2021 Urban Habitat Change Order 14 - SRR Park Venue Project 2016-08 TO: Jon McMillen, City Manager FROM: Carley Escarrega, Management Assistant Via: Bryan McKinney, P.E., Public Works Director/City Engineer DATE: May 27, 2021 RE: Contract Change Order No. 14 SilverRock Park Venue Project No. 2016-08 Attached for your signatures is one (1) original Contract Change Order No. 14 between Urban Habitat and the City of La Quinta for the project referenced above. This Contract Change Order allows for the following: gravel pave repair, grass pave repair, mainline repair, electrical panel materials and labor, installation of concrete ramp for Alongi, raising manhole to new design elevation, wall sealer for turfed walls in amphitheater, and pavers in front of Alongi building. Please sign and return the original to the City Clerk for final distribution. The following Budget Summary is provided: Project Budget $ 6,321,900 Original Contract Amount ($ 4,218,880) Contract Change Order No. 1 - 12 ($ 1,236,913) Contract Change Order No. 14 ($ 36,275) Balance Remaining $ 829,832 REQUESTING DEPARTMENT TO CHECK THE ITEMS BELOW AS APPROPRIATE: _X_ Contract payments will be charged to the construction account number: 401-0000-60188-201608-CT Authority to execute this agreement is based upon: ___ City Manager’s signature authority provided under Resolution No. 2018-014 for budgeted expenditures of $50,000 or less. _X_ City Council approval on May 18, 2021 Adequate funding is available. The overall project budget is as follows: Design $ 551,359 Design to be paid by Alongi Budget $ (48,635) Professional $ 60,000 Construction Manager $ 125,000 Inspection/Testing/Survey/Monitors $ 89,921 Pre-Construction (Mass Grading) $ 88,630 Bidding Costs $ 4,741 Restroom Building $ 106,421 Construction $ 5,065,312 Change Order to be paid by Alongi Budget $ (98,161) Utility Fees $ 288,021 Contingency $ 89,291 TOTAL $ 6,321,900     + =1E(;;6&0v8";0vE(3D(v   + D;$"3v,"$->">v  + 7Cv6)v2"v9D.3>"v BSOv&^[lgKmv%+KRG\QOMvGjvP_XX^pj!v 6. 29 !3!+*&9,8/29 .+7*94 9 '+*"97#($*9 #'+*+) '+&+ ++ '+ $+ $''+!+# '$'#$+ >ROv^bUQU[GXv &^[lfGKlv<nZvpGjv 3Olv KRG[QOvJrvabOoW^njXrvGnlR^cVuOMv &RG[QOv^bMOiv >ROv&^[lcGKlv<nZvah^bvl^vlRUjv&RG[QOv^bMObvpGjv 07-9 75+5)9 +*%*9 "(+ >ROv&^[lfGKmv<nZvpUXXv JOvGZO[MOMvJrvlRVjv &SG]QOv6cMOcvU[vlROv GZ^n[lv^Pv >ROv[Opv&^[lfIKlv<nZvU[KXnMU[QvlRUjv&RG]QOv6fNOcvpVYXvJOv >ROv&^[lgLmv >UZOvpUXXvJOvGZO[MOMvJrv AROvMGlOv^Pv<nJjlG[lUGXv&^ZaXOlU^[vGjv^PvlROv MGlOv^PvlRUjv&RG]QOv 6cMOcvlROcOP`cOvUjv 3 "v DfJG[v,GJUlGlv <D$&63@;"&A6;v &63A;"&?6;v &,"3+(v6;'(;v3D5(;v '">(v 8;6/(&?v 46v &63>;"&>v'"A(v &63>;"&@v*6; v  9   9    9   9   86v%qv v1Gv9nU[lGv&"v #MdOjjv  '">(v 9+19 9 v    v   v DbJG[v,GJTlGlv      &Ultv^Pv1Gv:nU[lGv 6F3(;v "MMeOjjv  '">(v v v v  v v  v'Hskv City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: May 18, 2021 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 14 TO CONTRACT WITH URBAN HABITAT FOR THE SILVERROCK PARK VENUE PROJECT NO. 2016-08 FOR ADDITIONAL MISCELLANOUS WORK REQUESTS AND REPAIRS AND RELATED COMPENSATION RECOMMENDATION Approve Change Order No. 14 in the amount of $36,275 to Contract with Urban Habitat for the SilverRock Park Venue project for additional miscellaneous work requests and repairs; and authorize the City Manager to execute the change order. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •On August 6, 2019, a contract was awarded to Urban Habitat (Contractor) for the construction of the La Quinta SilverRock Park Venue Project (Project) (Attachment 1) and construction began in September 2019. •Change Order No. 14 (Attachment 2) includes improvements for repair of the fire lane paving systems; repair of existing irrigation lines; additional work request to install concrete and pavers at Alongi building; and additional work request to raise a storm drain manhole, add an electrical panel, and seal exposed concrete walls; in the amount of $36,275. FISCAL IMPACT There are sufficient funds in the project budget (Account No. 401-0000- 60188, Project No. 2016-08) for the improvements in the amount of $36,275.39. The following table shows the projects budgeted revenue sources: Budget Arts in Public Spaces $ 300,000 Measure G Funding $ 1,866,600 Park & Rec DIF Fund $ 2,400,000 Quimby Funding $ 2,000,000 Total Budget: $ 6,566,600 If Change Order No. 14 is approved there will be approximately $174,000 remaining to close the project. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 15 187 The portion of work performed for the Alongi Building will fund from the associated Alongi Building budget. The following is a list of all change orders to date: Total Contract Original Contract Amount: $ 4,218,880 Contract Change Order No. 1: $ 5,630 Contract Change Order No. 2: $ 8,759 Contract Change Order No. 3: $ 42,996 Contract Change Order No. 4: $ 35,195 Contract Change Order No. 5: $ 209,856 Contract Change Order No. 6: $ 321,900 Contract Change Order No. 7: $ 3,563 Contract Change Order No. 8: $ (14,695) Contract Change Order No. 9: $ 98,161 Contract Change Order No. 10: $ 30,345 Contract Change Order No. 11: $ 60,602 Contract Change Order No. 12: $ 44,120 Contract Change Order No. 13: $ 390,481 This Contract Change Order No. 14 $ 36,275 Final Contract Amount: $ 5,492,068 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Proposed Change Order No. 14 is recommended for approval in the amount of $36,275.39 for the following: •Gravel Pave repair to add mainline for overflow parking; •Grass Pave repair to adjust to new elevation; •Mainline repair to fix break in existing line; •Electrical panel materials and labor for lake pump; •Concrete pad for ramp and additional pavers in front for the Alongi building; •Raising storm drain manhole to new design elevation; •Wall sealer to prevent damage to turfed walls at stage. ALTERNATIVES Council may elect to not approve the change order or approve only parts of the change order. Prepared by: Carley Escarrega, Management Assistant Approved by: Bryan McKinney, P.E., Public Works Director/City Engineer Attachments: 1.Project Vicinity Map 2. Change Order No. 14 188 131189