339 1.813 2,496 0699 AIN 1,992 0.583 362S200.97 0.1017 0.826 281 1.711 0.944 1440 0.446 0.735 1.711 0.944 21.95 4104 1.813 1.711 0.944 32.57 6339 1.813 2.847 1.404 -1.724 2.363 4468 362S250.43 0.0451 0.430 1.46 0.980 0.541 1.510 0385 0.946 0.980 0,475 9.39 1777 1.911 E292 1.219 -2,230 2.054 0.390 362S250-54 0.0566 0535 1.82 1.210 0,668 1504 0.473 0.940 1.210 0.603 11.92 2497 1.894 1.198 0.54E 16.40 3446 1.965 0.571 1.489 .2.222 2,843 0.389 362S250-68 0.0713 0-666 2.27 1.490 0.822 1.496 0.578 0-931 1.490 0.796 15.72 3076 1.842 1,490 0.687 20.58 4661 1.951 1.129 1.812 -2.213 2.829 0.388 362S250-97 0.1017 0927 3,16 2.027 1.118 1.478 0.772 0.912 2.027 1.116 25.21 4184 1.814 2027 1.066 35.65 6339 1.854 3197 2402 -2.196 2.800 0.385 4DOS137.97 0.1017 0.686 233 1.557 0.779 1.507 0.142 0.454 1557 0.779 19.23 4687 2000 1.557 0.779 2833 7102 2.000 2365 0.467 -0.935 1.831 0.739 40OS162-97 0.1017 0-762 2.59 1.812 0-906 1,542 0.249 0.572 1.812 0.906 21.75 4687 2.000 1,812 0.906 3215 7102 2.000 2.628 0860 -1.238 2.059 Q630 40OS200-97 0.1017 0.864 2.94 2.155 1.077 1;579 0.462 0.731 2.155 1.077 25.05 4687 2000 2155 1.077 37.17 7102 2.000 2.978 1704 .1.668 2.410 0521 40OS250.43 0,0451 0.447 1.52 1.224 0.612 1.655 0.399 0.945 1,224 0.539 10.66 1777 2.105 0303 1413 -2.168 2.887 Q436 40OS250-54 0.0566 R556 1.89 1,512 R756 1,649 0-490 0.938 1,512 0.683 13.50 2777 2088 1,496 0,623 1B,64 3446 2.163 0.594 1 B01 -2.160 2.875 0.435 4005250-68 00713 0.693 2.36 1.B64 0.932 1.640 4599 0.929 1.064 0.901 17.81 3429 2032 1.864 0.781 2339 5196 2.149 1.174 2.193 -2.151 2.860 0,434 40OS250.97 0.1017 0.966 329 2.541 1.271 1,622 0.801 0.911 2.541 1.268 28.64 4687 2.002 2541 1.210 40.70 7102 2.045 3329 2915 -2.133 2.830 0,432 550SI37.33 0.0346 0301 102 1.283 0467 2.064 4067 0.472 1283 0.450 8.90 670 2.787 Q120 0406 -0.858 2.285 0859 5505137-43 0.0451 0.391 1.33 1655 0.602 2.059 0.085 0.467 1.655 0.592 13.08 1487 2767 0.265 0.513 -0.848 2.275 0.861 55OS137-54 0.0566 0.486 1,65 2039 0.741 2049 0.103 0.460 2.039 0.741 16.77 2799 2.750 2.039 0.714 24.03 2967 2.790 0.519 0.622 -0.839 2.261 0B62 550S137.68 40713 0.604 2.05 2503 0.910 2.036 0.123 0.451 2.503 (1910 21.22 4442 2750 2.503 0.908 31.42 5468 2.752 1.023 0.747 -0.820 2.243 0-864 550S137-97 0.1017 0.838 205 3380 1.229 2-008 0,155 OA30 3.380 1.229 30.35 6701 2750 3.380 1.229 44.72 10153 2.750 2.891 0.965 -0.805 2.206 0.867 5505162-97 0.1017 Q915 3.11 3.806 1.413 2061 0,276 0.549 3.886 1.413 33.91 6701 2.750 3,886 1.413 50.13 10153 2.750 I154 1.723 -1,081 2,392 0,795 55OS200.33 0.0346 0-362 1,23 1.694 0.616 2.164 0.204 0,751 1.678 Q556 10.99 670 2.857 0.144 1.312 -1.531 2.755 0.691 55OS200.43 0.0451 0,469 1.60 2189 0.796 2.159 0.261 0,746 2.189 0.776 15-33 1487 2.777 0.318 1.673 -1519 2.744 0.693 550S200.54 0.0566 0585 1.99 2.706 0.984 2.152 0.320 0.739 2.706 Q984 21.41 2799 2.750 2.706 Q889 26.62 2967 2.862 0.624 2.045 -1.511 2.731 0.694 550S2M 68 0.0713 0729 2,48 3.341 1.215 2.141 0,389 0.731 3.341 1,215 27.03 4442 2.750 3.341 1.170 38.83 5468 2.794 1,235 2488 -1.500 2.715 0695 550S200-97 0.1017 1.016 3.46 4-563 1,659 2,119 0.515 0712 4.563 1.659 31158 6701 2.750 4.563 1,659 57.25 10153 2.750 3,504 3299 -1.479 2,680 0-695 55OS250-43 0,0451 0515 1.75 2524 0.918 2215 0.445 0.930 2.524 0.817 16.15 1487 2.877 0349 2.811 -1.958 3.099 0,601 550S250-54 40566 R641 2.18 3.126 1.137 2.208 0.547 0.923 3.126 1,033 2440 2799 2.859 3.083 0,950 28.44 2967 2.948 0.685 3.446 -1.949 3.086 0,601 55OS250-68 0,0713 0.800 2.72 3.866 1 406 2 19B 0 669 0 914 3.866 1.350 26.83 4442 2.792 3 866 1.193 35,71 5468 2.932 1.356 4.211 -1.939 3.070 0.601 550S250.97 0,1017 1.11E 3.80 5.304 1.929 2,178 0.697 0.895 5,304 1.924 43-47 6701 2753 5.304 1837 61.77 10153 2.808 3855 5.636 -1,918 3.037 0.601 60OS162.118 0.1242 1.158 194 5,652 1.884 2209 0.321 Q526 5.652 1,884 46.82 8819 3.000 5652 1.884 68.94 13361 3.000 5.956 2399 .1.023 2.490 0B31 60OS200-118 0.1242 1.283 4.36 6,641 2214 2.275 0.611 0.690 6.641 2214 53.05 8819 3.000 6.641 2.214 78.44 13361 3.000 6,595 4.608 -1,411 2.765 0.740 60OS250-118 0,1242 1.407 4.79 7.713 2.571 Z342 1.075 0.874 1713 2.571 59.58 8019 ION 7.713 2.498 85.92 13361 3.037 7.234 7.924 -1.841 3104 0 648 GOOS300-54 0,0566 0.726 2.47 4.319 %440 2439 0.875 1.098 4.269 1.211 23.93 2708 3.210 4,014 1.106 33.13 2708 3.313 0-775 6,387 .2.330 3.547 0-S60 600S300.6B 0.0713 0-907 3.09 5,354 1_7115 4430 1.075 1,089 5,354 L525 30.14 4442 3.191 5,141 1.446 43.30 5468 3.253 1,537 7.035 .2.320 3.531 0.568 6GOS300.97 41017 1.271 4.32 7.381 2.460 2410 1.454 1.070 7.381 2352 5407 7372 3.05E 7.297 2.180 65.26 11124 314E 4.381 10-572 -2299 3.498 0.568 60OS300.118 01242 1.531 5.21 8.785 2928 2.395 1.704 1.055 8.785 2840 64.29 8819 3040 8.785 2.804 83.94 13361 1056 7.872 12384 -2.283 3.473 0.568 60OS350.54 00566 0825 2.81 5.022 1.674 2467 1.491 1.344 4.916 1.441 2848 2708 3.1B2 4.715 1.323 39.62 2708 3.285 0,881 12844 -3.072 4.163 0456 6005350-613 00713 1.032 3.51 6,237 2079 2459 1.841 1.336 6.237 1.948 38.50 4442 3.080 6.170 1.761 52.73 5468 3.205 1.748 15.814 -3.062 4.148 0.455 60OS350-97 01017 1 449 4.93 8.631 2.877 2 441 2.518 1.318 8.631 2.822 61.55 7372 3.028 9.631 2.537 75.95 11124 3.162 4 994 21.504 .3.044 4.118 0.454 60OS35TI18 01242 1 748 5.95 10 304 3 435 2 42B 2 978 1.305 10.304 3 435 7639 8819 3 000 10.304 3,303 98.8E 13361 3.056 8.990 25 340 .3.030 4.096 0 453 725S162-33' Q0346 0.380 1.32 2822 0.776 2.698 0.122 0.562 2822 0-691 13.65 503 3.818 0.155 1.295 4999 2.931 0884 725S162-43 40451 0503 1.71 3,648 1.006 Z692 0.156 0.557 3.648 1-001 21-75 1116 3.633 0.341 1.648 -Q989 2922 0886 725S162-54 0.0566 0627 2.13 4.513 1.245 2.683 0.190 0.550 4.513 1.245 27.63 2222 3.625 4,513 1.212 36.29 2222 3,662 0,670 2010 -0.980 2.908 0.887 725S162.68 0.0713 0.782 2.66 5.572 1.537 2669 R229 0.541 5.572 1,537 35-04 4442 3.625 5.572 1.523 51.65 4489 3,638 1.325 2439 -0.969 Z891 0808 725S162.97 0.1017 1.093 3.72 7.618 2.101 2.640 0,297 0.522 7.618 2.101 50A 9050 1625 7,618 2101 74.54 11124 3.625 3.767 3.213 -0.946 2853 0890 725S200-33' 0.0346 0,422 1.44 1241 Q894 2.771 Q221 0.724 3.235 0.739 14.59 503 3.924 0.168 2372 -1.365 3,172 0815 725S200-43 0.0451 0.54E 1.87 4.193 1.157 2765 0.204 0719 4.193 1.131 2134 1116 3-656 0.372 3.030 -1.354 3.162 0817 725S200.54 0.0566 0.684 2.33 5,195 1.433 2.756 0.347 0713 5.195 1.433 31.18 2222 3.625 5.195 1.306 39.09 2222 1754 0.730 1711 -1,345 3.149 0,817 7255200.68 0.0713 0,853 2.90 6.42E 1.773 2744 0.423 0.704 6.428 1.773 39.46 4442 3.625 6.428 1.710 56.77 4489 3.678 1.446 4.528 .1.334 3.132 01818 725S200-97 0,1017 1.194 4.06 8.831 2.436 2.719 0.561 0.685 8831 2.436 56.64 9050 3.625 8.831 2.436 84.04 11124 3,625 4,118 403E -1.312 3.0% 0.820 725S250-43 0,0451 0-593 2.02 4.776 1.318 2.838 0,486 0.905 4,778 1,186 23.44 1116 3.772 0,402 5.088 -1.765 3.462 0.740 725S250-54 0.0566 0.740 2.52 5,927 1.635 2.829 0,597 0-898 5.927 1.495 29.55 2222 3.752 5.813 1.388 4L55 2222 3.853 0,791 6-251 -1,756 3,449 0741 725S250-68 0-0713 0.925 3.15 7,347 2,027 2-819 0.730 0.889 7.347 1.960 38.72 4442 3.675 7.347 1.744 52.20 4489 3.835 1,567 7.658 -1.745 1432 OL742 725S250.97 0.1017 1.296 4.41 10.130 2794 2196 0.980 0.069 10,130 2.788 62.98 9050 3.62E 10.130 2666 89,66 11124 3.694 C468 10.304 -1.722 3.397 0.743 800S162-118 U1242 1.407 4.79 11.504 2.876 2860 0.345 Q496 11.504 2.876 71.47 12097 ON 11.504 2.876 105.23 16591 4,000 7.234 4.634 -0.883 3.034 Q915 8DOS200-110 0.1242 1.531 5.21 13.316 3.329 Z949 4665 0.659 13316 3.329 79.7E 12097 4.000 13,316 31329 117.95 16591 4,000 7,872 4747 -1.237 3,265 0.857 BOOS250-11B 0,1242 1.655 5.63 15.242 3,810 3.035 1.175 0.843 15.242 3.810 88.31 12097 4.000 15.242 3,706 127.50 16591 4,044 8511 15.024 -1,635 3.549 0.788 80OS300-54 0-0566 4839 286 8,358 4090 3.156 0,960 1,069 8.249 1.785 35.28 2006 4.244 7.862 1.535 45.96 2006 4.500 0.896 11.961 -2.100 1938 0,716 BOOS300-6B 0,0713 1.050 3.57 10.382 2595 3,145 1079 1.060 10.382 2248 44.43 4048 4.223 9.932 2.145 64,21 4048 4.292 1.779 '14.707 -2-089 3,921 0716 BOOS300-97 0.1017 1.474 5.02 14,375 3,594 3.123 1,595 1,040 14,375 3.443 76.21 9037 4.070 14.198 1215 96.27 11124 4173 5A82 19.942 -2.066 3.686 0717 BOOS300118 0,1242 1.779 US 17,167 4.292 3.106 1,871 U25 17.167 4.167 94.33 12097 4.048 17.167 4,117 12327 16591 4.067 9.149 23.446 -2-049 3,860 071E 8DOS350-54 0.0566 0.938 3.19 9.683 2421 3212 1.646 1.325 9.483 2.112 41.74 2006 4214 9.184 1.853 55,47 2006 4.441 1.002 22719 .2.797 4.460 0607 W0535068 00713 1,174 4.00 12046 3.012 3.203 2.034 1.316 12046 2837 56.07 4048 4,095 11.914 2584 77.37 4048 4243 1.990 28.029 -2.785 4.445 0.607 BOOS350 97 0.1017 1 652 5.62 16.737 4.184 3183 2.784 1.298 16.737 4.100 6943 9037 4.036 16.737 3.711 111.11 11124 4 197 5.696 38,275 -2765 4 412 0 607 80OS350-118 41242 1 1.987 E-79 20,041 5.010 ITH INS 1.285 20.041 5.010 111A 12097 0p0 1 20.041 4.872 144.08 16591 4.071 1 10-267 45.245 -2150 4388 0607 1 Web -height to thickness ratio exceeds 200. Web stiffeners are required at all support points and concentrated loads. Page 2 Supplemental (S) Stud Section Properties Section Design Thickness [in) Area iin2) Weight (Ufl) In 0n4) Gross Szx 603) Rx (in) Iyy (n4) Ry fin) Izz 0n4) 33 ksi EflecWe Sxx Ma Va (iin3) [in-k) (Ib) YCg (in) Izz 1in4( SO ksi EflecOve S:x Me Va fin3) (in-k) (Ib) Yog (in) J,,- 0n4) Torsional Cw X0 (in6) in Ro m D 925S162-03 0.0451 0.593 2-02 6.616 1.430 3.339 0.165 0.528 6.616 1.320 26.07 868 4.796 0.402 2.853 -0.872 3,491 1938 925S162-54 0.0566 4740 252 B. 198 1.773 3.328 0.201 0.521 8.198 1.773 39.35 1726 4.625 8.198 1.598 47.85 1726 4.833 0.791 3485 -0.863 3.477 1938 925S162-68 U713 0.925 3.15 10.148 2.194 3.313 4242 0.512 10.148 2.194 50.02 3479 4.625 10.14E 2176 73.78 3479 4.639 1,567 4237 -0.053 3.459 0.939 925S162.97 0.1017 1.296 4.41 13.947 3.016 3.280 0.315 0.493 13.947 3,016 72.36 9037 4.625 13.947 3,016 10697 10272 k625 4.468 5.609 -0.831 3.420 0.941 925S200-03 0.0451 0,639 217 7.519 1.626 3,431 0.303 0.689 7.519 1.472 29.08 868 4.832 0.433 5.197 -1.208 3.703 0.893 925S200-54 0.0566 0.797 2.71 9,329 2.017 3.422 0,371 0.682 9.329 2.017 43.89 1726 4.625 9.329 1.680 50.30 1726 4.980 0,851 &375 -1.199 3689 0,894 925S200-68 0.0713 0.996 3.39 11.568 2.501 3.408 0.451 0.673 11,568 2.501 55.66 3479 4.625 11.568 2.418 80,26 3479 4.684 1.688 7.794 -1.188 3.671 0.895 925S200-97 0.1017 1.39E 4.76 15.963 3.451 3.379 0.598 0.654 15.963 3.451 8D.25 9037 4.625 15963 3.451 119.07 10272 4.625 U19 10.440 -1.166 3.634 0.897 925S25043 0.0451 0,684 2.33 8.474 1,932 3.521 0.520 0.872 9.474 1.502 29.69 868 5.018 0.464 &733 -1.591 3.961 0.839 925S250-54 0.0566 0.853 2,90 10.525 2276 3.512 0,640 0,866 1U25 2.096 41.42 1726 4.768 10.469 1.746 52.27 1726 5.137 0.911 10.744 -1.581 3947 0.839 925S250-68 0.0713 1.067 363 13.070 2.826 3.499 0.783 0,856 13,070 2.737 54.09 3479 4.683 13.070 2.465 73.79 3479 4.858 1.809 13.188 -1.570 3.930 0.840 925S250-97 0.1017 1.499 5.10 18090 1911 3.473 1.050 0.837 1&090 3.903 88.16 9037 4.629 18.090 3.742 12586 10272 4704 5.170 17.815 -1.547 3.893 0.842 WOOS137-43' 0.0451 0.593 202 7,232 1.446 3.491 0.0970.405 7.232 1.254 24.78 802 5.320 0.402 1.999 -0615 3568 0.970 1000S137-54 0.0566 0340 252 8.956 1.791 3,478 0.117 0.398 8.956 1.791 n40 1593 5 000 8.956 1 525 45.67 1593 5.347 0.791 2.431 -0607 3 553 0.971 1000S137-68 0.0713 0.925 3.15 11.076 2.215 3,461 0,140 0.389 11.076 2.215 51.65 3209 5,000 11.076 2215 66.32 3209 5.000 1.567 2.N0 A597 3-533 0.971 1000S162-118 0.1242 1.655 5.63 M169 4.034 3.491 0.363 0,468 20.169 4.034 IDQ24 13479 5.000 20.169 4.034 147.59 16591 5.D00 8, 511 7.750 _CL779 4607 0.953 1000S200-118 0.1242 1.779 6.05 23.052 4.610 3.599 0.703 0.629 23.052 4.610 110.50 13479 5.000 23.052 4.610 163.36 16591 S.D00 9.149 14.527 -1.104 3.817 0,916 1000S250-118 0.1242 1.904 6.48 26.080 5.216 3.701 1.249 D-810 26.080 1216 120.89 13479 5.000 26,080 5.082 174.83 16591 5.049 9.788 24.955 -1.474 4-066 0.869 1000S300.54 0.0566 0.953 324 14.076 2.815 3944 1.024 1.037 13.937 2.312 45.69 1593 5.394 13.440 1.902 56.96 1593 5.826 1.017 19.716 -1.915 4.418 0.812 1000S300-68 0.0713 1. 192 4.06 17,509 3.502 3.832 1.258 1.027 17.495 3.069 60.65 3209 5.246 16.95E 2. B02 83.89 3209 5.437 2.020 24.281 •1.904 4.401 0.813 t000S300-97 0.1017 1.677 571 24.31E k864 3.808 1,702 1.007 24318 4.670 103.39 9037 5.079 MO10 4.390 131.43 9461 5.192 5,783 33.030 -1.880 4,364 0,814 1000S300.118 0.1242 2.028 6-90 29.109 5.822 3.789 1,997 0.992 29.109 5,662 121116 13479 5.054 29A09 5.59E 167.61 16591 5.076 10.427 3&929 -1.863 4337 0.815 1000S350.54 0.0566 1.052 358 16.220 3.244 3.927 1,76E 1,297 15951 2754 54.42 1593 5.332 15.587 2,311 69.20 1593 5.728 1.123 36.305 -2.573 4,871 0.721 1000S350.68 R0713 1,317 4,48 20,204 4.041 3,917 2185 1.288 20,204 3,824 7&57 3209 5.106 20,034 3.401 101.61 3209 5.347 2,232 44853 -2.562 4.954 0,721 10DOS350.97 01017 1.855 6.31 28148 5.630 3895 2992 1270 28.148 5.517 120.32 9037 5.043 28148 5,027 150.50 9461 5.223 6.397 61.429 -4540 4,820 0,722 1000S350-118 0.1242 2245 7,64 33.772 6,754 3.878 3.543 1.256 33.772 6.754 150,23 13479 5.000 33,772 6.492 194.36 16591 5.083 11.544 72.774 -2.524 4.795 0.723 115OS162-54 0.0566 0 868 2.95 14 126 2 457 4.035 0 210 0.492 14.126 2.250 44.47 1380 5.974 14.126 1.945 58.24 1380 6.351 0 927 5 713 -0.763 4.136 0.966 115OS162.68 0.0713 1.085 3,69 17.521 3-047 4,018 0.253 0.483 17.521 3.047 6147 2777 5.750 17.521 2.849 85.31 2777 5.920 1.839 6958 4753 4.117 0.967 1150S162.97 0,1017 1.525 5.19 24186 4.206 3983 0,329 0.464 24.186 4,206 100,94 8170 5.750 24.186 4.206 149.21 8170 5.750 5.257 9.241 .0.732 4.076 0,968 115OS200-54 0.0566 0.924 3.14 15.896 2765 4,147 0.390 0.650 15,896 Z560 50.60 1380 5.952 15.896 2.056 61,62 1380 6,493 0.987 10.410 -1,071 4.332 0.939 115OS200-68 0.0713 L156 3.94 19.747 3.434 4,132 0475 0.641 19,747 3434 76.42 2777 5,750 19.747 3,146 94.20 2777 5,969 1.960 12.746 -1.061 4.314 0.940 115OS200-97 0-1017 1.627 &53 27.348 4.756 4,100 0.629 0.622 27.348 4.756 110.59 8170 5.750 27.348 4.756 164.08 8170 5.750 5,608 17.129 .1,039 4.275 0.941 115OS250-54 0.0566 0.981 3.34 17,749 3.087 4.254 0.676 0.830 17.749 2.578 50,94 1380 &190 17.749 2148 64.31 1380 6.651 1.047 17.571 -1.426 4563 0.902 11 SOS250-68 0.0713 1.228 4.18 22.075 &839 4.240 0.827 0.821 22.075 3.727 7k64 2777 5.814 22,075 &027 90,62 2777 11307 2.081 21.59E -1.414 4.545 0.903 1150S250-97 0.1017 1,728 5.88 30.651 5.331 4.211 1,110 0.801 30,651 5.320 120.16 8170 5,754 30,651 5,117 172.09 8170 5.837 5.959 2&265 -1.392 4.507 0.905 1200SI37.54' 00566 0.853 2.90 14 283 2.380 4.091 0.121 0 376 14.283 2.090 41.31 1321 6.338 14.283 1.799 53.85 1321 6.736 0.911 3.683 -0.542 4.144 0.983 1200SI37.68 0.0713 1.067 3.63 17.698 2950 4,072 0.144 0.367 17.698 2.950 58.29 2658 6.000 17.698 2647 79,26 2658 6279 1.809 4.458 -0.532 4.123 0.983 120OS137-97 0.1017 1.499 5.10 24,379 4.063 4.032 0.182 0.348 24,379 4.063 100.36 7814 6.000 24.379 44063 147.87 7814 &000 5.170 5.847 -0.512 4079 0.984 1200SI62-118 0.1242 1.904 6.48 32.145 5-357 4.109 U76 0.444 32.145 5.357 133.14 13479 6-000 32,145 5-357 196.02 14373 8.000 9,788 11-794 -0.697 4.192 0.972 120OS200-110 0.1242 2.028 6.90 36.347 6.058 4234 0.732 0.601 36.347 6,058 145.19 13479 6.000 36,347 64058 214.65 14373 6.000 10,427 22050 -0.998 4;391 Q,948 120OS250-118 0,1242 2.152 7.32 40.726 &788 4.350 1.307 0.779 40.726 6,788 157.31 13479 6.000 40.726 6.624 227.88 14373 6.053 11.065 37.923 A.345 4.620 0.915 120OS300-54' 00566 1.066 3.63 21..699 3,617 4512 1.074 1.004 21,647 2736 54.06 1321 6.708 20.820 2272 6&04 1321 7.195 1.138 29.820 -1,763 4947 0.873 120OS300-68 0.0713 1.335 4.54 27.020 k503 4499 1.320 0.994 27.020 3.913 77.32 2658 6.316 2&509 3,317 99.32 2658 6.759 2.262 3&764 -1.752 4.930 0.874 120OS300-97 0.1017 1.881 6.40 37.616 &269 4,472 1.786 0.974 37,616 6,035 133.59 7814 6.086 37.137 5.702 170.71 7814 6.206 6.484 50.127 -1.728 4.892 0.875 120OS300-118 0-1242 2.276 7.75 45.106 7518 M52 2.095 0.959 45.106 7_323 165.76 13479 6.059 41106 7.246 216.94 14373 6,082 11_704 59,182 -1.711 4.865 0,876 120OS350-54' 0.0566 1.165 196 24,860 4.143 4.620 1.866 1.266 24.620 3,278 64.78 1321 6.606 WOO 2771 8298 1321 7.058 1.244 53910 -2386 5,352 0.801 120OS35O-68 0.0713 1.460 4.97 30.996 5.166 4.608 2.306 1,257 30.996 4.908 96.98 2658 6. 115 30925 4.045 121.11 2658 6.626 2473 66.670 -2375 5.335 0.802 120OS35g-97 0.1017 2.059 7.01 43,269 7,211 4,584 1159 1,239 43269 7,071 154.21 7814 6.048 43.269 6,482 19406 7814 6.244 7.098 91,506 -2.353 5.300 0.003 120OS350.118 •135OS162-54' 0.1242 2.494 848 51,992 8.665 k566 3.741 1.225 51.992 8.665 192.74 13479 6.000 51.992 8,339 249.67 14373 6.092 12.821 108.579 -2.336 5.273 0.804 00566 0.981 3-34 21.228 3.145 4.652 0.216 0,469 21.228 2,589 51.16 1171 7.337 18298 2010 60,19 1171 7.802 1.047 8.221 .0.693 4,727 0.979 1350S162-68 0.0713 1.228 4.18 26.368 3.906 4.634 0.261 0.461 26,368 3,734 73.78 2354 6.880 24050 2.927 87.63 2354 7.325 2.081 10.020 -0.683 4.707 0.979 1350S162-97 0-1017 1,728 5-88 36-510 5.409 4.596 0.33E 0.442 36.510 5.409 129.80 6912 &750 33.215 4.921 179.07 6912 &750 5.959 13.335 -0.662 4.665 4980 1350S200-54' 0.0566 1,037 3.53 23.688 3.509 4.778 4403 0.623 23.688 2.955 58.40 1171 7.284 20.06E 2.264 67.77 117l 7.743 1.108 14965 -4980 4.917 0960 135OS200-68 0.0713 1,299 4.42 29,461 4.365 4,762 0.491 0.615 29,461 4.194 6286 2354 6.868 26.36E 3.272 97.97 2354 7.281 2201 18.341 A969 4,89E 0.961 1350S200.97 0,1017 1.830 &23 40,907 6.060 4.728 0.650 0.596 40,907 6,060 140.91 6912 6,750 36-510 5,409 191.87 6912 6.750 6.309 24697 -0.948 4.859 0.962 13505250-54' 0.0566 1.094 3.72 26,245 3.888 4.898 0.701 0.801 26,245 2.987 59.02 1171 7530 22.909 2.401 71.88 1171 7.880 1.168 2UO3 -1,313 5.134 0.935 135OS250-68 00713 1.370 4.66 32,675 4.841 4.883 0.858 0.791 32675 4.478 81.48 2354 6971 29461 3.628 10862 2354 7,308 2322 31.131 -1.302 5.115 0.935 1350S250.97 0.1017 1,932 6.57 45.471 6.736 4.852 1.151 0.772 45,471 6,724 151.87 6912 6.755 40.907 6.060 20907 6912 6-750 6660 42263 -1.279 5077 0.937 1400SI37.54' 00566 0.967 3.29 21317 3.045 4.696 0.124 0.358 21.317 2391 47.25 1128 7.737 19.730 2,082 62.32 1128 8-162 1.032 5.222 0.490 4.735 0.989 1400SI37.68 00713 1.210 4.12 26.455 3.779 4.676 0.147 0.349 26.455 3.482 68.81 2268 7.239 26.455 3.023 9Q50 2268 7.677 2050 &327 -0.481 4.714 0.990 1400SI37-97 0.1017 1.703 5.79 36.565 5.224 4,634 0.186 0.331 36,565 5.224 129.02 6656 7.000 36.565 5.224 156.39 6656 7.000 5.871 &311 -0.461 4,668 0990 1400SI62-54' 0.0566 1,009 3.43 23-302 3.329 4.805 0.218 0.464 23.302 2.676 52.68 1128 7.683 21.663 2,344 70.18 1128 &096 1-078 k927 -0,677 075 0.981 1400SI62-68 0.0713 1263 4.30 28.952 4.136 4.787 0.262 0.456 2&952 3.842 75.92 2268 7.221 28.952 3,381 101.23 2268 7.627 2.141 10.882 -0.667 4,855 0.981 1400SI62-97 0.1017 1.779 6.05 40,115 5.731 4.748 0.340 0.437 40.115 5.731 137.52 6656 7.000 40.115 5.731 171,58 6656 7.000 6.134 14.489 -0.647 4.812 4982 140OS162-11B 0.1242 2.152 7.32 47,928 6.847 4.719 0.385 0.423 47.92E 6.847 170.15 12225 7.000 47,928 6.847 250.51 122.25 7.000 11,065 16.797 -0,632 4,780 0.983 1400S20454' 0.0566 1.066 3.63 25,951 3.707 4.935 0.406 0.617 25.951 3.056 60.38 1128 7.622 24.721 2.487 74,47 1128 8.232 1,13E 16.250 -0.959 5.065 G.W 140OS200.68 0.0713 1.335 4.54 32.284 4.612 4.918 0.494 0.608 32284 4.321 85.39 2268 7.201 32.284 3.751 112.30 2268 7,648 2.262 19.920 .0.949 5.046 0965 14005200-97 0.1017 1.881 6.40 44.853 6.408 4.883 0.655 0.590 44,853 6.408 1fA99 6656 7.000 44.853 6.408 191.84 6656 7.000 6.484 26.834 -0.928 5.006 0.966 140OS200-118 0.1242 2.276 7.75 53698 7.671 4.857 0.755 0.576 53698 7.671 183.85 12225 7.000 53.698 7.671 271A1 12225 7.000 11.704 31.391 A912 4.975 0.966 140OS250-54' 0.0566 1.122 3.82 28.702 4.100 5.057 0.707 0.794 28.702 3,090 61.06 1128 7.871 27.889 2601 77.87 1128 8,390 1.198 27.489 -1.287 5.278 0,941 140OS250-68 0.0713 1.406 4.78 35.743 5.106 5,042 0.865 0.784 35,743 4.618 91.25 2268 7.301 35.743 3.633 10839 2268 8.010 2.383 33.827 -1,276 5.260 1941 140OS250-97 0.1017 1.983 6.75 49,764 7.109 5.010 1.160 0.765 49.764 7.096 160.28 6656 7.005 49.764 6.886 20&17 6656 7.079 &835 45,941 -1.254 5.221 0-942 140OS250-118 0.1242 2.400 B.17 59,676 8.525 4.986 1.352 0.750 59.676 8.525 197.58 12225 7.000 59.676 8.333 286.65 12225 7.057 12-342 54.078 -1.237 5.192 0.943 140OS300-68 0.0713 1.477 5.03 39,201 5.600 5.151 1.370 0.963 39.201 4.461 88.54 2268 7.635 38.639 3.839 114.94 2268 8,120 2.503 52.316 -1.624 5486 0.912 140DS300-97 0.1017 2.084 7.09 54.675 7.811 5.122 1.854 0.943 54.675 7.535 t" 6656 7.091 53.989 7.147 213.99 6656 7.219 7.186 71,455 -1,600 5.448 0-914 140OS300-118 0.1242 2.525 8.59 65,655 9.379 5.100 2.174 0.928 65,655 9.150 207.12 12225 7.063 65.655 9.060 271.26 12225 7.068 12.981 84472 A 583 &420 0.915 140OS350.68 0.0713 1.602 5.45 44707 6.387 5.283 2.406 1.226 44707 5.700 112.64 2268 7.342 44.707 4.694 140.53 2268 7.945 2.715 93.790 -2.216 5.858 0.857 140OS350.97 0.1017 2.262 7.70 62.507 8.930 5.257 3.296 1.207 62.507 6.761 191.08 6656 7.052 62-507 8011 239.84 6656 7,287 7.799 128939 -2.194 5.822 0.858 140OS350-118 0.1242 2.742 9.33 75.200 10.743 5.237 3.903 1.193 75200 10.743 238.95 12225 7.000 75200 10.353 309.98 12225 7.100 14,099 153.185 -2.177 5.795 0659 160OS162-68' 0.0713 1.406 4.78 40.913 5.114 5.394 0.268 0.436 40.913 4.292 84.82 1978 8.606 39504 3.826 11454 1978 9.030 2.383 14.725 -0.612 5446 0987 1600SI62.97 0.1017 1.983 6.75 56,824 7.103 5.354 0.347 0,418 56824 7.103 170.45 5796 8.000 56824 6.683 200609 5796 8,203 6.835 19.629 -0593 5403 0988 160OS162.118 0.1242 2.400 8.17 68,014 8.502 5.323 0.393 0.405 6&014 8.502 211.27 10635 B.000 68.014 8.502 311.06 10635 &000 12342 22,779 -0,578 5.370 0,988 160OS200.68' 0.0713 1.477 5.03 45.291 5.661 5.537 0.506 0.585 45.291 4,843 95.71 1978 8.556 43972 4.250 127.23 1978 9.030 2.503 26.970 -0.876 5,636 0.976 160OS200.97 0.1017 2.084 7.09 63,050 7.881 5.500 0.670 0.567 63.050 7.881 183.25 5796 8.000 63.050 7.466 22354 5796 &186 7,186 36,380 -0,855 5,595 0.977 160OS200.118 0.1242 2.525 8.59 75.601 9.450 5.472 0.773 0.553 75.601 9.450 226.49 10635 8.000 75,601 9.450 334.85 10635 8.000 12981 42,602 -0.840 U64 0.977 160OS250-68' 0.0713 1.549 5.27 4&814 6.227 5.672 0.889 0.758 49-814 5.190 102.56 1978 8.642 49.814 4.128 123.60 1978 9-409 2-624 456890 .1-185 5.843 0.959 160OS250.97 0.1017 2.186 7.44 69,476 8.685 5.638 1A92 0.738 69.476 8.669 195.81 5796 8.005 69,476 7.694 23&34 5796 8.314 7.536 62407 -1,163 5,803 0.960 1600S250-118 0.1242 2.11 9.g1 83427 10.428 5.612 1.389 0.714 83.427 10.428 241.69 10635 8.000 63.127 10207 31112 1115 8.059 13620 73535 -1.146 5.774 0.961 16005300.68' 0.0713 1.620 5.51 54.336 6.792 5.792 1.411 0.933 54.336 5,060 99.98 1978 8.990 53 812 4.367 13Q75 1978 9 514 2.745 71.063 -1.514 '059 0.938 1 Web -height to thickness ratio exceeds 200. Web stiffeners are required at all support points and concentrated loads. Page 3 Supplemental (T) Track Section Properties Section Tesign Thickness iN Area (in2) Weight m+it Ixx in4 Gross Sxx M Rx in lyy n4 Ry in) txx In4} 33 kv Eneceve Sxx Ma Va JIQ in it Ycg 00 1x in4) 50 W EBedve Sxx Ma Va pn3) pn4c1 Ib Yog m J in4 Gov in6) Torsional X0 m) RO (n R 162T100-18 0.01288 0.068 0.23 Q035 4040 0.713 0.007 0.324 0.027 0,024 0.4E 309 1.037 0-008 0.004 -0.667 1-029 0.580 162T100-27 0.0283 0.103 0.35 0,052 0.059 0,715 0.011 0.323 0.046 0.042 0.83 577 0.998 0-027 0.006 -0.663 1.027 0.583 162T100-30 0.0312 0.113 0-38 0.058 0.065 0715 0.012 0,322 0,052 0.048 R95 637 0.988 0-037 0.006 -0661 1-026 U85 162T100.33 0.0346 0.125 0,43 0.064 0,072 0.716 0,013 0,321 0,059 0.055 1.09 707 0.977 0.050 Q007 -0.660 1.025 0.586 162T100-43 0.0451 0.163 0.55 0,084 0.094 0.717 0.017 0.320 0,082 0.080 1,58 925 0,949 0.111 0.009 -0.654 1.022 0.590 162T100-54 0.0566 0,204 Q70 0.107 0.118 0.724 0.021 0,317 0.107 0.111 219 1151 0.934 OJOS 0.103 3.07 1743 0.961 0.218 0.011 �650 1,024 0,597 162T100.68 0.0713 0,257 0-88 0.139 0.148 0,735 0.025 0.314 0,139 0.148 3.30 1429 0.937 0.139 0.143 428 2165 0,951 0.436 0.015 -0.646 1.028 0,605 162T125-43 0.0451 0,186 0.63 0.101 0.113 0.737 0.031 0.407 0.093 0.085 1.68 925 0,995 OA26 0.017 -0.877 1.216 0.480 162TI25.54 U566 0.233 0.79 0,129 0.142 0.746 0.038 0.404 0.126 0.119 2.36 1151 0.975 0.120 0.109 3.27 1743 1,006 0.249 0.021 -0.873 1.217 0,486 162T125-68 0.0713 0.293 1.00 0.168 Q179 0.757 0,047 0.401 0.168 0.168 3-33 1429 0.961 0.166 0.155 4.65 2165 0,991 OA97 0,027 -0.868 1.220 0,494 42T750-33 0,0346 0.160 454 0.090 0,102 0.751 0.039 0,494 0.072 0.060 1,19 707 L070 0.964 0,021 -1.111 1.429 0.395 2T150-43 10451 0.208 031 0.116 0.132 0.753 0.050 0.492 0,102 0.089 1.75 925 1.037 0.141 Q027 -1.106 1.425 0.398 162T150.54 0.0566 0.261 0,89 0.151 0.166 Q762 0.063 0.490 Q140 0.126 2.48 1151 1.015 0.132 0.114 3.42 1743 1.049 0.279 0.035 -1A01 1.426 0.403 162T150-68 0.0713 0.329 1.12 0.197 0210 0.774 0.078 0.487 0.194 0.180 355 1429 0.997 0.185 0.164 491 2165 1.032 0.557 0,046 -1.096 1428 0.410 _ET 25OT100-18 0.0188 0.085 029 O-ON 0.067 1.020 0.008 0.310 0071 0-045 0.68 235 1.502 0.010 0.010 -0-573 1210 0.776 25OT100.27 0.0283 0.127 043 OA33 0.101 1,021 0.012 0.308 0.117 0,075 1.49 7DO 1.457 0.034 0.015 -0.569 1.209 0.779 25OT100-30 0,0312 0,140 048 0.146 0,111 1,021 0.013 0-308 0.132 0.085 169 851 1.445 0.046 0,016 A567 1,208 0.780 250T100,33 0,0346 0.156 0-53 0.162 R123 1.022 0.015 0.307 0,150 0.098 1.93 1046 1.432 0.062 R018 -0566 1-208 0,780 25OT100-43 0,0451 0.203 Q69 0.212 0.159 1.023 0.019 0.305 0.207 0.139 Z74 1446 1.398 0,137 Q023 -0.561 1.206 0.783 25OT100.54 0.0566 0.254 Q86 0.269 0.199 1-029 0-023 0.303 0269 0-189 3.73 1604 1,376 0,265 0,177 5.31 2734 1.407 0.271 0.029 41557 1.209 0.787 25OT100.68 0,0713 0.320 109 0.344 0.251 1.038 Q029 0.3DO 0.344 0.251 5.58 2252 1,375 0.344 0.243 7.26 3412 1.391 0.542 0.037 -0.553 1.214 0.792 IF 35OT100-18 0.0188 0.103 035 0-189 0,104 1.352 0,009 0.293 0.160 0.062 1-22 166 2.176 0.012 0.021 -0.495 1.469 Q887 350TI00-27 0,02&3 0.156 0-53 0.285 0.157 1.353 0.013 0.291 01255 0.122 242 566 1,972 Q042 Q031 -0.491 1.468 0.888 350T100-30 0.0312 0,172 0.58 0.314 0.172 1.353 0:014 0.291 0'286 0.138 Z73 758 1.959 1056 0034 -0490 1-468 0-889 350TI00-33 0.0346 0.190 0,65 0.348 0.191 1353 0.016 0.290 0.324 0.158 3.11 1033 1.945 0.076 0.038 -0.489 1.468 0.889 35OT100-43 0.0451 0.248 0.04 0.454 0.248 1.354 0.021 0,288 0-443 0221 4636 1777 1.906 0.166 0,049 -0.485 1.467 0.891 350T100-54 0,0566 0.311 1.06 M74 0.310 1-359 0.025 0.286 0.574 0.296 5-86 2551 1.879 0.565 0.280 8.40 3446 1.914 Q332 0.061 -0.481 IA70 0.893 350T1 DO-68 0,0713 0,391 1.33 0,730 0.390 1,367 0.031 0.283 4730 0.390 867 3193 1,875 0.730 0-379 11.34 4838 1,893 0,663 0.077 -0.477 1.475 0,895 35OT150-97 0.1017 0,659 Z24 1.422 0.738 1.469 0.136 0.455 1,422 0.738 1458 4494 1.928 U22 0.701 2198 6809 1.965 2.271 0-343 -0-854 1.759 0-764 35OT200-97 r- 0.1017 0.761 259 1.780 0,923 1.530 0,305 0.633 1,780 0-831 1641 4494 Z007 1.708 0,769 2301 6809 2064 2-622 0760 -1.274 2089 0628 362T100-18 0.0168 0.106 0-36 0205 0,110 1-393 0.009 0.291 0.174 0,064 1.26 160 2.264 0.012 0.023 -0487 1504 0095 362T100.27 0.02B3 0.159 0.54 0.309 0.164 1.393 0.013 0.209 0,277 0.129 Z55 546 2.036 0.042 0.034 -0.483 1-503 Q897 362T100.30 0,0312 0,175 0.60 0.341 0.181 1.393 0.015 0.289 0.311 0-146 Z88 731 2.023 0.057 0.037 -0.482 1.502 0.897 362T100.33 0,0346 0.194 0.66 Q378 0.200 1.394 0.016 0.288 0.352 0.166 3-28 996 Z008 0-078 0.041 -4481 1.502 U98 362T100-43 0.0451 0,253 0.86 0.492 0.260 1.394 Q021 0.286 0.481 0.232 4.58 1777 1.969 0.172 0,053 -0.477 1.501 0,899 362T100-54 10566 0.318 1,08 0,622 0.326 1.400 4026 4284 0.622 0,311 6.15 2645 1,942 0,613 0.295 8.82 3446 1.977 0.339 0.066 -0.473 1.504 (1901 362TI00.68 0,0713 0.400 1.36 0,792 0.409 1.407 0,032 0.281 0,792 0A09 9.09 3311 1.937 0.792 0.398 11.90 5017 1.956 0.678 0,084 -0,469 1.509 01903 362T100-97 0,1017 0,570 1.94 1.152 0.579 1,422 0.043 0.274 1.152 0,579 13-45 4662 1.990 1.152 0,579 19.96 7063 1.990 1.965 0.120 4461 1.520 0.908 362TI25-97 0.1017 0.621 2.11 1.343 0.675 1.471 0,082 Q363 1.343 0.675 1524 4662 1.990 L343 &675 20.20 7063 1.990 L140 0223 -0.646 1-647 0-846 362T150-97 0,1017 0,672 2.29 1.534 0.771 1.512 06136 Q453 1,534 0.771 15.23 4662 1.990 1,534 0.733 21.94 7063 2028 4315 0.370 -Q843 1.789 0.778 362T200-97 0.1017 0.773 2.63 L917 0,963 1.575 0.308 0631 1-917 0-867 17,14 4662 Z071 1.839 UO3 24,06 7063 2.128 4666 0,820 -1,259 2.112 0.645 362T250-43 0.0451 0.389 1.32 1966 0.510 1.577 0.260 0,818 0-713 0.281 5.56 1777 2323 &263 0.640 -1.715 2.469 0517 362T250.54 0.0566 0,487 1.66 1,224 4641 1.585 Q324 Q816 0.971 0.389 7.69 2645 Z279 0,914 0.360 10.77 3446 2331 0.521 0.810 -1, 711 2471 0520 362T250-68 0.0713 0.614 Z09 1.565 0.808 1.597 0406 0.813 1.337 0-546 10.79 3311 2.233 1.259 0.502 15.04 5017 2292 1-040 1.035 -1.706 2474 0524 362T250-97 0.1017 0.675 298 2 300 1.155 1.621 0.570 0 807 2.180 0.928 18.34 4662 2.163 2069 0.851 2549 7063 2.228 3 016 1.517 -1.696 2 481 0 533 -M' 40OT100-18' 0.0188 0.113 038 0,259 0,125 1,513 0.009 0.285 0,222 0.070 1.38 145 2.529 0.013 0.028 -0.464 1.608 0917 40OT100-27 0,0283 0,170 058 0,389 0.188 1,514 0.014 0.283 0.350 1150 2.96 494 2.228 0.045 0,042 -0.460 1.608 0.918 40OT100.30 0.0312 0,187 064 0,429 0.207 1,514 0.015 0.283 0.393 0.169 3.33 661 2.214 0.061 0,047 -0.459 1.607 0,918 40OT100-33 0,0346 1207 0.71 0.476 0.229 1-514 0.016 0.282 0-444 0.192 3.79 901 2199 0-083 0.051 -0.458 1.607 0.919 40OT100-43 0.0451 0.270 092 0.620 0.298 1,515 0.021 0.280 0.606 0.267 5.28 1777 Z159 0.183 0,066 -0.454 1.606 0.920 40OT100.54 0,0566 0.339 1.15 0,783 0.373 1,520 0.026 0.278 0,783 0.357 7.06 2799 2.130 0.771 0.339 1Q16 3446 2.167 0.362 O,OB3 -0.451 1.609 0.922 40OT100-68 0,0713 0,427 1.45 0,995 0.468 1,527 0.032 0,275 0,995 0,468 10.42 3664 Z125 1995 4456 13.65 5468 2.144 0.723 0,104 -1447 1.614 0923 400TI00-97 0-1017 0,608 2.07 1,443 0.663 1.541 0.044 0,268 1.443 0.663 15.40 5165 2.178 1.443 0.663 22.86 7826 2.178 Z096 0,148 -0.439 1.624 0.927 400T125-97 0.1017 0.659 2.24 1.673 0.768 1-594 0.084 0-357 1-673 V68 17J5 5165 Z178 1,673 0.768 23.00 7826 2-178 2271 0,277 -0.618 1,746 0.875 40OT150-97 0.1017 0.710 2.41 1,9D3 0.874 1.638 0.141 0.447 1.903 0.874 17.27 5165 Z176 L903 0.832 24,92 7826 2.217 2-447 0.459 -4810 1.881 0-815 40OT200.33 0.0346 1 0,277 0.94 0.768 0.371 1.666 0,113 M39 0.581 0.220 4.34 901 Z469 0.110 0.335 -1.240 2173 0,674 40OT200-43 0,0451 0,360 1.23 1.002 0.482 1.668 0.146 0.637 0,811 0.311 6.14 1777 2.418 0-244 0.435 -1-235 2171 0.676 40OT200-54 0.0566 0.452 1,54 1.268 0.604 1.675 0,182 0.635 1,093 0.426 8.42 2799 2374 1.037 0,397 11.88 3446 2426 0.463 0,549 -1.231 2.173 0.679 40OT200.68 0.0713 0.569 M4 1.617 0.761 1-685 0-227 0,632 1.485 0-591 11.68 3664 Z327 1.412 0.569 16,42 5468 2385 0965 0.699 -1.226 2178 0,683 40OT200-97 0.1017 OA 11 2.76 2363 1,005 1.707 0.317 0.625 Z363 0.981 19.38 5165 Z262 Z268 0.911 27.28 7826 2322 2797 1,016 A 217 2.187 0,691 40OT250.43 0,0451 0,405 US 1.193 0.573 1.715 0.268 0.813 0.888 0.324 E40 1777 2.529 0.275 0.798 -1.666 2,525 0,565 40OT250-54 0,0566 0,509 1,73 1.511 0.720 1.723 0.335 0.811 1,205 a"5 UO 2799 2484 1.137 0.413 12.38 3446 2-537 0-543 1.008 -1-661 2527 0.568 40OT250.68 0.0713 Q641 2.16 1.928 0.907 1.735 D.418 0.808 1.652 0.622 12,2E 3664 2.435 1.559 0.574 17A9 5468 Z495 1.086 1.285 -1.656 Z531 0.572 40OT250.97 0,1017 0.913 3.11 2823 1.296 1.758 0.587 0-802 2-679 1,048 20.72 5165 Z358 2-546 0.965 28,89 7826 2426 3.148 1,877 -1,646 Z539 0,580 40OT300,54 0.0566 0.565 1,92 1.753 0.835 1.761 0.548 0.985 1,302 0-460 9.09 2799 2.582 1.224 0.426 12.77 3446 2.636 0-604 1,659 -2107 2.917 0.478 40OT300-68 0-0713 0.712 242 2-239 1-054 1.774 0-686 0-982 1.797 0.645 12.74 3664 2.533 1687 0594 177E 5468 2595 1.206 2.118 -2-102 2.920 0482 40OT300 97 0.1017 1.015 345 3 284 1 508 1.799 0 967 0 976 2 953 1.098 21.70 5165 2 452 2.786 1 005 3009 7826 2.524 3-499 3.102 .2-091 2.926 OA89 550T100-27 0,0283 0.212 0.72 0.837 0.297 1.985 0.014 0.261 0,775 0,206 4.07 357 3.204 0.057 0.087 -0.388 2,040 (1964 550T100-30 0.0312 0.234 0-80 Q922 0.327 1,985 0.016 0261 0-861 0.251 4,97 478 3,087 0,076 0.096 -0.387 Z040 0.964 55OT100.33 0.0346 0.259 0.8E 1,022 0.362 1.985 0.018 0,260 0.963 Q312 6.17 652 2,959 0.103 0,106 -4386 Z039 0.964 550T100-43 0,0451 0,338 1,15 1,332 0,471 1.986 0,023 0.258 1,305 0.429 &49 1443 2-915 0.229 0,136 -0.383 Z039 0.965 55OT100.54 0.0566 4424 1." 1.678 0.589 1.990 0,028 0.256 1,678 0,566 11.22 2799 Z883 U54 1544 1629 2859 Z922 0.453 0.170 -0.380 2042 0965 550T100-68 0.0713 0.534 1.82 2.125 0,739 1.995 0.034 0.253 2,125 0,739 16.45 4442 Z875 2.125 0.723 21,65 5468 2.895 0.904 0.213 -0.376 2,046 0366 550TI00.97 0.1017 0.761 259 3D62 1.046 2.007 0.047 0.247 3062 1.046 24,32 7179 2928 3.062 1.046 36,08 10877 2928 2.622 0,299 -0-369 Z055 0.968 550TI25-97 0.1017 0.811 276 3.483 1.190 2.072 0.090 0.333 3,483 1.190 2&87 7179 2928 3.483 1.190 35,62 10877 2928 2,797 0.561 -0.529 Z164 0.940 550TI50-97 0.1017 0,862 293 3-904 1.333 2,128 0.153 0.421 3,904 1.333 26.35 7179 2928 3.904 1.278 38.27 10877 Z971 2,973 0,931 -0.701 Z280 0,905 55OT200-97 0.1017 0.964 3.28 4.746 1.621 2.219 0.347 0.600 4,746 1.483 29.30 7179 3.023 4.566 1.391 41-64 10877 3.090 3.323 2.054 -1_075 2.538 0,820 550T250-43 0,0451 0.473 1.61 2.399 0.848 2.252 0.295 0.790 1,841 0,516 10.20 1443 3,339 0.321 1.639 -1.495 Z816 0.718 55OT250.54 0.0566 0.594 Z02 3.029 1.063 2259 0,368 0.788 2,466 0.699 13.81 2799 1206 2346 0,657 19,66 2859 3.346 0.634 2.064 -1.491 2.819 Q720 55OT250-68 0.0713 0,74E Z54 3B49 1.339 2.269 0.460 0.785 3,338 0,960 1&97 4442 3.228 3.172 0.897 2U6 5468 3295 1.267 2617 -1.486 2824 0.723 55OT250.97 0,1017 1.066 3 63 5.588 1.908 2.290 0.646 0.779 5 314 1.580 31.23 7179 3.135 5.073 1.470 44.01 10877 3.211 3.674 3.781 -1.477 2.834 0.728 55OT300.54 0.0566 0.650 221 3.479 1.221 2.313 0.606 0.965 2654 0.723 1428 2799 3,404 2-526 0.663 19.84 2859 3,495 0,694 3.382 -1.912 3.153 0632 55OT300.68 0.0713 0819 2.79 4,424 1.539 2,324 0.758 0.962 3610 0,996 1968 4442 3345 3-417 0.929 27.80 5468 3,414 1.388 4.294 -1.907 3157 0635 55OT300.97 01017 1-167 3-97 6.430 2.196 2.347 LOSS 0.956 5 816 1.654 3268 7179 3 245 5 516 1.531 45.63 10877 3 326 4 024 6 222 -1 897 3 166 0 641 600T100-27' 00283 0.226 477 1.036 0.338 2.140 0.015 0.255 0.968 0,223 4.40 327 3.559 0.060 0106 -0-369 2186 0971 60OT100-30 00312 0,250 0,85 1,142 0372 2,140 O.OW 0.255 1.076 0.270 S34 438 3,437 0,081 0, 117 -0.368 2186 0972 60OT100.33 0-0346 O.277 0.94 1.,267 0.412 2,140 0,018 0,254 1.202 0.335 6.62 597 3.296 0.110 0.129 -0,367 2.186 0972 60OT100-43 0.0451 4360 1.23 1.650 0.536 2140 0.023 8.252 1.617 0.491 9.70 1321 3.167 0.244 0.166 -0,364 Z185 0,972 600T100-54 0.0566 0,452 1,54 2.077 0.670 2.144 0,028 0.250 2.077 0.648 12.80 2617 3,134 2.049 0.622 18.62 2617 3.174 4483 4207 -0.361 Z188 0,973 60OT100-68 0,0713 0.569 1.94 2629 U41 2.149 0,035 0.247 2.629 4841 18.72 4442 3,125 2629 0,824 24.67 5251 3.146 0.965 0.259 -0-358 Z192 0.973 60OT100.97 0.1017 Q811 2.76 3.784 1.191 2.159 0.047 0.241 3.784 1.191 27.68 7850 3.178 3-784 1,191 41,7 11124 3.178 2.797 0,363 -0,350 Z201 0,975 60OT150.118 0.1242 1.114 3.79 5,886 1.829 2,298 0.1896 0.409 5.886 1.829 41.41 9531 3,178 3.784 1.191 41.07 11124 3.178 2797 0.363 {L350 Z201 0,975 600T200-118 0.1242 1-239 421 7.122 2.214 2398 0.426 0.586 7.122 2170 42.88 9531 3.217 5.886 1.829 61.64 14441 3.217 1.730 1.379 -0.666 2427 0.925 60OT250.43 0.0451 0.496 1.69 2.916 0.946 2425 0.303 0.781 2.269 0.563 11_13 1321 3.240 7.122 2051 61.42 14441 3,305 &369 3,060 -1,029 2675 0.852 60OT250-54 0.0566 0.622 Z12 3,678 1.187 2432 0.377 0.779 3,014 0.793 15,68 2617 3666 0.336 1.999 -1.447 2-930 0,756 60OT250-68 0,0713 0.783 267 4.670 1.495 2A42 0.472 0.176 4.065 1.085 21.45 4442 3.550 Z881 0.732 21.92 2617 3.641 0.664 2516 -1.443 2.933 0.758 60OT250-97 0.1017 1,116 3.80 6.767 2.129 2462 0.662 0.770 6A41 1.775 35.08 7850 3392 6-157 1.656 49.58 11124 3,470 3.849 4.592 -1.428 2949 0.765 6DOT300-54 0,0566 0.679 2.31 4.212 1.359 2.492 0.622 0.957 3,239 0.821 16.22 2617 3674 3108 0.722 21.61 2617 3,832 0.725 4119 -1,956 3251 0.674 60OT300-68 0.0713 0.854 Z91 5.350 1.712 2.502 0.778 0.954 4,389 1.126 22.25 4442 3611 4,164 1,053 31.53 5251 3.683 1.448 5.223 -1,851 3,256 0.677 60OT300.97 11017 1 1.218 415 7.762 2.442 2.524 1.096 0948 4 TON 1-857 36.69 7850 3-506 1 6-681 V24 51.62 11124 2.590 4.200 7.549 -1,841 3265 0682 1 Web -height to thickness ratio exceeds 200. Web stiffeners are required at all support points and concentrated loads. Page 4 Supplemental (T) Track Section Properties acdan 00$9n Thickness Ma R2} W414 in naOra) Omar Sax Rx lin 1yy 04. Ry I I" Ono 33 W ROM -WO Sxx Ma Va lira I" I Yog (In Ixx Gn4 50 W Boom Sxx Ma Va In3y *I 6 Yog Iln J . Gov .TWAWW X0 m Ro fm} (i 125T125.33' 0,0346 0.337 1.15 2.268 0.513 2.933 0.035 0.322 2.100 0.396 7.92 493 4.119 0.135 Q.965 -0.470 2.655 0E6Q 725T125-43 0.0451 0,439 1.49 2.955 0,797 2593 0.045 0,320 2.794 0,686 13.55 1091 3.868 0.298 0.471 -0.467 2-654 (1969 725T125.54 0.0566 0.551 1-68 3.718 0,998 2.597 0,056 0.318 3643 0.913 18.05 2160 3.831 3.539 06875 26.21 2160 3881 0.589 0.588 -0.464 2.657 (1970 725TI25.68 0.0713 0.694 2.36 4.702 1.254 2.603 0.069 1315 4.702 1.213 23.97 4332 3.790 4,643 1.164 34.84 4332 3840 1.176 R736 -0.460 2.662 0.970 725T125-97 0.1017 0.989 3.37 6.761 1.778 L614 0.095 0.310 6.761 1,778 40.15 9037 3.803 6.761 1.778 5323 11124 3803 3.411 1.03E -0.453 2,671 0.971 725T200.33' 0A346 0.389 1.32 2.971 0.803 2.763 0.132 0.583 Z465 0.400 7.91 493 4,698 0,155 1.304 -0.970 2.986 0.894 72ST200.43 0.0451 0 507 1.73 3.872 1.045 2.764 0,171 0.581 3.307 0,678 13.39 1091 4.293 0.344 1.691 -0.966 2 985 0.895 725T200.54 0.0566 0636 2.16 4.877 1.310 2.769 0.213 0.579 4.319 1.007 19.90 2160 4.060 4,188 0.881 26.37 2160 4.258 0.679 2.121 -0.962 2.988 0.896 725T200-68 0.0713 0801 273 6.178 1.647 2. 177 0.266 0.576 5,749 1.359 26.86 4332 3.999 5.526 1.287 38.54 4332 4.067 1,357 L674 -0.958 2.994 0.898 725T200.97 0.1017 1.142 3.89 2 8-908 2.342 2 793 0.371 0.570 _ 8 881 .. 2.166 42.80 _ 9037 3.907 8.593 2048 61.33 11124 3 980 3.937 3.820 -0.950 3 005 0,900 80OT100-33' 0.0346 0.346 1.18 _ 2.611 0.641 2.748 0.019 0.232 2,532 0.427 8.45 446 4.720 0.138 0.246 -0307 2.774 0.988 BOOTIOO-43 0.0451 0.451 1.53 3.401 0.833 2.747 0.024 0.230 3,353 0.734 14.50 988 4.264 0.305 0.317 -0.304 2.774 0988 BOOT100-54 0.0566 0.565 1.92 4,276 1.043 2.750 0.030 0.229 4.276 1.014 20.03 1956 4.136 4.231 0.954 2&58 1956 4.222 0.604 0.394 -0.302 2,776 0.988 800T100.68 0.0713 0.712 2.42 5,402 1,310 2.755 0.036 0.226 5.402 1.310 29.14 3920 4.125 5402 1.287 38.53 3920 4.147 1.206 0.491 -0299 2780 0.988 BOOT100.97 0.1017 1.015 3.45 7.747 L854 2.763 0.049 0.221 7_747 1.854 43.11 9037 4.178 7.747 1.854 63.97 11124 4.178 3.499 0.665 -0.292 L787 0.969 BOOT150-118 0,1242 1.363 4.64 11.641 4760 2.923 0.197 0.380 11.641 2,760 62.48 12810 4.217 11.641 2.760 93.00 16591 4,217 ZOOS L615 -0.570 3002 0964 BOOT200-118 0.1242 1.487 5.06 13.785 3,269 3.045 0.455 0.553 13,785 3.212 63.48 12810 4.243 13.785 3.059 91.59 16591 4313 7.646 5822 -0.899 3222 0,922 BOOT250-43 (10451 0.586 1.99 5.629 1,380 3.100 0.326 0,746 4593 0.739 14.60 988 5.051 0.397 1869 -1.282 3437 0861 BOOT250-54 0.0566 0.735 2.50 7.090 1.730 3.106 0.407 0,744 5.948 1,193 23.57 1956 4.636 5.816 0.959 28.71 1956 5.015 0.785 4.858 -1.279 3,440 0.862 800T250-6B 0.0713 0.926 3.15 8.978 2,177 3.114 0.509 0.741 7.917 1.648 32.57 3920 4.526 7.588 1,560 46.72 3920 4.600 1.569 6.131 -1.274 3445 0.863 BOOT250.97 0.1017 1.320 4.49 12.944 3.098 3.132 0.713 0.735 12.361 2.641 52.19 9037 4.414 11.872 2.487 7447 11124 4.500 4.550 &778 -1.265 3457 0.866 BOOT300-54 0.0566 0.792 2.69 8.028 1.958 a184 0.675 0.923 6096 1.178 23.28 1956 4.862 6.237 0.956 2&62 1956 5.227 0.845 7,942 -1.663 3,709 0.799 BOOT300.68 0.0713 0.997 3.39 10.171 2466 3-194 0.844 0.920 8.497 1.709 33.76 3920 4.665 8,160 1.548 46.36 3920 4,819 1,690 10.037 -1.659 3.715 0,801 BOOT300-97 0.1017 1.422 4.84 14.676 3. 513 3.213 1.188 0.914 13.395 2.757 54.49 9037 4.544 12.794 2.586 7743 11124 4.636 4,901 14.412 3.726 y= . -1.649 0,804 925T125-43' 00451 0 530 1.80 5.436 1.155 3.204 0.047 0.297 5.247 0.833 1646 853 5.293 0.359 0. 816 -0.403 3 243 0 985 925T125-54 0.0566 0.664 2,26 6.834 1.447 3.207 0.058 0.296 6.710 1.341 26.49 1689 4836 6.622 1.080 32.35 1689 5-247 0.709 1.018 -0,400 3,246 0.985 925T125-68 0.0713 0.637 2.85 8.632 1.817 3.212 0.072 0.293 &632 1.766 34.90 3384 4793 8.533 1,705 51.03 3384 4.B45 1.418 1.272 -0,397 3.250 0.985 925T125-97 0.1017 1.193 4.06 12.377 Z577 3.221 0.099 0.288 12377 2.577 58.21 9037 4.803 12.377 2.577 77.16 9870 4.803 4.112 1.785 4390 3258 0.986 925T200-43' 0.0451 0.597 2,03 6.920 1,471 3.404 0.180 0,550 6.102 0.847 16.73 853 5.702 0.405 Z957 -0-854 3552 0.942 925T200-54 0-0566 0.749 2.55 8.706 1..943 3.409 0.225 0.547 7,860 1.363 26.94 1689 5.229 7713 1.098 32.87 1689 5659 0800 3.704 -0851 3556 0.943 925T200-68 0.0713 0.944 321 11.009 2.318 3.416 0.280 0,545 10.312 1.959 3&72 3384 5.015 9.998 1.793 53.69 3304 5172 1,599 4659 -0847 3561 0.943 925T200-97 01017 1.345 4.58 15.822 OWL_ 3.294 3.429 0.391 0.539 15.769 3.075 60.76 9037 _ 4.914 15.304 2928 87.68 9870 4.991 4.638 6.623 -0839 3572 a945 1000T100.43' 0.0451 0.541 1.84 &053 1.191 3.346 0.025 0.213 6.033 0.876 17.31 789 5694 0367 0521 -0.262 3363 0.994 IOOOTIOO-54 0.0566 0.679 2.31 7.606 1.492 3.348 0.030 0.212 7.606 1.422 28.10 1561 5.184 7.606 1.134 33.95 1561 5.647 0725 0647 -0.260 3365 0.994 IOOOT100{8 0.0713 0.854 2.91 9.598 1.873 3.352 0.037 0.209 9-598 1.873 41.68 3128 S125 9.598 1.845 55.24 3128 5148 1.448 0804 -0257 3368 0,994 1000T100-97 0.1017 1218 4.15 13340 4654 3.358 0.051 0.204 13.740 2.654 61.70 9037 5.178 13.740 2.654 91.54 9119 5.178 4.200 1.117 -0..251 1374 0.994 1000T150.118 0.1242 1.611 5.48 20.121 3.857 3,534 0.204 g356 20.121 3.857 B7,30 13479 5,217 20.121 3.857 129.95 16591 5.217 8.285 4297 -0.499 3,587 0.981 1000T200.118 0.1242 1.735 5.91 23.422 4489 1674 0.476 0-524 23.422 4,420 87.35 13479 5.244 23.422 4.233 126.74 16591 5.319 &924 9.612 -a799 3.796 Q956 1000T250-43' 0.0451 0.676 2.30 1515 1,873 3;751 0.344 0,713 &026 0,916 18.11 789 6.493 0.450 6466 -1.154 1989 0.916 1000T250-54 04566 0.848 2.89 11.972 2.348 3,757 0.429 0.711 10.363 1.455 28.74 1561 6.011 10.144 1.187 3555 1561 6.448 a906 &109 -1,150 3993 0.917 10DOT250-68 0.0713 1.068 3.64 15.138 Z954 3.764 0.536 0.708 IZ494 2.308 45,61 3128 5.552 13.184 1.909 57.16 3128 5.952 1.810 10.214 -1.146 1998 0.918 1000T250.97 0.1017 L523 5.18 21.760 4.202 3,780 0.751 0.702 20.844 3,644 72.02 9037 5,430 MOW 3.457 103.50 9119 5.521 5252 14.564 -1.138 4.009 (1919 1000T300-54 0.0566 0.905 3.0E 13.427 2.633 3.952 0.714 0.888 1LOU 1.452 28.69 1561 6.250 10.826 1.191 35.65 1561 6.676 0.966 13.262 -1,510 4,232 0.873 1000T300-68 0.0713 1.140 3.88 16-985 3.314 3.860 0-693 0.895 14.416 2.377 46.96 3128 5,716 14.106 1.904 57.01 3128 6194 1.931 16.728 -1.505 4.237 0874 1000T300-97 01017 1 625 5.53 24 434 4 719 3.878 1.257 0-879 22.441 3.798 75.04 9037 5.571 21 530 3.589 107.45 9119 5 669 5.602 23 921 -1.496 4.248 0.876 115OT125-54' 0.0566 0.792 2.69 11.940 2-041 3883 0.060 0.275 11.856 1.605 31.72 1356 6-388 1L719 1,310 39.21 1356 6.877 0.845 1.656 -0.347 3.909 0.992 1150TI25-68 0.0713 0.997 3.39 15067 2.565 1887 0.074 0.272 15067 2.502 4&44 2716 5,919 1SO19 2.103 62.97 2716 6.320 1.690 2.066 -044 3,912 0.992 1150T125.97 0.1017 1.422 4.84 21.568 3.638 1895 0.102 0.267 21,568 3.638 82.18 7913 5.928 21.568 3.638 108.93 7913 5.928 4,901 2.889 -0.337 3.919 0.993 1150T200.54' 00566 0.877 2.90 14.816 2.533 4,111 0,234 0.517 13-694 1.645 32-51 1356 6.810 13.449 1.349 40-39 1356 7.292 0,936 6.087 -0.154 4.212 0.968 1150T200-68 0.0713 1.104 3.76 18.714 3.185 4.117 0.292 0.514 17.658 2.709 53.52 2716 6.190 17.387 2.157 64.57 2716 6741 1.871 7.644 -0.151 4.216 0 968 115OT200.97 0.1017 1.574 5.36 26 837 -7 4.527 - 4 129 0.407 z 0,508 26 743 4.260 84.17 7913 6.045 26.031 4 082 12220 7913 6.126 5.427 10 830 -0743 4 226 0 969 1200TI0054' 0.0566 0.792 2.69 12.292 2-015 3.940 0,031 0.198 12.292 1.624 32.08 1299 6.621 12.292 1.332 39.87 1299 7.112 0.845 0.966 -0.228 3.952 0.997 120OT100.68 0,0713 0.997 3.39 15504 2,531 3.943 0.038 0.196 15.504 2531 50.02 2602 6-125 15,504 2,121 63.51 2602 U55 1.690 1.200 -0.225 3.955 Q997 120OT100.97 0.1017 1.422 4.84 22.169 3,588 3.949 0.052 0,191 22.169 3588 83.43 7579 6.178 22.169 3.588 123.80 7579 6.178 4901 1.662 -0.220 3,960 0.997 120OT150.118 0.1242 1.860 6.33 3L825 5119 4,137 0.210 0.336 31.825 5,119 11586 13479 6.217 31.825 5.119 17247 13844 6.217 9.562 6MO -0.444 4.174 0.989 120OT200-118 0.1242 1.984 6.75 36.530 S876 4.291 0.492 0.498 36-530 5.794 114.50 13479 6.245 36.530 5.573 166.87 13844 6,323 10.201 14.478 -0.719 4.379 0.973 120OT250-54' 0,0566 0.962 3.27 18.550 3.041 4.392 0.445 0,681 16,432 1.722 34.02 1299 7.436 15.811 1.419 42-49 1299 7.922 1,027 12-321 -1,047 4,566 0.947 120OT250-68 0,0713 1.211 4.12 21435 3.826 4.399 0.556 0.678 21,264 2.793 5520 2602 6.817 20.B71 2255 67.52 2602 7.367 2.052 15499 -1,043 4.572 0.948 120OT250.97 0.1017 L727 5.88 33.623 5442 4.413 0,780 0,672 32,294 4.7B5 94.55 7579 6.442 31.233 4.564 136.64 7579 6.536 5.953 22.041 -1.035 4,582 0.949 120OT300.54' 0.0566 1.018 3.46 MOB 3.303 4.502 0,745 0.855 17.492 1.728 34.15 1299 7.685 16172 1.428 42-74 1299 8.162 LOU 20.17E -1.384 4.787 11916 12DOT300-68 0.0713 1.282 4.36 26.079 4.258 4.510 0.932 0.852 22.699 2.786 55.04 2602 LOBO 22227 2.263 67.76 2602 7.618 2.173 25.418 -1.360 4.792 0917 120OT300-97 0.1017 1.828 6.22 37.441 6.060 4.525 1.310 0.847 34.580 4.976 98.33 7579 6.592 33.296 4.730 141.62 7579 6 694 6 304 36.249 -1.371 4 804 0 919 1350T125-54' 0.0566 0.905 3.08 18.150 2.650 4.479 0.061 0.259 18.150 1.840 36.36 1154 7.840 17,767 1.523 45.59 1154 8.363 0.966 Z363 -0.310 4.497 0995 1350T125.68 0.0713 1,140 3.86 22.894 3.330 4.482 0.075 0.257 22.894 2.977 58.82 2310 7,169 22894 2404 71,96 2310 7.765 L931 2.946 -0.307 4500 0995 135OT125.97 0.1017 1.625 5.53 32.740 4.726 4.489 0.103 0.252 32740 4.726 106.74 6728 6,928 32.740 4.726 141.49 6728 6.928 5602 4,110 -0-302 4.506 0.996 135OT200-54' 0,0566 0.990 3.37 22100 3.227 4.725 0.240 0.493 20,731 1.906 37.66 1154 8.257 19.139 1.577 47.20 1154 &783 1,057 8.762 -0.686 4,800 0,980 135OT200-60 0-0713 1.247 4.24 27.696 4.058 4.730 0.299 0.490 26.700 3.072 60.70 2310 7,585 26292 2.494 74.66 2310 8.180 2113 10.991 -0.682 4804 0.980 135OT200-97 0.1017 1.778 6.05 39954 5.767 4.741 . 0.418 0.485 39,813 47L 5457 107484 6728 7.049 38837 5.251 157,22 6728 7-132 6.128 15-540 -0.675 4.813 0.980 140OT100-54' 00566 0.905 3.08 18562 2.615 4.529 0.031 0.186 18.562 1.849 36.54 1112 8.087 17,636 1,539 46.08 1112 8.609 0.966 1.354 -0.203 4.537 0.998 140OT100-68 0.0713 1.140 3.8B 23.404 3.285 4.532 0.039 0.184 23.404 2.919 57.69 2227 7.457 23.404 2.409 72.13 2227 8.016 1.931 1680 -0.201 4.540 0.998 140OT100.97 0.1017 1,625 5.53 33.441 4.659 4.537 0.053 0.180 33.441 4659 108.32 6485 7.178 33,441 4.659 139.49 6485 7.178 S602 2321 -0.196 4.544 0.998 140OT125-54' 0,0566 0,933 3.18 1%977 2.814 4.627 0.061 0.256 19.977 1.901 37.56 1112 8.208 1&919 1.577 47,21 1112 8.739 0.997 2561 -0.302 4.644 0.996 1400TI25-68 0.0713 1.175 4.00 25J96 3.536 4.630 0,076 0.254 25.196 3.056 60.40 2227 7.528 25.196 2.482 74.31 2227 8.131 1.992 3.191 -0.299 4.647 0.996 140OT125-97 Q1017 1.676 5.70 36.024 5.019 4.636 0.104 0.249 36-024 &019 113.36 6485 7.178 3&024 5.019 150.26 64&5 7.176 S778 4.450 -0.294 4.652 0.996 140OT150-54' 0.0566 0.962 3.27 21,392 3.013 4.717 0.105 0.330 1 21.003 1,933 30.20 1112 8.344 19.567 1.602 47.97 1112 8.879 1,027 4-280 -0.414 4.746 0.992 1400TI50-68 0,0713 1.211 4.12 26.987 3.788 4.721 0.130 0.327 26.892 3.111 61.48 2227 7.658 26.601 2,527 75,66 2227 8.265 2.052 5349 -0.411 4.750 0.993 1400TI50-97 0.1017 1.727 5.88 38.607 5.379 4.729 0.180 0.322 38.607 5379 106.28 6485 7.178 38.607 5.250 157.18 6485 7.231 5.953 7.504 -0.405 4.757 0.993 14GOT150.118 0.1242 2.108 7.17 47.247 6.546 4.734 0.214 0.319 47,247 6,546 148.18 11840 7.217 47.247 6.546 220.58 11840 7.217 10.839 9.051 -0.401 4.762 0.993 140OT200-54' 00566 1.018 3.46 24.221 3.412 4.878 0.242 0.487 22.791 1.972 38.97 1112 8.624 20.512 1.634 48.92 1112 9.160 1.087 9.514 -0.670 4.947 0.982 140OT200-68 0.0713 1,282 4.36 30.571 4.291 4.883 0.301 0.485 29.343 3.166 62.56 2227 7.940 28.898 2.580 77.23 2227 8.545 2173 11.932 -0.667 4.952 0.982 140OT200-97 0.1017 1,828 6.22 43.773 6.098 4.893 0.420 0.479 43.619 5.778 114.18 6485 7.300 42628 5.455 163.32 6485 7.443 6.304 16,863 -0.660 4.961 0.9B2 140OT200.118 0.1242 Z232 7.60 53,606 7.427 4.900 0.504 0.475 53.606 7.334 144.92 11840 7.246 53.606 7.079 211.96 11840 7.326 11.478 20,450 -0.655 4.967 0.983 140OT250.54' 0.0566 1.075 3.66 27051 3.811 5.017 0.458 0.653 24.388 1.994 39.40 1112 8.897 21.276 1.653 49.50 1112 9.428 1.148 17.531 -0.961 5.150 0.965 140OT250-68 0.0713 1,354 4.61 34.154 4.794 5.023 0.573 0.650 31-507 3.190 63.03 2227 8.221 30.940 2.609 1&11 2227 SAM Z294 22032 -0.957 5.155 0.966 140OT250-97 0.1017 1.930 6.57 48.939 6.818 5.036 0.803 0.645 47.122 6.062 119.78 6485 7.452 45-927 5.467 163-69 6485 7.733 6.654 31.271 -0.950 5.165 0.966 140OT300.54' 0.0566 1.131 3.85 29.681 4.209 5.139 0.769 0.025 25860 2.008 39.68 1112 9.154 21.950 1.666 49,87 1112 9.679 1.208 2&762 -1.278 5.360 0.943 14GOT300.68 0.0713 1.425 4.85 37.737 5.297 5.146 0.962 0,822 33.490 3.202 63.27 2227 4-4S9 3ZB21 2,627 78.65 2227 9.077 2.415 36.197 -1.274 5.365 0.944 1400T300-97 0.1017 2.032 6.91 54.105 7.538 5,160 1.353 0.816 50.214 6.292 124.32 6485 7.609 48-934 5461 163.51 6485 8,011 7.005 51.521 -1.266 5.376 0.945 1600TI25-68' 00713 131E 4.48 35.916 4.421 5.220 0.017 0.241 35-916 3,396 67.11 1947 8.980 35916 2803 83.94 1947 9.611 2.233 4.278 -0.271 5.233 0.997 1600TI25-97 0.1017 1879 6.39 51,322 6.276 5.226 0.105 0.237 51.322 6.276 141.75 5666 8.178 51322 5701 170.69 5666 8.490 B-479 5.956 -0.266 5.238 0.997 1600TI25.118 0.1242 2.294 7.81 62,755 7.637 5.230 0.125 0,233 62.755 7,637 176.99 10343 8.217 62.755 7637 262.71 10343 8.217 11.797 7.142 -0.263 5.242 0.997 160OT200-68' 0,0713 1.425 4.85 42.914 5.282 5.488 0.307 0.464 41.582 1554 70.23 1947 9.377 40.979 2.927 87.65 1947 10.021 2415 1&116 -0.613 5.542 0.988 16DOT200-97 0.1017 2-032 6.91 61.398 7.50E 5.497 0.428 0.459 61.184 7.146 141.20 5666 8.303 60.317 6,035 18R68 5666 8.848 7.005 22743 -0.606 5.550 �0-w 160OT200-119 M242 I 2.461 8.44 75.146 9.145 5.5% 0.514 0.455 1 75.146 9.039 176.51 40343 8.247 L75J46 &751 26202 10343 8.329 1 12.755 27.551 -0.601 5.555 .MR Page 5 Supplemental Web Crippling Table Allowable Web Crippling Loads (Ibs) - Single Members (Fy=33ksi) Design "' I I -.,•'(In ial _ [Ar OM 3 Cu:jc•;.i a Web Web Thk kness Thickness leeglh Jim) f3r.li:ng Lenoi (n.] Ow;q LengB1 W.) 9Ew1ing Laaglh On.) Size (in.) ON T 3"5 4 B 1 3.5 4 6 1 278 3.5 404 4 429 0 530 1 766 35 819 4 830 6 873 162 0.0451 43 383 557 591 730 632 877 943 1210 162 0.0566 54 597 821 065 1045 982 1250 1335 1675 434 59B 630 761 1233 1302 1316 1371 162 0,0713 68 928 1213 1270 1499 1536 18BO 1940 2344 67B B86 928 1095 1984 2072 2090 2161 250 0-1017 97 1812 221E 2299 2624 3035 3523 3621 4012 1323 1619 1678 1915 3992 4118 4143 4244 350 0,1017 97 1778 2176 2256 2574 2992 3474 3571 3956 1291 1580 1637 1868 3870 3992 4016 4114 362 Q1017 97 1774 2171 2250 2568 2987 346E 3564 3949 1287 1575 1632 1863 3854 3976 4000 4098 600 Q1242 118 2538 3011 3106 3484 4323 4900 5015 5476 1828 2168 2236 2509 5502 5644 5672 57B6 725 0.0451 43 290 421 447 552 518 720 774 993 191 277 294 363 458 490 496 522 725 00566 54 482 663 700 B44 844 1074 1147 1438 328 451 475 574 847 894 904 942 725 0.0713 68 788 1031 1079 1273 1365 1671 1732 20B4 547 716 750 884 1500 1567 1560 1634 725 0.1017 97 1650 2020 2094 23B9 2834 3291 3302 3747 1171 1434 1486 1696 3412 3520 3541 3627 800 0.1242 118 2457 2914 3006 3372 4221 4784 4897 5347 1751 2078 2143 2404 5204 5339 5366 M74 925 0.0451 43 256 373 396 469 47B 664 714 916 160 232 246 304 348 373 378 397 925 0.0566 54 442 608 641 773 794 1011 1080 1354 290 398 420 507 710 749 757 789 925 0.0713 6B 739 966 1011 1193 1305 1596 1655 1991 501 655 686 809 1328 1387 1399 1446 925 0.1017 97 1582 1936 2007 2291 2750 3193 3281 3635 110E 1356 1405 1604 3168 3268 3288 3368 1000 (11242 118 2375 2017 2906 3259 4119 4669 4779 5218 1675 1987 2049 2299 4907 5034 5059 5161 1150 0,0566 54 396 545 574 693 739 940 1004 126D 247 340 358 432 555 5B6 593 618 1150 H713 6B 683 893 935 1103 1236 1513 1560 1887 449 587 615 725 1134 11B5 1195 1235 1150 0.1017 97 1506 1843 1910 2180 2655 3082 3168 3510 1036 1268 1314 1500 2893 2985 3003 3076 1200 0,1242 118 2293 2720 2805 3147 401E 4553 4661 5089 1598 1896 1956 2194 4609 4729 4752 4848 1350 0.0713 6B 633 020 867 1023 1176 1438 1491 1794 403 526 551 650 962 1005 1014 104E 1350 0.1017 97 143B 1759 1824 20B1 2571 2984 3067 3398 972 1190 1234 1408 2649 2733 2749 2816 1400 0.0713 68 621 812 850 1003 1160 1420 1472 1771 391 511 535 632 919 960 968 1001 1400 Q1017 97 1420 1738 1602 2056 2550 2960 3042 3370 956 1171 1213 1305 2588 2670 2686 2751 1400 Q1242 118 2211 2623 2705 3035 3916 4438 4543 4960 1522 1805 1862 2089 4312 4423 4446 4535 1600 0.1017 97 1352 1655 1716 1950 2465 2862 2941 3259 893 1093 1133 1292 2344 2418 2433 2492 1600 0.1242 118 2129 2526 2605 2922 1 3814 4323 4424 4831 1 1445 1715 1768 1984 1 4014 4118 4139 4222 Allowable Web Crippling Loads (Ibs) - Single Members (Fy=50ksi) Design Gimtn6rk I %ac1&50n 2 Condrtien 3 Condium 4 Web Thickness Thickness BPanng Li:-r;t:; (i,.. ) Bwuing LffKp fin) Bwmg Lcnglh (in I Bearing Length (m.) Size (m.) (mils) 1 750 is - 1032 4 AMML 1088 .. -- _ 1314 1 __ 1320 -.5 -- 1680 4 1794 6 2250 1 - 546 3"5 $MMMI96 751 1 " 792 6 956 1 3.5 4 6 162 0.0566 54 1656 1749 1768 1842 162 0.0713 68 1167 1526 1598 1885 2064 2525 2618 3149 852 1115 1167 1377 2665 2784 2808 2903 250 0.1017 97 2279 2789 2891 3299 4077 4733 4864 5389 1663 2035 2110 2408 5363 5532 5566 5701 350 0-1017 97 2236 2737 2837 3237 4020 4667 4797 5314 1623 1986 2059 2350 5199 5363 5395 5527 362 (11017 97 2231 2730 2830 3229 4013 4659 4788 5305 1616 1900 2053 2342 5178 5342 5374 5505 600 0,1242 118 3192 3787 3906 4382 5808 65B2 6737 7357 2299 2727 2812 3155 7391 7582 7621 7774 725 0.0566 54 607 834 880 1062 1133 1442 1540 1932 412 567 598 721 113E 1202 1214 1265 725 0.0713 68 992 1296 1357 1601 1834 2244 2326 2799 689 900 943 1112 2015 2105 2123 2195 725 0.1017 97 2076 2540 2633 3005 3900 4421 4543 5034 1473 1803 1869 2132 4584 4728 4757 4873 000 0.1242 118 3089 3665 3780 4240 5671 6427 6579 7184 2202 2613 2695 3023 6991 7172 7209 7353 925 0.0566 54 556 764 806 973 1067 1358 1450 1819 364 501 528 638 953 1007 1018 1060 925 0.0713 68 929 1215 1272 1501 1753 2145 2223 2674 630 824 B63 1018 1783 1863 1879 1943 925 Q1017 97 1990 2435 2524 2881 3694 4209 4408 4884 1393 1705 1767 2016 4256 4390 4417 4524 1000 0,1242 11B 2986 3543 3654 4099 5534 6272 6420 7010 2106 2499 2577 2891 6592 6762 6796 6933 1150 0.0566 54 498 685 722 872 992 1263 1349 1692 311 427 451 544 746 788 796 830 1150 0.0713 68 959 1123 1176 1387 1661 2032 2106 2534 565 73B 773 912 1523 1592 1605 1660 1150 0.1017 97 1893 2317 2402 2741 3567 4141 4256 4715 1303 1594 1653 1086 3887 4009 4034 4132 1200 0.1242 116 2083 3421 3528 3958 5397 6117 6261 6837 2010 2384 2459 2759 6192 6352 6384 6513 1350 0.0713 68 797 1D42 1091 12B7 1579 1932 2003 2410 506 662 693 81B 1292 1350 1362 140E 1350 01017 97 180B 2212 2293 2617 3453 4009 4121 4565 1223 1495 1551 1770 3559 3671 3694 3783 1400 00713 68 781 1021 1069 1261 1559 1907 1977 2379 492 643 673 794 1234 1290 1301 1345 1400 0.1017 97 1786 2186 2266 2566 3425 3977 4007 4520 1203 1472 1526 1741 3477 3587 3509 3696 1400 Q1242 118 2780 3298 3402 3816 5260 5962 6103 6664 1914 2270 2342 2627 5792 5942 5972 6092 1600 0.1017 97 1701 2081 2157 2462 3312 3B45 3952 4378 1123 1374 1424 1625 3149 3248 3268 3348 MO 0.1242 118 1 2677 3176 3276 3675 1 5124 5807 5944 6491 1818 2156 2224 2495 5393 5533 5560 5672 Page 6 Supplemental Web Crippling Table Allowable Web Crippling Loads (Ibs) - Back -to -Back Members (Fy_33ksi) Design Co HAM 1 Cp1d'plm 2 Ccxdluan 3 Cond�u4n 4 Web Thiduless hkRn Tess Bearing Length (h) Bearing LengOr (wh.) Beanng lengdh dn.) BUmny L"h fin.) Size (n) (mils) 1 3.5 4 6 1 930 3.6 133E 4 1399 6 1610 1 3.5 4 6 1 926 3.5 1333 4 1393 6 T: 1603 162 0.0451 43 555 734 761 853 416 550 570 639 162 0.0566 54 832 1081 1118 1247 1412 1997 2084 2387 671 873 902 1006 1414 2000 2087 2390 162 0.0713 6B 1261 1611 1663 1843 2175 3023 3149 3587 1104 1411 1456 1615 2194 3050 3176 361E 250 0.1017 97 243B 3035 3124 3432 4303 SB19 6044 6827 2411 3003 3090 3396 4399 5949 6179 6979 350 0.1017 97 2469 3074 3164 3476 4303 SB19 6044 6827 2383 2967 3054 3355 4399 5949 6179 6979 362 0.1017 97 2473 3079 3169 3482 4303 5819 6044 6827 2379 2963 3049 3350 4399 5949 6179 6979 600 0.1242 11B 3647 4479 4602 5031 6384 8501 8015 9907 3698 4541 4666 5101 6586 8770 9094 10221 725 0.0451 43 640 B46 877 983 930 133E 1399 1610 353 466 483 542 802 1154 1206 1388 725 0.0566 54 939 1220 1262 1407 1412 1997 2084 2387 590 767 794 885 1293 1830 1910 2187 725 0.0713 68 1390 1776 1834 2033 2175 3023 3149 3587 999 1277 1318 1461 2094 2911 3032 3454 725 0.1017 97 2585 3219 3313 3641 4303 5019 6044 61127 2275 2833 2916 3204 4399 5949 6179 6979 B00 0.1242 118 3721 4570 4695 5133 6384 8501 8815 9907 3624 4450 4573 4999 6586 8770 9094 10221 925 0.0451 43 640 846 B77 9B3 930 133E 1399 1610 330 436 452 507 740 1065 1114 1281 925 0.0566 54 968 1258 1301 1451 1412 1997 2084 2387 561 730 755 842 1218 1724 1799 2060 925 0.0713 fib 1436 1835 1094 2100 2175 3023 3149 3587 962 1229 1269 1407 2002 2782 2898 3301 925 01017 97 2648 3297 3393 3728 4303 5019 6044 6827 2218 2762 2B43 3123 4271 5775 5998 6775 10DO 0.1242 11B 3795 4660 4789 5235 6384 8501 BB15 9907 3550 4359 4479 4897 6497 6651 8971 10082 1150 00566 54 968 1258 1301 1451 1412 1997 2084 2387 529 688 711 793 1134 1604 1674 1917 1150 0.0713 68 147B 18BB 1949 2161 2175 3023 3149 3587 920 1175 1213 1345 1898 2638 2748 3130 1150 0.1017 97 2718 3384 3483 3827 4303 5819 6044 6827 2154 2682 2760 3033 4124 5577 5793 6543 1200 0.1242 118 3B69 4751 4882 5338 6384 8501 6815 9907 3476 4268 43B6 4795 6338 8439 8750 9835 1350 0.0713 68 1478 1BBB 1949 2161 2175 3023 3149 3587 883 1128 1164 1291 1005 2509 2614 2977 1350 0.1017 97 2780 3462 3563 3915 4303 5819 6044 6827 2096 2610 2687 2952 3994 5401 5610 6336 1400 0.0713 68 1478 1888 1949 2161 2175 3023 3149 3587 873 1116 1152 1277 1702 2477 2580 2939 1400 0.1017 97 2796 3481 3583 3937 4303 5819 6044 6827 2082 2593 2668 2932 3962 5357 5564 6285 1400 0.1242 118 3943 4842 4976 5440 6384 8501 8815 9907 3402 4177 4292 4693 6178 8226 8530 9587 1600 0.1017 97 2851 3550 3653 4014 4303 5819 6044 6827 2025 2521 2595 2851 3832 5181 5382 6078 1600 0.1242 118 4017 4933 5069 5542 6384 8501 8815 9907 3328 4086 4199 4591 1 6019 8014 8310 9340 Allowable Web Crippling Loads (Ibs) - Back -to -Back Members (Fy=50ksi) Design : ConOm 1 Condition 2 CaruLeon 3 Conddan 4 Web Thickness Thickness Bearing Length (i n.) Bearing Length (n.) Bcermg LEMMA (n.) Bearing Length (in.) Size (n.) (mils) 1 3.5 4 6 1 3.5 4 6 1 :3.6 4 6 1 3.5 4 6 162 0-0566 54 1260 163B 1694 1890 1530 2166 2260 2588 671 873 902 1006 1414 2000 2087 2390 162 00713 68 1910 2441 2519 2793 2358 3278 3414 3889 1104 1411 1456 1615 2194 3050 3176 3618 250 0.1017 97 3693 4599 4733 5201 4666 6309 6553 7401 2477 3D03 3090 3396 4399 5949 6179 6979 350 0.1017 97 3740 4658 4794 5267 4666 6309 6553 7401 2383 2967 3054 3355 4399 5949 6179 6979 362 0-1017 97 3746 4665 4801 5275 4666 6309 6553 7401 2379 2963 3049 3350 4399 5949 6179 6979 600 0.1242 118 5526 6786 6973 7623 6922 9216 9557 10741 3698 4541 4666 5101 6586 0770 9094 10221 725 0.0566 54 1422 1B49 1912 2132 1530 2166 2250 2588 590 767 794 BB5 1293 1830 1910 2187 725 00713 68 2106 2691 2778 3080 2358 3278 3414 3889 999 1277 1318 1461 2094 2911 3032 3454 725 01017 97 3917 4878 5020 5516 4666 6309 6553 7401 2275 2833 2916 3204 4399 5949 6179 6979 800 0.1242 118 5638 6924 7114 7778 6922 9216 9557 10741 3624 4450 4573 4999 6586 8770 9094 10221 925 0.0566 54 1466 1906 1971 2198 1530 2166 2260 2588 561 730 755 B42 1218 1724 1799 2060 925 0.0713 68 2176 27BO 2870 3182 2358 3278 3414 3889 962 1229 1269 1407 2002 2782 2898 3301 925 0.1017 97 4012 4995 5141 5649 4666 63D9 6553 7401 221E 2762 2843 3123 4271 5775 5998 6775 10D0 0.1242 118 5750 7061 7256 7933 6922 9216 9557 10741 3550 4359 4479 4897 6497 8651 8971 10082 1150 0.0566 54 1466 1906 1971 2198 1530 2166 2260 2588 529 688 711 793 1134 1604 1674 1917 1150 0.0713 68 2239 2861 2953 3274 2358 3278 3414 3889 920 1175 1213 1345 1B98 2638 2748 3130 1150 0.1017 97 4118 5128 5277 5799 4666 6309 6553 7401 2154 2682 2760 3033 4124 5577 5793 6543 1200 0.1242 118 5862 7199 7397 8087 6922 9216 9557 10741 3476 4268 4386 4795 6338 8439 8750 9835 1350 0.0713 68 2239 2861 2953 3274 2358 3278 3414 3889 883 112E 1164 1291 1805 2509 2614 2977 1350 01017 97 4212 5245 539E 5932 4666 6309 6553 7401 2096 2610 2667 2952 3994 5401 5610 6336 1400 0.0713 fib 2239 2861 2953 3274 2358 3278 3414 3889 673 1116 1152 1277 1782 2477 2580 2939 1400 0.1017 97 4236 5275 5429 5965 4666 6309 6553 7401 2082 2593 2668 2932 3962 5357 5564 6285 1400 0.1242 118 5975 7337 7539 8242 6922 9216 9557 10741 3402 4177 4292 4693 6178 8226 8530 9587 1600 a1017 97 4319 5370 5535 6082 4666 63D9 6553 7401 2025 2521 2595 2851 3832 5181 5382 5078 1600 01242 118 1 6087 7475 7680 B397 1 6922 9216 9557 10741 3328 4086 4199 4591 6019 8014 8310 9340 Page 7 F-�S LEGACY REPORT ER-4943P* Reissued September 1, 2001 ICC Evaluation Service, Inc. Business/Regional Office ■ 5360 Wodmian Mill Road, Whittier, California 90601 0 (562) 699-0543 Regional Office ■ 900 Montclair Road, Suite A, Birmingham, Alabama 35213 ■ (205) 599-9800 WWW.ICC-eS.org Regional Office a4051West FlossmoorRoad, Country Club Hills, Illinois 60478a(708)799-2305 Legacy report on the 1997 Uniform Building CodeTM, the 2000 International Building Code®, the BOCe National Building Code/1999 and the 1999 Standard Building Code° DIVISION: 05—METALS UNITED METAL PRODUCTS, INC. Section: 05400—Cold-Formed Metal Framing 234 NORTH SHERMAN AVENUE CORONA, CALIFORNIA 92882 BEARING AND NONBEARING STEEL STUDS STEEL STUD MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION STEELER, INC. 8 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUE, SUITE 1000 10023 MARTIN LUTHER KING WAY SOUTH CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60603 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98178 ALLIED STUDCO 2525 NORTH 27TH AVENUE PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85009 CEMCO 263 SOUTH COVINA LANE CITY OF INDUSTRY, CALIFORNIA 91744 CONSOLIDATED FABRICATORS CORP. 7815 EAST SOMERSET PARAMOUNT, CALIFORNIA 90723 CUSTOM STUD, INC. 21778 HIGHVIEW AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MICHIGAN 55044 DESIGN SHAPES IN STEEL 10315 EAST RUSH SOUTH EL MONTE, CALIFORNIA 91733 DIETRICH INDUSTRIES, INC. 500 GRANT STREET, SUITE 2226 PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA 15219 OLMAR SUPPLY dba DENMAR STEEL, INC. 6765 PRESTON AVENUE #D LIVERMORE, CALIFORNIA 94550 QUAIL RUN BUILDING MATERIALS, INC. 2102 WEST LONE CACTUS DRIVE PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85027 SCAFCO CORPORATION 6212 EAST MAIN AVENUE POST OFFICE BOX 11215 SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99211-1215 WESTERN METAL LATH AND STEEL FRAMING SYSTEMS 6510 GENERAL DRIVE RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92509 1.0 SUBJECT Bearing and Nonbearing Steel Studs, Joists and Tracks. 2.0 DESCRIPTION The design of the steel studs, joists and tracks described in this report complies with Section 2217 of the 1997 Uniform Building Code TM (UBC), Section 2205 of the 2000 International Building Codee (IBC), Section 2206.1 of the BOCA National Building Code/1999 and Section 2204.1 of the 1999 Standard Building Code. 2.1 General: Punched steel studs and unpunched joists and tracks are roll - formed in various depths with the metal thicknesses indicated in Table 1. Section designations, section properties, steel yield strength, etc., are set forth on pages 6 through 11 and pages 2 through 5 of the accompanying Steel Stud Manufacturers Association catalogs, "Product Technical Information," dated 7/01, and "Supplemental Product Technical Information," dated May 2001. Web crippling details and maximum web crippling loads are noted on pages 39 through 41, and pages 6 and 7, of the accompanying catalogs. 2.2 Nonbearing Wall Heights: Allowable nonbearing wall heights for interior composite wall design are noted on pages 12 and 13 of the accompanying catalog dated 7/01. Allowable interior nonstructural wall heights, using only section properties of the steel, are noted `Revised August 2003; corrected after revision ICC-ES legacy reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, Inc., express or implied, as to i any finding or other matter in this report, or as to any product covered by the report.�� as Copyright © 2003 Page 1 of 4 Page 2 of 4 ER-4943P on pages 14 and 15. Allowable limiting wall heights for curtain walls are noted on pages 16 through 19 of the accompanying catalog. 2.3 Load -bearing Wall Studs: Allowable axial loads combined with lateral loads for various heights and stud spacings based on mechanical bracing at maximum 48 inches (1219 mm) on center and sheathing on both sides for lateral stability, with the design complying with Section C5 in the "Specification forthe Design of Cold -formed Steel Structural Members," 1996 edition, are noted on pages 20 through 30 of the accompanying catalog dated 7/01. 2.4 Joist: Allowable joist span for various loads, joist spacings and span conditions are noted on pages 31 through 36 of the accompanying catalog dated 7/01. 2.5 Header Load Table: Allowable loads for header construction are noted on pages 37 and 38 of the accompanying catalog dated 7/01. 2.6 Ceiling Span: Allowable ceiling span for 4 psf, 6 psf and 13 psf (192 N/mZ, 287 N/mZ and 633 N/mZ) total loading, L/240 and L/360 deflections, various spacings and span conditions are noted on pages 42 and 43 of the accompanying catalog dated 7/01. 2.7 Materials: 2.7.1 Steel Members: Studs, joists and tracks are formed from steel having a minimum 33,000 psi (228 MPa) yield point (ASTM A653 SS Grade 33 or ASTM All 011 SS Grade 33) for thicknesses of 0.0179 inch (18 mils) (0.454 mm) through 0.1180 inch (118 mils) (3 mm), and a minimum 50,000 psi (345 MPa) yield point (ASTM A 653 SS Grade 50, Class 1 or 3, or ASTM A 1011 SS Grade 50) for thicknesses of 0.0538 inch (54 mils) (1.366 mm) through 0.1180 inch (118 mils) (3 mm). 2.7.2 Gypsum Board: Gypsum board conforms to ASTM C 36, with thicknesses of /Z inch (12.7 mm) and 5/B inch (15.9 mm). 2.7.3 Steel Screws: No. 6, Type S, 11/B inch -long (28.6 mm) steel screws conform to ASTM C 1002. 2.8 Tables and Details: The catalogs entitled "Product Technical Information," dated 7/01, and "Supplemental Product Technical Information," dated May 2001, which are a part of this report, are available on the ICBO ES web site and on the ICBO ES evaluation report CD-ROM, under ER-4943. Only the items indicated in Table 3, for the catalog dated 7/01, are part of this report (the entire catalog dated May 2001 is part of this report). Structural properties for the effective moments of inertia on pages 6 through 11 of the catalog dated 7/01, and pages 2 through 5 of the catalog dated May 2001, are based on Procedure I for deflection determination at the allowable moment Ma. Allowable wall height tables on pages 14 through 19 of the catalog dated 7/01 are based on the following considerations: • The tabulated partition heights are based on flexure, deflection and shear, whichever governs. • Allowable end reaction based on table heights must be checked for web crippling allowable concentrated loads. End reaction = [load (psf)] [spacing (in.)] [height from table (ft.)]/24. • Heights are based on web punchouts at a minimum distance of (1.5h) from the edge of bearing (h is the stud web depth). Pages 47 and 48 of the catalog dated 7/01 are not recognized as part of this report. 2.9 Identification: Each stud is identified with the manufacturer's name, yield strength [if over 33 ksi (228 MPa)], minimum base -metal thickness, and the report number embossed or stamped on the web of each section at a maximum of 48 inches (1219 mm) on center. 3.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Descriptive details, load test reports, engineering calculations, report of composite construction load test and proposed product technical information, in accordance with the ICC=ES Acceptance Criteria for Steel Studs, Joists and Tracks (AC46), dated January 2001. 4.0 FINDINGS That the Steel Stud Manufacturers Association Bearing and Nonbearing Steel Studs, Joists and Tracks described in this report comply with the 1997 Uniform Building Code TM, the 2000 International Building Code®, the BOCA® National Building Code/1999 and the 1999 Standard Building Code°, subject to the following conditions: 4.1 Studs, joists and tracks are installed in accordance with this report and the manufacturer's instructions. 4.2 Allowable heights and loadings comply with the accompanying tables. 4.3 Uncoated minimum steel thickness of cold -formed members as delivered to the jobsite shall be at least 95 percent of the thickness used in design. 4.4 Complete plans and calculations verifying compliance with this report must be submitted to the building official for each project. 4.5 The studs are manufactured at the facilities noted in Table 1. 4.6 Stud member end reactions, resulting from allowable heights and loads, as noted in the accompanying tables, must be checked with the web crippling tables noted in the accompanying catalog. This report is subject to re-examination in two years. Page 3 of 4 ER-4943P TABLE 1—METAL THICKNESS MINIMUM THICKNESS' (mils) DESIGN THICKNESS (inch) REFERENCE GAGE 18 0.0188 25 27 0.0283 22 30 0.0312 20 drywall 33 0.0346 20 structural 43 0.0451 18 54 0.0566 16 68 0.0713 14 97 0.1017 12 118 0.1242 10 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm. ' Minimum thickness represents 95 percent of the design thickness and is the minimum acceptable thickness of base metal delivered to the jobsite. TABLE 2—MANUFACTURING FACILITIES COMPANY MANUFACTURING FACILITY Allied Studco 2525 N. 27th Ave., Phoenix, Arizona CEMCO 263 S. Covina Lane, City of Industry, California CEMCO 1001-A Pittsburgh Antioch, Pittsburgh, California Consolidated Fabricators Corp. 7815 E. Somerset, Paramount, California Custom Stud Manufacturing, Inc. 21778 Highview, Lakeville, Minnesota Design Shapes in Steel 10315 E. Rush, South El Monte, California Dietrich Industries 420 South 53rd Ave, Phoenix, Arizona Dietrich Industries 2525 South Airport Way, Stockton, California Dietrich Industries 91-300 Hanua Street, Kapolei, Hawaii Dietrich Industries 2001 Cooley Drive, Colton, California Dietrich Industries 3351 East Valley Road, Renton, Washington Olmar Supply dba Denmar Steel, Inc. 6765 Preston Avenue #D Livermore, California Quail Run Building Materials, Inc. 2102 West Lone Cactus Dr., Phoenix, Arizona SCAFCO Corporation 6212 E. Main Ave., Spokane, Washington Steeler, Inc. 6851 Smith Avenue, Newark, California Steeler, Inc. 10023 Martin Luther King Way South, Seattle, Washington United Metal Products, Inc. 234 N. Sherman Ave., Corona, California Western Metal Lath and Steel Framing Systems 6510 General Dr., Riverside, California Western Metal Lath and Steel Framing Systems 1851 Alexander Ave., Tacoma, Washington - Page 4 of 4 ER-4943P TABLE 3—ITEMS FROM THE CATALOG DATED 7101 THAT ARE PART OF THIS EVALUATION REPORT ITEM PAGES General Product Information 1-5 Physical Structural Properties Tables 6-11 Interior Composite Wall Height Tables 12-13 Allowable Nonbearing Wall Heights Tables 14-19 Combined Lateral and Axial Load Tables 20-30 Joist Span Tables 31-36 Header Load Tables 37-38 Web Crippling Tables and Details 39-41 Ceiling Span Table and Detail 42-43 U-Channel and Furring Channel Section Properties and Spans 45-47 Typical Details 44, 49 and 50 Ej D�I�J� • YRLUESEf[ [JE • V40 x EH (Hardwired - 12VAC Transformer) V40 x EH x R (Hardwired with Relay & 12VAC Transformer) FV40 x EH (Fire Rated) Code -compliant, alarmed, durable, attractive and easy to install fire and panic hardware with relatching bolt provides enhanced security for primary and secondary exits. Ideal for loss prevention protection on emergency a it doors in restaurants, retail shops, department stores, groce res, discount stores, convenience stores, airports, hotel ,� ers, office buildings, municipal buildings and governmer tlac ies. Benefits: • Best value for durable attractive loss prevention r L rdjre LL °d • Reduces employee and customer theft 00 z • Controls foot traffic, deters unauthorized exitsqbuilding code requirements for panic and fire eitar v COPatent pending installation eliminates the nee template, providing precise alignment with the door and frame • Fast, easy, secure installation prevents costly mistakes and enhances overall security • Tamper resistant housing protects electronics, battery and internal hardware, preventing manipulation IV Qj0 • Relatching bolt automatically relocks the device when the door closes • Optional relay provides remote signal for system integration and central monitoring • Cylinder dogging standard (can also be ordered less dogging) • Low profile keeps the opening clear while the door is open Gracie 1, U.L. listed fire and panic exit hardware exceeds life safety, �A. CA Title 19, ANSI/BHMA requirements for all building codes q L'I _ warranty, with a 1 year electronics warranty it rvgcU �. Product Features • Stainless steel self -latching bolt • Angled end cap to deflect damage • Tamper -resistant housing • Delayed arming feature • Field selectable manual rearming or auto - rearming • Latch bolt monitoring • Approximately 100 dB alarm • Powered by standard 12-volt AC power (transformer included) with 9-volt battery backup • Low battery alert • Remote bypass capability • Remote signal (relay version) • Available in several configurations with different strikes, outside trims, security options, signage and finishes • Optional keystop: key removal only when armed Operation. • Alarm is armed or disarmed by key. A mortise cylinder with standard cam is required (sold separately). • Unauthorized users can exit by pushing the exit bar. A 100dB alarm will sound to alert others. Certifications and Standards ® Meets/exceeds ADA requirements UL Listed Grade 1 Panic uL Hardware UL Listed Grade 1 Fire Exit Hardware for 3 hours, maximum 4'x10' single doors and pairs C UL us of 4'x8' with F90KR keyed removable mullion • UBC 97, Standard 7-2 and UL10C for positive pressure BHM ANSI/BHMA certified A156.3 - 2001 Grade 1 14] Exceeds Life Safety, CA Title 19 & 24 and all building NFPA; requirements r I/! r waavwuarmr DT�X' 10) 0) F-Arl.:1iII141� r] 10 SERIES (Wide Stile) 14U or-mIC0 (Narrow Stile) $Rim Exit Devices Super heavy duty design provides superior life safety and security benefits. Advantex rim exit device is ideal for use on primary and secondary, standard and narrow stile exit and fire doors in schools, universities, hospitals, office buildings, restaurants, retail buildings, libraries, municipal and government buildings. Benefits: • Tough and durable design for years of trouble free service in high use, high abuse environments • Simple, accurate and fast installation for new or replacement applications • Backplate mounting system provides for easy installation • Minimal door preparation saves cost and time • Outside trims are easily changed or rekeyed without removing device from door • Pleasing design is available in a variety of finishes Exceeds all Life Safety, ADA, California Title 19, ANSI/BHMA A156.3 2001 Grade 1 requirements I ki Gnu p A" ft- Product Features • Patent pending backplate and strike locator for fast, accurate installations • Backplate selection allows retrofit to existing door preps (See Backplate Applications) • Stainless Steel, deadlocking, Pullman type latchbolt • Alignment of pushpad with steel pushpad base and housing provides strong resist- ance to force when struck or kicked open • Heavy-duty an led end cap deflects damage away from device • Modular design accepts a variety of outside trims and functions • Non -handed • 1/8 turn hex key or cylinder dogging • Electrical options • UL listed, Grade 1 device Minimum stile widths: 10 series - 4.5'; 40 series - 2" • Available finishes: 605 - Polished Brass 606 - Brushed Brass 611 - Polished Bronze 612 - Brushed Bronze 613 - Oil Rubbed Bronze 629 - Polished Stainless Steel 630 - Brushed Stainless Steel Certifications and Standards M1Meets/exceeds ADA requirements U.L. listed and fire rated for up to three hours on single doors C UL OS up to 4-0x10-0 and paired door openings up to 8-Ox8-10 when used with F90KR mullion NO Exceeds Life Safety NFPA ANSI/BHMA requirements for all building codes CA Title 19 City of New York MEA-142-95-E Meets requirements of EC Standard BS EN 1125 : 1997/A1 : 2001 Five year limited manufacturer's warranty e D= __ .4TW*(WWXV* " 1►1►/11f1' ■. 10 Series 20 Series 21 Series 40 Series 50 Series 51 Series F10 Series F20 Series F21 Series F40 Series F50 Series F51 Series ANSI Function: ANSI Type 1 ANSI Type 2 ANSI Type 2 Top Rod Only ANSI Type 4 ANSI Type 5 ANSI Type Top Only 01 1001 2001 2101 4001 5001 5101 F1001 F2001 F2101 F4001 F5001 F5101 Exit Only - No Trim 01 CH 01 CH 01 CH 01 CHN 01 CHN 01 CHN 02 1002 2002 2102 4002 5002 5102 F1002 F2002 F2102 F4002 F5002 F5102 02CH 02CH 02CH 02CHN 02CHN 02CHN Dummy Trim - No Cylinder 02DA 02DA 02DA 02DAN 02DAN 02DAN 02LS 02LS 02LS 02LSN 02LSN 02LSN 02TA 02TA 02TA 02TAN 02TAN 02TAN 03 003 4003 F4003 Entrance by trim when latchbolt is retracted 3 F1* 03CHN* by key. Key removeable only when locked. 03WS* 03PRN 03WS* Q8 1008 2008 2108 4008 5008 5108 F1008 F2008 F2108 F4008 F5008 F5108 lby lever. Key locks or unlocks 08DA** 08DA** 08DA** 08DAN** 08DAN** 08DAN** levver'er. 08LS** 08LS** 08LS** 08LSN** 08LSN** 08LSN** 08TA** 08TA'" 08TA** 08TAN** 08TAN** 08TAN** 14 1014 2014 2114 4014 5014 5114 F1014 F2014 F2114 F4014 F5014 F5114 Fntrance by lever. Lever operable at all 14DA 14DA 14DA 14DAN 14DAN 14DAN times. 14LS 14LS 14LS 14LSN 14LSN 14LSN 14TA 14TA 14TA 14TAN 14TAN 14TAN Prefix F denotes UL Listed Fire Exit Hardware * Rim Cylinder Required ** Mortise Cylinder Required ADVANTEX RIM BACKPLATE RETROFIT CHART DETER Von Duprin Sargent Precision Yale Corbin CorbinRusswi BP-1 98/99 BP-2 BP-3 8800 1100 BP-4 1400 BP-5 7100 5200 BP-6 33135 8500 2100, 7200 4200 ADVANTEX SVR BACKPLATE REPLACEMENT CHART DETEX Von Duprin Sargent Precision Yale Corbin CorbinRusswi BP-1 9827/9927 BP-2 BP-3 8700 1200 BP-4 BP-5 7110 5400 BP-6 3327/3527 2110, 7210 4400 0. 0 ffiWV RWt# WiP DERE �.n�W War It il ATIONS Certifications - ANSI A156.2, Series 4000 Grade 1 (formerly FF-HA 06C Series 161.) Listed by Underwriter's f Laboratories for use on 3 Hr, A label single swinging doors (4'x10'). u GYJT Builders Hardware -single C ®L L point locks or latches. UL Listed for both Canada and the US. Material - Lever handles are a high -quality zinc alloy. Trim components are brass or bronze. Critical latch and chassis components are brass or corrosion -treated stee. Finish - BHMA US DESCRIPTION 605 3 Bright Brass 606 4 Satin Brass 611 9 Bright Bronze 612 10 Satin Bronze 613 10B Oxidized Satin Bronze, Oil Rubbed 618 14 Bright Nickel Plated 619 15 Satin Nickel Plated 622 19 Flat Black 625 26 Bright Chromium Plated 626 26D Satin Chromium Plated 690 20 Dark Bronze Chassis - 2 1/16"diameter to fit 21/8" hole indoor (Conforms to ANSI A115.2) .0 Lever handles - Body is approximately 1 5/a"in diameter; Handle is approximately 4 3/4" long (from center -line of chassis). #14 and #15 levers conform to California Administrative Code Title 19 and Title 24. All three styles of levers conform to the Illinois Accessibility Standard. s Projection on door - Approximately 2 3/4"when mounted on 1 3/4" door. Roses - "C" - 3" Convex "D" - 3 1/2"Convex. "K" - 3"Convex - no ring "L" - 3 1/2" Convex - no ring. Latch -'/16"throw. Front 21/4"x 1 1/e" beveled. Backset - 2 3/4"standard, 3 3/4" and 5"available. Strike - STK: Conforms to ANSI A115.3 (2 3/4"x 1 1/e "with curved lip & box). S3: Conforms to ANSI A115.2 for 1 3/4" doors (41/e"x 1 1/4"with curved lip).S3-7/8: Conforms to ANSI A115.2 for 1 3/4"doors (47/e"x 11/e"flat) Door thickness - Available for 1 3/4"to 21/4" doors. Spacers available for 1 %"doors. Mounting - In addition to standard door preparation (ANSI A115.2 for 1 3/4"doors), two additional holes are needed for through bolts. Through bolts require two'/1 6 diameter holes located at 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock. A drill jig is provided to insure accuracy of the holes. (see KD303 on the back page). Products covered by one or more of the following patents: U.S:: D290,085 4,437,695 4,428,212 : '➢' ' 4,843,852 4,318,558 4,428,570 L 4,262,507 4,496,178 4,779,908 5,116,170 Canada: 1,184,773 1,194,057 1,229,358 Other products patent pending. ORE>ER PROCEE>URE 9K Lever Handle Cylindrical STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 33K 7 AB 15 D S3 626 CorF Function Lever -. Options Housing .,Package 93K-2 3/a" 0-keyless AB -entrance 14-curved & C- 3"convex STK-2 3/4" 605 606 AL -abrasive lever 94K-3 3/4" -q+7-7 pin D-storeroom return D /2" ANSI 611 612 LL-lead lined 95K-5" housing L-privacy 15-contour C convex S3-4 7/e" 613 618 LM-lost motion accepts all 'N-passage angle return K- 3"convex ANSI 619 622 ROE -request to exit Best cores R-classroom 16-curved - no ring S3-7/8- 7/8" 625 626 SH-security head Etc. no return C L- 31/2" flat strike 690 screws convex- TL-tactile lever no ring NOTE: specify inside (1), outside (0), or both (B) for AL,TL options pages 6-9 ;:ages 4-5 pages 4-5 page 11 page 11 * Handles are made from a zinc alloy, and have been plated to be equivalent in appearance to the finishes listed. TRUNA NZ^Rj^TjC>MS In 0 15C 16C K s E R s N XCCEL�5 SYSTEMS %.,,cm a ir«.H I t Ur k:UIVIFLIANGL (Part 1 of 2) ENV-1 PROJECT NAME HOME DEPOT TRC DATE 9/08/04 PROJECT ADDRESS HWY. 111 & JEFFERSON, LA QUINTA, CA PRINCIPAL DESIGNER -ENVELOPE GREENBERG FARROW TELEPHONE (714)259-0500 Building Permit# DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR LAWRENCE A. ZERO TELEPHONE (949)515-4333 Checked by/Date Enforcement GENERAL INFORMATION DATE OF PLANS 9/08/04 BUILDING CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA 2000 CLIMATE ZONE 15 BUILDING TYPE 00 NONRESIDENTIAL ❑ HIGH RISE RESIDENTIAL ❑ HOTEL/MOTEL GUEST ROOM PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION ❑ NEW CONSTRUCTION ADDITION ❑ ALTERATION ❑ UNCONDITIONED (file affidavit) METHOD OF ENVELOPE 14 COMPONENT ❑ OVERALL ENVELOPE []PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE This Certificate of Compliance lists the building features and performance specifications need to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations. This certificate applies only to building envelope requirements. The documentation preparer hereby certifies that the documentation is accurate and complete. DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR SIGNAT E{� DATE LAWRENCE A. ZERO 9/08/04 The Principal Envelope Designer hereby certifies that the f ! oposed building design represented in this set of construction documents is consistent with the other compliance forms and worksheets, with the specifications, and with any other calculations submitted with this permit application. the proposed building has been designed to meet the envelope requirements contained in sections 110, 116 through 118, and 140, 142, 143 or 149 of Title 24, Part 6. Please check one: ❑ 1 hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the business and Professions Code to sign this document as the perosn responsible for its preparation; and that I am licensed in the State of California as a civil engineer or mechanical engineer, or I am a licensed architect. ❑ 1 affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by section 5537.2 or 6737.3 to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a licensed contractor performing this work. ❑ 1 affirm that I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document because it pertains to a structure or type of work described as exempt pursuant to Business and Professions Code Sections 5537, 5538 and 6737.1. I nese sections or ine business ana vroresslons Lode are printed in tull in the Nonresidnetial Manual. PRINCIPAL ENVELOPE SIGNATURE DATE LIC. # 9/08/04 ENVELOPE MANDATORY MEASURES Indicate location on plans of Note Block for Mandatory Measures _ INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT For Detailed instructions on the use of this and all Energy Efficiency Standards compliance forms, please refer to the Nonresidential Manual published by the California Energy Commission. ENV-1: Required on plans for all submittals. pan` 2 may be incorporated in schedules. M.plans, - ENV-2: Used for all submittals; choose appropriate form depending on method otenvelope compliancd- i ITA ENV-3: Optional. Use if default U-factors are not used. Choose a,onroDriate form r assembly U=f�rfar a .ralrwkho Nonresidential Compliance Forms --I^-�a a 4A/ /// DA APPROVED Iffd a7,2y r erflcE,, 2001 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE PROJECT NAME ��• U � ir�w iN�L�' .�'��..� .. ps Fed ..:" i h - OPAQUE SURFACES Surface Type Type (e.g., Block, Wood Metal) ' M*TAL Area 315 Wactor LS eR Arrmugr O Tilt C-10 WA 1, L -I ,Kv�prA..L- 11500 ick 0 WALL- HIETAI 5a1 h�ifi) 1lb".15; IY ��M ; 1� L(1 [[ r �1i FENESTRATION SURFACES (Part 2 of 2) ENV-1 DATE Solar Gains Form 3 (e.g., Suspended For Building Dept. YIN Reference Ceiling. DernIsing. elc. Use On1v � ❑ 11v� L,t,!•��i • ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Site Assembled Glazing © Check box if Building Is >_ 100,000 ftZ of CFA and > 10,000 ft2 of vertical glazing then NFRC Certification is required. Follow NFRC 100-SB Procedures and submit NFRC Label Cerlifcate Form, See Section 10-111 Fenestration IGlazing NOTES TO FIELD — Type Area U-factor Azimuth SHGC Type Location 1 Comments For Bidg. De t, Use Or 1,4 EXTERIOR SHADING Fenestration I Exterlor Shade N/A NOTES TO FIELD — For Nonresidential Compliance Forms Department Use Only - August 2001 ENVELOPE -COMPONENT METHOD PROJECT NAME WINDOW AREA CALCULATION and SKYLIGHT AREA CALCULATION GROSS A D SPLAY E r AREA (WAA) METER (DP;RI GWAx0.40 ! DPx6 � •+h;.::�, I"'Y"f GREATER OF If the PROPOSED MnX. ALLOWABLE WINDOW AREA is greater than theCj MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PROPOSED WINDOW AREA, go WINDOW AREA to another method. Window Wall Ratio = Propos�W!LwArea I)ivIdpri by C,rnss Fxtarinr Wall Area -� OPAQUE SURFACES ASSEMBLY NAME (eg. Wall-1, Floor-1) TYPE (eg. Roof, Wall, Floor HEAT CAPACITY WAI-L-1 WkLL ".,. rur eaupi WINDOWS WINDOW NAME Window-1, Wind SKYLIGHTS SKYLIGHT NAME e.g., Sky-1, Sky-2) With Curb V 0 v 0 ENV-2 DATE ATRIUM HEIGHT FT ■ IF < 55 FT IF > 55 FT 4�0.10 X E= w 0.05 X = GROSS ROOF AREA ALLOWED AREA If the ACTUAL SKYLIGHT AREA Is greater than the ALLOWED SKYLIGHT AREA, go to another method. ACTUAL SKYLIGHT AREA F INSULATION R-VALUE* PROPOSED MINIMUM ALLOWED meet rne,mtnlmum Insulation R-value or the maximum ORIENTATION U-FACTOR # OF PANES SHGC N I E I S. I W PROP. ALLOW. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ GLAZENG 11 , U-FACTOR With No Curb Plastic 0 0 a ASSEMBLY U-FACTOR' TABLE PROPOSED VALUES? MAXIMUM 1 ALLOWED Y N ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ U-factor, # OF PANES PROPOSED ALLOWED PROPOSED RSHG TIM PROP. ALLOWED RSHG RSHG SOLAR HEAT GAIN COEFFICIENT PROPOSED I ALLOWED Nonresidential Compliance Forms' August 2001 totK I IVIL;A I t OI- COMPLIANCE PROJECT NAME HOME DEPOT (Part 'I of 2) MECH-1 DATE9/08/04 PROJECT ADDRESS HWY. 111 & JEFFERSON, LA QUINTA, CA PRINCIPAL DESIGNER -ENVELOPE LAWRENCE A. ZERO TELEPHONE 949 515-4333 Building Permit # DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR LAWRENCE A. ZERO TELEPHONE (949)515-4333 Checked by/Date Enforcement GENERAL INFORMATION DATE OF PLANS g 08 04 f BUILDING CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA 2000 CLIMATEZONE 15 BUILDING TYPE ® NONRESIDENTIAL ❑ HIGH RISE RESIDENTIAL ❑ HOTEL/MOTEL GUEST ROOM PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION ❑ NEW CONSTRUCTION ® ADDITION ❑ ALTERATION ❑ UNCONDITIONED (file affidavit) METHOD OF MECHANICAL COMPLIANCE ® PRESCRIPTIVE ❑ PERFORMANCE PROOF OF ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE ❑ PREVIOUS ENVELOPE PERMIT ®ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE ATTACHED STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE This Certificate of Compliance lists the building features and performance specifications need to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations. This certificate applies only to building mechanical requirements. The documentation preparer hereby certifies that the documentation is accurate and complete. DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR SIGNATUR . DATE LAWRENCE A. ZERO— 9/08/04 The Principal Mechanical Designer hereby certifies that the proposed building deslgn represented in this set of construction documents is consisten with the other compliance forms and worksheets, with the specifications, and with any other calculations submitted with this permit application. the proposed building has been designed to meet the mechanical requirements contained in sections 110 through 115, 120 through 124, 140 through 142, 144 and 145. Please check one: ❑ 1 hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the business and Professions Code to sign this document as the perosn responsible for its preparation; and that I am licensed in the State of California as a civil engineer or mechanical engineer, or I am a licensed architect. ❑ 1 affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by section 5537.2 or 6737.3 to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a licensed contractor performing this work. ❑ I affirm that I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document because it pertains to a structure or type of work described as exempt pursuant to Business and Professions Code Sections 5537, 5538 and 6737.1. (These sections of the Business and Professions Code are printed in full in the Nonresideetial Manual. PRINCIPAL MECHANICAL DESIGNER -NAME I SIGNATt� DATE LIC. # LAWRENCE A. ZERO 9 08 04 M27634 MECHANICAL MANDATORY MEASURES Indicate location on plans of Note Block for Mandatory Measures INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT For Detailed instructions on the use of this and all Energy Efficiency Standards compliance forms, please refer to the Nonresidential Manual published by the California Energy Commission. MECH-1: Required on plans for all submittals. Part 2 may be incorporated in schedules on plans. MECH-2: Required for all submittals, but may be incorporated in schedules on plans. MECH-3: Required for all submittals unless required ventilation rates and airflows are shown on plans, see 4.3.4. MECH-4: Required for all prescriptive submittals. MECH-5: Optional. Performance use only for mechanical distribution summary. Nonresidential Compliance Forms August 2001 VUIVII"LIHIVIrG PROJECT NAME HOME DEPOT (Part 2 of 2) MECH-1 DATE 9/08/04 SYSTEM FEATURES STEM NAME M ECHA[�tCAt. SYSTEMSSYNOTE TO FEE-0-1 ACCU-1/AHU-1 Bldg. Dept. Use TIME CONTROL SETBACK CONTROL ISOLATION ZONES HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? ELECTRIC HEAT? FAN CONTROL VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? SIMULTANEOUS HEAT/COOL? HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RESET? HEAT REJECTION CONTROLVENTILATION VENTILATION OUTDOOR DAMPER CONTROL? ECONOMIZER TYPE DESIGN O.A. CFM (MECH-3, COLUMN H) HEATING EQUIPMENT TYPE HIGH EFFICIENCY? I IF YES ENTER EFF. # MAKE AND MODEL NUMBER COOLING EQUIPMENT TYPE HIGH EFFICIENCY? I IF YES ENTER EFF. # MAKE AND MODEL NUMBER PIPE INSULATION REQUIRED? PIPE/DUCT INSULATION PROTECTED? HEATING DUCT LOCATION R-VALUE COOLING DUCT LOCATION R-VALUE VERIFIED SEALED DUCTS IN % FAN FLOW CEILING/ROOF SPACE Y N Y N/A M A N/A 400 NAT GAS N 80� -soc �N/A N I Y Y EXPOSED 2.2 EXPOSED 2.2 Y: Yes N:No HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? ELECTRIC HEAT? VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RESET? SIMULTANEOUS HEAT/COOL? HIGH EFFICIENCY? PIPE INSULATION REQUIRED? PIPE/DUCT INSULATION PROTECTED? SEALED DUCTS IN CEILING/ROOF TIM S: Prc 0: Oc Se M: Ma VE B.-Air C: Oul M: Ou1 Me D: Der N: Nat CONTROL SETBACK ISOLATION FAN CONTROL CTRL. ZONES g. Switch H: Heating Enter number I: Inlet Vanes .upancy C: Cooling of Isolation P: Variable Pitch isor B: Both Zones V: VFD wel Timer 0: Other C: Curve VTILATION OUTDOOR ECONOMIZER DESIGN O.A. DAMPER CFM 3alance A: Auto A: Air Enter Design side Air Cert. G: Gravity W: Water Outdoor Air CFM. side Air N: Not Note: This shall be asure EC: economizer no less than land Control Control See Column H on iral Section 144(e)3 MECH-3. Nonresidential Compliance Farm A75Ust 20t7 Ill CHANICAL EQUIPMENT SUMMARY , (Part 1 of 2) IVIECH�2 ti �• o 6—1 rs D L-, PCB T MT Ida C., CHILLER AND TOWER SUMMARY DATE 14 -W( PUMPS Equipment Effi- Total Motor Drive Pump Name E ui ment Type Qt . cienc Tons Qt GPM BHP Eff. Eff. Control DHW / BOILER SUMMARY Energy Factor Standby TANK INSUL. Rated Vol. or Recovery Loss or Ext. System Name System T e Distribution T e Qty. In ut Gals. Efficient Pilot R-Val CENTRAL SYSTEM RATINGS HEATING Aux. Effi- S stem Name Stgy�stem Type Qt . Output KW cienc C� W�N& M.f lgcg•,R�- CENTRAL FAN SUMMARY Motor stem Name Fan Type Location CFM COOLING Effi- Economizer Output Sensible cienc T e I I4A SUPPLY FAN Motor Drive BHP Eff. Eff. t f RETURN FAN Motor Drive CFM BHP Eff. Eff. Nonresidential Compliance Forms August 2001 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SUMMARY (Part 2 of 2) MECH-2 system, Type Reheat? AT k EXHAUST FAN SUMMARY Nonresidential Compliance Forms August 2001 MECHANICAL VENTILATION MECH-3 PROJECT NAME IT MECHANICAL VENTILATION 0 0 El ED AREA BASIS COND CFM MIN. ZONE/ AREA PER I I CFM SYSTEM_ (SF) SF (B X Cl 11-0C,01 -I9 1-600 Totals (For MECH-4) _ M R © 0 0 DESIGN OUTDOOR AIR CFM sE D4 � EC? 0 0 C Minimum ventilation rate per Section § 121. Table 1-F. E Based on expected number of occupants or at least 50% of Chapter 10 1997 UBC occupant density 0 Must be greater than or equal to H, or use Transfer Air. Design outdoor air includes ventilation from supply air system & exhaust fans, which operate at design conditions. Must be greater than or equal to (H -1). and, for VAV, greater than or equal to (H - J). Nonresidential Compliance Forms August 2001 MECHANICAL SIZING AND FAN POWER MECH-4 PROJECT NAMP T DATA SYSTEM NAME f AC-1 •C-1 /A(:4 I FLOOR Ait NOTE: Provide one copy of this form for each mechanical system when usinq the Prescri five A proach. * 4 SIZING and EQUIPMENT SELECTION 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS: COOLING M - OUTDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE (APPENDIX C) It f - OUTDOOR, WET BULB TEMPERATURE (APPENDIX C) a - INDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE (1993 ASHRAE handbook, See Chap. 8, L; Fia.S) 2. SIZING -DESIGN OUTDOOR AIR - ENVELOPE LOAD - LIGHTING rtu -PEOPLE 112 x} - MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT - OTHER (Describe) - OTHER (Desc(be) - OTHER (Describe) TOTALS OTHER LOADS/SAFETY FACTOR (enter 1.21 for cooling and 1.43 heating) , . MAXIMUM ADJUSTED LOAD (TOTALS FROM ABOVE X OTHER LOAD/SAFETY FACTOR) 3. SELECTION: INSTALLED EQUIPMENT CAPACITY / Hr IF INSTALLED CAPACITY EXCEEDS MAXIMUM Kbtu / Hr ICblu ADJUSTED LOAD, EXPLAIN . A.; 6 FAN POWER CONSUMPTION FAN DESCRIPTION a DESIGN BRAKE HP LNOTE: Include only fan systems exceeding 25 HP (see § 14Fan System Power Demand may not exceed 0.8 /CFM for constant volume systems or 1.25 Watts/CFMsystems. Nonresidential Compliance Forms EFFICIENCY MOTOR DRIVE E F Ivl NUMBER PEAK WATTS CFM OF FANS BxEx746/(CxD Su I Fans TOTALS TOTAL FAN SYSTEM POWER DEMAND Col. F / WATTS / CFM Col. G August 2001 Reference Name: W.19.2x6.16 1 Assembly Type: (check one) a Framing Material: Framing Spacing: Framing Size: Cavity Insulation: Insulation Tape R-value: Floor V/ Wall Ceiling/Roof Metal 16 'b.c. Actual Depth 6.000 Actual Width 1.625 R value 19.00 Knock -out (°/a) 15.00 Web Thickness 0.060 Interior Flange Exterior Flange Sketch of Construction Assembly List of Construction Components Outside Surface Air Film I. 0.875 in stucco 2. Building paper (felt) 3. �0.75 in polykcyanurale 4. 0.50 in golyiscynnurnte 5. 0.56 in gypsum or plaster boar _ 6. 7. Inside Surface Air Film Calculation: Q-44 From EZFRAME 1 /0.064 o[r - auc November 1998 R-Vnlne 0.170 0.175 0.060 5.250 3.500 0.450 0.680 0.064 Total U-V,,ilue 15.530 Total R-Value Nonresidential Manual Reference Name: R.30.2x12.16 Sketch of Construction Assembly List of Construction Components Assembly Type: (check one) Framing Material: Framing Size: Framing Spacing: Framing Percentage: (check one) Will Weight / sf: (Packages only) Floor Wall Ceiling/Roof Wood 2 X 12 16 "o.c. Wall: 15% (16"o.c.) 12% (24"o.c.) 9% (48"o.c.) Floor/Ceiling 10%(16"o.c.) 7% (24"o.c.) 4% (48"o.c.) NA Outside Surface Air Film 1. _Asphalt shingle roofing 2. Building paper felt -"` 3. 0.50 in plywood_ 4. 1.75 in air space; lieat low up 5. 2X12 in fir framing 6. R-30 fiberglass insulation 7. 0.50 hi gyesurn or plasterboard ^- inside Surface Air Film Total Unadjusted R-Values: Framing Adjustment Calculation: [(1/33.130 f x ('1-10/100 )1 + [(1/13.488) x (10/100 )] 1+Re 1-(Fr.%+100) 1+Rf Fr.% I00 1 /0.034 + ❑[a - a ue Reference Name: R.30.2x12.16 Assembly Type: (check one) Framing Material: Framing Spicing: Framing Size: Cavity Insulation: Insulation Tape R-value: Sketch of Construction Assembly List of Construction Components Outside Surface Air Film 1. Asphalt shingle 2. _Building Paper 3. _ 1.50 in Polyisocyan urate 4. 0.50 in plywood_ 5. 1.00 in Palyisocyanuraie - 6. 0.50 in gypsum or plaster board 7. - Inside Surface Air Film Calculation: From EZFRAME 110.032 r ota a uc R-Value Cavity ORC Frame (R0 0.170 0.170 0.440 0.440 0.060 0.060 0.620 0.620 0.780 - - 11.138 30.000 0.450 0.450 0.610 0.610 33.130 13.488 Re IIf 0.034 Total U-Value _ 29.412 Total R-Value Floor Wall Ceiling/Roof Metal 16 'b.c: Actual Depth 12.00 Actual Width 1.625 R-value 30.8 Knock -out (%) 15.00 Web Thickness 0.060 Interior Flange Exterior Flange R-Value 0.170 0.440 0,060 10.50 0.62 7.00 0.45 0.620 0.032 Total U-Value 31.64 Total R-Value B-62 November 1998 Nonresidential Manual