2021-June Coral Mountain Resort Draft EIR - Appendix F - ACBCI Mitigation Letter CORAL MOUNTAIN RESORT DRAFT EIR SCH# 2021020310 TECHNICAL APPENDICES ACBCI Tribal Mitigation Letter Appendix F     June 2021       Dear Ms. Nicole Criste, The Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians (ACBCI) appreciates your efforts to include the Tribal Historic Preservation Office (THPO) in the Wave at Coral Mountain project. The project area is not located within the boundaries of the ACBCI Reservation. However, it is within the Tribe’s Traditional Use Area. A records check of the ACBCI registry identified previous surveys in the area that were positive for the presence of cultural resources. In consultation, the ACBCI THPO requests the following: [VIA EMAIL TO:ncriste@terranovaplanning.com] Terra Nova Ms. Nicole Criste 42635 Melanie Place, Suite 101 Palm Desert, CA 92211 June 09, 2020 Re: Re: The Wave Consultation Meeting Follow Up 03-003-2019-001 *The presence of an approved Agua Caliente Native American Cultural Resource Monitor(s) during any ground disturbing activities (including archaeological testing and surveys). Should buried cultural deposits be encountered, the Monitor may request that destructive construction halt and the Monitor shall notify a Qualified Archaeologist (Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and Guidelines) to investigate and, if necessary, prepare a mitigation plan for submission to the State Historic Preservation Officer and the Agua Caliente Tribal Historic Preservation Office. *The presence of an archaeologist that meets the Secretary of Interior's standards during any ground disturbing activities. *Before ground disturbing activities begin please contact the Tribal Historic Preservation Office to arrange cultural monitoring. The phone number for monitoring services is 760-699-6828. *At this time the concerns of the ACBCI THPO have been addressed and proper mitigation measures have been proposed to ensure the protection of tribal cultural resouces. This letter shall conclude our AB52 consultation efforts. #* The project requires a Archaeological Treatment, Disposition, and Monitoring Plan #* The project requires a Rock Art Management Plan based on recommendations made in the report by McCarthy and Mouriquand. #* 33-193 preservation, NR nomination, rock art management plan Again, the Agua Caliente appreciates your interest in our cultural heritage. If you have questions or require additional information, please call me at (760)699-6907. You may also email me at ACBCI-THPO@aguacaliente.net. Cordially, Pattie Garcia-Plotkin Director Tribal Historic Preservation Office AGUA CALIENTE BAND OF CAHUILLA INDIANS #* 33-1715 preservation, NR nomination, rock art management plan. Test outside of preservation area and excavation if necessary. #* 33-1716 surface collection, testing and excavation if necessary. #* 33-1717 surface collection, testing and excavation if necessary. #* 33-8386 surface collection, testing and excavation if necessary. #* 33-8388 preservation. Outside of preservation area, surface collection, testing and excavation if necessary. #* 33-9001 surface collection, testing and excavation if necessary. #* 33-9003 surface collection, testing and excavation if necessary. #* 33-9545 preservation, NR nomination, rock art management plan. #* 33-28907 surface collection, testing and excavation if necessary. #* 33-28908 surface collection, testing and excavation if necessary. #* 33-28909 surface collection, testing and excavation if necessary. #* 33-28910 surface collection, testing and excavation if necessary. #* 33-28911 surface collection, testing and excavation if necessary. #* 33-28912 surface collection, testing and excavation if necessary. #* Sufficient number of monitors for number of earth moving machinery. #* Plan for inadvertent discovery of human remains. #* Signed curation agreement. #* Cultural sensitivity training with Agua THPO staff involvement.