2018-07-20 Invoices 1731 & 1712ALONGI EBENISTERIE ET GC INC 07/20/2018VENDOR: 09089 ALONGI EBENISTERIE ET GC INC CHECK NO: 119281City of La Quinta DATE ID AMOUNTDESCRIPTIONPO #GL ACCT # 6/19/2018 1712 50,000.00ALONGI MOBILE STRUCTURE PAYMENT1718-0175 101-1007-71050 5/30/2018 1731 50,000.00ALONGI MOBILE STRUCTURE PAYMENT1718-0175 101-1007-71050 100,000.00CHECK TOTAL ALONGI EBENISTERIE ET GC INC 5110 FAIRWAY LA CHINE, H8T 1B8 ---One Hundred Thousand Dollars and 00/100 Cents--- 07/20/2018 $100,000.00 CHECK NO: 119281 DATE PAY THIS AMOUNT 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 (760) 777-7150 City of La Quinta WELLS FARGO 11-24/1210 (8) PAY TO THE ORDER OF AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE O119281O T121000248T O4159282482O -I" ■!wm-.—^ DEMAND / CHECK REQUEST ^ ^ Return check to requestor Mail check Name / Title of person requesting check Department individual is associated with: OvVt^ \XX(r{^f^[^- fwe AsPcp ^ \ CCLr\ Uc\ ^ "-VVit- C^CW_ 0J?r(\4^>Vr( V ID Check payable to: •HV f 'r' -f /-- ^ "r C-y . I .-i YNarne) / (Vendor No.) \ f-A \ { >m\XM ^ Ll^ c Gv c ^ L^i ^ / ^ycJ M i/c CJ-o bOt Q^t'L- Amount: $ CSTQ .nuQ \OOjO^ Account Number: \T)\ - iCxIT^ " 1 ICS^O Project Number: \JQndot\^ CPlOS"^ Check description and invoice number: i A- ^.v- mncrtUg^ c^-xvW. I / r :v V^^i^/^ r \L Q,kj: g. Signature; (Department Head)^ ( i (Date) BY: BY: APPROVED FOR PAYMENT (Finance Department Use Only) ■' t- , ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION Hi 7/19/2018FedEx Ship Manager - Print Your Label(s)C7mX>CDoo-□-<>COm"D|—sm"OOczo0<0 —.?•olil—< 3^c i oSmi-o€S= 7 =£.9-:oooc=>oCO 33 c:-1332o>=icom-<>>-nEE??mmc1111^cocoooOcjWf^oo«=>C3f7J!^:ime\>roC"3333m33>3 ^37 3 2 aofiv i c5 X ==—_ 3 ^t• a. 5s i2 01V>3 ^V>(3X3^•S.asl-i ® S":llli 5 i i _ „9 O 3 <LO •= <Z&</5/p^ o ^ ^ ;o 3r ^ 'l|il|i ? i -5sis n OIK r>r G> *3 o'R3 O <Dmooao:*jmmmrnrnm ^ ^~cocococ/5-nz ^soooo • S sffl Pgj^ ^iS^ oj TO3 S*0 CD •-<i-ooX<-<>omnoOX00DOCOtn—1o> or— —SIS 5o=—5WmCO—fmmm—Iooo>I—ozC7)J18IM8012620UV=^omcCz235m>CO<o" roCts>:::J03>0S;:5Sq^(T-nPI—>rm3rno33co35> = m>O C3o "-r05»CO^2.3-O^TJ"co<2.C3isgcor—tl^cnc;After printing this label;FEDEX AWB COPY - PLEASE PLACE BEHIND CONSIGNEE COPY1. Fold the printed page along the horizontal line.2. Place label in shipping pouch and affix it to your shipment.https://www.fedex.com/shipping/shipAclion.handle7methodsdoContinue3/4 ORIGIN IDtPSPA (760)777-7114 ANGELA FERREIRA CITY OF LA QUINTA 78495 CALLETAMPiCO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 UNITED STATES, US Ship Date: 20JUL18 ActWgt: 0.50 LB CAD: 3498008/INET39B0 BILL SENDER EIN/VAT: TO GIOVANNI ALONG! ALONG! EBENISTERIE ET CG INC 5110 FAIRWAY LACHINE, PQ H8T1B8 (514) 633-5110 FecOrs. Express(CA, [glj AWB ^ XVYULA PKGTYPE:ENV Fotm 0430 TRK# 7727 5387 5030 AM INTL PRIORITY REF: LA QUINTA MOBILE UNIT DESC1;Checks (Completed) DESC2: DESC3: DESC4: EEI: NO EEI 30.36 These ilenis are controlled by Ihe U S. Government and authorized for export only to Ihe countiYorullimale destination for use by Ihe ultimate consignee or end-iiser(s) herein iderlilied Tfiey may not be resold, transfeiTed.''or othemnse disposed of, to any other countfy or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from Ihe U S government or as otherwise authorized by U S. law and regulations COUNTRY MFG: US CARRIAGE VALUE: 1.00 USD CUSTOMS VALUE: 1.00 USD SIGN: ANGELA FERREIRA T/C:S 110212224 D/T:S 110212224 The Montreal or Warsaw Convention may apply and mill oovern and in most cases limit the liability of Federal Exoress lor lijss or delay ot or damage to your shipment Subiecllo Ihe conditions-of Ihe contract on the reverse. FEDEX AWB COPY - PLEASE PLACE IN POUCH >- Q. o o m u ^ 0 £ 1 .1 8 ! 9 oZ £ >X z—o m CO ~ Cfl c - UJ N £ O < Q. UJ~-5 52 c = ..a!"? 4) • 2" Q. §..9- iS a. -n-c w O ^ " a>m fe. o •C V " dJ 0 □ LJ. Q.5 UJ . . < U. T- fsj 7/19/2018FedEx Ship Manager - Print Your Label(s}m"aooocom-<>>-niiSSccC/3C0aoroNj3 ?^S s ct omc3ctocj::o^mmmmm —"cocowcn-n ^ J>531Sg:i3■o3;o:3-0mX<-<>OmTJOrnCOCD00cn J>^r-oO>i::am^CDliCO—1mmoooJI8I n8012620ijvAfter printing this label:FEDEX AWB COPY - PLEASE PLACE BEHIND CONSIGNEE COPY1. Fold the printed page along the horizontal line.2. Place label in shipping pouch and affix it to your shipment.https://www.fedex.com/shipping/shipAction.handle?method=doContinue4/4 i DEMAND / CHECK REQUEST _ Return check to requestor Name / Title of person requesting check Mail check Otncylla Department individual Is associated with: ^ Oa-W| CCCimr^A^ Q^( e. ^ ^AAs-^ Ag-iPfp \ CCLr\ Yx^ 4^ Qkjl Ctu OJ!lr(\iSwYd ame Cl^eck payable to: ' / WO r/) \/0(XLM> Piilocpn \ S-fcn t -V-cej I Y\r Amount: $ _ ^D.non lOO, j-fco (Vendor No.) r UjDu^ Account Number: \T^\ - iCXJ j—~7 iOSO U^cuvg. Qc Project Number: (pT) \ UZndUsviJ; CPioS^ Check description and invoice number: QQpmN-U gg^rvN-y^ ^Vv-k ^ rrrxt^My- <:.ww. Vny t ^ypf^jyJL Qxjoa^ Signature: (b&paftme (Date) >/8Hb APPROVED FOR PAYMENT (Finance Department Use Only) BY: BY: Md ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION S-tl ALONGI EBENiSTERIE ET CG INC 5110 Fairway Lachine QC H8T1B8 514-633-5110 T6l6copieur 514-633-5199 MVOICE Invdce Date Work CompMed 1712 19/06/2018 Page 1 of 1 City of La Quinta - Mobie Unit Frank Spevacek City of La Quinta 78-495 CalleTampico La Quinta CA 92253 Tel-. (760)777-7030 Fax:(760)777-7101 Fspevacek@laquintaca.oow Deposit for Reserving Rights Descrif^on VVfbrK pci6enboe' As per [LA QUINTA MOBILE UNIT - 10% SALES CONTRACT NO. 20109. EXHIBIT A] dated June 19, 2018. Total Value of Contract - $265,000.00 As per Agreed Terms of Payment: - $50,000 Reserving Deposit - $50,000 to Initiate Refurbishing - $115,000 Prior to Delivery - $50,000 upon delivery. This Invoice, Deposit for Reserving Rights = $50,000.00 ' All Amounts are in U.S. Dollars Please make Wire Payment to: Along! ^benisterie et CG Inc. Bank Infonnatlon: TD Canada Trust 890 Chemin Herron Dorval, Quebec, Canada, H9S 183 US Account # : 0079 7305769 Transit#: 43680 Swift Code; TDOMCATTTOR Institution #: 004 Customer Order No Pr^ared By REF DOC 5/30/2018 Transactkx) ^)a Terms Ship Via Quebec Ent. No Permit No Work Order No Project No Contract No Job Location : La Quinta - Mobile Unit 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta CA 92253 Gloya Appd 20109 20109 nni Alpngi de service commercial c.oTd; " "latdTGoet 265000.00 FrewiOu^Mfed 0.00 0% Th^'mvotca 50000.00 19% PalDncd 215000.00 V 81% ACCOUNT NO 10\-KtrH'-ltO'CP PO#Xli2i^ij2aSPROJ# nFsr.RtPTinNiroodular- vimV- AMT. TO PA'rt . mo - va mcgT 1 line.10% 265000.00 0.00 0%50000.00 19% 215000.00 81% Additionnal 2% monthly administration fee (26.82% per year) on past due amounts. GST No:82252 7248 RT0001 PST No:1215277565 TQD001 RBQ No 5664-9510-01 SALE 50000.00 Holdback 0.00 Subtotal 50000.00 GST Exempt 0.00 INVOICE TOTALS PST E)«mpt Total 0.00 50000.00 Payment 0.00 Discount 0.00 $50000.00 I H3MYAS QHVOJ^hSA n ya THUODOA .. wiTqiHjaBu ttV - ■YAq or TMA Qlongi ebenisterie et CG inc. 5110Fairway, LacJime.OuebfiC H8T 1B8 | T 514. 633.S110 [ F 514,833.5199 I www aiongi.com CONTRACT FOR THE SALE OF GOODS This Contract for the Sale of Goods (the "Sales Contract") is made on [DATE], BETWEEN; [Along! Ebenisterie et CG inc.] (the "Seller"), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the [Quebec]], with its head office located at; [5110 Rut Fairway, LACHiNE.QuEBtc, H8T IB8] AND: [City of La Quinta] (the "Buyer"), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the [California], with its head office located at: [78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta CA, 92253] 1. SALE OF GOODS Seller shall sell, transfer and deliver to buyer on or before [AUGUST 31], the following property; [LA QUINTA MOBILE UNIT - SALES CONTRACT NO. 2Q109. EXHIBIT A1 2. CONSIDERATION Buyer shall accept the goods and pay the sum of ($265,000 00] for the goods 3. IDENTIFICATION OF GOODS Identification of the goods to this agreement deemed to be agreed by both buyer and seller as specified in description listed in CONTRACT FOR THE SALE OF GOODS NO. 20109. EXHIBIT A. INSTALLMENT PAYMENT CLAUSE Buyer agrees to pay for the [MOBILE UNIT] in the following manner: - $50,000 Deposit for Reserving Rights of unit - $50,000 Progressive to Initiate the commencement of refurbishing process. - $115,000 Progressive payment prior to delivery - Final $50,000 upon delivery 4. RECEIPT CONSTRUED AS DELIVERY Goods shall be deemed received by buyer when delivered to buyer at (ADDRESS] LA QUINTA CALIFORNIA Alongj inc Contract for the Sale of Goods Page 1 of 2 Qlongi ebenisterie et CG inc. SliOPaiAvay.Lac^ine. Quebec HOT IBS ) T 514 633.5110 I F 514.633.5199 | www.aiongi.com 5. RISK OF LOSS The risk of loss from any casualty to the goods, regardless of the cause, shall be on seller until the goods have been accepted by buyer 6. WARRANTY OF NO ENCUMBRANCES Seller warrants that the goods are now free, and that at the time of delivery shall be free from any security interest or other lien or encumbrance. 7. WARRANTY OF TITLE Furthermore, seller v^rrants that at the time of signing this agreement seller neither knows, nor has reason to know, of the existence of any outstanding title or claim of title hosble to the rights of seller in the goods. 6. RIGHT OF INSPECTION Buyer shall have the right to inspect the goods on arrival and, within [6] business days after delivery, buyer must give notice to seller of any claim for damages on account of condition, quality or grade of the goods, and buyer must speafy the basis of the claim of buyer in detail The failure of buyer to comply with these conditions shall constitute irrevocable acceptance of the goods by buyer. The parties have executed this agreement on JUNE 19. 2018 SELLER BUYER thpnzed Signature Print Name and Title Print Name and Title Along! inc Contract fen* the Sale of Goods Page 2 of 2 olongi ebenistene ' CGinc. www tlMiyt.boni LaQuinta Mobile Unit CONTRACT FOR THE SALE OF GOODS No. 20109, Exhibit A DSSCf^lPTION ITEM 1: CUBE UNITS * Approx. Dimensions S.Sft x 40ft per cube * Includes Multi-functional cubes for, stocking, electrical- services * Includes Glass Storefront with a French Door + Single door with Side Window * Includes (2x) Fixed side Light Windows * Includes (3x) steel wall panels per cube & (Ix) wall w/ Double Door Entry * Includes (Ix) Security Roll-up Door @back * Includes Foam Insulated Roof * Includes (12x) 4ft interior LED Track Lighting. (14x) Exterior Spot Lights, * (3x) Emergency Exit lights * Includes (lOx) Light Switches, (32x) Duplex Outlets, (4x) Thermostats, (4x) Signage Provisions * Includes (6x) Load Center and Breakers * Includes Existing Structural and MEP drawings * Includes engineered Stamped Drawings ITEM 2: CUBE UNITS END STRUCTURES * Approx. Dimensions 8'-5" x 43'-0", & Finish w/ White Paint Finish * Includes (8x) Base and (4x) Parapet top structural panels * Includes (4x) Load Center and Breakers * Includes (4x) Led Lights and (2x) Light Switches * Includes (2x) HVAC Units with Insulated Ductwork ITEM 3: Bridge/ Bridge Enclosure * Trapezoidal Bridge Dimension ± 40'-0" x 43'-0", & finish w/ white paint finish * Includes 1/2" Clear Plexiglass Side Windows throughout entire Bridge Length * Includes Ceiling cover built of Hiraoka Translucent Membrane, 12% avg light transmission * Includes curved compression members with internal electrical for LED track light fixtures " Includes (6x) HVAC Units with Ductwork, (6x) Wireless Thermostat Controllers ITEM 4: ADA-Ramp * Includes ADA Ramp linked with (2x) landings - see Image * Includes perforated Side Ramp rails * Finished Powder Coated White ALONGI ^b^nisterie et CG Inc.Exhisit-A. Pg. 1/2 Br-'t.Ato.rifi - June 19, 2018 Qlongi ebenistene er C6 inc. I. I ' t I'J K'-< I'l l f ■tfangi.tom EXCLUSIONS - To BE QUOTED SEPARATELY UPON CLIENTS REQUEST • Restrooms • Water Reserve Tanks for self^containment • On Site Installation • Project Manager and out of Town Expense BUDGETARY Installation & Transportation cost: > These costs are Not included in purchase and refurbishing costs listed above. > These costs are to be budgetary and to be confirmed upon field verification of actual installation site. > Approximate on-site installation cost $100,000 - Approximate transportation cost to La Quinta $35,000 COST SUMMARY Cost for the Purchase and Refurbishment of existing mobile unit = $265,000 Payment terms broken down as follows - $50,000 Deposit for Reserving Rights of unit - $50,000 Progressive to initiate the commencement of refurbishing process. - $115,000 Progressive payment prior to delivery - Final $50,000 upon delivery. Maximum Along! storage from Initial purchase agreement date - 3 Months This unit is sold as structure/building only, no interior mlllwork furniture elements included inside. I ALONGI ^b^nisterie et CG Inc.Exkibit-A. Pg. 2/2 By: ' June 19, 2018 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: June 19. 2018 STAFF REPORT BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 AGENDA TITLE: APPROPRIATE $400,000 AND APPROVE A CONTRACT TO PURCHASE A MODULAR STRUCTURE FROM ALONGI EBENISTERIE ET CG, INC. FOR THE SILVERROCK EVENT SITE RECOMMENDATION Appropriate $400,000 fronn the Land Acquisition Account and approve a Contract for the Sale of Goods with Along! ebenisterie et CG, Inc. to purchase a modular structure to be used at the SilverRock Event Site; and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement and make any non-substantive changes. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • Alongi ebenisterie et CG, Inc. (Seller) desires to sell and transport a modular structure (Structure) to the City. • The Structure would be located at the SilverRock event site. • The Structure is approximately 3,000 square feet with a market value of approximately $1.3 million. • Seller intends to deliver the Structure by August 31, 2018. FISCAL IMPACT The cost to acquire the Structure is $265,000, and an additional $135,000 for transport and installation. If approved, a budget adjustment from Land Acquisition (101-1007-74010) to Buildings (101-1007-71050) would allocate funds for the purchase. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS In 2017, the City was exploring building options for the temporary clubhouse at SilverRock. While SilverRock Development Company (SDC) must provide the temporary clubhouse. City staff was seeking alternatives to a typical modular trailer. Staff obtained a quote from a firm that designs modular structures in order to purchase a 3,500 square foot building with ADA compliant ramps, access, and restrooms for $1,300,000 (a cost comparable to a site built structure that is constructed per prevailing wage requirements). As the temporary club location and configuration evolved, however, SDC pursued other options (continued use of the Ahmanson Ranch House). 181 The Seller, a company that transports and assembles these pop-up modular units, later contacted staff and inquired about the City's Interest in a modular building they own; a client purchased this structure for temporary office and meeting space In downtown Austin, Texas and had an immediate need to relocate the building (Attachment 1). The Seller offered to refurbish and sell the building to the City for $265,000; It would cost an additional $135,000 to transport and Install the structure. General Fund funds are available ($2,000,000) for this purchase. A budget adjustment would reallocate $400,000 from Land Acquisition to Buildings (both are capital expenses). If approved, remaining funds ($1,600,000) would be carried over to 2018/19. The Contract for the Sale of Goods (Attachment 2) facilitates the following: • $50,000 deposit for reserving rights of Structure • $50,000 progressive to initiate the commencement of refurbishing process • $115,000 progressive payment prior to delivery • Final $50,000 upon delivery • Delivery of Structure to occur on or before August 31, 2018 • Approximate on-site Installation cost $100,000 • Approximate transportation cost $35,000. ALTERNATIVES Council may elect not to proceed with the sale or modify the terms of the negotiated Contract for the Sale of Goods. Prepared by: Angela Ferreira, Management Specialist Approved by: Frank J. Spevacek, City Manager Attachments: 1. Modular Building Photo 2. Contract for the Sale of Goods 182 a a — 1 .1 \| ;• v| — MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT; Madam Mayor and Members of the City Council Frank J. Spevacek, City Manager ^ ^ July 3, 2018 DESIGNATION OF ACTING CITY MANAGER Digitally signed by Frank J. Spevacek DN: cn=Frank J, Spevacek. o=City of La Quima,oo=City Manager. /^\ ^ eniaii=fspevacek@Ja-quinia.oig,e=US [' ) Date:20'8.07,03 15;09;19-0700' I will be out of the area and on vacation beginning Wednesday, July 4 through Monday July 23, 2018. I will return to the office on Tuesday, July 24, 2018. I have designated, Chris Escobedo, Director of Community Resources as Acting City Manager in my absence. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. ORIGIN IDiPSPA (760) 777-7114 ANGELA FERREIRA CITYOFLAQUINTA 78495 CALLETAMPICO Ship Date: 20JUL18 ActWgt 0.50 LB CAD; 3498008/1NET3980 LA QUUvfTA. CA 92253 UNITED STATES, US BILL SENDER EIN/VAT: TO GIOVANNI ALONGI ALONG! EBENISTERIE ET CG INC 5110 FAIRWAY LACHINE, PQ H8T1B8 {514)633-5110 Fedls:^. Express (CA) AWB XVYULA PKGTYPE: ENV Form 0430 TRK# 7727 5387 5630 AM INTL PRIORITY REF: LA QUINTA MOBILE UNIT DESCl:Checks (Completed) DESC2; DESC3; DESC4: EE!; NO EEI 30.36 These items are controlled by the U.S. Government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ullitrate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified They may not be resold, transferred, or oUieiwee disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee orend-user(s), eilhenn their onginal form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval • from the 0,S government or as otherwise authonred by U,S, law and regulations. COUNTRY MFG: US CARRIAGE VALUE; 1.00 USD CUSTOMS VALUE: 1.00 USD SIGN: ANGELA FERREIRA T/C:S 110212224 Dn':S 110212224 The Montreal or Warsaw Convention may apply and wit! govern and in most cases limit the liability,of Federal Express for loss or delay of or damage to your shipment Subject to the conditions of the contract on the reverse, FEDEX AWB COPY - PLEASE PLACE IN POUCH 0) E Q. <D O C >N > a. O O lU u z o (0 z 0 u Q z 1 ~ o lU CO CQ c - o XUl n £ O c CO 0. 0) CD ai §. coo's " -.S 5 ® CD CP Q. — w £ a> Q LL Q. c lU . . < It ^ cst ORIGIN ID:PSPA (760) 777-7114 ANGELA FERREIRA CITY OF LA QUINTA 78495 CALLETAMPICO Ship Dale: 20JUL18 ActWgt 0.50 LB CAD; 3498008/INET3980 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 UNITED STATES, US BILL SENDER EINA/AT: TO GIOVANNI ALONGl ALONG] EBENISTERIE ET CG INC 5110 FAIRWAY LACHINE, PQ H8T1B8 (514) 633-5110 FecOss. Express (CA) AWB XV YULA PKGTYPE: ENV Foim 0430 tRk# 7727 5387 5630 AM INTL PRIORITY REF: LA QUINTA MOBILE UNIT- DESC1:Checks (Completed) DESC2: DESC3; DESC4: EEI; NO EEI 30.36 These dems are conlrolled by the US. GovemmenI and authorized lor export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(3) herein Identified They may not be resold, transferred, or olhenwise disposed of. to any other countiy or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user^), either in their onginal form or alter being incorporated into other items, wlhoui first obtaining approval from the U S government or as otneivfise authorized by U.S. law and regulations COUNTRY MFG: US CARRIAGE VALUE: 1.00 USD CUSTOMS VALUE: 1.00 USD SIGN; ANGELA FERREIRA T/C:S 110212224 D^:S 110212224 The Montreal or Warsaw Convention may appfy and will govern and in mosi cases limit the liability of Federal Express (or foss or delay of or damage to your shipment Subject to the conditions of the conlracl on the reverse. FEDEX AWB COPY - PLEASE PLACE IN POUCH c a> E Q. Ic 0) >• Q. O O LU U z (3 <0 z o o a z _ X ± o lU ™ m c •- Q X CL «] qj£.C OT O)^ ai g. —1 O) <u c o)-5. — Q. TH .C <n O « " !c O c •£ hIi-s •c < U. T- cvj ORIGIN IDtPSPA (760) 777-7114 ANGELA FERREIRA CITY OF LA QUINTA 78495 CALLETAMPICO Ship Date: 20JUL18 ActWgt 0.50 LB CAD:^498008/(NET3980 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 UNITED STATES, US BILL SENDER EINA/AT: TOGIOVANNIALONGI ALONGI EBENISTERIE ET CG INC 5110 FAIRWAY LACHINE, PQ H8T1B8 (514) 633-5110 FecGss, Express (CA) AWB XV YULA PKG TYPE: ENV Fotm 0430 ™# 7727 5387 5630 AM INTL PRIORiTY REF: LA QUINTA MOBILE UNIT DESC1:Checks (Completed) DESC2: DESC3: DESC4: EE): NO EEI 30.36 These items are conb-olled by the U.S. Government and authorized for export onfyto the country of uilirrate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified They may not be resotd, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any othercounlry orto any person other than the authonzed uttimate consignee or erd-user(s), either in their onginat form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approvat from the US government or as olhenmse authonzed byiJ.S, law and regulations COUNTRY MFG: US CARRIAGE VALUE: 1.00 USD CUSTOMS VALUE: 1.00 USD SIGN: ANGELA FERREIRA T/C:8 110212224 D/r:S 110212224 The Ivlonlreai or Warsaw Convention may apply and will govern and in most cases limit the tiabitily ol Federal Earess for loss or delay of or damage to your shipment Subject to the conditions of the contract on the reverse. FEDEX AWB COPY - PLEASE PLACE IN POUCH c 03 E a. Ic >- 0. O o UJ liJ z <2 (/) z O o ^ oi o Z c Z = o QJ CD ^ £D c ~ n X Q, 0) CD 11J--5 la ot« cu ' Q-■S>- Q.-9-— Q- ttC CO O 0 o,mg.o •.s 5 u (D 0 Q M n cm .. < u. T- eg 2 >- ORIGIN ID:PSPA (760)777-7114 • ANGELA FERREIRA crrv OF u quinta 78495 CALLETAMPICO LA QUINTA CA 92253 UNITED STATES, US Ship Date: 20JUL18 ActWgt: 0.50 LB CAD: 34980G8/INET3980 BILL SENDER EIN/VAT: TO GIOVANNI ALONG] ALONG! EBENISTERIE ET CG INC 5110 FAIRWAY LACHINE, PQ H8T1B8 (514)633-5110 FecOsSw Express AWB ^ XVYULA PKG7YPE: ENV Form 0430 TRK# 7727 5387 5530 AM INTL PRIORITY REF: LA QUINTA MOBILE UNIT DESC1:Checks (Completed) DESC2: DESC3: DESC4: EEI: NO EE! 30.36 These items are controlled by Ihe U.S. Govemmeni and authorized for export ontylo the country of uitimale destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-LBer{s) herein identified. They may not be resold, transferred, or olheivifise disposed of. to any other country or to any person other than the authonzed uitimale consignee or end-user(s), either in their onginal form or after being incorporated into other items, without liist obtaining approval from the U S. government or as otherwise aulhorized by U.S. law and regulations COUNTRY MFG: US CARRIAGE VALUE: 1.00 USD CUSTOMS VALUE: 1.00 USD SIGN: ANGEUFERREIRA T/C:S 110212224 D/T: S 110212224 The Montreal or Warsaw Convention may apply and will govern and in most cases limit the liability of Federal Express for loss or delay of or damage to your shipment. Subject to Ihe conditions of the contract on ihe reverse. FEDEX AWB COPY - PLEASE PLACE IN POUCH >- Q. o o UJ UJ z O (0 z o u o z d) x — o UJ CD ^ CQ c •- o X sp 3°l Q, ® CD 11J--5 < n OUJ -2 -J ™ O) .. a <p c dj ' S^'q. -S>- Q-5-■S 0.^-0 to O o " Ic O ii'^1 "C V Q) Q U. n UJ . . < U. T- CN ORIGIN ID:PSPA (760) 777-7114 ANGEU FERREIRA CITY OF LA QUINTA 78495 CALLETAMPICO LA QUINTA. OA 92253 UNITED STATES, US Ship Date: 20JUL18 ActWgt 0.50 LB CAD: 3498008/iNET3980 BILL SENDER EINA/AT: TOGIOVANNIALONGI ALONG! EBENISTERIE ET CG INC 5110 FAIRWAY LACHINE,PQH8T1B8 (514) 633-5110 FecOis. Express [0! AWB ^ XVYULA PKGTYPErENV Form 0430 Checks (Completed) TRK# 7727 5387 5630 AUli INTL PRIORITY REF: LA QUINTA MOBILE UNIT DESC1 DESC2 DESC3 DESC4: EEI: NO EE! 30.36 These items are controlled by the U.S. Government and aultiorized (or export onlyto the country of ultimate destrnatron for use by the ultimate consignee or end-userjs) herein identified They may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other counlry or to any person other than the suthonred uitmate consignee or end-user(s), either in their onginal form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval fromtheU.S governmentor as otherwse authorized byU.S law and regulations COUNTRY MFG: US CARRIAGE VALUE: 1.00 USD CUSTOMS VALUE: 1.00 USD SIGN; ANGELA FERREIRA T/C:S 110212224 D/T:S 110212224 The Montreal or Warsaw Convention may apply and will oovem and in most cases limit the liability of Federal Express for loss or delay of or damage to your shipment Subject to the conditions of Ifie contract on the reverse. FEDEX AWB COPY - PLEASE PLACE IN POUCH o E Q. >- 0. O O U LiJ z o z o o 9 <u o Z c >« O UJ CO ~ CO c C Q. 0) CO IU--5 SI g. ..q!Se' ■Q>- §..9- 4S CL -n -C «o o " £ O c •- g|a "c d) CD D LL n UU . . < U. T- CN CP >- ORIGIN ID:PSPA (760) 777-7114 ANGELA FERREIRA CITY OF LA QUINTA 78495 CALLETAMPICO Ship Date: 20JUL18 ActWgt 0.50 LB CAD; 3498008/INET3980 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 UNITED STATES. US BILL SENDER EINA/AT: TO GIOVANNI ALONGl ALONG! EBENISTERIE ET CG INC 5110 FAIRWAY LACHINE, PQ H8T1B8 (514) 633-5110 FecHss. Express (CA) AWB XVYULA PKGTYPE; ENV Foim 0430 TRK# 7727 5387 5630 AM INTL PRIORITY REF: LA QUINTA MOBILE UNIT DESC1:Checks (Completed) DESC2 DESC3 DESC4: EEI; NO EEI 30.36 These items are controlled by the U.S. Government and authorized lor export cnty to the country ct ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or enc)-user(s) herein identified They may not be resold, translerred, or otherwise disposed ot. to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original lorm or aSer being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval Irom the US government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations COUNTRY MFG: US CARRIAGE VALUE; 1.00 USD CUSTOMS VALUE: 1.00 USD SIGN: ANGELA FERREIRA T/C; 3 110212224 D/T:S 110212224 The Montreal or Warsaw Convention mayappty and writ govern and rn most cases limit the liability of Federal Express for loss or delay ot or damage to your shipment Subject to the conditions of the contract on the reverse. FEDEX AWB COPY - PLEASE PLACE IN POUCH c 0) E g. Ic 03 >■ 0. O u liJ liJ z o (0 z o o a z _ a: ^ o UJ CO ^ CD "c " UJ N £ o S CD Q. 03 CO w ai a 03 n ^ Q. ■9>* Q-S-i2 £L TI -C CO O 03 " oim ..= 1 O CO "C v" < u. ^ c^i DEMAND / CHECK REQUEST K\h^ ^ ^ l1K-bn^ 1 Return check to requestor Name / Titte of person requesting check Mail check finrflri \rn<rco^xn (niatypnoidr'^ifpr Departnt^nt individual Is associated with: ^ ^ rM-W| CfXL(Yir £ (z-' f'. ^ V Cours Co. e CWj?CU_ N. Check payable to: \\\S/-'( (Narrie)(Vendor No.) n I / :yUO ' M/o O'■;> s^OC Amount: $ gQ.i iUU |QO,t-:gTO (Address)'\vO \ ^^ t '. Vv V y-g, C:-- O j-A- (S i \ Account Number: \V)\ - ILaTI— ? ICS^Q Project Number: [t:: \ VX2'^vi0V CPioS^ Check description and invoice number: nncrlAjVg/- W r 3- WMP{(^ry[L g. Signature: \ (Department Heady (Date) APPROVED FOR PAYMENT (Finance Department Use Only) BY: BY: u.2:^ ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION ^ n .1' J • * y ,. I .t-. '- t.i. .:.•« -• -^.'--r.-i',:; v»; n* • .;■>. K-tc- -^i^r -s-s-fc .• . —•>=/rr .• • .^ - »•*•;■ V , ALONGI EBENISTERIE ET CG INC 5110 Fairway Lachine QC H8T1B8 514-633-5110 Tetecopieur: 514-633-5199 INVOICE Invoice Date Work ComiiMed 1731 18/07/2018 Page 1 of 1 City of La Quinta - MobUe Unit Frank Spevacek City of La Quinta 78-495 CalleTampico La Quinta CA 92253 Cus&sma' Order No Pr^>ared By REF DOC 5/30/2018 Transaction type Terms Ship Via Quebec Ent No Permit No Work Order No Project No Contract No Tei : (760)777-7030 Fax; (780) 777-7101 Fspevacek@laquintaca.gov Billing to Initiate Refurbishing Giovanni Alonqi Appel de service commercial C.O.D. 20109 20109 Job Location : La Quinta - Mobile Unit 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta CA 92253 Desoiption As per [LA QUINTA MOBILE UNIT - 38% SALES CONTRACT NO. 20109, EXHIBIT A] dated June 19. 2018. Total Value of Contract = $265,000.00 As per Agreed Terms of Payment: - $50,000 Reserving Deposit - $50,000 to Initiate Refurbishing - $115,000 Prior to Delivery - $50,000 upon delivery. This Invoice, "to Initiate Refurbishing" = $50,000.00 All Amounts are in U.S. Dollars Please make Wire Payment to: Alongi ^benisterie et CG Inc. Bank Information: TD Canada Trust 890 Chemin Herron Dorval, Quebec, Canada, H9S 1B3 US Account # : 0079 7305769 Transit #: 43680 Swift Code: TDOMCATTTOR Institution #: 004 Totafcost 265000.00 Previously Uled 50000.00 19% ThislnMiice 50000.00 19% Balanee 165000.00 62% APJ B' 'R ACCOUNT NO.. PO#. 1^ \oi -vcm ----] .PR0J#..QOS! DESCRIPTIOiSi AMT. TO PAY 1 line.38% 265000.00 50000.00 19%50000.00 19% 165000.00 62% Additionnal 2% monthly administration fee (26.82% per year) on past due amounts. GST No:82252 7248 RT0001 PST No:1215277565 TQ0001 RBQ No; 5664-9510-01 SALE 50000.00 Holdback 0.00 Subtotal 50000.00 INVOICE TOTALS GST Exempt 0.00 PST Exempt 0.00 Total 50000.00 Pa^nent 0.00 Discount 0.00 $50000.00 ebenisterie et CG inc. 5l10Fairvvay,Lacfline. Quebec H8T 1B8 [ t514.633.5110 | F514.633.5199 1 v/ww alongi.com CONTRACT FOR THE SALE OF GOODS This Contract for the Sale of Goods (the "Sales Contract") is made on [DATE], BETWEEN: [Along! Ebenisterie et CG inc.] (the "Seller"), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the [Quebec]], with its head office located at: [5110 RUE Fairway, Lachine, Quebec, H8T 1B8) AND: [City of La Quinta] (the "Buyer"), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the [California], with its head office located at: [78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta CA, 92253] 1. SALE OF GOODS Seller shall sell, transfer and deliver to buyer on or before [AUGUST 31], the following property: [LA QUINTA MOBILE UNIT - SALES CONTRACT NO. 20109. EXHIBIT A1 2. CONSIDERATION Buyer shall accept the goods and pay the sum of [$265,000.00] for the goods. 3. IDENTIFICATION OF GOODS Identification of the goods to this agreement deemed to be agreed by both buyer and seller as specified in description listed In CONTRACT FOR THE SALE OF GOODS NO. 20109, EXHIBIT A. INSTALLMENT PAYMENT CLAUSE Buyer agrees to pay for the [MOBILE UNIT] in the following manner; - $50,000 Deposit for Reserving Rights of unit - $50,000 Progressive to initiate the commencement of refurbishing process. - $115,000 Progressive payment priorto delivery - Final $50,000 upon delivery I 4. RECEIPT CONSTRUED AS DELIVERY Goods shall be deemed received by buyer when delivered to buyer at [ADDRESS], LA QUINTA. CALIFORNIA Alongi inc Contract for the Sale of Goods Page 1 of 2 Qlongi ebenisterie CG inc. LaQuinta Mobile Unit CONTRACT FOR THE SALE OF GOODS No. 20109, EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION ITEM 1; CUBE UNITS * Approx. Dimensions 8.5ft x 40ft per cube * Includes Multi-functional cubes for, stocking, electrical-services * Includes Glass Storefront with aTrench Door + Single door with Side Window * Includes (2x) Fixed side light Windows * Includes (3x) steel wall panels per cube & (Ix) wall w/ Double Door Entry * Includes (Ix) Security Roll-up Door @back * Includes Foam Insulated Roof * Includes (12x) 4ft interior LED Track Lighting, (14x) Exterior Spot Lights, * (3x) Emergency Exit lights * Includes (lOx) Light Switches, {32x) Duplex Outlets, (4x) Thermostats, (4x) Signage Provisions * Includes (6x) Load Center and Breakers * Includes Existing Structural and MEP drawings " Includes engineered Stamped Drawings ITEM 2: CUBE UNITS END STRUCTURES * Approx. Dimensions 8'-5" x 43'-0", & Finish w/ White Paint Finish * Includes (Sx) Base and (4x] Parapet top structural panels * Includes (4x) Load Center and Breakers * Includes (4x) Led Lights and (2x) Light Switches * Includes (2x) HVAC Units with Insulated Ductwork T'- ITEM 3: Bridge/ Bridge Enclosure * Trapezoidal Bridge Dimension ± 40'-0" x 43-0", & finish w/ white paint finish * Includes 1/2" Clear Plexiglass Side Windows throughout entire Bridge Length * Includes Ceiling cover built of Hiraoka Translucent Membrane, 12% avg light transmission * Includes curved compression members with internal electrical for LED track light fixtures * Includes (6x) HVAC Units with Ductwork, (6x) Wireless Thermostat Controllers ITEM 4: ADA-Ramp * Includes ADA Ramp linked with (2x) landings - see Image * Includes perforated Side Ramp rails * Finished Powder Coated White - JPS'■1 ALONGI Ebenisterie et CG Inc.EXHIBIT-A. Pg. 1/2 By:2^.jd^rL^ -June 19, 2018 City of La Quinto CITY COUNCIL MEETING: June 19, 2018 STAFF REPORT BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 AGENDA TITLE: APPROPRIATE $400,000 AND APPROVE A CONTRACT TO PURCHASE A MODULAR STRUCTURE FROM AL0N6I EBENISTERIE ET CG, INC. FOR THE SILVERROCK EVENT SITE RECOMMENDATION Appropriate $400,000 from the Lend Acquisition Account and approve a Contract for the Sale of Goods with Aiongi ebenisterie et CG, Inc. to purchase a modular structure to be used at the SilverRock Event Site; and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement and make any non-substantive changes. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • Aiongi ebenisterie et CG, Inc. (Seller) desires to sell and transport a modular structure (Structure) to the City. • The Structure would be located at the SilverRock event site. • The Structure is approximately 3,000 square feet with c market value of approximately $1.3 million. • Seller intends to deliver the Structure by August 31, 2018. FISCAL IMPACT The cost to acquire the Structure is $265,000, and an additional $135,000 for transport and installation. If approved, a budget adjustment from Land Acquisition (101-1007-74010) to Buildings (101-1007-71050). would allocate funds for the purchase. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS In 2017, the City was exploring building options for the temporary clubhouse at SilverRock. \A/hile SilverRock Development Company (SDC) must provide the temporary clubhouse. City staff was seeking alternatives to a typical modular trailer. Staff obtained o quote from a firm that designs modular structures in order to purchase a 3,500 square foot building with ADA compliant ramps, access, and restrooms for $1,300,000 (a cost comparable to a site built structure that is constructed per prevailing wage requirements). As the temporary club location and configuration evolved, however, SDC pursued other options (continued use of the Ahmanson Ranch House). 181 The Seller, a company that transports and assembles these pop-up modular units, later contacted staff and inquired about the City's interest in a modular building they own; a client purchased this structure for temporary office and meeting space in downtown Austin, Texas and had an immediate need to relocate the building (Attachment 1). The Seller offered to refurbish and sell the building to the City for $265,000; it would cost an additional $135,000 to transport and install the structure. General Fund funds are available ($2,000,000) for this purchase. A budget adjustment would reallocate $400,000 from Land Acquisition to Buildings (both are capital expenses). If approved, remaining funds ($1,600,000) would be carried over to 2018/19. The Contract for the Sole of Goods (Attachment 2) facilitates the following: • $50,000 deposit for reserving rights of Structure • $50,000 progressive to initiate the commencement of refurbishing process • $115,000 progressive payment prior to delivery • Final $50,000 upon delivery • Delivery of Structure to occur on or before August 31, 2018 • Approximate on-site installation cost $100,000 • Approximate transportation cost $35,000. ALTERNATIVES Council may elect not to proceed with the sale or modify the terms of the negotiated Contract for the Sale of Goods. Prepared by: Angela Ferreira, Management Specialist Approved by: Frank J. Spevacek, City Manager Attachments: 1. Modular Building Photo 2, Contract for the Sale of Goods 182 CiOilMci MEMORANDUM TO: Madam Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM; Frank J. Spevocek, City Manager DATE: July 3, 2018 SUBJECT: DESIGNATION OF AQING CITY MANAGER Olgiially signed by Ftenk J. Spevacek DfJ: cn=Frank J. Spevacek. OiCHy of La Quinia, ou=Cliy Managei. email=fspevacek@la-quimabig, c^US Daie: 2018.07.03 15:09;19-07'00' I will be out of the area and on vacation beginning Wednesday, July 4 through Monday July 23, 2018. I will return to the office on Tuesday, July 24, 2018. I have designated, Chris Escobedo, Director of Community Resources as Acting City Manager in my absence. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. ORIGIN ID:PSPA (760) 777-7114 ANGELA FERREIRA CITY OF LA QUINTA 78495 CALLETAMPICO Ship Date: 20JUL18 ActWgl: 0.50 LB CAD: 3498008/INET3980 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 UNITED STATES, US BILL SENDER EIN/VAT: TO GIOVANNI ALONGl ALONGIEBENISTERIE ET CG INC 5110 FAIRWAY (514) 633-5110 FecOsi. Express LACHINE, PQ H8T1B8 0! AWB ^ XVYULA PKGTYPE:ENV Form 0430 TRK# 7727 5387 5630 AM INTL PRIORITY REF: LA QUINTA MOBILE UNIT DESC1:Checks (Completed) DESC2; DESC3: DESC4; EE!; NO EE! 30.36 Tliass ilems are conlrolted bylhe U S Govemniedland dulhonzed lor export ontylo Ihecounlry olulliinate deslitialion for use by (he uHimale consignee or enii-user(s) herein idenliried They may not be resold, irareferred, or olhetwse deposed of. lo any other country or lo any peisori other lhan the auihonzed ultimate consignee orend-user(s), either in their ongmai form or after being incorporaled into other items, williout Ursl obtaining approval - from the U S government or as olhemnse aulhonred by U.S. law and regulations COUNTRY MFG; US CARRIAGE VALUE: 1.00 USD CUSTOMS VALUE: 1.00 USD SIGN: ANGELA FERREIRA T/C:S 110212224 D/T:S 110212224 The Montreal or Warsaw Convention may apply und will uovemand in most cases limit the liabilily ol Federal Express for loss or delay of or damage loyourshlprnertl Subject lo Ihe conditions of the contract on the reverse. FEDEX AWB COPY - PLEASE PLACE IN POUCH c o E Q. oj O C >s X — O UJ CD 31 CQ c •- o ^ lu n£ O S CO tL ® CO UJ--g 2 c =SI §. -I ra _ Q. cb '■o >- Q..9- i2 Q. £ cn O o " £ ^ 5 ■- = 1 «iS 'C V OJ£■^1.24) Q u. n ce UJ . . < It T- csr O) Q) C S'" CQ ORIGIN IDtPSPA (760) 777-7114 ANGELA FERREIRA CITY OF LA QUINTA 78495 CALLETAMPICO Ship Date: 20JUL18 ActWgt 0,50 LB CAD: 3498008/INET3980 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 UNITED STATES, US BILL SENDER EIN/VAT: TO GIOVANNI ALONGI ALONG! EBENISTERIE ET CG INC 5110 FAIRWAY (514) 633-5110 FecGss. Express LACHINE, PQ H8T1B8 Ell AWB ^ XVYULA PKGTYPE:ENV Form 0430 ™# 7727 5387 5630 AM INTL PRIORITY REF: LA QUINTA MOBILE UNIT DESC1:Checks (Completed) DESC2: DESC3: DESC4; EEI: NO EE! 30.36 These items are controlled by the U S Govemmenl and aulhonzed tor export onlyloltie counlry ofuiinrate deslinalionforuse by Ihie ultimate consignee or end-iserls) herein idenlifiert They may not be resold, irarisferred, or otherwse disposed o(, to any other country or to any persrjn other than the aulhonred ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either m their onginat form or alter being incorporated into other items, vwihout tiisl obtaining a'pprovat from the IJS government or as otherwise authorEed by U.S'taw and regulations COUNTRY MFG: US CARRIAGE VALUE: 1,00 USD CUSTOMS VALUE: 1.00 USD SIGN: ANGELA FERREIRA T/C:S 110212224 D/T: 8 110212224 The Montreal or Warsaw Convention may apptyand wilt uovem and m most cases limit the liability of Federal Express lor toss or delay of or damage to your shipment Subject to the conditions of the contract on Uie reverse. FEDEX AWB COPY - PLEASE PLACE IN POUCH >- Q. o o UJ UJ z O w z O u a z c 0) E Q. 'JZ o I Z O lu w CO c ■" O X S|1 CL 03 IIJ--C <50UJ 5 Q. _I 03 03 E' S'- iS a. TT= w O o " CT>£9 q, 03 » § 03 ra 03 □ LL D. . . < U. ^ CNJ ORIGIN ID:PSPA (760) 777-7114 ANGELA FERREIRA CITY OF LA QUINTA 78495 CALLETAMPICO Ship Date: 20JUL18 ActWgt 0.50 LB CAD: 3498008/INET3980 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 UNITED STATES, US BILL SENDER EIN/VAT: TOGIOVANNIALONGI ALONGI EBENISTERIE ET CG INC 5110 FAIRWAY LACHINE, PQ H8T1B8 (514) 633-5110 FecG^. Express (CA) AWB XV YULA PKG TYPE: ENV Fotm 0430 TRK# 7727 5387 5030 AWi INTL PRIORITY REF: LA QUINTA MOBILE UNIT DESC1:Checks (Completed) DESC2; DESC3: DESC4; EEI; NO EEI 30.36 These ilems are controlled by Ihe U S Govemmenl and aulhonzed lor export only to the counlry of ullimate desliiialion lor use by Ihe ulliniale consignee or end-user(s) herein idenllfied They may nol be resold, transferred, or olhePAise disposed ol, to arty other counliy or lo any person other lhan the aulhonzed iiltimale consignee or end-user(s), either m their ongmal lorm or after being incorporaied into other items, without first obtaining approval Irom the US government or as olheiwtse authorized by US. taw and regulations COUNTRY MFG: US CARRIAGE VALUE: 1.00 USD CUSTOMS VALUE: 1.00 USD SIGN: ANGEUFERREIRA T/C:S 110212224 D/T:S 110212224 The Montreal or Waisaw Convention may apply and wit dovein and in imost cases tiniil the liability ol Federal Express for loss or delay ol or damage to your stiipment Subjecl to the conditivns of Ihe contract on llw reverse. FEDEX AWB COPY - PLEASE PLACE IN POUCH X r o lU ro _ 3-2 ■? Q. (d iSJl_| CD 0. 0)■S>- Q..9- — Q. -CCO O ^ Ic o "c •£ C<.c- •c Q Q.; o ^ O) a; c CO < u. 1-^ eg