2020 Urban Habitat Change Order 11 - SRR Park Venue Project 2016-08 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 760.777.7000 TO: Jon McMillen, City Manager FROM: Ubaldo Ayon, Assistant Construction Manager Via: Bryan McKinney, P.E., Public Works Director/City Engineer DATE: August 10, 2020 RE: Contract Change Order No. 11 SilverRock Park Venue Project No. 2016-08 Attached for your signatures is one (1) original Contract Change Order No. 11 between Urban Habitat and the City of La Quinta for the project referenced above. This Contract Change Order allows for approval of the restroom sewer realignment, second pump, restroom circuit panel, and credit for replacing stolons with hydroseed. Please sign and return the original to the City Clerk for final distribution. The following Budget Summary is provided: Project Budget $ 6,321,900 Original Contract Amount ($ 4,218,880) Contract Change Order No. 1 - 10 ($ 741,710) Contract Change Order No. 11 ($ 60,602) Balance Remaining $ 1,300,708 As indicated, adequate funding is available. REQUESTING DEPARTMENT TO CHECK THE ITEMS BELOW AS APPROPRIATE: _X_ Contract payments will be charged to the construction account number: 401-0000-60188-201608-CT Authority to execute this agreement is based upon: ___ City Manager’s signature authority provided under Resolution No. 2018-014 for budgeted expenditures of $50,000 or less. _X_ City Council approval on August 4, 2020 CHANGE ORDER PROJECT: SILVERROCK PARK VENUE CONTRACTOR: URBAN HABITAT OWNER: CITY OF LA QUINTA CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: DATE: PROJECT NO.: ~4 7/29/20 2016-08 CO NTRACT DATE: CONTRACT FOR: Urban Habitat The Contract is changed as follows: Restroom Sewer Realignment (per the attached) $5,712.40 Not valid until si ned b the Owner, Architect and Contractor. The original Contract Sum was Net change by previously authorized Change orders The Contract Sum prior to this Change order was The Contract Sum will be amended by this Change Order in the amount of The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be The Contract Time will be amended by The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is $ 4,218,879.75 $ 741,709.71 $ 4,960,589.46 $5,712.40 $ 4,966,301.86 2 days N/A Urban Habitat City of La Quinta SUBCONTRACTO R CONTRACTOR OWNER PO Box 11771 La Quinta, CA92247 Address "]\uJ\ ~ Address BY BY BY~ iM. DATE DATE ili~~l~<),Q DATE AIA Form G701 Q ty Units Name Cost Cost Tax Subtotal Labor Material/ Subtotal Bonding Grand Total Each Markup Equipment Markup Takeoff Item: 6" Sewerline 5-7 feet deep Material 66 LF PIPESDR 6" SOR 35 PVC GSKT PIPE SOLID (20 FT) $2.66 $175.56 $15.36 $190.92 $28.64 $219.56 $4.39 $223.95 Material 66 LF #10 Tracer Wire $0.35 $23.10 $2.02 $25.12 $3.77 $28.89 $0.58 $29.47 Material 3 CY Pea Gravel $24.00 $72.00 $6.30 $78.30 $11.75 $90.05 $1.80 $91.85 Labor 8 HR Foreman Labor 6" Sewerline 5- 7 feet deep $80.46 $643.68 $643.68 $160.92 $804.60 $16.09 $820.69 Labor 8 HR Drainage Labor 6" Sewerline 5-7 feet deep $53.26 $426.08 $426.08 $106.52 $532.60 $10.65 $543.25 Labor 8 HR Equipment Operator Labor 6" Sewerline 5-7 feet deep $89.55 $716.40 $716.40 $179.10 $895.50 $17.91 $913.41 Equipment 8 HRS BackHoe 6" Sewerline 5-7 feet deep $49.79 $398.32 $34.85 $433.17 $64.98 $498.15 $9.96 $508.11 Equipment 8 HRS Lazer Level 6" Sewerline 5-7 feet deep $10.00 $80.00 $7.00 $87.00 $13.05 $100.05 $2.00 $102.05 Takeoff Item : Add 6" SDR-35 Cap 4' deep Material 1 EA FTGSWDRN 6" PVC SDR35 CAP (Hub) $8.50 $8.50 $0.74 $9.24 $1.39 $10.63 $0.21 $10.84 Labor 1 HR Drainage Labor Add 6" SDR-35 Cap 4' deep $53.26 $53.26 $53.26 $13.32 $66.58 $1.33 $67.91 Takeoff Item: Excavate and Remove 6" Sewerline- 4' deep Labor 5 HR Foreman Labor Excavate and Remove 6" Sewerline- 4' deep $80.46 $402.30 $402.30 $100.58 $502.88 $10.06 $512.93 Labor 5 HR Drainage Labor Excavate and Remove 6" Sewerline- 4' deep $53.26 $266.30 $266.30 $66.58 $332.88 $6.66 $339.53 Labor 6 HR Equipment Operator Labor Excavate and Remove 6" Sewerline- 4' deep $89.55 $537.30 $537.30 $134.33 $671.63 $13.43 $685.06 Equipment 6 HRS BackHoe Excavate and Remove 6" Sewerline- 4' deep $49.79 $298.74 $26.14 $324.88 $48.73 $373.61 $7.47 $381.08 Takeoff Item : Install new 6" SDR35 wye to Existing sewerline 6.5' deep Material 4 EA FTGSWDRN 6" PVC WYE (Hubx Hub x Hub) $35.78 $143.12 $12.52 $155.64 $23.35 $178.99 $3.58 $182.57 Material 1 EA 6" Fernco $22.00 $22.00 $1.93 $23.93 $3.59 $27.51 $0.55 $28.06 Labor 4 HR Drainage Labor Install new 6" SDR35 wye to Existing sewerline 6.5' deep $53.26 $213.04 $213.04 $53.26 $266.30 $5.33 $271.63 To tal: $5,712.40 CHANGE ORD ER PROJECT: SIL VERROCK PARK VENUE CONTRA CTOR: URBAN HABITAT OWNER: CITY OF LA QUINTA CHANGE ORDER NUMB ER: DATE: PROJECT NO.: 35 7/29/20 2016-08 CO NTRACT DATE: CONTRACT FOR: Urban Habitat The Contract is changed as follows: Pump Station (per the attached) $66,758.26 Subcontractor Brudvik Grand Total $ 10,452.00 Markup $ 1,045.20 Subtotal $ 11,497.20 Bonding $ 229.94 Total $ 11,727.14 $ 78,485.40 Not valid until si ned b the 0-.vner, Architect and Contractor. The original Contract Sum was Net change by previously authorized Change orders The Contract Sum prior to this Change order was The Contract Sum will be amended by this Change Order in the amount of The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be The Contract Time will be amended by The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is $ 4,218,879.75 $ 741,709.71 $ 4,960,589.46 $78,485.40 $ 5,039,074.86 10 days N/A Urban Habitat City of La Quinta SUBCONTRACTO R CO NTRACTOR OWNER Address Address BY BY DATE DATE AIA Form G701 Qty Units Nam e Cost Cost Tax Subotal Labor M aterial Subtotal Bonding Grand Total Each M arkup Equip. M ark up Takeoff Item : 6" Concret e Slab fo r Pum p Ba se- Sub Contract or Subcontract 31 SQ Fr 6" Concrete Slab for Pump Base- Sub Contractor SF $22.00 $682.00 $682.00 $682.00 $13.64 $695.64 Takeoff Item: 6" DUCTILE IRON GATE W/2" OPERATING NUT LEEMCO Material 1 EA 6" Cast Iron Flanged Gate Valve $285.53 $285.53 $24.98 $310.51 $46.58 $357.09 $7.14 $364.23 Material 1 EA TORO 10" ROUND VALVE BOX WI TH BLACK LID $9.56 $9.56 $0.84 $10.40 $1.56 $11.96 $0.24 $12.20 Material 2 LF ft. 8" PVC SDR35 SEWE R PIPE Slee ve $3.81 $7.62 $0.67 $8.29 $1.24 $9.53 $0.19 $9.72 Material 1 EA PURPLE RECLAIMED WATER TAG $2.44 $2.44 $0.21 $2.65 $0.40 $3.05 $0.06 $3.11 Material 2 EA 6" HDPE Flange Adapter DR9 machined to DR11 / Resin 4710 $19.61 $39.22 $3.43 $42.65 $6.40 $49.05 $0.98 $50.03 Material 2 EA NBG Kit 6" STAI NLESS STEEL BO LTS $48.16 $96.32 $8.43 $104.75 $15.71 $120.46 $2.41 $122.87 Material 2 EA Back Up Rings 6" DR7 EPOXY COATED $13.29 $26.58 $2.33 $28.91 $4.34 $33.24 $0.66 $33.91 La bor 1 HR IRRIGATI ON LA BOR 6" DUCTILE IRON GATE W/2" OPERATING NUT LEEMCO $53.26 $53.26 $53.26 $13.32 $66.58 $1.33 $67.91 Takeoff Item : 6"- 45 deg Sch 80 Solvent Weld Material 6 EA 6" 45 ELL, SXS SCH 40 PVC $22.53 $135.18 $11.83 $147.01 $22.05 $169.06 $3.38 $172.44 Material 12 EA NBG Kit 6" STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS $48.16 $577.92 $50.57 $628.49 $94.27 $722.76 $14.46 $737.22 Labor 6 HR Irrigation Labor 6"- 45 deg Sch 80 Solvent Weld $53.26 $319.56 $319.56 $79.89 $399.45 $7.99 $407.44 Takeoff Item : 6" PVC C-900 Irrigation Line and conduit Material 180 Fr 6" CL235 DR 18 PVC PIPE, AWWA C900-07, 20' LENGTHS $4.71 $847.80 $74.18 $921.98 $138.30 $1,060.28 $21.21 $1,081.4~ Material 180 Fr 3" DETECTABLE TAPE IRRIGATION BLUE 1000' ROLL $0.05 $9.00 $0.79 $9.79 $1.47 $11.26 $0.23 $11.48 Material 340 Fr 2" GREY SCH 40 PVC CONDUIT BE, 20' LENGTH $0.68 $231.20 $20.23 $251.43 $37.71 $289.14 $5.78 $294.93 Labor 9 HR Irrigation Labor 6" PVC C-900 Irrigation Line and conduit $53.26 $479.34 $479.34 $119.84 $599.18 $11.98 $611.16 Labor 9 HR Irrigation Labor 6" PVC C-900 Irrigation Line and conduit $53.26 $479.34 $479.34 $119.84 $599.18 $11.98 $611.16 Labor 9 HR Irrigation Labor 6" PVC C-900 Irrigation Line and conduit $80.46 $724.14 $724.14 $181.04 $905.18 $18.10 $923.28 Labor 9 HR Equipment Operator Labor 6" PVC C-900 Irrigation Line and conduit $89.55 $805.95 $805.95 $201.49 $1,007.44 $20.15 $1,027.5~ Equipment 9 HRS BackHoe 6" PVC C-900 Irrigation Line and conduit $49.79 $448.11 $39.21 $487.32 $73.10 $560.42 $11.21 $571.63 Takeoff Item : 6" PVC C-900 Irrigation Line- FILL Line to new POC by Pump Material 260 Fr 6" CL235 DR 18 PVC PIPE, AWWA C900-07, 20' LENGTHS $4.71 $1,224.60 $107.15 $1,331.75 $199.76 $1,531.52 $30.63 $1,562.1~ Material 253 Fr 3" DETECTABLE TAPE IRRIGATION BLUE 1000' ROLL $0.05 $12.65 $1.11 $13.76 $2.06 $15.82 $0.32 $16.14 Labor 13 HR Irrigation Labor 6" PVC C-900 Irrigation Line- FILL Line to new POC by Pump $53.26 $692.38 $692.38 $173.10 $865.48 $17.31 $882.78 La bor 13 HR Irrigation Labor 6" PVC C-900 Irrigation Line- FILL Line to new POC by Pump $53.26 $692.38 $692.38 $173.10 $865.48 $17.31 $882.78 La bor 13 HR Fo reman Labo r 6" PVC C-900 Irrigation Line- FILL Line to new POC by Pump $80.46 $1,045.98 $1,045.98 $261.50 $1,307.48 $26.15 $1,333.6, Labor 13 HR Equipment Operator Labor 6" PVC C-900 Irrigation Line- FILL Line to new POC by Pump $89.55 $1,164.15 $1,164.15 $291.04 $1,455.19 $29.10 $1,484.2~ Equipment 13 HRS BackHoe 6" PVC C-900 Irrigation Line- FILL Line to new POC by Pump $49.79 $647.27 $56.64 $703.91 $105.59 $809.49 $16.19 $825.68 Takeoff Item : 6" PVC SCH Fill line (in Lake) Material 40 Fr 6" CL235 DR 18 PVC PIPE, AWWA C900-07, 20' LENGTHS $4.71 $188.40 $16.49 $204.89 $30.73 $235.62 $4.71 $240.33 Labor 3 HR Foreman Labor 6" PVC SCH RII line (in Lake) $80.46 $241.38 $241.38 $60.35 $301.73 $6.03 $307.76 Labor 3 HR Equipment Operator Labor 6" PVC SCH Fill line (in Lake) $89.55 $268.65 $268.65 $67.16 $335.81 $6.72 $342.53 Equipment 3 HRS BackHoe 6" PVC SCH Fill line (in Lake) $49.79 $149.37 $13.07 $162.44 $24.37 $186.81 $3.74 $190.54 Takeoff Item : Concrete Th rust Blocks $0.00 Material 7 EA Concrete Thrust Blocks $15.00 $105.00 $9.19 $114.19 $17.13 $131.32 $2.63 $133.94 La bor 6 HR Irrigation Labo r Concre te Thrust Blocks $53.26 $319.56 $319.56 $79.89 $399.45 $7.99 $407.44 Takeoff Item: Lake Pump- Enclosure Assembly, Skid and Enclosure (Flange to Flange) Material 1 EA La ke Pump- Enclos ure Assembly, Skid and Enclosure (Flange to Flange) $30,857.00 $30,857.00$2,699.99$33,556.99 $5,033.55 $38,590.54 $771.81 $39,362.35' La bor 24 HR Fo reman Labo r La ke Pump- Enclosure Assembly, Skid and Enclosure (Flange to Flange) $80.46 $1,931.04 $1,931.04 $482.76 $2,413.80 $48.28 $2,462.08 La bor 24 HR Irrigation Labo r La ke Pump- Enclosure Assembly, Skid and Enclosure (Flange to Flange) $53.26 $1,278.24 $1,278.24 $319.56 $1,597.80 $31.96 $1,629.76 Labor 24 HR Equipment Operator Labor Lake Pump- Enclosure Assembly, Skid and Enclosure (Flange to $89.55 $2,149.20 Flange) $2,149.20 $537.30 $2,686.50 $53.73 $2,740.2:!i Equipment 8 HRS 10 Ton Lift Lake Pump- Enclosure Assembly, Skid and Enclosure (Flange to Range) $100.00 $800.00 $8.75 $808.75 $121.31 $930.06 $18.60 $948.66 Takeoff Item : Pump suction Line and Strainer Material 12 EA Masonry Blocks $2.25 $27.00 $2.36 $29.36 $4.40 $33.77 $0.68 $34.44 Material 1 EA 6" Pump Suction Screen and Foot Valve $175.00 $175.00 $15.31 $190.31 $28.55 $218.86 $4.38 $223.24 Material 2 EA 5' long x 2" wide Stainless Steel Clamps $125.00 $250.00 $21.88 $271.88 $40.78 $312.66 $6.25 $318.91 Material 10 EA Bags of Grout/Epoxy Bond $15.00 $150.00 $13.13 $163.13 $24.47 $187.59 $3.75 $191.35 Labor 8 HR Irrigation Labor Pump suction Line and Strainer $53.26 $426.08 $426.08 $106.52 $532.60 $10.65 $543.25 Labor 8 HR Foreman Labor Pump suction Line and Strainer $80.46 $643.68 $643.68 $160.92 $804.60 $16.09 $820.69 Takeoff Item : Repair and Replace Existing Irrigation system and Transplant Shrubs Material 1 EA Repair and Replace Existing Irrigation system and Transplant Shrubs $100.00 $100.00 $8.75 $108.75 $16.31 $125.06 $2.50 $127.56 Labor 8 HR Irrigation Labor Repair and Replace Existing Irrigation system and Transplant Shrubs $53.26 $426.08 $426.08 $106.52 $532.60 $10.65 $543.25 Takeoff Item: Rock Base for Pump Pad Material 2 TON Rock Base for Pump Pad $40.00 $80.00 $7.00 $87.00 $13.05 $100.05 $2.00 $102.05 Labor 1 HR Landscape Labor Rock Base for Pump Pad $53.26 $53.26 $53.26 $13.32 $66.58 $1.33 $67.91 Labor 1 HR Landscape Labor Rock Base for Pump Pad $53.26 $53.26 $53.26 $13.32 $66.58 $1.33 $67.91 Labor 1 HR Equipment Operator Labor Rock Base for Pump Pad $89.55 $89.55 $89.55 $22.39 $111.94 $2.24 $114.18 Equipment 1 HRS T300 Bobcat Skid Steer Rock Base for Pump Pad $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $5.25 $40.25 $0.81 $41.06 Total $66,758.26 B ru d v ik , In c . 600 Eugene Road Palm Springs, CA 92264 Phone: (760) 320-4429 Fax: (760) 323-3302 License #482623 CHANGE ORDER REQUEST To: Urban Habitat Date: 7/28/2020 Attn: ---,-~---------- Project: LQ Silverrock Park Venue Job# _ COR# 6R Description of Work: Provide and install a 125-amp 3-pole breaker in main service panel, provide and install feeder conductors, and terminate line voltage conductors to lake pump. Also includes connections to controls provided with packaged pump station. Excludes trenching, conduit, and conduit installation. Price this Request $10,452.00 Signed: Larry "Bo" Ford Brudvik, Inc. Date: 7/28/2020 Accepted: _ Date: _ P r ic e S u mm a r y R e p o rt La Quinta Silverrock Park Venue Add 125-amp circuit for lake booster pump and connect controls Materials $ 4,96 9.68 Sales Tax 9.25% $ 459.70 Subtotal $ 5,429.3 8 Markup 15.00% $ 814.4 1 $ 6,243.78 Supplier Quotes $ Sales Tax 9.25% $ Subtotal $ Markup 15.00% $ $ Subcontractor $ Sales Tax 0.00% $ Subtotal $ Markup 10 .00% $ $ Rental Equipment $ Sales Tax 9.25% $ Subtotal $ Markup 15.00% $ $ Labor Rate Hours $72 .8 7 X 46.2 1 $ 3,367.3 2 Markup 25.0 0% $ 841.83 $ 4,209.15 Subtotal $ 10,452.94 ~ Bond $ 10,452.94 lsell Pric e 10,452.00 I $ Ext Price Labor Unit Ext Labor Item # Item Nam e Q uantity Price Unit Unit Unit 40 12 THHN STR CU BLK 500 W IRE 948.00 $0.265 $251.67 0.006 5.69 43 6 THH N STR CU BLK 2000R W IRE 21 0.00 $1.145 $240.38 0.010 2.20 48 1/0 THH N STR CU BLK 500R WI RE 630.00 $3.704 $2,333.76 0.021 13.23 72 5 1 AL LB Condulet Body 2.00 $11.528 $23.06 0.3 75 0.75 72 7 1-1/2 AL LB Condulet Body 2.00 $23.974 $47.95 0.525 1.05 810 1 AL Condulet Body Cover 2.00 $2.998 $6.00 0.375 0.75 812 1-1/2 AL Condulet Body Cover 2.00 $4.4 70 $8.94 0.000 0.00 823 1 Condulet Body Gasket 2.00 $1.910 $3.82 0.375 0.75 825 1-1/2 Condulet Body Gasket 2.00 $2.224 $4.4 5 0.000 0.00 1,078 3/4" X 12" NIPPLE GRC 2.00 $12.474 $24.95 0.180 0.36 1,089 1" X 12" NIPPLE GRC 4.00 $17.154 $68.62 0.225 0.90 1,10 8 1-1/2"X 6" NIPPLE GRC 2.00 $12.834 $25.67 0.240 0.4 8 1,111 1-1/2"X 12" NIPPLE GRC 4.00 $25.623 $102.4 9 0.240 0.96 1,502 3/4 Locknut 2.00 $0.202 $0.4 0 0.015 0.03 1,503 1 Locknut 4.00 $0.334 $1.3 3 0.023 0.09 1,505 11/2 Locknut 4.00 $0.670 $2.68 0.023 0.09 1,566 3/4 Insul Grn d Bushing-D ie Cast 2.00 $4.630 $9.26 0.270 0.54 1,567 1 Insul Grn d Bushing-D ie Cast 4.00 $4.831 $19.33 0.300 1.20 1,569 11/2 Insul Grn d Bushing-D ie Cast 4.00 $6.590 $26.36 0.3 75 1.50 2,702 3/4 PVC Sch 40 90-degree Elbow 3.00 $0.858 $2.57 0.150 0.4 5 2,703 1 PVC Sch 40 90-degree elbow 4.00 $1.299 $5.20 0.150 0.60 2,705 11/2 PVC Sch 40 90-degree Elbow 4.00 $2.591 $10 .36 0.225 0.90 2,945 3/4 PVC CO UPLI N G 3.00 $0.310 $0.93 0.023 0.07 2,946 1 PVC CO UPLI N G 4.00 $0.4 70 $1.88 0.023 0.09 2,948 11/2 PVC CO UPLI N G 4.00 $0.876 $3.50 0.030 0.12 2,967 3/4 PVC FEM A LE AD PT 2.00 $0.597 $1.1 9 0.2 25 0.45 2,968 1 PVC FEM A LE AD PT 2.00 $0.813 $1.63 0.3 00 0.60 2,970 11/2 PVC FEM A LE AD PT 4.00 $1.292 $5.17 0.375 1.50 3,277 3/4 FLEX W P 6.00 $1.877 $11.2 6 0.075 0.4 5 3,278 1 FLEX W P 10.00 $2.826 $28.26 0.045 0.45 3,280 11/2 FLEX W P 10.00 $4.505 $45.05 0.075 0.75 3,301 3/4 LT Flex Conn-Steel-Str-Jns Thrt 2.00 $10 .539 $21.08 0.13 5 0.27 3,302 1 LT Flex Conn-Steel-Str-Jns Thrt 4.00 $20.711 $82.85 0.150 0.60 3,304 11/2 LT Flex Conn-Stl-Str-Jns Thrt 4.00 $42.325 $169.3 0 0.210 0.84 11 ,844 lG W P BLAN K 1.00 $2.090 $2.09 0.075 0.08 12,289 lG BELL BO X 4HU BS 3/4" 1.00 $15.764 $15.76 0.375 0.38 60,051 Ex cavate Pull Box 1.00 $0.000 $0.00 1.500 1.50 60,052 Pull Box Gravel 1.00 $22.500 $22.50 1.050 1.05 60,053 Brick 2.00 $3.750 $7.50 0.000 0.00 60,054 Concrete Pull Box 1.00 $54.000 $54.00 1.500 1.50 60,13 8 125/3 Add-to-Existing w/Hardware 1.00 $1,276.500 $1,276.50 3.000 3.00 ~4 969.68 46.21 CHANGE ORDER PROJECT: SILVERROCK PARK VENUE CONTRACTOR: URBAN HABITAT OWNER: CITY OF LA QUINTA CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: DATE: PROJECT NO.: 36 7/29/20 2016-08 CO NTRACT DATE: CO NTRACT FOR: Urban Habitat The Contract is changed as follows: Provide a 3-phase 30-circuit panel with main circuit breaker and distribution breakers in the restroom building Brudvik $677.00 Subcontractor Markup $67.70 Subtotal $744.70 Bonding $14.89 Grand Total $759.59 Not valid until si ned b the Owner Architect and Contractor. The original Contract Sum was Net change by previously authorized Change orders The Contract Sum prior to this Change order was The Contract Sum will be amended by this Change Order in the amount of The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be The Contract Time will be amended by The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is $ 4,218,879.75 $ 741,709.71 $ 4,960,589.46 $759.59 $ 4,961,349.05 0 NIA Urban Habitat City of La Quinta SUBCONTRACTOR CO NTRACTOR OWNER Address Address BY BY DATE DATE AIA Form G701 Brudvik, Inc. 600 Eugene Road Palm Springs, CA 92264 Phone: (760) 320-4429 Fax: (760) 323-3302 License #482623 CHANGE ORDER REQUEST To: Urban Habitat Date: 7/17/2020 Attn: --------------- Project: LQ Silverrock Park Venue Job# _ COR# 5 Description of Work: Provide a 3-phase 30-circuit panel with main circuit breaker and distribution breakers in the restroom building. Price this Request $677 .00 Signed: Larry "Bo" Ford Brudvik, Inc. Date: 7/17/2020 Accepted: _ Date: ---- C H A N G E O R D E R PROJECT: SILVERROCK PARK VENUE CONTRACTOR: URBAN HABITAT OWNER: CITY OF LA QUINTA CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: DATE: PROJECT NO.: 37.1 7/29/20 2016-08 CONTRACT DATE: CONTRACT FOR: Urban Habitat The Contract is changed as follows: Per C O R 2 2 , 209 ,6 0 0 square feet of sod was to be replaced with stolons. This change order w ou ld change the installation to hydroseed (at a cost of $0 .7 4 8 per squarefoot, resulting in a further credit of $0 .116 2 per square foot ($2 4 ,355 .5 2 ). 209 ,6 0 0 square feet of hydroseed in lieu of stolons $ (24 ,3 5 5 .52 ) Total: $ (24 ,3 5 5 .5 2 ) Not valid until si ned b the Owner Architect and Contractor. The original Contract Sum was Net change by previously authorized Change orders The Contract Sum prior to this Change order was The Contract Sum will be amended by this Change Order in the amount of The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be The Contract Time will be amended by The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is $ 4,218,879.75 $ 741,709.71 $ 4,960,589.46 $ {24,355.52) $ 4,936,233.94 0days N/A Urban Habitat City of La Quinta SUBCONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR PO Box 1177, La Quinta CA 92247 OWNER Address BY Address BY DATE DATE A\AQ\J~ s , 201a DATE A IA Form G 70 1