2020 Urban Habitat Change Order 09 - SRR Park Venue Project 2016-08ta o�W -- GE\1 nfrhr DESERT - TO: Jon McMillen, City Manager FROM: Ubaldo Ayon, Assistant Construction Manager Via: Bryan McKinney, P.E., Public Works Director/City Engineer DATE: July 23, 2020 RE: Contract Change Order No. 9 SilverRock Park Venue Project No. 2016-08 Attached for your signatures is one (1) original Contract Change Order No. 9 between Urban Habitat and the City of La Quinta for the project referenced above. This Contract Change Order allows for approval of the Alongi Building improvements. Please sign and return the original to the City Clerk for final distribution. REQUESTING DEPARTMENT TO CHECK THE ITEMS BELOW AS APPROPRIATE: X Contract payments will be charged to the construction account number: 401-0000-60188-201608-CT Authority to execute this agreement is based upon: City Manager's signature authority provided under Resolution No. 2018-014 for budgeted expenditures of $50,000 or less. X City Council approval on July 7, 2020 The following Budget Summary is provided: Project Budget $ 6,000,000 Original Contract Amount ($ 4,218,880) Contract Change Order No. 1 - 8 ($ 613,204) Contract Change Order No. 9 ($ 98,1611 Balance Remaining $ 1,069,755 As indicated, adequate funding is available. 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 760.777.7000 Sheet 1 of 3 CONTRACT: SilverRock Park Venue PROJECT NO. 2016-08 CONTRACTOR: Urban Habitat PO Box 1177 La Quinta, CA 92247 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 9 Pursuant to the terms of the original Contract Agreement, you are hereby directed to make the herein described changes or do the following described work not included in the plans and specifications for this Contract. Unless otherwise stated all work shall conform to the terms, general conditions, and special provisions of the original Contract. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE This Contract Change Order allows for Alongi Building Pad and Utility Adjustment Total $ 98,160.57 Previous Contract Amount Through CCO #8 $4,832,084.22 Add This Change Order No. 9 $98,160.57 Revised Contract Total $4,930,244.79 By reason of this contract change order the time of completion is adjusted as follows: - 6 - days added to contract time. The contract completion date shall be: 8/14/2020 Submitted By: Approved By: Digitally s4wd by Ubaldo Ayan Jr DN: cn=Ubaldo Ayon Jr. -City of La QuinM au=P&k Works, eara+tt�i uquwan gay, C-Us Dale.=tL^ OTA 515. 1-167-07M' Digftly signed by Bryan McKinney DN: cn=Bryan MOUnney, o, ou, email=bmckinney@laquinh c gov, c=US Cale°g?D g i 19 16 39 CXi -07 09 7/15/2020 7/15/2020 We, the undersigned Contractor, have given careful consideration to the change proposed and hereby agree, if this proposal is approved, that we will provide all equipment, furnish all materials, perform all labor, except as may be noted above, and perform all services necessary to complete the above specified work, and hereby accept as full payment the amount shown above, which includes all direct and indirect overhead expenses for any delays. Accepted By: r� t rIe:� 1 11AGcontractor: i Date: ul I`I W Vv APPROVED BY: DATE: 202JO ]ON Mr dMILLEN, CITY MANAGER, CITY OF LA QUINTA CHANGE ORDER PROJECT: CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 31 SILVERROCK PARK VENUE DATE: 6/17/20 CONTRACTOR: PROJECT NO.: 2016-08 URBAN HABITAT OWNER: CONTRACT DATE: CITY OF LA QUINTA CONTRACT FOR: Urban Habitat The Contract is changed as follows: Alongb building pad and utility adjustment Grade Pad Operator Group 8 4 hours S 111.69 S 446.76 Landscape Operator 8 tours $ 89.55 S 716AO Laborer 16 hours $ 77.33 $ 1,23728 Subtotal S 2,400.44 Overhead & Profit 25% S 600.11 Equipment $ 900.00 Overhead 8 Profit 15% $ 135.00 Subtotal $ 4,035.55 Utility lines adjustment Concrete Pad $ 5,000.00 Archuleta S 79,273.00 Overhead & Profit 10% $ 7.927.30 Subtotal $ 87,200.30 Subtotal $ 96,235.85 Bonding 2% S 1,924.72 Total S 98,160.57 Not vatitid unlit siried by the Owner, Architect and Contracmr. The original Contract Sun was S 4,219,979.75 Net change by previously authorized Change orders $ 613,519.22 The Contract Sum prior to this Change order was $ 4,932,398.97 The Contrad Sum wilt be amended by this Change Order in the amount of $ 98,160.57 The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be 5 4,930,559.54 The Contract Time will be amended by 6 days The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is 8/14/20 N/A Urban Habitat City of La Qulnta SUBCONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR OWNER PO Box 1177, La Quinta, CA 92247 Address Address - BY 3Y 4 L� I �r'�)' r �'~ BY r— DATE DATE C —�I ,Af. ' DATE U AIA Form G701 ARCHULETA CONCRETE 79-301 Country Club Ste 100 Bermuda Dunes, CA 92201 (760)345-8722 Fax 345-8223 Uc. No 672066 Date: 28-May-20 DBE / SBE Goal: Prevailing Wages: Yes PROPOSAL # : 000554TY Change Order 5 Addendums: 1,2,3,4 Estimator: T.Young SUBMITTED TO: Urban Habitat Bid Date: 7/30/19 Attn: Brett Brennan DIR # 1000010213 Phone: 760-345-1101 Lic.No 672066 Fax: E-Mail:'en`ri-wbanhabitatx�m_ PROJECT NAME: SilverRock Park Venue LOCATION: 52nd Avenue and Jefferson Street La Quinta, CA SCOPE OF WORK: Silver Rock Foundation Slab ITEMS DESCRIPTION AMT. Unit Price Unit Ext. 1 12" Reinforce Foundation Slab 1696 SF with Bearing Plates per Plans 2 4" Reinforced Slab Adjacent to 1218 SF Foundation Slabs per Plans Total Improvements S 79 273.00 DETAIL STIPULATIONS: 1) Grade to be within +/- 0.10/FT to balance with compaction by others. 2) Builder to thoroughly wet area during ALL operations 3) Subgrade to be Free of Rocks 4) 8"Wide Bearing plate to be 5' length with 2 U bars as allowed by Greg Cook Engineer 5) Steel Shims for leveling container and TS 40 to be supplied and installed by Xtreme Cube Manufacturer 6) Excludes Excavation and Compaction 7) Includes 15 mil Stego Wrap purchase and installation Initials: / Contractor Sub Contractor Page 1 of 1 Original Contract 4,218,880.00$    Budget 6,000,000.00$       Change Order No. 1 5,629.99$            Original Contract 4,218,880.00$       Change Order No. 2 8,758.75$            CCO 1‐8 613,204.22$          Change Order No. 3 42,996.50$          CCO 9 98,160.57$            Change Order No. 4 35,195.04$          CCO 10 30,344.92$            Change Order No. 5 209,855.77$       Budget Remaining 1,039,410.29$       Change Order No. 6 321,900.00$      Change Order No. 7 3,563.06$           Change Order No. 8 (14,694.89)$        613,204.22$          Total CCO 1‐8Change Order No. 9 98,160.57$          711,364.79$          Total CCO 1‐9Change Order No. 10 30,344.92$          741,709.71$          Total CCO 1‐10TOTAL 4,960,589.71$    4,930,244.79$