CSG Consultants - Proposal3707 W. Garden Grove Blvd, Ste 100, Orange, CA 92868 714.568.1010 phone 714.568.1028 fax www.csgengr.com PROPOSAL TO THE City of La Quinta On-Call Mapping Checking Services May 31, 2021 CSG PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL MAP CHECKING SERVICES Table of Contents S E C T I O N 1 Cover Letter 1 S E C T I O N 2 Qualifications and Related Experience 2 S E C T I O N 3 Proposed Staffing and Project Organization 3 S E C T I O N 4 Work Plan/Technical Approach 5 S E C T I O N 5 References of California government agencies 9 S E C T I O N 6 Disclosures 10 S E C T I O N 7 Acknowledgement of Insurance Requirements 11 S E C T I O N 8 Non-Collusion Affidavit 13 S E C T I O N 9 Acknowledgement of Addenda 15 S E C T I O N 10 Cost and Pricing 17 S E C T I O N 1 1 List of Complementary Services Offered by Proposer along with Corresponding Prices 19 S E C T I O N 12 Appendix: Resumes 21 CSG PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL MAP CHECKING SERVICES 550 Pilgrim Drive, Foster City, CA 94404 Phone (650) 522-2500 | Fax (650) 522-2599 | www.csgengr.com Cover Letter May 31, 2022 Attn: Bryan McKinney, Public Works Director/City Engineer City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 RE: Request for Proposals for On-Call Map Checking Services CSG Consultants, Inc. (CSG) is pleased to submit our proposal for On-Call Map Checking Services to the City of La Quinta (City). Our firm brings specialized expertise and highly competent staff, and convenient proximity with a nearby offices in Orange. For over 30 years, CSG has provided a wide variety of professional municipal services exclusively to public agencies. Our staff currently serves over 200 California communities, performing topographic and boundary surveys, and providing mapping and engineering review, design, project management, and inspection services. As part of our on-going review services, we review tentative maps and assist with the preparation of conditions of approval, review parcel and final maps, lot line adjustments and lot mergers, right-of-way dedications and vacations, on-site/off-site improvement plans, and more. A sample of the nearby municipalities for which we currently provide these services include the Cities and Towns of: • Mountain View • Los Altos Hills • Monte Sereno • Belmont • San Carlos • Marina • San Leandro • San Mateo Peykan Abbassi, PE, will serve as the Primary Contact for this contract. His contact information is as follows: Peykan Abbassi, PE | Principal-in-Charge (714) 568-1010 phone | peykana@csgengr.com Why is our team the right fit for these professional services? A firm with broad experience performing on-call mapping review and City Surveyor service for over 20 municipalities A Project Manager and team who are exceptionally familiar with State requirements A firm that offers a deep pool of resources that can be used to expedite project deliveries or tackle complex and unusual issues in any phase of the project, from Entitlements to recordation of documents, including an on-site Notary Public Project staff with years of experience in City Surveying services, mapping review, and field surveying A strong QA/QC program to ensure high quality of all deliverables All information and pricing provided in the proposal is valid for at least ninety (90) days, and all individuals who will perform work for the City is free of any conflict of interest. We look forward to the opportunity to provide services to the City of La Quinta. If you have any questions or need additional information regarding this proposal, please contact Mr. Abassi at the information provided above. Sincerely, Cyrus Kianpour, PE, PLS President, CSG Consultants, Inc. 1 S E C T I O N CSG PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL MAP CHECKING SERVICES 2 Qualifications and Related Experience FIRM PROFILE CSG Consultants, Inc. (CSG) is a California corporation with our regional office in the City of Orange and headquarters in Foster City. Additional support is available from our other 5 offices in California. CSG performs work solely for public agencies, eliminating the potential for conflicts of interest. NAME OF FIRM: CSG Consultants, Inc. PRIMARY CONTACT: Peykan Abbassi, PE, LEED AP - Principal in Charge (818) 800-6326 cell • peykana@csgengr.com email LOCAL OFFICE: 3707 W. Garden Grove Boulevard, Suite 100, Orange, CA 92868 (714) 568-1010 phone • (714) 568-1028 fax www.csgengr.com • info@csgengr.com HEADQUARTERS: 550 Pilgrim Drive, Foster City, CA 94404 (650) 522-2500 phone • (650) 522-2599 fax REGIONAL OFFICES: 3875 Hopyard Road, Suite 141, Pleasanton, CA 94588 3150 Almaden Expressway #255, San Jose, CA 95118 1303 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 930 Fresno Street, Newman, CA 95360 5151 N. Palm Street, Suite 530, Fresno, CA 93704 YEARS IN BUSINESS 30 ● Founded in 1991 EMPLOYEES: 300 TYPE OF BUSINESS: California Corporation ● Incorporated June 15, 2000 ● Federal ID: 91-2053749 Staff Composition The majority of the 300 individuals within our firm have provided public agency services throughout their entire careers. Our experienced personnel have held positions with communities facing similar development issues as the City. Depending upon the needs of our clients, we can serve in either a project-specific or on-call staff augmentation capacity. Our staff consists of the following types of licensed and credentialed professionals: • Civil Engineers • Planning & Environmental Professionals • Construction Managers & Inspectors • Fire Marshals & Fire Protection Engineers • Structural Engineers • Grading Improvement Plan Reviewers & Inspectors • Plan Review Engineers • Building Officials • CASp Professionals • Building Plan Reviewers & Inspectors • Permit Technicians • Information Technology Professionals • Fire Plan Reviewers & Inspectors • Sustainability Professionals • Surveyors 2 S E C T I O N CSG PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL MAP CHECKING SERVICES 2 FINANCIAL CONDITION CSG has a very stable economic base and workforce as a result of its two primary and complementary service lines, engineering and building/fire department services. CSG tripled its size over the past eight years, both in revenue and staff size, with 300 employees serving customers throughout California and Nevada. The company’s compensation and benefit plans are some of the most generous in the industry, which helps CSG maintain very low staff turnover. CSG is debt-free and has a commercial bank line of credit that it uses occasionally. The Company is well-positioned to provide services to the City. Upon selection for this work, CSG can provide further details regarding its financial stability up to and including reviewed financial statements. PENDING LITIGATION CSG has no legal matters currently pending or settled within the past five years related to the services requested in the City’s Request for Proposals. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST CSG performs work solely for public agencies, eliminating the potential for conflicts of interest. CONTRACT PERFORMANCE CSG is not debarred, suspended or otherwise declared ineligible to contract with any other federal, state or local public agency CSG PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL MAP CHECKING SERVICES 3 Proposed Staffing and Project Organization ORGANIZATION CHART CSG proposes the following key staff and organizational structure for this project. Our Team will be led by Peykan Abbassi, PE, LEED AP, who will serve as the overall Principal in Charge and Contract Manager for this contract. He will also oversee the general management of staff and administration of this contract. Key personnel are indicated with an asterisk (*). Resumes with detailed qualifications of proposed key staff are provided in Appendix: Resumes. . Peykan Abbassi, PE* Principal Engineer CONTRACT MANAGER David Rubcic, PE, PLS* Senior Project Manager QA / QC Lawrence Lau, PE, PLS* Principal Engineer Lori Weis, PLS* Senior Land Surveyor Son Hoang, EIT* Associate Engineer Heba Masri, PE Associate Engineer Kareem Arabi Assistant Engineer MAPPING REVIEW 3 S E C T I O N Sophie Truong, PE, PLS, QSD/P** Principal Engineer PROJECT MANAGER CITY OF LA QUINTA CSG PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL MAP CHECKING SERVICES 4 Provided below are brief summaries of proposed key staff. Sophie Truong, PE, PLS City Surveyor & Field Survey Supervisor, Principal Engineer Ms. Truong is highly skilled in all aspects of surveying and mapping work. She not only prepares topographic survey base maps, parcel maps, and miscellaneous survey documents (e.g. Lot Line Adjustments, Street or Easement Vacations, etc.) for municipal projects/lots, but also reviews all types of mapping documents associated with private land development and performs all functions of the Technical Reviewer/City Surveyor. She currently manages on-call review projects and signs as City Surveyor for 16 Cities and Towns: Belmont, Campbell, Colma, Daly City, East Palo Alto, Los Altos Hills, Monte Sereno, Orinda, Pacifica, Rohnert Park, San Juan Bautista, San Carlos, San Pablo, San Leandro, San Mateo, and Woodside. David Rubcic, PE, PLS QA/QC Mapping Review, Senior Project Manager Mr. Rubcic is a professional engineer and land surveyor with over 36 years of experience in all phases of municipal engineering including subdivision improvement review, management of land development projects, capital improvement projects, inspections, and master planning. Mr. Rubcic provides project management and map review for large private development projects in the Cities of Gilroy and Marina where he acts as Acting City Surveyor, and in the Town of Windsor. He also performs development review for the City of Rohnert Park and provides oversight and performs quality control for the Cities of San Leandro and Daly City. Lori Weis, PLS Mapping Review, Senior Land Surveyor Ms. Weis has over 30 years of experience in field surveying and mapping review. She specializes in title research and review of Tract Maps, Parcel Maps, and Plat and Legal Descriptions. She has previously served as City Surveyor for the City of Milpitas and currently leads all map reviews for City of Mountain View. Lawrence Lau PE, PLS Field Surveys, Principal Engineer Mr. Lau has over 25 years of civil engineering design and project management experience complete with production of topographic and boundary surveys. He possesses a strong technical background in the survey and design of major arterials, collectors, and local roads. Mr. Lau is also adept at surveying properties and roadways for complete street projects, roundabouts, parking lots, and utility improvement projects for public agencies. Son Hoang, EIT Mapping Review, Associate Engineer Under the supervision of Ms. Truong, Mr. Hoang has performed a variety of plan and map check reviews ranging from minor and major subdivision maps to grading and drainage plans. He has reviewed lot line adjustments, lot mergers, and easement and right-of-way dedications/vacations for numerous jurisdictions within San Mateo County, Santa Clara County, and Alameda County. Mr. Hoang has also acted as survey party chief, under the supervision of Ms. Truong, for a variety of topographic surveys performed in conjunction with public improvement projects, using local street monuments and benchmarks with assumed vertical datums, or tied to the California Coordinate System and North American Vertical Datum. CSG PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL MAP CHECKING SERVICES 5 Work Plan/Technical Approach CITY SURVEYOR - MAP REVIEW SERVICES The traditional role of the City Surveyor is to ensure that maps, legal descriptions, and plats prepared for private developments or public projects are technically correct. However, more often than not, the City Surveyor also routinely ensures that the documents are comprehensive of City requirements and completed in accordance with the California Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances and are in substantial conformance with the approved entitlement application (traditionally the functions of the City Engineer). The City Surveyor’s functions can vary, but typically include evaluating the documents submitted by applicants for completeness, reviewing and providing written comments and ‘redlines’, and signing final documents/certificates or mylar prints of subdivision maps once approved. When complicated or unusual circumstances arise, the City Surveyor often meets with and advises the City Engineer and private applicants. On rare occasions, the City surveyor may also be directed to set street monuments not set by private development surveyors. Detailed Scope of Work CSG will review Final/Tract and Parcel Maps, Amending Maps, Certificates of Correction, Street Dedications and Public Easement Grants (Plats/Legal Descriptions), Lot Line Adjustments and Lot Mergers (Plats/Legal descriptions, and complete certificates), or other documents for compliance and conformance with the following: • Approved Tentative Map (for subdivisions) • Conditions of Approval • The California Subdivision Map Act • The Professional Land Surveyor’s Act • Industry Standards and Local Practice • Title information for the property, including existing easements and any other relevant land encumbrances, based on information contained in a preliminary title report (PTR) and record documents to be furnished by the applicant (a hyperlinked PTR typically works best) • Survey and miscellaneous information presented on parent record maps and deeds of the subject and adjacent properties • The Project Improvement Plans and other documents, when conformance review is required by the City In conjunction with each review, CSG performs the following: • Review of closure calculations 4 S E C T I O N CSG PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL MAP CHECKING SERVICES 6 • Review, seal and sign final mylar copies of subdivision maps or sign various certificates for technical correctness (as Acting City Surveyor or Technical Reviewer) • Preparation of Staff Report(s) for City Council approval, if required • Preparation of Lot Line Adjustment and Lot Merger certificates • Preparation of Certificates of Compliance (including review of the Chain of Title for the parcel in question, and preparation of a technical memorandum describing our findings). In addition to the documents listed above, CSG also regularly reviews Tentative Maps and assists municipalities with preparing Conditions of Approval (COAs). As City Surveyor, our scope of work is generally limited to review of the boundary and title information, and generating COAs associated with easements, or vacations or dedications of Rights-of-way. However, CSG can assist with all facets of Tentative Map reviews, including engineering reviews if needed. Information regarding our Engineering Land Development Review Department can be provided upon request. CSG’s Review Process New map submittals will be coordinated with the proposed project manager. At the time of new submittals, the applicant may decide to meet with the City and CSG’s project manager via Zoom or Microsoft (MS) Teams, or in person, to briefly present the project and discuss any challenges. Upon receipt of the submittal package, CSG will perform a cursory review to determine if the submittal is complete or let the applicant know if additional documents are needed for the review. The documents required to initiate a mapping review consist of the following (minimum): ✓ Final or Parcel Map (or plat & legal description) in a PDF format ✓ A hyperlinked Preliminary Title Report, dated within 60 days ✓ Closure Calculations ✓ Any other record document used in the preparation of the new map or plat and legal description that is not readily available via the hyperlinked PTR Depending on the City’s preference and project timeline, we may require missing documents immediately or address the matter in the form of a general comment with the first review. Under the direct supervision of Ms. Truong, map reviews are typically completed by our team within fifteen (15) working days after receipt of a complete submittal package. Redlined documents and written comments are prepared for each review and can be provided electronically via email (most common), via overnight delivery, or by regular mail. Although comments are always provided to the City, comments may also be provided directly to the applicants upon City’s request. Subsequent submittals are typically reviewed within five to ten (5-10) working days, but additional review time may be requested depending on project size, complexity, and applicant responsiveness to the first review. Conversely, expedited plan reviews may be performed upon request in certain cases. Following each review, CSG is available to meet with City staff and/or applicants to discuss comments via Zoom, MS Teams, or by conference call. Our staff is always available to meet with applicants to discuss concerns and explain comments, at any stage of the review process. In addition to Ms. Truong, four (4) licensed Land Surveyors and ample additional map checkers are readily available on or off site to deal with any fluctuating workload. Technology & Resources CSG staff are trained in the latest technologies available for mapping review work. The following methods are employed daily at CSG: Bluebeam Revu  Our staff utilizes the latest version of Bluebeam Revu for digital map and plan review. CSG PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL MAP CHECKING SERVICES 7  Of particular note is the software’s ability to quickly compare two similar documents, particularly near approval, to ensure no additional unapproved changes are made. ParcelQuest  CSG subscribes to this web-based application to quickly pull publicly available data such as Owner names, addresses, APNs and APN maps from the regional Assessor’s Office database. Zoom and Microsoft Teams platforms  Virtual meetings, including screen sharing, allows for more efficient coordination and immediate collaboration.  Virtual communication is now widely used to reduce overall review time and control costs. Time ‘And Costs’ Are of The Essence We understand that private development projects are often rush projects that require immediate attention and meticulous follow-through. Our strategy for staying on track, expediting reviews when possible, and maintaining quality while not noticeably increasing the level of effort (and costs) is as follows: • Keep the same map reviewer on a project whenever possible, thereby eliminating any additional and extraneous effort by other staff members • Utilize to the maximum extent feasible the functionalities of the digital map review software used (such as ‘document compare’ and the ‘Toolbox’ used to generate duplicate comments) • Daily tracking by the Project Manager of submittals due dates and coordination with staff • Avoiding unnecessary resubmittals or delayed resubmittals by scheduling virtual meetings or conference calls to discuss complicated comments or highly deficient work products (with City’s consent) SURVEY S AND DOCUMENTS FOR PUBLIC PROJECTS On occasion, certain projects will require that the City prepare documents affecting property rights on behalf of the public (such as right-of-way dedications or vacations, and public easements) or prepare documents affecting the fee title ownership of public property (such as lot line adjustments for public facilities – Community Centers, Police Stations, Parks, Corporation Yards, etc.) CSG has assisted many of our clients in such transactions and worked closely with City Attorneys to ensure that proper procedures and legal requirements are observed. Detailed Scope of Work The types of legal documents that may be prepared by the City will vary but may include Parcel Maps, Lot Line Adjustments, Lot Mergers, and more. Plats and legal descriptions may need to be prepared. For street dedication or vacation documents, as well as easement grants and abandonments, the burden of preparing the plats and legal descriptions are typically put on the private party responsible for the private development that triggered the need for the land transaction (such as an right-of-way vacation). For those occasions when there are no private developments associated with the work in question (such as a lot merger between two City-owned parcels), the documents are typically prepared as stand-alone documents/instruments by the City Surveyor. Lastly, records of survey may also be prepared if dictated by the Professional Land Surveyor’s Act. All documents are produced using the same level of care and quality control as mapping reviews, and prepared in conformity to the following legal codes: • California Subdivision Map Act • Professional Land Surveyor’s Act CSG PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL MAP CHECKING SERVICES 8 • Streets and Highways Code • Civil Code • Other relevant sections of the Government Code All maps or certificates are prepared using local industry standards and pre-established City requirements. CSG’s Map/Document Preparation Process CSG will meet with City representatives to discuss the scope of the project, general expectations, and final intent for the public property. Occasionally, better or quicker solutions are proposed to resolve issues after the project is thoroughly assessed and discussed. CSG will provide field and office surveys, perform research of record documents, and order and analyze Preliminary Title Information. The parcel map (or legal description and plat as the case may be) are subsequently prepared and submitted for review and comment to the City prior to producing mylar prints or final certificates and obtaining signatures from all parties. CSG PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL MAP CHECKING SERVICES 9 References of California Government Agencies MAPPING REVIEW & CITY SURVEYOR SERVICES | TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS, CA CSG has been providing contract mapping review and City Surveyor services to the Town since 2008. Reviews performed by CSG staff include but are not limited to parcel maps, lot line adjustments, lot mergers, street dedications, open space and public utility easements, and topographic surveys for CIP projects. Contact John Chau, PE | Assistant Engineer | (650) 947-2510 (office) | jchau@losaltoshills.ca.gov 26379 Fremont Road, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 MAPPING REVIEW & CITY SURVEYOR SERVICES | CITY OF GILROY, CA CSG currently provides contract mapping review and City Surveyor services for large development projects with complex issues. Reviews performed by CSG staff primarily include parcel maps and large tract maps. Notable projects include the Banes Lane Automall Pkwy parcel map, the tract map for the Eagle Gardens subdivision, and the 23-lot tract map for condominium purposes at Town Center. MAPPING REVIEW & CITY SURVEYOR SERVICES | CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, CA CSG has been assisting the City with complex land development projects and performing mapping review for the City for several years. Recent projects include two (2) 6-unit condominium tract maps at 874 Lewelling Blvd and 342 Marina Blvd, the Creekside Minor Subdivision (Parcel Map 10843), assistance with the Bay Fair Apartments Lot Merger, and many more. Contact Phillip Toste, PE | Associate Engineer | (510) 577-3375 (office) | (510) 298-0044 (home) ptoste@sanleandro.org 835 East 14th Street, San Leandro, CA 94577 MAPPING REVIEW & CITY SURVEYOR SERVICES | CITY OF SAN MATEO , CA CSG currently provides contract mapping review and City Surveyor services for City projects and commercial and residential development projects. Reviews performed by CSG staff include parcel maps, condominium maps, and numerous public easement dedications and vacations. Recent projects include the Wastewater Treatment Plant/Detroit Drive parcel map, easement vacations and the parcel map at the Bay Meadows Residential Development, and the 64-unit condominium tract map at 303 Baldwin Ave. Contact Tracy Scramaglia, PE | Senior Engineer | (650) 522-7316 (office) | Tscramaglia@cityofsanmateo.org 330 W. 20th Avenue, San Mateo, CA 94403 FORT ORD REDEVELOPMENT | CITY OF MARINA, CA CSG is currently providing comprehensive review for the redevelopment of 420 acres of former Fort Ord site in the City of Marina. The project consists of mixed use (retail, entertainment, commercial, and live/work), regional retail, low-income housing, office/research/light industrial, and residential areas. Notable projects include: • The Promontory - 174 unit student house adjacent to CSUMB Campus • Veterans Affair Clinic – three story, 150,000 sq ft located on 14.3 acres. • Marriott Spring Hill Suites – 67,00 square foot, 4 story, 106 room newly constructed hotel • University Village Apartments – 108-unit apartment complex • Marina Heights/Sea Haven – 1,050-unit residential development and 28-acre park site Contact Brian McMinn | Public Works Director | (831) 884-1215 | bmcminn@cityofmarina.org 211 Hillcrest Avenue, Marina, CA 93933 Contact Weston Hill | Engineer | (408) 846-0410 | weston.hill@cityofgilroy.org 7351 Rosanna Street, Gilroy, CA 95020 5 S E C T I O N CSG PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL MAP CHECKING SERVICES 10 Disclosures CSG Consultants does not have any alleged significant prior or ongoing agreement failure, any civil or criminal litigation or investigation pending, which involved the proposer or in which the proposer has been judged guilty or liable within the last five (5) years 6 S E C T I O N CSG PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL MAP CHECKING SERVICES 11 Acknowledgement of Insurance Requirements If selected, CSG Consultants will provide the minimum insurance coverage and indemnification noted in Exhibits E and F, respectively, of the City’s Professional Service Agreement. Attachment 2 is provided on the following page for the City’s review. 7 S E C T I O N ATTACHMENT 2 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal I, ________________________________________ (name) hereby acknowledge and confirm that __________________________________ (name of company) has reviewed the City’s indemnification and minimum insurance requirements as listed in Exhibits E and F of the City’s Professional Services Agreement (Attachment 1); and declare that insurance certificates and endorsements verifying compliance will be provided if an agreement is awarded. I am _________________________________ of ______________________________, (Title)(Company) Commercial General Liability (at least as broad as ISO CG 0001) $1,000,000 (per occurrence); $2,000,000 (general aggregate) Must include the following endorsements: General Liability Additional Insured General Liability Primary and Noncontributory Commercial Auto Liability (at least as broad as ISO CA 0001) $1,000,000 (per accident) Personal Auto Declaration Page if applicable Errors and Omissions Liability $1,000,000 (per claim and aggregate) Worker’s Compensation (per statutory requirements) Must include the following endorsements: Worker’s Compensation Waiver of Subrogation Worker’s Compensation Declaration of Sole Proprietor if applicable CSG PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL MAP CHECKING SERVICES 13 Non-Collusion Affidavit An executed Non-Collusion Affidavit by an official authorized to bind the firm is provided on the following page for the City’s review. 8 S E C T I O N ATTACHMENT 3 NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT FORM Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal I, ________________________________________ (name) hereby declare as follows: I am _________________________________ of ______________________________, (Title)(Company) the party making the foregoing proposal, that the proposal is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the proposer has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other proposer to put in a false or sham proposal, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any proposer or anyone else to put in a sham proposal, or that anyone shall refrain from proposing; that the proposer has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the proposal price of the proposer or any other proposer, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the proposal price, or of that of any other proposer, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the agreement of anyone interested in the proposed agreement; that all statements contained in the proposal are true; and, further, that the proposer has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her proposal price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative hereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company, association, organization, proposal depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham proposal. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Proposer Signature: __________________________________________________ Proposer Name: __________________________________________________ Proposer Title:__________________________________________________ Company Name: __________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________ CSG PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL MAP CHECKING SERVICES 15 Acknowledgement of Addenda The Acknowledgement of Addenda is signed and provided on the following page for the City’s review. 9 S E C T I O N ATTACHMENT 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF ADDENDA Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal; If no addenda has been issued, mark “N/A” under Addendum No. indicating Not Applicable and sign ADDENDUM NO. SIGNATURE INDICATING RECEIPT CSG PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL MAP CHECKING SERVICES 17 Cost and Pricing Schedule A- Cost Proposal Attachment 6 is provided on the following page for the City’s review. 10 S E C T I O N Map Check Compensation Map check payment shall be made in full at a “fixed fee” rate of: Tract Maps $ _________ plus $_________ per lot Parcel Maps $ _________ plus $_________ per parcel Lot Line Adjustments $ _________ plus $_________ per line adjusted Parcel Mergers $ _________ for two merging parcels plus $__________for each additional parcel Other miscellaneous projects, research, and reports $ _________ per hour - no overtime, travel time, expenses or other administrative charges will be allowable over and above the stated hourly rate schedule. Consultant receives no additional compensation for review of supporting documents including, but not limited to grant deeds, preliminary title reports, conditions of approval, tentative tract and parcel maps. Consultant receives no additional compensation for delivery or postage fees necessary to transmit or receive plans from City. Consultant receives no additional compensation for travel to and from City Hall. Compensation for the first three plan checks shall be distributed at the following schedule: First Plan Check 65% of the Total Plan/Map Check Fee Second Plan Check 20% of the Total Plan/Map Check Fee Third Plan Check 15% of the Total Plan/Map Check Fee The Consultant shall be compensated upon the completion of each plan check as indicated in the above schedule and in conformance with Section 2.2 of the Agreement. If a project is suspended, either definitely or indefinitely, the Consultant shall be compensated based on the last completed plan check. If the plan check process is completed prior to the third plan check, 100% of the plan check fee will be paid upon completion of the final plan check. The Consultant shall separately invoice per plan and per plan check. No exceptions will be allowed to the payment schedule. SCHEDULE A – COST PROPOSAL ATTACHMENT 6 6,400 170 3,900 260 3,500 350 2,700 170 189 CSG PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL MAP CHECKING SERVICES 19 List of Complementary Services Offered by Proposer along with Corresponding Prices • Quality Assurance / Quality Control Approach CSG’s in-house QA / QC Implementation Plan utilizes a peer review process on every project. Our dedicated QA/QC Manager will be responsible for the following: • Establishing guidelines & assigning accountable personnel and responsibilities for each task. • Assuring that all deliverables are reviewed, including products from subconsultants. • Monitoring the process to assure that the schedule and budget are followed. • Participating in the internal and external reviews. • Reviewing and signing off on deliverables before submittal to the clients. The quality control is the responsibility of every team member of our staff at every level and at every milestone of the project development processes. All deliverables, including technical engineering reports, studies, design drawings and calculations, and maps are subject to a multi-tiered approach for review to ensure that all products are checked for accuracy, correctness, completeness and conformity with the City’s municipal code and design guidelines and standards, State, Federal and regulatory agencies requirements. The QA / QC Manager conducts audits of the QA / QC process to ensure that all reviews are being properly conducted and documented by all team members. Deliverables will be reviewed for: • Compliance with approved formats, criteria, specifications, & professional standards of practice • Adequacy, clarity, ease of interpretation • Consistency • Errors and discrepancies • Coordination with related project elements • Ability to monitor project budget and scope We understand that private development projects are often rush projects that require immediate attention and meticulous follow-through. Our strategy for staying on track, expediting reviews when possible, and maintaining quality while not noticeably increasing the level of effort (and costs) is as follows: • Keep the same map reviewer on a project whenever possible, thereby eliminating any additional and extraneous effort by other staff members • Utilize to the maximum extent feasible the functionalities of the digital map review software used (such as ‘document compare’ and the ‘Toolbox’ used to generate duplicate comments) • Daily tracking by the Project Manager of submittals due dates and coordination with staff • Avoiding unnecessary resubmittals or delayed resubmittals by scheduling virtual meetings or conference calls to discuss complicated comments or highly deficient work products (with City’s consent) • Communication with clients and stakeholders CSG understands that clear communication with the City is vital to delivering the reviews successfully and getting projects approved. This also allows us to gauge any potential issues and resolve them appropriately. Internally, CSG conducts regular staff meetings where review progress and issues can be discussed to determine ways to 11 S E C T I O N CSG PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL MAP CHECKING SERVICES 20 enhance review quality and eliminate duplication and conflicting comments for the reviews that involve multiple disciplines. We also recognize that each jurisdiction is different and during onboarding meetings we will work with the City to establish an efficient, straightforward “Communication Protocol” which addresses the City’s needs. • Hard Copy & Digital Plan Review CSG began the transition to digital plan review over 20 years ago, leading the consultant field with this ground-breaking service. As part of our service, all paper plans submitted to CSG are immediately scanned into digital files and stored on CSG’s servers for quick and easy access by both our clients and our plan reviewers. Our plan reviewers furnish electronic versions of their plan comments conforming to each client’s established correction list templates. Any additional forms utilized by the City for alternative methods of construction and/or deviations from requirements, such as disabled access, will be incorporated into the correction comments and returned with the appropriate recommendations. Plan check comments can be delivered electronically by email or other City approved means, enabling City staff to immediately modify CSG’s checklist for incorporation with other department comments. Upon request, clients can be provided with a set of digitally scanned plans at no cost, including convenient, “green” (paperless) storage of all construction-related documents. In addition, for jurisdictions requesting a pure digital plan review workflow, CSG has developed an online web application for an applicant to submit digital files directly to us, which includes an online portal for the applicant/jurisdiction to retrieve comments and submitted digital files with marked up plans including redlines. This online portal tracks all submittals, including re-submittals until the plans have been approved. Key features of our digital plan review service include: • Efficient – Plans are pushed to plan review staff the same day they are submitted. There is no “bin time.” • User Friendly – CSG developed its own web-based portal to manage the electronic file submittal process. By using a web interface, the applicant is no longer faced with size restrictions on email attachments or required to learn complex FTP settings. • Proven – We have provided a digital plan review option to our clients for over 17 years. • Non-Proprietary – CSG’s electronic review process is 100% PDF-based with no additional software required to view redlines. • Extensible – CSG offers an integration path for our electronic review software—GreenVue Fusion. A copy of secured, digitally stamped plans would be delivered to the city for final processing. This process allows the developer to save time and money related to printing and delivery costs and reduces the overall development review process timeframe. • Online Plan Review Tracking CSG offers a convenient service allowing clients to check plan review status and comments online. By logging in to our password protected Plan Check Status website, staff as well as authorized applicants, can view each project document and communicate with the plan checker. Staff or authorized applicants can download comments from the web upon completion of the plan review. CSG PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL MAP CHECKING SERVICES 21 Appendix: Resumes Resumes for key staff are provided on the following pages for the City’s review. 12 S E C T I O N 22 Peykan LICENSES & CERTIFICATIONS Professional Civil Engineer State of California |51996, Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors LEED AP Certificate, United States Green Building Council Project Management Certificate, Bureau of Engineering, City of Los Angeles Certificate in Effective Negotiation, Karrass Institute EDUCATION MS Civil Engineering, University of Southern California BS Civil Engineering, University of Southern California Abbassi PE, LEED AP Project Manager Mr. Abbassi is an experienced executive level leader for large programs in Public Works, Transportation, Development and Municipal Engineering. Through creation of a team environment and project ownership atmosphere he achieved outcomes above and beyond the expected performance levels. He consistently developed cohesive management teams, established and monitored short-range and long-range goals, budgets, and schedules. Mr. Abbassi has worked with regulatory agencies such as Army Corps of Engineers, California Coastal Commission, and California Department of Fish and Game, and has engaged with development firms to reach common grounds. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Rancho Mission Viejo – Land Development Project Manager | Orange County Public Works Department Mr. Abbassi serves as CSG’s Project Manager overseeing the review of development tracts during the entitlement review of submittals to infrastructure improvement plans for an “Expedited Plan Review Services” contract for the Rancho Mission Viejo Development (RMV). RMV consists of 9 planning areas, each with multiple specific planning areas throughout a Master Planning Area. The area of development includes 23,000 acres with 75% of the land preserved as The Nature Reserve at Rancho Mission Viejo. Once complete the RMV will including 19,000 dwelling units, in addition to schools, shopping centers, entertainment, restaurants and offices. Mr. Abbassi managed the review of each tract within the subareas from initial vesting tentative tract map to final map and recordation. The scope also includes grading, street, stormwater including hydrology/hydraulics analysis and design, and sewer plans. Planning review for entitlement purposes. CSG is also tasked with review and conformance of NPDES and SWPPP requirements, and adherence of all design to the requirements of the Regional Water Resources Board. City Engineer | City of Half Moon Bay, CA Mr. Abbassi was responsible for complex and technical tasks related to capital infrastructure, utilities, traffic studies and management, land development and other public works-related projects and programs ensuring compliance with all codes and regulations. His work included managing consultants for storm drain and sewer master plans as well as design consultants for the Capital Improvement Projects. Under his supervision, the City developed a comprehensive and robust 5-year capital program. It included a new Net Zero and LEED certified library as well as Highway 1 “Safety and Operational Improvements” projects. Mr. Abbassi assisted the City with its Solid Waste contract as well managing activities with the JPA for the Wastewater Treatment Facility and pumping plants throughout the City. Los Angeles (NFL) Stadium at Hollywood Park | City of Inglewood, CA Mr. Abbassi served as CSG’s project manager, overseeing the coordination of all plan review for the Los Angeles (NFL) Stadium at Hollywood Park. This project was a Construction Manager/General Contractor for which He coordinated general building plan review, as well as review of on-site improvements and off-site public works improvement requirements. Plan review tasks were performed according to the latest Federal, State, and local codes and regulations. In collaboration with the City of Inglewood, the program management team and the architect, Mr. Abbassi participated in meetings prior to plan submittal to address major code interpretation issues to assure seamless processes during the review periods. His team approach with the stakeholders has provided and continues to facilitate swift turnaround times for the project team in the fast-paced environment inherent to this type of delivery method. 23 Chief Development Officer | North County Transit District (NCTD) Mr. Abbassi was responsible for directing and managing the activities of the Development Services Division (DSD) comprised of Engineering and Capital Programs, Facility, Real Estate, Maintenance of Way Departments and Signals and systems including Positive Train Control. The Engineering department performed the oversight of the work by SANDAG (San Diego Association of Governments) on LOSSAN Corridor capacity enhancement (double tracking the railroad right of way) and the replacement of 22 bridges in the 60 miles of right of way. The Engineering and Capital Program Department performed PM/CM work for variety of Capital Improvement projects . The Facility Department was tasked with on-going inspection, maintenance and upkeep of 33 facilities. The Real Estate Department administered, monitored and issued all NCTD leases and licenses. Construction Manager/Project Engineer | City of Los Angeles, Construction Management Division Mr. Abbassi performed Construction Management for the $75 million Griffith Observatory Renovation and Expansion Project. He conducted comprehensive coordination between the design and construction activities including analysis of all contractor’s requests for change orders, and estimated, negotiated and issued change orders. As the Project Engineer, he responded to RFI’s, conducted weekly construction meetings, and reviewed submittals and schedule updates. Mr. Abbassi managed A/E consultants, the planning and permit process, and construction of several municipal facilities. These facilities included an Echo Park Chi ldcare Facility, and Pacoima Boxing and exercise facility, with an average budget of $3-5 million. Duties included conducting construction meetings and resolving issues and concerns of the client departments and the constituency. He responded to the contractor’s requests and facilitated communications with the consulting architect. He responded to RFI’s and reviewed submittals, reviewed and approved the base-line schedule and subsequent updates, and reviewed all claims and change order requests and their corresponding resolution. Funding issues and proper allocation of funds we re also resolved by ensuring clear communication with the Program Management team. In addition, he investigated change order requests, verified costs, and performed negotiation an d settlement of change orders for 250 engineering projects as a change order engineer in Construction Division. Mr. Abbassi performed consulting duties in claim resolution and change order negotiations for eight divisions and district offices of the Bureau of Engineering, conducted change order negotiation and claims resolution tra ining classes for 200 engineers in 8 divisions of the Bureau of Engineering, and prepared the change order chapter of the Project Delivery Manual for the Bureau of Engineering . 24 S ophie LICENSES & CERTIFICATIONS Professional Civil Engineer State of California | 68110 Professional Land Surveyor State of California | 8998 Qualified SWPPP Developer/Practitioner (QSD/QSP) EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering University of California Berkeley | Berkeley, CA TRAINING California Subdivision Map Act Seminar Bay Area Hydrology Model (BAHM) Municipal Regional NPDES Permit Provision C.6 (Construction BMPs) Truong PE, PLS, QSD/P Principal Engineer Ms. Truong is highly skilled in all aspects of surveying and mapping work. She not only prepares topographic survey base maps, parcel maps, and miscellaneous survey documents (e.g. Lot Line Adjustments, Street or Easement Vacations, etc.) for municipal projects, but also reviews mapping documents associated with private land development and performs all functions of the Technical Reviewer or City Surveyor, including signing final mylar copies and certificates, for numerous Cities and Towns. Her expertise is in reviewing mapping documents for compliance with project improvement plans, local Subdivision Ordinances/Municipal Code, project Conditions of Approval, the California Subdivision Map Act, the Land Surveyor’s Act, and industry standards. Her strengths also lie in her in-depth knowledge of the various legal codes that affect property law and the subdivision process, and in her ability to resourcefully collaborate with municipal legal counsel on intricate issues. As part of her development review functions, Ms. Truong manages incoming submittals, reviews maps or other documents and prepares comments and redlines, signs mylar copies or certificates as Acting City Surveyor/Technical Reviewer, and regularly meets with project applicants and City staff to review difficult projects and discuss mapping issues. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Mapping Review for Various Projects | Multiple Cities & Towns Ms. Truong provides mapping review services for, and expert technical assistance to, sixteen local municipalities on an on-call basis: Cities of Belmont, Campbell, Daly City, East Palo Alto, Monte Sereno, Orinda, Pacifica, Rohnert Park, San Juan Bautista, San Carlos, San Leandro, San Mateo, and San Pablo, and the Towns of Colma, Los Altos Hills, and Woodside. The documents reviewed typically include: Final Maps, Parcel Maps, Amending Maps, Lot Line Adjustments, Lot Mergers, Certificates of Compliance, Certificates of Correction, Easement Abandonments, Easement Grants, Condominium Maps and Plans, Street Dedications, and Street Vacations (General & Summary). General Vacation of Capitol Avenue & Lot Merger for the University Plaza Project | City of East Palo Alto, CA Ms. Truong assisted the City Attorney and Engineering Staff with general procedures and document preparation, reviewed staff reports for Council Meetings, and reviewed all survey and mapping work prepared by the project developer in conjunction with the vacation of a public street that was currently in use. She assisted the City with public notifications and notifications to public utilities for relocations of utilities located within the street to be vacated. She also reviewed all documents associated with the lot merger for the project. The Dunes at Monterey Bay | City of Marina, CA Ms. Truong reviewed all parcel and final maps associated with the residential and retail development of this 420-acre Specific Plan area located within in the former Fort Ord. This included phased parcel and final maps in commercially zoned areas, residential tract maps, and lot mergers. Ms. Truong met with City Planning and Engineering staff, and the Developer’s team to review and discuss the City’s specific plan requirements, the Disposition and Development Agreements, all existing easements, and access issues throughout the development. 25 David LICENSES & CERTIFICATIONS Professional Civil Engineer State of California | C57601 Professional Land Surveyor State of California | L7994 EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Industrial Technology Construction Option with Architectural Emphasis California State University at Fresno | Fresno, CA Rubcic PE, PLS Senior Project Manager Mr. Rubcic is a professional engineer with over 36 years of experience in all phases of municipal engineering including capital improvement projects, subdivision improvements, land developments, inspection, and master planning. Prior to joining CSG, Mr. Rubcic served the City of Hollister for 22 years, starting as an Assistant Engineer and ending his services as Interim City Engineer. As part of his role with the City of Hollister, Mr. Rubcic met with the public in workshops and other meetings including one-on-one discussions for negotiations of right-of-way acquisition, project meetings, and general community outreach. For CSG, Mr. Rubcic provided map review for developments for the Town of Windsor, Mountain View, Monte Sereno, San Leandro and many other agencies in the area. He also performs development review for the City of Rohnert Park as part of an on -call development and map review contract. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Development and Map Review | City of Marina, CA Mr. Rubcic serves as CSG’s Project Manager overseeing the review of multiple developments within the City. Notable projects include but are not limited to: • Sea Haven/Marina Heights Development - 240-acre site will include over 1,000 new townhouse and single-family residential units, and will include 35 acres of parks, greenbelts, and open space. • the Dunes Residential Development - multiple phased of development. His responsibilities have included the review of Final Maps and the associated improvement plans for each phase. He has also performed several Tentative Map conformance reviews and a Tentative Map amendment review. • Marina Station - 246.2 Acres consisting 1360 residential units, commercial, industrial, office, parks, trails. He has already preformed a Tentative Map Conformance Review and participates in project meetings with the developer. City Surveyor | City of Gilroy, CA Mr. Rubcic currently serves as the CSG Project Manager and the City Surveyor where he has reviewed several Lot Line Adjustments, easements, certificate of compliance proposals and a Project Review for the compliance with existing maps on difficult properties involving a Court Judgment. He is currently reviewing a 67 Lot residential subdivision as part of the Glen Loma master planned Development. Quality Assurance/Quality Control | Various Agencies, CA Mr. Rubcic has and continues to provide QA/QC services for various project reviews to CSG’s staff in a number of local communities including: San Mateo, Mountain View, Daly City, Rohnert Park, the Town of Windsor, Colma, and San Juan Bautista. Development and Map Review | Town of Windsor, CA Mr. Rubcic performed CSG’s review of final maps, improvement plans, easements, Annexations for projects such as at 280 Arata Lane,330 Arata Lane, and the Veteran’s Village apartment project in the Town of Windsor. Senior Civil Engineer (Interim City Engineer) | City of Hollister, CA Mr. Rubcic served 4 years as the Interim Engineering Manager/City Engineer, overseeing the City’s Engineering Department. His responsibilities included directing and supervising City engineering activities, preparing and administering the Capital Improvement Project program, providing support to the Management Services Department, and reviewing and approving private civil engineering plans and specifications and their adherence to established engineering standards and project requirements 26 Lawrence LICENSES & CERTIFICATIONS Professional Civil Engineer State of California | C57397 Professional Land Surveyor State of California | L7934 Qualified Stormwater Designer/Practitioner | 23449 EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, California Polytechnic State University |San Luis Obispo, CA PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS American Council of Engineering Companies East Bay Chapter Past President (2013-2014) American Public Works Association American Society of Civil Engineers Lau PE, PLS, QSD/P Principal Engineer Mr. Lau has over 26 years of civil engineering design and project management experience. He possesses a strong technical background in the master planning, design, and construction of Caltrans and local roadways, complete streets, roundabouts, parking lots, drainage and utility improvements for public agencies. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Addison Avenue Safe Routes To Schools And Green Street Improvements Project | City of East Palo Alto, CA Mr. Lau served as the Project Manager for enhancements to pedestrian and bicyclist accessibility and safety within a residential area by installing new bicycle and pedestrian facilities and sustainable green street features. The project installed new concrete curb, gutter, sidewalk and drainage improvements and stormwater quality/green streets measures to address the water ponding and flooding issues, and beautify the corridor at the same time. Proposed pavement structural replacement and base failure repairs improved the roadway surface. Installation of new bulbouts, mid-block crosswalks, ADA curb ramp upgrade and Class III bike route will calm the vehicular traffic down and improve the accessibility of pedestrian and bicyclist traffic. Mr. Lau also led a community outreach meeting at the beginning of design stage to listen to the community and stakeholder’s concerns. Mission Road Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvement Project | Town of Colma, CA Mr. Lau served as the Project Manager for the design of this bicycle and pedestrian improvement project in the Town of Colma. The project involves the planning, design and implementation of a number of safety related improvements for the pedestrians, bicyclists and vehicles along Mission Road between El Camino Real and Lawndale Boulevard. The anticipated improvements include addition of new sidewalk to provide continuous safe and accessible pedestrian route, extension of Class II bicycle lanes on northbound direction, construction of bulbouts and high visibility crosswalks with pedestrian flashing beacons, installation of energy efficient street lights, relocation and reconstruction of the existing curb, gutter, sidewalk and non-ADA compliant ramps and driveway approaches, and construction of landscape planters for drainage and stormwater treatment purposes. These improvements will address the safety concerns expressed by the community and improve the accessibility of the pedestrian and bicycle facilities in compliance with San Mateo County Comprehensive Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan and Town of Colma’s Circulation Plan which consists of Complete Streets and Green Infrastructure Policies. Safe Routes To School Sidewalk Priority Safety Project | City Of Stockton, Ca Mr. Lau served as the project manager for safe routes to schools improvements which involved the installation of new bicycle facilities and traffic calming features at fourteen locations near six elementary schools. The project included relocation and upgrades of non -ADA compliant curb ramps at a roundabout intersection, addition of bike lanes and speed humps in front of two schools, construction of bulbouts with high visibility crosswalks at major and minor collectors, installation of rectangular rapid flashing beacon at arterials and raised median refugee island, modifications of signing, striping, and pavement markings in compliance with the latest CA MUTCD. A public outreach meeting was held to collect comments to the project from the councilmembers, school district, transit district, emergency responders and general public. 27 L ori LICENSES & CERTIFICATIONS Professional Land Surveyor State of California | L8803 Weis PLS Senior Land Surveyor Ms. Weis is a professional land surveyor with over 30 years of exper ience in la nd surveying and mapping. Ms. Weis sp ecializes in title research, fee ownership, encu mbrances and the analysis of survey data for boundary res olutions. This includes years of writing Legal Descriptions and comp uter aided drafting of Tract Maps, Parcel Maps and Records of Survey. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Acting City Surveyor | City of Milpitas, CA Ms. Weis oversaw and performed the review of Parcel Maps/Tract Maps/Legal Descriptions submitted to the City of Milpitas for technical accuracy, conforma nce with the appr oved tentat ive map, City standards, Subdivision Map Act, and Land Surveyor ’s Act. Upon fulfillment of thes e requirements, she would sign said maps a nd documents as Technical Reviewer on b ehalf of the City of Milpitas. Map Review | City of Mountain View, CA Ms. Weis currently oversees and performs reviews of Parcel Maps, Tract Maps, and L egal Des cript ions submitt ed to the City of Mountain View. She also assists in the review(s) of chains of title to aid the City in determining if a Certificat e of Compliance is needed on individual applications. Mapping Supervisor | Private Consultant, CA Ms. Weis served as the Mapping Supervisor for a Bay Area engineering consulting firm. Her duties included supervising and training staff in matters of legal descriptions and maps, researching and examining fee title and encumbrances, analyzing deeds, survey data, and boundary resolutions, reviewing subdivision and street layouts, and writing of legal descriptions/plats. She also coordinated submittal to a gencies with Project Engineer and Title compa ny. Project Manager | Private Consultant, CA Ms. Weis performed the review of Parcel Maps/Tract Maps/Legal Descriptions submitted to the City of Marina for technical accuracy and conformance to City Standar ds, Subdivision Map Act, and Land Surveyor ’s Act requirements. 28 Heba LICENSES & CERTIFICATIONS Professional Civil Engineer State of California EDUCATION Master of Science, Civil Engineering San Jose State University San Jose, CA Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering San Jose State University San Jose, CA Masri , PE Associate Engineer Ms. Masri provides clients with experience in mapping review and general civil design and project controls with a focus in transportation. Ms. Masri has been involved in the preparation of design plans, specifications, and estimates, for various public wor ks projects including pavement rehabilitation, pedestrian improvements, drainage systems, intersection improvements, and roadway widening projects. In addition to design, Heba has assisted project managers with various project management tasks including reviewing subconsultant invoices, maintaining project budget and schedules, preparing technical memorandums and reports, and coordinating with subconsultants. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Mapping Review for Various Projects | Multiple Cities & Towns Ms. Masri mapping review services for, and expert technical assistance to, twelve local municipalities on an on-call basis: Cities of Campbell, Daly City, and San Carlos, and the Towns of Colma, and Los Altos Hills. The documents reviewed typically include: Parcel Maps, Lot Line Adjustments, Lot Mergers, Easement Abandonments, Easement Grants. Fair Oaks Bikeway and Streetscape, Phase 2 | City of Sunnyvale, CA Ms. Masri served as the Assistant Project Manager for this project. The scope involved the installation of Class III green bicycle markings and bicycle detector markings along with various intersection improvements. Work included the detailed grading design of several curb ramps to meet ADA requirements, restriping of various intersections and replacement of concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter. Britton School Sidewalk & Traffic Enhancements Project | City of Morgan Hill, CA Ms. Masri served as the assistant project manager for improvements surrounding the Britton School. The project included replacing existing sidewalk with a wider ADA -compliant sidewalk, narrowing of the vehicular travel ways, curb and gutter modifications, new curb ramps, and new driveway approaches. 2020 Annual Street Maintenance and Rehabilitation | City of Santa Clara, CA Ms. Masri assisted with the design of pavement rehabilitation of various streets. Work included repair of failed pavement structural sections, slurry seal treatments, cold milling, hot mix asphalt and rubberized hot mix asphalt pavement inlays, and replacement and installation of accessible concrete curb ramps. Ralston Corridor Improvement Phase 3 And 4| City of Belmont, CA Ms. Masri assisted in the design of federally funded improvements along this heavily trafficked major arterial and primary corridor. The design emphasized bicycle, pedestrian, and vehicular access. In addition to installing continuous Class II bike lanes, the project also consisted of repairing and repaving sidewalks and installing ADA-complaint curb ramps. She also assisted with multiple outreach meetings and public forums in order to complete its final design while implementing federal funding requirements. US-101 Auxiliary Lane Improvement Projects | San Mateo County Transportation Authority Ms. Masri assisted in the mapping of utilities, design of barriers and drainage improvements, quantity take-offs and generation of cost estimates, and completion of the Storm Water Data Report. SR 120 – Union Road Interchange | Manteca, CA Ms. Masri assisted in the preparation of the plans, specifications & estimate for the reconfiguration of an existing interchange to improve operations and add additional traffic capacity. 29 Son LICENSES & CERTIFICATIONS Engineer in Training State of California Caltrans Resident Engineer’s Academy NASSCO PACP Certified EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering San Jose State University | San Jose, CA PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Toastmasters International Secretary Club: 4840673 Hoang EIT Associate Engineer Mr. Hoang provides clients with experience in design and plan review. Since joining CSG, his primary focus has been in mapping review, field surveying, and design of capital improvement projects. This work includes a variety of public works projects involving paving design, drainage systems, and topographic surveys. Along with the preparation of design plans for public works projects, he has also created complete PS&E packages including specifications and engineering cost estimates. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Various Plan/Map Check Review In addition to design work, Mr. Hoang has also been responsible for a variety of plan and map check reviews ranging from parcel maps to grading and drainage plans. He has reviewed various lot line adjustments and easement dedications for jurisdictions within San Mateo and Santa Clara County. Mr. Hoang has also performed new and redevelopment plan reviews with a focus on the latest C.3 compliance requirements for San Mateo County. Recent reviews include: • Tract No. 10559 – 16179 Mozart Avenue - Final Map Review – City of Campbell • 680 & 700 E. McGlincy Lane – Parcel Map Review – City of Campbell • Central Lathrop Specific Plan – Stanford Crossings Phased Final Maps Review – City of Lathrop • Rohnert Park Expressway – University District Phased Final Maps Review – City of Rohnert Park • Firehouse Square – 1300 El Camino Real – Final Map Review – City of Belmont • 303 Baldwin Avenue – Final Map for Condominium Purposes Review – City of San Mateo • Detroit Drive – City Waste Water Treatment Plant - Parcel Map Review – City of San Mateo Topographic Surveys Mr. Hoang has also been responsible for a variety of topographic surveys performed in conjunction with public improvement projects. Utilizing the most appropriate Control Scheme, whether it be local street monuments with assumed vertical datums, or tied to the California Coordinate System and North American Vertical Datum, Mr. Hoang has provided thorough identification of existing site conditions by surveying location and elevation of existing s urface features, invert elevations of underground utilities, location of all pavement markings and striping, location and elevation of found monuments and benchmarks, sufficient elevation information along side streets to determine longitudinal slope for drainage, and location and elevation of any other items that would or may affect the design and construction of proposed improvements within the project limits. Geographic Information System (GIS) Mr. Hoang’s experience includes generating exhibits and maps utilizing ArcGIS software. Additionally, he is also capable of creating and updating GIS shapefiles and layers utilizing agency provided datasets. He recently created sewer system GIS maps that have aided in the development of CIP for sewer rehabilitation programs for the City of San Mateo. Included in his work was incorporating all identified defective sewer mains into the GIS data base that enabled the City staff to readily identify priority repair areas. 30 Kareem EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering San Jose State University | San Jose, CA Arabi Assistant Engineer Mr. Arabi provides clients with experience in design of Capital Improvement Projects and plan/map review. His primary emphasis is in the area of surveying and mapping, consisting of extensive reviews of Tract Maps, Parcel Maps, Plat Map & Legal Description s for numerous Public Agencies in the Bay Area. Kareem’s focus has been the review of title information, including review of record documents for minor and major subdivisions and easement conveyances, fee vs. ownership determination, and the analysis of su rvey data for boundary resolutions, all in accordance with Municipal Ordinances and the California Subdivision Map Act. Kareem also performs topographic and boundary surveys for various public works projects. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE General Map Review | Various Bay Area Municipalities, CA Mr. Arabi performed, under the guidance of highly experienced professional Land Surveyors, the review of over 50 Parcel Maps/Tract Maps/Legal Descriptions on behalf of various municipalities in the Bay Area in connection with private Land Development projects. Plat Map & Legal Description Preparation | Various Bay Area Municipalities, CA Mr. Arabi prepares, under the guidance of highly experienced professional land surveyors, plats & legal descriptions for the purpose of merging lots, lot line adjustments, or easement grants. This included research of county record maps and deeds in order to accurately depict the subject lots to accuracy. Howard, Pilgrim & Union Street Sanitary Sewer Project | City of Stockton, CA Mr. Arabi designed the improvement plans for the rehabilitation of sanitary sewer lines by the pipe bursting method. The design aspects of the project included: bypass pumping plan, traffic control plan, benchmark control, & erosion control plan. The sanitary sewer lines run between existing residential lots; therefore, to gain access to the project location, Kareem researched official county record maps to acquire the locations of existing public utility easements. Kareem also conducted the field survey and created the topographic map. Plans were developed showing technical design information and associated City Standard Details. Kareem was also responsible for public outreach and utility coordination. Kareem also prepared the engineer’s estimate for the proposed improvements. Bernal Avenue & Nevada Street Intersection Project | City of Pleasanton, CA Mr. Arabi assisted in the design of this intersection improvement project for the City of Pleasanton. The design aspects of the project included: ADA-compliant curb ramps, driveway approach, sidewalk, curb & gutter, modification to existing drainage inlets, installation of new drainage inlets and piping, adjustment to utility covers, and resurfacing of roadway pavement. Plans were developed showing technical design information and associated City Standard Details. Kareem also prepared technical specifications associated with the various elements of the project. Mr. Arabi also assisted in generating an engineer’s estimate for the proposed improvements. Civil Design Engineer in Land Development | SMP Civil Engineers, Los Altos, CA Mr. Arabi designed the grading, drainage, and storm water management plans on residential properties and property frontage with street profiles. Kareem determined the area of impervious surfaces and completed various worksheets for C.3 compliance, performed hydrology analysis and hydraulic calculations, calculated slope densities and earthwork quantities, prepared site cross-sections, and prepared material cost estimate.