2021-11-19 Fleury - Light Demonstration_RedactedRe: Light demo for Coral Mt. Resort
Bobbie Fleury
Fri 11/19/2021 3:38 PM
To:Consulting Planner <ConsultingPlanner@laquintaca.gov>
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Thank you Nicole. Have a lovely weekend.
On 11/19/2021 3:30 PM, Consulting Planner wrote:
Ms. Fleury,
Thank you for your comments. They will be provided to the Planning Commission and City Council
when the project is brought forward to hearings.
Nicole Sauviat Criste
Consul;ng Planner
City of La Quinta
From: Bobbie Fleury
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2021 12:29 PM
To: Consul;ng Planner <Consul;ngPlanner@laquintaca.gov>
Subject: Fwd: Light demo for Coral Mt. Resort
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judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for
information. **
Hello Nicole -
The following letter expressing my husband's and my opinion of the light
demo was sent this morning to Sherry Barkas at the Desert Sun
and Jake Ingrassia at KESQ. Please make it part of the record for the
proposed Coral Mt. Resort request for zoning change.
Thank you -
"I just finished reading your story about the light demo. Thank you for
the photos. They do a good job of reflecting all the sand particles in
the air.
And you did point out that only 2 light poles were used by the developer
for the test, when in reality there will be 17. That rendered this test
a sham.
The additional light poles that will be stretched completely along the
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length of the proposed wave pool will make a line of puddling clear
across the base
of the mountain.
Now, what many haven't realized, and what hasn't been talked about, is
that there will be lights on in quite a few other areas on the site.
Along with the ones
around the basin there will, by necessity, be the lights that will guide
guests from
the entry road (across from Andalusia) all the way down to the hotel;
parking lot lighting for the hotel;
the lighting surrounding the hotel and casitas; lights at the corner of
58th where the market will be; and lights from 60th into the "back of
the house"
area where employees will park (they have to be on for safety) and one
can clearly see that the whole area will be lit up like Disneyland.
And altho' the wave basin lights will go off at 10pm, all the rest will
remain on from dusk to dawn for the security of employees and guests. So
our serene and peaceful
corner of the world will be gone forever if the LQ City Council approves
the zoning request.
Thank you for taking time to read this letter.
Bobbie Fleury
Trilogy La Quinta"
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