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0211-108 (CSCS) Smoke Control System
ATRIUM SMOKE CONTROL SYS TEM DESIGN REPORT EMBASSY SUITES LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA August 30, 2004 (Revised February 17, 2005) Prepared for: BHG Santa Rosa Plaza P.O. Box 1503 La Quinta, CA 92253 CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ❑A7E o BY-11 Prepared by: Gage -Babcock & Associates, Inc. 6 Centerpointe Dr., Suite 760 La Palma, CA 90623 GAGE-BABCOCK & ASSOCIATES Fire Protection Life Safety Security I CITY pA i E_ 3�7•�02 Table of Contents Gage -Babcock & Associates, Inc. 1.0 PROJECT SCOPE..............................................................................................................1 2.0 APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS.......................................................................2 3.0 DESIGN METHOD....................................................................,.........................................2 3.1 AXISYMMETRIC PLUME.......................................................................................................3 3.2 BALCONY SPILL PLUME......................................................................................................4 3.3 WINDOW PLUME................................................................................................................5 4.0 ANALYSIS..........................................................................................................................6 4.1 EXHAUST CALCULATIONS................................................................_.._..__...........................6 4.2 NUMBER OF EXHAUST INLETS............................................................-...............................8 4.3 STACK EFFECT ..................................... ............................................................................. 9 4.4 TEMPERATURE EFFECT OF FIRE.......................................................---..............................12 4.5 WIND EFFECT..................................................................................................................12 4.6 HVAC SYSTEMS.............................................................................................................13 4.7 CLIMATE.........................................................................................................................13 4.8 STRATIFICATION AND DETECTION.....................................................................................14 5.0 DESIGN CRITERIA...........................................................................................................15 5.1 MECHANICAL SMOKE EXHAUST SYSTEM...........................................................................15 5.2 FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM................................................................................................17 5.3 FIRE ALARM AND DETECTION SYSTEM..............................................................................18 5.4 CONSTRUCTION...............................................................................................................18 5.5 ATRIUM FUEL LOADING....................................................................................................19 6.0 SYSTEM INSPECTION & TESTING................................................................................19 6.1 COMPONENT SYSTEM TESTING........................................................................................19 6.1.1 Detection Devices.....................................................................................................19 6.1.2 Ducts ...............................................___ ................................... ...............................19 6.1.3 Dampers, Louvers, and Automatic Doors ................................. ................................ 19 6.1.4 Inlets and Outlets......................................................................•...............................20 6.1.5 Fans..........................................................................................................................20 6.1.6 Smoke Barriers.........................................................................................................20 6.2 ACCEPTANCE TESTING..........................................................................................__........20 APPENDIX A — ATRIUM SECTION APPENDIX B — MAKE-UP AIR LAYOUT APPENDIX C — FIRE MODELING CALCULATIONS Embassy Suites (La Quinta, CA) GBA P.N. LF040026 Atrium Smoke Control System August 30, 2004 (2-17-05 Revisions) Conceptual Design Report Page i I I I �LED F LA OUI,�,!TA q .. -iceBUiIs V :_ _0 �� 1 .-s="' �•= ' €` ' Gage -Babcock & Associates, Inc. i DATE _ 3`_1�Q_5 1.0 PROJECT SCOPE - Gage -Babcock & Associates was contracted to provide fire protection engineering and code consulting support for the design of the atrium smoke control system proposed at the Embassy Suites located in La Quinta, California. The Embassy Suites is a new four-story building classified by the California Building Code (CBC) as a Group R, Division 1 (R-1) Occupancy. The building is being proposed with a 6,900 ft2 atrium extending from the ground floor through the fourth -level (4-stories). The atrium is proposed to be separated from adjacent spaces by one -hour fire resistive construction with protected openings at all levels as required by CBC Section 402.3. Exit access balconies around the atrium are not separated from the atrium space at all levels. Per CBC Section 402.2, the atrium and areas open to the atrium must be provided with a smoke control system complying with the requirements of CBC Section 905. Per CBC Section 905, smoke control systems shall be based on a rational analysis in accordance with well -established principals of engineering. This Design Report is intended to serve as the "Rational Analysis" for the proposed system and provide relevant design criteria for design and installation of all systems and construction features integral to the performance of the smoke control system. This report is intended for review and approval by the City of La Quinta Building Department and Riverside County Fire Department. All designs should be reviewed for compliance with applicable code requirements and the specific requirements/restrictions outlined in this report. Any deviations from the recommendations in this report will require review and approval by Gage -Babcock or similarly qualified person/firm approved by the City of La Quinta and Riverside County. JEmbassy Suites (La Quinta, CA) GBA P.N. LF040026 Atrium Smoke Control System August 30, 2004 (2-15-05 Revisions) Design Report Page 1 I � I I 2.0 APPLICABLE CODES AND ST►4 NDARDS €DT. Gage -Babcock & Associates, Inc. The following codes, standards, design guides, and reference materials were employed in the engineering analysis and for developing the recommendations contained in this report. 1) 2001 Edition, California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 24 • Part 1 — California Administrative Code (CAC) • Part 2 — California Building Code (CBC) ] Part 3 — California Electric Code (CEC) • Part 4 — California Mechanical Code (CMC) • Part 9 — California Fire Code (CFC) 2) NFPA 92B - Smoke Management Systems in Malls, Atria, and Large Spaces, 2000 Edition 3) ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers) - Principals of Smoke Management, 2002 4) Society of Fire Protection Engineers/National Fire Protection Association, The 1 SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering, 3rd Edition 3.0 DESIGN METHOD CBC Section 402.2 requires that the atrium and areas open to the atrium be provided with a smoke control system complying with the requirements of CBC Section 905. CBC Section 905 provides requirements for the design of smoke control systems intended to provide a tenable environment for the evacuation or relocation of occupants. CBC Section 905 allows systems to be designed using one of the following methods: J• Pressurization Method • Airflow Method J• Exhaust Method The exhaust method was chosen for this project, which is typically the method applied to J atria or large space applications. The goal of a smoke control system designed using the Exhaust Method is to maintain the smoke layer interface of the accumulating smoke layer --� Embassy Suites (La Quinta, CA) GBA P.N. LF040026 Atrium Smoke Control System August 30, 2004 (2-15-05 Revisions) Design Report Page 2 _ CITY O!�-- LA QUV'AzTA BUII__DVNIG & SA -r T [DEPT. DATE --31 —14Qy i ! ` Ga e-Babcock & Associates, Inc. at least 10 feet above any walking surface in the smoke zone. In order to accomplish this goal on this project, a mechanical smoke exhaust system is being provided to maintain the smoke layer at a height of 43'-2" above the finished floor, which is 10 feet above the highest walking surface within the atrium (4th floor balcony). To determine the required exhaust capacity of the mechanical exhaust system, the plume mass flow rates (smoke generation) for the plume configurations applicable to this specific project must be calculated. There are three typical plume configurations that must be considered when using the Exhaust Method, which are outlined in CBC Section 905.5, and they are: Axisymmetric ■ Balcony Spill • Window Not all of these configurations are applicable for all projects. Each has very specific applications and restrictions and each must be evaluated as to their suitability for the specific project. In the sections to follow, each configuration is discussed, and evaluated. 3.1 Axisymmetric Plume An axisymmetric plume is expected for a fire originating on the atrium floor, removed from any walls. In this case, air is entrained from all sides and along the entire height of the plume until the plume becomes submerged in the smoke layer. The mass rate of smoke production is calculated, based on the rate of entrained air, using the equations shown below from CBC Section 905.5.2.2. For z > zl MP = 0.022Q."Y" + 0.0042Q, For z < z, MP = 0.0208Q."' z (1) where: Q = total heat output (fire size), BTU/s Q, = convective heat output, BTU/s (taken as 0.70Q) z = height of smoke layer interface above fire, feet zl = limiting flameheight, feet = 0.533Q�211 These equations for the mass flow of axisymmetric plumes do not apply if obstructions Embassy Suites (La Quinta, CA) GBA P.N. LF040026 Atrium Smoke Control System August 30, 2004 (2-15-05 Revisions) Design Report Page 3 ►,fitt ;:.�r�-� .� i...[; '� i �_� �Lqq � 33 -1-IFY OF LA n-UNNTA Ur I r'.J�f! C.�.+1�15TI-:uC �iLll`J Gage-B bcock & Associates, Inc. WJE break up the plume flow. Given that we have a clear opening from floor to ceiling in the proposed atrium, the plume will not be obstructed unless it becomes wide enough to contact the edge of the balconies. Calculating the plume diameter using the equation below from CBC Section 905.5.2.5 can check this. d = 0.48[(T� + 460)/(TQ + 460)]'12 z (2) where: d = plume diameter, feet T,, = ambient air temperature, °F T, = plume center line temperature, ° F = (318Q,2/3 H-5 i3 )+ T. j z = height at which T, is determined, feet Based on the specifics of this project a design fire of 5,000 BTU/s (Q,=3,500 BTU/s) and an ambient temperature of 680F (inside temperature) will be used (See Appendix D for calculations relating to the desir fire for the axisymmetric plume scenario). The plume diameter is calculated at the 4 h floor balcony level (33'2") to see if the plume will be obstructed, using Equation 2. Te, = (318Q, 2"H-"' )+ T, = (318(3500)213 (33.167)-513 )+68 = 282°F d = 0.48[(282 + 460)/(68 + 460)]'/2 (33.167) =18.9 feet At the highest balcony level the plume is calculated to be 18.9 feet in diameter and the opening at that level is approximately 59' X 57'. Therefore, an axisymmetric plume is valid for this project and it can be assumed that the plume will not contact the walls to confine the flow. 3.2 Balcony Spill Plume A balcony spill plume is one that flows under and around a balcony before rising, giving the impression of spilling from the balcony, from an inverted perspective. The equation for the mass rate of smoke production from a balcony spill plume is found in CBC Section 905.5.2.3. The mass flow rate is determined using the geometrically probable width based on architectural elements and projections using the following equation: Embassy Suites (La Quinta, CA) GBA P.N. LF040026 Atrium Smoke Control System August 30, 2004 (2-15-05 Revisions) Design Report Page 4 CST -A Q'_1 � �,�Tl 6' mp=0.124(QW2Y"(zb+0.3HJ1+0.063(zb+0.6H)/W12is where: mp = plume mass flow rate, lb/s H = height above fire to underside of balcony, feet W = plume width at point of spill, feet zb = height from balcony to smoke layer, feet (3) & Associates, Inc. The atrium contains geometry that may produce balcony spill plumes. Therefore, this plume equation will be used in evaluating the design. 3.3 Window Plume A window plume is one that flows through an opening, such as a door or window, from a room into a large -volume open space. For this project, there are rooms adjacent to the atrium with doors and windows that open into the atrium space. However, the wall ` separating these spaces from atrium will be fire resistive construction with self -closing rated doors and fire rated windows. A window plume will only be valid if the glass window is expected to break due to a fire in these separated spaces. The building will be protected throughout with sprinklers; therefore it can be evaluated using modeling whether a sprinkler -controlled fire would produce enough heat to break a fire rated window. F A compartment fire model was run using CFAST to determine if the glass window may break for this project. The model was run using a moderate t-squared fire with a maximum fire size determined based on sprinkler activation. The upper layer temperature was recorded and compared to the exposure temperature curve used to test fire rated windows. The results below show that the temperatures the glass window is exposed to in a sprinkler controlled fire on this project are well below the exposure temperatures for testing and it `I can be expected that the glass will not break during the typical time frame a smoke control J system is expected to perform. (See Appendix D for additional modeling input/output) Therefore, consideration was not given to window plumes for this project. _J Embassy Suites (La Quinta, CA) GBA P.N. LF040026 Atrium Smoke Control System August 30, 2004 (2-15-05 Revisions) Design Report Page 5 �k 1=OH GUNSTRUCTIC" Gag Babcock & Associates, Inc. By J� 4.0 ANALYSIS As identified above, the approach selected for the smoke control system design is the exhaust method. To design this type of system, several calculations and possible effects must be completed to ensure proper performance of the system. In the sections to follow, appropriate calculations and results are outlined, and relevant design factors are -1 considered. The final design criteria based on this analysis is summarized below in Section 5.0. 4.1 Exhaust Calculations Based on the design approach selected, the goal of our system is to provide mechanical -� smoke exhaust with the capacity to remove smoke from the atrium to maintain the smoke layer interface at a predefined height in the space for an indefinite period of time. To accomplish this goal, the system must exhaust the same quantity as the smoke produced by a fire with the smoke layer interface at that predefined height. In Section 3.0, the different plume configurations and their applicability to this project were discussed. For this project, the axisymmetric plume and balcony spill configurations were proven to be applicable. Therefore, the system as a minimum must have a total exhaust capability equal to the mass rate of smoke production calculated for these plume configurations. Using Equation 1 found in Section 3.1 above, the smoke mass production rate is calculated _ for the axisymmetric plume scenario. The same design fire used in Section 3.1 above will be used, 5,000 BTU/s (Q,=3,500 BTU/s), and the smoke layer interface height (z) will be 43'2" (10 feet above the highest walking surface) as required by Code. zl = 0.533(3500y/' =13.9 feet lz>zI f mp = 0.022(3500)'/3 (43.167)5/3 + 0.0042(3500) 1=1921b/s Based on the results, the system must provide at least 192 Ib/s of exhaust to maintain the smoke layer at the design height for an axisymmetric plume scenario. This quantity can be converted to a volumetric rate using the equations below from CBC Sections 905.5.2.2 and 905.7.2. 1 Embassy Suites (La Quinta, CA) GBA P.N. LF040026 Atrium Smoke Control System August 30, 2004 (2-15-05 Revisions) Design Report Page 6 Ci�fi4' CF LA C��I ITA BU'11 ING & St':F 7Y E)17' FV!'l r,O, ,jc 11..r £ 1�31V Ga e-15abcock & Associates, Inc. V = 60mp l p (4) where: V = volumetric flow rate, cubic feet per minute (cf n) p = density of air at the temperature of the smoke layer, lb/ft3 TS = e +T. (5) me where: c = specific heat of smoke, (0.24 BTU/lb•° F) m = exhaust rate, lb/s T,, = ambient air temperature, ° F Ts = smoke temperature, °F The smoke temperature using the same assumptions as before is calculated to be 144°F. At this temperature, the density of air is 0.066 Ib/ft3 and the volumetric exhaust rate is determined to be 174,545 cfm. V = 60(192)/ 0.066 =174,545 cfin Using Equation 3 found in Section 3.2 above; the smoke mass production rate is calculated for the balcony spill plume scenario. The fire scenario representing the worst case smoke production is on the first floor. Based on the architectural design of the first floor ceiling the spill width (W) is assumed to be 10 feet (see Architectural RCP fro detail). The fire size used for this calculation is 625 BTU/s, which was determined based on sprinkler activation using ... (See Appendix D). The height of the balcony (I) used in the calculation was 9'-10" and the distance from the balcony to the smoke layer interface (zb) was 33'-4". MP = 0.124(625 x 102 Y13 (33.33 + 0.3 x 9.83)[1 + 0.063(33.33 + 0.6 x 9.83)/ 10]213 J = 208 lb/s The mass flow rate is then converted to a volumetric rate similar to the axisymmetric plume using a smoke temperature of 790F and density of 0.074 Ib/ft3. JEmbassy Suites (La Quinta, CA) GBA P.N. LF040026 Atrium Smoke Control System August 30, 2004 (2-15-05 Revisions) Design Report Page 7 //'' , +� rg l.r i ��i �.� ? ` k �L `� � t � S9 � ., I, A j r Gage -Babcock & Associates, Inc. DATE3���D�s .. -By V = 60(210)/ 0.074 =168,745 cfin Based on the results of each plume configuration the system must be capable of a minimum exhaust rate of 174,545 cfm. 4.2 Number of Exhaust Inlets The exhaust fan inlets should be sized and distributed in the space to be exhausted to minimize the likelihood of air beneath the smoke layer from being drawn through the layer, a phenomenon sometimes referred to as "plugholing". To accomplish this, the velocity of the exhaust inlet should not exceed a value to cause fresh air to be drawn into the smoke layer. The CBC does not provide equations or other guidance on this design aspect. Therefore, equations from NFPA 92B were used. The maximum volumetric flow rate that can be exhausted by a single exhaust inlet without "plugholing" is: V.= 0.537,ad sit [Ta (TS —TL, )1 i2 (6) where: V. = maximum volumetric flow rate without plugholing at TS , cfin T,, = abosulte ambient temperature, °R Ts = absolute smoke temperature, °R d = depth of smoke layer below the lowest point of the exhaust inlet, feet ,8 = exhaust location factor (dimensionless) JUsing the smoke temperature calculated earlier of 1440F (6040R), an ambient temperature of 680F (5280R), smoke layer depth of 5 feet (see Atrium section in Appendix A), and an exhaust location factor of 2.0, the maximum flow without plugholing can be calculated. The Jexhaust location factor was selected based on the suggested value for wall exhaust inlets near a ceiling. V. = 0.537(2.OX5)512 [528(604 — 528)]l12 =12,026 cfin The maximum volumetric flow rate for an exhaust inlet is 12,026 cfm, based on the required total exhaust of 174,545 cfm a minimum of 15 inlets are required. For purposes of symmetry, 16 inlets will be provided on this project each exhausting 11,250 cfm for a total of 180,000 cfm. Embassy Suites (La Quinta, CA) GBA P.N. LF040026 Atrium Smoke Control System August 30, 2004 (2-15-05 Revisions) Design Report Page 8 LA FOP O Ggea-i3 cock & Associates, Inc. DATE 3-11,-�❑ - BY - When the exhaust at an inlet is near this maximum flow rate, adequate separation between 1 exhaust inlets needs to be maintained to minimize interaction between the flows near the inlets. The separation distance recommended is based on the distance from a single inlet that would result in arbitrarily small velocity (40 ft/min) based on sink flow and is calculated using the following equation from NFPA 92B. Snfin = 0.023f3Ve'/2 (7) where: -� Smin = minimum edge - to - edge separation between inlets, ft VQ = volumetric flow rate of one exhaust inlet, cfin P = exhaust location factor (dimensionless) Using 11,250 cfm for the exhaust of an inlet and the same exhaust location factor as before the minimum required distance between inlets is found to be 4'-11" for this project. Smin = 0.023(2.OX11,250)' � 2 4.88 feet A final requirement for exhaust inlets is their size. It is recommended by NFPA 92B, that the ratio d/D shall be greater than 2, where D is the "effective diameter" of the inlet. For rectangular exhaust inlets, D = tab/(a + b), where a and b are the length and width of the inlet. Based on the specifics in this project the effective diameter of the inlets must be less than 2.5 feet to comply with this recommendation. 4.3 Stack Effect The code requires that smoke management systems be designed such that the maximum probable normal or reverse stack effect will not adversely interfere with the system's ability to function as designed. The proposed system is based on an exhaust method of smoke control and does not use pressure differences to control smoke. Therefore, once the system has been operated the smoke movement driven back either normal or reverse stack effect will be eliminated. To ensure that the system will perform as designed the exhaust and supply fans will need to be selected to compensate for the pressure difference caused by stack effect. During winter conditions, the atrium will be warmer than the outside air causing a normal stack effect where the airflow in the building will be in an upward direction -with air flowing into the building below the neutral plane and out of the building above the neutral plane. This will not have a negative effect on the system/fan performance except for supply fans Embassy Suites (La Quinta, CA) GBA P.N. LF040026 Atrium Smoke Control System August 30, 2004 (2-15-05 Revisions) Design Report Page 9 I I I I CF1-Y OF LA 1 `` ?'at �i I OF1 age -Babcock & Associates, Inc. DATE FAY — - located above the neutral plane, which will need to counteract the positive pressure difference trying to force air out of the building. To determine the magnitude of the pressure difference caused by normal stack effect, the location of the neutral plane must be determined and then based on the distance and direction from neutral plane the pressure difference can be estimated. Based on a winter temperature of 260F (4860R) and an inside temperature of 68°F (5281R) the neutral plane location is calculated as follows: 1 Hn —H I+(TxITp)i,3 where: H„ = height of neutral plane, ft H = height of shaft, ft Ts = absolute temperature of air in shaft, ° R T,, = absolute temperature of outside air, °R 1 H,, = 54i � 1 + 528 486 ts = 26.6 ft M] Knowing the location of the neutral plane we can now estimate the pressure difference and direction based on the distance above or below the neutral plane. Since we are only concerned with the effect on supply points above the neutral plan for normal stack effect the pressure at the 4th floor ceiling elevation will be used, since all make-up air will be supplied below this point. Using an elevation above the floor of 40'6" the pressure difference is calculated below: Embassy Suites (La Quinta, CA) GBA P.N. LF040026 Atrium Smoke Control System August 30, 2004 (2-15-05 Revisions) Design Report Page 10 (CITY OF LA QU6NTA UI DIl lG &-AFETtY MEPT. �..G; ION Dql ❑� �Y Gage-Ba cock & Associates, Inc. AP,,, = 7.64 1 —1 h T" T, (9) where: OPo = pressure difference from shaft to outside, in. H2O h = height above neutral plane, ft (negative numbers indicate below neutral plane) Ts = absolute temperature of air in shaft, °R --� T, = absolute temperature of outside air, °R AP,,, = 7.64 , 1 — 1 )13.9 L 486 528 = 0.0174 in. H2O During summer conditions, the atrium will be cooler than the outside air causing a reverse stack effect where the airflow in the building will be in a downward direction with air flowing into the building above the neutral plane and out of the building below the neutral plane. This will have a negative effect on the system/fan performance in two areas, the exhaust fans at the roof and the supply fans located below the neutral plane. These fans will need to compensate for the pressure differences working against each of these fans. Similar to before the neutral plane and pressure differences are determined. For a reverse stack effect condition the calculations will be based on a summer temperature of 1170F (5770R) and the pressure differences will be evaluated at the floor (elevation 0'0") and exhaust inlets (elevation 50'0"). 1 H„ = 54 1 + (528/577y" 1 = 27.4 ft At the floor: APso = 7.64 1 — 1 27.4 J (577 528) = 0.0337in. H2O At the exhaust inlets: Embassy Suites (La Quinta, CA) GBA P.N. LF040026 Atrium Smoke Control System August 30, 2004 (2-15-05 Revisions) Design Report Page 11 BUILDING �t SkJFE ETY ©APT. I I FOR GONSTP U� DAT 'D7 6Y OPso = 7.64 1-- 1 22.6 ` 577 528, =—0.0278 in. HZO cock & Associates, Inc. Based on the results of the normal and reverse stack effect above, the fans for this design must be selected using a higher static pressure as follows: 1. Exhaust fans — increase static pressure used in selection by 0.0278 in. H2O 2. Supply fans providing at the 4t" floor level — increase static pressure used in selection by 0.0174 in. H2O 3. Supply fans providing at the 3rd floor level and below — increase static pressure used in selection by 0.0337 in. H2O 4.4 Temperature Effect of Fire CBC Section 905.2.2.3 requires that the buoyancy and expansion relating to gases produced by the design fire be addressed. The impact of the buoyancy and expansion of hot combustion gases was analyzed for this design as follows: 1. As a result of using an exhaust system, gas expansion is not a concern because the exhaust system will not allow any pressure to build-up in the space. 2. The system has been designed accounting for the worst -case change in density as a result of temperature increase from the design fire. 3. Buoyancy is addressed by evaluating smoke stratification issues for this design. Once the smoke evacuation system has started in for the atrium, the stratification condition (if present) will be eliminated by removal of the hot layer. The problem facing is to ensure that the presence of smoke is promptly detected. To account for ensure appropriate detection and activation of the system a specifically designed detection system is being proposed. (See Section 4.8 for details) 4.5 Wind Effect CBC Section 905.2.2.4 requires that the adverse effects of wind be considered in the design of a smoke control system. In many instances, wind can have a pronounced effect on smoke movement within a building. The effect of wind on air movement within tightly constructed buildings with all doors and windows closed is slight. However, the effects of wind can become important for loosely constructed buildings or for buildings with open Embassy Suites (La Quinta, CA) Atrium Smoke Control System Design Report GBA P.N. LF040026 August 30, 2004 (2-15-05 Revisions) Page 12 I F -YE, F__L 0- E J I A �Ai� jDGage- ,alococl� &Associates, Inc. --1 _. I doors or windows. The building will be tightly constructed and all spaces are separated from the atrium so wind effects will be minimal. When the system is activated, because the exhaust method is being employed on this project, the driving force for smoke movement in the building will be the ventilation (exhaust) system. Given the size of the exhaust system, any wind driven smoke flow will be over powered by the forced exhaust. A final consideration is the location of the exhaust outlets and supply air intakes. Inlets and outlets must be configured so that smoke is not reintroduced into the building by the smoke control system. Therefore, all inlets will be upwind of outlets under prevailing wind conditions, which is Northwest, or otherwise located to reduce the possibility of drawing smoke back into the building. 4.6 HVAC Systems CBC Section 905.2.2.5 requires that consideration be given to the effects caused by heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems on the smoke production and transport. The design for this project requires that the building HVAC systems (excluding guest room stand alone units) shut down upon the detection of a fire to eliminate any effects caused by its operation. In addition, all smoke barriers must be provided with smoke dampers in accordance with CBC Section 713.10. The kitchen exhaust fans located within the atrium enclosure will not be controlled by the smoke exhaust system. If these fans are running during an atrium system activation, they will continue to run. In our opinion, the impact of these fans on the performance of the atrium exhaust system is negligible. In addition, to effects cased by the HVAC system the effects of the fire on equipment used for smoke exhaust must be addressed. The exhaust fans must be rated and certified for the probable temperature rise that they may be exposed. Previously, the smoke temperature was calculated to be 1440F in accordance with the calculation found in CBC Section 905.7.2. Therefore, to account for the effects of a fire and ensure continued operation of the smoke control system the exhaust fans must be rated for operating temperature greater than 144°F. 4.7 Climate CBC Section 905.2.2.6 states that the effects of low temperatures on systems, property and occupants shall be considered. In addition, the code states that air inlets and outlets associated with the smoke control system, where applicable, shall be located to prevent snow or ice blockage. J Embassy Suites (La Quinta, CA) GBA P.N. LF040026 Atrium Smoke Control System August 30, 2004 (2-15-05 Revisions) Design Report Page 13 Gage-Sa cock & Associates, Inc. D AT F---� 140 -6 9-Y -*146. The proposed location of the project is not subject to extreme cold temperatures that will require special measures to protect the system, property, or occupants from low temperatures. Also, the proposed location does not require special attention to prevent snow or ice blockage. Other climate considerations have been addressed elsewhere in this - report. 4.8 Stratification and Detection When the temperature of the air in the upper portion of the atrium space is greater than that at lower levels, smoke can stratify under the hot layer of air and not reach ceiling. Stratification is only a concern with the exhaust method prior to activation of the system, since the exhaust system will remove any heated air from the top of the atrium upon activation. Therefore, smoke stratification must be accounted for the early stages of the fire this will be done by ensuring that proper detection and activation of the system will occur. Due to the high ceiling in the atrium, sprinkler activation is not an effective method for activating the system. As a result, smoke detection is proposed as the means for activating the smoke control system. To help ensure, that a fire is detected early and that the detection is not significantly affected by stratification horizontal beam detection is being added to the atrium to detect the smoke plume. The purpose of this approach is to detect the rising plume rather than the smoke layer. For this approach, an arrangement of beams close enough to each other to assure intersection of the plume is installed. The spacing between beams shall be based on the narrowest potential width of the plume at the level of detection. The spacing of these beams, as suggested by NFPA 92B, shall be calculated using the following equation: d = 0.25z (10) Jwhere: d = minimum plume diameter/beam spacing, ft z = height above fire, ft The proposed height of the beam detectors is at the 4th floor level (33' AFF), solving the above equation the maximum beam spacing (between parallel beams) shall be 8.25 feet. Based on this proposed height of the beams, we must ensure that the plume will rise (overcome stratification) to reach the detection with a small enough fire size (i.e. early stages of the fire). Using the formula below we can solve for the maximum temperature change above ambient conditions that would prevent smoke from reaching our detection system for a given fire size. -� Embassy Suites (La Quinta, CA) GBA P.N. LF040026 Atrium Smoke Control System August 30, 2004 (2-15-05 Revisions) Design Report Page 14 C3iv4i��lro� T`'( UHF'►. Fort Gy: � �� RUC Gage abcock &Associates, Inc. _�Dy *(� AT,=1300Q2/3H-5/3 where: AT, = ambient temperture increase, ° F Q, = convective heat release rate of fire, BTU/s H = height above the floor, ft Solving using a height of 33 feet, and a convective heat release rate of 350 BTU/s (10% of the design fire size). ATo=1300(350)z/3 (33)-5/3 =180°F The atrium up through the 4th level is condition spaces and a significant temperature change is not expected. It can be assumed that the temperature difference will be less than the 180OF required per the above calculation. Therefore, the detection system should effectively detect a fire within the atrium without being hindered by smoke stratification. 5.0 DESIGN CRITERIA Based on the above analysis and additional code requirements, design criteria applicable the smoke control system for this project is identified in the sections below. 5.1 Mechanical Smoke Exhaust System Design Specifications —� 1. 180,000 cfm of total exhaust for the removal of smoke and other products of combustion. The exhaust system shall consist of sixteen (16) exhaust inlets (four in each skylight) mounted vertically with the bottom of the exhaust Inlets at 48'2" or higher. Each inlet must be separated from each other (edge -to -edge) by at least 4'11". The maximum diameter of each inlet must not exceed 2.5 feet (for rectangular inlets see Section 4.2 of this report). 1 2. Outside air will be supplied to the atrium to make up approximately an equal volume of air exhausted. Make-up air will be a combination of forced air, and natural/free openings. The proposed make-up air design is illustrated in Appendix B. Note that make-up air system has been design to keep the velocity towards the fire below 200 fpm. Embassy Suites (La Quinta, CA) Atrium Smoke Control System August 30, 2004 Design Report GBA P.N. LF040026 Page 15 LLt. C;a i E _31 _PY G� Gage- t,cock 8� Associates, Inc. -_ 3. Mechanically supplied make-up air will be provided around the atrium perimeter at the ceiling of the first floor, supplied from air -handling units installed on the roof. Additional make-up air will be provided from air registers located within the make-up air shafts located on each side of the atrium elevators. All make-up air fans, ducting, equipment, and controls will comply with the requirements of Section 905 of the Building Code. 4. Natural make-up air openings into the atrium will be provided through the use of automatic opening doors and windows located on the first floor (Main Entry, and Pool Entry), and through the use of automatic opening make-up air dampers located at the end of the atrium guest room corridors at the southwest and northeast corners of the atrium. Dampers and controls will be provided in accordance with the requirements of Section 905 of the Building Code. Door and window operators and controls will be UL listed systems meeting the performance requirements for smoke control system components required by Section 905 of the Building Code. 5. The suppression and detection systems for the building must be zoned to facilitate the sequencing described below (See also Sections 5.2 & 5.3 for additional information). Automatic smoke control system activation will be accomplished in accordance with the sequencing described below, and by manual activation at the Firefighters Control Panel. 6. An Underwriter's Laboratories (UL) UUKL Listed smoke control panel shall be provided in a location accessible to the fire department. The panel shall have a means for manually starting and stopping the smoke control system and should indicate the status of system graphically. The Fire Department must approve design of this panel. 7. All dedicated smoke control system components shall be required to undergo a weekly self -test, as required by the UUKL Listing. 8. The system shall be supervised for positive confirmation of activation (i.e. fans, dampers, automatic doors, etc.), testing of devices, manual override mechanisms, and the presence of power downstream of all disconnects. Conductors and connections which interconnect equipment, devices, and appliances shall be monitored for integrity in accordance with NFPA 72, as adopted by the State of California. 9. All exhaust fans shall be rated and certified by the manufacturer for temperatures up to 1440F or higher. In addition, all belt -driven fan shall have 1.5 times the number of belts required for duty or a minimum of two. 10.All wiring associated with the smoke control system, regardless of voltage, shall be fully enclosed within continuous raceways. 11.All electrical components of the smoke control system are required to be provided with a standby power source in accordance with CBC Section 905.8. 12.All of the proposed equipment shall meet the applicable provisions of Section 905 of the CBC. Embassy Suites (La Quinta, CA) Atrium Smoke Control System Design Report GBA P.N. LF040026 August 30, 2004 (2-15-05 Revisions) Page 16 c 1 �* fy LA Fa1f,A'It �.-�11-7 L , ► i° -t T"C1 . G()NSTRL�U-i'1U\1G e-Babcock 8�Associates, Inc. 3��- i1'7 ICY X� _ Sequencing 1 A very important piece of any smoke control system is proper activation sequencing. If the l sequencing is not correct, the system may not function properly and may not achieve the intended objectives. The following describes the recommended activation sequencing for the smoke control system in order to facilitate the goals of this project. The building should be divided into a minimum of two smoke zones, for the purpose of operating the smoke control system. These zones will be referred to as Zones 1 and 2. These smoke zones are defined as follows: Zone 1 - The atrium space and all areas open to the atrium. Zone 2 - The remainder of the building not open to the atrium. The automatic activation of the smoke control system will be accomplished through actuation of smoke detection in the atrium smoke zone (Zone 1). The system shall not _ activate upon actuation of a manual pull station. Once activated the system will remain running until manually overridden at the fire department control panel. In addition, an alarm in any zone will shut down all normal HVAC operations for the building. 1 5.2 Fire Sprinkler System The Building Code requires that any building with an atrium be protected throughout by an automatic sprinkler system. The sprinkler system must be designed and installed in accordance with NFPA 13. The building will have a sprinkler system installed throughout with quick response sprinklers installed in the atrium and areas open to the atrium as l required for Light Hazard Occupancies by NFPA 13 (other areas may require quick response sprinklers based on code requirements). There is no special design 1 requirements or restrictions for the sprinkler system as a result of the smoke control system analysis. All valves controlling the water supply and water flow switches should be electrically monitored. Monitoring should consist of distinctively different alarm and trouble signals being automatically transmitted to an approved central station, remote station, or proprietary monitoring station. No special zoning of the sprinkler system is required for activation of the smoke control system. Embassy Suites (La Quinta, CA) GBA P.N. LF040026 Atrium Smoke Control System August 30, 2004 (2-15-05 Revisions) Design Report Page 17 Si'm �l ' r J Gage-bahcock & Associates, Inc. RY 5.3 Fire Alarm and Detection System The Building Code does not specifically require a detection system due to the presence of the atrium. However, Gage -Babcock has recommended that the automatic activation of the smoke control system be controlled using smoke detection in the atrium. Therefore, as a i minimum, a smoke detection system covering the atrium space (excluding the skylights) and all areas open to the atrium shall be provided. Any detection devices meeting the requirements of the Building and Fire Codes may be used for this system. In addition to this protection, a specialized beam detection system must be install at the 4t" floor level at approximately 33 feet above the atrium floor. The beam detectors shall be installed so that r they project a beam horizontally across the atrium floor opening and with a maximum beam spacing (between parallel beams) of 8.25 feet. All devices shall be UL listed and installed per the listing, NFPA 72, and manufacturers recommendations. I The building shall be provided with a fire alarm notification system to initiate evacuation of the building in a fire emergency. The fire alarm notification system, when initiated, shall be } audible throughout the building. The alarm system should include both audible and visual alarms located in accordance with the Fire Code, NFPA 72 and ADA requirements. i The fire alarm and detection system must be zoned to facilitate the activation of the smoke control system, as described above. The atrium zone (Zone 1) will include the atrium space and all areas open to the atrium, which includes balconies/walkways around the perimeter of the atrium. The central monitoring station shall supervise the fire alarm system including the smoke control system. 5.4 Construction The intent of this analysis is not to prescribe any alternate to the building construction ` required by the Code. However, there are some assumptions relating to the location of fire resistive construction and smoke barriers that need to be addressed (See Architectural Dwgs). The analysis assumes that one -hour fire rated construction separates all adjacent areas from the atrium. The three stair towers are enclosed to the exterior by two-hour fire rated construction. It is also assumed that the atrium separation will also act as smoke barriers and comply with CBC Section 905.2.3. - Embassy Suites (La Quinta, CA) GBA P.N. LF040026 Atrium Smoke Control System August 30, 2004 (2-15-05 Revisions) Design Report Page 18 d': DEPT. FG� DATE: 3 2. 0; _E.'Y ck & Associates, Inc. 5.5 Atrium Fuel Loading It was the intent of this analysis to not limit the atrium fuel loading beyond its typical use or the restrictions present in the fire code. Therefore, in the open area of the atrium (i.e. high ceiling areas not adequately protected by sprinklers) furnishings and decorative materials must not exceed a potential heat of combustion of 9,000 BTU/Ib in compliance with CFC Section 1103.3.4.1. Decorative materials within the atrium shall be noncombustible, flame resistant or treated with flame retardant. 6.0 SYSTEM INSPECTION & TESTING Devices, equipment, components and sequences associated with the smoke control system shall be individually tested as required by CBC Section 905.15. The purpose of the inspections and testing is to verify the functionality, sequence and capacity of the installed components and equipment perform as required by this design analysis. All inspections and testing fro the smoke control system shall be witnessed and/or performed by a qualified special inspector or special inspection agency approved by the City of La Quinta. The special inspector shall prepare a report documenting the inspections and testing performed in compliance with the requirements of CBC Section 90515.9. The report shall be reviewed and signed by the responsible designer, and a copy of the final report shall be filed with the building official and an identical copy maintained in an approved location at the building. 6.1 Component System Testing The intent of component system testing is to establish that the final installation complies with the specified design, is functioning properly, and is ready for acceptance testing. 6.1.1 Detection Devices Smoke detection associated with the smoke control system shall be tested in accordance with the Fire Code. Testing shall confirm that the system is completely installed and functional, and that the zoning of the system is compliant with the design. 6.1.2 Ducts Ducts that are part of the smoke control system shall be traversed using generally accepted practices to determine actual air quantities. 6.1.3 Dampers, Louvers, and Automatic Doors All dampers, louvers, and automatic doors associated with the smoke control system shall Embassy Suites (La Quinta, CA) GBA P.N. LF040026 Atrium Smoke Control System August 30, 2004 Design Report Page 19 CITY OF LA QUINTA BUIL, it IG & SAFEIY DEPT. A� P R 0 FOR C-,DASTRUC ..ON Gago-Be crack 8 Associates, Inc. be inspected to ensure proper installation per the manufacturer's instructions and to verify that equipment required to provide positive confirmation of actuation is installed. All J dampers, louvers, and automatic doors shall be tested to confirm that they open and/or _ close fully in their installed condition within the required response times stated in CBC Section 905.14. 6.1.4 Inlets and Outlets All inlets and outlets shall be read using generally accepted practices to determine air quantities and confirm that capacities are meeting the design requirements. 6.1.5 Fans Fans associated with the smoke control system shall be examined for correct rotation and number of belts. Measurements of voltage, amperage, rpm's and belt tension shall be taken and recorded. 6.1.6 Smoke Barriers All smoke barriers required by the smoke control system shall be inspected for completeness of the construction by verifying: 1. The assembly is installed such that it completely separates the intended areas to resist the passage of smoke. 2. All penetration are sealed with appropriate fire stopping. 3. Doors and closer are provided and listed for the intended purpose. 4. Glazing/windows are installed, sealed and listed for the intended purpose. Smoke barriers shall be 100% inspected during construction by the special inspector or inspection agency. 6.2 Acceptance Testing The intent of acceptance testing is to demonstrate that the final integrated system installation complies with the specific design and is functioning properly. Prior to beginning acceptance testing, all building equipment shall be placed in the normal operating mode, including equipment that is not used to implement smoke management, such as toilet exhaust, elevator shaft vents, elevator machine room fans, and similar systems. Wind speed, direction, and outside temperature shall be recorded for each test day. If conditions change greatly during the testing, new conditions shall be recorded. Embassy Suites (La Quinta, CA) GBA P.N. LF040026 Atrium Smoke Control System August 30, 2004 (2-15-05 Revisions) Design Report Page 20 CITY CIF- LA QU NITA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. FOR CONSTRUCTION age-Babco jk & Associates, Inc. oATc �5�y - - - ---~ The acceptance testing shall be conducted while on both normal and standby power. Disconnect the normal building power at the main service disconnect to simulate true operating conditions in standby power mode. Initiate the system via automatic means by initiating an alarm in a smoke zone. Confirm and document the sequence of operations for all equipment related to the smoke control system and response times of all individual components. While the system is running measurements shall be taken to record volumetric flow rates for exhaust and supply air, and airflow velocities at the atrium openings. Each smoke zone shall be put into alarm to confirm the proper sequence of operations, fan motors may be bypassed during subsequent testing to avoid damage if approved by the AHJ and/or special inspector. Manual override of the system in normal or automatic modes shall be confirmed. Embassy Suites (La Quinta, CA) GBA P.N. LF040026 Atrium Smoke Control System August 30, 2004 (2-15-05 Revisions) Design Report Page 21 l � I I I I APPENDIX A -ATRIUM SECTION I 7 I I I I I I CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. Are N I F 0 FOR CON`` RUCTION I +48-2" A.F.F. _ B.O. EXHAUST INLE -6_1- 43' —2_ A.F. F- l-' SMOKE LAYER +40'-6" A.F.F. CEILING HEIGHT -zjL+-33'-2" A.F.F. 4th LEV. F.F. 24 —1 /2" A.F.F. _ 3rd LEV. F.F. 14'-11" A.F.F. —. 2nd LEV. F.F. +0'-o' 1st LEV. F.F. (MAIN) ATRIUM SECT ON OF LA OUN BUF-DING & SAFETY DEPT. FOR, CO BS 1 UCTiON k. F. F. aTE �.F. F. FIT F SACLE: 1/8" = 1'0' rBU OF LA QU�i€ETA iNG °� 4 ,t`,FF i�Y 7�F'T. FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE APPENDIX B - MAKE-UP AIR LAYOUT LM Ll 0 <8> AUTOMATIC DOORS & WINDOW - 134.5SF (TOTAL FREE AREA) OPENING FROM FRONT LOBBY TO ATRIUM - 388SF <3A> AUTOMATIC DOORS - 63SF (TOTAL FREE AREA) OPENING FROM POOL LOBBY TO ATRIUM 161SF IL I I FM Ll d .1 A j p FIT i IL 17 ELI tall r <�> FORCED SUPPLY AIR, MULTIPLE GRILLES AT THE SOFFIT PERIMETER AND 1ST FLOOR CEILING (SEE MECHANICAL DWGS FOR DETAIL), 200FPM OR LESS AT EACH OUTLET (9,000 CFM TOTAL SUPPLY) <�> FORCED SUPPLY AIR, MULTIPLE GRILLES UP SHAFT 0 200 FPM OR LESS (22,000 CFM OF TOTAL SUPPLY) <C6> FORCED SUPPLY AIR, MULTIPLE GRILLES UP SHAFT 0 200 FPM OR LESS (22,800 CFM OF TOTAL SUPPLY) I TA m7 Lj% U! -y ol 7, !- [)FpT. BUILDli""' BUILD ID 7. - C ION FC.-i J, iu T1 72 Fi DATE- ; py FIRST FLOOR MAKE-UP AIR PLAN. SACLE: 1/32" = 1T N I T4 Jpnll� ® AUTOMATIC LOUVER — 17SF (TOTAL FREE AREA) se ACCESS PANEL W/ LOUVER — 9SF (TOTAL FREE AREA) Qc CORRIDOR OPENING INTO ATRIUM — 49SF ®r, SEE 1ST FLOOR SHEET FOR DESCRIPTION 06, SEE 1ST FLOOR SHEET FOR DESCRIPTION m <�> ACCESS PANEL W1 LOUVER — 9SF (TOTAL FREE AREA) * ACCESS PANEL W1 LOUVER — 9SF (TOTAL FREE AREA) <sc> CORRIDOR OPENING INTO ATRIUM — 49SF Cl-I Y OF LA QUINTA 131JILDING & SAFETY OEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTFRUCTiON DX_'EA SECOND FLOOR MAKE-UP AIR PLAN SCALE: 1/32" = 1'0" r i -II I� �k I 7 Y. SEE 1ST FLOOR SHEET FOR DESCRIPTION 's SEE 1ST FLOOR SHEET FOR DESCRIPTION AUTOMATIC LOUVER — 17SF (TOTAL FREE AREA) ACCESS PANEL W/ LOUVER — 9SF (TOTAL FREE AREA) AUTOMATIC LOUVER — 17SF (TOTAL FREE AREA) <0 CORRIDOR OPENING INTO ATRIUM — 49SF ACCESS PANEL W/ LOUVER — 9SF (TOTAL FREE AREA) CORRIDOR OPENING INTO ATRIUM — 49SF CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. AppROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION BY �-- - DATE 3 z _ t i =T I ' -3. - a TH Rn -FI OOR MAKE SCALE: 1/32" = 1'0" UP AIR PLAN °� AUTOMATIC LOUVER — 17SF (TOTAL FREE AREA) 4 ACCESS PANEL W/ LOUVER — 9SF (TOTAL FREE AREA) ® CORRIDOR OPENING INTO ATRIUM — 49SF ® AUTOMATIC LOUVER — 17SF (TOTAL FREE AREA) ® ACCESS PANEL W/ LOUVER — 9SF (TOTAL FREE AREA) CORRIDOR OPENING INTO ATRIUM — 49SF J I _ r FOURTH FLOOR MAKE-UP AIR PLAN SCALE: 1/32" = 1'0" Clirf OF LA QU1� i A BUI LDII`IG & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION BY - a C"i y OF: LA QUINTA EUV_.0lNG tgs SA7rE I Ti DE:P iT. e-_-j ) f-I V FOR CONSTRUCTION n.n . 3 & yr _BY APPENDIX C - FIRE MODELING CALCULATIONS RUCTION I'Uti {,NvF Py 1 Axis mmetric Plume: ! The design fire for the axisymmetric plume was arrived at using, the Sprinkler effective assumption allowed by CBC 905.6.2.4. Using the computer model CFAST Version 3.1.7 predictions for sprinkler activation were developed. The model was run as a one - compartment model representing the area of the open atrium space. A fire was placed in -1 the center of room at the floor level. The fire was assumed to be a growing fire based on t- squared assumption. For this project the fire was assumed to grow at a moderate rate, which Gage -Babcock feels is appropriate given the occupancy, fuel loading, typical fuel spacing, and natural time delays that occur when a initial burning item spreads to adjacent items with any separation distance. Sprinklers were assumed at the atrium ceiling with spacing representative of the furthest away a sprinkler could be based on the proposed atrium ceiling design. The sprinklers were assumed to be quick response, intermediate temperature sprinklers. _ The input file for the model follows with a printout of the spreadsheet output from the model. The model shows predicts that the sprinkler will activate at 508 seconds after ignition, which corresponded to a fire size of 2,870 BTU/s. The design fire used for this _ analysis is a steady state fire of 5,000 BTU/s, which provides a very conservative design basis based on the results of the model. I I Embassy Suites (La Quinta, CA) GBA P.N. LF040026 J Atrium Smoke Control System August 30, 2004 (2-15-05 Revisions) Design Report Page C-1 1 EMBASSYI .DAT VERSN 3EMBASSY SPRINKLER ACTIVATION (MODERATE FIRE) #VERSN 3 EMBASSY SPRINKLER ACTIVATION (MODERATE FIRE) TIMES 1200 0 10 20 0 ADUMP MODERATE CSV N 'EL! CON:_: i RUC T ION J E 3 BY TAMB 293.150 101300. 0.000000 EAMB 293.150 101300.0.000000 HI/F 0.000000 WIDTH 25.9080 1 DEPTH 25.9080 HEIGH 16.4592 CEILI GYPSUM -1 WALLS GYPSUM FLOOR PLYWOOD #CEILI GYPSUM #WALLS GYPSUM #FLOOR PLYWOOD HVENT 1 2 1 3.66000 0.0108540 0.0100000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 CVENT 1 2 1 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1 1.00000 1.00000 1.0 000 0 1.00000 HVENT 1 2 2 3.66000 2.43000 2.42915 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 CVENT 1 2 2 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1,00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1,00000 1.00000 1.00000 HVENT 1 2 3 0.910000 2.13000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 CVENT 1 2 3 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00 00 0 1.00000 CHEMI 16.0000 50.0000 10.0000 1.95000E+007 293.150 493.150 0.300000 LFBO 1 LFBT 2 1 CJET ALL FPOS-1.00000-1.00000 0.000000 FTI M E 100.000 200.000 300.000 400.000 500.000 600.000 700.000 800.000 900.000 1200.00 1300.00 1400.00 1500.00 1600.00 1700.00 1800.00 1900.00 2000.00 2100.00 FMASS 0.000000 0.00601026 0.0240410 0.0540923 0.0961641 0.150256 0.216369 0.294503 0.384656 0.486831 0.486831 0.384656 0.294503 0.216369 0.150256 0.0961641 0.0540923 0.0240410 0.00601026 0.000000 FQDOT 0.000000 117200. 468800. 1.05480E+006 1.87520E+006 2.93000E+006 4.21920E+006 5.74280E+006 7.50080E+006 9.49320E+006 9.49320E+006 7.50080E+006 5.74280E+006 4.21920E+006 2.93000E+006 1.87520E+006 1.05480E+006 468800. 117200. 0.000000 HCR 0.0800000 0.0800000 0.0800000 0.0800000 0.0800000 0.0800000 0.0800000 0.0800000 0.0800000 0.0800000 0.0800000 0.0800000 0.0800000 0.0800000 0.0800000 0.0800000 0.0800000 0.0800000 0.0800000 0.0800000 ❑D 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 CO 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 DETECT 5 1 388.150 9.14400 10.6680 16.3068 50.0000 1 7.00001E-005 SELECT 1 0 0 #GRAPHICS ON DEVICE 1 WINDOW 0. 0. -100. 1280. 1024. 1100. Page 1 EMBASSYI .DAT LABEL 1 970. 960. 0. 1231. 1005. 10. 15 00:00:00 0.00 0.00 GRAPH 1 100. 50. 0, 600. 475. 10, 3 TIME HEIGHT GRAPH 2 100. 550. 0. 600. 940. 10. 3 TIME CELSIUS GRAPH 3 720. 50. 0. 1250, 475. 10. 3 TIME FIRE—SIZE(kW) GRAPH 4 720. 550. 0.1250. 940. 10. 3 TIME OID210() HEAT 00003 1 U TEMPE 00002 1 U INTER 00001 1 U 02 00004 1 U Page 2 UTY OF LA Q IJ I'N" I -A GUILDINfG & SAFETY DEFT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE 3 '3 C,6 15y -- a TIME s Main Fire Size W Sensor Temperature( 1) K Sensor Gas Jet Temper re( 1) K 0.00 10.00 0.00 11720.00 293.15 293.31 j293:15� - 295.14 20.00 23440.00 293.59 295.41 30.00 35160.00 293.88 295.53 40.00 46880.00 294.17 295.60 50.00 58600.00 294.44 295.65 60.00 70320.00 294.68 295.68 70.00 82040.00 294.90 295.86 80.00 93760.00 295.15 296.19 90.00 105480.00 295.43 296.53 100.00 117200.00 295.73 296.89 110.00 152360.00 296.12 297.65 120.00 187520.00 296.62 298.43 130.00 222679.00 297.21 299.23 140.00 257839.00 297.88 300.06 150.00 292999.00 298.61 300.92 160.00 328159.00 299.39 301.80 170.00 363318.00 300.21 302.70 180.00 398478.00 301.07 303.64 190.00 433637.00 301.97 304.59 200.00 468797.00 302.89 305.57 210.00 527396.00 303.90 306.87 220.00 585994.00 305.01 308.21 230.00 644593.00 306.22 309.58 240.00 703191.00 307.50 311.00 250.00 761789.00 308.84 312.47 260.00 820386.00 310.25 313.98 270.00 878983.00 311.71 315.54 280.00 937579.00 313.20 317.14 290.00 996175.00 314.77 318.77 300.00 1054770.00 316.38 320.45 310.00 1136800.00 318.07 322.42 320.00 1218830.00 319.89 324.44 330.00 1300870.00 321.81 326.54 340.00 1382900.00 323.81 328.69 350.00 1464920.00 325.90 330.92. 360.00 1546950.00 328.06 333.21 a 370.00 1628970.00 330.30 335.56 380.00 1710990.00 332.60 337.99 390.00 1793010.00 334.98 340.48 400.00 1875030.00 337.41 342.93 410.00 1980480.00 339.87 345.50 420.00 2085920.00 342.42 348.16 430.00 2191360.00 345.04 350.87 440.00 2296800.00 347.74 353.67 450.00 2402230.00 350.51 356.55 460.00 2507650.00 353.35 359.50 470.00 2613070.00 356.25 362.53 480.00 2718470.00 359.27 365.65 490.00 2823870.00 362.34 368.86 500.00 2929250.00 365.53 372.15 510.00 3016030.00 368.79 375.39 520.00 2933250.00 371.74 377.47 MODERATE Page 1 1 I iTy tG (7 �',jA�,i Ely lCONSTRUCTI&Iq TIME s Main Fire Size W Sensor Temperature( 1) K ',Sensor Gas Jet Tempe re( 1) 530.00 2852740.00 374.32 DAT�[0�6�KBY 540.00 2774430.00 376.61 381.14 550.00 2698260.00 378.68 382.80 560.00 2624190.00 380.56 384.35 570.00 2552140.00 382.28 385.78 580.00 2482060.00 383.87 387.11 590.00 2413910.00 385.34 388.34 600.00 2347630.00 386.69 389.47 610.00 2283160.00 387.94 390.50 620.00 2220460.00 389.08 391.43 630.00 2159480.00 390.12 392.28 640.00 2100180.00 391.07 393.04 650.00 2042500.00 391.93 393.72 660.00 1986410.00 392.71 394.32 670.00 1931860.00 393.40 394.85 680.00 1878810.00 394.02 395.30 690.00 1827210.00 394.56 395.68 700.00 1777040.00 395.02 395.98 710.00 1728240.00 395.42 396.23 720.00 1680790.00 395.76 396.43 730.00 1634640.00 396.03 396.56 740.00 1589770.00 396.24 396.65 750.00 1546120.00 396.40 396.69 760.00 1503680.00 396.50 396.67 770.00 1462410.00 396.55 396.60 780.00 1422270.00 396.55 396.49 790.00 1383240.00 396.50 396.34 800.00 1345280.00 396.41 396.14 810.00 1308370.00 396.27 395.91 820.00 1272470.00 396.10 395.64 830.00 1237570.00 395.89 395.34 840.00 1203620.00 395.64 395.01 850.00 1170610.00 395.37 394.66 860.00 1138500.00 395.06 394.27 870.00 1107280.00 394.72 393.86 880.00 1076910.00 394.35 393.43 890.00 1047380.00 393.96 392 97a 900.00 1018660.00 393.55 392.50 910.00 990733.00 393.11 392.00 920.00 963569.00 392.66 391.49 930.00 937151.00 392.18 390.97 940.00 911458.00 391.69 390.43 950.00 886469.00 391.18 389.87 960.00 862166.00 390.66 389.31 970.00 838530.00 390.12 388.73 980.00 815542.00 389.57 388.15 990.00 793184.00 389.02 387.55 1000.00 771438.00 388.45 386.95 1010.00 750289.00 387.87 386.34 1020.00 729719.00 387.28 385.73 1030.00 709715.00 386.69 385.11 1040.00 690258.00 386.09 384.49 1050.00 671336.00 385.48 383.86 MODERATE Page 2 TIME Main Fire Size Sensor Temperature( 1) Sensor Gas Jet Temperature( 1) s IN K K 1060.00 652932.00 384.87 383.23 1070.00 635033.00 384.26 382.59 1080.00 617624.00 383.64 381.96 1090.00 600694.00 383.02 381.32 1100.00 584227.00 382.39 380.68 1110.00 568211.00 381.77 380.04 1120.00 552635.00 381.14 379.40 1130.00 537486.00 380.51 378.76 1140.00 522752.00 379.88 378.13 1150.00 508422.00 379.25 377.49 1160.00 494485.00 378.63 376.85 1170.00 480930.00 378.00 376.22 1180.00 467747.00 377.37 375.59 1190.00 454925.00 376.75 374.96 CITy OF lam. QUINTA BU LDINO & SAFETY DEPT. FOA C,01,1T RUCTION 7-to-E ILIL6 ru MODERATE Page 3 OF LA NG & SAFE T Y GEPT. E;UILUI FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE 3 7 _ BY Balcony SON Plume: The design fire for the balcony spill plume was arrived at using the Sprinkler effective assumption allowed by CBC 905.6.2.4. Using a subroutine of the computer model FPETool predictions for sprinkler activation were developed. The model was run using quick response, ordinary temperature sprinklers with a 10 ft. Ceiling and spacing from the fire to the sprinkler of 10 ft. The fire was assumed to be a growing fire based on t-squared assumption. For this project the fire was assumed to grow at a moderate rate. The model shows predicts that the sprinkler will activate at 237 seconds after ignition, which corresponded to a fire size of approximately 618 BTU/s. Based on this result the design fire for balcony spill plume used for this analysis is a steady state fire of 625 BTU/s. Sprinkler/detector activation calculation L 1 11 PRINTOUT/SCREEN DISPLAY INTERVAL (sec.) 1 Il 1� HEIGHT OF CEILING ABOVE FUEL ft 10 DISTANCE OF DETECTOR FROM AXIS OF FIRE ft 10 +' �I INITIAL ROOM TEMPERATURE OF 70 DETECTOR ACTUATION TEMPERATURE OF 155 DETECTOR RESPONSE TIME INDEX (RTI) (ft/s)^.5 90 +� PRINTER DISABLED (Press ENTER to enable) i� FINISHED WITH INPUT (Press ENTER) +� FINISHED WITH ROUTINE (Press ENTER) +' ----------------------------------------------------------------- Time(Sec) RHR(BTU/s) Jet (F) Head/det (F) 236 618 183 154 ---- Detector actuation at 237 seconds------- RTI = 90.0 Height (ft) = 10.0 Dist. - fire axis (ft) _ 10.0 Embassy Suites (La Quinta, CA) Atrium Smoke Control System Design Report GBA P.N. LF040026 August 30, 2004 (2-15-05 Revisions) Page C-7 OF LA BL!!L`�l',\Sr & Bea _E, i ( Dh:H T. FOr rnY�_�J�fb� k�Y Embassy Suites (La Quinta, CA) GBA P.N. LF040026 Atrium Smoke Control System August 30, 2004 (2-15-05 Revisions) Design Report Page C-8 13iriii_' i��l�i •�• fir. L_a�`l ,. DvEli" Window Plume: To determine if a window plume is an applicable scenario for this project fire modeling was done to determine if a window would break when exposed to a fire in a guest room. Using the computer model CFAST Version 3.1.7, a one -compartment model representing the front room of a typical gust suite was entered. A fire was placed in corner of the 13 ft, by 15 ft. room and a quick response, ordinary temperature sprinkler was placed at the midpoint of the wall away from the fire (sidewail sprinklers are proposed in guest rooms). The fire was assumed to be a moderate t-squared fire that stops growing and remains steady at sprinkler activation, which the model predicted at approximately 165 seconds or a fire size of 134 BTU/s. The ceiling height used was 8 ft. 6 inches. The input file for the model follows with a printout of the spreadsheet output from the model. The upper layer temperature form the fire was recorded and compared to the standard time -temperature curve used for testing of windows. The model predicts that the temperature the window would be exposed to is well below the exposure required to pass the testing required to obtain a fire rating. Therefore, it is assumed that the window will not break and a window plume does not need to be used in the smoke control design on this project. Embassy Suites (La Quinta, CA) Atrium Smoke Control System Design Report GBA P.N. LF040026 August 30, 2004 (2-15-05 Revisions) Page C-9 o 0 0 0 0 0 g o CO T cm00 't N (� BOW can}ejewel O N r O O r M I `p 0 M m 0 0 O O O O N N r (s/nis) ezig emi _1 EMB-WIN.DAT Ji ( LA-V L i i i o ii� VERSN 3EMBASSY WINDOW PLUME MODEL #VERSN 3 EMBASSY WINDOW PLUME MODEL i^ TIMES 1200 0 10 20 0 I DA 31z °' -'?} - - ADUMP EMB-WIN.CSV N TAMB 293.150 101300.0.000000 EAMB 293,150 101300.0.000000 H I/F 0.000000 WIDTH 3.96240 DEPTH 4.57200 HEIGH 2.59080 CEILI GYPSUM WALLS GYPSUM FLOOR PLYWOOD #CEILI GYPSUM #WALLS GYPSUM #FLOOR PLYWOOD HVENT 1 2 1 3.66000 0.0108540 0.0100000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 CVENT 1 2 1 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 HVENT 1 2 2 3.6E000 2,43000 2.42915 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 CVENT 1 2 2 1.00000 1,00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.0000o 1.00000 1.0000o 1.00000 1,00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1,00000 1.00000 HVENT 1 2 3 0.910000 2.13000 0.000000 0.000o0o 0.000000 0.000000 CVENT 1 2 3 1,0000o 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 I.00000 1.00000 1,()000() 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 CHEMI 16.0000 50.0000 10.0000 1.95000E+007 293.150 493.150 0.300000 LFBO 1 LFBT 2 CJET ALL FPOS 0.304800 3.65760 0.000000 FTIME 12.0000 24.0000 36.0000 48.0000 60.0000 72.0000 84.0000 96.0000 110. 000 1200.00 1212.00 1224.00 1236.00 1248.00 1260.00 1272.00 1284.00 1296.00 1310.00 FMASS 0.000000 8.65476E-005 0.000346191 0.000778929 0.0013847E 0.00216369 0.00311572 0,00424083 0.00553906 0.00727239 0-00727239 0.00577224 0.00444518 0.00329122 0.00231035 0.00150256 0.000867884 0.000406293 0A00117801 0.000000 FQDOT 0.000000 1687.68 6750.73 15189.1 27002.9 42192.0 60756.5 ° 82696.2 108012, 141812. 141812. 112559. 86681.1 64178.7 45051.7 29300.0 16923.7 7922.72 2297.12 0,000000 HCA 0.0800000 0.0800000 0.0800000 0.0800000 0.0800000 0.0800000 0.0800000 0.0800000 0,0800000 0.0800oo0 0.0800000 0-0800000 0.0800000 0.0800000 0.0800000 0.0800000 0.0800000 0-0800000 0.0800000 0.0800000 OD 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 c0 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 0.0300000 DETECT 5 1 330.370 2.28600 0,152400 2.51460 50.0000 0 7.00001E-005 SELECT 1 2 3 #GRAPHICS ON DEVICE 1 WINDOW 0. 0. -100. 1280. 1024. 1100. Page 1 LABEL 1 970. 960. 0. 1231. 1005. GRAPH 1 100. 50. 0. 600. 475. GRAPH 2 100. 550. 0. 600, 940. GRAPH 3 720. 50. 0.1250. 475. GRAPH 4 720. 550. 0.1250. 940. HEAT 00003 1 U TEMPE 00002 1 U INTER 00001 1 U 02 00004 1 U EMB-WIN.DAT 10. 15 00:00:00 0.00 0.00 10. 3 TIME HEIGHT 10.3 TIME CELSIUS 10. 3 TIME FIRE '-SIZE(kW) 10. 3 TIME OID210() Page 2 TA &IFETY DEPT. RU�����t, ... �n� .1d SONS I C , iOIV ,yJJID5 By a