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04-6196 (AR) Project Manual
C} PROJECT MANUAL EXTERIOR TOOL RENTAL CENTER ADDITION TO EXISTING STORE #6630 LA QU I NTA 79900 HIGHWAY 111 (AT JEFFERSON STREET) LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA A� r' U ER 1 C-25 7 * 1 VOLUME 1 - SPECIFICATIONS f and other documents L� GREENBERG FARROW ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT Hughes W. Thompson, Jr. , Architect 15101 Red Hill Avenue, Suite 200, Tustin, California 92780 tel714.259,0500 • fax 714.259.5480 www. pre enbergfarro w. com JOB # 20030278 CITY SUBMITTAL SET: 09/07/04 CITY RE -SUBMITTAL SET: 11/01/04 CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CON TR TION TABLE OF CONTENTS INDEX-1 20030278 09/07/04 SECTION INDEX - TABLE OF CONTENTS EXTERIOR TOOL RENTAL CENTER ADDITION TO EXISTING HOME DEPOT STORE #6630 79900 HIGHWAY 11 (AT JEFFERSON STREET) LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA GFA PROJECT NUMBER 20030278 PERMIT SET RELEASE DATE: SEPTEMBER 7, 2004 Division 0 Section REVINDEX 09/07/03 Table of Contents Division 1000 - General Reouirements Section REV01000 09/07/04 Special Conditions Section THDO1009 09/01/01 General - Furnished By Owner Items (FBO) Section THDO1010 06/23/04 Electrical - Furnished By Owner Items (FBO) Section THD01011 09/01/01 Mechanical - Furnished by Owner Items (FBO) Section THDO1013 06/23/04 Fire/Security Alarm (FBO)* Section THDO1014 06/23/04 Fire Protection (FBO)' Section THDO1030 12/19/03 Special Purchase Program (SPP) Section THDO1031 06/23/04 Painting, Texture and Special Coatings (SPP) Section REV01200 09/07/04 Project Meetings Section THD01201 09/17/03 Project Meetings -Form A - Progress Meeting Notes Section THDO1202 09/17/03 Project Meetings - Form B - Weekly Project Status Report Section REV01300 09/07/04 Submittals Section REV01500 09/07/04 Temporary Construction Facilities Section THD01630 09/01/01 Substitutions and Product Options Section REV01700 09/07/04 Project Closeout Section THDO1730 09/01/01 Operations & Maintenance Data Division 2000 - Site Work Section REV02050 09/07/04 Demolition Section REV02200 09/07/04 Earthwork Section THD02282 09/01/01 Termite Control Section REV02528 09/07/04 Concrete Curbs and Sidewalks Section REV02580 09/07/04 Pavement Markings Division 3000 - Concrete Section REV03300 Section REV03390 Division 4000 - Masonry Section THD04100 Section REV04230 Division 5000 - Metals Section THDO5120 Section THDO5400 Section REV05501 09/07/04 Cast -In -Place Concrete 09/07/04 Slab on Ground 06/23/04 Mortar and Grout 09/07/04 Reinforced Unit Masonry 06/23/04 Structural Steel 09/01/01 Cold Formed Metal Framing 09/07/04 Metal Fabrications TABLE OF CONTENTS INDEX-2 20030278 09/07/04 Division 6000 - Wood and Plastics Section THD06100 12/19/03 Rough Carpentry Section THDO6200 06/20/03 Panelized Roof System Division 7000 - Thermal and Moisture Protection Section THD07201 09/01/01 Section REV07406 09/07/04 Section THD07511 06/20/03 Section REV07600 09/07/04 Section THD07901 06/23/04 Division 8000 - Doors and Windows Misr..allaneous Building Insulation Metal Roof and Wall Panels Built Up Roofing Flashing and Sheet Metal Joint Sealers/Fillers Section THDO8110 12/19/03 (FBO) Hollow Metal Doors and Frames Section REV08331 09/07/04 Overhead Doors Section THDO8700 12/19/03 (FBO) Finish Hardware Section THD08800 06/23/04 Glass and Glazing Division 9000 - Finishes Secliuii THD09220 00/01/01 Portland Cement Plaster (Stucco) Section THD09260 04/17/03 Gypsum Drywall Section THD09790 09/17/03 Floor Striping Section REV09900 09/07/04 (SPP) Painting Section THDO9985 02/18/02 Fiberglass Reinforced Panels Division 10000 - Specialties — Not Used Division 11000 — Equipment -- Not Used Division 12000 — Furnishings — Not Used Division 13000 - Special Construction — Not Used Division 14000 — Conveying Systems - Not Used TABLE OF CONTENTS INDEX-3 20030278 09/07/04 Division 15 — Mechanical Section REV15010 09/07/04 Mechanical General Requirements Section REV15050 09/07/04 Basic Materials and Methods Section REV15140 09/07/04 Supports and Anchors Section REV15400 09/07/04 Plumbing Section REV15630 09/07/04 Evaporative Coolers Section REV15850 09/07/04 Fans Section REV15880 09/07/04 Air Distribution Section REV15952 09/07/04 Controls Section REV15990 09/07/04 Test, Adjust and Balance Division 16 — Electrical Section REV16010 09/07/04 General Provisions Section REV16015 09/07/04 Definitions Section REV16020 09/07/04 Work Included Section REV16025 09/07/04 Work Not Included Section REV16030 09/07/04 Tests Section REV16040 09/07/04 Identification Section REV16100 09/07/04 Basic Materials and Methods Section THD16101 09/01/01 Substitution Request Form Section REV16110 09/07/04 Raceways Section REV16120 09/07/04 Wire and Cables Section REV16130 09/07/04 Outlet Boxes and Junction Boxes Section REV16140 09/07/04 Switches and Receptacles Section REV16150 09/07/04 Motors Section REV16400 09/07/04 (FBO) Service and Distribution Section REV16440 09/07/04 TVSS System (LIEBERT) Section REV16450 09/07/04 Grounding Section REV165001 09/07/04 Lighting (Lithonia) Section REV16700 09/07/04 Communication System (Telephone) Section REV16720 09/07/04 Fire Alarm System SPECIAL CONDITIONS 01000-1 20030278 09/07/04 SECTION 01000 - SPECIAL CONDITIONS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Scope of Work is to include all work shown on drawings and described in the Specifications. B. The Contractor shall provide separate, On -site Dumpsters for construction debris and for locally recyclable items. C. Utility coordination: 1. Contractor shall coordinate location of new gas, electric, telephone and other utility service tie-ins with the appropriate utility companies. 2. Contractor shall coordinate relocation of existing gas, electric, telephone and other existing utility tie-ins with the appropriate utility company to avoid conflict and/or delay of the work. Interruption of essential services to allow the performance of work is subject to restrictions specified below. (See paragraph 1.05.) D. Unless otherwise agreed upon by the Home Depot Project Manager, the Contractor and all subcontractors and suppliers shall purchase/deliver all general construction materials possible from existing Home Depot store outlets. The last page of this section represents an example of the minimum types of building materials that local Home Depot stores can provide. The purchase of construction materials from other building material suppliers is not permitted under any circumstances. E. The General Contractor shall field -verify existing conditions. "Existing conditions" for the work as specified herein are based on the "existing conditions" information shown on the drawings and on the assumption that the conditions described in said drawings is generally accurate. The General Contractor shall inspect the existing building and site prior to the start of the work specified herein. Immediately report any discrepancies or variances between the actual existing conditions and the demolition drawings and specifications in writing to the Owner. If the Contractor begins work without any such notification to the Owner, the Building Contractor thereby acknowledges acceptance of the site 'as is' and shall perform the work shown on the drawings and specified herein in accordance with the accepted base bid. F. Application For Payments: Contractor shall provide all applications for payment following the format and description of work outlined on the A.I.A. Form G-702 and CONTINUATION SHEETS attached to the end of this section. Application for payments shall be submitted prior to the 28th of the month. G. Benchmarks: Target dates for completion of construction phases to be inserted in Benchmark schedule at the end of this section. H. The contractor shall not drive or park heavy equipment on concrete slabs. Any damage to concrete slabs shall be replaced at the contractor's expense. I. General Contractor shall accept requests for extra work only from the Home Depot Project Manager. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. All submittals required by these Specifications shall be received by the Architect of Record within thirty (30) days of awarding of the contract unless otherwise noted. B. Refer to submittals section in Division 1 for submittal requirements. cPPr.ini rr%nITInN.q 01000-2 20030278 1.03 ACCESS TO CONSTRUCTION AREAS 09/07/04 A. All construction personnel and material shall enter and leave site through areas designated by Owner's representative. B. All requests for a major delivery or other non -routine usage should be made in writing to the Owner's representative giving twenty-four hours notice to them to possibly assist in priority determination and allocation of usage. C. No person will be permitted in the construction area who is not wearing a hard hat. 1.04 WORK RESTRICTIONS A. All construction operations authorized by building permits, including delivery of materials and setup of equipment, shall be conducted on the premises during the hours of 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM on Monday through Friday and 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Saturday. NO WORK shall be conducted on Sundays or on Holidays observed by the City of San Marcos. 1.05 RESTRICTED SCHEDULING; DISCONNECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF ESSENTIAL SERVICES A. Work in occupied spaces: When it becomes necessary for a Contractor to work in or adjacent to occupied after from the (boner's renroccntntiva thin f:nntrartnr -hall take -,nt-Carl areas, afte receiving perlilIQJ1v 1 11 111 a •.�.v. v ...+L.. .........., ..._ __.... ___-----_--. ------ ------- precautions to prevent water, dirt, odor, offensive noise, cold drafts, etc. from entering occupied areas. Contractor shall assure that his work or operations do not interfere with Owner functions. Contractor shall -� __r . _-y b-_--_:__-�- ...» - —*+, -, .��-+ UUran+ucoFl kaarrir�da- tn- iP-fir A Pfuv1UG safety I I ClUGAl, utiulp] I lcn, I Iot ....... al lip ruv v.r.. .... .. ... ... - ... _ - -_ retardant treated. B. Maintenance of essential services: The plumbing, electrical, heating and other trade contractors shall provide for all work and cost of maintaining essential services of the Owner during normal working days and hours. C. Service interruptions: 1. Disconnecting of a specific service or utility may be done on approval by the Owner's representative providing that a written notice (enumerating what must be done, the schedule on which it will be done, how the service and Owner's use of the building will be affected, how long and when the services or utility will actually be out of operation) is received prior to and approved by the Owner's representative at least three days prior to the disconnect date. Contractor is responsible to perform work after his normal working hours, if required by the Owner's representative, at no additional cost. Shutdowns must be scheduled based of lI Owner requirements and his maintaining fell onri nnntin ral use of the entire building during normal working days and hours. 2. Any work requiring temporary interruption of such essential services shall be done in accord with specific requirements outlined in these sections and the specifications, or as instructed by the Owner's representative. 1.06 DEBRIS A. All debris shall be placed, at least daily, in containers furnished by the Contractor. Any debris, removals, etc., by a contractor must be reduced to its smallest collapsible size. If such will not fit into the container provided, Contractor is responsible for removal from site. 1.07 JOB, FIELD AND OFFICE MEETINGS A. The Contractor, or his duly authorized representative, shall attend all job related meetings called by the Architect. Forty-eight hours notice will be given to Contractor for each formal job meeting unless an emergency or other urgency requires this notice to be shortened. Messages left with secretaries, answer telephones, office personnel, etc., shall be considered sufficient notice. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 01000-3 20030278 09/07/04 1.08 DRILLING AND CUTTING, FUME AND ODOR CONTROL A. Protection of occupied areas: When it becomes necessary for a Contractor to work in or adjacent to occupied areas, after receiving permission from the Owner's representative, the Contractor shall take special precautions to prevent water, dirt, odor, offensive noise, cold drafts, etc. from entering occupied areas. Contractor shall assure that his work or operations do not interfere with Owner or tenant functions. Contractor shall provide safety barricades, equipment, notices and permits as required. Wood used in barricades to be fire retardant treated. B. Drilling and cutting: When it becomes necessary to drill or cut through a ceiling, slab, wall or other surface in an occupied area, Contractor shall notify the Owner's representative at least forty-eight hours prior to proceeding. Dust boxes, temporary protection, etc., required, including protection in, and on the adjacent roofs, floors above and below work area, and any other such areas, shall be supplied and utilized by Contractor. C. Fume and odor control: Contractor shall ventilate the area in which he uses welding equipment, toxic sealants, toxic paints or epoxies, creates dust, etc. or otherwise impairs the atmosphere. Any operation, be it related to fume and odor control or otherwise, which will restrict the Owner's use of the building, will normally not be permitted by the Architect. If permission is granted, work may be required to be performed after hours, or at such time as the Owner's representative directs, at no additional cost. D. Construction debris: All debris shall be placed, at least daily, in containers furnished by the Contractor. Any debris, removals, etc., by a contractor must be reduced to its smallest collapsible size. If such will not fit into the container provided, Contractor is responsible for removal from site. E. Contractor shall ventilate the area in which he uses welding equipment, toxic sealants, toxic paints or epoxies, creates dust, etc. or otherwise impairs the atmosphere. Any operation, be it related to fume and odor control or otherwise, which will restrict the Owner's use of the building, will normally not be permitted by the Architect. If permission is granted, work may be required to be performed after hours, or at such time as the Owner's representative directs, at no additional cost. 1.09 PARKING VEHICLES, STORAGE AND OTHER TEMPORARY FACILITIES A. Parking for the Contractor and his construction personnel's vehicles and their equipment will be restricted to areas designated by the Owner's representative. Contractors shall make arrangements for parking and access, coordinating same with other trades and the owner reserves the right to limit, control or preempt access at any point, at any time. Furthermore, the Owner may require any vehicle, material or matter blocking, restricting or otherwise affecting or potentially affecting any accessway be moved. B. Some staging areas may possibly be provided by Owner at Contractor's request. C. All other storage to be provided by Contractor either off -site or in trailers in parking areas. Location to be determined by Owner. Any damage to parking area resulting from parked trailers shall be repaired and paid for by the Contractor. D. Contractor shall request to the Owner, if required, for provision of temporary utilities for the duration of the Work. Contractor shall be responsible for extending lines of services from source and for making connections. E. At completion of work, contractor shall remove his temporary lines, including connections and debris resulting from the temporary installation. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 01000-4 20030278 09/07/04 1.10 MISCELLANEOUS A. The General Contractor agrees to perform all of the work in conformance with local building practices with labor of such classifications as to cause no trouble with the unions or any other trades employed at this job. The General Contractor agrees to coordinate his subcontractors on the project so as to avoid disputes and delays in the field. B. In the event that any provision of this contract shall at anytime contravene in whole or in part any applicable federal or state law, ruling or regulation, then such provision and the remaining provisions thereof shall remain in effect only to the extent permitted under law. 1.11 NOTICE OF CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS A. Contractor shall notify Architect of Record five (5) working days prior to the following construction milestones: 1. Punch: Substantial completion review prior to store fixturing. Verify readiness with the Home Depot Representative. 2. Failure to notify the Architect of Record of any construction milestone may result in Contractor having to remove work for the purpose of inspection at the Contractor's expense. -- ATTACHMENTS FOLLOW -- SPECIAL CONDITIONS 01000-5 20030278 CONSTRUCTION / STORE PLANNING / MAINTENANCE DATE: General Contractor: Attn: Project Manager: Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. 09/07/04 It has been our policy to develop and maintain continuing relationships with our vendors. A business relationship must provide both partners with benefits. We do appreciate your efforts in maintaining our New Store schedules and keeping our costs as low as possible. In order to further strengthen our relationship, I request your assistance in maintaining a policy that will benefit both you the contractor and Home Depot. Effective immediately, we expect you and your subs to purchase your material at The Home Depot. We will be competitive with your current suppliers and we will provide you with the correct materials when you need them. With t our store count growing, there should be a store close by wherever you are building. Please contact the Store Manager or "Homer" in each store in order to develop a strong contractor / supplier relationship. For all new Home Depot Store Construction, we expect to be the supplier as a minimum for the following materials: Metal Studs Ceramic Tile FRP Insulation Wood / Plywood Ceiling grid / Tile Drywall Paint Vinyl Base Please advise me personally if you meet with any problems. Thank you for your efforts in maintaining our relationship. Sincerely, THE HOME DEPOT Construction Project Manager cc: District Manager FURNISHED BY OWNER ITEMS (FBO) 01009-1 TH D 09/01 /01 SECTION 01009 - FURNISHED BY OWNER ITEMS (FBO) PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. The Home Depot has a National Accounts arrangement with the manufacturers of specific equipment as listed on drawings. Home Depot shall supply this equipment, with installation and all project management functions by the Contractor, as defined under this section and subsequent FBO sections. Home Depot's sole involvement is submittal of purchase order. The Contractor shall cooperate with FBO vendors, and shall be responsible under this section to provide supervision, equipment, material storage and handling, or warranty for materials except when FBO items are installed by FBO Supplier (Others). For items provided as FBO and installed by FBO Supplier, Contractor shall review and coordinate all modifications in FBO Documents that impact the scope of work for the Contractor. B. Contractor shall provide any non -factory related devices and accessories required to support, mount, set or install these components. C. Contractor shall include in his price, all labor and equipment rental necessary to completely install fixtures or equipment. D. Performance of warranty is by Contractor. Contractor is required to include all management and labor required to perform warranty work during warranty period, whether the materials are furnished by General Contractor or by Home Depot. 1. This warranty work will include defining warranty components, ordering warranty components, installing or reinstalling warranty components and all management and labor required to satisfy warranty issues. E. A copy of the "bid set" construction documents will be forwarded to National Account Representative from Architect of Record. National Account Representative will complete initial "take -off" indicating all materials to be shipped. National Account Representative will confirm the order with Home Depot representative within 30 days of the project bid date. 1. Contractor will receive complete "take -off' indicating all materials to be shipped. Contractor is then responsible for confirming the submitted materials and quantities with the plans and specifications. A return confirmation must be sent back to National Account Representative for final coordination of package contents. 2. Manufacturer is solely responsible for correctness of shipped materials and quantities. F. Changes to materials and quantities after receiving of shipment shall be coordinated by Contractor, i.e., "Takeoffs" performed, equipment identified, counted and notification made to National Account Representative. 1. The Contractor shall place requests for equipment through National Account Representative immediately upon receipt of revised plans. 2. Notification of equipment changes shall include quantity of additional equipment required or quantity of equipment deleted. 3. Associated changes in additional labor and components not provided by manufacturer shall be submitted to the Home Depot Project Manager for approval. 4. Requests by Contractor for additional equipment from manufacturer will be approved by the Home Depot Project Manager. G. The Contractor shall be responsible for off loading, inspection, counting and checking shortages, storage, protection and insurance of all materials whether supplied FBO to the Contractor or furnished by Home Depot for installation. 1. Contractor shall receive the equipment shipment at the site, review order for completeness, inspect all cartons and pallets for damage and correct labeling. 2. Contractor shall check all materials and cartons or other containers for concealed damage. 3. Contractor is responsible for identifying, processing, ordering and following shipment of all claims. Supplemental orders for replacement of shortages, damages or concealed damage rnatenals must be made to the supplier within ten days of the date of receipt of shipment at the job site. Claims submitted FURNISHED BY OWNER ITEMS (F THD 01009-2 09/01/01 after the date will not be honored and will be considered lost or damaged at site, full replacement being the responsibility of Contractor. 4. Contractor shall mark shortages and damaged materials on the receiving bill and attach a copy with the supplemental order to manufacturer. The Contractor shall attach a copy of the receiving bill to a claim form from the carrier and submit to the Contractor to forward to The Home Depot Project Manager, for his information. The claim shall include the cost of back shipment of damaged materials to manufacturer. 5. Any materials broken or lost after receipt shall be replaced and the burden of cost placed on the Contractor. H. Contractor shall prnvidp all return shipments of unused materials whether furnished by the Contractor or furnished by Home Depot to the Contractor. 1. Contractor shall obtain an RMA number from National Accounts Representative. 2. Contractor shall keep equipment in original saleable condition, and properly identified packaging. Damaged material cannot be sent back. 3. National Accounts Representative shall arrange necessary shipping back to manufacturer. END OF SECTION ELECTRICAL -_FURNISHED BY OWNER ITEMS (FBO) 01010-1 TH D 04/02/02 SECTION 01010 - ELECTRICAL FURNISHED BY OWNER ITEMS (FBO) PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. The Home Depot has a National Accounts arrangement with the manufacturers of specific electrical equipment. Home Depot will supply this equipment, with installation and all project management functions by the Electrical Contractor, as defined under this section and subsequent FBO sections. Home Depot's sole involvement is submittal of purchase order. B. The General Contractor shall be responsible for offloading, counting and checking shipping invoice, storage, protection and insurance of all telecommunications equipment and materials sent to job site prior to installation by the Telecommunications Provider. C. Electrical Contractor shall provide any non -factory related devices and accessories required to support, mount, set or install electrical components. D. Electrical Contractor shall include in his price all labor and equipment rental necessary to completely install electrical fixtures or equipment. E. Electrical contractor shall contact National Account Representative (12) weeks prior to scheduled installation of electrical equipment, in writing on company letterhead. The letter shall include: 1. Job name 2. The Home Depot job number 3. The job street address 4. The job phone number 5. The exact date electrical equipment is needed on site 6. The specific shipping address 7. A 24-hour before shipment phone number for carrier to call prior to leaving factory F. General Contractor is required to include all management required to perform warranty work during warranty period, where the materials are furnished by Electrical Contractor or by Home Depot. Electrical Contractor is required to include all labor required to perform warranty work during warranty period. 1. This warranty work will include defining warranty components, ordering warranty components, installing or reinstalling warranty components, and all management and labor required to satisfy warranty issues. G. A copy of the "bid set" construction documents will be forwarded to National Account Representative from the Architect of Record. National Account Representative will complete initial "take -off" indicating all materials to be shipped. National Account Representative will confirm the order with Home Depot representative within 30 days of the project bid date. 1. Electrical Contractor will receive complete "take -off" indicating all materials to be shipped. Electrical Contractor is then responsible for confirming the submitted materials and quantities with the electrical plans and specifications. A return confirmation must be sent back to National Account Representative for final coordination of package contents. 2. Manufacturer is solely responsible for correctness of shipped materials and quantities. H. Changes to materials and quantities after receiving of shipment shall be coordinated by Electrical Contractor, i.e. "Takeoffs" performed, equipment identified, counted and notification made to National Account Representative. 1. Requests for equipment shall be placed through National Account Representative immediately upon receipt of revised plans by the Electrical Contractor from the General Contractor. 2. Notification of equipment changes shall include quantity of additional equipment required or quantity of equipment deleted. 3. Associated changes in additional labor and components not provided by manufacturer shall be submitted to the General Contractor to be forwarded to the Home Depot Project Manager for approval. 4. Requests by Electrical Contractor for additional equipment from manufacturer will be approved by Home ELECTRICAL - FURNISHED BY OWNER ITEMS FBO 01010-2 TH D 04/02/02 Depot Project Manager. The Electrical Contractor shall be responsible for offloading, inspection, counting and checking shortages, storage, protection and insurance of all materials whether furnished by Electrical Contractor or furnished by Home Depot to the Electrical Contractor for installation. 1. Electrical Contractor shall receive the equipment shipment at the site, review order for completeness, inspect all cartons and pallets for damage and correct labeiing. 2. Electrical Contractor shall check all materials and cartons or other containers for concealed damage. 3. Electrical Contractor is responsible for identifying, processing, ordering and following shipment of all claims. Supplemental orders for replacement of shortages, damages or concealed damage materials must be made to the National Accounts Representative within ten days of the date of receipt of shipment at the job site. Claims submitted after the date will not be honored and will be considered lost or damaged at site, full replacement being the responsibility of Electrical Contractor. 4. Electrical contractor shall mark shortages and damaged materials on the receiving bill and attach a copy with the supplemental order to manufacturer. The Electrical Contractor shall attach a copy of the receiving bill to a claim form from the carrier and submit to the General Contractor to forward to Hoare Depot Project Manager, for his information. The claim shall include the cost of back shipment of damaged materials to manufacturer. 5. Any materials broken or lost after receipt shall be replaced, and the burden of cost placed on the Electrical Contractor. Electrical rnntrnntnr czhall nrnvirie all return shipments of unused materials whether furnished by the Electrical Contractor or furnished by Home Depot to the Electrical Contractor. 1. Electrical Contractor shall obtain an RMA number from National Accounts Representative. r) 171nmrino1 rnntrnntnr ehall keen equinment in original saleahle condition, and properly identified packaging. Damaged material cannot be sent back. 3. National Accounts Representative shall arrange necessary shipping back to manufacturer. END OF SECTION MECHANICAL - FURNISHED BY OWNER ITEMS FBO 01011-1 TH D 09/01 /01 SECTION 01011 - MECHANICAL FURNISHED BY OWNER ITEMS (FBO) PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. The Home Depot has a National Account arrangement with the manufacturers of specific mechanical equipment as listed on the drawings. Home Depot will supply this equipment, with installation and all project management functions by the Mechanical Contractor, as defined under this section and subsequent FBO sections. Home Depot's sole involvement is submittal of purchase order. B. The General Contractor shall be responsible for off loading, counting and checking shipping invoice, storage, protection and insurance of all Roof Top Unit materials and any other FBO mechanical materials sent to job site for installation. C. Mechanical Contractor shall provide any non -factory related devices and accessories required to support, mount, set or install mechanical components. D. Mechanical Contractor shall include in his price all labor and equipment rental necessary to completely install mechanical equipment. E. Mechanical contractor shall contact National Account Representative ten (10) weeks prior to scheduled installation of mechanical equipment, in writing on company letterhead. The letter shall include: 1. Job name 2. The Home Depot job number 3. The job street address 4. The job phone number 5. The exact date mechanical equipment is needed on site 6. The specific shipping address 7. A 24-hour before shipment phone number for carrier to call prior to leaving factory F. General Contractor is required to include all management required to perform warranty work during warranty period, where the materials are furnished by Mechanical Contractor or by Home Depot. Mechanical Contractor is required to include all labor required to perform warranty work during warranty period. 1. This warranty work will include defining warranty components, ordering warranty components, installing or j reinstalling warranty components, and all management and labor required to satisfy warranty issues. G. A copy of the "bid set" construction documents will be forwarded to National Account Representative from the Architect of Record. National Account Representative will complete initial "take -off' indicating all materials to be shipped. National Account Representative will confirm the order with Home Depot representative within 30 days of the project bid date. 1. Mechanical Contractor will receive complete "take -off' indicating all materials to be shipped. Mechanical Contractor is then responsible for confirming the submitted materials and quantities with the mechanical plans and specifications. A return confirmation must be sent back to National Account Representative for final coordination of package contents. 2. Manufacturer is solely responsible for correctness of shipped materials and quantities. H. Changes to materials and quantities after receiving of shipment shall be coordinated by Mechanical Contractor, i.e. "Takeoffs" performed, equipment identified, counted and notification made to National Account Representative. 1. Requests for equipment shall be placed through National Account Representative immediately upon receipt of revised plans by the Mechanical Contractor from the General Contractor. 2. Notification of equipment changes shall include quantity of additional equipment required or quantity of equipment deleted. 3. Associated changes in additional labor and components not provided by manufacturer shall be submitted to the General Contractor to be forwarded to the Home Depot Project Manager for approval. 4. Requests by Mechanical Contractor for additional equipment from manufacturer will be approved by MECHANICAL - FURNISHED BY OWNER ITEMS (FBO) 01011-2 TH D 09/01 /01 Home Depot Project Manager. 5. Mechanical Contractor shall receive the equipment shipment at the site, review order for completeness, inspect all cartons and pallets for damage and correct labeling. 6. Mechanical Contractor shall check all materials and cartons or other containers for concealed damage. 7. Mechanical Contractor is responsible for identifying, processing, ordering and following shipment of all claims. Supplemental orders for replacement of shortages, damages or concealed damage materials must be made to the National Accounts Representative within ten days of the date of receipt of shipment at the job site. Claims submitted after the date will not be honored and will be considered lost or damaged at site, full replacement being the responsibility of Mechanical Contractor. 8. Mechanical contractor shall mark shortages and damaged materials on the receiving bill and attach a copy with the supplemental order to manufacturer. The Mechanical Contractor shall attach a copy of the receiving bill to a claim form from the carrier and submit to the General Contractor to forward to Home Depot Project Manager, for his information. The claim shall include the cost of back shipment of damaged materials to manufacturer. 9. Any materials broken or lost after receipt shall be replaced, and the burden of cost placed on the Mechanical Contractor. Mechanical Contractor shall provide all return shipments of unused materials whether furnished by the Mechanical Contractor or furnished by Home Depot to the Mechanical Contractor. 1. Mechanical Contractor shall obtain an RMA number from National Accounts Representative. 2. Mechanical Contractor shall keep equipment in original saleable condition, and properly identified packaging. Damaged material cannot be sent back. 3. National Accounts Representative shall arrange necessary snipping back- to nai iuiactui e . END OF SECTION FIRE/SECURITY ALARM (FBO) _ _ _01013-1 TH D 06/23/04 SECTION 01013 - FIRE/SECURITY ALARM (FBO) PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. The Home Depot has a National Accounts arrangement with the manufacturers of specific fire / security alarm equipment. Home Depot will supply this equipment, with installation and all project management functions by the Alarm Contractor, as defined under this section and subsequent FBO sections. The Home Depot's sole involvement is submittal of the purchase order. B. The Alarm Contractor shall be responsible for offloading, counting, and checking shipping invoice, storage, protection, and insurance of all fire/security alarm equipment sent to the job site prior to installation by the Alarm Contractor. 1. The Alarm Contractor shall receive the equipment shipment at the site or pre -determined location, review the order for completeness, inspect all cartons and pallets for damage and correct labeling. 2. The Alarm Contractor shall inspect all materials and cartons or other containers for concealed damage. 3. The Alarm Contractor is responsible for identifying, processing, ordering, and following the shipment of all claims. Supplemental orders for replacement of shortages, damages, or concealed damage materials must be made to the Fire/Security Alarm National FBO Account Representative within 48 hours of the date of receipt of shipment at the job site. Claims submitted after the date will not be honored and will be considered lost or damaged at the site. Replacement shall be the responsibility of the Alarm Contractor. 4. The Alarm Contractor shall mark shortages and damaged materials on the receiving bill and attach a copy with the supplemental order to the Fire / Security Alarm National FBO Account Representative. The Alarm Contractor shall attach a copy of the receiving bill to the carrier claim form and submit to the Home Depot Project Manager for his/her information. The claim shall include the cost of return shipment of damaged materials. 5. Any equipment broken or lost after receipt shall be replaced at the expense of the Alarm Contractor. C. All conduit, boxes (unless otherwise indicated on TVA drawings), fittings, couplings, connectors, straps, supports, pull strings, bushings etc., shall be provided and installed by the electrical contractor. D. Alarm Contractor shall furnish all labor and equipment necessary to completely install fire / security alarm system components and cable per TVA drawings. E. The Alarm Contractor shall coordinate with the Fire Sprinkler Contractor, the Fire Protection Engineer, the Electrical Contractor, the Mechanical Contractor and the Fire / Security Alarm. FBO National Account Representative the proper installation of all components of the fire / security alarm system. F. The General Contractor shall request and receive from the project architect all building plans to use for coordination of all trades related to the Fire / Security Alarm System. These plans should be requested and reviewed at two separate times: (1) bid and (2) the start of construction. G. The General Contractor shall coordinate with all named parties to ensure that all dates and actions specified by the Benchmark Schedule (see attachment B) are maintained. Any variations shall be immediately communicated to the Fire/Security Alarm Contractor, Fire / Security Alarm FBO National Account Representative, the Architect, and the Home Depot Project Manager. H. The General Contractor shall contact the Fire/Security Alarm Contractor, Fire / Security Alarm FBO National Account Representative eight (8) to ten (10) weeks prior to the scheduled installation of the fire alarm system, in writing on company letterhead. The letter shall include: 1. Job name 2. The Home Depot job number 3. Contact name, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address 4. The job street address 5. The exact date fire/security alarm system installation is to begin FIRE/SECU>:3ITY ALARM (FBO) 01013-2 THD 06/23/04 The Alarm Contractor is required to include all management required to perform warranty work during the warranty period whether or not the materials are furnished by the Electrical Contractor or The Home Depot. The Alarm Contractor is required to include all labor required to perform warranty work during the warranty period. 1. This warranty work includes defining the warranty components, ordering warranty components, installing or reinstalling warranty components, and all management and labor to satisfy warranty issues. Changes to equipment and quantities after receiving the shipment shall be coordinated by the Fire / Security Alarm FBO National Account Representative. 1. Requests for equipment shall be placed through the Fire / Security Alarm FBO National Account Representative immediately upon receipt of revised plans by the General Contractor from the Architect of Record. 2. Notification of equipment changes shall include the quantity of additional equipment or quantity of equipment deleted. 3. Associated changes in additional labor and material not provided by The Home Depot shall be submitted to the Home Depot Project Manager for approval. K. The alarm contractor shall coordinate all work necessary with all trades to provide a fully functional system, two (2) weeks prior to turnover. If the alarm contractor does not receive support from trades necessary to meet this requirement, the alarm contractor shall be responsible for notifying The Home Depot project manager, General Contractor and TVA in writing. END OF SECTION FIRE PROTECTION (FBO) 01014-1 TH D 06/23/04 - , SECTION 01014 - FIRE PROTECTION (FBO) PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. The Home Depot has a National Account arrangement with the suppliers of the fire sprinkler systems as described on the drawings. The Home Depot will supply and install these systems as defined under this section and subsequent FBO sections. The specified Home Depot Fire Protection Contractor, herein referred to as FPC, is Fire Materials Group (FMG). The primary contact is Jerry Childers (619) 692-3318 and the secondary contact is Charles Bowers (619) 692-3318. B. The FPC shall be responsible for off loading, counting, and checking shipping invoice. The General Contractor shall provide storage, protection, and insurance for all fire sprinkler system components and any other FBO fire sprinkler materials sent to job site prior to installation by the FPC. C. The General Contractor shall coordinate the installation of any access panels and firestopping required as specified in the contract documents. D. The General Contractor shall ensure that all electrical wiring is provided and installed as specified in the contract documents for the sprinkler system including but not limited to tamper switches, flow switches, pressure switches, fire pump and controller, jockey pump and controller, and components of the sprinkler system requiring electrical connections. E. The General Contractor shall coordinate with the Site Contractor, the Civil Engineer, the Fire Protection Engineer, and the FPC for the proper installation of all components for the site fire protection system including but not limited to: the underground main size and location, the installation of backflow device(s) (if required), fire hydrant(s), and fire department connection(s) (if required). F. The General Contractor shall request and receive from the Project Architect all building plans to use for coordination of all trades related to the fire sprinkler systems. These plans should be requested and reviewed at two separate times: (1) bid and (2) the start of construction. G. The General Contractor shall coordinate with the Site Contractor to ensure that all tests and flushing of the underground mains is conducted in accordance with NFPA 20 and local requirements. Written verification of proper testing and flushing shall be provided to the Fire Protection Engineer and the FPC prior to the connection of the building fire sprinkler system(s) to the underground supply lead-in. H. The General Contractor shall coordinate with all named parties to ensure that all dates and actions specified by the Benchmark Schedule (see attachment A) are maintained. Any variations shall be immediately communicated to the FPC, the Architect, and the Home Depot Project Manager. The General Contractor shall contact the FPC eight (8) to ten (10) weeks prior to the scheduled installation of sprinkler system, in writing on company letterhead. The letter shall include: 1. Job name 2. The Home Depot job number 3. Contact name, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address 4. The job street address 5. The exact date fire sprinkler system installation is to begin 6. The specific shipping address 7. A 24-hour before shipment phone number for carrier to call prior to leaving plant. J. The General Contractor shall include all management required to perform warranty work during warranty period. The FPC includes all labor required to perform warranty work during the warranty period. 1. This warranty work includes defining warranty components, ordering warranty components, and all management required to satisfy warranty issues. FIRE PRQTECTION FSD THD 0101 4-2 06/23/04 K. Changes to materials and quantities after receiving of shipment shall be coordinated by The Fire Protection Engineer. 1. Requests for material shall be placed through the FPC immediately upon receipt of revised plans by the General Contractor from the Architect of Record. 2. Notification of material changes shall include the quantity of additional material required or quantity of material deleted. 3. Changes resulting in additional labor and material shall be submitted to the Home Depot Project Manager for approval. END OF SECTION SPECIAL. PURCHASE PROGRAM (SPP) 01030-1 THD 12/19/03 SECTION 01030 - SPECIAL PURCHASE PROGRAM (SPP) PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. The Home Depot has a National Accounts arrangement with the manufacturers of specific equipment as listed on drawings. The Contractor must purchase products from the listed manufacturer or supplier, as defined under this section and subsequent SPP sections. The Contractor shall cooperate with SPP vendors, and shall be responsible under this section to provide supervision, equipment, material storage and handling, or warranty for materials. Contractor shall review and coordinate all modifications in SPP Documents that impact the scope of work for the Contractor. B. Contractor shall provide any non -factory related devices and accessories required to support, mount, set or install these components. C. Contractor shall include in his price, all labor and equipment rental necessary to completely install fixtures or equipment. D. Performance of warranty is by Contractor. Contractor is required to include all management and labor required to perform warranty work during warranty period. 1. This warranty work will include defining warranty components, ordering warranty components, installing or reinstalling warranty components and all management and labor required to satisfy warranty issues. E. An electronic copy of the "bid set" construction documents will be available to the National Account Representative through the Architect of Record. National Account Representative will complete initial "take- off' indicating all materials to be shipped. National Account Representative will confirm the order with Home Depot representative within 30 days of the project bid date. 1. Contractor will receive complete "take -off' indicating all materials to be shipped. Contractor is then responsible for confirming the submitted materials and quantities with the plans and specifications. A return confirmation must be sent back to National Account Representative for final coordination of package contents. 2. Manufacturer is solely responsible for correctness of shipped materials and quantities. F. Changes to materials and quantities after receiving of shipment shall be coordinated by Contractor, i.e., "Takeoffs" performed, equipment identified, counted and notification made to National Account Representative. 1. The Contractor shall place requests for equipment through National Account Representative immediately upon receipt of revised plans. 2. Notification of equipment changes shall include quantity of additional equipment required or quantity of equipment deleted. 3. Associated changes in additional labor and components not provided by manufacturer shall be submitted to the Home Depot Project Manager for approval. 4. The Home Depot Project Manager will approve requests by Contractor for additional equipment from manufacturer. G. The Contractor shall be responsible for off loading, inspection, counting and checking shortages, storage, protection and insurance of all materials whether supplied SPP to the Contractor or furnished by Home Depot for installation. 1. Contractor shall receive the equipment shipment at the site; review order for completeness, inspect all cartons and pallets for damage and correct labeling. 2. Contractor shall check all materials and cartons or other containers for concealed damage. 3. Contractor is responsible for identifying, processing, ordering and following shipment of all claims. Supplemental orders for replacement of shortages, damages or concealed damage materials must be made to the supplier within ten days of the date of receipt of shipment at the job site. Claims submitted after the date will not be honored and will be considered lost or damaged at site, full replacement being the responsibility of Contractor. 4. Contractor shall mark shortages and damaged materials on the receiving bill and attach a copy with the SPECIAL PURCHASE PROGRAM (SPP) 01030-2 TH D 12/19/03 supplemental order to manufacturer. The Contractor shall attach a copy of the receiving bill to a claim form from the carrier and submit to the Contractor to forward to The Home Depot Project Manager, for his information. The claim shall include the cost of back shipment of damaged materials to manufacturer. 5. Any materials broken or lost after receipt shall be replaced and the burden of cost placed on the Contractor. H. Any unused material on the job may be returned for credit to the account on which the material was purchased. 1. Contractor shall obtain an RMA number from National Accounts Representative. 2. Contractor shall keep equipment in original saleable condition, and properly identified packaging. Damaged material cannot be sent back. 3. National Accounts Representative shall arrange necessary reimbursement arrangements and shipping back to manufacturer. END OF SECTION PAINTING, TEXTURE AND SPECIAL COATINGS (SPP) 01031-1 THD 06/23/04 SECTION 01031 - PAINTING, TEXTURE AND SPECIAL COATINGS (SPP) PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. The Home Depot has a National Accounts arrangement with ICI Paints to be the SPP supplier of paint, texture coating and all other special coatings as listed on drawings. The Home Depot will provide a purchase program to supply the paint and coatings materials for the General Contractor as described in subsequent SPP sections. Installation of this material as defined under this section and subsequent SPP sections is by General Contractor. The Special Purchase Program for all paints supplied by ICI Paints will be purchased through a Home Depot store. The primary contact for ICI Paints is: Ray Harmon Commercial Account Manager (770) 690-8040 B. An electronic copy of the "bid set" construction documents will be available to the National Account Representative through the Architect of Record. General Contractor will identify any and all Painting Subcontractor(s) on the job to the ICI Commercial Account within seventy-two (72) hours of awarding the job. General Contractor will complete initial "Take -off" indicating all materials needed for job. ICI Paints will confirm the order with The Home Depot Project Manager within 30 days of the receipt of construction documents. C. In relation to the application of all paint, texture and special coatings, the General Contractor must operate with any and all Subcontractors as pursuant to the conditions described in the General Conditions Section (Article 5.3). D. ICI Paints will provide National Accounts pricing all on approved products as detailed by the specification. This pricing is applicable for all Home Depot new store projects and shall be consistent for all General Contractors. Pricing is described in the New Store Paint Program Guide supplied to the General Contractor by the ICI Account Manager. E. General Contractor is held to the terms of Payment as outlined in the General Conditions Section (Article 9.5). In specific to the purchase program for paint, texture coating and special coating, the General Contractor is responsible for securing method of payment for materials used on job. Payment must be secured through one of the following methods: 1. Home Depot Commercial Credit Account provided by the Subcontractor 2. Home Depot Commercial Credit Account provided by the General Contractor 3. Other form of Credit Payment 4. Cash F. The General Contractor is to contact the ICI Paints at least six (6) weeks prior to the scheduled start date of the paint application. The General Contractor will provide the following: 1. Job Name 2. The Home Depot Store Number 3. Contact name, telephone number, fax number, and/or email address 4. The job address 5. Purchase Order for Dryfall Products 6. Purchase Order for Exterior Products 7. Purchase Order for Interior Products 8. Purchase Order for Orange Stripe 9. Scheduled date for start of paint application If the Purchase Orders are not received in full and/or within the designated time period, General Contractor assumes all responsibility for the delay in the application of the paint, texture coating or any special coating on the job. PAINTING, TEXTURE AND SPECIAL COATINGS [SPP] 01031-2 TH D 06/23/04 G. Storage, protection, and insurance for all paint, texture and special coatings sent to job site is the responsibility of the General Contractor. The Home Depot store will arrange for delivery of all products to the job. There are two options for delivery to the job site: 1. The selected Home Depot store will receive the product from ICI Paints. The store coordinates the delivery at no charge to the job site. 2. ICI Paints will deliver products directly to the job site from an ICI Manufacturing facility at no charge to the Subcontractor. a. In this case, the General Contractor is responsible for providing appropriate measures to unload the delivery truck within one (1) hour of its arrival. ICI Paints will provide a specific delivery time to allow the General Contractor to coordinate a method of receiving the delivery. b. A Home Depot Store and ICI Paints representative will be at job to ensure proper receipt of the product order. Home Depot Store representative will provide a key requisition number to ICI Paints representative for billing purposes. H. Changes to materials and quantities after receipt of shipment are to be coordinated between Subcontractor and ICI faints. 1. Subcontractor will immediately contact ICI Paints upon receipt of revised plans from General Contractor. 2. Notification of material changes will include quantity of additional material required or quantity of material deleted. 3. Any material deleted due to revised plans will be picked up by The Home Depot store shipping the material. Credit for the material will be applied to the account on which the material was purchased. I. Any unused material on the job may be returned for credit to the account on which the material was purchased. Subcontractor to contact ICI Paints to arrange for pickup and credit on material. J. Performance of Warranty is by the General Contractor. General Contractor is required to ensure any and all Subcontractors performing work covered under warranty are following the guidelines set forth by ICI Paints. These guidelines are covered under Section 09900 regarding approved products for all surfaces on job. 1. General Contractor is responsible for ensuring the Warranty Process is followed as described in the New Store Paint Program Guide supplied to the General Contractor by the ICI Account Manager. Ail forms and procedures must be followed in order to obtain warranty documentation from ICI Paints. 2. Certification of warranty will be given to the General Contractor only if all conditions are met under the guidelines set forth in the Warranty Program of the New Store Paint Program Guide supplied to the General Contractor by the ICI Account Manager. The General Contractor is required to include all management and labor required to perform warranty work during warranty period. FNn OF SECTION PROJECT MEETINGS 01200-1 20030278 09/07/04 SECTION 01200 - PROJECT MEETINGS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Contractor's Project Manager will schedule and chair meetings. B. Representatives of the Architect of Record when requested to do so by the owner shall attend; Contractor, Subcontractors and material suppliers attending project meetings shall have authority to make binding decisions for their respective firms. C. Progress meetings called by Contractor to coordinate and expedite work of Subcontractors and materials suppliers are not covered by this Section. 1.02 SHEDULING MEETING A. Due to the unique complexity of the work under this contract, the General Contractor=s project manager shall convene a meeting for the purpose of determining construction sequence and scheduling for the project. B. Owner, General Contract, Specialty Contractors, subcontractors and all other interested parties shall agree on the sequence and schedule of construction activities prior to the start of work. C. Meeting shall be administered by the General Contractor. D. Attendees shalll include: 1. Owner's Project Manager 2. Architect of Record Representative. 3. Contractor's Project Manager and Project Engineers. 4. Contractor's Field Superintendent. 5. Specialty Contractors' Project Managers 6. Specialty Contractors' Field Superintendent. E. Agenda: Will include discussion of following items: 1. Construction Schedule. 2. Critical Work Sequencing. 3. Schedule for submittal of shop drawings, project data and samples. 4. Use of premises. 5. Location and maintenance of temporary storage buildings, field offices, etc. F. When complete, meeting minutes shall include a written and/or graphic construction schedule with benchmark and target dates for completion of construction phases and specific construction iterms clearly indicated. Final construction schedule will then be distributed to all parties and posted in the General Contractor=s job site office. 1.03 PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING A. Meeting shall be administered by the General Contractor. B. Contractor will schedule a pre -construction meeting. C. Attendees will include: 1. Owner's Project Manager 2. Architect of Record Representative. 3. Contractor's Project Manager and Project Engineers. PROJECT MEETINGS 01200-2 20030278 09/07/04 4. Contractor's Field Superintendent. 5. Contractor's Safety Representative(s). D. Contractor: Shall make specified pre -construction submissions including following, if not already submitted: 1. Typed list of Subcontractors with address and telephone number and name of principal contact. 2. Certificate of Insurance. 3. Construction Schedule. 4. Schedule of Values. 5. Building Permits. E. Agenda: Will include discussion of following items: 1. Tentative Construction Schedule. 2. Critical Work Sequencing. 3. Designation of Responsible Personnel. 4. Schedule for submittal of shop drawings, project data and samples. 5. Processing applications for payment. 6. Procedure for maintenance of record documents. 7. Procedures for field changes, change estimates, change orders, etc. 8. Use of premises. 9. Location and maintenance of temporary storage buildings, field offices, etc. 10. Site and Building Security Procedures. 11 _ Safety and First Aid Procedures. 12. Housekeeping Procedures. 1.04 JOB SITE PRC7GRESS MEETINGS A. Frequency: Periodic job site meetings will be held. The Contractor shall chair these. The meeting minutes shall be completed using Form A following this specification section. B. Attendees: Will Include: 1. Owner's Representative: 1.05 PRE -SLAB POUR MEETING A. Meeting administered by Contractor. B. Attendees: Owner's Project Manager 2. Independent Testing Contractor 3. Contractor 4. Contractor's Superintendent 5. Concrete Sub -Contractor 6. Concrete Supplier 1.06 STRUCTURAL CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONS A. Contractor to call Architect of Record's Project Manager one (1) week prior to the following construction phases: 1. Construction of Panels (if applicable). 2. 75% completion of structural steel package and 50% completion of roof deck. 3. 100% completion of all structural elements and prior to painting. 1.07 PRE -ROOFING MEETING A. Schedule job meeting to review roofing work, prior to actual installation. PROJECT MEETINGS 01200-3 20030278 09/07/04 B. Attendees will include: 1. Owners Project Manager. 2. Contractor's and Project Engineers. 3. Contractor's Field Superintendent. 4. Contractor's Sub -Contractors supplying items being reviewed. (Roofer, Steel, Sheet Metal etc.) 5. Contractor's Safety Representative(s). 6. Owner's Roofing Inspector. 7. Manufacturer's Representative. C. Agenda: Will include discussion of following: 1. Review in detail manufacturer's requirements, specifications, roof plan, deck plan, insulation, roof drainage and flashing details, and other work related to roofing. Any anticipated or discovered conflict, incompatibility, or inadequacy shall be reviewed and resolved at the conference. 2. Review in detail job conditions, schedule, construction sequence, requirements for application and quality of completed installation, and protection of adjacent work and property. 3. Review in detail means of protecting the completed work during the remainder of the construction period. 1.08 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORTS A. Contractor shall submit monthly progress reports with each application for payment. Progress report shall submitted in bound report covers and shall include the following: 1. Report cover identifying the project, including: a. Store name and address b. Owner's store number c. Date of report d. Name of contractor and Contractor's Project Manager. NOTE: Failure to submit progress report with Application for Payment will delay Application Approval. 2. Construction overview, including: a. Summary of construction progress during the period covered by the respective application for payment. b. Construction progress schedule per General Conditions. c. Status of permit inspections. d. Any delays encountered and proposed responses. 3. Progress photographs, including: a. Minimum 3-1/2"x5" glossy color prints mounted on 8-1/2" bond for Owner's Project Manager. Color photocopies are acceptable for other copies. b. Provide one photo showing an overview of the site, and other photos as required to provide an overview of construction progress, particularly of such stages as earthwork, utility installation, site work, floor slab pours, masonry or concrete wall, roof framing, roofing membrane, office package, and garden center as applicable. 4. Submit copies of each construction progress report as follows: a. Owner's Project Manager: one copy with color photos. b. Architect of Record: one copy. 1.09 WEEKLY STATUS REPORTS A. Contractor shall submit Weekly Status Reports. This Status Report shall be completed using Form B following this Specification Section and submitted using a Bound Report Cover. 1. Submit a cover of the Weekly Status Report as follows: a. Owners Project Manager: One (1) copy weekly b. Architect of Record: One (1) copy weekly PROJECT MEETINGS 01200-4 20030278 09/07/04 PART 2 - PRODUCTS - NOT APPLICABLE PART 3 - EXECUTION - NOT APPLICABLE END OF SECTION PROJECT MEETINGS -FORM A 01201-1 THD 09/17/03 SECTION 01201 - PROJECT MEETINGS - FORM A PROGRESS MEETING NOTES MEETING NO. MEETING. DATE: PROJECT: Store #: MEETING LOCATION: PREPARED BY: IN ATTENDANCE: Name Comps Name company flame Company COPIES TO: Attendees I. SCHEDULE DISCUSSION: II. PREVIOUS MINUTES: ACTION i ITEM # I ITEM OF DISCUSSION: _ _J III_ NEW MINUTES: ACTION ITEM # I ITEM OF DISCUSSION: 111 15111 1 01rI61f 11f%^M CTATI IQ. Bulletin #/ Description Bulletin Date DCOP# Date to HD Date Approved A PROJECT MEETINGS -FORM A 01201-2 THD 09/17/03 well cL+rf%kic nATCC• PROJECT MEETINGS -FORM B 01202-1 THD 09/17/03 SECTION 01202 - PROJECT MEETINGS - FORM B WEEKLY PROJECT STATUS REPORT SUBMITTALS 20030278 SECTION 01300 - SUBMITTALS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION 01300-1 09/07/04 A. Definitions: 1. Samples: Physical examples prepared to illustrate materials, equipment or workmanship and to establish standards by which work will be judged as complying with contract requirements. 2. Shop Drawings: Drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules and performance charts, prepared to illustrate a portion of work in detail. 3. Product Data: Dated, printed literature of a product manufacturer that describes product and installation procedures. Product date may include test and performance date, illustrations, standard brochures and special details. 4. Submittals: General term including samples, shop drawings and product data, as applicable. B. General Provisions: 1. Provisions in this section are mandatory procedures for preparing and submitting samples, shop drawings and product date. 2. As a minimum the Contractor shall submit product data, reports and shop drawings for review per the Shop Drawing / Submittal Logs at the end of this section. 3. Submittals shall be in orderly sequence and timed to cause no delay in the Work. 4. The Architect of Record or Civil Engineer shall receive all submittals required by these Specifications within thirty (30) days of awarding the contract unless otherwise noted. 5. Job delays occasioned by requirement of resubmission of samples, shop drawings and product data not in accord with Contract Documents are Contractor's responsibility and will not be considered valid justification for extension of contract time. 6. Commence no portion of work requiring submittals until submittal has been reviewed by the Architect of Record or Civil Engineer. C. Materials Requiring Submission for Information Only: 1. Products that require selection of color or texture by the Architect of Record or Civil Engineer are excluded under this article. 2. Product data matching manufacturer, model, accessories and finish specified in the Contract Documents are not requiring shop drawings shall require the submission of one (1) copy of manufacturer's literature for the Architect of Record or Civil Engineer's information only. 3. Manufacturer's literature shall substantiate compliance with requirements stated in contract documents. a. Cover sheet identify name of project, the Architect of Record or Civil Engineer, Contractor and Subcontractor. b. Product identification, including manufacturer's name and address. c. Manufacturer's literature shall highlight specific items. 1) Product Description 2) Reference Standard 3) Performance and Test Data D. Architect of Record or Civil Engineer Duties: 1. Architect of Record or Civil Engineer will review submission for compliance with specification. 2. If exception is noted, submission will be returned to contractor for full submittal. 3. If no exception is noted, information will be filed at the Architect of Record or Civil Engineer's office. 1.02 SAMPLE PREPARATION A. Prepare samples in sizes, shape and finish in accord with the provisions of individual specification sections. B. Samples furnished under this section are not to be confused with full size, on -the -site "Mock -Ups" called for in some specification sections. SUBMITTALS 20030278 01300-2 09/07/04 C. The number of samples submitted shall be the number required by Contractor, plus one (1) which will be retained by the Architect of Record or Civil Engineer, unless otherwise indicated. 1.03 SHOP DRAWING PREPARATION A. Drawings shall conform to the following requirements: 1. Number drawings consecutively. 2. Indicate working and erection dimensions and relationships to adjacent work. 3. Show arrangements and section views, where applicable. 4. Indicate material, gauges, thicknesses, finishes and characteristics. 5. Indicate anchoring and fastening details, including information for making ronnPctions to adjacent work. 6. A written certification from the manufacturers that the material supplied to the project conforms to these specifications. B. Forms: Submit one (1) sepia transparency and two (2) blueline prints of shop drawings. 1.U4 PRODUCT DATA PREPARATION A. Include product manufacturer's standard printed material, dated, with product description and installation instructions indicated. Product data may also contain test and performance data, illustrations and special details. o F'or : A1...-.-.ber ol: c � omitted sh.,ll be tha n mber r q lirnrd by (`nn+ran+nr nil io +iun 191 Whinh 111411 he C). 1-VII11. 114 Li GI VI VVpleJ JU LJI HILL U 011a.11 vG 111G IlulnuGl Icy uuou vy vv�lu uvw� r.ua.r a..v ��� ..�u... ...0 ..v retained by the Architect of Record or Civil Engineer, _l a .II _Call L_ Jelea_J L-'— . fai;L . is . tan �1.- rd .1..F.. C. - Daia not relate' to his projeht Jl lclll UC UCICICU II VI II IIIGI IUlalilurV J J1a11ualu uaLa. 1.05 CONTRACTOR'S REVIEW A. Review submittals and stamp with approval. Stamped approval must be done prior to any required submission to Architect of Record or Civil Engineer. B. Schedule submittals with promptness and sequence as to cause no delay in the Work or in the work of the Owner or separate Contractors. C. By approving submittals, Contractor represents that he has determined and verified all materials, field measurements, quantities and field construction criteria related thereto, or will do so, and that he has checked and coordinated with information contained within such submittals with the requirements of the Work and of the Contract Documents. Contractor is responsible for selecting fabrication) processes and techniques of construction. D. Where work is indicated "By others", Contractor shall indicate responsibility for providing and coordinating such work, whether by Subcontractors or under separate contracts. E. Contractor agrees that submittals processed by the Architect of Record or Civil Engineer are not Change Orders; that purpose of submittals by Contractor is to demonstrate that Contractor understands design concept; that he demonstrates his understanding by indicating which equipment and material he intends to furnish and install and by detailing fabrication and installation methods he intends to use. F. Contractor represents by submitting samples, shop drawings and product data that he has complied with provisions specified above. Submission made without Contractor's approval indicated thereon will be returned without being reviewed for compliance with this requirement. Shop drawing submissions including data sheets, etc., shall have a reserved 6" x 6" space for Architect of Record or Civil Engineer shop drawing review stamp and comments. Where such space is not available on printed documents/data sheet, General Contractor shall provide a separate 8-1/2 x 11 sheet with pertinent SUBMITTALS 20030278 01300-3 09/07/04 project data, including itemized list of products being submitted. In addition, two (2) 5-1/2" x 6" blocks shall be reserved for Architect of Record or Civil Engineer and General Contractor review stamp and comments. G. Date each submittal and indicate name of Project, Architect of Record or Civil Engineer, Contractor, Subcontractor, as applicable, description or name of equipment material or product and identify location at which it is to be used in the Work. H. Accompany submittal with transmittal letter containing project name and project location, Contractor's name, number of samples or drawings, titles and other pertinent data. Transmittal shall outline deviations, if any, in submittals from requirements of Contract Documents. No portion of the Work requiring submission of a shop drawing, product data or sample shall be commenced until the submittal has been approved by the Architect of Record or Civil Engineer as specified herein. All such portions of the Work shall be executed in accord with approved submittals. 1.06 ARCHITECT OF RECORD'S REVIEW A. An Architect of Record review is only for general conformance with the design concept of project and with information given in the Contract Document. Architect's of Record review of a specific item shall not indicate approval of an assembly in which item is a component. B. Architect of Record review of submittals shall not relieve Contractor of responsibility for deviation from requirements of Contract Documents unless Contractor has informed Architect of Record in writing of such deviation at time of submission and Architect of Record have given written approval to the specific deviation. Architect of Record review shall not relieve Contractor from responsibility for errors or omissions in submittals. C. Architect of Record will review each submittal, mark it with appropriate action, and return it to Contractor within one (1) week of receipt, except where it must be held for coordination, and the Contractor is so advised. Submittals will be marked by The Architect of Record as follows:"FURNISH AS SUBMITTED/NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN" indicates the submittals have been reviewed for general conformance with the design concept and no exceptions are taken. 1. "FURNISH AS CORRECTED/MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED" indicates contractor shall make corrections as noted on submittal. 2. "REVISE AND RESUBMIT" indicates the submittals to be revised and resubmitted for review prior to proceeding with the work or that submittal does not comply with Contract Documents. 3. "REJECTED" indicate the submittals do not comply with Contract Documents and are rejected. 4. "SUBMIT SPECIFIED ITEM" indicates that samples of specified item shall be submitted in sizes, shapes and finish in accord with provisions of individual specification sections. D. Architect of Record will return one (1) sepia copy of reviewed shop drawings for printing and distribution by Contractor. 1.07 CIVIL ENGINEER'S REVIEW A. Submittals for Civil Engineer shall first be sent to Architect of Record. Architect of Record shall forward submittal to Civil Engineer for review. B. Civil Engineer's review is only for general conformance with the design concept of project and with information given in the Contract Document. Architect's of Record review of a specific item shall not indicate approval of an assembly in which item is a component. C. Civil Engineer's review of submittals shall not relieve Contractor of responsibility for deviation from requirements of Contract Documents unless Contractor has informed Architect of Record and Civil Engineer in writing of such deviation at time of submission and Civil Engineer have given written approval to the specific deviation. Civil Engineer's review shall not relieve Contractor from responsibility for errors or omissions in submittals. SUBMITTALS 20030278 01300-4 09/07/04 D. Civil Engineer will review each submittal, mark it with appropriate action, and return it to Contractor within one (1) week of receipt, except where it must be held for coordination, and the Contractor is so advised. Submittals will be marked by The Architect of Record or Civil Engineer as follows: 1. "FURNISH AS SUBMITTED/NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN" indicates the submittals have been reviewed for general conformance with the design concept and no exceptions are taken. 2. "FURNISH AS CORRECTED/MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED" indicates contractor shall make corrections as noted on submittal. 3. "REVISE AND RESUBMIT' indicates the submittals to be revised and resubmitted for review prior to proceeding with the work or that submittal does not comply with Contract Documents. 4. "REJECTED" indicate the submittals do not comply with Contract Documents and are rejected. 5. "SUBMIT SPECIFIED ITEM" indicates that samples of specified item shall be submitted in sizes, shapes and finish in accord with provisions of individual specification sections. E. Civil Engineer will return two (2) copies of reviewed shop drawings to Architect of Record. Architect of Record shall keep one (1) copy of marked review documentation per submittal for his records. F. Architect of Record will return one (1) copy of reviewed shop drawings for printing and distribution by Contractor. 1.08 RESUBMISSION A. Make corrertinnc anri rhannPS indicated for submissions marked "Rejected" or "Revise and Resubmit" and resubmit in same manner as specified above, until submittals comply with Contract Documents. I.V.n7 DiST, IOU 1 01 1- A. Contractor is responsible for obtaining and distributing copies of submittals to his subcontractors and material suppliers after as well as before final approval. Prints of reviewed shop drawings shall be made from reproducibles that carry the Architect of Record or Civil Engineer' appropriate stamp. B. Contractor shall maintain a file of reviewed submittals for duration of project, which shall be delivered to Owner as a part of project closeout documents. 1.10 SUBMITTAL LOG FOR ARCHITECT OF RECORD SHOP DRAWING / SUBMITTAL LOG DATE RECEIVED and REVIEW COMMENTS Spec. Shop Product Date Furnish as Furnish as 1Revise and Submit Specified Section REQUIRED ITEMS Drawin DatalRe ort Sam les Received 11 Submitted Corrected Resubmit Re'ected item 02050 Demolition X 02200 Earthwork X 03300 Cast In Place Concrete X 03390 Slab On Grade X 1�!07406 30 Reinforced Unit Mason ll a IltaGle X X 20 Structural Steel X X Metal Roaring and Wall Panels X X X 07511 Bullt Up Roaring X X 07901 Joint Sealers/Fillers X X 08331 Overhead Gaillng Doors X X 09900 Paintina (for non-standard colors only) X X 10609 Security Chain Link FenIng X 15010 Mechanical PX X X 15301 Fire Protectlon and Pump X SUBMITTALS 20030278 END OF SECTION 01 300-5 09/07/04 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES 01500-1 20030278 09/07/04 SECTION 01500 - TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS A. General: This section of the General Requirements specifies minimum requirements for temporary facilities, to ensure the possibility of construction processes including fabrication and installation of work at project site. The providing of temporary facilities is Contractor's sole responsibility and is not limited to minimum established by requirements thereof. Temporary construction facilities are defined to exclude tools and self-contained construction machines and equipment. B. The types of temporary construction facilities for the project include but are not necessarily limited to the following: 1. Construction Water Distribution 2. Dewatering Facilities and Drains 3. Temporary Enclosure 4. Temporary Sanitary Facilities 5. Temporary Heat 6. Temporary Power Distribution 7. Temporary Lighting 8. Temporary Telephone 9. Temporary Fire Protection 10. Facsimile Machine (FAX) 1.02 QUALITY CRITERIA A. Standards: Comply with NFPA Code 241 "Building Construction and Demolition Operations" and with ANSI - Series standards "Safety Requirements for Construction and Demolition". B. Design of temporary structural supports: The Contractor is responsible for the design of all temporary supports required to maintain the structural integrity of the building during demolition and constructions work. The Contractor shall hire an engineer registered in the State of California to design temporary supports. 1.03 JOB CONDITIONS A. Scheduled Uses: Provide temporary construction facilities ready for use at each location, at time first needed to avoid delays in performance of the work. Maintain, expand and modify as needed through progress of work and do not remove until no longer needed or replaced by authorized use of completed permanent facilities of project. B. Temporary Use of Permanent Facilities: Regardless of previously assigned responsibilities for temporary facilities, the Installer of each permanent facility shall assume responsibility for its operations, maintenance and protection during use as a construction facility prior to final inspection and assumed operation of the facility. C. Conditions of Use: Operate, maintain, control and protect temporary construction facilities to prevent overloading, freezing, pollution, contamination of water source, flooding, unsanitary conditions, hazardous exposures, fire, disease, erosion of site, damage or deterioration of completed work, public nuisances, and deleterious effects. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Non -Applicable) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES 01500-2 20030278 09/07/04 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION OF TEMPORARY FACILITIES A. General: Use qualified tradesmen for installation of temporary construction facilities. Locate facilities where they will serve the total project construction work, and result in minimum interference with performance of the work. Relocate, modify and extend facilities during course of the work, to accommodate entire work of project. 1. Change -over from use of temporary facilities at the earliest feasible date in each portion of building, so as to minimize hazards and interferences with performance of the work commonly associated with temporary facilities. Do not use permanent water piping for distribution of non -potable water. 3.02 DEWATERING FACILITIES AND DRAINS A. General: Provide temporary drainage and dewatering facilities and operations (not directly associated with performance of individual work items specified in Division 2 through 16). Maintain site, excavation and construction free of water. 3.03 TEMPORARY ENCLOSURE A. Provide temporary enclosure where temporary heat is needed and permanent building enclosure is neither yet completed nor adequate for containment of temporary heat. Coordinate temporary enclosures with ventilating and drying -of -the -work requirements. 1 Wh--rc tomnnroni i ood/nl,--,00 l enclosi Ire excc)e s I nn Cn11ariafpnt in araa 11-CA firs-rcatarriant trAatQrl wood/plywood (UL labeled "A") for main sheathing, and use a minimum of non -treated wood framing and trim. 3.04 TEMPORARY HEAT A. General: Provide temporary heat for curing or drying of work installed, or for protection of work in place, from adverse affects of low temperatures or high relative humidity. B. Heating Facilities: Install the following heating system for general use, except where permanent heating system of project is available and authorized for use: 1. Steam or hot water heating -coil units, with or without power blower; with piping distribution and return system; with individual space thermostatic control. 2. Self-contained LP gas for fuel oil heaters, vented; with individual space thermostatic control. 3. Limitations: In any case, do not use open burning or salamander type temporary heating units when combustible materials are located in or near the space being heated, or when the work installed or being 'all d l nvork which will be exposed to view in completed project. Limit i iIce of gasoline-b irning II IJL GU In6.IlJdeJ Y 1\ IIVI space heaters to indirect - fired type, located outside the building or space being heated, and use only where systems listed in 3.04 131 & 2 cannot be used. 3.05 HIRING TRAILER A. General: The General Contractor shall lease and provide on -site a 12' x 40' or 10' x 40' trailer for Home Depot's use. The trailer shall have full power, five (5) phone lines, air-conditioning and heat. The trailer shall have an office on each end of the trailer and a general seating area located in the center. B. The trailer shall be on -site four (4) weeks prior to turnover and remain until the day before Grand Opening. All costs for the trailer, power and phone lines shall be included in General Contractor's contract. Home Depot shall reimburse the Contractor for any long distance and local phone service costs. 1. The General Contractor shall coordinate with the Home Depot Project Manager for a location on -site to locate the hiring trailer. 2. Contractor shall provide next to the hiring trailer a portable restroom per use by the store personnel. The contractor shall keep this restroom clean at all times to the satisfaction of the Project Manager. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES 01500-3 20030278 09/07/04 3.06 HIRING TRAILER TEMPORARY POWER DISTRIBUTION A. General: Provide a weatherproof, grounded, temporary power distribution system to accommodate performance of entire work of project, including but not necessarily limited to use of tools, equipment and electrical construction machines, operation of test equipment and test operation of building equipment and systems which cannot be delayed until permanent power connections are operable, temporary operation of other temporary facilities including permanent equipment and systems which must be placed in operation prior to use of permanent power connections (pumps, HVAC equipment, elevators, and similar equipment). Run circuit wiring overhead and rise vertically in locations where it will be least exposed to possible damage from construction operations and result in least interference with performance of the work. Provide rigid steel conduit for wiring that must be exposed on grade, floors, decks or other recognized exposures to damage or abuse. Provide overload -protected disconnect switch for temporary power distribution center. 3.07 TEMPORARY LIGHTING A. General: Provide a weatherproof, grounded temporary lighting system in every area of construction work as soon as overhead floor/roof deck structure has been installed. Provide illumination for safe work and traffic conditions. Temporary lighting level shall maintain a minimum of 5 FC in work areas. Designated first aid areas shall maintain a minimum level of 30 FC. Run circuit wiring overhead and rise vertically in locations where it will be least exposed to damage from construction operations. Do not expose on grade, floors or decks. Provide overload -protected disconnect switch for each temporary power circuit located at power distribution center. 3.08 TRASH REMOVAL A. Contractor shall provide a (40) yard dumpster for the Home Depot use from turnover date until Grand Opening. Dumpsters are required to be emptied once a week, or when full, at Contractor's cost. 3.09 OPERATIONS AND TERMINATION A. Supervision: Limit availability of facilities to essential uses, so as to minimize waste and abuse. B. Maintained Operations: Maintain operation of temporary enclosures, heating and ventilation on a twenty-four (24) hour per day basis to avoid possibility of damage to the work and temporary facilities. Prevent water filled piping and vessels from freezing, whether temporary or permanent, by either draining or by insulation or heating. C. Termination and Removal: When need has ended for each temporary construction facility or for a substantial element of facility, or when it has been replaced by authorized use of a permanent facility, or no later than time of completion, remove temporary facility. Complete work that may have been delayed because of interferences with temporary facilities and restore work. END OF SECTION SUBSTITUTIONS AND PRODUCT OPTIONS 01630-1 TH D 09/01 /01 SECTION 01630 - SUBSTITUTIONS AND PRODUCT OPTIONS PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Included in this section are requirements, criteria, options and conditions for product substitutions by the Contractor. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Substitutions during the bidding period: Instructions to Bidders. 1.03 PRODUCTS LIST A. Upon award of Bid, Contractor shall submit to Architect of Record five (5) copies of complete list of major products proposed for installation. B. Contractor shall tabulate products by specification section number and title. C. For products specified only by reference standards, Contractor shall list for each such products: 1. Names and Address of Manufacturer 2. Trade Name 3. Models and Catalog Designation 4. Manufacturer's Data a. Reference Standards b. Performance Test Data 1.04 CONTRACTOR OPTIONS A. For products specified only by reference standard, Contractor shall: 1. Select product meeting that standard, by any manufacturer. B. For products specified by naming several products or manufacturers, Contractor shall: 1. Select any one of products and manufacturers names that complies with specifications. C. For products specified by naming one or more products or manufacturers and stating "or equal", Contractor shall: 1. Select any one of products and manufacturers' names that complies with specifications. 2. Submit a request as for substitutions, for any product or manufacturer that is not specifically named. D. For products specified by naming only one product and manufacturer, Contractor shall: 1. Have no options and no substitutions will be allowed. 1.05 SUBSTITUTIONS A. At the time of Bid, substitutions will be considered. 1. After bid, requests will be considered only in case of product unavailability or other conditions beyond control of Contractor. B. Contractor shall submit separate request for each substitution and support each request with all of the following: 1. Complete data substantiating compliance with requirements stated in Contract Documents: a. Product identification, including manufacturer's name and address. b. Manufacturer's literature; identify: 1) Product Description 2) Reference Standards 3) Performance and Test Data c. Samples as applicable. SUBSTITUTIONS AND PRODUCT OPTIONS 01630-2 TH D 09/01 /01 d. Name and address of similar projects on which product has been used and date of each installation. 2. Itemized comparison of the proposed substitution with product specified; list significant variations. 3. Date relating to changes in construction schedule resulting from proposed substitution or denial of substitution. 4. List of all effects of substitutions on separate contracts. 5. List of all changes required in other work or products resulting form proposed substitution. 6. Accurate cost data comparing proposed substitution with product specified. a. Amount of any net change to Contract Sum. 7. Designation of all required license fees or royalties. 8. Designation of availability of maintenance services, or sources of replacement materials. C. Architect of Record or Owner will not consider substitutions for acceptance when: 1. They are indicated or implied on shop drawings or product data submittals without a formal request from Contractor. 2. They are requested directly by subcontractor or supplier. 3. Acceptance of substitution will require substantial revisions of Contract Documents. D. Contractor shall not order or install substitute products without written acceptance of Architect of Record and Owner. E. Architect of Record and Owner will determine acceptability of proposed substitutions. F. Regardless of whether or not the Architect of Record approves the proposed substitution, the Architect of Record shall be reimbursed at the published manhour rate plus any direct cost for all time spent by the Architect of Record and/or his consultants in evaluating each proposed substitution. A Change Order will be issued to reduce the Construction Contract by an amount equal to the fees charged by the Architect of Record for reviewing one or more proposed substitutions, the Owner in accordance with the Change Order amounts will reimburse The Architect of Record. 1.06 CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIONS A. Making formal request for substitution represents that Contractor: 1. Has investigated proposed product and had determined that it is equal to or superior in all respects to that specified. 2. Will produce same warranties or bonds for substituted products as for product specified. 3. Will coordinate installation of accepted substitution into the work and will make such changes as may be required for the work to be complete in all respects. 4. Waives claims for additional costs caused by substitution that may subsequently become apparent. 5. Has complete cost data which includes Architect of Record's cost to redesign or revise Contract documents and other related costs under contract, but not: a. Costs under separate contracts. 1.07 ARCHITECT OF RECORD'S DUTIES A. Architect of Record will review Contractor requests for substitutions with reasonable promptness. B. Architect of Record will notify Contractor, in writing, of decision to accept or reject requested substitution. C. Architect of Record's review of substitution and/or product options will be limited to one (1) review per submittal. PART 2 - PRODUCTS - NOT USED PART 3 - EXECUTION - NOT USED END OF SECTION PROJECT CLOSEOUT 01700-1 20030278 09/07/04 SECTION 01700 - PROJECT CLOSEOUT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Definitions: 1. Closeout is hereby defined to include general requirements near end of Contract Time, in preparation for final acceptance, final payment, normal termination of contract, occupancy by owner and similar actions evidencing completion of the work. Specific requirements for individual units of work are specified in sections of Division 2 through 16. 2. Time of closeout is directly related to "substantial completion". 1.02 CLOSEOUT DOCUMENTS A. Contractor, prior to Substantial Completion, shall provide the following closeout documentation. 1. Combination Maintenance / Warranty Manual: Contractor shall bind and submit one (1) copy to the Architect of Record of all maintenance manuals with related warranties supplied bythe manufacturer and required by the Construction Documents, in a 3-ring binder with a vinyl cover. Refer to Maintenance / Warranty Manual in this section. a. Maintenance manuals shall be prepared by the manufacturer and show name, address and phone number of the nearest service facility authorized by the manufacturer and shall include illustrations, diagrams and instructions for installation, start-up operation, inspection, maintenance, parts lists and data sheets. Warranty information shall immediately follow each related maintenance manual for that product / equipment. b. Complete electrical schematic and connection diagrams shall be provided for each equipment item. c. Contents shall also include the name, address and phone number of the Contractor and/or Sub - and/or installed equipment and systems. They shall also include the names and phone numbers of representatives of the Contractor to be contacted in the event of Emergency Situation, as defined in the General Conditions. d. All of said manuals, instruction books, diagrams, etc., shall be arranged in order with proper section dividers, to be prescribed by the Owner before time for submittal of manual e. In each book the correct model number and data for the model number shall be checked off neatly in ink where the literature covers more than one model. f. In those instances where the equipment or its mode of control, or both, is job assembled by a subcontractor for special functions, then that subcontractor shall prepare and provide written operating and maintenance instructions. g. Contents of the Warranty portion shall contain the following information for each Warranty included: 2. CS section reference from project specifications. 3. Product name and specific model number. 4. Manufacturer's name; address and phone number. 5. Contractor's and/or subcontractor's name who furnished and/or installed equipment, address and phone number. 6. Emergency Contact: name and phone numbers of representatives of the General Contractor in the event of Emergency Situations as defined in the General Conditions. 7. Duration of each Warranty. 8. Start of Warranty Period shall commence upon Grand Opening or Owner's acceptance. a. Should Architect of Record indicate the submitted binder is incomplete, Contractor shall resubmit one (1) updated bound copy complete with all required catalogs, illustrations, instructions, diagrams, and other printed materials necessary. 9. As Builts: As Builts shall be prepared in accordance with provisions of the General Conditions. The Contractor shall submit one (1) copy of As-Builts to the Architect of Record for review. Upon Architect of Record's review the Contractor shall submit one (1) copy to the Home Depot Maintenance Department and place one (1) copy in a PVC Tube in the Electrical Room. The Architect of Record shall forward a letter to the owners stating that the review of As-Builts has been completed. PROJECT CLOSEOUT 01700-2 20030278 09/07/04 1.03 TEST A. Equipment companies shall check out and demonstrate their equipment including field tests which shall be witnessed by representatives of the Architect of Record, and the designated employees of Owner and shall be performed prior to final completion as soon as reasonably possible after substantial completion. B. This includes, but shall not be limited to, all equipment specified, under Divisions and equipment so indicated on the Drawings. 1.04 FINAL CLEANING A. General: General cleaning during progress work is specified in General Conditions. Provide final cleaning of the work, consisting of cleaning each surface or unit or work. Comply with manufacturer's instructions for cleaning operations. The following are examples, but by no way of limitation, of cleaning levels: 1. Remove labels which are not permanent labels. 2. Clean transparent materials, mirrors and window/door Glass, to a polished condition, removing substances that are noticeable as vision obscuring materials. Replace broken glass. 3. Clean exposed exterior and interior hard -surface finishes, including metals, masonry, stone, concrete, painted surfaces, plastics, tile wood and special coatings, to a dirt -free condition, free of rust, stains, films and substances. Except as otherwise indicated on the drawings, avoid disturbances of natural weathering of exterior surfaces. Restore reflective surfaces to original reflective condition. 4. Wipe surfaces of mechanical and electrical equipment clean, and remove excess lubrication and substances. 5. Remove debris and surface dust from limited -access spaces including plenums, shafts, equipment vaults and manholes. 6. Clean concrete floors in non -occupied spaces broom clean. 7. Clean plumb fixtures to a sanitary condition, free of stains including those resulting from water exposure. 8. Clean light fixtures and lamps as to function with full efficiency. 9. Clean the concrete floors with a mechanical scrubber per the following: a. Prior to sealing concrete floor b. Prior to fixturing c. Prior to Grand Opening 1.05 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION A. Refer to General Conditions, Substantial Completion. B. Should the Architect of Record consider that work is substantially complete, Architect of Record will prepare punch list of items to be completed or corrected. C. Contractor shall complete punch list within a designated time as acceptable to Owner. D. Should Architect of Record consider that work is not substantially complete: 1. He will immediately notify Contractor, stating said reasons. 2. Contractor shall immediately complete work, request another review, and comply with provisions of General Conditions. 1.06 WARRANTY A. Provide warranty in accordance with the General Conditions. PROJECT CLOSEOUT 01700-3 20030278 09/07/04 B. Warranty Service requests, during the period of the warranty, will be called directly to the Contractor from the Home Depot Maintenance Department. The Contractor shall in turn contact the appropriate subcontractor. Home Depot requires a 24-hour response from initial contact with the Contractor on all service requests. If repairs have not begun within the 24-hour period, Home Depot may contact a local service contractor for the required service at the expense of the Contractor. Corrective action initiated by Home Depot shall not void the warranty. The contractor will contact Home Depot and Maintenance Department upon completion of warranty work. C. Should the failure be such as to fall under the warranty, the cost of the service shall be borne by the Contractor. Otherwise, the Owner will pay, therefore, at the prevailing rate for such services. Home Depot will not be responsible for travel charges. D. Home Depot maintenance department shall be performing two warranty walk inspections to verify that items were installed per specifications. These inspections will be scheduled: 1. Grand Opening 2-weeks 2. 11 months after Grand Opening E. The attached checklists will be used for the inspection walks. -- Attachments to Follow -- PROJECT CLOS 20030278 01700-4 09/07/04 MAINTENANCE / WARRANTY MANUAL The General Contractor shall provide a complete list of Subcontractor's and Material suppliers Maintenance / Warranty information. This list shall be in order as listed below and shall contain Company name, address, phone number and contact name. The following is a minimum list of required Maintenance and Warranty/Product Data required. For additional information see specific specification sections. {SPECIFICATION SECTION) NSA Product Warranty Letter _❑ Item Data Division 1: GENERAL ❑ Gen Contractors Overall Warranty ❑ Sub and Material. Supplier List Division 2: SITE WORK & LANDSCAPING 1yr GO ❑ Termite Letter ❑ ❑ 5yr app ❑ Pavement Markings ❑ ❑ ❑ 1yr GO ❑ Storm Drainage System ❑ ❑ !Division 3- CONCRETE ❑ Cast -in -place, Slab Supply Li El El ❑ Cast -in -place, Slab, Labor 0 0 ❑ ❑ Warranty Letter(s) for Labor and Material Division 4: MASONRY (if applicable) ❑ Certificate of Compliance - Masonry Reinforcing Corporation of America ❑ ❑ ❑ Block Type Color and Supplier Information ❑_ ❑ ❑ Insulation Data LJ Division 5: STEEL & METALS n Generj {nctnII Division 6: CARPENTRY & MILLWORK (Wood and Plastics) 0 General Install ❑ ❑ ❑ Interior Architectural Woodwork ❑ ❑ Division 7: ROOFING and Moisture uppiy ❑ Roofing System Warranty and Criteria LJ Li loyr stall [I2yr Install Division 7: SEALANTS Thermal and Moisture Protection ❑ Exterior Joint Sealer Product Data ❑ 1yr ❑ Interior Joint Sealer Product Data ❑ ❑ 1yr ❑ Floor Sealer Product Data ❑ ❑ 1 yr Division 8: DOORS & HARDWARE (Doors and Windows) ❑ Overhead Rolling Door Shop Drawings & Information ❑ ❑ 16 Mo Fixt El Hollow Metal Door & Frame Schedule u ElSchedule of Finish Hardware ❑ ❑ 10yr Closures ❑ 1 yr Hardware Division 8: GLASS & GLAZING SYSTEMS (Doors and Windows) NOT USED Division 9: FLOORING & BASE (Finishes) ❑ Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Wall Panels (FRP) ❑ ❑ Syr GO Division 9: PAINTING & COATINGS (Finishes) 1 yr Application ElSpecifications Interior & Exterior ❑ ❑ ❑ 8yr Orange Stripe Division 10: TOILET PARTITIONS & ACCESSORIES (Specialties) ❑ 25yr Ship NOT IISED Division 10: FENCING ❑ Product Literature and Drawing ❑ ❑ 1 yr GO Division 10: DOCK EQUIPMENT NOT USED Division 13: GARDEN CENTER STRUCTURE NOT USED PROJECT CLOSEOUT 01700-5 20030278 09/07/04 (SPECIFICATION SECTION) NSA Product Warranty Letter ❑ Item Data Division 15: PLUMBING ❑ General Install ❑ Lavatory ❑ Water Closet ❑ Water Heater ❑ Drinking Fountain ❑ Urinal ❑ Urinal Flush Valve ❑ Closet Valve ❑ Trap Primers ❑ Wall Hydrants ❑ Sump Pump (If Applicable) ❑ Emergency Eye Wash ❑ Roof Drains ❑ Water Arrestors ❑ Trench Drain ❑ Bar Sink ❑ Floor Drains ❑ Traps ❑ Expansion Tank ❑ Hose Reels ❑ Hose Bibs ❑ TRC Oil Interceptor ❑ Water Pressure Regulator ❑ Backflow Preventor Division 15: HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING ❑ General Install ❑ Trouble Shooting Guide ❑ Unit Heaters Information ❑ Radiant Heaters ❑ RTU Information ❑ Exhaust Fan Schedule ❑ Roof Ventilator (if applicable) ❑ Smoke Fans (If Applicable) ❑ Sidewall Fan ❑ Grille, Register & Diffuser Literature ❑ Air Balance Report Division 15: FIRE PROTECTION El U e■ 1 yr 1yr GO ❑ Practice for the Inspection, Testing & Maintenance of Sprinkler Systems ❑ ❑ Swing Check Valve ❑ ❑ O.S. & Y. Gate Valve ❑ ❑ Tamper Switches ❑ ❑ Flow Switches ❑ ❑ Fire Sprinkler System Air Compressors ❑ ❑ Fire Pump Manual ❑ ❑ Fire Pump Data ❑ ❑ Fire Pump Tests Results ❑ ❑ Jockey Pump ❑ ❑ Controllers Manual ❑ Division 16: ELECTRICAL ❑ General Install ❑ 1yrG0 ❑ Lighting Supplier (list) ❑ ❑ Panel Supplier (list) ❑ ❑ Generator (with Maintenance Start -Up Procedures) ❑ ❑ Battery Charger ❑ ❑ Transfer Switches ❑ ❑ Paddle Fans ❑ ❑ ❑ Heat Trace ❑ ❑ Division 16: SPECIAL SYSTEMS _ ❑ Fire Alarm Systems Operation E1 ❑ ❑ Security Alarm Systems Operation ❑ ❑ ❑ EMS System Checklist ❑ MISCELLANEOUS PROJECT CLOSEOUT 01700`6 20030278 09/07/04 (SPECIFICATION SECTION) N/A Product Warranty Letter l ❑ Item Data ❑ Pass-Thru Receiver Product Literature ❑ ❑ Knox Vault Product Literature ❑ PROJECT CLOSEO 20030278 GRAND OPENING 2-WEEK WARRANTY WALK 01700-7 09/07/04 } 0 z Notes ❑ ❑ ❑ 1. Building Paint: Specified paint was used and applied correctly. Sandpaper test was performed on exterior orange. ❑ ❑ ❑ 2. Slab Condition: Floor slab, including garden center, is in good condition with no spalling or abnormal cracking evident ❑ ❑ ❑ 3. Slab Joints: All joints are in good condition and cut level with slab. ❑ ❑ ❑ 4. Parking Lot Striping: Parking Stall are White — Caution Stalls are Yellow — Handicapp Stalls are Blue and all have Two t2) coats. ❑ ❑ ❑ 5. Fire Protection System: All lines are pitched towards the building and the drum drips are located in a heated area. ❑ ❑ ❑ 6. Fire Protection System: Dry Valves can be serviced from an electrical ladder. ❑ ❑ ❑ 7. Safety Striping: Striping is correctly located around carpet carousels, electrical panels, saws, etc. ❑ ❑ ❑ 8. Electrical Panels: All Panels are correctly labeled and indexed with no missing covers or open slots. ❑ ❑ ❑ 9. HVAC Units: All units are labeled correctly on the roof and on the crum diffuser in the store. ❑ ❑ ❑ 10. Electric Pulse Meter: Pulse meter is installed an working properly. ❑ ❑ ❑ 11. Garden Center — Gates: Gates work smoothly and have Four (4) hinges properly installed. ❑ ❑ ❑ 12. Garden Center — Drainage: Area drains properly with no ponding. ❑ ❑ ❑ 13. Garden Center — Racking: All racking is installed at least 12" from fencing to reduce damage. ❑ ❑ ❑ 14. Landscaping — Plant Material: Trees, shrubs and turf installed properly, and is alive and healthy. ❑ ❑ ❑ 15. Landscaping — Topsoil: Topsoil has sufficient depth to allow proper plant growth, with no erosion evident. ❑ ❑ ❑ 16. Landscaping — Irrigation: Irrigation system is fully operational. ❑ ❑ ❑ 17. Energy Management: EMS Start -Up Punchlist complete. PROJECT 20030278 w o >- z z ❑ ❑ ❑ 1- ❑ ❑ ❑ 2. ❑ ❑ ❑ 3. ❑ ❑ ❑ 4. ❑ ❑ ❑ 5. ❑ ❑ ❑ 6. ❑ ❑ ❑ 7. ❑ ❑ ❑l 8. ❑ ❑ ❑ t 9. ❑ ❑ ❑� 10. �i Li ❑ -u i i-• ❑ ❑ Ell 12. ❑ ❑ ❑ 13. ❑ ❑ ❑ 14. ❑ ❑ ❑ 15. ❑ ❑ ❑ 16. ❑ ❑ ❑ 17. ❑❑❑I18. ❑❑❑I19. ❑ ❑ ❑ 1 20. ❑ ❑ Ell 21. END OF SECTION 11-MONTH WARRANTY WALK Punchlist: All items from the Architect's GO and TVA Inspections have been completed. Slab Condition: Floor slab, including garden center, is in good condition with no spalling or abnormal cracking evident. Slab Joints: All juhils are in good condition, with no defects evident. Slab Joints: Filler is present, in good condition with no defects evident. Paint: All surfaces are in good condition and painted in spec colors. Barjoists and beams are free of rust with no coverage problems. Concreie to Asphalt Transition: Surfaces are in � good condition, with no evident defects or abnormal cracking. Roof: Store reports no active leaks and none are evident from inspection. Restrooms: Ceramic tile is secure, with no major defects evident. Tilt -Up Panels: Panels are secure and show no evident signs of tiluvenlent. Tilt -Up Joints: Sealants are intact with no shrinking or failure. I- ruC-nra�lclYG .rgIJ Iwly n+rnnhloo or .!-fT_. Garden Center Drainage: Garden Center drains properly with no ponding. Settling: Building and sidewalks show no evidence of abnormal settlement. Landscaping: All plant material and turf is alive and healthy_ Landscaping: Topsoil is in place, with no erosion evident. Landscaping: Irrigation system is operational with good coverage. Sealants: Sealants are in place and in good condition at building / curb and around all exterior openings. Parking Lot: All paved surfaces drain properly. Parking Lot: Asphalt and concrete surfaces are in good condition with no abnormal cracking or wear. Energy Management: Checkerboard lighting pattern is correct. Energy Management: Start -Up Punchlist is complete. Notes 01700-8 09/07/04 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE DATA 01730-1 T H D 09/01 /01 SECTION 01730 - OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE DATA PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. The types of operations and maintenance data requirements specified in this section include submittals, and equipment check out and demonstration, and related items. Individual requirements for specific equipment and systems are specified in the applicable sections for each unit of work. Refer to other Division 1 sections and other Contract Documents for requirements of administrative submittals. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Prior to date of close out or grand opening, submit to the Architect of Record one final copy of maintenance manuals, present full details for care and maintenance of all visible surfaces and equipment of every nature. B. Bind all instruction books with hard durable covers supplied by the manufacturer, or 3-ring binders with vinyl covers furnished by the Contractor. 1. Contents shall be prepared by the manufacturer and show names, address, and phone number of the nearest service facility authorized by the manufacturer and shall include illustrations, diagrams, instructions for installation, start-up, operation, inspection, maintenance, parts lists and data sheets. 2. Complete electrical, schematic and connection diagrams shall be provided for each equipment item. 3. Contents shall also include the name, address and phone number of Contractor and/or Subcontractor who furnished and/or installed equipment and systems. Shall also include the name(s) and phone numbers of representatives of the Contractor to be contacted in the event of Emergency Situation. As defined in the General Conditions. 4. All of said manuals, instruction books, diagrams, etc., shall be arranged in the order and manner with proper section dividers, to be prescribed by the Owner before time for submittal. 5. In each book the correct model number and data for the model number shall be checked off neatly in ink where the literature covers more than one model. a. In those instances where the equipment or its mode of control, or both, is job -assembled by a subcontractor for special functions, then that subcontractor shall prepare and provide written operating and maintenance instructions. 6. Should Architect of Record indicate the submitted binder is incomplete, Contractor shall resubmit one updated bound copy complete with all required catalogs, illustrations, instructions, diagrams, and other printed materials necessary. 1.03 TEST A. Equipment companies shall check out and demonstrate their equipment including field tests which shall be witnessed by representatives of the Architect of Record, and the designated employees of the Owner and shall be performed prior to final completion as soon as reasonably possible after substantial completion. B. This includes, but shall not be limited to, all equipment specified, under Divisions and equipment so indicated on the Drawings. PART 2-PRODUCTS NOT APPLICABLE PART 3 - EXECUTION NOT APPLICABLE END OF SECTION 20030278 SECTION 02050 - DEMOLITION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 02050-1 09/07/04 A. The extent of demolition work is shown on the drawings. See architectural and engineering demolition plans for demolition related to existing building. B. The demolition work specified herein includes: 1. Partial demolition of existing structure for the purposes of expansion and renovation. 2. Temporary structural supports to replace load -bearing elements of the structural system and building envelope scheduled for demolition. 3. Removal and protection of existing fixtures and equipment items indicated to be relocated. Demolition of interior partitions, windows, doors, fences, fixtures, canopies, equipment and finishes. 4. Contractor shall perform the necessary and complete removal, transportation and disposal of hazardous materials as per the attached Hazard Assessment Report, including removal of all refrigerant, fluids, etc from all devices included or affected by this demolition. 5. Demolition of existing utility service and equipment. 6. Dust, sediment and erosion control measures. 7. Storage of salvaged items as directed by Owner's Project Manager. 8. Removal and disposal of demolished materials. C. Contractor shall notify all governmental agencies, having jurisdiction, prior to the start of any demolition work. Any fines and/or penalties incurred due to the contractor not contacting all required governmental agencies prior to demolition shall be paid by the contractor. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Schedule: Demolition - Submit two (2) copies of proposed methods and operations of demolition to the Architect of Record for review prior to the start of work. Include in the schedule the coordination for shut-off, capping and continuation of utility services. B. Shop drawings: Submit two (2) copies of drawings of all temporary supports, with calculations and other supporting data. Drawings shall be prepared, signed and sealed by an engineer registered in the State of California. 1.03 JOB CONDITIONS A. Condition of Structures: The site is to be visited by the Contractor to determine existing conditions of structure to be removed, prior to demolition. B. Partial Removal: 1. Items of salvable value to the Contractor may be removed from the structure as the work progresses. Salvaged items must be transported from the site as they are removed. 2. 2. Storage or sale of contractor -salvaged items on the site will not be permitted. 3. Contact Owner's Maintenance department for disposition of items indicated on the drawings to be salvaged for Owner's use. C. Explosives: The use of explosives will not be permitted. D. Traffic: Conduct demolition operations and the removal of debris to ensure minimum interference with roads, streets, walks, and adjacent occupied or used facilities. DEMOLITION 02050-2 20030278 09/07/04 E. Protection: Ensure the safe passage of persons around the area of demolition. Conduct operations to prevent injury to adjacent buildings, structures, facilities and persons. F. Damages: Promptly repair damages caused to adjacent facilities by demolition operations at no cost to the Owner. G. Utility Services: 1. The Contractor will disconnect and seal the utilities serving structure to be demolished, prior to start of demolition work. 2. The Contractor shall coordinate, schedule and perform utility work to insure that utility services are not disrupted during the store's normal hours of bushiness. See Section 01000 — "Special Conditions". H. Temporary structural supports: The Contractor is responsible for the design of all temporary supports required to maintain the structural integrity of the building during demolition and constructions work. The Contractor shall hire an engineer registered in the State of Florida to design temporary supports. Continued use of facilities: 1. Removal reworking and relocation of existing utilities such as power, water, sewer, exterior lighting, etc., shall not be done in any manner which interrupts service during normal hours of operation served by these utilities. 2. Coordinate the relocation of fire suppression equipment as per Fire protection drawings. Ti he existing hiiildinn Shall remain fully operational at all times during the required system renovation/demolition or reconfiguration. Contractor shall schedule and obtain permission for any interruptions to the service with the fire department before discontinuation or interruption of service. Protections: Provide temporary barricades, dust partitions anct-otf ier forms of protection as required to protect- - adjacent tenants personnel and general public from injury due to selective demolition work. 1. Provide protective measures as required to provide free and safe passage of Owner's personnel and general public to and from occupied portions of building and site by keeping existing driveway areas clear. 2. Provide interior and exterior shoring, bracing, or support to prevent movement, settlement, or collapse of structure of element to be demolished, and adjacent facilities or work to remain. Cease operations and notify the Owner and adjacent tenants Representative immediately if safety of structure appears to be endangered. Take precaution to support structure until determination is made for continuing operations. 3. Protect from damage exiting finish work that is to remain in place and becomes exposed during demolition operations. Protect floors with suitable coverings when necessary. 4. Provide temporary weather protection during interval between demolition and removal of existing construction on exterior surfaces, and installation of new construction to insure that no water leakage or damage occurs to structure of interior areas of existing building. 5. Construct temporary insulated solid dustproof partitions when required to separate areas where noisy or extensive dirt and dust operations are performed. Equip partition with dustproof doors and security locks. 6. Cover and protect furniture, equipment and fixtures to remain from soiling or damage when demolition work is performed in rooms or areas from which such items have not been removed. 7. Remove protections at completion of work. K. Environmental controls: use water sprinkling, temporary enclosures, and other suitable methods to limit dust and dirt rising and scattering in air to lowest practical level, Comply with governing regulation pertaining to environmental protection. DEMOLITION 02050-3 20030278 09/07/04 PART 2-PRODUCTS (NOT APPLICABLE) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Prior to submission of bids, each contractor shall visit the site to become familiar with the project and all aspects of demolition. Unusual conditions or circumstances apparent; or condition or circumstances reasonably thought to impact the project are to be brought to the architect's attention immediately. B. Prior to commencement of selective demolition work, inspect areas in which work will be performed. Photograph existing conditions to structure surfaces, equipment or to surrounding properties which could be misconstrued as damage resulting from selective demolition work; file with Owner's Representative prior to starting work. 3.02 DEMOLITION A. Perform selective demolition work in systematic manner. Use such methods as required to complete work indicated on Drawings in accordance with demolition schedule and governing regulation. 3.03 DISPOSAL OF DEMOLISHED MATERIALS A. Remove from building site debris, rubbish, and other materials resulting from demolition operations. Transport and legally dispose of materials off site. Comply with all Federal, State and Local governing regulations. 1. If hazardous materials are encountered during demolition operations, contractor shall comply with all applicable governmental regulations, laws, and ordinances concerning removal, handling, dumping, and protection against exposure of environmental pollution. Notify Owner's Representative and Architect immediately. 2. Burning of removed material is not permitted on project site: 3.04 CLEAN-UP AND REPAIR A. Upon completion of demolition work, remove tools, equipment and demolished materials from site. Remove protections and leave interior areas broom clean. B. Repair demolition performed in excess of that required. Return structures and surfaces to remain to condition existing prior to commencement of selective demolition work. Repair adjacent construction or surfaces soiled or damaged by selective demolition work. C. Repair and add flashing, caulking, etc. As required at adjacent remaining stores/buildings, etc. To maintain waterproofing. END OF SECTION EARTHWORK 20030278 02200-1 09/07/04 SECTION 02200 - EARTHWORK PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. This Section and related drawings describe requirements pertaining to earthwork required to excavate, backfill and compact an existing subgrade and includes foundations associated with an addition to an existing building. B. The project shall be constructed in accordance with the subgrade bearing capacity and other geotechnical recommendations noted on the drawings. C. The earthwork specified herein includes, but is not limited to, excavation, backfill and compaction required for removal of existing subgrade improvements as well as construction new footings and slabs -on -grade associated with the renovation and expansion of an existing structure. The work specified herein is further described below: 1. Excavation and haul off of all unsatisfactory materials found in the existing subgrade including saturated soils and spoil materials. 2. Excavation and undercut to produce designated lines and grades. 3. Import and place fill materials as required to produce designated lines and grades. 4. Dewatering all trenches and excavations. 5. Proofrolling and compacting subgrade. 6. Sheeting, shoring and other protection, as required, to complete the work of this section. 7. Protection of existing site features and adjacent properties during the course of the work. D. Existing condition of subgrade and in -place earthwork performed by others does not relieve the General Contractor of his responsibility to conform to all requirements specified herein. E. Related work specified elsewhere: Section 01000 -Special Conditions 1.02 SITE INFORMATION A. The soils report on indicated subsurface conditions is not intended as a representation or warranty of the continuity of such conditions. It is expressly understood that the Owner will not' be responsible for interpretations or conclusions drawn therefrom by the Contractor. The data is included as an appendix to these Specifications for the convenience of the Contractor. B. Additional soil investigations may be made by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner, provided such operations are acceptable and approved in writing by the Architect of Record. 1.03 SOIL TESTING AND INSPECTION SERVICES A. Laboratory control and Geotechnical inspection is employed by owner to assist the Contractor in producing the specified results, but in no way relieves the Contractor of his obligation to produce the specified results. B. All fill or backfill operations shall be executed under the direct supervision of the licensed Geotechnical Engineer. C. The Geotechnical Engineer shall verify all design parameters indicated in the soils reports or elsewhere on the contract documents including allowable soil bearing pressure, all soil lateral active and passive pressures, subgrade modules, plasticity index, "wet season" water level, etc. If any actual conditions are found to be at variance with the design parameters, the Architect of Record shall be immediately notified of all variance conditions in writing and no further work except for required safety precautions shall be executed in the affected portion of the site until a resolution is obtained. EARTHWORK 20030278 02200-2 09/07/04 D. Layout of work: Contractor to provide all surveying and layout services. All work shall be carefully laid out and under the supervision of a state registered land surveyor. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. A testing laboratory, as specified above, shall be employed by the Owner to check the suitability of materials selected for controlled fills, to test and determine if the required density is being obtained, and to test compaction of exposed subgrades. Laboratory reports on tests performed shall include coordinates and elevations of field tests. B. Testing service shall inspect and verify in writing all subgrades and fill layers before further construction work is performed thereon. All compacted fills shall consist of laboratory -approved materials placed in horizontal layers in accordance with recommendations of the soils report and the requirements of the Geotechnical Engineer. C. When tests indicate compaction does not meet requirements, fill and backfill shall be dried out or moistened as necessary, scarified, and recompacted or removed and replaced with acceptable fill -material. Recompacted areas shall be retested. This procedure shall be repeated until tests indicate compliance with specified requirements. Reworking and retesting shall be provided at no cost to the Owner. Cost of retesting shall be withheld from Contractor's retainage. D. Contractor shall submit to the Architect of Record a letter from a Registered Surveyor certifying the foundation location acid bottonn of Iootil HJ. elevations. 1.05 TESTS FOR PROPOSED SOIL MATERIALS A. Test soil materials proposed for use in the work and submit test reports, on the same daytests are conducted for tests herein specified and for additional tests as may be required. B. Provide moisture density relation testing for each type of soil encountered in subgrade and fills in accordance with the recommendations of the soils report and the requirements of the Geotechnical Engineer. C. The Geotechnical Engineer will determine the suitability and ascertain compliance with specification requirements of all materials to be used as fills. D. For on and off site borrow materials, perform an analysis as determined by the soils testing laboratory. Tests shall include a moisture -density relation in accordance with recommendations of the soils report and the requirements of the Geotechnical Engineer. E. All subgrade, fills, and backfills required to be compacted to a specified density by the Geotechnical Report shall be tested immediately prior to covering of such compacted areas. 1.06 GENERAL EARTHWORK REQUIREMENTS A. All work shall be executed in accordance with the contract documents. Any conflict shall be brought to the attention of the Architect of Record, who shall decide the controlling specification. 1.07 COMPACTION EQUIPMENT A. The contractor shall use whatever equipment is capable and required to attain the desired results in an acceptable manner and time frame. EARTHWORK 02200-3 20030278 09/07/04 1.08 FOUNDATION INSPECTION A. After excavations for footings are completed to required depths, a testing laboratory shall verify the bearing capacity. The footing evaluations shall be made by a Registered Professional Geotechnical Engineer or his representatives in accordance with these specifications and the soils report. B. Contractor shall make arrangements for and provide required temporary access routes to locations to be inspected, and shall fill test holes with cement and sand grout at no expense to Owner when required. 1.09 SITE CONDITIONS A. Existing Utilities: The Contractor shall verify the location of any existing underground utilities in the areas of work. If utilities are to remain in -place, provided adequate means of support and protection during earthwork operations. 1. Should uncharted or incorrectly charted piping or other utilities be encountered during excavation, consult (utility owner), (owner) immediately for directions. Cooperate with Owner and utility companies in keeping respective services and facilities in operation. Repair damaged utilities to the satisfaction of the utility owner. 2. If water, gas pipes, conduits or other utilities become broken in the prosecution of the work, the Contractor should give immediate notice to the proper authorities and shall be responsible for all damage to persons or properties caused by such breaks. Failure to give prompt notice to authorities shall make the contractor services. 3. The use of explosives is not permitted unless specifically recommended by Geotechnical Engineer and authorized by the Owner. Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all required permits and/or approvals for regulatory agencies. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 SATISFACTORY SOIL MATERIALS A. Satisfactory soil materials shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the soils report and the requirements of the Geotechnical Engineer. Flyash shall not be used as a soil material in the preparation of the building pad (subgrade or subbase). 2.02 FILL MATERIALS A. Excavated material that is suitable as defined in the Geotechnical report may be used for fills and backfills. Provide any additional fill material from off the site as may be required to produce designated lines and grades of fills, backfills and rough grades. Fills brought from off the site shall be tested for compliance with the specifications for various uses as specified. All fill and topsoil materials brought from offsite shall be free of hazardous contaminants as defined by State and Federal requirements. B. Fill materials shall be approved by the soils testing laboratory and conform to the following requirements, except as specifically indicated otherwise. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 CLASSIFICATION OF FILL MATERIAL A. All excavation specified herein shall be unclassified. 3.02 SURFACE PREPARATION A. Surface preparation shall be performed in accordance with the soils report and the requirements of the Geotechnical Engineer. EARTHWO 20030278 09/07/04 B. Provide temporary pumps, sedimentation basins and other diversions etc., as required to maintain cut and necessary to convey the water away and keep excavation dry at no cost to owner. Direct stormwater away from deep fill areas. Maintain until no longer required, and then backfill to specified compaction and fill matching required new or original grades. Immediately prior to placing of other work, recheck base, fill voids and if necessary reroll to required density and compaction. C. Remove all water from excavations using dewatering methods, which will prevent softening of foundation bottoms, undercutting footings, and soil changes detrimental to the stability of subgrades and foundations. Soils which are deemed suitable by classification and which are excessively moist due to lack of dewatering or surface water control will be the responsibility of the contractor for removal and replacement. D. The Contractor shall install all subsurface drainage dewatering measures as indicated on the construction documents and as directed by the Geotechnical Engineer. 3.03 EXCAVATION A. General: Earth Excavation consists of removal and disposal of pavements and other obstructions visible on the ground surface, material of any classification indicated in the data on subsurface conditions and all material encountered when establishing required finished grade elevations as shown on the design plans. B. Excavate cut areas within confines of site to required grades, levels, contours, and to sufficient depth necessary tn nhtnin rzncirifiQd liPn-gity when rolled and, in any rase, to depth required to allow for materials that ......j ....._._...-r------- - -- --� are to be placed. When cut is complete, before placing of cover materials, compact in accordance with the soils report and the requirements of the Geotechnical Engineer. C. Unauthorized Excavation: Consists of removal of materials beyond Indicated subgrade elevation not required by the Contract Documents. Unauthorized excavation, as well as remedial work directed by Owner, shall be at the Contractor=s expense. D. Under footings, foundations, retaining walls, etc., fill unauthorized excavation by extending indicated bottom elevation of footing, etc. to the excavation, without altering the required top elevation. Lean concrete fill shall be used to bring elevation to proper level, as deemed acceptable by the Geotechnical Engineer. E. Elsewhere, backfill and compact unauthorized excavations as specified for authorized excavation of same classification, unless otherwise directed by Owner. F. If groundwater is discovered to exist within 12" below the bottom of the lowest floor slab, the Contractor shall notify the Architoct of Record who will determine if the underground structure and drainage as designed are adequate. 3.04 REMOVAL OF UNSUITABLE SOIL MATERIALS A. Additional Excavation: When excavation has reached required elevations, notify Geotechnical Engineerwho will observe subgrade condition. If unsuitable materials are encountered at required elevations, excavation shall proceed until suitable materials are encountered, and excavation shall be backfilled with soils of same classification, as directed by Geotechnical Engineer. B. Where the removal of unsuitable soil materials is due to the fault or negligence of the Contractor in his performance of earthwork and site grading operations, excavate the resulting unsatisfactory soil material and replace with compacted satisfactory soil material as required and as determined by the Geotechnical Engineer at no additional cost to the owner. EARTHWORK 02200-5 20030278 09/07/04 3.05 FILL AND BACKFILL A. Notification of Geotechnical Engineer: The Geotechnical Engineer shall be notified 48 hours prior to any fill, backfill, or compaction operations. B. Permit Geotechnical Engineer to observe all subgrades for each layer offill or backfill. Additional fill or backfill should not be placed unless Geotechnical Engineer has approved the subgrade and/or previous layer of fill. C. When required by the Geotechnical Engineer, the Contractor shall certify the field elevations of the compacted subgrade or fill layer. If based on the Geotechnical Engineer=s reports and inspections, subgrade or fill which has been placed is below specified density for respective construction areas, provide additional compaction at no additional expense to Owner. D. Provide the required minimum density and moisture content of compacted fill in accordance with the soils report and the requirements of Geotechnical Engineer. E. When temporary sheeting, shoring or bracing is removed, fill remaining voids with backfill material and compact to required density. F. Redress and recom pact any areas that settle below required grades before execution of other work required and leave solid and secure against future settlement. 3.06 MOISTURE CONTROL A. Provide sufficient equipment capable of adding measured amounts of moisture to the soil material as determined by moisture -density relation tests. Maintain the actual moisture content in the soil material at the time of compaction to within the limits specified for satisfactory soil materials. B. Where the subgrade or layer of soil material must be moisture conditioned before compaction, uniformly apply the required amount of water to the surface of subgrade, or layer of soil material, in such manner as to prevent free water appearing on the surface during or subsequent to compaction operations. C. Remove and replace, or scarify and air dry, soil material that is too wet to permit compaction to specified percentage of maximum density. D. Soil material that has been removed because it is too wet to permit compaction maybe stockpiled or spread on the surface where directed and permitted to dry. Assist drying by discing, harrowing or pulverizing, until the moisture content is reduced to a satisfactory value, as determined by moisture -density relation tests. When accepted by the Geotechnical Engineer, the soil material may be used in compacted backfill or fill. END OF SECTION TERMITE CONTROL 02282-1 TH D 09/01 /01 SECTION 02282 - TERMITE CONTROL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. This Section describes requirements pertaining to termite control treatment and materials. 1.02 GUARANTEE A. Termite treatment shall be fully guaranteed for a five (5) year period from date of final application and any damage during guarantee period due to termites shall be repaired and/or replaced at no cost to Owner. 1.03 SURETY BOND A. In addition to guarantee, and upon request of Owner, Contractor shall furnish Owner with a surety bond by a surety company duly authorized to operate in the State where the structures are built to ensure perpetuation of annual termite treatment service and to ensure payment for any damage up to $250,000.00 resulting from termite action during five (5) year period. B. If bond is requested, costs for bond and for annual service policy will be paid by Owner in addition to costs for original construction contract. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. One of the following chemicals shall be applied at concentration specified in the individual chemical product literature. Chemical concentration application rates shall be sufficient to provide the Owner with a five (5) year guarantee from terminate damage as specified in paragraph 1.02 above. 1. Torpedo: 2. Tribute: 3. Demon: 4. Dursban TC: B. Any term iticide used shall have the approval of the EPA, all Federal State and local governmental agencies having jurisdiction, prior to application. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Treat earth base, after compaction, to be covered by foundations and interior concrete slabs with one of the chemicals specified herein. Chemicals shall be applied in water emulsion only. B. Provide warning signs displayed at approximately 50 ft. intervals around perimeter of treated areas describing the materials used and their danger to personnel. Remove signs when treated areas have been covered with permanent materials. 3.02 APPLICATION A. Apply not less than one gallon per 10 square feet as overall treatment with an additional two gallons per 5 linear feet applied to critical areas, such as along exterior foundation walls, entrances and similar locations that may be determined as likely points of entry by termites. Use a flow meter attached to applicator to measure rate of application. B. Termite treatment shall be applied by an experienced exterminating company regularly engaged in the business and fully licensed. TERMITE CONTROL 02282-2 TH D 09/01 /01 3.03 CLEAN UP A. Remove all excess materials, rubbish and debris from site at completion of Work. END OF SECTION PAVEMENT MARKINGS 02580- 1 20030278 09/07/04 SECTION 02580 - PAVEMENT MARKINGS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. The extent of pavement marking is shown on the drawings. B. Work includes, but is not limited to the following. 1. "Stop" legends. 2. "No Parking" legends. 3. Miscellaneous diagonal striping. 1.02 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The General and Supplementary Conditions and General Requirements (Division 1) apply to work specified in this section. B. All materials and workmanship shall be conform to the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction", California Department of Transportation (CALTRANS), current edition and amendments. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Provide pavement marking complete in every respect. B. Reference Standards: Comply with the current edition of applicable provisions of published codes and standards unless noted otherwise. 1. ASTM D 93, D 562, D 711, D 821, D 1210, D 1475, D 1640, D 2243, D 2369, D 2486, D 3723, D 3960, E 70, and G 53. 2. DOT Code of Federal Regulations, Hazardous Materials and Regulations Board, Reference 49CFR, ICC Regulations. 3. State Standard Specification for Road Construction, latest edition. 1.04 SUBMITTALS TO CIVIL ENGINEER A. Shop Drawings: Indicate sizes, shapes, patterns, and colors of marking, and manufacturers and types of paints. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HOLDING A. Deliver all materials to the job site with all labels intact and legible at time of installation. B. Store materials off ground under cover. Protect from damage or deterioration. C. Handle materials to prevent damage to surface, edges, ends and factory applied finishes of items. Damaged material shall be rejected and replaced. 1.06 GUARANTEE A. Contractor shall guarantee entire installation for one (1) year from date of Grand Opening. PAVEMENT MARKINGS 20030278 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS 02580-2 09/07/04 A. Provide ready -mixed one component waterborne traffic line paint. Materials shall be 4800 Series Traffic Paint Water Reducible Acrylic from ICI Paints or equal. 1. Colors a. Yellow: 1 Gallon 20087 & 5 Gallon 20088 b. White: 1 Gallon 25524 & 5 Gallon 22683 c. Blue: 1 Gallon 20089 & 5 Gallon 20090 d. Red: 1 Gallon 43613 & 5 Gallon 43614 e. Black: 1 Gallon 26565 & 5 Gallon 26566 B. Paints shall contain all necessary co -solvents, dispersants, wetting agents, preservatives and all other additives, so that paint shall retain viscosity. Halogenated solvents and glass beads shall not be permitted. C. Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) content shall not exceed 250 grams maximum per liter of paint as determined in accordance with ASTM D 3960 test, excluding water and exempt solvents. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Installer shall examine the substrates and conditions under which materials are to be installed, and notify the Civil Engineer in writing of conditions detrimental to the completion of the work. Do not proceed with the work —urttil-tin.satisfactory-conaitions-n vee-been-correcieu.- B. Coordinate provisions for installation with work of other trades. C. All parking area marking and painting to be protected by appropriate traffic barriers, lighted if necessary, so located as to prohibit parking and traffic until the Civil Engineer gives permission for such. 3.02 CLEANING A. All surfaces shall be clean and in a condition to accept markings and paintings. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Install pavement marking in accordance with approved shop drawings and applicable codes and standards. B. Traffic paint shall be installed in two coats. First Coat shall be installed at the recommended DFT after paving is in place (no later than turn over) with the second coat installed at the recommended DFT 30 days later (no later than 2 weeks before grand opening). C. Concrete wheel stops shall be painted on all sides with the exception of the underside of the base. D. Apply paint materials using clean brushes, rollers or spraying equipment. E. Apply materials at a rate not exceeding that recommended by paint manufacturer for surface being painted, less ten percent of losses. F. Comply with manufacturer's recommendations for drying time between coats. G. Where specified, the minimum dry film thickness must be met. Apply additional coats as needed to achieve minimum total specified dry film thickness of the Paint System. PAVEMENT MARKINGS 02580-3 20030278 09/07/04 3.04 PAINTING A. The Minimum Required total Dry Film Thickness (DFT): The DFT shall be the minimum required dry film thickness as measured in mils. or as required by sections 2.01 of this specification as well as part of the referenced standard in section 1.02 of the same. System Coverage Requirements: 1 st Coat - 3.0 mils DFT 2nd Coat - 6.0 mils DFT B. Exterior Paint Systems: Provide the following paint systems as indicated: 1. Pavement lettering "NO PARKING" shall be 2'-0" in height. Color: Red - DFT 6.0 mils. 2. Stop legends shall be as detailed on Drawing. Color: White - DFT 6.0 mils. 3. Miscellaneous diagonal striping. Color: Yellow - DFT 6.0 mils. 3.05 COMPLETION A. During the progress of the work, the premises shall be kept free of debris and waste resulting from the work in this section. Upon completion, all surplus material and debris shall be removed from the site. B. At completion of work, touch up minor damage to prefinished surfaces to the satisfaction of the Civil Engineer. Replace materials damaged or stained during installation. END OF SECTION CAST-fN-PLACE CONCRETE 03300-1 20030278 09/07/04 SECTION 03300 - CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The general provisions of Division 1 apply to the work specified in this Section. B. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing a copy of Division 1 specifications to each subcontractor and for coordinating the work accordingly. C. Refer to Division 1, "Substitutions and Product Options" for requirements relating to Base Bid Products, Alternates and Substitutions. D. Refer to Section 03345 - "Concrete Finishes" for finishing and curing information. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK A. Furnish all labor, materials, tools equipment required for completing concrete work indicated on the drawings and specified herein. B. The extent of concrete work is shown on the drawings and includes, but is not necessarily limited to the following: 1. Patching of existing concrete surfaces. 2. Installation and finishing of new concrete slabs 3. .Connection between new and existing concrete work, including joint treatment and joint filler/sealant. 4. All other concrete work indicated on the drawings as required. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 CONCRETE MATERIALS A. Coarse Aggregate: ASTM C33 B. Lightweight Aggregate: ASTM C33 C. Fine Aggregate: ASTM C33 D. Portland Cement: ASTM C150, Type II (Flyash not permitted) E. Water: Clear and free from injurious amounts of oil, acid, alkali, organic or other deleterious matter. F. Admixtures: 1. Water reducing, retarding, and accelerating admixtures: ASTM C494, may be used at the contractor=s option. 2. Air -entraining admixtures: AST C260, for al air -entrained concrete. 3. Maximum chloride ion due to admixture shall not exceed 0.05% by weight. 4. The addition of calcium chloride is not permitted. 5. All admixtures shall be used in conformance with the manufacturer=s recommendations. 6. Admixture Compatibility: When air entraining admixtures, water reducing admixtures, high range water reducing admixtures and non -corrosive accelerating admixtures are sued in any combination. All products shall be from the same manufacture or the Ready -Mix concrete producer shall certify that they are compatible. CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE 03300-2 20030278 09/07/04 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Concrete work shall conform to all requirements of ACI 301-84, Specifications for Structural Concrete for Building, except as modified by the Supplemental Requirements below. 3.02 SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Concrete shall have a 28-day compressive strength and density, in accordance with the following: STRENGTH DENSITY PSI PCF Concrete Slabs -on -Grade 4000 145 All Other Concrete (U.N.O.) 3000 145 B. Slump of Concrete shall i of exceed 4" unless a high iig!' range Neater -reducing admixture is used. The slump of concrete prior to addition of all high range water -reducing admixture shall not exceed 4". The slump of concrete containing a high range water -reducing admixture shall not exceed 10". C. Concrete exposed to weather shall be air entrained. Air content shall be 4 and 8 percent. D. The minimum portland cement content (ASTM C150) shall be 470 pounds per cubic yard for 3000 psi - J concrete and 611 pounds per cubic yard for 4000 psi concrete. Fiyasn is riot perririireu. E. Reinforcing shall conform to ASTM A615, GR60, unless noted otherwise. F. Welded wire fabric shall conform to ASTM A185. END OF SECTION SLAB ON GROUND uj6yu-1 20030278 09/07/04 '_') SECTION 03390 - SLAB ON GROUND PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK A. Include all labor, materials and appliances, and perform all operations in connection with the installation slabs on ground, and all related work incidental to the completion thereof, as shown on the structural drawings and as specified herein. Work includes: subgrade preparation, formwork, reinforcing, inserts, sleeves, accessories, miscellaneous embedded items, and cast -in -place concrete. 1.02 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Unless otherwise shown or specified, the work shall conform to the following standards of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO): 1. AASHTO T318: Standard Test For Water Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete Using Microwave Oven Drying B. Unless otherwise shown or specified, the work shall conform to the following standards and recommendations of the American Concrete Institute (ACI): 1. ACI 117: Standard Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials. 2. ACI 211.1: Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal, Heavyweight, and Mass Concrete. 3. ACI 301: Specifications for Structural Concrete. 4. ACI 302.1 R: Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction. 5. ACI 305R: Hot Weather Concreting. 6. ACI 306.1: Standard Specification for Cold Weather Concreting. 7. ACI 308.1: Standard Specification for Curing Concrete 8. ACI 309R: Guide for Consolidation of Concrete. 9. ACI 318: Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete. 10. ACI 350: Environmental Engineering Concrete Structures. 11. ACI SP-66: ACI Detailing Manual. C. Unless otherwise shown or specified, the work shall conform to the following standards of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): 1. ASTM A 615: Deformed and Plain Billet -Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement. 2. ASTM A 706: Standard Specification for Low -Alloy Steel Deformed and Plain Bars for Concrete Reinforcement 3. ASTM C 31: Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field. 4. ASTM C 33: Concrete Aggregates. 5. ASTM C 39: Concrete Specimens, Compressive Strength of. 6. ASTM C 94: Ready -Mixed Concrete. 7. ASTM C 136: Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates. 8. ASTM C 150: Portland Cement. 9. ASTM C 171: Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete. 10. ASTM C 260: Air -Entraining Admixtures for Concrete. 11. ASTM C 494: Chemical Admixtures for Concrete. 12. ASTM C 702: Reducing Field Samples of Aggregate to Testing Size. 13. ASTM C 1315: Liquid Membrane -Forming Compounds Having Special Properties for Curing and Sealing Concrete. 14. ASTM D 75: Sampling Aggregates. 15. ASTM D 448: Aggregate for Road and Bridge Construction. 16. ASTM D 698: Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12,400 ft-Ibf/ft3 (600 kN-m/m3)) 17. ASTM D 1557: Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-lief/ft3 (2,700 kN-m/m3)) SLAB ON GROUND 03390-2 20030278 09/07/04 18. ASTM D 1751: Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Non -extruding and Resilient Bituminous Types). 19. ASTM D1752: Standard Specification for Preformed Sponge Rubber and Cork Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction 20. ASTM D3575: Standard Test Methods for Flexible Cellular Materials Made From Olefin Polymers 21. ASTM E 1155: Standard Test Method for Determining Floor Flatness and Levelness Using the "F Number" System. D. Unless otherwise shown or specified, the work shall conform to the following standards of the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI): 1. CRSI: Manual of Standard Practice. 2. CRSI: Placing Reinforcing Bars. E. Unless otherwise shown or specified, the work shall conform to the following standards of the Federal Specifications (FS): FS TT-S-00230c (2): Sealing Compound; Elastomeric Type, Single Component (for Calking, Sealing, and Glazing in Buildings and Other Structures). F. Unless otherwise shown or specified, the work shall conform to the following standards of the American Plywood Association (APA): APA: Grading Rules. G. Unless otherwise shown or specified, the work shall conform to the following standards of the Portland (-,nmant A-cmnnintinn (PrA)- Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures. H. Unless otherwise shown or specified, the work shall conform to the following standards of the National r'nn rn#n noon.,-nniv nannnintinn• Nr'RMA Inspection Standards. vwl—. a ....u..Y ........................... .._...... - ...-r--- -- 1.03 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Testing and Inspection —See Section 01411 B. Cast -In -Place Concrete - See Section 03300 C. Joint Sealers/Fillers - See Section 07901 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Concrete Supplier(s) and Certifications: Name and address of each proposed concrete supplier and their National Concrete Ready -Mix Concrete Association Plant Certification Checklist and their State Department of Transportation Approval Letter. Submit 28 days minimum prior to use to the Architect of Record. The Architect of Record will forward a copy to the Owner's ITC (Independent Testing Contractor) for approval. For developer prepared "pad ready' sites, the submittal shall occur as soon as possible after the Owner has given the Contractor a Notification to Proceed. The Contractor shall allow two weeks for the review of the submittal. B. Concrete Mix Design: All mix designs shall be proportioned in accordance with ACI 318, Section 5.3 and submitted for review to Structural Services, Inc (SSI) via an email attachment a minimum of three (3) weeks prior to placing, before any concrete is incorporated in the job. The Architect of Record shall be copied on the submittal to SSI. For developer prepared "pad ready" sites, the submittal shall be made as early as possible after the Owner has given the Contractor a Notice to Proceed. The Contractor should allow two weeks for the submittal to be reviewed. The mix designs shall be sent via email to: Jerry Holland, Jerry Holland, ihoiland@ssiteam.com Rick Smith, Rick Smith rsmith @ssiteam.com SLAB ON GROUND 03390-3 20030278 09/07/04 Wayne Walker, Wayne Walker, wwalker@ssiteam.com Pat Harrison, Pat Harrison, pharrison@ssiteam.com SSI Phone Number: 1-877-774-2677 Once SSI has reviewed the concrete mix design and coordinated any changes with the Contractor/Supplier, they will forward to the Architect of Record via email for Structural review. The Architect of Record will forward the final approved copy back to the Contractor. The Contractor shall not proceed with the concrete placement until both SSI and the Architect of Record have reviewed the mix. All mix designs shall be submitted on the Concrete Mix Design Submittal Form included at the end of this specification. Mix design submittals that do not use the Concrete Mix Design Submittal Form will not be reviewed. The Architect of Record will provide the Contractor with an electronic copy of the Concrete Mix Design Submittal Form, in Microsoft Word format, at the time of bid distribution. Mix designs shall be specifically applicable to this project only. Do not submit design mixes not applicable to the project. The submittals shall state which areas and items are to be used for each design mix. Include the following for each mix: 1. The Home Depot store location and the store number. 2. The submittals shall state which areas and items are to be used for each design mix. 3. Separate sieve analyses reports, conducted within 3 months prior to mix design submittal of percentages passing and retained for fine and coarse aggregates, including fineness modulus. Include following sieve sizes: 2 inch, 1-1/2 inch, 1 inch, 3/4 inch, 1/2 inch, 3/8 inch, No. 4, No. 8, No. 16, No. 30, No. 50, No. 100, and No. 200. Provide sieve analysis of percentage retained for combined coarse and fine aggregates. 4. Type of fine aggregate, whether natural or manufactured. 5. Ensure the aggregate supplier reports if aggregate are possibly reactive, based on tests or past service. 6. Ensure aggregate supplier reports if aggregate can possibly cause pop -outs, "D" cracking, or other disruptions due to moisture gain, freezing, or other mechanisms, based on tests or past service. C. Curing: 1. Proposed methods and materials for curing. 2. Submit 14 days minimum prior to use. For developer prepared "pad ready sites, the submittal shall occur as soon as possible after the Owner has given the Contractor a Notification to Proceed. The Contractor shall allow two weeks for the review of the submittal. D. Reinforcing Bar Shop Drawings: 1. Complete information for installing reinforcing, including placement plans, bar bending diagrams, splice lengths and locations, bar spacing, concrete cover, support devices, and accessories. 2. Conform to ACI SP-66, CRSI, and ACI 318. E. Formwork: Proposed form -related items 28 days minimum prior to use, if requested by the Owner's ITC. For developer prepared "pad ready' sites, the submittal shall occur as soon as possible after the Owner has given the Contractor a Notification to Proceed. The Contractor shall allow two weeks for the review of the submittal. 1. Indicate form materials, types, thicknesses, supports, form tying systems and layouts, accessories, and form joint locations and treatment. F. Product Data: Brand name, chemical composition, installation directions, and certificate of compliance with required standards for the following products 21 days minimum prior to use. For developer prepared "pad ready' sites, the submittal shall occur as soon as possible after the Owner has given the Contractor a Notification to Proceed. The Contractor shall allow two weeks for the review of the submittal. 1. Air -entraining admixture. 2. Low -range water -reducing admixture. 3. Mid -range water -reducing admixture. SLAB ON GROUND 03390-4 20030278 09/07/04 4. Retarding admixture. 5. Accelerating admixture. 6. Polypropylene Fibers 7. Forms and liners. 8. Form sealer. 9. Form release agent. 10. Gaskets, sealants, and other formwork accessories. 11. Elastomeric joint materials. 12. Semi -rigid joint filler. 13. Sheet materials for curing concrete. 14. Liquid membrane curing and sealing compound. G. Delivery Tickets: 1. Copies of delivery tickets for each load of concrete delivered to site. 2. Indicate on each ticket all information required by ASTM C 94. Including the quantity of water that can be added at the site without exceeding the maximum water -cement ratio specified. 3. Mix identification number on ticket to match number on submitted and approved mix design noted above. 4. Submit copies to the Owner's ITC on same day as concrete delivery. 5. Indicate number of drum revolutions from when water is added until concrete is discharged. H. Coarse Aggregate Base: 1. Sieve analysis of coarse aggregate base. 2. Submit to the Owner's ITC. 3. Sijhmit 14 days minimum prior to use. For developer prepared "pad ready' sites, the submittal shall occur as soon as possible after the Owner has given the Contractor a Notification to Proceed. The Contractor shall allow two weeks for the review of the submittal. Fine Aggregate Base: 1. Sieve analysis of fine aggregate base. 2. Submit to the Owner's ITC. 3. Submit 14 days minimum prior to use. For developer prepared "pad ready' sites, the submittal shall occur as soon as possible after the Owner has given the Contractor a Notification to Proceed. The Contractor shall allow two weeks for the review of the submittal. J. Joint Types and Locations: 1. Proposed joint types and locations for joints not shown on Drawings. 2. Submit 21 days minimum prior to placing concrete in area concerned. K. Pump Hoses: 1. Method of operating pump hoses so as to prevent displacement of reinforcing steel, dowels, forms, and aggregate base. 2. Pump hose sizes. 3. Submit to the Owner's ITC. ITC to verify that pump hose size is adequate for larger course aggregate sizes. 4. Submit 14 days minimum prior to first operation. For developer prepared "pad ready' sites, the submittal shall occur as soon as possible after the Owner has given the Contractor a Notification to Proceed. The Contractor shall allow two weeks for the review of the submittal. L. Hot Weather Concreting Procedures: 1. Submit procedures and changes proposed to facilitate hot weather concreting. 2. Submit 21 days prior to implementation. For developer prepared "pad ready" sites, the submittal shall occur as soon as possible after the Owner has given the Contractor a Notification to Proceed. The Contractor shall allow two weeks for the review of the submittal. SLAB ON GROUND 03390-5 20030278 09/07/04 M. Cold Weather Concreting Procedures: 1. Submit procedures and changes, per ACI 306.1 and otherwise, proposed to facilitate cold weather concreting. 2. Submit 21 days prior to implementation. For developer prepared "pad ready' sites, the submittal shall occur as soon as possible after the Owner has given the Contractor a Notification to Proceed. The Contractor shall allow two weeks for the review of the submittal. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to produce concrete slabs of the strength, durability, workability and specified finish. B. The Owner will employ and pay for the services of an Independent Testing Contractor (ITC) to provide testing and inspections of the concrete work. C. The services of the ITC, and the information provided by the ITC, are provided for the sole benefit of Owner. The information is provided to Contractor only so the Contractor is aware of what is being reported to Owner. The Contractor shall not, and is not entitled to, rely upon any information provided by the ITC in any manner. Contractor is solely responsible for assuring that the Work complies with the Contract Documents in all respects and may not rely on the ITC for this, or any other, assurance. The ITC and its representatives are not authorized to revoke, alter, relax, enlarge or release any requirements of the Contract Documents, approve or accept any portion of the Work, perform or excuse any duties of Contractor, or be a party to the scheduling of the Work. The ITC is not an authorized agent of the Owner with respect to the relationship between Owner and Contractor. D. Concrete materials and operations shall be tested and inspected as the work progresses. Failure by the ITC to detect any defective work or material shall not in any way prevent later rejection (when such defect is discovered) nor shall it obligate the Owner for final acceptance. E. See Section 01411 Testing and Inspection for a complete description of the services to be performed by the ITC and additional Contractor responsibilities to facilitate that work. F. Allowable Tolerances: 1. Formwork: Conform to most stringent requirements of ACI 117 and ACI 301, except as specified herein. 2. Slab on ground shall conform to ACI 117, unless noted otherwise. 3. Slab on Ground Base Fine Grade: +0 inch, -3/4 inch, with transition no greater than 3/4 inch vertically to 8 inches horizontally for level slab. 4. Average slab on ground thickness tolerance: -0 inch 5. Minimum slab on ground thickness tolerance: -3/4 inch 6. Ensure at least 85% of the slab on ground area will have a thickness that exceeds the thickness shown on the drawings minus 1/2 inch. Thickness samples are to be randomly located from each slab placement and not exceed 1000 square feet of slab surface area. 7. Floor Finished Surface Flatness and Levelness: a. All slabs shall conform to the following tolerances as measured in accordance with ASTM E 1155. Area Overall Local FF FL FF FL Interior 40 30 27 20 1) Bound individual floor sections for testing purposes by the following that provide the smallest sections: construction joints, contraction joints, or column and half -column lines. 2) Additional Requirements: a) Conform to F-numbers specified for floor areas within 2 feet of construction and isolation joints, in lieu of ASTM E 1155 requirements excluding these areas. b) Limit to 1/4-inch maximum elevation change that may occur within 2 feet of vertical SLAB ON GROUND 03390-6 20030278 09/07/04 elements (such as columns or walls) that pass through slab surface. b. Remedies for Out -of -Tolerance Work: 1) Remove and replace slabs -on -ground measuring below either (or both) of specified minimum local F-numbers, unless approved by Owner. 2) If entire project floor, when completed, fails to meet or exceed either (or both) of specified overall F-numbers, then rebate to Owner an amount equal to the larger of the following: a) 70 x (total balance of square feet measuring below specified overall FF number) b) 70 x (total balance of square feet measuring below specified overall FL number) 3) Remedy other out -of -tolerance Work as required by Owner. c. Elevation Envelope: Provide top of entire slab -on -ground within (± 3/4 of an inch of finished floor elevation shown on Drawings. d. Cost Responsibility: Costs for corrective work and extra testing required by defective work borne by Contractor. 8. Anchor Bolt and Other Embedment Placements: a. 1/8 inch center to center of any 2 anchor bolts or other embedments within group. b. 1 /4 inch center to renter of adjacent groups. c. 1/4 inch within specified elevation. 9. Slab on Ground Dowels: a. 075 inch maximum in dowel straightness. b. Plus or minus 1/8 inch in dowel alignment in vertical and horizontal planes. G. Workmanship: If results of strength tests reveal deficiencies in concrete, meet requirements of ACI 318 and M%_1 Ju I. H. Concrete Plant Certification: Certify primary and secondary plants proposed for furnishing concrete as . level by" INIRI ICA Uy n.. 1LlIIWII .I I I VI1. nL i being approved at highest level by" IVrSlvllili al lu uy UGpol U I IGI It VI 1 I aiiSjiui �au�i i III o�a�c vvi icr c pr vjc�.a i� located. Submit certification documentation. Notification of Owner's ITC for Observation of Installed Formwork and Reinforcement: Notify Owner's ITC 3 working days minimum prior to placing concrete to allow time for observation of installed formwork and reinforcing. 1.06 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver packaged items in manufacturer's container with seals intact. B. Mark reinforcing, accessories, and embedded items for proper identification and placement location. C. Store materials, except aggregate, off ground and protect from moisture and contamination. D. Stockpile aggregate in manner to prevent contamination with other materials or with other sizes of aggregates. Conduct tests for determining conformance to requirements at point of hatching. Do not use bottom 6 inches of aggregate piles in contact with ground. Allow sand to drain until it has reached uniform moisture content before it is used. E. Store admixtures in manner to prevent contamination. Protect admixtures from extreme temperatures that would adversely affect their characteristics. 1.07 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS A. Concreting in Hot, Dry and/or Windy Weather: 1. Conform to ACI 305R when any combination of high air or concrete temperature, low relative humidity, and wind velocity tend to impair quality of concrete. 2. Employ special precautions when evaporation rate as obtained from ACI 305R is expected to reach 0.2 pound per square foot per hour or more. SLAB ON GROUND 20030278 03390-7 09/07/04 3. Unless otherwise allowed, reject concrete if its temperature before placement is over 90°F. 4. Unless otherwise allowed, during hot weather mixing and delivery (discharge) time to be shorter than specified in ASTM C 94 as follows: a. When air temperature is between 850F and 90°F, reduce allowable mixing and delivery time from 90 minutes to 75 minutes. b. When air temperature is over 90°F, reduce allowable mixing and delivery time to 60 minutes. 5. Do not place concrete when forms, subgrade, base, or reinforcing bars are more than 120°F or more than 10°F hotter than ambient air temperature. 6. Cool with water or water -soaked burlap as necessary, but allow no standing water on surface on which concrete is placed. B. Concreting in Cold Weather: 1. Conform to ACI 306.1 when temperature and other environmental conditions are as noted therein and following additional requirements: a. Frost susceptible soil shall be replaced with non -frost susceptible soil below the slabs to the depth determined by the Geotechnical Engineer. b. Frozen base and subgrade soils shall be thawed immediately before placing concrete. 2. Do not place slabs on subgrade, or base that are more than 20OF cooler than concrete. Warm subgrade, or base to decrease temperature differential to 20OF or less. C. Precipitation Protection: Protect surfaces of exposed concrete from precipitation until adequate strength is gained to prevent damage. 1.08 PROTECTION OF WORK A. Wheeled construction equipment is prohibited from any slab on ground until the completion of curing period. B. Wheeled construction equipment used on any slab shall have tires that will not leave skid marks. C. Wheeled Equipment shall be diapered to prevent oil or other fluid leaks from staining the slab. Additionally, drop cloths shall be placed below any equipment that is parked on the slab on ground. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Cement: 1. The cement type shall be as indicated on the Structural Drawings. 2. Unless otherwise allowed, use only 1 brand throughout project. B. Aggregates: 1. ASTM C 33, with following requirements: a. Consider concrete not covered by building materials or soil to be subject to abrasion and in severe weathering region. b. Unless otherwise allowed, allow no coal or lignite in concrete that will not be covered by building materials or soil. 2. Do not use manufactured sand for slabs unless blended with natural sand or otherwise allowed. 3. Conform to following, unless otherwise allowed: a. Of total combined coarse and fine aggregates per mix design, do not allow material retained on any 1 sieve to be less than 6% nor more than 24% of total by weight, except: 1) Largest course aggregate size to be #4 stone, unless otherwise noted. Retain 1% to 8% of total combined aggregates per mix design on largest sieve with retained aggregate. 2) Maintain 6% to 15% of total combined aggregates per mix design retained on each of Nos. 30 and 50 sieves. SLAB ON GROUND 20030278 03390-8 09/07/04 3) Maintain 3% to 5% of total combined aggregates per mix design retained on No. 100 sieve. b. Gradation requirement of ASTM C 33 maybe waived in order to meet ranges specified. c. For actual field samples ensure total combined aggregates conform to limits specified herein. C. Water: Potable. D. Admixtures: 1. General: a. No admixture to contain more than 0.05% chloride ions. Submit certificate of compliance to this requirement. 2. Types: a. Air -entraining: ASTM C 260. b. Water -reducing: ASTM C 494, Type A. c. Retarding: ASTM C 494, Type B or D. d. Accelerating: I ASTM C 494, Type C or E. Non -chloride. 2) Acceptable Products and Manufacturers: a) "Accelguard 80" by Euclid Chemical Corp. b) "Rozzolith NC 534" by MBT. c) "Darex Set Accelerator" by W.R. Grace & Co. E. Fly Ash: Not permitted unless Type V cement is unavailable, when it is required to resist severe sulfate exposure F. Slag: Not permitted. G. Reinforcing Bars: 1. ASTM A 615, deformed, Grade 60. 2. ASTM A 706, deformed, Grade 60. H. Reinforcing Support Devices: 1. CRSI's "Manual of Standard Practice". 2. Over fine or coarse aggregate base, use precast concrete chairs (blocks) with properly embedded tie wires or other type of supports acceptable to Owner's Representative to prevent penetration of substrate. Plastic chairs shall not be used. 3. Do not use wood, brick, and other such devices that can expand due to moisture gain. 4. Precast concrete chairs (blocks) to have minimum compressive strength of 4000 psi. I. Coarse Aggregate Base: Unless not available or otherwise recommended by Owner's Geotechnical Engineer, use crusher run road base with rock fines. Otherwise follow Owner's Geotechnical Engineer's recommendations. Base materials shall have negligible sulfate content with less than 0.1 % soluble concentration by weight. Fine Aggregate Base: 1. Clean granular fill with less than 3% clay and/or friable particles. 2. Provide gradation per ASTM D 448 No. 10 with 6% to 12% passing No. 200 sieve or following table: Std. Sieve Size % Passinci 100 No. 4 85-100 No. 8 75-95 No. 16 55-75 No. 50 25-45 No. 100 10-30 No.200 6-12 3. Base materials shall have negligible sulfate content with less than 0.1 % soluble concentration by SLAB ON GROUND 03390-99 20030278 09/07/04 weight. K. Formwork: 1. Plywood for Concrete Surfaces Not to be Exposed After Construction is Complete: a. APA B-B Plyform exterior grade or better, Class I, with straight, sealed edges and 5/8 inch minimum thickness. b. HDO Plyform is acceptable. 2. Plywood for Concrete Surfaces to be Exposed After Construction is Complete: APA HDO Plyform, exterior grade or better, Class I, with straight, sealed edges and 5/8 inch minimum thickness. 3. Lumber: Dressed, tongue and grooved, free from loose knots. 4. Metal: Smooth, clean, corrosion -free, without dents or holes, with closely matching edges. 5. Fiberglass: Smooth, clean, without dents or holes, with closely matching edges. L. Form Release Agents: 1. Type acceptable to cement manufacturer, will not cause surface imperfections, non -staining, and compatible with field applied paints, curing compounds, and other coatings. 2. Use same brand form release agent for all forms. M. Form Accessories: 1. Form ties, anchors and hangers of sufficient strength to completely resist displacement of forms due to construction loads and depositing of concrete. 2. Provide ties and spreader form ties designed so no metal will be within 1 inch of surface when forms are removed. 3. Where concrete surfaces are exposed to view, use form ties that will leave a depression not more than 1 inch in diameter when removed. 4. Provide form sealants and gaskets as necessary to provide tight forms. N. Evaporation Retardant: 1. Water -based polymer, sprayable. 2. A minimum of 5 gallons is to be on site at the time of concrete placement. 3. Acceptable Products and Manufacturers: a. "Euco-bar" by Euclid. b. "Confilm" by MBT. c. "SEALTIGHT Evapre" by W.R. Meadows O. Screed Chairs: Metal; wood not permitted. P. Firm Preformed Joint Filler: See Section 07901 — Joint Sealers/Fillers Q. Soft Preformed Joint Filler: See Section 07901 — Joint Sealers/Fillers R. Elastomeric Joint Materials: See Section 07901 — Joint Sealers/Fillers S. Semi -Rigid Joint Filler: See Section 07901 — Joint Sealers/Fillers T. Sheet Materials for Moist Curing Concrete Slabs: ASTM C 171. 1. Synthetic Fiber/Plastic Sheet: a. White synthetic fiber matting securely attached to white plastic sheet backing. b. Acceptable Product and Manufacturer: 1) "Transguard 4000" by Reef Industries (1-800-231-6074) or approved equal. 2) "HydraCure" by PNA U. Slab Vertical Edge Liquid Membrane Curing Compound 1. Conform to ASTM C 1315, Type I. 2. 29% minimum solids content. SLAB ON GROUND 03300-10 20030278 09/07/04 3. Acceptable Products and Manufacturers: a. "Super Rez-Seal" by Euclid Chemical Corp. b. "Masterkure" by MBT. c. "Dress & Seal 30" by L & M Construction Chemicals V. Liquid Sealer and Surface treatment (Interior Slabs Only, immediately post -wet curing): a. Sodium Silicate based liquid. b. Acceptable Products and Manufacturers: 1) "Ashford Formula" by Curecrete Chemical Company 2) "EUCOS IL" by The Euclid Chemical Company 3) "CHEM HARD" by L & M Construction Chemicals 4) "Liqui-Hard" by W.R. Meadows, Inc. W. Abrasive Aggregate: Aluminum oxide or other approved material, factory -graded, packaged, rust -proof, non -glazing and not affected by moisture. X. Slab on Ground Joint Reinforcing: 1. Do not shear. Remove burrs. 2. Smooth plate bars, ASTM A 35 minimum. a. Acceptable plate dowel system: "Load Transfer System for Construction and Contraction Joints" by PNA, Inc. Matthews, NC. National Contact: Connie Leemasters (300) 542-0214. G.C. is to call a minimum of two weeks in advanced of delivery to place order. This item will be an FBO item supplied by the Owner and installed by the GC. No Substitutions. 1) At all construction joints: "Diamond Dowels" by PNA a) "Diamond Dowels" will be x 4'/z" x 4'/2', spaced at 24" on center, located at mid -depth of the slab. 2) At all saw cut contraction joints in fiber reinforced slabs: "Load Plate Baskets" by PNA a) "Load Plate Baskets" will be furnished in fully welded assemblies with 3/8" x 2" x 12" load plates spaced at 24" on center. The assembly will include plastic load plate clips and will support the plates at the mid -depth of the slab. 3) At abutting slab edges within door openings, where specifically identified on the drawings: "ARMOR -EDGE" by PNA a) "ARMOR -EDGE" reinforcing will be two 3/8" x 2" bars with 3/8" diameter x 4" long headed -studs spaced 12" on center. The bars shall extend the width of the door opening and be discontinuous at transverse construction or contraction joints. Y. Polypropylene Fiber Reinforcement Products and Manufacturers: 1. "Stealth e3" by Fibermesh Co. 2. "Econo-Mono" by Forta Corp. 3. "Microfiber' by Grace 4. "Fiberstrand 150 ML" by The Euclid Chemical Company Z. Vapor Retarder (when required): 1. Provide a flexible, preformed sheet membrane having a water -vapor permeance rate no greater than 0.3 perms when tested in accordance with ASTM E154, Section 7, and otherwise conforming to ASTM E 1745 and in accordance with ACI 302.1 R. a. Provide a Class A or B and wherein the moisture barrier component is not less than 15 mils thick when the concrete is to be placed by truck or buggy. Provide "Stego Wrap Vapor Barrier (15 mil)" by Stego Industries, LLC or "Vapor -Mat (15 mil)" by W.R. Meadows, Inc. Or b. Provide a Class C or higher material and wherein the moisture barrier component is not less than 10 mils when the concrete is to be placed by pump or conveyor. Provide "Stego Wrap Vapor Barrier (10 mil)" by Stego Industries, LLC, "Griffolyn T-85" by Reef Industries, "Vapor Block 10" by SLAB ON GROUN❑ 03390-11 20030278 09/07/04 Raven Industries, or "Vapor -Mat (10 mil)" by W.R. Meadows, Inc. 2.02 PROPORTIONS A. General: 1. Use only materials and their proportions included on Concrete Mix Design Submittal Forms below approved for this Project. 2. Measure and mix ingredients in accordance with most stringent requirements of ACI 211.1, ACI 301, and ASTM C 94. B. Strength: Specified on Drawings. C. Workability: Must have proper consistency to be worked readily into forms and around reinforcement without segregation, voids or, excessive bleeding. D. Minimum Cementitious Materials Content for all slabs on ground: Shall be in accordance with the following table from ACI 302.1 R. MINIMUM CEMENTITIOUS MATERIALS CONTENT FOR FLOORS Nominal Maximum Cementitious Materials Size Aggregate (in.) Content (lb/yd3) 1 1/2 470 1 520 3/4 540 1/2 590 3/8 610 E. Water/Cement Ratio: 1. Interior building slab, maximum w/cm = 0.55 2. Exterior slabs subject to freezing and thawing and/or deicing chemicals, maximum w/cm = 0.45 3. All other exterior slabs, maximum w/cm = 0.50. F. Air -Entraining Admixture: 1. In cold weather climates, where the coldest average daily low temperature is 322 F or below, concrete exposed to weather in service shall be air -entrained. Air content shall be as indicated in the table below. Total Air Content for Frost Resistant Concrete Nominal Maximum Aggregate Size (in) Air Content* % 3/8 7.5 1/2 7 3/4 6 1 6 1 1/2 5.5 2 5 3 4.5 * The tolerance on air content as delivered shall be + 1.5 percent. 2. Do not air -entrain interior floor slabs with troweled finish. The maximum air content of trowel finished interior slabs shall be 3%. G. Slump: 1. Unless otherwise allowed, proportion concrete so slump without adding water -reducing admixtures or fibers, if used, would be a maximum of 4" + 1" tolerance. The slump of the concrete prior to the addition of water -reducing admixture shall be between 2" and 3". The slump of the concrete SLAB ON GROUND 03390-12 20030278 09/07/04 containing water -reducing admixture shall not exceed 8". The slump of the concrete shall be determined prior to the addition of the water -reducer or fibers, if used, and at the point of discharge. H. Admixtures: 1. Water -reducing admixture may be added to improve workability and reduce water content. 2. Mid -range water -reducing admixture may be added to improve workability or pumpability. 3. Provide an air -entraining admixture only where air -entrainment is specified. 4. Other admixtures may be used only with written approval of Owner's Representative. 5. Do not use calcium chloride as an additive or in admixtures. 6. Use admixtures in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Polypropylene Fibers: 1. For those slabs on ground specifically identified as fiber reinforced on the drawings. polypropylene fibers having a maximum length of 3/4' shall be added to the mix at the site at a dosage rate of 1.0 Iblyd3. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for proper mixing. 2. Perform slump lest beiorc aUU1 .1 11LJfib. 2.03 MIXING A. Ready -Mixed Concrete: 1. Mix and transport in accordance with ASTM C 94 and ACI 301, except as specified. 2. Reset drum revolution counter to zero on ready -mix concrete truck when water is added to drum. B. Site -Mixed Concrete: 1. Conform to ACI 301. 2. Use central -mix type batch plant, unless otherwise allowed. C. Special Requirements for Polypropylene Fibers: 1. Follow fiber manufacturer's recommendations. 2. After adding fiber to concrete, mix concrete at mixing speed for 5 minutes minimum, or until fibers are properly dispersed throughout concrete. 2.04 FABRICATION A. Reinforcing: 1. Fabricate reinforcing in accordance with ACI SP-66. Do not heat reinforcing bars for bending purposes, unless otherwise allowed by Owner's Representative. 2. Tie reinforcing bars in bundles and tag with non -rusting tags showing Shop Drawing numbers. When welding of reinforcement is specified or permitted, comply with AWS D1.4. Do not tack -weld crossing bars for assembly of reinforcement, supports or embedded items, unless otherwise allowed. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Design, construct, erect, support, and remove formwork and related items in accordance with most stringent requirements of ACI 117, 301, and 318. B. Place reinforcing in accordance with most stringent requirements of ACI 117, 301 and 318 and CRSI Manual of Standard Practice and Placing Reinforcing Bars. C. Unless otherwise specified, place concrete in accordance with ACI 301. If proportioning design mix on basis of laboratory trial batches, do not place concrete until Owner's ITC has reviewed results of design mix 7 day test breaks and permission is given to proceed. SLAB ON GROUND 03390-13 20030278 09/07/04 D. Ensure that all work is properly coordinated: 1. Structural Drawings and Specifications with those of other disciplines. 2. Use final corrected Shop Drawings, and placing Drawings. E. Provide for concrete supplier to have quality control representative at site for concrete placements for slabs. F. Conform to manufacturer's printed instructions for materials and equipment. 3.02 PREPARATORY WORK A. Pre -placement Inspection: Ensure all trades and other participants involved signify that all preparations are in conformance with Contract Documents. Use approved sign -off forms. B. Coarse Aggregate Base: 1. Unless otherwise allowed, install coarse aggregate base where shown on Drawings. 2. Compact to final thickness shown in layers not exceeding 6 inches, with minimum of 2 passes per layer with vibratory compactor. 3. Compact fill to 95% of aggregate's Modified Proctor as determined by Method D of ASTM D 1557. 4. Choke -off top surface with fine aggregate base material (see below). 5. Provide dry, smooth, flat, dense surface. C. Cleaning Equipment: Remove hardened concrete and foreign materials from mixing and conveying equipment. D. Formwork: 1. Unless otherwise noted on Drawings, form vertical surfaces of concrete work. 2. Formwork for concrete surfaces to be painted or exposed to view after completion of project to meet following requirements: a. No dents, holes, or patches. b. Individual formwork elements are as large as possible. c. Position individual formwork elements in regular, uniform pattern with all joints aligned. d. Construct forms for removal without hammering or prying against concrete. 3. Clean all formwork. 4. Remove rust from steel formwork. 5. Solidly butt joints and provide backup at joints as required to prevent leakage of cement paste. 6. Before placing reinforcing steel, thoroughly coat contact surfaces of forms with an. approved form release agent, if it is to be used. 7. Apply form release agent evenly without excess drip. 8. Do not allow form release agent to come into contact with concrete surfaces against which fresh concrete will be placed, unless noted otherwise. 9. Moisten wood forms immediately before placing concrete where form release agents are not used. 10. Just before placing concrete, clean forms and adjacent surfaces again as necessary. Remove wood, sawdust, chips, dirt and other debris. 11. Provide slab side forms such that by placing a 10-foot straightedge anywhere on side of form hitting 2 points, gap at any point between straightedge and form does not exceed 1/8 inch. E. Fine Aggregate Base: 1. Compact to final thickness noted with 2 passes minimum with vibratory compactor to produce smooth, flat, dense surface. 2. Unless otherwise allowed, fine aggregate to be dry immediately before placing concrete. 3. Prior to placing concrete, the base shall be proof -rolled with a fully loaded dump truck, or other acceptable means. 4. The Owner's ITC shall monitor the proof rolling. The properly prepared subgrade will depress a maximum of a 1/2" under a fully loaded dump truck. If the base depresses more than a '/2", the SLAB ON GROUND 03390-14 20030278 09/07/04 Contractor shall notify the Owner's Representative for direction on how to proceed. F. Vapor Retarder (when required) 1. Place vapor retarder below slab on ground where identified on the drawings. 2. Follow manufacturer's recommendations and details, unless otherwise noted. 3. Unroll vapor retarder in a continuous manner to minimize the occurance of endlaps below the slab. 4. Overlap sides and ends of adjoining sheets a minimum of 6 inches. 5. Tape all sheet laps to seal. Clean adhesion area as required prior to taping to ensure proper seal. 6. All penetrations are to be sealed prior to placing concrete. 7. Repair all damaged sheets by cutting out damaged area and placing additional sheet material over cutout. The patch shall overlap the cutout area by 6 inches un all sides. Tape overlapping edges of repair area to seal. G. Slab Reinforcing: 1. Place all PNA joint reinforcement products in accordance with the manufacturer's installation details. n n IY NI,.� t.. + .�•! pl.,....rr.nn+ F.y. +irrr.ly ,,�Iirir,g a+ 'rl+e"Sen+iii"S ar.`J G. Accurate) lace and secure reinforcement against displacement ent b fin wiring � i L , sections Id splices with not less than No. 18 U.S. Standard Gage annealed wire, or by use of clipping devices permitted by Owner's Representative. 3. Turn tie wire ends away from concrete exterior. 4. Ensure reinforcing is clean, free from defects and kinks, loose mill or rust scale or coatings that will reduce bond. 5. Protect exposed reinforcing bars, inserts and plates intended for bonding with future expansion from corrosion by approved means. 6. When welding of reinforcement is specified or permitted, comply with AWS D1.4. Do not tack -weld crossing bars for assembly of reinforcement, supports or embedded items, unless otherwise allowed. H. Miscellaneous Items: 1. Accurately place and secure against displacement miscellaneous steel, pipe sleeves, inserts, anchors, preformed joint fillers, and miscellaneous embedded items. 2. Unless noted otherwise on Drawings, ensure corner protection bars and other similar embedded metal items are continuous between concrete joints. If shorter lengths are required for metal items, connect the ends by butt -welding entire joint and grinding smooth exposed surface. Ensure embedded metal items are discontinued at construction, contraction and isolation joints. 3. Temporarily fill voids in sleeves and inserts with easily removable materials. 4. Before placing concrete on ground, piping and other utilities under concrete to be inspected and tested and excavations backfilled and properly compacted to solid bearing, as specified. Joints: 1. Provide construction, isolation and contraction joints as indicated on Drawings and as noted below. 2. For bulkheads for construction joints use 1-1/2 inch minimum thick lumber; do not use preformed metal bulkheads that will stay in place, unless approved by Owner's Representative. 3. Provide bulkheads full depth of member. 4. Space joints to allow 1 continuous placement between bulkheads. 5. Unless otherwise shown or approved by Owner's Representative, maximum spacing between joints to be lesser of following: a. Contraction, construction, or isolation joints in slabs on ground: 15 feet and with length -to -width ratio less than 1.5:1, but preferably less than 1.25:1. J. Embedments: 1. Accurately position and securely anchor steel shapes, anchor bolts, casings, conduit, sleeves, and other materials embedded in concrete. 2. Thicken concrete slabs as required to maintain the intended slab thickness at embedded items. 3. Secure embedments to formwork when possible, not only tied or welded to reinforcement. 4. Install clean embedments. After concrete placement, clean embedment exposed surfaces of SLAB ON GROUND _ 03390-15 20030278 09/07/04 concrete splatter and other foreign substances. K. Slab on Ground Dowels: 1. For plate dowel system, conform to manufacturer's recommendations. 3.03 CONVEYING A. General: Handle concrete from mixer to place of final deposit as rapidly as practicable and in manner, which will assure obtaining specified quality of concrete. B. Retempering: Discard concrete which has already begun to set; do not retemper with water. C. Equipment: Provide mixing and conveying equipment of proper size and design to ensure a continuous flow of concrete to delivery end. Provide conveying equipment subject to Owner's Representative's review. Do not use aluminum pipe or equipment in contact with concrete. 1. Mixers, agitators and non -agitating units: Conform to ASTM C 94 and current certification requirements of Department of Transportation in state where concrete plant is located. 2. Belt Conveyors: a. Use only types that will not cause segregation. b. Discharge runs over 30 feet into a hopper. 3. Chutes: Metal or metal lined installed at slopes not exceeding 1 vertical to 3 horizontal. Ensure chutes with greater slopes or chutes over 20 feet in length discharge into a hopper. 4. Runways: a. Provide runways or other means above finished concrete level for wheeled conveying equipment. b. Do not support runways on reinforcing. c. Do not wheel equipment directly over reinforcing or metal deck. 5. Pumps: a. Submit to Owner's Representative for review all changes in concrete mix to necessitate pumping. b. Use pump hoses and other slickline components with 5-inch minimum inside diameter, unless otherwise allowed by Owner's Representative. c. For slickline reducers ensure reduction in diameter is no more than 1 inch over 5-foot length. d. Submit to Owner's Representative method of operating pump hoses so as to prevent displacement of reinforcing steel, dowels, form, and aggregate base. 3.04 DEPOSITING A. Placing: 1. The location of all construction and contraction joints shall be as indicated on the Foundation Plan, and no deviations shall be allowed. In no case shall the contractor place more concrete than can be properly and completely finished and saw cut in one day. The size of each placement shall not exceed 28,000 square feet, unless approved by the Owner's representative. 2. General: a. Do not deposit concrete that has partially hardened or has been contaminated by foreign matter. b. Deposit concrete continuously in layers of such thickness that no concrete will be deposited on concrete which has hardened sufficiently to cause seams or planes of weakness. c. Between construction joints place concrete in a continuous operation such that concrete is plastic at all times and flows readily into spaces between reinforcement d. Do not subject concrete to procedures that will cause segregation. e. Deposit concrete as near as possible to its final position. 3. Do Not: a. Place concrete over standing water, mud, frost, ice or snow. b. Do not use wet screeds unless permitted by Owner's Representative. B. Consolidation: 1. General: SLAB ON GROUND 03390-15 20030278 09/07/04 a. Consolidate concrete complying with ACI 309R by vibrating, spading or rodding so that concrete is thoroughly worked around reinforcing, and embedded items and into the corners of forms. b. Consolidate each layer of concrete with previously placed layers in manner that will eliminate air or stone pockets that may cause honeycombing, pitting or places of weakness. c. Do not insert vibrator into portions of concrete that have begun to set unless allowed by Owner's Representative. d. Do not use vibrators to transport concrete e. Keep spare vibrator on job site during concrete operations. 2. Formed Elements: Use internal vibrators, not form vibrators, unless allowed by Owner's Representative. 3. Slabs: a. Consolidate slabs with laser screed, vibrating bridge screed or other means allowed by Owner's Representative. b. Use internal vibration along construction joints. c. If bar reinforcing is used, use internal vibration around bars. d. Do not use grate tampers, jitterbugs or mesh rollers, unless allowed by Owner's Representative. e. Move vibrating screed, if used, steadily and as fast as practicable, keeping an adequate surcharge of concrete at forward edge of screed. f. Vibrate under all plate dowels. Mark forms before concreting to properly locate dowels after concreting. C. Formwork: After concrete placement, adjust forms and bracing as necessary to maintain proper alignment and eliminate leakage of cement paste. 3.05 FLOOR SLAB FINISHING PROCEDURES A. General: 1. Unless otherwise allowed, do not add water to any slab surface during finishing operations. 2. Do not add plain, dry cement to any slab surface during finishing operations. 3. Unless otherwise allowed, perform no finishing operation while water is present on slab surface. 4. If concrete is firm enough for floating but substantial amount of bleed water is still on surface, water may be removed by 1 of following methods: a. Fans or blower heaters. b. If concrete surface is stiff enough to not be damaged, rubber hose may be dragged slowly over surface 1 time, without disturbing surface. 5. For slabs with fibers, follow fiber manufacturer's recommendations. B. Initial Leveling: 1. Complete all bull floating, darbying, and straight edging before any bleed water is present on slab surface. 2. Use highway straightedge 10 feet wide minimum for initial and later leveling instead of bull float where overall floor tolerances specified are greater than FF20/FL15. C. Hand and Power Floating: 1. Do not start floating until following conditions are met: a. Bleeding is finished. b. Bleed water is gone, including water sheen on slab surface. c. Concrete will sustain weight of an average man with no more than a 1/8 to 1/4 inch indentation. d. Mortar is not thrown by rotating blades of power float. 2. Do not use following tools for floating: a. Power troweling machine with trowel blades. b. Fresno or other type of wide metal trowel. c. Power floating machine with water attachment for wetting concrete. 3. Float 2 times minimum, with each floating at right angles to previous floating. SLAB ON GROUND 20030278 )3390-1 7 09/07/04 D. Broom Finishes 1. General a. The Contractor shall prepare a sample for each of the broom finishes listed below. The Owner's representative shall approve the samples prior to their use on any concrete placement. b. Broom texture to be in the direction to facilitate drainage. 2. Light Broom Finish a. The surface shall first be given a single float finish as specified above. Immediately after initial floating, it shall be given a light transverse texture by drawing a broom across the surface. 3. Medium Broom Finish a. The surface shall first be given a single float finish as specified above. Immediately after initial floating, it shall be given a medium transverse texture by drawing a broom across the surface. 4. Rough Broom Finish a. The surface shall first be given a single float finish as specified above. Immediately after initial floating, it shall be given a coarse transverse scored texture by drawing a broom or burlap belt across the surface. 3.06 EXTERIOR SLABS/PAVEMENTS, STAIRS, APRONS, ETC. A. Exterior stairs and sidewalks shall receive alight broom finish. B. All other exterior slabs/pavements shall receive a rough broom finish. 3.07 NON -SLIP FINISH A. Where directed by Architect of Record, make all exterior ramps, curb cuts, step treads and landings non -slip by application of abrasive aggregate during concrete finishing process. Sprinkle abrasive aggregate by hand at the rate of not less than 1/4 lb. of aggregate per square foot. Sprinkle as soon as the freshly placed concrete will support the weight of workmen. Float into surface, and trowel. 3.08 FLOOR SLAB JOINTS A. General: Construction and contraction joints shall match the joint layout provided on the drawings. No exceptions. B. Construction Joints: Shall be located at the discretion of the Contractor, observing the placement limits previously established. C. Sawed Joints: 1. Use saws, blades, skid plates, and accessories from Soff-Cut International, Inc. 2. Have two "Soff-Cut" saws minimum on site, with blades capable of achieving the required depth of saw cut. 3. Start cutting sawed joints as soon as concrete has hardened sufficiently to prevent raveling or dislodging of aggregates. 4. For "Soff-Cut" saw, this will typically be from 1 hour in hot weather to 4 hours in cold weather after completing finishing of slab in that joint location. 5. Capability: Employ sufficient number of saws and workers to complete cutting sawed joints before the time noted above and before shrinkage produces cracking. 6. See Drawings for additional requirements. 3.09 CONCRETE CURING A. General: 1. Cure concrete in accordance with ACI 301 and ACI 308.1, except as noted. 2. Start curing as soon as curing operations will not damage concrete surface. 3. Continuously moist cure concrete slabs, for at least 7 consecutive days, except as follows: For tilt -up wall buildings, the interior building slab shall be moist cured for at least 5 consecutive days. Ensure SLAB ON GROUND 03390-18 20030278 09/07/04 the casting area is coated with bond breaker prior to constructing tilt panel forms. 4. During curing period, do not allow any part of concrete to become dry. 5. Do not use plain polyethylene sheets on exposed interior floors. 6. If using forms for curing, keep forms in contact with concrete wet during curing period unless type of form is impervious to water, such as metal or fiberglass. 7. If forms are removed before curing period is complete, continue curing immediately with other approved methods. B. Methods of Curing: Cure concrete surfaces with following materials and methods: 1. Moisten exposed surfaces of concrete after completing finishing and then apply sheet smoothly with no wrinkles or folds, pre -wetted, with edges lapped 6 inches minimum and sealed and secured in such manner as to prevent moisture escaping from concrete from laps or edges. Keep sheet moist during curing period. 2. Liquid curing compounds sprayed or rolled uniformly on vertical slab edges only immediately following form removal operation. a. Apply curing compound in accordance with manufarturer's recommendations. b. Immediately recoat, at the rate specified above, surfaces subjected to rainfall within 3 hours after compound has been applied or surfaces damaged by subsequent construction operations within the curing period. C. Concrete Protection: 1. Barricade concrete surfaces immediately after finishing. 2. Do not allow light traffic, except for curing purposes, on concrete surfaces until concrete has obtained 1800 psi compressive strength. 3. Do not allow heavy traffic on concrete surfaces until concrete has obtained its design strength noted on Drawings, by test. 4. Adequately protect concrete inserts and other embedded items from movement, mechanical injury or from damage by elements. 3.10 FORM REMOVAL A. General: 1. Do not remove forms until concrete has hardened sufficiently to support its own weight and imposed construction loads. 2. Remove forms in manner to avoid damage to concrete. 3.11 BONDING NEW CONCRETE TO EXISTING CONCRETE A. Use this bonding procedure for bonding new concrete pads to existing concrete and as noted on Drawings. B. Install as follows: 1. Roughen joint until coarse aggregate is exposed. 2. Clean surface. 3. Immediately before placing concrete, clean surface again as necessary, dampen surface, and remove free water. 4. Brush surface to be bonded with bonding grout. 5. Proportion grout to consist of 1 to 1 mixture of Portland cement and sand passing the No. 8 sieve and mixed with sufficient water to give thick paint -like consistency. 3.12 JOINT SEALING/FILLING: See Section 07901 — Joint Sealers/Fillers 3.13 LIQUID SEALING AND SURFACE TREATMENT A. Interior Slabs (Including Broom Finish Areas) SLAB ON GROUND 20030278 03390-19 09/07/04 1. Immediately post -curing: a. After curing is complete in a given area and at least one day before application of liquid sealing and surface treatment, thoroughly clean and dry slab top surface. Before slab surface is contaminated, apply liquid treatment per manufacturer's recommendations. Ensure slab surface is as dry as feasible before liquid application. 1) Hot Weather: Apply liquid sealer after curing process is complete. Application shall be made in strict accordance with the directions of the manufacturer. The concrete surface must be clean, dry and free from any contaminant or coating. Spray, squeegee or roll on liquid sealer to clean, dry concrete surface. The liquid should be scrubbed into the surface with a mechanical scrubber. Keep the surface wet with the sealer during the application process. When the product thickens, but not more than 60 minutes after initial application, the surface shall then be squeegeed or vacuumed to remove all excess liquid. DO NOT LEAVE ANY LIQUID SEALER RESIDUE ON THE TREATED CONCRETE SURFACE. 2) Cold Weather: Apply liquid sealer after curing process is complete. Contractor shall extend time required to install liquid sealer to compensate for the slower absorption of the material resulting from increased viscosity and a reduced porosity of the concrete surface in cold temperatures. Application shall be made in strict accordance with the directions of the manufacturer. The concrete surface must be clean, dry and free from any contaminant or coating. Spray, squeegee or roll on liquid densifier to clean, dry concrete surface. The liquid should be scrubbed into the surface with a mechanical scrubber. Keep the surface wet with the densifier during the application process. When the product thickens, but not more than 60 minutes after initial application, the surface shall then be squeegeed or vacuumed to remove all excess liquid. DO NOT LEAVE ANY LIQUID SEALER RESIDUE ON THE TREATED CONCRETE SURFACE. 2. Within 3 weeks of Substantial Completion, at areas designated to receive a Retro Plate finish: a. The Contractor shall have an approved Retro Plate 99 installer commence the application process for the Owner's specified finish. See Section 03360 Special Concrete Finishes for detailed information. b. The General Contractor is to keep the areas that the Retro Plate is being installed clear of other work and disturbances and must coordinate the work so as not to delay other work in progress. B. Exterior Slabs on Ground: After curing is complete, the exterior slabs on ground shall remain unsealed. 3.14 ATTACHMENTS A. The following attachment is part of this Section: 1. Slab on Ground Checklist END OF SECTION SLAB ON GROUND 20030278 CONCRETE SLAB ON GROUND CHECKLIST Itnmc to ha rmmnlptprl R wppkc minimum prior to concrete Dlacement: 03390-20 09/07/04 ITEM: DATE BY 1. Have the concrete mix design forms been properly filled out and submitted to A/E? 2. Has the slab pre -construction meeting been scheduled and all parties notified? 3. Has the pre -construction meeting agenda been sent to all parties? 4. Has the order for the diamond and plate dowels been placed? 5. For slabs with reinforcement, has the order for the proper bar supports been placed? 6. Has the slab construction placement schedule been developed? 7. Has slab test placement been scheduled? S. Items to be completed 2 weeks minimum prior to concrete placement: 1 e1ATC 1 DV 1 ITEM: vr►1 La 1. Has the concrete mix design been approved? '] 14n$ thin nr� r nnn-mtrn rnnOn irtinn rnnfRrAnrP taken mace? j 3. Have all of the "action items" identified in the pre -construction meeting been completed? 4. +--- +^ hn ^^r"mloimr4 0 Anue hafewn rnnrrPtP ninr--P_m P_nt r ITEM: DATE BY 1. Inspect ready -mix concrete trucks and record acceptable truck numbers. 2. Verify there will be two "soff-cut" saws on the project site (one will be for back-up but it also can be used for production). 3. Arrange for Owner's ITC to be at the slab placement. 4. Verify that evaporation retardant is on site and in sufficient quantities. 5. Itnmc to hn e+mmnlatnrl 1 rliv hpfnrp r_nnr-rete nincement ITEM: DATE BY 1. Verify subgrade and base is well compacted, smoothed and base choked —off with fine aggregate (as identified on the drawings or in the geotech report). 2. Has the subgrade and base been proof rolled and observed by the eotechnical representative? 3. Have all of the soft spots identified by the proof rolling been repaired and retested? _ _ 4. Has the slab thickness been verified and is the thickness uniform? 5: For the slabs with reinforcement: SLAB ON ORQUN❑ 20030278 03390-21 09/07/04 ITEM: DATE BY A. Is the correct size and spacing installed? B. Does reinforcement have the specified cover from the top of the slab? C. Does the reinforcement have the proper lap splice length? D. Is the reinforcement securely tied to the proper number of bar supports? 6. Have all of the reentrant corner and slab penetration reinforcing bars been installed with proper cover? 7. Are dowel baskets in place or adjacent toplacement area? 8. Are dowel basket locations marked on subgrade / base and forms? 9. Are Diamond Dowels at construction joints installed and properly aligned? 10. Rome to ha rmmnratar'I chirinn cnncrPtP rsiacPment. finishina. and curina ITEM: DATE BY 1. Are the tests being performed on the concrete (air, slump, etc) at the proper time? 2. Are the dowel baskets being placed in the proper locations and ali nment? 3. Is vibration being done under all dowels? 4. Is power floating starting per 03390 Part 3? 5. Is the evaporation retardant being used properly when needed? 6. Is the proper steel trowel finish being achieved? 7. Is curing being started immediately and continuing uninterrupted? 8. Are the saw cuts being made at the appropriate time? 9. Itamc to ha cmmn1Ptar1 after cnncrPtP curina ITEM: DATE BY 1. If used, is the liquid surface treatment being properly applied at the correct time? 2. Is the wheeled construction equipment diapered and have the appropriate tires to leave no skid marks? 3. Are joints spalling due to construction traffic? If so, provide protection. 4. At least one week before starting joint filling, notify Owner's special inspector. Do not allow fillip unless ins ectar is resent. 5. Have the joints been properly filled and at the correct time? 6. MORTAR AND GROUT __ 04100 - 1 THD 06/23/04 SECTION 04100 - MORTAR AND GROUT PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. This section includes furnishing materials, mixing and application of mortar and grout for masonry work. 1.02 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Related work specified elsewhere includes but may not be limited to: 1. Brick Masonry 2. Reinforced Unit Masonry 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The Owner will employ and pay for the services of an Independent Testing Contractor (ITC) to provide testing and inspections of the masonry work. B. The services of the ITC, and the information provided by the ITC, are provided for the sole benefit of Owner. The information is provided to Contractor only so the Contractor is aware of what is being reported to Owner. The Contractor shall not, and is not entitled to, rely upon any information provided by the ITC in any manner. Contractor is solely responsible for assuring that the Work complies with the Contract Documents in all respects and may not rely on the ITC for this, or any other, assurance. The ITC and its representatives are not authorized to revoke, alter, relax, enlarge or release any requirements of the Contract Documents, approve or accept any portion of the Work, perform or excuse any duties of Contractor, or be a party to the scheduling of the Work. The ITC is not an authorized agent of the Owner with respect to the relationship between Owner and Contractor. C. Masonry materials and operations shall be tested and inspected as the work progresses. Failure by the ITC to detect any defective work or material shall not in any way prevent later rejection (when such defect is discovered) nor shall it obligate the Owner for final acceptance. D. See Section 01411 Testing and Inspection for a complete description of the services to be performed by the ITC and additional Contractor responsibilities to facilitate that work. 1.04 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver materials, except aggregate, to site in good condition, in original unopened containers displaying product name, type and grade, and mixing instructions. Inspect materials upon delivery and replace damaged or contaminated materials. B. Store materials to prevent inclusion of foreign materials, Cement, lime and admixtures shall be stored above ground level and covered for protection from moisture and contamination. 1.05 GUARANTEE A. Contractor shall guarantee entire installation for one year from date of the Grand Opening. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Portland Cement: ASTMC 150, Type II, natural color, non -staining. MORTAR AND GROUT 04100 - 2 TH D 06/23/04 B. Masonry Cement: ASTM C 91, Type II, non -staining with maximum 12% air content by volume. C. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C 207-91, Type S. D. Quicklime: ASTM C5-79(1997), slaked and aged in accordance with Appendix to ASTM C 5. E. Aggregate for Mortar: Natural Sand, ASTM C 144-99, clean, natural washed sand. F. Aggregate for Masonry Grout: ASTM C 404-97. G. Mortar Color: Match color of concrete block for structural CMU. Refer to drawings for architectural CMU and/or brick mortar colors. Submit colored mortar samples to Architect of Record. H. Moisture Resistant Admixtured: Unless prepackaged mortar with an integral waterproofing admixture is used, provide one of the following: 1. Lambert Corporation, "Mortartite." 2. Sunneborn "Trimix." 3. Euclid Chemical Co., "Integral Waterpeller." I. Water Reducing and Plasticizing Admixture, Acceptable Products: 1. Lambert Corporation, "Mortartite." 2. Sonneborn "Trimix." Water: Clean, potable, free from excessive amounts of acids, alkalies, organic and other deleterious materials. K. Commercial Cement Grout, Acceptable Products: 1. L & M - Surco Company, "L&M Acid-R Grout." 2. Sika Corporation, "Grout 212." 3. Master Builders, "Masterflow 928." 2.02 MORTAR PROPORTIONS A. Types of Mortar: TYPES MIN. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH AT 28 DAYS M 2500 PSI S 1800 PSI N 750 PSI B. 1 lortar mixes sixes may vary slightly to compensate for admixes and rn imning requirements. Any changes shall be r ....I approved by the Architect. Responsibility for providing pumpable mix and for meeting the strength requirements rests with the Contractor. Mortar proportions by volume shall be as follows: Type Mortar Aggregate Cu.Ft Portland Cu.Ft. Hydrated Lime Cu.Ft. M 1 None 1/4 1 1 None S 1 None Over 1/4 To 1/2 1/2 1 None N 1 None Over 1/4 To 1/2 None 1 None Aggregate or Lime Putty measured in damp condition shall not be less than 3 times the sum of the volumes of cement lime used. C. Mixing: Mortar shall be mixed in a mechanically operated mortar mixer for at least three minutes after all ingredients are in the drum, and at least long enough to make a thorough, complete intimate mix of the materials. The required slump shall be 2-3/4 + 1/4" using truncated cone of 4"x 2"x 6" high. MORTAR AND GROUT 04100 - 3 THD 06/23/04 D. Tempering: The consistency of mortars shall be adjusted to the satisfaction of the mason, and water shall be added as is necessary or convenient in using the mortar. This should be done by forming a basin in the mortar, adding water and mixing it in, not by splashing water over the surface. Mortar in which a final set has begun so that it has become harsh shall not be used. 2.03 GROUT PROPORTIONS A. Grout mixes may vary slightly to compensate for admixes and pumping requirements. Any changes shall be approved by the Architect. Responsibility for providing a pumpable mix and for meeting the strength requirements rests with the Contractor. Group proportions by volume as follows: Type: Minimum Portland Hydrated Aggregate measured in a Damp Loose Condition: Cement or Portland Lime or Blast -Furnace Slag Lime Cement: Putty: Fine Coarse Fine 1 0 to 1/10 2-1/4 to 3 times the --- sum of the volume of the cementitious materials Coarse 1 0 to 1/10 2-1/4 to 3 times the Ito 2 times the sum of the volume of sum of the volume the cementitious of the cementitious materials materials B. Fine grout shall be used in spaces less than 2" in any horizontal dimension or in which clearance between reinforcing and masonry is less than 1 ". C. Mixing: All ingredients shall be measured according to the specified portions for the batch and mixed in a mechanically operated batch mixer. The grout shall be mixed for a period of at least three minutes after all ingredients for the batch are in the drum. The drum must be completely emptied before the succeeding batch of materials is placed therein. The required slump shall be 10" minimum. D. Tempering: The consistency of grout shall be adjusted so it will flow immediately into place without segregation of ingredients. Water may be added to compensate for loss, but grout that has begun final set and become harsh shall not be used. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 MORTAR A. Conform to proportion specifications of ASTM C-270-00 for mortar types. See Drawings for type of mortar to be used. Do not use mortar one hour after initial water has been added to the mix. B. Place mortar as directed in sections that follow for each specific type masonry specified. C. Re -tempering: Not permitted. D. Antifreeze agents not permitted. 3.02 GROUTING A. Grout shall comply with ASTM C 476-01. MORTAR AND GROUT 04100 - 4 TH D 06/23/04 B. Limitations for erection and grouting of masonry walls to be constructed by low lift grouting methods as follows: Erection Hollow Unit Masonry Minimum size core Maximum height masonry lift Maximum height grouted lift 2 in. minimum dimension 6 sq. in. minimum area 8 ft. 4 ft. C. Limitations for erection and grouting of masonry walls to be constructed by the high lift grouting method as follows: Erection Hollow Unit Masonry Minimum size core Maximum height masonry lift Maximum height grouted lift 3 in. minimum dimension 10 sq. in. minimum area 80 times minimum cell dimension 4 ft. D. Mortar shall not protrude into spaces designed to be filled with grout. E. Minimum mortar curing time before low lift grouting should be 24 hours and before high lift grouting three days in hot weather and five days in cold weather. Walls shall not be wetted during the curing period unless necessary. If weather conditions require, walls shall be kept damp with water from a fogging nozzle, but shall not be wetted to the point that free water drops from the surface. F. Grout shall be placed in final position by means of an approved grout pump capable of handling at least 13 cubic yards of grout before any initial set occurs and in no case more than 1-1/2 hours after water has been added. G. Cells may be filled solid with grout either by low -lift grouting or high -lift grouting as specified hereinafter. A "lift" is the height of grout placed in one continuous operation from foundation or cold joint of previous lift to top of cell or cold joint forming bottom of subsequent lift. H. Grout shall be consolidated by puddling or mechanical vibrating during place and reconsolidated by again puddling after excess moisture has been absorbed by the masonry but before plasticity is lost. I. When the grouting is stopped for one hour or longer, horizontal construction joints shall be formed by stopping the placing of grout 1-1/2" above or below bed joint. J. All reinforcing shall be in place prior to grouting. Vertical reinforcing bars shall be held in position at the top, bottom and at intervals not farther apart than 192 bar diameters. MORTAR AND GROUT 04100 - 5 TH D 06/23/04 K. When high lift grouting is used, clean out openings of 12 square inches shall be provided at the bottoms of all cells to be filled at each lift. Any overhanging mortar or other obstruction or debris shall be removed from the insides of such cell walls. Flush cells clean with water prior to grouting. After inspection and approval of the cells by the masonry inspector and the Architect of Record, the clean -outs shall be sealed before grouting. Cuts shall be made with masonry saw. Cutout pieces or masonry pieces of the same texture as the unit to be repaired and of the same sizes as the cutout holes shall be used for sealing the clean out openings. L. The length of time for waiting period between grouting lifts varies with the weather conditions and shall be determined by the masonry inspector. The waiting period allows water to be absorbed by the masonry and hence reduce hydrostatic pressure. M. Re -tempering: Not permitted. 3.03 TESTING AND INSPECTION A. Reinforcing steel shall be inspected prior to grouting. Architect shall be notified 48 hours in advance. B. High lift grouting shall be continuously inspected by the ITC. 3.04 CLEANING UP A. All cylinders and prisms shall be labeled with a record of the date cast and location in the structure and shall be moist cured at the job site and delivered to the ITC for 7 day and 28 day compression tests. B. Mortar shall be tested in three mortar cylinders, 2" diameter x 4" high, and shall be representative of each day's mortar. C. Grout shall be tested in three prisms, 3-1/2" x 3-1/2" x 7", representative of each days grouting, or each 50 cubic yards of grout placed, whichever is smaller. D. Core tests will be performed if the grout or mortar fails to meet the specified requirements or if required by the Architect. Cores shall be cut from areas where defective materials where used and shall be tested for compressive strength. END OF SECTION REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY 04230-1 20030278 09/07/04 SECTION 04230 - REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY } PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. The extent of the work specified herein is shown on the drawings. B. This Section includes new concrete unit masonry work associated with an addition to an existing building. C. Products installed but not furnished under this Section include the following: 1. Steel lintels and miscellaneous steel frames are specified in Section 05500 "Metal Fabrications." 2. Wood nailers and blocking built into unit masonry are specified in Section 06100 "Rough Carpentry". 3. Sealants in masonry construction joints are specified in Section 07901, "Joint Sealers." 4. Hollow metal frames in unit masonry openings are specified in Section 08110, "Hollow Metal Doors and Frames." 5. Applied exterior water-repellent coatings are specified in Section 07150, "Water Repellent". 1.02 SUBMITTALS TO ARCHITECT OF RECORD A. General: Submit product data material certificates signed by manufacturer and contractor certifying that each material complies with requirements for each different masonry unit, accessory, and other manufactured product indicated. B. Samples: Provide three (3) examples of each color, texture, size and shape of masonry unit proposed for use in this work. Do not order materials or proceed with any unit masonry work before receiving written approval of samples from Architect of Record. C. Grout Mix Design - Each Type D. Certificates for Fire -Rated Masonry Units - ASTM C119 E. Test Certificates for each type of Masonry Unit specified - ASTM C140 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Unit Masonry Standard: Comply with ACI 530.1/ASCE 6 "Specifications for Masonry Structures," except as modified herein. B. Fire performance characteristics: Where indicated, provide materials and construction which are identical to those of assemblies whose fire resistance has been determined per ASTM E 119 by a testing and inspecting organization, by equivalent concrete masonry thickness, or by another means, as acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS A. `Provide special shapes where indicated for lintels, corners, jambs, sash, control joints, headers, bonding, and other special conditions. Provide square -edged units for outside corners. B. Size: 1. Comply with ASTM specifications for concrete masonry units. 2. Concrete Masonry Units: Manufactured to specified dimensions of 3/8 inch less than nominal widths by nominal heights by nominal lengths indicated on drawings. Nominal Face Dimensions: 8" X 16" for full REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY 04230-2 20030278 09/07/04 size units. C. Exposed Faces: Manufacturer's integrally -colored block with split -face texture (exterior face only). Color and texture of CMU provided shall match color and texture of existing CMU. D. Hollow Load -Bearing Concrete Masonry Units: ASTM C 90, Grade N and as follows: 1. Unit Compressive Strength: 1900 psi minimum average compressive strength. 2. Weight Classification: Normal weight. 3. Grade N 4. Aggregate: ASTM C33. E. Single -Source Responsibility for Masonry Units: Obtain exposed masonry units of uniform texture, or a uniform blend within the ranges accepted for these characteristics, from one manufacturer for each different product required for each continuous surface or visually related surfaces. r. n•__I_ [+_ 'l.'1' L..- 11A �.+...- 11A + L.• (� U4, rF rJ' f inform quality, from ono F. .711 gle-�7Vi, rce Responsibility IVI IVIVIta Materials: 1. 1 ain mortar ingredients of u�iiiv, i� qua y, manufacturer for each cementitious component and from one source and producer for each aggregate. 2.02 MORTAR AND GROUT MATERIALS A. Mortar: Portland cement -lime mix complying with ASTM C270 Type S. Color: Standard Gray B. Grout fill for Unit Masonry: Comply with ASTM C 476. Use grout of consistency indicated, or, it not otherwise indicated, of consistency (fine or coarse) at time of placement that will completely fill spaces intended to receive grout. Provide grout at concrete masonry unit bond beams, lintels, and reinforced cells with reinforcing bars and embedded-plates.- 1 . Compressive Strength: 2000 psi minimum at 28 days, as determined in accordance with the provisions of ASTM C 1019. 2. Slump: 8 inches, minimum; 10 inches, maximum; taken in accordance with ASTM C 143. 3. Use fine grout in grout spaces less than 2 inches (50 mm) in horizontal dimension, unless otherwise indicated. 4. Use coarse grout in grout spaces 2 inches (50 mm) or more in least horizontal dimension, unless otherwise indicated. C. Mixing - Grout 1. Mix grout in accordance with ASTM C 476. Do not use anti -freeze compounds to lower the freezing point of grout. 2. Grout: ASTM C 476, and ACI 530.1. 3. Dry mix materials utilizing equipment designed to insure uniform blending and precision measuring devices to insure uniformity from batch to batch. 4. Deliver and maintain at site bulk dry blended ingredients in enclosed container. 5. Add only clean water at the site. 6. Reports: Submit reports on grout indicating conformance of component grout materials to requirements of ASTM C 476 and test and evaluation reports to ASTM C 1019. 7. Manufacturer's Certificate: Certify that products meet or exceed specified requirements. D. Epoxy Pointing Mortar: Mix epoxy -pointing mortar to comply with mortar manufacturer's directions. 2.03 REINFORCING STEEL A. Steel Reinforcing Bars: Billet steel complying with ASTM A 615, Grade 60, deformed, unless noted otherwise. REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY 04230-3 20030278 09/07/04 2.04 JOINT REINFORCEMENT A. General: Provide joint reinforcement complying with requirements of referenced unit masonry standard and this article, formed Carbon steel wire, galvanized to conform to ASTM A153-132. B. Description: Welded -wire units prefabricated with deformed continuous side rods and plain cross rods into straight lengths of not less than 10 feet, with prefabricated corner and tee units, and complying with requirements indicated below: 1. Wire Diameter for Side Rods: 0.1483 inch (9 gage). 2. Wire Diameter for Cross Rods: 0.1483 inch (9 gage). 3. For single-wythe masonry provided type as follows with single pair of side rods: a. Truss design with continuous diagonal cross rods spaced not more than 16 inches o.c. b. Ladder design with two or more parallel longitudinal rods weld connected to perpendicular cross rods spaced not more than 16" o.c. C. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide joint reinforcement by one of the following: 1. Dur-O-WaI, Inc. 2. Heckman Building Products, Inc. 3. Hohmann & Barnard, Inc. 2.05 TIES AND ANCHORS, GENERAL A. General: Provide ties and anchors specified in subsequent articles that comply with requirements for metal and size of reference unit masonry standard and of this article. B. Galvanized Carbon Steel Wire: ASTM A 82, coating class as required by referenced unit masonry standard for application indicated. Wire Diameter: 0.1875 inch. C. Steel Plates and Bars: ASTM A 36, hot -dip galvanized to comply with ASTM A 123 or ASTM A 153, Class B3, as applicable to size and form indicated. D. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: 1. Dur-O-WaI, Inc. 2. Heckman Building Products, Inc. 3. Hohmann & Barnard, Inc. 2.06 ADJUSTABLE ANCHORS FOR CONNECTING MASONRY TO STRUCTURAL FRAMEWORK A. General: Two-piece assemblies as described below allowing vertical or horizontal differential movement between wall and framework parallel to plane of wall, but resisting tension and compression forces perpendicular to it. Provide only when indicated on drawings. 2.07 RIGID ANCHORS A. Provide straps of form and length shown on drawings and fabricated from metal strips 1-1/2 inches wide by 1/4 inch thick 2.08 ANCHOR BOLTS A. Anchor Bolts: Steel bolts complying with A 307, Grade A; with ASTM A 563 hex nuts and, where indicated, flat washers; hot -dip galvanized to comply with ASTM A 153, Class C; of diameter and length indicated. 2.09 MISCELLANEOUS MASONRY ACCESSORIES A. Preformed Control Joint Gaskets: REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY 04230-4 20030278 09/07/04 1. Provide Slot Seal Standard T015-3, Styrene-Butadiene Rubber Compound: ASTM D 2000, Designation 2AA-805. 2. Joint control gaskets shall be designed to fit standard sash block and to maintain lateral stability in masonry wall. 3. Size and configuration as indicated on drawings. B. Bond Breaker Strips: Asphalt -saturated organic roofing felt complying with ASTM D 226, Type I (No. 15 asphalt felt). C. Weep Holes: Provide the following round plastic tubing of medium -density polyethylene, 3/8 inch outside diameter by 4 inches long,with cotton ropc wicks. D. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: 1. Dur-O-Wal, Inc. 2. Heckman Building Products, Inc. 3. Hohmann R Barnard, Int- 2.10 EMBEDDED FLASHING MATERIALS A. Provide "FlashGuard" through -wall flashing system as manufactured by Firestone Building Products. "FlashGuard" system includes: 1. "FlashGuard" 40 mil EPDM membrane 2. Firestone spray priniei t031v1 o0 [nGupicii8 U-Gluaot ad1hGs11ve prOviucu uy i iicawIV] 3. FlashGuard 1-1/2" Adhesive Tape 4. Firestone Water Block Sealant 2.11 CAVITY DRAIN MATERIALS A. Drainage mat material; acceptable product: Mortar -Net,- as manufactured -by o mane - arnarInc., 30 Rasons Court, PO Box 5270, Happauge, NY 117888. Telephone: (516) 234-0600. 2.12 MASONRY CLEANERS A. Sure Klean, No. 600 detergent by Pro SoCo, Inc. or approved equal when expressly approved for intended use by manufacturer of masonry units and mortars being cleaned. 2.13 MASONRY INSULATION A. Masonry Cell Insulation: Korfil expanded polystyrene insulation inserts for standard two core masonry units as manufactured by Korfil, Inc., P.O. Box 123, Chilopee, MA 01514 (800-628-8476). Provide Korfil 2" thick EPS insert in 12" wide masonry units, to be factory installed at the exterior wall face of all cells. Use original korfil "horseshoe" insert in all 8" wide masonry units. Furnish insulation in all cells except bond beams, lintels and parapets above the roof line, and where otherwise indicated to be deleted. Approved equal block insulation to be Insul-Bloc standard units as manufactured by Insul-Bloc Corp., 55 Circuit Avenue West, Springfield, Massachusetts 01089. B. No substitutions. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver masonry materials to project in undamaged condition. REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY 04230-5 20030278' 09/07/04 B. Store and handle masonry units off the ground, under cover, and in a dry location to prevent their deterioration or damage due to moisture, temperature changes, contaminants, corrosion, and other causes. If units become west, do not place until units are in an air-dried condition. C. Store cementitious materials off the ground, under cover and in a dry location. D. Store aggregates where grading and other required characteristics can be maintained and contamination avoided. E. Store masonry accessories including metal items to prevent corrosion and accumulation of dirt and oil. 3.02 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Stain Prevention: Prevent grout, mortar, and soil from staining the face of masonry to be left exposed or painted. Remove immediately any grout, mortar and soil that comes in contact with such masonry. 1. Protect base of walls from mortar splatter by means of covering spread over wall surface. 2. Protect sills, ledges, and projections from mortar droppings. 3. Protect surfaces of window and doorframes, as well as similar products with painted and integral finishes from mortar droppings. B. Hot -Weather Construction: Comply with reference unit masonry standard. C. Cold Weather Requirements: 1. Comply with IMIAC - Recommended Practices and Guides Specifications for Cold Weather Masonry Construction. 2. When the ambient air temperature is below 40 degrees F, heat -mixing water to maintain mortar temperature between 40 degrees F until placed. When the ambient air temperature is below 32 degrees F, heat the water to maintain this mortar temperature. 3.03 EXAMINATION A. Examine conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other specific conditions, and other conditions effecting performance of unit masonry. B. Examine rough -in and built-in construction to verify actual locations of piping connections prior to installation. C. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.04 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Comply with referenced unit masonry standard and other requirements indicated applicable to each type of installation included in Project. B. Thickness: Build single-wythe wall to the actual thickness of the masonry units, using units of nominal thickness indicated. C. Build chases and recesses as shown or required to accommodate items specified in this and other Sections of Specifications. Provide not less than 8 inches of masonry between chase or recess and jamb of openings and between adjacent chases and recesses. D. Leave openings for equipment to be installed before completion of masonry. After installation of equipment, complete masonry to match construction immediately adjacent to the opening. E. Cut masonry units with motor -driven saws to provide clean, sharp, unchipped edges. Cut units as required to provide continuous pattern and to fit adjoining construction. Use full-size units without cutting where possible. REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY 04230-6 20030278 09/07/04 1. At grouting clean -out locations, use face shell plugs adequately braced to resist grout pressure. 3.05 CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCES A. Variation from Plumb: For vertical lines and surfaces of columns, walls, and arises, do not exceed 1/4 inch in 10 feet (6 mm in 3 m), nor 3/8 inch in 20 feet (10 mm in 6 m), nor 1/2" inch in 40 feet (12 mm in 12 m or more). For external corners, expansion joints, control joints, and other conspicuous lines, do not exceed 1/4 inch in 20 feet (6 mm or in 6 m), nor 2 inch in 40 feet (12 mm in 12 m) or more. For vertical alignment of head joints, do not exceed plus or minus 1/4 inch in 10 feet (6 mm in 3 m), nor 2 inch (12 mm) maximum. B. Variation from Level: For bed juiiits at id lines of exposed lintels, sills, parapets, horizontal grooves, and other conspicuous lines, do not exceed 1/4 inch in 20 feet (6 mm in 6 m), nor 2 inch in 40 feet (12 mm in 12 m) or more. For top surface of bearing walls, do not exceed 1/8 inch (3 mm) in 10 feet (3 m), nor 1/16 inch (1.5 mm) within width of a single unit. r+ i_.: „a• r i •I.J• I C h n I n rJ re }eri nort nn r% rnl�,i nc walls wnri �. v al iaLl l of Linear rear Building �i� ie. or position S, �;, ll „ i, , plan an !a V m partitions, do not exceed 2 inch in 20 feet (12 mm in 6 m), nor 3/4 inch in 40 feet (19 mm in 12 m) or more. D. Variation in Cross -Sectional Dimensions: For column and thickness of walls, from dimensions shown, do not exceed minus 1/4 inch (6 mm) nor plus 2 inch (12 mm). E. Variation in Mortar -Joint Thickness: Do not varyfrom bed -joint thickness indicated by more than plus or minus 1/8 inch (3 mm) with a maximum thickness limited to 2 inch (12 mm). Do not vary bed -joint thickness from bed -joint thickness of adjacent course by more than 1/8 inch (3 mm). Do not vary from head -joint thickness indicated by more than plus or minus 1/8 inch (3 mm). Do not vary head -joint thickness from adjacent head - joint thickness by more than 1/8 inch (3 mm). Do not vary from collar -joint thickness indicated by more than minus 1/4 inch (6 mm) or plus 3/8 inch (10 mm). 3.06 LAYING MASONRY WALLS A. Lay out walls in advance for accurate spacing of surface bond patterns with uniform joint widths and for accurate locating of openings, movement -type joints, returns, and offsets. Avoid the use of less -than -half-size units at corners, jambs, and where possible at other locations. B. Lay up walls to comply with specified construction tolerances, with courses accurately spaced and coordinated with other construction. C. Bond Pattern for Exposed Masonry: Lay exposed masonry in the following bond pattern; do not use units with less than nominal 4-inch horizontal face dimensions at corners or jambs. 1. Running bond with vertical joint in each course centered on units in courses above and below unless otherwise indicated. D. Lay concealed masonry with all units in a wythe in running bond or bonded by lapping not less than 2 inches. Bond and interlock each course of each wythe at corners. Do not use units with less than nominal 4-inch horizontal face dimensions at corners or jambs. E. Stopping and Resuming Work: In each course, rack back 1/2"-unit length for one-half running bond; do not tooth. Clean exposed surfaces of set masonry, and remove loose masonry units and mortar prior to laying fresh masonry. F. Built -In -Work: As construction progresses, build -in -items specified under this and other Sections of the Specifications. Fill in solidly with masonry around built -in -items. 1. Fill space between hollow metal frames and masonry solidly with mortar, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Where built-in items are to be embedded in cores of hollow masonry units, place a layer of metal lath in the joint below and rod mortar or grout into core. REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY 04230-7 20030278 09/07/04 3. Fill cores in hollow concrete masonry units with grout 3 courses (24 inches) under bearing plates, beams, lintels, posts, and similar items, unless otherwise indicated. G. Temporarily brace walls to provide stability during construction. H. Temporarily shore masonry to provide support during construction. 3.07 MORTAR BEDDING AND JOINTING A. Lay hollow concrete masonry units as follows: 1. With full mortar coverage on horizontal and vertical face shells. 2. Bed webs in mortar in starting course on footings and in all courses of piers, columns, and pilasters, and where adjacent to cells or cavities to be filled with grout. 3. For starting course on footings where cells are not grouted, spread out full mortar bed including areas under cells. B. Joint Tooling: Tool all exposed joints slightly concave ("U" grooved joints) unless otherwise indicated. 1. Flush Joints: Joints in masonry to receive finish work of trades other than painting shall be struck flush. 3.08 HORIZONTAL JOINT REINFORCEMENT A. General: Provide continuous horizontal joint reinforcement as indicated. Install longitudinal side rods in mortar for their entire length with a minimum cover of 5/8 inch on exterior side of walls, 1/2" inch elsewhere. Lap reinforcing a minimum of 6 inches. B. Cut or interrupt joint reinforcement at control and expansion joints, unless otherwise indicated. C. Provide continuity at corners and wall intersections by use of prefabricated "L" and "T" sections. Cut and bend reinforcement units as directed by manufacturer for continuity at returns, offsets, column fireproofing, pipe enclosures, and other special conditions. D. Reinforce masonry openings greater than V-0" wide, with horizontal joint reinforcement placed in 2 horizontal joints approximately 8" apart, immediately above the lintel and immediately below the sill. Extend reinforcement a minimum of 2'-0" beyond jambs of the opening except at control joints. 1. In addition to wall reinforcement, provide additional reinforcement at openings as required to comply with the above. 3.09 MOVEMENT (CONTROL AND EXPANSION) JOINTS A. General: Install control and expansion joints in unit masonry as enumerated below and where indicated on drawings. Build in related items as the masonry progresses. Do not form a continuous span through movement joints unless provisions are made to prevent in -plane restraint of wall or partition movement. B. Place control joints in the following locations: 1. Changes in wall height or thickness. 2. At construction joints in foundation, in roof, and in floors (where CMU bears on floor slab). 3. At chases and recesses for piping, columns, fixtures, etc. 4. At abutment of wall and columns. 5. At return angles in "L", "T" and "U" shaped structures. 6. At one or both sides of wall openings. a. Place control joint at one side of an opening less than six feet in width and at both jambs of openings over six feet wide. Extend control joint through wall finishes where applied directly to masonry units. b. Provide horizontal slip plane where reinforced lintel beam terminates at a control joint. Provide horizontal slip plane at junction of roof and load -bearing masonry terminating at a control joint. Bond between roof and wall should be broken 12-15 feet back from corners, with slip plane. REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY 04230-8 20030278 09/07/04 C. Form control joints in concrete masonry as follows: 1. Install special shapes designed for control joints. Install bond breaker strips at joint. Keep head joints free and clear of mortar or rake joint. Fill joints with elastomeric sealant; refer to Section 07901, "Joint Sealers." D. Form building expansion joints in concrete masonry as follows. 1. Install special shapes designed for building expansion joint. Use primer from top of footing to 1'-011 above grade line. Silicone sealant shall meet requirements of Section 07901, Joint Sealants. 2. Material is compressed and recessed 1/4" into joint opening. A wet silicone sealant is caulked into reveals. Clean all joints prior to installing seal from loose particles, dust, foreign matter, grease, frost, water, etc. 3. Install according to manufacturer's instruction sheets and recommendations. 4. Caulking Wet Silicone Sealant: Caulk 6' sections independently. Caulk across the reveal at the head joint, then caulk down reveals on both sides of cured sealant and substrate. Tool the wet sealant. 5. Install protection board with the 2'-0" wide face centered on the expansion joint, apply adhesive on board to one side of foundation wall ioint with adhesive recommended by manufacturer. Extent of protection board shall be from top of footing to 4" below grade Ilne. 3.10 BOND BEAMS A. Install horizontal reinforcing steel continuous through control joints. B. HULUldl el-2U_-a._Jsteel shall not run continuous ap rvugh building �#r eripai I�ivi 1 jvil lw. 3.11 LINTELS A. Install loose steel lintels where indicated. B. Provide masonry lintels where shown and wherever openings of more than 2"-0" for block size units are shown without structural steel or other supporting lintels. Provide formed -in -place masonry lintels. Cure precast lintels before handling and installation. Temporarily support formed -in -place lintels. 1. For hollow concrete masonry unit walls, use specially formed bond beam units with reinforcement bars placed as indicated and filled with coarse grout. 2. Install pre-engineered precast concrete lintels where indicated and where concrete masonry will be concealed by other work. 3. Provide minimum bearing of 8 inches at each jamb, unless otherwise indicated. C. Install miscellaneous steel frames where indicated. 3.12 FLASHING/WEEP HOLES A. General: Install embedded flashing and weep holes in masonry at shelf angles; lintels, ledges, other obstructions to the downward flow of water in the wall, and where indicated. B. Prepare masonry surfaces so that they are smooth and free from projections that could puncture flashing. Place through -wall flashing on sloping bed of mortar and cover with mortar. Seal penetration in flashing with adhesive/sealant/tape as recommended by flashing manufacturer before covering with mortar. C. Install flashings as follows: 1. Extend flashing from exterior face of outer wythe of masonry through the outer wythe, turned up a minimum of 4" and inserted 3/4" into the outer face shell of inner wythe. Do not extend flashing full depth of inner wythe. Installation into inner wythe may be accomplished by raking out horizontal joint, inserting flashing and sealing joint with sealant and backer rod. 2. At heads and sills, extend flashing as specified above unless otherwise indicated but turn up ends not less than 2 inches to form a pan. REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY 04230-9 20030278 09/07/04 3. Cut off flashing flush with face of wall after masonry wall construction is completed.. D. Install weep holes in the head joints in exterior wythes of the first course of masonry immediately above embedded flashings and as follows: 1. Form weep holes with specified plastic tubing 2. Space weep holes 24 inches o.c. 3.13 INSTALLATION OF REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY A. General: Install reinforced unit masonry to comply with requirements of referenced unit masonry standard. B. Temporary Formwork: Construct formwork and shores to support reinforced masonry elements during construction. 1. Construct formwork to conform to shape, line, and dimensions shown. Make sufficiently tight to prevent leakage of mortar and grout. Brace, tie, and support forms to maintain position and shape during construction and curing of reinforced masonry. C. Do not place grout until entire height of masonry to be grouted has attained sufficient strength to resist grout pressure. D. Do not remove forms and shores until reinforced masonry members have hardened sufficiently to carry their own weight and other temporary loads that may be placed on them during construction. E. Provide cleanout holes at least 3 inches (76 mm) in least dimension for grout pours over 60 inches (1524 mm) in height. 1. Provide cleanout holes at each vertical reinforcing bar. 2. At solid grouted masonry, provide cleanout holes at not more than 32 inches (813 mm) o.c. 3.14 REPAIRING AND POINTING A. Remove and replace masonry units that are loose, chipped, broken, stained, or otherwise damaged or if units do not match adjoining units. Install new units to match adjoining units and in fresh mortar or grout, point to eliminate evidence of replacement. B. Pointing: During the tooling of joints, enlarge any voids or holes, and completely fill with mortar. Point -up all joints including corners, openings, and adjacent construction to provide a neat, uniform appearance, prepared for application of sealants. 3.15 CLEANING A. Final Cleaning: After mortar is thoroughly set and cured, clean exposed masonry as follows: 1. Remove large mortar particles by hand with wooden paddles and nonmetallic scrape hoes or chisels. 2. Protect adjacent non -masonry surfaces from contact with cleaner by covering them with liquid strippable masking agent, polyethylene film, or waterproof masking tape. 3. Wet wall surfaces with water prior to application of cleaners; remove cleaners promptly by rinsing thoroughly with clear water. 4. Clean concrete masonry by means of cleaning method indicated in NCMA TEK 45 applicable to type of stain present on exposed surfaces. 5. Test cleaning methods on sample wall area; leave 2 area uncleaned for comparison purposes. Obtain project managers approval of sample cleaning before proceeding with cleaning of masonry. B. Protection: Provide final protection and maintain conditions, in a manner acceptable to Installer, that ensure unit masonry is without damage and deterioration at time of Substantial Completion. REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY 20030278 3.16 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 04230-10 09/07/04 A. The Owner will engage and pay for the services of an independent testing agency to perform the following testing for field quality control. Payment for these services will be made from the Inspection and Testing Allowance, as authorized by Change Orders. Retesting of materials failing to meet specified requirements shall be done at Contractor's expense. B. Testing Frequency: Tests and Evaluations listed in this Article will be performed during construction for each 5,000 sq. ft. (460 sq. m) of wall area or portion thereof, and as otherwise indicated. C. Prior to each grouting operation, testing agency shall inspect clean out holes and inspect for rebar positioning and cleanliness of cores. Agency shall have authority to stop grouting operations if the wall has not been properly prepared to comply with ACI Code requirements and proper granting procedure. D. Prism -Test Method: For each type of wall construction indicated, masonry prisms will be tested per ASTM E 447, Method B, and as follows: 1. Prepare 1 set of prisms for testing at 28 days. E. Evaluation of Quality -Control Tests: In the absence of other indications of noncompliance with requirements, masonry will be considered satisfactory if results from construction quality -control tests complywith minimum requirements indicated. END OF SECTION STRUCTURAL STEEL THD 05120 - 1 06/23/04 SECTION 05120 - STRUCTURAL STEEL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK A. Include all labor, materials and appliances, and perform all operations in connection with the installation of all Structural Steel and all related work, complete, in strict accordance with the drawings, and as specified herein. Structural steel work includes: 1. Design of structural steel connections. 2. All structural steel including columns, beams, girders, column base and cap plates, joist and beam bearing plates, angles and channels. 3. Framing for all openings in metal deck. 4. Connection angles, bolts and electrodes for welding work. 5. Framing and supports for roof top units. 6. Shop painting. 7. Shop drawings. 8. Furnishing of anchor bolts (installation of anchor bolts shall be by the concrete contractor). 9. Connections for steel joist girders and steel joists to structural steel. 10. All other items required to make the work of this section complete. B. Delivery, Storage and Handling: 1. Store structural steel members at project site above ground on platforms or skids. 2. Store bolts and weld rods in original containers with labels intact. 3. Protect items from corrosion affecting structural strength and use. 1.02 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Unless otherwise shown or specified, this work shall conform to the following standards: AISC Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges (1986) except as modified herein. Paragraph 4.2.1 of the above code is hereby modified by deletion of the following sentence: "This approval constitutes the owner's acceptance of all responsibility for the design adequacy of any detail configuration of connections developed by the fabricator as part of his preparation of these shop drawings". AISC Structural Steel Buildings — Allowable Stress Design, Plastic Design (1989). AISC Load and Resistance Factor Design for Structural Steel Buildings (1993), incl. Supplement No. 1 dated January 1998 AISC Specification for the Design of Steel Hollow Structural Sections (1997) AISC Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings (1997), incl. Supplement No. 1 dated 1999 AISC Specification for Structural Joints using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts AWS (D1.1) Structural Welding Code - Steel 1.03 SUBMITTALS TO ARCHITECT OF RECORD A. Shop Drawings: 1. Submit shop drawings to the Architect of Record for review prior to fabrication. All drawings and outlines must be checked by the Contractor and bear the initials of the checker prior to submitting for review. 2. Items requiring field measuring shall have all dimensions verified in the field before fabrication. 3. Prepare in accordance with applicable standards and specifications listed in this Section. 4. All structural steel shall be detailed, fabricated and erected in accordance with the AISC Code of Standard Practice, except as modified herein. 5. Submit shop drawings, including complete details and schedules for fabrication and assembly of structural steel members, procedures and diagrams. Include details of cuts, connections, camber, holes and other pertinent data. Indicate welds by standard AWS symbols and show size, length and type of each weld. Furnish erection drawings referencing erection marks to shop detail drawing numbers. Provide setting STRUCTURAL STEEL 05120 - 2 TH D 06/23/04 drawings, templates and directions for installation of anchor bolts and other anchorages to be installed by others. Type of fasteners shall be clearly shown for all members. 6. Fabricator's erection drawings and shop details shall clearly show the design loads of the connections designed by the Fabricator. 7. The fabricator's engineer shall be responsible for the design, adequacy and safety of all connections. All shop drawings shall be signed and sealed bythe fabricator's engineer with the registered engineer's seal for the state where the structure is located. Engineer's seal may be qualified "For Design of Connections Only". B. Connection Design Certification: Submit connection design certification stating that all structural steel connections have been designed in accordance with the drawings, project specifications and AISC spec:i[iva1iurls. Confection design certification shall be signed and soaled bythe fabricator's engineer with the registered engineer's seal for the state where the structure is located. C. Connection Design Calculations: Design calculations for all connections designed by the fabricator's engineer shall be submitted only when requested,by the Owner's Representative for submittal to the building official or for information. Connection design calculations will not be reviewed by the Architect of Record. All design calculations shall be signed and sealed by the fabricator's engineer with the registered engineer's seal for the state where the structure is located. D. Review of submittals is only for review of general conformance with the design concept, including verification of the connection design I loads shown i of i the shop drawings. In no C3vo Shall this review relieve the contractor of the responsibility for design, adequacy and safety of all connections, correctness of fit, general or detailed dimensions, quality or quantity of materials, or any other conditions, functions, performance or guarantees required. E. Submit to the Architect of Record, certification that the steel used in manufacturing the structural shapes for this project contains a minimum of 90% recycled steel manufactured in the USA. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The Owner will employ and pay for the services of an Independent Testing Contractor (ITC) to provide testing and inspection of structural steel. B. The services of the ITC, and the information provided by the ITC, are provided for the sole benefit of Owner. The information is provided to Contractor only so the Contractor is aware of what is being reported to Owner. Contractor shall not, and is not entitled to, rely upon any information provided by the ITC in any manner. Contractor is solely responsible for assuring that the Work complies with the Contract Documents in all ff C, Ior this othil r Tha M' nnrl ife ronreeentofivec are respeci5 and may n0[ rely ur lI the I I v I�i this, or any vu ici , uSSiires„C8. , ,,.. ....... ......h................ _... _. not authorized to revoke, alter, relax, enlarge or release any requirements of the Contract Documents, approve or accept any portion of the Work, perform or excuse any duties of Contractor, or be a party to the scheduling of the Work. The ITC is not an authorized agent of the Owner with respect to the relationship between Owner and Contractor. C. Structural steel materials and operations shall be tested and inspected as the work progresses. Failure to detect any defective work or material shall not in any way prevent later rejection (when such defect is discovered) nor shall it obligate the Owner's representative for final acceptance. P: See Section 01411 Testing and Inspection for a complete description of the services to be performed by the ITC and additional Contractor responsibilities to facilitate that work. STRUCTURAL STEEL 05120 - 3 TH D 06/23/04 PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. The following structural shapes shall be manufactured in the USA, containing a minimum of 90% recycled steel. B. Steel Channels, Angles, and Plate: ASTM A36, Fy = 36 KSI C. Steel Wide Flange: ASTM A992, Fy = 50 KSI D. Structural Tubing: ASTM A500, Grade B, Fy = 46KS1. E. Steel Pipe: ASTM A53, Grade B, Fy = 35 KSI. F. Bolts: ASTM A325. G. Welding Electrodes for Arc Welding: Series E70 conforming to AWS D1.1. H. Anchor Bolts: ASTM A307 Typical, unless noted. I. Shop paint: Fabricator's standard gray primer conforming to either SSPC 15 or Federal Specification TT-P- 636. 1. Provide primers that are VOC compliant for building location. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 DESIGN OF CONNECTIONS A. Unless otherwise shown or called for on the drawings, all shop connections may be either bolted or welded and all field connections shall be bolted. The fabricator is responsible for the design of all connections. Connections shown on the structural drawings are schematic and are only intended to show the relationship of members connected. Connection details indicated on the drawings shall be incorporated into the fabricator's connection design. B. Unless noted otherwise, connections shall be designed to support half of the allowable uniform load on the beam, defined in the AISC Beam Tables, or the reaction shown on the drawings, whichever is greater. For connections not covered above, notify Engineer of need for additional information. C. Unless noted otherwise, connections shall be designed as "simple framing" connections (unrestrained, free -ended) with the ends of beams and girders connected for shear only, and free to rotate with some inelastic, but self-limiting, deformation of connection parts, under gravity load. D. Unless otherwise noted, bolted connection shall be designed as bearing type connections using the values for bearing type connection with threads included in the shear plane. A minimum of two bolts per connection must be used. E. All connections shall be designed in accordance with the AISC Manual of Steel Construction, Ninth Edition, Part 4, Connections and the AISC Specification for Structural Steel Buildings. F. The fabricator is responsible for verifying the tension capacity of axially loaded members after a section is reduced for boltholes. Member size may be increased or connection plates added as required. STRUCTURALSTEEL THD 3.02 FABRICATION 05120 - 4 06/23/04 A. Shop Fabrication and Assembly: Fabricate and assemble structural assemblies in shop to greatest extent possible. Fabricate items of structural steel in accordance with AISC Specifications and as indicated on final shop drawings. Provide camber in structural members where indicated. B. Properly mark and match -mark materials for field assembly. Fabricate for delivery sequence that will expedite erection and minimize field handling of materials. C. Structural steel fabricator must coordinate details, provide connections and punch holes for other trades as shown on structural, architectural, electrical and mechanical drawings. D. Shop splicing of material will not be permitted unless each individual splice is shown on the shop drawings and is subsequently approved by the Project Manager. E. Painting 1. All surfaces of steel to be painted shall be cleaned and primed according to Steel Structures Painting Council Specification SSPC-SP-3 and as hereinafter modified. 2. Paint all structural steel items with one shop coat applied at a rate to produce a minimum dry film thickness of 1.0 mil. Do not shop coat the following: a. Members encased in concrete. b. Contact surfaces of welded connections and areas within 2" of field welds except as noted. c. Contact surfaces of high -strength bolted connections. d. Surfaces receiving sprayed -on fireproofing. e. Surfaces receiving field welded steel studs. 3. All steel shall be delivered to the job site free of oil. F. Inspection: Fabrication work may be subject to inspection by Owner's Representative and/or an independent testing laboratory. All reasonable facilities shall be made available for the inspectors at all times. Contractor shall bear costs of testing work performed by his field and shop forces necessary to insure performance of contract. 3.03 ERECTION A. The steel structure is a non -self-supporting steel frame and is dependent upon diaphragm action of the metal roof deck and attachment to the walls for stability and for resistance to wind and seismic forces. Provide all temporary supports required for stability and for resistance to wind and seismic forces until these elements are complete and are capable of providing this support. B. Furnish to concrete contractor all required anchor bolts and other incidental items of structural steel required to be built into concrete or masonry. Furnish templates and location plans for installing these items. C. Thoroughly examine and check the placement of anchor bolts and any supports on which the structural steel work is in anyway dependent and notify the Owner's Representative in writing of any defects that would affect the satisfactory completion of this work. The starting of structural steel erection shall imply acceptance of the underlying surfaces. D. Set and shim all base plates to the elevations shown on the contract drawings. Place non -shrink grout below base plates after final leveling. E. Use care in handling and erection to insure that steel shall not be twisted, bent or otherwise damaged, and should any difficulty be encountered, it shall immediately be reported to the Owner's Representative. No cutting or modification of structural shapes will be clone in the field without the consent of the Owner's Representative. STRUCTURALSTEEL THD 05120 - 5 06/23/04 F. Furnish all erection equipment, power, planking, bracing, guys, bolts, shims, etc., necessary in executing this part of the work. G. Welders shall be certified by an independent testing and inspection service. Tests for uncertified welders shall be at the expense of this contractor. H. Misfits, due to shop or drafting errors, will be corrected or replaced in field at the fabricator's expense. 1. All steel shall be erected square, plumb and true to lines and levels. Any measures required to correct out of plumb steel columns, etc., will be at this contractor's expense. I. Field touch up painting shall be done with the same type of paint as the shop coat. Touch up shall include erection damage, cleaning and painting of field connections or welds, bolts, nuts, and areas adjacent to welds not primed. END OF SECTION COLD FORMED METAL FRAMING 05400-1 TH D 09/01 /01 SECTION 05400 - COLD FORMED METAL FRAMING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Types of cold -formed metal framing units include the following: 1. C-shaped steel studs B. Plywood sheathing is specified in section 06100, "Rough Carpentry." C. Light gage metal framing and gypsum board at interior partitions are specified in Section 09260, "Gypsum Drywall." 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Component Design: Calculate structural properties of studs and joists in accordance with American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) "Specification for Design of Cold -Formed Steel Structural Members." B. Welding: Use qualified welders and comply with American Welding Society (AWS) D1.3, "Structural Welding Code - Sheet Steel." C. Fire -Rated Assemblies: Where framing units are components of assemblies indicated for a fire -resistance rating, including those required for compliance with governing regulations, provide units that have been approved by governing authorities that have jurisdiction. D. Pre -Installation Conference: Prior to start of installation of metal framing systems, meet at project site with installers of other work including door and window frames and mechanical and electrical work. Review areas of potential interference and conflicts, and coordinate layout and support provision for interfacing work. Do not begin work until all unsatisfactory work is corrected. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products of one of the following: 1. Dale/Incor. Phone: (313) 846-9400 2. USG Phone: (312) 606-5756 2.02 METAL FRAMING A. System Components: Manufacturers' standard load -bearing steel studs of type, size, shape, and gage as indicated. With each type of metal framing required, provide manufacturer's standard steel runners (tracks), blocking, lintels, clip angles, shoes, reinforcements, fasteners, and accessories for applications indicated, as needed to provide a complete metal framing system. B. All framing members shall be manufactured and supplied by one manufacturer. C. Materials and Finishes: 1. For 16-gage and heavier units, fabricate metal framing components of structural quality steel sheet, manufactured in the USA containing a minimum of 65% recycled steel, with a minimum yield point of 50,000 psi; ASTM A 446, A 570, A 611 or A653. 2. For 18-gage 20- gage and lighter units, fabricate metal framing components of commercial quality steel sheet, manufactured in the USA containing a minimum of 65% recycled steel, with a minimum yield point of 33,000 psi; ASTM A 446, A 570, A 611 or A653. 3. Provide galvanized finish to metal framing components complying with ASTM A 525 for minimum G 60 coating. 4. Fasteners: Provide nuts, bolts, washers, screws, and other fasteners with corrosion -resistant plated finish. COLD FORMED METAL FRAMING 05400-2 TH D 09/01 /01 5. Electrodes for Welding: Comply with AWS Code and as recommended by stud manufacturer. 6. Galvanizing Repair: Where galvanized surfaces are damaged, prepare surfaces and repair in accordance with procedures specified in ASTM A 780. D. The physical and structural properties listed in the "Incor" tables shall be considered the minimum permitted for all framing members. 2.03 FABRICATION A. General: Framing components may be prefabricated into assemblies before erection. Fabricate panels plumb, square, true to line, and braced against racking with joints welded. Perform lifting of prefabricated units to prevent damage or distortion. B. Fabricate units in jig templates to hold members in proper alignment and position and to assure consistent component placement. C. Fastenings: Attach similar components by welding. Attach dissimilar components by welding, bolting, or screw fasteners, as standard with manufacturer. D. Wire tying of framing components not permitted. E. Fabrication Tolerances: Fabricate units to a maximum allowable tolerance variation from plumb, level, and true to line of 1/8 inch in 10 feet with a maximum deflection of U360. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. General: Install metal framing systems in accordance with manufacturer's printed or written instruction and recommendations. B. Runner Tracks: Install continuous tracks sized to match studs. Align tracks accurately to layout at base and tops of studs. Secure tracks as recommended by stud manufacturer for type of construction involved, except do not exceed 24 inches o.c. spacing for nail or power -driven fasteners or 16 inches o.c. for other types of attachment. Provide fasteners at corners and at ends of tracks. C. Installation of Wall Studs: Secure studs to top and bottuni runner- tracks by either welding or screw fastening at both inside and outside flanges. D. Splicing of studs will not be permitted. E. Cutting: All cutting shall be done with a power -driven saw with appropriate abrasive blade. No hand cutting will be permitted. All cuts shall be clean, accurate, and true to line. F. Set studs plumb, except as needed for diagonal bracing or required for nonplumb walls or warped surfaces and similar requirements. G. Where stud system abuts structural columns or walls, including masonry walls, anchor ends of stiffeners to supporting structure. H. Install supplementary framing, blocking, and bracing in metal framing system wherever walls or partitions are indicated to support fixtures, equipment, services, casework, heavy trim and furnishings, and similar work requiring attachment to the wall or partition. Where type of supplementary support is not otherwise indicated, comply with stud manufacturer's recommendations and industry standards in each case, considering weight or loading resulting from item supported. COLD FORMED METAL FRAMING THD 09/01 /01 1. Frame wall openings larger than 2 feet square with double stud at each jamb of frame except where more than two are either shown or indicated in manufacturer's instructions. Install runner tracks and jack studs above and below wall openings. Anchor tracks to jamb studs with stud shoes or by welding, and space jack studs same as full -height studs of wall. Secure stud system wall opening frame in manner indicated. J. Frame both sides of expansion and control joints with separate studs; do not bridge the joint with components of stud system. K. Install horizontal stiffeners in stud system, space (vertical distance) at not more than 54 inches o.c. Weld at each intersection. L. Erection Tolerances: Bolt or weld wall panels (at both horizontal and vertical junctures) to produce flush, even true -to -line joints. 1. Maximum variation in plan and true position between prefabricated assemblies should not exceed 1/16 inch. M. Installation of Joists: Install level, straight, and plumb complete with bracing and reinforcing as indicated on drawings. Provide not less than 1-1/2 inch end bearing. 1. Reinforce ends with end clips, steel hangers, steel angle clips, steel stud section, or as otherwise recommended by joist manufacturer. END OF SECTION METAL FABRICATIONS 05501-1 20030278 09/07/04 SECTION 05501 - METAL FABRICATIONS PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Extent of metal fabrications is indicated on drawings and includes, but is not limited to the following: 1. Rough hardware 2. Loose bearing and leveling plates 3. Loose steel lintels 4. Miscellaneous framing and supports for the following: a. Roof mounted HVAC equipment b. Roof hatch c. Applications where framing and supports are not specified in other sections. 5. Burglar bars 6. Pipe bollards 1.02 DEFINITIONS A. Definitions in ASTM E 985 for railing -related terms applying to this section. 1.03 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Structural Performance: Design, engineer, fabricate, and install the following metal fabrications to withstand the following structural loads without exceeding the allowable design working stress of the materials involved, including anchors and connections. Apply each load to produce the maximum stress in each respective component of each metal fabrication. Complywith the requirements of the authorities having jurisdiction at site location if those requirements are more stringent then those indicated herein. 1.04 SUBMITTALS TO CONTRACTOR A. General: Submit the following: 1. Shop drawings detailing fabrication and erections of each metal fabrication indicated. Include plans, elevations, sections, and details of metal fabrications and their connections. Show anchorage and accessoryitems. Provide templates for anchors and bolts specified for installation under other sections. a. Where installed metal fabrications are indicated to comply with certain design loadings, include structural computations, material properties, and other information needed for structural analysis that has been signed and sealed by the qualified professional engineer who was responsible for their preparation. 2. Welder Certificates signed by Contractor certifying that welders comply with requirements specified under "Quality Assurance" article. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Fabricator Qualifications: Firm experience in successfully producing metal fabrications similar to that indicated for this Project, with sufficient production capacity to produce required units without caused delay in the Work. B. Installer Qualifications: Arrange for installation of metal fabrications specified in this section by same firm that fabricated them. C. Qualify welding processes and welding operators in accordance with AWS D1.1 "Structural Welding Code - Steel," D1.3 "Structural Welding Code - Sheet Steel", and D1.2 "Structural Welding Code - Aluminum." Certify that each welder has satisfactorily passed AWS qualification tests for welding processes involved and, if pertinent, has undergone recertification. METAL FABRICATIONS 05501-2 20030278 09/07/04 D. Engineer Qualifications: Professional engineer licensed to practice in jurisdiction where project is located and experienced in providing engineering services of the kind indicated that have resulted in the successful installation of metal fabrications similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for this Project. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 FERROUS METALS A. Metal Surfaces, General: For metal fabrications exposed to view upon completion of the Work, provide materials selected for their surface flatness, smoothness, and freedom from surface blemishes. Do not use materials whose exposed surfacer, oxhibit pitting, seam marks, roller marks, rolled trade names, roughness, and, for steel sheet, variations in flatness exceeding those permitted by reference standards for stretcher -leveled sheet. B. The following steel shapes shall be manufactured in the USA containing 90% recycled steel. 1. Steel Plates, Shapes, and Bars: ASTM A 36. 2. Cold -Formed StPPI Tubing: ASTM A 500, Grade A, or Grade B as indicated or required for design loading. 3. Hot -Formed Steel Tubing: ASTM A 501. a. For exterior installations and where indicated, provide tubing with hot -dip galvanized coating per ASTM A 53. 4. Cold -Rolled Strim ti iral Steel Sheet: ASTM A 611, Grade A, sinless otherwise indicated or required by design loading. 5. Steel Pipe: ASTM A 53, Schedule 40 unless otherwise indicated. a. Black finish, unless otherwise indicated. b. Galvanized finish for exterior installations and where otherwise indicated. C. Cold -Rolled Steel Sheet, Commercial quality: ASTM A 366, produced from steel containing a minimum of 65% recycled steel. D. Galvanized Steel Sheet: Quality as follows: 1. Structural Quality: ASTM A653; Grade A, unless another grade required for design loading, and G90 coating designation unless otherwise indicated. 2. Commercial Quality: ASTM A 526, G90 coating designation unless otherwise indicated. E. Gray Iron Castings: ASTM A 48, Class 30. F. Malleable Iron Castings: ASTM A 47, grade 32510 G. Brackets, Flanges, and Anchors (if indicated on the drawings): Cast or formed metal of the same type of material and finish as supported rails, unless otherwise indicated. H. Concrete Inserts: Threaded or wedge type; galvanized ferrous castings, either malleable iron, ASTM A 47, or cast steel, ASTM A 27. Provide bolts, washers, and shims as required, hot -dip galvanized per ASTM A 153. I. Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes: Select in accordance with AW S specifications for the metal alloy to be welded. 2.02 GROUT AND ANCHORING CEMENT A. Nonshrink Nonmetallic Grout: Premixed, factory -packaged, nonstaining, noncorrosive, nongaseous grout complying with CE CRD-C621. Provide grout specifically recommended by manufacturer for interior and exterior applications of type specified in this section. METAL FABRICATIONS 05501-3 20030278 09/07/04 2.03 FASTENERS A. General: Provide zinc -coated fasteners for exterior use or where built into exterior walls. Select fasteners for the type, grade and class required. 1. Bolts and Nuts: Regular hexagon head type, ASTM A 307, Grade A. 2. Lag Bolts: Square head type, FS FF-B-561. 3. Machine Screws: Cadmium plated steel, FS FF-S-92 4. Wood Screws: Flat head carbon steel, FS FF-S-111. 5. Plain Washers: Round, carbon steel, FS FF-W-92. 6. Drilled -In Expansion Anchors: Expansion anchors complying with FS FF-S-325, Group VIII (anchors, expansion, {nondrilling)), Type I (internally threaded tubular expansion anchor); and machine bolts complying with FS FF-B-575, Grade 5. 7. Toggle Bolts: Tumble -wing type, FS FF-B-588, type, class, and style as required. 8. Lock Washers: Helical spring type carbon steel, FS FF-W-84. 2.04 PAINT A. All paint products provided shall be VOC compliant for building location. B. Shop Primer for Ferrous Metal: Manufacturer's or fabricator's standard, fast -curing, lead-free, universal modified alkyd primer selected for good resistance to normal atmospheric corrosion, for compatibility with finish paint systems indicated, and for capability to provide a sound foundation for field -applied topcoats despite prolonged exposure. A Standard of Quality: ICI Devoe Coatings Devguard 4160-1000 tank and structural primer, color white, applied at 2-3 dry mils, or equal. C. Galvanizing Repair Paint: High zinc dust content paint for regalvanizing welds in galvanized steel, with dryfilm containing not less than 94 percent zinc dust by weight. A Standard of Quality: ICI Devoe Coatings Catha-Coat 302H reinforced inorganic zinc -rich coating applied at 2-4 dry mils, or equal. D. Bituminous Paint: Cold -applied asphalt mastic complying with SSPC-Paint 12 except containing no asbestos fibers. 2.05 FABRICATION, GENERAL A. Form metal fabrications from materials of size, thickness, and shapes indicated but not less than that needed to comply with performance requirements indicated. Work to dimensions indicated or accepted on shop drawings, using proven details of fabrications and support. Use type of materials indicated or specified for various components of each metal fabrication. B. Form exposed work true to line and level with accurate angles and surfaces and straight sharp edges. C. Allow for thermal movement in the design, fabrication, and installation of installed metal assemblies to prevent buckling, opening up on joints, and overstressing of welds and fasteners. Base design calculations on actual surface temperatures of metals due to both solar heat gain and nighttime sky heat loss. D. Shear and punch metals cleanly and accurately, Remove burrs. E. Ease exposed edges to a radius of approximately 1/32 inch, unless otherwise indicated. Form bent -metal corners to smallest radius possible without causing grain separation or otherwise impairing work. F. Remove sharp or rough areas on exposed traffic surfaces. G. Weld Corners and Seams continuously to comply with AWS recommendations and the following: 1. Use materials and methods that minimize distortion and develop strength and corrosion resistance of base metals. METAL FABRICATIONS 20030278 09/07/04 2. Obtain fusion without undercut or overlap. 3. Remove welding flux immediately. 4. At exposed connections, finish exposed welds and surfaces smooth and blended so that no roughness shows after finishing and contour of welded surface matched those adjacent. H. Form exposed connections with hairline joints, flush and smooth, using concealed fasteners wherever possible. Use exposed fasteners of type indicated or, if not indicated, Phillips flat -head (countersunk) screws or bolts. Locate joints where least conspicuous. I. Provide for anchorage of type indicated; coordinate with supporting structure. Fabricate and space anchoring device as to provida adequate support for intended use. J. Shop Assembly: Preassemble items in shop to greatest extent possible to minimize field splicing and assembly. Disassemble units only as necessary for shipping and handling limitations. Use connections that maintain structural value of joined pieces. Clearly mark units for reassembly and coordinated installation. K. Cut, reinforce, drill and tap miscellaneous metal work as indicated to receive finish hardware, screws, and similar items. L. Fabricate joints that will be exposed to weather in a manner to exclude water, or provide weep holes where Water may accumulate. 2.06 ROUGH HARDWARE A. Furnish bent or otherwise custom fabricated bolts, plates, anchors, hangers, dowels, and other miscellaneous steel and iron shapes and required for framing and supporting woodwork, and for anchoring or securing woodwork to concrete or other structure. Straighten bolts and other stock rough hardware items are specified in Division 6 sections. B. Fabricate items to sizes, shapes, and dimensions required. 2.07 LOOSE BEARING AND LEVELING PLATES A. Provide loose bearing and leveling plates for steel items bearing on masonry or concrete construction, made flat, free from warps or twists, and of required thickness and bearing area. Drill plates to receive anchor bolts and for grouting as required. Galvanize after fabrication. n no I ""noC CTEEL 1_INTELC C_M LVVVL v 1 A. Fabricate loose structural steel lintels from steel angles and shapes of size indicated for openings and recesses in masonry walls and partitions at locations indicated. B. Size loose lintels for equal bearing of one inch per foot of clear span but not less than 8 inches bearing at each side of openings, unless otherwise indicated. C. Galvanize loose steel lintels located in exterior walls. 2.09 MISCELLANEOUS FRAMING AND SUPPORTS A. General: Provide steel framing and supports for applications indicated or which are not a part of structural steel framework, as required to complete work. METAL FABRICATIONS 05501-5 20030278 09/07/04 B. Fabricate units to sizes, shapes, and profiles indicated and required to receive adjacent other construction retained by framing and supports. Fabricate from structural steel shapes, plates, and steel bars or welded construction using mitered joints for field connection. Cut, drill, and tap units to receive hardware hangers, and similar items. 1. Equip units with integrally welded anchors for casting into concrete or building into masonry. Furnish inserts if units must be installed after concrete is placed. 2. Except as otherwise indicated, space anchors 24 inches o.c. and provide minimum anchor units in the form of steel straps 1-1/4 inches wide X 1/4 inch X 8 inches long. 2.10 PIPE BOLLARDS A. Fabricate pipe bollards from schedule 40 steel pipe of size indicated on drawings. B. Provide plastic bumper post sleeves for bollards where specified in drawings manufactured by: 1. Cal Pipe, 515 E. 88th Place, Los Angeles, CA 90003, (800) 225-7473 2. Eagle Manufacturing Company, 2400 Charles Street, Wellsburg, WV 26070, (304) 737-3171 3. Ideal Shield, 2525 Clark Street, P.O. Box 09210, Detroit, MI 48209, (313) 842-7290 2.11 BURGLAR BARS A. Fabricate burglar bar units from material indicated. B. Material: 1. Frames: Steel as detailed. 2. Bars: 5/8-inch diameter grade 60 round steel bar. C. Weld all joints and grind smooth. Space bars not more than 8 inches o.c., both ways, equally spaced, and weld all around to steel frame members. D. At masonry openings (if any) provide weld steel strap anchors at top, bottom and jambs of frame, 3 places each side. 2.12 FINISHES, GENERAL A. Comply with NAAMM "Metal Finishes Manual' for recommendations relative to application and designations of finishes. B. Finish metal fabrications after assembly. 2.13 STEEL AND IRON FINISHES A. Galvanizing: For those items indicted for galvanizing, apply zinc -coating by the hot -dip process compliance with the following requirements: 1. ASTM A 153 for galvanizing iron and steel hardware. 2. ASTM A 123 for galvanizing both fabricated and unfabricated iron and steel products made of uncoated rolled, pressed, and forged shapes, plates, bars, and strip 0.0299 inch thick and heavier. B. Preparation for Shop Priming: Prepare uncoated ferrous metal surfaces to comply with minimum requirements indicated below for SSPC surface preparation specifications and environmental exposure conditions of installed metal fabrications: 1. Exteriors (SSPC Zone 1 B): SSPC-SP6 "Commercial Blast Cleaning." 2. Interiors (SSPC Zone 1A: SSPC-SP3 "Power Tool Cleaning" METAL FABRICATIONS 05501-6 20030278 09/07/04 C. Apply shop primer to uncoated surfaces of metal fabrications, except those with galvanized finish or to be embedded in concrete, sprayed -on fireproofing, or masonry, unless otherwise indicated. Comply with requirements of SSPC-PA1 "Paint Application Specification No. 1" for shop painting. 1. Stripe paint all edges, corners, crevices, bolts, welds, and sharp edges. 2. Primer: Tnemec 10-1009 Grey Primer 2.0-2.5 DFT or performance equivalent. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Cuurdinate and furnish anchorages, setting drawings, diagrams, templates, instructions, and directions for installation of anchorages, including concrete inserts, sleeves, anchor bolts, and miscellaneous items having integral anchors that are to be embedded in concrete or masonry construction. Coordinate delivery of such items to project site. B. Center nosings on tread widths with nose flush with riser faces and tread surfaces. 3.02 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Fastening to In -Place Construction: Provide anchorage devices and fasteners where necessary for securing miscellaneous metal fabrications to in -place construction; include threaded fasteners for concrete and masonry inserts, toggle bolts, through -bolts, lag bolts, wood screws, and other connectors as required. B. Cutting, Fitting, and Placement: Perform cutting, drilling, and fitting required for installation of miscellaneous metal fabrications. Set metal fabrication accurately in location, alignment, and elevation; with edges and surfaces level, plumb, true, and free of rank; and measured from established lines and levels. C. Provide temporary bracing or anchors in formwork for items that are to be built into concrete masonry or similar construction. D. Fit exposed connections accurately together to form hairline joints. Weld connections that are not to be left as exposed joints, but cannot be shop welded because of shipping size limitations. Do not weld, cut, or abrade the surfaces of exterior units which have been hot -dip galvanized after fabrication, and are intended for bolted or screwed field connections. E. Field Welding: Comply with AWS Code for procedures of manual shielded metal -arc welding, appearance and quality of welds made, methods used in correcting welding work, and the following: r:_a-..a:__ ...-,d develop r.+h onrJ r rrneinn recic+anro of 1. Use materiais and methods that IIIIIIIII ize distoi Uo I and develop st a gt � and --c �. si—o.e-% base metals. 2. Obtain fusion without undercut or overlap. 3. Remove welding flux immediately. 4. At exposed connections, finish exposed welds and surfaces smooth and blended so that no roughness shows after finishing and contour of welded surface matches those adjacent. 3.03 INSTALLATION OF BURGLAR BARS A. Where installed in roof openings, weld units to structural framing of opening. 3.04 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Touch -Up Painting: Immediately after erection, clean field welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas of shop paint, and paint exposed areas with same material as used for shop painting to comply with SSPC-PA 1 requirements for touch-up of field painted surfaces. Apply by brush or spray to provide a minimum dry film thickness of 2.0 mils. METAL FABRICATIONS 05501-7 20030278 09/07/04 For galvanized surfaces clean welds, bolted connections and abraded areas and apply galvanizing repair paint to comply with ASTM A 780. END OF SECTION ROUGH CARPENTRY 06100-1 THD 12/19/03 SECTION 06100 - ROUGH CARPENTRY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Extent of rough carpentry work is indicated on drawings and includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Miscellaneous wood framing 2. Wood nailers or blocking 3. Plywood (Fire Retardant Treated) 4. Oriented Strand Boards (OSB) B. Interiors custom cabinet work is specified in Section 06402, "Interior Architectural Woodwork." C. All interior wood used for construction shall be fire retardant treated. D. All wood in roof construction and non -load bearing wall where the fire resistance rating is 1 hour or less, shall be fire resistant treated wood where required by code 1.02 PRODUCT HANDLING A. Delivery and Storage: Keep materials under cover and dry. Protect against exposure to weather and contact with damp or wet surfaces. Stack lumber as well as plywood and other panels; provide for air circulation within and around stacks and under temporary coverings including polyethylene and similar materials. 1. For lumber and plywood pressure treated with waterborne chemicals, sticker between each course to provide air circulation. 1.03 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Coordination: Fit carpentry work to other work; scribe and cope as required for accurate fit. Correlate location of furring, nailers, blocking, grounds and similar supports to allow attachment of other work. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 LUMBER, GENERAL A. Lumber Standards: Manufacture lumber to comply with PS 20 "American Softwood Lumber Standard" and with applicable grading rules for inspection agencies certified by American Lumber Standards Committee's (ALSC) Board of Review. B. Inspection Agencies: Inspection agencies and the abbreviations used to reference with lumber grades and species include the following: 1. SPIB - Southern Pine Inspection Bureau 2. WCLIB - West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau 3. WWPA - Western Wood Product Association C. Grade Stamps: Factory -mark each piece of lumber with grade stamp of inspection agency evidencing compliance with grading rule requirement and identifying grading agency, grade, species, moisture content at time of surfacing, and mill. D. Nominal sizes are indicated, except as shown by detail dimensions. Provide actual sizes and required by PS 20, for moisture content specified for each use. 1. Provide dressed lumber, S4S, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Provide seasoned lumber with 19 percent maximum moisture content at time of dressing and shipment for sizes 2" or less in nominal thickness, unless otherwise indicated. 3. Provide lumber harvested from certified forests. ROUGH CARPENTRY 06100-2 TH D 12/19/03 2.02 MISCELLANEOUS LUMBER A. Provide wood for miscellaneous framing, support or attachment of other work including bucks, nailers, blocking, furring, grounds„stripping and similar members. Provide lumber of sizes indicated, worked into shapes shown, and as follows: B. Moisture content: 19 percent maximum for lumber items not specified to receive wood preservative treatment. C. Grade: Standard grade light framing size lumber of any species or board size lumber as required. No. 3 Common or Standard grade boards per WCLIB or WWPA rules or No. 3 boards per SPIB rules. D. Provide lumber harvested from certified forests. 2.03 CONSTRUCTION PANELS A. Construction Panel Standards: Comply with PS 1 "U.S. Product Standard for Construction and Industrial Plywood" for plywood panel and, for products not manufactured under PS 1 provisions, with American Plywood Association (APA) "Performance Standard and Policies for Structural -Use Panels", Form No. E445. B. Trademark: Factory -mark each construction panel with APA trademark evidencing compliance with grade requirements. ts ns. C. APA Performance -Rated Panels: Where construction panels will be used for the following concealed types of applications, provide APA Performance -Rated Panels complying with requirements indicated for grade designation, span rating, exposure durability classification, edge detail (where applicable) and thickness. 1. Wall Sheathing: APA RATED SHEATHING a. Exposure Durability Classification: EXPOSURE 1. 1) Span Rating: 40/20,19/32 - inch thick minimum, unless indicated otherwise. Use where 5/8-inch plywood or OSB is indicated on drawings. 2) Span Rating: 32/16, 15/32-inch thick where "-inch plywood or OSB is indicated on drawings. 3) Faces: smooth face out (OSB); APA-BC (plywood) D. Plywood Backing Panels: For mounting electrical or telephone equipment, provide plywood panels with grade designation, APA C-D PLUGGED INT with exterior glue, in thickness indicated, or, if not otherwise indicated, not less than 23/32". 2.04 MISCELLANEOUSMATERIALS A. Fasteners and Anchorages: Provide size, type, material and finish as indicated and as recommended by applicable standards, complying with applicable Federal Specifications for nails, staples, screws, bolts, nuts, washers and anchoring devices. Provide metal hangers and framing anchors of the size and type recommended by the manufacturer for each use including recommended nails. 1. Where rough carpentry work is exposed to weather, in ground contact, or in area of high relative humidity, provide fasteners and anchorages with a hot -dip zinc coating (ASTM A153). B. Provide fasteners containing a minimum of 90% recycled steel. 1. W.H. Maze Company 100 Church Street Peru, IL 61354 Tel: (815) 223-8290 Fax: (815) 223-7585 2. Or as approved equal 2.05 WOOD TREATMENT BY PRESSURE PROCESS A. Preservative Treatment: Where lumber or plywood is indicated as "Trt-Wd" or "Treated," or is specified herein to be treated, comply with applicable requirements of AW PB Standards listed below. Mark each treated item with the AW PB Quality Mark Requirements. ROUGH CARPENTRY 06100-3 TH D 12/19/03 1. OSB shall not be used where preservative treatment is required. B. Pressure -treat above ground items with water -borne preservatives to comply with AW PB LP-2. After treatment, kiln -dry lumber and plywood to a maximum moisture content, respectively, of 19 percent and 15 percent. Treat indicated items and the following: 1. Wood nailers, curbs, equipment, support bases, blocking, stripping, and similar members in connection with roofing, flashing, vapor barriers and waterproofing. 2. Wood sills, sleepers, blocking, furring, stripping and similar concealed members in contact with masonry or concrete. 3. Wood framing member less than 18" above grade. 4. Wood floor plates installed over concrete slabs directly in contact with earth. C. Complete fabrication of treated items prior to treatment, where possible, If cut after treatment, coat cut surfaces with heavy brush coat of same chemical used for treatment, and to comply with AW PA M4. Inspect each piece of lumber or plywood after drying and discard damaged or defective pieces. 2.06 FIRE RETARDANT TREATED WOOD A. General: Lumber and plywood shall be pressure treated with fire retardant chemicals specified hereinafter. Each piece shall bear the UL label or imprint certifying on FIR -rating, an interior Type A product and kiln dried after treatment (KDAT). Each piece shall carry a National Evaluation Services report number. 1. OSB shall not be used where Fire Retardant Treatment is required. B. Fire Retardant Treatment: 1. All fire retardant treated wood must have an FR-5 rating (flame spread and smoke developed less than 25) when tested in accordance with ASTM E-84, NFPA 255 or UL 723. 2. All lumber must be kiln dried to maximum moisture content of 19% after treatment. All plywood, 15% maximum after treatment. 3. All fire retardant wood must meet Interior Type A requirements in AWPA standard C-20 for lumber and C-27 for plywood. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Discard units of material with defects which might impair quality of work, and units which are too small to use in fabricating work with minimum joints or optimum joint arrangement. B. Set carpentry work to required levels and lines, with members plumb and true to line and cut and fitted. C. Securely attach carpentry work to substrate by anchoring and fastening as shown and as required by recognized standards. D. Countersink nail heads on exposed carpentry work and fill holes. E. Use common wire nails, except as otherwise indicated. Use finishing nails for finish work. Select fasteners of size that will not penetrate members where opposite side will be exposed to view or will receive finish materials. Make tight connections between members. Install fasteners without splitting of wood; predrill as required. F. For exterior canopy, fascia/soffit and other construction attached to and projecting from the building, provide fire -retardant treated blocking, framing lumber or OSB plywood as indicated or as required by all applicable codes, regulations, ordinances and by authorities having jurisdiction. Fire -treated lumber and plywood shall conform to paragraph 2.06 as specified in this Section. ROUGH CARPENTRY 06100-4 TH D 12/19/03 3.02 WOOD NAILERS AND BLOCKING A. Provide wherever shown and where required for attachment of other work. Form to shapes as shown and cut as required for true line and level of work to be attached. Coordinate location with other work involved. B. Attach to substrates as required to support applied loading. Countersink bolts and nuts flush with surfaces, unless otherwise indicated. Build into masonry during installation of masonry work. Where possible, anchor to formwork before concrete placement. 3.03 PLYWOOD OR ORIENTED STRAND BOARD (OSB) WALL SHEATHING A. Provide plywood or OSB wall sheathing where shown. Install horizontally using panels continuous over 2 or more spans. B. Apply face grain across studs where single finish is shown to be applied directly to sheathing. C. Install interior plywood over interior studs in full height sheets with staggered tight -butted joints. Sand joints if required to obtain joints without offsets. END OF SECTION PANELIZED ROOF SYSTEM 06200-1 TH D 06/20/03 SECTION 06200 - PANELIZED ROOF SYSTEM PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK A. Furnish all labor, material, equipment, tools and services necessary to complete panelized wood roof work. B. Panelized wood roof includes plywood roof sheathing; all roof framing members including stiffeners, purlins, etc.; all wood to wood connections; all wood to steel or concrete connections. 1.02 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Unless otherwise shown or specified, this work shall conform to the following standards: 1. NFPA -- National Design Specifications for Wood Construction (1986). 2. AITC 117 --Standard Specifications for Structural Glued Laminated Timber of Softwood Species (1984). 3. APA -- U.S. Product Standard PS 1-95 for Construction and Industrial Plywood. B. Refer to drawings for extent and locations of all panelized wood roof work. Verify conditions and requirements of the job. 1.03 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Carpentry - Section 06100 1.04 SUBMITTALS TO CONTRACTOR A. Shop drawings: Submit shop drawings including complete details and schedules for fabrication and erection. Include details of cuts, connections, camber, holes, openings and other pertinent data. Furnish erection drawings referencing erection marks to shop detail drawings. Provide setting drawings, templates and directions for installation of anchor bolts and all embedded items necessary for attachment of panelized wood roof to concrete for installation by others. B. Review of submittals is only for review of general conformance with the design concept. In no case shall this review relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for correctness of fit, general or detailed dimensions, quality or quantity of materials, or any other conditions, functions, performance, or guarantees required. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The Owner shall provide for the testing and inspection of panelized wood roof work. The testing agency shall be licensed in the state where the structure is located and shall meet the requirements of "Recommended Practices for Inspection and Testing Agencies for Concrete, Steel, and Bituminous Materials as Used in Construction" (ASTM E329). All testing and inspections shall be performed under the supervision of an engineer registered in the state where the structure is located. B. The services of the testing agency, and the information provided by the testing agency, are provided for the sole benefit of Owner. The information is provided to Contractor only so the Contractor is aware of what is being reported to Owner. Contractor shall not, and is not entitled to, rely upon any information provided by the testing agency in any manner. Contractor is solely responsible for assuring that the Work complies with the Contract Documents in all respects and may not rely on the testing agency for this, or any other, assurance. The testing agency and its representatives are not authorized to revoke, alter, relax, enlarge or release any requirements of the Contract Documents, approve or accept any portion of the Work, perform or excuse any duties of Contractor, or be a party to the scheduling of the Work. The testing agency is not an authorized agent of the Owner with respect to the relationship between Owner and Contractor. C. Panelized wood roof materials and operations shall be tested and inspected as the work progresses. Failure to detect any defective work or material shall not in any way prevent later rejection when such defect is discovered nor shall it obligate the Owner's Representative for final acceptance. PANELIZED ROOF SYSTEM 06200-2 TH D 06/20/03 D. The testing agency shall report all test and inspection results to the Owner and Contractor immediately after they are performed. All test and inspection reports shall be signed and sealed by an engineer registered in the state where the structure is based and shall include the exact location in the work represented by the test. E. At the completion of all panelized wood roof work the testing agency shall submit a letter of certification signed and sealed by an engineer registered in the state where the structure is located, stating that all panelized wood roof work has been constructed in accordance with the contract documents and all other applicable code requirements. F. The contractor shall notify the testing agency and the Owner's Representative a minimum of 24 hours in advance of all panelized wood roof operations and all reasonable facilities shall hp made available for technicians. G. Records of inspection shall be kept available to the building official during progress of work for two years after completion of the project. Records shall be preserved by the independent testing agency. H. The testing agency shall conduct inspections as necessary to determine that all panelized wood roof work has been constructed in accordance with the contract documents. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Lumber: Douglas Fir -Larch (WCLIB), surfaced dry or surfaced green, of grades as shown on drawings. Moisture content shall not exceed 19%. B. APA Structural Use Panels: APA rated oriented strand board (OSB) meeting the requirements of evaluation report NER-108 (APA Performance Standards and Policies for Structural Use Panels) with APA trademarks bearing the notation PS 1-95, PS 2-92, or NER-108 (PRP-108) as shown on drawings. 1. Refer to Rough Carpentry section for specified manufacturers of OSB board. C. Wood Connectors: As manufactured by Simpson Strong -Tie Company. D. Bolts: ASTM A307. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 FABRICATION A. Properly mark and match -mark materials for field assembly. Fabricate for delivery sequence which will expedite erection and minimize field handling of materials. B. Cutting, notching or drilling of members is permitted only as indicated on the structural drawings unless written approval is obtained from the Architect of Record. 3.02 ERECTION A. Furnish and deliver all required anchor bolts to be built into concrete before start of such work. B. Thoroughly examine and check the placement of anchor bolts and embedded items and any supports on which the panelized wood roof is in any way dependent and notify the Owner's Representative in writing of any defects which would affect the satisfactory completion of this work. The starting of panelized wood roof erection shall imply acceptance of the underlying surfaces. C. Install panels in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations for nailing, panel joint edge gap, etc... Drive nails flush with face of panel. Do not countersink. Block all panel edges and joints. D. All members shall be erected square, plumb and true to lines and levels. PANELIZED ROOF SYSTEM THD 06/20/03 E. Repair or replace all damaged members. The Architect of Record shall be the sole judge as to whether a member can be repaired or must be replaced. END OF SECTION �J MISCELLANEOUS BUILDING INSULATION THD 07201-1 09/01/01 SECTION 07201 - MISCELLANEOUS BUILDING INSULATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Extent of insulation work is shown on drawings and indicated by provisions of this section. B. Applications of insulation specified in this section include the following: 1. Blanket / Batt Insulation 2. Safing insulation C. Sound insulation is specified in Gypsum Drywall Section. 1.02 PRODUCT HANDLING A. Delivery and Storage: Keep materials under cover and dry. Protect against exposure to weather and contact with damp or wet surfaces. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 INSULATING MATERIALS A. General: Provide insulating materials which comply with requirements indicated for materials, compliance with referenced standards, and other characteristics. 1. Preformed Units: Sizes to fit applications indicated, selected from manufacturer's standard thicknesses, widths and lengths. B. Acceptable Manufacturers: 1. Johns -Manville (Batts / Blankets), P.O. Box 5108, Denver, CO 80217-5108; Tel: (800) 654-3103 2. Owens-Corning Fiberglass Corp. (Batts / Blankets) Fiberglass Tower, Toledo, OH 43659; Tel: (800) 438- 7465. 3. U.S. Gypsum (Safing) 2125 Oak Grove Rd., Suite 124, Walnut Creek, CA 94598, Tel: (800) 874-8880, ext. 6754. C. Roof Thermal Insulation 1. Insulation under roof structure shall be unfaced Thermal -Shield glass fiber batt insulation complying with ASTM C665 Type 1. a. Manufactured by Johns Manville Corporation, Building Division, or Unf aced Thermal Batt Insulation complying with ASTM C665 Type 1 as manufactured by Owens-Corning. b. Thermal rating shall be R-19. c. Thickness shall be 6" nominal. Width shall be as required for secure fit in framing. D. Roof Vapor Retarder: 1. Vapor retarder under roof insulation shall be kraft paper with the exterior (concealed) face laminated with aluminum foil, in accordance with ASTM C 665 Type 1. The interior (exposed) face shall be laminated with aluminum foil coated with white ink, or laminated with white vinyl, as applicable for each specified manufacturer. Vapor transmission shall not exceed 0.02 perms per ASTM E96. a. Type 2 white ink -coated aluminum faced, as manufactured by Superior Aluminum Insulation Inc., P.O. Box 247, San Dimas, CA 91773, Phone: (909) 305-1450, ATTN David Dittemore or Lisa Murry. b. Provide minimum 101 " continuous lengths, and other continuous pieces as appropriate to the spans of the roof framing. Position end laps approximately 6" beyond truss or purlins (provide minimum 2" overlap). Staple vapor retarder to roof purlins. Cut and seal vapor retarder around roof girder, joist or truss web members with adhesive tape as required. Vapor retarder to lap past trusses and be sealed. c. Adhesive Tape: White coated foil-scrim-kraft self adhesive tape, FSK-25 as manufactured by Johns Manville Corporation or FRK-faced as manufactured by Owens Corning. MISCELLANEOUS BUILDING INSULATION 07201-`-' THD 09/01 /01 E. Wall Insulation (if indicated on drawing) 1. Insulation: Microlite L wide blanket roll, in widths from 36" to 72", by Johns Manville or certified R building blanket insulation in widths 36" to 72" by Owens Corning. a. Use the widest rolls practical. 2. Vapor Retarder: W MP-50 Polyproplene / Fiberglass -Polyester Blend Fabric as manufactured by Lamtec Corp., Bartley -Chester Rd., P.O. Box 37, Flanders, NJ 07836. Tel: (800) 852-6832, or approved equal. a. Joint Tape: Polyproplene / Fiberglass - Polyester Blend Fabric by Venture Tape Co., or approved equal. 3. Insulation Anchors: Perforated Steel Base Anchors with 12 ga steel nail. Size as recommended by manufacturer for the insulation used. Adhere anchor to building surface with high -strength, heavy bodied neoprene rubber adhesive. Fix insulation in placc with round self-locking Washers With star patterned hole. a. Manufacturer: Sunbelt Stud Welding, Inc., 6381 Windsern Rd, Houston, TX 77040. Tel: (800) 462- 9353 or approved equal. F. Safing Insulation: 1. If indicated on drawings use USG Thermafiber mineral fiber safing insulation, regular color, unfaced, thickness indicated or required. 2.02 AUXILIARY INSULATING MATERIALS A. Mechanical Anchors: Type and size indicated or, if not indicated as recommended by insulation manufacturer for type of application and condition of substrate. B. Insulation Mastic: As recommended by insulation manufacturer for securing batts to surfaces shown on drawings. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION AND PREPARATION A. Require Installer to examine substrates and conditions under which insulation work is to be performed. A satisfactory substrate is one that complies with requirements of the section in which substrate and related work is specified. Obtain Installer's written report listing conditions detrimental to performance of work in this section. D❑ not proceed with installation of insulation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. B. Clean substrates of substances harmful to insulations or vapor retarders, including removal of projections which might puncture vapor retarders. 3.02 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Comply with manufacturer's instructions for particular conditions of installation in each case. If printed instructions are not available or do not apply to project conditions, consult manufacturer's technical representative for specific recommendations before proceeding with work. B. Extend insulation full thickness as shown over entire area to be insulated. Cut and fit tightly around obstructions, and fill voids with insulation. Remove projections which interfere with placement. C. Apply a single layer of insulation of required thickness, unless otherwise shown or required to make up total thickness. D. Apply insulation units to substrate by method indicated, complying with manufacturer's recommendations. If no specific method is indicated, bond units to substrate with adhesive or use mechanical anchorage to provide permanent placement and support of units. MISCELLANEOUS BUILDING INSULATION THD 09/01 /01 3.03 PROTECTION A. General: Protect installed insulation from possible physical abuses, where possible by non -delayed installation of concealing work or, where that is not possible, by temporary covering or enclosure. END OF SECTION METAL ROOF AND WALL PANELS 07406-1 20030278 09/07/04 SECTION 07406 - METAL ROOF AND WALL PANELS r PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Metal roof and wall panels, flashings, closures and accessories as required for a complete job are included in this Section. B. Related Work: Section 09900 - Painting 1.02 SUBMITTALS TO ARCHITECT OF RECORD A. Shop Drawings: Indicate sizes, shapes, thickness and types of materials, finishes, fabrication details, anchors, connections, expansion joints and relation to adjacent work. Drawings shall be drawing to 1 V-0" or larger scale. B. Engineering calculations: Submit calculations for each item and accessory based on the performance standards listed in the Quality Assurance Section. C. Samples: Submit three (3) 12" square samples of the specified metal and finish to be used as metal roofing. Samples shall be reviewed by the Architect of Record for color and texture only. 1.03 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Store materials off ground, under cover. Protect from damage or deterioration. B. Handle materials to prevent damage to surface, edges, ends and factory applied finishes of items. Damaged material shall be rejected and replaced. � � ►t;YTx�[�P► A. Examine surfaces designated to receive work described in this Section for conditions adversely affecting the finished work. Repair or replace surfaces not meeting tolerances or quality requirements imposed within specifications governing substrate construction prior to initiating this work. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Performance Standards: 1. Wind Uplift: The roof system manufacturer shall provide an attachment schedule signed by a Professional Engineer licensed in the area the work will be performed and supporting calculations to resist the following uplift loads: Uplift loads as calculated using data indicated on roof plan drawing. 2. Deflection shall not exceed L/180. 3. All primer and painting products furnished in this section shall be VOC compliant for building location. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 METAL ROOF AND WALL PANELS A. Approved Manufacturers: 1. AEP-Span, 2110 Enterprise Blvd., West Sacramento, CA 95691 Contact: Bill Adams, Phone: 1-800-726-2727 Panel profile: 7.2" x 1.5", HR-36 2. BHP Steel Building Products USA Inc., 2141 Milwaukee Way, Tacoma, WA 98421 Contact: Brian Garry, Phone: 1-800-441-2477 METAL ROOF AND WALL PANELS 07406-2 20030278 09/07/04 3. Berridge Manufacturing Company, 6515 Fratt Rd., San Antonio, TX 78218 Contact: Ian Gordon, Phone: 1-800-231-8127 Panel profile: 7.2" x 1.5", Deep -Deck 4. Components Plus, 460 Clay Rd., Sunnyvale TX 75182 Contact: Bob Boilini, Phone: 1-888-929-2194 Panel profile: 7.2" x 1.5", Max 5. Fabral, 3449 Hepland Rd, Lancaster, PA 17601, Phone: 1-717-397-2741 Panel profile: 7.2" x 1.5", Hefti-Rib 6. McElroy Metal Inc., 555 Divided Dr. Peachtree City, GA 30269 Contact: Mark Lawson, Phone: 1-800-950-6531 Panel profile: Mega -Rib B. Metal Panel designation: HR-36 (Entry and Garden Center Canopy and walls, Customer Lumber Canopy Roof. Fascia panels to match Entry/Exit panels). 1. Base metal a. Material: Steel. b. Manufacturing Standard: ASTM A-446, Grade C. c. Minimum yield strength: 40,000 psi. d. Thickness: 24 gauge U.N.O. Triple Span Criteria. e. Protective coating: Zincalume: ASTM A-792-83 i. nGtGt,iive coating components uy rvcighia. 1) Zinc = 45% 2) Aluminum Alloy = 55% g. Protective coating thickness: 1.9 mils 2. Configuration a. Pattern: corrugated b. Corrugation spacing: 7.2 inches o.c. c. Corrugation height: 1-1/2" inches d, Nominal panel width: 36 inches e. Panel length: as shown on drawings. 3. Top and Bottom Color/Finish: a. Top side pre -finished (Refer to drawings for color requirements): Manufacturer's standard Kynar- 500 color. b. Bottom side pre -finished: White factory backer coat. c. All panels are to be pre -finished (exposed sides) to limit field painting. ri. Touch up with matching color as required. Refer to Paintinq specification. n no ArrC�ecn01Ec L.VL 11Vv�v A. Flashing: All flashing connected to metal roof system shall be provided of same gauge and finish as adjoining panels. B. Fasteners: 1. Sufficient fasteners shall be provided of the size, type and holding strength required for proper erection according to manufacturer's standards and engineering requirements. Color on fasteners shall match panel color. 2. Fasteners shall be "ZAC" screws by Construction Fasteners and/or #305 self -drilling stainless steel screws. Both types shall have sealing washers. Screw/Washer system shall be used for entire roof fastening. C. Contour Closure: At top of the roof panels provide rubber contour closure. Rubber closures shall be composed of closed cell black synthetic rubber, furnished with caulk tape for top and bottom for field application. D. Caulking: METAL ROOF AND WALL PANELS 07406-3 20030278 09/07/04 1. Field applied manufacturer's recommended caulking. 2. On roof slopes less than 1:12, use continuous tape sealant at all side laps with side lap fastened with #14 "Lap Tek" self -drilling screws at 16" o.c. and with sealing washers. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install metal roofing and accessories in accordance with approved shop drawings and manufacturer's printed instructions. B. Isolate dissimilar materials by separating with bituminous paint or caulking tape. Protect prefinished surfaces from damage or disfiguration. C. At completion of work, touch up minor scratches to prefinished surfaces to the satisfaction of the Architect of Record. Replace panels damaged or stained during erection. D. Access to roof after panels have been placed will be done on padded walk boards. Extreme care will be taken to avoid damage to roof. Panels are not designed as a walking surface. Always use a roof ladder or plank supported by two or more purlins. END OF SECTION BUILT UP ROOFING _ 07511-1 TH D 06/20/03 SECTION 07511 - BUILT UP ROOFING PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Scope: 1. The extent of the built-up roofing system work is indicated on the drawings and by provisions of this section, and is defined to include roofing, composition flashing, stripping and roofing accessories integrally related to roofing installation. 2. Coordinate with all other trades that directly influence the roof system application, to provide a watertight installation of all roof flashings. B. System Description: 1. The roof system will consist of a mineral surfaced fiberglass cap sheet over two plies of fiberglass felt, all of which shall be set into hot asphalt over a fiberglass base sheet. The base sheet will be mechanically fastened to the plywood deck over a slip sheet. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Related work specified elsewhere includes but may not be limited to: 1. Specification Section - Built Up Roofing Testing and Inspection. 2. Specification Section - Rough Carpentry. 3. Specification Section - Misc. Building Insulation. 4. Specification Section - Flashing and Sheet Metal. 5. Specification Section - Roof Accessories. 6. Specification Section - Heat and Smoke Vents. 7. Specification Section - Plumbing. 8. Specification Section - Mechanical - Gen. Requirements. 9. Specification Section - Outlet Boxes and Junction Boxes. 1.03 SUBMITTALS TO ARCHITECT OF RECORD A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 0130& B. Submit shop drawings of all fabricated items for review prior to their fabrication and installation. Items requiring reviewed shop drawings are plywood or insulation cricket construction, metal edges, expansion joints, flashing installation, roof drains, relief vent flashings, slope to drain roof plans, and other similar items. C. Submit shop drawings showing elevations from finish floor of all insulation or plywood crickets including ridge lines, elevations at perimeter walls around the building, and at roof drain openings. Roof elevations shall also be noted at each column line around the building measured from top of deck. D. Submit to the Architect of Record a copy of the letter from the roofing materials manufacturer stating that the Roofing Contractor is an approved applicator of the "No Dollar Limit" roofing system including all related materials to be used in the application of the roof system, prior to any materials being delivered to job site. E. Submit shop drawings for all details not included among the contract documents and to reflect any proposed changes or substitutions to the drawings. F. Submit the manufacturer's product specifications, installation instructions and general recommendations for each principal roofing system product required. Include in this submission all items listed herein. G. Submit manufacturer's confirmation number for asphalt materials to be furnished. H. Submit material manufacturer's certification that all products used for the installation of the new roofing system, are to be totally free of Asbestos fibers, even trace amounts. BUILT UP FOOFING 07511-2 TH D 06/20/03 I. Submit Roofing Manufacturers Letter of Certification stating that the Roof Deck Material and installation are acceptable to the Roofing Manufacturer. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Provide primary products, including each type of roofing membrane produced by a single manufacturer, which has been producing these types of products successfully for not less than five years, and shall provide secondary products, which are acceptable to manufacturer of primary products. B. Contractor shall have a minimum of five years experience in successfully applying the same or similar materials and shall be approved by the materials manulaul.uier. C. The work will be subject to continual audit by the Roofing consultant. The Contractor shall notify the Roofing Consultant when work is to begin in sufficient time to arrange roof observation and shall remain in continual contact throughout the course of the job regarding scheduling of work. He shall furnish the Roofing Consultant safe access to the work areas and the information necessary to accomplish such auditing. D. The Contractor shall notify the Roofing consultant's Field Observer in a timely manner of the proposed start date of the roof application. Upon commencement of the roofing work, the Contractor shall diligently and continuously pursue the project until completion. E. The Contractor shall employ sufficient installers and have the proper equipment and material on site so as to not cause any delay of any nature except as mentioned in the General Conditions. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. All materials shall be new in both workmanship and materials. The Contractor shall furnish certification from the manufacturer as to the kind and quality of materials. B. Deliver all roof system materials in original manufacturer labeled packages labeled with the softening point (SP) range, flash point (FP), equiviscous temperature (EVT), and finished blowing temperature (FBT). C. Materials shall be properly stored off the ground on pallets, minimum 4" high and off the roof. Completely cover all materials with breathable water tight covering. Visqueen or other non -breathable plastic coverings shall not be used. Unprotected, moist or damaged materials shall be removed from the job. D. Place only enough roofing materials on the roof structure for each days work: At no time shall Contractor load or permit any part of the structure to be loaded with a weight that wiii endanger the safety Of iiie bIFUCtUF0. 1.06 JOB CONDITIONS A. Protection: 1. Protect building contents and grounds during the process of the work. Protect all paving, walls of building, and buildings adjacent to hoist, kettle and stringer pipe prior to starting work. Windows, doorways, docks, walkways, etc., may require special protection measures. 2. Remove all debris daily from the roof and haul off site. 3. Provide four 15-pound minimum size fire extinguishers using ammonium phosphate fire fighting agent. Locate two at each kettle or tanker and two at site of hot bitumen application on the roof. 4. Provide special protection or avoid heavy traffic on completed work when ambient temperature exceeds 80oF. 5. Take every precaution to prevent interior leakage, materials from falling into the interior, or other such occurrences. Installation of materials shall be accomplished in such a manner that bitumen drippage does not occur. 6. Prevent access by the public to materials, tools, or equipment. The Owner assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any damage, theft, or other acts which occur to the Contractor's materials or equipment as a result of his negligence. 7. In the event of damage, immediately repair or replace all damaged and/or defective work to the approval of the Architect of Record and at no additional cost to the Owner. BUILT UP ROOFIN THD 07511-3 06/20/03 B. Materials and equipment, other than those specified, are not to be assumed as being satisfactory substitutes. It is understood and agreed that the use of materials other than those specified or approved in writing by the Architect of Record shall constitute a violation of the contract and the Owner shall have the right to require the removal of such materials at the Contractor's expense. C. Contractor and subcontractors shall each provide a competent full-time Foreman on the job, who shall be responsible for giving instructions for installation of the Work. Contractor's foreman or superintendent shall be approved by the Owner and shall be replaced only with his permission. Contractor's foreman or superintendent shall represent the Contractor in his absence and all directions given to the Foreman or Superintendent shall be binding as if given to the Contractor. D. Upon completion of the roofing work covered by these specifications, the Architect of Record will conduct a review of the project together with the Contractor's Project Manager and the Owner's representative prior to acceptance of the work by the Owner. Refer to Section 01700 -Project Closeout for related procedures. E. Wherever the word "certifications" or "certified" occurs in the specifications, it shall be defined as a statement sworn to before a Notary and signed by an Officer of the firm making the statement that the time, service, or material referred to conforms in all respects to the requirements of the specifications. 1.07 INSPECTION ALLOWANCE A. The Owner has established that 15 business days will be required for completion of the roofing work. B. During the course of the work, the Owner will receive and pay for all Roofing Consultant invoices directly. C. At the completion of the project the Testing Agency shall establish the actual number of days the Contractor and the Roofing Consultant were on the job. The Contractor shall issue a Change Order crediting the Owner for any additional days beyond those listed in Para 1.07, A with $350.00 per day. 1.08 PRE -ROOFING CONFERENCE A. Prior to installation of the roofing system, representatives of the following entities shall meet at the project site: Owner, General Contractor, Roofing Contractor, Sheet Metal Contractor, Electrical Contractor, HVAC Contractor, Plumbing Contractor, Roofing Consultant's Technical Representative and Field Observer, Architect of Record, Materials Manufacturer and representatives of other entities directly concerned with installation or performance of the roofing system. B. Attendees shall review all pertinent details and specifications, noting any potential problems and making any changes, deletions or additions as deemed necessary. Included in the discussion will be the following: 1. Availability of roofing materials. 2. Guarantee and submittal requirements. 3. Scheduling and forecast weather conditions. 4. Regulatory contents. 5. Proposed installation procedures. 6. Additional items relating to the total roof system. C. Where possible, attendees shall tour representative areas of roof decks and discuss substrate construction and general condition including deck slope, expansion joints, curb penetration installation, drain locations, and materials compatibility. D. Attendees shall discuss site accessibility, material storage and their locations on site, lifting procedures and sequencing with other trades. E. Minutes will be taken of the meeting, including agreement or disagreement on matters of significance. If meeting ends with substantial disagreement, it will be determined how disagreements will be resolved and a date will be set for a reconvened meeting. A copy of the minutes will be furnished to all attendees. BUILT UP ROOFING 07511-4 TH D 06/20/03 1.09 WARRANTIES AND GUARANTEES A. Upon substantial completion, final inspection and acceptance of the installation, the following warranties shall be issued to the Owner: 1. The roofing materials manufacturer shall issue a warranty for a period of ten years from the date of the Grand Opening. Under this warranty, the manufacturer shall replace defective roofing materials at a cost not to exceed the original cost of materials furnished by the manufacturer. This warranty shall include all materials furnished by the manufacturer. 2. The Contractor shall issue a warranty for a period of two years from the date of the Grand Opening. Under this warranty, the Contractor shall remedy any defects resulting from faulty materials or workmanship in the ruufi► g systern. Repairs shall be made by the Contractor at thie own cost and expense and shall include the roofing membrane and all metal flashings, wall flashings, curb, pipe and accessory flashings provided by or under the supervision of the contractor as may be necessary to maintain the roof in a watertight condition. The roofing system is defined to include all components from the roof deck up, including insulation, fasteners, membranes, flashings, adhesives, sealants, and miscellaneous items required for a complete installation. B. Neither the Owner's acceptance, nor payment, nor any provision in the Contract Documents shall relieve the Contractor of responsibility for faulty materials or workmanship, including failure to provide the specified manufacturers' warranties, and he shall remedy any defects due thereto which shall appear within a period of two years from the date of the Grand Opening. C. The Owner has the right, in the case of emergency at any time during the warranty period and without invalidating any warranty, to make any temporary repairs that are required in order to protect the building and the contents of the building from damage due to the roof leaking. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 BUILT-UP ROOFING A. Roofing Membrane shall be a new 4-ply Built -Up Roofing System 4 GNC with Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) Class "A" rating, as manufactured by Johns Manville Roofing Systems, Inc. GAF Materials Corp. 4-ply Built -Up Roofing System may be submitted as an equal provided the system complies with the Specifications and with the details shown on the drawings. All modifications to these Specifications and details are to be listed and submitted to the Architect of Record prior to the Bid Date per Section 01630. All roof slopes in excess of 3" in 12" shall be fully adhered in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 2.02 MAT ERiALS A. All roofing materials shall comply with the physical properties listed in the most current Federal or ASTM Specifications. Materials that do not comply with appropriate Federal orASTM property requirements shall not be used unless approved by the Architect of Record. The Contractor shall submit to the Architect of Record written certification from the manufacturers that the materials supplied to the project conform to these specifications. B. All roofing materials including bulk bitumens, must bear UL labels. C. Submit asphalt confirmation number bearing roofing system manufacturer's approval for material intended to be used. All asphalt packages or bills of lading delivered to the site must contain the following information and be available to the project: 1. The Softening Point (SP) Range. 2. The Flash Point (FP). 3. The Equiviscous Temperature (EVT). 4. The Finished Blowing Temperature (FBT). D. Tapered insulation shall be perlite insulation board conforming to ASTM C728 and shall be Johns Manville Fesco Tapered System. BUILT UP ROOFING THD 06/20/03 E. Cant strips shall be Johns Manville FesCant Plus fire resistant perlite cant conforming to ASTM C728. F. Roofing plies shall be: 1. Slip Sheet (1): Red Rosin Sheet. 2. Base Sheet (1): Johns Manville Permaply 28 asphalt coated fiber glass base sheet per ASTM D4601, Type II. 3. Interply Sheets (2): GlasPly Type IV asphalt coated fiber glass per ASTM D-2178. 4. Cap Sheet (1): GlasKap mineral surfaced asphalt coated fiber glass cap sheet per ASTM D-3909 and Federal SS-R-6300 Class 3. G. Bitumen for application of roofing felts and flood coating shall be Steep Asphalt (1901 F) conforming to ASTM D 312 Type III. H. Flashing cement shall be medium troweling cut -back asphalt mastic reinforced with nonLasbestos fibers. Johns Manville Bestile or GAF Jet Blak flashing cement confirming to ASTM D 4-5-86. I. Aluminum coating shall be cut -back, asphalt -based, fiber -reinforced, asbestos -free Johns Manville Fibrated Aluminum Roof Coating conforming to ASTM D2822 and ASTM D2824 Type III. J. All metal flashings including vent pipe, conduit or pipe penetration flashings shall be installed by the Roofing Contractor. All flashing shall be minimum 2-1/2 pound lead and installed per contract documents, roofing manufacturer's requirements or roofing testing service recommendations, which ever is the more stringent. K. Protective Walk Pads: Gray granular coated, reinforced asphalt modified bitumen board, minimum 3/8" thick, sizes and shapes as shown on drawings, DEK-TOP as manufactured by Asphalt Products Oil Corp., 2405 South Street, Long Beach, CA 90805, (213) 774-8330, or approved equivalent. L. Wood nailers shall be new pressure treated Douglas Fir Lumber (Wolmanized), #2 or better. M. Splash Blocks: 8" x 16" x 2" thick precast concrete blocks with sloped recess to channel water. 2.03 FASTENERS A. Base Sheet and Slip Sheet to Plywood Deck: Zinc plated, coated staple and continuous tape system or equivalent as manufactured by Senco. Fastening Systems, 8485 Broadwell Road, Cincinnati, OH 45244, (800) 543-4596, (800) 543-3299 FAX or 1 inch square head roofing nails. B. Base Flashing to Concrete or Masonry: Square head concrete nails, 3/16 inch minimum diameter, length to penetrate minimum 1-1/2 inches through concrete or masonry, with one inch metal discs. C. Base Flashing to Wood Members: 1-1/2 inch barbed roofing nails with one inch metal discs. D. Metal Flanges to Plywood Deck: Annular threaded nail with 3/8 inch diameter head to penetrate wood 1-1/4 inch minimum. Square head roofing nails are not acceptable fasteners. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 CONTRACTOR INSPECTIONS A. Contractor shall inspect the deck for improper or loose joints, structural weakness, and other deficiencies, which must be corrected prior to roof application. 1. No built-up roofing will be applied until the roof deck is inspected and approved by the General Contractor, Roofing Contractor, deck installer, Roofing Consultant and Architect of Record. 2. Commencement of roofing application over any section will denote acceptability by the Contractor of that section and he will be responsible for any corrective work, which may be occasioned by his having started over an unsatisfactory surface. BUILT UP ROOFING 07511-6 TH D 06/20/03 B. Clean all surfaces of debris and of any moisture before proceeding with application of the roofing material to the acceptance of the Roofing Consultant. 3.02 CANTS AND CRICKETS A. Plywood crickets shall be installed at all areas around roof drains or scuppers to provide positive slope of those locations. Plywood crickets shall be constructed from minimum 1/2" exterior grade plywood with a positive slope to drain of 1/4" per toot. Contractor shall install a minimum of 12" wide perlite insulation with a tapered edge at location where plywood cricket transitions to plywood deck. B. Tapered roof insulation and necessary till boards forming crickets shaii be installed -on the high -side of roof scuttle, high side of skylights and all other roof penetrations with curbs, as shown on roof plan. Installed tapered insulation to provide minimum slope or cant height as shown on drawings at areas noted as insulation crickets on roof plan. C. Tapered roof insulation shall be moped in on top of base ply per manufacturer's specifications. D. All tapered roof insulation shall be installed in accordance with the recommendations of Factory Mutual and the roof insulation manufacturer. E. Cants shall be installed around all penetration curbs and 901transitions as shown on the drawings. F. All curbs shall be of a sufficient height to provide a minimum of 8 inch exposure above the deck or as shown on the drawings, whichever is more stringent. 3.03 MEMBRANE APPLICATION A. Heating of Asphalt: 1. Do NOT heat asphalt above the manufacturers recommended maximum limit. 2. Do NOT heat asphalt to or above the actual Flash Point per ANSI/ASTM Method D92, Test for Flash and Fire Points by Cleveland Open Cup. 3. D❑ NOT heat and ho#d asphalt above the FBT for more than four hours. B. Application of Asphalt: Interply mappings of asphalt shall be continuous and applied at the rate as recommended by the roofing membrane manufacturer. Asphalt shall be applied at the EVT plus or minus 251. C. Application of Plies: Membrane plies shall be installed in accordance with the recommendations of the membrane materials manufacturer. All built up roofing membrane shall be enveloped at all penetrations and horizontal membrane terminations. 1. Install twelve inch wide strips of inverted cap sheet over all metal joists hangers or seismic straps. The strips shall be loose laid and centered over the butt joints of the plywood deck. 2. Over the entire surface apply the rosin slip sheet with minimum 2 inch side and end laps. Staple and tape or tack with square head nails sufficiently to hold in place. Remove high staples and replace with square head nails prior to installation of base sheet. Cut and re -nail wrinkles in slip sheet to provide smooth working surface. 3. Starting at the low point of the roof, install one full width piy of base sheet with minimum 2 inch side and ends laps. Fasten laps with approved 1 inch head fasteners placed at 9 inches o.c. maximum. Down the longitudinal centers of each sheet, fasten with two rows spaced approximately 11 inches apart with fasteners staggered at approximately 18 inches o.c. maximum or faslen with approved tape and staple system at four rows, 9" o.c. Remove high staples and replace with square head roofing nails prior to installation of roofing plies. 4. Nailing shall comply with Factory Mutual requirements for 70 mph Exposure B at the field, perimeter and corners of the building. 5. Valleywaterways shall receive one additional ply of Type IV fiberglass felt, set into hot asphalt, which shall be at least 36 inches wide. This ply shall be laid on top of the base sheet prior to application of the next ply and shall extend at least 36 inches up the inclines, out of the valleys. 6. Install two full width plies of interply sheet over the installed base sheet, set into solid moppings of Type III BUILT UP ROOFING 07511-7 TH D 06/20/03 asphalt. Starting at the low point of the roof, install one 18 inch wide strip. Cover the first strip with one 36 inch wide felt. Install following plies full width, overlapping the preceding felt by 19 inches in such manner that at least two plies of felt cover the base sheet at any point. 7. Starting at the low point of the roof, installed one ply of cap sheet over the entire roof area, with minimum 2 inch side laps and 6 inch end laps. Cut 12 to 18 foot lengths of material and flop over into a full width mopping of hot asphalt at a nominal rate of 30 pounds per 100 square feet. D. Squeegee felts promptly to eliminate air pockets and wrinkles and to insure proper adhesion. Felts should be smooth and free from fish mouths, tears, or lap joints. E. Built-up roofing system shall be installed complete daily including flashings. Phased construction will not be accepted and is cause for rejection of the complete system. 3.04 TEMPORARY WATER CUT-OFF A. Construct temporary water cut-offs at the end of each working day to protect the insulation and roofing membrane from damage due to wind and moisture. B. Temporary water cut-offs shall be inspected and approved by the Roofing Consultant. 3.05 FLASHINGS A. All metal flashings including vent pipe, conduit and pipe penetrations shall be flashed with lead pipe flashing either turned down inside pipe or counter -flashed using a metal compression band and collar. Flashings shall be set into asphalt -plastic roof cement. B. All flanges shall be flashed to the roof with two plies of fiberglass felts embedded into hot asphalt. The first ply shall extend a minimum of three inches beyond the flange onto the roof. The second ply shall extend a minimum of three inches further onto the roof than the first ply. C. Prime concrete or metal surfaces with asphaltic primer applied at a nominal rate of one gallon per 100 square feet, 24 hours before the application of base flashing. D. Base Flashing: 1. Provide a Johns Manville base flashing system at all vertical walls, curbs and parapets. Base flashing not fully adhered shall be rejected. 2. Roof membrane shall extend to top of cants and crickets. 3. Install two plies of interply felts and cap sheet in full moppings of hot asphalt per manufacturer's recommendations. 4. Fasten top edge of cap sheet to walls, curbs and parapets with specified fasteners at 6:? o.c. maximum. 5. Seal top edge and all inside and outside corners at parapet walls, curb corners and base flashing side laps with a three -course application of 4 inch wide base flashing material and elastomeric adhesive with feathered edges. Coat all mastic work with aluminum coating at exposed mastic after solvents dissipate. E. Roof Drains: 1. Drain rings shall be removed prior to built-up roofing application. 2. The four pound lead flashing sheet shall be set into a solid coating of plastic roof cement overthe installed roofing plies. Install two stripping plies of fiberglass felt over the installed lead flashing. Stripping plies shall extend 3 inches and 6 inches past the edge of the lead flashing sheet and remain in the sump area. All plies, including the lead flashing and field plies must extend into the drain and under the clamping ring. 3. The drain ring shall be set in flashing grade roof cement and tightened. Guard screen shall be installed over drains. 4. After complete installation of roofing system, Contractor shall inspect and test roof drains in the presence of the Roofing Consultant, to ensure proper operation of drainage system. Drain leaders shall be in such condition that full diameter of leader is clear. BUILT UP ROOFING THD 3.06 PROTECTIVE PADS 07511-8 06/20/03 A. Install pads with smoother surface up prior to installation of roof mounted equipment. Set all four corners of pad in Johns Manville Industrial Cement. Provide 4 inch clearance from flashings and 1 inch clearance between pads. Cut pads as required to prevent obstruction of waterways and valleys, etc. B. Provide pads to form continuous walkways as shown on the drawings, including but not limited to the perimeter of the roof scuttle and all mechanical equipment. C. Run piping and conduit exposed above the roof membrane where specifically indicated on drawings. 1. Any deviation from the layout shall be submitted to the Architect. 2. Provide pressure treated wood blocking supports at all piping and conduit run above the roof membrane. Set blocking in roof cement on pads. Do not set blocking directly on roof membrane. D. Provide splash blocks at base of all downspouts that empty onto membrane roofs. Set splash blocks in roof cement on pads. Do not set blocks directly on roof membrane. 3.07 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. All work shall be done to satisfaction of the Owner and Architect of Record who shall decide all questions which arise pertaining to the quality and acceptabitity of materials furnished, work perforned, manner U performance, rate of progress of the work, interpretation of the drawings and specifications, and acceptable fulfillment of the Contract. B. In case of a discrepancy between the drawings and specifications, or if an obvious error or omission in i:;ither, the Architect of Record shall be permitted to make such corrections or interpretations as may be deemed necessary for the fulfillment of the intent of the drawings and specifications. C. in the event questions shall arise as to the interpretation of the drawings and specifications, the decision of the Architect of Record shall be final. D. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing positive drainage around all curbs, roof openings and crickets to roof drains or scuppers. Contractor shall f lood test waterways at crickets, roof drains and scuppers in the presence of the Roofing Consultant. Contractor again shall flood test waterways in the presence of the Roofing Consultant to verify positive drainage and absence of ponding. E. An inspection punchlist shall be made by the Roofing Consultant's Technical Representative upon notice by the Roofing Contractor that roofing is substantially complete F. The Contractor shall promptly remove from the premises all work condemned by the Owner's representative as failing to conform to the Contract whether such work has been incorporated into a structure or not. Prior to the final payment, the Contractor shall replace and re -execute any such work in accordance with his contract. Any such removal, G. The Owner shall have the right to inspect, assess progress and verify performance to specifications at any time that the work is in preparation or progress. The Contractor shall provide facilities for such inspection. H. The Owner may stop work when necessary to prevent nonconformance with the drawings and specifications and may reject all nonconforming work and materials. I. Nothing in these Specifications shall be construed as placing the work under the specific direction or supervision of the Architect of Record or relieving the Contractor from his liability as an independent Contractor and, as such, he shall supervise and control his own personnel and schedule his work as required to insure its proper and timely performance. J. The Owner reserves the right to require the Contractor to remove samples of the work and repair the cuts. BUILT UP ROOFING 07511-9 THD 06/20/03 3.08 CLEANING A. Remove debris resulting from this work at completion of built-up roofing work. B. Upon completion of built-up roofing installation, ensure all other trades are aware of precautions required when working on roof. Make other trades aware and responsible for protection of roof from damage (debris, puncture, etc.) during following works. END OF SECTION FLASHING AND SHEET METAL 07600-1 20030278 09/07/04 SECTION 07600 - FLASHING AND SHEET METAL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Extent of flashing and sheet metal work is indicated on drawings and includes the following: 1. Metal flashing and counter flashings 2. Gutters, 24" conductor heads and downspout outlets. 3. Thru wall flashing (where indicated on drawings). 1.02 SUBMITTALS TO CONTRACTOR A. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Division 1. Indicate size, shapes, thicknesses, types of materials, finishes, fabrication details, anchors, connections, expansion joints and relation to adjacent work. Drawings shall be drawn to 1" = V-0" or larger scale. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association (SMACNA) "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual." B. All primers and painting products furnished in this section shall be VOC compliant for building location. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 SHEET METAL A. Sheet metal: Minimum 24 gauge G90 hot -dipped galvanized steel smooth commercial grade, except gutters, downspouts outlets and scuppers shall be 20 gauge. Units shall be of profile and dimensions shown on drawings complete with formed joint covers and flashing assembly and with prefabricated (mitered and hot soldered) corner units. Cap flashing joint shall have a 6" cover plate at lap joint. 2.02 SHEET METAL MATERIALS A. Zinc Coated Steel: G90 hot dipped galvanized to comply with ASTM A523 except ASTM A517 for lockformed quality (where tight bends and lock seams are required). B. Finish: Factory Applied Fluorocarbon Coating 1. Baked on epoxy primer 0.3 Mil. Thickness. 2. Full strength 70% Kynar 500 Baked On Coating to dry film thickness of 1.0 mil. 3. Color as indicated on drawings. 4. To include, but not limited to, cap flashing (coping), gutters, downspouts outlets, conductor heads and flashing. C. Gutter Guards: Where gutters are indicated on drawings, selvage edged gutter caps of 1 /2" x 20 gauge woven wire mesh or hardware cloth, of metal and finish matching gutter, hinged for cleanout. Provide continuous run of guard units on gutters. D. Cleats and straps: Same type and gauge metal as gutter, downspouts outlets and conductor heads. 2.03 REGLETS A. Manufacturer: Springlok Flashing System as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation, 625 South Palm Avenue, Alhambra, California, 91803. FLASHING AND SHEET METAL 07600-2 20030278 09/07/04 B. Models: 1. "SM" - Surface Mounted 2. "MA-4" - Masonry Mounted (where applicable) C. Product: Reglet and flashing shall be made of 24 ga. Galvanized steel. Finish shall be pre -finished color as specified in drawings. Reglet shall have a 2" factory -formed end lap; flashing shall have a 3" lap. Any shipment must be made in unopened cartons with the name of the manufacturer clearly visible on the carton and the name FRY on each length of each flashing. Reglet to be installed parallel with top of roof at least 7 inches above roof. 2.044 FABRICATED UNITS A. General Metal Fabrication: Shop -fabricate work to greatest extend possible. Comply with details and with applicable requirements of SMACNA "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" and other recognized industry practices. Fabricate for waterproof and weather -resistant performance; with expansion provision for running work, sufficient to permanently prevent leakage, damage or deterioration of work. Form work to fit substrates. Comply with material with manufacturer instructions and recommendations for forming material. Form exposed sheet metal work without excessive oil -canning, buckline and tool marks, true to line and levels indicated, with exposed edges folded back to form hems. B. Cap flashing (coping) at corners: the horizontal (top) to be mitered leaving 1 " lap under adjoining piece, apply sealant and pop rivet. At front (vertical) apply corner support clip, sealant, then butt vertical sides together and pop rivet. OR Make horizontal mitered cut at center of length of piece and bend vertical outside portion 90 degrees to make corner. C. Cap flashing expansion joint: Install base plate (12" wide with sides hemmed upward), sealant, cap flashing with 1/2" joint, sealant with 6" wide cover plate pop riveted on one side (at horizontal. D. Cleats: Continuous cleats, front and back OR Continuous cleat at front end individual cleats at back with bottom turned up over drip edge and pop riveted. E. Seams: Fabricated non-moving seams in sheet metal with flat -lock seams. F. Expansion Provisions: 1. Where lapped or bayonet -type expansion provisions in work cannot be used, or wouid not be sufficiently water/weatherproof, form expansion joints of intermeshing hooked flanges, not less than 1 inch deep, filled with mastic sealant (concealed within joints). 2. Provide for thermal expansion of running gutters and other exposed items. Maintain a water tight seal at expansion joints. Locate expansion joints midway between drains, at high points in slopes, but in no case more than 30'-0" maximum spacing. G. Joint Sealant: Where movable, non -expansion type joints are indicated or required for proper performance of work, form metal to provide for proper installation of elastomeric sealant, in compliance with SMACNA standards.. 2.05 FASTENERS A. Fasteners: Fasteners shall be of same material or compatible with sheet metal being fastened. 1. Rivets, screws and bolts shall be hard copper, brass or bronze except screws for aluminum shall be aluminum or stainless steel with exposed heads anodized to match sheets. FLASHING AND SHEET METAL 07600-3 20030278 09/07/04 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Anchor work in place with noncorrosive fasteners, adhesives, setting compounds, tapes and other materials and devices as recommended by manufacturer of each material or system. Provide for thermal expansion and building movements. Comply with recommendation of "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" by SMACNA. B. Isolate from masonry, concrete and other dissimilar materials to prevent electrolysis, using bituminous paint or neoprene pads. C. Sheet Metal: Install sheet metal fascias and flashings with drip by screwing clips into wood nailer at 16" o.c. maximum. Screws shall be countersunk flat head type. Provide sheet metal in 12'-0" lengths with 1/4" expansion joints between lengths. Caulk using exterior building sealant, clear color, as specified in Caulking and Sealants Section. D. Install gutters to provide for positive drainage. E. Install metal cap flashing with hemmed edges and continuous cleats each side. Allow 1/2" expansion joint between cap flashing ends and provide joint cap as specified. The use of exposed fasteners to secure interior vertical leg of cap flashing to substrate is unacceptable. 3.02 PERFORMANCE A. Performance: Water-tight/weatherproof performance of flashing and sheet metal work is required. 3.03 CLEANING A. Clean metal surfaces of substances that could cause corrosion. END OF SECTION JOINT S THD SECTION 07901 - JOINT SEALER/FILLERS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Joint sealers/fillers shall be placed at, but not be limited to, the following locations. 1. Horizontal construction and contraction joints in concrete floor slabs and pavements. 2. Joints in tilt -up or precast panels 3. Joints in concrete curbs 4. Perimeter of doors, windows and other framed wall openings 5. Bed joints for sills, thresholds, flanges and similar items requiring sealant. 6. Any joint where watertight or weathertight sealing is required. 7. Joint between plastic laminate clad backsplashes and wall surfaces. 8. Joints requiring fire stop sealant at precast/tilt-up concrete panels. B. Refer to drawings for additional information. 1.02 SUBMITTALS TO ARCHITECT OF RECORD A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's detailed technical data for materials and installation. B. Submit manufacturer's standard color chart for selection of colors for exposed sealants. 1.03 DEFINITIONS 07901 -1 06/23/04 A. Sealant: A weatherproof elastomer used in filling and sealing joints, having properties of adhesion, cohesion, extensibility to make joint air and watertight. Material is designed for joints at the interior or exterior of structures and to joints subject to movement. B. Caulking Compound: A material used in filling joints and seams, having properties of adhesion and cohesion; shall not be required to have extensibility and recovery properties, usually applied to interior joint conditions. C. Caulking: The term is used here to denote the process of filling the joints, without regard to type of material. D. Joint Filler: semi -rigid, full -depth joint filler capable of withstanding hard wheeled traffic without deflection, to protect the edges of the concrete floor slab from spalling due to impact. 1.04 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE A. Provide joint sealers that have been produced and installed to establish and maintain watertight and airtight continuous seals. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Full time special inspection: The Owner will engage the duties of a special inspector for full-time inspection during the installation of the floor joint filler. No work is to proceed unless the special inspector is present. B. The Owner's representative shall desi nate at his sole discretion the locations for up to 6 core samples through the completed floor joints for the purpose of ensuring complete penetration into the _floor joints_of the joint filler. Should any core reveal incomplete penetration of the floor joint filler, the Owner's representative, at his sole discretion, shall delineate the extent of the Ioint filler to be removed and re -installed in accordance with the specification. Such remedial work shall also be under the observation of the special_ i nsspector. JOINT SEALERS/FILLERS 07901 -2 THD 06/23/04 C. Installer Qualifications: Engage an Installer who is an approved installer of the manufacturer of the material submitted and approved for use in filling the floor joints. Submit a letter from the manufacturer stating approval of the installer prior to the commencement of any work. Any work performed prior to the receipt of the manufacturer's approval letter, or any work performed by an installer not approved by the manufacturer shall be rejected and the work shall be removed and re -installed by the approved installer. D. Single Source Responsibility for Joint Sealer Materials:_ Obtain joint sealer materials from a single manufacturer for each different product required. 1.06 JOB CONDITIONS A. Weather Condition 1. Install no liquid sealants under wet or freezing conditions or when temperatures are below or above those recommended by manufacturer. 2. Proceed with work only when forecasted weather conditions are favorable for joint cure and development of high early bond strength. 3. Where joint width is affected by ambient temperature variations, install sealants only when temperatures are in lower third of temperature range recommended by sealant manufacturer. B. Protection of Adjacent Surfaces 1. Protect either by applying masking material or manipulating application equipment to keep sealants in joint. 2. If masking materials are used, allow no tape to touch cleaned surfaces to receive sealant. Remove tape immediately after caulking is accomplished and before surface skin begins to form. 3. Remove misapplied sealants from surfaces immediately, using solvents and methods recommended by manufacturer. 4. Restore surfaces from which sealants have been removed to the original condition and appearance. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS, GENERAL A. Compatibility: Provide joint sealers, joint fillers and other related materials that are compatible with one another and with joint substrates under conditions of service and application, as demonstrated by testing and field experience. B. Colors: Provide color of exposed joint sealers to match color of adjacent surfaces. 1. Where adjacent surfaces change color along length of joint, sealant color shall change to match. To ensure adhesion to itself sealant shall not be allowed to dry before different color is appiied. C. Painting : Sealant shall be allowed to cure in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations prior to painting. 1. Sealant surface shall be wiped with xylene, or manufacturer's approved solution, which shall be allowed to evaporate before painting. D. VOC Compliance: All joint sealer, joint filler and primer products shall be VOC compliant for building location 2.02 EXTERIOR BUILDING SEALANT A. Application: Exterior joints not subject to seismic movement in vertical and horizontal surfaces. B. Exterior Vertical Surfaces: Includes interior joints in concrete tilt -up and concrete masonry unit exterior building walls 1. Acceptable Products: a. Mameco — Vulkem 922 JOINT SEALERSIFILLERS 07901 - 3 TH D 06/23/04 b. Pecora — Dynatrol II c. Sika — Sikaflex-2c NS d. Tremco — Dymeric 240/240FC 2. Type of Sealant: Two component polyurethane, Grade NS, Class 25, use NT, M, A and O 3. Characteristics: a. Hardness 15-50, Shore A b. Color shall be selected from manufacturer's standard colors that closely match the color of the adjacent finished surface. 2.03 EXPANDING FOAM EXPANSION SEALS A. Application: Exterior structural vertical expansion joints 2" or greater. Refer to construction drawing if and where applicable. B. Expanding foam with factory applied facing. Field applied sealant both sides. C. Acceptable Products: 1. - ColorSeal by Emseal Joint Systems Ltd. 2. Wabo WeatherSeal by Watson Bowman Acme Corp. D. Color: Standard color to match adjacent wall. 2.04 GLAZING SEALANT A. Application: Exterior and interior joints between glazing materials and framing not sealed with glazing gasket materials. B. Acceptable Products: 1. Dow Corning, 799 Silicone Sealant 2. General Electric Co., 1200 Silicone Sealants C. Color: Clear D. Use also for sealing at intersection of plastic laminate clad backsplashes and wall surfaces. 2.05 PREFORMED JOINT FILLER A. Firm Preformed Joint Filler 1. ASTM D 1751, non -extruding, full depth of concrete. Used at exterior isolation joints unless noted otherwise. B. Soft Preformed Joint Filler: Used at interior and exterior column isolation diamonds, interior and exterior isolation joints between building wall and abutting slab or paving. 1. ASTM D3575 or ASTM D1752, with compression of 10 psi to 25 psi, nonextruding, full depth of concrete. 2. Acceptable products and manufacturers: a. "Expansion -Joint Filler" by Sonneborn b. "Deck-O-Foam" by W. R. Meadows c. "Ceramar" by W. R. Meadows 2.06 ELASTOMERIC FLOOR JOINT MATERIALS A. Used at building interior over top of Soft Preformed Joint Filler, or at any interior slab joint where sealant is identified in the drawings. B. Sealant: JOINT SEALERS/FILLERS 07901 - 4 TH D 06/23/04 1. FS TT-S-00230, Type I, Class A, single component cold applied, pourable or gun grade, as applicable, polyurethane base. 2. Closely match color of adjacent exposed surface of concrete slab and closely match color of semi -rigid joint filler. 3. Keep same color throughout project. 4. Sealant to be compatible with construction material placed against it. C. Joint Back -Up Material: May be omitted where Soft Preformed Joint Filler provides back-up at the necessary depth. Follow Sealant Manufacturer's recommendations for installation depth of back-up materials. 1. Polyethylene foam, 60% closed cell. 2. Sealant to be compatible with any construction material to be placed against it. 2.07 SEMI -RIGID FLOOR JOINT FILLER A. Used in saw cuts of interior floor slab at both contraction joint and construction joint locations. B. General: 1. 100% solids, 2-part with instantaneous Shore A hardness of 85 to 100. 2. Filler to be compatible with construction material placed against it. 3. Closely match color of adjacent exposed surface of concrete slab. Keep same color throughout project. C. Epoxy: 1. Acceptable Products and Manufacturers: a. "Euco 700" by Euclid Chemical Corp. b. "MM-80" by Metzger/McGuire Co. 2.08 EXTERIOR SLAB ON GROUND/CONCRETE PAVEMENT SEALANT A. Used at exterior Horizontal Surfaces: Includes pavement construction and contraction joints, isolation joint between paving/concrete slab on ground and building wall, and column isolation joints. B. Acceptable Products: 1. DOW Corning® 888 Silicone Joint Sealant 2.09 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Bond Breaker Tape: Polyethylene tape of plastic as recommended by sealant manufacturer, to be applied to sealant -contact surfaces where bond to substrate of joint filler must be avoided for proper performance of sealant. B. Primer: Provide Joint Cleaning Compound as recommended by Sealant Manufacturer. C. Masking Tape: Provide pressure -sensitive adhesive tape as selected by installer to protect surfaces from damage. D. Sealant Backer Rod: Unless specified otherwise, use compressible rod stock polyethylene foam, polyethylene jacketed polyurethane foam, butyl rubber foam, neoprene foam or other flexible, permanent, durable, non -absorptive material as recommended for compatibility with sealant. Provide size and shape of rod which will control the joint depth for sealant placement, break bond of sealant at bottom of joint, form optimum shape of sealant bead on back side, and provide a highly compressible backer to minimize the possibility of sealant extrusion when joint is compressed. Joints in pre -cast or tilt -up walls identified as fire rated on the drawings, shall have mineral wool fire safing or other fire -blocking backup material recommended by the sealant manufacturer as necessary to meet the required fire rating. JOINT SEALERS/FILLERS 07901 - 5 THD 06/23/04 E. Tooling agent: Water xylol, alcohol, warm soapy water or other agent recommended by sealant manufacturer to insure firm, full contact of sealant with inner faces of joint. F. Masking tape and similar accessories to protect surfaces from damage. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Inspect joints indicated to receive joint sealers, joint fillers, and/or caulking compound for compliance with requirements for joint configuration, installation tolerances and other conditions affecting joint sealer performance. Do not allow joint sealer work to proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Cleaning of Floor Joints: Immediately prior to application of joint materials, re -cut with a concrete saw all floor joints to full depth of initial saw cut. No other method shall be employed in cleaning out the floor joints prior to the installation of the filler. Remove loose particles remaining from above cleaning operations by vacuuming. B. Surface Cleaning of Joints: Clean out joints immediately before installing joint materials to comply with the recommendations of the joint materials manufacturer and the following requirements: 1. Remove all foreign material from joint substrates which could interfere with adhesion of the joint material, including dust; paints, except for permanent, protective coatings tested and approved for joint material adhesion and compatibility by joint material manufacturer; oil; grease waterproofing; water repellents; water; surface dirt and frost. 2. Clean concrete, masonry and similar porous joint substrate surfaces, by brushing, grinding, blast cleaning, mechanical abrading, acid washing or a combination of these methods to produce a clean, sound substrate capable of developing optimum bond with joint sealers. Remove loose particles remaining from above cleaning operations by vacuuming or blowing out joints with oil -free compressed air. 3. Remove laitance and form release agents from concrete. 4. Clean metal, glass, porcelain enamel, glazed surfaces of ceramic tile and other non -porous surfaces by chemical cleaners or other means which are not harmful to substrates or leave residues capable of interfering with adhesion of joint materials. C. Joint Priming: Prime joint substrates where recommended by joint material manufacturer based on preconstruction joint material -substrate tests or prior experience. Apply primer to comply with joint material manufacturer's recommendations. Confine primers to areas of joint material bond. Do not allow spillage or migration onto adjoining surfaces. D. Masking Tape. Use masking tape where required to prevent contact of joint material with adjoining surfaces which otherwise would be permanently stained or damaged by such contact or by cleaning methods required to remove joint material smears. Remove tape immediately after tooling without disturbing joint material. 3.03 INSTALLATION OF JOINT SEALERS AND FILLERS A. General: 1. Comply with joint sealer, filler, and caulking manufacturer's printed installation instructions applicable to products and applications indicated, except where more stringent requirements apply. 2. Install joint sealer/filler just prior to substantial completion. B. Seal/fill contraction, isolation and construction joints in floor slabs and pavements, unless otherwise indicated on the drawings or specified herein. C. For interior slabs, use semi -rigid epoxy joint filler in contraction and construction joints, and use elastomeric joint sealant in isolation joints, unless noted otherwise. JOINT SEALERS/FILLERS 07901 - 6 TH D 06/23/04 D. For exterior slabs/concrete pavement, use pavement sealant in contraction joints, construction joints, and isolation joints. Apply sealant over a properly installed backer rod in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations. E. Do not seal joints with materials specified herein when below relatively impervious floor finish material. F. Elastomeric Joint Sealant Installation: 1. General, Unless noted otherwise herein or on the drawings a. Use joint back-up material. b. Tool surface to provide smooth, attractive appearance and geometry recommended by sealant manufacturer. 2. Construction or contraction joints in concrete pavement/exterlor slabs on gruund a. Finish joint surface as indicated in the drawing details. G. Semi -rigid Joint Filler Installation: 1. Do not use polyurea. It is not permitted under any circumstances. 2. Do not use joint back-up material (i.e., backer rod, sand, etc.), except below bottom of saw cut shelf in construction joints. 3. Fill joints at the earliest point in time permitted by the manufacturer. Completely fill joints in two passes, if needed, to produce a slight crown. 4. Remove excess filler from exposed concrete surface prior to setting. 5. Add extra filler prior to setting if needed to prevent depressed areas. 6. Provide cured filler flush with finished concrete surface by razoring off crown. 7. No joint filling is to occur without the supervision and observation of the Owner's special inspector. 8. Refill joints just prior to turnover. Comeback just before end of warranty period, or as directed by Owner's Representative, to refill joints again. H. Installation of Sealant Backings'. Install sealant backings to comply with the following requirements. 1. Install joint -backing of type indicated to provide support of sealants during application and at position I_ U-4uC0 th tional shapes and de-pthe of ingtaffinej 1zan1n rtg raintivin to inint %Afirithc that I el�l.11l CU W pI UU UI.0 ll he cross -sectional ia� u� iur�..a w iu u..r.� w ..� �--•• •- allow optimum sealant movement capability. a. Do not leave gaps between ends of joint -backings. b. Do not stretch, twist, puncture or tear joint -backings c. Remove absorbent joint -backings, which have become wet prior to sealant application and replace with dry material. I. Install bund breaker toe between sealants back of joints where required to prevent third -side adhesion of sealant to back of joint. J. Installation of Sealants: Install sealants by proven techniques that result in sealants directly contacting and fully wetting joint substrates, completely filling recesses provided for each joint configuration and providing uniform, cross -sectional shapes and depths relative to joint widths which allow optimum sealant movement capability. K. Tooling of Non sag Sealants: Immediately after sealant application and prior to time skinning or curing begins, tool sealants to form smooth, uniform beads of configuration indicated, to eliminate air pockets and to ensure contact and adhesion of sealant with sides of joint. Remove excess sealants from surfaces adjacent to joint. Do not use tooling agents, which discolor sealants or adjacent surfaces or are not approved by sealant manufacturer. L. Sealant shall be allowed to cure according to manufacturer's recommendations. After curing is complete, clean sealant with xylene solution or manufacturer's approved cleaner. If sealant is to be painted, it shall be painted after sealant is cured and cleaned. JOINT SEALERS/FILLERS _ THD 3.04 PROTECTION AND CLEANING 07901 - 7 06/23/04 A. Protect joint materials during and after curing period from contact with contaminating substances or from damage resulting from construction operations or other causes so that curing is ensured per manufacturer's recommendations without deterioration or damage at time of substantial completion. If, despite such protection, damage or deterioration occurs, cut out and remove damaged or deteriorated joint materials immediately and refill joints with new materials to produce joint materials installations with required areas indistinguishable for original work. B. Clean off excess 'oint materials or smears adjacent to joints as work progresses by methods and with cleaning materials approved by manufacturers of joint material and of products in which joints occur. C. Immediately prior to sealing/filing, clean joints to full depth of sealant/filler in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. D. Remove form release agent, curing compound or other contaminants. END OF SECTION (FBO) HOLLOW METAL ©OOHS AND FRAMES 08110-1 THD 12/19/03 SECTION 08110 - (FBO) HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Extent of steel doors and fully welded frames is indicated and scheduled on drawings. 1.02 SUBMITTALS TO GENERAL CONTRACTOR A. A copy of the "bid set" construction documents will be forwarded to FBO supplier from Architect of Record. FBO supplier will complete initial "take -off" indicating all materials to be shipped. FBO supplier will confirm the order with The Home Depot representative within 20 days of the receipt of construction documents. 1. General Contractor will receive complete "submittal package" indicating all materials to be shipped. General Contractor is then responsible for confirming the submitted materials and quantities with the plans and specifications. A return confirmation must be sent back to FBO supplier for final coordination of package contents. 2. FBO supplier is solely responsible for correctness of shipped materials and quantities. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Provide doors and frames complying with Steel Door Institute "Recommended Specifications: Standard Steel Doors and Frames" (SDI-100) and as herein specified. B. Fire -Rated Door Assemblies: Where fire -rated door assemblies are indicated or required, provide fire -rated door and frame assemblies that comply with NFPA 80 "Standard for Fire Doors and Windows", and have been tested, listed, and labeled in accordance ASTM E2074 "Standard Methods of Fire Tests of Door Assemblies" by Underwriters Laboratory or another nationally recognized independent testing and inspection agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver hollow metal frames fully welded with temporary spreader bars. Ship hollow metal doors individually wrapped in cardboard and palletized. B. Inspect items upon delivery. Reject damaged items. C. Store doors and frames at building site under cover. Place units on minimum 4" high wood blocking. Avoid use of non -vented plastic or canvas shelters that could create humidity chamber. If cardboard wrapper on door becomes wet, remove carton immediately and inspect item. Provide 1/4" spaces between stacked doors to promote air circulation. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURER A. Manufacturer: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide steel doors and frames by a current member of the Steel Door Institute (SDI). 2.02 MATERIALS A. Hot -Rolled Steel Sheets and Strip: Commercial quality carbon steel, pickled and oiled, complying with ASTM A1011 and ASTM A568 containing a minimum of 65% recycled steel. B. Cold -Rolled Steel Sheets: Commercial quality carbon steel, complying with ASTM A1008 and ASTM A 568 containing a minimum of 65% recycled steel. C. Supports and Anchors: Fabricate of not less than 18-gage galvanized sheet steel. FBD HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES 08110-2 THD 12/19/03 D. Inserts, Bolts, and Fasteners: Manufacturer's standard units, except hot -dip galvanize items to be built into exterior walls, complying with ASTM A153, Class C or D as applicable. E. Primer: Rust -inhibitive enamel or paint, either air -drying or baking, VOC compliant for building location, suitable as a base for specified finish paints. Thickness is 7/10 mils. Use water based primer where available. 2.03 FABRICATION, GENERAL A. Fabricate steel door and frame units to be rigid, neat in appearance and free from defects, warp or buckle. Wherever practicable, fit and assemble units in manutacturer's plant. B. Cleariy identify work that cannot be permanently factory-assembied before shipment, to assure proper assembly at project site. Comply with SDI-100 requirements as follows: 1. Doors: SDI-100, Grade 111, extra heavy-duty Model 2, minimum 16-gage faces. C. Fabricate exposed faces of doors from only stretcher level cold -rolled steel. D. Fabricate frames, reinforcement, edge channels, louvers and moldings from either cold -rolled or hot -rolled steel (at fabricator's option). 1. Frames: 16 gage E. Fabricate exterior doors, panels, and frames from cold rolled sheet steel. Close top and bottom edges of exterior doors as integral part of door construction or by addition of minimum 16 gage inverted steel channels. F. Cap top of all doors, interior and exterior with flush weatherproof cap. G. Thermal -Rated (Insulating) Assemblies: 1. At exterior locations and elsewhere as shown or scheduled, provide doors that have been fabricated as thermal insulating door and frame assemblies and tested in accordance with ASTM C236. a. Unless otherwise indicated, provide thermal -rated assemblies with U factor of 0.24 Btu/(hr.ft2.oF) or better. b. Polystyrene or polyurethane core is acceptable. H. Finish Hardware Preparation: Prepare doors and frames to receive mortised and concealed finish hardware in accordance with final Finish Hardware Schedule and templates provided by hardware supplier. Comply with applicable requirements of ANSI A115 series specifications for door and frame preparation for hardware. 1. Reinforce doors and frames to receive surface -applied hardware per SDI 107. Driiiing and tapping for surface -applied finish hardware may be done at project site. 2. Locate finish hardware as indicated on final shop drawings or, if not indicated, in accordance with "Recommended Locations for Builder's Hardware", pubiished by Door and Hardware Institute. 1, Shop Painting: 1. Clean, treat, and paint exposed surfaces of steel door and frame units. 2. Clean steel surfaces of mill scale, rust, oil, grease, dirt, and other foreign materials before application of paint. 3. Apply shop coat of prime paint of even consistencyto provide a uniformly finished surface ready to receive finish paint. 4. Thickness is 7/10 mils. 2.04 LOUVERS A. Provide sightproof stationary louvers for interior doors where indicated, constructed of inverted V-shaped or Y-shaped blades formed of 18 gauge cold -rolled steel. Space blades to provide not less than 20% free air opening. B. For fire -rated openings, provide tightly fitted, spring loaded, Automatic closing louvers with operable blades, equipped with fusible links, arranged so that metal overlaps metal at every joint. (FBO) HOLLOW METAL DOOMS AND FRAMES 08110-:7 THD 12/19/03 2.05 STEEL FRAMES A. Provide metal frames for doors, of types and styles as shown on drawings and schedules. Conceal fastenings. 1. Fabricate exterior and interior frames with mitered corners. Weld tabs and faceweld mitered corners. B. Form exterior frames of cold rolled steel- C. Door Silencers: Except on weatherstripped frames, drill stops to receive 3 silencers on strike jambs of single -swing frames and 2 silencers on head of double -swing frames. D. Plaster Guards: Provide 26 gage steel plaster guards or mortar boxes, welded to frame, at back of finish hardware cutouts where mortar or other materials might obstruct hardware operation and to close off interior of openings. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. General: Install standard steel doors, frames, and accessories in accordance with final shop drawings, manufacturer's data, and as herein specified. B. Placing Frames: Comply with provision of SDI-105 "Recommended Erection Instructions for Steel Frames" or as otherwise required by manufacturer's recommendations. 1. At masonry and concrete construction coat entire inside surface of frames with asphaltic paint to reduce corrosion. 2. At Concrete Tilt Up Panel Construction, hollow metal frames must be set and secured in place prior to pouring of panel. 3. In masonry construction, locate 3 wall anchors per jamb at hinge and strike levels. 4. At in -place masonry construction, set frames and secure to adjacent construction with machine screws and masonry anchorage devices. 5. Install fire -rated frames in accordance with NFPA Std. No. 80. 6. In metal stud partition, install at least 3 wall anchors per jamb at hinge and strike levels. In open steel stud partitions, place studs in wall anchor notches and wire tie. In closed steel stud partitions, attach wall anchors to studs with self- tapping screws. C. Door Installation: 1. Fit hollow metal doors accurately in frames, within clearances specified in SDI-100. 2. Place fire -rated doors with clearances as specified in NFPA Standard No. 80. D. Prime Coat Touch-up: Immediately after erection, sand smooth any rusted or damaged areas of prime coat and apply touch-up of compatible air -drying primer. 3.02 ADJUST AND CLEAN A. Final Adjustments: Check and readjust operating finish hardware items, leaving steel doors and frames undamaged and in complete and proper operating condition. END OF SECTION OVERHEI 20030278 SECTION 08331 - OVERHEAD DOORS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Extent of overhead doors is shown on drawings. B. The work specified herein includes installation of new overhead doors in an existing structure. 08331-1 09/07/04 C. The scope of work shall include making all modification requirements as shown on the drawings for installation of overhead doors. 1.02 NATIONAL ACCOUNT ARRANGEMENT A. The Home Depot has National Account arrangements for the supply of overhead door equipment. The overhead door equipment has been pre -ordered by the Home Depot and pre -priced by the respective company. Information on the pre -established pricing and the procedure for securing the name of the factory authorized representative may be obtained by contacting the following Sales Managers: B. Contact: 1. The Cookson Company Ms. Janet Seibert Sales Department 50th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85043 Phone: (800)-294-4358 Fax: (800)-866-2132 2. Cornell Storefront Systems Bill Ackerman Sales Department 190 W elles Street Forty Fort, PA 18704 Phone: (800)-882-6773, Ext. 560 Fax: (800)-882-6772 3. Wayne Dalton Dana Korns One Door Drive Mt. Hope, OH 44660 Phone: (800) 598-3667, ext. 2 C. Contractor shall not contact local distributor for pricing. Contractor shall verify price with owner. 1.03 QUALITY CRITERIA A. Provide each overhead door as a complete unit produced by one manufacturer including guides, brackets, shaft, hood, curtain, bottom bar, operator, hardware, and installation accessories to suit openings and headroom requirements. B. Unless otherwise acceptable to the Architect of Record, furnish overhead door units by one manufacturer for the entire project. OVERHEAD DOORS 08331-2 20030278 09/07/04 1.04 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS A. Wind Loading: Design doors to withstand a minimum 30 PSF wind load or as required by local code, whichever is greater- B. Cycle Life: 1. All chain operated doors shall be designed for "high cycle" operation. [20 cycles per day, 365 days per year] 2. All motor operated doors shall be designed for "high cycle" operation. [50 cycles per day, 365 days per year] 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Reference Section 01330 Submittal Procedures; submit the following items: 1. Product Data. 2. Shop Drawings: Include special conditions not detailed in Product Data. Show interface with adjacent work. 3. Quality Assurance/Control Submittals: a. Provide proof of manufacturer ISO 9002 registration. b. Provide proof of manufacturer and installer qualifications - see 1.5 below. c. Provide manufacturer's installation instructions. 4. Closeout Submittals: a. Operation and Maintenance Manual. b. Certificate stating that installed materials comply with this specification. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualifications: 1. Manufacturer Qualifications: ISO 9002 registered and a minimum of five years experience in producing doors of the type specified. 2. Installer Qualifications: Manufacturer's approval. 1.07 DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Reference Section 01660 Product Storage and Handling Requirements. B. Cnlln,er man,,factitror'e inctriir_tinnC 1.08 WARRANTY A. Standard Warranty: Two years from date of shipment against defects in material and workmanship. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURER A. Furnish one of the following: 1. "Weatherbar" Rolling Doors manufactured by Cookson Company 2. "Weathergard" Rolling Doors as manufactured by Cornell Iron Works 3. 800 Series Service Doors as manufactured by Wayne Dalton Corp. 2.02 MATERIALS A. Curtain: 1. Slats: No. 5F, ASTM A 653 (A 653M), Commercial Quality, galvanized steel with G-90 (Z 275) zinc OVERHEAD DOORS 20030278 08331-3 09/07/04 coating. a. 22 gauge for door widths through 14'-4" (4.37 m); b. 20 gauge for door widths over 14'-4" (4.37 m) through 25'-4" (7.72 m) c. 18 gauge for door widths over 25'-4" (7.72 m). Heavier than standard gauges may be specified for door widths through 25'-4" (7.72 m). d. Perforated Slats shall be a minimum 20 gauge. 2. Bottom Bar: The bottom slat of curtain to be reinforced by a bottom bar consisting of two steel angles bolted together back-to-back 3. Fabricate interlocking sections with high strength nylon or cast iron endlocks on alternate slats each secured with two 3" (6.35 mm) rivets. Provide windlocks as required to meet specified wind load. B. Guides: Fabricate with minimum 3/16 inch (4.76 mm) structural steel angles. Provide windlock bars of same material when windlocks are required to meet specified wind load. C. Counterbalance Shaft Assembly: 1. Barrel: Steel pipe capable of supporting curtain load with maximum deflection of 0.03 inches per foot (2.5 mm per meter) of width. 2. Spring Balance: Oil -tempered, heat -treated steel helical torsion spring assembly designed for proper balance of door to ensure that maximum effort to operate will not exceed 25 Ibs (110 N). Provide wheel for applying and adjusting spring torque. D. Brackets: Fabricate from minimum 3/16 inch (5 mm) steel plate with permanently lubricated ball or roller bearings at rotating support points to support counterbalance shaft assembly and form end closures. E. Hood: 24 gauge galvanized steel, with reinforced top and bottom edges. Provide minimum 1/4 inch (6.35 mm) steel intermediate support brackets as required to prevent excessive sag. F. Fascia: 24 gauge galvanized steel, with reinforced top and bottom edges. Provide minimum 1/4 inch (6.35 mm) steel intermediate support brackets as required to prevent excessive sag. G. Weatherstripping: 1. Bottom Bar: Replaceable, 3-point, compressible vinyl gasket extending into guides. a. Bottom Bar, Motor Operated Doors: Weather/sensing edge within neoprene or rubber astragal extending full width of door bottom bar. 2. Guides: Vinyl strip sealing against fascia side of curtain. 3. Hood: Neoprene/rayon baffle to impede air flow above coil. 2.03 ACCESSORIES A. Locking: 1. Manual Push -Up: Padlockable slide bolt on specified side of bottom bar at each jamb extending into slots in guides. 2. Manual Chain Hoist: Padlockable chain keeper on guide. [Padlocks by others] 3. Motor Operator: Padlockable slide bolt on specified side of bottom bar at each jamb extending into slots in guides. [Provide interlock switches on motor operated units.] B. Operator and Bracket Mechanism Cover: 1. Exterior mounted units: Provide 24 gauge galvanized steel sheet metal cover to provide weather resistance. Finish to match door hood. 2. Low headroom units: Provide 24 gauge galvanized steel sheet metal cover to enclose exposed moving operating components at coil area of unit. Finish to match door hood. 3. EXPOSED MOVING OPERATOR COMPONENTS LOWER THAN 8 FEET ABOVE FLOOR LEVEL THAT CREATE POSSIBLE PINCH POINTS ARE REQUIRED TO BE COVERED PER UL 325. SPECIFY AN OPERATOR COVER WHENEVER THIS FIELD CONDITION EXISTS. OVERHEAD DOORS 20030278 2.04 FINISH 08331-4 09/07/04 A. Slats, Bottom bar, Guides, Brackets, Hood, and Fascia: 1. Phosphate treatment followed by baked -on polyester powder coat, Color as specified in drawings; minimum 2.5 mils (0.065 mm) cured film thickness; ASTM D-3363 pencil hardness: H or better. 2.05 OPERATION A. Provide specific operation per door as specified in drawings B. Manual Push -Up: Provide lift handles on bottom bar and pole with hook. C. Manual Chain Hoist: Provide chain hoist operator with endless steel chain, chain pocket wheel and guard, geared reduction unit, and chain keeper secured to guide. 1. Doors shall be geared to open and close with a maximum of 30 pounds of effort. D. Motor: Supply Model GH, heavy duty, UL listed, gearhead hoist type operators) rated at 12 H.P. Provide UL listed electric door operator assembly of size and capacity recommended by door manufacturer; complete with electric motor and factory pre -wired motor controls, worm -gear reduction unit, solenoid operated brake, 3- button OPEN/CLOSE/STOP control station. Motor shall be high starting torque, continuous duty, industrial type, protected against overload by a current sensing or thermal overload device. Speed reduction shall be worm -gear -in -oil -bath gear reducer with synthetic "All Climate" oil. Shall provide 45:1 speed reduction. Door drive shall utilize minimum #50 roller chain and sprockets. Operator shall be equipped with an electrically interlocked floor level disconnect and chain hoist for manual operation and an electric solenoid -actuated brake to stop the motor and hold the door in position. Operator shall be capable of driving the door at a speed of 8 to 9 inches per second (20 to 23 cm/sec). Fully adjustable, driven linear type limit Switch mechanism shall synchronize the operator with the door. Low friction nylon limit nuts fitted on threaded steel shaft, rotating on oilite self-lubricating bronze bushings. The motor shall be removable without affecting the limit switch settings. Verify all electrical requirements with electrical drawings and specifications. 1. Motor Controls: Controls by MMTC, Inc., 230 Route 206, Building 2, Unit 1, Flanders, NJ 07836. Telephone: (800)-942-6682 Contact: Michael Murphy a. NEMA 1 three button station (PBS-3) and one 1 KXL-BC "on -off" keyed control box. Keycontrol box is to be provided with a 'Best" mortise cylinder and cam. Final key core pare owner. [Motor operated doors] b. Two (2) UL listed one button remote controllers, Model 3098, with surface mounting bracket for installation at registers No. 1 & 2, and one UL llsted receiver Model 1090, for installation at door control panel, [for lumber door only] 2. Motor Operation -controls shall be factory wired to terminal strip to operate door per the foiiowing: a. If the open button is pushed in the down position the door will raise to the fully open position and cannot be stopped until it completes the up cycle. b. If the close button is pushed with the door in the up position the door will close. If the open button is pushed while the door is closing, the door will reverse. If the stop button is pushed while the door is closing, the door will stop. c. Motor operated doors to be provided with an electric safety edge. The door will reverse upon hitting an obstruction per UL Bulletin 325. NOTE: Pneumatic safety edges will not be accepted. d. The electrical contractor shall mount the push button station and supply the appropriate disconnect switch and all conduit and wiring in accordance with the wiring diagram supplied by the door manufacturer. e. For exposed exterior installation of electric motor, provide 24 gauge sheet metal motor cover and N EMA 4 push button station. 24 volt heavy-duty vandal resistant surface mounted industrial access key pad model 1050 G. 3. Detector/Sensing Edge: Motor operated doors to be provided with automatic reversing control by an automatic sensing switch with neoprene or rubber astragal extending full width of door bottom bar. a. Provide an electric sensing edge device. Contact before door fully closes shall cause door to immediately stop downward travel and reverse direction to the fully opened position. Provide OVERHEAD DOORS 08331-5 20030278 09/07/04 retracting safety cord and reel connection to control circuit. 2.06 3/4-HOUR, FIRE -RATED OVERHEAD DOORS AT TOOL RENTAL CENTER A. General Design: 1. The door curtain shall be constructed of interconnected strip steel slats conforming to ASTM A-526. The curtain slat shall be a No. 5, 2-1/4" high by 5/8" deep flat slat. 2. The finish on the door assembly shall have a finish consisting of the following: a. Hot dipped galvanized G-90 coating consistent with ASTM A-525. b. Bonderized coating for prime coat adhesion. c. Finish as indicated in 2.01, B, 7. 3. The bottom bar shall consist of two 1/8" steel angles mechanically joined together and shall include the safety edge system. 4. The guides shall consist of 3 steel angles bolted together with 3/8" fasteners to form a channel for the curtain to travel. The wall angle portion shall be continuous and fastened to the surrounding structure with minimum 1/2" fasteners. 5. The brackets shall be constructed of steel not less than 1 /4" thick and shall be bolted to the wall angle with minimum 1/2" fasteners. 6. The barrel shall be steel tubing of not less than 4" in diameter. Oil tempered torsion springs shall be capable of correctly counter balancing the weight of the curtain. The barrel shall be designed to limit the maximum deflection to .03" per foot of opening width. The springs shall be adjusted by means of an exterior wheel. 7. The hood shall be fabricated from 24 gauge galvanized steel and shall be formed to fit the curvature of the brackets. The hood shall be corrugated every 1" along the curvature for the entire length of the hood. 8. Operation: All fire doors shall have an automatic closing device and governor to control the downward speed of the door which shall become operational upon the fusing of a 160 degree fusible link. The door shall have an average closing speed of not less than six (6) inches per second and not more than twenty- four (24) inches per second as indicated in NFPA Bulletin 80. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates upon which work will be installed and verify conditions are in accordance with approved shop drawings. B. Coordinate with responsible entity to perform corrective work on unsatisfactory substrates. C. Commencement of work by installer is acceptance of substrate. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. General: Install door and operating equipment with necessary hardware, anchors, inserts, hangers and supports. B. Follow manufacturer's installation instructions. 3.03 ADJUSTING A. Following completion of installation, including related work by others, lubricate, test, and adjust doors for ease of operation, free from warp, twist, or distortion. 3.04 CLEANING A. Clean surfaces soiled by work as recommended by manufacturer. OVERHEAD DOORS 08331-5 20030278 09/07/04 B. Remove surplus materials and debris from the site. 3.05 DEMONSTRATION A. Demonstrate proper operation to Owner's Representative. B. Instruct Owner's Representative in maintenance procedures. END OF SECTION (FBO) FINISH HARDWARE 08700-1 TH D _ 12/19/03 SECTION 08700 - (FBO) FINISH HARDWARE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Extent of finish hardware is indicated on drawings and schedules. B. Types of finish hardware items are indicated on the drawings. 1.02 SUBMITTALS TO GENERAL CONTRACTOR A. A copy of the "bid set" construction documents will be forwarded to FBO supplier from Architect of Record. FBO supplier will complete initial "take -off' indicating all materials to be shipped. FBO supplier will confirm the order with The Home Depot representative within 20 days of the receipt of construction documents. 1. General Contractor will receive complete "submittal package" indicating all materials to be shipped. General Contractor is then responsible for confirming the submitted materials and quantities with the plans and specifications. A return confirmation must be sent back to FBO supplier for final coordination of package contents. 2. FBO supplier is solely responsible for correctness of shipped materials and quantities. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The company furnishing hardware under this Section shall be regularly engaged in the sale and distribution of Finish Hardware for commercial project and, if not established and known in the area, may be required to post bond to insure performance. B. Manufacturers of hardware furnished if different from those specified in PART 2 of this Section may be required to post bond to insure performance. C. The person responsible for scheduling, detailing, ordering and coordinating hardware for this project shall be an experienced hardware consultant. Consultant membership in the Door and Hardware Institute is acceptable as indication of required experience. D. Hardware furnished shall comply with the requirements of the Standards and Codes listed in 1.04 of this Section. E. For fire -rated openings provide hardware tested and listed by UL or FM (NFPA Standard 80). On panic exit devices, provide UL or FM label indicating "Fire Exit Hardware". 1.04 REFERENCES A. Standards 1. NFPA-80-1990 - Fire Doors and Windows. 2. ANSI/BHMA A156.18 -1987 Materials and Finishes B. Codes 1. ANSI/NFPA 101-1991 - Life Safety Code 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Hardware shall be delivered to the job site in the manufacturers original packages. Each item shall be clearly marked with opening number and hardware heading by correct location. B. General Contractor to provide locked storage space complete with shelving, for unpacking of and sorting out hardware. The space shall be maintained clean and dry for protection of hardware. TBO) FINISH HARDWARE 08700-2 TH D 12/19/03 1.06 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING A. Coordinate hardware with related trades such as entrance, steel, wood doors, frames, millwork electrical, etc. B. After award of contract, General Contractor is to provide schedule for delivery utilizing FBO supplier's Field Release Form. 1.07 WARRANTY A. All hardware items shall be guaranteed for a period of one year from the Grand Opening, with exception of door closers, which shall have a ten (10) year warranty. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. A Specified Manufacturer is shown for each Hardware item to establish a standard of quality and minin-um functional requirements. The product numbers of these manufacturers are found on the drawings within the Hardware Sets. B. No substitutions. C. All items of a particular hardware category (i.e. locksets, closers, hinges) shall be of the same manufacturer. D. Hinges 1. Specified Manufacturer - Hager. E. L ocksets, Latches, C;ylindprs 1. Specified Manufacturer - Best Access Systems F. Door closers 1. Specified Manufacturer - LCN G. Pushes, pulls, stops, trim, door viewer 1. Specified Manufacturer - Hager H. V@[LIICIJtlll, thresholds, door 1V-.vftoisvcc pu, drip n-a ps 1. Specified Manufacturer: Hager I. Exit control devices and exit alarms 1. Specified Manufacturer - Detex J. Key Switch, Push Switch 1. Specified Manufacturer - Locknetics Security Engineering. K. Electric Strikes 1. Specified Manufacturer - Folger Adam Co. 2.02 KEYING A. All locks and cylinders shall be keyed to a new Best Master Key System. Provide all locks by Best Lock Company with 7 pin removable construction cores. B. Final keying requirements shall be supplied by Owner. C. All locksets shall be subject to a Construction Masterkey System during the construction period. A total of six (6) construction masterkeys shall be furnished. Construction Masterkey System shall be voided at the project completion at the direction of the owner. FBO FINISH HARDWARE THD D. Key requirements as follows: 1. 6 Construction Master keys 2. All permanent keys and cores by Owner. 2.03 MATERIAL AND FINISHES A. Refer to drawings. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION 12/19/03 A. Hardware Mounting Heights: Door and Hardware Institute "Recommended Locations for Builders Hardware for Standard Steel Doors and Frames", except as otherwise indicated. B. Install each hardware item to comply with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. C. Set thresholds for exterior doors in full bed of butyl -rubber or polyisobutylene mastic sealant. Remove excess sealant and clean adjacent surfaces. D. Hardware Adjustment: General Contractor to perform final survey and adjustments one week prior to Grand Opening, and adjust hardware to proper operation and function. Instruct Owner's personnel in proper maintenance and adjustment. END OF SECTION GLASS AND GLAZING 08800 - 1 TH D 06/23/04 �.,SECTION 08800 - GLASS AND GLAZING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Extent of glass and glazing is indicated on drawings. B. Types of work in this section includes glass and glazing for: 1. Exterior aluminum framing construction. 2. Interior aluminum framing construction. 3. Exterior hollow metal doors. 4. Interior doors. 5. Wire glass. 6. Convex Mirrors. 7. Automatic Door Transoms. C. Related Work specified elsewhere 1. Section 13070 - Bullet Resistant Protection 1.02 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Provide glass and glazing that has been produced, fabricated and installed to withstand normal thermal movement, wind loading and impact loading (where applicable), without failure including loss of breakage of glass, failure of sealants or gaskets to remain watertight and airtight, deterioration of glass and glazing materials and other defects in the work. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Glazing Standard: Comply with FGMA "Glazing Manual" and "Sealant Manual". B. Safety Glazing Standard: Comply with ANSI Z97.1 and testing requirements of 16 CFR Part 1201 for category II materials. C. Fire Resistance Rated Wire Glass: Provide UL-labeled and listed products, identical with those tested per ASTM E 163 (UL 9). 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Protect glass and glazing materials during delivery, storage and handling to comply with manufacturer's directions and as required to prevent edge damage to glass, and damage to glass and glazing materials from effects of moisture including condensation, of temperature changes, of direct exposure to sun, and from other causes. 1.05 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Conditions: Do not proceed with glazing when ambient and substrate temperature conditions are outside the limits permitted by glazing material manufacturer or when joint substrates are wet due to rain, frost, condensation or other causes. 1. Install liquid sealants at ambient and substrate temperatures above 40 deg. F (4.4 deg. C). GLASS AND GLAZING 08800 - 2 THD 06/23/04 PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 GLASS PRODUCTS, GENERAL A. Sizes: Fabricate glass of thicknesses and sizes required for glazing openings as indicated in drawings, with edge clearances and tolerances complying with recommendations of glass manufacturer. 2.02 STANDARD GLASS TYPES A. Clear Insulated Glass: 1. Otithoard Glass: Clear, tempered float glass, 1/4" thick, Type I, Class 2 (Tinted, Heat -absorbing, and Light -reducing), Quality q3. 2. '/2" air space: Insulated structural spacer system with .silicone sealant 3. Inboard Glass: Clear, tempered float glass, 1/4" thick, Type I, Class 1 (Clear), Quality q3. B. Clear Tempered Glass: 1. 1/4" thick, ASTM C1048, Type FT, Condition A, Type I, Class 1 (Clear), Quality q3. C. Polished Wire Glass: 1. 1/4" thick, ASTM C1036, Type 11, Class 1 (Clear), Quality q3, Form 1, Mesh m2 (square), polished both faces, ANSI Z97.1. D. Acceptable Manufacturers: 1. AFG Industries, Inc 2. Globe -Amerada Glass Co 3. Pilkington North America 4. PPG Industries, Inc. 2.03 SURVEILLANCE MIRROR A. Mirror shall include painted hardwood back, extruded gray plastic frame, ball and socket bracket and mounting bracket for ceiling, wall and countertop mounting. B. Acceptable Products 1. CRL Convex Heavy Duty Glass Surveillance Mirror Model No. CVM8026 - 26" diameter by C.R. Laurence Co., 2503 East Vernon Ave., Los Angles, CA 90058. Tel: (800) 421-6144. 2.04 nnlcf Fl 1 ANFrII IS t 1 A71N(,' MATERIALS A. Glazing Sealant: Comply with sealant and glass manufacturers for selection of glass sealants which suit project application and installation conditions and which are compatible with surface contacted. 1. Butt Joint Glazing Sealant: Silicone sealant of type recommended by glass manufacturer, color as selected by Owner. Provide primer where required. B. Dense Elastomeric Compression Seal Gaskets: ASTM C 864, extruded or molded neoprene, EPDM, or thermoplastic polyolefin rubber. C. Cellular Elastomeric Preformed Gaskets: ASTM C 509, Type II, black; extruded or molded neoprene. D. Cleaners, Primers and Sealers: type recommended by manufacturer of sealants/gaskets. E. Blocks and Spacers: Neoprene, EPDM or silicone as required for compatibility with glazing sealants; of 80 to 90 Shore A hardness for setting blocks and, for spacers and edge blocks, of hardness recommended by glass and sealant manufacturer for application indicated. Blocks and spacers shall be of the same material. GLASS AND GLAZING 08800 - 3 TH D 06/23/04 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. General: Comply with referenced FGMA standards and instruction of manufacturers of glass, glazing sealants, and gaskets, to achieve airtight and watertight performance, and to minimize breakage. B. Set units of glass in each series with uniformity of pattern, draw bow and similar characteristics. 3.02 PROTECTION AND CLEANING A. Protect glass from edge damage during handling and installation. Inspect glass during installation and discard pieces with edge damage that could affect glass performance. B. Protect glass from contact with contaminating substances resulting from construction operations; remove any such substances by method approved by glass manufacturer. C. Wash glass on both faces not more than 4 days prior to date scheduled for inspections intended to establish date of substantial completion. Wash glass by method recommended by glass manufacturer. END OF SECTION _PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER (STUCCO) 09220-1 THD 09/01 /01 SECTION 09220 - PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER (STUCCO) PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 WORK SPECIFIED HEREIN A. All labor, materials, equipment and services necessary to furnish and install all stucco, including lath, as indicated or specified. 1.02 SUBSTITUTIONS A. In accordance with Division 1. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with applicable requirements of ASTM C-926 as applicable; and Plaster, Metal Framing System, Lath Manual, Latest Edition. B. Allowable Tolerances: Maximum deviation from true plane of 1/8" in 10 feet as measured by straight edge placed at any location on surface. 1.04 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver all products in their original packages, containers or bundles bearing the name of the manufacturer and the brand. Keep stucco and all other cementitious materials dry until ready for use, keeping them off the ground, under cover, and away from damp walls or surfaces. Remove damaged or deteriorated materials from the premises. 1.05 JOB CONDITIONS A. Where stucco is a component of an assembly for which a fire resistive rating is shown or required, provide stucco complying with UL design assemblies shown. B. Cold Weather Requirements: Do not use frozen materials in stucco mixes. Do not apply stucco to frozen surfaces or surfaces containing frost. Do not apply stucco when ambient temperature is less than 401 F. C. Hot Weather Requirements: Protect stucco from uneven and excessive evaporation during hot, dryweather. D. Exercise extreme care and provide necessary forms of protection for protecting finish work of other trades during stucco operation (in particular door and window units) from being stained, tarnished or otherwise damaged for work under this Section. Mask materials to protect same. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Portland Cement: ASTM C-150, Type I or 11. B. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C-207, Type S. C. Aggregate: Clean, well graded sand or screenings from crushed stone or slag, and shall conform to ASTM C- 897 for fine aggregate except that it shall be graded within the following limits: 1. Passing No. 4 sieve 100% 2. Passing No. 8 sieve 90% 3. Passing No. 16 sieve 60-90% 4. Passing No. 30 sieve 35-70% 5. Passing No. 50 sieve 10-30% 6. Passing No. 100 sieve 5% PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER STUCCO 09220-2 T H D 09/01 /01 D. Metal casing beads shall be 26 gauge galvanized steel with expansion flange; No. 4, No. 60 or No. 66, or as detailed. E. Metal expansion joints shall be 26 gauge galvanized steel with expansion flange; (No. 15) (No. 40) for field; No. 30 for inside corners; or as detailed. F. Drip screed moldings shall be as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation, Los Angeles CA. Unit to be made of extruded aluminum 0.050" thick (recodized) clear coating. G- Water shall be potable. H. Vapor barrier material shall be 6 mil polyethylene of 15# asphalt saturated felt. 2.02 METAL LATH A. Wood Studs: K-Lath Corporation, Aqua K-Lath or Stucco -Rite, Type SFB, standard for 16" support spacing, heavy duty for 24" support spacing. B. Metal Studs: K-Lath Corporation, Aqua K-Lath (or Pyro K-Lath) Type SFB, standard for 16" support spacing, heavy duty fnr 24" support spacing. C. Soffits: K-Lath Corporation, Gun lath, type F-FB, standard for 16" support spacing, heavy duty for 24" support spacing. 2.03 CORNER REINFORCEMENT A. K-Lath Corporation, Kwik Corner, for exterior angles; Bentrite welded wire mesh, 2" x 2" angle for interior angles. B. Tie Wire: Double annealed and galvanized conforming to Type I, FS QQ-W-461, 18 gauge. C. Colored finish coat shall be factory -mixed and applied in strict accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions. Color and texture to be as per approved sample panel. D. Bonding Agent: Thornhond as manufactured by Thoro System Products, Newark CA; or Hornweld as manufactured by A.C. Horn Co., Los Angeles CA. 2.04 PROPORTIONING AND MIXING A. Mortar for all coats shall consist of one volume of Portland cement to not less than 3 or more than 4 volumes of damp, loose aggregate. B. Hydrated lime, hydrated lime putty, or slaked lime putty may be added as a plasticizing agent, but the amount used shall not exceed 10% by weight nor more than 25% by volume of the cement used. C. Measurements of ingredients shall be accurate and successive batches proportioned exactly alike. Mix aggregate, cement and other dry ingredients until the mass is uniform in color and homogenous before adding water. Determine the quantity of water necessary for the desired consistency by trial, and thereafter measure in proper proportions. Retempering of mortar will not be allowed. D. Mix in bonding agent per manufacturer's printed instructions. PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER (STUCCO) 09220-3 TH D 09/01 /01 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Make a detailed inspection of all areas and surfaces to be enclosed or covered by the work of this Section, and make arrangements for satisfactory correction of all defective workmanship or materials that might affect the work herein. 3.02 LATH INSTALLATION A. General: Apply with long dimension at right angles to the supports. Extend both horizontal and vertical factory laps. On walls, install first course at bottom and work up. Work from right to left. Stagger all vertical laps. B. Wood Framing: Attachments shall securely engage the back wire within the lath and be spaced no more than 6" o.c. on each support. C. Vertical Surfaces: Nails must have a minimum penetration of 3/4" into the support unless otherwise required by code. Nails to be corrosion resistant. Staples of 14 gauge galvanized wire, 1-1 /4" long and 3/4" wide may be used. D. Horizontal and Sloping Surfaces: Nails to be galvanized 11 gauge,1-1/2" long, barbed with 7/16" head unless otherwise required by code. All nails must be "driven home". Staples of 14 gauge galvanized wire,1-3/8" long and 3/4" wide may be used. 3.03 METAL FRAMING (HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL SURFACES) A. Gun Lath: Attach with hog rings or 18 gauge tie wire. Attachments must engage one or more wires in the lath and encircle or attach to the flange or face of the support at no more than 6" o.c. B. Aqua K-Lath or Stucco Rite: Attach with self tapping screws with neoprene washers. Attachments must engage one or more wires in the lath and attach to the flange or face of the support at not more than 6" o.c. On vertical surfaces position fastener below and engage horizontal wire in lath. 3.04 METAL TRIM A. Where stucco terminates against dissimilar materials, install casing beads, provide continuous sealant. B. Install expansion joints in the stucco field as indicated, or, where not indicated, install joints to create panels no larger than 144 square feet with no dimension exceeding 18 feet or a length to width ratio of 2-1/2 to 1. C. Fasten metal trim by wire -tieing or nailing depending on the type, style and back-up collateral material. D. When used with metal lath, wire ties must be used. Install trim with attachment only to the edges of abutting sheets of lath, so that the lath is not continuous or tied across the joint. E. Where expansion joints are placed parallel to framing members, install joints so that none is more than 4" away from a framing member. 3.05 STUCCO APPLICATION A. Apply scratch coat over metal lath with sufficient pressure so that it is shoved through the metal reinforcement against the backing to form full keys and to embed completely the reinforcement. Apply to an approximate thickness of 3/8" from the face of the backing. Scratch to provide bond for succeeding coat. Cure with water for minimum of 72 hours. PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER (STUCCO) 09220-4 TH D 09/01 /01 B. Apply brown coat not sooner than 72 hours after the application of the scratch coat. Dampen scratch coat evenly to obtain uniform suction. Apply to an approximate thickness of 3/8". Bring surface to a true, even surface by floating or rodding and leave rough, readyto receive finish coat. Cure with water for minimum of 7 days. C. Where indicated over concrete or masonry, apply brown coat directly over concrete or masonry, proportioned as specified above. Dampen surface evenly to obtain uniform suction. Apply to an approximate thickness of 3/8". Bring surface to a true, even surface by floating or rodding, and leave rough ready to receive finish coat. Cure for 7 days by keeping moist. D. Apply tin ish coat not sooner than 7 days after the application of the preceding coat. Before applying, dampon the surface of the preceding coat evenly to obtain uniform suction. The thickness of the finish coat shall be sufficient to secure the texture specified, but in no case, less than 1/8", and the total thickness of the stucco shall be at least 7/8" from the face of the backing. Avoid excessive troweling. When applying the finish, plan work so that the entire wall can be completed at one time to eliminate joining marks. If not practical, use a corner, door or window as a breaking point. Texture and color of finish coat shall match approved sample. Finish to be match center - where applicable or verify with Architect. 3.06 CURING A. Keep each coat of stucco damp for at least 72 hours (brown coat 7 days) after application. MJ;oistening of each coat shall begin as soon as the stucco has hardened sufficiently so as not to be injured. Apply water in a fine fog spray. Avoid soaking the wall. Apply only as much water as can be readily absorbed. Protect stucco from uneven and excessive evaporation during hot, dry weather and also from strong blasts of wind. 3.07 PATCHING A. Stucco containing cracks, blisters, pits or discoloration will not be acceptable. Remove such stucco and r uirem�nt.", of this Speciflcatinn. Patrhing inherently defer:tivP work replace will) stucco cerno; �~i ing to the reg. will he permitted only when approved and such patching shall match existing work in texture and colors. Repair all defects after other trades have finished their work. END OF SECTION GYPSUM DRYWALL THD 04/17/03 SECTION 09260 - GYPSUM DRYWALL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Extent of each type of gypsum drywall construction required as indicated on Drawings. B. This sections includes the following: 1. Steel framing members to receive gypsum board. 2. Gypsum board screw -attached to steel framing and furring members. 3. Sound Attenuation Insulation. C. Cold Formed Metal Framing is specified in Section 05400. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Fire -Resistance Ratings: Provide gypsum drywall construction fire -resistance ratings indicated, conforming to assemblies tested per ASTM E 119 by inspecting and testing organization acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 1.03 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver materials in original packages, container or bundles bearing brand name and identification of manufacturer or supplier. B. Store materials inside under cover and keep them dry and protected against damage from weather, direct sunlight, surface contamination, corrosion, construction traffic and other causes. Neatly stack gypsum boards off the floor and flat to prevent sagging. C. Handle gypsum boards to prevent damage to edges, ends, and surfaces. Do not bend or otherwise damage metal corner beads and trim. D. Do not overload floor system. 1.04 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Conditions, General: Establish and maintain environmental conditions for application and finishing gypsum board to comply with ASTM C 840 and with gypsum board manufacturer's recommendations. B. Minimum Room Temperatures: For non -adhesive attachment of gypsum board to framing, maintain not less than 40 deg F (4 deg C). For adhesive attachment and finishing of gypsum board maintain not less than 50 deg F (10 deg C) for 48 hours prior to application and continuously thereafter until drying is complete. C. Ventilate building spaces to remove water not required for.drying joint treatment materials. Avoid drafts during dry, hot weather to prevent materials from drying too rapidly. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURER A. Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products as manufactured by the following supplies. All materials used in the work shall be the product of a single manufacturer. Alternate manufacturers are not acceptable. 1. United States Gypsum Company, 550 North Brand Boulevard, 12th Floor, Glendale, CA 91203, (818) 956- 1882, (818) 240-4790 Fax. 2. National Gypsum Company Gold Bond Building Products, (800) 824-4227, (800) 442-2763 Fax. GYPSUM DRYWALL 09260-2 TH D 04/17/03 2.02 STEEL FRAMING COMPONENTS FOR DRYWALL CEILINGS A. General: Comply with ASTM C 754 where applicable to Components indicated. B. Channels: Cold -rolled steel, 0.0598 inch minimum thickness of base (uncoated) metal and 7/16 inch wide flanges, protected with rust -inhibitive paint, and as follows: 1. Carrying Channels: 1-1/2 inch deep, 475 Ibs per 1000 ft., unless otherwise indicated. C. Steel Rigid Furring Channels: ASTM C 645, hat -shaped, depth of 7/8 inch, and minimum thickness of base (uncoated) metal of 0.0329 inch, unless otherwise indicated on drawings, galvanized. D. Steel Stud Framing For Ceilings: ASTM C 645, with flange edges bent back 90 deg and doubled over to form 3/16 inch minimum lip (return), 0.0329 inch minimum thickness of base (uncoated) metal unless otherwise indicated on drawings. 1. Depth: As indicated on drawings. 2. Finish: Galvanized. E. Wire for Hangers and Ties: ASTM A 641, soft, Class 1 zinc coating. 1. Wire Size: 0.1620 inch diameter (8 gage), unless otherwise indicated on drawings. 2.03 STEEL FRAMING FOR WALLS AND PARTITIONS A. General: Comply with ASTM C 754 and the following: 1. Steel Studs and Runners: ASTM C 645, 20 gauge (0.0344") base metal thickness unless otherwise indicated, hot dipped galvanize. 2. Depth: As indicated on drawings. B. Steel Rigid Furring Channels: ASTM C 645, 20 gauge, 7/8 inch depth, hot dipped galvanized. C. Slotted Slip Track by Metal-lite, Inc., 1160 N. Blue Gum Ave., Anaheim, Ca 92806. Phone: (800) 886-6824 or VertiClip by the Steel Network, Inc., 3221 Wellington Court, Raleigh, NC 27615. Phone: (888) 474-4876 1. Slotted slip tracks by Metal-Lite, Inc., shall consist of a minimum 16 gauge galvanized steel channels with slotted holes in the flanges and pop-up tabs in the web. 2. VertiClip (SLD) or VeriTrack (VTD) series by the Steel Network, Inc., steel shall be Class I, 50 ksi minimum yield strength 65 ksi minimum tensile strength, G-60 hot dipped galvanized. Sizing per design criteria as Indleated on drawings. Design clips for positive attachment to the structure and stud WEB using step -brushing technology to provide frictionless vertical movement. _r i 3. Connections of the slotted slip track or verticlip angle to the structure above shall be desigi ed to resist 140 Ibs. per stud minimum horizontal load at each stud. 2.04 GYPSUM BOARD A. General: Provide gypsum board of thickness indicated on drawings and of types indicated in maximum lengths available to minimize end joints. B. Exposed Gypsum Board: ASTM C 36, thickness as indicated. 1. Type: Regular. 2. Type: Type X for fire -resistance -rated assemblies. 3. Edges: Tapered. C. Water -Resistant Gypsum Backing Board: ASTM C 630, thickness as indicated. 1. Type: Regular, (for wet areas) 2. Type: Type X for fire -resistance -rated assemblies. D. Exterior Gypsum Sheathing (where indicated on drawings): ASTM C79, thickness as indicated. 1. Edges tapered. GYPSUM DRYWALL _ 09260-3 TH D 04/17/03 2.05 TRIM ACCESSORIES A. General: ASTM C 840: Mfg.'s standard trim accessories, including cornerbead and edge trim of beaded type with face flanges for concealment in joint compound except where semi -finishing or exposed types is indicated. B. Material: 1. Interior Application: Formed sheet steel zinc coated. C. Provide one-piece control joints with 1 /4 inch wide by 7/16 inch deep vee-shaped slot, covered with removable tape, of roll -formed zinc as recommended by gypsum board mfg.. 2.06 GYPSUM BOARD JOINT TREATMENT MATERIALS A. General: ASTM C 475 and ASTM C 840 and manufacturer's recommendations of gypsum board and joint treatment materials for application indicated. B. Joint Tape: Paper reinforcing tape, unless otherwise indicated. C. Drying -Type Joint Compounds: Factory -prepackaged vinyl -based products complying with the following requirements: 1. Ready -Mix Formulation: Factory -premixed. 2.07 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Gypsum Board Screws: ASTM C 1002. B. Vault and Vestibule Security Mesh: 1. Security Screen (where indicated on drawings): ASM.75-13F Install as shown on drawings directly to stud framing using No. 8 self -tapping screws with 1/4" minimum penetration at 12" o.c. at perimeter and field a. Weight: .75 lbs/sq. Ft. b. Overall Thickness:.070" C. Sound Attenuation Blanket Insulation: Where shown and where needed to achieve sound transmission class (STC). Unfaced mineral fiber blanket insulation produced by combining mineral fibers manufactured from Glass, Slag Wool, or Rock Wool, with thermosetting resins to comply with ASTM C 665 for Type I (blankets without membrane facing). PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. General: Comply with ASTM C754 and ASTM C840. B. Do not bridge building expansion joints with support systems or gypsum board. Frame both sides of joints with furring or other supports as indicated. Leave space of the width indicated between boards, and trim both edges for installation of sealant or gasket. C. Secure hangers to structural support by connecting directly to structure where possible, otherwise connect to inserts, clips, other anchorage devices or fasteners. D. Provide indirect -hung metal support system with carrying channels (main runners) spaced 4'-0" o.c., hangers 4'-0" o.c. along runners and rigid furring members 16 inches o.c., unless otherwise indicated. E. Install steel studs with bottom and top runner tracks anchored to substrates. Isolate system from building structure to prevent transfer of loading and deflections into metal support system, both vertically and horizontally. GYPSUM DRYWALL uycou-4 TH D 04/17/03 F. Install supplementary framing, runners, furring, blocking and bracing at openings and terminations in gypsum drywall and where required for support of other work which cannot be adequately supported on gypsum board alone. G. Install and finish gypsum board to comply with ASTM C 840 and as follows: 1. Install gypsum board vertically. 2. Isolate drywall construction from abutting structural and masonry work; provide edge trim and acoustical sealant as recommended by mfg.. H. Install water-resistant backing board where indicated to receive thin -set tile and similar rigid applied finishes at toilet room walls and slmllar "wet" areas. I. Screw gypsum board to metal supports. 1. Screw both layers to supports where double -layer work is indicated or otherwise required. Drywall Finishing: Apply joint tape and joint compound at joints between gypsum boards. Apply compounds indicated below at accessory flanges, penetrations, fastener heads and surface defects. 1. Install compound in 3 coats (plus prof ill of cracks where recommended by manufacturer); sand between coats and after last coat. 2. Treat water-resistant gypsum board joints, fastener heads, cut edges and penetrations in water-resistant backing board to comply with gypsum board rnanulacturers directions. K. Security Mesh: 1. Install specified security mesh in accordance with manufacturer's recommendation. Screw attach to new or existing framing at 24" o.c. maximum. 2. Sheets shall be butted together with ends and edges of sheets occurring over supports. 3. Make cutouts for grilles, receptacles, etc. where required. END OF SECTION FLOOR STRIPING 09790-1 THD 09/17/03 e__ SECTION 09790 - FLOOR STRIPING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK A. The Contractor shall provide all labor, material, appliances, and accessories necessary to complete the work. This section includes the following. 1. Application of floor striping tape 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Section 03360 - Special Concrete Floor Finishes 1.03 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Close areas to traffic during floor application and after application, for time period recommended in writing by manufacturer. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURERS A. Lane Marking Safety Tape 1. Products a. Safety -Walk 600 Series Slip -resistant tape as manufactured by 3M. b. Color: Yellow (#630) 2. Locations a. General floor marking for pedestrian, forklift traffic, and clear floor space areas as indicated on drawings. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 SURFACE CONDITIONS: A. Prior to application, verify that floor surfaces are free of construction latent. 3.02 APPLICATION A. Apply tape at widths, dimensions, and colors as specified in construction drawings and per tape manufacturers' written instructions. 3.03 WORKMANSHIP AND CLEANING A. The premises shall be kept clean and free of debris at all times. B. Repair damages to surface caused by cleaning operations. C. Remove debris from jobsite 1. Dispose of materials in separate, closed containers in accordance with local regulations. 3.04 PROTECTION A. Protect finished work until fully cured in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. END OF SECTION (SPP) PAINTING 09900-1 20030278 09/07/04 SECTION 09900 - (SPP) PAINTING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Work described in this section includes: 1. Touching up of shop applied prime coats. 2. Preparation of surfaces to receive finish. 3. Priming and back -priming of millwork. 4. Painting, staining or finishing of surfaces as specified herein. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Product List: 1. Submit color samples to Architect of Record for "non-standard" colors only. All other "standard" color submittals will go to the General Contractor. "Standard" colors do not require color samples. 2. Submit a complete list of products proposed for use at least 45 days prior to commencement of painting work. 3. Use of products specified herein does not relieve contractor from responsibility of submitting product list. B. Certification: 1. Submit manufacturer's certified letter outlining the project square footage, minimum specified dry film thickness, percent solids per volume and the number of gallons required to meet the specified dry film thickness. 1.03 QUALITY CRITERIA A. Substitutions: none 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Delivery: 1. Deliver materials to job -site, ready -mixed in original containers with labels intact. 2. Provide labels bearing manufacturer's name, paint type, color and recommended installation and reducing procedures. B. Storage and Handling: 1. Store acceptable materials in a single place. 2. Maintain neat, clean conditions in storage areas; remove rags and waste materials at end of each day's work. 3. Close containers at end of day's work. Leave no hazardous materials open. 1.05 JOB CONDITIONS A. Environmental Requirements: 1. Comply with manufacturer's recommendations as to environmental conditions under which materials may be applied. 2. Apply no materials in spaces where dust is being generated. B. Protection: Cover and protect finished work of other trades and surfaces not being painted concurrently or not to be painted. 1. Mask off skylights (where applicable), nameplates, equipment identifications and similar items. Cover sprinkler heads with plastic bags and protect moving parts during painting. Remove all protective coverings at the completion of painting activity. (SPP) PAINTING 09900-2 20030278 09/07/04 C. Safety Precautions: 1. Provide temporary fire protection equipment in materials storage area. 2. Prohibit smoking in storage area. 1.06 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY A. The contractor shall study the contract, drawings and specifications with regard to the work as shown and required under this Section as to insure its completeness. B. Contractor shall be responsible to insure that ALL surfaces receiving subsequent finish or coatings are prepared in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Contractor and his subcontractors shall require that a representative of the manufacturer inspect and approve the surface preparation prior to application of his product. Contractor shall Immediately, give written notice of any incompatibilities between materials or surfaces. Commencement of Application implies acceptance of the surface and shall constitute waiver by the respective contractor and general contractor to any claim of incompatibility. 1.07 WARRANTY A. The paint for the Orange Strip shall be guaranteed for seven (7) years. Prior to final closeout, the General Contractor must obtain a warranty kit (available from ICI Paints 770-690-8040; e-mail matthew_cox@ ici.com) and certify in writing that he has met the required paint specification. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Acceptable Paint Manufacturer: 1. ICI Paints Matthew Cox, National Account Manager Phone: (770) 690-8040 Fax: (770) 690-9006 e-mail: matthew_cox@ici.com 2. Standard of quality: The standard of quality shall be paint manufactured by ICI Paints. 3. Materials furnished shall be installed providing the dry film thickness recommended by the manufacturer. B. Acceptable stain manufacturer: 1. ICI Paints Matthew Cox, National Account Manager Phone: (770) 690-8040 Fax: (770) 690-9006 e-mail: matthew_cox@ici.com C. Where products other than those of the manufacturer listed as the standard of quality are specified in Paint Schedule, these products have been selected to achieve specific results and substitutions will not be allowed as specified under "Quality Criteria" above. D. Miscellaneous Materials: 1. Paint Thinners and Tints shall be products of same manufacturer as paint or approved by him for use with his products. 2. Shellac, turpentine and patching compound materials for execution of work shall be pure, best quality products. E. All products furnished in this section shall be VOC compliant for building location. iSI�P} PAINTIN�� 09900-3 20030278 09/07/04 2.02 COLORS A. Paint colors shall be as indicated on the Drawings and Specifications. Home Depot Orange will be ICI Paints' paint color Home Depot Orange 4216-9200 or 379-K9200/K0036 factory mixed only. B. Manufacturer has specified color formulas for the colors indicated on the drawings and it is the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure the paint supplied matches the reference drawings in all respects to these ICI Paints' colors. Contractors shall contact the manufacturer for further information prior to bidding. 2.03 MIXING AND TINTING A. Deliver paint products ready -mixed to job site. B. Paint shall be well ground, shall not settle, cake or thicken in the container, shall be broken with a paddle to a smooth consistency. C. All tinted paints shall be mixed at the factory with powder. Certification that this procedure has been followed is required. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Examine surfaces with representative of paint manufacturer, designated to receive work described in this section for conditions adversely affecting the finished work, which cannot be corrected under "preparation" requirements specified herein. Repair or replace surfaces not meeting tolerance or quality requirements imposed within specifications governing substrate construction prior to initiating this work. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Wood Surfaces: 1. For Painted Surfaces: Fill all nail holes, cracks, joints and defects prior to first coat of paint. Match finish paint color. 2. For Natural or Stain Finish: Fill nail holes, cracks, joints, and defects with wood filler. Match finish color. 3. Sand surfaces even and smooth and dust or vacuum. 4. Clean soiled surfaces just prior to painting. 5. Apply shellac, not more than two pounds cut to knots, pitch and resinous sapwood before applying prime coat. B. Gypsum Drywall: 1. Fill narrow, shallow cracks and small holes and drywall joint compound or patching plaster. Allow to dry. 2. Sand smooth without raising nap of paper on wallboard. C. Ferrous Metals: 1. All unpainted surfaces shall be prepared in accordance with SSPC-SP 2 & 3, "Hand and Power Tool" cleaning. 2. All primed surfaces showing a gloss shall be sanded or brushed to a dull surface to provide a profile for mechanical bonding of succeeding coat. 3. Wash surfaces with non -ammoniated cleaner. D. Concrete: (Allow min. 30 days curing prior to any paint work). 1. Rub Concrete to remove all burrs. 2. Fill all irregularities with cement grout. (No latence, efflorescence or form release oils) 3. Remove all laitance, efflorescence, and form release oils and agents by abrasive sweepblast. (SP� P) PAINTING ""'""`-� 20030278 09/07/04 E. Galvanized Metal: Wash with non -ammoniated cleaner and wipe dry with clean cloth. F. Aluminum: Wash with non -ammoniated cleaner and wipe dry with clean cloth. 3.03 APPLICATION A. Test surfaces with moisture meter prior to application of first paint coat. Apply paint only when moisture content is within manufacturer's recommended limits. B. Apply paint materials using clean brushes, rollers or spraying equipment. C. Apply materials at a rate not exceeding that recommended by paint manufacturer for surface being painted, less ten percent of losses. D. Comply with manufacturer's recommendations for drying time between coats. E. Vary slightly the color of successive coats. F. Sand and dust between coats to remove defects visible from a distance of five feet. G. Finish coats shall be smooth, free of brush marks, streaks, laps or pile-up of paint, skipped or missed areas. H. Inspection: 1. Do not apply additional coats until General Contractor has inspected completed coat. 2. Only inspected coats of paint will be considered by determining number of coats applied. I. Make edges of paint adjoining other materials or colors clean and sharp with no overlapping. J. Where portion of finish is damaged or unacceptable, refinish entire surface of wall. K. Backprime woodwork with material specified for prime coat, without runs on face. L. Paint inside of ductwork flat black for entire area visible through duct openings. M. Paint ductwork whPrP visible. wl rlai .i tops and h.,++- .,f intcrinr rfnnrc With primp rnat nnly- paint edges same as faces of doors. 1V. Faun L uiw—tt_I.., ... ........... ..,....._ ..._.. �.....- ----- - •. . .. O. Finish all edges of exterior doors same as faces. P. Paint exposed pipes conduit, electric boxes and ductwork in occupied areas same as adjacent wall or roof surfaces. Q. Where bright colors are indicated on the plans apply additional coats of paint to cover the surface with a uniform coloring. R. The specified dry film thickness must be met. Apply additional coats as needed to achieve minimum total specified dry film thickness of the Paint System. S. Follow label instruction for application. 3.04 CLEANING A. Touch up and restore finish where damaged. {SPP) PAINTING 09900-5 20030278 09/07/04 B. Remove spilled, splashed or splattered paint from all surfaces. C. Do not mar surface finish of item being cleaned. D. Leave storage space clean and in condition of equivalent space in project. 3.05 PAINTING SCHEDULE A. Surface not requiring painting or staining: 1. Face brick, ceramic tile, glass, aluminum, brass, bronze, stainless steel, plastic, copper and rubber. 2. Prefinished surfaces, unless noted otherwise. 3. Concealed ductwork, conduit and piping. 4. Exposed galvanized ductwork and steel structure in membrane structure. 5. Galvanized dry system sprinkler piping B. Required total Dry Film Thickness (DFT): The DFT shall be the minimum required dry film thickness as measured in mils for each painting system on various substrates. C. Exterior Paint Systems (EPS): Provide the following paint systems for various substrates as indicated: 1. EPS-1: Ferrous Metals System Coverage Requirements: 7 mils DFT 1st Coat: 3 mils DFT 2nd Coat: 2 mils DFT 3rd Coat: 2 mils DFT 1st Coat: Devflex Waterborne Primer (4020-1000) 2nd Coat: Devflex HP Semi -Gloss Enamel (4216) 3rd Coat: Devflex HP Semi -Gloss Enamel (4216) Where drawings indicate a Home Depot Orange Color/Finish on metals, use a high performance, maximum weathering, corrosion, and U.V. resistant system as follows: 1st Coat: Tru-Glaze-WB 4030 Waterborne Epoxy Primer 2nd Coat (2-3 DFT): Devthane 379UVA (379 K9200) Aliphatic Urethane 3rd Coat (2-3 DFT): Devthane 379UVA (379 K0036) Clear Aliphatic Urethane (Add 2.0 ml per gallon of dissipating dye DC 050A0000 to the clear coat in the field before application) 2. EPS-2: Aluminum or Galvanized Steel System Coverage Requirements: 7 mils DFT 1st Coat: 2.4 mils DFT 2nd Coat: 2 mils DFT 3rd Coat: 2 mils DFT 1st Coat: Devflex Waterborne Primer (4020-1000) 2nd Coat: Devflex HP Semi -Gloss Enamel (4216) 3rd Coat: Devflex HP Semi -Gloss Enamel (4216) 3. EPS-3: Stucco SPP PRINTING 09900-6 20030278 09/07/04 System Coverage Requirements: 6 mils. DFT 1st Coat: 2.0 mils DFT 2nd Coat: 2.0 mils DFT 3rd Coat: 2.0 mils DFT 1 st Coat: Prep & Prime Bond Prep 3030 Pigmented Bonding Primer 2nd Coat: Dulux Professional 100% Acrylic Flat House Paint (2200) 3rd Coat: Dulux Professional 100% Acrylic Flat House Paint (2200) D. Interior Paint System (IPS): Provide following paint systems for various substrates as indicated: 1. IPS-1: Concrete and Masonry (non -epoxy) System Coverage Requirements: 13 mils DFT 1 st Coat: 1.5 mils DFT (at concrete only) 1 st Coat: apply at a rate of 75-100 sq. ft. per gallon (at masonry only) 2nd Coat: 1.5 mils DFT 3rd Coat: 1.5 mils DFT All White and Pastels: 1st Coat: Ultra Hide Gripper Primer (GL3210) (at concrete only) 1st Coat: Ultra Hide Latex Interior/ Exterior Latex Block Filler GL3010, (at masonry only) 2nd Coat: Ultra -Hide Vinyl Acrylic Semi -Gloss (GL1416) 3rd Coat: Ultra -Hide Vinyl Acrylic Semi -Gloss (GL1416) Home Depot Orange: 1st Coat: Ultra Hide Gripper Primer (GL3210) (at concrete only) Tint Primer with one half ounce (24/48ths) of Black per gallon to ensure proper coverage 1 st Coat: Ultra Hide Latex Interior/ Exterior Latex Block Filler GL3010, (at masonry only) 2nd Coat: Devflex HP Semi -Gloss Enamel (4216-9200) 3rd Coat: Devflex HP Semi -Gloss Enamel (4216-9200) 2. IPS-2: Gypsum Drywall (Non -Epoxy) System Coverage Requirements: 3 mils. DFT (unless noted otherwise) Primer Coat: 1 mil DFT 1 st Coat: 1.5 mils DFT 2nd Coat: 1.5 mils DFT Prime all new surfaces. Prime coat may be omitted on previously painted surfaces. All White and Pastels: I $l LAIQi. JLlCY.UVYau ..a - - vv..Y 2nd Coat: Ultra -Hide Latex Semi Gloss (GL1416) 3rd coat: Ultra Hide Latex Semi -Gloss (GL1416) Home Depot Orange: 1st coat: Speedwall PVA Primer (GLi050) 2nd coat: Devflex HP Semi -Gloss Enamel (4216-9200) 3rd coat: Devflex HP Semi -Gloss Enamel (4216-9200) 3. IPS-3: Ferrous Metal (SPP) PAINTING 20030278 System Coverage Requirements: 7 mils. DFT 1st Coat: 2.5 mils DFT 2nd Coat: 2 mils DFT 3rd Coat: 2 mils DFT 1st Coat: Devflex Waterborne Primer (4020-1000) 2nd Coat: Devflex HP Semi -Gloss Enamel (4216) 3rd Coat: Devflex HP Semi -Gloss Enamel (4216) 4. IPS-4: Wood Roof Deck and Structural Steel Components System Coverage Requirements: 3 mils DFT All areas will be finished with: One (1) coat: Spraymaster Pro Alkyd Semi -Gloss Dryfall 1586 The following system is to be used only where the above product is not VOC compliant One (1) coat: Devflex 4020 Pf on all structural steel components One (1) coat: Spraymaster Pro Uni-Grip WB Acrylic Semi -Gloss Dryfall 1486 5. IPS-5: Painted Woodwork and Hardboard System Coverage Requirements: 6.0 mils DFT 1st Coat: 2 Mils DFT 2nd Coat: 2 Mils DFT 3rd Coat: 2 Mils DFT White and Pastels: 1st Coat: Prep & Prime Ultra Hide Gripper Primer (GL3210) 1 st Coat: Fire treated lumber sealer per Fire treated lumber supplier 2nd Coat: Ultra Hide Latex Semi -Gloss Enamel (GL1416) 3rd Coat: Ultra Hide Latex Semi -Gloss Enamel (GL1416) 09900-7 09/07/04 Home Depot Orange: list coat: Prep & Prime Gripper Primer (GL3210) Tint Primer with one half ounce (24/48ths) of Black per gallon to ensure proper coverage 2nd coat: Devflex HP Semi -Gloss Enamel (4216-9200) 3rd coat: Devflex HP Semi -Gloss Enamel (4216-9200) E. Interior Stain System (ISS): Provide following stain system as indicated: 1. ISS-1: Stained Woodwork System Coverage Requirements: 2 mils. DFT 1st Coat: (to uniform coloration) 2nd Coat: 1 mil DFT 3rd Coat: 1 mil DFT 1st Coat: Minwax Oil Stain (selected in stock colors) 2nd Coat: Minwax Satin Polyurethane varnish (71028) 3rd Coat: Minwax Satin Polyurethane varnish (71028) (Fill open grained wood with filler and wipe before first varnish coat) END OF SECTION FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PANELS 09985-1 TH D 02/18/02 y ~' SECTION 09985 - FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PANELS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Work Included: All labor, materials, appliances, tools, equipment, facilities, transportation and services necessary for and incidental to performing all operations of the work of this section, complete as shown on drawings and as specified herein. B. Related work specified elsewhere includes but is not limited to: 1. Section 06100 - Rough Carpentry 2. Section 09260 - Gypsum Wallboard System 1.02 QUALITY CRITERIA A. Qualification of Installers: For the actual cutting and installation of panels, use only thoroughly trained and experienced installers. In the acceptance or rejection of installed panels, no allowance shall be made for lack of skill on the part of installer. B. Warranty: All materials and workmanship shall be warranted against defects for a period of one (1) year from date of the Grand Opening. C. Substitution: Manufacturers having products of design, function and quality equivalent to those products in accordance with substitution provision of the General Conditions. 1.03 JOB CONDITIONS A. Use all means necessary to protect paneling materials before, during and after installation and to protect the installed work of other trades. In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the approval of the Architect of Record and at no additional cost to the Owner. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 PRODUCTS A. Acceptable Manufacturer: Marlite 1. Midwest 202 Harger St, Dover, Ohio 44622 Phone: (330) 364-7561 2. Northeast 80 Newfield Ave., Edison, NJ 08837 Phone: (732)225-1650 3. Southeast 3715 Atlanta Inductrial Parkway Atlanta, GA 30331 Phone: (404) 691-1234 4. Southwest 1184 113th Street, Grand Prairie, TX 75050 Phone: (972) 660-6443 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PANELS 09985-2 TH D 02/18/02 I 5. West / Northwest 15120 Marquardt Ave., Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Phone: (562) 926-7208 6. Canada 201 Rowntree Dairy Rd. Woodbridge, Ont. L4L-8B8 Phone: (905) 856-8165 Fiberglass Reinforced Panel: 1. Manufacturer: Marlite Brand FRP Panels 2. Size: 4 ft. x 8 ft. x 3/32" thick 3. Finish: High -Gloss or Satin -Gloss 4. Color: Marlite Brand-P #145 Silver C. FRP Moldings 1. Extruded, solid -vinyl moldings, edge molding, inside corner molding, division molding, outside corner molding for 3/32" FRP paneling. Molding color(s) shall match color(s) or adjacent panels. D. Adhesives 1. All adhesives shall be only those recommended by the manufacturer being installed. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 SURFACE CONDITIONS A. Prior to all work of this Section, carefully inspect the installed work of all other trades and verify that all such work is complete to the point where this installation may begin. !verify that the final installation will be incomplete accordance with the original design and the manufacturer's recommended method of installation. In the event of discrepancy, immediately notify the Architect of Record and proceed as he directs. 3.02 PREPARATION OF SURFACES A. Drywall to be smooth with no low or high spots. B. All walls to be thoroughly dry. 3.03 INSTALLATION OF FRP PANELING A. Cutting: With fine tooth saw, with face side up, cut neatly around any pipes or boxes. B. Wall panels to fit against ceiling and on top of base or as shown on details. Cut neatly to fit. C. Adhesive: Wall panels to be cemented to drywall with waterproof adhesive. Cover entire back of panels with adhesive as recommended by manufacturer. D. Molds to be used on external edges, external angles, integral angles and between sheets of panel. E. Building shall be closed in and dried out before installing panel. F. Ceiling and sidewalls should be "dried in" so that no moisture can run down, over or behind the panels. G. Interior building shall be above 60 degrees F. so that adhesive will work and set up properly. H. In using sheet materials (4 ft. x 8 ft. x 3/32" or similar size), apply over a solid backing using adhesive. Use molds at all joints and edges and allow 1/8" expansion room in each molding. FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PANELS THD 09985-3 02/18/02 I. Installation instructions that are included in every package of FRP Panels should be read on the job and 1 followed in detail. 3.04 CLEANING A. Prior to final site review, clean all smudges or adhesives form face of panels and moldings as well as any adjacent surfaces. Remove all excess material. END OF SECTION MECHANICAL GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 15010-1 20030278 09/07/04 SECTION 15010 - MECHANICAL GENERAL REQUIREMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Refer to the General Conditions. 1.02 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Work described in these specifications and shown on the accompanying drawings includes furnishing all plant, labor, equipment, materials, utilities, appliances and supervision required to provide a complete project. 1.03 RELATED WORK A. The following work is included in this contract, to the extent required for installation work. B. Cutting and repairing of walls, floors and ceilings. C. Electric power and control wiring for equipment installed. D. Starters, thermal overload switches, remote push button stations, remote pilot light stations, thermostats and other control items shown on the plans which relate to or are required for the mechanical systems shall be furnished by the Mechanical Contractor and installed and wired by the Electrical Contractor. 1.04 SCOPE A. Furnish and install complete Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning systems as described in the drawings, including but not limited to the following: 1. Roof top evaporative cooler. 2. Roof -mounted, exhaust fan systems as applicable. 3. Supply, return, and exhaust diffusers, grilles and registers. 4. Ductwork and dampers 5. Controls (No Digital Thermostats). 6. Duct insulation. 7. Air balancing. 8. Shop drawings. 9. Record drawings. 10. Maintenance manuals. 11. Guarantee. 1.05 INVESTIGATION A. Before submitting bids, each Bidder shall familiarize himself with the conditions under which he will be required to operate in performing his part of the Contract. No allowance will be made subsequently to the Contractor for any error due to his negligence in failing to comply with the above. 1.06 PERMITS, FEES AND NOTICES A. Secure and pay for permits, governmental fees and licenses necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Mechanical Work. MECHANI',AL GENERAL- REQUIREMENTS 15010-2 20030278 09/07/04 1.07 CODES & REGULATIONS A. All work shall comply with all local, state and federal codes, ordinances and regulations. B. Codes cited represent minimum requirements. Express requirements of the documents may be in excess of those minimums. C. The following industry standards, specifications and codes are minimum requirements: 1. Owner's Insurance Underwriters Requirements 2. Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. Standards (U.L.) 3. American Standards Association (A.S.A.) 4. American Society for Testing Materials Standards (A.S.T.M.) 5. National Fire Protection Association Pamphlets (N.F.P.A.) 6. National Electrical Code (N.E.C.) 7. American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes (A.S.M.E.) 8. Local & State Plumbing Code 9. Local & State Mechanical Code 10. Local & State Building Code 11. Applicable Municipal, County and State Sanitary Codes, Laws and Ordinances 12. Standards and Requirements of Local Utility Company Concerned 13. State Fire Marshall Regulations 14. Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors/National Association Standards (S.M.A.C.N.A.) 15. Life Safety Code 16. Local, State and Federal Handicap Accessibility Codes 17. Code for Energy Conservation in New Building Construction 18. Occupational Safety and Health Act 19. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers Standards (A.S.H.R.A.E.) 20. Air Movement and Control Association (A.M.C.A.) ni Conditioning r•rl Onfrincrafinn Ingtitiite $tan[iarL'i$ (A-Ft-I,1 G I. Air Conditioning and �- i 1.08 DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS A. The drawings are essentially diagrammatic to the extent that all offsets, bends, and special fittings, etc., are not exactly located. B. The Archileul ui Record's interpretation of the drawings and specifications will be final. C. The drawings and specifications are compiemeniary. Any -worn called for oil hle d awnings and not mentioned in the specifications, or vice versa, shall be performed as though fully set forth in both. D. Should there appear to be an error or discrepancy in or between the drawings and specifications, the Contractor shall refer the matter to the Architect of Record for adjustment before proceeding with the work. Should the Contractor proceed with the work without so referring the matter, he does so on his own responsibility and at his own expense. 1.09 SUBMITTALS A. All submittals shall conform to the requirements of Section 01300 — Submittals. B. Prepare shop drawing submittals with identification by specification section and article. Clearly mark the particular make, model number, accessories and options. All items submitted to Architect for review shall bear stamp or notation indicating Contractor's prior review and approval. MECHANICAL GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 15010-3 20030278 09/07/04 C. Submit the following data to the Contractor as they apply to this project: 1. Control Diagram and Equipment Operating Sequences 2. Pipe insulation 3. Diffusers, Registers, Grilles and Dampers 4. Pre -fabricated fittings 5. Plumbing fixtures and trim 6. Floor drains. 7. Hydrants and hose bibbs 8. Cleanouts and covers 9. Valves 10. Shock Arresters 11. Vacuum Breakers 12. Backflow Preventers 13. Hangers and Attachments 14. Piping Material 15. Manufactured Structural Roof Curbs (Section 07720) 16. HVAC Insulation (Section 15250) 17. Evaporative Coolers (Section 15630) 18. Fans (Section 15850) D. Submit the following data and shop drawings to the Architect of Record as they apply to this project: 1. Dimensioned drawings of sprinkler system. 2. Maintenance and Operating Instructions for all equipments. 3. Certification of operation and maintenance instructions to the Owner's representative. 4. As -Built Drawings. 5. Test and Balance sample format. E. Capacities, rating and characteristics of the proposed equipment shall be based on conditions indicated or specified herein. Any deviations in ratings or dimensions from specified equipment shall be noted in red. Engineers' review of shop drawings is for general conformance with the design concept and contract documents. F. All substituted materials and equipment, which the Contractor proposes to furnish, shall be submitted for review within 30 days after the contract has been let. Data shall be complete in all respects and shall be referenced, where applicable, to the unit symbol utilized on the Drawings and Specifications. Shop drawings will be reviewed and returned by the Architect within five (5) working days. G. IF SUBMITTAL DATA ARE NOT RECEIVED WITHIN THE SPECIFIED TIME, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH ALL EQUIPMENT EXACTLY AS SHOWN. H. Submittal review is considered as general compliance of the basic applicability of the substituted equipment. Contractor shall be responsible for the installation of the equipment within a given space. If the Contractor uses substituted equipment, he shall be responsible for producing his own coordinated work drawings, which depict the substituted equipment accommodated in the space. Where the substituted equipment creates the need for alterations in any portion of the work depicted in the contract documents, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to notify all of the affected parties and coordinate these items with all other trades. Further, it shall be the contractor's responsibility to assume any additional cost to the contract created by the substituted equipment. I. Substituted equipment is considered to be any equipment other than the named item on the Drawings. MECHANICAL GENERAL REQUIRE 20030278 15010-4 09/07/04 J. If deviations, discrepancies or conflicts between Shop Drawings and Specifications are discovered either prior to or after Shop Drawings Submittals are processed by the Engineer, the design Drawings and Specifications shall control and shall be followed. Review of submittal data shall in no way relieve the Contractor of his duty to perform all work and provide all equipment in strict compliance with the requirements set forth on the drawings herein. K. Failure to mark submittals in accordance with the above format will be considered due cause for rejection of shop drawings. See 15010, item 1.07C. 1.10 CUTTING AND REPAIRING A. Contractor shall perform all cutting and repairing as required for and incidental to installation of the mechanical work. B. Where cutting and patching is required due to defective or ill-timed work under this Division, Contractor shall pay the cost for cutting and patching. 1.11 PAINTING A. Clean surfaces of work under this Division and leave surfaces ready for painting. B. Where surfaces of factory finished items are marred, refinish those surfaces to original condition. No evidence of rusting panels or fasteners will be accepted. 1.12 COORDINATION OF INSTALLATION A. Install work to fit into the spaces provided in the building. Avoid damage on account of III -timed work. B. Except where otherwise noted, arrange piping to run symmetrically, either parallel or normal to building lines, and true to grade. C. Arrange parts of work requiring normal service to be readily accessible. D. Provide supports and anchors for work to avoid damage from movement. E. Coordinate work under this Division with work under other Divisions. 1.13 PROTECTION OF WORK DURING CONS T RUC T iON A. Provide protective covers, skids, plugs, caps and coating to protect equipment and materials from damage and deterioration during construction. B. Store equipment and material under cover and off the ground. C. When outdoor storage is necessary, provide protective covers of sheet plastic of gauge suitable for the area involved and reinforced to withstand wind and precipitation. Set equipment and material on skids or platforms of height sufficient to avoid deterioration from spattering and groundwater. D. Plug ends of pipes when work is stopped to prevent debris from entering the pipes. E. Do not operate any air handling units during the construction period without filters in place to filter air entering the fan. Refer to Rooftop Unit specifications for filter requirements. MECHANICAL GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 20030278 15010-5 09/07/04 1.14 CLOSING -IN OF UNINSPECTED WORK A. Contractor shall not allow or cause any of the work to be covered up or enclosed until it has been inspected, tested, and approved by the Engineer and the local inspector. Should any of his work be covered up or enclosed before such inspection and test, he shall, at his own expense, uncover the work and, after it has been inspected, tested and approved, make all repairs with such materials as may be necessary to restore all his work and that of the other trades to its original and proper condition. 1.15 DAMAGE BY LEAKS A. Contractor shall be responsible for all damage to any part of the premises caused by rain leaks through or around ducts, equipment or fixtures furnished and/or installed by him for a period of one year from the date of acceptance of the work by the Owner. 1.16 CONCRETE WORK A. Concrete work for equipment pads, pipe anchors, pumps, supports, etc., will be provided under other sections of the work. All sleeves, templates, anchor bolts, and information pertaining to the specific equipment requirements shall be provided under this section of the specifications. 1.17 PAINTING A. This Contractor shall be responsible and shall pay for painting of all visible surfaces behind grilles, registers, and diffusers flat black. 1.18 PLUMBING CONNECTIONS A. Refer to Section 15400 for gas connections, coil condensate lines and equipment drains, except as noted herein. 1.19 ELECTRICAL WORK A. Supply instruction to the electrical contractor for running all conduit, installing power wiring and making the line electrical connections. Mechanical Contractor shall be responsible for the operation of the equipment furnished under this section of the work. B. Electrical contractor shall provide the. line and low voltage electrical work and control conduits; however, any required control wiring not shown on the control diagram shall be provided under this section. In the event that the Contractor chooses to provide equipment, which requires additional expense for power or control wiring, he shall pay all additional electrical cost. 1.20 MAINTENANCE DATA A. Furnish and deliver to the Engineer for approval, three (3) manuals covering details of operation and maintenance for all apparatus requiring service including: 1. Telephone number of the installing Contractor's Service Department. 2. Manufacturer's operating and maintenance manuals, including parts lists, for each piece of equipment and accessory requiring service or maintenance and the name, address and phone number of the nearest sales and service organization for each item. 3. Step-by-step procedure for starting and stopping each system. 4. Control diagrams. 5. Valve lists and diagrams. MECHANICAL GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 15010-6 20030278 09/07/04 6. Copies of each inspection certificate issued. 7. Copies of all manufacturer's equipment warranties. 8. Equipment electrical wiring diagrams. 9. Equipment lubrication schedule. 1.21 CLEANING UP A. Remove all stickers, rust, stains, labels and temporary covers before final acceptance. B. Blow, vacuum, or flush foreign matter from piping, pumps, fans, motors, devices, switches, panels and equipment. C. Clean identification plates on equipment of excess paint and polish bright. 1.22 ACCESS DOORS A. Furnish access doors in all walls and ceilings as required for the operation, maintenance, and replacement of all valves, cleanouts and shock arresters in connection with this Work. B. Deliver, to the General Contractor, these doors for setting "Under Another Section", along with a prepared list giving sizes and locations of doors to be installed for this Work. C. Arrange valves in such a way to keep the size and number of required doors at a minimum and group valves so that one door can serve more than one valve where possible. D. Access doors shall be of adequate size to properly service or replace valves and cleanouts and shall be not less than 12" x 12". E. Access doors shall be of heavy steel plate construction. the frame and doors shall be flush with finished wall or ceiling with concealed hinge and with only a narrow border of frame exposed. The locking or fastening device shall be flush operating. Doors shall be Jiffy, Karp Associates or Colombia Metal Box Co. Where acoustical ceilings occur, door shall be special pay type door, except where acoustical ceiling is removable pan type. Doors shall be given a prime coat of paint inside and out. 1.23 AS -BUILT DRAWINGS A. As project mechanical work progresses, Contractor shall record on one (1) print set of mechanical 41- drawings, under floor plumbing arlu sprinkler lilies, all changes and deviations noM uIc Contract, Dlr v"vings in size, location, arrangement, etc., of all piping, valves, thermostats, equipment, etc., by size and location (scale to wall). Make sufficient field measurements to accurately locate all equipment. This copy shall be left in Electrical Room. B. Contractor shall turn this data over to the Architect of Record upon final job acceptance. 1.24 APPROVAL A. All work specified under this Division shall be done by skilled mechanics and subject to the inspection and final approval of the Architect of Record. Such final approval shall in no way relieve the Contractor from responsibility for defects in either workmanship or material, which may be subsequently developed. MECHANICAL GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 15010-7 20030278 09/07/04 1.25 GUARANTEE / WARRANTY AND SERVICE A. The Contractor shall guarantee and service the entire installation for a period of one (1) year from the date of final acceptance of the installation by the Owner. Warranty for all labor and coordination of repair parts is required on all Mechanical Equipment, regardless if purchased by Owner, (FBO), or by Mechanical Contractor. B. The Contractor shall, during the period of guarantee, replace or repair at his own expense any piece of equipment and/or material, which is found to be defective. The replacement or repair shall be performed the same day of notification in an emergency fashion when notified by the Owner or authorized representative. The Contractor shall also repair all damage to surrounding work caused by the failure, repair, or replacement of defective equipment. C. The final acceptance will be made after the Contractor has adjusted his equipment, balanced the various systems, demonstrated that it fulfills the requirements of the drawings and specifications, and has furnished all the required certifications of inspection and approvals. END OF SECTION BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS 15050-1 20030278 09/07/04 SECTION 15050 - BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Refer to General Conditions. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MOTORS AND STARTERS A. Furnish motors, starters, thermal overload switches, push button stations and contactors for equipment covered herein unless otherwise specified. Wiring of starters, push button stations, thermal overload switches and contactors not factory installed, is specified under Division 16, ELECTRICAL. B. Integral HP motors for general purpose application indoors, except where otherwise specified: Ball bearing type in drip proof frame, with Class B insulation for 80 degrees C rise over 40 degrees C ambient at 1.15 service factor, designed to NEMA Design B for normal starting torque. C. Match motor to equipment so that motor current drawn from lines will not exceed nameplate full load amperage. D. Provide overload protection for all hot lines in starters with three (3) overload relays for 3-phase motors and one (1) overload relay for 120 volt, 1-phase motors, and two (2) overload relays for 208 volt, 1-phase motors. E. Unless otherwise specified, provide for each motor 1/2 HP and larger a standard magnetic starter in NEMA #1 enclosure, Allen-Bradley Bulletin 709, providing overload and low voltage protection. F. Provide Hand -Off -Auto switch mounted on the face of each starter. G. Provide 120 volt holding coil control circuits in magnetic starters and contactors. For service in power systems with 120 volts available at disconnecting means, take control power from line. For service in other power systems, provide control power transformer from line voltage from control voltage. Arrange control power transformers with: Primary broken through disconnect device; secondary grounded on one leg, fused on other and control device contacts in fused leg. Where not all voltages within a cubicle will be interrupted by opening the disconnecting means, provide warning sign "DANGER, CONTROL CIRCUITS HOT". H. Unless otherwise specified, provide for each single-phase motor a manual starting switch with thermal overload protection with Hand -Off -Auto selector switch. Starters and contactors not furnished with equipment shall be manufactured by one of the following: Allen-Bradley, Arrow -Hart, Cutler -Hammer, Furnas, General Electric, Square D, Wagner, or Westinghouse. J. Motors exposed to weather or moist atmosphere shall have splash -proof and epoxy encapsulated enclosures unless otherwise specified. K. Refer to Electrical Drawings for voltage characteristics supplied to all mechanical equipment. Electrical connections to motors, starters and resistance heaters shall match the wiring provided under Division 16, ELECTRICAL and indicated on Electrical Drawings. BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS 15050-2 20030278 09/07/04 L. Equipment furnished with factory -installed motor starter units shall also be equipped with individual motor branch circuit protective devices interconnected on their line sides to lugs sized to receive a feeder with a minimum ampacity of 125% of total connected load. M. Motors not furnished with equipment shall be manufactured by Allis-Chalmers, Century, Delco, General Electric, Ideal, Louis -Allis, Wagner or Westinghouse. N. Unless otherwise specified, provide for each motor smaller than '/2 HP, a manual starting switch with thermal overload protection with pilot light and stainless steel coverplate equal to Square D 2500 Series. Switches installed on finished walls shall be flush type. O. Coordinate all mechanical equipment requirements, including any control and interlock requirements, with work in Division 16. 2.02 BELT DRIVES A. V-belt drives shall be rated at not less than 150% of nominal motor horsepower B. Motor sheaves shall be variable pitch type. C. Scheduled fan static pressures are estimated. Provide and adjust drives to deliver scheduled air quantities against actual system resistance. D. Provide guards for all belt drives not enclosed within equipment housings. Belt guards for double inlet fans shall be expanded metal. Provide openings in guards at driving and driven sheaves for use of revolution counter. 2.03 FLASHING A. Provide flashing for piping and ductwork passing through exterior walls or roof. B. Ductwork wall and roof penetrations subject to outdoor weather shall be caulked and flashed for a completely water -tight assembly. C. Flashing shall be 20 gauge galvanized steel or heavier, or equivalent aluminum sheeting. 2.04 EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION A. Provide labels for each starter and control switch. Labels shall have 1/4" high white cut letters; secure to starter or switch. B. Provide all equipment with labels using 1-1/2" high white cut letters. All equipment labels shall be engraved, laminated, bakelite with white cut letters. Secure labels with General Electric RTV-106 adhesive. 2.05 ESCUTCHEONS A. Provide escutcheons on exposed piping passing through walls, floors and ceilings in finished areas, chromium -plated, not less than 20 gauge steel, Grinnel Fig. 10, sized to fit over insulation and to cover sleeves. Where sleeves extend above floor finish, provide Grinnel Fig. 400. BASlQ MATERIALS AND METHODS 20030278 15050-3 09/07/04 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 LUBRICATION A. Lubricate each item of apparatus requiring lubrication prior to start-up. Perform all lubrication in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation. Prepare a lubrication chart listing for each piece of equipment: 1. Points requiring lubrication. 2. Schedule of recommendations for one manufacturer's products with brand name and designation. 3. Frequency of lubrication required. 3.02 EQUIPMENT SUPPORTS A. Equipment supports for suspended equipment shall be provided by Contractor. Provide details for approval before fabrication and erection. END OF SECTION SUPPORTS AND ANCHO 20030278 15140-1 09/07/04 SECTION 15140 - SUPPORTS AND ANCHORS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Pipe, duct and equipment hangers, supports and associated anchors. B. Equipment bases and supports. C. Sleeves and seals. D. Flashing and sealing equipment and pipe stacks. 1.02 REFERENCES A. NFPA 13 -Standard for the installation of Sprinkler Systems. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Supports for the Sprinkler Piping: In conformance with NFPA 13. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 PIPE HANGERS AND SUPPORTS A. Vertical pipe subject to movement shall be supported from wall by means of pipe clamp, Fee & Mason #366. B. Support domestic hot and cold water piping in spaces behind plumbing fixtures by brackets and U-bolts secured to cast iron stacks. Size U bolts to bear on the piping. C. Hangers shall be complete with rods and supports proportioned to the size of pipe to be supported, in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. D. Hangers for cast iron pipe and steel plumbing pipe shall be Fee & Mason 104. E. Support piping 2-1/2" and larger in new concrete construction, from adjustable type inserts; Grinnell 282 or Fee & Mason 2570. Where weight to be supported by an insert is 300 lb. or more, install two (2) #3 reinforcing rods, 3' long through yoke of insert. F. Support piping in bar joist construction with Fee & Mason 269,270 clamps. G. Do not pierce waterproofing with support bolts. H. Size hangers for insulated piping to bear on outside of insulation except hangers for copper tubing shall be installed bearing on the pipe. I. Shield for Insulated Piping 2 inches and Smaller: 18 gauge galvanized steel shield over insulation in 180 degree segments, minimum 12 inches long at pipe support. J. Shield for Insulated Piping 2-1/2 Inches and Larger (Except Cold Water Piping): Pipe covering protective saddles. SUPPORTS AND ANCHORS 1514D-2 20030278 09/07/04 K. Shields for Vertical Copper Pipe Risers: Sheet lead. 2.02 HANGER RODS A. Steel hanger Rods: Threaded both ends, threaded one end, or continuous threaded. 2.03 INSERTS A. Inserts: Malleable iron case of steel shell and expander plug for threaded connection with lateral adjustment, top slot for reinforcing rods, lugs for attaching to forms; size insets to suit threaded hanger rods. 2.04 FLASHING A. Refer to Division 7 for flashing requirements. 2.05 SLEEVES A. Provide where pipes pass through walls, floors and roofs. All gas piping shall be sleeved. B. Sleeves shall be standard weight steel pipe except sleeves for concealed piping through floors, not in structural members and through interior drywall construction may be 26 gauge galvanized sheet metal. C. Sleeves are not required at individual plumbing fixtures. D. Omit pipe sleeves in concrete floor slabs on grade. See applicable gas code for gas piping. E. Wall sleeves shall be full thickness of walls. F. Sleeves may be omitted when openings are core drilled for vertical concealed piping and horizontal piping. G. Make sleeves through outside walls watertight. Caulk between plumbing pipe and sleeve with oakum and lead. Pack with fiberglass and caulk, 1" deep at each face, with non -hardening sealant between insulated pipe and sleeve. H. Size sleeves for insulated pipes to allow full thickness insulation. I. Pipes penetrating walls below grade shall be sealed with a waterproof, modular, mechanicai expansion seal consisting of interlocking synthetic rubber links shaped to continuously fill the annular space between the pipe and wall opening. Sizing of links and wall sleeve shall be determined by manufacturer. Thunderline "Link Seal". J. Sleeves for Pipes through Non -fire Rated Floors: Form with 18 gauge galvanized steel. K. Sleeves for Pipes through Non -Fire Rated Beams, Walls, Footings and Potentially Wet Floors: Form with steel pipe or 18 gauge galvanized. L. Sleeves for Pipes through Fire Rated and Fire Resistive Floors and Walls and Fireproofing: Prefabricated fire rated sleeves including seals, UL listed. M. Stuffing Insulation: Glass fiber type, non-combustible. SUPPORTS AND ANCHORS 20030278 09/07/04 2.06 FABRICATION A. Size sleeves large enough to allow for movement due to expansion and contraction. Provide for continuous insulation wrapping. B. Design hangers without disengagement of supported pipe. C. Provide copper plated hangers and supports for copper piping. 2.07 FINISH A. B-line Exposed hangers and supports shall be hot dipped galvanized. Field cuts and/or scratches of supports in exposed areas shall be painted with a primer coat of Glidden Tank and Structural Primer #5027 or other equivalent zinc rich gray paint. Hangers and supports located in damp spaces, pipe shafts, and suspended ceiling spaces are not considered exposed. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSERTS A. Provide inserts for placement in concrete formwork. a. Provide hooked rod to concrete reinforcement section for inserts carrying pipe over 4 inches. 3.02 PIPE HANGERS AND SUPPORT A. Support horizontal piping as follows: PIPE SIZE MAX. HANGER DIAMETER SPACING HANGER 1/2 to 1/-1/4" 6'-6" 3/8" 1-1/2 to 2" V-0" 3/8" 2-1/2 to 3" 8'-0" 1/2" 4 to 6" 8'-0" 5/8" 8 to 12" 8'-0" 7/8" PVC (all sizes) 4'-0" 3/8" B. Install hangers to provide minimum %2 inch space between finished covering and adjacent work. C. Place a hanger within 12 inches of each horizontal elbow. D. Use hangers with 1-1/2 inch minimum vertical adjustments. E. Support horizontal cast iron pipe adjacent to each hub, with 5 feet maximum spacing between hangers. F. Support vertical piping at every floor. Support vertical cast iron pipe at each floor at hub. G. Where several pipes 2-1/2" and smaller run parallel and in the same plane, they may be supported on gang or multiple hangers; larger piping shall be independently hung, parallel and equally spaced. H. Support riser piping independently of connected horizontal piping. 3.03 FLASHING A. Refer to Division 7 for flashing requirements. B. Flash floor drains in floors with topping over finished areas with lead, 10 inches clear on sides with minimum 36 x 36 inch sheet size. Fasten flashing to drain clamp devices. SUPPORTS AND ANCHORS 15140-4 20030278 09/07/04 C. Seal mop sink drains watertight to adjacent materials. D. Provide curbs for mechanical roof installation 14 inches minimum above roofing surface. Flexible sheet flash and counterflash with sheet metal; seal watertight. 3.04 SLEEVES A. Set sleeves in position in formwork. Provide reinforcing around sleeves. B. Extend sleeves through floor one inch above finished floor level. Caulk sleeves full depth and provide floor plate. C. Where piping or ductwork penetrates floor, ceiling, or wall, close off space between pipe or duct and adjacent work with stuffing/fire stopping insulation and caulk seal air tight. Provide close fitting metal collar or escutcheon covers at both sides of penetration. D. Install chrome plated steel, plastic or stainless steel escutcheons at finished surface. END OF SECTION PLUMBINU 20030278 09/07/04 SECTION 15400 - PLUMBING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. The water and drain connections shall be made under this Division of the Specifications. B. Acceptable manufacturers of drainage products are: Wade, Zurn, Josam, J.R. Smith, ANCON. C. Acceptable manufacturers of valves are: Crane, Hammond, Stockham, Nibco, Jenkins, Kennedy, Mueller Walworth, Rockwell, Nordstrom, Milwaukee. D. Acceptable manufacturers of plumbing specialties are: Watts, A.W. Cash, Robert Shaw, Nidel. E. All material listed in the Plumbing Fixture Schedules shall be purchased by the contractor though the owner's supplier. Any required material not listed in the schedules is also the plumbing contractor's responsibility to supply, and may be procured through any distributor of the contractors choice. 1. Contact information a. The plumbing contractor shall contact the owner's plumbing material supplier, Apex Supply Company a minimum of six weeks prior to scheduling delivery of material. The plumbing contractor shall specify the mix of material and the required date of delivery. The plumbing contractor shall be permitted a maximum of three deliveries. Plumbing contractor shall be responsible for the quantity of fixtures for the project. Refer to schedules on the drawings for Apex Supply company contact information. b. The general contractor and plumbing contractor shall coordinate the ordering of the material. Refer to section 10166 for material information. Material to be procured through Apex Supply Company via the same contact as for the plumbing material, as listed on the bottom of the plumbing schedule. 2. The plumbing contractor is responsible for inspecting for shipping damage and filing claims with the freight carriers for such damage. 3. The plumbing contractor shall notify the Apex Supply Company of any shortages from the packing list within five days of delivery. 4. The plumbing contractor is responsible for unloading material and for material storage. 5. Warranty service shall be provided for a period of one year after Grand Opening date. F. Furnish special wrenches and other devices necessary for servicing plumbing fixtures and trim to Owner with receipt. Furnish one (1) device for every forty (40) units, but in no case less than two (2) devices. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 DOMESTIC WATER SYSTEMS A. Provide complete systems of cold and hot piping and accessories so that every piece of water using equipment will be furnished with a water supply. Extend to points indicated on the Drawings. B. Piping and Fittings: 1. Pipe and fittings shall be as listed herein and shall be used on the services indicated. 2. Type "L" hard drawn copper tubing, Fed. Spec. No. WW-T-799, with soldered joints and wrought copper socket fittings for: all above ground water piping 3" in size and smaller. 3. Type "K" hard drawn copper tubing, Fed. Spec. No. WW-T-799, with brazed joints and wrought copper socket fitting for: all below ground copper piping. C. Joints: 1. Solder joints for Type "L" copper tubing shall be made using 95-5 tin -antimony solder with a PLUMBING t 5400-2 20030278 09/07/04 compatible flux. 2. Brazed joints shall use a BCUP-5 brazing alloy with a compatible flux. 3. Solder for potable waterpiping shall be lead free. D. Dielectric Adapters: 1. Dielectric adapters shall be provided between copper and iron pipe connections and between ferrous and non-ferrous piping or equipment. 2.02 SANITARY, WASTE AND VENT SYSTEM A. General: 1. Provide complete system of sanitary, waste and vent piping to points indicated on the drawings. B. Pipe and Fittings: 1. Pipe and fitting shall be as listed herein and shall be used for the services indicated. 2. Service weight coated cast iron soil pipe and fittings. ASTM A74, with hub and spigot joints for: all sanitary, waste, vent and roof drainage piping below ground. Above ground use hubless pipe with stainless steel clamps and neoprene gaskets on piping 2" in size or larger. Couplings: "Husky" heavy duty stainless steel clamps from Anaheim Foundry Company, conforming with Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute Pamphlet 100. No coupling shall have less than 4 clamp rings. No substitutions on couplings. 3. Extra strength vitrified clay pipe and fittings, ASTM C700 with plastic collar joints, ASTM C594 for sanitary sewer from 6-0" beyond the building wall. C. Joints: 1. Joints for cast iron pipe below the floor shall be made with a mixture of graphite and oil oakum and molten lead or neoprene compression gaskets. Hubless piping shall have neoprene gaskets and 24 ga. stainless steel bands and clamps. Torque 125 in. lbs., 150 in. lbs. for vandal proof. Equal to Clamp -All. 2. Threaded joints for steel pipe shall be made with a mixture of graphite and oil applied to male threads only. After cutting, but prior to threading, pipe shall be reamed and have burrs removed. D. Drains: 1. Floor drains shall be set flush with the floor. All floor drains shall be vandal proof. 2. Drains in the Tool Rental Center shall have extra heavy duty cast iron heel proof pedestrian grates. 2.03 STORM WATER PIPING A. Basic Pipe, Tube and Fittings: 1. Aboveground Piping, 8" size and smaller: a. No -Hub Cast Iron soil pipe, CISPI 301. 2. Pipe Class: Service weight (SW). 3. Fittings: No -Hub cast iron soil pipe fittings, with stainless steel clamps and neoprene gaskets. 4. Gaskets: Neoprene gasket joints, ASTM C-564. 5. Couplings: "Husky" heavy duty stainless steel clamps from Anaheim Foundry Company. No coupling shall have less than 4 clamp rings. No substitutions. a. Galvanized Steel pipe, ASTM A-53, type E or S, grade A or B, Schedule 40. 6. Underground Building Drain Piping: a. Cast Iron hub and spigot soil pipe, ASTM A-74. 7. Pipe Class: Service weight (SW). 8. Fittings: Cast iron, hub and spigot soil pipe fittings. 9. Gaskets: Neoprene compression gasket joints, ASTM C-564. B. Special Expansion Compensation: 1. Expansion joints shall be cast-iron body, adjustable bronze sleeve, bronze bolts with wing nuts; for PLUMBING 15400-3 20030278 09/07/04 vertical installation only. 2. Subject to compliance with requirements, provide expansion joints of one of the following: a. Josam Mfg. Co. b. Wade Div., Tyler Pipe c. Zurn Industries, Hydromechanics Div. C. Execution 1. Install storm water piping pitched to drain at minimum slope of 1/4" per foot (2%) for piping 3" and smaller, and 1/8" per foot (1%) for piping 4" and larger, unless shown or noted otherwise. 2.04 NATURAL GAS PIPING A. Gas piping from the outlet of the gas meter shall extend to all equipment requiring gas. B. Piping shall be Schedule 40 black steel with X-heavy black malleable iron banded screwed or weld pattern fittings as applicable (ASA-B16.3). C. All piping and fittings located outdoors and above grade shall be cleaned free of rust and painted with aluminum base paint as specified in painting specification section. D. Apply two coats of asphaltum base paint to piping buried underground. E. Each piece of equipment shall be provided with lubricated plug valve with a handle, union and drip leg at the unit connection. F. Provide a pressure regulator for each piece of gas fired equipment for all delivery pressures 1/4 PSI or greater. Regulators shall be as specified on drawings. 2.05 PLUMBING SYSTEMS VALVES A. Valves shall have the name or trademark of the manufacturer and the working pressure stamped or cast on the valve body. B. Domestic Water System: 1. Gate valves 3" in size and smaller shall have bronze body, non -rising stem, solid wedge, and solder ends for 200 pounds W.O.G. Valves shall be Crane No. 1324, or equal. 2. Check valves 3" in size and smaller shall be horizontal swing type with bronze body, composition disc, and solder ends for 200 pound W.O.G. Valves shall be Crane No. 1342, or equal. 3. Globe valves shall have bronze body, rising stem, composition disc and solder ends for 200 pound W.O.G. Valves shall be Crane No. 1310 or equal. C. Valves for Natural Gas Systems 1. Lubricated plug valves 3" in size and larger shall be the semi -steel type with cast iron body, lubricated cast iron plug, flanged ends, and wrench operated for 175# WOG. Valves shall be: Rockwell Nordstrom No. 143 W alworth 1797F 2. Lubricated plug valves (2-1/2" in size and smaller) shall have bronze body and plug, threaded ends, and square head for 125# WOG. Valves shall be: Crane No. 250 Walworth 554 3. Lubricated plug valves shall be lubricated at the factory and sealant shall be suitable for natural gas. Provide six (6) sticks or tubes of sealant utilized and turn such over to the Owner's Representative. 4. Provide one (1) valve wrench for each size and type of valve head and turn such wrenches over to the Owner's Representative. PLUMBING 15400-4 20030278 09/07/04 2.06 CONDENSATE DRAINAGE A. Basic pipe, tube and fittings: 1. Pipe inside building and outside shall be copper DWV with brazed joints. B. Installation of piping: 1. Install condensate drainage piping pitched to drain at minimum slope of 1/4" per foot (2%) for piping 3" and smaller, and 1/8" per foot (1 %) for piping 4" and larger. 2.07 PLUMBING SYSTEM INSULATION A. All insulation shall be applied in a neat and workmanlike manner. Remove and replace all insulation not applied in strict accordance with manufacturer's specifications or not presenting a neat appearance. Insulation shall be continuous through wall and ceiling openings and sleeves. All insulation shall be applied by contractor specialized in insulation application, in accordance with best trade practices and as guided by manufacturer's printed installation directions. B. Work Included: Pipe covering for domestic hot water, cold water and interior roof drain piping and interior condensate piping. C. Materials and installation. No pipe insulation � shall be applied until piping has been pressure tested and approved. All insulation shall be applied strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Materials as manufactured by Johns Manville, Fiberglass, Phillip Carey, or Armstrong will be acceptable if equal to those specified. All insulation on indoor work shall have composite fire and smoke hazard ratings as tested by procedure NFPA 255 not exceeding: Flame Spread 25, Fuel Contributed 50, Smoke Developed 50. D. Accessories such as adhesives, mastics, cements, tapes, and cloth for fitting, shall have the same component ratings as liste!1 ahove Insiilatinn shall have an averane thermal conductivity not to exceed 0.25 BTU[inch of thickness per square foot per 1 degree F. at a mean temperature of 75 degrees F. E. Domestic Hot Water Piping: All domestic hot water piping shall be insulated with 1"thick fiberglass pipe insulated with foil -Draft laminate vapor barrier fastened with pressure sensitive tape and lapped 12" minimum. All fittings, valves, flanges, etc. shall be covered with PVC fitting cover, taped and tacked fastened. F. Cold Water Lines: All domestic and Tool Rental center cold water piping shall be insulated with 1" thick _� :�� c_:i i._ z4- 1......b..4-4 hnrrinr 4. #c norl iRAth nroceiiro eencitivo tans and fiberglass insulated witfI IUJI IVCtII iC11iu11GLLOa VnPUI ucuswr iu--- , �••-••• - ---I- - lapped 12" minimum. All fittings, valves, strainers, flanges, etc. shall be covered with PVC fitting cover, taped and tacked fastened. Outdoor installed exterior insulation shall be protected with 0.006" thick aluminum jacket, sealed weathertight. G. No insulation shall be installed on any piping before building is adequately closed in. Where necessary to install any insulation before it is protected by building enclosures, permission shall be secured first. Where permission is granted, the covering must tie effectively protected by roofing felt, wired on the covering to make an absolute waterproof protection for the pipe covering. H. All condensate lines within building shall be insulated the same as cold water lines above. 2.08 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS A. Furnish and install all piers, foundations, supporting material, hangers, clamps, inserts, etc., necessary for the installation of all pipes and equipment. B. Soil, waste and vent stacks shall be well supported at the base of the riser. PLUMBING 20030278 15400-5 09/07/04 C. Supports for copper pipes, 2-1/2" or larger shall be placed on 12' centers. Supports for smaller pipes shall be placed on 8 foot centers. Supports for vertical pipe shall be placed at top and bottom of pipe on each floor and shall be Grinnel or Elcen. Insulation shall run continuous through all hangers and supports. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Unions shall be provided at all piping connections to equipment. B. Changes in water pipe size shall be made with reducing fittings. No bushings will be allowed. C. Horizontal soil and waste piping 2-1/2" in size and smaller shall be sloped a minimum of 1/4" per foot. Horizontal soil and waste piping 4" in size and larger shall be sloped at a minimum of 1/4" per foot (unless noted otherwise on the drawings). D. Soil, waste and vent piping changes in pipe size shall be made with reducing fittings and changes in pipe direction shall be made with fittings. No bushings shall be allowed. E. Hubs on all drainage and vent piping shall have the open hub end facing against the direction of the flux. 3.02 TESTING A. General: 1. Concealed, underground and insulated piping shall be tested in place before concealing, burying, or covering. Equipment, materials and instruments required for tests shall be furnished by the Contractor without additional cost to the Owner. B. Plumbing Systems: 1. Soil, waste and vent piping shall be tested with water before installing fixtures. Water test shall be applied to the system either in its entirety or in sections. If the test is applied to the entire system, all openings in the piping shall be closed except the highest opening, and the system shall be filled with water to the point of overflow. 2. The entire hot and cold water piping systems shall be tested at a hydrostatic pressure of not less than 100 pounds per square inch gauge (before insulation is applied), and proved tight at this pressure for not less than 30 minutes in order to permit inspection of all joints. 3.03 DISINFECTION OF DOMESTIC WATER PIPING A. Prior to starting work, verify system is complete, flushed and clean. Disinfection procedure shall comply with all local requirements. B. Ensure PH of water to be treated is between 7.4 and 7.6 by adding alkali or hydrochloric acid. C. Inject disinfectant, free chlorine in liquid, powder, tablet or gas form, throughout system to obtain 50 to 80 mg/L residual. D. Bleed water from outlets to ensure distribution and test for disinfectant residual at minimum 15 percent of outlets. E. Maintain disinfectant in system for 24 hours. F. If final disinfectant residual tests less than 25 mg/L, repeat treatment. G. Flush disinfectant from system until residual equal to that of incoming water or 1.0 mg/L. 20030278 END OF SECTION 15400-6 09/07/04 {FBO) EVAPORATIVE COOLERS 15030-1 20030278 09/07/04 SECTION 15630 - (FBO) EVAPORATIVE COOLERS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. General Provisions and Mechanical systems are specified in other Sections of Division 15. B. General provisions and responsibilities for furnished by Contractor (FBC) items are specified in Division 1. C. This section covers evaporative air cooling units for installation in the Tool Rental Center. 1.02 SUBMITTALS TO CONTRACTOR A. Submit shop drawings under provisions of Section 15010. B. Submittal data shall include detail unit component description, accurate piping connections and unit control and power wiring diagram. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. United Metal Products, 1920 E. Engant Dr., Tempe, AZ 85281, Contact: Kent Riggenbach, Phone: (480) 968-9550, Fax: (480) 968-9555. 2.02 EVAPORATIVE COOLING UNITS (EC) A. Install as scheduled and where shown on plans United Metal Evaporative Air Cooling units as manufactured by United Metal Products. Capability shall have been established for this unit by actual air performance tests conducted by the Air Movement and Control Association. Certification for meeting the AMCA test standards shall be carried on catalog pages containing product data tables and curves. Units must be tested in accordance with UL Standard 507 and labeled by ETL or other recognized listing agency. B. Cabinets shall be constructed -of hot dip galvanized steel. Entire cabinet shall be coated inside and out with epoxy powder base paint baked on at 375 F. Water reservoir shall be of 16 gauge steel with welded seams. Removable cabinet panels shall have handles to facilitate removal. C. The ECU shall have a six -blade steel fan rigidly and statically balanced. The shaft will be seated to the fan pulley by means of a key -seat and key -way. The fan shall have two bearings with eccentric locking collar and relubrication port. The motor mount shall be adjustable and mounted on a rigid base. The blower pulley shall be connected to the motor sheave by means of a V-belt. D. The evaporative media shall carry a Class 2 rating with an additional filter layer of spun fiberglass. The media shall be treated to increase water absorption and to protect the pad. Media shall be mounted securely in a metal frame and held rigid by a retainer grid. The pad frame shall be coated with an epoxy powder base paint baked on a 375 F. E. Water shall be distributed to pads via large diameter polyvinyl chloride plastic pipe with two tiers of water troughs, one at the top of the cabinet and the other one half way down the cabinet. Pumps shall be high flow, 5 amp current draw submersible recirculating type with balancing valve and centrifugal impeller. Make up water shall be provided through a metering float valve. The discharge of the float valve shall terminate a minimum of 2 inches above the top of the ECU water basin. FBO EVAPORATIVE COOLERS 20030278 09/07/04 F. Provide UUETL listed EBFK-2 (Electrical Box Flush Kit-2) wiring package with GFI convenience receptacle. G. Provide counterweighted aluminum back -draft damper with blade seals for horizontal mounting (downshot airflow). H. Mount Owner's Manuals to casing with packing tape prior to shipment. I. Provide water supply connection at cabinet face and clearly labeled. Provide float valve at access door -side of unit. J. Provide 1/2 inch diameter liquid -tight flexible conduit with conductors from receptacle box to single gang junction box located adjacent to water inlet. K. Provide timed basin water pump down controls with all valves and piping to the overflow drain. END OF SECTION FANS 20030278 SECTION 15850 - FANS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. General Provisions and Mechanical Systems are specified in other Sections of Division 15. B. This Section covers roof fans and accessories. 1.02 SUBMITTALS TO CONTRACTOR A. Submit shop drawings under provisions of Section 15010 and 01300. B. Submit with shop drawings, operating point plotted on curves. C. Submit manufacturer's installation instructions under provisions of Section 15010. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURER A. Greenheck 2.02 FANS A. All fans shall be AMCA certified for performance and sound and shall bear the AMCA label. 09/07/04 B. Fans shall be of the capacity, size, accessories and arrangement as scheduled. The fan's design is based on the manufacturer and model specified and/or scheduled. Fans shall be furnished with guards, disconnect switch, bird screens, dampers, isolators, motors, curb flashing and other accessories as specified and/or scheduled and shall be completely operable after installation. Contractor shall coordinate with electrical when motor sizes are different from those scheduled. C. Equivalent fan selection shall not increase motor horsepower, noise level, or tip speed by more than 10%, or increase inlet air velocity by more than 20%, from that specified. D. Centrifugal Roof Ventilator: Fans shall be of the centrifugal roof mounted type with an all welded flashing type curb base, belt or direct driven type as scheduled. Wheels shall be statically and dynamically balanced to assure smooth and vibration free operation. Entire drive assembly shall be mounted on vibration isolators. Motors shall be of the heavy duty type with permanently lubricated, sealed ball bearings and shall be mounted out of the air -stream. Cooling air for the motor shall be drawn into the motor compartment through an opening between the fan shroud and the motor compartment. Fans shall be provided with birdscreen, back draft damper, disconnect switch and roof curb. An electrical conduit shall be provided through the fan base into motor compartment to facilitate wiring. E. All fans shall be UL listed for the service and use indicated. F. Tool rental center fans shall be non -sparking, motor out of the airstream, all surfaces in contact with the air stream coated with an epoxy coating. FANS j lfuo'-� 20030278 09/07/04 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Supply and install sheaves as necessary for final air balancing. B. Set roof mounted fans on curbs. Provide acoustic insulation on duct to below roof line and on fan inlet plenum and drip pan for collecting condensation. END OF SECTION FANS 20030278 SECTION 15850 - FANS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. General Provisions and Mechanical Systems are specified in other Sections of Division 15. B. This Section covers roof fans and accessories. 1.02 SUBMITTALS TO CONTRACTOR A. Submit shop drawings under provisions of Section 15010 and 01300. B. Submit with shop drawings, operating point plotted on curves. C. Submit manufacturer's installation instructions under provisions of Section 15010. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURER A. Greenheck 2.02 FANS A. All fans shall be AMCA certified for performance and sound and shall bear the AMCA label. 15850-1 09/07/04 B. Fans shall be of the capacity, size, accessories and arrangement as scheduled. The fan's design is based on the manufacturer and model specified and/or scheduled. Fans shall be furnished with guards, disconnect switch, bird screens, dampers, isolators, motors, curb flashing and other accessories as specified and/or scheduled and shall be completely operable after installation. Contractor shall coordinate with electrical when motor sizes are different from those scheduled. C. Equivalent fan selection shall not increase motor horsepower, noise level, or tip speed by more than 10%, or increase inlet air velocity by more than 20%, from that specified. D. Centrifugal Roof Ventilator: Fans shall be of the centrifugal roof mounted type with an all welded flashing type curb base, belt or direct driven type as scheduled. Wheels shall be statically and dynamically balanced to assure smooth and vibration free operation. Entire drive assembly shall be mounted on vibration isolators. Motors shall be of the heavy duty type with permanently lubricated, sealed ball bearings and shall be mounted out of the air -stream. Cooling air for the motor shall be drawn into the motor compartment through an opening between the fan shroud and the motor compartment. Fans shall be provided with birdscreen, back draft damper, disconnect switch and roof curb. An electrical conduit shall be provided through the fan base into motor compartment to facilitate wiring. E. All fans shall be UL listed for the service and use indicated. F. Tool rental center fans shall be non -sparking, motor out of the airstream, all surfaces in contact with the air stream coated with an epoxy coating. FANS 15850-2 20030278 09/07/04 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Supply and install sheaves as necessary for final air balancing. B. Set roof mounted fans on curbs. Provide acoustic insulation on duct to below roof line and on fan inlet plenum and drip pan for collecting condensation. END OF SECTION AIR DISTRIBU 20030278 SECTION 15880 - AIR DISTRIBUTION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. General Provisions and Mechanical Systems are specified in other Sections of Division 15. B. This Section covers air distribution systems and equipment. C. Air conditioning units are specified in another Division of the work. 1.02 DEFINITIONS 09/07/04 A. All ductwork shall be considered low pressure, with a static pressure rating of 1" and maximum velocity of 2000 FPM. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 SHEET METALWORK, GENERAL A. Provide offsets, elbows and transformations to coordinate with other work. Changes in shape or dimension shall be made with a maximum slope of 1 to 4. B. Ducts over 12" in either dimension shall have all sides cross broken or machine formed transverse beads spaced not over 12 inches on center. C. Elbows ductwork shall have an inside radius equal to the width of the duct, except where otherwise shown or necessitated by space conditions. Where inside radius is less than 3/4 duct width, provide multiple turning vanes. Square elbows shall be provided with turning vanes, single thickness. D. Ductwork construction shall conform to SMACNA Duct Construction Standards. E. Connections of ductwork to vibrating machinery shall be isolated with a flexible duct connection by Duro- Dyne, or equal by Ventfab. 2.02 DUCT SEALING COMPOUND A. UL listed, manufactured to comply with NFPA 90A. 2.03 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS A. Hang horizontal duct by galvanized steel strap, %" x 1" for ducts 48 inches or smaller;'/" x 1'/4" on larger ducts with 1 inch hook turned under bottom of duct. 2.04 SINGLE BLADE DAMPERS A. Rectangular volume dampers in branch ducts shall be 22 gage galvanized steel frame and blade. B. Round volume dampers in branch ducts shall be 20 gage galvanized steel frame and blade. C. When in open position, round damper blades shall not extend beyond damper frame. D. Maximum blade size of rectangular dampers shall be 36" wide x 12" high. AIR DISTRIBUTION 130OU-= 20030278 09/07/04 E. Damper shall be manufactured by Ruskin, Inc. Or approved equal. 2.05 MULTI BLADE DAMPERS A. Blades: Minimum 16 gauge galvanized steel, opposed blade type, edges crimped to interlock in closed position: 1. Pivot Rods: Steel, minimum'/z" diameter or hex, 6" long. One (1) rod extended to permit operation of damper from outside duct. 2. Maximum size 48" wide by 72" high with 6" blades. 3. Dampers opening to the outside shall have neoprene or polyurethane seals. B. Frames: Galvanized steel, bar or channel, minimum 2" wide x %" thick, 16 gauge galvanized roll formed channel with double thickness edges. 1. Corner bracing. 2. Full size of duct or opening in which installed. C. Dampers shall be provided with cadmium -plated steel quadrant with device for locking damper in position and marked frame indicating damper position, Duro-Dyne KL-7R, or Ventlok 560. D. Finish On All Steel Parts: Galvanized. 2.06 GRILLES, REGISTERS AND DIFFUSERS A. Layout is based on products by Titus, as identified on the Drawings. Equal products by Carnes, Anemostat, Krueger, MPtnlAir, Tuttle & Bailey and J & J Register will be considered. B. Ceiling diffusers shall be arranged to suit the ceiling type shown on the Architectural drawings. 2.07 FIRE DAMPERS A. Layout is based on products by Safe -Air, Inc. Equal products by Venco or Louvers and Dampers are acceptable. Blade shall be out of airstream. B. Dampers are to be dynamic type, and rating is to match partitions in which it is installed. Must carry UL555 rating. 2.08 ROUND DUCT TAKE -OFFS FROM ROUND DUCT A. Round duct take -offs from round duct mains shall be accomplished with pre -manufactured fittings. Acceptable fittings are wyes and 45/90 boot type. Acceptable manufacturer shall be Sheet Metal Product Co. or approved equal. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 SHEET METALWORK, GENERAL A. Separate galvanized sheet metal from aluminum or copper with lead or felt gaskets. B. Provide supplemental stiffening and supports to ducts and apparatus casings to prevent drumming and sagging and to provide a structurally sound assembly. C. Interior of ducts shall be smooth. All transverse and longitudinal joints in ductwork shall be sealed if required to make air tight with duct sealer. The entire air system installation shall be rigid, free from rattles and air noises. AIR DISTRIBUTION 15880-3 20030278 09/07/04 3.02 SHEET METAL WORK A. Fasten flexible ductwork to fittings and diffusers with steel draw bands and duct tape. 3.03 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS A. Support horizontal ductwork not more than 8' on center. Support round ductwork with straps and hangers as recommended by the manufacturer and SMACNA. B. Where ducts are suspended directly from the structure, screw or pop -rivet hangers to the bottom and sides of the duct and secure to the structure with beam clamps or welding. END OF SECTION CONTROI 20030278 �) SECTION 15952 - CONTROLS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Refer to Section 15010, provisions of which apply to work under this Section 1.02 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 15952-1 09/07/04 A. A complete energy management system has been designed for this Home Depot Store. Materials will be supplied in part by Home Depot and in part by mechanical contractor. Assembly and installation of the Central Control Panel shall be performed by the Electrical Contractor. B. Where scheduled, all equipment shall be provided with CPC or Novar modules (as specified on drawings) at the factory. See plans for individual method of control. C. Final connection of communication wiring into CPC or Novar modules is by the Mechanical Contractor, refer to drawings. 1.03 RELATED WORK IN OTHER SECTIONS A. For extent of wiring and connection under Electrical Work, refer to Division 16 and dwgs. EM-1 and EM-2. B. For control devices furnished with equipment, refer to equipment specifications. 1.04 RELATED WORK IN OTHER SECTIONS A. Installing Contractor shall maintain adequate automatic control personnel on his payroll to provide back-up project control service on the automatic control system provided under this contract. 1.05 WARRANTY A. Contractor shall warranty all work performed under this contract to be free of any defects in workmanship or material for a period of one (1) year from Grand Opening. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 FIRESTATS AND SMOKE DETECTORS (Refer to Fire Alarm Drawings) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Division 16, ELECTRICAL, shall be responsible for point to point wiring of all starters and starting switches not factory installed in the HVAC equipment. B. Install all components of control systems under this Section using experienced control mechanics, all in the regular employ of the installing Contractor, or the apparatus manufacturer. 20030278 3.02 WIRING 15952-2 09/07/04 A. Install all control, pilot circuit and interlock wiring, including wiring through interposed safety or other auxiliary control devices within the confines of the mechanical equipment only. See drawings EM-1,2 for specific responsibilities of wiring outside the mechanical equipment. Wiring of novar sensors on unit heaters shalll be by the mechanical contractor. B. All line voltage control wiring shall be run in electrical conduit. C. All wiring shall conform to the Local and National Electrical Codes. D. All control and interlock wiring shall be fused at conductor capacity as shown in the National Electrical Code. E. No splices shall be used except at junction boxes and control centers. F. All wires to each control device shall be different colors. All wires to each device shall be laced or tied at point of entry into control panel and tagged as to its point of origin. G. All wires shall be run directly from controller or controlled device to control center. There shall be no looping of wires from one device to another external to the control centers. Any exceptions will be noted on drawing EM-1 or EM-2. H. Control voltage shall be a maximum of 120 volt, unless otherwise indicated herein. I. Control or interlock wiring shall not be run in conduit with any power wiring other than that serving the equipment controlled. J. Refer to Division 16, ELECTRICAL, for extent of work under that Division. Provide other wiring systems required to accomplish the work of this Section, following requirements of Division 16 for products and execution. K. Wiring connections to terminal posts shall be made by means of compression type lugs. Wire splices, where permitted, shall be made with sketch locks. L. Safety devices in motor control circuits shall be wired to interrupt the holding coil circuit regardless of the position of any selector switches in the circuit. M. Control circuit conductors shall be sized for a maximum voltage drop of 10% of the circuit voltage. N. All electrical power wiring shall conform in all respects with the provisions of the National Electrical Code and Division 16, ELECTRICAL, of these Specifications. O. Provide all necessary contactors, switches, transformers to accomplish operating sequences. 3.03 SYSTEM CHECK-OUT A. Check-out each system for control function through entire sequence, check calibration of instruments, reset instrument control points. B. Owner maintenance personnel shall be made thoroughly familiar, by the Contractor, with the operation and service of the project automatic temperature control circuits. END OF SECTION TEST, ADJUST AND BALANCE _ 15990-1 20030278 09/07/04 SECTION 15990 - TEST, ADJUST AND BALANCE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Provide for testing, adjusting and balancing of the heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment and systems. B. Test and balance shall be in accordance with the Associated Air Balance Council and report forms shall be AABC format or may be in accordance with NEBB recommendations and format. C. Air balance and testing shall not begin until the system has been completed and is in full working order or, at the direction of the Architect of Record, any part thereof shall be placed into operation for the purpose of testing and balancing. D. The Contractor shall put all heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems and equipment into full operation and shall continue the operation of same during each working day of testing and balancing. E. Test and balancing shall be provided by a third parry contractor. 1.02 SYSTEM PREPARATION A. Air Side Systems: 1. Prepare all air side systems for balancing as follows: a. All fans, blowers and air handling equipment shall be mechanically checked and available to operate under design condition. b. All volume dampers, fire dampers and vanes shall be in their neutral positions. c. All grilles, diffusers, etc., shall be installed with vanes and blades in their neutral positions. d. All controls shall be physically checked and available to operate under design conditions. e. Evaporative cooler basin shall be cleaned, water level set to operating conditions, media shall be installed. f. All damper locking devices shall be marked so that they truly represent the position of their respective dampers. B. Installation shall not be considered complete until final reports by agency have been submitted to the Architect of Record. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 TESTING AND BALANCING PROCEDURES A. Testing and balancing procedures, instrumentation and recording shall be in accordance with the current recommendations and standards of AABC or NEBB. B. Detailed reports covering all Testing and Balancing functions for each item of HVAC equipment shall conform to AABC or NEBB standards and shall be submitted to the Architect of Record for approval and record purposes. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 ADJUSTING AND BALANCING A. Test, adjust and balance all air systems to provide the air quantities and conditions as shown on the drawings within a 10% variance. TEST. ADJUST AND BALANCE 15990-2 20030278 09/07/04 B. Make changes to sheaves, belts, valves and dampers or provide additional dampers required to provide air quantities shown on the drawings. END OF SECTION GENERAL PROVISIONS 16010-1 20030278 09/07/04 SECTION 16010 - GENERAL PROVISIONS PART 1 —GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The General and Supplementary Conditions and General Requirements (Division 1), apply to the work specified in this Section. 1.02 SITE VISIT AND FAMILIARIZATION A. Contractors proposing to undertake work under this Division shall: 1. Visit the site of the work, and fully familiarize themselves of all conditions that affect the work or cost thereof. 2. Examine the drawings and specifications as related to the site conditions. 3. Acquaint themselves with all utility companies from whom services shall be supplied; verify locations of utility service points, demarcations and interfaces and determine exact requirements. B. Notice: Consideration will not be granted for any alleged misunderstanding of the amount of work to be performed. Tender of proposal shall convey full agreement and understanding to all items and conditions specified, indicated on the drawings, and required by nature of the site. 1.03 DISCREPANCIES A. Should the Electrical Contractor find discrepancies or omissions in the Contract Documents, or be in doubt as to the intent, he shall immediately obtain clarification from the Electrical Engineer before submitting a proposal for work under this Division. B. It is the electrical contractor's responsibility to review the drawings and specifications prior to submitting their bid, for compliance with the local regulations of the Electrical Inspection Agency, Fire Inspection Agency and the Local Electric and Telephone Utilities, and to notify the engineer of record immediately of any discrepancies found. C. Electrical Material and Labor costs shall be estimated on a project specific basis without the use of "flat rate" estimating guides from sources such as NECA (National Electrical Contractors Association), or similar. Electrical contractor is directed to acquaint himself with article titled "Changes in the Work", in the agreement between Owner and Contractor, unit prices requested in Bid Proposal Form and Statement 12, "Change Orders", in Bid Proposal Form. 1.04 WORK IN OTHER DIVISIONS A. See Architectural, Structural and Mechanical Divisions of the Specification for related work. 1.05 CODES, PERMITS AND FEES A. This electrical installation shall comply with: 1. All laws applicable to the electrical installation, which are enforced by local authorities. 2. The latest edition of the National Electrical Code. 3. The regulations of the Electric Utility Company. B. The Contractor shall obtain and shall pay for all applications and permits required by the local authorities; and utilities (including those for temporary and permanent electric service, standard and special metering and telephone service connections). GENERAL PROVISIONS 20030278 16010-2 09/07/04 C. After completion of the work, the Electrical Contractor shall furnish to the Electric Utility Company, for the Owner, a certificate of final review and approval from the inspection bureau having jurisdiction- D. Where, in any specific case, different sections of any of the aforementioned codes and regulations or these plans and specifications each specify different materials, methods of construction, or other requirements, the most restrictive shall govern. In the case of any conflict between a general provision and a special provision, the special provision shall govern. E. Electrical Contractors proposing to undertake work under this division shall review the drawings and specifications subsequent to the approval for permit by the local authorities, noting any and all comments, changes or additions to the work herein described, and immediately notify the Electrical Engineer for proper coordination with his work and that of other divisions. The same shall apply for any similar circumstances arising unng construction, pno"r io the compietion of work. 1.06 AS -BUILT (RECORD) DRAWINGS A. Record on one set of electrical drawings all changes and deviations from the contract drawings. Record final location of switchhoards, panelboards, transformers, disconnect switches, etc. Make sufficient measurements to locate all major underground conduit runs and show same on record drawings and deliver it to the Owner. B. Transfer changes and deviations to reproducible "sepia" drawings and deliver it to the Owner. END OF SECTION DEFINITIONS 20030278 16015-1 09/07/04 SECTION 16015 - DEFINITIONS PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The General and Supplementary Conditions, and General Requirements (Division 1), apply to the work specified in this Section. 1.02 DEFINITIONS A. "Provide" shall mean furnish, install and connect complete. B. "Wiring" shall mean electrical conductors for power or signal, installed in conduit, wireway, raceways, or steel duct with all required boxes, fittings, connectors and accessories completely installed. C. "Work" shall be understood to mean all the materials completely installed including labor. D. "Drawings and Specifications" shall be understood to mean the Contract Documents, including all Divisions, Sections and Addenda. E. "Review of Shop Drawings" - See Division 1. F. "Conduit" shall be understood to mean rigid steel, intermediate metal (IMC), electric metallic tubing (EMT), flexible conduit or plastic Schedule 40 PVC conduit. G. "Contractor" shall be understood to mean the Electrical Contractor of record. H. "Engineer" shall be understood to mean the Electrical Engineer of record. I. "Alternates" - See Division 1. END OF SECTION WORK INCLUDED 20030278 09/07/04 SECTION 16020 - WORK INCLUDED PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The General and Supplementary Conditions, and General Requirements (Division 1), apply to the work specified in this Section. 1.02 WORK INCLUDED A. The work consists of furnishing all labor, supplies, materials, sales tax, permits, review fees, costs of tests, shop drawings, as -built drawings, operation & maintenance manuals and performing all operations including installation, cutting and chasing, trenching and back -filling, compaction, coordination with other trades on the job, etc., for the installation of complete electrical systems as shown and hereinafter specified. B. No materials shall be ordered or installed prior to shop drawing review by the Electrical Engineer. This requirement does not apply to materials furnished by Home Deport to the Contractor. C. The electrical drawings are schematic, and are not intended to shown the exact location of conduit, outlets, etc. The Contractor shall refer to the architectural, structural, mechanical drawings and specifications for dimensions and exact requirements and shall fit his work to conform to the details of building construction. The right is reserved to shift any switch, receptacle, junction box, lighting fixture or other device a maximum of ten feet (10') from its location as indicated on the plans without incurring additional expense. D. Should conflicts exist between the drawings and specifications, the specifications shall govern. E. The drawings and specifications shall both be considered as part of the contract. Any work or material shown in the one and omitted in the other, or which may fairly be implied by both or either, shall be performed or furnished. F. Provision for the installation of all control system and interlock wiring between systems, shall be provided under this division unless indicated otherwise under Division 15 of the Specifications. G. Labor required to perform warranty work during the warranty period shall be included in this contract, whether the materials are furnished by the electrical contractor or by Home Depot. H. The electrical contractor shall be responsible for off-loading, inspection, storage and protection of all materials whether furnished by the electrical contractor or furnished by Home Depot. I. The electrical contractor shall be responsible for providing all claims and return shipments of materials damaged during shipping whether furnished by the electrical contractor or furnished by Home Depot to the appropriate vendor. J. The electrical contractor shall be responsible for providing all return shipments of unused materials whether furnished by the electrical contractor or furnished by Home Depot to the appropriate vendor. K. Credits for damaged or unused materials shall be turned in to the Home Depot project manager. 1.03 DEVIATIONS A. No deviations from the drawings and specifications shall be made without written approval from the Owner, Project Manager, and Electrical Engineer. Should the Contractor find, at anytime during the progress of the work that, in his judgment, existing conditions make desirable a modification in requirements covering any particular item or items, the Contractor shall report such items promptly to the Project Manager for his decision and instructions. WORK INCLUDED 16020"Z 20030278 09/07/04 END OF SECTION WORK NOT INCLUDED 16025-1 20030278 09/07/04 SECTION 16025 - WORK NOT INCLUDED PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The General and Supplementary Conditions and General Requirements (Division 1), apply to the work specified in this Section. 1.02 WORK NOT INCLUDED A. The installation and connection of the following items is not included in this section of the specifications: 1. All motors for mechanical equipment together with the associated motor controllers, starters, speed controls, electrical heating equipment, control contacts, relays, control transformers, individual element protection, and miscellaneous etc., shall be furnished and installed under Section 15 of the specifications. 2. Premises telephone wiring system (except as noted on the drawings, refer to Section 16700). 3. Premises public address system (except as noted the drawings). END OF SECTION 20030278 SECTION 16030 - TESTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS 16030-1 09/07/04 A. The General and Supplementary Conditions, and General Requirements (Division 1), apply to the work specified in this Section. 1.02 INSPECTION AND TESTS A. The electrical installation shall be inspected and tested by this contractor to insure safety to building occupants, operating personnel, conformity to codes and contract documents. B. All tests shall be performed using recognized safety procedures during energizing and de -energizing of all equipment to ensure personnel safety and equipment protection. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Provide all instruments, labor and material required for any essential, intermediate and/or final tests described hereinafter or necessary to prove compliance with these specifications. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Tests: Field tests shall be performed and reports submitted. Approval tests shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. All feeders rated below 600 volts shall be megger tested between phase conductors and between phase conductors and ground. Tests shall be made upon completion of all connections, splices and installation of all overcurrent protection devices. Tests shall indicate freedom from short circuits, grounded circuits, reverse polarity, proper phase rotation, etc. 2. All parallel circuits shall be tested for proper phasing or other comparable techniques. 3. The full load running current of all motors shall be recorded and overload heaters selected in accordance with the test results. 4. Full load currents of each feeder shall be measured and circuit rearrangement provided as necessary to achieve a balanced load on each phase. 5. Operation of all control and alarm circuits. 6. AC system ground resistance (refer to Section 16450). END OF SECTION IDENTIFICATIONS 16040-1 20030278 09/07/04 SECTION 16040 - IDENTIFICATIONS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The General and Supplementary Conditions, and General Requirements (Division 1), apply to the work specified in this Section. 1.02 IDENTIFICATION A. Identify each switch or circuit breaker, including main switches or circuit breakers, disconnect switches, panelboards, contractors, transformers, devices (i.e. receptacles, switches, communication outlets, security and fire alarm junction boxes, etc...), junction box, etc. with a nameplate indicating load served, feeder designation, circuit designation, cable (voice, data, POS, system, etc...) designation, or equipment name, as appropriate. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Provide a 4" x 11/2" red finish, white core Bakelite nameplate for each 277/480 volt switchboard, distribution switch/breaker, panelboard, disconnect switch, contactor.... etc. B. Provide a 4" x 11/2" black finish, white core Bakelite nameplate for 120/208-volt switchboard distribution, panelboard, disconnect switch, contactor, transformer, etc. C. Bakelite nameplates shall have W high -engraved letters. D. Provide a 4" x 8" black -finish, white core Bakelite nameplate on the main switch. E. Each panelboard shall be provided with a directory frame on inside of cabinet door. A neat and carefully type written directory card, identifying each branch circuit served shall be placed in the frame, under clear plastic cover. Spares shall be noted in pencil. F. Provide a 10" x 20" professionally pre -manufactured painted steel plaque on the exterior side of all electrical room doors indicating "DANGER -HIGH VOLTAGE". G. Provide a 11/4" x 1/2" gray finish, white core, Bakelite nameplate, with 1/a" high -engraved letters for receptacles, switches, communication outlets, systems boxes, junction boxes, etc. in the office package or finished areas. 2.02 INSTALLATION A. Nameplates for surface mounted equipment shall be installed on the exterior of equipment with epoxy cement. B. Nameplates for flush or recessed mounted equipment shall be installed on the inside of the panel door or cover with epoxy cement. C. Nameplates for Devices (i.e. receptacles, switches, junction boxes, etc...) in the office package or finished areas shall be installed on the bottom of the face of the coverplate with epoxy cement. IDENTIFICATIONS 16040-2 20030278 09/07/04 D. In unfinished areas label all receptacles, toggle switches, communication outlets, systems boxes, junction boxes, etc ... with a permanent marker neatly handwritten. END OF SECTION BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS 16100-1 20030278 09/07/04 SECTION 16100 - BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The General and Supplementary Conditions, and General Requirements (Division 1), apply to the work specified in this Section. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP A. All materials and equipment shall be: 1. New and of best grade of standard manufacture. 2. Approved by UL and be so labeled for its specific application. 3. All wire and cable, shall be manufacturer marked as required by Article 310-11 of the NEC. 4. Installed by skilled and licensed electricians and helpers working under the direct supervision of competent experienced foremen and superintendents. 5. Installed in a thorough workmanlike manner, presenting a neat, clean appearance when completed. The electrical contractor shall replace any part or parts not meeting this requirement without extra expense to the Owner. 6. All electrical equipment supplied shall be backed with a minimum of one year warranty from manufacturer. Warranty shall start from the Grand Opening date. 7. All work performed shall be backed with a minimum warranty of one year from the installing contractor. 2.02 TIMELY PLACING OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT A. Switchboards, panelboards, transformers, raceways, conduit, pull boxes, junction boxes, etc., shall be installed at the proper time during progress of construction. Coordinate work sequence and interface with other trades. 2.03 SPACE REQUIREMENTS A. Contractor for work under this Division shall be fully responsible for determining in advance of purchase that equipment and materials proposed for installation shall fit into the confines indicated and allow sufficient clearance for maintenance and service of all equipment including that of other trades. 2.04 MANUFACTURER'S LITERATURE A. Deliver all printed tags, instructions, certified drawings, parts lists, certificates, etc., supplied with equipment items, to the Project Manager at completion of project. B. Assemble all such printed materials into a stiff back binder identified on face. 2.05 PROTECTION OF APPARATUS A. All conduit and other openings shall be kept protected to prevent entry of foreign matter. Fixtures, equipment and apparatus shall be covered for protection against dirt, water, paint, chemical, or mechanical damage before and during construction. The original finish, including shop coat of paint of fixtures, apparatus, or equipment that has been damaged shall be restored prior to final acceptance. BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS 16100-2 20030278 09/07/04 2.06 SUBMITTALS TO CONTRACTOR A. The Contractor shall furnish complete equipment in accordance with Division 1 groups. The groups are listed below: 1. GROUP a. Security System 2. GROUP II a. Devices & Coverplates b. Conduit, Boxes & Fittings c. Wire d. Nameplate Samples & Schedule e. Padlocks f. Grounding Devices g. Gutter Freeze Protection h_ Distribution equipment 2.07 PAINTING submittals for each of the following listed items of electrical For convenience, the Contractor may submit shop drawings in A. Switchgear and light fixtures shall be factory finish painted. Prime coat for other equipment shall be provided under this Division; finish painting under Division 9, "PAINTING". 2.08 DRAYAGE, HOISTING AND SCAFFOLDING A. Contractor fnr this Division shall: 1. - Be- fully responsible for drayage, hoisting, warehousing- and demurrage, for all --equipment and materials to be furnished and installed under this Division. 2. Provide all scaffolding required for erection of materials and equipment included under this Division. 3. Be fully responsible for the safety of his employees using such scaffolding. B. Electrical Contractor shall review all shipments/deliveries of electrical equipment for compliance with approved plans and shop drawings. Any shipments/deliveries accepted by the Electrical Contractor shall be the sole responsibility of the Electrical Contractor for compliance. 2.09 CUTTING AND PATCHING A. Contractor for this Division shall provide openings required for work under this DIVISION. 1. Contractor for this Division shall layout, to dimension and location, all openings on surfaces to be formed, framed, or cut. 2. Should Contractor for this Division fail to adhere with Paragraph A-1, as work progresses, any openings required shall be cut and patched by General Contractor at the expense of the Contractor for this Division. 2.10 INTERFACES WITH OTHER WORK A. There are many interfaces between the work involved with this Division and the work in other Divisions particularly with Division 15. This Contractor shall be aware of the requirements of these other Divisions and his responsibilities at the interfaces. BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS 1610.0-3 20030278 09/07/04 2.11 ALTERNATE MATERIALS A. Contractor for this Division shall submit his bid based on materials scheduled on the plans and specifications. After the contract has been awarded, written requests to the Engineer for material substitutions may be submitted on the Contractor's Letterhead and accompanied with a complete Substitution Request Form (found at the end of this Section). Intent of request for substitution shall be detailed in the Contractor's letter. B. Failure of the Contractor for this division to attach a completed substitution request form for each alternate material submitted, does not relieve this contractor of his obligation to execute this contract in accordance with the drawings and specifications, regardless of any submittals indicated as reviewed and approved by the engineer, and returned to the contractor. C. Contractor shall provide independent pricing for materials and labor indicated as "alternates" on the plans. 2.12 REJECTION OF MATERIALS A. The Project Manager shall have the authority to reject any material, equipment, or workmanship not complying with these specifications, and the Contractor shall replace defective work or material immediately upon notification of rejection. Any material so rejected shall be removed from the job within twenty-four (24) hours of such rejection; otherwise, the Owner may have same removed at this Contractor's expense. 2.13 EQUIPMENT SUPPORT A. Where conduits, wireways, lighting fixtures, transformers, boxes or other electrical equipment are indicated as suspended, the electrical contractor shall provide steel support channel, rods, clamps or other associated devices to securely attach the suspended equipment to substantial structural steel or other similar elements of the building. Penetration thru the roof or walls for this purpose shall not be acceptable. All support systems shall be properly rated as complete assemblies for the weight load and purpose for which they are designed. END OF SECTION SUBSTITUTION REQUEST FORM 16101-1 TH D 09/01 /01 SECTION 16101 - SUBSTITUTION REQUEST FORM PART 1 - GENERAL PROJECT NAME: HOME DEPOT STORE NUMBER: OWNER'S CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: ARCHITECT OF RECORD'S PROJECT MANAGER: OWNER: HOME DEPOT U.S.A., INC. ENGINEER OF RECORD: Proposed Substitution: * Attach complete technical data, including laboratory tests, if applicable. * Include complete information on changes to Drawings and Specifications which proposed substitution will require for its proper installation. * Submit the cost credit associated with this substitution. * Submit a sample of normally manufactured items. Answer The Following: A. Does the substitution affect dimensions shown on Drawings? B. Does the undersigned agree to pay costs of changes to the building design, including engineering and detailing costs caused by the substitution in accordance with Section 01630, Substitutions and Product Options. C. What affect does the substitution have on other trades? D. Differences between proposed substitution and specified item? E. Manufacturer's guarantees of the proposed and specified items are: Same Different (explain on attachment) The undersigned states that the function, appearance and quality are equivalent or superior to the specified item. Submitted By: Signature: Date: Telephone: END OF SECTION RACEWAYS 16110-1 20030278 09/07/04 SECTION 16110 - RACEWAYS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 - RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The General and Supplementary Conditions, and General Requirements (Division 1), apply to the work specified in this Section. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 SECONDARY SERVICE CONDUIT A. Secondary electrical service duct banks shall be concrete encased galvanized rigid steel conduit, IMC, or Schedule 40 PVC. 2.02 FEEDERS A. Rigid conduit or IMC shall be used for all feeders and sub -feeders where exposed to possible physical damage. EMT shall be permitted for feeders in protected areas. 2.03 RACEWAYS A. Except as otherwise noted, specified, or required, provide all conductors in rigid conduit, EMT, flexible conduit or Schedule 40 PVC as hereinafter specified. Rigid conduit, or EMT shall be of the best quality hot -dipped galvanized or sherardized steel tubing, and of standard trade dimensions, smooth inside and out. Each length of conduit shall bear the maker's trademark or stamp. B. Connections to panelboard cabinets and pull boxes shall have grounding wedge lugs, Thomas & Betts, or approved equal, between the busing and the box, or locknuts so designed to bite into the metal. C. Rigid conduit fittings shall be of steel or malleable iron, as manufactured by Thomas & Betts or approved equal. ZINC DIE CAST FITTINGS ARE NOT PERMITTED. D. Fittings for electrical metallic tubing shall be steel set screw type with nylon insulated throat, case hardened locknut, and zinc chromate finish, Thomas & Betts 5030 or 5031. ZINC DIE CAST FITTINGS ARE NOT PERMITTED. Fittings equal to those specified above as manufactured by Midwest, Raco, or Appleton are acceptable. E. All PVC rigid conduit, fittings and cement shall be produced by the same manufacturer. All joints shall be solvent welded in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. All PVC conduit shall be Schedule 40. F. Strain relief cord grip connectors shall be oil and water resistant, with a neoprene bushing, Thomas & Betts Series 2631, or approved equal. G. To insure continuity of ground and improved conductivity, use Kopr-Shield compound, Series CP-8 as manufactured by Thomas & Betts, or approved equal, on all threaded joints. H. Provide junction boxes and pull boxes where shown on plans, in accordance with Article 370 of the NEC, and as necessary to avoid excessive runs or too many bends between outlets. I. Expansion fittings shall be installed in all rigid conduit and EMT, which passes through an expansion joint. Approved manufacturers are Appleton, Crouse -Hinds, or O.Z. Gedney Manufacturing Type "AX". RACEWAYS 16110-2 20030278 09/07/04 Approved conduit manufacturers are: 1. RIGID, IMC OR FLEXIBLE CONDUIT a. Allied b. Republic c. Triangle d. Wheatland e. Youngstown 2. FLEXIBLE CONDUIT (PVC Cover) a. Anaconda "Sealite" b. Robroy 3. ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING a. Steeltubes b. NationalX-Duct, Jr. c. Wheatland d. Allied e. Triangle f. Yuungsluwn 4. PLASTIC PVC a. Carlon Schedule 40 2.04 FLEXIBLE CONDUIT A., FLEXIBLE STEEL CONDUIT (NO COVER): Flexible steel conduit shall bP used in making short flexible connections from outlet boxes to recessed lighting fixtures. Flexible steel conduit serving lighting fixtures shall be 72" in length. Flexible steel conduit serving other equipment shall be as short as possible, but shall have a minimum length of 12". B. PVC EXTRUDED COVER FLEXIBLE CONDUIT: Only PVC extruded cover flexible conduit will be permitted for use in making up short flexible connections to dry -type transformers, rotating or vibrating machinery, display equipment, or any other equipment where exposed to moisture. The flexible conduit at these locations shall be as short as possible, but no less than 12". C. A copper stranded bonding jumper shall be installed inside all flexible conduits. Provide an insulated grounding coupling at the transition from rigid to flexible conduits. 2.05 INSULATING BUSHINGS A. All rigid conduit 1" and larger terminating in cabinets, panel boxes, pull boxes, and similar boxes shall have insulated grounding bushings. 2.06 CONDUIT PROTECTION A. Conduits for electrical service entrance conductors, installed in the ground, both outside and beneath the building, shall be encased in a concrete duct bank. Conduits shall be spaced a minimum of 8.25" on center with a minimum of 4" of concrete on all sides. The depth to the top of electrical duct bank encasement shall be 30". All threaded joints in conduit that are encased in concrete shall have UL listed joint compound applied in order to be concrete tite and watertight. B. Conduits for branch circuits outside the building not beneath driveways or parking areas shall be directly buried without concrete encasement. The depth to the top of direct buried conduits shall be 30". C. Conduits runs inside the building, that are indicated as run concealed, below the "on -grade" floor slab, shall be installed below the slab base, prior to the floor slab pours. Conduit runs shall be spaced no less than 2 times their diameter. Where vapor barriers are installed between the base and the floor slab, reseal conduit penetrations as required to maintain continuity of the vapor barrier. RACEWAYS 20030278 16110-3 09/07/04 D. For all conduits and conduit duct banks installed in the ground outside the building, provide identifying marker tape the entire length of each conduit or duct bank. The tape shall be constructed of inert polyethylene, resistant to acids, alkalis, etc., in the soil, and shall be a minimum 4 mil thickness. The tape shall be yellow, 6" wide, and shall have the words "CAUTION ELECTRIC LINE BURIED BELOW," imprinted with contrasting permanent ink. The imprint shall repeat itself for the entire length of the tape. The tape shall be buried at a maximum of 18" below finished grade, above a portion of the earth fill above the conduit or concrete encasement. The tape shall be "Terra Tape" as manufactured by Reef Industries Inc., P. O. Box 33248, Houston, Texas 77033 (1-800-231-6074). E. Conduit shall be secured in place and protected to prevent damage to work during construction. The ends of all conduit and conduit fittings shall be plugged to avoid filling with debris. Install Thomas & Betts "Push -Penney Plugs," Series 1470 on all conduits prior to final connection. All conduit shall be cleared of water and debris prior to pulling wire. F. Conduits shall not be installed on the interior columns of the sales area and receiving area. G. Conduits serving the roof top equipment, including HVAC feeders, service receptacles, EMS and Fire Alarm controls, shall be routed along the overhead structure and turned down the perimeter and interior walls at the panel or cabinet of the circuits' origination. H. Conduits shall be surface mounted on all tilt -up walls, unless specifically noted as concealed. 2.07 CONCRETE A. Concrete for underground conduit protection, pads and conduit duct banks shall be of 3000 PSI mix. 2.08 CUTTING AND PATCHING A. Provide sleeves for conduit, cables and busways accurately before concrete floors are poured, or set boxes on the forms so as to leave openings in the floors in which the required sleeves can be subsequently located; in which case fill in the concrete voids around the sleeves. B. Should the contractor neglect to perform this preliminary work and should cutting be required in order to install conduit, cables, busway, or equipment, the expense of the cutting and restoring of surfaces to their original condition shall be borne by this Contractor. 2.09 PENETRATIONS A. Where any electrical item such as conduit, cable, telephone cable, busway, etc., penetrates a wall, floor, or ceiling, the original integrity of the respective wall, floor, or ceiling shall be restored. The fireproof rating of the sealant used shall have an equal or better rating than the original fire separation material. B. Seals shall be provided for all telephone cable. Coordinate this installation with the local telephone company. C. All openings provided for future conduit or future cable shall be fire sealed. D. The penetrations shall be fire sealed with the original material or a UL listed fitting designed for that purpose. 2.10 BELOW GRADE CONDUIT AND CABLE SEAL A. The seal for either conduits or cables below grade shall form a reliable, lasting seal between building exterior and shall be able to withstand pressures to a minimum of 50 feet head of water. The below grade seals shall be as manufactured by O.Z. Gedney and sized for the particular application. RACEWAYS 16110-4 20030278 09/07/04 2.11 THREADED JOINT COMPOUND A. Threaded joint compound shall be corrosion inhibiting compound that is electrically conductive under pipe joint pressure. The compound shall be Thomas & Betts "KOPR-SHIELD", or approved equal. 2.12 SMOKE AND FIRE STOP FITTINGS A. Smoke and Fire Stop Fittings shall be UL listed for that purpose. The fittings used to seal conduit either on the outside of the conduit or cable or internally shall have heat activated intumescent material which expands to fill all voids and shall be O.Z. Gedney "FIRE -SEAL" or approved equal with an hourly fire -rating equal to or higher than the rating of the floor or wall through which the cable or conduit passes. The seals for conduit shall be of the flanged type. 2.13 CORROSION PROTECTION A. Conduits installed in concrete or in direct contact with the earth, or in areas subject to acidic soils, high ground water, or other severely corrosive influences, shall be protected with anti -corrosive compounds, which are UL approved for that particular application. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Conduit shall be continuous from outlet to outlet, from outlet to panelboard cabinet, junction box, and/or pull box. Conduit shall enter and be secured to all boxes, etc., in such a manner that each system will be electrlcally continuous front setviue to all outlets. All conduit from panelboard cabinets and junction boxes shall terminate in approved outlet boxes or conduit fittings. Conduit connection to any box, which has no threaded hub for its reception, shall be double locknutted. B. In general, the conduit installation shall follow the layout shown. However, this layout is diagrammatic only; where changes are necessary due to structural conditions, other apparatus, or other causes, such changes shall be made without any additional cost to the Owner. Offsets in conduit are not indicated, and must be provided as required. C. At couplings, conduit ends shall be threaded so they meet in the coupling. Right and left couplings shall not be used; conduit couplings of the Erickson type, or approved equal, shall be used at locations requiring such joints. D. Where conduit is installed in outdoor or indoor locations and exposed to continuous or intermittent moisture, connections at enclosures shall provide a liquid -tight seal. The sealing hub fittings shall be of steel or malleable iron, with a recessed sealing "0" ring and a nylon insulated throat, Thomas & Betts Series 370. All conduit and cable, telephone or otherwise, which extend from the interior to the exterior below grade shall be sealed with a fitting designed for that particular use so as to be watertight. E. Minimum size conduit for branch circuits shall be'/2". Home run conduits for lighting branch circuits and receptacle branch circuits shall be 3/a" minimum size. Home runs shall extend from outlets shown to panel designated. F. No bends will be permitted with a radius less than six (6) times the diameter of the conduit, and not more than 90 degrees. G. All conduit shall be concealed in walls, in/or below floors, or above ceilings unless otherwise directed or indicated. Concealed conduit shall be supported from the building construction at intervals not exceeding 8'-0". Concealed conduit above the ceiling shall be supported independent of ceiling construction. Where ceilings of the lay -in type are used, conduit must be installed high enough to permit removal of ceiling panels and lighting fixtures. RACEWA 20030278 16110-5 09/07/04 H. Where conduit is expressly shown to be run exposed, the conduit shall be supported at intervals of 8'-0" with machine screws for metal construction, and expansion bolts for masonry construction. Exposed conduit in finished spaces that pass through walls or ceiling shall be provided with galvanized steel escutcheons. Exposed conduit, where permitted by this specification, parallel or at right angles to the building walls and ceiling, shall be supported from wails or ceilings with approved galvanized iron clamps or hangers. Devices attached to masonry or slabs shall be secured with inserts and bolts or lead expansion sleeves. Provide a conduit support 8" or less from each outlet box, at each conduit elbow, and at each junction box. I. The conduit sizes shown may be increased if desired to facilitate the pulling of cables. J. Where devices are supplied from conduit in or below floor slabs, the conduit shall be stubbed up the specified height at the location shown and the masonry wall built-up around the conduit by cutting the webs of the concrete blocks. K. Where two (2) or more conduits are run parallel and adjacent, they shall be installed on gang hangers. L. Conduit embedded in concrete, which is in contact with the earth, and conduit installed outside the building below grade shall be rigid steel conduit, or Schedule 40 PVC. Conduit elsewhere shall be EMT unless specified or noted otherwise. Schedule 40 PVC conduits shall have rigid steel elbows at all bends. PVC conduit above grade (inside or outside the building) is not acceptable. M. Conduit run above grade, outside the building, not under solid canopy or structure shall be rigid steel. N. Conduits emerging from PVC runs below slab or grade to a panel, switchboard, or other device shall be rigid steel. O. Metallic conduits shall not be used as a means of equipment grounding or as an equipment grounding conductor where expressly forbidden by the local inspections department or plan review board of jurisdiction. P. Where conduit drops from the ceiling support structure to the merchandise rack system exceed 8' in length, the electrical contractor shall make provision for intermediate conduit support to satisfy the requirements of NEC 348-12 for EMT, and all other related articles including those for Rigid Steel Conduit. Q. All conduit shall be run at right angles with and/or parallel with floors and walls. R. All fire pump power and control wiring shall be in rigid metal conduit, intermediate metal conduit, liquidtight flexible metal conduit, or type mi cable. S. The Electrical Contractor shall coordinate the exact location of PVC drops poles with Home depot prior to final installation. T. Electrical Contractor shall cut opening in the top of the desk for cable and conduit exiting the PVC drop. Coordinate the exact location with Home Depot. END OF SECTION VVIRE AND C-ABI_FS 1014u- 1 20030278 09/07/04 SECTION 16120 - WIRE AND CABLES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The General and Supplementary Conditions, and General Requirements (Division 1), Apply to the work specified in this Section. 1.02 WIRING SYSTEM A. Provide a complete system of wiring with all feeders and branch circuits as shown on the drawings. The wiring system shall be complete from the service entrance to each and every outlet and apparatus shown on the drawings, which require electrical connections. 1.03 CONDUCTORS A. Specified gauge sizes refer to American Wire Gauge. All wire and cable shall be of soft drawn, annealed copper having a conductivity of not less than 98% of that of pure copper. Each wire shall be continuous without weld, splice, or joint throughout its length; uniform in cross section and free from flaws, scales, and other imperfections. B. All conductors shall have 600 volt insulation. Sizes specified are AWG through No. 4/0 and circular mils above No. 4/0. Conductors #10 and smaller shall be solid; No. 8 and larger, stranded. C. Conductors No. 4 and smaller shall be type "THHN/THWN"' larger conductors shall be type "XHHW". D. All conductors shall be Anaconda, Diamond, General Electric, General Cable, Paranite, Reynolds, Simplex, Triangle, or Southwire. E. MC or armor clad cable shall not be used except where specifically called out on drawings. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 BRANCH CIRCUIT CONDUCTORS A. Minimum wire size for lighting and power circuits shall be #12 (unless noted otherwise on the plans). For all 20 A. branch circuits, wire sizes shall be not less than those specified below: 120 V. circuits - Run distance in feet Wire size in AWG up to 60 #12 61 to 95 #10 96 to 150 # 8 151 to 230 # 6 277 V. circuits - Run distance in feet Wire size in AWG up to 130 #12 131 to 220 #10 221 to 330 # 8 331 to 530 # 6 480 VA circuits - Run distance in feet Wire size in AWG up to 225 #12 226 to 375 #10 376 to 575 # 8 576 to 900 # 6 based on THWN/THHN 75 degree C copper conductors, 1 phase circuits, 90% power factor, maximum circuit load of 16A., (K) constant = 12. Refer to the plans for specific circuit requirement. If the length of the circuit run exceeds what is listed in the charts above, the load on the circuit shall be limited such that #6 AN/G conductors may be used and the voltage drop for the total circuit not exceed 5%. In no case shall the voltage drop exceed 3°5 for branch circuits. WIRE AND CABLES 16120-2 20030278 09/07/04 B. Typical non -conditioned power, lighting, and motor branch circuit conductors shall be color -coded as follows: 20BY/I20 VOLT SYSTEM 480Y/277VOLT SYSTEM Phase A - Black Phase A - Brown Phase B - Red Phase B - Orange Phase C - Blue Phase C - Yellow Neutral - White Neutral - Grey Ground - Green Ground — Green Conditioned power (Panel "R") branch circuit conductors shall be color coded as follows: Phase A - Purple Phase B - Pink Neutral - White with Yellow stripe Ground - Green with Yellow stripe C. Feeder and service entrance conductors shall be color coded by the use of colored plastic tape applied within 6" of each conductor end. Conductors passing through pull boxes will be siniilarly marked. D. Provide a #16 AWG iron pull wire or plastic pull line (rated at 500 lbs. test) in all conduits for future use. The ends of such conduit shall be capped. E. Branch circuit wiring which supplies more than one fluorescent fixture through the wireway of other fixtures shall be rated for use at -i50 degrees C. F. All conductors in conduit and wireways shall be derated according to NEC 310-16 Note-8. All conductors pulled into the- sales area lighting and rack power conduits and wireways shall be type THI-IN rated 90 degree C. Minimum allowed conductor size in the lighting and rack power raceway is #10 AWG. 2.02 WIRE AND CABLE SPECIFICATIONS A. All low voltage conductors shall be rated 300 volt, 60 degree C polyethylene insulation, chrome PVC jacketed, NEC -CM type. Conductors shall be Belden #8760 - #18 AWG, 1 pair, tinned copper, stranded (16 X 30) with 100% aluminum -polyester shield and #20 AWG tinned copper drain wire. B. All shields and drain wires on low voltage cable shall be attached to the appropriate grounding terminals as indicated on the EM drawings under Division 15. C. All control wiring to the EMP (both line and low voltage) shall be terminated in quick connect type clips. Use AMP plasti-grip or equal standard grade. D. All control wiring to lighting contactors shall be terminated in quick connect type clips. Use AMP plasti-grip or equal standard grade. E. All control wiring noted shall be stranded, not solid. F. All conductors for use at line voltages shall meet the specifications of section 16120, and shall be enclosed in continuous EMT conduit. Stranded contactor control wiring shall be provided in lieu of solid as specified in 16120. WIRE AND CABLES 20030278 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 WIRE AND CABLE 09/07/04 A. Wire shall not be drawn into a conduit until all work of a nature, which may cause injury, is complete. Ideal, Wire -Ease, or approved equal may be used as a lubricant. Where two (2) or more circuits run to a single outlet box, tag each circuit with linen tags as a guide to the fixture hanger in making fixture connections. B. All stranded conductors shall be furnished with copper connecting lugs drilled or reamed the full diameter of the bar conductors. Mains and feeders shall be run their entire length in continuous pieces without joints or splices. C. Conductors shall be continuous from outlet to outlet and from outlet to junction box or pull box. All splices and joints shall be carefully and securely made to be mechanically and electrically solid with pressure type connectors, "SCOTCHLOK" or approved equal. Tape shall be "Scotch" No. 33+ for indoor and No. 88 for outdoor or approved equal. Where connection is made to any terminal, copper terminal lugs shall be bolted or compression fitted to the conductors. Where multiple connections are made to the same terminal, individual lugs for each conductor shall be used. D. At each fixture outlet a loop or end of wire not less than 8" long shall be left for connection to fixtures. E. No conductors shall be pulled until the raceway system is complete. F. The number of cross hatches, where indicated, designates the number of conductors to be installed when the number exceeds a minimum of two (2). Where cross hatches are not indicated, the number of conductors shall be as determined by switching, homeruns, etc. This does not apply to conduit provided for telephone or other special systems. G. Branch circuits shall contain the necessary number of conductors to afford the switch control indicated. H. Conditioned power circuits shall be #10 AWG minimum, including. neutrals. All low voltage conductors shall be PVC jacketed in conduit from the EMP panel up to the underside of the roof deck, then run exposed, parallel and perpendicular to the joists, bundled and tie -wrapped in a neat and efficient manner. Access to the roof top HVAC units shall be through'/2" conduit stub -ups beginning in a 4" square_ junction box attached to the structural framing, then up through a 4" square steel pitch pipe (also to be used for power circuit access) onto the roof. Once on the roof, the conduit shall be converted to flexible waterproof "seal-tite" conduit before entering the HVAC unit control section through the exterior panel knockouts provided. J. It is the responsibility of the electrical contractor to determine in advance, all requirements of the local authorities of jurisdiction governing low voltage exposed cabling prior to submitting his base bid. K. Where exposed PVC jacketed cabling is not allowed by local authorities (per specification section 16125 - 2.03 L. Paragraph - F), the electrical contractor shall provide and install an alternate wiring system that is acceptable to the local authorities: 1. Install all low voltage PVC jacketed cable in continuous EMT conduit between all terminations and connections. M. or 1. Install NEC-CMP rated, type FPLP (low smoke producing, fire resistant) exposed cable. WIRE AND CABLES 9 612Q-4 20030278 09/07/04 END OF SECTION ❑UTLET BOXES AND JUNCTION BOXES 20030278 09/07/04 SECTION 16130 - OUTLET BOXES AND JUNCTION BOXES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The General and Supplementary Conditions, and General Requirements (Division 1), apply to the work specified in this Section. 1.02 LOCATION OF OUTLETS A. Unless specifically indicated, all outlets are located diagrammatically on the drawings. Reference shall be made to architectural and mechanical plans for the exact location of all outlets. Outlets shall be located so that they will be symmetrical with architectural details and power outlets shall be so located as to properly serve the equipment. 1.03 OUTLET BOXES A. Provide all outlet boxes for lighting fixtures, wall switches, wall receptacles, telephones, etc., galvanized steel for concealed work, or cast type boxes; as specified. Provide cast ferrous alloy outlet boxes for all surface mounted wall switches and receptacles. Utility boxes are not acceptable. 1.04 JUNCTION BOXES AND PULL BOXES A. Furnish and install junction boxes as required to facilitate installation of the various conduit systems and as required by Article 370 of the NEC. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 OUTLET BOXES A. Outlet boxes used in rigid conduit work exposed to weather shall be cast ferrous alloy type. B. Outlet boxes in ceiling and gypsum stud walls, shall be 4" square, or 4-11/16" square boxes. Plaster covers 1/2" in height shall be installed on boxes in walls and in acoustical tile ceilings. Boxes in concrete slab ceilings shall be concrete type. C. Outlets at origins of "home runs" to panelboards shall be 4-11/16" square outlet boxes. D. Outlet boxes recessed in concrete block walls and partitions shall be designed especially for installation in block and tile walls and partitions. Single -gang or multi -gang square cornered masonry boxes shall be used for one or more devices at the termination of a conduit run. Conventional 4" square or 4-11/16" square boxes fitted with square tile covers of proper depth for concrete block shall be used where two (2) or more conduits enter a box. E. Wall and column telephone outlets shall be 4" square, with 1/2" hole single device cover. F. Flush mounted outlet boxes in all exposed masonry walls shall be RACO or Steel City masonry type. The boxes and box covers shall have square edges and shall have the device mounting holes inside the box. G. Stamped steel outlet boxes shall be manufactured by Appleton Electric Company, RACO Manufacturing Company, or Steel City Electric Company. OUTLET BOXES AND JUNCTION BOXES 16130-2 20030278 09/07/04 H. All boxes shall be identified with a permanent and indelible self-adhesive label. This label shall indicate the circuit number and source panelboard for all lighting, power, heating, and motor circuits. Likewise, all communications boxes for EMS, fire alarm, security, controls, voice, data, and POS cables shall be identified by system symbol and cable designation per the cable legend shown on the drawings. All labels shall be affixed to the interior back surface of the box. 2.02 DEVICE BOXES A. Device boxes shall be minimum 3"H x 2"W x 2-3/a"D per gang, same manufacture as outlet boxes. 2.03 JUNCTION BOXES AND PULL BOXES A. Furnish and install all junction boxes required to facilitate the installation of the various conduit systems. B. All junction and pull boxes shall be accessible with covers designed for quick removal. Where boxes are required to occur above a non -accessible furred ceiling in a finished area, the rPmovahle rover shall hp flush with the finished ceiling. The exact location shall be approved by the Project Manager. 2.04 INSULATED BUSHINGS A. Insulating bushings shall be used in all pull boxes, tap boxes and switches. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 OUTLET LOCATIONS A. The location of any outlet, device or lighting fixture may be moved 10' with the prior approval of the Project Manager and before it is installed, without any additional expense to the Owner. B. This contractor shall check the location of all wall outlets including light fixtures, receptacles and switches, to verify that the outlets will clear any wall fixture, shelving, work tables, sinks, or similar equipment that will be installed. C. Outlets occurring in architectural features shall be accurately centered in same. Install wall switch outlets on the STRIKE SIDE of doors with coverplates clearing door trim. D. Outlet boxes in partitions shall NOT be set back to back. Boxes set side by side facing separate rooms or spaces, shall be nippled together by offset nipples. After conductors are pulled, the nipples shall be tightly packed with insulation to prevent sound transmission. E. The drawings are intended to show the locations of outlets, devices, fixtures and arrangement and control of circuits only. Exact locations shall be determined by actual measurement at the building and/or by reference to the architectural drawings. F. Outlet boxes shall be provided with %" fixture stud to support light fixtures. Outlet boxes shall be firmly anchored to structural members of the building, using wood screws for wood construction, bolts for steel construction and expansion bolts secured in place with cement mortar for masonry construction. Ceiling outlets flush in furred acoustical tile ceiling construction for surface or pendant mounted lighting fixtures shall be 4" square or octagonal pressed steel boxes supported from stud and rod, bars or hangers supported from the building structure independent of the ceiling construction. For outlet boxes located between steel studs, provide Caddy No. BHA; and adjacent to studs, provide Caddy No. MSC. G. Junction boxes shall be provided with blank covers. Covers on ceiling outlets shall be round, and shall be painted to match ceilings. OUTLET" BOXES AND JUNCTION BOXES 16130-3 20030278 09/07/04 H. Covers on wall junction boxes shall be of size and finish as used on switch and receptacle outlets. Mark circuit number on each. I. Outlet boxes are to be flush mounted within stud wall partitions and surface mounted on concrete and/or masonry surfaces, unless specifically noted otherwise in drawings. Where recessed, the edge of outlet boxes shall be flush with the surface in which they are recessed. The devices that fit into the outlet boxes shall be screwed tight before the coverplate is installed, and the coverplate shall NOT be used as a means of tightening the devices in place. J. Where outlets are shown as being adjacent and different mounting heights are specified for each, they shall be mounted ONE DIRECTLY over the other, on the center line of the group or on the center line or the room or wall. K. The mounting height of all wall outlets is indicated on the architectural or electrical plans. The mounting height is from finished floor to the centerline of the device or outlet. The contractor may, with the Project Manager's approval on the job, slightly vary the mounting height of wall outlet so that the outlet box, top or bottom occur at a masonry joint. L. Boxes and enclosures for emergency circuits shall be marked with red labels saying "EMERGENCY" or in some other manner made clearly identifiable to electricians or maintenance personnel. END OF SECTION SWITCHES AND RECEPTACLES 16140-1 20030278 09/07/04 SECTION 16140 - SWITCHES AND RECEPTACLES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The General and Supplementary Conditions, and General Requirements (Division 1), apply to the work specified in this Section. 1.02 SWITCHES, RECEPTACLES & COVERPLATES A. Provide switches, receptacles and coverplates as indicated on the plans and as specified herein. B. Color of non -UPS protected devices shall be gray and installed with brushed aluminum or steel coverplates. C. Color of clean devices shall be orange. D. Color of standby devices shall be red PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 SWITCHES A. Single pole toggle - Hubbell No. 1221. B. Three-way toggle - Hubbell No. 1223. C. Surface or flush mounted manual starters (with overload protection) for fractional horsepower motors shall be Square "D" Type FSJ-1 P (flush) or Type FG-1 P (surface). D. Remote start -stop push button stations shall be mounted in NEMA one (1) enclosure and shall be Square "D" Heavy -Duty Class 9001. Push button stations to be grouped or ganged shall be mounted in a NEMA one (1) sheet steel enclosure. E. Wiring devices equal to those described above as manufactured by Arrow Hart, Slater, Leviton, or Pass & Seymour are acceptable. 2.02 RECEPTACLES A. Duplex receptacles shall be 20 Amp., 125V, Hubbell No. 5352 Gray. B. Dedicated circuit receptacles shall be 20 Amp., 125V, Hubbell No. 5352 Gray. C. Isolated ground receptacles shall be 20 Amp., 125V, Hubbell No. IG-5362 Orange. D. Standby device receptacles shall be 20 Amp., 125V, Hubbell No. 5352 Red. E. Special receptacles as noted on drawings. F. Ground fault circuit interrupter receptacles shall be duplex, shall provide Class A (5 ma sensitivity) GFCI protection and shall be the feed -through type. G. Wiring devices equal to those described above as manufactured by Arrow Hart, Leviton, or Pass & Seymour are acceptable. SWITCHES AND RECEPTACLES 16140-2 20030278 09/07/04 2.03 COVERPLATES A. Where the switch or device is flush mounted and located in public areas (such as public corridors, sales areas, etc.) the coverplates shall be aluminum, satin finish, oversize, Sierra "SO" Series. B. Where the switch or device is flush mounted and located in non-public areas (such as service corridors, storage rooms, electrical rooms, mechanical rooms, etc.), the coverplates shall be steel, smooth finish, oversize, Sierra "PO" Series. C. Color of coverplate other than aluminum or steel shall be as selected by Project Manager. D. Coverplates for surface mounted devices on racks shall be formed steel with cadmium plating, Sierra "H" Series, or approved equal. E. Telephone outlet coverplates shall be similar to those materials as specified above and shall have a 5/B" bushed hole in the center, or RJ jack opening as required. F. Standard Weather roof Cover lates: All outlets located outdoors in roof top units or in Garden Center areas other than HPE shall be covered with standard gasketed covers such as Hubbell CWPBH and CW P26H. G. Weatherproof While in Service Covers: All outlets in HPE and at wet locations where subjected to possible spravina of water, such as at the ceramic floor tile saw, shall -be covered with "Weatherproof While in Service" covers. Use RACO/BELL OUTDOOR "RAYNTITE II" series: configuration as required for GFCI, standard duplex, telephone, data, single or double ganq etc. Approved equal bV TAYMAC is acceptable. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Where more than one device is indicated at a location, the devices shall be mounted in combined sectional gang boxes and covered jointly by a common plate. B. Light switches shall be installed on the strike side of doors as actually installed; advise Project Manager where drawinqs contradict. C. The Project Manager reserves the right to relocate any wiring device up to a distance of 10' from the location shown, before rough -in, without additional cost. D. All junction boxes, outlet boxes, sectional switch boxes, utility boxes, etc., shall be covered with a finished coverplate unless specifically noted otherwise. E. Contractor shall not install coverplates until after the final job visit by the Project Manager and Electrical Engineer. END OF SECTION MOTORS 16150-1 20030278 09/07/04 SECTION 16150 - MOTORS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The General and Supplementary Conditions, and General Requirements (Division 1), apply to the work specified in this Section. 1.02 MOTORS A. Provide connections to all motors, starters, motor controllers, etc., as shown on the plans and herein specified. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 MOTOR AND MOTOR CONTROLS A. All motors for mechanical heating, cooling and ventilation equipment together with their integral associated controllers, starters, speed control, relays, transformers, contacts, individual element protection, etc., shall be provided under other Sections of the specifications. B. Except as otherwise specified herein, installation of external unit controllers, push buttons, contactors, etc., and external wiring to motors, controllers, push button stations, appliances, unit heaters, etc., shall be provided under this Section of the specifications. C. Furnish and install all raceways and wiring complete, including all associated mounting devices. D. Connection to all motors shall be in flexible metallic conduit 18" in length minimum and not exceeding 36" in length. In damp or wet locations flexible conduit shall be seal-tite (rated NEMA-3R) extruded PVC coated flexible EMT. E. In addition, the electrical contractor shall furnish and install all: 1. External control and interlock wiring, including all conduit and outlet boxes. 2. External disconnect switches. 3. Note that all unit equipment, motor sizes, and locations indicated are approximate; make connections to equipment as actually installed. Before connecting any equipment, verify the nameplate data against the information shown on the drawings and advise the Architect and Engineer of any discrepancies. 2.02 MOTOR STARTERS A. Integral motor starters for HVAC units shall be provided by Division 15. B. External manual starters, (2 HP or less), for unit equipment and motors provided by Division 15, shall be provided by this Division. C. External starters for plumbing equipment motors, sump pumps, domestic water pumps, etc., shall be provided with the equipment under Division 15. External unit station control shall be provided by this Division. D. Refer to Division 15 drawings for all equipment location and unit requirements. E. Single phase motors not equipped with overload protection shall be connected with a manual motor -� starter, provided under this Division. Starter may be used for control or disconnect purposes. MOTORS 15150-2 20030278 09/07/04 2.03 MISCELLANEOUS CONNECTIONS A. Equipment furnished by the Owner or under other Divisions, shall be installed by others. This contractor shall furnish and install electrical service, service disconnect switches and make the electrical circuit connection to this equipment. B. Equipment such as Radial Arm Saw, Panel Saw and associated Vacuums furnished by Owner shall be installed and wired by E.C. Disconnects, motor starters, devices and warning lights shall be furnished and installed by E.C. Owner furnished keypads shall be installed by E.C. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 MOTOR CONNECTIONS A. Where connections are made to motors not near walls, or columns, a vertical conduit attached to floor and ceiling shall be installed and the wiring carried in and out of this conduit by means of condulets. Provide wood backboards for mounting equipment shown on the drawings. Mount motor starting and control equipment, wiring, cable troughs, conduit, and other required apparatus on a wood backboard. Backboards shall be made of B-D INT-DFPA grade plywood, painted gray on all sides. Backboards shall be supported by an angle iron frame. Frame and board to be painted light gray. Space shall be left on backboards for installation of equipment specified under other sections. END OF SECTION SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION 1 6400-1 20030278 09/07/04 SECTION 16400 - SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The General and Supplementary Conditions and General Requirements (Division 1) apply to the work specified in the Section. 1.02 GENERAL A. The switchgear together with all required factory hardware, accessories, enclosures, pull sections, auxiliary sections, C.T. compartments, pulse -meter, barriers, bolted pressure switches, fuse clips, nameplates, panelboards, ground bars, transformers, transformer mounting kits, disconnect switches, safety switches, telephone cabinets, separate starters, combination starters, thermal overloads, contactors, service entrance transient voltage surge suppressors, lugs, bussing, controls, fuses, fusible switches, breakers, GFI monitors, relays, etc. shall be provided and installed by the electrical contractor, under this Section. B. The external electrical equipment (loose gear) shall be furnished and installed by the Contractor and shall include, but is not limited to: 1. Lighting and appliance panels w/breakers 2. Utility service transformers w/lugs for primary and secondary connections (Primary service only.) 3. Self-contained transformers 4. Disconnect switches w/fuses (as applicable) 5. Motor starters 6. Contactors and Relays (as scheduled) 7. Radiant heater manual switches 8. Radial arm/panel saw components (i.e. Combination starters, control power transformers, disconnect switch and pushbuttons). 9. Battery charger pushbuttons. 10. Paddle fan switches. 11. Sales area 6" x 6" hinged wireway systems (mounting hardware shall be provided by electrical contractor per installation details). 12. Front telephone cabinet. 13. Shunt trip protection, if required. 14. Raceways 15. Note: Electrical contractor shall provide all other electrical devices (not listed) as required per construction documents. Refer to 1.02°C (this spec) for additional information. C. Any additional required devices or accessories not factory -installed such as the mounting hardware, vibration isolators, support rods, straps, support channel, external cabinet conduit, boxes, connectors, couplings, interface wiring between devices, line power circuits, internal wiring between devices, accessory relays, etc. shall be provided by the electrical contractor. D. Electrical contractor shall include in his price all labor and equipment rental necessary to completely install the switchgear as indicated on the plans, and shall perform all warranty work required during the warranty period. E. All conduit, wire, couplings, connectors, clamps, adapters or any other required electrical accessories not factory -installed shall be provided by the electrical contractor as indicated on the plans. Major wireways that cross the store sales area serving rack power and lighting shall be furnished and installed by the electrical contractor. SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION 16400-2 20030278 09/07/04 F. Electrical contractor shall receive the switchgear package at the site, review order for completeness, inspect all cartons and pallets for damage and correct labeling. Shortages or damaged materials shall be replaced. G. Changes to materials after receipt of shipment shall be coordinated by the electrical contractor immediately upon receipt of revised plans. The associated change in materials and additional labor costs shall be submitted by the electrical contractor to the general contractor to be forwarded to The Home Depot project manager for approval. H. The electrical contractor shall store and protect all materials furnished by the electrical contractor for installation. Refer to specifications section 16100. 1.03 APPARATUS A. All apparatus and equipment specified hereinafter in this section shall fully conform to current standards of NEMA to the extent applicable to each type and class of equipment and apparatus described; and shall individually bear the seal of the Underwriter's Laboratories. When being utilized in Canada, all apparatus and equipment shall individually bear the CSA seal. Labeled equipment shall meet or exceed all of the requirements of performance testing under UL 891. B. All apparatus and material shall be of one and the same manufacturer, unless specifically indicated otherwise. C. The types, classes, and catalog numbers of materials and devices hereinafter stated are employed to esinhiiah the g1laxity of apparatus anti ecoiioment req uired for this work. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MAIN DISTRIBUTION PANELBOARDS A. The Contractor shall install as herein specified, and where indicated on the plans, series -rated, indoor, totally -enclosed, dead front, low -voltage, distribution panelboards in accordance with the latest applicable standards of NEMA and UL. Panelboards shall be listed as suitable for use as service entrance equipment. Rating shall be for 480/277 volts, 3 phase, 4 wire service, in the ampere capacity as indicated on the plans. B. Panelboard enclosure shall be constructed of steel with rigidity and gauge in accordance with UL 50. Trims on equipment in the enclosed electrical room shall be complete without doors, while all other equipment outside of this room shall be complete with doors containing three-point latch and vault lock. All locks shall be keyed alike. Enclosure and trims shall be finished with rust inhibiting prime coat with baked -on enamel finish coat in manufacturer's color, or as an unpainted metal treated to equally withstand rusting as a painted enclosure, whichever is more cost effective. Wiring gutters shall be sized in accordance with UL 67. C. Bus structure and main breaker shall have current ratings as indicated on the drawings. The bus bars shall be of such size, quantity and spacing so that, under fully loaded conditions, the temperature rise shall not exceed 500C above ambient. Heat tests shall be conducted in accordance with UL 67. D. All bus bars shall be silver-plated copper having a conductivity of not less than 98% of that of pure copper. Plating shall not blister or peel, and shall be resistant to corrosion if scored or scratched. Bus plating shall be resistant to galvanic action between copper and dissimilar metals. SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTi❑ 20030278 16400-3 09/07/04 E. Each panelboard, as a complete unit, shall have a short circuit rating equal to or greater than the minimum integrated AIC rating indicated on the drawings. The short circuit rating may be determined on a "Series Rated System" basis. The panelboard series rating shall be determined for the main circuit breaker and branch circuit breaker combination tested in accordance with UL 489. If series rated system is provided, each panelboard shall be clearly labeled as such with a warning describing selection of acceptable replacement circuit breakers. F. The main distribution panelboards shall have a ground bus and 100% neutral bus. Provide with full size grounding strap connecting the ground and neutral bus. Interconnection between these two busses shall occur only in panelboards used as service entrance equipment. G. All distribution circuit breakers shall be manually operated, thermal -magnetic, automatic tripping, of the ampacity and poles as scheduled on the plans, and quick-make/quick-break type. Breakers shall be over -the -center toggle operating type, with the handle going to a position between "ON" AND "OFF" to indicate automatic tripping. All multi -pole breakers shall have internal common trip. H. All circuit breakers, including any connectors to the main bus shall be bolt -on type and rigidly braced. All feeder breakers within the main distribution switchboard/panelboards shall be factory wired to the associated panelboards. Wire markers shall be utilized to identify the conductors and matched on both ends with panel designation and phase markings. Where shipping splits are shown, provide adequate wire and associated barriers, conduit, and other necessary materials for contractor connection. The switchboard/panelboard manufacturer shall connect and secure either the line or load side of each connection on shipping splits. J. Spaces for future installation of molded case circuit breakers are specified by the frame size. The spaces shall be complete with all bus and required bus connectors such that future breakers can be installed without adding or changing bus connectors on the main bus and without using a larger (frame size) or more expensive breaker than the trip size and interrupting capacity would require. K. A pulse -meter that is compatible with Novar shall be provided, installed, and connected to the EMS wiring harness by the panel manufacturer vendor. Pulse meter current transformers shall be bus mounted or mounted upstream of secondary phase lugs. Panel manufacturer shall also provide, install, and wire current transformer shorting blocks. Shunt block shorting bars shall be in the shorting position when the panel assemblies are shipped. All phase related wiring shall be color coded per Home Depot Wiring and Cabling Specification 16120. Panel manufacturer shall also provide, install, and wire all required disconnects and fuses for the meter power supply. 2.02 STANDARD PANELBOARDS A. Panelboards shall be of the automatic circuit breaker type, factory assembled by the manufacturer of the circuit breakers. Panelboards shall be new and the manufacturer's latest standard catalogued design. Panelboards shall be the product of the same manufacturer as the cabinets and shall bear UL labels. Panelboard bussing shall be 98% conductivity silver-plated copper. B. Panelboards shall be for service voltage with number of branch circuits of capacity scheduled. Unless otherwise indicated, panels and sections thereof shall have main lugs only of capacity equal to or greater than the rating or setting of the over current protective device next back on line. C. Panelboard boxes shall be constructed of code gauge steel, 20" minimum width by 53/4" deep. Panels having through feed shall have 8" bottom and side gutters. Where used as a raceway, provide additional space in panelboard box to meet NEC 384-25. SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION 16400-4 20030278 09/07/044 D. Panelboard trims shall be flush or surface type as scheduled on the plans, constructed of code gauge steel, finished with rust inhibiting prime coat and baked -on enamel finish, or raw metal with a rust -inhibitor of the same quality as painting, whichever is more cost effective. Trims shall be complete with indicating adjustable trim clamps, door with chromium plated combination cylinder lock and catch, and directory of glass or clear plastic. All locks shall be keyed alike. Directory shall be type -written with spares indicated in pencil. All panel trims shall have an angle bracket welded to the back near the bottom to support the weight of the trim. Trims exceeding 48" in height shall have vault handle and three point latch system. The trims on all flush mounted 20" wide panels shall have trim clamps and hinges concealed when the door is closed. Trims shall not be removable with the door in the locked position. Trims on panelboards located within the enclosed electrical room require no door, and shall not be provided with one. E. Circuit breakers shall be thermal -magnetic molded case type quick-make/quick-break both on manual and on automatic operation. Breakers shall be of the over -the -center toggle operating type, Vvith rile handle going to a position between "ON" and "OFF' to indicate automatic tripping. All multi -pole breakers shall have internal common trip, and have all load side connectors off the same gutter. These shall be bolt in type, heavy-duty devices. F. Panel boards shall be as scheduled. Circuit breakers in panelboards shall have interrupting capacity as scheduled. Breakers intended to interrupt more than 10,000 amperes shall be labeled to conform to N.E.C. Article 240-83. Low voltage panels shall have main breakers as scheduled on the drawings. G. Special panelboard arrangements shall be provided as indicated on the drawings. H. Minimum clearance between circuit breaker and vertical panel section shall be three (3) inches. I. Pariel Ward sections greater than forty-five inches shall have hinged door sections. 2.03 DRY -TYPE TRANSFORMERS A. Dry -type transformers shall have capacity, voltage ratings and characteristics as shown on the plans. Dry -type transformers shall conform to the requirements as herein specified. B. All transformers located within the enclosed electrical room shall be incorporated into the integrated switchboard/panelboard assembly. Cabling or bussing shall be as noted in section 2.01. C. All transformers located outside of the enclosed electrical room shall be stand alone dry -type transformers as described below. D. Transformers shall be provided with either (4) or (6) 21/2%-rated KVA taps on the primary winding. The dry -type transformers herein specified shall have noise levels not exceeding 45 dB for transformers rated 50 KVA and below. Noise levels shall be determined in accordance with NEMA standards for specialty dry -type transformers. The transformers shall be supported on approved vibration and noise dampening supports. E. All conduit connections to the transformers shall be made with flexible metallic raceway or shall be made with other approved vibrationless connectors. The length of the flexible metallic raceway in use shall be not less than 18". F. Each dry -type transformer shall be provided with a terminal lug compartment (lugs ordered separately, field installed) for transformers above 25 KVA, and factory installed terminal lugs for transformers rated 25 KVA and below, supported and arranged for the feeder terminations and for side or bottom entrance of the terminal compartment. Temperature in compartment shall not exceed 75°C at rated load with an ambient of 40°C. Lugs for transformers shall be provided separately with the transformer. SERVICE AND DiSTRIBUTION _ 16400-5 20030278 09/07/04 G. Transformers shall have primary and secondary voltages as indicated on the plans, with a minimum of (2) 5% FCBN taps up to 15 KVA and (4) 21/z% FCBN on all sizes larger. Transformers shall have UL recognized 220°C insulation system and shall be so designed that under full load the average conductor temperature rise does not exceed 1500C rise above 400C or ambient at any point on the enclosure. Conduit entrances and terminal board shall be located at the bottom of the enclosure. H. The design, manufacture, testing, method of conducting tests and preparation of reports shall be in accordance with the latest revision of NEMA Standards Publication for Specialty Transformers No. ST 1-4 (ASA C89.1), modified to require separate primary and secondary winding for each dry -type transformer. 2.04 DISCONNECT SWITCHES A. Sub -feeder switches and disconnect switches shall be "Heavy -Duty" rated, except as otherwise noted, and in damp locations or exposed to the weather shall be NEMA-3R (Raintight). Disconnect switches shall be horsepower rated for the motor installed. B. Manual starters for single phase motors sized 1 horsepower and below shall be NEMA-1 general purpose for dry locations and NEMA-4 watertight for damp locations or where the switch may be exposed to the weather. Provide with number of poles as noted on drawings where used for control of multiple circuits/motors. C. All disconnect switches shall have factory installed provisions for padlocking in either the "ON" or "OFF" position. D. Unless otherwise noted, disconnect switches shall be of the same manufacture as the main switchboard and panelboards. E. All switches shall have nameplates as specified in another section of this specification. 2.05 PADLOCKS A. The electrical contractor shall provide (2) forged brass padlocks on all fused and non -fused disconnect switches located outside of the building at grade level. One lock shall be used to lock the switch door to prevent unauthorized opening, and the other shall be used to lock switch in the "OFF" or "ON" position. B. Padlocks shall be pull -on operation, seven -pin tumblers, equal to Best Manufacturing Company. All locks shall be keyed alike and furnish (2) keys to owner's representative for each lock. 2.06 FUSES A. All fuses shall be of the same manufacturer. All fuses shall be of the high interrupting rating, current limiting type as manufactured by Bussman or Gould-Shawmut. Fuses shall be provided for each fuse cutout and the specified quantity of fuses shall be furnished for spares. B. Circuits of 0 to 600 amperes shall be protected by rejection type, current -limiting BUSSMAN LOW PEAK Dual Element Fuses LPN-RK (250 volts) or LPS-RK (600 volts). All dual -element fuses shall have separate overload and short-circuit elements. Fuse shall incorporate element having a 2840F melting point alloy and shall be independent of the short-circuit clearing chamber. The fuse shall hold 500% of rated current for a minimum of 10 seconds and be UL-listed, with an interrupting rating of 100,000 amperes RMS symmetrical. The fuses shall be UL Class RK-1. SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION 16400-6 20030278 09/07/04 C. Motors, transformers or other circuits with heavy in rush currents of 0 to 600 amperes shall be protected by rejection type, current limiting BUSSMAN LOWPEAK Dual Element Fuses FRN-R (250 volts) or FRS-R (600 volts). All dual -element fuses shall have separate overload and short-circuit elements. The fuse shall hold 500% of rated current for a minimum of 10 seconds and be UL-listed, with an interrupting rating of 100,000 amperes RMS symmetrical. The fuses shall be UL Class RK-5. D. Circuits of 601 to 6000 amperes shall be protected by current -limiting BUSSMAN HI -CAP Time Delay Fuses KRP-C. Fuses shall employ "O" rings as positive seals between the end bells and the glass melamine fuse barrel. The terminals shall be peened. Fuses shall be time -delay and shall hold 500% of rated current for a minimum of 4 seconds, clear 20 times rated current in 0.01 seconds or less and be UL- listed, with an interrupting rating of 100,000 amperes RMS symmetrical. The fuses shall be UL Class L. 2.07 EQUIPMENT ANCHORING A. All items of electrical equipment, such as main service switch, transformers etc., shall be securely anchored to the building structure. The anchoring shall be accomplished by utilizing a minimum size of 1/2" steel threaded rods secured to the structural steel in the structure and to the item of equipment. A minimum of (2) rods shall be provided on each side of each item of equipment with the following exceptions: 1. If the equipment manufacturer provides more than (2) anchor holes per side in the base frame of the equipment item, then there shall be one anchor for each anchor hole. 2. If the equipment manufacturer recommends a particular quantity greater than two (2) per side, then that quantity of anchors shall be utilized by the contractor. 2.08 CONTACTORS A. Contactors for the control of branch circuits and branch circuit panelboards as shown shall have number of poles, throws and ampere ratings as indicated. Contactors shall be provided with proper enclosures for surface or flush mounting as shown. Emergency contactors shall be electrically held with normally closed contacts. Non -emergency contactors shall be mechanically held, latch — unlatch type. Contactor coil voltages shall be 120 VAC. Control circuits shall be properly coordinated with energy management system and other control devices and all necessary relays and control miscellaneous appurtenances shall be furnished. All contactors shall be furnished with manual override. 2.09 WIRING/ TERMINATIONS IONS A. Small wiring, necessary fuse blocks and terminal blocks within the switchboard shall be furnished as required. Control components mounted within the assembly, such as fuse blocks, relays, pushbuttons, switches, etc, shall be suitably marked for identification corresponding to appropriate designations on manufacturer's wiring diagrams. B. All control wire shall be type SIS, bundled and secured with nylon ties. Insulated locking spade terminals shall be provided for all control connections, except where saddle type terminals are provided integral to a device. All current transformer secondary leads shall first be connected to conveniently accessible short- circuit terminal blocks before connecting to any other device. All groups of control wires leaving the switchboard shall be provided with terminal blocks with suitable numbering strips. Provide wire markers at each end of all control wiring. C. The switchboard manufacturer shall wire and mark as factory -installed all panelboards, transformers and/or automatic transfer switches from the associated feeder breaker (in the Main section of the switchboard) to the panelboard as noted on drawings. This wiring shall not be done in the field SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION 16400-7 20030278 09/07/04 D. Interconnection of external Novar panel and integrated panel assembly shall be via two pre -wired terminals. A terminal block for Class 2 wiring shall be provided in the top of the panel section. A separate terminal block for 120 VAC connections shall be provided in the bottom of the panel section. Class 2 connections and 120 VAC connections shall not be allowed on the same terminal strip. Terminals shall be numbered and terminated as per Home Depot drawings. Terminal blocks shall be located in the front portion of the panel section so as not to interfere with feeders or branch circuit conductors. E. All wiring shall comply with the Home Depot Wiring and Cabling Specification 16120. Any Class 2 cabling internal to the integrated panel assemblies shall be 18 AWG shielded cable with 600 Volt insulation. F. Interconnection of Novar Class 2 wiring and Novar contactor control wiring between panel shipping splits shall be modular plug and play connections. Class 2 connectors shall have a different number of pin connections compared to line voltage connections so that it is physically impossible to connect Class 2 wiring connectors to line voltage connectors. G. Panel manufacturer shall provide detailed, easy to understand assembly instructions with integrated panel assembly for electrical contractor use. Wiring diagrams and text instructions shall be provided as required for proper assembly. 2.10 WIREWAYS A. Wireways 8" and larger shall be 14 gauge galvanized steel, 6" and lower shall be 16 gauge, both with hinge or screw covers as noted on the plans. B. Wireways shall be coated with a corrosion inhibitor. C. Wireways shall be NEMA-1 (indoor) or NEMA-3R (outdoor) as noted on the plans. NEMA-3R wireways shall have a gasketted cover. D. All wireways excluding those in the sales area shall be primed and finished with dark gray enamel inside and out. 2.11 PANELBOARD CONTROLLERS / BREAKER INTERFACE A. Panelboard controllers shall be sized to control no fewer than 42 circuits per controller. B. Controller shall be integral to panel, with control wiring pre -wired by integrated panel manufacturer. C. Controller shall be fully compatible with Novar. D. Controllers shall be mounted in the panel sections so as not to interfere with feeders or branch circuit conductors. E. A service loop shall be provided for each controller for the communication link connection. 2.12 NAMEPLATES A. Engraved nameplates, mounted on the face of the assembly, shall be provided for all main and feeder circuits as indicated on the drawings. Nameplates shall be laminated plastic, black characters on white background. Characters shall be 3/16" high, minimum. Nameplates shall give item designation and circuit number as well as frame ampere size and appropriate trip rating. Provide master nameplate indicating switchboard designation, voltage ampere rating, short-circuit rating, manufacturer's name, general order number, and item number. SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION 16400-8 20030278 09/07/04 B. Control components mounted within the assembly, etc. shall be suitably marked for identification manufacturer's wiring diagrams. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 FACTORY TESTING such as fuse blocks, relays, pushbuttons, switches, corresponding to appropriate designations on A. The following standard factory tests shall be performed on the equipment provided under this section. All tests shall be in accordance with the latest version of ANSI and NEMA standards. B. The switchboard shall be completely assembled, wired, adjusted, and tested at the factory. After assembly, the complete switchboard shall be tested for operation, under simulated service conditions to assure the accuracy of the wiring and the functioning of all equipment. The main circuits shall be given a dielectric test of 2200 volts for (1) minute between live parts and ground, and between opposite polarities. The wiring and control circuits shall be given a dielectric test of 1500 volts for (1) minute between live parts and ground. C. Proper communication and control shall be verified by the panel manufacturer to all smart breaker panels, smart breaker circuit breakers, smartbreaker controllers, and lighting contactors throughout the entire integrated panel assemblies. D. The manufacturer shall provide (3) certified copies of factory test reports. E. Factory tests as outlined above shall be witnessed by the owner's representative if requested. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Contractor shall examine all terminations on switchgear upon installation and re -torque, as necessary, per the manufacturer's recommendations. B. Shop drawings shall indicate that all of the function requirements of the specifications have been met. In addition, the UL-approved RMS symmetrical interrupting capacity shall be indicated for each circuit breaker, and a certification that these are UL ratings shall be attached. C. Contractor shall provide 4' x 8' x 3/a" wood backboards made of B-D INT-DFPA grade plywood, painted gray al sides, securely anchored to all walls of telephone and main electrical room as indicated on the plans. Backboards shall be continuous from floor to 8' high and wall to wall (excluding masonry openings). D. Contractor shall provide a 4" high reinforced concrete housekeeping pad under any floor mounted electrical equipment. E. The Home Depot will not furnish to the electrical contractor for installation, all electrical room 12" x 12" screw cover wireway above or below panelboards and contactors for conduit entry. The contractor may purchase and install this at his own cost if he feels that this will simplify installation. Emergency circuits shall not enter this wireway. F. The Home Depot will furnish to the electrical contractor for installation, all 6" x 6" hinge cover wireways for power and lighting in the sales area as indicated on the plans. Normal and Emergency circuits shall not be run in the same wireway. G. Home Depot will furnish to the electrical contractor for installation, all smaller wireways as shown on the plans. SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION 16400-9 20030278 09/07/04 END OF SECTION TVSS SYSTEM (LIESERT) 16440-1 20030278 09/07/04 SECTION 16440 - TVSS SYSTEM (LIEBERT) PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The General and Supplementary Conditions, and General Requirements (Division 1), apply to the work specified in the Section. 1.02 GENERAL A. The TVSS (Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor(s)) with all required factory hardware, terminals, internal modules, etc.... shall be provided and installed by the electrical contractor, under this Section. B. Any additional non -factory related devices or accessories such as the mounting hardware, support channel, external cabinet conduit, external circuit breakers, boxes, connectors, couplings, interface wiring between devices (exclusions as noted), line power circuits, etc... shall also be provided and installed by the electrical contractor. C. Electrical contractor shall include in his price, all labor and equipment rental necessary to completely install the TVSS(s), as indicated on the plans, and perform all warranty work required during the warranty period (excluding internal component service and maintenance as provided for under the equipment factory warranty). D. Electrical contractor shall schedule the installation date of the equipment with the Liebert field representative. Contact the representative two (2) weeks prior to the scheduled UPS install date. The equipment must be installed and operational one (1) week prior to the Home Depot Information Services scheduled start-up date for the Data room and HP store systems. Coordinate all dates in advance with the Home Depot Construction Project Manager. E. Electrical contractor shall receive the TVSS package at the site, review order for completeness, inspect all cartons and pallets for damage and correct labeling. Shortages and/or damaged materials shall be replaced. F. Changes to materials after receiving of shipment shall be coordinated by the electrical contractor immediately upon receipt of revised plans. The associated change in materials and additional labor costs shall be submitted by the electrical contractor to the general contractor to be forwarded to the Home Depot Project Manager for approval. 1.03 APPARATUS A. All apparatus and equipment specified hereinafter in this section fully conform to current standards of Underwriter's Laboratories and individually bear the UL seal, listing the appropriate standards B. All apparatus and material shall be of one and the same manufacturer. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SURGE SUPPRESSORS A. All Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors (TVSS's) shall meet the requirements of ANSI/IEEE C62.41 Cat. A, B, and C for each appropriate environmental application. All TVSS devices shall meet the testing standards of ANSI/IEEE C62.45 without exception. All testing shall be "as the unit is installed", and not under ideal or laboratory conditions, without consideration of the environment into which the unit will be permanently installed for operation. TVSS SYSTEM LIEBERT 16440-2 20030278 09/07/04 B. The following standards shall be met for design, construction and testing: 1. CSA 2. NFPA 70 (NEC) 3. ANSI/IEEE C62.1 (and Section Listed Above) 4. FIPS (Pub. 94) 5. NEMA 6. NFPA 20, 75, and 78 7. UL 1449 (Rev. 7.2.87) and 1283 C. TVSS devices shall be capable of operating in an ambient temperature range of -40 to 50 degrees C. Relative-l-nu dity-W-950tc-nvn_condensing. T\ / F. I r n � greater than 5 d at 1 5 meters. D. � v SS devices si iail not pi Odu.,e audible noise yreate t a 4 B et rS. E. TVSS device shall be capable of continuous operation at not less than 110% of the nominal system voltage. F. TVSS devices rated operating characteristics shall not vary with input frequencies varying from 47 to 63 Hertz. G. The TVSS devices shall be provided in the kAmp capacities as denoted by the catalog numbers on the plans. Protection shall be provided for both common and normal modes. H. All TVSS devices shall be based on symmetrical metal oxide varistor (MOV) array design. Each MOV shall be individually fused, and encapsulated in an energy absorbing, heat dissipating medium. I. No circuit design in the TVSS shall include gas -tubes or silicon avalanche diodes (SAD's). All circuits shall be replaceable by internal phase modules. All module mounting hardware shall be captive and remain in -place when a module is removed or replaced. J. Each phase module shall contain six (6) parallel MOV devices and fuse circuits. Failure of any single MOV shall cause the entire module to indicate a failure. K. Each TVSS phase module shall have an indicating LED. When the LED is illuminated, the module shall be operating property, and providing full prulectiun lu duwnslream loads. L. Internal TVSS modules shall be connected via low impedance plated bus bars only. M. Terminal connections shall accommodate wire sizes from # 14 AWG to # 2/0 AWG for both phase and ground conductors. All TVSS devices are intended to be connected in parallel with the down stream loads they are to protect. N. All TVSS devices shall be provided in a heavy duty NEMA 12 non -ventilated enclosure. This enclosure shall be hinged for easy access and service. Cover shall contain red and green LED's for redundant indication of module status. O. Where indicated on the plans or by catalog number, the TVSS device shall include auxiliary Form C contacts (NO and NC) for remote monitoring capability. P. Where indicated on the plans or by catalog number, the TVSS device shall include a resettable LCD event counter on the cover of the enclosure. TVSS SYSTEM (LIEBERT) 16440-3 20030278 09/07/04 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Lead wires for TVSS devices shall be as short and straight as possible. Sharp bends in lead wires shall be avoided. In addition, lead wires shall be twisted together from the point of connection in the panel it protects to the terminating lugs inside the TVSS enclosure. B. All TVSS devices shall have an upstream disconnecting means with appropriate overcurrent protection, per the manufacturer's recommendations. Overcurrent protection shall be either by time delay fuse or thermal -magnetic circuit breaker. END OF SECTION GROUNDING 20030278 SECTION 16450 - GROUNDING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS 16450-1 09/07/04 A. The General and Supplementary Conditions, and General Requirements (Division 1), apply to the work specified in this Section. 1.02 SYSTEM DEFINITION A. Provide a grounding system for the main building services and each separately derived system originating at the respective grounding electrode(s) and radiating to every electrical power controlling and consuming device in the system. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 GROUND RODS A. Provide UL listed 3/a" diameter by 10' long copperclad steel ground rods. Manufacturer: BLACKBURN. 2.02 EXOTHERMIC WELDS A. Provide exothermic copper welds with materials and configuration to match application. 1. Manufacturer: CADWELD 2.03 CLAMPS A. Bronze, UL listed, with configuration to match application. 1. Manufacturer: BURNDY; ILSCO; THOMAS AND BETTS; O.Z./GEDNEY. 2.04 CONDUITS A. See Section 16110, RACEWAYS. 2.05 CONDUCTORS A. Copper only, see Section 16120, WIRES AND CABLES PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 SERVICE ENTRANCE GROUNDING ELECTRODES A. The grounding electrode system shall be in strict accordance with NEC article 250. The following electrodes shall be bonded to each other and to the main service entrance ground bus. Grounding electrode conductors shall be sized according to NEC article 250 unless noted larger on the drawings. 1. The reinforcing bars in the wall footing near the service entrance shall be bonded together with # 4/0 bare copper wire. Reinforcing bars utilized shall be at least 20 feet in length, located near the bottom of the concrete footing and encased by at least 2 inches of concrete. Connect #4/0 bare copper to reinforcing bars with exothermic weld and route to main service entrance ground bus. 2. Driven grounding electrode consisting of a ground rod driven with top 24" below grade. Install rod a minimum of 36" clear of foundation walls. Connect #6 bare copper conductor to ground rod with exothermic weld and route to main service entrance ground bus. 3. Building Steel: Select a connection point on the building steel as close as possible to the domestic water service entrance that will also remain exposed. GROUNDING 10141-)u-4 20030278 09/07/04 4. Domestic Water Pipe: Select a connection point on the domestic water pipe as close as possible to the point it enters the building and that will also remain exposed. 5. Sprinkler Water Pipe: Select a connection point on the sprinkler water pipe as close as possible to the point it enters the building and that will also remain exposed. 3.02 MAIN SERVICE GROUNDING ELECTRODES BONDING CONDUCTORS A. Install a 4/0 bare stranded copper conductor between each grounding electrode and its closest grounding electrode neighbor so that all electrodes are bonded together. B. Exothermic weld each bonding connection both cable to cable and cable to grounding electrode. 3.03 MAIN SERVICE GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR A. Install a 4/0 bare stranded copper conductor from the service entrance grounding electrode to the service switchboard ground bus. B. Exothermic weld the connection to the ground rod pigtail and ground bus. 3.04 SEPARATELY DERIVED SYSTEM GROUNDING ELECTRODE A. Select a local grounding electrode described by the National Electrical Code and make connection to a point permanently visible. 3.05 SEPARATELY DERIVED SYSTEM GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR A. Install a stranded bare copper conductor sized according to NEC between the local grounding electrode and the separately derived system grounded conductor. B. Exothermic weld the grounding electrode conductor to the grounding electrode. 3.06 ADDITIONAL BONDS A, Gas Service Pipe: Bond Gas Service Pipe at the first accessible point nearest its entry to the building to the nearest main service ground electrode with a No. 4/0 bare stranded conductor. 1. Exothermic weld the connection at grounding and electrode and to a ground clamp at the gas pipe. B. Roof Structure: Bond roof structure steel at its nearest accessible point to the building steel connection point with a 4/0 bare stranded copper conductor. Exothermic weld both connections. C. Domestic Water Meter: Install bond across water meter with 4/0 stranded bare copper conductors of sufficient length to accommodate removal of meter. Exothermic weld both connections to water pipe. D. Non -Metallic Domestic Water Insulated Coupling: Install bond across insulated coupling with 4/0 stranded bare copper of sufficient length to accommodate removal of coupling. Exothermic weld both connections to water pipe. E. Telephone Services: Separately bond both the telephone service and building telephone system ground buses (one for ATT and one for local telephone company) in telephone room to the building service ground bus in the main switchboard with one No. 6 bare stranded copper conductor. Provide 6 ft. slack at each telephone equipment backboard. F. Satellite Dish: Bond satellite dish ground to the building service ground bus in the main switchboard with a No. 6 bare stranded copper conductor. Provide 15' slack at satellite dish. GROUNDING 20030278 16450-3 09/07/04 G. Gas Meter: Install bond across gas heater with a No. 410 stranded bar and copper conductor of sufficient length to accommodate removal of meter. Use ground clamps on pipes and exothermic weld cable to clamps (where gas meter is provided). 3.07 EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR A. General: In addition to utilizing the metallic conduit and equipment enclosures as a continuous equipment grounding path, install a separate insulated copper conductor, color coded green, from respective switchboard or panelboard ground bus to controller and/or device. B. All steel conduits entering the main switch shall have a threaded conduit insulated type "BLG" grounding bushing bonded together and to the ground bus with a No. 4 bare stranded copper conductor. 3.08 ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR A. Rooftop HVAC Units: Install an equipment grounding conductor from the respective switchboard or panelboard ground bus to the unit disconnect switch and from disconnect switch to equipment ground lug or to housing in absence of ground lug. B. Install a separate copper equipment grounding conductor between the respective ground buses of the following: 1. Service Switch - distribution panelboard - panelboard 2. Service Switch - transformer 3. Transformer - panelboard 4. Panelboard - sub-panelboard C. Isolated Ground Receptacles: Install a separate grounding conductor for each circuit or group of circuits as indicated on the plans from panelboard isolated ground bus to isolated ground receptacle screw. Install a separate equipment grounding conductor for each circuit or group of circuits as indicated on the plans from panelboard ground bus to device box ground screw. D. Typical Wiring Devices: At both switches and receptacles, provide a grounding jumper from the grounding screw on the device box, to the grounding screw on the device (excluding the conditioned power, isolated ground branch circuits). 3.09 EQUIPMENT AND ISOLATED GROUNDING CONDUCTOR ROUTING A. Route equipment and isolated grounding conductor with respective feeder, power wiring and branch circuit conductors. 3.10 CONDUITS A. All grounding electrode conductors, equipment grounding conductors and bonds where not internal to equipment enclosures shall be installed in conduit to within 6" of terminating clamp and exothermic weld. PART 4 - CODES AND RESTRICTIONS 4.01 GENERAL A. Where expressly forbidden by local authorities, conduit shall not be used as an equipment grounding conductor. Electrical contractor shall provide a copper equipment grounding conductor sized in accordance with NEC 250-95. JB. Aluminum conductors and termination clamps shall not be used in the grounding system. GROUNDING 20030278 PART 5 - TESTING 5.01 GROUND RESISTANCE 09/07/04 A. Upon completion of the ground rod installation, the electrical contractor shall test the installation. Grounding resistance reading shall be taken before connection is made to the building cold water piping system. Ground resistance readings shall not be taken within forty-eight hours of rainfall. B. If the resistance to ground exceeds 5 ohms, additional rods shall be driven and bonded together, until a reading of 5 ohms or less to ground is obtained. After completion of the grounding system, measure the system ground resistance with a "Megger Earth -I ester". Submit directly to the Project Manager twu (2) copies of each test report certified by the testing technician and the electrical contractor. 5.02 NEUTRAL CURRENT ON GROUNDING CONDUCTORS A. All grounding electrode conductors and ground bus shall be measured by the electrical contractor for objectionable levels of current and to detect any inadvertent connection of neutral to ground. B. If the ground current exceeds 10% of the rating of the conductor ampacity, all devices on that feeder or circuit shall be rechecked for proper connection. 5.03 CONNECTIONS A. All grounding system connections shall be rechecked at final checkout for correct wiring termination methods and mechanical strength. END OF SECTION LIGHTING (LITHONIA) _ 16500-1 20030278 09/07/04 SECTION 16500 - LIGHTING (LITHONIA) PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The General and Supplementary Conditions, and General Requirements (Division 1), apply to the work specified in this Section. 1.02 GENERAL A. All lighting fixtures and lamps, together with required factory mounting hardware, accessories, and flexible wiring system (Sales and Receiving Areas only) shall be furnished and installed by the electrical contractor, under this Section. Any additional non -factory related devices or accessories to support fixtures on ceiling or from building structure shall be provided by the electrical contractor. B. This does not include any aspect of the Fan Cloud Display system. C. Electrical contractor shall include in his price all labor and equipment rental necessary to completely install the lighting fixtures as indicated on the plans, and shall perform all warranty work required during the warranty period. D. All support channel, conduit, wireways, wire, couplings, connectors, clamps, support loops, jack chains, adapters, brackets, tube guards, and any other non -factory accessory required to install the lighting fixtures shall be provided by the electrical contractor. E. Electrical contractor shall receive the lighting fixture shipment at the site, review order for completeness, inspect all cartons and pallets for damage and correct labeling. Shortages or damaged fixtures and materials shall be replaced. F. The electrical contractor shall check all materials in cartons or other containers for concealed damage. Supplemental orders for replacement of concealed damaged materials shall be made, within 10 days of the date the shipment arrived at the job site. G. Once received, the electrical contractor shall take full responsibility for the storage and protection of all materials. H. The electrical contractor shall provide a separate "unit cost" for the replacement of inoperable fixtures, lamps and ballasts for all fixture types and include that in his bid. Refer to the drawings for specific fixtures, ballasts and lamp types. I. Changes to materials and fixture quantities after receipt of shipment shall be coordinated by the electrical contractor immediately upon receipt of revised plans. The associated change in materials and additional labor costs shall be submitted by the electrical contractor to the general contractor to be forwarded to the Home Depot project manager for approval. J. Lighting poles, templates, anchor bolts and covers shall be furnished and installed by the electrical contractor. K. The electrical contractor shall store and protect all materials. Refer to specifications section 16100. LIGHTING (LITHONIA) 16500-2 20030278 09/07/04 PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. The Contractor will furnish all lighting fixtures shown and scheduled on the drawings. Fixtures shall: 1. Be complete with lamps of the type noted on schedule. Lamps shall be factory installed in all troffers. HID and strip fluorescent lamps shall be shipped separately in full cartons. 2. Have factory accessories, metal parts, glassware, plastic diffusers, trims, etc. 3. Have factory cords, hooks and connectors (where applicable) for integration into the flexible wiring system. i. Fib free from scralc[ e's, cracks, and oilier defecis; any items: datiiaged,TJuring,shipment, handli-n a installation shall be replaced by the Lithonia Lighting without expense to Home Depot. B. Fluorescent lighting fixtures shall be provided with energy efficient ballasts, as manufactured by Advance, Universal, or Magna-Tek. The ballasts shall be approved by the lamp manufacturer, for use with energy saving fluorescent lamps. Ballast performance shall be matched to energy saving lamp and shall be certified by a nationally recognized independent testing laboratory with a United States Government Registered Certification Mark. Ballast case temperature shall not exceed 90 degrees C. Ballast shall be high power factor, UL listed, Class-P. C. Each lighting fixture shall have been tested and certified for proper operation by the fixture manufacturer for the type ceiling and mounting in which it is installed, and so labeled. D. Unless otherwise specified, all diffusers for fluorescent lighting fixtures shall be prismatic acrylic KSH K12 with a thickness of 0.125 inches, measured from the back side to the peak of the prism. - E. Each HID lighting fixture shall have a high power factor, regulated output ballast provided by the fixture manufacturer, pre -wired with a Bussman glass tube fuse holder and fuse on EACH primary hot lead. F. Fluorescent lamps shall be as specified on the plans. Lamps shall be suitable for operation with energy conserving ballast. Fluorescent lamps shall have a rated life of 20,000 hours at three (3) hours per start. G. Incandescent lamps shall be inside frosted (except where scheduled on the plans to be clear), extended service with a rated life of 2,500 hours. Reflector lamps (R and PAR) shall have the beam type as called for in the lighting fixture schedule, and shall have a rated life of 2,000 hours for the standard type and 4,000 hours for the "Quartz" or "Krypton" types. Quartz lamps shall be clear, with a rated life of 2,000 hours. All incandescent lamps, except the quartz tubes, shall be rated for 130 volt operation. H. HID lamps shall be operated through a ballast designed to lamp wattage and supply voltage indicated. HID lamps shall be of type for highest rated initial lumen output in each lamp category. I. All recessed light fixtures shall have thermal protection as required by article 410-65(c) of the NEC. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Each recessed lighting fixture shall have a trim to match the type of ceiling (exposed grid, metal panel, etc.) in which it is being installed, except where noted otherwise on the plans. B. Each lighting fixture recessed in a ceiling of any type shall have an appropriate frame -in kit for that ceiling type. C. Each lighting fixture recessed in a concrete wall shall have a junction box or wiring compartment provided inside the fixture housing. Provide conduit access into the fixture concealed. LIGHTING (LITHONIA) 20030278 16500-3 09/07/04 D. The electrical contractor shall confirm exact locations of all lighting fixtures by coordination with the plans- E. All lighting fixtures shall be supported from substantial structure. The fixtures shall be supported in a manner that will ensure the fixture weight being equally distributed from each supporting member so that the fixture remains in a level position. The electrical contractor shall install all lighting fixtures in accordance with any seismic codes and related supplementary requirements enforced by the local authorities having jurisdiction. F. Fluorescent fixtures installed recessed in a suspended ceiling system shall be supported from substantial structure with two (2) 12 gauge wires on diagonal corners of the fixture. In addition, the fixture shall be clipped to the supporting grid of the ceiling system. G. Fluorescent fixtures installed on any ceiling other than a suspended ceiling system (specifically mentioned above) shall be attached to the wood, steel, or concrete structural system to which the finished ceiling material is attached. Provide a minimum of two (2) supports for each 4' or 8' fixture chassis. H. For surface mounted fixtures installed on solid ceilings (such as the restrooms, vault and counting rooms) the electrical contractor shall provide conventional wiring and flexible conduit from the fixture to a modular wiring conversion junction box above the ceiling. I. All fixtures with lamp position, tilt, shutters, rotation, or other types of adjustment shall be rough adjusted by the electrical contractor at the time of installation. The engineer or Home Depot representative will determine the final aiming and adjustments during the final review. Fixtures serving areas where day lighting is predominant shall be adjusted after sunset. J. Where a continuous row of fluorescent fixtures is shown, the letter shall indicate the type. Provide the number of fixtures or total length shown in each row. All HID, fluorescent, or incandescent light fixtures in the same general area shall be the same type unless otherwise indicated. K. Install the type and number of lamps specified at each lighting fixture. All fixtures shall be illuminated at the time of final review. L. Wherever possible, plug-in type connectors shall be used for continuous rows of fluorescent lighting. Plug -ins shall be factory installed and wired with keyed plugs to prevent derangement of phase conductors. This plug system shall be internal to the continuous fixture housing and shall not be a part of a modular wiring system. M. HID lighting fixtures suspended from structure shall have safety chains attached from ballast (and reflector where not rigidly attached) to supporting steel. N. Loops or "eye -bolts" attached to the supporting steel for HID fixture hooks shall be provided by the electrical contractor. Loops shall be fully closed W diameter galvanized steel. Loop shall be not less than 1'/2" inside diameter. O. Hooks for supports of HID lighting fixtures shall have a loop seat that is specifically designed to prevent swiveling or misalignment of fixtures. P. Provide steel support channel or conduit, as indicated, for hanging fluorescent and HID lighting fixtures. Support shall be attached to structure as indicated on the plans with clamps as required. DO NOT PENETRATE THE ROOF DECK FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUPPORTING LIGHTING FIXTURES OR ANY ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT. Q. Chain or cable hung fluorescent fixtures shall have extension "jack" chains as required to mount the fixtures to a height above the finished floor as noted on the plans. Brace chains shall be added to prevent fixtures from swaying. LIGHTING (LITHONIA) _ 16500-4 20030278 09/07/04 R. Parking area lighting fixtures shall be supported on round tapered steel poles, unless otherwise indicated. Poles shall be installed on contractor provided concrete bases as indicated on the plans. S. Concrete bases for steel poles shall be 30" from the top of the base to the finished parking surface when in open parking areas. T. In landscaped areas, concrete bases for steel poles shall be installed 4" from the top of the base to the finished grade. Poles shall not be located within 30" of the inside edge of the curb to prevent impact by vehicles. Where adequate space does not exist for 30" separation, provide 30" high bases as indicated in paragraph (S) above. U. Concrete for steel pole bases shall be 3000 PSI with reinforcement and bolt pattern per the detail found on the drawings. V. The Electrical Contractor shall provide an alternate price (to be included with the base bid) for the installation of reinforced pre -cast concrete poles, in lieu of steel poles on concrete bases. W. In general, pre -cast concrete poles shall be installed direct into the grade a minimum of 10% +2 feet of the overall pole height. Final mounting height shall be as indicated on the plans, measured from the bottom of the parking area fixture to the finished parking surface. Backfill, compaction, supplementary reinforcement and supports beneath and around concrete poles shall be provided per the direction of the Structural Engineer of record in conjunction with the manufacturers construction data and specifications. Submit to the Architect six (6) sets of the manufacturer's engineering data for the specified poles to be installed. The Structural Engineer will issue a typical installation detail to be returned with the approved manufacturer's data to the Electrical Contractor. END OF SECTION COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (TELEPHONE) 20030278 SECTION 16700 - COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (TELEPHONE) PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS 16700-1 09/07/04 A. The General and Supplementary Conditions, and General Requirements (Division 1), apply to the work specified in this Section. 1.02 GENERAL A. The Contractor shall provide a complete telephone raceway system as shown on the plans and herein specified and shall leave the same in readiness for wiring by others. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Provide a plastic pull line (rated at 500 lbs. test) in all conduits for telephone equipment installer's use. Ends of conduits shall be capped. B. Telephone Service Entrance Conduit: Supply and install service entrance conduits as shown on the plans and hereinafter specified. 1. A #12 steel wire or plastic equivalent shall be installed in entrance conduits. 2. Provide and install as indicated in section specifications 16450, all telephone equipment grounds. 3. All underground entrances shall have metallic sleeves through building foundation walls and extend to undisturbed ground to avoid shear, and shall be hot -dipped galvanized steel conduit. 4. All 90 degree bends shall be galvanized rigid steel conduit with a radius of not less than 10 times the diameter of the conduit. 5. Maintain a minimum cover of 24 inches below final grade of conduits, or greater as required by the telephone utility company. 6. Service entrance conduits shall be provided and installed by the electrical contractor in accordance with the telephone utility company rules, regulations, and installation guide. 7. Service entrance conduits shall extend from the telephone equipment room and/or backboard to the utility demarcation/customer termination point on the site as directed by the local telephone utility company. 8. Telephone equipment backboards shall be provided where indicated on the plans. Backboard shall be constructed of 1/z" B-D INT DFPA grade plywood secured to wall. Contractor shall install two sheets on end to cover entire exterior wall of equipment room. Backboards shall have two coats of ASA #61 light grey finish on all sides. 9. Service entrance conduits shall be 2 @ 4" inside diameter galvanized rigid steel. Schedule 40 PVC may be used where acceptable to local authorities having jurisdiction and the local telephone utility company providing service to the site. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Provide 146 ground conductor in %" conduit from telephone equipment backboard to the nearest accessible cold water pipe or building ground for telephone company's connection. B. Provide a Brady "Write -On" label on each conduit at each telephone wood backboard and designate on the label the room or rooms served by the conduit. COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (TELEPHONE) 20030278 16700-2 09/07/04 C.-Label all telephone outlet boxes (indicate as voice, data, or combination using the symbols as shown on the plans). Labels shall b affixed on the inside back of the box. D. All telephone conduits shall be continuous from the outlet box to the telephone equipment backboard in the equipment room, unless otherwise indicated on the plans. E. Where acceptable to local authorities having jurisdiction, telephone conduits shall not be required running horizontally across the ceiling. F. Conduit protection for vertically run cable is required from the outlet box to the ceiling as indicated on the drawings. Provide NEC-CMP type FPLP (or other locally approved fire resistant, low -smoke producing) telephone cable if required by the local authorities of jurisdiction or enclose PVC jacket cable in conduit. G. It is the responsibility of the electrical contractor to coordinate the type of telephone cane used ana the local authorities acceptance or rejection of exposed cabling with the electrical work as indicated on the plans. This coordination shall be performed by the electrical contractor prior to the bid of construction documents. H. All raceway systems, outlets, lighting, grounds, backboards, cabinets, and pull lines relative to the telephone system shall be completely installed prior to the premises telephone wiring contractor arrival on site. In general, all telephone system wiring should be installed not less than one (1) week after turn over of the building to Home Depot for racking and merchandising. END OF SECTION FIRE ALARM SYSTEM 15300-1 20030278 09/07/04 SECTION 15300 - FIRE ALARM SYSTEM PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Related Documents A. The general and supplementary conditions, and general requirements (Division 1), apply to the work specified in this section. 1.02 Responsibilities A. This section of the specifications includes the provision and installation requirements for the additional fire alarm/life safety system components for the tool rental center. The electrical contractor shall include in his bid all monies required to contract the services and equipment of a licensed fire alarm / life safety system vendors / contractor. The electrical contractor is responsible for providing to the fire alarm/life safety system vendors drawings and specifications for bidding and construction. B. All labor, unless specifically indicated otherwise, shall be provided by the electrical contractor or by the fire alarm as hereafter referred to as the fire alarm contractor. C. The electrical contractor is responsible for contracting and scheduling the work of the fire alarm contractor. The electrical contractor shall notify the Home Depot Project Manager of the fire alarm contractor's scheduled date(s) on -site, not less than two (2) weeks in advance. D. All work relative to the fire alarm system to be performed by the electrical contractor must be complete prior to fire alarm contractor's scheduled date(s) on site. The electrical contractor will be responsible for the reimbursing of the fire alarm contractor's time spent, travel cost, and other related expenses, should the associated work of the electrical contractor not be complete at the time of the fire alarm contractor's scheduled on -site date. E. The electrical contractor shall also be responsible for reimbursements of the fire alarm contractor's cancellation charges incurred by the fire alarm contractor and Home Depot if advance travel plans must be altered within two (2) weeks of the scheduling notice. F. The fire alarm contractor shall contact the local fire marshal and building department for any additional requirements not on the plans. These requirements shall be identified in his bid. By not identifying any differences, the contractor is not entitled to any additional money. G. The electrical contractor shall provide the fire alarm contractor, a motorized aerial work platform and ladder for use during the entire period of the fire alarm contractor's installation. The platform shall be capable of raising the fire alarm contractor to any work elevation inside the building. H. All conduit, boxes (unless indicated otherwise), fittings, couplings, connectors, straps, supports, pull -lines, bushings, etc. shall be provided and installed by the electrical contractor. All work shall meet and exceed the requirements of NFPA 70. I. System operation, testing, turn over, warranty compliance, and after market service shall be provided by the fire alarm contractor. J. A written report shall be prepared by the fire alarm contractor and submitted to the Home Depot representative at the completion of the project, not less than one (1) week prior to the opening date. This report shall outline the walk -test results and identify any items not completed or fully operable. Any item that is identified in this report must be corrected and the system must be fully operable prior to the date of the final building C.O. inspection. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM 15300-2 20030278 09/07/04 K. An on site visit to investigate existing conditions of the fire alarm system is recommended. L. Coordinator with the current servicing alarm company maybe required for interconnections to the existing system. 1.03 General A. The additional fire alarm/life safety system components shall be of the same supplier as the existing fire alarm/life safety system equipment. All equipment described herein and provided and installed under this section shall be the standard product of one manufacturer. B. Any reference to "device", "component", "unit", "module" or "system" shall be understood to mean the fire alarm/rife -safety cvctom nr anv ascoriaterl marnifartiirerl nroriiint thPrPnf_ 1.04 Quality Assurance A. Manufacturer: 1. Equipment shall be supplied by a firm regularly engaged in the manufacture of fire alarm/life safety systems of the type herein specified and shall have supplied this type of apparatus to comparable installations providing documented satisfactory service for at least ten (10) years. 2. The equipment described in this section represents the function and type of some of the materials required and herein specified. The equipment indicated in this section does not intend to be a complete list of all components required fur an operational and approved system, but only as guidelines from which the system should be designed around. Additional equipment not herein specifically indicated but are a necessary part of an operational and approved system shall be provided as required. Equipment must be compatible -With tha existing in%ailation. B. Submittals 1. The fire alarm contractor shall submit through the electrical contractor to the architect, complete documentation on the system showing model number(s), type(s), rating(s), size(s), style(s), manufacture's name, and manufacturer's catalog data sheet(s) for all components. 2. The fire alarm contractor shall submit through the electrical contractor to the architect, the fire alarm submittal. The submittal shall have as a minimum the following items included in them: a. A complete type A fire alarm one line diagram indicating additional components, devices, conductor's, conductor sizes, and end -of -line resistors. b. Scaled floor plans showing all device locations, interconnecting wiring, and device legend. c. Conductor voltage drop calculations. d. Standby battery power calculations. e. All submittals must contain as a minimum, the aforementioned items; incomplete submittals will be rejected. f. Submittals must reach the architect not more than thirty- (30) calendar days after the bid has been awarded. C. Equipment Handling 1. The fire alarm contractor shall deliver each piece of equipment in durable shipping cartons of manufacturer's label. Damaged cartons shall not be accepted. Maintain cartons throughout contractor transport, storage and handling undamaged and free of dirt, paint, chemicals, water or moisture. 2. The fire alarm contractor is responsible for receiving the system at the site. D. Installation and Equipment Standards 1. The equipment and installation methods shall conform to the latest edition of the following standards as adopted and amended by state and local authorities having jurisdiction. a. NFPA 70, National Electric Code b. NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code c. NFPA 80, Fire Doors and Fire Windows FIRE ALARM SYSTEM 15300-3 20030278 09/07/04 d. State Building, Fire, Life Safety and Electrical Codes. e. Local Building, Fire, Life Safety, and Electrical Codes. f. Americans with Disabilities Act E. System and Component Standards: 1. The system and all components shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. for use in fire protective signaling systems under the following applicable standards: a. UL 864; Control Units for Fire Protective Signaling Systems. b. UL 464; Audible Signaling Appliances. c. UL 1638; Visual Signaling Appliances. d. UL 38; Manually Actuated Signaling Boxes. e. UL 1481; Power Supplies for Fire Protective Signaling Systems. f. UL 268; Smoke Detectors for Fire Protective Signaling Systems. F. The fire alarm contractor shall submit plans to the local fire marshal for full compliance with all applicable codes and approvals. G. The fire alarm contractor shall be responsible for permit fees. PART 2 - Products A. Provide standard products by one manufacturer of the following devices that are necessaryfor a complete and operational fire alarm system that satisfy all governing bodies and regulations. B. Provide high intensity fire alarm horns/strobes, in the quantity and configurations as required. C. Typical installation(s) shall consist of the following: 1. Horns/strobes shall meet ADA requirements (if applicable). 2. Indoor devices shall be mounted on 4" square outlet boxes. D. Provide smoke detectors listed for release service in the quantity and configuration as required. E. Locate the release service smoke detector and auxiliary relay, and provide monitoring for integrity as required. F. Provide auxiliary or notification power supplies as necessary. PART 3 - Execution 3.01 General A. Installation of the fire alarm/life safety system shall be in strict compliance with manufacturer's recommendations. Consult the manufacturer's control panel and peripheral equipment installation manuals for all wiring diagrams, schematics, physical equipment sizes, etc. before beginning system installation. B. Fastening and supports of all equipment shall be adequate to support the required load, and provide a safety factor of five. 3.02 Cable and Wiring A. Provide all line voltage (120 V. max.) and low -voltage (up to 50 VACNDC) circuiting in separate conduit. Low - voltage circuiting may be run exposed if NEC-FPLP plenum rated cable is approved for use by local jurisdictional authorities. Where not required by local fire code and building authorities of jurisdiction, non - plenum rated exposed low -voltage circuiting may be used. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM 15300-4 20030278 09/07/04 B. Signaling line circuits shall be Class B, Style 4 minimum, initiating device circuits shall be Class B style B minimum. Notification appliance circuits shall be Class B, Style Y minimum. If acceptable by authority having jurisdiction. C. All fire alarm cabling shall be routed through conduit from devices to the bottom of ceiling panel. At that point, cabling shall be run exposed along the ceiling if acceptable by the AHJ. All exposed wiring shall be type FPLP. D. All field wiring shall be completely supervised, in the event of a primary power failure, disconnected standby battery, removal of any internal modules, or any open circuits in the field wiring; an audible and visual trouble signal will be activated until the system and its associated field wiring are restored to normal condition. E. The electrical contractor is responsible and shall coordinate with the fire alarm contractor who the responsible party (electrical or fire alarm contractor) is for providing fire alarm cable as necessary. 3.03 Conduits and Boxes A. All conduit, boxes (unless indicated otherwise), fittings, couplings, connectors, straps, supports, pull -lines, bushings, etc. shall be provided and installed by the electrical contractor. All work shall meet and exceed the requirements of NFPA 70. B. The electrical contractor shall provide all junction boxes and coverplates per manufacturer's instructions and details. All electrical junction boxes shall be labeled as "Fire Alarm System" with decal or other approved markings. 3.04 End of Line Resistors A. The fire alarm contractor shall provide —all end -of -line resistors to match impedance of circuit served per manufacturer's instructions. B. After completion of the installation, adjust all resistors. 3.05 Identification A. Number code and color -code conductors appropriately and permanently for identification and servicing of the system. Labeling shall clearly identify the circuit, zone, and/or device served. 3.06 Final System Acceptance A. The system will be accepted only after a satisfactory test of the entire system has been accomplished by a factory -trained technician in the presence of a representative of the local authority having jurisdiction and The Home Depot representative. At the completion of the project, full documentation shall be presented to The Home Depot representative indicating acceptance testing has been approved per NFPA 72.2-2.3 and a Certificate of Compliance per NFPA 72.2-2.4. B. The fire alarm contractor will present a complete set of "as -built" fire alarm/life safety system record drawings, and the factory supplied operator's manual to The Home Depot representative (and the local authorities when required.) 3.07 On -site Services A. The fire alarm contractor shall provide the on -site services of an authorized, factory trained technical representative to supervise all connections and fully test all devices and components of the system during installation. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM 20030278 15300-5 09/07/04 B. The fire alarm contractor shall provide training on the operation, proper use, and testing of the installed fire alarm system to the Home Depot representative (and the local authorities having jurisdiction, when required). C. The electrical / fire alarm contractors are responsible for providing a 100% complete, operational and approved by the authority having jurisdiction fire alarm system per drawings and specifications to obtain C of O certificate of occupancy. END OF SECTION M .0