2022 Johnston Alexander (Zander) - Termination Notice 06-30-2022 June 28, 2022 Alexander Johnston  RE: NOTICE OF TERMINATION OF TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT Dear Alexander, This letter serves as written notice of termination of the Temporary Employment Agreement (the “Agreement”) executed on or about March 26, 2022, by and between the City of La Quinta (the “City”) and Alexander Johnston (the “Employee”) pursuant to Section 2C of the Agreement, which provides in pertinent part: C. Employee is “AT WILL” serving at the pleasure of the City Manager and subject to summary dismissal without any right of pre- or post-termination hearing, or any other form of due process, including any Skelly hearing. The Agreement will terminate on June 30, 2022, (the “Termination Date”) and be of no further force and effect Regards, Alcadia Carla Triplett Human Resources Analyst Digitally signed by Alcadia Carla Triplett DN: cn=Alcadia Carla Triplett, o=City of La Quinta, ou=Human Resources, email=ctriplett@laquintaca.gov, c=US Date: 2022.06.30 10:57:51 -07'00'