2021-08-23 SWRCC - PRA Extension Draft EIRLaurie McGinley |Management Assistant
City Clerk’s Office
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico ◦ La Quinta, CA 92253
Ph. 760.777.7123
14-DAY EXTENSION: SWRCC (Tsai) 2021-08-12 Coral Mountain Draft EIR
Laurie McGinley <lmcginley@laquintaca.gov>
Mon 8/23/2021 11:08 AM
To:cindy@mitchtsailaw.com <cindy@mitchtsailaw.com>
Cc:mitch@mitchtsailaw.com <mitch@mitchtsailaw.com>;george@mitchtsailaw.com <george@mitchtsailaw.com>;hind@mitchtsailaw.com
<hind@mitchtsailaw.com>;Brandon Young <brandon@mitchtsailaw.com>;Consulting Planner <ConsultingPlanner@laquintaca.gov>;City Clerk Mail
Good afternoon,
The City received your request for public records on August 12, 2021, related to the Coral Mountain Resort Draft
This e-mail serves as written notice that the 10-day time limit to satisfy the request is being extended by an
additional 14 days in accordance with the California Public Records Act [Government Code Section 6253(c)], due to
the need to search for, collect, and appropriately examine a voluminous amount of records and to consult with
another agency having substantial interest in the determination of the request or among two or more components
of the agency having substantial subject matter interest therein. The City will respond on or about September 7,
Thank you,
From: Monika Radeva <mradeva@laquintaca.gov>
Sent: Saturday, August 14, 2021 3:04 PM
To: cindy@mitchtsailaw.com
Cc: mitch@mitchtsailaw.com; george@mitchtsailaw.com; hind@mitchtsailaw.com; Brandon Young <brandon@mitchtsailaw.com>; ConsulKng
Planner <ConsulKngPlanner@laquintaca.gov>; City Clerk Mail <CityClerkMail@laquintaca.gov>
Subject: RECEIVED: SWRCC (Tsai) 2021-08-12 Coral Mountain DraV EIR
Good afternoon,
This email serves as confirmation that the City has received the attached request for public information, sent via
the email below and dated August 12, 2021, related to the Coral Mountain Resort Draft EIR.
The City will begin processing this request and will respond as soon as possible, but no later than August 23, 2021,
in accordance with the California Public Records Act (Gov. Code Section 62350 et seq.).
Thank you.
Monika Radeva, CMC |City Clerk
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253
Tel: (760) 777-7035
From: Cindy Pain <cindy@mitchtsailaw.com>
Date: Thursday, August 12, 2021 at 4:42 PM
To: "consulKngplanner@laquintaca.gov" <consulKngplanner@laquintaca.gov>, "mradeva@laquintaca.gov"
Cc: Mitchell Tsai <mitch@mitchtsailaw.com>, George Aguilar <george@mitchtsailaw.com>, Hind Baki <hind@mitchtsailaw.com>,
Brandon Young <brandon@mitchtsailaw.com>
Firefox https://outlook.office.com/mail/AAMkAGJiMWY1OTY1LTBhY2EtN...
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Subject: SWRCC-[City of La Quinta, Coral Mountain Resort]-PRA Request
Resent-From: <consulKngplanner@laquintaca.gov>
Dear Ms. Radeva and Ms. Criste,
Please see the a‘ached Public Records Act and NoKce List Request for the above referenced Project and confirm receipt of this email and its
Best Regards,
Cindy Pain
Mitchell M. Tsai, Attorney at Law
139 South Hudson Avenue, Suite 200
Pasadena, CA 91101
Office: (626) 381-9248
Fax: (626) 389-5414
Email: cindy@mitchtsailaw.com
Website: http://www.mitchtsailaw.com
Firefox https://outlook.office.com/mail/AAMkAGJiMWY1OTY1LTBhY2EtN...
2 of 2 4/2/22, 11:47 AM