C.S. Legacy Construction, Inc. Bidta Qa�tra CAt IFORNIA - ADDENDUM NUMBER 1 TO: All Prospective Bidders and Plan Holders FROM: Leonard R. St. Sauver, Construction Manager DATE: July 19, 2019 SUBJECT: Project No. 2016-08, La Quinta SilverRock Park Venue The following shall be considered as incorporated into the project plans and specifications for the above referenced project. Portions of plans and specifications not specifically mentioned in this Addendum remain in force. • PROJECT BID DOCUMENTS Section 1200 Section 1200 is updated with the following: Add the following to the list of required forms for the bid: 1230-Lake Contractor, Certification of Bidder's Experience and Qualifications Section 1210 Section 1210 is replaced with the attached Section 1210 dated July 19, 2019. The following modifications are included: • Add Base Bid Item No. 6A: Remove and Replace Soil Stabilization Clarify Description for Bid Item 47: Furnish and Install Water Feature per Plans and Specifications Including All Appurtenances as Shown on the Plans and as Needed to Make Function. Including but not limited to items listed in Technical Specifications 18.1, crossing structure, and railing. • Add Additive Alternate 3: Furnish and Install Floating Fountain and All Appurtenances as Shown on the Plans and as Needed to Make Function ta Qaiwt(v iirn - Section 1230 Add Section 1230-Lake Contractor: The Lake Contractor shall submit a complete list of a minimum of five (5) such previous projects. Segtign 1400 Sheet 1400-9, Section 3.3 "Inspection", add the following paragraph after paragraph 1: Contractor shall call in daily for inspections, unless otherwise approved by the City, at Public Works Inspection Hotline 760-777-7097. Section 2000 Sheet 2000-5, Section 5.3 "Working Hours", replace the following paragraph as shown: As Reads: October 1 to April 30: Monday - Friday 7:00 AM to 5:30 P.M. May 1 to September 30: Monday - Friday 6:00 AM to 7:00 P.M. Amended to Read Unless otherwise approved by the City: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM to 5:30 P.M. E TM +a Sheet 4000-1, Section 1.0 "General Requirements", the following is added after the second paragraph: This project will have various monitors to ensure environmental compliance. The Contractor will be required to coordinate with the monitors to allow them to conduct their work. The monitors have the authority to redirect work away, or if the need arises halt work, from certain areas in specific cases where birds, artifacts, or fossils are found. If human remains or possible human remains are encountered, construction activities in the immediate vicinity should be halted temporarily, and the Riverside County Coroner's Office should be notified immediately pursuant to state law. Ca Qa ig t(4. I - CAI WORKIA - Sheet 4000-3, Section 7.0 "Subgrade Preparation and Precise Grading", Paragraph 2, is replaced with the following: As Reads: Rough Grading has been completed by others and is within 1110th of a foot +/- of the final grade. The area enclosed by the screen wall is within 1 foot of the final grade. The Contractor is required to precise grade the site per the grades per the plans. Is Amended to Read: Rough Grading has been completed by others and is within 1/10th of a foot +/- of the subgrade except as follows: the pump area enclosed by the screen wall is within 1-foot of the final grade; the lake is graded within 1/10th of a foot +/- of liner level; the stream is graded within 1/10th of a foot +/- of water surface elevation. The Contractor is required to precise grade the site per the grades per the plans. The Contractor shall remove the green dye used for dust control for the native soil area between the DG Parking Area and Concrete Path and shall apply clear SoilShield LS or City approved equal. Soil Stabilization shall be applied per the manufacture. Compensation for Remove and Replace Soil Stabilization shall be measured and paid for at the unit price paid per square foot shall include full compensation in furnishing all labor, materials, tools and equipment, and no additional compensation will be allowed. Sheet 4000-14, Section 15.0 "Miscellaneous Metal Items", the following is added after the third paragraph: Tubular steel shall also include square shape as called out in the plans. Pre -galvanized steel for stage railing and fencing is acceptable to use and should follow Metal Railings 206-5 of the Standard Specifications. The Contractor may substitute paint for powder coat at no additional cost to the City. The Contractor shall submit color sample to best match the paint specified prior to ordering the color. The City has the right to refuse the color samples and require the Contractor to use paint. The finish required for the water feature crossing rail shall be brushed'. ta Qwkra AI I1:0R\IA - PROJECT PLANS Plan Sheets 1 and G1 Modify General Note 9 as follows: As Reads: October 1 to April 30: Monday - Friday 7:00 AM to 5:30 P.M. May 1 to September 30: Monday - Friday 6:00 AM to 7:00 P.M. Amended to Read Unless otherwise approved by the City: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM to 5:30 P.M. Plan Sheet G7 Construction - Water and Sewer, note 14 "Install 8" Meter, 6" Backflow Device and Isolation Valves (Plug Type) in Vault per CVWD Standards" amended to include: This item is a future item and shall not be constructed with the project. Plan Sheets L1.2 and L1.4 Construction Schedule Note 20 amended to read: Tubular Steel Fence per Detail K on Sheet L1.11 color Light Brown to match the existing SilverRock fence located along toe of slope of the development. The Contractor is hereby notified; Addendum No. 1 must be acknowledged as stipulated under the instructions to Bidders and submitted as part of the Bid. Failure to do so shall result in the City designating said bid as "Non -Responsive. " APPROVBO: 1 Leonard R. St. Sauver Construction Manager Attachments: 1. Section 1210 dated 7-19-2019 2. Section 1230-Lake Contractor 3. Rough Grading Letter from Surveyor END OF ADDENDUM NUMBER 1 - CALIFORNIA - ADDENDUM NUMBER 2 TO: All Prospective Bidders and Plan Holders FROM: Leonard R. St. Sauver, Construction Manager DATE: July 23, 2019 SUBJECT: Project No. 2016-08, La Quinta SilverRock Park Venue The following shall be considered as incorporated into the project plans and specifications for the above referenced project. Portions of plans and specifications not specifically mentioned in this Addendum remain in force. PROJECT BID DOCUMENTS Section 1100 Sheet 1100-1, Paragraph 1, replace the following paragraph as shown: As Reads: SEALED BIDS will be received by the City of La Quinta (City) at the Office of the City Clerk located at 78-495 Cale Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, until 1:00 P.M. on Thursday, July 25, 2019 at which time they will be publicly opened and read for performing work as follows: Amended to Read SEALED BIDS will be received by the City of La Quinta (City) at the Office of the City Clerk located at 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, until 10:00 A.M. on Tuesday, July 30, 2019 at which time they will be publicly opened and read for performing work as follows: Section 1110 Sheet 1110-3, Address Label, Line 8, replace the following sentence as shown: As Reads: July 25, 2019 @ 1:00 P.M. ta Q�W CAI IFORNIA - Amended to Read July 30, 2019 @ 10:00 A.M. Section 1210 Section 1210 is replaced with the attached Section 1210 dated July 23, 2019. The following modifications are included: • Change Bid Item 34 from "Remove Existing Grinder Pump and Install City Furnished Grinder Pump" to "Furnish and Install Grinder Pump (2 pump system), Electrical Conduit/Lines, Control Panel, 4' Extension, Wet Well, Lateral Kit, Reducers, Couplings, Decorative Rock Cover, and Including All Appurtenances as Needed to Make Function." • Change Bid Item 45 from "300 lb. Rock Rip -Rap per Plans" to "75 lb. Rock Rip Rap" ■ Change Bid Item 49 Unit Type from Square Foot to Lump Sum Section 4000 Sheet 4000-1, Section 4.1 'Dust Control", the following is added after the second paragraph: The Contractor shall install temporary chain link fence with wind screen to match existing chain link fence and wind screen at existing locations within the project boundaries. The Contractor may coordinate with the Developer of the site to take over the payment and maintenance of the fence at no additional cost to the City and as negotiated directly between the Developer and the Contractor. This cost is considered as included in the cost for Dust Control and no other payments will be allowed therefore. Sheet 4000-2, Section 5.0 "Clearing and Grubbing", the following is added to bullet point 1 under 300- There are several options for sourcing Construction Water, including but not limited to the following: • Water directly from the existing lake located at the northwest section of the property. The Contractor will be required to coordinate with the City to schedule the approximate amount of water and schedule needed to pull the water. The Contractor is responsible to furnish all items needed to source water from the lake including generators and trash pumps. 06V Q"tra - CAI IFORNIA - Water from fire hydrant located next to the restaurant on site. The Contractor will be responsible to coordinate with CVWD to place a meter on the fire hydrant including any associated fees. The Contractor will also be required for any piping and trenching needed to source the water. This location is approximately 1,300 feet from the proposed driveway. Water from an existing 6" irrigation main from the golf course irrigation. The Contractor will be responsible to coordinate with the Developer and the City to connect. The Contractor will also be required for any piping and trenching needed to source the water. This location is approximately 2,500 feet from the northeast corner of the improvements. Sheet 4000-13, Section 12.0 "Sewer Improvements", add section 12.4 per the following: 12.4 Grinder Pump The Contractor shall furnish and install a hardwired Grinder Pump (2 pump system), Electrical Conduit/Lines, Control Panel, 4' Extension, Wet Well, Lateral Kit, Reducers, Couplings, Decorative Rock Cover, and Including All Appurtenances as Needed to Make Function. The grinder pump shall conform to model DH152, manufacturer E/One Sewer System; the lateral assembly shall conform to NA0330P02, manufacturer E/One Sewer System; the control panel shall conform to E/One T260, manufacturer E/One Sewer System; and the following specifications: Grinder Pump The grinder pump station shall be a complete unit that includes: two grinder pumps, check valve, HDPE (high density polyethylene) tank, controls, and alarm panel. It shall be ideal for up to four, average single-family homes. • Rated for flows of 3000 gpd (11,356 Ipd) • 150 gallons (568 liters) of capacity • Indoor or outdoor installation - Standard outdoor heights range from 93 inches to 160 inches It shall be "hardwired," or "wired," where a cable connects the motor controls to the level controls through watertight penetrations. Motor: 1 hp, 1,725 rpm, high torque, capacitor start, thermally protected, 120/240V, 60 Hz, 1 phase. Inlet and Discharge Connections shall be modified to match the plans. 4-foot slip on extension will be required to meet invert grade. Duplex Alternating Alarm Panel CAI IfUML1 - Shall be designed for use with the grinder pump. Duplex grinder pump stations, a station with two grinder pumps, require the pumping load to be shared equally between the two pumps. Under normal conditions, one pump removes the accumulated sewage from the grinder pump basin. After 24 hours, the Alternating Panel toggles the electrical supply power to the pump that was idle. If the sewage level reaches the alarm level, the two grinder pumps will operate simultaneously for 3 to 4 minutes. If, after that time, the sewage is not below the alarm level, the alarm circuit is engaged. The Alternating Panel shall be supplied with audible and visual high-water level alarms. The panel shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories, CSA, CE and NSF to ensure high quality and safety. Standard Features: • UL-approved, corrosion -proof enclosure • NEMA 4X-rated enclosure with hinged access panel • Lockable latch with keyed -alike padlock included • Circuit breakers • Terminal blocks & ground lugs • Dry contacts • Lead/lag, run and alarm indicator lights • Manual push -to -run Buck -Boost Transformer Requirements or as otherwise required by the manufacturer: Single Phase with 208 Line Voltage (Available), 240 Load Voltage (output), and with Load 5.63 kVA and 23.44 Amps. Setup and Training The manufacturer shall be present when starting up the pump. The manufacturer shall be available on -site for a demonstration to the City as set up and coordinated by the Contractor. Payment Payment for this item shall be paid for on a lump sum (LS) basis and shall include full compensation in furnishing all labor, materials, tools and equipment as specified by the manufacturer and the Special Provisions, including furnish, installing, excavation, backfill, wiring, conduits, training, and any Appurtenances as Needed to Make Function. No further compensation will be allowed therefore. t(V Qa� - 01 IFORNI.A - Sheet 4000-14, Section 14.0 "Miscellaneous Metal Items", the following is added after the third paragraph: Trash Rack shall be inclined type per Greenbook Standard 361-2. It shall be paid for under the associated headwall. Sheet 4000-14, Section 15.0 "Rip -Rap", replace the third paragraph with the following: As Reads: Payment for 300 lb. Rock Rip -Rap per Plans shall be measured and paid for at the contract price bid per Square Foot and will be a FINAL PAY item as shown on the Bid Schedule and shall include full compensation for all labor, materials, tools, and equipment and for doing all work involved in placing the rip -rap per the plan. Amended to Read Payment for 75 lb. Rock Rip -Rap per Plans shall be measured and paid for at the contract price bid per Square Foot and will be a FINAL PAY item as shown on the Bid Schedule and shall include full compensation for all labor, materials, tools, and equipment and for doing all work involved in placing the rip -rap per the plan. Sheet 4000-27, Section 18.1 "Water Feature General Description", the following is added to the list: 10. 6" PVC Pump Filter Flush/Discharge Line with 6" minimum grouted rip -rap per the plans. Length of pipe is approximately 430 feet. ■ PROJECT PLANS Plan Sheets G5 Modify Water and Sewer Construction Note per the following: As Reads: Install Grinder / Pump Manhole per City of La Quinta (City Supplied) Amended to Read Furnish and Install Grinder / Pump Manhole and Appurtenances h G8 Clarification - The proposed 2-inch force main is ending at the point of connection at Water and Sewer Note 12. No work beyond this point is required. The proposed 8" sewer, proposed grinder pump, and proposed 2" force main shown off the site north of Ahmanson Lane is existing and is not included in the work. taa�a — CA[ IFORNIA — • Clarifications Q-1. There is no application rate for stolons installation. Please provide number of required bushels per acre and method of stolonizing. Per our supplier, stolons will not be available until next summer and this will exceed allotted time to complete this project. Please advise. A.1 There is no stolonization. Bid Sod as specified with overseed. Q-2. Please provide a clear irrigation booster pump model number. A.2 See the following: IBPCO-25-2-4/PACT-HP 220 GPM 185 PSI 4 INCH Svstem Model Number Svstem Design Flow Rate Svstem Des n Pressure Svstem Piping Size 75 PSI 208 VAC 3 PHASE 60 Hz Minimum Suction Pressure System Electrical Voltage Svstem Electrical Phase and Frequency PACO 1595-9 220 GPM 265 FEET Pump Model Number Pump Capacitv (GPM) P=2 Total Head (Feet) L25 HP 3500 RPM 63 AMPS @ 208/3 ph Pumn Horsepower Pump RPM Svstem Full Load Amoeraee Q-3. What material exactly will the city of La Quinta be providing for the Grinder/sewer pump? A.3 The Contractor shall furnish and supply the grinder pump as specified in this addendum. Q-4. Per bid alternate 2, there is a line item for additional irrigation but there is no any line items for planting items for this area. Please advise. A.4 It will be sod per the base bid. Q-5. There doesn't appear to be a line item value attributable to the 6" irrigation pump filter flush/discharge line identified by construction note #10 on the precise grading plans. Construction of the grouted rip -rap identified by construction note #43 as this rip rap is not considered part of the Rip -Rap identified as part of the storm drainage improvements. Please advise. A.5 These items will be paid for under the Water Feature Bid Item Q-6. Please clarify what would be the method of parking lot area (decomposed granite) striping if any is required. A.6 No striping is required in the DG area. Q-7. There are waste containers shown on the plans but there is no bid item for it. Please clarify. A.7 No waste containers are required for this project. ta Qaigra -CAI IFORNIA - Q-8. Per construction plan, sheet L1.9, there are six round planter areas that has no callout or detail. Please provide a detail and pay item for it. A.8 The round planters shown are 6-foot diameter omitted holes in the concrete walk way. The Contractor is hereby notified; Addendum No. 2 must be acknowledged as stipulated under the instructions to Bidders and submitted as part of the Bid. Failure to do so shall result in the City designating said bid as "Non -Responsive. " Leonard/it. St. Sauver Construction Manager Attachments: 1. Section 1210 dated 7-23-2019 END OF ADDENDUM NUMBER 2 ta Qwkr(lv (�%1-1110RNIA - ADDENDUM NUMBER 3 TO: All Prospective Bidders and Plan Holders FROM: Leonard R. St. Sauver, Construction Manager DATE: July 25, 2019 SUBJECT: Project No. 2016-08, La Quinta SilverRock Park Venue The following shall be considered as incorporated into the project plans and specifications for the above referenced project. Portions of plans and specifications not specifically mentioned in this Addendum remain in force. PROJECT BID DOCUMENTS r Section 1210 Section 1210 is replaced with the attached Section 1210 dated July 25, 2019. The following modifications are included: Change Bid Item 36 Quantity from "4,766" to "47" • Add Bid Item 38a for 18" HDPE Sheet 4000-68, Section "Measurement and Payment", Paragraph 4, add the following: Furnish and Install Amiad Filter and Flow Sensor per Plans and all Appurtenances is considered as paid for under the Irrigation Bid Item. • PR03ECT PLANS Plan_Shget_GS Clarification - There is only one grinder pump at the intersection between the 2-6" PVC and 2" HDP pipes. The other construction note shown as Water and Sewer Construction Note "8" is amended to Water and Sewer Construction Note "7" CAI RORNLA Plan Sheet_EI-5 Provided electrical power to grinder pump Plan Sheet LZ 2 The contractor shall extend future stubs for slope irrigation with 2-wire at 5 locations. The irrigation legend was revised with new Flow Sensor type by Octave Ultronic. Contractor shall install flow sensor downstream of master valve. The Contractor shall install Amiad Filter between Sand Media Filter and Irrigation Booster Pump. Plan Sheets L2,,,I-L2.7 The contractor shall extend future stubs for slope irrigation with 2-wire at 5 locations. Plan 5hee#_L2.13 The Contractor shall install Amiad Filter between Sand Media Filter and Irrigation Booster Pump. Plan Shpel L2.14 The irrigation legend was revised with new Flow Sensor type by Octave Ultronic. Contractor shall install flow sensor downstream of master valve. The Contractor shall install Amiad Filter between Sand Media Filter and Irrigation Booster Pump. Irrigation, Plan_ Sheet legend Irrigation Pipe Size and Type is amended with: 2" and smaller SCH 40 pipe with 18" cover min. 3" Class 315 pipe with coupling with 24" min cover. 4" - 6" Class 315 ring tite pipe with 24" min. cover, Contractor shall install concrete thrust blocks for pipe 3"-6" diameter at 80' O.C. and when pipe changes direction per Detail 'B' Sht. 2.15 • Clarifications Q-1. Provide the invert elevation for the connection of the 2" sewer force main at the connection point shown on page G4 of the precise grading plan. A.1 The invert is 20.0'+/- and should be field verified. or�W ��Cu - CALIFORNIA Q-2. Confirm there is one (1) proposed Grinder sewer pump down -stream of the proposed 6" sewer at the intersection of 6"/2" proposed sewer improvements. Currently page G5 of the precise grading plan shows two (2) of these units; indicate location of existing Grinder pump to be removed as identified by bid item #34 and differentiate between this condition and the proposed Grinder pump previously mentioned. If there are two condition, please indicate where the existing to be replaced and where the new Grinder pump is to be installed. A.2 There Is only one (1) new Grinder Pump System at the intersection between the 2-6" PVC and 2" HDP shown on sheet G-5. The other is a miss label and is amended to read Water and Sewer Construction Note 7. Q-3. Please confirm that the 18" N-12 and flared end section shown on page G3 of the precise grading plan are incorrectly shown and to be 12" size to correspond with the bid form and construction callout #26 on page G5 of the precise grading plans. A.3 Both are correct. The 12" Line ends at the 24" Catch Basin at which point it changes into an 18" Line. This has been updated in the Bid Schedule. Q-4. Irrigation legend shows using two different type of pipe, Class 315 and ring tite pipe. Below is an image of irrigation legend. Please clarify type of pipe and size range to be used. If ring tite pipe to be used, provide method of installation, specifications and in particlular if mechanical, ductile iron fittings Is required. A.4 2" and smaller SCH 40 pipe with 18" cover min. 3" Class 315 pipe with coupling with 24" min cover. 4" - 6" Class 315 ring tits pipe with 24" min. cover. Contractor shall install concrete thrust blocks for pipe 3"-6" diameter at 80' O.C. and when pipe changes direction per Detail 'B' Sht. 2.15 taQaiaa - M IFURNIA - The Contractor Is hereby notified; Addendum No. 3 must be acknowledged as stipulated under the Instructions to Bidders and submitted as part of the Bid. Failure to do so shall result in the City designating said bid as "Non -Responsive." APPROVED: Leonar R. st. sauver Construction Manager Attachments: 1. Section 1210 dated 7-25-2019 2. Plan Sheets E1.5, L2.2-2.7, and L2.13-2.14 END OF ADDENDUM NUMBER 3 ta Qa�tr(4, CAI 11:0k NIA - ADDENDUM NUMBER 4 TO: All Prospective Bidders and Plan Holders FROM: Bryan McKinney, P.E., City Engineer DATE: July 26, 2019 SUBJECT: Project No. 2016-08, La Quinta SilverRock Park Venue The following shall be considered as incorporated into the project plans and specifications for the above referenced project. Portions of plans and specifications not specifically mentioned in this Addendum remain in force. ■ PROJECT BID DOCUMENTS Section 1210 Section 1210 is replaced with the attached Section 1210 dated July 25, 2019. The following modifications are included: • Change Bid Item 42 Description from "Trench Drain per NDS Part 550 and Cast Iron Grate per NDS Part 554 as per Plans- Final Pay Item" to "4-inch Radius Trench Drain with Heel -Proof and ADA Compliant SS Grating; Product as Manufactured by Dura Trench or Approved Equal, as per Plans" • Change Bid Item 42 Unit from Linear Feet to Lump Sum • PROJECT PLANS Plan Sheet G5 Construction Note 29 is amended to Read "4-inch Radius Trench Drain with Heel - Proof and ADA Compliant SS Grating; Product as Manufactured by Dura Trench or Approved Equal" taQ�W --[ 11117ORVLi- u Clarifications Q-1. Architectural plan sheet 7 of 15 conflicts with Precise Grading plan as to type and model of trench drain; please confirm which product will apply and provide installation details. A.1 The Radius Type Trench Drain is required. It is a custom manufactured product that may take 8-10-week lead time. An approved as -equal can be considered. Q-2. Please clarify what size, spacing, type of reinforcement is to be used in the flat work. A.2 The reinforcement for the stage platform flat work is shown on Architectural Sheet 7 of 15 Detail 8 (#4@ 18" OC each way) and also on S1 of 15 Detail 2. There is no reinforcement in the sidewalk that goes around the Site as shown on sheet L1.10 detail (D) concrete walkway. The Contractor is hereby notified; Addendum No. 4 must be acknowledged as stipulated under the instructions to Bidders and submitted as part of the Bid. Failure to do so shall result in the City designating said bid as "Non -Responsive. " APPROVED: 11101, Bryan McKinney City Engineer Attachments: 1. Section 1210 dated 7-26-2019 END OF ADDENDUM NUMBER 4 SECTION 1200 BID DATE: -71 ; I ci The undersigned, as bidder, declares it has received and examined the Contract Document entitled Project No. 2016-08, La Quinta SilverRock Park Venue, and will contract with the City, on the form of Contract provided herewith, to do everything required for the fulfillment of the contract for said work at the prices and on the terms and conditions herein contained. We have included the following items and agree that they shall form a part of this bid: SECTION TITLE 1200 Bid 1210 Bid Schedule 1220 Bid Guaranty Bond 1230 Certification of Bidder's Experience and Qualifications 1240 Proposed Subcontractors 1250 Non -Collusion Affidavit 1260 DIR Project Vendor Information We acknowledge that the following addenda have been received and have been examined as part of the Contract Documents. Bidders must be on the Plan Holders List with the City of Lo Quints in order to receive addenda. Addendum # Date Received Z 9 11 Attached is a bid guaranty bond as required by Paragraph 1110-15.0, BID GUARANTY. C . luof iY" : in C. Gar S Name 6f Ndder 90CT- 5-ic)-2fe2_tp _ Bidder Telephone Number Bid 1200-1 If our bid is accepted, we agree to sign the contract without qualifications and to furnish the performance and payment bonds and the required evidence of insurance within 10 calendar days after receiving written notice of the award of the contract. We further agree, if our bid is accepted and a Contract for performance of the work is entered into with the City, to so plan work and to prosecute it with such diligence that the work shall be completed within the time stipulated. Name of Bih8er Contractor's License No. I0I-3► License Expi Signature of Bi Title of Signatory L70°I. 5c/D- 2(P2 �P Telephone Number Email A d ess Witness S.ecv-W a - ic+1c '-r-t 4PS Title of Witness !')04 Pli i+ e. s_ 6�roVe- Ali,? . Onizlha, o4- q1-1 kol Address of Bidder State of Incorporation Bid 1200-2 ADDENDUM 04 — DULY 26, 2019 SECTION 1210 BID SCHEDULE PROJECT NO. 2016-08 LA QUINTA SILVERROCK PARK VENUE City of La Quinta 78-495 Colle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 To Whom It May Concern: Pursuant to the Invitation to Bid, and in accordance with the provisions therein stated, the undersigned hereby proposes and agrees that on award by the City under this Bid, to execute a Contract, with necessary bonds, to furnish and install any and all labor, materials, transportation and services for City Project No. 2016-08, La Quinta SilverRock Park Venue, in accordance with the plans and specifications therefore adopted and on file with the City within the time hereinafter set forth and at the prices named in this Bid. It is understood that the basis of award shall be the lowest total price of the Base Bid Area plus all Additive Alternates. Unit prices in each and every case represent the true unit price used in preparing the bid schedule totals (Bid Form). Unit prices listed herein include material, installation and appurtenant work as is necessary to have the item complete and in place meeting the full intent of the plans and specifications. We acknowledge that unbalanced unit prices shall be sufficient cause for the rejection of our bid. Bid Schedule 1210-1 ADDENDUM 04 - DULY 26, 2019 BASE BID ITEM UNIT PRICE ITEM TOTAL EST' ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT (in figures) (in figures) N0. QTY. DOLLARS DOLLARS GENERAL 1 Mobilization 1 LS $ 0, lzoL4. i .00 2 Traffic Control 1 LS $ $ 5 0 3 Dust Control 1 LS $ 6 3 $ S 3, 01 S 01 cX� , pry 4 Storm Water Pollution Prevention 1 LS $ $ 3to a52,CZ Plan (SWPPP) 31c, �sz.c, 5 Demolition and Disposal 1 LS $ f�, oaf $ SITE CONSTRUCTION & AMENITIES Site Im. r 6 Subgrade Preparation and Precise Grading1 LS $ 102� oll•c�, $ ic,2, o i-7. z 6o Remove and Replace Sail Stabilizationa 82,000 SF $ 2-f $ 22 ► �o.a, 7 Decomposed Stabilized Granite Over Class II Aggregate Base per Plan 69,943 SF $ 2 • o6 $7 �b 8 6" P.C.C. Pavement Over Class II A re ate Base per Plan (Parkinq) 1,788 SF $ i z oo $ 21, �%s(c. cv Interlocking Pavers Over Class II 9 Aggregate Base per Plan (Site 97167 SF $ 1 o . c0 $ 1, (0-70. C�3 Entrance) Gravel Pavel with 3/8" Crushed Rock 10 Over Class II Aggregate Base with 4,727 SF $ i 3. ad S tvi 4s i - eo Permaloc per Plan 11 12" Wide P.C.C. Banding Over Class II Aggregate Base per Plan 346 LF $ Ito . oo $ S, S3ia . o0 12 6" Class II Aggregate Base Over Compacted Native Soil per Plans 8,775 SF $ 1, 4c, $ i 2, zgs , � 13 6" P.C.C. - See Plan for Width(s) 45,158 SF $ y ob, 4 zz. Zo 14 6" PCC Hardscape per Landscape Plans 2,060 SF $ a. l �6 $ Zi,'-�2�_ ao 15 2" Thick Stabilized Decomposed Granite Trail per Plan 4,794 SF $ f • So $ -7, 1 q 1. oo 16 6" Concrete Vertical Curb per City of Lo Quints Std. 210 170 LF $ :2-4. oo $ 4, 0 $0 - o0 17 4" Concrete Rolled Curb per City of La Quinta Std. 203 114 LF $ Z-•l oo $ 3, 01�. coo Bid Schedule 1210-2 ADDENDUM 04 - JULY 26, 2019 ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION EST. QTY. 18 Concrete Cross Gutter and Spandrel (Modified with Rolled Curb) per City 806 of La Quints Std. 230 19 2' Transition fron) 4" Rolled Curti 2 Heir ht to 0" Curb Hei(jht :-er Plans 20 Parking Lot Wheel Stops per Plans 7 21 "Stop Bar" and Legend per Caltrans Std. A24D and A24E 1 22 Parking Lot Signage and Striping 1 23 ADA Site Entrance Sign and Stop Sign per Plan 1 24 36" Wide Truncated Domes per 628 Plans and 2016 CBC Requirements 6' CMU Irrigation Equipment Screen 25 Wall per City Freestanding Block Wall 46 Standard Detail - Final Pay Item W r e er/Irri i m prove ments UNIT PRICE ITEM TOTAL UNIT (in figures) (in figures) DOLLARS DOLLARS SF + $ _D. 00 ' $ (to, I2,0. cap EA 1 $ 1, 2g2. Ck 1 $ 2, Sao. co EA $ lob oo s EA $ 2-00, cO $ 200. co LS $ 9, boo. Ca $ 00 LS $ i.o �51-. DO S Co 2S io • c''.0 SF $ 3-7. ao $ 23, 230•00 LF I $ 191•M,I $ S,,-7FS0-00 26 6" PVC C-900 Fire Line (Including 876 LF $ -7 $ Bends and Fittings) per Plans 0o (pI 3 20• co 1 1/2" PVC Schedule 40 Water Line 27 (Including Bends and Fittings) per 976 LF $ -2-1 e4 $ 2-0 oo Plans 28 Connect to Existing Domestic Water 1 LS $ $ -11 Meter 1`I I. 00 1. oo 6" Fire Hydrant Assembly (Wet 29 Barrel) per CVWD Std. W-33A and 2 EA $ I Lo Co $ 32, 7-�(o W Plans 6" PVC C-900 Irrigation Line 30 (Including Reducer, Gate Valves, Blind Flange, Tees, Bends and 2,486 LF $ 5, $ 1,3 S`O. 0-5 Fittings) per Plans 6" PVC C-900 Irrigation Line 31 Connection to Existing 15" Line per Plans (Including Gate Vatves, 40 LF $ $ ln, IDOO. 00 Flanges) 3/4" PVC Schedule 40 Water Line 32 (Including Bends and Fittings) per 194 LF $ I Gp $ 3,10�-. �O Plans 6" PVC (SDR-35) Sewer Line 33 (Including Bends, Fittings and Cleanouts 966 LF $ $ q. c0 to Grade with Cap) per b I . ob Plans Bid Schedule 1210-3 ADDENDUM 04 - JULY 26, 2019 UNIT PRICE ITEM TOTAL ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION figures) EST. UNIT DOLLARS QTY.DOLLARS (in figures) DOLLARS N0. Furnish and Install Grinder Pump (2 pump system), Electrical Conduit/Lines, Control Panel, 4' 34 Extension, Wet Well, Lateral Kit, 1 LS $ 3 2, 33q. to Reducers, Couplings, Decorative Rock Cover, and Including All Appurtenances as Needed to Make Function. 2" HDP SDR 11 Force Main W/ Metal 35 Identification Tape Placed Over Top 468 LF $ S $ o • co of Pipe (4' Cover Min.) per Plans Site Storm ❑ ino e 36 6" ABS Drain Line at 1.0% Minimum 47 LF $ -7 1, $ 3, 33"Jo cc per Plans- Final Pa Item 37 8" HDPE N-12 Storm Drain.5 Line per 30 LF $ °� $ I �� co Plans- Final Pa Item 38 12" HDPE N-12 Storm Drain Line per 26 LF $ �� a� $ 2, Plans- Final Pa Item 38a 18" HDPE N-12 Storm Drain Line per 79 LF $ -1 0. ob $ 51 S,30.is Plans- Final Pay Item 12" Square Area Drain per NDS-1200 39 and 1210 as per Plans- Final Pay 1 EA $ 1 I.0 S 1 �3' 1 ' cjo Item 40 9" Square Area Drain per NDS-900 and 916 as per Plans -Final Pay 1 EA $ 13�}, C70 _ Item 24" lMine Drain Basin per Nyloplost 41 2824AG with Traffic Rated Grate per 1 EA $ 2-,1►5-c $ 2, -7157•cZ� Plans- Final Pay Item 4-inch Radius Trench Drain with Heel -Proof and ADA Compliant SS 42 Grating; Product as Manufactured by 1 LS S q I 'I 1 �. 00 $ q I 'j I (o= c110 Duro Trench or Approved Equal, as per the Architectural Plans _ 43 1 8" ABS End Caps per Plans 2 EA $ S3 • cv $ 1 o to av 44 DS Flared End Section Model 810 NP- Final Pa Item�$45. 1 EA $ $ e. 00 LNo. Rock Rip -Rap per Plans- Final 350 SF $ 1 $ tp S�.�Item Modify 54" Storm Drain, Construct 46 Headwall, and Place 'A Ton Grouted 1 LS $ b�, 330. $ to Rip -Rap Limits per Plans (Including Trash Rock) 1210-4 Bid Schedule ADDENDUM 04 - JULY 26, 2019 UNIT PRICE ITEM TOTAL ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION EST. UNIT (in figures) (in figures) QTY. DOLLARS DOLLARS Water Feature Furnish and Install Water Feature per Plans and Specifications Including All Appurtenances as Shown on the Plans and as Needed 47 to Make Function. Including but not 1 LS $ io 2S 22z. 5 to Z S, azz.CX) limited to items listed in Technical Specifications 18.1, crossing structure, and railing. - Specialty Item %gAmenities Restroom Building Utility and 1 LS $ 5, sl �I•� 48 Construction Coordination 49 P.C.C. Stage, Stage Apron, Ramp, Railing and Ste Slab per Plans 1 LS $ l $ l `�, 2q'-f• 50 Decorative Brick Pavers per Plan 3,944 SF $ 10 • Cfj $ 3 51 Stage Retaining Walls per Plans 100 LF $ Z-10 aD $ J--1' 000.co 52 Bike Racks with Concrete Pad per Plans 5 EA $ q'S"1. ob $ y, '18 53 Benches with Concrete Pads per Plans 8 EA $ z. -7411. OD $ 2z, 32-8. C70 54 Drinking Fountains with Concrete pads and Sumps per Plans 2 EA $ X '�5e2. tb $ i -1, too+. ce) 55 Tubular Steel Fence and Gates per Plan 468 LF $ 5 53, 352 co . 56 Concrete Mow Curb per Plans 2,200 LF $ 1 Ll q $ 2-i 9-18m 57 Permaloc Steel Edging per Plans 4,100 LF $ q.o$ $ 3-7 7-2-B. aD Site E gCtricgLand LightiM Pedestal, Conduit (Including Empty 58 Conduit), Wire and Circuiting per 1 LS $ 2-531252•c $ 2531 2sz.a� Plans 59 Parking Lot Lighting per Plans 20 EA $ 3,�409.CD $ (og, 1g0 . C'o 60 Pole Lights per Plans 24 EA 5 S, 2-9. cz) 5 12- (Oct to. co 61 Bollards per Plans 6 EA $ 3, 0 1-7. 6D $ ? 18" Ingrode Uptight with Wide Flood 62 Distribution per Plans 15 EA $ Z, 5 LPo. Cr) 5 3,3, 41)0. ck) Bid Schedule 1210-5 ADDENDUM 04 - JULY 26, 2019 UNIT PRICE ITEM TOTAL ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION EST. UNIT (in figures) (in figures) QTY. DOLLARS DOLLARS 63 Ingrade Uptight with Spot Distribution per Plans 12 EA $ 1, 2-3 3 �j $ 14 ��jtP-��J 64 Color Changing Tree Uplights per 36 EA S $ Plans 751. CD 30, log Co. 06 65 Steplights for Stage Area per Plans 3 EA $ 5-12. oU $ I, -1 Ito -M 66 Utility Company Service Charges and 1 LS $ $ Transformer Pad per Plans 2-0, 33(p.cv 201 33Cn C'V 67 Panel Boards and Panel Board Feeders per Plans 1 LS $ $3� �� $ g�, ��• 68 Pull Boxes per Plans 1 LS $ I �' 2 9. co $ 14 2-m co L n sc _e_and Ir�g t4 ion 69 Soil Prep and Fine Grade per Plans 1 LS $ 14-1 70 Weed Abatement per Plans 1 LS $ 1 Z, q kD9 . c $ 1219 (09. ao 71 Concrete Vault per Plans 1 LS $ -2, 2z. q, $ g, -I 2y Co 77 Furnish and Install Landscaping per 1 LS $ 3-1-1 $ 3 —1, Plans 13 (.-cZ 130- 60 Furnish and Install Irrigation per 73 Plans (Includes Filter, Pump, 1 LS $ 422, 81 Concrete Pads and All Fittings) 74 Furnish and Install Boulders per Plan - "Rustic Brown" 27 EA $ 5 `}S. $ 14, 7' Furnish and Install 6" Minus Baja Cresta Rubble per Plans 410 SF $ 11 $ L4 15 I f) . Cn 76 Furnish and Install 318" Apache 660 SF $ $ Brown Crushed Rock per Plans $ 77 Furnish and Install 3/8" Minus Desert Gold Crushed Rock per Plans 66,400 SF $ l - S `I �� 2-Y�5. 78 90-Day Maintenance Period 1 LS $ 231 7$3.r $ 23, Z83. 00 $ S L5-83 Total Amount of Bid Items 1 - 78 Bid Schedule 1210-6 ADDENDUM 04 - JULY 26, 2019 ADDITIVE ALTERNATIVES: City may approve any, all, or none of the following items BID ALTERNATE 1- Architectural Metal Screens UNIT PRICE ITEM TOTAL ITEM EST. (in figures) (in figures) NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY. UNIT DOLLARS DOLLARS METAL SCREEN ADD Metal Screens at Amphitheater 1 Platform 1 LS $ 3 3Is0• o, $ 33, 1 sn. co Total Amount of Bid Alternate 1 S 3.3 Iso. BID ALTERNATE 2 - Additional Terrace Walls UNIT PRICE ITEM TOTAL ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION EST. UNIT (in figures) (in figures) NO. QTY. DOLLARS DOLLARS _ TERRACE WALL ADD _ Additional Terrace Walls per 1 Plans 1 LS $ Iri, I1P5- co S i 1'1� I W"5—.0z 2 Additional Irrigation per Plans 1 LS $ I I , 431 cv $ i I, 43 i. 0-0 Total Amount of Bid Alternate 2 $ s nTr% Tr n..._r 1_- L71V nL LRIY/'11 G j - lUUUI1 rUUI RUM UNIT PRICE ITEM TOTAL M TN ITEM DESCRIPTION EST. UNIT tin figures) (in figures) . QTY. DOLLARS DOLLARS FLOATING FOUNTAIN ADD Furnish and Install Floating _ Fountain and All 1 Appurtenances as Shown on 1 LS S 2 2; 55`� ciJ $ 2 2 SS4. r-V the Plans and as Needed to Make Function Total Amount of Bid Alternate Bid Schedule 1210-7 ADDENDUM 04 - JULY 26, 2019 GRAND TOTAL BASE BID PLUS ALL ADDITIVE ALTERNATES (Figures): GRAND TOTAL BASE BID PLUS ALL ADDITIVE ALTERNATES (Words): v it {..'1.'. - J ., - 1 ; C-- 5 r-';vI V"''ttctV-nd c9v%.` l tjt�►rty -�r doL44,y5 Kv�& -2,-e,r o Gcr j Bid Amount of each of the above Bid Items must be filled in and completed. It is understood that the quantities shown hereon are but estimates and the bidder is responsible to verify quantities prior to submitting a bid. Final payment will be based upon actual work performed, subject to such adjustments and alterations as elsewhere provided herein. C,.S . of Bidder (Ink) Name of Bidder (Pril(eb or I ()9 -S'7G -2(PL (o Bidder Telephone Number Address Bid Schedule 1210-8 IM SECTION ION 1220 BID GUARANTY BOND PRINCIPAL_, alld _Great American InsuranceCUmpany_, Gs SURETY; are held and frn•aty bound unto the ity in the penal sum of TEN (1 f0) l EF,'CENT OF Ti':== (DTAL AMOUNT OF THE BID of the Principal above named, s;IN- fitted by said Prfncipafl to the City for the work described Detoj'd, for the paynhcral of which su d ini;asr�ful inar cy c}i the United States, well rand truly to be made to the City try Wdch sal.: Nd jllas SUbrnitted, ,n1e hind ourselves, our heirs; executors, nriministmtor ;, and succe, sS&s, jointly and severally, firn-!ly by these presents. THE COND[TION OF TF.JS OBLI'U"ATION IS SUCH R4.4\i'WHEREAS, e Principal hos.s: 2 mitted ti e above-:rnentioned Zia to the C4 , for certain constru tine s;:edfical y de.sc:rilbed as fol±CL^;s, for which kids are to be opened ai. Lri Quinta, Cc:tifornia. PROJECT NO, 2016-08 LA QUINTA SILVEPPOCK PARK VENUE NM, "i-IEREFORE, if the aforesaid Principal is aworded the contract o,nd, with.rh the time and manner required under the spedfications, after the proscribed Forms ore presented to Hm/her for Signature, enters IniCi C7 ^,ir[ttei car!trc:ict in tl"r;x reSCrii Ed fCTrr i, fr I a:`,:C:ordance tn;ILl1 'the bid, and files two bonds ojii,h the City, one to gUaron(� ee faithful.. r:)err`orrn,ance. and the other to Guarantee ;payment for labor and n"Gterids as required Dy law, and p':'ovlde certificate of insurance coverage required by the Contrr_;ct Documents, :hen l hl'.s obligotion shall be nril a! id void: otherwise, it shall be and remain in fuii force and virtue. IN WITNESS VVH[REOF, we have hereunto scA our hands on thiS, 18th day of July 2019. Principal: C.S. Legacy Construction, Inc. Gregg Strumpf, President Title of Signatory Signature of Principal 1704 S. Grove Ave, Ontario, CA 91761 Address Surety:Great American Insurance Company 11%t'<•` COMP _Kevin P. Reed, Attorney-in-Fact:�- i �� r Title of Signa u e 51. ,4 750 The City Drive South, Suite 470, Orange, CA 92868 Address Note: Signatures of those executing for the surety must be properly acknowledged. Bid Guaranty Bond 1220-1 ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California Orange County of On July 18, 2019 _ before me, Brandon K. Grindel, Notary (insert name and title of the officer) personally appeared Kevin P. Reed, Attorney -in -Fact who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and vial s al. BRANDON K. GRINDEL Notary Public - California Orange County Commission p 2243619 My Comm. Expires Jun 18, 2022 Signatur (Seal) ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California SAN BERNARDINO County of On 3ULY 231 2019 before me, GLORIA MACIAS, NOTARY PUBLIC (insert name and title of the officer) personally appeared GREGG STRUMPF who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. r Signature a GLONA MAC)AS ;xu Notary Puhlfc • California San 8ernardlnv County 1r Commission # 2284219 My Comm. ExpfresApr 2, 2023 (Seal) GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY® Administrative Office: 301 E 4TH STREET 18 CINCINNATI, OHIO 45202 • 513-369-5000 • FAX 513-723-2740 The number of persons authorized by this power of attorney is not more than THREE No.0 14866 POWER OFATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of [he laws orthe State of Ohio, does hereby nominate constitute, and appoint the person or persons named below, each individually if more than one is named, its true and lawful attorney -in -fact, for it and in its name, place and stead to execute on behalf orthe said Company, as surety, any and all bonds, undenakings and contracts of suretyship, or oilier written obligations in Hie nature thereof; provided that the liability of the said Company on any such bond, undenAing or contract orsuretyship executed under this authority shall not exceed the limit stated below. Name Address Limit of Power KEVIN P. REED ALL OF ALL MARCUS A. REED TUCSON, $100,000,000.00 JON ROSBURG ARIZONA This Power of Attorney revokes all previous powers issued on behalf of the attomey(s)-in-fact named above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the GREATAMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed and attested by its appropriate officers and its corporate seal hereunto affixed this 26TH day of SEPTEMBER 1 2017 . Attest �rKf Assistant Secretary GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (&a. o.A4� Divisional Senior Vice President STATE OF OHIO COUNTY OF HAMILTON - ss: DAVID C. KITCHIN (677-377-2405) Ott this 26TH day of SEPTEMBER 2017 before me personally appeared DAVID C. KITCHIN, to Inc known, being duly sworn, deposes and says that lie resides in Cincinnati, Ohio, that he is a Divisional Senior Vice President of the Bond Division orGrcat American insurance Company, the Company described in and which executed the above instrument; that lic knows Elie seal orthe said Company, that the seal atTixed to the said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by authority of his office under the By-La►vs of said Company, and that he signed leis name thereto by like authority. MA i This Power of Attorney is granted by authority of the following resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors of Great American Insurance Company by unanimous written consent dated June 9, 2008. RESOLVED: That the Divisional President, the several Divisional Senior Vice Presidents, Divisional Vice Presidents and Divisonal Assistant Vice Presidents, or any one of them, be and hereby is authorized from riute to thna, to appoint one or more Attorneys -in -Fact to execute on behalf of the Company, as surety, any and all bands, undertakings and canto -acts of sterelyship, or other written obligations in the nature thereof, to prescribe their respective duties and the respective linrr7s of their authority; and to revoke any such appointt+rent at any time. RESOLVED rURTHER: That the Company seal and the signaler e of any of Ihe.etforesaid of cers and any Secrerm), or Assistant Sectvlm y of file C'omlwny may be a,QFxed byfacsindle to any power of attorney or certificate of either• given far the execution of any botd, undertaking, Contract of s"relyshiR or other ivritten obligation in the natrtre thereof, such signature and seal when so used being hereby adopted by the Company as the originral stgnalrrte of such ofircer and the original seal o. lire Cnr+rparry, to be valid and binding upon ►he Company with the satire force and effect as rhotrgh rta+xeally offered. CERTIFICATION tStiiJ■r I, STEPHEN C. BERAHA, Assistant Secretary of Great American Insurance Company, do hereby certify that the foregoing Pk b. r the Resolutions of the Board of Directors of June 9.2008 have not been revoked and arc now in full force and effect. w G�,: it Signed and sealed this day of i �� • ` " ^' Assistant Secretary !f 4 jP %,� S1029AF (06/15) IR zig N- !!V ■ ■ ■uM■ ■■■■MEMO■ ■■■■■■moss■ C.S. LEGACY CONSTRUCTION. [NC_ C.S. LEGACY CONSTRUCTION, INC. MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF C. S. LEGACY CONSTRUCTION, INC, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, WAS HELD AT 1704 UNIT B. S. GROVE AVE ONTARIO, CA 91761 ON MAY 10, 2019. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CORPORATION: GREGG STRUMPF DIRECTOR CONSTITUTING ALL OF THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS WERE PRESENT AT THE MEETING. THE MOTION WAS DULY MADE, SECONDED AND CARRIED THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED: RESOLVED, GREGG STRUMPF, PRESIDENT, IS SOLELY VESTED FULL AUTHORITY TO SIGN ANY AND AN ALL CONTRACTUAL DOCUMENTS FOR THE CORPORATION, AND THEREFORE HAS THE FULL AUTHORITY TO OBILIGATE THE CORPORATION IN ALL CONTRACTURAL MATTERS. THE UNDERSIGNED, RICHARD GONZALES, SECRETARY, CERTIFIED THAT GREGG STRUMPF IS THE DULY APPOINTED PRESIDENT OF C.S. LEGACY CONSTRUCTION, INC. AND THAT THE ABOVE IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE RESOLUTION DULY ADOPTED AT A MEETING OF BYLAWS OF SAID CORPORATION ON MAY 10, 2019. IN WITNESS THEREOF, I HAVE AFFIXED MY NAME AS SECRETARY OF THE CORPORATION, AND HAVE ATTACHED THE SEAL OF C. S. LEGACY CONSTRUCTION, INC. TO THIS RESOLUTION. DATE: MAY 10, 19 RICHARD GONZALES - SECRETARY 1704 Unit B S. Grove Ave Ontario, Ca 91761 (909)590-2626 (909)590-4117 fax ADDENDUM NO.] -DATED JULY 19,2019 SECTION 1230 - Lake Contractor CERTIFICATION OF BIDDER`S EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIQNS The undersigned Bidder certifies thct he is, at the time of bidding, and shall be, throughout the period of the contract, licensed under the provisions of Chapter 9, Division 3, of the Business and Professions Code of the State of California, to do the type of work contemplated in the Contract Documents. Bidder shall further certify that it is skilled and regularly engaged in the general class and type of work called for in the Contract Documents. The Bidder represents that it is competent, knowledgeable, and has special skills on the nature, extent, and inherent conditions of the work to be performed. Bidder further acknowledges that there are certain peculiar and inherent conditions existent in the construction of the particular facilities, which may create, during the construction program, unusual or peculiar unsafe conditions hazardous to persons and property. Bidder expressly acknowledges that it is aware of such peculiar risks and that it has the skill and experience to foresee and to adopt protective measures to adequately and safely perform the construction work with respect to such hazards. The Lake Contractor Bidder shall list below five (5) projects completed in the last two (2) years of similar size and complexity that indicate the Bidder's experience as a Lake Contractor. 1. Project Name: THE HIDEAWAY CLUB, LA QUINTAL Owner: ND LA QUINTA PARTNF-a,5 T±EJ:iLQEAWAY GOLF CLUE - Construction Cost: S 426,290 Construction Time: 75 DAYS _ Calendar Days 0 Owner's Representative: GERRY TARSITANO Owner's Telephone No.: 760-275-6993 _ . ----- Date of Substantial Completion: _ 8-11-2018 Project Name: BLUE SKY PRESERVE, CAVE CREEK, AZ owner 6902 GR, LLC Construction Cost: S 676,818 Construction Time: 84 DAYS Owner's Representative: JEREMY MEEKS Owner's Telephone No.: — 480-797-9884 Date of Substantial Completion: _ 12-14-2018_ _ Calendar Days l oke Contractor Bidders Experience & Qualifications 1230-1 ADDENDUM NO.1— DATED JULY 19,2019 i 3. Project Name: WYNN GOLF CLUB, LAS VEGAS, NV 4 Owner: THE WYNN LLC Construction Cost: 5 737.732 Construction Time: 93 DAYS Calendar Days Owner's Representative: .JADE WORK Owner's Telephone No.: 760-451-3400 Date of Substantial Completion: 7-20-19 4. Project Name: SCOTTSDALE NATIONAL GOLF CLUB SCOTTSDALE AZ 6wner: SCOTTSDALE NATIONAL GOLF CLUB LLC Construction Cost: $ 1,275,946 Construction Time: 235 DAYS Calendar Days Owner's Representative: MALCOLM PATTEN Owner's Telephone No.: 602-390-4352 Date of Substantial Completion: 10-22-18 5. Project Name: TROUBADOUR GOLF AND FIELD CLUB, COLLEGE GROVE, TN Owner: ARRINGTON CLUB LLC Construction Cost: $ 496.986 Construction Time: 124 DAYS Owner's Representative: Owner's Telephone No.:. BOB KELLY 720-383-2210 Date of Substantial Completion: 7-26-19 Signed this 26th day of J U LY COOK AND SOLIS CONSTRUCTION, INC. Name of Lake Contractor Bidder 4-� Signature of Bidder Calendar Days 2019. 462446 PW-LR-1000367967 Lake Contractor's License No. DIR Reg No. NOEL CARRANZA - OPERATIONS MANAGER Name and Title of Signatory Lake Contractor Bidders Experience & Quolifications 1230-2 SECTION 1240 PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS Pursuant to California Public Contracting Code, Section 4100 et. seq., the following list gives the name, business address, and portion of work (description of work to be done) for each subcontractor that will be used in the work if the bidder is awarded the Contract. (Additional supporting data may be attached to this page. Each page shall be sequentially numbered and headed "Proposed Subcontractors" and shall be signed.) The Contractor shall perform, with its own organization, Contract work amounting to at least 50 percent of the Contract Price except that any designated "Specialty Items" may be performed by subcontract and the amount of any such "Specialty Items" so performed will be deducted from the Contract Price before computing the amount required to be performed by the Contractor with its own organization. Specialty Items will be identified by the Agency in the Bid or in the Special Provisions. Where an entire item is subcontracted, the value of worm subcontracted will be based on the Contract Unit Price. Subcontractor Business Address Description of Work % of Work License DIR Reg No. No. Signature of Bidder c64 Name of Proposed subcontractors 1240-1 SECTION 1240 PROPOSED B NTR R Pursuant to California Public Contracting Code, Section 4100 et. seq., the following list gives the name, business address, and portion of work (description of work to be done) for each subcontractor that will be used in the work if the bidder is awarded the Contract. (Additional supporting data may be attached to this page. Each page shall be sequentially numbered and headed "Proposed Subcontractors" and shall be signed.) The Contractor shall perform, with its own organization, Contract work amounting to at least 50 percent of the Contract Price except that any designated "Specialty Items" may be performed by subcontract and the amount of any such "Specialty Items" so performed will be deducted from the Contract Price before computing the amount required to be performed by the Contractor with its own organization. "Specialty Items,r will be identified by the Agency in the Bid or in the Special Provisions. Where an entire item is subcontracted, the value of work subcontracted will be based on the Contract Unit Price. Subcontractor Business Address Description of Work % of Work License DIR Reg T. o no-4 a-7 V S t h t:-1)z ,�r No. No. �U"a�o tq -t(� 'P eraor, 3-- ex ?r'r U (. v n y t cwc n ouK LYE°J �--►'L { G rbn 1 c:4 F �i t7 1 Skrt()t hj r a0 1 151r- u Crud 00% '7163Ck (�13471 CG C. u►%., C-a'n c-k Lv r. l u PQ W 1 n I f 7j ?j l ''I �1 3 , u W t,• -u (yW5•YI•t�C r4Jia �� -, �jCovlOLtA C.t-t �•: �. (,-e t,I'L'y'C" Vk r Ili 4. �y -� r•i_(?C� JCB'tcw nod L L B (o L VX') I I y Ioo R,� S Ins - rns rl i Name of BW4r Proposed Subcontractors 1240-1 SECTION 1240 PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS Pursuant to California Public Contracting Code, Section 4100 et. seq., the following list gives the name, business address, and portion of work (description of work to be done) for each subcontractor that will be used in the work if the bidder is awarded the Contract. (Additional supporting data may be attached to this page. Each page shall be sequentially numbered and headed "Proposed Subcontractors" and shall be signed.) The Contractor shall perform, with its own organization, Contract work amounting to at least 50 percent of the Contract Price except that any designated "Specialty Items" may be performed by subcontract and the amount of any such "Specialty Items" so performed will be deducted from the Contract Price before computing the amount required to be performed by the Contractor with its own organization. "Specialty Items" will be identified by the Agency in the Bid or in the Special Provisions. Where an entire item is subcontracted, the value of work subcontracted will be based on the Contract Unit Price. Subcontractor Business Address Description of Work % of Work License DIR Reg No. No. Signature of Bidde Name of Proposed Subcontractors 1240-1 SECTION 1240 PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS Pursuant to California Public Contracting Code, Section 4100 et. seq., the following list gives the name, business address, and portion of work (description of work to be done) for each subcontractor that will be used in the work if the bidder is awarded the Contract. (Additional supporting data may be attached to this page. Each page shall be sequentially numbered and headed "Proposed Subcontractors" and shall be signed.) The Contractor shall perform, with its own organization, Contract work amounting to at least 50 percent of the Contract Price except that any designated "Specialty Items" may be performed by subcontract and the amount of any such "Specialty Items" so performed will be deducted from the Contract Price before computing the amount required to be performed by the Contractor with its own organization. "Specialty Items" will be identified by the Agency in the Bid or in the Special Provisions. Where an entire item is subcontracted, the value of work subcontracted will be based on the Contract Unit Price. Subcontractor Business Address Description of Work % of Work License DIR Reg No. No. Yvl - Si Gtie h" Name of Mder Proposed Subcontractors 1240-1 SECTION 1250 MON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT TO BE EXECUTED BY BIDDER AND SUBMITTED WITH BID State of California ) ss. Countyof sari ��t.rnardir�) G 'S-K4 M a being first duly sworn, deposes and say that he or she is 'Pr'essCAof c. s. , the party making the foregoing bid that the bid is not m de h the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the bid is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other bidder to put in a false or sham bid, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any bidder or anyone else to put in a sham bid, or that anyone shall refrain from bidding; that the bidder has not in any manner, directly or indirectly sought by contract, agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the bid price of the bidder or any other bidder, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the bid price, or of that of any other bidder, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the contract of anyone interested in the proposed contract; that all statements contained in the bid are true; and, further, that the bidder has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her bid price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative thereto, or paid, nd will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company association, organization, b' depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham bid. Signature Name of Bidder Title `7 f 9 Date Non -Collusion Affidavit 1250-1 ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California SAN BERNARDINO County of On JULY 23, 2019 before me, GLORIA MACIAS, NOTARY PUBLIC (insert name and title of the officer) personally appeared GREGG STRUMPF who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. 4 GLORIA MACIAS Notary Public - California WITNESS my hand and official seal. : San Bernardino County g Commission N 2284219 My Comm. Expires Apr 2, 2023 r SignatureA(Seal) Vendor Information: Name: C. S. SECTION 1260 DIR Proiect Vendor I[1fQrmation m.Inc- Address: I-lo4 Ave. City: onlqho ST: 64 Zip-q)-7 1 Project Manager: (-nLr, ,yea S �rht - Email: cvCsL��rcty Phone: ' [ 590 - .2- C.? 2[o CSLB/Certification Number: $ 2Lo9--7D Public Works Registration Number: 10 0660-2Cj47 Asbestos Boilermaker Bricklayers Carpenter Carpet/Linoleum Cement Masons Drywall Finisher Drywall/Lathers Electricians Elevator Mechanic Glaziers Iron Workers Laborers Millwrights Operating Eng .1 Painters Pile Drivers Pipe Trades Plasterers Roofer SheetMetal Sound/Com Prevailing Wages and Payroll.: Surveyor Teamster Tile Worker The project is subject to prevailing wage rates and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR). Prevailing wage rates can be obtained at: http-!/-www.dir.co.gov/Public-Wor-ks-tPrevoiling-Wage.htmi. Contractors and subcontractors on most public Works projects are required to submit certified payroll records to the Labor Commissioner using DIR's electronic certified payroll reporting system. For your convenience, the link for reporting certified payroll is: tLttp://www.dir.co.gov/Publi-W rks Certified -Pa roll -Re ortin .htm1. A copy of certified payroll, including the names and addresses of employees and/or subcontractors working on the job must be included with invoices submitted to the City of La Quintaa, DIR Project Vendor Information 1260-1 REFERENCES 1. Eagle Glen Corner Drainage Improvements Eagle Glen Apartments LLC c/o Mr. Michael S. Aimola J & M Realty Company 1651 E. Fourth St. Suite 250 Santa Ana, Ca. 92701 (714) 285-1170 (714) 285-1178 FAX Completed March, 2004, $56,000.00 2. Santa Ana Zoo DG Howard S. Wright Construction Mr. Greg Ahman 18500 Von Karman Ave. Suite 420 Irvine, Ca. 92012 (949) 567-1909 (949) 567-1917 FAX Completed April, 2004 $52,000.00 3. Canada Vista Park Parking Lot Expansion City of Rancho Santa Margarita Jacque Niemi 30211 Avenida de las Banderas Suite 101 Rancho Santa Margarita, Ca. 92688 (949) 635-1800 (949) 635-1840 FAX Completed May, 2004 $351,577.49 4. Crown Valley Park Synthetic Soccer Field City of Laguna Niguel Nicholas Renn 27911 La Paz Road Laguna Niguel, Ca. 92677 (949) 362-4341 (949) 362-4385 FAX Completed June 2004 $539,217.49 5. Freeman, Bell, & Thornburg Park Playground Renovation City of Gardena Dave Negrete P.O. Box 47003 Gardena, Ca. 90247 (310) 217-9500 (310) 217-9876 Completed June 2004 $355,069.90 6. Delta Plant Fencing & Landscaping City of Monterey Park Mr. Elias Saykali 320 W. Newmark Ave. Monterey Park, Ca. 91754 (626) 307-1320 (626) 307-2500 FAX Completed July 2004 $120,580.00 7. Eagle Glen Street Improvements Eagle Glen Apartments, LLC c/o Mr. Michael S. Aimola J & M Realty Co. 1651 E. Fourth St. Suite 250 Santa Ana, Ca. 92701 (714) 285-1170 (714) 285-1178 Completed July 2004 $153,250.00 8. Ayala Park Temporary Parking Lot City of Chino Carolyn Baltzer, Asst. Project Coordinator P.O. Box 667 Chino, Ca. 91708 (909) 627-7577 (909) 464-0799 FAX Completed 9/04 $95,730.00 9. Site Prep for 2 Relocatables @ New Ventures Huntington Beach Union High School District Nelson M. Cayabyab Director of Facilities 10251 Yorktown Ave. Huntington Beach, Ca. 92646 (714) 964-3339 (714) 963-7684 FAX Completed 9/04 $227,455.00 DSA Inspected 10. SR 79S Sidewalk Improvement Project City of Temecula Avlin R. Odviar Asst. Engineer P.O. Box 9033 Temecula, Ca. 92589 (951) 694-6411 (951) 693-3929 FAX Completed 9/04 $147,328.00 11. Lincoln Ave. Median Landscape Improvements City of Buena Park Wood Nousome Asst. Engineer P.O. Box 5009 Buena Park, Ca. 90622 (714) 562-3676 (714) 562-3677 FAX Completed 6/05 $816,000.00 12. Floe Packer Landscape Improvement City of Lake Forest Steve Velasco, Engineer (949) 461-3480 (949) 461-3511 FAX 25550 Commercentre Drive Lake Forest, Ca. 92630 Completed 5105 $91,974.32 13. Replacement of Lang Park Play Equipment City of Laguna Beach Derek Wieske, Asst. City Engineer 505 Forest Ave. Laguna Beach, Ca. 92651 (949) 497-3311 (949) 497-0771 FAX Completed 1105 $182,299.00 14. Edison High School SAC Addition 15. Huntington Beach High School Elevators Huntington Beach Union High School District 10251 Yorktown Huntington Beach, Ca. 92646 Nelson Cayabyab Director of Facilities (714) 964-3339 (714) 963-7684 FAX Edison High School Completed 5105 $391,576.42 Huntington Beach Elevators Completed 05/06 $780,956.00 16. Talega Recreation Center Phase 3 Talega Partners 951 Calle Negocio Suites D San Clemente, Ca. 92673 Charlie Mallon Project Manager (949) 498-1366 (949) 369-7659 Complete 6/05 $490,679.55 17. Rancho San Jacinto Play Areas Imp. City of San Jacinto 201 East Main St. San Jacinto, Ca. 92583 Ray Sanchez / Pam Stull (951) 487-7342 (951) 654-3728 FAX Completed 3/05 $294,836.00 18. Shady Grove Park City of Chino 13220 Central Avenue Chino, CA 91708-0667 Mike Knolling (909) 464-0768 (909) 464-0799 FAX Completed 10105 $1,344,705.00 19.Pinacate Middle School Perris Union High School District 155 East Fourt Street Perris, Ca 92570 Jeremy Chou (909) 987-0909 Completed 2005 $298,182.00 DSA Inspected 20.Monte Vista Splashpad City of Chino P.O. Box 667 Chino, Ca 91708 Arlene Salazar (909) 464-0770 (909) 590-5581 Fax Completed 4/06 $227,187.12 21.Playground Retrofit City of Chino 13220 Central Ave. Chino, CA 91708-0667 Carolyn Baltzer (909) 627-7577 (909) 464-0799 FAX Completed 12/05 $285,965.00 22.Starshine Park City of Diamond Bar 21825 Copley Drive Diamond Bar, CA 91765-4177 Ryan Wright (909) 839-7072 (909) 861-3117 FAX Completed 06/05 $269,337.00 23.Sycamore Canyon Park City of Diamond Bar 21825 Copley Drive Diamond Bar, CA 91765-4177 Ryan Wright (909) 839-7072 (909) 861-3117 FAX Est. Completion 01/06 $462,373.52 24. Rancho San Jacinto Basins City of San Jacinto 201 East Main St. San Jacinto, Ca. 92583 Ray Sanchez / Pam Stull (951) 487-7342 (951) 654-3728 FAX Completed 07/05 $868,589.12 25.Child Development Center Playground Santa Monica -Malibu Unified School District 1651 Sixteenth Street Santa Monica, CA 90404 J. Wallance Berriman (310) 450-8338 (310) 450-1667 FAX Completed 08/05 $359,551.76 26.Granada Streetscape City of San Clemente 910 Calle Negocio Ste. 100 San Clemente, CA 92673 Gary Voborsky (949) 361-6100 (949) 361-8316 FAX Completed 12/05 $197,245.91 27.Victoria Gardens Lane Median City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729-0807 Jerry Dyer (909) 477-2700 (909) 477-2849 FAX Completed 12/05 $155,482.00 28.MM O'Neil Park City of Mission Viejo 200 Civic Center Mission Viejo, CA 92691 Keith Rattay (949) 470-3000 (949) 581-0983 FAX $718,029.96 29.ATL Building Irrigation & Landscape Chaffey College 5885 Haven Ave. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737 Sarah Riley (909) 477-8547 (909) 477-8571 FAX Completed 05/06 $286,910.61 30. YMCA Daycare Center City of Mission Viejo 200 Civic Center Mission Viejo, CA 92691 Jerry Hill (949) 470-3052 (949) 581-0983 FAX Completed 04/06 $239,542.00 31.Grass Playfields Long Beach Community College 4901 E. Carson Street Long Beach, CA 90808 Sandy Mathis (562) 938-4111 (562) 938-4118 FAX Completed 05/06 $520,247.88 32.La Habra Landscape & Electrical City of La Habra 201 E. La Habra Blvd. La Habra, CA 90631 Contact: Sam Makar (562) 905-9720 (562) 905-9643 FAX Completed 01/06 $862,344.87 33.Yucca Park City of Los Angeles 200 N. Spring Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 Contact: Richard Chang (213)978-1912 (213) 978-1901 Fax Completed 10/06 $574,960.24 34. Fullerton High School Landscape 35.Fullerton High School Site Work Erickson -Hall Construction Co. 1021 W. Bastanchury #110 Fullerton, CA 92833 Contact: Santosh Mhapsekar (714) 738-4995 (714) 738-5194 Fax Fullerton High School Landscape Completed 03/06 $113,051.00 Fullerton High School Site Work Completed 03/06 $239,422.00 36.Sidewalk, Curb & Gutter City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663-3884 Contact: Frank Tran (949) 644-3340 (949) 644-3308 Fax Completed 05/06 $595,341.00 37.Brea Blvd. Median Landscape City of Brea 1 Civic Center Circle Brea, CA 92821 Contact: Raul Lising (714) 671-4450 (714) 990-2258 Fax Completed 08/06 $19344,650.00 38.Villegas Park Improvements 39.Monroe Street Wall 40.Sidewalk Curb & Gutter City of Riverside 3900 Main Street Riverside, CA 92522 Contact: Daniel J. Simmons (951) 826-5591 (951) 826-5542 Fax Villegas Park Imp. Completed 2006 $306,523.04 Monroe Street Wall Completed 1.0/2006 $200,679.00 Sidewalk Curb & Gutter Completed 10/2006 $948,142.00 41.West Chapman Ave. Parking Lot Expansion City of Fullerton 303 West Commonwealth Ave. Fullerton, CA 92832-1775 Contact: Mehrdad Miralaie (714) 738-6866 (714) 738-3115 Fax Completed 2006 $353,903.0 42.Teen Square Improvements City of Lynwood 11330 Bullis Road Lynwood, CA 90262 Contact: Jorge Roque (310) 603-0220 (310) 635-0493 Fax Completed 10/06 $470,047.00 43.Harbor Hills Community Center Community Development Commission of LA County 4800 E. Cesar E Chavez Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90022 Contact: Bill Yee (323) 260-3412 (323) 266-5930 Fax Completed 09/06 $209,034.00 44.Patricia Lane Park Improvements City of Santa Ana 20 Civic Center Plaza M-22 Santa Ana, CA 92702 Contact: Ed Torres (714) 647-5018 (714) 647-5058 Fax Completed: 10/06 $456,181.00 45.La Palma Play Area Rehabilitation City of La Palma 7822 Walker Street La Palma, CA 90623-1771 Contact: Ismile Noorbaksh (714) 690-3310 (714) 523-2141 Fax Completed: 10/06 $245,372.00 46.Freeway Beautification City of Riverside 3900 Main Street Riverside, CA 92522 Contact: Daniel J. Simmons (951) 826-5591 (951) 826-5542 Fax Completed 09/06 $245,685.00 47.Veterans Memorial City of Paramount 16400 Colorado Ave. Paramount, CA 90723-5012 Contact: Jack Perich (562) 220-2000 (562) 630-6731 Fax Completed 10/06 $995,680.77 48.Ray Moore Stadium Improvements CAL K-12 32598 Oak Glen Road Yucaipa, CA 92399 Contact: Nolan Ballard (909) 795-9169 (909) 795-9432 Fax Completed 09/06 $594,464.00 49.Fountain Valley Sidewalks City of Fountain Valley 10200 Slater Ave. Fountain Valley, CA 92708 Contact: Harry Drake (714) 593-4606 (714) 593-4494 Fax Completed 09/06 $150,230.00 50.Civic Center Hardscape City of Apple Valley 14955 Dale Evans Parkway Apple Valley, Ca 92307 Contact: Gina Whiteside (760) 240-7000 Completed 02/07 $698,802.96 51.Mpower Parking Lot City of Bellflower 16600 Civic Center Drive Bellflower, Ca 90706 Contact: Paul Zweip (562) 804-1424 (562) 925-8660 Completed 01/07 $317,361.06 52.Loma Linda Tennis Courts City of Loma Linda 25541 Barton Road Loma Linda, Ca 92354 Contact: Eleazar Alex Rubalcava (909) 799-2800 (909) 799-2890 Fax Completed 12/06 $351,278.42 53.Adelanto Road Imp. City of Adelanto 11600 Airbase Road Adelanto, Ca 92301 Contact: Wilson So (760) 246-2300 Completed 11/06 $967,788.90 54.Perris Blvd. Median City of Moreno Valley 14177 Frederick Street Moreno Valley Contact: Ben Rahimian (951) 413-3130 (951) 413-3170 Fax Completed 12/06 $96,967.05 55.Highland Sidewalks City of Highland 7231 Boulder Avenue #531 Highland, Ca 92346 Contact: John G. Egan (909) 748-0010 (909) 748-0016 Fax Completed 01/07 $283,989.03 56.Lincoln St. Park City of Lake Elsinore 130 S Main St. Lake Elsinore, Ca 92530 Dave Solomon (951) 674-87-61 (951) 674-3124 Fax Completed 3/07 $769,634.40 57.Shirpser Elementary School El Monte City School District. 3540 N. Lexington Ave. El Monte, Ca 91731 Contact: Lila Hoverman (909) 305-2332 (909) 305-2180 Completed 03/07 $160,391.68 58.Mistletoe Park Imp. City of San Jacinto 248 E. Street San Jacinto, Ca 92583 Contact: Mike Emberton (951) 654-4041 (951)487-7382 Completed 02/07 $220,966.60 59.Allendale Park City of Pasadena 100 N. Garfield Ave. Pasadena, Ca 91105 Contact: Alba Iraheta (626) 744-4124 Completed 02/07 $278,093.32 60.Ramsey Street Medians City of Banning 99 E. Ramsey Street Banning, Ca 92220 Contact: Arturo Vela (951) 922-3130 (909) 922-3141 Fax Completed 05/07 $914,522.00 61.Boeing St. City of Moreno Valley 14177 Frederick Street Moreno Valley, Ca 92552 Contact: Christopher L. Wiberg (951) 413-3135 (951) 413-3170 Fax Completed 02/07 $281,834.81 62.Alicia Parkway Medians City of Laguna Hills 24035 El Toro Road Laguna Hills, Ca 92653 Contact: Kenneth Rosef eld (949) 707-2650 (949)707-2633 Completed 05/07 $434,021.89 63.Cesar Chavez Park Imp. City of South Gate 8650 California Avenue South Gate, Ca 90280 Contact: Adel Freij Willdan (323) 357-9657 (323) 563-9572 Fax Completed 05/07 $1,503,328.08 64.Chino Concrete Repair City of Chino 13220 Central Avenue Chino, Ca 91710 Contact: Jerry Perez (909) 627-7577 (909) 591-6829 Fax Completed 06/07 $362,006.00 65.Chapman Ave. Streetscape City of Stanton 7800 Katella Ave Stanton, Ca 90680 Contact: Patricia A. Simpson (714) 379-9222 (714) 890-3123 Fax Completed July 2007 $905,480.50 66.Imperial Highway County of Los Angeles 900 South Fremont Avenue Alhambra, Ca 91803 Contact: Hector Hernandez (626) 458-5100 Completed June 2007 $333,355.35 67.Fairplex Park & Ride County of Los Angeles 900 South Fremont Avenue Alhambra, Ca 91803 Contact: Jose Pou (626) 458-5100 Completed 2007 68.Holifield Park City of Norwalk 127000 Norwalk Blvd. PO Box 1030 Norwalk, Ca 90651 Contact: Brenda L. De Jager (562) 929-5700 (562) 929-5773 Fax $96,987.50 69.Veterans Park Walkway City of Yorba Linda 4845 Casa Loma Ave. P.O. Box 87014 Yorba Linda, Ca 92885 Contact: Steve Campbell (714) 961-7100 Completed 04/07 $139,643.00 70.Foothill Blvd. Medians Lewis Operating Corporation 1156 North Mountain Ave. P.O. Box 670 Upland, Ca 91785 Contact: Stacy Lin (909) 985-0971 Completed 05/07 $166,373.29 71.Foothill Blvd. Perimeter Lewis Operating Corporation 1156 North Mountain Ave. P.O. Box 670 Upland, Ca 91785 Contact: Stacy Lin (909) 985-0971 Completed 05/07 $475,333.22 72.Chino Hills Pkwy Monument City of Chino Hills 2001 Grand Avenue Chino Hills, Ca 91709 Contact: Anne Dutrey (909) 364-2760 (909) 364-2791 Fax Completed 4/07 $300,175.00 73.Civic Center Park Landscape City of Apple Valley 14955 Dale Evans Parkway Apple Valley, Ca 92307 Contact: Gina Whiteside (760) 240-7000 Completed 08/07 $534,283.01 74.Friendship Park City of Bellflower 16600 Civic Center Drive Bellflower, Ca 90706 Contact: Paul Zweip (562) 804-1424 Ext.2250 (562) 804-4465 Fax Completed 11/07 $919,500.00 75.Kessler Park County of San Bernardino157 W. 5ch Street San Bernardino, Ca 92415 Contact: Greg Bacon (909) 387-6076 (909) 397-5968 Completed 9/07 $456,152.00 76.13arstow High School Landscape City of Barstow 551 South Avenue H Barstow, Ca 92311 Contact: Steve Prince Phone: (909) 989-9979 Completed 08/07 $326,412.00 77.Laguna Niguel Amphitheater City of Laguna Niguel 27791 La Paz Road Laguna Niguel, Ca 92677 Contact: Nicholas Renn (949) 362-43414 Completed 5/07 $157,900.00 78.Valley High School PCM3 1801 S. Greenville Street Santa Ana, Ca 92704 Contact: Pamela Goodrich (714) 662-0227 (714) 662-0233Fax Completed 10/07 $234,830.00 79.Chapman Ave and Katella Ave Streetscape City of Stanton 7800 Katella Ave Stanton, Ca 90680 Contact: Sean Crumby (714) 379-9222 Ext. 204 (714) 890-3123 Fax Completed July 2007 $905,480.50 80.Cerritos Ave Streetscape City of Stanton 7800 Katella Avenue Stanton, Ca 90680 Contact: Sean Crumby (714) 379-9222 Ext.204 Completed 9/07 $1,059,468.62 81.Rivera Park City of Pico Rivera 6767 Passons Blvd. Pico Rivera, Ca 90660 Contact: Jose Rico (562)802-4432 Completed 8/07 $237,592.00 82..San Gabriel Blvd City of San Gabriel 425 S. Mission Drive San Gabriel, Ca 91776 Contact: Mark Moreno (714)293-0278 (714) 973-2263 Fax Completed 11/08 $228,927.00 83..Tree Removal and Sidewalk City of Bellflower 16600 Civic Center Drive Bellflower, Ca 90706 Contact: Paul Zwiep (562)804-1421 Ext. 2250 (562) 804-4465 Fax Completed 6/07 $183,182.00 84.Grace Street Reconstruction City of Barstow 220East Mountain View Street Barstow, Ca 92311 Contact:William Henderson (760)255-5157 (760) 760-256-1750 Fax Completed 6/07 $297,741.00 85.Recreation Trail Improvements City of Villa Park 17855 Santiago Blvd Villa Park, Ca 92861 Contract: Blane Frandsen (714)973-2230 Completed 9/07 $144,242.32 86.Veterans Memorial Park City of Stanton 7800 Katella Avenue Stanton, Ca 90680 Contact: Sean Crumby (714) 379-9222 Ext. 204 Completed 12/07 $1,096,382.35 87.Santa Fe High School Whittier Unified School District 9401 S. Painter Ave. Whittier, Ca 90605 Contact: Dan Romo (562) 698-8121 (562) 693-5371 Completed 10/07 $349,309.00 DSA Inspected 88.Curbs, Gutters & Sidewalks City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, Ca 90245 Contract: Maryam Jones (310)524-2361 Completed 9/07 $182,201.00 89.Yucca Park City of Indio 100 Civic Center Mall Indio, Ca 92201 Contact: Connie Allen (760) 391-4005 Completed 03/08 $1,044,965.00 90.Foglesong Park City of Barstow 220 East Mountain View Street Barstow, Ca 92311 Contact: Jeanette Hayhurst (760)255-5146 (760) 760-256-5621 Completed 02/08 $381,825.00 Percent Completed 100% 91.Las Flores Park City of Malibu 23815 Stuart Ranch Road Malibu, Ca 90265 Contact: Arthur Aladjadjian (310) 456-2489 (310) 456-3356 Fax Completed 09/08 2,040,673.00 92.Imperial Median City of La Mirada 13700 La Mirada Blvd. La Mirada, Ca 90638 Contact: Steve Forster (562)902-2371 Completed 12/07 $990,381.00 93.Rialto Concrete City of Rialto 150 South Palm Ave. Rialto, Ca 92376 Contact: Naddem Syes (909) 421-4986 (909) 421-7210 Fax Completed 11 /07 $170,701.00 94.UCR Parking Lot The Regents of The University of California 3615A Canyon Crest Drive Riverside, Ca 92507 Contact: John A. Friedrach (951) 781-0811 (951) 781-8435 Fax Completed 12/07 $357,924.00 95.Serrano Creek Play Structure City of Lake Forest 25550 Commercentre Dr. Lake Forest, Ca 92630 Contact: Jesse Caballero (949) 855-5764 (949) 855-7050 Fax Completed 12/07 $417,545.32 96.Azusa Ave. Medians City of West Covina 1444 West Garvey Ave. West Covina, Ca 91793 Contact: Sam Guitierrez (626) 939-8734 (626)939-8660 Fax Completed 12/07 $325,320.00 97.Thompson Basketball Park City of Oxnard 305 West Third Street Oxnard, Ca 93030 Contact:Patricia C. Friend (805) 385-7821 (805)805-385-8329 Fax Completed 11/07 $200,462.85 98.College Park City of Oxnard 1060 Pacific Avenue. Building 2 Oxnard, Ca 93030 Contact: Patricia C. Friend (805) 385-7821 (805) 385-8329 Fax Completed 4/08 2,343,473.50 99.Warner Basin City of Anaheim 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Suite 276 Anaheim, Ca 92805 Contact: Caster D. Williams (714) 765-5176 (714) 765-5225 Fax Completed 3/08 166,199.00 100.Dog Park City of Culver City 9770 Culver Blvd. Culver City, Ca 90232 Contact: Hong Wang (310) 253-5604 (310) 253-5626 Fax Completed 3/08 $123,102.00 10I.Maxwell Park Renovation City of Anaheim 200 S. Anaheim, Ca 92805 Contact: Robert Palaeologus (714) 765-5175 Ext 5711 Completed 11/08 $1,669,901.50 102.Whittier High School Quad Whittier Union High School District 9401 So. Painter Ave. Whittier, Ca 90605 Contact: Doug Orndorff (562) 698-8121 Ext 1537 Completed 08/2008 $1,009,783.00 103.Meadows Park City of Lynwood 11330 Bullis Road Lynwood, Ca 90262 Contact: Arsenio Frontela (310) 603-0220 (310) 635-0493 Completed 9/08 $1,473,593.20 104.Hesperia Civic Plaza City of Hesperia 9700 Seventh Ave. Hesperia, Ca 92345 Contact: David R. Burkett (760)947-1202 Completed 9/2008 $3,500,000.00 105.PCH Roadway Improvements City of Dana Pont 33282 Golden Lantern Dana Point, Ca 92629 Contact: Todd Niemann (949)213-4231 Completed 09/2008 $712,343.30 106.Dateland Park City of Coachela 1515 Sixth Street Coachella, Ca 92236 Contact: Mark Chappell (760) 398-5744 (760) 398-1630 Completed 10/2008 $1,679,765.61 107.Thornton & Windsor Parks City of Santa Ana P.O. Box 1988 Santa Ana, Ca 92702 Contact:William Albright (714) 647-5029 Completed 9/2008 $331,240.00 108. Dotson Park City of Stanton 7800 Katella Avenue Stanton, Ca 90680 Contact: Sean Crumby (714) 379-9222 Ext. 204 Completed 12/08 $1,866,279.00 109.Garcia Park City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Dr. Rancho Cucamonga, Ca 91729 Contact: Karen Emery Mcguire (909) 477-2740 Ext. 4080 (909) 477-2746 Fax Completed 09/08 $1,831,717.25 110.Estudillo Parking Lot City of San Jacinto 595 S. San Jacinto Ave San Jacinto, Ca 92583 Contact: Holly Binkley (951) 654-3592 (951) 651-3672 Completed 8/08 $215,783.00 111.Memorial Park Walkway & Walkway Lighting City of Pasadena 100 North Garfield Ave Pasadena, Ca 91109 Contact: Reny Q. Quijano (626)744-6741 (626)744-3892 Completed 09/2008 $130,000.00 112.Oak Glen Park Improvements County of San Bernardino 157 West Fifth Street San Bernardino, Ca 92415 Contact: Greg Bacon (909) 387-5940 (909) 387-5968 Completed 2008 Original Contract $911,488.00 113.Westmister H.S. Parking Lot Huntington Beach U.H.S.D 5832 Bolsa Ave., Huntington Beach, Ca 92646 Contact: Celia Taylor (714)903-7000 (714) 372-8105 Completed 01/09 $854,832.00 114. 1000 Palms Community Park Riverside County Redevelopment C/O Ian Davison Landscape Architecture, Inc. 3744 Tenth St. Suite 200 Riverside, Ca 92501 Contract: Ian Davison (951)683-1282 (951) 683-4352 Completed 12/08 $ 775,000.00 115.Centennial H.S. Softball Park Compton U.S.D C/O DelTerra 13181 Crossroads Pkwy North Ste. 200 City of Industry, CA 91746 Contact: Lisa Estrada (626) 839-9300 (626) 592-3595 Completed 11/08 $310,000.00 116.Moorpark College Walkway Ventura Community College C/O Heery 103 Durley Avenue Camarillo, Ca 93010 Contact: Dick Jones (805) 384-8152 (805) 384-8155 Completed 12/08 $359,956.00 117.Sky Water Trail Sidewalk City of Cathedral City 68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero Cathedral City, CA 92234 Contact: Mitchell J. Nieman (760) 770-0348 (760) 202-1460 Completed 10/08 $143,021.00 118.Playfield Expansion Pomona Unified School District 800 S. Garey Ave Pomona, Ca 91766 Contact: Ava Hill (909) 397-4800 (909) 397-5050 Completed 11/2008 Original Contract $257,205.00 119.Banning Parking Lot City of Banning 99 E. Ramsey Street Banning, Ca 92220 Contact: Holly Stuart (951) 922-3138 (951) 922-3141 Completed 12/08 $961,941.00 120.Ball Jr. High Concrete Anaheim Unified School District 501 Crescent Way Anaheim, Ca 92803 Contact: Ralph Figueroa (714) 999-2188 (714) 520-5741 Completed 8/2008 $198,698.00 121. Slauson Ave Median Los Angeles County 900 South Fremont Ave 8th Floor Alhambra, Ca 91803 Contact: Irma V. Serna (626) 458-4951 (626) 458-2197 Completed 08/2008 $ 698,729.00 122.Cypress St. Improvement City of Highland 27215 Base Line Highland, Ca 92346 Contact: Etta R. Pulce (909) 896-1255 (909) 890-0995 Completed 09/09 Original Contract $437,389.00 123. Huntington Beach HS Tennis Courts Huntington Beach Union High School District 5832 Bolsa Ave Huntington Beach, Ca 92649 Contact: Celia Taylor (714) 903-7000 (714) 372-8105 Completed 03/2009 $1,475,370.00 124. Downtown Infrastructure City of Indio 100 Civic Center Mall Indio, Ca 92201 Contact: Mariano Aguire (760) 541-4230 (760) 391-4021 Completed 09/2009 $3,550,000.00 125.Soccer Field Beverly Hills Unified School District 255 S. Lasky Drive Beverly Hills, Ca 90212 Contact: Arturo Arce (310) 550-8049 (310) 551-0287 Completed 05/2009$363,935.00 126.Community Services Parking Lot City of Westminster 8200 Westminster Boulevard Westminster, Ca 92683 Contact: Jake Ngo (714) 898-3311 (714) 895-4499 Completed 10/09 Original Contract $237,314.00 127.Veterans Park Sports City of Colton 650 N. La Cadena Dr Colton, Ca 92324 Contact: Thomas I Williams (909) 370-5099 Completed 11/2009 $3,046,000.00 128. South Laguna Streetscape City of Laguna Beach 505 Forest Ave Laguna Beach, Ca 92651 Contact: Lisa M. Penna (949) 497-0792 Completed 11/2009 $848,282.00 129. Challenger Youth Center County of Los Angeles 900 South Fremont Avenue Alhambra, Ca 91803 Contact: Brian Soria (626) 459-5100 Completed 06/09 Original Contract $101,294.00 130. Tierra Bonita Park City of Lancaster 44933 Fern Avenue Lancaster, Ca 93534 Contact: Jon H Manager (661) 723-6000 Completed 07/09 Original Contract $101,294.00 131. Marina High School Courts Huntington Beach U.H.S.D 5832 Bolsa Ave Huntington Beach, Ca 92649 Contact: Celia Taylor (714) 903-7000 Completed 10/2009 $1,268,639.00 132.Thundersky Park City of Riverside 3900 Main Street Riverside, Ca 92522 Contact: Andy Emery (951) 826-5311 Completed 10/2009 $1,259,000.00 133.Mary Van Dyke Park City of South El Monte 1415 N. Santa Anita Avenue South El Monte, Ca 91733 Contact: Norma Macias (626) 579-6540 Completed 12/2009 $1,259,000.00 134.Prime Desert Pavilion City of Lancaster 44933 Fern Ave Lancaster, Ca 93534 Contact: Neal Knopik (661) 72-6000 Completed 10/2009 $145,674.00 135.Robinson Park City of Pasadena 100 North Garfield Avenue Pasadena, Ca 91109 Contact: Steven L. Wright (626) 744-7389 Completed 12/2009 $ 2,459,699.00 136.Westminster H.S. South Parking Lot Huntington Beach Union High School District 5832 Bolsa Avenue Huntington Beach, Ca 92649 Contact: Celia Taylor (714) 903-7000 Completed 10/2009 $ 1,065,526.00 137.Huntington Beach H.S. Fire lane Huntington Beach Union High School District 5832 Bolsa Ave Huntington Beach, Ca 92649 Contact: Nelson Cayabyab (714) 903-7000 Completed 10/2009 $664,687.00 138. Villa & Singer Restrooms City of Pasadena 100 North Garfield Avenue Pasadena, Ca 91109 Contact: Steven L. Wright (626) 744-7389 Completed 7/2010 $458,855.00 139.Lake Skinner Improvements Riverside County Regional Park & Open - Space District 4600 Crestmore Rd Riverside, Ca 92509 Contact: Jason Plotkin (951) 955-0169 (951) 955-1383 Completed 7/2010 $4,162,378.55 140.West Downtown Pedestrian Improvement City of Santa Barbara 630 Garden Street Santa Barbara, Ca 93102 Contact: Eric Maple (805) 564-5377 (805) 897-2613 Completed 04/2011 $2,299,220.00 141.Fairmount Park Universal Play Area City of Riverside 3900 Main Street Riverside, Ca 92522 (951) 826-2000 (951) 826-2005 Contact: Andy Emery Completed 06/2010 $2,207,907.00 142.Palm Dr & Pierson Streetscape City of Desert Hot Springs 65-950 Pierson Blvd Desert Hot Springs (760) 329-6411 (760) 288-0606 Contact: Jonathan Joy Completed 06/2010 $3,221,889.93 143.Eastside Box & Woodward Parks City of Yorba Linda 4845 Casa Loma Avenue Yorba Linda, Ca 92885 Steve Campbell (714)961.-7168 Completed 06/2010 $1,067,515.41 144.Peck Park City of Los Angeles 1149 South Broadway Los Angeles, Ca 90015 (213)847-1922 Contact: Mary Carter Completed 09/11 Original Contract $3,636,946.00 145.Pioneer High School Sitework — Quad Whittier Union High School District 9401 S Painter Ave Whittier, Ca 90605 (562) 698-8121 Contact: Stephanie Ruternbeck Completed 09/2010 Original Contract $1,088,487.00 146. El Toro Park Renovation City of Lake Forest 25550 Commercentre Dr Suite 100 Lake Forest, Ca 92630 (949) 461-3400 Contact: Luis Estevez Completed 09/2010 Original Contract $ 563,681.00 147. Van Wig Courtyard Renovation Bassett Unified School District 904 N. Willow Ave La Puente, Ca 91746 (626) 839-9300 Contact: Wilson Vasconez Completed 10/2010 Original Contract $ 648,276.00 148. Hunter Hobby Park City of Riverside 3900 Main St Riverside, Ca 92522 (951) 826-2012 (951)826-2038 Contact: Ewina Lau Completed 12/2011 Original Contract $4,754,813.00 149. Costa Mesa High School Newport — Mesa Unified School District 2985 — A Bear Street Costa Mesa, Ca 92626 (714) 424-5000 Contact: James Lamond Completed: 09/2010 Original Contract $ 369,072.00 150. Sepulveda Basin Sports Complex City of Los Angeles 221 N. Figueroa St. Ste 1510 Los Angeles, Ca 90012 (213) 202-2640 Contact: Mary E Alvarez Completed 01/2012 Original Contract $ 7,301,548.00 151. Corona Del Mar High School Newport Mesa Unified School District 2985 — A Bear Street Costa Mesa, Ca 92626 (714) 424-5000 Contact: Jeffery Trader Completed 02/2011 $916,155.00 152. Multi -Site Track & Field Improvements Huntington Beach Unified H.S.D. 5832 Bolsa Ave Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) 903-7000 x 4359 Contact: Celia Taylor Completed 05/2011 3,208,884.00 153.Atwater Park City of Los Angeles 221 N Figueroa Street Los Angeles, Ca 90012 (213) 202-2640 Contact: Mary E Alvarez Completed 12/2011 Original Contract: 2,170,632.00 154.Pier Bowl Lighting City of San Clemente 910 Calle Negocio San Clemente, Ca 92673 (949) 361-8267 Contact: Tim Shaw Completed 07/11 Original Contract: 1,326,322.00 155.4th Avenue Park County of Los Angeles 4800 Cesar E Chavez Avenue Los Angeles, Ca 90022 (323) 260-3449 Contact: Jeffrey Biben Completed 5/12 Original Contract: 3,866,188.00 156. College Park City of Oxnard 1060 Pacific Avenue Oxnard, Ca 93030 (805) 385-7821 Contact: Ralph Alamillo Completed 1 / 12 Original Contract: 11,056,475.00 157.Doty Trust Park City of Riverside 3900 Main Street Riverside, Ca 92522 (951) 826-2000 Contact: Andy Emery Completed 5/12 Original Contact: $3,531,462.00 158.Gibson Mariposa Park City of El Monte 11333 Valley Blvd El Monte, Ca 91731 (626)580-2058 Contact: James Enriquez Completed 01/12 Original Contract 2,905,629.00 159.Huntington Beach High School Athletic Field Imp Huntington Beach Union High School District 5832 Bolsa ave Huntington Beach, Ca 92649 (714) 903-7000 Contact: Celia Taylor Completed 12/2011 Original Contract $ 2,235,567.00 160.Cucamonga Elementary School Site Imp Cucamonga School District 8776 Archibald Ave Rancho Cucamonga, Ca 91730 (909) 484-1009 Contact: Lynn Ashton Completed 08/11Original Contract: $212,426.00 161.Costa Mesa High School Paving & Landscape Newport — Mesa Unified School District 2985 — A Bear Street Costa Mesa, Ca 92626 (714) 424-5079 Contact: Jeffery Trader Completed 09/11 Original Contract $ 467,692.00 162.Don Julian Elementary Path of Travel Basset Unified School District 904 N Wilson Ave La Puente, Ca 91746 (626) 931-3000 Contact: Wilson Vasconez Completed 08/11Original Contract $ 779,654.00 163.Atlantis Splash Pad City of Garden Grove 11222 Acacia Parkway Garden Grove, Ca 92842 (714) 741-5040 Contact: Sandra Segawa Completed 03/12 Original Contract $ 668,192.00 164.Costa Mesa H.S. Utilities Newport — Mesa Unified School District 2985 — A Bear Street Costa Mesa, Ca 92626 (714) 424-8950 Contact: Craig P. Scaringi Completed 09/11 Original Contract $ 1,215,274.00 165.Copper Hill Park County of Los Angeles 900 South Fremont Ave Alhambra, Ca 91803 (626) 300-2329 Contact: Claire Chang Completed 5/2012 Original Contract $ 795,555.00 166.Florence Ave. Parking Lot County of Los Angeles Community Development Commission 1616 E. Florence Ave Los Angeles, Ca 90001 (323) 864-2574 Contact: Chen Kao Completed 1/2012 Original Contract $364,104.00 167. Full Half Width County of San Bernardino 222 W. Hospitality Lane San Bernardino, Ca 92415 (909)386-8775 Contact: Arthur L Rivera Completed 10/2012 Original Contract $ 2,696,336.00 168.Tequesquite Park Imp. City of Riverside 3900 Main St Riverside, Ca 92522 (951) 826-2000 Contact: Andy Emery Completed 6/2013 Original Contract $7,016,220.00 169.Arlington H.S. Field Upgrades Riverside Unified School District 3380 14"" Street Riverside, Ca 92501 951-352-6729 Contact: Chenchira (Jane) Jumnongslip Completed 11 /2012 Original Contract $3,092,452.00 170.Roosevelt II Elementary School San Bernardino City Unified School District 777 N. F Street San Bernardino, Ca 92410 909-384-1785 Contact: Andres Ramirez Completed 12/12 Original Contract $1,088,938.00 171.Poly High School — Stadium Improvements Riversde Unified School District 3380 14th Street Riverside, Ca 92501 951-788-7147 Contact: Janet Dixon Completed 01/12 Original Contract $1,223,921.00 172.Monterey Ave Entrance Desert Community College District 43-500 Monterey Ave Palm Desert, Ca 92260 760-346-8041 Contact: Karen Le5assier Completed 08/2013 Original Contract $1,201,040.00 173.North Campus Front Quad Landscape Long Beach Community College District 4901 East Carson Street Long Beach, Ca 90808 562-938-4947 Contact: Margie Padron Completed 5/2013 Original Contract $2,271,564.25 174.Magnolia High School Anaheim Union High School District 501 Crescent Way Anaheim, Ca 92803 714-999-3511 Contact: Jennifer Ellmore Completed 12/2012 Original Contact $1,427,100.00 175. Fitness Park City of Paramount 16400 Colorado Avenue Paramount, Ca 90723 562-220-2000 Contact: Bill Pagett Completed 4/2013 Original'Contact $3,767,348.23 176. Bagdouma Park City of Coachella 1515 Sixth St Coachella, Ca 92236 760-398-5744 Contact: Gordon Fisher Completed 4/2013 Original Contract $2,447,971.00 177. Hwy 18 Imp Town of Apple Valley 14955 Dale Evans Pkwy Apple Valley, Ca 92307 760-240-7000 Contact: Christopher Moore Completed 4/2013 Original Contract: $967,933.41 178.Valley College San Bernardino Valley College District 114 S. Del Rosa Dr San Bernardino, Ca 92408 Contact: Charlie NG 909-3 82-4000 Completed 4/2013 Original Contract: $1,356,776.00 179.Orange Grove Park Community Development Commission County of Los Angeles 700 W. Main St Alhambra, Ca 91801 (323) 260-3449 Contact: Jeffrey Biben Completed 01/14 Original Contract: $1,756,889.72 180.1) Street Improvements City of Perris 101 N D Street Perris, Ca 92570 Contact: Michael Morales 951-956-2120 Completed 11 /2013 Original Contract: $ 1,723,873.60 181.Chittick Field City Of Long Beach 333 West Ocean Blvd loth Floor Long Beach, Ca 90802 Contact: Marily Surakis 562-570-6283 Completed 5/2014 Original Contract: $7.1 MM 182.Avocado Heights Trail County of Los Angeles 900 S Fremont Ave Alhambra, Ca 91803 Contact: Irma Vasquez 626-458-4951 Completed 7/2014 Original Contract: $4,038,400.00 183.Rimrock Road City of Barstow 220 E Mountain View Street Barstow, Ca 92311 Contact: JoAnne V. Cousino 760-256-3531 Completed 2/1014 Original Contract: $ 7,547,936.24 184. Median Improvements Town of Yucca Valley 58928 Business Center Dr Yucca Valley, Ca 92284 Contact: Alex Qishta 760-369-6579 Completes 5/2014 Original Contract: $2,161,147.00 185. Cedar Avenue County of San Bernardino 825 E. Third St San Bernardino, Ca 92415 Contact: Johnny Gayman (909) 387-8104 Completed 06/2014 Original Contract: $ 811,969.00 186. Rexford Intersection Imp. City of Beverly Hills 455 N. Rexford Drive Beverly Hills, Ca 90210 Contact: Alan Schneider (310) 285-2400 Completed 5/2014 Original Contract: $ 396,624.00 187.CDBG Sidewalk Imp City of Corona 400 S. Vicentia Avenue Corona, Ca 92882 Contact: Barry Ghaemi (951) 739-4961 Completed 7/2014 Original Contract $422,893.00 188. W. San Grabriel River City of Lakewood 5050 N. Clark Ave Lakewood, Ca 90714 Contact: Kimberly McDowell 562-866-9771 Completed 11/2014 Original Contract $912,903.00 189. Royal High School Track & Field Simi Valley U.S.D 875 E. Cochran St Simi Valley, Ca 93065 Contact: Pedro Avila 805-306-4500 Completed 11/2014 Original Contract $1,845,235.00 190. Curb & Sidewalk Imp City of Rialto 335 W. Rialto Ave Rialto, Ca 92376 Contact: Marcus L. Fuller 909-820-2525 Completed 10/2014 Original Contract $ 407,827.00 191. Ballfield No.5 City of Buenaventura 501 Poli Street Ventura, Ca 93002 Contract: Melissa Yanez 805-654-7870 Completed 11/2014 Original Contract $ 610,809.62 192.Oso Parkway Widening City of Mission Viejo 200 Civic Center Mission Viejo, Ca 92691 Contact: Kimberly Schmitt 949-470-3052 Completed 7/2015 Original Contract $ 3,481,376.71 193. East Village Park City of Oxnard 1060 Pacific Ave Oxnard, Ca 93030 Contact: Ralph Alamillo 805-385-7821 Completed 5/2015 Original Contract $ 1,396,440.00 194. Crown Valley Community Park City of Laguna Niguel 30111 Crown Valley Parkway Laguna Niguel, Ca 92677 Contact: Ziad Mazboudi 949-362-4341 Completed 8/2015 Original Contract $4,599,485.88 195. Roxbury Park City of Beverly Hills 345 Foothill Road Beverly Hills, Ca 90210 Contact: Alan Schneider 310-285-1188 Completed 5/2015 Original Contract $996,626.00 196. Whitewater Park City of Cathedral City 68700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero Cathedral City, Ca 92234 Contact: John A. Corella 760-770-0340 Completed 8/2015 Original Contact $ 2,499,241.00 197.Rutland & Gramercy Streets City of Riverside 3900 Main St. Riverside, Ca 92522 Contact: Danny Cwiak 951- 826-5341 Completed 04/2015 Original Contract $368,657.00 198. D Street Imp. Phase 6 City of Perris 101 N. D Street Perris, Ca 92510 Contact: Michael Morales 951-956-2120 Completed 05/2015 Original Contract: $495,498.20 199. Grijalva Park City of Orange 300 E. Chapman Ave Orange, Ca 92866 Contact: Don Esquitz 714-532-6464 Completed 04/2015 Original Contract $ 337,809.00 200. La Mirada Blvd Median Nose Imp. City of La Mirada 13700 La Mirada Blvd. La Mirada, Ca 90637 Contact: Lori Wolfe 562-943-0131 - Completed 5/2015 Original Contact $ 290,578.00 201. Lynwood Linear Park City of Lynwood 11330 Bullis Rd Lynwood, Ca 90262 Contact: Bruno Naulls 310-603-0220 Ext 253 Completed 10/2015 Original Contract $ 4,683,273.00 202. Civic Center Conservation Park City of Ontario 303 East B. Street Ontario, Ca 91764 Contact: Carolyn Bell 909-395-2622 Completed 9/2015 Original Contract $ 1,985,083.00 203.Orange Splash Pad Zone City of Paramount 16400 Colorado Ave Paramount, Ca 90723 Contact: Sarah Ho 562-220-2000 Completed 9/2015 Original Contract $591,701.00 204. Perris Sound Wall Perris Elementary School District 143 East 1st Street Perris, Ca 92570 Contact: Gloria Gonzales 951-657-3118 Completed 8/2015 Original Contract $ 558,772.00 205.Calipatria Capital Imp. City of Calipatria 140 West Main St Calipatria, Ca 92233 Contact: Jack 760-337-3883 Completed 8/2015 Original Contract $643,784.00 206.Oxford Retention Basin County of Los Angeles 900 S. Fremont Ave Alhambra, Ca 91803 Contact: Rick Sun 626-458-5911 Completed 6/2016 Original Contract $8,004,089.00 207.Beverly Hills Concrete, Curb & Gutter City of Beverly Hills 345 Foothill Rd Beverly Hills, Ca 90210 Contact: Tristan D Malabanan 310-285-2512 Completed 3/2016 Original Contact $ 996,981.00 208.Ridgecrest Corp. Yard City of Ridgecrest 100 W. California Ave Ridgecrest, Ca 93555 Contact: Mike Bustos 760-499-5083 Completed 5/2016 Original Contract $869,734.00 209. Los Feliz Dr. Sidewalk City of Thousand Oaks 2100 Thousand Oaks Blvd Thousand Oaks, Ca 91362 Contact: Mike Tohidian 805-449-2400 Completed 6/2016 Original Contact $881,446.00 210. Via Verde Avenue City of San Dimas 245 East Bonita Avenue San Dimas, Ca 91773 Contact: Steve M. Farmer 909-394-6200 Completed 7/2016 Original Contract $766,956.00 211. Pearbloosom Park County of Los Angeles 900 S. Fremont Ave Alhambra, Ca 91803 Contact: David Palma 626-458-2180 Completed 8/2016 Original Contract $1,082,272.00 212.Orange Blossom Trail City of Redlands 35 Cajon Street Redlands, Ca 92373 Contact: Gregory Brooks 909-798-7698 Completed 8/2016 Original Contract $692,783.00 213. Multi Parks City of Oxnard 305 West Third Street Oxnard, Ca 93030 Contact: Ralph Alamillo 805-385-7803 Completed 6/2016 Original Contract $588,097.00 214. Paramount Blvd. Urban Renovations City of Paramount 16400 Colorado Ave Paramount, Ca 90723 Contact: Bill Paget 562-220-2108 Completed 8/2016 Original Contract $3,316,409.95 215. HRPP Grant Parks City of Indio 100 Civic Center Mall Indio, Ca 92201 Contact: Mike Edgar 760-391-4000 Completed 6/2016 Original Contract $1,069,040.00 216. CDBG Sidewalk Imp. City of Corona 400 S. Vicentia Ave Corona, Ca 92882 Contact: Barry Ghaemi 951-739-4961 Completed 7/2016 Original Contract $746,235.00 217. Tierra Bonita Park City of Lancaster 44933 Fern Ave Lancaster, Ca 93534 Contact: John Loomis 661-723-6237 Completed 10/2016 Original Contract $514,032.30 218. Richmar Park City of San Marcos 201 Mata Way San Marcos, Ca 92069 Contact: Michael Edwards 760-744-1050 Completed 02/2017 Original Contract $1,617,252.00 219. Landmark / Mountain View R & R Moreno Valley Unified School District 25634 Alessandro Blvd Moreno Valley, Ca 92553 Contact: Veronica Castro 951-571-7679 Completed 11/2016 Original Contract $505,303.00 220. Drake Chavez Park City of Long Beach 333 W. Ocean Blvd 7th Floor Long Beach, Ca 90802 Contact: Teri Luce 562-570-6200 Completed 5/2017 Original Contract $2,474,478.00 221. Moreno Valley H.S. Fencing Moreno Valley Unified School District 25634 Alessandro Blvd Moreno Valley, Ca 92553 Contact: Josie H. Ripoly 951-571-7500 Completed 5/2017 Original Contract $2,564,296.00 222. Carolyn Rosas Splash Pad County of Los Angeles 900 S. Fremont Ave Alhambra, Ca 91803 Contact: Loydi Nguyen 626-458-5100 Completed 10/2017 Original Contract $ 1,244,194.00 223. Los Robles Splash Pad County of Los Angeles 900 S. Fremont Ave Alhambra, Ca 91803 Contact: Loydi Nguyen 626-458-5100 Completed 10/2017 Contract $ 1,192,048.00 224. Mojave Riverwalk Town of Apple Valley 14955 Dale Evans Pkwy Apple Valley, Ca 92307 Contact: Richard Pederson 760-240-7000 Completed 2/2017 Original Contract $750,623.25 225. Futsal Court City of Paramount 16400 Colorado Ave Paramount, Ca 90723 Contact: Bill Pagett 562-220-2108 Completed 5/2017 Original Contract $442,709.00 226. Digiorgio Action Park City of Arvin 200 Campus Dr. Arvin, Ca 93203 Contact: Adam Ojeda 661-854-3134 Completed 2/2017 Original Contract $454,911.00 227. Paradise Creek Educational Park City of National City 1243 National City Blvd National City, Ca 91950 Contact: Stephen Manganiello 619-336-4241 Completed 8/2017 $612,243.00 228. Firebaugh H.S. & Lynwood Middle School Lynwood Unified School District 11321 Bullis Road Lynwood, Ca 90262 Contact: Cecilia Ginoza 626-839-9300 Completed 7/2017 $1,812,083.00 229. Jack Bulik Courtyard City of Fontana 16489 Orange Way Fontana, Ca92335 Contact: Luis Villalobos 909-350-6696 Completed 5/2017 $566,583.00 230. Southwinds Park City of Oxnard 305 W. Third St. Oxnard, Ca 93030 Contact: Renee Hatcher 805-200-5289 Completed 8/2017 $933,120.00 231. Main St. Lighting Imp. City of El Centro 1275 Main St. EL Centro, Ca 92243 Jack Fleming 760-337-4515 Completed 8/2017 $1,799,971.00 232. Miles Ave Park City of Indio 100 Civic Center Mall Indio, Ca 92201 Contact: Mike Edgar 760-391-4000 Completed 8/2017 Original Contract $1,311,487.00 233. Kellogg Park Trust for Public Land 135 W. Green Street 2nd Floor Pasadena, Ca 91105 Edna Robidas 323-223-0441 Completed 1/2018 $2,044,438.00 234. Various Parks Improvements City of Pomona 505 S. Garey Ave Pomona, Ca 91769 Dan Drake 909-620-2261 Completed 11/2017 $1,124,520.00 235. O'Farrell Charter School — Whole Site Modernization San Diego Unified School District 2351 Cardinal Lane San Diego, Ca 92123 Contact: Judith Stark 858-522-5864 Completed 9/2018 $2,817,474.00 236. Julian Fisher Park City of Monrovia 415 S. Ivy Avenue Monrovia, Ca 91016 Contact: Lauren Marshall 626-932-5575 Completed 11 /2017 $474,635.00 237. Windrow Dog Park City of Oxnard 305 W. Third St Oxnard, Ca 93030 Contact: Renee Hatcher 805-200-5289 Completed 11 /2017 $320,181.00 238. Wash Stabilization City of Lake Havasu City 2330 McCulloch Blvd N. Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 Contact: Diane Libby 928-854-0779 Completed 6/2018 $3,256,325.00 239. Cordova Park Lighting Renovation City of Mission Viejo 200 Civic Center Mission Viejo, Ca 92691 Contact: Jerry Hill 949-470-3085 Completed 3/2018 $181,710.00 240. North Beach Playground City of Santa Monica 1685 Main Street Santa Monica, Ca 90401 Contact: Marcelo Serrano 310-458-2205 Completed 8/2018 $1,824,677.00 241. Brookhurst Security Fence Anaheim Union High School District 501 Crescent Way Anaheim, Ca 92803 Contact: Jennifer Keys 714-999-2380 Completed 4/2018 $673,507.00 242. Bus Bench Shelter Imp. City of Redondo Beach 415 Diamond St. Redondo Beach, Ca 90277 Contact: Nik Boas 310-318-0661 Complete 7/2018 $800,341.00 243. Wells Arlanza Sidewalks City of Riverside 3900 Main Street Riverside, Ca 92522 Contact: Alex Ramirez 951-826-5294 Completed 9/2018 $1,578,520.00 244. Torrance Splash Pad City of Torrance 3031 Torrance Blvd Torrance, Ca 90509 Contact: Nina Schroeder 310-781-7140 Completed 9/2018 $892,095.00 245. Civic Center & Community Center Imp. City of Stanton 7800 Katella Ave Stanton, Ca 90680 Contact: Guillermo Perez 714-3 79-9222 Completed 9/2018 1,179,072.00 246. Buena Park HS Stadium Fullerton Joint Union High School District 1051 W. Bastanchury Rd Fullerton, Ca 92833 Contact: Maria Rafael 714-870-2819 Currently Working on $13,801,330.00 247. Hollister/Kellogg Park City of Goleta 130 Cremona Dr. Goleta, Ca 93117 Contact: JoAnne Plummer 805-562-5505 Completed 3/2019 $3,592,171.00 248. Clover Park Restroom Replacement City of Santa Monica 1685 Main Street Santa Monica, Ca 90401 Contact: Marcelo Serrano 310-458-2205 Currently Working on $2,101,827.00 249. Laguna Beach Village Entrance City of Laguna Beach 505 Forest Avenue Laguna Beach, Ca 92651 Contact: Robert Echavarria 949-497-9000 Ext 252 Currently Working on $8,432,668.00 250. Alpine Park City of Los Angeles 221 N. Figueroa St. Los Angeles, Ca 90012 Contact: Javier Gonzalez 213-847-4725 Currently working on $6,388,000.00 251. South Victoria Park Land for Public Trust 135 W. Green St Pasadena, Ca 91105 Contact: Edna Robidas 323-223-0441 Ext 15 Currently Working on $1,247,927.00 252. Lake Havasu Ave Reconstruction City of Lake Havasu City 2330 McCulloch Blvd N. Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 Contact: Shannon Blakey 928-854-0779 Currently Working on $3,570,372.59 253. Commons Heritage Park City of Cathedral City 68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero Cathedral City, Ca 92234 Contact: John A Corella 760-770-0360 Currently Working on $1,666,567.00 254. Dennis The Menace Park & Apollo Park City of Downey 11111 Brookshire Avenue Downey, Ca 90241 Contact: Walt Eden 949-480-7048 Currently Working on $ 5,694,775.00