2020-11-06 Invoice 110420SEC5.3-3City of La Quinta VENDOR: 09089 ALONGI EBENISTERIE ET GC INC DATE ID PC # 11/4/2020 110420SEC5.3/3 1718-0175-R2 11/4/2020 110420SEC5.3/3 1718-0175-R2 DESCRIPTION GLACCT# 11/04/20 EXHIBIT B SEC 5 INTERIOR DESIGN PAYMENT 3 101-1007-71050 11/04/20 EXHIBIT B SEC 5 INTERIOR DESIGN PAYMENT 3 101-1007-71050 CHECK NO: 203212 11/06/2020 AMOUNT 10,400.00 12,600,00 CHECK TOTAL 23,000.00 City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 BANK OF THE WEST 90-78/1211 CHECK NO: 203212 11/06/2020 PAY THIS AMOUNT $23,000.00 PAY —Twenty Three Thousand Dollars and 00/100 Cents- TOTHE ORDER OF ALONGI EBENISTERIE ET GC INC 5110 FAIRWAY LA CHINE, H8T1B8 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE ii'BDJElBii' •: I B I 100 78 Bi:ii"0 5q?3 18 5 III- 2018-05-09 Rev, I v*<Vi nvV' (ij/ DEMAND / CHECK REQUEST /Return check to requestor D Mail check Name / Title of person requesting check Angela Ferreira, Managennent Analyst Department individual Is associated with: City Manager's Office Check payable to: Along] Ebenisterie et CG, Inc (NTame) " (Vendor'No.) 5110 Fairway (Address)' Lachine, Quebec H8T 1 B8 , ,, 23,000.00Amount: $ Account Number: Project Number: 101-1007-71040 po x2-"2- Check description and invoice number: This satisfies section 5 (Interior Design Contract) of Exhibit B of the Agreement for Contract Services. $^tT57000 to be paid at 20% ($^23,OG0)-^tirs ts part threeef-three of the-it^taliment. Signature; (Department (Date) u (zizm4? APPROVED FOR PAYMENT (FinamcQfDepartment On BY: ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION Jessica Delgado From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Angela Ferreira Tuesday, November 3, 2020 11:49 AM AP Gilbert Villalpando Along! Payments 0555_001.pdf; 0554_001.pdf Good Morning Team AP! The email Jessica sent this morning regarding check-runs lit a fire under me to get Mr. Alongi's checks going. The first attachment is schedule B to his agreement; next to each amount, I have placed a number with a circle around it so you can cross-reference it against the check request. The second attachment consists of seven separate check requests. I want to keep these separate because they contain progressive payments. Please take a look and let me know if you have any questions or require additional information. Thank you. CALIFORNIA Angela Ferreira, SR/WA | Management Analyst City Manager's Office City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico | La Quinta, CA 92253 Ph. 760.777.7114 www.laauintaca.Qov www.Dlavinlaauinta.com For all business updates and resources, visit: httos;//econdev.laauintaca.aov/incentives/economic- develooment-incentives **Please note due to COVID-19 I will be working remotely until further notice, but will be conducting business during regular business hours and will be available through email. Voicemails will be checked intermittently, and a response can be expected in 24-48 hours. Thank you for your patience and understanding.** Jessica Delgado From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Derrick Armendariz Wednesday, November 4, 2020 12:30 PM Jessica Delgado Alongi payments and PO Angela email Alongi.pdf Hi Jessica, Attach is the teams conversation between Angela and I regarding the Alongi payments total being higher than the PO total. Account Technician La Quinta, CA 92253 CAIJFORNJA Thank you, M Derrick Armendariz M ^ f Finance Department csLw x^UAMaw 78495 Calle Tampico Ph. 760.777.7059 www.laquintaca.ROV www.plavinlaquinta.com PLEASE NOTE: City Hall is open on a limited basis and by advanced appointment only. To schedule an appointment or for more information including what to expect for your visit such as face coverings and temperature checks, please visit wwwJaauintaca.qov/hubaDPQiritments. For additional COVID-19 updates visit: www.laauintaca.aov/COVIDl9. PLEASE NOTE: I will be working remotely until further notice, but will be conducting business during regular business hours. Thank you for your understanding. Finance staff may also be reached via email at Finance&laouintaca.aov. Yi^terdaV 5;35 P.M Key Angeis. I got a question tor you xor:iono\v. In regards to the Aiongi payments. All the payments together are over the contract total by around tlk. Im thinking that the .ADA door we paid for is included in one of these n.ew demand check requests, i '.vili research more tomcrrovv. Angela ferreira Yesterday 5:35 PH It's the S11,500 for that AD.A door Yesterday 5;35 pivl yes. ! bsiieve titats vrhats throwing me off. Angela Feiretra Yesteniay 5:36 .".Vl Sooo, we need to figure out if we can code that differently out of the contingencies Or would it fall in the 5% for the PO? 'Yesterday 5:37 PM i think so, but should we pay rwfce ? : already paid for tha .ADA door, shouldnl we just remove it from one of these checks ? Angela Ferreira Yeste.rday 3:3.' PM !ii^' That door wasn't included in my original agreeiTier.t 'vesterdey 5:57 PVi ohhhh we should be good tvith the to5. Angela rerreirij Yesterday 5:39 PM VVoot! He jusi emaiisd tonight submitting the request asking for payment status lypo 3 new message A » xj ftn-. f,~i im Exhibit B Schedule of Compensation With the exception of compensation for Additional Services, provided for in Section 2.3 of this Agreement, the maximum totai compensation to be paid to Contracting Party under this Agreement is not to exceed EIGHT HUNDRED SEVENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($870,000.00) ("Contract Sum"). The Contract Sum is to be paid as foilows: A A 1. Compensation Pursuant to Original Contract: The Original Contract n(JL0 SO sets forth the sales price for the La Quinta Mobile Unit, which is Two Hundred ' . cckr Sixty-Five Thousand Dollars ($265,000). Pursuant to the terms of the Original , Contract, as of the Effective Date of this Agreement, City has paid Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) as a "Deposit for Reserving Rights of unit" and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) as a "Progressive to initiate commencement of refurbishing process." The remaining two payments, in the amount of One Hundred Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($115,000) for "Progressive payment prior to delivery," and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) as a payment "upon delivery," are to be paid within ten (10) days after the Effective Date. 2. Transportation to La Quinta City shall pay to Contracting Party Thirty-Five Thousand Dollars ($35,000) for Contracting Party to transport the ^ La Quinta Mobile Unit to the City of La Quinta. This sum shall be due and / payable not less than ten (10) days prior to shipment of the La Quinta Mobile ^ Unit (the "Transportation Payment Due Date"), provided Contracting Party has provided City with a shipping schedule and shipping confirmation from the shipping service provider not less than twenty-five (25) days prior to the scheduled shipment date. 3. On-Site Installation in La Quinta: City shall pay to Contracting ^ Party Qne Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) to install the La Quinta Mobile Unit at the SilverRock Event Site. The sum is due and payable as ® gPtCvvy follows, fifty percent (50%) is due by the Transportation Payment Due Date, tooi/L- and the remaining fifty percent (50%) is due within ten (10) business days after final acceptance by City. 4. Uoorades and Modification Contract: City shall pay to Contracting Party Three Hundred Twenty-Four Thousand Dollars ($324,000) for the tasks outlined in Item 1, Item 2, Item 3, and Item 4 of the Upgrades and Modification Contract; provided that: (a) Item 1 is modified to change all references therein to "locating" to "constructing," and to specifically include Page 1 of 2 156iOOO*UO + y :>» 6' J J * 0 0 + 6cii4L)J*U0 + y 1 I j J J • 0 J ii' storage of the La Quinta Mobile Unit prior to transportation of the La Quinta Mobile Unit to the City of La Quinta, and (b) the cost allocated to Item 1 is increased by Fourteen Thousand Dollars ($14,000), to One Hundred Fifty-Two Thousand Dollars ($152,000). As of the Effective Date of this Agreement, a portion of the costs due to Contracting Party pursuant to the Upgrades and Modification Contract, in the amount of Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000), which amount is owed for Item 4, has already been paid, and is to be utilized ^ by Contracting Party to pay to Extreme Cube for engineering and shop^__ „ drawings, . The remaining balance owed pursuant to the Upgrades andCv'^'^^^i^ Modification Contract, in the amount of Three Hundred Twelve Thousand #-qo/ Dollars ($312,000), shall be due and payable as follows: fifty percent (50%) within ten (10) days after the Effective Date, thirty percent (30%) by the " m Transportation Payment Due Date, and the remaining twenty percent (20%) ® within ten (10) business days after delivery to and final acceptance by the City. 3,\2_,000 5- Interior Desion Contract: City shall pay to Contracting Party One Hundred Forty-Five Thousand Dollars ($145,000)''for the tasks outlined in Item 1, Item 2, Item 3, Item 4, and Item 5 of the Interior Design Contract; provided that (a) the cost allocated to Item 1 is reduced by Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000), to Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000).'' As of the Effective Date of this Agreement, a portion of the cost due to Contracting Party pursuant to the Interior Design Contract, in the amount of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000), which amount is owed for Item 1, has already been paid, and is to be utilized by Contracting Party to pay for interior design costs (but not furniture, furnishings, or removable equipment) for the La Quinta Mobile Unit. The remaining balance owed pursuant to the Upgrades and Modification (3) Contract, in the amount of One Hundred Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($115,000), shall be due and payable as follows: fifty percent (50%) within ten (10) days _ after the Effective Date, thirty percent (30%) by the Transportation Payment Due Date, and the remaining twenty percent (20%) within ten (10) business days of ddivery to and final acceptance bv the City.D7,SOO pO/vi c?/l3PCaO^ + k!3iU0'J*O0 + 1 1 y 10 0 Q • u a 3^ Il^K- 698/015610-0065 14044800.4 aOl^lbaO -2- Rosemary Hallick From: Angela Ferreira Sent: Thursday, November 5, 2020 3:30 PM To: Rosemary Hallick Subject: FW: EXECUTED AGREEMENT: Along! Ebenisterie et CG Inc - SRR Modular Building \ FYI From: Angela Ferreira Sent: Wednesday, November 4, 2020 12:08 PM To: Giovanni Alongi <giovanni@alongi.com>; Jon McMillen <jmcmillen(5)|aquintaca.gov> Cc: 'Rhonda Blincoe' <rhonda.blincoe@a!ongi.com> Subject: RE: EXECUTED AGREEMENT: Alongi Ebenisterie et CG Inc - SRR Modular Building Good Morning Giovanni, After review of your invoices I have the following requests: • Invoice 2119 Upgrades and Modifications: o This Agreement amount: $312,000 o Paid to Date: $156,000 o Balance: $156,000 o Amount payable with invoice: $93,600 (30%) Can you please revise your invoice to show the corrected amount. Additionally, please provide City with finalized plans showing upgrades and modifications for review and approval prior to issuance of payment, o Outstanding Balance after this invoice: $62,400 (20%) - to be paid after delivery and final acceptance by City • Invoice 2120 Transportation: o This Agreement amount: $35,000 o Paid to date: $0 o Balance: $35,000 o Amount payable with invoice: $35,000. Prior to approval of payment, can you please provide the City with shipping confirmation and schedule from the shipping service provider o Outstanding Balance after this invoice: $0 • Invoice 2121 On Site Installation: o This Agreement amount: $100k o Paid to date : $0 o Balance: $100,000 o Amount payable with invoice: $50,000 (50%) Please provide detailed installation schedule and service provider info o Outstanding Balance after this invoice: $50,000 (50%) - to be paid after delivery and final acceptance by City Invoice 2122 Millwork Fixtures, Lighting, flooring: o This Agreement amount: $115,000 1 o Paid to date: $57,500 o Balance: $57,500 o Amount payable with invoice: $34,500 (30%). Prior to approval of payment, please provide finalized documentation/renderings for City review regarding millwork fixtures, lighting, and flooring, o Outstanding Balance after this invoice: $23,000 (20%) - to be paid after delivery and final acceptance by City • Invoice 2123 Sales Contract: o This Agreement amount: $165,000 o Paid to date: $165,000 o Balance: $0 o Amount payable with invoice: 0% ($0). Please update your files to reflect that full payment has been issued for this item, o Outstanding Balance after this invoice: $0 Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Angela Ferreira From: Giovanni Alongi <giovanni(S)alongi.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 3, 2020 4:46 PM To: Angela Ferreira <aferreira@laauintaca.gov>: Jon McMillen <imcmillen(5)laauintaca.gov> Cc: 'Rhonda Blincoe' <rhonda.blincoe(S)alongi.com> Subject: RE: EXECUTED AGREEMENT: Alongi Ebenisterie et CG Inc - SRR Modular Building Importance: High EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Hi Angela cc Jon, hope everyone is well; As briefly discussed last week Attached please find invoices as per agreed Executed Agreement; • Invoice 2119 - LA QUINTA MOBILE UNIT - EXHIBIT "B" Upgrades and Modification Contract (This Invoice 28% of balance prior to transport) • Invoice 2120 - LA QUINTA MOBILE UNIT - EXHIBIT "B" dated June 27, 2019 + MEMORANDUM dated February 4,2020 - (Transportation to La Quinta) • Invoice 2121 - LA QUINTA MOBILE UNIT - EXHIBIT "B" dated June 27, 2019 + MEMORANDUM dated February 4,2020 - (50% Deposit On Site Installation in La Quinta) • Invoice 2122 - LA QUINTA MOBILE UNIT - EXHIBIT "C" Interior Design + Millwork Fixtures + Lighting + Flooring (30% due Prior to Delivery) • Invoice 2123 - MOBILE UNIT - SALES CONTRACT NO. 20109, "EX A" dated June 19, 2018 + MEMORANDUM "EX B" dated Feb 4, 2020 (FINAL 20% payment prior to delivery) For your convenience please see attached agreed Schedule of Compensation > Exliibit B - Schedule of Compensation Note, as per agreement, attached invoices are due prior to shipping. Please contact me to confirm overnight FedEx of check Total Due listed Invoices above: S 260.220.00 Thank You for your support and confidence Giovanni Aiongi Alongi Ebenisterie et CG inc. 5110 rue Fairway Lachine, Quebec, H8T 1B8 0. (514) 633-5110 ext 224 F. (514) 633-5199 C. (514)292-8860 Email: eiovanniOalongi.com web: www.alongi.com From: Angeia Ferreira <aferreira(5)laauintaca.gov> Sent: Monday, February 10, 2020 1:57 PM To: Giovanni Alongi <giovanni(aaiongi.com>: Jon McMillen <imcmi[len(5)iaauintaca.gov> Cc: 'Rhonda Blincoe' <rhonda.blincoet5)alongi.com> Subject: RE: EXECUTED AGREEMENT: Alongi Ebenisterie et CG Inc - SRR Modular Building Good Morning Giovanni, The following payments are being processed as outlined in Exhibit B - Schedule of Compensation of the Agreement for Contract Services: Section 1 Compensation Pursuant to Original Contract: $115,000 - Progressive payment prior to delivery $50,000 - Payment upon delivery Total: $165,000 Section 2 Transportation to La Quinta: No payment due at this time Section 3 On-site Installation in La Quinta: No payment due at this time Section 4 Upgrades and Modification Contract: $312,000- Initial 50% $156,000 ^ Total: $156,000 Section 5 Interior Desgin Contract: $115,000 - Initial 50% $57,500 Total $57,500 Total Amount to be ready by 2/19/2020: $^378,500 Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Angela Ferreira | Management Analyst City Manager's Office City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico | La Quinta, CA 92253 Ph. 760.777.7114 www.iaquintaca.QOv www.playiniaquinta.com From: Giovanni Alongi <giovanni@alongi.com> Sent: Saturday, February 8, 2020 1:37 PM To: Monika Radeva <mradeva(5)|aauintaca.gov>: Jon McMillen <imcmillen(a)laauintaca.gov>: Angela Ferreira <aferreira(S)laquintaca.gov> Cc: 'Rhonda Blincoe' <rhonda.blincoe@aiongi.com> Subject: RE: EXECUTED AGREEMENT: Alongi Ebenisterie et CG Inc - SRR Modular Building Importance: High EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening ^attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Ciao Jon cc Monika cc Angela, hope everyone is well; Attached please find invoices as per agreed Executed Agreement; • Invoice 1959 - Billing Prior to Delivery - SALES CONTRACT NO. 20109, "EXHIBIT A" + MEMORANDUM • Invoice 1960 - LA QUINTA MOBILE UNIT - EXHIBIT "C" Interior Design+Millwork+Lights+Flooring • Invoice 1961 - LA QUINTA MOBILE UNIT - EXHIBIT "B " Upgrades and Modification Contract Total Due listed Invoices above: $ 328.500.00 I have scheduled to be on site at La Quinta, Wednesday February 19, 2020. If easier for you, I can pick up this while I am there Note: To facilitate Billing due to different payment delay terms, I have broken down our billing as per different Exhibits agreed too; > Unit Sale, Exhibit "A" our Job No. 20109 > Upgrades and Modifications, Exhibit "B" our Job No. 20135 > Interior Design/Millwork/Light Fixtures, Exhibit "C" our Job No. 20126 > Transport + Onsite Installation, our Job No. 20134 We sincerely Thank You for this opportunity and look forward to building a beautiful and long lasting Event Center Thank You Giovanni Alongi Along! Ebenisterie et CG inc. 5110 rue Fairway Lachine, Quebec, H8T1B8 O. (514) 633-5110 ext 224 F. (514) 633-5199 C. (514)292-8860 Email: giovanni(5)alongi.com web: www.alongi.com From: Monika Radeva <mradeva(S)iaauintaca.gov> Sent: Thursday, February 6, 2020 4:35 PM To: giovanni(5)alongi.com Cc: Angela Ferfeira <aferreira(Slaauintaca.gov>: Jon McMliien <imcmil[en(5)laauintaca.gov>: Monika Radeva <mradeva(5)laauintaca.gov> Subject: EXECUTED AGREEMENT: Alongi Ebenisterie et CG Inc - SRR Modular Building Good afternQon Mr. Alongi, Attached for your records Is the executed agreement between the City of La Quinta and Alongi Ebenisterie et CG Inc for the modular building to be installed at the SilverRock Even Venue. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. Monika Radeva, CMC j City Clerk City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 Tel; (760) 777-7035 MRadeva(5)iaauintaca.gov From: Jon McMillan <imcmillen(5)laauintaca.gov> Sent: Thursday, February 6, 2020 11:11 AM To: Monika Radeva <mradeva(5)iaauintaca.gov> Subject: Fwd: Alongi Ebenisterie et CG Inc insurance requirements Please email Alongi an executed version of the Agreement. Regards , > jon Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Giovanni Alongi <giovanni(5)alongi.com> Date: February 6, 2020 at 9:54:36 AM PST To: Angela Ferreira <aferreira(5)laauintaca.gov>. Jon McMillan <imcmillen(aiaauintaca.gov> Cc: Pam Nieto <pnieto@laquintaca.gov>. Bruno Evangelista <bevangelista(adpil.com>. Ethan Ha.tami <ethan(5)alongi.com> Subject: RE: Alongi Ebenisterie et CG inc insurance requirements EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Hi Angela cc Jon Great speaking with you yesterday Jon. Have you heard back on the status of finalizing our contract? 5 Thank You Giovanni Alongi Alongi Ebenisterie et CG inc. 5110 rue Fairway Lachine, Quebec, H8T 1B8 0. (514) 633-5110 ext 224 F. (514) 633-5199 C. (514)292-8860 Email: giovanni(5)alongi.com web: www.alongi.com From: Bruno Evangelista <bevangelista(5)dpil.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 4, 2020 4:17 PM To: 'Angela Ferreira' <aferreira(5)iaauintaca.gov> Co: Ram Nieto <pnieto(5)laquintaca.gov>: Giovanni Alongi <giovanni(5)alongi.com> Subject: RE: Alongi Ebenisterie et CG Inc insurance requirements Hi Angela, Thank you for your reply. Alongi Ebenisterie et CG Inc is installing a unit that has already been fabricated. The installation is covered under the Commercial General Liability coverage. On the Professional Liability coverage, there would have to be a Professional service rendered and Professional fees charged. Please get back to me if you have any further questions or anything I can help clarify. Thank you and have a nice evening. GROUPE DPJL 1. ' CABINET EN ASSURANCE DE OOMMAQES Pour acceder a I'espace client d'Intact Assurances ri i EM'TC-LI E- N T J ,ct VjiBiwi;rJa 03 Courtier en assurance de dommages Conseiller en assurance des entreprises '1401 - 1080, Cote du Beaver Hall, Montreal, H2Z 1S8 ® 514 850-4500 ® 1 877 665-DPJL (3755) El bevaneelista(adDll.com Le courtier qui travailie pour VOUS ! *** ATTENTION : mon nouveau numero de poste a 5 chiffres est maintenant le : 23556 CONFIDENTIALITE - Ce message est confidentiel et destine a I'usage exclusif de ses destinataires. Si vous I'avez regu par erreur, veuiliez nous en aviser et le detruire sans en divulguer le contenu, en faire une copie ou y donner suite. CONFIDENTIALITY - This communication is confidential and for the exclusive use of its intended recipients. If you have received this communication by error, please notify the sender and delete the message without copying or disclosing it. De : Angela Ferreira rmailtoiaferreiraOlaauintaca.gov] Envoye : February 4, 2020 2:59 PM A : Bruno Evangelista <bevangelista(5)dpil.com> Cc : Pam Nieto <pnieto(aiaquintaca.gov>: Giovanni Aiongi <giovanni(5)alongi.com> Objet: FW: Aiongi Ebenisterie et CG Inc insurance requirements Hi Bruno, thank you for assisting us with this process. I just noticed that the Professional Liability coverage is not listed on the COI. Would you be able to assist me with getting that revised and sending us a new certificate? Angela Ferreira | Management Analyst City Manager's Office City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico | La Quinta, CA 92253 Ph. 760.777.7114 www.laquintaca.gov www.plavinlaquinta.com From: Pam Nieto Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2020 2:36 PM To: Angela Ferreira Subject: FW: Aiongi Ebenisterie et CG Inc insurance requirements From: Bruno Evangelista <bevangelista(5)dpil.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2020 1:49 PM To: Pam Nieto <pnieto(5)laquintaca.gov> Cc: 'Giovanni Aiongi' <giovanni(5)alongi.com> Subject: RE: Aiongi Ebenisterie et CG Inc insurance requirements EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper Judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Good afternoon Pam, I hope all is well. Please find attached the Certificate that is validated and accepted by the Insurer. Comments: • We will not accept to insure for the negligence of third parties. • Therefore with regard to the Primary / Non-contributory endorsement clause, our clause " 8. Other Insurance: " is applicable. Please see second page of certificate. As mentioned. Auto and Workers' Compensation is not a part of our Insurance contract. As per Errors and Omissions insurance, it is not included in the current policy. We would have to work on a separate Insurance policy with an E&O proposal to be completed. The task will be to properly deterrhine what professional services are offered and the professional fees charged. Please get back to me if you have any further questions and if an Errors and Omissions insurance policy is indeed required. Thank you and have a nice evening. SGROUPE DRJL rv v j ' CABINET EN ASSURANCE OE DOMMAOES Pour acceder a I'espace client d'Intact Assurances "espace' CLIENT S3E1 fJuWinjni'" d :" Bruno Evangeilsta Courtier en assurance de dommages Conselller en assurance des entreprises 1401 -1080, Cote du Beaver Hall, Montreal, H2Z1S8 S 514 850-4500 ® 1 877 665-DPJL (3755) El bevangeiistaiSdDii.com Le courtier qui travaille pour VOUS ! *** ATTENTION : mon nouveau numero de poste a 5 chiffres est maintenant le : 23556 CONFIDENTIALITE - Ce message est confidentiel et destine a I'usage exclusif de ses destinataires. Si vous I'avez regu erreur, veuiilez nous en aviser et le detruire sans en divulguer le contenu, en faire une copie ou y donner suite. CONFIDENTIALITY - This communication is confidential and for the exclusive use of its intended recipients. If you ha' received this communication by error, please notify the sender and delete the message without copying or disclosing it. De : Pam Nieto [mailto:pnieto(5)laquintaca.gov1 Envoye : January 29, 2020 10:34 AM A : Bruno Evangelista <bevanEeiista(5)dpil.com> Cc : Angela Ferreira <aferreira(S)laauintaca.gov>: giovanni@talongi.com: Jon McMillen <imcmillen@laauintaca.gov> Objet: Aiongi Ebenisterie et CG Inc insurance requirements Good morning, I am sending this request on behalf of your insured, Aiongi Ebenisterie et CG Inc. With regards to their Commercial General Liability policy #10011256, the City is in need of 2 endorsements in order to execute their contract. We need an additional insured endorsement and a Primary and Noncontributory endorsement (both samples attached). If you need any further explanation, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you. Cu CALIFORNIA Pam Nieto, R.M.P. | Risk Management Specialist Community Resources City of La Quinta 78495 Calie Tampico ° La Quinta, CA 92253 Ph. 760.777.7103 www.la-auinta.org www.plaviniaauinta.com