Lance, Soll & Lunghard LLP- Cost ProposalPREPARED BY: Lance, Soil & Lunghard, LLP Certified Public Accountants 203 N. Brea Blvd., Suite 203 Brea, CA 92821 (714) 672-0022 Proposal Presented to CITY OF LA QUINTA Cost Proposal Professional Auditing Services hocusea Y CONTACT PERSON: Bryan S. Gruber, CPA, Partner Brvan.aruber@lslcDas.com (714) 672-0022 March 1, 2017 WWW.LSLCPAS.COM 714-672-0022 * r •••• • ••• • • G. TOTAL MAXIMUM PRICE The total maximum price for the five-year span for the annual audits for the City of La Quinta, Housing Authority and its agencies as set forth in the scope of work, including consulting is listed below: WRncfusIv^WaxInTuniTee For the Fiscal Years Ended: 2018-19 2019-20 2020-212016-17 2017-18Audit Services 45,560 47,070 47,070City audit (including 40 hours consulting) Single Audit (up to 1 program) * 45,550 45,550 4,630 4,783 4,7834,630 4,630 870 898 898870870Appropriation Limit State Controller’s Reports 3,886 3,8863.760 3,760 3,760 otal not to exceed including out of pocKet 54,810 54,810 •Includes testing for one major program. Additional programs $1,540 per additional major program. For purposes of this proposal, Bryan S. Gruber, Partner is authorized to make representations for our firm empowered to submit the bid, and authorized to sign a contract with the City of La Quinta. 1 www.lslcpas.com < • ••• • ••• H. RATES BY PARTNER SPECIALIST, SUPERVISORY AND STAFF LEVEL TIMES HOURS ANTICIPATED FOR EACH 1 The schedules of rates by professional staff classifications are listed as follows; umm if mu For the Plac* I Years Ended 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 216Partner210210210216 Manager 150 150 150 155 155 Senior 119 119115115115 Staff 9390909093 The hours itemized by listed in the scope of work are as follows: SegmgntfTa^Senior TotalPartnerManagerStaff City audit (including 40 hours consulting)185 4002065130 Single Audit (Includes one major program) *10 20 4037 Appropriation Limit 7124 State Controller's Reports 2 16 10 324 ToUl * Includes testing for one major program. Additional program testing 14 hours per program. www.lslcpas.com . .S • ••• • ••• I . OUT OF POCKET EXPENSES IN THE TOTAL MAXIMUM PRICE AND REIMBURSEMENT RATES There will be no additional expenses billed to the City of La Quinta above the maximum price listed above. www.lslcpas.com •••• •••• J. RATES FOR ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The rates for additional professional services are listed as follows: ■giuauii 5f juwuaai iwyjtfwe Partner $^10 $Manager 150 Senior $115 Staff $90 -.u-t. riVj •'•n'•4•s>i www.lsicpas.com