2020 Urban Habitat Change Order 10 - SRR Park Venue Project 2016-08ta Qaiara — GEM ofrhr DESERT — TO: Jon McMillen, City Manager FROM: Ubaldo Ayon, Assistant Construction Manager Via: Bryan McKinney, P.E., Public Works Director/City Engineer DATE: July 23, 2020 RE: Contract Change Order No. 10 SilverRock Park Venue Project No. 2016-08 Attached for your signatures is one (1) original Contract Change Order No. 10 between Urban Habitat and the City of La Quinta for the project referenced above. This Contract Change Order allows for approval of the Utility Adjustment, installation of an overflow for lake system and for Over Excavation for restroom. Please sign and return the original to the City Clerk for final distribution. REQUESTING DEPARTMENT TO CHECK THE ITEMS BELOW AS APPROPRIATE: X Contract payments will be charged to the construction account number: 401-0000-60188-201608-CT Authority to execute this agreement is based upon: City Council Approval 717/20 City Manager's signature authority provided under Resolution No. 2018-014 for budgeted expenditures of $50,000 or less. X City Council approval on July 7, 2020 The following Budget Summary is provided: Project Budget $ 6,000,000 Original Contract Amount ($ 4,218,880) Contract Change Order No. 1 - 9 ($ 711,365) Contract Change Order No. 10 ($ 30,345) Balance Remaining $ 1,039,410 As indicated, adequate funding is available. 78-495 Caile Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 760.777.7000 Sheet 1 of 3 CONTRACT: SilverRock Park Venue PROJECT NO. 2016-08 CONTRACTOR: Urban Habitat PO Box 1177 La Quinta, CA 92247 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 10 Pursuant to the terms of the original Contract Agreement, you are hereby directed to make the herein described changes or do the following described work not included in the plans and specifications for this Contract. Unless otherwise stated all work shall conform to the terms, general conditions, and special provisions of the original Contract. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE This Contract Change Order allows for Installation of an overflow for lake system Total $ 24,512.23 This Contract Change Order allows for Over Excavation for restroom Total $ 5,832.69 Previous Contract Amount Through CCO #9 $4,930,244.79 Add This Change Order No. 10 $30,344.92 Revised Contract Total $4,960,589.71 By reason of this contract change order the time of completion is adjusted as follows: - 10 - days added to contract time. The contract completion date shall be: 8/20/2020 Dilly signed by Ubaldo Ayon Jr DN: rn=Ubak r Ayon Jr a=Cily of La Ouinh, ou f =PuhFc Wake, / email=uayonalapunt— gov, -US SUbMitted By: Date: 2020071516:12:07-0700' •� Digitally signed ny Bryan McKinney -/xF ON: cn=8ryan Mci owy. o, ou, ,: ,r-- — 7" 7m 49nCkalMrgp�MLW DW guy. Gus Approved By: 1ate:2p20,m-t51&3g�G 7/15/2020 7/15/2020 We, the undersigned Contractor, have given careful consideration to the change proposed and hereby agree, if this proposal is approved, that we will provide all equipment, furnish all materials, perform all labor, except as may be noted above, and perform all services necessary to complete the above specified work, and hereby accept as full payment the amount shown above, which includes all direct and indirect overhead expenses for any delays. Accepted By: itle• �LJ1� Contractor: � lytm Date: 01' q :10)xp APPROVED BY: .,� ��-= 4 _�.$�- DATE: ]ON MCMIL.It' EN, CITY MANAGER, CITY OF LA QUINTA CHANGE ORDER PROJECT: CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 32 SILVERROCK PARK VENUE DATE: 6117/20 CONTRACTOR: PROJECT NO.: 2016-08 URBAN HABITAT OWNER: CONTRACT DATE: CITY OF LA OUINTA CON TRACT FOR: Urban Habitat The Contract Is changed as follows: Work Dhnactive No. 2 Labor/materials/equipment per attached $24,512.23 flat w6d Mdff dWad by the Gww. Mcbh ed and Cgewwr. The orlginat Contract Sum was $ 4,218,879.75 Net change by prevIo sly authorized Charge orders $ 613,519.22 The Contract Sum prior to this Change order was $ 4,832,398.97 The Contract Sum will be amended by this Change Order In the amount of $24,512.23 The new contract Sun hxtuding this Change Order will be $ 4A%,911.20 The Contract Time will be amended by 5 Dan The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is SUBCONTRACTOR Address BY DATE Urban Habitat Cttv of La Qulnta CONTRACTOR OWNER PO Boot 11T1, La Qrninta. CA 92247 Address BY DATE 1 !� L �'� DATE � l) AIA Form G701 Trl� Oct lkiss �IL�trn T._ ICost IS" 'CwF Subtotal �GH1AnAS ';Cost SubmtY i6or3np ;Cost Total _ . • Folder: Change Order Work Shoat W Pond Orwtlow -- -- -- - - - - --t • ,T460fl ltem: 15. 45 cSpOnm Bards :Hawlal IS FA� -- - - I1S45Doom -- - { 166.96 ! :&3'C9d 1 12524 If 960.14 . a 19.20 i S 479.34 4 IHR ID1alnage Leber L4' 45 degree Bands } 54.01 y 216.1E f 54.04 f 270.20 f 5 40 S 275.60 [Labx 3 NR �HR - iEq ipsCrutt OPer+Wow Lobar 1S 45 dog. Buda - " y 89.55 !6.45 J - S 67.16 ; 335 91 f 6.n s 392.53 I -- Noprmnt 3 - -- rM11J Fxavamr 15' 45 degree Bonds f 45.79 i 137.37 f f - _ - 157.96 j } 3_16 _ S 161.14 • TALEoff item : 15• POC to In - �. _ _ _ -204% - - rMasuld �S IEA 111 Tla In 149"s Mine I i # 109.54 13 16A3 : } 12E.0 _ f Z.52 f ]26.44 Haber ��•NR ONalnepr Labor f5 POc TIe In _ _ ! ' •_ i 02.12: 11 _ 40.33 i 202.65 f 4.05 S 206.70 llabnr 3 HR Fq Jpnrnt OReepr Leber !Se POC Tie in y s9.53 11 v 2EE.65 [i 67.15 'I 335.lI f_ 6"72 S 342.53 j Bgsripnwsit!" "" 3 "H ItS A.. F,carator 1S POCTietn T ; 45,7} 1 137.37 IS 20 51 3.16 f 161,14 aMmoR [town: 15• Pdtnthtlana ASTM H12 dual Wall Ape- 24.36' Depth Mania 200 FT IS" N12 pad Wall Ape y i4.✓R f is iCabw 10 MR Former. Labor 1S IRMYSthslena ASTM H12 dual 4VG1 Aps• 24.36' Depth y _ FD,4f1 iYabar SO H0. 0relnapq ielnr i5' Pt* O denm ASTM N12 dwk Wa1 Rpe• 14•'-D• �P� f "AM. j labor 10 RR Lqupaatte0prrelerLabar IS Ibira3lrtlr>• A5TX N12 dwl WeR Rpr 24 W ; BF 55 y� Depth Wripment 10 HRS 1206.Wr i-aear.br li" PuIrmlF�lgrr ASTM Nu dual NEtq Rpa• 2i-36" Dspdt - f - 9sd10 y 10 HRS 4 r urm 1s. PoIye1 wm- Hn-" W+R Rpa-24.36" f tiownum jEpulpmenl LO 11R5 vibratory Rod Cangclor LS• P11rW A41M A5TN N12 dwl Well Rpr 2+W j f �12AD. Depth IS • T.ieavff Ite_m : 1s- PdFa�ar AST" N12 dud Wall Ape, W w 72" Depth Malenal 'ZD0 ,PT IV H12 DW Wag Ape I } 14SI ! 1 Labor 20 MR Foreman Labor 15• Pdrath{iana ASTM. M12 duel Wall Apo. 36' m 72' Depth { So,46 ". i .Leber i20 MR Dwn" Labor W Pdlrethtlone ASTM 1412 dud plat Rpm- 36• tl 72• Depth . f 54.04 'Labor 120 HR fgmWent 0peramr Labor I Polv6thrtrr ARM N12 dust YAW Ape' W to 72' f 09.56 } Egtiprttanl 2D HR5 Depth 200 CCar &rancor 35' PoIYa1hlAeox ASTX N12dw115{Cq Rpe• 36' es 72' peptlE { 95.00 } Gwtmsm m HRS Later Lem !S F4wiykne AS'FX N32 dud wee Rpe• 3F' b Tl Depth l 1 9�0 i I Fqurs„enI 20 IHRS Nbratay Rak Cowmacmr SS• pdredrslaae AST14 N12 timid 1Na� Rpr 36' b 72"' 1 l2..00 y Depth- • Takevll Item : .I. 3.3' Conaetx Head Wall 2,964.D0 is 444.60 5 804.60 } 201..15 : 6 540.40 f 135.10 ' f 895.50 f 223.88# 950.00 $ 142 50 S loo.00 S 15.00 s 120.00 f 18.00 S 1 4" 60 f 109,40 j i0S.i0 s i,08D.m 1 27020 I y l,741"tau i 447,75 i 1,900A0 1 2}.5A0 f 180.00 { 27A0 y IaRA i less i ti 176.% �I f 41.14 y 108.09 -- f 2742 f 176.56 � } 44.14 f 270"Zf1 A 67.SS 447.75 ; 111.94 Is 228.9s f - 34 2Dr107.38 .�.; - 3,400.60 a t38.17 s 3,476.77 ' 1,00S.7s [� 2D.i2 s 1,025.87 675,50 ;f I' Ii.51 s 689.01 1,119.38 1 2i.39 f 1,141.76 1,092.50 II 21:F5 f 1,114.35 115.00 If 2.30 f 117.30 138.00 ; 2.76 I s 140.76 3,406.60 f. 68.17 1 f 3,476-77 _ 2,011.50 _ f 40.23 f 2,OSS.73 - _ 1,351A0 _ f 27.02 f 1,378.02 1 2,230.75 44.78 1 f 2,283.53 2,185.00 F 43.70 i f 2,228.70 207.00 f- 4.14 'f 211.14 276.00 l i 5.52 f 281.52 • f f 144.53 1 2.09 f 147,42 ! 0.79 f 40.47 220.A I_ f 4.11 f 225.11 135.10 S 2.70 f 13720 331.05 f 6.62 i 'f37.67 220.70 _ S 4.41 11 225,11 S 6.'A f 344.51 _- _W77S 559b9 f 13-19 1 5A98 --163.29- y - 5.27 f A" 1 - 24r431S9 - '.; 24,51223 I June 11, 2020 Attn: Brett Brennan Urban Habitat PO Box 1177 La Quinta, CA 92247 Subject: SilverRock Park Venue Project No. 2016-08 Work Directive No. 2 Dear Mr. Brennan, You are hereby notified to make the following changes to the above -mentioned project, in order to protect the park in case of an overflow at the upper lakes. Please do the following: • Install 15" HDPE pipe at East end of lake where the current box is and terminate line in basin. • Install outlet structure that will combine the 6" and 15" line. Upon completion of the additional work, a Contract Change Order will be issued upon verification of the final quantities for the additional work. All additional quantities, associated bid item quantities, costs/credits, etc., will be accounted for in the Final Quantities Adjustment Change Order. If you have any further questions, please contact me at (760) 275-2789. Thank you, Ubaldo Ay6n Assistant Construction Manager Cc: Bryan McKinney, P.E., City Engineer Project File CHANGE ORDER PROJECT: CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 33 SILVERROCK PARK VENUE DATE: 6/17/20 CONTRACTOR: PROJECT NO.: 2016-08 URBAN HABITAT OWNER: CONTRACT DATE: CITY OF 14 QUINTA CONTRACT FOR: Urban Habitat The Contract is changed as follows: OverEx for the Restroom Equipment Operator Skldsteer Operator Water Truck Operator Overhead & Profit 25% Dozer Skidsteer Water Truck Overhead & Profit 15% 8 hours $ 8 hours $ 4 hours $ 2 days $ 2 days $ 2 days $ Nat YaHd until Ogned by the Owner, Architect aad Contractor. 111.69 S 89.55 S 89.55 S S 900.00 3 366.32 S 200.00 S 5 893.52 716AO 358.20 492.03 1,800.00 732.64 400.00 439.90 Total $ 5,832.89 The ortgtral Contract Sun was $ 4,218,879.75 Net change by Prey authorized Change orders $ 613,519.22 The Contract Sum prior to this Change order was $ 4,832,398.97 The Contract Sum will be amended by this Change Order to the mount of $5,832.69 The new Contract Sum trdudlng this Change Order will be S 4,838,231.66 The Contract Time will be amended by S Days The date of SubstantJhi Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is N/A Urban Habitat City of La Quints SUBCONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR OWNER PO Box 1177. La QLilftta. CA 92247 Address $Akldr`ess BY �� �� l]� u—, 8Y s}Y DATE DATE ` IL _ 1� , t 4• l DATE d��%-L: - AIA Form G701