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0005-168 (SFD) Truss Calcs
7 BARR LUMBER TRUSS DIV. 54461 29 Palms Hwy Yucca Valley, CA. 92284 (760) 365-8408 Fax: 365-3870 BARB 1 -.UMBER BARR LBR TRUSS CL CERTIFIED INSPECTION IN STRICT IS ACCORDANCE WITH U.B.C. 2311.6 PREFABRICATED Convenient Locations To Serve You Rosemead San Bernardino (626) 288-0860 (909) 884-4744 Twenty -Nine Palms Yucca Valley (760) 367-7581 365-2357 STS Long Beach _{760) (760) 365-8408 TRUSS (562) 438-1124 Apple Valley (760) 247-720.4 TRUSS DIV. NAME: )'alo-5 JOB NAME: �p ADDRESS DATE: CHECK BY cl, CD . =3 . r+ -- G3 Q F1 o F2 0)\ * * 3 0 72 Fva 1 0. . ... \ CAIS F w 2,. G1 W—E. �~ SEE ROOF FJZAMiN(, PLAT( FO 9 C-0 "-*c T ml \ LA`(OUT. m� u ARR LUMBER TRUSS DIV. 54461 - 29PALMS HWY. m� ` YUCCA VALLEY,CA. 92284 CD N -_ DRAWN BY: TAMI JENKINS BS 3w _ . WO#7269. ! STOKER CON. TOM LANG RES. 78-342 TALKING ROCK TURN LAQUINTA,CA. .4� ob Name: LANG Truss ID: B 1 6 Drw t -s ,a Em X -LCC RUCr SIZE REIQ'D 1' 2- 1- 4 380 3.50" 1.50"' TC 2x4. EFL #2 P AMI/*IPI - 1995 ... BC 2x4 EFL #2 pLA�IE� PER ICBG RESEARCIId)?Et P #1607. Rr #17g. _. 2 lb- 3-12 380 3.50" 1.50" VM _ 2x4 HF Urn= DraiE mast beprv� led to avoid Erid Y PLATIN HASm IN (3gIIJ IIIA�R VALLIS. feu�azlad TC PUKE AM HID CSI )]7d verticals thaticalB�a�re oboes ar + 1-2 -295 .00 .10 .10• below the truss profile (if any) tray req_uxe ' 1? 2-3 -475 .00 .15 .16 additiaal dmign oa7sideratirn'(1y others) :. 3-4 -2 .00 .15 .16 lateral tae to wind or smernic • l�,late g ;�. BC KIKE AXI, HID .CSI t 5-6 0 .00 .02.`.021 6-7 336 .06 .04' .10 7-8 470 .08 .06 .14 ' el J WM FQdM CSI FEFB FCRCE CSI 1-5 -367 ,07 .3-7 13 .01 1-6 435 44 J3-8 -533 .21 ;05 s: 2-6 -266 7 4-8 -92 .02 )2-7 154 .16 { mx ru=m ..k*i IV999 IN M4 6-T(LVE) .wt. Ir -.01"D=- 011'T=-.02" 41. - Joint Locatia73 - - 1 1 0- 0- 0 f5 0- 0- 0 2 1-10- 5 16 1-10- 5 1-111-5_i 3-9-13---- 3-9-13 3 5- 8- 3 17 5- 8- 3 4 9- 6- 0 8 9- 6- 0 1-10-5 5-8-3 9-6-0 .. 1 2 3 •. 4 F-72 3-4 3-4 3-4 1.5-3 a t 2-2-14 a a. �!M �p v -3-4 3-4 -00 _4 34F cc045982 73 Py .. •.E P. 1 /31/02 CNA - STUB 5 6 7 g OFCAI�F�P � 1-I0-5 --t 3-9-13 3-9-13, p:} 1-10-5 5.8.3 9.6-0-0 8�1 "� /Loo L, Truswal Systems Plates are 20 ga, unless shown by "18"(18 ga.) or "Fi"(16 ga.), positioned per Joint Report. Circled plates and false ;Scales 17/32!' 11 )� frame l2lates are Positioned as shown above. ® .. WARNINGR' ni! ifotes oil Uiis sheet"nnd give p copy of it to {lie Erecting Contractor. TBF3 26.7 M. This design is for an individual building component.'ll has been based on speeifiwtions provided by the component tn:umfacmrer and June in Clrk TR WO T269 r s : } BARR LUMBER accordance wish the current versions of TPI rutd APPA design standards. Noresponsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are lobe verified by the componenl m uutfacmrer and/ur building designer prior to fabricatign, The building designer shall ascertain that the loads utilised on i Dagar s TR #LC = 0 Customer Name s r� TOM' � this design meet or exceed the Ioiding imposed by the local building code. It is assumed 111.11 the top chord is laterally braced by 4 i Ytiec' VaI1L Y Ilse roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is btemlly braced by a rigid sheathing rnatcred direct attached, wiles uthetu<ise noted. Urtcht shown is for lateral Y g support of cmnponents members TC Live 20.0 pef� ,, DuiPape L=1.25 ' P=1.25 n 0 �� .TRUNWAI. SYSTEMS „ only to reduce buckling length. This component stall not be placed in any environment that will cause the moisture - content of the wood exceed 19%:md/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace !lois truss hi accordance with the follow' 'TRUSCOM TC Dead 10.0 paf Rep'Mbr Bud 1.15 4445 Norablr r► or., C"lo Spring, CO 80907 standards: MANUAL', by Troswal, 'QUAixrY CONTROL. S'T'ANDARD I'OR METAL. PI..ATE CONNECfED WOOD'I RUSSES' - (QST-88),-IIANDI.IN(, INS•TALLIN(T AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSI?S' '11111-91 BC Live • 0 psf O. C.3paoing 2- 0- 0 t Tp5.0 Version T6.1.5 - (11111-91) and SUMMARY MIEN,--[" by'111I. The Trvss Plate Institute (1'111) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Pores! an(I Paper BC Dead 10:0 paf Design Spec UBC -97 ibr.a: Association (APPA) is located al 1250 Connecticut Ave, NW, Ste 2(x1, Washington, DC 20()36. TOTAL 40.0 paf Deft Ratio: L(/290 TC: I4/290 ' o Naffi-e LARD_ 8/11/2000 IM X -IDC R CT SIZE TC 2X4 rFL #2 Truawal Systems Plates are 20 "H"(ga. unless shown by "18"(18 ga.) or 16 ga.), positioned per Joint Report. Circled plates and false 1, 0- 1-12 458 3.50" 11.50" BC 2x9 EFL #2 2 13: 3-12 458 3.50" 1.50" VEB 2X4 FF UITUTY E10 varticals designed for axial loads only. 29.3 TC F1TQ£ AXL EIV CSI Ek -fl verticals that are adzes� above or 1-2 -626 .01 .16 .17 below the truss profile (if arty) may rc-cjtire TR 2-3 -634 .00 .16 .3.6 acllii.aza .tl design camidrat>.on (17y ctlrrs) BARBLUMBER 3-4 -2 .00 .14 .14 fcij laY_Fral f wove sae to wird or seiaTac 04steener Name: loads an the Ix(ilding. design men or exceed the loading imposed by the Loc l building code. It is assuredthat the top chord is laterally braced by the roofor floorsheathing and the bottom chard is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directlyattached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateralLive BC FCRCE AXL EIM CSI DurFaas L=1.25 P=1.25 5-6 0 .00 .05 .051 support of components tnembenx rally yh reduce buckling Icngtt. 'this cam anent shall not be L ced •ut an environment that ill ciuse the moisture content exceed P P Y W. Dead 10.0 pat/ 6-7 671 .12 .04 .16 1 TRIISWAI. SYSPCMS 7-8 612 .31 .06 .17 VE3 FIDE CSI FiEB F(I3E CSI 4445 Northpark"Dr.. Colo Springs, CO 80907 standards: MANUAL', by Trusw:a, 'QUALITY CON'T'ROL STANDARD'FOR METAl. PLATE CONNCCfGD WOOD TRUSSES' 'IIANDLINO 1-5 -424 ,08 3-7 106 .31 O. C. Spatting 2- 0- 0 • 1-6 695 71 3-8 -691 .27 (QST -SK), ; INS'fAL.LIN(i AND IIItACIN(i ME PLATE, CONNrCI'ED WOOD TRUSSES' - (11113-9p"an l °11113-91 SUMMARY SIU?f?'f' by'rill. 'I'he'fruss Plate Institute (I'I'I) is located at 593 D'Onofrio Drive, M:+disnn, Wisconsin BC Dead 10.0 psf 2-6 -236 .05 4-8 -95 .02 TpS. 0 Version T6.1.5 2-7 -44 r.02 �--=� TOTAL DAA Ratio: W240 TC: 14/240 DM 1EIiFSTI 11 (spa)) 40.0 psf 14/999 IN M4 6-7 (LIVE) Ij- -.02" Lk. -.02" T` -.03" _r = Join Locations = ' 1 0- 0-! 0 5 0- 0- 0 . 112 3- 9-13 6 3- 9-13 3 7- 7-11 7 7- 7-11 4 3.1- 5- 8 8 11- 5- 8 3-9-13 1 Truss ID: B2 (qty: j P]atingq�c ANSI/'PPI - 1995 PLATE VAM H: R ICED RESEARCH REFCRr #1607: r inage trust be provided to avoid paiding. PLATTIS3 BIASED CN GEM ILMEER VAUES. 3-9-1 i 1 7-7-11 2 3 r 25 U 5 6 3-9-13 --1 3-9-13 7 3-9-13 7-7-11 8 3-9-13, 11-5-8 C qV M ESS. Q O, 5982 p. Exp. 1 231102 . rq'� OF CALF°P ---- -- f L_ 8/11/2000 Truawal Systems Plates are 20 "H"(ga. unless shown by "18"(18 ga.) or 16 ga.), positioned per Joint Report. Circled plates and false Scale: 7/16" - 1' - frame 12lates are 12ositioned as shown above. > WARNING Read all (rotes o►1 this sheet and give a copy of it {o the Rrecting Ca}trnctor. 29.3 , This design is for an individta1 building component. It las been based on specifications provided by the component tnanufacmrer and done in TR WO:. T269 ' BARBLUMBER accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication.. The building designer slall ascertain tat the loads utilized on FD�sgn-r; TR- #LC = 0this 04steener Name: Yuccca Valley design men or exceed the loading imposed by the Loc l building code. It is assuredthat the top chord is laterally braced by the roofor floorsheathing and the bottom chard is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directlyattached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateralLive 20.0 p3f DurFaas L=1.25 P=1.25 �r l support of components tnembenx rally yh reduce buckling Icngtt. 'this cam anent shall not be L ced •ut an environment that ill ciuse the moisture content exceed P P Y W. Dead 10.0 pat/ Rep Mbr Sod 1.15 1 TRIISWAI. SYSPCMS of the wood , 1970 and/or cause connector pude corrosion. Fabriste, In indle, install :rad brace this truss in accordance with the following 'TRUSCOIvi 4445 Northpark"Dr.. Colo Springs, CO 80907 standards: MANUAL', by Trusw:a, 'QUALITY CON'T'ROL STANDARD'FOR METAl. PLATE CONNCCfGD WOOD TRUSSES' 'IIANDLINO HC Live .0 pef O. C. Spatting 2- 0- 0 • (QST -SK), ; INS'fAL.LIN(i AND IIItACIN(i ME PLATE, CONNrCI'ED WOOD TRUSSES' - (11113-9p"an l °11113-91 SUMMARY SIU?f?'f' by'rill. 'I'he'fruss Plate Institute (I'I'I) is located at 593 D'Onofrio Drive, M:+disnn, Wisconsin BC Dead 10.0 psf Design Spec UBC -97 TpS. 0 Version T6.1.5 53719. The Amerism Forest and Pa Paper' Association (AFT'A) is located a(1250 Connecticut Ave, NW, Ste 2(x1, Washington, DC 20036. P �--=� TOTAL DAA Ratio: W240 TC: 14/240 40.0 psf 1 2 truss I®: 'C I I. Qty: Plat' g spm ANSI/'IPI - 1995 1?fAIEl VAIffS PER IC90 ReSEAPC I F=U #1607 Drainage ntast be pro✓idad to avoid pax1ing. PLAnm mss CN 5EEN LLm3m vAILES . 1. 25 3-10-6 i 6-6-10 3 3 O 33-1(- 10-5-0 4 S'I'U11 5 6 2-8-4 2-8-4 7 8 3-1(-)-6 3-10-6--1 6-6-10 10-5-0 4 MESS-9�� Ck5982 :13 ).'12/31 CNIG OF A on Name: LANG 8/11/2000, ERGX-LOC REACP SIZE REQ'D 7C 1/4 DFL #2 Scales 15/32" 1' 1 . 5- 2- 4 417 3.50 1.50 S` 2x4 EFL, #2 i 2 157 3-12 417 3.50" 1.50" VEB 2r,4 HF Ur1IM f 29.3 , EI -A verticals designed for axial loads ally. 7C FCTiM AXL RD CSI Ehd verticals that are eoeterlded abo,,e or ' 1-2 -420 .00 .11 .12 belga the truss profile (if airy) nay recpue Customer Names TOM ' 2-3 -531 .00 .16 .16 ad9itioral design ccmid2ration (by others) TC Live 20.0 pef r' 3-4 -2 .00 .16 .16 for lateral forces due to wird or seiuric support of components member only a, re�uctp bu�Lling length. This component slh:dl not be pLaced iu any environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood exceed 19% and/or cause connector - TC Dead 10.0 pef Rep Mir Bnd 1.15 lcds m tl>✓ building. TROSWAI. sYSTCktS 4445 Nortbparl Dr.. C"Io Springs. CO 80907 . BC F(:f2CE AXL EM CST O, C. Spacing 2- 0- 0 'F 5-6 0 .00 .02 .021 BC Dead 10.0 pef Design Spec UBC -97 6-7 459 .08 .05 .13 The Americ n Forest and Paper Associ anon (AFPA) is located at 1250 Connecticut Ave, NW, Ste 2(X1, Washington,'DC 20036. o 7-8 520 .09 .06 .15 TOTAL40.0 psf VEB Fl%E CSI PEB FCFjM CSI 'j 1-5 -394 .08 3-7 48 .05 1-6 524 .53 3-8 -594 .24 2-6 -254 105 4-8 -94 .02 2-7 79 .08 • mx LEFLE•XTIai (7 14/999 IN MEAT 6-7 (LIVE) IF -.01" D= -.01" 71- -.02" ' Joirt Lrratiais 1 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0- 0 2 2- 8- 4 6 2- 8- 4 2-8-4 3 6- 6-10 7 6- 6-10 --� 4 10- 5- 0 8 10- 5- 0 2-8=4 1 2 truss I®: 'C I I. Qty: Plat' g spm ANSI/'IPI - 1995 1?fAIEl VAIffS PER IC90 ReSEAPC I F=U #1607 Drainage ntast be pro✓idad to avoid pax1ing. PLAnm mss CN 5EEN LLm3m vAILES . 1. 25 3-10-6 i 6-6-10 3 3 O 33-1(- 10-5-0 4 S'I'U11 5 6 2-8-4 2-8-4 7 8 3-1(-)-6 3-10-6--1 6-6-10 10-5-0 4 MESS-9�� Ck5982 :13 ).'12/31 CNIG OF A 8/11/2000, f. Truswal Systems Plates are 20 ga. unless shown by "1811(18 ga.) or "H"(16 ga.), positioned per Joint Report. Circled plates and Scales 15/32" 1' ` -false frame Tates are oositioned as shown above. i WARNING /tead all notes un this sleet and give a cony of it to the Erecting Contractor.TEFL f 29.3 , This design is for an individhal building component. It has been based on specification provided by the component tremufacturer and done in Chg TR WOs T269 ' BARRLUMBER accordance with the current versions of TI'I and APPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer shall ascertain that the Inds ntilized on this design t Dsgar': TR #LC = - 0 Customer Names TOM ' +: ® Yucc Valley meet or exceed the hiding imposed by the local building code. It is assumed dud the top chord is Laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing :rad the bottom chord i» Ltteially braced by a rigid sheathing nndered direct) b g y :cat aclied, unless otherwue noted. Bracing shown is for )stew) TC Live 20.0 pef r' DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 ' p `� support of components member only a, re�uctp bu�Lling length. This component slh:dl not be pLaced iu any environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood exceed 19% and/or cause connector - TC Dead 10.0 pef Rep Mir Bnd 1.15 TROSWAI. sYSTCktS 4445 Nortbparl Dr.. C"Io Springs. CO 80907 . plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: TRUSCOM MANUAL', by'ftoswai, 'QUALITY CONTROL STANDARD FOR METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - BC Live .0"sf O, C. Spacing 2- 0- 0 'F (QST -88). 'HANDLING INS'fALLIN(i AND DRACING METAL I'I-A'f8 CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (IIID -91) 5iid 'llID-91 SUMMARY SI11?ET"by TPI. The Tnhss Plate Institute (Till) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. BC Dead 10.0 pef Design Spec UBC -97 Tp5. 0 Version T6.1.5 The Americ n Forest and Paper Associ anon (AFPA) is located at 1250 Connecticut Ave, NW, Ste 2(X1, Washington,'DC 20036. o Defl Ratio: Lt/240 7C: L/240 �&"� TOTAL40.0 psf T 3.' 2-3-111'"-() I IT Truss t®: C2 Qty: 4 Plat' PI'SI/TPI - 1995 1?fATEll� PER ICBJ REMUKH RE CRR #1607. Drainage nust be prcvic6d to avoid paxUng. 1-7 FLAMU BASED Cid C ILMBER VALIES. IIzl verticals designed far-mcial loads only. a End verticals that are wteniad above cr below the truss profile (if any) tray req re additicnal design ea'tsid_ratiaz (by ethers) for lateral faros due to wird car seismic loads on the baildirg, 3-10-6, 3-10-6 3-10-6 i 3-10----1 3-10-6 7-8-12 11-7-2 .15-5-5 2 3 4 5 F- .25 1.5-3 4-4 3.5-4 ' 6 7 K 9 10 3-1(_ )-6 3-10-6� 3-1(_ )_6 3-10-610 . 3-10-6 7-8-12 • .11-7-2 15-5-5 6�� l AN. 05982 717 /02 . CO - OF CA1 �F y=, VV ■�Yfff�f Yr�fYV WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give n copy of it to the Erecting Contractor, TBF: 3e.7 EM X -LDC FULT SIZE REVD TC 2x4 EFL #2 This design is for an individual building component. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and Ar -PA design standards. No responsibility is g for dimensional 1 • 0- 1-12 618 3.50 1.50 BC 2x4 IFL 4'2 p ry assumed accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer shall ascertain that the loads utilized on 2 15.- 3-12 618 3.50" 1.50" 4i® 2.c4 HF Ur=1 this design meet or exceed the boding imposed by the local building code. It is assumed that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for Lateral TC Live 20.0 ' of DurFaee L=1.25 P01.25 2x4 DFL UTILITY suppon of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed 'tai any environment that will cause the moisture TC FCRCE AXL BDID CSI Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 "l 'TRt1.SWAI. SYSTEMS `Rr content of the wood exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace this nuns in accordance with the following 'TRUSCOM 1-2-977 .01 .17 .18 k 4445 Northpark Dr., Colo Spriogs, CO 80907 '. smndards: MANUAL', by Truswal, !QUALITY CONTROL STANDARD FOR METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - 2-3 -1249 .02 .I.7 .18 O. C:Spaaing 2- 0- 0 e ql (QST -88), 'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (4IB-9Q"ahid 'IIID -91 SUMMARY SHEET* by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, 3-4 -932 .01 .15 .16 Design Spec UBC -97 t Tp5. 0 Version T6.1.5 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Assocedinn (A FPA) is located at 125(1 Connecticut Ave, NW, Ste 2(X0, Washington. DC 20036. 4-5 -2 .00 .15 .15 r f sh. BC FORCE AXL B[ID CSII 6-7 0 .00 .05 .05 '.? 7-8 1023 .18 .05 .24 8-9 1254 .22 .05 .27 9-10 884 .16 .06 .22 4EB FORCE r)SI 1,EB FCIRCE CSI 1-6 -583 11 ; 3-9 -368 .15 1-7 1050 .92: 4-9 261 .27 2-7 -388 .07, 4-10 -1009 .40 2-8 250 .25 5-10 -95 .02 3-8 -40 .01 MAX I3=FIFX.•I ai (Epa n) W999 IN MEM 7-8 (LSVE) ' Lv -.04" D= -.04" T- -.07" ;'= = Joint Lacations = ' 1 0- 0- 0 6 0- 0- 0 2 3-10- 6 7 3-10- 6 3 7- 8-12 8 7- 8-12 4 11- 7- 2 9 11- 7- 2 5 15- 5- 8 10 15- 5- 8 1 T 3.' 2-3-111'"-() I IT Truss t®: C2 Qty: 4 Plat' PI'SI/TPI - 1995 1?fATEll� PER ICBJ REMUKH RE CRR #1607. Drainage nust be prcvic6d to avoid paxUng. 1-7 FLAMU BASED Cid C ILMBER VALIES. IIzl verticals designed far-mcial loads only. a End verticals that are wteniad above cr below the truss profile (if any) tray req re additicnal design ea'tsid_ratiaz (by ethers) for lateral faros due to wird car seismic loads on the baildirg, 3-10-6, 3-10-6 3-10-6 i 3-10----1 3-10-6 7-8-12 11-7-2 .15-5-5 2 3 4 5 F- .25 1.5-3 4-4 3.5-4 ' 6 7 K 9 10 3-1(_ )-6 3-10-6� 3-1(_ )_6 3-10-610 . 3-10-6 7-8-12 • .11-7-2 15-5-5 6�� l AN. 05982 717 /02 . CO - OF CA1 �F y=, 8/1,1/2000 Truewal Systeme Plates are 20 ga. unless shown by "18"(18 ga.) or .Scale: 5/16° -.11 "H"(16 ga.), positioned per Joint Report. 'Circled plates and false ` frame plates areositioned as shown above. WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give n copy of it to the Erecting Contractor, TBF: 3e.7 WO: T269 x' This design is for an individual building component. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and Ar -PA design standards. No responsibility is g for dimensional = TR ?� Customer Name: x BARB LUMBER p ry assumed accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer shall ascertain that the loads utilized on Dsgnr= TR #LC 0 ,j6 TOM r iia :Y Yucca Valle i y this design meet or exceed the boding imposed by the local building code. It is assumed that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for Lateral TC Live 20.0 ' of DurFaee L=1.25 P01.25 t - (RFL) l L/ suppon of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed 'tai any environment that will cause the moisture TC Dead 10.0 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 "l 'TRt1.SWAI. SYSTEMS `Rr content of the wood exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace this nuns in accordance with the following 'TRUSCOM k 4445 Northpark Dr., Colo Spriogs, CO 80907 '. smndards: MANUAL', by Truswal, !QUALITY CONTROL STANDARD FOR METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - BC Live . 0 psf O. C:Spaaing 2- 0- 0 e ql (QST -88), 'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (4IB-9Q"ahid 'IIID -91 SUMMARY SHEET* by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, BC Dead 10.0 psf Design Spec UBC -97 t Tp5. 0 Version T6.1.5 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Assocedinn (A FPA) is located at 125(1 Connecticut Ave, NW, Ste 2(X0, Washington. DC 20036. TOTAL 1 t1 Ratio: 1{/240 TC: W240 sh. 40.0 of p OD Name: LANG EW. X -IOC FS5LV SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 DFL #2 1• 6- 1-12 300 3.50 1.50 BC 2x4 EFL #2 2 13- 4- 4 300 3.50" 1.50" 4m 2x4 HF UrTLXIY =.• Truswal Systems Plates are 20 ga. unless shown by "18"(18 a.) or u = 1 "H"a(16 gar.), positioned per Joint Report; Circled plates and false Scales 11/16 ED•ri verticals designed for axial loads crily. TC FUKE AXI, aD CSI Intl verticals that are eNteniad above or 1-2 -301 .00 .19 .19 belay the truss profile (if any) toy req -u •e 2-3 -3 .00 .19 .19 additional design ca-oide ation (by ethers) yl BA P1 R �p LUMBER component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer shall ascertain That the hpds utilized on this design Dsgar! TR #LC S� 0- farm♦ lateral forces due to wind or seismic BC KIKE AXI, El`s CSI az the building. 4-5 0 .00 .05 .05 tloarls 5-6 319 .06 .08 .141 VEB FUKE CSI VEB FCRZE CSI O. C. Spacing 2 - 0- 0 1-4 -279 ..05 2-6 -351 .18 Design Spec UBC -97 1-5 362 '.37 3-6 -112 .02 fl Ratio: 14/240 TC: L/240 2-5 -117 '.02 TOTAL40.0 psf „ MAX LFFLECPIC((I (tin) 14/999 IN 14EI-I 5-6 (LRE) IF -.01" ik -.Ol" 1- -.02" = Joir>t Loc t-io-o = 1 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0- 0 2 3- 0- 0 5 3- 0- 0 3 7- 6- 0 6 7- 6- 0 3-041 3-0-0 Truss ID: D 1 Qh Platip • AMI/'ITI - 1995 PLA E FM ICBO RESEA1ZQ3 REPCIRT #1607. Drainage nest be piwidad to avoid patding. PLATIIJ'i BASED CN CCREEN LUE R VALLE5. 3 Drw a 4-64-6-0 7-6-0 1 2 3 r 25 2-3-6 C��p==�Slptlg1� ��Q�.yL• MESS,9 o. 045982 ?G 1102 turi ~4 $ 7-041 STgT�o �A��oP�\P 6 3-0-0 4-6 i 4-6� - pp' hh 3-0-0 --- -- - 7-6-0 a �00 V ` =.• Truswal Systems Plates are 20 ga. unless shown by "18"(18 a.) or u = 1 "H"a(16 gar.), positioned per Joint Report; Circled plates and false Scales 11/16 frame lates are Eositioned as shown above. ` ® WARNING Read all notes'on this .sheet and give a cow of it td the erecting Contractor. TBF; 21.3 WO : T269 This design is for an individual building component. It has been based un specificationsprovided by the component manufacturer and done in accordance with the current versions of Till and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is for dimensional ;' Chk: TR Cuetemmer Name: assumed accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the yl BA P1 R �p LUMBER component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer shall ascertain That the hpds utilized on this design Dsgar! TR #LC S� 0- =TOM :a YUCCI" ValICy meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code. It is assumed that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathbtg and the bottom chord Ii laterally braced by a rigid shewhing material directlyattached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral TC Live 20.0 pef DurFaos L=1.25 P=1.25 support of components members only to reduce: buckling length. 'this component shall nut be placed in any environment that will cause the moisture TC Dead 10.0 pa Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 :. TRGS (KP {,, ' ark wncem of the wood exceed 1970 and/ar cause cotmeclor pLde corrosion. Fabricate, handle, incl 11 wind brace this truss in accordance with the following "fRIISC(hM •. ' BC Live rlll Dr.. 4445 N"rdrpah Ur., Culo Springs, CO ktt)yn7 st:md:o'ds: MANUAL', b huswal, Q y UALI"fY CON'fROI. STANDARD FOR ME'I'AI. PLATE'CONNLCfGI� WQOD'fRUSSES' - 'IIANDLINO 0 pe f O. C. Spacing 2 - 0- 0 ,y INSTAL.I-INU AND BRACING METAL PLATE' CONNLuro) WOOD TRUSSES' - (11117-91) and'I-IIB-91 SUMMARY BC Dead 10.0 pef Design Spec UBC -97 #* TpS. 0 Version T6.1.5 s1IEET' by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (rill) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (APPA) is located at 1250 Connecticut Ave, MV, Ste 2tM1, Washingmn, DC 20036. © fl Ratio: 14/240 TC: L/240 TOTAL40.0 psf „ 1 Truss ssIDeecc: D2 Qty: 15 Plating PLATE VALLES IFS I®0 RESI�RCH FU:CRr #1607. Drainage trust be providad to avoid p�di PLATIN BASM CN t3M1 LL VALLEYS . 4-6-0 9-0-0-0-0 2 3 25 4-64-6-0 - 13-6-0 4 T 3.5-10 3-4 3.5-4 1.5-3 171 2.3 o -o . 1 11 3.5-10 3-4 -4 3.5- 5 6 7 4-6-0 - t 4-6-(- ) i 4-6-0 9-0-0 8 4-64-6 0 13-6-0 T 2-3-6 1 2np� _5S1C) ESS9Ftic C o• 045982 a J�1/02 . / : OF Cid)) uMI y )OD Name: LANU E!. X -IOC RE4Cr SITE REQ -D TC 2x4 EEL #2 Tntswal Systems Plates are 20 ga. unless shown by "18"(18 ga.) or H"(16'ga.), positioned per Joint Report. Circled plates and false 1 0- 1-12 540 3.50 1.50"BC 2x4 rFL #2 2 13- 4- 4 540 3.50" 1.50" 42EB 2x4 HF LTILPIY <^ Bred verticals designed for a>dal leads at -ay. TBPq 36.0 �' TC FCFSE AXL MND CSI Erd verticals that are eDteniad abode or 1-2 -872 .01 .23 .24 below the truss profile (if any) may regAise T' 2-3 -877 .01 .23 .23 additional design euzsidaratirn (by others) accordance with the current versions of 'fPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be 3-4 -3 .00 .20 .20 fccr� lateral fcroes the to wird or seirmic ' r , BARB LUMBER- lch& on the building. Dsgnr: TR #LC 0 BC FCFSE AXL END CSI , 5-6 0 .00 .07 .071 TC' Live '20.0'pef . DtirPae9 L=1.25 P=1.25 6-7 934 .16 .06 .23 support of components members only io reduce buc)Jing length. This compoinent'shall not be laced in an environment that will cause the moisture nt wood exceed 19%P Y and/or cause connector 7-8 847 .3-5 .08 .23 Rep lir End 1.15 ' IM FCFSE CSI 4€B FCRC£ CSI plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, hnsmll'and brace this truss in accordance with the followung standards: ar s: 'T NU sta»dards: 'TRIJSCOM MANUAL', by Truswal, 'QUALITY CON'T'ROL STANDARD FOR METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' BC Live . 0 pef 1-5 -500 ,.10 3-7 128 .13 jp z. 1-6 932 .96 3-8 -931 .47 BC Dead 10.0 psf Design Spec UBC -97 2-6 -279 1.05 4-8 -111 .02 TpS. 0 Version T6.1.5 The American Forest and Paper Associatiun.(AFPA) is located at 1250 Connecticut Ave, NW, Ste 200, Washington, DC 2(1036. 2-7 -65 .03 Defl Ratio: 14/240 - TC: 14/240 iS%A.- MX CEFLDMCN (fin) - _ .. ._ ... ... .. .... ,. , ... pef LV999 IN PO4 6-7 (LIVE) LF -.03" D= -.03" 71- - 06" = Join lcx--t-irns -_ 1 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0- 0 i3- 2 4- 6- 0 6 4- 6- 0 3 9- 0- 0 7 9- 0- 0 4 13- 6- 0 8 13- 6- 0 4-6-(_ 4-6-0 1 Truss ssIDeecc: D2 Qty: 15 Plating PLATE VALLES IFS I®0 RESI�RCH FU:CRr #1607. Drainage trust be providad to avoid p�di PLATIN BASM CN t3M1 LL VALLEYS . 4-6-0 9-0-0-0-0 2 3 25 4-64-6-0 - 13-6-0 4 T 3.5-10 3-4 3.5-4 1.5-3 171 2.3 o -o . 1 11 3.5-10 3-4 -4 3.5- 5 6 7 4-6-0 - t 4-6-(- ) i 4-6-0 9-0-0 8 4-64-6 0 13-6-0 T 2-3-6 1 2np� _5S1C) ESS9Ftic C o• 045982 a J�1/02 . / : OF Cid)) uMI y Tntswal Systems Plates are 20 ga. unless shown by "18"(18 ga.) or H"(16'ga.), positioned per Joint Report. Circled plates and false Scale: 3/8" = 1' y frame 12lates are Positioned as shown above.' <^ WARNING Read p!1 Mutes un this sheet ril:d give a copy of it to t/se Grectil:g Contractor. TBPq 36.0 �' Wo ;.. This design is fur an individual building component. It has been based on specifications provided by the component awnufacmrer and done in C11k: TR ' T' accordance with the current versions of 'fPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be .F:' Custot Name: r , BARB LUMBER- verified by the component nnvmfacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer shall ascenahn flat the loads utilized on design Dsgnr: TR #LC 0 TOM ® YUCCU aliCY this meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code. It is assumed that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or Boor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise muted. Bracing shown is for latetal. TC' Live '20.0'pef . DtirPae9 L=1.25 P=1.25 support of components members only io reduce buc)Jing length. This compoinent'shall not be laced in an environment that will cause the moisture nt wood exceed 19%P Y and/or cause connector TC Dead' +' 10.0 pef Rep lir End 1.15 TRl5SWAt..X l), IS a•145 Nonbparl Da, Colo Spring$. CO 80907 plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, hnsmll'and brace this truss in accordance with the followung standards: ar s: 'T NU sta»dards: 'TRIJSCOM MANUAL', by Truswal, 'QUALITY CON'T'ROL STANDARD FOR METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' BC Live . 0 pef O.C. Spacing 2- 0- 0 jp z. - (QST -Stn), 'l1ANULING INS'fALLINO AND BRACINp METAL [;I -ATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (111B-91) and 'HIB -91 SUMMARY SI11?E'f' byTPI. The Truss Plate Institute Cfl'q is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. BC Dead 10.0 psf Design Spec UBC -97 ..:. TpS. 0 Version T6.1.5 The American Forest and Paper Associatiun.(AFPA) is located at 1250 Connecticut Ave, NW, Ste 200, Washington, DC 2(1036. o �1� 40,0 Defl Ratio: 14/240 - TC: 14/240 iS%A.- - _ .. ._ ... ... .. .... ,. , ... pef oD Name: LAND Truss ID: F 1 2 Drw i C000224077-007 I X -LCC RS!iCP SIZE RE'Q)'D 1' 0- 1-12 2074 3.50" 2.21" TC 2x4 Edi, #2 Plating qac AMIMI - 1995 BC 2x4 EFL #2 THIS LESI(V ----------LOAD C1%SE #1 DESIGN LOAM ---------------- 2 23,- 2-12 2074 3.50" 2.21" IS ME 0340 TIE RERLT OF VES 2x4 HF UTUZIY VEMPIE LOAD CY4_SES, Dir L.Plf L.Lcc R.Plf R.Loc LL/IL PLATE VPILES. PER ICBJ REM*r--I REFCVr #1607. BEARIM FS-LIIIZDWIS shooni are based CMM TC Vert TC Vert 60.0 0- 0- 0 60.0 87 0- 0 .53 145.6 8- 0- 0 145.6 15- 4- 8 TC FCRC£ AXL EEC CSI 1-2 -4145 .18 .26 .45 2-3 -3795 .19 .22 .41 Tmchd for 10 PSF nc:n-Oaaaiaent. mI, . cn the truss material at each }ging. , PeamLm-grit bracing is requse�i (by ctlr ) to Drainage nest be &d to avoid rcv t rctatiWtc I I� See HIB -91 aryl 1?IATIIS; TC Vert BC Vett .53 60.0 15- 4- 8 60.0 23- 4- 8 .53 48.5 0- 0- 0 48.5 23- 9- 8 .00 3-4 -3855 .16 .33 .49 �p BASED CN QZEFSI LLI�IBLR VALLk-S. S. VPBI 3 PI 1-1995; 10. .9.5 and �y�e Iia X.Ioc L 00 9-5 -3855 .16 TC �/ert 176.0 8- 0- 0 .33 .49 4h 5-6 3795 .19 TC Vit 154.0 8- 0- 0 .00 .22 .91 6-7 -4145 TC Vert 176.0 15- 4- 8 1.00 .18 .26 .451 TC Vert 154.0 15- 4- 8 .00 BC FC RCE AXI, BID CSI 8-9 3774 .67 .27 .93 9-10 3769 .67 .18 .85 10-11 3461 .61 .15 .76 11-12 3461 .61 .15 .76 12-13 3768 1 .67 .18 .85 13-14 3774 .67 .27 �j.93 l•EB FCRC£ CSI 4EB FIERCE CSI 2-9 135 .14 5-11 526 .54 2-10 -335 .14 5712 376 .38 3-10 376 .38 6-12 -335 .14 3-11 526 .53 6-13 .135 .14 4-11 -539 .16 l i MX II%T-E):TICN (span) 1- 99 (LIVE) -.19IN D= -.2010-11 LF -. " Tk " � -.34" 4-3-14 3-8-2 3-8-4 3-8-4 3-8-2 4-3-14 ---1 --1 ---I --i --1 =Join Lacatirns = --i 4-3-14 8-0-0 11-8-4 15-4-8 19-0-10 23-4-8 ;. 1 0- 0- 0 8 0- 0- 0 8 -O -(L i 7-4-8 8-0.0 2 4- 3-14 9 4- 3-14 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 8- 0- 0 10 8- 0- 0 4 11- 8- 4 11 11- 8- 4 5 15- 4- 8 12 15- 4- 8 � 00 330# 330# -� -5.00 6 19- 0-10 13 19- 0-10 7 23- 4- 8 14 23- 4- 8T 4 -ill 1.5-3 4-11) 3 4 3-4 T 3-8-1 3.5-10 4-5-13 l 3.5-10 1.5-3 3-4 5-7 3-4 1.5-3 Q;Lu A: tom' J 045982 p 2348 l E /31/02 iz N 9 10 II 12 13 14 4-3-14 � 3-8_ 2 �� 3-8_ 4 � 3-8_� 3-8-2 � 4-3-14 i \\ . CN,� 4-3-14 8-0-0 i t-8-4 15-4-8 19-0-10 23-4-8 ,sT P��P 9� OFC I .---- •---. _.. _ �� 11 /2000 00 Trvswal Systems Plates are 20 ga. unless shown by "18"(18 ga.) or "H"(16 ga.), positioned per Joint Report. Circled plates and false Scale: ,e 1! frame 12lates are 120sitioned as shown above. 'Ms ® WARNING Read all Motes on this sheet and give n copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This design is TBP: 61.3 T269' for an individual building component. 11 has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer and done in CU; TR accordance with the current versions of TPI and ArPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be >y Cuetaner Name s BARBLUMBER otified by the component tthanufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer shall ascertain that the loads utilized on design Dsgnr• t TR #LC m .•2 TOM this meet or exceed the loading imppsed by the local building code. It is assumed that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor YIICC' Villlc r Y sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing materL•d directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for Literal support of components members only to reduce bu&Ihig length. This component shall not be in any that TC Live TC Dead 16.0 pef DhirFaos L=1.25 P=1.25 TRIM -%%'A Sl'sTl?A1S C I�F placed environment will cause the moisture content of the wood exceed 199b and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, 14.0 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 4445 Non Ur., Colo Springs. Co W) 7 install and brace this cuss in accordance with the followbhg standards: 'TRIISCOM MANIIAU, by Trusw:l, 'Qt AI..ITY CON'TROI.. STANDARD FOR METAL PLAT1I CONNECTED WOOD •TRUSSES' - 'HANDLING BC Live • 0 pef. o. C, 3paaing 2- 0- 0 (QST -Rai), INSTALLINQ AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNHCTI-D WOOD TRIJSSIIS' - (11113-9q and '1118-91 SUMMARY SHEET' by TPI. The'Tntss Plate Institute (fill) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, BC Dead 10.0 pef Design Spec CIBC -97 TpS. 0 Version T6.1.5 Wisconsin 53719. The Amerism Forest and Paper Assoccnion (AF -11A) is located at 1250 Connecticut Ave, NW, Sic 200, Washington, DC 20036. P �-=� Def) Ratio: 14/240 TC: L4/240 • . , • .... - .. - 1 . _ TOTAL 40.0 psf TC 2x4 EFL #2 BC - 2x4 EFL #2 1'iEB 2x4 IF UrILXrY PLATE VAI -11S PER ICED RIMR 1 REPMT #1607 L-riad for 10 PSF rrn-ctxrzKrer>t rM PLArIM 3 BASED CN CREEl•I 1114E ER VAU S . r r-russ -M F2 Qtv. Plating spac : AISI/'MI - 1595 THIS M91aQ IS THE CII4FC8rIE RE= CF 14II,TIPLE IQAD CASES. FEARIM REI iL EM slrxm are based CNLY on. the truss material at each bear + h>rainage nust be proridad to avoid paiding. 5-3-14 -- 4-8-2 3-4-8 4-52 5-3-14 � 5-3-14 111-11-(1 13-4-8 18-0-10 23-4-8 111 -II -II 3-4-8 III -II -O ' 2 t3 �4 5 6 5.00 �;_ (� tai 23-4-8 7 8 9 10 11 12 5-3-14 4-8-2 3-4-8 4-8_2 5-3-14� 5-3-14 10-0-0 13-4-8 18-0-10 23-4-8 ?QCT=VafpryA! eMEsF Er J NA C045952 ?� 31/02 CN\V OF CAU 8/1,1/2000 Tnu(wal Systeme Plates are 20 ga. unless shown by "18"(18 ga.) or Scale: 5/32" = 1' (16 ga.), positioned per Joint Report. Circled plates and false + frame Plates are oeitioned as shown above. VV ■YY�fI��• Yom'\��V WARNING Rend all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. EM X -ICC FEACI' SIZE Rll:�'D 1' 0- 1-12 1095 3.50" 1.50" Chk: TR t 2 23- 2-12 1095 3.50" 1.50" TC FLRC£ AX, EUU CSI BARRLUMBER 1-2 -1890 .03 .22 .26 2-3 -1425 .02 .22 .24 ® Yu11Cy 3-4 -1258 .02 .09 .11 TC Dead 14.0 psf 4-5 -1420 .02 .22 .24 6 - 5-6 -1890 .03 .22 .26' 1 BC Dead 10.0 psf BC FURCE AXL HID CSI TOTAL 7-8 1696 .30 .09 .39 40.0 psf 8-9 1693 .30 .07 .37 9-10 1256 .17 .12 .29 10-11 1692 .30 .07 .37 ' 31-12 1696) .30 .09 .39 E'ifB FQ2CE CSI 4hS FCSI 2-8 115 .1.2 4-10 295 .30 2-9 -481 .30 5-10 -484 .30 3-9 296 .30 5-11 116 .12 3-10 5 .01 t im MX E FLEMCN (rpt) LV999 IN I -S4 8-9 (LIVE) 1F -.05" D-- -.08" T` -.14" Joint Tn t-irns = 1 0- 0- 0 7 0- 0- 0 2 5- 3-14 8 5- 3-14 3 10-0-0 9 10-0-0 4 13- 4- 8 10 13- 4- 8 5 18- 0-10 11 18- 0-10 6 23- 4- 8 12 23- 4- 8 TC 2x4 EFL #2 BC - 2x4 EFL #2 1'iEB 2x4 IF UrILXrY PLATE VAI -11S PER ICED RIMR 1 REPMT #1607 L-riad for 10 PSF rrn-ctxrzKrer>t rM PLArIM 3 BASED CN CREEl•I 1114E ER VAU S . r r-russ -M F2 Qtv. Plating spac : AISI/'MI - 1595 THIS M91aQ IS THE CII4FC8rIE RE= CF 14II,TIPLE IQAD CASES. FEARIM REI iL EM slrxm are based CNLY on. the truss material at each bear + h>rainage nust be proridad to avoid paiding. 5-3-14 -- 4-8-2 3-4-8 4-52 5-3-14 � 5-3-14 111-11-(1 13-4-8 18-0-10 23-4-8 111 -II -II 3-4-8 III -II -O ' 2 t3 �4 5 6 5.00 �;_ (� tai 23-4-8 7 8 9 10 11 12 5-3-14 4-8-2 3-4-8 4-8_2 5-3-14� 5-3-14 10-0-0 13-4-8 18-0-10 23-4-8 ?QCT=VafpryA! eMEsF Er J NA C045952 ?� 31/02 CN\V OF CAU 8/1,1/2000 Tnu(wal Systeme Plates are 20 ga. unless shown by "18"(18 ga.) or Scale: 5/32" = 1' (16 ga.), positioned per Joint Report. Circled plates and false + frame Plates are oeitioned as shown above. ® WARNING Rend all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. TBF: 61.3 WO: T269 This design is for an individual building compunent. 11 has been based on specifications provided by the component lremufaclurer and done in Chk: TR t accordance with the current versions of TPI and ARIA design standards. No responsibility u assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be Isuppon Cuetem:er Name; BARRLUMBER verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer shall ascertain that the loads utilized un design Dsgnr: TR #LC = 2 TOM this meet or exceed the loading imposed by the Local building code. II is assumed that the top chord is Laterally braced by the roof or floor TC Live 16.0paf DlirFaoe L=1.25 P=1.25 ® Yu11Cy sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. 8r chug shown is for lateral RFg of components members only to reduce buckling length. 'Phis compunent shall not be placed h: any environment than will muse the moisture content of the wood exceed 197o and/or cause connector TC Dead 14.0 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 Tf:11SWAL sYSrl:hls 4445 N.nhtmr► Dr.. C.I. Springs, CO 8090 plate corrosion. Fabricate, hurdle, install and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'TRUSCOM MANUAL', by Truswal, 'QUAI.1'rY CON'T'ROL STANDARD FOR METAL VI -ATE CONNIiC1'IiD WOOD TRUSSES' - BC Live .0 psf O. C.Spaoing 2- 0- 0 (QST -88), 'IIANDLINO INSTAL.L.INO AND ORACINO METAL. I'IA-1'E CONNIX7ED WOOD TRUSSI?S' - (1111)-91) and '11111-91 SUMMARY SIMET' by'1'1'1. The `Truss PlateInstitute CITI) is lucaded at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The BC Dead 10.0 psf Design Spec UBC -97 Tp5.0 Version T6.1. 5 American Purest and Paper AssucLrtion (APPA) is located at 1250 Connecticut Ave, NW, Ste 200, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL Defl Ratio: 14/240 TC: 14/240 40.0 psf BIS ,X -ILL FOCP SIZE RE12'D 1 0- 1-12 1095 3.50" 1.50" 2 21- 2-12 1095 3.50" 1.50" 7C FCKE AXL BhID CSI 10 3-8 555 156 4-8 1-2 -1831 .03 .36 .39 IW rm>: CN (qxil) 2-3 -1618 .03 .36 .38 L= -.08" D= -.12" T`- -.20" 3-4 -1618 .03 .36 .38 1 0-0-0 4-5 -1831 03 36 39 plate corrosion. Fabricate, install and brace this truss in accord:nice with the following standards: 'TRUSCOM MANUAL', by Tntswal, 'QUALITY CONTROL STANDARD FOR METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - -IiANDLING 7C 2x4 DFL #2 BC 2x4 DFL #2 VEB 2x4 HF LTrILT'IY PLATE VP= EER ICBG Rei RUCRI' 41607 f oari.si for 3.0 PSF nan-ccnizur e-1 Dail. I rru_ss I®: FT Qty: 10 Platil-9 spec : ANSI/'TPI - 1995 7M MICN IS UE C3v9CS IE RES[II,T OF MILTIPLE LC)uD C445. EEARTfl; 1IS shorn are basad ONLY on t)7E truss Irsaterial at eadi bearing.d KA= BASED CN CREEN 11.14131M VAL 6-241 5-6-4 5-6-4� 6-2.0 6-2-0 11-8-4 17-2-8 23-4-8 11-8-4 , 11-8-4 1 2 3 4 5 -5.001 I 23-4-8 6 7 8 9 8-0-2 7-4-5 8-08-0- 2 1 8-0-2 15-4-6 23-4-8 I 6-0-4 SHIP TO-4- QFprESS10/VA4 Q�,° �. M ESS otic, uj c C045982 p 9 Exp• 1 31102 CN��- Srq� 0 CA��EOP 13C FORCE AXL END CSI 6-7 1640 .21 .32 .53 7-8 1088 .14 .32 .46 J 8-9 1640 .21 .32 .53 WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. FEB I. CSI VllE 3 KIRCE CSI 2-7 -349 10 3-8 555 156 4-8 .56 '.10 3-7 555 -349 BARR LUMBER IW rm>: CN (qxil) c 1{/999IN104 7-8 (LIVE) ®() J'l`y L= -.08" D= -.12" T`- -.20" TC Live 16.0 pef = Joint Locations = TRUSWAL 1 0-0-0 6 0-0-0 Rep Mbr Bad 1.15 2 6- 2- 0 7, 8- 0- 2' plate corrosion. Fabricate, install and brace this truss in accord:nice with the following standards: 'TRUSCOM MANUAL', by Tntswal, 'QUALITY CONTROL STANDARD FOR METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - -IiANDLING 3 11- 8- 4 8. 15- 4- 6 .4 17- 2- 8 9 23- 4- 8 BC Dead 10.0 pef 5 23- 4- 8 Tp5.0 Version T6.1.5 I rru_ss I®: FT Qty: 10 Platil-9 spec : ANSI/'TPI - 1995 7M MICN IS UE C3v9CS IE RES[II,T OF MILTIPLE LC)uD C445. EEARTfl; 1IS shorn are basad ONLY on t)7E truss Irsaterial at eadi bearing.d KA= BASED CN CREEN 11.14131M VAL 6-241 5-6-4 5-6-4� 6-2.0 6-2-0 11-8-4 17-2-8 23-4-8 11-8-4 , 11-8-4 1 2 3 4 5 -5.001 I 23-4-8 6 7 8 9 8-0-2 7-4-5 8-08-0- 2 1 8-0-2 15-4-6 23-4-8 I 6-0-4 SHIP TO-4- QFprESS10/VA4 Q�,° �. M ESS otic, uj c C045982 p 9 Exp• 1 31102 CN��- Srq� 0 CA��EOP 8/11/2000 r, Truswa1 Systems Plates are 20 ga. unless shown by "18"(18 ga.) or "H"(16 ga.), positioned per Joint Report. Circled plates and false Scale: 5 /320 = 1' frame 123ates are ositioned as shown above. J ® WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. TBF: 52.0 This design is for an individual building component. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer and dune in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design No Chk; TR'r WO:ET269 Cliete�ter Name s ' BARR LUMBER standards. responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer shall ascertain that the Inds utilized on Dsgnr: TR #LC - 2 Tole ®() J'l`y this design meet or exceed the Imiling imposed by the local building code. It is assumed that the top chord is Literally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is Literally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly nutched, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral TC Live 16.0 pef DurFaoe L=1.25 P=1.25 TRUSWAL support Of.components; members only ro reduce budding length. :This component shall not be placed 'tat :my environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood exceed 1990 rand/tar cause connector handle, TC Dead 14.Orpaf Rep Mbr Bad 1.15 SYSI'EhtS 4445 NorihN,k• Dr., Colo Springs, CO 80907 plate corrosion. Fabricate, install and brace this truss in accord:nice with the following standards: 'TRUSCOM MANUAL', by Tntswal, 'QUALITY CONTROL STANDARD FOR METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - -IiANDLING BC Live ':0 pet O. C.3paoing 2- 0- 0 (QST-ts8),INSTALLING; AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNE(,I'IID WOOD TRUSSES' - (11113-91) and '1118-91 SUMMARY SHEET' I" by TPI. The'fnrss PLtte htstitwe (fl'p is luded at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, BC Dead 10.0 pef Design Spec UBC -97 Tp5.0 Version T6.1.5 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and her AssocLuion (APPA) is loc ted at 1250 Connecticut Ave, NW,'Ste 2(x), Washington, DC 211036. P Da fl Ratio: 14/240 7C: 4/240 TOTAL 40.0 pef Bf.• X -LCC FVCP SIZE RF12'D 1 0- 1-12 2126 3.50" 1.50" 2 23- 9- 4 2126 3.50" 1.50" TC FCI�[E AXL BND CSI 1-2 -6751 .16 .18 .35 2-3 -6611 .14 .22 .36 3-4 -9975 .27 .52 .79 4-5 -9975 .27 .52 .79 5-6 -6612 .14 .22 .36 6-7 -6752 .16 .18 .351 BC FCRC E AXL EM CSI 8-9 6286 .41 .26 .67 9-10 6352 .41 .26 .67 10-11 6077. .39 .15 .55 11-12 6078 .39 .15 .55 12-13 6352 .91 .26 .67 13-14 6286 .41 .26 .67 4EB I= CSI VES I= CSI 2-9 -151 .01 5-11 4119 .97 2-10 -167 .02 5-12 589 .30 3-10 590 .30 6-12 -167 .02 3-11 4120 .97 6-13 -151 .01 4-11 -193 .02 176.0 8- 0- 0 1.00 ' PAX LEFI.F CN (]1 LIME) Lt/999 IN 1-01 10- LF -.28" D= -.42' i !q- -.70" = Joint T =t-ia-z =- 1 0- 0- 0 _ 8 0- 0- 0 2 4-9-8 9 4-9-8 3 8- 0- 0 10 8- 0- 0 4 11-11- 8 11 11-11- 8 5 15-11- 0 12 15-11- 0 6 19- 1- 8 13 19- 1- 8 7 23-11- 0 14 23-11- 0 TC 2K4 rFL 42 BC 2x6 DFL #2 WM 2x9 HF UTII.7Y 2X4 HF SD*V RD 3-11, 11-5 Damage mast be pmrided to avoid perrb. Pcxnwjent bracing la rec�us�ed (by CLIT:xs)-to it rctatia3/tq�l S� HM -91 and SI/'I'PI 1-1995; aryl BASED CN GEEK LLMM VALLES. �2-14,Y! Nall %Viod CCHTN 6 (] CW -97 Sect. 12) in: TC- 2/ft BC- 2 ft VEBS- 2/ft truss I®: G1 Qty: Plating spec • AMI/'IPI - 1995 FLATE VALLES PER IC90 RE3MFK -I REPCRr #1607. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Nail pattern short is fcr PLF loads aily. Caicr- Crated lauds14W be distributed to eadz ply ly. C)n nul.ti-ply with use 3" nai s mint. into the n1�t�. For nrse than 2 ply, add nail cluster fran -A-bticnal ply(e and/or bolts if sho.•az, cin ime any other approved detail (by others). + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 4-9-5 i 3-2-8 3 -II -8 3-11-8� 3-2_8 4-9-8 4-9-8 8.041 11-11-8 15-11-0 19-1-8 23-11-0 8-0-0 2-111.1'S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ' IlEQU1KIiD �5 00 330# 330# _5 H ---------LCAD CASE #1 LESICN I12'aDG ---------------- Dir L.Plf L.Loc R.Plf R.Lnc 114M TC Vert 60.0 0- 0- 0 60.0 8- 0- 0 .53 TC Vert 145.6 8- 0- 0 145.6 15-I1- 0 .53 TC Vett 60.0 15-11- 0 60.0 23-11- 0 .53 BC Vert 48.5 0- 0- 0 48.5 23-11- 0 .00 Type... Lbs X.Lac BC Live .0 -pef O. C. Spacing 2- 0- 0 (QST -88), 'HANDLING INS'fAl_LING AND BRACING METAL PLATE C6NNEGTED wool) TRUSSES' :(11111-91) and 'MIB -91 SUMMARY SI IVET' by TI'I. The Truss Plate Institute (TTI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, TC Vett 176.0 8- 0- 0 1.00 o Dail Ratio: Lt/240 TC: 14/240 TC Vert 154.0 8- 0- 0 .00 TC Vert 176.0 15-I1- 0 1.00 TC Vert 154.0 15-11- 0 .00 2.00 -2.00 2r- 1 11-8-0 2-0-I1 23-11-0 ~� x 9 10 11 12 13 14 4-9-8-i 3-2-8 3-11-x -, 3-11-8 3-2_8 4-9-8 1 4-9-8 8-(141 11-11-8 15-11-0 19-1-8 23-11-0 �QQpF-SSION14 � M E SSS4F�c, Q o 045982 J Exp• 12/31/02 s\ OF CPO\ C)P� 8/11/2000 Truewal Systeme -Plates are 20 ga. unless shown by "18"(18 ga.) or "H"(16 ga.), positioned per Joint Report. Circled plates and false Sc " alei 5/32 = 1' frame olates are 12ositioned as shown above. WARNING Head all notes on 11lissheetet and give a copy of it io the Erecting Contractor. TBF: fi4.7 This design is for an,individual building component. It has been based on specifications provided by the component m:mufacunrer and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design won T269 Chk: TR Custeeler Name BARBLUMBER standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer shall ascertain that the loads utilized on design isuPP011 Dsgnr r TR #LC =f 0 TOM this meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code. It is assumed that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor IIL'C' VIM( Y sheathing :rad the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing in tcri l directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral of components members only to buckling length. TC Live 16.0 pef DurFaes L=1.25 P=1.25 C TRUSWAL SYSrEA1S �F�� reduce This component shall not be placed in any environment shat will cause the moisture content of the wood exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace this truss �in accordance with the following 'TRUSCOM TC Dead 14.0 pef Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 4445 Nonhpwk Dr., Colo Springs, CO 80907 standards: MANUAL', by Ttusual, 'QUALITY CONTROL, STANDARD FOR METAL PLATE CONNrd'ED WOOD TRUSSES' - BC Live .0 -pef O. C. Spacing 2- 0- 0 (QST -88), 'HANDLING INS'fAl_LING AND BRACING METAL PLATE C6NNEGTED wool) TRUSSES' :(11111-91) and 'MIB -91 SUMMARY SI IVET' by TI'I. The Truss Plate Institute (TTI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, BC Dead 10.0 pef Design Spea UBC -97 TpS. 0 Version T6.1.5 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The Ameriam Forest and Paper Association (APPA) is located at 1250 Cunmecticut Ave, NW, Sic 200, Washington, DC 20036. o Dail Ratio: Lt/240 TC: 14/240 TOTAL 40.0 psf ob Name: LANG Truss ID: G2 Qty: 1 Drwg: 2x4 rFL, #2P]atir�ec AMT/`IPI - 1995 2xg4 DFL #2 PLAlE 11M PER ICBO RE M%RCH Rumr #1607. 2x4 HF UrLISIY Drainage mast be pro✓id�d to avoid pa'ding. FIATS EWS t IN CitbIIV IJIX12 VALLES. 5-5-7 1 4-6-9 3-111-0 4-6-9 5-5-7 5-5-7 111-0-0 13-11-0 18-5-9 23-11-0 , 111 -11 -II 7 -11 -II 10-0-0 1 2 t3 t4 5 6 2.00J { - -2.00 11-84) r2 -11 -IL, t 111-8-0 t UA t 7 8 9 . 10 11 12 13 5-5-7--1 4-6-9 3 -11 -II 4-6-9 t 5-5-7 5-5-7 1111-0-11 13-11-0 18-5-9 23-11-0 Truswal Systems Plates are 20 ga. unless shown by "18"(18 ga.) or `H"(16Fga`), positioned per Joint Report. Circled plates and false T 5-3-13 SHIP =11411 00rj �,, hA ESS` CcJ I (ffl45982 73 Uj E%P17(131 /02 C✓ OF CA\�\ 8/11/2000 Scale: 5/32" ='1' E', EM X -LCC FG;Cr SIZE REJ2'D 'IC TBP: 61.3. 1• 0- 1-12 1117 3.50 1.50 BC 2 23- 9- 4 1117 3.50" 1.50" FtEB This design is for an individual building component. t has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer and done in 7C FRSE AXE, BND CSI 1-2 -2973 .13 .24 .36 • 2-3 -2378 .08 .24 .32 BAItRLLIM B E R 3-4 -2461 .06 .35 .21 r TOM 4-5 -2363 .08 .24 .32 this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code. It is assumed tlhv the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bonom chord is Laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral 5-6 -2974 .13 .24 .361 `i BC FCI2M AXL END CSI TC Dead 1410 psf 7-8 2732 .48 .13 .61 TRUSWAL SYM'13hIS ` 1445 Northparl Ur., Colo Springs, CO 80907 8-9 2733 .48 .12 .60 O. C. Spading 2 - 0- 0 9-10 2152 .38 .08 .46 (QST -i(8), 'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (11113-91) and 'IiIB-91 SUMMARY SI IEET' by TPI. The Trvss Plate Institute 10-11 2156 .38 .08 .46 r. 11-12 2733 I .48 .12 .61 o 12-13 2733 .48 .12 .61 4EB FR3'E CSI 4&B FRSE CSI 2-8 54 .06 4-10 478 .49 2-9 -547 .28 4-11 296 .30 ' 3-9 299 .30 5-11 -560 .29 ' 3-10 485 .49 5-12 56 .06 MAX IEFLE) C14 (span) ' ' 141999 124 04 9-10 (LIVE) IF -.15" D= -.22" T` -.37" i Joint Locatiars 1 0- 0- 0 8 5- 5- 7 2 5- 5- 7 9 10- 0- 0 3 10- 0- 0' 10 11-11- 8 4 13-11- 0 11 13-11- 0 5 18- 5- 9 12 18- 5- 9 6 23-11- 0 13 23-11- 0 7 0-0-0 Truss ID: G2 Qty: 1 Drwg: 2x4 rFL, #2P]atir�ec AMT/`IPI - 1995 2xg4 DFL #2 PLAlE 11M PER ICBO RE M%RCH Rumr #1607. 2x4 HF UrLISIY Drainage mast be pro✓id�d to avoid pa'ding. FIATS EWS t IN CitbIIV IJIX12 VALLES. 5-5-7 1 4-6-9 3-111-0 4-6-9 5-5-7 5-5-7 111-0-0 13-11-0 18-5-9 23-11-0 , 111 -11 -II 7 -11 -II 10-0-0 1 2 t3 t4 5 6 2.00J { - -2.00 11-84) r2 -11 -IL, t 111-8-0 t UA t 7 8 9 . 10 11 12 13 5-5-7--1 4-6-9 3 -11 -II 4-6-9 t 5-5-7 5-5-7 1111-0-11 13-11-0 18-5-9 23-11-0 Truswal Systems Plates are 20 ga. unless shown by "18"(18 ga.) or `H"(16Fga`), positioned per Joint Report. Circled plates and false T 5-3-13 SHIP =11411 00rj �,, hA ESS` CcJ I (ffl45982 73 Uj E%P17(131 /02 C✓ OF CA\�\ 8/11/2000 Scale: 5/32" ='1' E', ® Wfi1CIVLlVCi Bead all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. TBP: 61.3. WO: T269 This design is for an individual building component. t has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer and done in Chk: TR� accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards_ No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be /'1. Custemher Name: BAItRLLIM B E R verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer shall ascertain that the loads utilized on Dsgnr: TR #LC. - 0 ` TOM t : r , r tice Valley this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code. It is assumed tlhv the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bonom chord is Laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral TC Live 16:0 f - • p DtiiPacs L=1 25 P=1, 25 `i (Y R) support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any environment dsu will cause the moisture content of the wood exceed 19% and/or cause TC Dead 1410 psf Rep Mir Bnd 1.15 f TRUSWAL SYM'13hIS ` 1445 Northparl Ur., Colo Springs, CO 80907 connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, ihstall and brace this truss iii acco'idance with the following standards: 'TRUSCOM MANUAL', by Truswal, 'QUALITY CONTROL STANDARD FOR METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - BC Live 0 pef O. C. Spading 2 - 0- 0 (QST -i(8), 'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (11113-91) and 'IiIB-91 SUMMARY SI IEET' by TPI. The Trvss Plate Institute BC Dead 10.0 psf Design' Spec UBC -97 r. TpS . 0 Version T6.1.5 (Till) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The Amerism Association (APPA) is located at 1250 Connecticut Ave, NW, Ste 200, Washington, DC 20036. Forest and Paper o Pea Ratio; 14/240 TC: 14/240 TOTAL . 40.0 pef BEG R -LOC RFAC.T SIZE F02'D 1 0- 1-12 1117 3.50" 1.50" 2 23- 9- 4 1117 3.50" 1.50" TC FERC£ AXL RZ CSI 1-2 -3011 .10 .21 .31 2-3 -2779 .11 .23 .33 3-4 -2024 .04 .14 .18 TC 2x4 EFL #2 BC 2x4 EFL #2 VEB 2x4 HF LJI'II.rIY 2x4 HF SDZUIM 10-4 MATE VALL PER ICBG RESEARCH FMPa1P #1607 F3 ATII4; BAsm Qd C#EN LII+IMR VA=. 4-5 -2024 .04 5-6 -2779 .11 .14 .23 .18 .33 6 t 6-7 -3011 .10 .21 .311 This design is for an individual building component. It has been based on specifications provided by the component tnatutfacmrer and done in EC FCFK£ AXL HID CSI accordance with the current versions of TPI and APPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer shall ascertain that the loads utilized on 8-9 2774 .49 .12 .60 this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code. It is assurned dint the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or Moor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing tpverid directly attached, unless otherwise noted. bracing shown is for lateral 9-10 2398 .42 .12 .55 support of components members only m reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any environment than will. cause the moisture content of the wood exceed 1990 diol/ur cause connector 10-11 2398 .42 .12 .55 plate corrasion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace this truss i n accordance with the following suutdards: 'TR MANUAL', by Trususd, 'QUALI'T'Y CONTROL STANDARD FOR Mow, PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - -IIANDLINO 2-1-12 2774 T :49 .12 .60 (QS'r-ttx),INSTALLINCI AND BRACING, METAL 1'LATG CONNCC'I'Im WOOD TRUSSES' - (IIIB-91) and 'IIID -91 SUMMARY Sill -0r' by'rvi The Truss Plate Institute (1'PI) is loaded at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin VEB FCiK£ CSI F+fB KRCE CSI 2-9 -212 .04 5-10 -563 .22 3-9 295 .30 5-11 295 .30 3-10 -563 .22 6-11 -212 .04 4-10 1306 :61 NWX EEFLiXTIC24 (rpn) 14/999 IN L+111 10-11 (LIVE) LF -.15" 11= -.23" 7`-• -.38" = Joint L oct tiazs == 1 0- 0- 0 7 23-11- 0 2 4- 7- 1 8 0- 0- 0 3 8- 3- 5 9 6- 5- 3 4 1-1-11- 8 10 11-11- 8 5 15- 7-11 11 17- 5-13 6 19- 3-15 12 23-11- 0 0 Pruss I®: G3 Qty: 16 Plating spec : AMI/'IPI - 1995 THIS MSI(N IS TeE Ca4CSr1E RE= OF L4.LTIPLE LOAD MSIES. BEPRI T D J.LTI TESTIS sbcun are based aCY on the miss material at eachr T mdsd for 10 PSF rni-can.uz-e nt�. 4-74-7-1 3-8-3 3-8-3� 3-5-3 3-5-3 4-7-1 4-7-1 8-3-5 11-11-8 15-7-11 19-3-15 23-11-0 11 -II -8 1 11-I1-8 ' l 2 3 4 5 6 7 5.00 4-4 2.00 - 2.00 i 1.1-8-11 t 11 I I-8-11 2-( 23-11-1) 8 9 111 Il 12 fi-5_3 i 5-6-5 5-6-5 6-5-3 6-5-3 11-11-8 17-5-13 23-11-0 JQ O�Fye'041 NAES 9 A045982 � EXV. 11/31 /02 CN1� OF CA��F�P . ... -- - -- _ ---- ----- - -- - - ; Truswal Systems Plates are 20 ga. unless shown by "18" 8/11/2000 (18 ga.) or 9aales 5/32" 1' "li"(16 ga.), positioned per Joint Report. Circled plates and false frame Plates are positioned as shown above. ' ® WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. TBP; 58.7 WOi This design is for an individual building component. It has been based on specifications provided by the component tnatutfacmrer and done in Chk TRCuetcmter T269 71 0 BARR LUMBER accordance with the current versions of TPI and APPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer shall ascertain that the loads utilized on s i'' Dsgnr t TR #LC - •;2 Name- t TOM 523;zsa YiLc VUII(!Y this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code. It is assurned dint the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or Moor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing tpverid directly attached, unless otherwise noted. bracing shown is for lateral TC Live 16.-0, psf y DurFacs L=1.25 P=1:25 t a�- , support of components members only m reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any environment than will. cause the moisture content of the wood exceed 1990 diol/ur cause connector TC Dead 14 t 0 psf++ Rap Mir Brad 1.15 TRtrSWAI. SYS(EMS tyr . 4445 NortbN -- Dr., Colo Springs, co 80907 plate corrasion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace this truss i n accordance with the following suutdards: 'TR MANUAL', by Trususd, 'QUALI'T'Y CONTROL STANDARD FOR Mow, PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - -IIANDLINO BC Live ` .0 pe£ O.C. Spading 2- 0- 0 W` (QS'r-ttx),INSTALLINCI AND BRACING, METAL 1'LATG CONNCC'I'Im WOOD TRUSSES' - (IIIB-91) and 'IIID -91 SUMMARY Sill -0r' by'rvi The Truss Plate Institute (1'PI) is loaded at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin BC Dead 10.0 psf Design Spec? UBC -97 IT Tp5. 0 Version T6.1.5 tt 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AT PA) is located at 1250 Connecticut Ave, NW, Ste 2t10, Washington, DC 20036. o TOTAL Dat 14afio: 1+/240 TC: 14/240 . 40.0 psf OD Name: LANG 13id"., X -IDC REACT SIZE RII2'D Y 0- 1-12 2609 3.50 1.50" L�.Plf L.Lcc 2 28- 8-12 2609 3.50" 1.50" R.Lcc TC FUKE AXI, EIV CSI 8- 0- 0 1-2 -8248 .09 .18 .27 20-10- 8 2-3 -8337 .10 .18 .28 28-10- 8 3-4 -7702 .06 .07 .14 28-10- 8 4-5 -19588 .43 .40 .84 4 5-6 -15588 .43 .40 00 -� Defl Ratio: W240 7C: 14/240 6-7 -7702 .06 .07 .84 .141 7-8 -8336 .10 .18 .28 8-9 -8247 .09 .18 .27 BC FCRLE AXI, BIV CSI 10-11 7622 .45 .19 .63 11-12 7671 .45 .18 12-13 12490 .73 .08 .63 .82 13-14 12479 .74 .17 .91 14-15 12477 .73 .17 .91 15-16 12488 .73 .08 .82 16-17 7670 .45 .18 .63 17-18 7620 .45 .19 .63 Vn RALE CBI VEB FCFICE CSI 2-11 -76 .00 6-14 7584 .45 2-12 165 .06 6-15 137 -.05 3-12 2406 .81 6-16 -5450 .35 4-12 -5450 .35 7-16 2405 .81 4-13 136 .05 8-16 165 .06 4-14 7584 .45 8-17 -76 .00 5-14 -59 .00 M LEgLDMCN ( ) L/753 114 1104 14-15 (LIVE) 1v -.46" D= -.68" 7--1.14" = Joird: Lomt-icns 1 0- 0- 0 10 0- 0- 0 2 4- 5- 7 11 4- 5- 7 3 8- 0- 0 12 8- 0- 0 4 31- 2-10 13 11- 2-10 5 14- 5- 4 14 14- 5- 4 6 17- 7-14 15 17- 7-14 7 20-10- 8 16 20-10- 8 8 24- 5- 1 17 24- 5- 1 9 28-10- 8 18 28-10- 8 1 TC 2x4 DFL #2 #2 BC 2-A IPI, 3-7' VEB 2x4 HF UITLI7Y 2/4 DFL #2 4-14, 14-6 D a.inaoust st be prcvlded to avoidrg. Flaruwywlt bracv-g is (by os) to pr�r�ev��erc-rd-A. rotation/toplug. See HIB -91 and 7I15I/`IPI 1-1995; 10.3 4.5 and !RATRr. BASED CN GMM LIMBER VRLLES. 3-PIMI Piail w/lod Ca44w, staggered (ICS -97 Sect. 12) in: 712- 2/ft BC- 2/ft VMS- 2/ft Nail in layers or fran each face. Pruss ID: K1 On PLA E ss����eecc FF IC SO RE�i REP3U #1607. VALLES + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Nail pattern sha ri is far PLF loads c fty a=xrit ated lcacb MSP be distriUited to each flyly. Qh nul.ti-ply with )VmT em use 3 ' nails nun. irito mare the nrynir. Fcr me than 2 ply, add nail c Lister tram additiahal ply(s) art or bolts if shmm, cr use any other appzv.,ed detail (hy cd-&rB). + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 4-5-7 -� 6-9-3 • 6-5-4 6-9-3 4-5-7 EEE!4-5-7 11-2-10 17-7-14 24-5-1 28-10-8 _� S 8 -1) -(Li 12-10-8 , 8-0-11 3 -PIAS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 REQUIRED �5 00 330N � 330N 4-12 2.00 -2.00 14-1-12 f)-11 28-1n-8 14-1-12 • n 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 4-5-7 y 6-9-3 6-5-4 6-9-3 1 4-5-7 4-5-7 11-2-10 17-7-14 24-5-1 28-10-8 3 Drive: C000224077- ---- ---LOAD CASE #1 DESICN LOADS ---------------- Dir L�.Plf L.Lcc R. PH R.Lcc LL/'IL 7C Vert 60.0 0- 0- 0 60.0 8- 0- 0 .53 TC Vert 145.6 8- 0- 0 145.6 20-10- 8 .53 TC Vert 60.0 20-10- 8 60,0 28-10- 8 .53 BC Vert 48.5 0- 0- 0 48.5 28-10- 8 .00 7j1 - Ike X. Lc,-- L (Qs'r-mm), INSTALLING AND BRACING mr-rAl. I'I.A'rl? CONNECTED WOOD'I'RIJsSLS' - (11117-91) and '1111)-91 SUMMARY 5111;111" by'111I. The Truss Plate Institute Cri,j) is located 583 D'Onofiio TC Vest 176.0 8- 0- 0 00 -� Defl Ratio: W240 7C: 14/240 TC Vert 154.0 8- 0- 0 .00 TC Vert 176.0 20-10- 8 1.00 7C Vert. 154.0 20-10- 8 .00 T 4-5-13 = SHIP 0-4 Ud Q AN 045982 ?3 1431102- CN\\- OC C>o -- -- - 8/11/2000 Truswal Systems Plates are 20 ga. unless shown by "18"(18 ga.) or H"(16 ga.), positioned per Joint Report. Circled plates and false Scale: 1/8" = 1' frame Plates are Positioned as shown above. fJ WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. TBF: 70.2 This design is for un individual building component. It has been based on specifications provided by the component ireuufacmrer and done in WO: T269 Chk BARRLUMBER accordance with the current versions of TPI and APPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer shall ascertain loads 1J Customer Name: Dog=: TR #LC 0 that the utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code. It is assumed that the top chord is Laterally braced by the roof or floor = TOM Y�c�V0HLY shwtimg and the bouom chord is Literally braced by a rigid sheathing material diredy attached, unless athenwise noted. bracing shown is fur lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This TC Live 16:0 pef DurFaCe L=1.25 , ' P=1.25 TRUSWAI. SYS9'Ebts (RF , component shall not be placed in any environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood exceed 19% and/Lir cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace this Huss in :iccordancc with the following TC Dead 14.0 pef Rep Mir Bad 1:15 4445 Norib,rarL Or.. Culo springs, co iu7907 standards: 'TRUSCOM MANIJAU, by Tr usaM, 'QUALITY CONTROL STANDARD FOR METAL PLATE CONNCUrED WOOD TRUSSES' - 'IIANDLINU HC Live .0 pef O.C.Spaoing , 2- 0- 0 (Qs'r-mm), INSTALLING AND BRACING mr-rAl. I'I.A'rl? CONNECTED WOOD'I'RIJsSLS' - (11117-91) and '1111)-91 SUMMARY 5111;111" by'111I. The Truss Plate Institute Cri,j) is located 583 D'Onofiio HC Dead 10.0 pef Design Spec , UHC -97 1115.0 Version T6.1.5 at Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The Amerism Forest and Paper Association (APPA) is located at 1250 Connecticut Ave, MV, Ste 200, Washington, DC 20036. P -� Defl Ratio: W240 7C: 14/240 TOTAL 40.0 pef T3-FNasne: LAS" EM X-LCIC RUgLT SIZE )i'D2'D TC .1 0- 1-12 1315 3.50" 1.50" TIC 2 28- 8-12 1315 3.50" 1.50" VEB TC FC CE AXL END CSI 1-2 -3731 .20 .23 .43 2-3 -3194 .17 .36 .53 3-4 -4465 .21 .43 .64 t 4-5 -4465 .21 .43 .64 5-6 -3131 .17 .3653 6-7 -3731 .20 .23 .431 BC FMCE AM RM CSI 8-9 3435 .60 .17 .78 9-10 3444 .61 .17 .78 10-11 2915 , .51 .14 .66 11-12 2915 .51 14 .66 12-13 3444 .61 %.17 .77 13-14 3435 .60 " .17 .78 VEER FCRGE CSI l4B FIERCE CSI 2-9 22 .02r 5-11 1690 .79 2-10 -495 .25' 5-12 320 .33 3-10 321 .33 6-12 -495 .25 3-11 1690 .79 6-13 . 22 .02 4-11 -134 .03 MX DEFL=CN (epaz) ` LV999 IN NIEM 11-12 (LIVE) LF -.32" D= -.47" T= -.79" Joint. T=t-ic ns == 1 0- 0- 0 8 0- 0- 0 2 5- 5- 7 9 5- 5- 7 3 10- 0- 0 10 10- 0- 0 4 14- 5- 4 11 14- 5- 4 5 18-10- 8 12 18-10- 8 6 23- 5- 1 33 23- 5- 1 7 28-10- 8 14 28-10- 8 2X4 DFL, #2 2r-4 CFL #2 2x4 HF UI7I.S'IY 2X4 HF STAN AM 3-11, 11-5 T 4-6-1 T= 0-4-1 Truss 1D: K2 Qty: Platirgs��c • PISI/'IPPI - 1995 PLATE VAIIES PER ICBG RIFT RIauZr #1607. 1Xairiz�e nest be provichd to avoid palling. PLATM 13DSD CN CLQ I114ER VAUES. 5-5-5-5-7 4-64-6_9 4-5-4 4-5-4� 4-6-9 5-5-7_i 5-5-7 10-041 14-5-4 18-10-8 23-5-1 28-10-8 t 10-11-11 t 8-111-8 t 111 -0 -II l 2 3 4 5 6 7 15 00 _7570-01 2.00 -2.00 t 14-I-12 1 1► !!l 14-1-12 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5-5-7 i 4-6_9 4-5-4 4-5-4 4-6-9� 5-5-7� 5-5-7 10-0-0 14-5-4 18-10-8 23-5-1 28-10-8 Dr T 5-3-13 = Shill' 0-4- ���`���.• MESS,yr1�41c, Cj "Q rr J N 045982 71 4A 1121'81 /02 / CWn 11/11/2000 it x, Truswal Systems Plates are 20 ga. unless shown by "18"(18 ga.) or positioned per Joint Report. Circled plates and false frame Scale: 1/8" = 1' ,aY la e frame hates are Positioned as shown above. 'T ® WARNING Read all ,'rotes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. TBE: 72.0 . ?' This design is for an individntal building component. It Inas been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer and dune in accordance with die i WO: T269 �" L BARBLUMBER current versions of TPI and AFPA'design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional nsional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer shall ascenahn that the loads Degnr s TR #LC = 0 Ct+et.r Name: 'TOM YIIC�'"'``�� u11C ®� utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code. It is assumed that the top chord is Laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing :rad the bo0um chord is L'derdly braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral _ TC Live 16.0 pp f DurPacs L=1.25 P=1.25 R�L� y support of componems members only to rcoucu bucklhig length. This cumponem shall not be placed lin -illy environment that will cause the moisture conical of ilia wood exceed 19% and/or �, TC Dead 14. Q.%pef Rep Mr Bnd 1.15 ! TRl1.SWAl. SyysfBxls ++43 Nonhpnrl Or., Colo springs, CO 80907 cause conmecloi pLale corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace this loons hi accordvnce with the following standards: "I'kUSCOM MANUAL', by'rntsu'al, 'QUALITY CON'fR01. S'T'ANDARD FOR MI?'fAl. PLATE BC Live r':0 psf O. C. Spacing 27 07 0 CONNGG 1'1?D WOOD'fRUSSES' • (Qs'r-88), 'IIANDLING INSTALLINQ AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (11113-91) and 'HIB -91 SUMMARY 5111?8T' by'rl'I. 'rhe'rnnss Plate Institute Cr1'1) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, BC Dead 10.0 pef Design Spec UBC -97 is TpS. 0 Version T6.1.5 Wisconshn 53719. The American Forest :rad Paper Association (APPA) is located at 1250 Connecticut Ave, NW, Ste 200, Washhngton, DC 20036. Ikfl Ratio: 14/240 TC: 14/240 TOTAL 40.0 pef Truss ID: K3 Qty: 1 DrwL: CC Plating Spec • PDBI/TPI - 1995 THIS EMIQI IS TELE OUGMI E RERLT OF M_LTIPLE ICAD CASTES. ' BEARRg3 RaWIRGIENM shoal) are based ONLY ah the tnass material at each bearing. , Drainage mast be provided to avoid pending. L4/999 IN 1,111+1 31-12 (LIVE) 6-5-7 5-6-9 4-10-8 5-6-9 6-5-7 - L -.23" D= -.34" 7- -.57" 6.5_j 12-0-0 16-10-8 22-5-1 28-1 0-8 = Joint Txftcns = 12-11-0 4-10-8 12-0-0 1 0- o- o a o- o- 0 1 2 t3 4 '5 6 2 6- 5- 7 9 6- 5- 7 9 3 12- 0- 0 10 12- 0- 0 4 14-'5- 4 11 14- 5- 4 5.00 _5 Q 5 16-10- 8 12 16-10- 8 4 6 '22- 5- 1 13 22- 5- 1 i.. 7 28-10- 8 14 28-10- 8 T 5-4-1 lx 0-4-1 2.00 -2.00 14-I-12 1 , 0 14-1-12 L ftt to u 8 9 10- 11 12 13 14 6-5-7 5-6-9 i 4-10-8 5-6-9 6-5-7 6-5-7 12-0-0 16-10-8 22-5-1 28-10-8 QFOF r SSIO�,,A: M ES � J No 45882 1 31102' � \ Exp• \SlgTF OFNCA�F���\P o Naraie: LAS Truewal Systems.Plates are 20 ga. unless shown by "1811(18 ga.) or '+ s` scale 1/8" a 1' ga.), positioned per Joint Report. Circled plates and false EPS. X -LOC REACT SIZE RE)Z'D TC 2x4 DFL #2 1 0- 1-12 1315 3.50" 1.50" BC 2X4 EFL #2 2 2@- 8-12 1315 3.50" 1.50" 408 2x4 HF UTILITY accordance with the current versions of'fl'l and APPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be ' Cuet�er Name; = TR = #LC 2 BARBLUMBER Verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabriwtiun. The building designer shall loads FD�agn-.r: PLATE V1JJ_ES PER ICBG RESEARCH REMU #1607 ascenagi that the utilized on TOM this design meet u1, exeecd the hwdiitg imptcd by the local building code. It u assumed that the top chord is laterally briced by the roof or floor TC FCRCE AXL ELM CSI Imri�d for 10 PSF rrn-crnaa-rent BOLL. ' 1-2 -3702 .23 .36 .59 PLI+MT; BASED CN GEEK LUSR VXIES. - N 2-3 -2913 .15 .35 .50 '? (QST -88), - INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTIsD WOOD TRUSSES' - (NTD -91) and 'IIIB-91 SUMMARY BC Dead 10.0 paf Design Speo UBC -97 S1113131" by'rPl., The Tniss Plate Institute (fill) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, 3-4 -3035 .10 .22 .32 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American forest mid Pa �- Tp5. 0 Version T6.1.5 Asso L1t lln (APPA) is located at50 Connecticut e1, ecticut Ave, MN, Ste 2(X1, Washingtoni, DC 2(X136. pI>ef1 Ratio: L/240 TC: 1/240 4-5 -3035 .10 .22 .32 4 r 5-6 -2913 .15 .35 6-7 .50 -3702 .23 .36 .591 BC FC%E AXE, END CSI 8-9 3407 .60 .14 .75 9-10 3405 .60 .14 .74 10-11 2641 .47 .11 .57 11-12 2641 .47 .11 .57 12-13 3405 .60 .14 .74 13-14 3407 160 .15 .75 YOB FORCE CSI YEB FCKE CSI 2-9 91 .09 5-11 610 .62 2-10 -727 :54 5-12 361 .37 3-10 361 .37 6-12 -728 .54 3-11 609 ;'.62 6-13 . 91 .09 ' 4-1T 20 .02 MX E1uIF}` w (q:�M) Truss ID: K3 Qty: 1 DrwL: CC Plating Spec • PDBI/TPI - 1995 THIS EMIQI IS TELE OUGMI E RERLT OF M_LTIPLE ICAD CASTES. ' BEARRg3 RaWIRGIENM shoal) are based ONLY ah the tnass material at each bearing. , Drainage mast be provided to avoid pending. L4/999 IN 1,111+1 31-12 (LIVE) 6-5-7 5-6-9 4-10-8 5-6-9 6-5-7 - L -.23" D= -.34" 7- -.57" 6.5_j 12-0-0 16-10-8 22-5-1 28-1 0-8 = Joint Txftcns = 12-11-0 4-10-8 12-0-0 1 0- o- o a o- o- 0 1 2 t3 4 '5 6 2 6- 5- 7 9 6- 5- 7 9 3 12- 0- 0 10 12- 0- 0 4 14-'5- 4 11 14- 5- 4 5.00 _5 Q 5 16-10- 8 12 16-10- 8 4 6 '22- 5- 1 13 22- 5- 1 i.. 7 28-10- 8 14 28-10- 8 T 5-4-1 lx 0-4-1 2.00 -2.00 14-I-12 1 , 0 14-1-12 L ftt to u 8 9 10- 11 12 13 14 6-5-7 5-6-9 i 4-10-8 5-6-9 6-5-7 6-5-7 12-0-0 16-10-8 22-5-1 28-10-8 QFOF r SSIO�,,A: M ES � J No 45882 1 31102' � \ Exp• \SlgTF OFNCA�F���\P 8/11/2000 Truewal Systems.Plates are 20 ga. unless shown by "1811(18 ga.) or '+ s` scale 1/8" a 1' ga.), positioned per Joint Report. Circled plates and false frame 121ate6 are nositioned as shown above. WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Greeting Contractor. 72.0 �' won T269 This design is for an individual building component. It las been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer and done hi t accordance with the current versions of'fl'l and APPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be ' Cuet�er Name; = TR = #LC 2 BARBLUMBER Verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabriwtiun. The building designer shall loads FD�agn-.r: ascenagi that the utilized on TOM this design meet u1, exeecd the hwdiitg imptcd by the local building code. It u assumed that the top chord is laterally briced by the roof or floor Live160 paf DurPaee L=1.25 P=1.25 sheathingand the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing to serial directlycoached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateralp1cc' Valley support of components members only to reduce buckling length..This component stall nut be pLiced hi any euvironmcnt that will cause the moisnre . Dead 14.0 paf _ Rep E9�r Bad 1.15 RF .) content of the wood exceed 1996 and/or cause connector late corrosion. Fabricate, h mdle, install and brace this truss ht accordance will) the following T45Nort.sysrr.,C P 'TRUSCOM - N ia45 Non6purl' Dr., Colo Spridgr, co 809f17 standards: BC Live 0 Pat O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 MANUAL', by Tnisw;d, 'QUALITY CONTROL S'T'ANDARD FOR METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' 'IIANDLING '? (QST -88), - INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTIsD WOOD TRUSSES' - (NTD -91) and 'IIIB-91 SUMMARY BC Dead 10.0 paf Design Speo UBC -97 S1113131" by'rPl., The Tniss Plate Institute (fill) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American forest mid Pa �- Tp5. 0 Version T6.1.5 Asso L1t lln (APPA) is located at50 Connecticut e1, ecticut Ave, MN, Ste 2(X1, Washingtoni, DC 2(X136. pI>ef1 Ratio: L/240 TC: 1/240 TOTAL 40.0 pef ame: BRG . X -i.00 REACT SIZE READ TC 2x4 DFL 42 1 0- 1-12 1316 3.50" 1.50" BC 2x4 DFL /2 2 28-.9-12 3 6 3.50" 1.50" WEB 294 HF UTILITY 8-9 -3731 .20 .25 .46 2x4 HF STANDARD 14-5 TC FORCE AXL 8ND CSI Lultber shear aLL ables are per NDS -97. 1�--2� -3730.20 .25 .46 loaded for 10 PSF nort-cancurre�rt BCLL. Rep Mbr end 1.15 -3277 .16 .24 .40 PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES. 3 4 3�4 -2449 .09 .23 .31 t -6 -2217 .0055 ro .70 17 , 6-7 -2449 .09 .23 .31 N Chk TR 7-8 -3275 .16 .24 .40 Dsgnr: TR #LC = 2 8-9 -3731 .20 .25 .46 BCAXL FORCE .7788 •61 END CSI SYSTEMS 11-12 3411 rcontent .17 TC Dead 14.0 psf Rep Mbr end 1.15 4445 Norah � perk Dr., Colo Springs, CO 80907 and this truss in accordance with the following by standards: 'TRUSCOM MANUAL', Truswal, 'QUALITY CONTROL. STANDARD FOR METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - BC Live .0 psf 0. C: Spacing 2- 0- 0 r 29 622 IBC Dead 10.0 psf. ' 14--•15 229953 .533 .099 .609 ©, TOTAL 40.0 Def L fHt10' L/240 TC L/240 psf. ` 1y6-117 34314 .61 .16 .0R FORCE SI WEB F a CSI r 2 c8 7-13 .48 -405 X32 3 -781 .4488 88-16 .03' 5-14 1580 .74 L�DEFLECTION (sten) 999 II� HEM 12--13 (LIVE) L- -.23' D= -.35" T= -.59" = Joint Lo atiorts - 0- o- 0 10 0-0-0 5-3-4 11 5-3-4 3q 0-10 13 14- 5-14 6 10- 15 19- 2-14 ' -8 t8, ¢ 7 14 17 X10- 8 .9 28-10-8 Truss ID• K4 Qty: 1 Plating spec • ANSI TPI - 1995 THIS DESIQJ IS THE tOMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LAAD CASES. BEARING REGUIREM ENTS shown are based ONLY an the tress material at each bearing PLATE VAL.LIES PER ICED RESEARCH REPORT -1116(17. Drairege must be provided to avoid parading. A)o7� (2 u17'1A)6 �f cr u 5-35-3 4 4-4-6 4-4-6 5-2-14 4-4-6-� 5-3-4 5-34 9-7-10 14-0-0 19-2-14 23-7-4 28-10-8 14-0-0 0- %8 14-0-0 1 2 3 456 7 8 9 2.001 1 2.00 (1 1� 28-10-8 14-1-12 M-01 10 11 12 . 134 15 16 17 5-34 44-6 4-9-10 '4-9-10 4-4-6 5-3-4 5-3-4 9-7-10 14-5-4 19-2-14 23-7-4 28-10-8 cc J col CR45982 1 A L-A I,9�31/02 CNWn 8/11/2000 " Truswal Systems Plates.are 20 ga. unless shown by "18"(18 ga.) or Scale: 1/8" = 1' 16 a.), positioned per`Jolnt Report. Circled plates and false frame fates are sitioned as shown above. ' ® IN Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. TBE: 73.3 Wo:"7269 This design is for an individual building component. R has been based on specifications provided by the co mponent manufacturer and done in Chk TR TRUSWAL accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards.' No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer shall Dsgnr: TR #LC = 2 Customer Name: ascertain that the Inds utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code. It is assumed that the top chord is laterauy braced by the roof or floor TOM TC Live " 16.0 ps DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 SYSTEMS sheathing end the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral rcontent support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed to any ewironment that will cause the moisture of the wood exceed 19 %and/or cause connector plate corrasion. Fabricate, handle, install brace TC Dead 14.0 psf Rep Mbr end 1.15 4445 Norah � perk Dr., Colo Springs, CO 80907 and this truss in accordance with the following by standards: 'TRUSCOM MANUAL', Truswal, 'QUALITY CONTROL. STANDARD FOR METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - BC Live .0 psf 0. C: Spacing 2- 0- 0 r (QST -88), 'FIANDLINO INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (HIB -91) and 'HIB -91 SUMMARY SHEET' by TPI. The Trues Plate Institute (TP[) u located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin IBC Dead 10.0 psf. Design . Spec UBC -97 Tp5.0 Version T6.1.5 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (APPA) is located at 1250 Connecticut Ave, NW, Ste 200, Washington, DC 20036. ©, TOTAL 40.0 Def L fHt10' L/240 TC L/240 psf. IM X -LCC RE7+LT SIZE RED)'D I 0- 1-12 1315 3.50 1.50" 2 2P.- 8-12 1315 3.50" 1.50" TC Ft'1%5,E AXI, EM CSI 1-2 -3750 .1.5 .28 .43 2-3 -3443 .19 .31 .50 3-4 -2472 .06 .22 .28 4-5 -2472 .06 .22 .28 5-6 -3443 .19 .31 .50 6-7 -3750 .15 .28 .431 Tar Fi3:.iE AM HID CSI 8-9 3462 .61 .16 .77 9-10 2946 .52 .15 .67 10-11 2946 .52 .15 .67 11-12 3462 .61 .16 .77 14_1-12 t VM FCRCE GSI WEH KIRCE CSI 2-9 -290 .07 5-10 -705 .39 3-9 356 .40 5-11 396 .40 3-10 -705 .39 6-11 -290 .07 4-10 1597 .75 P= rIEF1 CITCN (span) 4/999 1111,24 10-11 .(LIVE) LF -.24" D= -.35" T= -.59" -= Join Ta tirns 1 0- 0- 0 7 28-10- 8 2 5- 5- 0 8 0- 0- 0 3 9-11- 2 9 '7- 8- 1 4 14- 5- 4 10 14- 5- 4 5 18-11- 6 11 21- 2- 7 6 23- 5- 8 12 28-10- 8 'IC 2x1 DFL #2' EC 2x1 EFL #2 41EB 2,A HF !7I'II_I7Y 2x4 17 STPIMARD 10-4 FEME VATI.ES PER ICBJ T RE3'C U #1607 PL7iM-G Rtsm Cld aErm I1: IERR VP-JLES. V truss I®: K5 Qty: 24 Plating spec • AMI/IPI - 1995 THIS E23ICU IS THE 034FCSITE FORLT OF MbTIPLE LOAD GASSES. EMUM Ri1JJIREP0M shoon are based CNI,Y on the mass natezial at each beartrij. , Tsad3d far 10 FSF rnrccnalr es -rt BOIL. 5-55-5-0 4-64-6-2 4-6-2 ---- 4-6-2 i 4-6-2 5-5-0 5-5-0 9-11-2 14-5-4, 18-11-6 23-5-8 28-10-8 14-5-4 i 14.5.4 �5 00 -5.001 T 5-5 3-4 3-4 h-4-4 1.5-3 1.5-3 T I 72-0 3.5-8 3-4 2-4-5 3.5-8 SHIP I 3- = _ A � MES S��,C/2t�`m 2.00 -2.00 14_1-12 t 47L!!i 14-1-12 � � Q 45982 i J 8 9 IO 11 12 EXp• 7-8-1 6-9-3 6.9.3 7-8-� 1 7-8-1 14-5-4 21-2-7 28-10-8 C N\\- STATE OF CAS -FOP 000 Truswa1 Systems Plates are 20 ga. unless shown by "18"(18 ga.) or "H"(16 ga.), positioned per Joint Report.' Circled plates and false Scales 1/8!' m 1' frame Plates are i3ositioned as shown above. ® WARNING Rend all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. TBF: 46.7 WOt This design is for an individual building component. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer and done in Qik; TRCustomer T269 s<' BARRLUMBER accordance with the current versions of TPI and APPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior w fabrication. The building designer shall ascertain that the loads utilized on Dsgnr t TR Name: #LC • _ ' -2 Tom t Valley this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code• It is assumed that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or Boor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support TC Live16 .0 paf DurFaae L=1.25 P=1.25 y rYIICI" T1111SWAL SYSTCMS \ RF .) of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any environment that will cause the moisture consent of the wood exceed 1996 and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabrianc, handle, install and brace this truss in accordance with the following 'TRl1SCOM TC Dead _ 14.0 paf Rep I�r Bid 1.15 4445 Northpark• Dr., Colo Springs. CO 80907 standards: MANUAL', by Truswal, 'QUALITY CONTROL S'T'ANDARD FOR Mi fAL PLATL CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES, - 'I BC Live paf^'' O, C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 (QST -x8), IANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNEC'T'ED WOOD TRUSSES' - (IIIB-91) an'IIIB-91 SUMMARY SIMS T' by'1'1'I. The Truss Plate Institute (TI'l) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, BC Dead 10 0 paf Design Spec UBC -97 'd Tp5.0 Version T6.1.5 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper cia Assotion (AFPA) is located at 1250 Cormecticut Ave, NW, Ste 200, Washington, f)C 20036. TOTAL o 40.0 pif� Def! Ratio: L/240 7v: T4/240 Vv amNII1111{.• bAl1rV BEG X -LOC REACT SIZE 1 0- 1-12 2466 3.50" 2 27- 3- 4 2466 3.50" TC FUSE AM END CSI 1-2 -7747 .43 .00 .43 2-3 -7689 .20 .31 .51 3-4 -11844 .17 .37 .54 4-5 -16435 .34 .52 .86 5-6 -11844 .17 .37 .54 6-7 -7687 .20 .31 .511 7-8 -7746 .16 .25 .41 BC FORCE AXL HZ CSI 9-10 7166 .47 .25 .72 10-11 7220 .47 .25 .72 11-12 716947 .14 .61 12-13 12660 .83 .14 .97 13-14 12659 .83 .14 .97 14-15 71.67 .47 .14 .61 15-16 7219 .47 .25 .72 16-17/ 7164 .47 .25 .72 SOD TC rFL #2 � rFL #2 3-6 1.50" BC 2x4 EFL #1 & Btr. I'm 2x4 HF Urn= 2x4 LFI., #2 3-12, 14-6 2x4 LFL SD4MARD 4-13, 13-5 Drainage mas�plvtgriy�c�Iadrr�t�oda �d�u)-gto � tP`�I9� arri�10.3�.496.� 1?IAT'II� HASID CN (3�IIQ LLL•113ER VPILES. Vn 1 FCRCE CSI VEB FORCE CSI 2-10 -100 .01 5-13 4509 .92 2-11 -25 .00 5-14 -2507 .23 3-11 374 .19 6-14 5026 -.4A 3-i2 5025 .44 6-15 374 .19 4-12 -2507 .23 7-15 -25 .00 4-13 4509 .92 7-16 -100 .01 MAX LEFLFX.TICN (span) - IV -M IN VEM 13-14 (LIVE) L= -.42" D= -.63" 716-1.05" = Joint T=t-iane =-_ 1 0- 0- 0 10 4- 5- 7 2 4- 5- 7 11 8- 0- 0 3 8- 0- 0 12 11- 9-11 4 11- 9-11 13 13- 8- 8 5 15- 7- 5 14 15- 7- 5 6 19- 5- 0 15 19- 5- 0 7 22-11- 9 16 22-11- 9 8 27- 5- 0 17 27- 5- 0 9 0- 0- 0 1 truss ID: M 1 Qty: WEVA IFMI/IPI RESEAini Ramr #1607. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + I3ail pattern s1x m is for PLF keds only. CtrtoFntrated llea& KIST be distributed to each use 3P1na1Is m n. into the ply with �� n} s, FCr true than 2 ly, add na;buster from additional ply(s) kWc>r bolts if slxmxl, or use any other apprv,-ed detail (by others) . + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 2 -FLY! Nail w/lOd CIIT427, s MM-97Sect. 12) in: TC- 2/ft BC- 2 ft VUSS- 2/ft 4-5-7 3-6-9 3-9 11 3-9-11 1 3-9-11 1 3-6-9 i 4-5-7 4-5-7 8-0-0 11-9-11 15-7-5 19-5-0 22-11-9 27-5!0 EEE 1 8-()-02 l3 4 11-5-0 5 l6 8-0-0 �-r 2 -FLYS KGQUIKGU I-5 00 330# 330# r� 7,.001 T 3-8-1 1 T(1-4-1 2 2.00 L=2._ 00 13-5-1) 13-5-0 2f -( 27 -5 -II 1 9 10 11 12, 13 14 15 16 17 4-5-7 3-6-9 - 1 3-9-11� 3-9-11 3-9-11 3-6_9 4-5-7 t 4-5-7 8-0-0 11-9-11 15-7-5 19-5-0 22-11-9 27-5-0 Truswal Systems Plates are 20 ga. unlessshown by "18"(18 ga.) or "H"(16 ga.), positioned per Joint Report. Circled plates and false frame plater are Positioned as shown above. ® WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This design is for an individual building component. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be BARRLUMBER verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer shall ascertain that the leads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code. It is assumed that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor IYpsheathingUCCaVBUC and the bosom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral ® � uce y support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any environment that Will cause the moisture TRWAVAI. SYS"r MS content of the wood exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, Inandle, install and brace this truss in accordance with the following 4445 Nonhpurl• Dr.. Colo Spring., CO 80907 standards: 'TRUSCON-I MANUAL', by Truswal, 'QUALITY CONTROL STANDARD FOR METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (QST -88), 'IIANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (111B-91) and '11111-91 SUMMARY Sill' -El" by'I'1'I. The'1'ntss Plate Institute um) is located at SR3 D'Onufrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Tp5.0 Version T6.1.5 Ass.xcdion (Ar -IIA) is located at 1250 Connecticut Ave, NW, Ste 2011, Washington, DC 2(X)36. ---- --IDAD 0SE #1 LESICi1 Dir L. PH ' L.Lec TC Vert 60.0 0- 0- 0 TC Vert 145.6 8- 0- 0 7C Vert 60.0 19- 5- 0 BC Vert 48.5 0- 0- 0 7y4 - Ike X.I= TC Vet 176.0 8- 0- 0 TC Vert 154.0 8- 0- 0 TC Vert 176.0 19- 5- 0 TC Vert 154.0 19- 5- 0 T 4-5I-13 TO -4-11 SHIP ICArS R.Plf ---------------- R.Ioc LLv*IL 60.0 8- 0- 0 .53 145.6 19- 5- 0 .53 60.0 27- 5- 0 .53 48.5 27- 5- 0 .00 � O .00 1.00 .00 A/ 41 Q C 5982 71 J t=xn 121 1102 / TBF: 66.7 j Chk: TR Degnr: TR #LC = 0 TC Live 16.0 pef TC Dead 14.0 pef+ BC Live ,O.pef BC Dead 10.0 pef TOTAL 40.0 pef CN1\- v/ 11 2000 Scale: 5/32" = 1' WO: T269 Customer Name; TOM DurFaoe L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bad 1.00 O.C.Spaaing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec UBC -97 Defl Ratio: LV240 TC: Lt/240 5-6 -2954 .14 .31 .45 6-7 -3508 .18 .24 .411 BC I= PXL END tSI 8-9 3229 .57 .15 .72 9-10 3235 .57 .15 .72 10-11 2692 .47 .0 .59 11-12 2692 .47 .11 .59 12-13 3235 .57 .15 .72 13-14 3229 -57 .15 .72 Vn FCi3B CSI VEEI FCRCE CSI 2-9 34 .03 5-11 1214 .57 2-10 -509 '.26 5-12 309 .31 3-10 309 ;-.31 6-12 -509 .26 3-31 1214 1.57 6-13 . 34 .03 4-11 -98 i MX r FI.=CN (tin) La/999 IN h&M 11-12 (LIVE) Lr- -.25" D= -.37" T= -.61" = Joint T=t-icns = 1 0- 0- 0 8 0- 0- 0 2.00 -2.00 ISIS X -IOC REACT SIZE REVID TC 2x4 DFL #2 1 0- 1-12 1257 3.50" 1.50" 8C 2x4 EFL #2 2 27- 3- 4 1257 3.50" 1.50" YYE; 2x4 HF UTUM 14 27- 5- 0 T CNA- 2.c4 HF STPN)AlM 3-11, 11-5 TC FCKE AXL END CSI 1 O-1)_4.1 FC FC 1-2 -3508 .18 .24 .41 . 8 /2000 Truswal Systems Plates are 20 ga. unless shown by "18"(18 ga.) or "H"(16 ga.), positioned per Joint Report. Circled plates and false 2-3 -2954 .14 .31 .45 frame Elates are positioned as shown above. ; 3-4 -3756 .15 .32 .47 TBF: 65.3 j w0: T269 4-5 -3756 15 32 47 r BARRLUMBER and/or designer prior to fabrica0bu. The building designer shall ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meet loading imposed Dsgnr+ TR 5-6 -2954 .14 .31 .45 6-7 -3508 .18 .24 .411 BC I= PXL END tSI 8-9 3229 .57 .15 .72 9-10 3235 .57 .15 .72 10-11 2692 .47 .0 .59 11-12 2692 .47 .11 .59 12-13 3235 .57 .15 .72 13-14 3229 -57 .15 .72 Vn FCi3B CSI VEEI FCRCE CSI 2-9 34 .03 5-11 1214 .57 2-10 -509 '.26 5-12 309 .31 3-10 309 ;-.31 6-12 -509 .26 3-31 1214 1.57 6-13 . 34 .03 4-11 -98 i MX r FI.=CN (tin) La/999 IN h&M 11-12 (LIVE) Lr- -.25" D= -.37" T= -.61" = Joint T=t-icns = 1 0- 0- 0 8 0- 0- 0 2.00 -2.00 2 5-5-7 9 5-5-7 : 13-5-0 t 3 10- 0- 0 10 10- 0- 0 4 13- 8- 8 11 13- 8- 8 5 17- 5- 0 12 17- 5- 0 6 21-11- 9 13 21-11- 9 7 27- 5- 0 14 27- 5- 0 T CNA- 5-5-7 I(1-0-11 13-8-8 17-5-0 21-11-9 17-5-0 4-6-1 S \P 1 O-1)_4.1 FC FC truss I U I ML --�-Q� Platingq�ec ANSI/IPI - 1995 PI.Pa VAILES PER ICOO R03EARCH REFCRr #1607. Llrair� mist be provided to avoid pondiurj. PLAT= BASED CN GREEN UMBER VAUES. A 5-5-7 4-6-9 3-8-8 3-8-8 4-6-9 5-5-7 5-5-7 10-0-0 13-8-8 17-5-0 21-11-9 27-5-0 10-04) { 7 -5 -II i 10 -II -(1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ME '`F SS yam. 2.00 -2.00 : 13-5-0 t to Q LT m 2( 13-5-0 2 J .N 0 982 X 1 27-5-0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 XP. 3 2 5-5-7 4-6-9 3-8-8 3-8-8 4-6-9 5-5-7 CNA- 5-5-7 I(1-0-11 13-8-8 17-5-0 21-11-9 17-5-0 S \P FC FC --- - - . 8 /2000 Truswal Systems Plates are 20 ga. unless shown by "18"(18 ga.) or "H"(16 ga.), positioned per Joint Report. Circled plates and false Scale: 5/3211 = 1' frame Elates are positioned as shown above. ; ® WARNING Head all notes on this sheet and give a cony of it to the Erecting Contractor. TBF: 65.3 j w0: T269 This design is for an individual tiuitdhng component. It has been bused on specifications provided by the component to nuracnirer and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility u assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component nuinufacturer building C j "= Customer Name: BARRLUMBER and/or designer prior to fabrica0bu. The building designer shall ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meet loading imposed Dsgnr+ TR #LC 0 TOM or exceed the by the lord building code. It is assumed that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor bottom TC Live 16:0 of llec alley ®p sheathing and the chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly atached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral P DurFaoe L=1.25 P=1.25 TRUSWAI- SYSTBt,1S � support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood exceed 199 and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace this truss in accordance with the following 'TRUSCOM TC Dead 14.0 psf Rep Mir Bnd 1. 15 aJ�S Nonblr rl Ur., Colo Spring.. CO N090"7 standards: , by �dards: MANUAL'fruswal,Q . 'QUALITY CONTROL STANDARD FOR METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - BC Live • 0 pef O.C. Spacing 2- 0- 0 (QST -88), -HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (1110-91) and'IIIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET" by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (rvij is locoed at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The BC Dead 10.0 pef Design Spec UBC -97 TpS. b Version T6.1.5 Americvn Forest and Piper Assuccniun (AFPA) is located at 1250 Connecticut Ave, NW, Ste 20 Washington, DC 2(1036. P TOTAL o Dan Ratio: 14/240 IC: L+/290 r P.0. 40.0 sf ion name: LANU BIU XADC F041T SIZE Rgz'D 1 0- 1-12 1257 3.50 1.50" 2 27.- 3- 4 1257 3.50" 1.50" 71C FUKE AXL EIM CSI 1-2 -3475 .20 .35 .56 2-3 -2668 .12 .34 .46 3-4 -2627 .09 .16 .25 4-5 -2652 .12 .34 .46 4 5-6 -3475 .21 35 .561 BC Ft72CE AXL END CSI 7-8 3196 .56 .14 .71 8-9 3192 .56 .13 .69 9-10 2408 .42 .11 .53 10-11 2412 , .43 .12 .54 11-32 319356 .13 .69 12-13 3156 r .56 .14 .71 4EB FCKE CSI FEB I1'Rf£ CSI 2-8 94 .10 4-10 444 .45 2-9 -745 .55 4-11 367 .37 3-9 368 .37 5-11 -759 .56 3-10 452 ,.46 5-12 97 .10 MAX EE1:LF)✓ CN (qyn) L4/999 IN ME14 11-12 (LIVE) Lr- -.20" D= -.29" T` -.49" �- Join Lttations == 1 0-0-0 8 6-5-7 2 6- 5- 7 9 12- 0- 0 3 12- 0- 0 10 13- 8- 8 4 15- 5- 0 11 15- 5- 0 5 20-11- 9 12 20-11- 9 6 27- 5- 0 13 27- 5- 0 7 0- 0- 0 BARR LUMBER (RF�,)11u�y TNIISWAL sysrE61S 4445 Nurnbp rk Dr., Colo Spriuga, CO 80907 Tp5.0 Version T6.1.5 TC 2x4 EFT, #2 BC 2x4 EFL 42 4EB 2x9 IF UrILXIY PlIZE VAUES FM ICBG FMOURCii RI-ZCR ' #1607 T oada1 for 10 FSF rrn-crnanzr rt BOLL. PLATRr, BASED as CLQ IIIIBER VAF.IES. 0 truss ID: M3 Qty: 1 Plating spec • AI45I/`PPI - 1995 THIS IESIIN IS THE 1134PWITE RESLLT CF A'F]ULIPIPLE LOAD a%M. on the truss material at each bearing. , Drainage nest be proiidad to avoid prndirg. 6-5-7 5-6-9 3-5-0 5-6-9 1 6-5-7 6-5-7 12-0-0 15-5-0 20-11-9 27-5-0 12-0-0 3-5-0 12-0-0 1. 1 2 t3 �4 5 6 .00 2.00 -2.00 13-5-0 2-0 U I 13-5-0 XM 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 6-5-7_ 5-6-9 3-5-1_ 1 5-6-9 6-5-7 6-5-7 12-0-0 15-5-0 20-11-9 27-5-0 Truswal Systems Plates are 20 ga. unless shown by "18"(18 ga.) or "H"(16 ga.), positioned per Joint Report. Circled plates and false frame plates are positioned as shown above. WARNING Rend ail dotes on this street and give q copy of it to !/ie Cresting Contractor. This design' for an hsdividcal building component. 0 has been based un specifications provided by the component manufacturer and done hs accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or build'usg designer prior to fabrication. The building designer shall ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code. It is assumed that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor bhc:uhhig and the bottom chard is laterally braced by a rigid sh6thing m:oerbd directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bsachsg shown is for lateral suppor of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood exceed 197 surd/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace this cuss in accordance with the fohhowing sandards: 'TRUSCOM MANUAL% by Trusw 1, 'QUALITY CONTROL STANDARD FOR ME'T'AL PI.A'1'E CONNEC'T'ED WOOD TRUSSES' - (QST -NN), -HANDLING INSTAL.LINO AND IJPACINO METAL PLATE CONNEC1"1717 WOOD'I'RIJSSI",S' - (11111-91) and '11111-91 SUMMARY tiIII:ET' by'ri'T. "1'he "truss Plate Institute crPo is located at 5N3 D'Onofriu Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The Americ n Forest and Paper Association (APPA) is located at 1250 CunneCtiCnt Ave, NW, Ste 2W, Washington, DC 20036. e' 8/11/2000 r Scales 5/329 = 1' p TBFt 65.3 Chks TR Dagnrs TR #LC - 2 TC Live 16.0 pef TC Dead 14.0 pef BC Live .0 psf BC Dead 10.0 ps£ TOTAL 40.0 pof WOt T269 Customer Names TOM DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec UBC -97 D:fl Ratio: W240 TC: 14/240 OD Name: LANG lM X -IDC RlEACr SIZE RFIZ�'D 1 0- 1-12 1257 3.50" 1.50" 2 27- 3- 4 1257 3.50" 1.50" 'IC FmcE Am Emp CSI 1-2 -3532 .33 .26 .39 2-3 -3247 .16 .28 .44 3-4 -2339 .06 .19 .25 . 4-5 -2339 .06 .19 .25 5-6 -3247 .16 .28 44 6-7 -3532 .13 .26 .391 BC FCRCE AXL BND CSI 8-9 3258 .57 .14 .72 9-10 2783 .49 .14 .63 10-11 2784 .49 /.14 .63 11-123258 1 .57f .14 .72 V B FORCE CSI 4EB I= CSI 2-9 -267 .06 1 5-10 -663 .33 3-9 366 .37; 5-11 366 .37 3-10 -663 .33( 6-11 -267 .06 4-10 1511 .71} MX LFfI.IxTlCN (t h) 14/999 IN Dal 9-10 (LIVE) IF -.21" D= -.31" T-- -.52" = Join Ta t-iarus - 1 0- 0- 0 7 27- 5- 0 2 5-2-1 8 0-0-0 3 9- 5- 5 9 7- 3-11 4 13- 8- 8 10 13- 8- 8 5 17-11-11 11 20- 1- 5 6 22- 2-15 12 27- 5- 0 TC 2x4 CFL #2 i'EB 2x4 HF UrIL1'IY 2c4 HF S171MAM 10-4 FLAM VALLES PER ICBG RESEAFLii 1ERW 01607 FLAIMI ; BASED C111 GEM LU13ER VAL ES. V Truss ID: M4 Qty: 17 Drwg: Plating spec : AMI/'IPI - 1995 7HIS LIESI(N IS Ti -E 0311 SrIE RLSEILT OF PLIMPLB LOAD CASES.. BFARIM RB27JIREI�IESIP3 sho ai are based 0LY an the truss material at each bearing. + Lclaelli for 10 PSF ncn-cclv=ren BQI . 5-2-5-2_l i 4-3-3 4-3-3 4-3-3 4-3-3 5-2-1 5-2-1 9-5-5 13-8-8 17-11-11 22-2-15 27-5-0 13_x-8 13-8-8 , 1 2 3 t4 5 6 7 t r 5-.00 5-5 1325 00 -2.00 2lL I 13-5-0 27-5-0 AZLO-1 I 8 9 IU 11 7-3-1 1 6-4-13� 6-4-13� 7-3-11 12 2 7-3-11 13-8-8 20-1-5 27-5-0 6-10-5 SHIP =0-4-1 M ?ESS1pN��� MESS, �. Uj U n ty\o. CA5982 70 ,.12131102 CNS OFCA1�j Al Truswal Systems Plates are 20 ga. unless shown by "18"(18 ga.) or ga.), positioned per Joint Report. Circled plates and false Scale; 5/32" = 1'H"(16 frame Plates are oeiti.oned as above. r` I ® -shown WARNING Reno all dotes on t/tis sheet and give p cony of it to die Erecting Contractor, TBP; 64.0 / ' r4' This design is for an individual Willing component. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer and dune inChkJ accordance with the WO: T269 ' BARR LUMBER current versions of Till and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be ver ified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer shall ascertain that the loads (TR Cuet�ter Name: Deg= r TR #LC = 2 TOM utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading impused by the local building code. It is assumed that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof floor '+ ? alICy ®(RF or sheathing and the bottom churd'is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing to serial directly attached, unless othetwise noted. Uncin shown is for lateral TC Live 16.0 pe£ DtirPaoe L=1.25 P=1.25 : `r' TRUSWAI. S)'STEnfs L) support of components members only to reduce buckling Icngth. This component shall not be placed 'un any environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood exceed 197o and/ur cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, Immdle, install and linea this truss in . c ord:mce with the following 'TRUSCOM TC Dead 14.0 psf Rep Mbr Bra 1.15 4445 Nortblark Dr.. Colo Springs. CO boXrL standards: MANUAL', by'rtuswal, 'QUALITY CONTROL STANDARD 17OR MI!TAI. E'LA'TE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - 'IIANDL.INO BC Live 0 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 •i` (Q5'I'-8$), INsTALLINO AND ILRACINO METAL. PLATE CONNECTED w000jRUSSES' - (Ii16.91) and '111E-91 SUMMARY Sfim:T' by Till. The Truss Plate Institute ('f % is i=ttcd at 583 D'Onufrio Drive, Madison, , BC Dead 10.0 psf Deeign Spec UBC -97 Tp5. 0 Version T6.1.5 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (APPA) is located at 1250 Connecticut Ave, NW, Ste 200, Washingiun, DC 20036. Defl Ratio: 14/240 TC: 14/240 TOTAL 40.0 psf A ouALI1'y CQN-TIlOL L.UMIILII INSPECT -161V SC-1,1VICC. SUPE. I1ISOIi Y FIELD INSPL, ' 'ION liL'1'Oli 7' V Licenseil111ma: )� ` L _ � llalc uCluslrcCliun_ Q.C. 111sPecl ur:. _____--_–= llrrival-((,•�,, � I�cicutr�l_/(.:I--' '-'- NON-SCI IEDUI_El IN -PLA NT WO As per Unif bt1i1din OD TRUSS I.NS1'I:C•I•ION 6 Cu�lcs Slan�lanls Sec. sj�ccilicaliuus. 2311.6 and Sec. 2343.7 in acculdaiice Willi Lunt.ber Grade '& Slura .c fi, Accordance l`luu l:'4111l„i 1111111, , Cunnector 111alcs Worlunansliilrn /accuracy ul•wuuJ cols Uc:1'1'in6 ul'wuod juiiits X luwls.iii Flat, arca ;o ---- - - .. 1'usiliun of plates --- -- - Condition of plate leclli -- Plate to to WouJ tulcr:u►ec- L�-1'laul 1lauJling & UunJllnl; and LuaJiug --- _-- .Marking Legibility h ”" Jig & Press AJcqu:lcy �--- General Alrlrcarancc- auJ Cuu(iliullExcellent of luvculuricJ 'I ruses; — GoodSatisfactory I - 'our . cl)(ale IiG�LLllth'S� � � � � - Nut ACCb--------- CU11111C1'Si9ncd ullntJCI I orr•Iccs P0. Lim 690:1 Snr► /,rse Cil !ISISO Los -Ant Wes Nurllari:l , U},r}AAL,MX(IUB) 993-1633 ( ) JG2-JJJ4 (,UJ) 21216 IU, •••„- (I00993-I6"I2 :iecran►c�nlu f'hil�n�.ilh :. (J IG) 722 25UU V e, -I_._ A :l 1. 2x4 POST ATFACI(ED TO EACII Tit USS PANEL POINT AND. OVERTIEAD 0 rURI.IN. --! — 2. 214 N I ! IF UR a2 OF PURLI(vS 4 -- U ' - 0 C J. 2z4 //I I IF OR 02 DF CONTINUOUS S 1'IFFENER ATTACHED TO POST. 4. IIIc TRUSS III SETBACK FROM END WAIL AS NOTED ON TRUSS DESIGN. 5. I:X'i'ENDED F.I':U IACK'1'UI` CIIORU (1'1'PICAL) 6. C0.10MON TRUSS 7. Inr coltNLR RniFTcR. S. Ix1 CONTINUOUS LATL'RAI. ()RACING. l� 9. EXTENDED UOTTOr•t CHORD J - . SECTION A '1' LATERAL STADILITI' OF ROOF SYSTEM IS PER UUILUINU DESIGNER. �r pSEIIACK AS NOI'FI) TRUSS DUSIGN. a a 7Z O-0. IIIP TRUSSES 24" 0 C. (TYPICAL) SECTION B ADEQUATE CONNECTION BY 01 -HERS (TYPICAL). UAIE IiARNING need all notes on this sheet and give a Copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. TI•n d.a•y' R 11• an nd'.•TWI 0u10n9 f 0—M, n 1'+a 0•M 0—d On ,OlGrt ilrCVli D•O.U.d p n1 C— '+':Cprllanfl .nn In. Cuu.r•1 r S—S OI TPI and AFPA r1., 11Jnd+.d, 110.m T I pdnlnl manylu V.. and dOn.'n ID �• .r••1'M D d- 00nyD.Rl n llar•nwi 16 d+^rn•dul +(iv M'I U.nrlasu o• (-IIP FRAMING D1�r1'X11 I 1/21/98 . 1.•1, 1Ir., tm :r•.n l"'d"cturr.ndbr—d•r r, d•a.,n.. DI.nr r.l•dn ./ T 11 Yn y I.l•1011r• 4Ydrn, •n Dua •d 4/ II•• 1uu1 Lu.41�n. .fu n..l 1 unl ur fn..l n. OAIOm C.Mrd 'f t+lu.lr wf1.'tlD —r+nna, •InInr .1.r1n•nr a•fl I.•Iur•r DCOOnn1M1n1 OI m.mp.rf O^1 y5l0 Crr11uDGI. +0unc,anJ n,,n IVlnJ tmI uyd•mIn•IaI COmJ wlrr .Ir.Vr u.N. r0u CIOrJ rf y.•u p•B ouqcYnpn.,K--M&�, S-`wwMW In. r 0 1i OOn r•1 In+1r no N CVC.c' n anT .prvn lr. 0Vf 000 1.CN0 1u and'pr C.yf. cU 41 p'.I• <OrrOf•0n F•yr•.1• rrnd'• n.W and bIC• 0e. WI. n I11U::wA1 Sr$TEM$ (:p1a<+(„)ftFLIIL)T! Willd•.nc.lt+yr.n2 .I.nna.d. 'TnL S:.Ou MAl1uAl p, n„f-.I OUAc1TY CON1nOL ST"iUA.AD FOA uETAL r,,tfE CO+.n'Ecuo 1v7C0 InI111E 1 IOSTOEI.'NAF1UU/101NSTALUNG +110 81%ACv1G uETAL PLATE COrurECTEO wOOU fnvSSES 11•'M Oq and HIB 01 • SU6r rJ All• 51 rFE I' pT Tri T.. Tru.. pw. I....... (Tpl) I. Wr d a Sal 00,.Om1. uaston, wocan.n S3119 TM Amr•(Jn ly fp and r+p.r ..Oc., (AFpA) I. Ip",.d .f 1250 O'dnnMKW A... TAY, SI. 200. W..Inn,lpn, DC 20036 TRUSWAL SYSTEMS CORPORATION 4445 NORTHPARK DRIVE, SUITE 200 COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO 80907 1000) 322.4045 (719) 598.5660 ' FAX (719) 590.0463 DETAILS'ia,FOR CONVENTIONALLY .FRAMED VALLEY SETS ` Nates; � The mulmum Tulol Top Chord Load • 46 PSF ' i TRUSSES @ 24" O.C. r Mlnlmum Top Chord Dead Load • 7 PSF The design lar lateral foods and their connections -is GIRDER DESIGNED TO SUPPORT the responsibility of the Ouilding Designer, The delails Tl1E -TIE-IN- TRUSSES Provided address gravity and wind uplift Iced* on • h per the Ul)C. The maximum wind speed Is 65 MPH, 25 A Mean Ro of D — "eighl (max,), Eap, C. + 16d box nail* are typical Ihrouphoul• excepl as nolW (in delails ). i The Center Ridge Rohr ( CRR ) is 2 . 6 stud Attach This to C the 1 x 6 rnlh 4.16d foe nails ( 2 born each lace ), Affect, Ilia uppoelle end to Ills buss the xems. ' PLAN VIEW A ELEVATION VIEW The Valley RaAsr*. Purlins, and blocking material ars 1 a 4 slud. The blocking mull be spaced 24' O.C. and be adequately braced i In the lateral direction at 60.0 O.C. Allach this blocking 1, I11e ' ' Valley Railer will, 3.16d. Attach this blocking to Ilia purlin wnlfr 2. IW * The Irusees below the vsdl + ey are Spaced 24-0c . Ttls purlins are full lenplh under Ili valley tai and must be intlalbJ at 24.O.C. They are to be attached to each overlapping01anmu Irnsa rip chord , DETAIL A wJh r to th nada, If Ilrey are nal one cormnuuus lenglh, add a 12• lony CENTER RIDGE nailer to the lace o11110 (ruts lop chord w0lh 4.16d End'ane RAFTER OE TAIL 0 on Ills buss and bourn the adddronat seclron on the nailer. purlin section • • Ir VAIIEYRAFiER . A 1 x 6 Perimeterbelow runner mita be allached through Ills a11eath0ng and inlo ' VALLEY RAFTER each buss below with ]•fid bas nada. i11rs 1 . 6laltwvs 1100 outside profile ' (TYP I of the trolley. The Volley Railer' are spaced 24.0 C. Allach Them Io IM CRR with I S' 2• I 6 lots nails, Altar h Iha o ' 2 •16d pposile and to the 1 x 6 will, }.ail foe rods• TOE NAILS X 4 BLOCK (TYP) 2 X 4 BLOCK WITH 4 •16d PLAN VIEVi- DE TAIL C 2x4 PURLIN I \/*_ TRUSS Top CHORD ' ELEVATION VIEW PLAN VIEW WITH ) •IGd tR� 7f l6• ChORO rob SHEATHING ELEVATION VIEW M I CG45DU1 ;,L) 12 71 02 A �Nk q I X a DETAIL 0 PERIMETER. . ) S• RUNNER 2 X 4, VALLEY BLOCK RAFTER W1111 1 •IGd —_ 2.16d TOE ^ NAILS tR� 7f l6• ChORO rob SHEATHING ELEVATION VIEW M I CG45DU1 ;,L) 12 71 02 A �Nk q