0211-108 (CSCS) Truss Calcs!'l I -1 I -) in JAAW Truss ' EMBASSY SUITES HOTEL CABANA SANTA ROSA PLAZA LLC CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEFT. APPROVED FUR CONSTRUCTION 11/12/04 WOOD ROOF TRUSS CALCULATIONS AND PLACEMENT PLAN SOUTHWEST'S TRUSS MANUFACTURER 3b-325 DATE PALM DR. SUITE 225 CATHEDRAL CITY, CA 92234 760-202-3699(0) 760-202-4399(F) rich@jmwtruss.com 760-774-0745 (M) I PLAN B4110095 ` ~a JMW TRUSS w�NW C Q.0.T. aity V On —Time Serum Y ww s Po6n Dr. �y w x Cnflydm� cev, G 023,1 760 ( J M-seas UN (2'60) MC-430 PAX a LA 4wNwc�� O 4w'�a 4 � \J 4mj 7� CN¢� Lc" O �x N Q Z 6i� q� w O V �w,n- 'V � C �2�wyN a6T C n vl 1 lei N � O � 0 a R g . Fj 7 U (n .'I a 2 ty4 Q J 3 H =E� ° n o g SHEET N yy T_ p > I 1 Re: trusses 1 MiTek Industries, Inc. 818 Soundside Rd Edenton, NC 27932 Telephone 252/482-7000 Fax 252/482-7115 The truss drawing(s) referenced below have been prepared by MiTek Industries, Inc. under my direct supervision based on the parameters provided by JMW. Pages or sheets covered by this seal: R14232482 thru R14232493 My license renewal date for the state of California is June 30, 2006. pRpFE551p IN No. C66424 * EXP.6-30-06 s�qT CIVIC OF CAL\F November 11.2004 Bourez, James The seal on these drawings indicate acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for the truss components shown. The suitability and use of this component for any particular building is the responsibility of the building designer, per ANSI/TPI-2002 Chapter 2. 1 Job Truss Truss Type TRUSSES C01A ROOFTRUSS JMW TRUSS, C AT VQ—R—AC CITY, JC 5.000 S Jura 4-6-14 { 6-6-0 4-6-14 3-11-2 4x4 M1120 4 3) 12-5-2 3-11-2 B4110095 Job Reference 17-0-0 4-6-14 R14232482 Scale = 1:29.7 Ii oar rvmtu = 5x6 MII20 = 3x7 M1120 4x4 M1120 4x4 MII20 0�1-0 0-0-0 15-4-4 15 0 17-0.0 1.6.0 1-7- 2 5.6-0 1-6-0 11-1-12 6-10-4 6-104 0-1-12 1-6-0 Plate Offsets (X,Y): [I:0-3-10,0 -8 [7:0�3-10, -8j [8:0--0 0-3-0 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl PLATES GRIP TCLL 16.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.21 Vert(LL) -0.08 1-8 >999 M1120 185/148 TCDL 14.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.54 Vert(TL) -0.18 7-8 >999 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.24 Horz(TL) 0.03 7 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) 1st LC LL Min Udefl = 360 Weight: 63 lb LUMBER — BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-11-3 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 HF Stud/Std G SLIDER Left 2 X 6 HF No.2 2-0-5, Right 2 X 6 HF No.2 2-0-5 REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=668/0-3-8, 7=668/0-3-8 Max Uplift 1=-22(load case 3), 7=-22(load case 3) FORCES (Ib) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=-1265, 2-3F-1220, 3-4=-954, 4-5=-954, 5-6=-1220, 6-7=-1265 BOT CHORD 1-8=1134, 7-5=1134 WEBS 3-8=-324, 4-8=441, 5-8=-324 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for the loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level located 100 mi from the hurricane oceaniine, ASCE 7-93 components and cladding external pressure coefficients far the interior (1) zone and 8A psf top chord and 6.0 psf bottom chord dead load are being used, The design assumes occupancy category I, terraln exposure C and Internal pressure coefficient condition I. If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are exposed to wind. If porches exist, Ihey are not exposed to vrind. The lumber DOL Increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent wIth any other live loads per Table No.16-B, UBC-97, 4) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 5) Beveled plate or shim required to provide full bearing surface with truss chord atjoint(s) 1, 7. LOAD CASE(S) Standard oLoF ESS1pN N C66424' k EXP. 6-30-06 ' �} C11111. �P November 11,2004 A m■aXING - Yerffy d-AV- aronrwrrra and READ 2MMS Oa THIS AIM"CLUn9p AUTSH RKF R XCZ PAGE AU-7473 B&FORS USB 7777 Greanba&t Lane Design valid for use only with Mfrek conneGlom This design Is based only upon parwneteis shown, and is for an individual building component. Sultu 109 Applicability of [resign porarnenlers and proper Incorp4ratlon of component is responvibBi of bul Citrus Helghls, CA 95610�� ty ding desgner- not truss designer. sbiritgsf the is for literal support of ctdWidual web rriemtrers only. Addtianal temporary dracvrg to insure slob6ity durvrg [instruction 'a the respons1b11G1y, of the erector. Addiibnol permanent bracng of the avMd siructrrre -n the responsibility or the building designer. For general guidance regarding Fabrication. quallty control, storage. delivery, erection and bibdng, censulf AN51/SPIr pvalily Crnsrto, D58-89 and ISC517 BWiding Component ��+ SOfely I farmallm available from Trust Plale Iralitule. 583 D'Onahio Drive, Madison, wl 53719. MiTR I -1 1 1 rTRUSSES Truss Type C0113 �ROOFTRUSS M TRUSS, C THEDRAL CrrYd JJCa s Jun 6 11 i 44-14 8-6-0 2z4 M1120 II 4-0-14 4-5-2 1 J%4 MIILU - 0-0-0 6-10-4 6-10-4 e Offsets {X,Y): j4:D�-10,0-1-e] LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI TCLL 16.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.1 TCDL 14.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.4 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.1 BCDL 10.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 HF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF 240OF 2.0E WEBS 2 X 4 HF No.2 "Except` 2-5 2 X 4 HF Stud/Std=G SLIDER Right 2 X 6 HF No.21-11-5 Job US M1120 - 4x4 M1120 *0-0 _ 7-0-P 8-6-0 0-1-12 1-6-0 R14232483 Scale = 1:23.0 7 0 5 DEFL In (loc) I/deft PLATES GRIP Vert(LL) -0.19 4-5 >517 M1120 185/148 Vert(TL) -0.38 4-5 >258 Horz(TL) 0.00 4 n/a 1 st LC LL Min I/deft = 360 Weight: 33 lb BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS (lb/size) 5=328/0-3-8, 4=328/0-3-8 Max Uplift 5=-11(load case 3), 4=-11(load case 3) FORCES (lb) - First Load Use Only TOP CHORD 1-5�--9% 1-2---7, 2-3=-354, 3-4=-399 BOT CHORD 4-5=337 WEBS 2-5=-368 NOTES 1) This truss has been designed for the loads generated by 70 mph wlnds at 25 ft above ground level located 100 m€ from the hurricane oceaniime. ASCE 7-93 components and cladding extemal pressure coefficients for the interior (1) zone and 8.4 psf top chord and 6.0 psf bottom chord dead load are being used. The design assumes occupancy category I, terraln exposure C and internal pressure coefficient condition I. Ifend verficafs or cantllevem exist, they are exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are riot exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip Increase is 1.33 ESS/o 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chard live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads per Table No. 16-8, UBC97. Q?�OF 4 �y �0(/ 3) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 4) y 'p Beveled plate or shim required to provide full bearing surface with truss chord at joint(s) 4. LOAD CASE(S) Standard NC66424 -30-06 s CIVJkL. November 11,2004 Wdk.NtNa - 4ai-jfg d�.r..npararrsetrrs and R&6n hT4TES ON AND PlinUMMo MTgg MWERESICS PAGI; AW-• Wt3 13Er-�O,FE tfSF- 7777 Graenheck Land Oeslgn valid fcv use only wllh M71 0k conneclo4. Tha design Is bored only upon parameter shown, and I5 for on iroviciu d butIdsg component. Applicability of design paramenlers and proper incorporollon of eompongnt IN responslbdl ry or burldrng designer- not buss desgner. Bracing shown h for ipterml support of illdlvidud web members only. Addlllanol lemporary bracing to Insure Suite 109 Citrus Heights, CA, 95510 1 stabilty during conjyf .-Con is the responsibQliy of the areclor, Addillond pamnamril bracing of the overall 31fucture is the resporssibilffy ❑r the building designer. For general gufdo,nce regarding b6c lo qualityavuln l.e d erecllorl and drdciM. c0nsuft ANSIRPII Safety Information frome, Quality. Critelid, 03B-B9 and =511 Bufldiny Component Pfc)to Selety Irdermoeon avniable from truss Plptp Institute, 583 Q'flnOHO drive, MudhOn,"537M ■ � e km MA' R14232484 TRUSSES ICO2 5-0-14 5-0-14 ROOF TRUSS 1 1 ' Job Reference (oF s Jun 9 2003 MiTek Industries, Inc. Thu Nov 9-6-0 13-11-2 191}0 4-5-2 4-5-2 5-0-14 Scale=1:33.2 4x5 M1120 - 4 4x10 M1120 2x4 M1120 I I 3x5 M1120 - 3x5 M1120 = 4x6 M1120 - 4x10 MII20 2z4 M1120 II 0-0-0 0-0-0 1-" 1-7-12 5-0-14 7-114 11-0-12 1 13.11.2 � 1744 174-0 19-0-0 1-6-0 0-1-12 3-5-2 2-10-6 3-1-8 2-1" 3-5-2 0-1-12 1-6-0 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI TCLL 16.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.37 TCDL 14.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.85 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.33 BCDL 10.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2 X 4 HF Stud/Std G SLIDER Left 2 X 6 HF No.2 2-3-13, Right 2 X 6 HF No.2 2-3-13 DEFL in (loc) I/deft PLATES Vert(LL) 0.11 10-11 >999 M1120 Vert(TL) -0.26 10-11 >864 Horz(TL) 0.10 7 n/a 1 st LC LL Min I/defl = 360 Weight: 76 lb BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 2-8-5 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS (lb/size) 1 =1 845/0-3-8, 7=1845/0-3-8 Max Uplift 1=76(load case 3), 7=-76(load case 3) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=3970, 2-3=39DB, 34 -3559, 4-5=-3559, 5-6=3908, 6-7=-3970 SOT CHORD 1-12=36D7, 11-12=3607, 11-13=3072, 10-13=3072, 9-10=3007, 8-9=3607, 7-8=3607 WEBS 3-12=197, 3-11=453,4-11=473, 4-10=473.5-10=-453, 5-8=187 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered For this design, 2) This truss has been designed for the loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 it above ground level located 1110 mi from the hurricane oceanline. ASCE 7-93 components and cladding extemal pressure ccefficlents For the Interior (1) zone and 8.4 psi top chord and 6.0 psf bottom chord dead load are being used. The design assumes occupancy category I, terraln exposure C and internal pressure coefficient condltlon I. If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are exposed to wind. It porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL Increase Is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads per Table No. 16-13, UBC-97. 4) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 5) Beveled plate or shim required to provide full bearing surface with truss chard atjoint(s) 1, 7. 6) Girder carries hip end with 9-6-0 end selback 7) Special hanger(s) or connection(s) required to support concentrated load(s) 1520.01b down and 507.61b up at 9-6-0 on top chord. Design for unspecified connection(s) is delegated to the bullding designer. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Continued on page 2 GRIP 185/148 /4�pFE531pN`� N C66424 * EXP.6-30-06 s�qr c�vi�. ��P F�� CAL�F�F- November 11,2004 14 0 WAWMM - Vvr% deargu Pu—te and R66D IVOTEB W SXffi AIM IMMUAED WrEK REVERENCE PAGE MU-747a IWORB V= T777 Grennback La" Delign rand For use only with M-TML connedod. This doOgn a based only upon parclmeten shown, and h for on Individual bullring component, stile 109 ApptCbiify or design poramenFeR and pmperincorporaPon of componenF a responsihiity of building designer - not trsrss designer. tlydGng shown UmB Hnighta, CA, 950 Is for lateral supp"d of's�dividuo! web member only. Ad�fiprlpl Eempordry ]xRcing !o Insure stability durlrg conshtrcioan ¢the respansibllGsy oF}he erector. Addislonal permanent bracing of the evero9 sfntclure is the respvnslbilty o[ the building dsvgner. Far general guidance regarding rubricator. [padity canfro, L1Cfage, delivery, erection and FxYing, cpnsWl AriSl/rPEI 4ualMy Erfferio, OSB-BP Rlid CC511 8u{!dlnp Cana pner,4 A `irekm suleFy INorRsdtlpn avodoble from True Plula 3rss1lFuta.503 O'Ormfria Ikire, Mpd'aon; Yri 53719. M! j i Job Truss (Truss Type TRUSSES CO2 ROOFTRUSS Y RAL CITY, JC LOAD CASE(S) Standard Uniform Loads (pIq Vert: 1-4=-60.0, 4-7=-60.0, 1-7=-56.0 Concentrated Loads (Ib) Vert: 4=1520.0 Job Reference ❑ W - o&Vm design pa�taaa ^..a RE4D NOTES 0W 7WS AND Ar=AMMD WME a rrrorAFM PACE JW 74" HKpovez USE. beslgn vQ9d for use only wifh WTek connector, ihls design Is fused onty upon poromelers shown, and is for on indlvidual building component. AppGcadAfly at designparamentaGS and propeG incorporation a1 cornppnenl is rasponsidaiiy of buildingg designer- nbl butt designer. &ocirtg shown n for loferol support of rn�vidu 11 web members only. Addltibnd femperary bracing to Insure stabllty cLOng carmlruction is the msponslbMily of the araclar, Addfllonol pam amni brocing of the ovefcO shu fore 1s the respgn;iblllfy of Itse buBding designer. Far general gulch regwdng fabrication, quoldy control, sioroge, delivery, erection and brocing, consufl ANSWPII Rua[{fy Cdsrto, 053.0 and BC51I BuBding Cornpenent Safely Infvrmotion avallatAe fmm Tons Ma Insfilute, 553 o'Onofrio D lve, Modicon. M 53719. R14232484 7777 Greenback Lane Suite leg CBfus lifthb, lip, 9561-ml MiTek' Job Truss Truss Type TRUSSES CJ1 ROOF TRUSS JMW TRUSS, CATHEORAL C , JC 0-0-0 4.5-11 4-5-11 4 s Job Reference 8-0-14 11-11-8 3-7-2 3-10-10 R14232485 3x4 M1120 II Scale = 1:23.4 5 3x7 101120 = 30 M1120 — NIB MIIW-%-(j= 0-0-01x4 MII20 2-0-11 2-3-3 2-0-11 0-2-8 Plate Offsets (X,Y): (1:0-6�,o-1-e) LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0� TCLL 16.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TCDL 14.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO BCDL 10.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 WEBS 2 X 4 HF Stud/Std G 'Except" 5-62X4HFNo.2 SLIDER Left 2 X 6 HF No.2 2-2-0 6-11-9 4-8-7 11-11-8 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft PLATES GRIP TC 0.60 Vert(LL) 0.07 6-7 >999 M1120 185/148 BC 0'85 Vert(TL) -0.15 6-7 >942 WB 0.41 Horz(TL) 0.02 6 n/a (Matrix) 1st LC ILL Min I/defl = 360 Weight: 47 lb_ BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 5-1-11 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=463/0-4-15, 6=926/Mechanical Max Horz 1=-120(load case 3) Max Uplift 1=-33(load case 3), 6=-28(load case 3) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only, TOP CHORD 1-2=-1208, 2-3=1209, 3-4=-1197, 4-5=-85, 5-6=1 BOT CHORD 1-7=1163, 6-7=786 WEBS 3-7=-17, 4-7=868, 4-6=-831 NOTES 1) This truss has been designed for the loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 It above ground level located 100 ml from the hurricane oceanllne. ASCE 7-93 components and cladding external pressure coefficients for the interior (1) zone and 8.4 psf top chord and 6.0 psf bottom chord dead load are being used. The design assumes Occupancy category I, terrain exposure C and Internal pressure coefficient condition t. Vend verticals or cantilevers exist, they are exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL Increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads per Table No. 16-13, UBC-97. 3) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Beveled plate or shim required to provide full bearing surface with truss chord at joint(s) 1. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Trapezoidal Loads (plf) Vert: 1=-0.0-to=6=-239.2 �F�pFESSlpN�� NC66424 * EXR 6-30-06 s' C jV 1� �P November 11,2004 A WARNING - V—ffy deaiyn parnmetera and READ NOTES ON TNIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERENCE pAGE MI! 7473 DEFORE USE. 7M Gwenbnck Lane Design valid for use only Wish M7ak connec4on- Na design is based only upon parameters shown, and is loran hntldual bu9ding rurhponenl. Suite 109 Applcahlrily or design p�narners and praperincorpora8on of rarnponanT is responu"bility a€ huBding dgslgneF-not hun designer. Among shown Citrus Haighta, CA, 95610 a for "" 'd suppppoort of lndMduol web mem6ea only Atl�tidnal temporary droca�g to iruwe SfoGliry during cansirudion is the msparssroilrity or }hp erector, Adrflj'o_d permonerrf tsracing o} the vveraA shucrura k Irlg respornitsrily of 1ha 4uikling des gear. Forgersyr¢I gu'sdonce regarding rolxicalion, quo3itr conlrpl. SttlR]ga, delivery. CreClidn and 6rocing. �PnSIAl ANSIJTPI7 4uplily Crtiaio, D5A-B4 and BCSiI Buil�np f_amyoneM .M iTE�km Solely InfamrnHvn ovoivhlg lrornTnns Pole InsFiluip, 303 O'Onohio r]rive, MpdRpn. WI53719. I -) Job I russ Truss Type Qty Ply R14232486 i TRUSSES CJ2 ROOF TRUSS 2 1 II _ I Job Reference (optional) JMW TRUSS, CATHEDRAL CITY, JC 6.000 s Jun 9 2003 MITek Industries, ne- Thu Nov 11 O 12004 Page 1 0-0-0 4-4-5 4-4-5 8-5-2 4-0-13 13-4-8 4-11-6 L 1-5-0 , 1r7-] 3-9-10 7-3-13 10-1ti-1 11-3-1 134-8 1-5-0 0-2-il 2-2-3 3-6-4 3-64 0-5-11 2-0-11 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl 1 PLATES GRIP TCLL 16.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.15 Vert(LL) 0.07 7-8 >999 M1120 185/148 TCDL 14.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.84 Vert(TL) -0.17 7-8 >671 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.33 Horz(TL) 0.01 6 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) 1st LC LL Min I/defl = 360 Weight: 50 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing, WEBS 2 X 4 HF Stud/Std G Except: 6-0-0 oc bracing: 5-6. REACTIONS (lb/size) 6=1374/0-4-15, 8=414/04-15 Max Horz 8=14(load case 3) Max Uplift 6=146(load case 3) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=0, 2-3=0, 34=-784, 4-5=621 BOT CHORD 8-9=0, 7-8=268, 6-7=570, 5-6=596 WEBS 3-7=668, 4-7=308, 4-6=-1332, 2-8=-0, 3-8=-359 NOTES 1) This truss has been designed for the loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 R above ground level located 100 mi from the hurricane oceanline. ASCE 7-93 components and cladding external pressure coefficients for the interior (1) zone and 0.4 psf top chord and 6.0 psf bottom chord dead load are being used. The design assumes occupancy rategory I, terrain exposure C. and internal pressure coefficient candltiorl 1. If and verticals or cantilevers exist, they are exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL Increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads per Table No. 16-B, U13C-97. 3) A rating reduction 20% has been for RpFESS�� plate of applied the green lumber members. Q O A. 130 LOAD CASE(S) Standard A\2 C4� fC.s 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=125, Plate Increase=1.25 Trapezoidal Loads (plf) Vert:9=0.0-to-5=-267.5 N.C66424 * EXR 6-30-06 C / - �Q- CAI.IF��� November 11,2004 A WARNING - Venlry design parameters and READ NOTES ON MIS AND INCLUDED ffiTEK `YilrEIIE 7ne pAGB MU-7473 E6FORS rrSn 7M Greenback Lane Design valid for use only with Miiek connecloM. This dedgn is brnad only upon pwamelers shown, and'a for on lndwidudi budd4nq componehl, Suite 105 A rtdabWi of des n Mug Heigt#. CA, 95610 i pp ty fg p[nrbrien3ars and proper fncarpvsolious of component & rsspvrssihllify of building dOsignar- no! Truss designer. 6rorarsg shown is ror falerol suppW or individual web rnernbam only. Addiliand temporary broang to insure slo4jlihy during corlytnJc Ilan b the rmpormbglily of the erector. Admlionoi permdnenl t r=vgg or the overall slrucAne is fhe responsibs`lty of the buildrtg designer. For general guidance anLn fob n"Olf"n" qupnly cunt "gl 00r09e, delK ary, ereGHon and bracing, Consult Aff511MI1 4uol@y prlleria, D%-99 and 9C511 &ulldinp;C.ampvnenl MIT@ km fofefy taformo$on avakbla from Twn Plate Instilute, 5a3 DDriv e, ve, Modsson. W153719. Job russ Truss Type Qty Ply R14232487 TRUSSES C01 ROOF TRUSS 1 1 Job Reference (optional) ----- ------•- --jjrU '-•----...,-_ 4-6-14 .....ou o vun a ew.a wu Ien uluuaelcs, mI4 I LIa Inuy 14 uu.ur.LL Luu*Vra !jW I 6-6-0 12-5-2 3-11-2 3-11-2 4x5 M1120 — 4 17-0-0 4-6-14 Scale = 1:29.5 F., 07 M1120 — US M1120 - Sx7 M1120 - 4x7 M1120 - M1120 4x7 47 MII20 Ob-0 0-0-0 1-6-0 1 7- 2 6-2-9 10-9-7 15-41 15 -0 17.0.0 1-6-0 0-1-12 4-6-13 4-6-13 4-6-13 0-1-12 1-6-0 f{s Pate Oets [X,Y]: 1:0 3 10,0.2-0], j1:0-0.1 d,0 3 G], j7:0-3-100-2q [T:0-0-14,0-3-6], (8:0-3-8,0-3-4) LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl PLATES GRIP TCLL 16.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.32 Vert(LL) 0.09 8-9 >999 M1120 185/148 TCDL 14.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.86 Vert(TL) -0.21 1-9 >940 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.35 Horz(TL) 0.07 7 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) 1st LC LL Min Vdefl = 360 Weight: 64 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 3-0-11 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF 165QF 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 HF Stud/Std G SLIDER Left 2 X 6 HF No.2 2-0-9, Right 2 X 6 HF No.2 2-0-9 REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=1523/0-3-8, 7=1523/0-3-8 Max Uplift 1=-65(load case 3), 7=-65(load case 3) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=318B, 2-3=-3138, 3-4=3025, 4-5=3025, 5-6=-3138, 6-7=-3186 BOT CHORD 1-9=2896, 9-10=2490, B-iD=2490, 7-8=2896 WEBS 3-9=-208, 4-9=492, 4-8=492, 5-8=-208 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for the loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 It above ground level located 100 mi from the hurricane oceanlins. ASCE 7-93 components and cladding external pressure coefficients for the interior (1) zone and 8.4 psf top chord and &0 psf bottom chord dead load are being used. The design assumes occupancy category I, terrain exposure C and Internal pressure coefficient condition I. If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are exposed to wind. If parches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL Increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads per Table No. 16-B, UBC-97. 4) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 5) Beveled plate or shim required to provide full bearing surface with truss chord atjoint(s) 1, 7. 6) Girder carries hip end with 8-6-0 end setback 7) Special hanger(s) or connection(s) required to support concentrated load(s) 1190.Olb down and 397.41b up at 8-6-0 on top chord. Design for unspecified connection(s) is delegated to the building designer. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Continued on page 2 d rpeourur_. y ;tea d"(9n as "u1tV- v,Ird READ X02ES ON72MA VP MCLVLED 14f14as REFS zzNCE PAGE AW7473 RsroaE Vse. Design valid foru5e only )Mlh Nllrek connectors Ttnd clsaign ¢ based only upon parameters shoe . , and is for an individual bullding componenl- AppliaoWiily of design peramenlen and pmper lncorporollon 01 tampon nl Is responsibnity of buildlr a depgner - not buss designer, shown is for to lgKy suppml or Individual web members only. Ad011anal lemporory bracing to huvre s10W1iy during C0M1nJafiun Is the re5pontlbillily of the erector. Addlionat permo nt bracing of the ove ft strut lute is the respomibiRly of the building designer- For.ger Aral guldonce regarding fabrication. qua6ly conlrol, storage, delivery, efecllvn and g consuls ANVIrPI1 t�51p11ry Wado. OS11i and BC511 Sundfng Component Solely Informotlon aywdble from truss Plate hmillule. 593 D'O a [la Ddye. Mcdhon, N 53719. ,�Roti=>=$sl�N. A. BO -3 N0- C66424 * EXP. 6-30-06 'P CIV11 \�0FCA06-!�'/ November 11,2004 777I Graenback Lane Suite 109 Citrus Heights. CA, 9561u�� MiTekm Job Truss Truss Type TRUSSES C01 ROOF TRUSS JMW TRUSS, CATHEDRAL CFTY, JC LOAD CASE(S) Standard Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1-4=-60.0, 4-7=-60.0, 1-7=-51.0 Concentrated Loads (Ib) Vert: 4=-1190.0 MiTek Job Reference R14232487 �y Mkfinm - VenjY de#vn ParII4 OA;w and READ M07ws MY TWS AND WaMMM M = R£FrAEa PAaF. A ?,73 &FlroAc ORS. r777 Greenback Lana Design valid far use only vrAlh Mr7ak conneclom This des' Some 1M sr4n Y ign o bored only upon p�pfsirys shown, and is for n individual building c. brook s Citrus Heights, CA, 9551g Applioabitrty of design peromenlers and proper incorporofion of component is responsib�ty al bWldirig designer - notlnus deslprwr. Brach'eg shown is [a Iolerot support of indivlduol wab members or*. Addllionoi temporary bracing tp insure sloblfily during conslrucleon is the resporlvbililfy of the Broctx. Additional perrnanent txocing of the overall Ouctwe If fhe responsibility of the burldng designer, For gonerol guidance regordmr g pla lotxicafion, cpanly confrol. storage, delivery, erecllon cnd bracing. consult ANSIM) quelBY Cdlerla, DSE-04 and RC91 Building Component �, l�Rm Safety Intarmalion available from Truss te lnslilWe, 50 Q)0no%o Drive. Madison. M 53719. , ` Job Truss Truss Type TRUSSES GR01 ROOF TRUSS JMW TRUSS, CAT 00 GfFI'. JC 4-11-10 4-11-10 4x7 1411120 = 5.00 12 3 3) 1 2 Job Reference (optional) 5.000 s Jun 9 2003. MlTek Industres, Inc. Thu Nov 11 06:57:5 9.6-0 12-0-6 17-0-0 3-6-6 3-6-6 4-11-10 2x4 M1120 I 4 4x7 M1120 = 5 R14232488 Scale =1:302 2x4 M1120 11 3x6 M1120 - 3x4 M1120 - 3x7 141120 - 2x4 M1120 4x4 M1120 0-0-0 0-0-0 1-6-0 1.7 2 4-11-10 8-6.0 12.0-5 15-4-4 1W 17-0-0 1-s-0 0-1-12 3-3-14 3-6-0 3-0-6 —I 3-3-14 0-1-12 1-6-0 Plats Offsets (37Y [1:0 3 1Q,0 T-8]. [3:0-5-4.0-2-0], [5:0-5-4,0-2-01, V.0-3-10 0-1-$] LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl PLATES GRIP TCLL 16.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.11 Vert(LL) 0.04 10 >999 M1120 1851148 TCDL 14.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.28 Vert(TL) -0.08 10 >999 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.12 Horz(TL) 0.03 7 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) 1 st LC LL Min I/defl = 360 Weight: 128 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 HF Stud/Std G SLIDER Left 2 X 6 HF No.2 2-4-1. Right 2 X 6 HF No.2 2-4-1 REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=1094/0-3-8, 7=109410-3-8 Max Uplift 1=-82(load case 3), 7=-82(load case 3) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=2260, 2-3=2208, 3-4--2415, 4-5=-24IS. S-6=2208, 6-7=-2260 SOT CHORD 1-11=2038. 10-11=Z048, 9-10=2048, 8-9=2048, 7-8=2038 WEBS 3-11=146, 3-10=428. 4-10=-346, 5-10=428, 5-8=146 NOTES 1) 2-ply truss to be connected together with 0.131 "x3" Nails as follows: Top chords connected as follows: 2 X 4 - 1 row at 0-9-0 oc. Bottom chords connected as follows: 2 X 4 - 1 row at 0-9-0 oc. Webs Connected as follows: 2 X 4 - 1 row at 0-9-0 oc. 2.) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 3) This truss has been designed for the loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 it above ground level located 100 mi from the hurricane acean line. ASCE 7-93 components and cladding axtemaI pressure coefficients for the interior (1) zone and 8.4 psf top chord and 6.0 pst bottom chord dead load are being used. The design assumes occupancy category I, tarMin exposure C and internal pressure coefliclent condition I. If end verticals or cantilevers exlst, they are exposed to wind. if porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber AOL increase is 1,33, and tha plate grip increase is 1,33 4) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 5) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psr bottom chord Ilve load nohconcurrent with any other live loads per Table No. 16-B, UBC-97. 6) A plate rating reduction of 20%, has been applied for the green lumber members. 7) Beveled plate or shim required to provide lull bearing surface with truss chord atjoint(s) 1, 7. 8) Girder carries hlp end with 4-11-1a end setback Continued on page 2 A WA$7rrrrG - Verrjg deatga p5a.amet-- and READ NOTES ON THIS AND = 74T3 jwr erne Design valid for usa only with M7ek connectors. This de -sign is awes only upon prxomaters shown, and Is for on individual bullding camponenf. Applicabiilty of design poramenters and pmperIncorporalion of conVonent Is resporw-holly of buil6r�g designer- not foss designer, &acing shown h for Ioleraf support of lndlvlduol web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability durfng construcflon Is the responslbillily or }he erector. Addllionef permanent brocing of the Overall slluth5re is the raspongbgfly of the bulling designer. For general puidonce ragording faWtafian, quority control, slarege, da )very, erection and }racing, coraull ANSIIRII Quailly Criteria, DS"8 and aCSIT Eultding Component Safety Information avoiloble from Trv55 Note Inslilute, 503 I7'OnaMo t1rlva. Modlson, WI 53719. Q��p SSA. $� N . C66424 EXR 6-30-06 \<Z1t-0FCA00 November 11,2004 7777 Greenback)-Rne iy Suite 109 Citrus Helghls, CA, 95001 D� MITeks Job Truss Truss Type TRUSSES GR01 ROOFTRUSS JM1N TRUSS, CATHEDRAL CITY, JC Job Reference NOTES 9) Special hanger(s) or connection(s) required to support concentrated load(s) 172.41b down and 65.41b up at 12-0-6, and 172.41b down and 65.41b up at 4-11-10 on top chord. Design for unspecified connection(s) is delegated to the building designer. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1-3=-60.0, 3-5=100.2, 5-7=-60.0, 1-7=-33.4 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 3=-172.4 5=-172.4 R14232488 A WARNZIM• . y—Ty dralgn js rameftm and $E3D zv07,1M ox 7WS AND INCLUDED MrEH REFr jtSMM PAGE MV7,473 BSPORS t1sm 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use only wllh Walk connectors. This design is posed only upon parameters shown, and is for an Individual building component. Suite 109 AppOcabOy of design enters and "rope: incofparalian of component Is res ab Citrus Heights, CA, 95610ml is [orlaleral su of inrdual web members a Addltiorrol temporary P ar 4ullding designer -not buss desigrser. Arbcrrig shown "port my porary bracing to Insure stabirity during construction Is the respansiWIlty of the initial. Addltin" parmannnt bracing of the overotl siruclure Is the responsibilily of the bullding designer. For general guidance regarding fchricurtion, quality conlrof. Aorope, deavmy. areclron and bracing, consufl okN51/rYll (3ualEfy M �� mCrlferla, DSB-89 and SCSl1 6dlding Cotttponeni A I� Safety Information uya*obte from truss Plate Insfihrte. 5B3 D Ohnfilo Drive. Madison, WI 537i4_ Job Truss Truss Type TRUSSES J1 ROOF TRUSS JMW TRUSS, CATHEDRAL CITY, JC Qty Ply R14232489 12 1 Job Reference o ti 5.000 s Jun 9 2003 M7elt IndusVles. ne. u ov 1 T 06:57:25 2004 Pace 1 -0 I� 1-6-0 1-7-13-5-11 Scale =1:9.7 1-6-0 0-1-12 1-9-15 Plate Offsets (.X,Y): [1:04-10,0-1-6] — I LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft PLATES GRIP TCLL 16.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.15 Vert(LL) -0.01 1-4 >999 M1120 1115/148 TCDL 14.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.11 Vert(TL) -0.01 1-4 >999 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(TL) 0.00 3 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) 1st LC LL Min I/deft = 360 Weight: 12 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 3-5-11 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. SLIDER Left 2 X 6 HF No.2 1-9-7 REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=127/0-3-8, 3=95/Mechanical, 4=32/Mechanical Max Horz 1 =45(load case 3) Max Uplift 3=-33(load case 3) Max Grav 1=127(load case 1), 3=95(load case 1), 4=64(load case 2) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=-32, 2-3=29 BOT CHORD 1-4=0 NOTES 1) This truss has been designed for the loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level located 100 ml from the hurricane oceanline. ASCE 7-93 components and cladding extemal pressure coefficients for the interior (1) zone and 8.4 psf top chord and 6.0 psf bottom chord dead [cad are being used. The design assumes occupancy category I, terrain exposure C and intemal pressure coefficient conciltlon 1. Ifend verticals ar cantilevers exist, they are exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL Increase is 1.33, and the plate grip Increase is 1.33 2) This truss has been designed fora 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads pert FESg raN,q Table No. 16-B, UBC-97. 3) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. A Q��fiit'�� 4) Beveled plate or shim required to provide full bearing surface with truss chord at joint(s) 1. ��S LOAD CASE(S) Standard N . C66424 EXP.6-30-06 0 CIV1\- � d�CA1-lF November 11,2004 Q WARNING - Yerlfg dealyn pam¢ t— a cf READ NOTES ON ZEM AND INt:J- =V AQrryt[ Gx'L•ER,F.IVCE PAGE AM-:473 RERME ust. 7r77 Greenback Lane �-0 De5lgn valid for usa only with MFTek connectors- This deli a based only i3 on Sale 109 gr3' y g parameters shown. and r. Ipr an indiriduol bupplr3g rarnpanent Applicability of design poramenlers and proper Incorporoliw of component Is responsItAty of building designer - not flu5s des3grier. bracing st7rnvn Citrus }ie3ghls, CA "MI h for loterol support of rndivldual wab members only. Add fluml temporary broc'vrg to irssure slabllily during conshucfioh is the responsibillity of the erector. Addillonol permarmmf bracing or the ovarvll struclure is the resporm'bIrdy of fhe bulldog deslgrw. ror garlerpl guldance regenrdng ratMcoHon, quarrfy rnnlrol. rFdrog�, delrvary, orecNan and bracing, consuli ANSI/Ml QuaDly Criteria, DS6.69 and BCSIi BvlldirQ Component M 1 i"ek0 Surety lnrmmation availa bra fn7ie tu"t. Flute In56ture. 593 n'pnafrio tl&a, Madden, W1 S3719. Job Truss Truss Type TRUSSES J2 �ROOFTRUSS JMW TRUSS, THEDRAL CITY, dC 0-0-0 US MII2®LO s 12 Job Reference E 1.64h 1-7.1p 5-5-11 1-6-0 0-1-12 3-9-15 Plate Offsets I Y): [1:0-4-10,0-1-8] LOADING (pst) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft PLATES TCLL 16.0 Plates Increase 1.25 FTC 0.43 Vert(LL) 0.05 1-4>999 MII20 TCDL 14.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.29 Vert(TL) -0.09 1-4 >667 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(TL) 0.00 3 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) 1st LC LL Min I/deft = 360 Weight: 18 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 5-5-11 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. SLIDER Left 2 X 6 HF No.2 2-7-6 REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=207/0-34, 3=155/Mechanical, 4=52/Mechanical Max Horz 1=71(load case 3) Max Uplift 3=-53(load case 3) Max Grav 1=207(load case 1), 3=155(load case 1), 4=104(load case 2) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=-51, 2-3=48 BOT CHORD 1,4=0 NOTES 1) This truss has been designed for the loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level located 100 mi from the hurricane oceanline. ASCE 7-93 components and cladding extemaI pressure coefficients for the interior (1) zone and 8A psf top chord and 6.0 psf bottom chord dead load are being used. The design assumes occupancy category I, terrain exposure C and internal pressure coefficient condition I. Bend verticals or cantilevers exist, they are exposed to wind. if porches exist, they are not exposed to wind- The lumber DOL Increase is 1.33, and the plate grip Increase is 1.33 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads per Table No. 16-B, USG-97. 3) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 4) Beveled plate or shim required to provide full bearing surface with truss chord at joint(s) 1. LOAD CASE(S) Standard It& WAWaNG. frerejy design puromeeers and k&W NOTES ON TMM AND INCLUMD WTEK R MWiC8 PAGE AM-7473 ZZFVRE UM tiwign vo5d for use only M[h Mnek conneclors. Thb dasign a based only upon p=rrmlon shown, and is For an ind:riduol hullcang component, mliculAlty or design paramenten and proper Incorpwallun of cornponeni is resppnstbility of trolling do6gner- nph truss deslgrwEr. 8muing shown lateral svpporr of 1ncli0dual web member= only. A.ddfinrml temporary bracing to lnwm siobillly durfnp comfr=Hnn is fhe raspomiWigy of fhe erector. Additbnol permonent bracing of "cvwall structure is the resporkib8lty of fhe bWdmg designer, Fer generar guidance regarding fahrirofion, quallty control, stprage. dellyery, erection and btodng, cnnsull AN51/rPt quolRy Cdfudo, 05E-99 and =311 0vgding Component Safety Infoimoecn ovaltable frorn Truss Plate Iratifule, 533 D'OrsoGlo Drive. A4adaon, wl 537r9, R14232490 Scale=1:14.2 GRIP 185/148 ID V?OFESSI A Bco)6,, N C66424 * EXR 6-30-06 s'� 9rEN CCS CPAUFUP November 11,2004 TT77 Grmnbadt Lane rp suite 109 citrus }{eights. CA, emillmI MiTeke Job Truss Truss Type TRUSSES J3 ROOF TRUSS JKff TRUSS. CATHEDRAL CITY, JC 0-0-0 4ty I F 12 1 S Job Reference 1 7-5-11 7_�11 v -0 R14232491 Scale = 1:17.9 3x5 MII2004- 1-6-0 1-7-12 7-5-11 1-" 0-1-12 5-9-15 Plate O sets (X, : [1:0-4-10,0-1-81 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft PLATES GRIP TCLL 16.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.82 Vert(LL) -0.17 1-4 >501 M1120 185/148 TCDL 14.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.55 Vert(TL) -0.34 1-4 >251 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(TL) 0.01 3 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) 1st LC LL Min I/defl = 360 Weight: 25 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. SLIDER Left 2 X 6 HF No.2 3-8-6 REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=287/0-3-8, 3=215/Mechanical, 4=72/Mechanical Max Horz 1=97(load case 3) Max Uplift 3=-73(load case 3) Max Grav 1=287(load case 1), 3=215(load case 1), 4=144(load case 2) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=70, 2-3=66 BOT CHORD 1-4=0 NOTES 1) This truss has been designed for the loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level located 100 mi from the hurricane oceanline. ASCE 7-93 components and cladding external pressure coefficients for the interior (1) zone and 6.4 psf top chord and 6.0 psf bottom chord dead load are being used. The design assumes occupancy category I, terrain exposure C and internal pressure coefficient condition I. If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads per Table pFES51 Q� ❑ No. 16-13, UBC-W. 3) Refer to for truss to truss connections. A. J90 girder(s) 4) Beveled plate or shim required to provide full bearing surface with truss chord at joint(s) 1. �(r��D �S LOAD CASE(S) Standard R N . C66424 EXR 6-30-06 �P C10-NX r� pfiCAL-.* November 11,2004 A WARNMG - oerYy de.ey„j,—a re and AE" Norm ON Ta73 ANZ) nvcavVW.1lffrVK REFEaaMM FAGTs nU.7473 8&FRFL13 mj& TT77 Gr"nhacK Lane Design vulld for use.only wilh MfFoK Connected. d'art design Is based only Upon porarmlea shown, and is tar an Individual buiding component. Sulie 109 AppriCa bllily of design paromanters and er inca ninon of component i9 re onfi . citnra HSWILs, CA, 95610 � pros_, rpp p sp 691ty of building designer -not huts de;igrler: Bracing shown Is for 3a level support of individual web members only. AL"Jol anar lemporory brooing to inure staUlily during cor ilrvcthn a Ih8 fesp0r4VlR1y of the areclor. AdJi onaf permanenj bracing of the moray dructure 4 the respard6iliryoF the building designer. For general guidance regwding fabrics lien, quoRly control, slorage, del!very, erection Ltd bracing, consul! ANSVIN1 4uafity Crflerlo, bSK-E4 and BCS11 6u9ding Component MIT@ V m Sodely InformoHon avpllohte from Truss YtCEIe Irnfilule, 583 D'nnehta Drive. Madlsorl, WI53714. 1■E' [ !� 1 Job Truss Truss Type TRUSSES J4 ROOFTRUSS JMW USS, CATHEDRAL CITY, JC 0-0-0 4A-10 4-4-10 4-0-5 Job Reference R14232492 2x4 M1120 11 Scale = 1:23.1 3x5 M1120 = 3x4 MI(1^rb-O-- 0-0-0 4x4 M1120 1-" 1 q-T2 1-6-0 0-1-12 8-4--16 6-9-3 Plate Offsets (X, ): f1:0A-10, -1-8] LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl TCLL 16.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.17 Vert(LL) -0.18 1-5 >534 TCDL 14.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.39 Vert(TL) -0.37 1-5 >267 BCLL' 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.15 Horz(TL) 0.00 5 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) 1 st LC LL Min Vdefl = 360 LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 HF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF 240OF 2.0E WEBS 2 X 4 HF 1650F 1.5E "Except` 3-5 2 X 4 HF Stud/Std-G SLIDER Left 2 X 6 HF No.2 1-11-1 REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=325/0-3-8, 5=325/Mechanical Max Uplift 1=-11(load case 3), 5=-10(load case 3) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=-395, 2-3=-350, 3-4=28, 4-5=-98 BOT CHORD 1-5=333 WEBS 3-5=-364 BRACING PLATES M1120 Weight: 33 lb GRIP 185/148 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. NOTES i ) This truss has been des]gned for the loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level located 100 mi from the hurricane aceanline. ASCE 7-93 components and cladding external pressure coefficients for the interior (1) zone and 8.4 psf top chord and 6.0 psf bottom chord dead load are being used. The design assumes occupancy category I, terrain exposure C and internal pressure Coe fficlant condition I. If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip Increase is 1.33 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads per Table No. 16-B, UBC-97. 3) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss conneclians. 5) Beveled plate or shim required to provide full bearing surface with truss chord at joint(s) 1. LOAD CASE(S) Standard /0RpFE551f}i, co a N C66 24 * EXR 6-30-06 �'fi CIV11. ��- �DF November 11,2004 WdRitim4ii . 9er[rp drsfgn pervnrerara wsd trce n NOT68 QX TLilS .4Nb IIYCLI7DEU DR7'E8'ItEFF.A.ENCE PAGB dfII-7473 3EFTIRS ❑F,[7. 777 r n6ack Lane Peslgn valid for use only Win Nilr ek connectors. This design a 130MCi gray upon porom01Qr$ Shown, and a fvr an lndviduCl buJcfng component_SulEa Cthus1HelBnts, CA, 95610 It 0f desrgh pcvanlenlen and properineoFlamfion of ctmpeneni Isrespom-biHy of bLMding designer- not truss daslgnw. Brocing shown is for loteml support of Inc ivjdupl Web members only. Additional lemporory grochg to insure slablRy dunng convtrucllon is the responsiblplty of the erector. AddlSond perm rant bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of fhe bWi fuig designer. For ganerol guidar regarding febrleofion, [pra6hr control, storage, derre%, erectlon and brocing. conFkk AN$lv7PII 4uvllly CrHerta. DS"- and 11CSI1 BuR ing Campor e l A �i`�y m Sarety Isrformvlfvn ovailoble from Truss Plp1e Irell}ule, 563 ❑'bndtrlo f]rive, Modisan, w15371 P. 'y+ r'rrr Job Truss Truss Type TRUSSES J5 ROOF TRUSS JMW TRUSS, CATHEDRAL CITY.- JC 0-0-0 4-10-11 0-J GSGbfI 5.000 s Job Reference 9-5-1 4-6-6 R14232493 3x5 M1120 Scale: 1/2"=1' 4 .0 3x6 IVIM-0= 3x4 MII20 = 2x4 M1120 11 1-6-0 1- - 2 1-6-0 0-1-12 Plate Offsets (X,Y): 1:0-4-2.0-1-81 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI TCLL 16.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.2 TCDL 14.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.3 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.1 BCDL 10.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 WEBS 2 X 4 HF Stud/Std G 'Except' 4-52X4HFNo.2 SLIDER Left 2 X 6 HF No.2 2-2-8 7-10-4 6 2-8 B 8 2 DEFL in (loc) I/deFl Vert(LL) -0.06 1-6 >999 Vert(TL) -0.12 1-6 >745 Horz(TL) 0.00 5 n/a 1st LC LL Min I/deft = 360 BRACING 9-51 1-6-13 PLATES GRIP M1120 185/1,48 Weight: 40 lb TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=286/0-3-8, 5=-63/Mechanical, 6=508/0-3-8 Max Uplift 1=11(load case 3), 5=-119(load case 2), 6=-5(load case 3) Max Grav 1=286(load case 1), 6=508(load case 2) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=323, 2-3=-274, 3-4=90, 4-5=17 BOT CHORD 1-6=271, 5-6=15 WEBS 3-6=-371, 4-6=-163 NOTES 1) ThIs truss has been designed for the loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25. ft above ground level located 100 ml from the hurricane ocean flna. ASCE 7-93 components and cladding external pressure coefficients for the interior (1) zone and 8.4 psf top chord and 6.0 psf bottom chord dead load are being used. The design assumes occupancy category t, terrain exposure C and internal pressure coefficient condition I. trend verticals or cantilevers exist, they are exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DO Increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase Is 1.33 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonco ncu rre nt with any other live loads per Table No. 16-B, UBC-97. 3) A plate raling reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 4) Refer to glyder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Beveled plate or shim required to provide full bearing surface with truss chord at joint(s) 1. LOAD CASE(S) Standard /Q?OFsstC)Nq� N C66424 EXR 6-30-06 �STq� CIV11. i- CFGA'I November 11,2004 A WARNMG - Verify design pammetem and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED ffiTSE'REFERENCE PAGE MD'-7473 BEFORE USE. 777 GreonbedC Lane --qp Design odd for uye only wlfh Wok,cvnneclors. This design Is bated Only upon pvromelers shown. and c for oilindwiduoi [wilding comSage 109ponent. Citrus Neighl6, CA, 89610 ApplfCONJNy o! design pwomenters and properincvrpprplion of component Is resporulbilay of bind�'ng designer - not fruss designer. Brocing shown is for Eotarol suppah of IndAduol web members only. AddNlanol Iemporory blaring io imurestabilty during conshuClron is the respomI ilrity of Iha Orecior. Adds ional pemlanent brodng Pr"ovsrco shuclure is the respormbrily of the building designer. ror geMeral guidance regairding fobrlcalion. qu Aty -Mhol, staragg. deltvery, erecflan and kx'ae61g, consult ANSIM11.4uailly Critwia, M-09 and SCSI Buildfny Component A e�i"� m Botany lnformeEprl avdllo6le horn Truss Role Irtsliiule, 563 P'Onofiin IMve, Mod'don, WI 53719. R�r Wo Dg ny M yW y� Z ci O 5 cQ�Dn oa {[} : :0,N n(Q o(Q v,0 Q m 5 ° q5 Q�°Gya o� o °-c � W° �mm 0-_0n Q�on 0 O-0 Q n 0 N O❑❑ Q a 3•�❑ QQ7 v � ! �(Q p CD o�� n O n Q 20 n O (D �na00-- �Qco ° co � 6 D. --I n CD ° . Q. u �Q� 7 (Q❑� R1 5" � Quo 00 ❑�<ID Qno DQ � no.Z(D NO3 ° nQ 5- QOQ 0 N ::r ❑ r ■ VV 'o M n D ✓y �o X � m W ~ rn (DC n o o• I I w O n 0 p 7 A\ o� O z O oQ�3 N 0Q o n0 °n °o„ Q kt;_ °Doors �-O O Z n N N O VI• Q (° N Q H (D Z (D O (D Cl < O n (D 7< 3 0^ x ON (D �� N( N 0 p QQ �Q n- O Q O O nn ur N tr �QO -O ""•= O 2 (D CQ7cDp N (D N .� m (Dmom Q 0 3° °°(D0° -i D Gov °0 (Q om n c� S Q O 3 3 (Dn Pr3 Q O Z Q0a c 5 m om (D Q 3 : x 2 N � N ' W i7 W O CS xM0 00 C (7 y Z Z CIP M m0 m -Za TZ(^ y m Hy ~0D D -150 7C -4 0 = m m m -•1m 10 M my m 7 H CAm y CA CA D (p 1O a A N �O M > --1i - V 7 (C V N W 0 m a '� �Z 14 (D W (A D ~ n ' N cn W ,9 �+ y 70 m fD • .(D OO OW, Ol o� M _ CA /� A W O W m ® p 10 o D Z M OM _ On 1 O r m ym V ,p N 0 ` 0 - _ o p D a n V 10 � O 41 W D A N.1 7CC N C W N OH m cn ® N p 'QO O OO $ Q 00 j H0 "2 C) -0 D. (DQC n=� OQ �(D m Q oo cD 0 - :3- (Q O -@m 3. n Q Q n OS, O o� �Q Q�t5 QN Q -0 N n❑ O n(D N� n OQ �� �(D < O(D Z(D (Q O� C (D �Q 30 (D In 3 O U 2. (D Q O In Z, �❑ ' .CD o o c Q Q 3 Q Q Q p O S � 0. C (D [Tt Qfl 3 0 � Q CD N D3 (D C 17 Q O o-a (D (D o � 0- 5' Q , �Q Nam• O n (0 (ODD Q(D (D° Q Q 0 N o(O =0 7Q Co a m m_ -0 QQ CDa o �• 0 0 (D 7 3 (D 3 O o CD Q Q v N o ° a ) ° a a Q- o m o. ° 0 (D N :O OD V O n o n C C � C S o Qv Q (D2 Q2. (D (D 3 =G 0. �@ j[� CD ., (D 5P (D o O $. ° x 3 0 H O ZQ O (D 00 n C 007 (D (D (DS. � a° Q(D _ , 2 � as 0O C Q. 2 Q(U oyo QN 0- o =0 4 w• 3 _ Lo-0 (D 0- ((DD° fl_07 YNO < OQ fl� us N ❑N ��' Qn YO ��� �� O� mt <N _�❑ �u_ �Qo m0 Q� �N co n �< 3 m �3 no 05. nQ �� (DQ Q o(D Q� (DM ° J� ° P3 0° m . - 0 o3 C 2Q - Q Q: C7 (1 � �. (D Q � Q 0 (D CD n' N' C❑ 2 Q (D Q (N 7 (Q CD M' (D Q m m -" °- < n 0 o mo 3 TOPCHORD