MA 2022-0004
May 27, 2022
Steven Nieto
South West Concepts, Inc.
78115 Calle Estado Suite 106
La Quinta, CA 92253
Dear Mr. Nieto:
The Design and Development Department has reviewed your Minor Adjustment
application (MA 2022-0004), pursuant to Section 9.210.040 of the City of La Quinta
Zoning Code.
Grant up to a 10% adjustment to increase the maximum height allowed for a new
single family home located at 77-233 Casa Del Sol. The maximum height is being
adjusted from 17’ to 18’ and 6” measured from finish grade, per the attached
exhibit. Chimneys not containing usable space are permitted to extend up to three
(3) feet above the maximum structure height.
Approval is granted for the requested adjustment based on the following findings
and subject to the conditions of approval listed below:
1. Minor Adjustment 2022-0004 is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan, in
that the proposal does not alter the approved land use for the property or
affect land use on surrounding similar properties.
2. Minor Adjustment 2022-0004 is consistent with the intent of the La Quinta
Zoning Code in that the requested adjustment will be conditioned to comply
with all other development standards as required under said Zoning Code.
3. Processing and approval of Minor Adjustment 2022-0004 is in compliance with
the California Environmental Quality Act. The adjustment requested falls
under CEQA Guidelines Section 15305(a) as a “Minor Alterations to Land” -
Class 5 Categorical Exemption.
4. Approval of Minor Adjustment 2022-0004 is not detrimental to the public
health, safety and general welfare, nor injurious or incompatible with other
properties and land use in the vicinity. The adjustment has no impact on
health or safety issues and will not affect physical land use characteristics in
the vicinity. The adjustment will be compatible with the architectural styles
of the existing single-family homes.
1. A building permit shall be obtained prior to construction. The proposed
construction shall comply with all other development standards as required
under the La Quinta Zoning Code.
Please be advised that the City only approves three Minor Adjustments per lot,
regardless of the percentage of the development standard adjusted. This approval
relates only to the minor adjustment referenced herein and does not imply any
entitlement or approval of a building permit for any structures shown on the plans
on file. This approval consists of only one Minor Adjustment, as previously
described. All other development standards of the La Quinta Zoning Code are
applicable and shall be adhered to in preparing plans for building plan check.
Thank you for your attention to these items, and if you have any questions, please
contact me directly at (760) 777-7086 and/or at .
Sijifredo Fernandez
Associate Planner
Design and Development
CCOVER SHEETConstruction:R-3Occupancy:RMNon-RatedType VB,Structural Engineering:2019 California Building CodeCodes Used:AREA TABULATIONSVICINITY MAPCODE ANALYSISDEFERRED SUBMITTALSASSESSOR'S PARCEL#777-360-019NOTESNew Single family residence located at thegated community of Flores de Montanas,77233 Casa del Sol,La Quinta CA. 92253OWNERAt the time of final inspection, a manual, compact disc, web-based reference or other mediaacceptable to the enforcing agency which includes all of the following shall be placed in thebuilding:a.Directions to the owner or occupant that the manual shall remain with the buildingthroughout the life cycle of the structure.b.Operation and maintenance instructions for the following:i) Equipment and appliances, including water-saving devices and systems, HVAC systems, water-heating systems and other major appliances and equipment.ii) Roof and yard drainage, including gutters and downspouts.iii) Space conditioning systems, including condensers and air filters.iv) Landscape irrigation systems.v) Water reuse systems.c.Information from local utility, water and waste recovery providers on methods to furtherreduce resource consumption, including recycle programs and locations.d.Public transportation and/or carpool options available in the area.e.Educational material on the positive impacts of an interior relative humidity between30-60 percent and what methods an occupant may use to maintain the relative humiditylevel in that range.f.Informant about water-conserving landscape and irrigation design and controllers whichconserve water.g.Instructions for maintaining gutters and downspouts and the importance of divertingwater at least 5 feet away from the foundation.h.Information on required routine maintenance measures, including, but not limited to,caulking, painting, grading around the building, etc.i.Information about state solar energy and incentive programs available.j.A copy of all special inspection verifications required by the enforcing agency of thiscode. (CALGreen 4.410.1)SPECIAL NOTESSubmittal documents for deferred submittal items shall be submitted to the registered designprofessional in responsible charge, who shall review them an forward them to the building official witha notation indicating that the deferred documents have been reviewed and that they have been foundto be in general conformance with the design of the building. The deferred items shall NOT beinstalled until their design and documents have been approved by the building official.1.Fire sprinkler system.2.Truss Calculations.3.Engineer Truss review letter.4.PoolAll Garden Walls, Pool, Fences and landscapeto be under separate permit.5. Photovoltaic System# Stories:Sprinklers:1yesPROJECT DESCRIPTION Steve Smith51835 Avenida MaderoLa Quinta, CA 92253650.387.6721CONSULTANTSOwner :78-115 Calle Estado, Suite 106Contact: Stephen R. NietoSouth West Concepts, Inc.La Quinta, CA 92253Architecture :Civil Engineer:Structural Engineer:Landscape Designer :(760) 564.470745-175 Panorama Dr. Ste. C Contact: Luis SandovalPalm Desert, CA 92260(760) 318.5370Luis A. Sandoval & Associates Inc.Architect: Jerry H. DohnTBD77570 Springfield Lane, Ste CContact: Essi ShahandehEssi Engineering(760) 772-8400Palm Desert, CA 92211essi.shahandeh@eeicompany.comsteve@swconcepts.comTOTALS:AREA CALCULATIONS:AREA COVERAGEMain Residence3,847 SQ. FT.Mechanical98 SQ. FT.TOTAL UNDER ROOF5,437 SQ. FT.563 SQ. FT.2 Car GarageSteve SmithA Custom ResidenceforFlores de Montanasat77233 Casa del Sol, La Quinta CA 922532019 California Energy Code2019 California Residential Code2019 California Plumbing Code2019 California Mechanical Code2019 California Electrical Code2019 California Green Building Code2019 California Fire CodeZoning:All construction shall comply with the 2019 CaliforniaBuilding, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Energy,Green Building Codes and City of La QuintaMunicipal codes.All "or equal" substitutions must be submitted to, and approved by the Building Official prior toinstallation of the item. New and existing buildings shall have approved address numbers,building numbers or approved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible andvisible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast in color tobackground. Numbers shall be a minimum of 4" high with a minimum stroke width or 1/2 inch.REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONSITEMREQUIREDREMARKSIn addition to the regular inspections, the following checked items will also requireSpecial Inspection in accordance with Sec, 1701 of the Uniform Building Code.LEGAL DESCRIPTIONMap book / page: MB 296/81Subdivision Name: TR 28409Lot/parcel: 19Block: n/a,Tract number: n/aLandscape ArchitectureCovered Patios & Outdoor Living929 SQ. FT.Lot Size = .34 Acres / 14,810.4 sq. ft.5,437 / 14,810.4 sq. ft. X100 = 36% Lot CoverageTotal Under Roof= 5,43778-115 Calle Estado, Ste. 106La Quinta, CA 92253P: (760) 564-4707F: (760) 564-4955www.swconcepts.comREVISIONSNumberDrawn By:Approved By:Date: 04/29/2022ARCHITECTURE PLANNING DEVELOPMENTCustom ResidenceSTEVE SMITHat Flores de Montanas77233 Casa Del SolLa Quinta, CA 92253A.P.N: 773-360-019Stephen R. NietoMLDescriptionDateBuilder:TBDSHEET INDEXCover SheetCGENERALNoted Floor PlanA3.0A2.0Architectural Site PlanA1.0Elevations1Height Variance Request05-12-22
8''SS8''SSLOT 18TRACT 25296-6(MB 299/81-84)(APPR. PAD = 65.5)A1.0SITE PLANSITE PLANSCALE: 18" = 1'-0"78-115 Calle Estado, Ste. 106La Quinta, CA 92253P: (760) 564-4707F: (760) 564-4955www.swconcepts.comREVISIONSNumberDrawn By:Approved By:Date: 04/29/2022ARCHITECTURE PLANNING DEVELOPMENTCustom ResidenceSTEVE SMITHat Flores de Montanas77233 Casa Del SolLa Quinta, CA 92253A.P.N: 773-360-019Stephen R. NietoMLDescriptionDateNORTH1Height Variance Request05-12-22
NOTED FLOOR PLANSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"Livable Space3,847 sq. ft.2-Car Garage & Mech.661 sq. ft.545 sq. ft.Total Area Under Roof5,437 sq. ft.Covered Patios78-115 Calle Estado, Ste. 106La Quinta, CA 92253P: (760) 564-4707F: (760) 564-4955www.swconcepts.comREVISIONSNumberDrawn By:Approved By:Date: 04/29/2022ARCHITECTURE PLANNING DEVELOPMENTCustom ResidenceSTEVE SMITHat Flores de Montanas77233 Casa Del SolLa Quinta, CA 92253A.P.N: 773-360-019Stephen R. NietoMLDescriptionDate384 sq. ft.Outdoor LivingAREA CALCULATIONSA2.0NOTED
FLOOR PLAN 1Height Variance Request05-12-22
A3.0ELEVATIONS FRONT ELEVATION "A"SCALE: 14" = 1'-0"78-115 Calle Estado, Ste. 106La Quinta, CA 92253P: (760) 564-4707F: (760) 564-4955www.swconcepts.comREVISIONSNumberDrawn By:Approved By:Date: 04/29/2022ARCHITECTURE PLANNING DEVELOPMENTCustom ResidenceSTEVE SMITHat Flores de Montanas77233 Casa Del SolLa Quinta, CA 92253A.P.N: 773-360-019Stephen R. NietoMLDescriptionDateRIGHT ELEVATION "C"SCALE: 14" = 1'-0"REAR ELEVATION "B"SCALE: 14" = 1'-0"LEFT ELEVATION "D"SCALE: 14" = 1'-0"1Height Variance Request05-12-22111