2021-11-17 Gamlin - Lighting DemostrationRE: The Wave Festival Project / Coral Mountain Resort - Surf Pool Lighting Demonstration/ Letter of November 17, 2021 John Gamlin <jgamlin@coralmountain.com> Wed 11/17/2021 4 :00 PM To:Consulting Planner <ConsultingPlanner@laquintaca.gov>;James Vaughn <JVaughn@szrlaw.com> Cc:Cheri Flores <clflores@laquintaca.gov>;Danny Castro <dcastro@laquintaca.gov> ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and cau;on when opening a=achments, clicking links or responding to requests for informa;on. ** Thanks Nicole. With respect to viewing from Andalusia, we suggest the City staff be at the Club at 7:45 to see the ambient light condi;ons in the view sight line (exis;ng lights plus any visible light from the Wave Basin test. At 8 PM there will be a hard cut off, and staff would be able to discern the difference in light condi;ons, if any. John Gamlin 760-238-2443 mobile jgamlin@coralmountain.com Coral Mountain Sent from Mail for Windows 10 From: Consul;ng Planner Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2021 3:33 PM To: James Vaughn; John Gamlin Subject: Fw: The Wave Fes;val Project / Coral Mountain Resort - Surf Pool Ligh;ng Demonstra;on/ Le=er of November 17, 2021 Gentlemen, We received the a=ached this a‘ernoon. Nicole Nicole Sauviat Criste Consul;ng Planner City of La Quinta From: Bruce T. Bauer <bauer@sbemp.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2021 2:52 PM To: Jon McMillen <jmcmillen@laquintaca.gov>; Cheri Flores <clflores@laquintaca.gov>; Consul;ng Planner <Consul;ngPlanner@laquintaca.gov> Cc: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>; Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>; John Pena <jpena@laquintaca.gov>; kfitzpar;ck@laquintaca.gov <kfitzpar;ck@laquintaca.gov>; Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov> Subject: The Wave Fes;val Project / Coral Mountain Resort - Surf Pool Ligh;ng Demonstra;on/ Le=er of November 17, 2021 Firefox https://outlook.office.com/mail/AAMkAGJiMWY1OTY1LTBhY2EtN... 1 of 2 4/2/22, 11:11 AM ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and cau;on when opening a=achments, clicking links or responding to requests for informa;on. ** Dear Mr. McMillen, Ms. Flores and Ms. Criste: As you know, our office represents residents in the City of La Quinta (City), La Quinta Residents for Responsible Development (LQRRD). Please find our objec;ons and comments, in the form of our le=er of today’s date, concerning The Wave Fes;val Project / Coral Mountain Resort - Surf Pool Ligh;ng Demonstra;on that is scheduled for this evening. Please contact me with any ques;ons you may have regarding this ma=er. Thank you. Bruce T. Bauer PALM SPRINGS COSTA MESA SAN DIEGO PRINCETON NEW YORK ____________________________________________ Bruce T. Bauer Of Counsel SLOVAK BARON EMPEY MURPHY & PINKNEY LLP 1800 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way, Palm Springs, California 92262 Phone (760) 322-2275 / Fax (760) 322-2107 hAps://sbemp.com/ CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message, together with any documents, files and/or other messages a8ached to it, is for the sole use of the intended recipients and may contain confiden;al and privileged informa;on. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribu;on is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately no;fy the sender by telephone and destroy all copies of the original message. Thank you. CIRCULAR 230 DISCLOSURE: To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the United States Treasury Department, you are hereby informed that any advice contained in this communica;on (including any a8achments) is not intended or wri8en to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penal;es under the Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promo;ng, marke;ng. Firefox https://outlook.office.com/mail/AAMkAGJiMWY1OTY1LTBhY2EtN... 2 of 2 4/2/22, 11:11 AM